Gullible Schoolgirls Taken by Scum
- 4 years ago
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Often it's the little things that change your life. Two lines of an old song,a trace of scent you all but forgot existed, a face in a crowd looking justlike someone you knew and cared about? It sparks a thought, encourages a gesture,the little gears get in motion, the synapses start firing. The change is justan idea, weak, barely noticeable and unlikely to survive, but it snowballson until there it is ? a different life than the one you once knew. A new life,born of a small, insignificant seed.
Then again, some lives take much more work to change. In Susan's case it tookanger, desperation, impatience, stubbornness, alcohol and frustration, allcemented together through a string of bad decisions and wrong choices. Lookingback on unfortunate events, it is often easy to say they could have been avoidedwith just slightly more attention to detail. Susan will look back on the eventsof that night and what she will see is going to make her hate and despise herself.The hurt will pass, the shame may be suppressed, perhaps even forgotten, butthe guilt will stay. Some changes are irreversible and this is exactly whatSusan inflicted upon herself. There will be scars, oh, yes, there will be scars.It didn't just happen, though, no. She brought it on. She was looking for it,she was asking for it. That much is clear to her. Susan isn't stupid.
It doesn't take a stupid woman to be frustrated with her life. It doesn'ttake a stupid woman to be angry at her husband. Hell, it doesn't take a stupidwoman to imagine that one evening spent away from home, responsibility gaugeturned off for the occasion, will somehow bring some colour into the grey.Not that grey becomes any easier to bear tomorrow. No, the home, the kids,the church, the family weekends, the same commercials on every stupid TV channel,the same bed every night with the same words, gestures, foreplays, main courses,same moans and sighs, well rehearsed hundreds time over, they stay the same.The same problems, the same solutions, the birth and care machine running withinthe advertised parameters? Surely, there is no reason to complain? Either way,your warranty period is over and has been for a long time. No money back, nofree drinks. Sorry.
Susan slammed the door behind her. Looking back on it, it makes so littlesense. How childish is it to walk out of the family house, refusing to tellher husband where she will be or even when she will be back? Fuck him, shethought, let him wonder. He deserves it. An evening with the girls, that'sall he needs to know. Let him wonder whether those girls sport penises in theirunderwear. Let him wonder whether those ?girls' will just have a few drinks,a few laughs and the obligatory few rounds of gossip, or whether they willfuck his pretty suburban wife, make her swallow some cock, come onto and intoplaces he could never think of and perhaps even call her some names he'd neverdare let pass his lips.
But anyway. That was not the plan. That was a passing thought in Susan's head.A chuckle on a back seat of a taxi while riding to the café. My wife,a slut. Hahaha, now there's an idea. Let him wonder, let the bastard hurt alittle, let him feel threatened, insecure and humiliated. He knows that menlike to look at his wife. Come on, he is not stupid, he can tell his wife isattractive, he can see men are attracted to her, despite her age, pregnancies,despite her suburban ennui, he can see the stares in restaurants, church, theatre? Lethim fry a little tonight. Let him wonder whether Susan's had enough and whethershe's decided to accept one of those unspoken invitations. He could see theway she dressed, he could see the make up she put on. He could see the skirtshe decided to wear was somewhat shorter than what usually passes for decencyin soccer mom circles. He could see the cleavage that was suggesting more thanjust a friendly round of drinks with her female friends. He could see the highheels that will no doubt turn heads of men around Susan and produce commentsabout her legs and behind. Let's give the man his due ? he is not stupid. AndSusan knew he was not going to try to stop her go out dressed like that ? thatwould not be in his rational, mild nature ? but she also knew he would be worrying.Oh, yes, let him worry. Let him worry what happened to his wife so that shegot dressed like a slut, refused to even speak to him respectfully on her wayout and click-click-clicked on her high heels towards the taxi that awaited.
What her husband could not see was the face of a taxi driver in the rear viewmirror. Nervous, quick glances framed by drops of sweat, glances hoping notto be noticed by the leggy passenger in the back seat and yet hoping to stealenough time so that the image of a tall, sexy woman riding towards her favouritecafé dressed like she is intending to make someone happy, remains firmlyetched into the mind. Susan chuckled again. Of course she noticed the driverwas looking at her. He was young and not looking particularly clean. A fewideas and images passing through her head sent a pleasant impulse down herspine. Remembering that those same ideas, albeit probably in a censored formshould be forming in her husband's head at exactly the same time made her feeleven better.
Dressing like a slut to piss your husband off is hardly a sin, or even a crime.It's not even something one would call eminently stupid. Getting drunk is slightlyhigher on the list of stupid gestures but then again, sometimes we recognisedespair only when we're halfway to the oblivion. It's just something peopledo. Those who haven't been there may feel free to cast the first stone etc.
So, yes, she got comments from her friends. Yes, all three of them commentedon her legs, her skirt, her cleavage, her make up, this is just something girlsdo. It doesn't matter whether they are fourteen, sixteen, twenty five, or,as in this case, in their forties. This is a girl thing. Susan laughed andsipped her cocktails as her friends used the words like ?foxy', ?minx' andfelt the pleasant tremors in her lower belly when the words jokingly changedinto ?slut' and ?fucktoy'. It's those moments when enjoying being sexy justbecause you are does wonders for one's self-esteem. This is your fuel, Susan,it'll keep you running for weeks, months, if you're lucky. Cross your legsagain, look at how sexy they look in black stockings, feel the fabric slither,hear the sound of your long, manicured fingernails produce absently scratchingagainst your thigh.
Susan felt content. Being a woman, an attractive woman among other women whoall acknowledged her looks and made very clear comments about her sex appealis good. The only thing better is throwing some men in the mix, right?
Was it the third or fourth cocktail in when Mick and Shane joined the groupof merry women at their table? Susan was not sure. The other thing she normallywouldn't be sure about was the logic behind having two men barely half herage join the group of female friends chatting about their husbands, sons, jobs,TV shows and sex. Normally, that wouldn't have happened at all. Susan was surprisedit did happen. Blame it on alcohol. Everybody would anyway. They did have quitea bit to drink, all of them, and they did channel their conversation into somekinky directions so far. Two young gentlemen approaching a bunch of ripe women(loud, somewhat indecent women, at that) politely asking whether they couldjoin, pointing out at the crowded tables around them etc., well, that soundedlogical at the moment.
If we are to throw any accusations at Susan, reliance on logic should be oneof them. Dressing like a slut and getting drunk and somewhat foul-mouthed isone thing. Believing that there is an undercurrent pattern in the world thatwill protect people who fail to protect themselves is quite another. Everyday spent on Earth means you learn a difficult lesson. Susan will just payfor the lesson considerably more than the usual fee.
Mick and Shane, both apparently of Irish origin (which may or may not accountfor the thin moustache of the former and the wild, curly hair of the latter)were apparently quick to assess the situation and adjust their tactics accordingly.Susan smiled in her mind. They were young and horny. They probably knew thatthey had no chance with a bunch of married women in their forties. But theydecided to give their best under the circumstances. This is amusing, Susanthought, this is getting better and better.
It did get better. Or worse, depending on the perspective. Susan could noticeMick's and Shane's gazes repeatedly skim over her breasts, legs and face, inquick feverish bursts. Boys will be boys, apparently, she thought. She smiledagain, this time not only in her mind. Let them have some more, why not?
Next time Mick's eyes went downwards to get another shot of her long, slenderlegs she looked straight at him to show him she knew what was going on. Thenshe smiled (pre-emptying his possible reaction of panic and embarrassment)and crossed her legs, slowly, seductively, just for him.
He noticed. He couldn't have not noticed. Everybody noticed anyway. Shanenoticed it, and her friends noticed it. That should have made her feel self-consciousin a less than positive way but it didn't. Instead, it made her feel sexierand sluttier than before. The evening just got nastier than she had hoped for.And it felt good.
Is there room for accusations here? Certainly, what Susan did crosses overinto immoral territory? Then again, it just went on so naturally. As they say,one thing leads to another.
And another. And another. How many drinks were there in the end? Susan willnot be able to tell. Not tomorrow, not ever. Either way, there will be moreserious matters to occupy her mind. The things kept leading one to anotherwith seamless ease worthy of a good pulp novel.
The conversation at the table gradually found itself confined in a trianglebetween Mick, Shane and Susan. The rest were locked out. Realistically, therewouldn't be room for one more as sexual innuendo, of a subtle and less subtlekind, got passed between the three of them. Susan was looking at the men'sfaces as they grew more and more aroused with her ambiguous suggestions, half-jokesand the way she kept changing the position in her seat. They want to fuck me,she said to herself. They would like to strip me and fuck me right here ifthe circumstances allowed. They probably never hoped to find a woman my agehere, looking the way I do, acting like a sex crazed whore, like I do. I amsure they both have raging hard-ons in their baggy, faux-military style trousers.
Susan crossed her legs once again, slowly, loving every second of it. Yes,just as they must have had erections, so were her panties wet with the excitementthe evening provided. It was better than she had hoped for. She'd hoped forquick glances from men around her, perhaps a name or two thrown at her in thestreet by youths acting bold in front of their friends. That would have beenenough. What she got here was so much better, so much more arousing. Two youngmen drooling over her, a verbal fuck session just barely disguised as a café conversationbetween almost strangers. Susan loved it. She will go home soon enough. Shewill go home and tease her husband until she admits it was just a proper nightwith the girls. She would fuck him too. But if he is not ?down' with it (asMick and Shane would put it), she had her vibrator ready. Oh, yes, that willbe a perfect punchline to a good evening. An orgasm concluding hours of deeperand deeper arousal and shameless, hot flirting with strangers half her age.
Let us discuss guilt now. It wouldn't exactly be true to say that Susan didn'tfeel any guilt. After all, some of the things she said would make her blushquickly in any other situation. Some of the looks she directed at Mick andShane would make her husband very angry if he were there to witness them. But,she thought, after all, this is just childish flirtation. There is no deepermeaning to any of this. I know that, they know that, there is no chapter two,no bad consequences. There is no harm in this.
If there is one thing that Susan takes away from this night, which she canuse later in life, let's hope it is the knowledge of harm. Harm is always there.Harm is always around, infinitely patient, just awaiting an invitation. Susanproduced a king-size invitation, complete with golden print and calligraphichandwriting. No matter how drunk, horny and desperate one gets, accepting aride home from a pair of total strangers usually sounds like a bad idea.
Susan usually knew bad ideas when she saw them. And, it is fair to say thatshe knew Mick and Shane offering to give her a ride home was a barely disguisedsuggestion of sex. She did refuse at first. Then they argued. More jokes. Moreinnuendo. More pleasant tingling between her legs. These guys wanted her sobad. She could see the bulges in their trousers. Why not prolong the fantasya bit longer? As long as she is in control, it will be fine.
Control. One thing Susan was not in control of was that pair of long, slenderlegs, dressed in those slutty stockings and those fuck-me shoes. She did acceptShane's help in getting up and leaned on him on their way out. Her friendscheered. At least she thinks they did.
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I stretched and moaned softly as I sat up straight in my chair. The wooden chairs in the library always left me feeling stiff after a couple of hours. I blinked a few times and looked down at the book I had been reading. I was studying the various myths and legends of Krishna for my comparative religions class, but all the names and Sanskrit words began to jumble together in my mind.I decided to take a bit of a break, and pulled out the copy of XY magazine I had brought along with me. I...
Gay MaleHey, indian sex stories dot net friends, it’s Rahul, 24 yrs old, fair and athletic. I am working in Kochi Ernakulam. I thank you all for your feedbacks. My email id is So friends, this is a continuation of the first part of this story. I kindly insist you all to go through the first part, in order to enjoy the second. After our first fuck, Sharda aunty and I, we both were hungry for each other’s flesh. Her husband was on official tour as usual, kids on vacation, now this is what we call, a...
The Sinful Tastes This is the tale of Prince Arlan Baratheon. Arlan Baratheon is the Son of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon, with the classical Baratheon bright blue eyes and the Lannister Golden Hair. He was a normal person who had landed in Westeros and with defective magic he had just enough control about his magic to increase his reflexes, strength, stamina, speed many times. His charisma was at ridiculous levels now. But That he realised consciously a magical Aura, experiencing...
I was in a relationship for two years with a blonde blue eyed tempest in a tea bag named Crystal. Our relationship had gone stagnant and unhealthy. She thought she was God's gift to me. She also believed she had me over a barrel even though we hardly had any sex anymore. I threatened to break up with her but she just called my bluff. That proved to be her biggest mistake! I met a korean girl at the bank where I work who was a regular customer. Her name is Hwang. She has beautiful dark brown...
InterracialHi guys. I am Kingkong2, back with another story. My previous story got a very good response. Thank you for encouraging me to write more. I am always ready to help and lady or female in any way they want. Sorry for the delay. I was busy satisfying my physical urges. Today I am going to tell you about one such physical pleasure that made my dick a pro. Without wasting much of your time, let me get to the story. It was 1 year ago. I was doing my masters in one of the reputed government...
Now “Exotic Angels” is a business like any other. They need to advertise in order to bring in customers. The only problem is that they do it through the use of billboards that start showing up about 20 miles before the exit. I don’t blame them for this, it’s a good business decision to let the millions of people that travel up and down Interstate 95 know that they’re open 24 hours a day and have an “all you can eat buffet”. They really need to get rid of that phrase on a strip club...
I have been alone all day. I decide to go see Alex even if I don’t like him. I think bout the dark mood he is always in. We have been working on a play together the past two weeks. Today I need to go over and help him make some revisions. The October wind cuts at my face as I walk outside. I am wearing a tight brown dress and gold ballerina flats. I have cut my hair super short again and dyed it red. People are staring at me as I walk quickly past store windows and little eateries. I always...
I’d been working for Andy Saints café for two weeks, three days, nine hours and 56 seconds and counting. It was hell. It shouldn’t have been hell, not even a bit, but Andy didn’t like me very much. No idea why but he just didn’t. Andy’s café was a small library sized place. It had ceiling high glass walls and sleek cherry oak tables and black marble counters. Above the café there were 2 apartments. They were university dorm sized and they shared a bathroom, kitchen and living space. I moved in...
There were a few weeks of organizing involved for our next adventure. Without Jacqueline knowing, she will be the centre of attention this time round. As we are packing our clothes, Jacqueline asks what I would like her to pack. “Can you make sure you bring the maid outfit along, please?” I answer. “Of course, anything for you my love,” she replies. If she knew what I had in store for her this evening, would she have been as willing to pack the garment? We arrive at the hotel around 6 o...
Jake heard the front door open, followed by two voices raised in loud, drunken laughter. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. At least somebody is having fun on a Friday night. Despite having broken up with his girlfriend almost a month earlier, he was in no hurry to get back into the game. Work and classes cut into his time, and he remembered all too well how hectic it had been the last time he was trying to find someone. With a few promising conversations going on the dating site he’d...
On the ride up northbound Interstate 95 from South Carolina to North Carolina you will come up on a club called “Exotic Angels”. “Exotic Angels” bills themselves as the “The one stop shop for all your Adult Toys and Entertainment needs.” Now “Exotic Angels” is a business like any other. They need to advertise in order to bring in customers. The only problem is that they do it through the use of billboards that start showing up about 20 miles before the exit. I don’t blame them for this,...
I was spending a day cruising for fun on Craig's List when I came across an add that caught my eye. A 30 something guy was looking for the following, "I want someone to come over and rim me and stroke my cock to completion. I'll be bent over a table and have porn playing. If you want to jo while you do it that's fine also. I am also up for fingering but have a virgin ass hole so be gentle. I am white. Late 30s hwp. 6ft tall. Must send pic in first reply. Not a lot of emails. Looking for now. I...
Hi All, first of all, thank you all the ISS writers who gave the inspiration to write this story and guts to try this lady. As this is my first story please try to ignore my mistakes but don’t ignore the story. You will miss the fun. I am John (name changed) from India. Presently residing in the USA. I am 26 years old and pursuing Masters. I am an average built, in shape with a height of 5.6 feet. But flexible in all angles with the 6-inch tool. Any lady who would like to have fun, email me to ...
“Really are you checking your phone again?” Asked Shelle as she looked at me from across the table.“So what if I am” I stuck my tongue out at her as I sighed. It had been over 3 days and still no call or text I guess thing really were over between us. Not that I was surprised. Me and Lewis seemed to break up pretty much every week but this one seemed to be the worst.“Really, Tammy I don’t know why you put up with that crap. He only does it to get under your skin. He breaks up with you every...
This is a true incident that happened two weeks ago and it took me 2 weeks to get out of that sweet shock to pen down this experience of mine. Readers of my earlier stories might know that am currently in Europe and that’s something that I am glad about. Cause 2 weeks ago I had this wonderful chance of going to bed with a very elderly Dutch woman. She is by far the oldest woman I have ever had sex with. She was 48. She is the best ever. Her name is Christina and she has been divorced for 10...
Hello everyone, my name is harvinder. I live in melbourne, australia. This is a narration of what happened 2 years back, when i was in punjab, back home. I was studying in year 11. My house is very close to my nani’s house, so since childhood i spent most of my time with my cousins at nani’s home. Back then i was fascinated with computers, as i did not have one at my place, when my cousin bought one nani’s place, everyday after school i would go there to play games and browse the internet. Now...
IncestI wrote this with so much of ravishment. I am sure you would also feel the same reading this. Please rate the story if you like it, that would help me write more with more vigor. I am curious to know how you felt while reading this story, so please write descriptively about it to me . I am planning to write a female centric story just to please the girls and make them wet in their panty, so girls please write to me about how the story needs to be. I would release the next part of this story...