Private Investigations free porn video

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This story is totally a figment of my imagination. While the story starts outin a light vein, it progressively gets darker, ending in a much darker way.It is not the typical type of story found on this site, but rather takes botha different story tone and story direction. If you are offended by violence,do not read any further.

Private Investigations

Case #1: The Collectors Organization

It had started out a bad morning

The window still says HECTOR AND LAYNIE, PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS, even thoughHectors been missing for nine months now. Doesn't matter to me, I'm not changingit. Some idiot from maintenance came by a little after he disappeared and triedto scrape his name off the door, but I ran him off with a broken stapler.

I opened the door to our office and tripped over a stack of bills that hadbeen pushed through the mail slot, but managed to keep my balance and continuedon in even if I didn't quite look like I had taken three years of ballerinalessons beginning when I was eight.

My office has that musty-carpet, old-lady-forgot-to-put-out-the-dirty-clothessmell that hits me every time I come in. Which is surprising since the carpetwas repossessed two months ago. Even worse, I left the lights on when I waslast in and god only knows what my electric bill will be.

Speaking of bills, I pushed the stack on the floor over to the side wherethey joined the growing heap behind the door. I take a quick glance and seethat most of them appear to be irate notes printed on pink paper; long wordydocuments that begin with ?Please Remit Promptly.? The good thing about crappycredit is that you no longer get the countless circulars from credit card companiesoffering pre-approved silver, gold, platinum, and for all I know, uranium cards.I'm long passed worrying about these guys. The time for worrying won't comeuntil they start sending guys out and leaving personal messages taped to mydoor.

The answering machine on the desk is blinking and I've got a bunch of messages.Perhaps one of them might even be for a job. I walk over, reach out slowlyand punch play.

Beep. ?Ms. Laynie, this is Mr. Corubun at the Mortgage Unit of the SecondNational Bank. You should have received documents from our legal departmentregarding our notice of foreclosure for non-payment of rent for the last year.? Erase.A little bird begins flying in my stomach, but determinedly, I listen on.

Beep. ?Hello. Please call Visa Card at---.? I don't really worry about theseguys too much until they start getting a little more aggressive. Erase.

Beep. Silence. Click. I love those kinds of calls.

Beep. ?Hello, my name is Carole and I'm calling from Visa Card----.? Erase.

It goes on like that for another four or five messages, when suddenly;

Beep. ?Hey, it's Rubin at Zero-One.? Rubin's a pretty good guy even thoughhe works for one of the biggest jackasses of the world. Zero-One is the largestprivate eye firm in the city and it controls all the good, high paying businessthe creeps in this burg can generate. Sometimes they hand out menial jobs thatthey don't have the manpower for, but I haven't had anything from them sinceHector disappeared. Seems I don't have the personality that suits the suitsat Zero-One. But Rubin's always been good to me and has never pretended thathe didn't know me when we passed on the street.

?Mr. Baughman wants to see you at 4 this afternoon.? He lowers his voice, ?Hemight have some work for you. It's a job, Jaynie.?

I know, I know. I was only married once a long time ago, and his name wasLaynie. Jaynie Laynie. With a first name of Jaynie, you wouldn't believe thenumber of assholes whose arms I had to break to get them to lay off. Anyway,it was better than my maiden name, Schnitzelgruber, which is too close to Schickelgruber,which is too close to the Fuehrer. So I stayed with Laynie, even after theasshole split.

I dump the rest of the messages and think back to the last time I worked forBaughman. It was one of those missing school girl cases and I'd been luckyenough to solve it. She'd been kidnapped by some pretty rough biker dudes andI'd kicked ass. Well, sort of. Anyway, I got her out of there before they'dhad a chance to abuse her too much and Baughman had showed as much pleasureas he ever shows someone that he doesn't need something from?which is to saynone.

My head started to hurt and I needed to lay down, so I walked over to thecouch and laid down to take a short power snooze. I dream of men that wantedto take me away from all of this and I dream of the ways that I fuck that uptoo. I never was very smart.

At a little after 4, I walk into Baughman's office and he's waiting for me,just like I knew he would be. Zero-One's a national organization and he runsthis regional office like his own little kingdom. He's got a fat ass, big belly,jowls, small piggy eyes and a poor comb-over. I like the way the Japanese describehis hair, ?Moon peaking through bamboo shoots.? Heh.

He doesn't say anything, but just looks at me and I know what he sees. I'malmost 30 years old, stand 5' 8? in my stocking feet and I rarely wear stockings.I weigh in at around 140 pounds; depending upon how busy I've been and howmuch coffee I've been drinking. I am NOT your petite type, but I snuggle well.But only God knows, I haven't had the chance to do much of that in the lastthree or four years. I've got short brown hair, brown eyes and even features.When I put it down like that, it doesn't sound like much, but I've got to tellyou, I always get more than my share of guys looking. Maybe it's because ofmy figure, which seems to pretty much maintain itself even when I'm abusingit with all sorts of crap food and never exercising. My breasts are not small,but they're not very large either. But I trust ?em; they've have always stuckup for me whenever I needed them. I have a small waist and two other thingsgoing for me?a killer set of legs and a great ass. But no one has seen themin almost two year now?and that's a story for another time.

All men do anymore now is stare at me from a distance?seems I've recentlygotten a look in my eyes that doesn't invite intimate conversation. But that'sOK, I can live with that. I'm not what you'd call a real breakable broad; Iguess I'm a little mean and I have a real problem with authority figures. Besides,over the last four years I've found that I can take pain as well as dish itout. Didn't have a lot of choice when I made that discovery, but that too isanother story for another time.

Anyway, I get to Zero-One and go on up to the second floor where all the executiveshave their offices. The secretaries ignore me or at least pretend to?god, I'dhate having to work in an office like this. The big man's door is open andI walk in without knocking. Baughman is his usual asshole self and waits forme behind his desk. He makes me walk across the large office and stand in frontof him. Only two ratty chairs by the wall. No chairs near his desk. It's hisidea of power foreplay.

He's sitting in his big leather chair and I wouldn't be surprised if his asswasn't wedged into it permanently. He's smoking one of those big nasty-assedcigars of his and even in the late afternoon, it's still waaaay too early formy stomach.

I've got a nice little buzz going and I figure that it's just right for Zero-One.People are slow walking me, but I still have enough of a head that I can catcheverything that I want and filter out the rest. I listen as Baughman startshis pitch. He never wastes time or words with people he considers flunkies.

?Gotta question for you, Laynie,? he growled as he readjusts his fat ass onthat poor chair. ?You drunk or high??

?That's rough,? I reply.

?No bullshit, you drunk?? he asked again.

?No,? I replied truthfully. ?I'm not drunk.?

?We gotta case for your sorry ass,? he growled.

I immediately turned and started walking out of his office as I said overmy shoulder, ?Fuck you.?

I stopped when he said, ?I know people at banks and credit card companies.And I know when someone's hit bottom. Siddown!?

I sat, reluctantly.

He continued, ?You don't got a choice but to listen to guys like me. You gotno money left?you're flat on your ass in the gutter.?

I didn't really appreciate his characterization of my life, but couldn't aguewith the facts. I listened.

?Ya know, I don't gotta have you here. There's lotsa' other dicks around thatwould probably be less of a pain in the ass. But I've got a soft spot in myheart for you because of Hector.?

?I'd be very grateful for the opportunity---,? I begin, trying to sound likeI'm not too much of an ass kisser.

?Yeah, yeah, yeah,? he cut in. ?I've got 15 pieces of shit working aroundhere and all of them tell me they're busy, milking time sheets and expenses.You're the last thing I need, especially if you try to fuck me the way youdid last time with your billing.?

?No, no,? I assure him. ?Nothing like last time. You know, I was surprisedwhen you called-,? I begin.

?You talk too much,? he interrupted. ?I got a small job that maybe I can finda way to use you, but no more of the crap like you pulled last time. Gottabe clean, minimum hours and wrapped up like a Christmas present.?

?Clean and wrapped,? I agreed. ?Not like the last time.?

There was silence for a minute, then he asked, ?You over it??

?Over what??

?Over losing your partner of ten years??

?It was twelve years.?

?You over it??

Yeah, I'm over it,? I lie. How can you be over something that it took twelveyears to build and a night to destroy? Especially when you don't know whatyou did, or what he did or who did it to him and why; he just disappeared.

The fat rat-bastard continued talking like I was a cheap piece of linoleumthat had somehow curled up from the floor. ?The job's checking out a warehousefire that took off two nights ago. It's owned by a conglomerate out of theCaribbean . The insurance company thinks there's something funny and wouldlove to not have to pay off the claim. I want you to check out the fire andsee if there's anything funny going down.?

?Can you handle that? If so, get outta here and start checking it out.??

I quickly assure him that that is definitely within the realm of Hector andLaynie, and he waves me off to his mousy male secretary for the details. Notanother word, the arrogant bastard!

I grabbed the brown folder waiting for me on the eunuch's desk and head outonto the steps. I walk out looking at the folder and figure that what I needto do first is to head to the docks to check out the scene. I'm wearing a whiteoxford shirt tucked into blue jeans, an old navy blue blazer and comfortablerunning shoes, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'd heard about the fire and knewwhere to go, so I hopped into my old Blazer ready to do investigating. Of course,the ?effing rust bucket picks this moment to play some games with me, and allof a sudden, my headache from this morning is back. After a couple of pumpson the gas pedal, we're finally started in a cloud of blue smoke and I'm onmy way.

When I get to the docks, I notice there's still a few people kicking aroundthe rubble and I walk over to one small group and try to listen in. They'retoo good for me, must be the Fed's ?A? team, and they give me a hard look andthe ?move on? motion with their hands. I'm no dummy, so I move on.

Eventually, I walk around back where there's still some walls standing. Coupla'other guys poking around, but nothing exciting. Nothing much really to lookat here, just bent and burned pieces of tin and a few pieces of wood. I walkaround another corner and bend down to pick up a piece of suspicious lookingpipe when BLAM. Some rat bastard had just snuck up on me and clobbered me onthe back of my head. The lights fade and go out slowly like the way a cheapbastard pays his bills.

When I came to, I was bent over the wrought iron foot board at end of a bed.The headache from earlier was back, my head hurt all over and it felt likesomeone had been using a rubber hose on me. I look around blearily and realizethat I'm in some cheesy, two-bit room in some cheesy, two-bit flop house. Thewall paper is old and peeling, the floor's a battered pine that hasn't beenpainted or polished in centuries, and the one window in the room has been paintedover so that no one can see in or out. There's one light hanging from the ceilingand it's slowly swaying back and forth. I feel like I woke up in an old Bogartmovie.

My hands were tied in back of me and my ankles were tied to each foot of thebed. There was another rope that went over my back and under my arms then disappearedunder the bed; this last rope making sure I wasn't standing up. There was agag or something in my mouth. I tried tonguing it, but it was too big. Sortof tasted like one of them big cheap ass rubber balls about twice the sizeof a golf ball. It was held in place by a piece of duct tape.

Oh. One other thing. I was naked too.

Actually, I'm standing there with my ass pooched in the air like it was Mt.McKinley and some mountain climber's ready to plant a flag in it. All in all,this was a revolting development, and I had no idea how I had gotten myselfinto it and even less idea of how I was going to get out of it. It suddenlydawns on me that someone doesn't want this fire investigated and that Baughman,the fat rat-bastard, had probably known this but didn't think it was worthtelling me about. Me and him are gonna have to have a heart to heart as soonas I get out of this.

So I start working on the ropes that are tied around my wrists. It's a longslow process. After I'd stood there for about an hour trying to do my Houdiniact, I heard the door open behind me. I twist my head around to see who I hadas a visitor; ya gotta be kidding. It's a dwarf, or midget; I forget whichhas what build. Anyway, this little guy with medium long greasy black hairand a goatee and an intense, sort of squinty look on his face comes in andhe's dressed all in black.

I can't help myself and I start laughing ?cause he looks like a short ?JohnnyCashed Out' or something. I'm making a noise behind the gag like ?Haarrmmmph,HHaarrmmph. HHHHAARRmmmppphh,? and all I can say is thank god, because I guesshe thinks I'm pleading with him instead of laughing at him. Slowly, he pullsout a braided leather whip out of a small closet that I hadn't noticed. Heholds the whip in his right had and threateningly, he pulls it through hisleft hand over and over again. I notice that it's a short leather whip andthis gets me laughing all over again.

He walks up behind me and disappears from my sight. All of a sudden I heara crack and that little sucker had wrapped that piece of rawhide right acrossmy ass. It really wasn't too bad, but I couldn't stop my head from snappingup though and I'll admit, a little bit of a scream gargled out from behindmy gag. There was a long moment in which nothing happened, then that tiny pieceof shit wrapped it around my ass again. Crack! Wait, wait, wait, Crack. Hetook his time; wait, wait, wait, Crack. Wait, Crack?damn, he surprised me onthat one. Then CRACK, he put it between my legs and wrapped it directly onmy genitals from the back and then up onto the lower part of my abdomen. Thatgot my attention.

This went on for about ten minutes and I was finally starting to get a littlepissed. He'd gotten in a couple of good ones, but wasn't exactly an expertwith his tiny whip. He'd been playing Siegfried and Roy to my pussy for longenough and I was ready to go big cat on his ass. I turned my head to him asbest I could and pointed down with eyes to my gag and then waggled my eyebrowssexily, all the while I was making seductive cooing sounds with my mouth?atleast they were what I hoped he thought were seductive sounds. I wanted himto think I was beaten and maybe ready to go to the next stage. If I ever gothis cock anywhere near my teeth, he wouldn't even have a stump left when hegot out of here.

Can a gagged woman coo and waggle her eyebrows in a sexy, seductive sort ofway? I still don't know the answer to that question since he didn't take thegag out, but just started undressing. This was going to real interesting realfast. I watched him as best I could as he first took off his shoes and socks,and then his pants. He was bow-legged and had on boxers and they hung downpast his knees like Capri pants. I started laughing again, I swear to god,I couldn't help it. So here I am tied naked to the foot of a bed with my stripedass stuck in the air going ?HHAArrmmph, HHaarrmmpphh,? again and he's gettingall turned on by it.

Looking at me intensely, he finally pulls his boxers slowly off of his hipsand drops them on the floor, and then he unbuttons and removes his shirt. Hisupper body is well defined and quite muscular--I've been kidnapped by a dwarfbody builder. Obviously he's been using steroids while lifting weights becausehe's got a dick the size of a checker that's made it to the back row and beenkinged.

?HHHHAAARRRMMmpphh. HHHHAAARRRMMpphh,? I helplessly start all over again andnow my body is shaking all over and he still thinks I'm afraid of him.

The man that used to be in black starts stroking himself and eventually gotan intermediate size erection going. Actually, it was pretty impressive whenyou take into account where he started from. Reaching between my legs, he beginsto rub me and play with my clit. I have to admit, my social calendar hasn'tbeen exactly filled with individuals of either sex eager to go out with me.Alright, alright, what I'm really saying is it's been awhile since I've beenwith a man and even this doesn't feel half bad. The small dude finger fucksme for a little while and gets my hips moving around on their own, sort oflike a flag flapping in a medium wind. Lucky for my pride, this guy ain't hotenough for them to act like they were in a high wind. Like I say, its beenawhile.

Next, he switches from fingering my pussy and playing with my clit to pokinghis stubby fingers up my ass. That only hurts for a moment and then his finger'slubricated with god only knows what and I'm not in too much pain. He only doesthis for a couple of moments, so I guess my ass doesn't interest him much.Whoops, I spoke a little soon because now the stumpy bastard has gotten outa thin piece of bamboo that's about two feet long and he's whipping my assagain. I'm starting to think there's a trend going on here.

OK, he's put everything down and I guess he's ready to go to Act Two. I thinkhe thinks I'm both afraid of him and ready to go too. That's when he goes backinto that damnable closet of his and comes back out with a folding step stool.


Like I said, it had started out a bad morning.

I exaggerate; actually it wasn't too bad. I can't say he was my most consideratelover, but he certainly was one of the most enthusiastic. There wasn't a lotimagination on his part, what with me being tied to the end of the bed andhim needing his stool. But all in all, a girl can't complain. He'd taken mein the ass and I can't really say I appreciate that. Been there, done that,and can't say that I care for it, but like I said, that's another case, anotherstory. He didn't use a condom, and I guess he didn't believe in lubrication;I know he didn't like foreplay. I took it as best I could knowing that someday,my turn would come and I'd bust his balls big time.

I've never understood women being so upset about forced sex; I guess it'ssomething that we're taught from an early age. I'm a practical sort of personmyself though, and all I know is that when something is inevitable, it doesn'tdo any good to fight it. So I didn't, and I even got a small amount of pleasure,no pun intended.

The little dude still hadn't said a word and I couldn't, so the social atmosphereleft a lot to be desired. He only took me once. When he finished with me, hedressed and put his whip, cane and stool back in the closet, locked it andwalked out the door without a word. Strange little man, I thought to myself,we will meet again. And when we do, watch your back asshole, ?cause I'm comingfor you.

I began working on my ropes again, trying to get free. As I struggled withthem, I could feel his semen draining out of me, running down the insides ofmy thighs. I managed to ignore this as I concentrated on the ropes around mywrists. After about another hour, they were loose enough that I could get themoff of my wrists. It took me another ten minutes to get all of the ropes untiedand finally I stood up straight for the first time in that crappy rented room.

Immediately, I started checking the room out, looking for my clothes and somekind of a weapon. I couldn't find any of my clothing and the dwarf's closetwas locked and beyond my meager attempts to open.

I was annoyed at this point with my lack of luck, when all of a sudden I hearda key at the door to my ?suite?. Quickly, I moved behind the door and waitedfor it to open towards me, putting me behind it. I saw a figure move into theroom and I was beyond caring who it was. I stepped forward, spinning on theballs of my left foot and snap-kicked the edge of my right foot to the outsideof the man's right knee. I heard the joint explode and he grabbed the edgeof the door to hold himself up. I spun in close and shot a reverse elbow tohis throat and he immediately forgot about the door and his knee, straighteningup for just a second and putting both of his hands around his neck. I lookeddown at him as he looked at me, and then with bulging eyes he collapsed onfloor. I checked him out and he was dying. A collapsed wind pipe will do thatto you.

The bastard was blocking the door and I had to get it shut. Fortunately, eventhough he was turning a dark blue in the face and still kicking a little, hewas another one of the tiny people so he wasn't hard to drag into the middleof the room. Unfortunately, this meant that he had nothing on that I couldwear. He didn't have a billfold on him and there was no ID or money. This wasgetting ridiculous.

Nothing else was available in the room, so I walked over and cracked the doorenough to see out. The hall looked like more of the room, and I thought tomyself, the midget and I need to pick a higher class place for our next rendezvous.And he'll be paying the bill next time, instead of me.

There was nothing for it, so I left the ?safety? of the room and went outinto the hall. Sneaking down to the end past four or five doors, I was luckybecause no one came out or saw me. It turned out that I was on one of the upperfloors since there were stairs at the end of the hall. Go up or go down? Afterthinking about that for a nanosecond, I snuck down the stairs to the next landing.Some sort of a lobby opened out in front of me, but it was empty. So I startedacross it towards the back.

I'd reached the back wall and was about to go through the door there whenit opened in front of me and a tall, thin white guy that looked like he hadn'teaten in a week stood there, stupidly looking at my naked body. So I kickedhim in the balls and laid a right across his chin. He went down like the Titanic,and stayed down. After I'd kicked him in the neck one more time, making sureI didn't break any toes on his bony body, I stepped over him and went downthe hallway. There was a small room on the side in which some dingy laundryhad been stacked. I grabbed a stained table cloth and wrapped it around myshoulders. I wouldn't be back to see what kind of food they served.

I tried to pretend that I was from New Delhi as I stepped out into the alleywearing my shawl. You know, method acting tells you to get into your part andI sure as hell didn't have any other wardrobe choices at the moment. I walkeddown the alley to one of the thousands of minor side streets in this town andhung a left. I figured I'd try to find out where I was first and take it onestep at a time from there.

In less than a block, I walked by a small old guy sitting in a doorway, beggingfor money. Traffic had gotten a little heavy now, so after a quick look leftand right, I stepped in and kicked him in the stomach and grabbed his kitty.I guess he didn't expect to get mugged by a barefooted, wild-eyed bimbo wearingonly a tablecloth at around nine at night; but I needed it more than him. Theincompetent bastard only had around $8 and change, so I knew Vegas was out.I was usually much more lady-like than this and always tried to do the EmilyPost sort of thing. But you know, I was starting to feel a little like a bully;this was third guy I'd totaled in about 10 minutes.

I wandered the streets for another 15 minutes before I finally found a busstop that had some people waiting at it. I felt a lot better having peoplearound me, even though from the looks I was getting the feeling was not mutual.After a short time a bus pulled up and I got on, along with most of the peoplethat had been waiting. I didn't know where it went and didn't know where Iwas, but I figured that I would be safe as long as I was on it. After paying$2.50 fare, I walked back about half way and sat down.

It had been years since I'd been forced to ride public transportation, butnothing had changed. I don't know what had died on this bus, but judging fromthe waves of scents coming at me from the back rows, it was large, it was uglyand it had eaten a lot of chili and drank a lot of beer just before it died.

The woman sitting next to me had a strip of tinfoil wrapped around her headlike a sweat band. She's yelling something at me about it helping her keepher moist bits away from the insects, but I don't question her constitutionalright to insanity. I manage to nod my head in agreement, then put my foreheadagainst the window glass in an obvious move to ignore her. I've still got myheadache, so I'd like to open the window, but someone's put a large wad ofpink gum over the window clasp, so I just ride instead. I lean back and tryto close my eyes, shutting out the coughs and the sneezes, and the endlessrant about extra-terrestrial insects.

Riding the bus took me back; Hector'd been a firm believer in public transportation.I don't how or why he did it, but he always managed to ride the buses at leastonce a week. He said it helped him maintain contact with the people. And whilethere wasn't one person on this bus that I'd want to either make or maintaincontact with, I understood his point.

Hector. What the hell had happened to him? The last time I'd seen him, hewas walking out of our office. We'd had a small and inconsequential argumentabout a small and inconsequential case. We'd just gotten another crumby offeringfrom Zero-One and he left saying he'd get in touch with me as soon as he gotto LA. I ignored him and that was the last thing that he'd ever heard fromme?silence. I really felt bad about that.

After Hector had been gone for three days, I checked out the case from Zero-Oneand it was a nothing but missing persons. I spent a lot of time trying to figureout what had happened to him, but never could find a trail. Even without Hector,I'd solved the case in about a week and that was the one that Baughman wasalways busting my chops about billing and stuff. What an asshole. But I neverdid hear from Hector again.

In about 20 minutes, I'm finally getting to a part of town that I recognize.I get off the bus and head over to my office wearing my tablecloth. I've gota key hidden under one of the potted plants outside of the dance school acrossthe hall and I let myself into my office. The first thing I do is go to thesink in my half bath and give myself a whore's bath. After that, I brush myteeth and gargle with a spot of bourbon. I'm finally starting to feel human.I get a change of clothes and put on a pair of beaten down old tennie runners.I don't give a second thought to what that little man did to me tonight; nowI'm ready for the bastards.

Grabbing my spare keys and what remains of the petty cash, I stick it allin my pants. With what I have left from the old man, this gives me about $20.I unlock the lower right hand drawer of my desk and pull out my 32 snub nosed.Not a lot of stopping power, but I don't plan on using it anyway. However,like the girl scouts say, always be prepared?or is that the boy scouts? Next,I pull on an old windbreaker and I'm done.

Finally ready, I head back out the door to go pick up my Bronco. I'd leftthe folder that Baughman had given me in it, and I had to do some hard studyingnow. Something wasn't right and I might get an idea of what was crooked ifI spent a little more time going over what Baughman had given me.

I grab another bus going back the way I just came and nothing's changed; mightas well been the same bus but with a different set of fruit baskets ridingit. This time, however, I know where I'm going so I feel a little better. WhenI get back out to the docks, it's dark and windy and no place for a lady. Butthat's okay, because I'm no lady.

The Bronco's where I left it and it seems okay. I hop in and it starts onthe first try so I know that my luck's gettin' better. I pull out and drivefor 10 minutes to a small greasy diner that I know stays open all night. Orderingcoffee and a piece of nasty looking chocolate pie, I open Baughman's binderand start reading.

Not much in it. The warehouse's owned by a consortium out of Jamaica ; exportand import. Doesn't say what they're moving in or moving out. Doesn't giveme any names, no other subsidiary companies and not much info on the insurancecoverage. Sort of reminds me of the package that Hector and I got last timewhen I went after that school girl; that was just after Hector'd disappeared.Like it was written by Sgt. Friday from Dragnet: ?Just the facts, ma'm.?

This gets me to thinking, so I get some change and walk over to the phoneto call my one contact that owns a computer. She's ?super geek? to me and livesalone, making her living by tapping into data bases all over the country andselling the information. How she hasn't been taken in and forced to work forthe CIA's beyond me. Anyway, Becky answers and she's a little pissed, sinceit's after her bedtime by now. But when she hears my voice, she calms downand we talk for a minute. Hector and I'd helped her awhile ago and she stillthinks she owes us. But that's another story for another time.

I asked Super Geek if she could help me find out anything more about the warehouse;like what individuals were behind the company façade, what did the companybuy and sell, what was the nationality of the owners, and did they own anymore property? You know, the same kind of important PI stuff that the guyson the TV shows always ask about. Now that she was awake, Super Geek was morethan willing to help me. She assured me she'd get right on it and wanted toknow where she could contact me. I gave her this phone number and told herI'd be there for the next hour, and after that I'd be sleeping in my office.

In about 45 minutes, the phone on the wall rings and whaddaya know, it's forme. Becky gives me the information that she has so far. It's not much, butit's better than I had before she calls. She has a list of names of the ownersof the Caribbean Import/Export Company; I don't recognize any of them. It alsoseems that there's another warehouse owned by these guys and it's not too farfrom where the fire took place. After getting the address, I thank Becky andtell her to keep on working. For some reason, I want this information soonerrather than later.

Hopping into my Bronco, I head back to the warehouse district. It's gettin'on to midnight now and the docks are a spooky place; lots of shadows and thewinds kicking up now. I find the address that I'm looking for and drive onby. I park around the corner about two blocks away. Making sure that the 32is tucked into the back of my jeans, I head back to the warehouse that Beckyhad found for me.

The place was one of those old two-story red brick jobs that can be foundin any city of any size in North America . It dated back to the time when thingswere a lot simpler, and people were a lot nicer. At least, that's what I alwaystell myself. I carefully check out any potential security systems and don'tsee anything except a couple of cameras that are set up in a way that a blindman could avoid ?em. The doors were the type that automatically locked afteryou used it and you needed a key to open from either the outside or the inside.

Now I'm not particularly good at picking locks, so I waited around to seewhat would happen. I was standing in the shadows near one of the doors whenI heard a sound. In a couple of seconds, a door opened about 15 feet from meand two guys walked out, talking and laughing. I waited for a second to seewhich way they'd turn and when they turned away from me I headed towards thedoor that was slowly closing. I got there before it closed and left it crackedwhile I fumbled around and finally found a piece of paper on the ground nearmy feet. I grabbed the paper, wadded it up and stuck it in the door frame sothat the lock wouldn't work and I went on in.

The building was over 30 feet tall on the inside and had a lot of windowsthat'd all been painted over. The most interesting thing is that there wasanother set of walls with a roof built about 20 feet inside of the brick walls.This made it a building contained within a building.

There was another door to the inner building in front of me and a small partof the wall there had not yet been finished. The walls were framed with 2 x4's and had had 1? plywood for inside walls and gypsum board as the outsidewalls. The space between the two had been blown full of an insulating foamand since it wasn't a real hot environment here, I figured it might have beenmore to stop sound than it was to keep in heat.

I slowly walked around the interior building and estimated that it was probablyin excess of 200' by about 100?, making it more than 20,000 square feet. Itwas big and it had two doors, one on each of the long ends.

The doors into the interior building had the same kinds of locks that theoutside doors did, so I was stopped again. I looked around for a second andsaw a ladder bolted into one of the brick walls. I was taking a chance, butI went ahead and climbed until I was about 20 feet off of the ground. I lookedover onto the roof of the interior building and could that there were sky lightsbuilt into it in a couple of places. It seemed a crazy place to put them, butthere they were.

I needed to get closer and look into the sky lights or get inside the buildingsomehow. I went back down the ladder and prowled around for a couple of minutes,but there was no way I was getting on top of the roof with the stuff that washere. Just when I was ready to give up and leave, the original door that Ihad used to come in opened and the same two guys that had left earlier cameback in. I was standing half way between the inside and the outside walls andthere was nothing to hide behind. Both of them saw me at the same time andboth began drawing what I supposed were guns. I got my 32 out first and wasable to get off one shot and winged the guy closest to me. The other bastardremained standing behind his friend where I couldn't get a clean shot at himand then he leaned up over his friend's right shoulder and shot me with a TASER.

Of course, I did what any self respecting girl would do after he lit me uplike a cheap Christmas tree; I dropped my gun and began shuddering and jerkinglike I was having an epileptic fit. After about 15 seconds of juice, he laidoff and I dropped like a stone. Some days it just doesn't pay to get out ofbed.

I laid there in my own little world, not caring at that point what happenedto me. There was a lot of yelling and then a couple of guys grabbed my armsand dragged me into the inner building. I had wanted to see what was insidethere and now was my chance. I was kicking ass today!

They dragged me into a little room that faced the door they'd dragged me throughand then they flipped me onto a chair. I couldn't control my body yet, so Ikept sliding off of the chair and this was really pissing someone off, butI couldn't see who it was. I felt them pull my wrists behind my back and heardmyself being handcuffed to the chair. Somebody grabbed my hair and pulled myhead up and looked into my eyes. Well, well, well; hello Little Man. If mylegs had been working, I'd a kicked him right in his tiny balls. He forcedmy mouth open and put a large round red gag in mouth that had a leather strapthat tied in back of my neck. The red ball had a small hole in it that I couldbreathe through and I later found that I could let my saliva drool out thehole when I needed to. They didn't bother tying my ankles to anything, butthat was okay by me since I had no plans of going anywhere. It was late andI had been sodomized, beaten, whipped, caned and zapped, all in the last fewhours and I was really tired. I fell asleep in the chair.

Somebody was poking me in the side and it was pissing me off. I finally cameawake and realized that I was still handcuffed in the chair. Little Man turnedto one of his flunkies and told him to take me to number 13. The flunky grabbedmy hair and pulled me up, sliding the back of chair out from between my handcuffedarms and my body. He kept his handful of my hair and dragged me out the doorto the right, where there was short corridor before it took another right.Now there was very long, well lit hallway ahead of me. It was painted institutionalwhite and had what appeared to be a number of transparent doors opening bothto the left and the right. Soon he was joined by another guy and they begandragging me down the hall and we passed the first room on the left. Insidewas a woman laying on a narrow bed. She had long dark hair and a petite body,but was beautiful in her own exotic sort of way. She looked at me without interestas I was dragged by and then we went by the room on the right.

This room contained another woman, younger than the first. I could hear hersobbing through the transparent door. Where the dark haired woman had probablybeen in her early to mid-20's, this girl was no more than 16 or 17. She hadmedium length honey blonde hair and was quite a bit more voluptuous, with alot of curves shooting out all over the place.

It was easy for me to tell because both of them had been naked.

I looked down the corridor and realized that if there were two halls likethis inside this building and if every room were filled, there could be morethan 80 people being held captive here. It was a goddamm slave factory.

They dragged me about half way down the hall and stopped at a door on theleft. They unlocked it and threw me in, then the two of them walked in afterme. Both of these guys were pretty good sized and somewhere in their late 20'sto early 30's. They radiated power; I wouldn't have been surprised if theyhadn't brought some sand along to kick it in my face. Short hair, bulked upbiceps and shoulders, and carrying a little extra weight, they both lookedlike ex-college football players that had finally started to go to seed. Itwas easy to tell their builds because the only thing they were wearing wasa black, loinclothy kind of thing.

The lighting inside wasn't too good, but it was enough to look around. Thecell was about 10 feet by 10 feet and had a narrow bed on one side and a metaltoilet, sink and mirror on the other side. The walls were painted a flat burgundyand the floor was concrete that had been painted gray. The bed frame was madeout of stamped steel and was bolted to the floor. On the end opposite the door,there was a rack built into the wall and it had a couple of those hangers thatyou see at Howard Johnson's; they're made to never come off of the rack.

I was still woozy from the earlier bug zapping and the two guys had no troublethrowing me on the bed. With my hands cuffed behind my back, I was able toturn and land on my back on the mattress. I immediately scooted over and gotmy back against the wall and my feet up. I was ready to kick their asses whenthey both rushed me at the same time. I gave the guy on my right a good shotin the face with both feet, but then they were all over me and it was done.

One pulled me up by my hair while the other landed three quick shots to myguts. I feel no shame when I say that that took all of the fight out of me.The blonde guy let go of my hair as I slowly rolled over on the mattress ontomy side. I concentrated on trying to breathe, but it wasn't going too well,when I felt them lift my hips up and start taking my jeans off. They got themdown to my ankles and then had to stop while they took my shoes off. I lookedat the darker guy and he was laughing. I didn't know what he could be laughingabout, but I tried to kick him in the chops again. He reached up and slappedme twice on the face, real hard. Then he went back to helping his friend stripme.

Within seconds they had my jeans and panties off and Blondie literally rippedoff my top and athletic bra?he was a hell of a lot stronger than he looked.I was naked in front of these assholes and I knew it wasn't going be fun. I'dtried to hurt them and had killed one of their people. I just hoped they didn'tknow about that yet.

Darkie made a loop out of my belt and tied it around my neck and then aroundthe top of the bed frame?my head wasn't going anywhere. Blondie grabbed myankles and pulled them apart as far as he could. I tried to fight him but itwas no use, he was just too strong for me. Both of the guys were laughing theirasses off at me now and Darkie started stripping. I cannot tell you how muchthis pissed me off. I wanted to kill both of them and would if I ever got thechance. They didn't know who they were fucking with.

Darkie was naked by now and stroking himself, getting ready to fuck me. Normally,I think I can shut this kind of stuff out of my mind, but this was different.They weren't angry with me or want revenge for some imagined slight. I wasn'ta one time girlfriend and sure I wasn't someone that these guys knew or caredabout. I was a piece of meat, a mobile vagina good only for filling with theirsperm and nothing more.

Blondie pulled on my ankles and stretched me out as he kept them spread betweenthree and four feet apart. Darkie crawled up on top of me and settled downbetween my legs, grinding in on my belly and hips, wiggling himself a littleto get comfortable on me. His face was about a foot above me and he was lookinginto my eyes as he made his first thrust. He knew what he was doing, and hiserection rammed into me with the force of truck. Somehow I kept my mouth shut;I figured that the less noise I made for them, the more it'd piss them off.His cock didn't go all the way into me then, so he pulled out and slammed itinto me again. This time I felt his nutsack slap up against the crack of myass. He was dry fucking me and it hurt like hell until my juices starting flowinga little. But I think that was what he wanted to do; make me hurt while hehad total control of me. I tried to ignore him, but it was almost impossiblethe way he kept slamming it into me.

Eventually he got a rhythm going and I was able to turn my head away fromhim so that he couldn't see the pain in my eyes. I closed my eyes and pretendedthat it was Hector above me and inside me. Then the bastard put his head downand bit me hard on the neck. I screamed behind my gag, but I know that it wouldn'tbring me any help this time. I was on my own.

He kept pistoning into me for about 10 minutes, slowing every now and thento catch his breath. Did I mention that his breath stunk? Blondie always keptme stretched out and helpless, laughing at me and making crude remarks. Itwas the usual litany; cunt, whore, slut, bitch. I was wrong, I don't thinkthe guy had ever finished high school, let alone got to college.

Finally Darkie blew his load inside me. I could tell because he speeded hismotion up before he finally groaned and collapsed on top of me. Also, it feltlike he'd just put a tiny sun of incandescent heat in my womb with his semen.Darkie laid there for a minute or two and then climbed off of me and tradedplaces with Blondie.

Blondie said he didn't care who Darkie was, he wasn't going there after him.So the two of them flipped me over onto my stomach and Darkie was the one tostretch me out and spread my legs apart for Blondie. When Darkie saw my ass,he said he'd made a mistake that he wouldn't make again.

I started struggling this time. It wasn't like when Little Man had tried tofuck me in the ass. Blondie was hauling some serious artillery and he couldfuck me up big time if he wasn't careful. And somehow, I didn't think he wasin a mood to be cautious.

He saw my hands that had been cuffed behind my back and the first thing hedid was put my socks over my hands so that I couldn't get at him when he layon top of me. I was scared, frustrated and angry as hell all at the same time.

First he reached down and rubbed his fingers in my pussy. After getting Darkiescum on them, he rubbed it all over his cock for lubricant, I guess. His cock.His cock was about 8 inches long and way too thick. He was big; bigger thanI'd ever had before and he wanted my asshole, not my pussy. He lay down ontop of me and reached down and parted my buttocks. I struggled, trying to makeit as hard as I could for him. He mumbled something to Darkie and they bothlaughed, then he drove his cock into me, deep into my asshole and began doingthings to my lower intestines that were illegal.

I couldn't help myself. The big, tough female PI that could kill you witha glance cried out like a baby when his fucking huge erection started slidinginto her. He played with me for a couple of minutes, giving me nothing butshort strokes and then stopping for a moment while he was inside me. I screamedand I cried. It was no use. He hurt me even when he just buried himself insideme and stopped all of his hip action. All the while he controlled me with hiscock. On his first full penetration of my rectum, I couldn't help myself asI arched up and my body went into a bow beneath him. My anus wasn't meant tobe used like this. My anal sphincters were stretched by him in ways that wereabnormal to the human body, and the arch was all my body could do to try toescape his onslaught. And it was all automatic, without any conscious effortof mine. My body was in full self defense mode.

But it did no good since he was in full control of the only entrance to mybody that he really desired. He didn't care if my anal muscles were tight ornot. He didn't care if he ripped me apart or not. He just thrust and he thrust;at the end, each and every one of his pile driver slams was matched by a screamfrom behind my gag. He would change angles with some thrusts and lift differentlywith his hips; and each time he did this, it felt like he was ripping me apartall over again.

Finally, after an eternity, he came inside my ass and I could feel each andevery spurt of his semen as it jetted into me. It cut and it burned, and itwas filling me even as he withdrew. I was shamed by my helplessness and angryat the same time. I knew that he had better wind up killing me, because ifhe didn't I would kill him for what he had just done to me.

The two college boys stood over me laughing. They were already dead and justdidn't know it. They made the typical stupid male comments about my body andafter Blondie took my socks off of my hands, they both left after locking thetransparent cell door behind them. My neck was still tied to the bed by mybelt, but the rest of me was splayed out on the bed in an ugly fashion. Ina minute, the lights went out in my cell and I was left in the dark.

I've got a shitty job and my sense of humor's all that's allowed me to survivesome terrible things. But I really didn't feel like making any wisecracks rightnow. The big tough private dick cried her self to sleep that night. And theworst part was that I wasn't alone. The whole night long I heard other helplesssouls crying with me.

I was awake early next morning before the lights came on and I felt more likemy old self. I was waiting when they came for me. It hurt my ass to move around,but I did it anyway. It was the book end twins, Blondie and Darkie; they unlockedthe door to my cell and walked in. They looked at me with my back to the headof the bed and my legs cocked to kick at them, and Blondie said, ?Listen, youstupid bitch. You're already gonna' get fucked up today and everything youdo now just make's it harder on you.?

When I didn't pull my legs down, he and Darkie leapt at me and smothered meagain. Man, I was oh for two now; I wasn't doing too well against these bastardsso far. They untied the belt from around my neck and stood me up. I tried tosnap-kick Blondie's knee, but he went with the kick and dodged me. Darkie poppedme in the gut and I sagged in their arms. With one guy on each arm, they draggedme out of the cell and into the hallway. From there, we made a left and walkedabout halfway down before turning right to go into a common area between thetwo long corridors. Blondie had torn me up some on my insides last night; ithurt me even to have to walk that little distance.

When we got to the common area, Darkie turned and punched me in the gut again.When I doubled over, he and Blondie uncuffed my wrists from behind my backand then cuffed them again in front of me. Every four feet or so along thewall there was a rope hanging from a pulley in the ceiling; men and women werehanging from the walls all up and down the common area.

They pushed me up against an open space on the wall, attached a rope to mycuffs and pulled my wrists over my head, extending my arms until I was on mytoes. With the gag still in my mouth, I was well and truly fucked and not in the way that I had planned.

They left me hanging that way for quite awhile as the commons area got busierand busier. I had a chance to look around and saw that perhaps less than halfof the available slots were filled by hanging bodies. There were only two othersthat had gags like mine; all of the rest had their mouths free. There weremore women than men hanging on the walls, but males of all ages were well represented.Both the men and women seemed to be in uniformly good to excellent shape, andall seemed attractive.

All of the captives and some of the people walking around free were wearingmuch the same garb. The men hanging on the walls all had on small thong-likeloincloths just like my friends, the twins, were wearing; the women all hadon something that looked like a modified chemise made out of latex or rubberand which was skin tight. It was cut very high on the sides and narrowed toa thin strap as it went between the women's legs, almost like a thong. It hada halter top, but it was open where the cups would normally go. Instead, ithad a shelf-like affair that the women's breasts rested upon, and they werepushed up and out while resting on this thing. Frankly, it looked uncomfortableas hell.

There seemed to be four basic colors distributed among the men and the women.Most of the captives wore light blue with red being the next most popular color,but there were also some wearing white and few with black.

There was surprisingly little noise in the commons, since the only ones talkingwere the ones moving around. There's a total of maybe fifteen of these people,with ten wearing normal street attire, while the rest were wearing a blackloincloth or black chemise, depending upon their sex. Apparently, it was tooearly for the normal background of grunts, groans, moans and screams---okay,okay, I was making that last part up since I have no idea what of what a normalday here was like.

Oh my. At that moment, Little Man marched into the common area and steamedin my direction. He had a rolling kind of walk that reminded you of a penguin,and with his long black hair and walk, he looked like a pirate's flunky---orperhaps the assistant to a pirate's flunky.

Anyway, he immediately walked up to me. Rather he walked over to me, sincehe wasn't able to come up to me without his stepstool. I'll be damned if hedidn't snap his fingers and one of the black loincloth boys brought over astool. He sat down on it and looked at me intensely for a couple of minuteswithout saying a word. I gargled a cooing hello in his direction, but he didn'tbite. So we looked at each other without conversing. If you've been on a blinddate where you have nothing to say to the other person, you know how uncomfortableit can be. But what the hell, he's an asshole and I didn't let it get to me.

Finally, he said to the twins, ?Take off her gag.? His voice was odd; it soundedlike what you might get if you were listening to a tow truck driver who'd justingested a side of helium.

They approached me cautiously and when I didn't react to them they unbuckledthe gag and took it out of my mouth. I opened and closed my jaws a couple oftimes trying to get the kinks out. Things were looking up.

Then he said, ?Jaynie Laynie; stupid name. We know all about you. You're almost30. Single, live alone and are rather unsocial.? That last one really hurtme, it was so unfair. I was unlucky, not unsocial.

He continued, ?You're a third degree black belt in Taekwando karate; holdanother third degree belt in judo and do a little Aikido on the side. You'rea rather dangerous bitch.? Okay, now he had me interested. The first stuffcould've been grabbed off've my driver license and other stuff I had in mypants pocket when he cold cocked me the first time. But the last was a littlepersonal. How the fuck would he know that kind of crap??

?What the fuck kind of scam are you running here?? I asked. Here I'm standingnaked in front of this guy all tied up to a wall. His pigeons had raped andsodomized me last night, and all I could think of doing was asking a reallystupid question---I needed some coffee.

He snorted and said, ?You'll be finding out soon enough, but I can guess Ican give you the ten cent tour. What we do here is take your average good lookingperson off the street and give ?em a little training. Then we move ?em outto one of the clubs that we've got around the country and sell their ass. Theyget a little, shall we say, more advanced training there in the clubs. We'vegot low overhead, demand's good and you'd be amazed at how many cunts and assholeswe move through here in a year. And nobody's the wiser.?

I looked around and saw some disturbing stuff. One of the women in black wasabout 30 feet away from me and was whipping the shit out of a young guy inlight blue. She looked to be about 25 or so, had medium length brown hair andwas actually quite pretty. There was a look of concentration on her face thatwas more suitable to a surgeon making a heart transplant or a lawyer presentingto the Supreme Court. The black outfit seemed to suit her, but she had somehigh heeled boots on that I wouldn't be seen wearing to a Halloween party.She was sweating and it seemed her nipples stood out about an inch. I couldn'ttell if it was from the exertion or because she was enjoying herself. The poorschmuck she was beating looked to be about 16-18 years old, and was quite attractivein a blonde, almost ethereal sort of way. Looked like a nice kid with a nicebuild; he wasn't my type.

She had him tied face down to a small bench and was using something that lookedlike it was out of the dark ages on his lower back, ass and the back of histhighs. As best I could tell, it had a wooden handle to which about 10-12 chainshad been attached. The links were about half an inch in width and the chainswere about 14-15 inches long. Anyway, she was flailing away on this poor bastardand he was crying, but not in pain. He was bleeding a little from the whipping,but wasn't gagged and he was thanking her all the time she was going postalon his ass. Every now and then he'd roll over onto his side and I could seethat he had the start of a good erection. Tre strange. The whole scene lookedlike a devil was beating the shit out of an angel.

Over on the other side, I saw a blonde couple fucking their brains out. Shetoo was wearing one of those black things and she was on top of him. She'dapparently pulled the little strip of black that ran between her legs out ofthe way and went down on him on a small couch that was pushed up against onewall. She'd grabbed a couple handfuls of his hair and was riding his hips,pumping up and down on him like a wild woman. Her nipples were hugely erectand every move she made would make her breasts bob and weave like a professionalboxer. She wasn't looking at him, but faced the wall with her eyes closed.She had a small smile and a look of sublime pleasure on her face.

While I couldn't see what color he might have been wearing, she seemed tobe in control and was doing all of the directing. But his cock seemed to begetting everything it wanted and he too seemed to be happy as he ran his handsup and down the front of her body.

It was only after I'd looked at them for a minute that I realized that bothof them had very similar coloring. Each had a distinctive color of blonde hairand an olive complexion. And the closer I looked, the more similar their featureslooked to me??

I looked at Little Man and he shrugged, ?They're a brother and sister thatcome from a wealthy family up in the northeast. We took them off of a sailboatabout a month ago and their parents think that they drowned. We'll offer themas a matched set and should be able to get a good profit out of them.?

H e looked at me for a minute. ?You don't get it yet, what we really do here,do you?? he asked.

I?I think all of you're sick maniacs,? I replied.

Little Man didn't seem to take offense. ?What we do here is begin initialtraining for Dom's and Sub's. For you, that's short for dominants and submissives.We take prospective material off the street and after appropriate analyses,we either move them into one or the other of the schools that we run here.Beginner sub's wear light blue, advanced sub's red. The beginner dom's wearwhite and the advanced wear black. You've probably noticed that we're ratherorganized here.?

?Whaddaya mean, appropriate analyses,? I interrupted him. And he still didn'tseem to take offense.

?Oh, fucking them; fucking them over, that sort of thing. It tells us howstrong they are and what they're like and then we put them in training andtake it from there.?

?You are one short, sick mother fucker, you know that?? I replied. This probablywasn't the smartest tack for me to take, but I was starting to get pissed allover again. If the truth were to be known, I was a little scared too. I guessfor a while there, they'd gotten ahead of me on points, but now I was comingback like the old Jaynie. At least I hoped I was.

He looked at me for a second and smiled, ?You won't make me angry, you know.We've talked to a couple of people that know you.?

This interested me---a lot.

?And I think that we have just the right program for you. Although you'realmost 30 and a little long in the tooth for what we normally supply, an objectiveobserver,? here he pointed to his chest, ?would have to say that you're stilla totally fucking hot number.?

?You clearly have settled into your persona and have an aggressive personality,so I think it will be appropriate to make you a sub. Shave off all of yourhair, run a lot of rings into you, maybe pull a couple of teeth?you know, whipsand chains and gags, that sort of thing. I think that within a month or two,we could have you begging for anything that we wanted. What do you think??

I looked at him and then spit at him. Of course, the grand gesture went fornaught as my glob didn't even make it half way to him. The problem was thatI still needed some coffee to wet my whistle.

He looked at me with a smile on his face and then turned to the Bobsey twins. ?Weneed to make sure that she won't hurt anyone anymore. Go ahead. You know whatwe talked about.? With that, he turned and walked away like he was done withme. The insignificant little piece of shit!

Riff and Raff walked over to me and grabbed my arms again. I proved to myselfagain that when you're hung up by your wrists onto your toes, ya' just can'treally get any leverage for kicks. They let me down and dragged me over toa corner of the commons that was painted shiny white, kind of reminding meof a hospital.

Pulling me over to a chair that looked like it belonged to the gynecologistfrom hell, they threw me up on it and tied my hands to the chair over my head.After they strapped my feet into the stirrups, they then ran straps over mychest, stomach and thighs; I was what you might call, err, immobilized. I thrashedaround a little just to show good form, but I knew immediately that it woulddo no good. There were a couple of other guys I'd never seen waiting for meto be strapped in. When I was, they stepped up and put another gag in my mouth.I didn't like the way this was going.

Both of them stepped down to the bottom of the chair and checked out my feet.They swabbed an orange antiseptic over the soles of my feet and then pulledout scalpels and began making deep slits on the soles of my feet. The painwas indescribable. I screamed into my gag and thrashed all over for real thistime, but it didn't stop them. After they'd made three cuts each on the ballsof my feet, they made one on each on the bottom of my heels. Then they pulledout a sterile pack of what looked like small ball bearings. Taking a ball bearing,they proceeded to push it into the cut that they'd made, then used needle andthread to sew each incision shut. They did this to the four cuts on each ofmy feet. After this, they applied some antiseptic gel and wrapped surgicaltape around the balls of my feet and around each heel. I was huffing for breaththrough my gag and didn't have a wisecrack in mind at the moment.

Next, they came up to my chest and applied something cold which I assume wasan antiseptic. But all it did was make my nipples stand up. I couldn't believeit! I'd just undergone major surgery on my feet and here my nipples were staringme in the face like, like, I don't know what. But I still couldn't believeit!

I had one of these guys on each side of me now, and each one reached downand grabbed my breast closest to him and pulled it up using the nipple as ahandle. I was proud of myself for just groaning instead of screaming. Eachguy had a long needle and they used it to vertically pierce my breast aboutan inch back from the nipple. Next, they ran a 1 1/2? diameter golden ringthrough each hole in my breast and used surgical pliers to close the ends together.Needless to say, I wasn't taking this laying down?actually, on second thought,that's exactly what I was doing. But it still hurt like a sonofabitch!

Finally, the same two guys turned and began to address my head. More specifically,my face. The guy on the left grabbed my lower lip and pulled it out as faras he could. The other guy used a new needle and pierced my lower lip justabove the gum line and right where my upper and lower lips meet on the rightside. Then they proceeded to do the same thing on the left side of my lowerlip. Finally, the bastards threaded another set of golden rings through thetwo holes in my lower lip and then they stepped away.

Flip and Flop now unstrapped me from the chair and lifted me out of it, settingme on the floor. I screamed with pain as the ball bearings ground into thebottoms of my feet. I couldn't stand up straight on my feet, but rather hadto try to stand on the sides of them. My hands were still handcuffed, but Iblindly used them and held onto the chair for balance as tears flooded my eyes.It felt like I was standing on rolls of barbed wire, piles of broken glass,mountains of razor blades. You get the idea, it really hurt.

Darkie and Blondie stood by my side for a second as I screamed into my gagand then one of them hit me in the gut. I never did know who'd hit me. Anyway,I'm bent over with my bound hands trying to comfort my abdomen and still stayoff my feet, when they both start fumbling with my breasts. I can't see themand I can't stand on my own?I'm fucked.

I sort of feel/see them attach what turns out to be a thin but strong goldenchain to each of my nipple rings and then run it up to my lip rings. When Ifinally felt like I was going to live, I tried to stand up straight, but Ican't. The bastards had used short chains to connect my lip and nipple rings;when I tried to raise my head up, it tore at my breasts and my lips. The chainswere just the right length to force me to keep my chin on my chest, and allI could do was look up over my eyebrows if I wanted to see where I was beinggoing.

They'd finally succeeded in rendering me harmless. I couldn't stand on myfeet, so all those years of training and sweat had just been taken away fromme. I couldn't raise my head off of my chest without tearing out great chunksof my flesh, so I couldn't use my hands or elbows on them. Beside, they stillhad me handcuffed. I was well and truly fucked. Again.

The two young men led me over to one of the nearby tables in the commons area.Even though they had not been walking fast, I couldn't keep up with them becauseme feet hurt me so bad. I was barefoot, but each step felt like I was walkingon razor sharp pebbles and rocks. I was immensely thankful when they finallyallowed me to sit down. Laughing at my obvious pain, Darkie called to one ofthe nearby subs and told her to get me something to eat. Then he reached overand leisurely took off my gag.

The young girl returned in a moment with a bowl of some kind of gruel. Thebowl was made out of compressed cardboard and there were no implements. I tookme over five minutes to finish the small bowl because I couldn't raise my head.I finally solved my hunger by turning my head sort of sideways and drainingthe slop into my mouth. Of course, my discomfort cracked up my escorts andthey started in with their juvenile comments again.

After I had finally ?eaten?, in an insane act of clarity Darkie and Blondiedescribed for me in glowing terms what my future held. There was a schedulethat all here obeyed, even them. While most of the slaves were locked intotheir cells at night, a sort of dom trusteeship that a few enjoyed had evolvedover time. Darkie and Blondie had been brought here over a year ago and hadbeen in one of the first groups of doms to finish their training. Rather thanbeing pumped through the pipeline, a few truly ?exceptional? students wereallowed to remain here and help train others that would come through afterthem. These special few stayed in their cells, but were allowed much more freedomthan the rest of us by not being locked in at night. I guess, in this way thehead of the Collectors thought that they could reduce the number of peopleoutside the organization that knew anything about it their processing center.

Everyone was fed in their cell early in the morning. After cleaning themselves,the slaves were then brought out by the trustees into the commons area. Therethey would be strung up against the wall until either a dom or an actual memberof the organization was ready to begin their instruction for the day. Newlyacquired flesh often fought at this point and only the most brutal of the staffwere used here.

Training was strict and for both subs and doms generally involved gettingtheir bodies used to physical punishments of various types. The trustees andthe Collectors could use any sub in any way they wanted?a lot of sex was involvedhere. It was just understood that the subs were there to be humiliated andbroken. More specific training would be provided later by the satellite organizationsthat existed all over the country; all the Collectors promised was an unendingsupply of fresh young flesh that could be shaped into whatever that owner mightdesire. Ford would have been proud; it was a factory line producing humiliationand subjugation at bargain basement prices.

The slaves were fed once in the morning and once again at the end of the day.Not a lot of thought or effort had gone into making the flesh comfortable;economy and pragmatism was the order of the day.

Darkie and Blondie seemed to be my own special envoys from hell; they toldme that I had been designated as their sole project for my entire time in theirpens. I've blocked out a lot of what happened those first couple days. I guessit wasn't any better or worse than the other subs around me were getting; butit was so fucking PERSONAL to those two assholes. They'd made it clear thatit was their goal in life to ensure that I had no life beyond them and theorganization. And they enjoyed their work. A lot.

They handed me my light blue whatever it was and made me put it on. It wasa humiliating thing to wear. The strap running between my legs was tight inthe crotch, buried between my vaginal lips and then buried again in the cheeksof my ass as it rose in the back. My breasts were hanging out for all to see;my chin on my chest and the taut chains running from my breasts to my lip onlyemphasizing my helplessness. Every breath I took was a reminder of where Iwas and what I was.

They carried and dragged me over to the wall again and strung me up just highenough so that I was bouncing on my toes and the ball bearings were cuttinginto the pads of my feet. They hit me a lot and used some whips that didn'tcause major injury to me. It went on and on, a blur of pain and the waitingfor pain.

Finally, they were done for the day. They dragged me back to my cell and threwme in it after they'd taken off the handcuffs. Blondie stayed behind for asecond and told me to be ready tonight. He wanted some fun and I was goingto provide it for him. I looked at him for a second and turned my head to thewall. Then he left after making sure he'd locked the door. My mind was a blank.I think I wanted to die.

In about an hour, a sub came by and slid another cardboard bowl of gruel intomy cell using a slot in the wall by the floor that I hadn't notice before.I wasn't hungry and left it untouched.

The lights go out around 10 at night in the slave pens and Blondie wasn'tfar behind. He came in, making sure the door locked behind him. I was lyingon my back on the bed and he walked up, telling me to lose the outfit. I hadthought about it and knew what I had to do.

I slowly and painfully got to my feet and began removing my latex garment.I was sitting on the edge of the bed by then, and when I was finally nakedhe pushed on my shoulders forcing me onto my back on the mattress.

Blondie was a brutal lover and he used me hard. I was lying on my back andI had willingly spread my legs for him. He crawled up on me and then centeredhimself between my thighs. My chin was still pulled down on my chest, so myonly choices were either looking over his left shoulder at the dark ceilingor at his neck or ear. He pulled my hands over my head and then slid his handsunder my biceps before grabbing my wrists again, keeping my hands immobilizedthat way.

He raised himself slightly off of me and then looking into my eyes, he thrustinto me. Both he and Darkie were big on looking into a girl's eyes when theyraped her; maybe they felt it gave them additional power. I'm not greatly experiencedwith men, but all I know is that Blondie was bigger than any man I'd ever hadburied inside me before.

Blondie's first thrust split apart the dry lips of my vagina and allowed himto bury about half his length in me. He pulled out and drove into me againand achieved his desire, full penetration of me, his current slave. I feltmy love juices begin to flow with his first move inside me, but I wasn't fullylubricated for another four or five strokes of his hips. He filled my pussywithout any seeming effort on his part. He just assumed that I would be hisvessel and take whatever he happened to give me. And I knew that that was allthat he wanted, a vessel for his seed.

Even though not responding to them physically, I was exquisitely aware ofevery sensation, perhaps because mind was so detached from my body. I couldfeel on the inside of my vagina the throb of every vein on his penis. I couldfeel at the tip of my cervix the ridges of his circumcised manhood. Heat radiatedaway from him and into me between my legs.

Our bellies were soon slick with sweat. He from his exertions, and me fromfeeling his heat over the top of me. As we became slicker, he would slide himselfup and down my belly with each thrust, pulling himself into me with his handsand elbows rather than his hips, and pushing himself out of me using the same.

We must have laid there for 15 minutes, him and me. I was always under hiscomplete control. When he told me to close my legs, I would. When I was toraise my hips and thrust my belly into his, I did. When told I was to wrapmy legs around him, I obeyed. I was his puppet and he pulled every string inme and on me. In the end, with a small groan of satisfaction, he spilled hissemen into the deepest part of my loins. I felt him begin cumming and thenit seemed that a small heat grenade had exploded inside of me, deeper thanany man, including Hector, had ever been before.

A feeling of disgust quickly overcame me and I could hardly wait for Blondieto get off of me. However, he took his time and I now think that this too waspart of his torture. In the end, he did roll off of my body and sit on theedge of my bed. He was silent for a minute and then reached over and pattedme on my stomach, telling me I was ?a good piece of ass? even if I was 30 yearsold. I turned my face to the wall and ignored him. After assuring me he wouldbe back tomorrow evening, he unlocked the cell door and departed. I didn'tget to sleep for hours.

I was awakened by my meal of mush being slid into my cell. After eating andtaking a whore's bath, I somehow hobbled around and slipped on the hated symbolof my slavehood; that damned rubber thingie. Within minutes, Darkie came byand took me out of the cell and to the commons area. My feet hurt somethingawful today, even worse than they had yesterday. So even though he draggedme a lot, our trip was long and I needed several breaks before we finally arrived.

I was tied up as before and my training started all over again. I refusedto respond to most of the stimuli applied to my stomach, back, ass and thighsand this seemed to piss the two dear boys off mightily. At around noon , Darkietold me that I had a treat waiting for me in my cell and that he was takingme back there immediately.

After the long, tortuous journey back, I arrived at my cell. The door wasopen and I hobbled in. Baughman was waiting there for me in the darkness! Icouldn't believe my eyes. He had a small smile on his fat jowled face and actuallylaughed as Darkie ushered me into my cell. He thanked Darkie and told him towait outside unless further needed.

He looked at me and said, ?Who'd believe that you were here under these circumstances?Who? No one, that's who.?

I didn't answer him, but looked at him as best I could. I sat on my bed withmy hands on the edge of my bed. My chin was moist from small rivulets of salivathat were draining out of the holes in my lower lip. Once they'd pierced me,they didn't have to worry too much about gags anymore. He couldn't take hiseyes off of my chained breasts and when he finally did, his gaze kept goingup and down my body, lingering on my exposed crotch.

As calmly as I could, I asked, ?What are you doing here?:

He laughed, ?I've known about this group for a couple of years now. It's toobad they grabbed you, these are some seriously bad people.?

?Can you help me?? I whispered.

?No, helping you is beyond my abilities. Actually,? he said, ?I'm here forquite a different reason.?

?Would you please come in here,? he asked Darkie. Apparently Blondie had comeup and was waiting too, because both of them walked in at his request.

?Strip her outfit off and hold her down for me. I think I'd like a taste ofthis bitch before she's gone for good.?

Although I had known that something was wrong when I first saw Baughman waitingfor me, it still a shock to hear him say that and it washed over my spine likea bucket of cold water. I tried to fight them, but they were all over me. Withmy feet messed up and the way I'd been chained, I couldn't put up much of afight and the rubber chemise was quickly removed. I was panting with my exertionsand had some blood running down the bottom of both my breasts where I had extendedmy head too far and torn flesh. But they had me flat on my back with Darkieholding my handcuffed wrists and Blondie holding both of my ankles. Blondiespread my ankles and held them far apart despite my best efforts; in anguishI looked over and saw that fat sonofabitch Baughman taking off his pants.

I was totally disgusted by what I saw. His fish white stomach was bloatedand hung obscenely over his groin. His legs were thin, white and hairless.His breasts hung down and looked like they might have held a quart of milkeach before being deflated. He had a giant smile on his jowly face and hisforehead and balding scalp was covered with sweat. I guess I turned him on?

I struggled and screamed as he climbed onto the bed, grunting with exertion.But my two dom's held me spread-eagled and open for him. When he lay down ontop of me, I thought a whale had just been dropped on my chest. My face wasforced into his shoulder and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe; all I couldsmell was his musk. A strong, sour smell that made me want to vomit. This wasphysically the closest that he and I had ever been. I now saw that he had abad case of dandruff and could see and feel the flakes softly dropping on meas I struggled beneath his immense weight. It was impossible. It was grotesque.It couldn't be happening, but it was.

His gross stomach made it difficult for him to penetrate me, but he finallysucceeded. He was of average size and did not go deeply into me, but I stillfelt him none the less. He panted and he sweated, finally cumming shortly afterhe'd started on me. His strokes into me had been short and feeble. He couldn'tkeep his hips moving because he couldn't catch his breath due to his exertions.

When he finally did cum in me, it felt like he had injected a cold and weakand slimy fluid. There was little that was good in this bad man.

When he was finally finished with me, he climbed off and started dressingagain. I screamed at him, ?Was that the best you could, you hypocritical bastard?? Heignored me, so I tried again. ?I've been fucked by women better than you, youfucking piece of old, over-weight shit!? I was trying to hurt him like he'dhurt me and humiliate him in the process.

Baughman finished dressing and then turned to me and said, ?You know, my dear.When they ran Hector through here last year, I fucked him too. Actually, hewas better fuck than you are. At least he wiggled his ass when I took him andhe asked me for seconds. which I was pleased to provide. Oh, I forgot, youseemed to care for him. My mistake.? Then he giggled?the bastard giggled!

I looked at Baughman with my head still down but with my mouth open and thenI went berserk. It was all that Darkie and Blondie could do to hold me downon the bed as I screamed at that fat bastard, ?I'll kill you! I'll kill you!I'll kill you!? I guess I wasn't at my conversationalist best right then. Andhe had turned out to be better at repartee than I was.

The pig finally left my cell and Darkie said, ?I'm going to let go now, andif you fight us, we'll fuck you up good. Understand??

I nodded and both of them let go of me at the same time and stepped back.When I didn't do anything more, Blondie brusquely told me to get cleaned upand to put my one-piece back on. I got up and slowly walked over to the sinkwhere I washed the unclean remnants of Baughman from my vagina and the insidesof my thighs. It was difficult to do this satisfactorily since my wrists werestill handcuffed together?I'd of used a steam cleaner on myself if one hadbeen available. Then I picked up my one piece of clothing and slowly put itback on again. I felt dead inside as my two boy's frog marched me back to thecommons.

I was hung on the wall again for another hour or two. I honestly can't sayfor how long because I was in a daze. Finally, another dom, one that I hadnever seen before came over and let me down and led me over to a bench. Hetied me face down over this thing and then tied my hands to my ankles underthe table. I was left there for a minute until he returned with a new whipand a cane. I'd been whipped and caned from the moment I'd been taken and myass and thighs were red and welted, beaten and sore.

But my new master didn't shirk his duties and beat me enthusiastically forover 30 minutes. He, like Little man, was an exquisite master of timing onthe strokes and he hurt me mentally as well as physically.

Finally, he was done and he untied my limbs from under the table. I rolledoff of the table onto the floor in pain and unable to control my limbs. Heroughly jerked me up by my hair and stored me on the wall again, where I waitedfor my usual two dom's.

Blondie eventually came up to me and released me from the wall, at which pointhe took me back to my cell. As he threw me on my bed, he reminded me that Iwould again be the unwelcome recipient of another visit by him tonight. Hethen left after ensuring that I was locked into my cell.

I lay on my bed and thought about what had happened to me over the last coupleof days. Then I glanced at the small sliver of glass that I had picked up inthe commons when I'd rolled off of the table onto the floor. Apparently therehad been something made out of glass in there at one time and it had gottenbroken. Thankfully, someone had done a sloppy job of cleaning up afterwardsbecause now I had a hope.

Food was slipped into my cell that night but I didn't eat. I waited to seewhat would happen. Right at lights out, Darkie unlocked my cell door and walkedin. He said, ?Cunt, you are apparently a hot piece of ass and I'm gonna havesome right now.?

I didn't say any thing but just sat up and looked at him from under my eyebrows.When he walked over and stood next to my bed, I stood up next to him. I thenpointed to the door and said, ?you're gonna have to take your turn, becausehe's waiting and he goes first.?

When he looked at the door, I moved behind him and put my right forearm aroundhis throat and pulled his head back against my right shoulder. I gave him ahard shot in the left kidney as I threw my body back and off of my feet. Thisforced him to fall onto his back and me onto my stomach. With only a littleleverage from my shoulder, I broke his neck against my right forearm. The soundthe bones in his neck made as they snapped was like music to my ears.

We both lay on the floor for a second. Me immobile, his legs twitching a little.Then I got up and slowly dragged him under my bed. He'd defecated and the smellwas strong, but I hoped that Blondie wouldn't notice.

I probably could have gotten out of there at that point. I had Darkie's keysand there were few people around. But I still couldn't walk well and I neededto meet Blondie one more time.

I took the small sliver of glass and sat down on my bed. Unwrapping the medicaltape from the ball of my left foot, I looked at the obscene lumps that hadbeen implanted there. Using the piece of glass, I cut each set of sutures andtook out the ball bearings. I then did the same for my heel before I re-wrappedthe tape. I slowly did the same for my right foot.

I stood in the darkness of my cell and looked at myself in the metal mirror.I knew this would hurt a lot, but there was one more thing that I had to do.And I had to watch myself do it. After hyper ventilating for a minute, I grabbedthe two chains that came up from my tits and began to pull them down. At thesame time, I began raising my head up from my chin.

The flesh of my lower lip began to stretch beyond belief before the ringsfinally began to tear their way up towards my lips. I couldn't see well atthis point because my eyes were flooded with tears, but I continued pullingand lifting until only the flesh of my lips held the rings in place. My bloodwas warm as it ran down my chin and onto my throat before it passed betweenmy breasts. It was too painful, but I couldn't stop now.

Fumbling with my hands, I found the now dulled sliver of glass and used itto make the final cut that freed first the left ring and then the right ring.I was crying in pain and felt nauseous. With the fingers of one hand, I heldup the flap that had been part of my lip and with my other hand I reached overand picked up the only towel allowed me. After wadding it up, I put the towelagainst the wall and leaned the lower part of my face into it. I allowed myweight to put pressure on my wounds as my arms hung limply by my sides.

My heart finally slowed down after a couple of minutes, and I walked backto my bed holding the towel to my face. I sat down and using one hand, tookoff the surgical tape that was wrapped around the ball of my right foot andused it to temporarily patch my mouth back up. My mouth was fucked up and myfeet were fucked up, but I was back in business. Watch your asses, mother fuckers!

When Blondie showed up in my cell half an hour later, I was standing in thedarkest part of my cell with my back towards him. He hesitated at this, butthen came in all the way and locked the door behind him. He sniffed, but didn'tseem to pick up on the meaning of the smell that to me seemed overpoweringand screamed danger, danger!

He walked towards me and from the back put his right hand on my right shoulderin a possessive way. I reached up with my left hand and grabbed his right asit came over my shoulder. I twisted his hand away from me and the torque onhis wrist and elbow forced him down towards the ground. I twisted around andwas behind him with my arm around his neck before he even knew what had happened.

I have worked out with Judo for many years. As it generally taught in theStates, Judo is a non-lethal sport. However, there are many dangerous jointand leverage moves that are not now passed on in modern dojos. Some of thesemoves are lethal. Back when Hector and I'd had some money, I had made it ahobby to search used bookstores looking for obscure old books which showedthese moves.

With one move, I broke Blondie's neck. But I didn't complete the move thatwould have killed him. Instead, I carefully lowered him to the floor. He lookedat me with horror in his eyes, but he was paralyzed. He could breathe and movehis eyes, but that was it.

I stared at him for a moment and then carefully removed his loincloth. I arrangedhis manhood and then deliberately, I stepped on his left nut and crushed it.Then I pivoted on my heel on it like I was putting out a cigarette butt. Icould see from his eyes that he could feel the pain. It rocketed around theinside of his body and had nowhere to go but his eyes.

?That was for the first time you took me.? My diction left something to bedesired due to the tape holding my mouth together, but he got my meaning.

I reached down and moved his right testicle out so that it was clear and Ilooked down at him as I said, ?This one is for last night.? I waited almosta minute before I crushed that one. His eyes were bulging, but he still laidthere in an almost peaceful pose.

Then I squatted down between his knees and said, ?And this is for the untoldnumber of women and men that you've ruined.? I took the sliver of glass andbegan sawing his penis off at the base. Even though dull, it didn't take long.

After this, I was ready to leave. I used Blondie's keys and unlocked my celldoor and looked out into the hall. No one was there so I walked on out to thefirst exit. From there I went to the door that led to the outside and I wasfree. I staggered the two blocks back to my Bronco and got out the extra keythat I always kept hidden underneath in a magnetic box. The Bronco was justas I had left it. It was such a piece of junk that no one wanted it.

I drove to a small precinct station where I knew a couple of the beat copsand walked in almost naked. All I had on was a small lap blanket that I keptin the back of the Bronco. I began talking to the desk bull, but passed outbefore I could finish. Apparently I was able to give good enough directionshowever, because the police raided the pens around 4 AM that morning.


It was over. Nietzsche once said that man is a rope stretched between theanimal and the superman?a rope stretched over an abyss. I'd fallen into theabyss and had somehow been able to climb out again.

It seems that the Collectors Organization's trade in human beings had beenpretty profitable; they were in the process of building a second set of slavepens when the warehouse caught on fire from the electrical work. It was thoseslave pens they were trying to cover up with the help of Baughman. Baughmanhad always hated me, yet apparently wanted me even before he helped make Hectordisappear. He'd set me up from the beginning to be taken in by the Collectors.

The Feds moved in and hushed everything up. Baughman was up north in a FederalPenitentiary now. He'd been convicted of being involved with multiple countsof kidnapping and taking the victims across state lines. I called a coupleof guards I knew and told them about Baughman. He was now called Jabba theSlut and was the bitch of the whole prison. He was also HIV+ now and I didn'tgive a damn.

The District Attorney didn't know what to do with me. At first, he wantedto charge me with multiple murders. But after he'd talked to me and lookedat my face, he ruled them self-defense. Zero-One paid me a shit load of moneyto avoid any lawsuits. Their name never did come out in the investigation,even though Baughman had been an integral part of the Collectors Organization.They're throwing A LOT MORE work my way now and I'm pretty sure that Hectorand Laynie will make it.

Once I was up and moving around again, I took a little bit of Zero-One's moneyand went looking for the old man that I'd mugged that first night. When I finallyfound him, I dropped a hundred note in his kitty and stepped back to just lookat him. He looked at the bill and then at me with confusion. After about aminute or so of us staring back and forth, I could see recognition dawn inhis eyes. Then he spit in may face. I guess I didn't blame him.

All of the subs and the novice doms were released. Two of the advanced domswere arrested and are now in prison; the remainder were forced to go into counselingfor a year. After they'd been processed and let go, I understand that mostof the subs and their doms had gotten together and were still practicing whatthey'd been taught to enjoy most.

The brother and sister team disappeared and were never heard from again?atleast I never heard about them again. There are some sick genes in that family,I don't give a damn how wealthy they were.

There were no records to give us help track down the slaves that had alreadybeen processed and moved on through the system. Hector's still out there somewhereand I'll never stop looking for him.

A lot of the local help was arrested, but most of the big guys just disappeared.As soon as I was able, I looked for Little Man for a couple of weeks, but Inever did get any more leads on him. But I know he's around and I'll catchup with him sooner or later.

I needed plastic surgery to repair my face. I look as good now as I did before,which is to say pretty damn average. I'd also thought about getting a boobjob at the same time, but in the end, I decided to go with what god and naturehad given me.

I never was much of a floozy or man hungry woman---one man was always enoughfor me. But Hector was gone, and I hadn't made love to a man in over a year.Because I hadn't needed protection for a long time, it was no surprise to methat I became pregnant. I had no idea who the father was, but I hoped thatit was Blondie and not Baughman. I waited a month and had the fetus aborted.May god forgive me.

I believe in god and I think there's a heaven; I know there's a hell. AndI know that's where I'm going. Not because I've killed men, but because ofwhat I did to my baby. But that's okay, because when I get down there, LittleMan, Blondie, Darkie and Baughman and all the others will be waiting for me.And then I'll have the rest of eternity to kick Baughman's ass, to kick Blondie'sass, to kick Darkie's ass, to kick Little Man's ass, to kick????.

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PrivateerChapter 10

I let Mari use the bathroom first. I walked over to the laundry return mounted in the bedroom wall, pulled out my clothes, folded and put them away. Mari exited a little later, telling me 'Your turn' before walking out and checking to make sure the hotel room was buttoned up. I went into the bathroom, stripped my clothes off before putting just my shorts back on, and did my nightly stuff. I exited the bathroom, tossed my slightly used clothes into the wardrobe, dimmed the lights, and...

3 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 6

I had talked to the captain of the freighter, reminding her to have witness reports of the incident from herself and the bridge crew ready and making sure her report of the pirate incident that started in Denarrus was written. The women were back on the freighter by the time security arrived. We had parted with hugs, kisses, and promises to keep in touch while they were in system. Even Mari gave me a hug, pulling my face into her chest and kissed the top of my head. When she let up a little,...

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PrivateerChapter 15

The four of us met in the main room a little later. It was obvious even to me from the satisfied looks on Katherine's and Mari's faces that they, too, had enjoyed themselves. I asked Sam how she was doing and she gave me big grin. "I'm good. Don't you worry about me." She had listened in on my conversation with Anna through my implant and was happy with the way it went. We talked for a while and decided to go to dinner when people's stomachs started to grumble. I made sure the...

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PrivateerChapter 5

I woke up late the next day feeling groggy and achy and knowing my sleep cycle was fucked. I don't think I had moved at all in the night and I was stiff. Something else was amiss and it took my fuzzy brain a moment to process the situation. Lying half on top of my left side was a nekkid young woman. Not the first time I've woken up with a woman but it is the first time with a nekkid woman. Yes, you can assume I am not sexually experienced. I've been in training from the age of 13 to 17...

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PrivateerChapter 14

Sam was pointing me to the replicator when I stumbled out of the master bedroom in search of life giving elixir. She had somehow, I do not know how but I will be eternally thankful to her, gotten hold of a decent coffee profile. I was the first up surprisingly and when the time that the women had been forcing me out of bed came and went I decided to check on them. Anna was doing her cat routine and was curled around a pillow and snuggled under the sheets. Mari was spooned behind her with...

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PrivateerChapter 22

It was a couple of weeks later that I was summoned to Privateer Corps HQ. Quinn Taylor asked me to bring the ladies as Councilor Estebahn would be present. This was fortunate for me since I still hated the drive through the city and they would keep me calm. We hopped into a vehicle and were driven to HQ. There, in a large set of offices in a high rise near the Senate Building, we were led to a briefing room. There, Taylor and Councilor Estebahn were waiting and watching a newscast on a...

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PrivateerChapter 4

Annalynn Estebahn was staring at me. "You really think the captain was involved with the pirates?" "It fits," I told her. "Maybe not perfectly but reasonably. If the pirates had boarded the freighter, they could have grabbed you and been gone before system security could get here." "What about the Mari, Katherine, and the other passengers and crew?" "The captain has little regard for the crew and was more concerned with the state of the engines. I'm guessing he's trying to...

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PrivateerChapter 8

I grabbed Sam's portable carrier and transferred her unit into it. AIAs reside in a sealed unit about the size of my fist (remember I have big fists) that looks like a silver/black cube with only a single data port in the bottom. The units are damn near indestructible seeing as they are used as data recorders. Ships have been blown to pieces and AIA units have survived to tell what happened. The only thing more likely to survive is something we refer to as the hardened vault, a massive...

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PrivateerChapter 13

At just before 0900 station time, we arrived at the docks and made our way to the 'Shivari'. I was carrying Sam and leading the way through dock workers and maintenance people. Midshift had started an hour before and work was in full swing with people gathering materials and tools for repair work. I was in my work clothes and the women were in their coveralls. We'd gotten some looks as we'd left the hotel. I was trying to be better company in the morning and not so grumpy. Earlier we'd...

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PrivateerChapter 17

The next morning I woke up and couldn't move. Mari was half on top of one side while Anna was on the other with Katherine spooning her. Sam was at the foot of the bed silently laughing at my predicament. "Ugh," was my response as I dropped my head back onto my pillow. That seemed to be enough to wake Mari up. She rolled onto her back and stretched, then moved into a propped up position, blinked sleepily and smiled at Sam. She looked at me, smiled, leaned over and kissed my cheek. She...

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Private Jan

I was on the verge of burnout. I had been an instructor in the Army, teaching helicopter mechanics for almost four years. It was always the same thing over and over again. Every few weeks I would get a new class of Privates, teach them what they needed to know and send them on to the next section. From time to time, there would be a female student, but every instructor knew better than to fraternize with them. Occasionally we would hear about someone getting busted for doing just that. I had...

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Privatecom has the kind of one-word domain that has got to be Internet gold. I wonder how many random visitors they get who are just trying to find a way to keep their secrets safe from Google, Facebook and their wives. Considering at least half of those secrets are an insatiable desire to bang sexy women in face, mouth and butthole, those rando websurfers end up in the right place anyway. Isn’t it funny how life works out?Private calls itself “Europe’s most visited multi-lingual porn site,” a...

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PrivateerChapter 16

"Amethyst Station, 'Shivari' is ready for departure," I said. "Roger, 'Shivari'. Retracting transit shaft ... Retracted." "Confirm transit shaft retracted. You can release docking clamps." A few seconds later, "Docking clamps released. You are clear to maneuver to port side." I tapped in the commands and our starboard thrusters gave a quick burst to slowly move us away from the dock. Once we were clear of the station with about 500m of separation I started turning us away. I...

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Private Seiger

The year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...

Love Stories
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Private Classics

I bet everyone has their own Private Classics when they’re jacking off. You know the ones I’m talking about: those perfect pornos you may have found 5, 10, 20 years ago that still make you hard as a fucking rock every single time. It’s no wonder some of the long-running Internet porn sites have cashed in on the fad, offering up some of their vintage hits, oldies and goldies that put them on the map in the first place. I mean, shit, just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re going to get bored of...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Private Black

With a name like PrivateBlack, you already know they aren’t selling the usual low-grade interracial smut you find on the free tubes and tenth-tier paysites out there. The title itself implies some high-end shit, reserved for only a select group of perverts. This is a private reserve of black-on-white smut, brought you to by the folks at Private. I’ve reviewed Private here at ThePornDude and liked what I saw, which made me even more eager to see what they were doing with their BBC...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Private Matters

Private Matters by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Recruited Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You?re so lucky to be young." What they?re thinking is, "You?re so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff." My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn?t seem to be yearning for my boffing. My name is...

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Private Nature Tour

Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...

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Private Nature Tour

Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...

Gay Male
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Private Show 2 Saucy StrapOn Sextet

The private strip-show I’d done for Dick had left me with a sore arse but a full purse. That same weekend, I’d agreed to do an extra Sunday afternoon show in the Farringdon Arms to help out one of the other girls and I was a bit worried that my bum might still be bit sore after the bashing it had received on Friday. But I rubbed plenty of cream around it on Saturday, and by the next day, I found I could sit down without wincing too obviously.There was quite a good crowd of locals in for the...

Strap-On Sex
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Private Club

Chapter 1:Christine couldn’t believe her luck.  She was now on her way to the private club, in a limo no less.It had only been Tuesday that she had gone out to a movie with Cassandra.  That in itself seemed rather strange, but they had both gotten along well while working on a school project together.  Working together wasn’t exactly correct either, as Christine did most of the work.  Christine knew that was just the way it worked with rich girls like Cassandra, they always got their way.  They...

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Private Internment

Private Internment   DAY ONE Making a decision I slid the vehicle over into the automatic lane and tried to relax. In theback seat Martha and Linda were sitting quietly, looking out the side windows.Some color had returned to their faces and their expressions were ones of bothconcern and relief. Concern over their future and relief from the fact thatthe last two weeks were finally over and they were out of the legal system.They are both former coworkers that I had known for a number of...

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Private Lesson

I'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...

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Private School

Private school  (ch. 1-10)ArrivalThe buildings looked stayed and full of tradition. Anne liked them and the park surrounding them at first sight and was even happier she had taken this job at the small 6th form boarding school rather than the one at the state school she had been offered, too. She followed the driveway round the building until she found the staff parking lot. Although it was the last day before the start of the new term there were only half a dozen other cars and she found space...

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Private Inspection

A young woman dressed in snug military attire stood before me. Her posture was ram-rod straight, with breasts thrust outward, trim stomach pulled in, and eyes focused above my head. She was at full attention, and deadly serious in her demeanor. But despite all that, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful she was. Her uniform clung to her figure deliciously, accenting every curve of her womanly figure in snug camouflage. On her head, was a green cap tilted just slightly off-center....

3 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 8

It's early about 8:00 I wake up to the sun just peering through the bedroom window. I turn over and see Holly isn't there. I leave the room in my boxers and walk to the bathroom where I see Holly leaning over the sink washing her hands. She's wearing a bright red vest top, that's tight around her body and pink panties. Even if im not fully awake my cock sure is. She looks at me in the mirror and smiles at me as she says good morning. "morning." I say as I walk up behind her and place my...

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Private Dylan

As a carefree high school senior, Dylan was known for his athleticism, congeniality, and good looks. He had it all. He could have had any girl he wanted, of course, although he only dated Daisy McLaren. She was his sweetheart since their sophomore year. She loved Dylan as much as he loved her.They married soon after graduation in the summer of '43. Their honeymoon year was cut short when things abruptly changed. Dylan found himself living in a new place wearing different clothes and he even...

Love Stories
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private profile

Trick for private profiles & caveat utilitorSomeone asked me about this the other day so I thought I'd just put it here."caveat utilitor" is latin for 'let the user beware' for those not versed. I.E. this is as much a warning to the unweary than a how to. (some people seem to not understand this so I'll just point it out)If someone's profile is private you can still see their videos and pictures using a little trick. This will not circumvent passworded or friends only videos! Nor will it...

1 year ago
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Private DancePart One Nurse Cammy

*** This is my first story…Please let me know what you think. Private Dance-Part One: Nurse Cammy My husband was home on leave from his job overseas and I decided to treat him to something special. We live in Las Vegas, with some of the biggest, most outrageous strip clubs in the world. I set up a private table for two at one of the classier joints, with a private dance for us at some time during the evening. When date night came, I dressed in my flirtiest outfit. The corset top hugged my...

3 years ago
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Private Dancer An Adult Story

I had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man cave. That what I call my basement. The man cave. I needed to add a stripper pole. I had a very nice brass stripper pole put in one corner of the basement. I built a nice four foot by four foot stage with the pole in the middle. I put some lights under the stage to make it more fun. I also added some speakers and a new sound system to get the party started. Now the only thing missing was some...

2 years ago
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Private Dancer An Adult Story

Introduction: She brought her husband to watch me I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the room I had seen a movie last week. That made...

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Private Dancer

I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...

4 years ago
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Private Campground bisexual gangbang

Private Campground Story from the perspective of a guy and his wife who both become willing abuse victims of 6 other guys. forced bi, cum eating, fucking and suckingMy wife, Julie, who is in her early thirties with long brown hair, browneyes and the type of body and looks that makes eyes turns when she enters aroom, tends to behave very conservatively around our friends. But when weare alone together in bed, usually anything goes.I am in my late thirties standing 6'2" 200 lbs. And handsome...

4 years ago
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Private Dancer An Adult Story

I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...

2 years ago
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Private Performance

Private Performanceby Ashley ZachariasThe Commission:Catherine was trying to give Adele’s work the consideration that it deserved, but failing. Her attention was distracted the inane conversation behind her.?What does it mean?? a man’s voice asked.?It doesn’t mean anything,? a second male voice replied. ?It’s abstract. It’s just a design.? The second voice had a whine that grated on Catherine.?The tag says that it’s called A Cry in the Urban Wilderness. That has to mean something.? The deeper...

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Private Internet Access PIA

Do you have Private Internet Access (PIA)? I know many people are pretty fucking surprised to learn how often their Internet use is being spied on by bosses, apps, baristas, oppressive regimes, your wife and even your internet service provider. If you don’t believe me, I guess you’ve never gotten an ad for dick-sucking machines moments after asking your buddy if he’s ever tried a dick-sucking machine. (Speaking of dick-sucking devices, your mom wanted me to tell you to clean your...

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2 years ago
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Private Society

Do we live in a Private Society? I guess it depends on how you define the term. I’m sure some would argue the days of true privacy are long gone, our pure alone time sacrificed for phones that know exactly when and where you want a burger or a beat-off. These days, the smarter motherfuckers won’t even crank it in front of the computer without their webcams covered up, because who the hell knows who’s watching? Incidentally, you might want to cover it up now if you’re worried you’ve accidentally...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 12

I'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...

4 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 11

Daniel's POV Morning after the night before.... My mind is spinning. I have lots to prepare for. I may need some help from Katy. If I really wanna pull this off, she's the best person to go to. I wake up early at 7:00, it's still dark but the sun is creeping over the clouds. Thr sky is a beautiful purple that morphs into orange as the sun rises. I look behind me at my beautiful girlfriend lying in bed, her beautiful red hair flared over the pillow. I'm dressed in my white top, jeans,...

3 years ago
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Private Island Vacation

I surprised Marina when I called telling her pack a bag and be ready in a half hour. We arrived at Executive Airport where my private jet waited to take us to my private island. Marina is stunned to see a private jet and find out I had a private island. She is surprised everyday with new discoveries about my life and the way I lavish her with gifts. We landed on the island and I took her hand, leading her out of the trees towards the house. Slowly we passed the immense grounds of the estate...

2 years ago
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Private Revelations

(To the reader: If you like the following story, the author would appreciate hearing from you via the PM function in the Forum section and can reply. The author cannot reply by email.)
 [The following is transcribed from a collection of papers recently found in a cardboard box in the attic of an old house in rural Vermont that was once a parsonage. It is clearly an address intended to be delivered to a group known as the Sisters of Heaven and Earth, and presumably it was in fact delivered. I...

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Private Tutor for Trophy Mom and Daughter

Introduction: This story was previously removed for underage. It has been revised to make the daughter 18 years old. Chapter I: Landing the New Job I graduated from college just as the economy took a sharp downturn and the job market for English majors was considerably bleaker than it normally is. After failing to land a teaching job, I put ads in some upscale publications as a private tutor. Living on Manhattans Upper West Side I thought I had a good chance of stringing along enough students...

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PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van Heckle, (Dottie to most people) was a tall distinguished looking woman with grey hair (she was about 60) and a firm voice. She had directed this school since the beginning. She was an enigma to most. There were many rumours about her, but nothing was ever proven or investigated. One persistent rumour was that she had wild parties in her very pPRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van...

4 years ago
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Private School for Lesbians PART 1

PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS- PART 1WELCOMING THE NEW SCHOOL YEARNote: Of course, no such school restricted only to lesbians exists. I think that it will one day, and I am trying to imagine what would be going on in those schools. The Mary Doherty private school for women- college level- was founded some 10 years ago and catered only to lesbians with the proper academic standing. The tuition fees were astronomical. Located in southern California, it could only be reached from the main highway by...

2 years ago
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Private Dancer

The music was loud and pulsing as the DJ announced her. She stepped through the black-light back lit threshold, through the colourful beads, and onto the stage. The crowd was good and through the smoke, into the darkened room, she saw her. The men waving their Euros and Pounds and Dollars faded as her focus honed in on the woman on the side of the stage. She liked it when women were there. Men, bless them, can be such mindless c***dren at times. But, stripping for other women made her hot and...

2 years ago
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Private Game Part 2

As she walked in the front door her husband met her with a hug.“Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all afternoon. They let me out early so I thought you might want to go to the mall or movies while we have some free time.”With a confused look in her eyes she stared at her husband. She could usually tell when he was messing with her and right now he was being completely serious. At that moment her heart began to race just a bit. “I was busy with one of your dares.” She stated.For the...

5 years ago
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Private Miller

PRELUDE Shannon's body moved slowly in the seat, responding to every little touch, each caress. She didn't know which was the slowest ... his mouth exploring the inside of her trembling thighs as it moved up from her knees or the excruciatingly slow descent of her soaked thong being drawn down her legs. When they met half way he didn't ignore either one. Instead, he licked and kissed his way around the flimsy garment, taking time to enjoy the soaked lace by gently rubbing his face in it....

2 years ago
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Private EyesChapter 11 Sarah

I got a call from Arturo on my day off. I was pissed. I had plans for the day. I needed to go over the personnel files of every eligible woman who worked at Chris' company. I couldn't afford another Mara. It broke my heart every time I thought about him being with a skank like her. I needed to find a nice girl for him. Someone he could grow to love and have babies with. I knew it would kill me when he finally found someone, but I wanted her to be perfect for him. Arturo told me to dress up...

2 years ago
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Let's have a look at Sky Private! There are hundreds upon hundreds of xxx cam sites out there that let you watch sexy girls strip, masturbate, and dance for you on command. Not many of them offer much outside of the usual model of how these sites tend to operate, though: you click into a girl’s room, watch her alongside hundreds of other dudes, tip to encourage her to show more, and then pay a certain number of coins in order to enter into a private show with her. As porn addicts, I’m sure you...

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