Cavendish Enlightened
- 2 years ago
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Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved
Author can be contacted at [email protected]
This story might appear to be quite vanilla, and, indeed, to begin with itis simply about a wife swapping party. But like all my stories there's a twistat the end, and the twist in this one is decidedly Femdom. So have patience.
End Game
?I am not going to fuck in front of other people! You can forget that', Tracypouted from the front seat of the car.
We were on our way to my first swinging party. This was something I'd beenhoping to do for more than three years and I had finally persuaded Tracy tocome with me. You could say I was excited, excited almost to the point of beingterrified. I'd only been able to eat half the size of dinner I usually do,and I felt like I might throw it up at any moment. I was breathing a lot quickerthan normal, so much so that talking for any length of time was a fight againstbreathlessness. And my mouth was so dry my words stuck to the roof. My wholebeing was on edge; every little thing irritated me: like Tracy's latest challenge,like the sweat in my groin that was making my balls feel tacky, like my shoesthat seemed to be a little too tight. I was a mess. I wanted this party sobadly, I wanted my fantasy of an orgy, but I was so wound up right now I knewI couldn't get it up right now. But I had to go on. But then it must be thesame for everyone, mustn't it? I had to believe that I would eventually relaxand be able to perform.
I'd been wanting to party ever since I'd read about such events in Forum magazine.The thought that there were parties where you could have access to many womenand could swap partners, maybe several times in an evening, had been doingmy head in for years. I'd researched the scene extensively and found out aboutparties organised on a commercial basis, with quite steep entrance fees. Thatwould have been worth it, but as soon as I suggested it to my wife, she'd turnedme down, made it clear she wasn't keen. She had some serious misconceptionsabout what happened at such functions. For three years I'd kept on, explaininghow they work, putting the reasons why we should go, trying to persuade her,trying to convince her that it would be fun. Obviously, I hadn't been keento buy tickets knowing she would probably not come with me. I kept on puttingthe positive side and she kept saying no, but every time with less conviction.Then I'd got an invitation to a private party with free entrance. It was toogood to turn down. I knew she wasn't keen, but I was sure I could persuadeTracy if only I tried hard enough, and long enough. So one final huge effortand then she agreed, and here I was, in the car, Tracy beside me, and in justa few moments I would realise my dream.
Even now, Tracy wasn't as enthusiastic as I was, as you can tell from herlanguage, but at least she'd agreed to accompany me. This was important becauseI couldn't go to the party on my own - like all such parties it was strictlycouples only. She had liked the idea of the games and the flirting, and I thinkshe even liked the idea of being able to choose some other man for a one-off.What she definitely hadn't been so keen on, was doing it in a room with lotsof other people present, even if they were absorbed in the same activity. Itseemed she didn't have an exhibitionist gene in her body. I had to keep heron-side, though. I couldn't let her back out. Not now. Yet she seemed to beback-pedalling. I stole a glance at her. She was sitting there with her armsaggressively folded - if folding your arms can be an act of aggression - andshe looked like someone had just squeezed a nipple without permission. I hadto reassure her, remind her of the attractive aspects of the enterprise, persuadeher to keep her toys in the pram.
?Of course not', I said, ?you won't have to do anything you really don't wantto. Look, I know you're a bit nervous about this party. We've neither of usbeen to one before so we don't really know what will happen, but I understandfrom Mike that, to begin with, we will be playing a few games, sexy games withthe chance to flirt, but just games nevertheless, to get everyone in the mood.Nobody's going to ask you to put on a show of fucking, or anything like that.'I was running out of oxygen and paused to take a big breath, to let that sinkin, and to prise my tongue from the roof of my mouth where it had stuck itself.I hoped she wouldn't take the opportunity to interrupt. ?Mike says you cannever be sure what will happen when the games are finished; some people mayjust want to talk or they may want to swap. Some may want to use the same room,so as to get turned on by watching the other couples at the same time as couplingthemselves, but equally there are some who like privacy. It is a private house,after all. We can do exactly what we want. If at that point you don't wantto do anything, we can just talk, or we can leave. If there's someone you fancyyou can find a private room. There's absolutely no expectation or obligationfor us to do anything, and nobody will worry if we choose to leave.' I hadto stop again and catch my breath. I stole another glance at her as I was driving.She still had a face like sour cream. ?Anyway,' I continued, ?I thought wehad agreed to see how it goes and to leave if we don't like the way it's going?I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you'd only gave it a chance.'
?No! I didn't definitely agree to anything,' she replied a little too quicklyfor my liking. ?OK, I thought it might be a bit of fun, but now I'm not sosure. I've read about these parties on the internet. Yes, I could be interestedin having another man for a night, but I don't like the idea of people watching.Making love should be personal, between one man and one woman. I've read thatat these parties you have to share rooms with other couples or at least letthem watch from the doorway, if that's the way they get their rocks off.'
I was amused that she should use the phrase ?making love,' for what she hadacknowledged would be a one night stand, but I let that go. She didn't needany further aggravation. ?Look, whatever you've read probably only appliedto one particular party. Or maybe more than one. But as far as I can make out,'I said, and making out was definitely on my mind, ?this party, the one we'regoing to, is completely private, and if you want to be private you can be.Nobody will force you to let others watch. So if you wanted to get togetherwith one of the men, you could do that on your own, in your own room, withthe door locked. And, if you don't want to take it that far on this occasion,that's fine too. We aren't under any pressure. We only have to do what we wantto do. And the games sure sound like fun.'
I'd been having some drinks with my friend Mike one afternoon about two weeksearlier after a round of golf. Somehow he steered the conversation round towomen and sex and I could see later, though not at the time, that he'd beensounding me out to gauge my attitude to what is commonly referred to as wife-swapping,or open marriages if you will. Well, if push came to shove, I'm bound to givethe impression that I'd welcome some extra-curricular activities, aren't I?It's a man thing. Real men take what's on offer, if it's offered. They don'twimp out just because they're married. So I must have given the right answersbecause he invited me to a party ?for uninhibited adults' that he and his wifehold each month at their house. I'd jumped at the chance. There was the smallproblem, however. Mike had made it clear that the invitation was for a couple.I was far from sure I could persuade Tracy in time for us to make use of theinvitation.
I had started my campaign of gentle persuasion to develop in Tracy some, ifnot enthusiasm for, at least interest in the party, a campaign that had beendecidedly uphill. I thought it had been successful, until now. I turned intoa lay-by and stopped the car but kept the engine running. ?Look, we're almostthere now. Can we please call a truce and just go in with the intention ofenjoying ourselves? Promise we'll leave if it just isn't our scene.' Half asmile dashed across her face and was gone in an instant, but it was half asmile more than I'd dared hope for.
I pulled up outside quite a large detached house about two miles outside thetown in the rolling hills of Wiltshire. I guessed it used to be a farm housebut that it had been sold off as a family house when it became necessary, inthe seventies and eighties, for several farms to amalgamate into one to beeconomically viable. I didn't know, but it looked big enough to have five orsix bedrooms. Or was I just being optimistic? There was a welcoming light inthe porch. The door was opened by Mike, a middle-aged man wearing a grin andholding a gin. ?Hello Derek', he said, ?Come on in. Take your coats off - it'salright you can keep the rest of your clothes on for the moment, ho, ho - andchuck them in the study somewhere. You must be Tracy - I'm Mike, glad to meetyou. Grab yourselves drinks from the kitchen then join the rest of us in thefront room. You're the last to arrive so we'll be starting the fun and gamesfairly soon.'
Tracy and I found our way to the kitchen. I poured myself a very large ginand tonic. I was still nervous with a stomach like a butterfly nest and wonderinghow the evening would develop, but I knew the gin would help me relax in time.Tracy 's face now looked like cream that was beginning to curdle. She askedfor a white wine.
?Come on Trace, have something a bit stronger than that!' I said, trying toencourage her. ?You're not really giving this party a proper chance if youdon't have something to loosen up and get in the mood.'
Tracy settled for a sweet Martini and I poured a generous amount into a tumbler.I reckoned a cocktail glass wouldn't be enough to shake off her mood and Ididn't imagine elegance of drinking receptacles was going to be crucial. Claspingour drinks, we moved in to the front room. There were about two dozen peoplestanding around, talking and drinking, aged, I guessed, between mid twentiesand late forties. I only knew Mike and his wife Helen. I assumed the otherswere couples but it was impossible to work out which were which, there seemedto be many men with their arms around two women and vice versa. This was lookingvery promising, I thought, if the guests were this friendly already. As yetI was still too anxious to introduce myself and my unaccustomed trepidationwas making me even more alarmed, but before I could self-destruct in a poolof adrenaline, Mike called the party to order and announced the first game.
?We're going to play Sex Shop so you'd all better get seated.'
Mike turned towards us and said, ?We always play games to break the ice. Itdoesn't matter how well people know each other - and most of them are regulars- they always seem to be slightly inhibited at the start of an evening, butthe games always get things moving. Don't worry if you don't know this game.You'll soon pick it up - it's very like another game which I'm sure you know,but I can't remember the name of.'
There weren't enough proper seats for everyone and we found ourselves on floorcushions next to each other. Tracy positioned herself close to me. I wouldhave liked a little more space under the circumstances, a little more independence.I would have liked us to project an image of a couple that was cool about beingapart, but right now she needed her insecurities to be dealt with so I playedalong. Some of the others were sitting on the coffee table and some of thewomen were on men's laps so I guessed it didn't matter too much at this stage.
?Paula, you start us off please,' said Mike.
?I went to a sex shop and bought a dildo,' said a woman in a far corner ofthe room who was, presumably, Paula.
The man next to her then repeated this statement before embellishing it. ?Iwent to a sex shop and bought a dildo and a packet of strawberry flavouredcondoms.' And so the game continued, each player adding more items to the listuntil it came round to me.
I was having some trouble remembering what everyone had bought but I gaveit my best shot. ?I went to a sex shop and bought a dildo, a packet of strawberryflavoured condoms, um, er, oh yes a nipple clamp, a pair of crotchless knickers,a bottle of Spanish Fly, an inflatable doll and, lets see, how about a pairof handcuffs.' It seemed I'd got it right because at this stage everyone lookedat Tracy as it was her turn.
?I went to a sex shop,' Tracy said hesitantly, ?and bought a dildo, a packetof con... strawberry flavoured condoms, a nipple clamp, a pair of crotchlessknickers, some Span... no a bottle of Spanish Fly, an inflatable doll, a pairof handcuffs aaannnnd a bottle of aspirins'.
?CHALLENGE!', shouted the man next to Tracy .
?What's the problem?' Tracy asked perplexed, giving him one of her affrontedlooks.
?You must add something that you could expect to buy in a sex shop,' he explained. ?Youcan't just pick anything. You wouldn't go to a sex shop to buy aspirins! I'msorry but I believe that means you're out of the game and, since you are thefirst one out, you'll have to take a penalty.'
?Well hold on, perhaps you might want the aspirins because your wife alwaysgets headaches in bed', rejoined Tracy , not prepared to be intimidated.
This caused some amusement amongst the other guests and, after a short debate,it was agreed that Tracy 's justification was too good to merit a penalty,especially as the game had not been explained to us in advance. The man whohad challenged Tracy, who we found out was called Jeff, gracefully acceptedthe penalty on her behalf. She looked more than a little grateful, I thought,and for the first time she began to look happy, almost as if she were enjoyingherself.
?He doesn't do a penalty immediately,' Mike explained to us. ?I record penaltiesand prizes throughout the evening and we settle up later on when the gamesare finished.'
Tracy then started a new round. The game continued with one person being eliminatedeach round when they failed to correctly repeat the list of items, until onlyone person, the winner, was left in the game. She was awarded a prize whichMike simply wrote down on his score sheet.
?Well unless anyone really wants to play that one again I think we'll moveon to the next game.'
Mike paused and looked round the room to see if anyone really wanted a re-runof Sex Shop . I looked at Tracy . She seemed more relaxed and hadmoved slightly away from me. I didn't know when she had moved but she no longerlooked like my Siamese twin. She kept stealing glances at Jeff, next to her,and he would smile back at her. I suppose he was good looking but I'm no judge.I got a sudden unexpected shock of jealousy, like a knife through my heart,when I saw him smiling. He clearly wasn't smiling at anything funny. I gulpedsome more G&T. When nobody spoke up for Sex Shop , Mike said, ?OKlets play Get screwed . Who wants to go out the room first?'
Someone called Stewart volunteered and duly left the room. Mike looked atTracy and me and said, ?OK, this is quite simple really. We'll pick a word,in fact a verb to be precise, and Stewart has to guess the word after only20 questions. He asks questions about the unknown word but he always substitutesthe word ?screw' for the unknown word. You'll soon see how it works.'
Then turning to the rest of the room, ?Well what's the word?'
?How about ?study'?' said a woman who was on her own as was presumably Stewart'spartner.
?OK, that's a good one,' said Mike who proceeded to fetch Stewart back intothe room. Stewart then began to ask his questions.
?Have I screwed today?' he asked. They looked at his partner who said ?No.'
?Have I ever screwed?' ?Yes,' they all replied.
?Do I screw on my own?' This got a mixture of ?yes', ?probably' and ?don'tknow'.
?Have I screwed with anyone else?' This got the same mixed response.
?Does screwing need special equipment?' Some of the people laughed brieflyat this question, and it was decided after discussion that the proper answerwas ?No.'
?Would I go to a special room to screw?' Shouts of ?Yes' and ?Probably.'
?Is screwing dangerous?' ?No.'
?Is screwing exciting?' ?No.'
And so the questions went on. After his twenty questions, Stewart eventuallyopted for ?sleep' and collected a penalty for being incorrect. Everyone gota chance to leave the room and most of us ended up with penalties. I managedto guess my word correctly and won a prize. I happened to ask if screwing wouldbe dangerous for my health and one clever dick, foolishly trying to be funny,said ?only according to the words on the packet.' This indiscreet comment wasnot popular with the others who had simply said ?Yes' and a few more carefullyaimed questions allowed me to confidently guess that the word was ?smoke.'
It doesn't sound like a very exciting game - you had to be there, I guess.Listening to pretty women asking silly questions about screwing had a strangeliberating effect on me and made me believe anything might be possible lateron. None of them had exchanged serious eye contact with me yet but a couplehad honoured me with friendly smiles, so I had to assume my face didn't looklike the way I felt, and at last the butterflies were dispersing slowly.
At the end of the game, Mike announced that we were going to play Passthe Host and this raised an expectant buzz around the whole room. ?Butfirst, we'll all get another drink while I explain the game quickly to Derekand Tracy.' As the others went to the kitchen to refill their glasses, Jeffgave Tracy an I'll-be-back smile which still made me uncomfortable. Mikeexplained the game to us. ?This is our version of pass the parcel. I'll gofirst which means that I stand in the middle of the room and I am playingwith the ladies. Helen will control the music without looking at the room.The ladies have a vibrator in their hand which they keep passing to theirleft until the music stops. When the music stops, the lady with the vibratorin her hand has to ask me to take off one item of clothing. It must be possibleto remove the item without taking anything else off first. I have two piecesof paper somewhere on my body one saying ?penalty' and one ?prize'. If oneof them is attached to the item of clothing I take off then she gets eitherthe penalty or the prize. When both pieces of paper have been revealed, thegame is over and it's Helen's turn to stand in the middle, playing with themen, while I control the music.'
I dashed out to the kitchen and refilled my glass with another large gin andtonic and also put a large slug of Martini in Tracy 's glass. I was just beginningto feel a little light headed, I noticed that the floor wasn't always wheremy foot expected it to be and I certainly wanted Tracy to lose her inhibitionsas soon as possible. So far she hadn't objected to anything, seemed to be enjoyingthe games and it seemed to me she was definitely flirting with Jeff, whichfilled me with unexpected jealousy and hope that this would work out, all rolledinto one. Maybe the scene in the car had just been a storm in a D cup.
Before the game started, Mike handed the vibrator it to Tracy . It was oneof those ultra-realistic ones, which looked like a cock from a well hung nativeAfrican. She looked at it as if she'd never seen one before and then she pulleda wry grin at me. I hope she wasn't thinking that all blacks are equipped likethat. It's a myth after all, isn't it? As the music started, she passed itto the woman on her left. When the music stopped the vibrator had got to avery randy looking blonde who, I guessed, would have been anybody's after twodrinks, so I was not surprised to hear her nominate Mike's trousers.
?Unfortunately, the legs on these trousers are quite narrow at the bottom,'said Mike, ?and I cannot get them over my shoes. You'll have to nominate somethingelse.'
She settled for his pullover, which Mike took off but it did not yield anypaper. The music restarted, the vibrator resumed its travels until the musicstopped and the woman holding it nominated Mike's left shoe. This again revealednothing. Next time the music stopped he had to remove his right shoe, but againno paper. Then, not to anyone's surprise, the next item of clothing that Mikehad to remove was his trousers. The woman with the vibrator was obviously disappointedthat no paper fell to the floor along with Mike's trousers. ?What about thepockets?' she asked. So Mike turned all the pockets out, but still no paper.I could not help noticing that Mike was sporting a significant bulge in hisunderpants, but it didn't look the right shape to have been caused by an erectionand I guessed Mike must be quite well endowed. I wasn't sure I wanted to findout just how well.
The fourth time the music stopped, Tracy was holding the vibrator again. Bynow, Mike was standing in his shirt, underpants and socks and neither of thepieces of paper had been found. I thought it was time she escaped from anyremaining inhibitions so I leant over and whispered in her ear, ?I bet youwouldn't dare to go for his underpants and see what he's got there,' at whichTracy blushed and whispered back, ?Oh no? And why not? I'd bet that you'rethe one who'd lose out if I got to compare his assets with yours! Anyway, Idon't think that's where he would have put the prize, it's too obvious.'
Tracy opted for Mike's left sock and as Mike took it off he turned it upsidedown, shook it and out fell a piece of paper.
?Well let's see what Tracy has got,' said Mike unfolding the paper for allto see that it had PRIZE written on it. Tracy turned to me and gave me an I-told-you-sogrin.
The next woman after Tracy to be left holding the vibrator chose Mike's underpants.Mike treated her, and the rest of the guests, to a slow strip tease. First,he slid his underpants slowly over his hips but without revealing his familyjewels. He turned round to show everyone that there was no sign of any paperyet. Then he slid the front down revealing a very good sized cock with supportingcast. So what? Lots of cocks look big when flaccid but don't deliver the goodswhen they're erect, I said to myself. I felt a little better, but only a little.Again he pivoted round to show that there was no paper to be seen. The womenby this time were cat-calling and telling him to get them off. Finally, heslid the pants about halfway down his thighs and then reached into them totake out a piece of paper - the penalty. I'm sure Tracy was dying to give mean even more pointed grin, but I studiously avoided looking at her and givingher that satisfaction.
Helen walked into the centre of the room and Mike walked over to the hi-fi.Tracy noticed that Mike slipped his underpants right off. ?You would have thoughthe would have put some of his clothes back on wouldn't you?' Tracy commentedto me.
?Maybe he will after the game is finished', I replied, but I suspected thatthis was the beginning of a general disrobing.
Helen was wearing a smart trouser suit and the men now had their turn to findthe pieces of paper by getting her to strip. ?Perhaps I'd better just confirmthat I can't get my trousers off over my shoes either,' said Helen before themusic started. The first two men chose Helen's shoes which did not reveal anypaper. Whether this was deliberately done so as to allow the following selectionsto be from a wider choice or whether the men simply went for what they thoughtwere low risk options was not clear. In any event the next man asked her toremove her trousers. Helen slipped them off and then did not wait to be askedbut simply turned all the pockets out to show there was no paper. Underneath,she was wearing tights and through the tights could be seen a pair of lacyknickers. There was no obvious sign of any paper to be seen through the tightsbut I didn't know how cleverly it might have been hidden. All the same, whenthe music stopped, the man with the vibrator presumably also didn't think thetights were concealing any paper for he chose the jacket. Helen took off herjacket and once again showed all the pockets empty. Helen could now be seento be wearing tights with knickers underneath, and a blouse. It looked as ifshe was not wearing a bra because the shape of her aroused nipples could beseen quite clearly underneath the blouse.
Once again the music played for a short space of time and then Helen was askedto remove her blouse. Before removing it she reached into the turn-down collarand pulled out a piece of paper.
?Well, Andrew,' she said, ?you've certainly got something but I'll just slipout of my blouse before we look.'
As the blouse came off, Helen could be seen to be wearing a special bra withcut-outs for the nipples to poke through. Well, I thought, that certainly fooledme. Helen opened the paper to show that it had the word PENALTY written onit.
?Sorry about that Andrew, rather a poor reward for being gentlemanly and choosingthe most innocuous item. But as you know, we always randomise the locationsbefore we start,' said Helen. Mike hadn't explained about the locations beingrandomised. I wondered about pointing out to Tracy the flaw in her reasoningas to why she hadn't chosen Mike's underpants, but decided that, since she'dended up with a prize anyway, I'd be wasting my time.
Next it was the turn of Helen's tights but no paper had been hidden there.I found myself holding the vibrator when the music next stopped and I lookedat Helen wearing only her bra and knickers. Now it was Tracy 's turn to tauntme but I quickly decided that I was going to make sure of a reward, one wayor other and announced that I wanted Helen to take off her knickers. Even ifthe paper wasn't there, I reasoned, I would at least catch a glimpse of herpussy. Helen too decided to provide a bit of a strip show with her knickers,slowly easing them over her hips, then moving the elastic at the back rightdown to crotch level and slowly turning round giving a beautiful view to allthe guests of her shapely buttocks. Then she lowered the elastic at the frontrevealing that her hair had been partially shaved leaving just a small heartshaped patch. Finally she turned her back to me and bent forwards so that asshe slid the knickers down her legs, she gave me, in particular, a wonderfulview of her shaved cunt. While bent down to step out of them, she took thesecond piece of paper from the gusset of the knickers as they lay on the floor.
Immediately, all the other guests got up and started removing their own clothes,except Tracy and I who watched rather puzzled. Mike hurried over, ?Oh look,I'm sorry, I obviously forgot to explain that when this game finishes, allthe guests have to get undressed until they're in the same state of dress orundress as Helen and I, so that means, Derek, that you take everything offexcept your right sock and shirt and Tracy takes everything off except herbra. Assuming you're wearing one, of course,' he said turning to Tracy . ?Don'tworry though, it won't be long before you have them all off .'
?I think we'd better go', Tracy said sotto voce.
?Oh come on! It's just getting undressed that's all. It's not so much differentfrom going to the golf club sauna after all,' I whispered back.
?That's what you think, is it? Well I think this is bound just to be the startof it and I'd rather leave before it goes too far. Before long it's just goingto be one big orgy.'
?Come on! We agreed to give it a try and it hasn't gone too far yet, you justsaid so yourself that it's only the start. We're still playing games.'
?Get real! They want everyone undressed so they can ogle each other and thenit will be touching up and then it will be fucking.'
?How can you know that?' God, I thought, I hope she's right! ?It's just abit of harmless fun. It's just like being on the beach in the south of France! Anyway, ogling is not groping.'
?Well, OK. But I'm not completely happy about this and I'm not letting anyonemaul me just because I don't have anything on'. I noticed, though, that shehad a good stare at Jeff. He looked as if he had the wherewithal to more thansatisfy Tracy later on. This was like walking a tightrope though. We were slowlyinching our way to the promised land but one false move and Tracy would falloff and lose her cool. I had to keep her balanced and going forward. I washappy if she saw a goal to aim for - Jeff - even if at this stage I hadn'tfound anyone. For once, I had to be patient.
?How about musical chairs?' asked Mike. This was greeted by general approvalfrom the guests who immediately started collecting chairs and lining them upin the middle of the room. ?This is just like real musical chairs', Mike explainedto Derek and Tracy. ?The men go one way round the chairs in the middle andthe women go round the other way on the outside of the men. When the musicstops, the men have to try to sit down on a chair and the ladies have to finda lap to sit on. One man and one woman is eliminated each time the music stops.Ladies have to sit on the lap facing the gentleman.'
Tracy looked around the room. The guests were obviously quite excited at theprospect of the next game and nearly all the men were now sporting erections.I guess it suddenly occurred to her what sitting on a strange lap might belike. It had certainly occurred to me what it would be like from the lap'spoint of view and I was already three quarters of the way to sporting a hugeerection. But Tracy picked up her clothes and made for the door. I hurriedafter her. ?What are you doing?' I asked.
?Were going home. Like I was saying just a moment ago, this is just an excusefor the men to grope the women and I don't want any part of it.' We stoppedin the hallway.
?Don't be silly, Nobody is going to grope you. You just sit on a lap, that'sall. What's wrong with that for Christ's sake? Please don't get dressed.'
?I'm not going to argue about it, Derek. I don't like it. You said we couldleave if it was over the top and it is, so we're leaving and that's all thereis to it.' She had sour cream all over her face again.
?No it's not all there is to it. I don't agree that it's over the top. It'sjust a bit of harmless fun. We said we would stay and see what happened. Wesaid we'd play the games and if it progressed to fucking we would leave ifwe didn't want to join in. Well that hasn't happened yet. We're still onlyplaying games. Nobody has asked you to fuck in front of them and that's theonly thing you said you wouldn't do. I'm just getting into this party. It'sjust warming up. If we leave now we'll never know what it was like.' I wasactually thinking that I'd never know, but I wanted to make Tracy feel she'dbe missing out too. ?We'll leave if it really does get out of hand but notbefore.' I was losing her. Even as we argued she was getting her clothes backon. I tried one last desperate gamble. ?Who knows, maybe you'll get to siton Jeff's lap.'
?It's not just harmless body contact! Did you see all those men with theirstiff cocks. It's obvious that the aim is to press their cocks against thewomen's bodies when they sit down on their laps and as far as I'm concernedthat is over the top. It's practically fucking. It's not something I'm preparedto do in public with everyone looking. And as for your suggestion about Jeff,that just shows you also know that this is not about harmless body contact.Yes, I quite fancy him, but as I keep saying I'm not doing it in public. Nowwill you take me home?'
?Hang on, They've obviously played this game before. It's pure chance - theresult of the previous game - that everyone is practically undressed. Theymust have played this on other occasions when wearing more clothes, so it'snot just an excuse to grope!'
?You can't know that,' Tracy said. ?Maybe they always arrange for everyoneto be practically naked by their choice of where to hide those silly bits ofpaper. Now take me home.'
?No I won't take you home. I want to stay. We agreed we'd stay.'
?Derek, I am telling you for the last time I am not going to stay. Now pleasetake me home like we agreed.' By now she was fully clothed.
?No. Find yourself a taxi if you really must go. You're the one who's breakingthe agreement.'
?Oh very funny, there isn't a taxi rank for miles.'
?Well then just hitch a lift. I'm sure if you lift your thumb nicely, or betterstill give a quick flash of your fanny, some sex starved madman will stop andlet you into his car. Then you'll wish you had stayed here for some safe, controlledfun.'
?Fuck you, you bastard', she said as she walked out the front door, ?and don'tthink you can sweet-talk me in a couple of days and everything will be forgottenbecause you can't. We're finished.' The door closed.
I was stunned. How had this got out of hand so quickly? Was it really overbetween us or was it just her big mouth, again? Had I really been so unreasonableas to justify her breaking off our relationship? I wondered if I should rushafter her, but it didn't seem logical. If she was in earnest, then nothingI could say now would have any effect, whereas if it was just Tracy 's bigmouth again, then we'd make up in a few days anyway. It didn't seem there wasany point in leaving the party just because she was having one of her emotionalsulks. Mike came out to the hall, ?What's going on, we're all ready to start?'
? Tracy 's gone,' I explained. ?She didn't fancy the next game. I think shegot a sudden and acute attack of prudishness.' Then I remembered that thiswas a couples only party. My heart sank. I'd possibly lost Tracy , and I'dhave to leave the party anyway. ?Sorry Mike, perhaps I'd better go too. Thiswill have upset your numbers.'
?No, no problem Derek. Come back into the room. I'll simply get one of themen to sit out the game. Someone with a penalty from an earlier game. Comeon, I think you'll like this game. It's one of my favourites.'
I was still in a state of shock by Tracy 's sudden and venomous departure,but I'd looked forward to this evening too much to just abandon it. I didn'treally believe Tracy . We'd had arguments before and the more I thought aboutit the more I believed we'd make up in a couple of days and it would all behistory. I determined to put it out of my mind and to enjoy what was left ofthe evening.
It turned out that Tracy 's premonition about the game had been rather accurate.Musical chairs turned out to be one of the raunchiest games we played thatevening. The music played and I went round the chairs while the women werecirculating in the opposite direction then, when it stopped, I grabbed a chairand some woman would land on my lap. I had no choice in who this was, whichwas part of the excitement, I guess. I'd never had women thrust themselvesat me before, I'd always chased them - chosen someone I fancied and made aplay for them. But in this game, virtually naked women, some I fancied andsome I was only mildly turned on by, landed on my lap looking hot and flushed.I don't remember why there was such a long pause while the women sat on themen, my recollection of musical chair as a child was that someone would beeliminated from the game and it would restart almost immediately. I guess itwas just to give the players some fun time.
At one point the randy looking blonde plopped down on my lap neatly impalingherself on my stiff cock. This took me by surprise - a pleasant surprise Ihave to admit - but nevertheless a surprise. I didn't actually think it couldhave been done without using hands to guide the entrance, but she must havepracticed, was all I could think. I tried to look around at the other playersto see if any of them had gone this far, or if anyone had noticed her manoeuvreand was looking at us, but the blonde grabbed my chin with her hand and turnedmy head back to look at her. She had sexy eyes, so deep, so devouring and shedemanded my full attention. Once she had it, she started squeezing and relaxingher muscles, sending my cock towards nirvana. So I kept looking at her, oureyes locked, our mouths just an inch apart defying the necessity to kiss until,regretfully, the music restarted. Then she gave me a quick peck on the lipsbefore she rose and we went our separate ways.
Quite apart from the obvious sexual stimulation, I liked the game for itsamusement value. The sight of all those men running round the chairs wearingjust one sock and a shirt with their erections flapping in front of them wasone of the funniest sights I had ever witnessed. As the game progressed, thealcohol began to make serious inroads into my brain. I found I was suddenlycompletely and utterly unconcerned by my own nakedness and the display of myown sexual excitement to the assembled party goers. I no longer cared thatsome of the men were clearly bigger than me. Round and round the chairs I wentuntil the music stopped and I always just had time to plant my arse on a chairbefore some new woman landed on top of me. Whether they wanted to be shy ornot, they had no option but to spread their legs and jump onto my lap. Thiswas the best ice-breaker yet. I would always make some complimentary commentto put them at ease - nice legs, nice tits, great body - well you have to saysomething. Unless that is your cock has become buried deep within her, whenwords no longer matter. But that only happened the once.
The music would start again and it'd be back to the old rotation. Before Ireally realised, I found I was the only man sitting on a chair with the randyblonde once again on top of me. This time thankfully, since all eyes were onus, she refrained from engaging me in another close encounter, so to speak.We had won the game and I had picked up my second prize. Mike suggested thatwe all get a drinks refill before the next game. I was vaguely aware that somewherea phone rang and was answered. I returned to the room with a full glass andlooked around for the sexy blonde, but I couldn't see her. I wanted to reservemy place for later, though I wasn't sure about the etiquette. I definitelywanted more of her. She must have still been in the kitchen, though, whichwas packed with naked bodies searching for new supplies of alcohol. Well, Ithink that's what they were doing. Maybe I shouldn't be so task focussed -go in, get drink, come out. Perhaps I should have lingered more.
Events were now becoming a blur. I no longer felt the bruises when I bumpedinto furniture. The floor of Mike's house developed unexplainable irregularitiesthat made it impossible to walk normally or to stand still. Instead, to havea conversation with someone each of us had to keep moving backwards and forwardslike acrobats on stilts. Everyone was completely naked but I had no recollectionof how or when we'd shed our remaining articles. The women's bodies becameirresistibly attracted to my body, like magnets, so that we'd crash into eachother, whereupon the momentum of our hands would cause them to land on eachother's private parts and then we'd fall about laughing.
Still, I can just remember the next game. It was called Blind Buff Man orsomething like that. It began with the blonde in the middle of a circle formedby all the men. All the men had their hands behind their backs. She was blindfoldedand turned round and round until she was thoroughly disorientated. She wasthen told to choose a man by walking slowly in some direction with her handsbehind her back until she made contact. I was disappointed that she was notwalking in my direction. I was already beginning to feel jealous of any otherman who got her attention. When she arrived at the edge of the circle of men,she made contact with a definite but soft bump as a result of the combinedeffects of intoxication and of her soft curves. She moved herself up and downover his body but was not allowed to use her hands. She kissed him lightlyon the lips then used her mouth to feel his whole body. After two minutes ofthis exploration, she had to guess who it was. She was unsuccessful. The manshe had blindly chosen then went into a circle formed by all the women andhe similarly had to choose a woman and guess who it was. I remember that, atsome point, Mike's wife Helen, correctly guessed the man she was rubbing againstand not only was she awarded a prize, as noted on Mike's list, but a secondturn in the middle.
I don't remember how it worked but I know it was arranged so that everyoneeventually got a turn in the middle. When it was my turn to be in the middle,I must have got very lucky. He found myself pressed up against a warm softbody, my cock pressed against the rough texture of pubic hair. I was so drunkI no longer cared what anybody saw me doing - I would have positioned it somewheremore exciting except that without the use of my hands I knew it would havebeen quite impossible. I kissed the mystery woman and moved down to suck hernipples. Then further down to crotch level to smell her there. I love the smellof a woman's pussy especially when it is aroused as this one was. I wonderedif I could lick her, but she had her legs firmly together and the hair wasabrasive on my tongue, like wire wool. I wondered how I was supposed to identifya strange woman while blindfolded, especially since the one woman I might havebeen expected to recognise had stomped off in a sulk. But there was somethingthat seemed familiar about this woman. I stood up again. Perhaps it was theperfume, or her lips. Something stirred a recent memory. My time was up andI had to guess. There was only one other woman I'd become faintly familiarwith.
?I'm sorry, I don't know people's names,' I said, ?but I think it is the ladywith blonde hair,' I said. It was indeed her, and I was awarded a prize anda second go.
More drink. I don't understand how that's possible but after a certain pointdrink no longer seems to have any effect. It passes the lips but I don't feelit land in my stomach and I don't seem to get any more drunk. Bodies were nowpressing very close together in the kitchen. Stiff cocks colliding with bodies.I no longer freaked out if I contacted someone's erection. Back to the frontroom for another game where we formed into couples. Mike described variousstrange postures that the couples had to adopt. The postures started off quitesimple, like giving each other a bear hug, then became more complex. I particularlyremembered one of these poses. She and I had to face each other while I hadto put my left arm through her legs and hold her right hand behind her backwhile she had her left arm through my legs and holding my right hand behindmy back. I remembered it not only because it was very erotic with all thatclose groin contact but also because it was bloody difficult, after so muchbooze, first to get into the posture and second not to fall over. After eachround we had to form new couples. Only a hazy recollection of other poses survivedmy inebriation; my cock held by warm thighs, faces pressed into sweaty buttocks,toes getting wet in hot groins. Anyway, the game was that, having first rehearsedthe position under Mike's expert guidance, the men and women separated andmoved round in contra-rotating circles with yet more music playing waitingfor it to stop. Then, not only did you have to find your partner, who mightbe anywhere, but you had to get back into the rehearsed position. I found veryquickly that the best technique was to drag my partner to the edge of the roomand out of the confusion that everyone else was creating in the middle. Wethen had space to get into whatever pose Mike had dreamt up. Meanwhile, allthe other players were in a tangled mess of bodies, unable to adopt the simplestof poses. I confess that towards the end of the game, I wondered if it wouldhave been more fun to stay with the writhing bodies. Perhaps I was too competitive?It had always been a problem of mine and it was true that I were nearly alwayswinning the prize, but was I also winning from the point of view of havingfun? I'd had too much drink to be able to work it out.
Suddenly the games were over. Mike went to look at the prize and penalty scoresand to my surprise it turned out that I was the man who had won most prizes.
?This means you get the special prize,' said Mike. ?You'll really like this,just follow Helen.' I was beyond hesitation then. There was nothing I coulddo but follow. I would have liked to know what my special prize would be, butI was very happy to be led away by Helen, the naked, sexy Helen who had givenme a special, private view of her shaved cunt when we were playing Passthe Vibrator or whatever the game was called, for that was the way todiscover my prize. My special prize, whatever it was, and I did want to findout what it was. Helen took my hand and lead me away into a bedroom. Therewas a four poster bed in the room. I wondered if she was the special prizeand whether I should take her now in a manly way, showing her who was boss.But I was instructed to lie down on the bed, so I did.
?Don't be alarmed,' Helen said to me sweetly, ?I'm going to tie you to thebed and you'll find out why in a moment. This is going to be very excitingfor you.'
I'd never been tied to a bed before. Within no time at all, it seemed, I wastied spread-eagled to the bed, one wrist firmly tied to each of the posts atthe head of the bed and one ankle firmly tied to each of the posts at the footof the bed. I hadn't struggled. Helen had somehow made it all seem innocuousand I couldn't have struggled in my inebriated state even if I'd wanted to.I'd just lain on the bed enjoying the touch of her hands as she took my limbsand moved them into position then gently tied them there. She'd been almostprofessional, detached. I felt a tremendous mixture of anticipation, excitement,fear, vulnerability and puzzlement. Perhaps everyone does, the first time theyare tied up naked like that. Her face swam in front of mine one last time.
?Now I'm going to blindfold you,' she continued, ?and I have to make sureyou cannot see because in a moment you will be visited by some of the ladiesand it is essential for your enjoyment that you don't know who they are. Thatis all part of the fun of this prize as I'm sure you'll find out very soon.'Everything went dark as the blindfold covered my eyes. ?Mike will be sortingout those ladies with the most penalties and they will be coming in here topleasure you for four minutes each. It is essential that you do not talk tothem and they do not talk to you otherwise you recognise who they are and,believe me, that would spoil the treat. The only sound you should hear willbe the knock on the door when the four minutes are up.'
By now, I could not see anything nor could I move at all. I was lying therespread wide, immobilized, at the mercy of anyone who was in the same room.The last image of Helen's face was still impressed on my brain. She lookedkind but also something else. What? Sad? Apologetic? Regretful? I heard Helenleave the room. Perhaps she knew she wouldn't be one of the ladies that wouldbe treating me and having seen me on the bed at her mercy she wished she couldhave been. I didn't know why else she might feel depressed. I heard somebodycome in. I listened hard for any clues as to what was happening but the thickpile carpet meant that there was no noise. The next thing I was aware of wassomebody joining me on the bed - the mattress moved down with the added weight.I felt warm smooth skin next to the side of my body, waist high. Then I feltwarm skin on the other side of my body as if someone was straddling me. Mycock was picked up by a warm hand and without further ado I recognised theunmistakable sensation of a sexually excited cunt enveloping my cock. It wasincredible, some woman, and I had absolutely no idea who, was screwing me.My mind raced with the possibilities. My cock throbbed with the sensual stimulationof the anonymous body sliding slowly up and down its length. There was no soundexcept the occasional, characteristic, wet sound of sex. Now I thought I realisedwhat Helen had meant - this would not have been anything like as exciting ifI'd known the identity of the lady who was screwing me; her very anonymityassured an added frisson, the ultimate male fantasy of a ?no commitment' fuck.Too soon I heard a knock on the door and a second later my cock flopped wetlyonto my abdomen as my phantom lover retreated from the room.
Five more times this scenario was repeated. Six times in total an anonymouslady sank my cock to the hilt in her warm moistness. Six times I wondered atthe subtle differences of texture I enjoyed as the intimate embrace rode upand down my shaft. And then, just as I was going to reach my climax with mysixth encounter, there came the knock at the door and my sixth anonymous loverleft me alone. There seemed to be a longer pause this time and I began to wonderif the prize was now finished, but then I heard the door open and, for a seventhtime, somebody entered the room. ?How many more?' I wondered. I realised thatthe next four minutes of screwing would finish me off and I would not be ableto avoid coming, whether there were further women queuing up or not. I beganto think it would be rather a shame if I couldn't manage all the women thatMike had lined up for me.
?Hello Derek. Well you do look a sight.'
My blood ran cold. I seemed to sober up in a millisecond. I recognised thevoice immediately. It was Jenny. What the fucking hell was she doing here?
I am so sorry. I think I owe you an apology. You've probably been readingthe story thus far under a misapprehension, a false premise, an unsafe assumption.You see, Jenny is my wife. Tracy ? She's just some fun on the side. I reallyhadn't thought for a minute that Jenny would turn up at the party so it didn'tseem necessary to explain to you exactly who Tracy is. It seemed a harmlesssubterfuge to allow you to assume she was my wife because it avoided what Iexpected to be an unnecessary explanation. But Jenny's sudden appearance hasnot only caused me considerable consternation but has also made it necessaryto come clean with you about Tracy's status, and, well, the poor state of mymarriage. How embarrassing!
The fact is I've been married to Jenny for fourteen years and inevitably overthose fourteen years we've become completely familiar with each other, andour sex life has become mediocre. We still have sex but not very often andthere doesn't seem to be anything I can do to surprise or excite her, and viceversa. So when we do have sex it isn't particularly satisfying. I did try mybest to add some excitement to our bedroom but it didn't seem to work. I evensuggested to Jenny attending a swinging party, like the one I was now at, butshe had no inclination to participate. I've realised for a long time that Jennyis not one of those women who have the imagination or interest to make thatspecial effort to find ways of making sex interesting; maybe it is becauseshe's usually tired out by her long hours of surgery at the hospital, or maybeit's because, deep down, she simply isn't that interested in sex. Whateverthe reason, I gave up trying, and I found a mistress, Tracy,five months ago.
When I first started having sex with Tracy , it was incredibly exciting. Therewas not only the excitement of a new conquest but also the excitement of knowingthat I was misbehaving and getting away with it. It was like the excitementof having sex when I was a teenager and believing that if my parents foundout I'd be in deep, deep trouble. Jenny seemed to have been grateful for thedecreased attention from me since I no longer pestered her for sex on a regularbasis, so there wasn't even any challenge in keeping the affair secret fromher. She hardly seemed to notice that I happily went to sleep, apparently unsatisfied,and most nights she still got home from the hospital so late that I was homebefore her. On the odd occasion that she was home first, she accepted my explanationof working late at the office. I sometimes wondered if Jenny would have noticed,or even cared, if I had come home one evening with lipstick on my cock. But,of course, it didn't take long for the newness of the relationship with Tracyto pale. That was when the old yearning to experience an orgy returned. I neededthat something extra to satisfy my craving for sexual excitement which waswhy I'd persuaded her to go to the party with me. But back to the party proper.
There was no mistaking Jenny's voice. I couldn't imagine what she was doinghere. How long had she been here? I hadn't seen her downstairs and I couldn'timagine her being there under any circumstances and especially not in an elaboratedisguise. How much did she know? I was instantaneously afflicted by limpness.
?Wha..' I couldn't think what to say, what to ask.
?I must say you look remarkably harmless on that bed, laid out like a dissectionspecimen. What's happened to your cock all of a sudden, darling? Have you lostthe desire to screw? I don't imagine you'd normally do that when there's pussyaround. No matter, are you comfortable?' Jenny removed my blindfold. I foundmy tongue at last.
?What are you doing here?' I croaked in a squeaky voice that surprised evenme.
?Ah, yes, I thought you'd be wondering about that. Well, I received a mostinteresting phone call from your friend, Tracy. She told me all about yourlittle liaison, which didn't please me, and about this party here and whatshe thought was going to happen, which pleased me even less. But she also toldme how you'd broken your promise to leave with her and how you made her toget a taxi on her own. She told me all this because she thought I ought toknow what sort of bastard I'm married to.'
What a traitor, I thought to myself. Well I'm glad I won't be seeing Tracyagain. I might be tempted to strangle her. I could see now, in hindsight, thatshe'd obviously been much more upset than I'd realised. Obviously we wouldn'tbe patching things up again after this. I had to think fast. I decided to denyit all. ?Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what thatbitch said to you but it was obviously all lies. This is not what you think.I thought this was an ordinary party And Mike asked me to bring his friendalong, Tracy , to make the numbers balance. We were all having some harmlessfun but they suddenly they tied me up and took my clothes off. I couldn't stopthem. I can explain it all but not tied up like this; I feel ridiculous. Wouldyou untie me please?'
?You'll have to do better than that, Derek. You see, I've been here quitea while and I even saw you playing some of the games downstairs but you weretoo absorbed in your fun to notice me. Anyway, what you said was illogical.How could they remove your clothes after tying you up? It's not possible.'Far from untying me she was actually moving round the bed, tightening my restraintsso that I couldn't move at all. Not a fraction of an inch was available tomy hands or legs. ?But I don't have to apply logic because I know exactly howmuch resistance you showed to being tied up on this bed. None, to be precise.And I know just how many clothes you were wearing when you were tied up. None,to be precise. And I saw exactly how much objection you raised to the treatmentyou've been receiving from the ladies for the last half hour. None, to be precise.'
This was really bad news. ?You mean you've been in the room watching?' I couldn'tbelieve it but I had to ask. I was beginning to seriously worry. Jenny hadthis calm, almost friendly, voice with which she was talking to me, but I wassure deep down she must be very angry. Especially if she'd seen what had happenedin the room. Her face wasn't friendly, for sure. I couldn't sort out in mymind what was going on.
?Oh, yes,' she confirmed. ?But that is not the whole picture. You see, I'vedone better than that, my darling. I was one of the six ladies who pamperedyour cock while you've been tied to the bed.'
At this point I saw Jenny open her medical bag and take out what looked likeblack thread. Jenny walked over and started to wrap the thread very tightlyaround the top of my scrotum where it emerged from my groin. It was fuckingpainful, let me tell you.
?Ow, what the bloody hell are you doing. That hurts!' I was in real agony,let me assure you.
?Well, I'm not very bothered that it hurts Derek,' came that worryingly calmvoice again, ?and I'm not at all surprised. It's just a bit of surgical ligature.I'm tying off your balls in order to stop the blood circulation, so it hasto be tight. I hate unnecessary loss of blood. All surgeons do.' I wonderedthrough the pain what she was babbling on about. Cutting off the blood? Wasshe mad? ?You see, we're going to play a little game once, I've got this secure.'
Jenny tied the loose ends of the ligature and stepped back. My balls hurtlike hell. It felt like she'd tied the ligature so tight it would cut my ballsright off, not just the blood flow. Now I understood the voice. This was thecalm professional doctor showing through, detached, unemotional. But I didn'tneed a doctor. Every bit of me had been working fine.
?There,' she said with satisfaction. ?Now it's a bit like Russian Roulette,this game we're going to play, except that in Russian Roulette you have a onein six chance of an unhappy ending while, in this game, if you were to playit by pure chance and not by skill, that is, you only have a one in six chanceof avoiding an unhappy ending. As I said, I was one of the six ladies who cameto you and gave you a four minute screw. All you have to do is identify whichone of those six was me. I'm sure you should have been able to recognise yourown wife, so this ought to be a very simple and easy! However, like all theother games you've been playing, if you lose, you get a penalty. In this game,if by any chance you should fail to correctly work out which one of the sixladies was me, I shall be so deeply insulted, so mortally offended, that I'llhave no option but to castrate you.' She walked back to her medical bag whileshe continued to talk. ?It's the only revenge I can think of that's severeenough to restore my self esteem.' I think my eyes stuck out on stalks andI noticed an evil grin appear for the first time on Jenny's face. ?That's right,I'll use this scalpel,' by now she was holding a small shiny implement in herhand, ?to remove your balls and then there will be no more screwing aroundfor you, ever. Now you see why I wanted to stop the blood flow. So, you'd betterthink hard before you give me your answer.'
She was mad, of course. ?You're mad,' I screamed at the top of my voice. ?Youwouldn't do that. HELP! HELP ME SOMEBODY! HELP!'
?You're wasting your breath, Derek. They've all gone. You see, it was a simplematter to persuade them, when I rang, that I could inform the police abouttheir sordid party and that if I told the police what was going on here thenthe house would certainly be raided. So they agreed to let me join the partyand devise a fitting punishment for you in return for my silence. Then, whenI worked out my punishment, I gave them a broad outline of what I was goingto do, omitting the distasteful details about your final penalty of course,and they agreed they would all leave the house after your six screws. I thinkthey went off to some motel or other to finish their evening activities. Sothere is absolutely no point in shouting. No point at all. There's nobody inthe house, except you and me, and the nearest neighbour is too far away tohear you even if the house didn't have double glazing.' She looked at me witha malevolence I'd never seen before. The eyes bore into me while a thin smileemerged from her lips. The emotional detachment I'd noticed earlier had nowdisappeared. She was actually relishing the prospect of mutilating my body.I could see clearly that the implement she was now tossing from hand to handwas a steel scalpel. She was probably already rehearsing in her mind a swiftslicing movement to detach my balls from my body. But this was lunacy. Thiscouldn't be happening.
?I don't understand,' I said. ?Why are you taking this so personally, Youhaven't shown any interest in sex for the last two years. Why is it such abig deal to you that I've come here to this party?'
?You're so right, and yet so wrong. I've had little interest in having sexwith you, that's true, but I've been having sex with one of the doctors atthe hospital, someone who really knows how to use sex to give a woman pleasure.I got thoroughly fed up with that selfish way you fuck that always leaves mefrustrated. No wonder I preferred not to have sex at all than be left likethat each night. Imagine my surprise when I found out it didn't have to belike that, that women can have wonderful orgasms too, provided the man knowswhat he's doing and is sensitive and caring. All these nights you thought I'dbeen working late at the hospital have been the happiest, most fulfilling andsatisfying of my life.'
I was stunned. Jenny had been having an affair! What a bitch! ?So if you'rehappily having an affair with some doctor, what's the big deal with me?' Iasked. ?Why are you contemplating castrating me?'
?As you've obviously worked out it isn't really to do with hurt pride. I couldn'tgive a toss about you having sex with another woman. No, I suppose some ofit is revenge for Tracy . But mostly I want to protect the other women in thistown from you and your inept love making. Tracy 's never going to see you again,but I know that, given the chance, you'll just find some other poor woman anddisappoint her like you disappoint all the women in your life. I'm being sociallyresponsible, you could say. Improving the environment. Working for the commongood. But I'm not completely heartless. I am giving you every opportunity toavoid this unfortunate fate. All you have to do is correctly identify my cunt,as it were. If you hadn't been playing away and if you'd treated me properlyand given me good regular service, you would still remember clearly what Ifelt like. You'd have no problem. It would be the one you know so well. Onthe other hand, your sexual conduct has left you a little at a disadvantage.So, my little Casanova, have you thought it over? Are you ready to tell mewhich one of the ladies who visited you was me? You've had a little time tothink it over while I've been nattering on.'
She had come to stand close to my groin and was now studying my genitals witha disconcerting concentration. ?Hang on,' I said, ?you said that if I get thiswrong I get a penalty. Does that mean that, if I get it right, I get a prize?'I have no idea why I asked the question as there seemed so little chance Iwould get the question right. I was like a condemned man asking for a finalcigarette. Anything to put off that awful moment.
?Yes, of course, how thoughtless of me not to explain. If you guess correctly,Derek dear, then your prize is that I don't cut off your balls.' A malicioussmile landed on her face and she fought like crazy not to let it develop intofull blown laughter. She was unable to speak for about ten seconds. ?Now, haveyou decided on your answer because I really must press you for it now? I don'thave all night. Oh, just one last little point you ought to consider beforeyou tell me. As I'm sure you're aware, I'm not qualified to administer anyanaesthetics. Only to perform surgical procedures. So if you force me to proceedwith the operation by refusing to identify me correctly, you will sadly haveto suffer the full pain of the operation without any analgesic. That shouldbe interesting, don't you think? Oh, and I've never done this operation beforebut it can't be that complicated, can it? I'm sure I'll work it out in under,oh, two hours? I'm quite looking forward to it in fact. I've often wonderedwhat those little objects have in them to make them so precious to a man, andso exquisitely sensitive. So I thought I'd do a little exploratory dissectionon them first, before actually removing them. It wouldn't be the same to dissectthem after removal. Tissue reacts to dissection quite differently when it isstill enervated, did you know that? It's so much more fascinating. Now, what'syour answer? Just give me a number between one and six and I'll do the rest.'
Wendell was in the middle of a major disconnect with the outside world. In his mind, he made himself invisible, so that no one was there besides him and the dancers. He didn’t hear the crowd screaming for the girls to hurt him. There was no crowd. The only sound he heard was the blood rushing in his head. The only things he saw were the g-strings and legs of whoever was dancing in front of him. The laughing, abusive men were just background players in a movie: a movie starring Wendell as...
NOTE: See the story “Lusty Lori” for more background on some of the characters. This can stand alone but is a sequel to the above. There was an itinerant sailor wench, the kind that goes from boat to boat as crew as their way of life, who had been sent my way. Wendi was a tall lean blonde in her late twenties. Small tits, big smile, and talented crotch. She was good at sailing and screwing so stayed with me for six months over the winter. She took good care of the boat and my cock so I took...
Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...
Story: #13 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessica's resting place, when her master Jason was not in need of her service's she was placed in this small metal closet,...
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CuckoldFolllow up For the past ten days, Kendra and I didn't have any intimate relations as I traveled for work. After the tenth day, she confronted me and asked, "Is everything okay, you've been home a while, and we still haven't had sex?" I smiled at her and said, "Perfect timing honey, I have a little surprise for you." I handed her an envelope which she opened. It only took her a few seconds to realize it was an itinerary to Aruba with first class plane tickets and a fantastic resort on beach....
ExhibitionismKendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...
The sunlight pushed through a crack where the drapes met, painting a bright slit across her body. She lay inertly on her bed, arms flung out, legs curled under her. The sheet beneath her was stained with blood. On the floor in disarray were her shoes, skirt, top, bra, panties, and an assortment of stuffed animals. She stirred, tried to sit up, fell back on the bed. She was a mass of aches, with particular sites of pain in her nipples, vagina, and especially her rectum. There was a...
I have two friends named Brendan and Tim. They are both bisexual and have recently become partners. Brendan was a huge 25yo stud, and Tim was a 19yo twink with blue eyes and blonde hair. One day, as they were preparing for their second sexual experience, they were watching some nude wrestling porn. They were both supporting different people. Tim said "Go fuck him," towards his wrestler. Brendan responded "did i say you could talk, Cunt""Why are you my manager""Causes i fucked you last time. I'm...
Glenda's Revenge By PYT It was evening and I was glad it was Friday. I entered the brew pub and there was Jim seated in the center not far from the counter. "What's up?" I said. "Hey, Sam. How goes it?" "Same old. I put that Glenda out on her butt." "The hot waitress that works here? I thought you liked her a lot?" "I did, but you know I'm not the long term type. She was cramping my style. She wanted to spend the night all the time and she got mad because I was seeing a...
© Copyright 2003 by Rod Ramsey. All rights reserved. Chapter 1: The Professor's Office Glenda leaned against Professor John Walker's desk and raised her short skirt, her long red hair falling to touch the desktop. This was the fourth time in as many weeks the twenty year old sophomore had found herself in a position to be punished by the handsome Psychology Professor. Professor Walker usually found one or two female students every semester that were willing to trade an occasional...
I guess it’s safe to say that I am a bit of a freak, or more specifically a pervert. My various fantasies were created over a span of five decades and over the years, no matter how hard I tried to hide this fact from my partners, eventually I was found out, oftentimes with devastating results.Until recently I had never found anyone with whom I felt comfortable enough to share my innermost secrets, however I was able to subtlety steer some of my previous lovers into some wilder unabashed moments...
Hi i am riya from bhubaneswar mujhe jab pata chala ki sex exp ko asi net pe share karte hai to me bhi apni exp share karna chahati hu jo apko pasanda ayegi me jo bol ne ja rahi hu wo mere bhai ke sath mera peheli bar thi mujhe pehele se exp hai thodi thodi. Ab me bina bore kiye hua apko mere family ke bare batati hu meri family ek higher middil class family hai mummy papa me aur mera ek chota bhai hai me 26 ki hu aur mera bhai 23 ki haiye kahani 2 saal pehele ki hai . are me to apni bare apko...
bob was coming by later tonight, as usual our plan was to get buzzed and play video games all night (well not all night, sexual frustration combined with inabition blocking d**gs had led to masturbation with unspokeen bounderies like: under the cover, no touching and absolutely dont get your stuff on me. while I waited I flopped on the couch, lit up a bowl and noticed a dvd on the table. thinking out loud i said "huh, bob must have left this when he dropped off this smoke earlier today". I...
We might have been an old married couple ... almost. Not long after the dawn light woke us, Grace leaned over and kissed me deeply. "I'd really like to fuck you again before breakfast, Ted, but I also want to get to sea." "Only one thing wrong with what you just said, Sweetie," I said, "we don't fuck, we make love." She froze and looked at me, eyes wide, then kissed me again, more passionately than before. Even so, she got out of bed, climbed into some clothes and disappeared in...
Kendra By jasmine Chapter one The mournful music of Mozart's Requiem was playing quietly in a darkened room. A young eighteen year old girl was silently weeping on her bed as the morbid music filled the air. Mass for the Dead, is how it translates to. The tearful young woman was thinking about why god had chosen her for this cruel life. Kendra had a slim figure but was quite buxom. Her long brown hair dropped past her shoulders. She had beautiful green...
It was an early Saturday morning, and I surprised Kendra by gently taking off her pajama bottoms while she was still asleep. I tried my best to not disturb her, but she looked down and asked, “What are you doing?” As I pulled the bottoms off, I came up and kissed her pussy gently through her panties and said, “Today is your day sweetie, I want to make it special and I’m gonna start the day off by worshipping your pussy.” I heard a little moan as I kissed her pussy through her panties. My mouth...
Fetish"Okay, he's gone, satisfied?" she said."Yeah, sorry for interrupting you two. But satisfied? You mean satisfied that he is no longer doing you in our front room in the middle of the day? You mean satisfied because of that?" I said. "I mean how could I not be satisfied. I mean I did stop you from cheating on me—for the moment.""You're over reacting, Scott. So, Humphrey fucked me. We didn't do it in our bed, yours and mine. And, it's wasn't cheating on you, not to my mind," said Kendra Nelson,...
We got a good night's sleep. We did, honestly. Eventually, anyway. I had instructions from Eric; we needed to be passing Graemsay on the approach to Stromness just before high water, roughly four o'clock, and that was about twelve miles from Scapa Bay. With the wind still in the south-west, we had to sail east of south well out into Scapa Flow before turning west, which meant more like fifteen miles. That was fine; I allowed four hours, of which Grace took the helm for two (separate) hours....
I’m at a party with my wife Kendra and a bunch of other couples at Sara and Lou’s house. The party is fairly normal but the alcohol is flowing quite liberally and most people are either very buzzed or completely intoxicated. Around 1 am, the party starts to wind down and most couples leave, and it happens to be just Kendra and I with Sara and Lou. Sara is by far the drunkest of the four of us and she is giving us a hard time about our vacation without any kids and how great it must have been....
BisexualKendra stepped aboard her ship with a feeling of relief, almost ripping off her one-piece jumpsuit in her haste to be naked again. She was so used to the lighter gravity at which the ship's controls were set, not to mention the comfortable temperature and the luxury of being able to be naked.Two weeks on the crowded and noisy Space Dock facility had totally depleted her patience and tolerance with people, used as she was to her own company and that of the ship's computer intelligence, D4, but...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThat fateful day Kendra was spending time with mom in mom's kitchen while Bernie was mowing the lawn for Kendra. As usual Kendra left the door to her house open so that Bernie could get himself a drink from her fridge if he chose to. That day, after the mowing was done Bernie got himself a can of beer and went on to sniff some of Kendra's dirty laundry. This time though he went upstairs to Kendra's bedroom with the drink. He just felt he needed something more, even though he did not know...
You have a lot of time to think when you are sitting on a cot in a jail cell. No TV, no radio or newspapers to distract you, nothing but a wall with names and dates crudely scratched into it. You could spend time wondering what was behind RAMOS 4-12-81 or what the story was that went with I FUCKED MARIE AND HERE I AM, but I didn't. What I thought of mostly was why I was there — what caused me to be sitting in a jail cell. The primary reason was clear enough; another man found me with his wife...
"Okay, he's gone, satisfied?" she said. "Yeah, sorry for interrupting you two. "But satisfied? You mean satisfied that he is no longer doing you in our front room in the middle of the day? You mean satisfied because of that?" I said. "I mean how could I not be satisfied. I mean I did stop you from cheating on me—for the moment." "You're over reacting, Scott. So, Humphrey fucked me. We didn't do it in our bed, yours and mine. And, it's wasn't cheating on you, not to my mind,"...
We headed west, more or less along Latitude fifty-nine degrees, twenty seven minutes north. As I said, well clear of the Bore Roost. With the wind a steady force five from the south west and settled weather, we either had to beat into the wind, or head far enough west that we could close reach to our way-point off Hoy Mouth; that meant thirty miles of westing and thirty five miles heading to Hoy mouth. As long as the wind held, we'd have only one change of course before the complicated...
Dave came home Friday night after working out of town all week. Kendra wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him in a tight hug. The contact and the way Kendra’s hair smelled, the way her tits pressed against Dave’s body…well everything about her made Dave’s cock instantly hard. “We’ve missed you,” whispered Dave, kissing Kendra’s ear and pushing his hard dick to her pussy. Dave thought to himself, these are the times to really take it slow and savour Kendra’s intense sexiness. So he...
Dave thought to himself, these are the times to really take it slow and savour Kendra’s intense sexiness. So he did. Kissing from her ears, down to her neck, Dave slid his hands to her properly amazing ass...Dave loved Kendra’s ass. He gave it a nice hard squeeze, and at the same time, making sure he pushed his finger as close as he could to her asshole. Kendra enjoyed the momentary sensation. Dave couldn’t take his lips away from her sexy body, and luckily for him, they were...
Brenda's Bondageby Abe Brenda dismounted her bike by the corner of the apartments. She had just ridden 9.3 miles in the southern California heat. She was one of those tall, muscular women who could be mistaken for a man. Her shoulders were as wide as her hips, and her upper body was trim and muscular from lifting weights. Her breasts were nicely shaped but not especially large. Her lower half , legs and bottom, was all muscle, the result of daily bicycle riding. Her hair was short...
This isn’t the first time that Kendra had gotten drunk. She has been sneaking booze from her parents for almost a year now but now that she is fifteen years old it has been taking more booze to make her feel good. Kendra overheard her brother talking on the phone about a party he was going to have this weekend when their parents were out of town. Kendra was supposed to spending the weekend with a girlfriend but was thinking of staying home now. Her brother was twenty and attending the...
Hove to, a sailing boat makes very slow progress towards the wind. There's a sort of dynamic stability, with sails and helm deliberately set to maintain a small angle to the wind. Overall, it can mean the boat moving forward over the ground, or back; you have to experience it to understand, really. The point is, facing into the weather, with wind and sea on one bow (usually starboard, right, because of the 'rules of the road') the boat is relatively safe and stable. It just pitches up and...
I watched Eva cover up ... barely ... with the minimum fabric acceptable in polite society. She was ... very pretty, and, I supposed, unconsciously sexy. I sighed, thinking of the situation we were in and began to dress, myself. I followed her out of the cabin to the cockpit where Grace had cold meat, cheese, rice and potato salads, with grated carrot and coleslaw. We ate, mostly, in silence, then over tea or coffee, pored over the Blackwater chart. We were faced with a dead beat to...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be...
Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...
Sitting along side of the dance floor, I lean in and whisper to her"Do you want to play?"She nodded her approval so I say to her, "Go to the restroom and take off your panties."As I'm watching her ass sway while walking away, I wonder how far I'll take this, or more important, how far she will let me.I order her a drink while she's gone. When she comes back I run my hand up her thigh and find her bare shaved pussy."She's already wet" I think to myself.Her beautiful breasts and hard nipples are...
We left Brixham early in the morning of the twenty-ninth, under power to run over the rising tide. The wind had veered a little and dropped; the barometer also dropping a little as the high-pressure system reluctantly moved away north-east. Evania watched as we made our way out of the harbour, but went back to her cabin once we cleared the breakwater. I had offered a day or two at anchor in Fishcombe cove, just outside the harbour. It looked as though, and I was told it was, quite a good...
Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...
Wendy's Test By Abe "Pledges, you have worked hard all week,cooking, cleaning, doing silly things likescavenger hunts to prove you really want tobe a sister in this house. Any secondthoughts?" None. "OK, tonight comes yourlast and most important test. Some will findit easy. Some will find it difficult, but youwill pass, if it takes you all week‑end. Readand sign this paper, if you wish to join thissorority." Wendy's older sister, Bronwyn,was president of the sorority, so Wendy...
Do you lust after the one and only Kendra Lust? Fuck, I know I do! And my penis does too! Which is why you need to be following Kendra Lust right the fuck here, and right the fuck now!If you’re ready to dive in balls first and follow this stunning porn star that’s been satisfying horny fuckers like I for years, then do her a solid and follow her ass over on Here, you are going to find her latest updates, beautiful content, and all of the various ways that you can follow...
Twitter Porn AccountsWochenende?Schon als Alice die Haust?re ?ffnete wusste sie, dass es ein, f?r sie besonders sch?nes Wochenende werden sollte. Ihre Eltern waren bei Verwandten und ihre kleine Schwester Svenja sollte wohl bei einer Freundin sein. F?r Alice bedeutete dass vor allem eines, ein leeres haus. Alice war kein Topmodel, aber auch keine H?sslichkeit. Sie hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und leuchtende graugr?ne Augen. Alice f?hlte sich wohl in ihrem kurvenreichen K?rper der nichts gemein hatte mit den m...
The comforter tore from her teeth as her body strained again. She'd been biting it, fighting to muffle her cries of pleasure. Her breathing was rough and she gasped like a diver surfacing. Her lungs pumped hard. Her heart pumped hard.Her hips and tight, grinding pussy pumped hard.Short brown hair was plastered to her head in a combination of epic bed-head and sweaty exertion. Hunched over her husband's legs, her modest breasts dangled invitingly, her nipples and areolas engorged.Her panting...
MatureDaniel paused for a moment with Clive's glans wedged between the roof of his mouth and tongue. It felt like a large freshly hardboiled egg, smooth and hot against his pallet. The initial wave of shame and fear he felt at being humiliated by Kendra's Bull began to give way to excitement. He could feel it grow as he gently applied suction by opening his jaw slightly, lips firmly closed around the shaft. It responded by again swelling slightly but all at once becoming very hard. Daniel was amazed...
InterracialFor the past several months, my wife, Kendra, has mentioned she would like to be more submissive in the bedroom. While I wouldn't classify Kendra as extremely dominant herself, she has always taken more control in the bedroom, especially when it comes to getting her pleasure. One Tuesday night, we were out with some friends for Happy Hour. Kendra had a few drinks, and on the way home she brought up the idea of being submissive once again to me. During the evening, we talked about it a little...
BDSMLondon, February 1821 John strode across the bustle of Piccadilly, the wide road alive with people even at this late hour. He was glad to turn his steps towards home and to disappear into the huddle of dark streets that was Soho. He felt more at ease here in the shadows than he did in the melee of the West End. There, flaming torches lit the way, gilding the streets with an orange glow leading towards the gambling dens masquerading as Gentlemen’s Clubs.In that particular area, the pavements...
HistoricalI woke at four to the bleeping of my watch, and slipped out of bed without bothering with lights, grabbed fleece trousers, socks and pullover, and made my way forward, through the cockpit to the saloon. There I started a kettle to boil in the galley and dressed. I made myself coffee and filled two flasks with boiling water – not that it'd stay boiling for long, but better than nothing – before starting to prepare to get under way. As it happened I was in the cockpit when Grace emerged from...
Of course, we had to separate and tend to the boat. The wind veered more – it was near enough north-west – and dropped until Serendipity was no longer making steerage-way. Some boats, Serendipity for one, when this happens, gradually spin round until they are facing directly into the wind; it has to do with the balance of the sails and the centre of pressure of the hull in the water. We were sitting in the cockpit, sipping Rooibos tea and watching the sunset when I sheeted out the mizzen so...
Leaving Dun Laoghaire at seven a.m., we headed, close-hauled, roughly south-east. Mid-morning, out of sight of land, Grace disappeared into our cabin for a few minutes. When she re-appeared, even the skimpy shorts and cropped top she'd been wearing had gone. She handed me the sun-screen with a smile. I glanced from her face to Evania at the wheel and back again. She winked. I shrugged and began smoothing lotion on her back, then her arms and legs. I lingered on her slowly growing bump,...
Eva, with Jim in tow, met us at twelve-thirty in the Porthole Restaurant; we were sitting by a window with a good view down the quay. Jim seemed to hang back. We stood and I stepped up to Jim with hand outstretched. "It seems congratulations are in order." He relaxed and took my hand. "I wasn't sure how you'd take it..." "I'm delighted. You've nothing to fear as long as you do the right thing. When's the big day?" He looked at Eva, who replied, "Saturday, fourteenth of...
Jared woke very slowly to the sound of the shower. His mind filled with vivid memories of the night and he just smiled. He turned his head and inhaled Wendy's womanly scent from cooling sheets next to him. Forcing his eyes open, he checked the time. Just after 6... early. He was certain Stacy wouldn't be back home for hours yet.He debated getting up to join her mother in the shower but thought better of it. The bed was so comfortable and there was a good chance Wendy needed a little alone...
MatureWendy awoke to the bright lights and amonia scents of the hospital, she blinked bleary eyed, she felt hungry and her throat was dry, then she felt hands go around her and she shuddered as memories, vivid as if from only moments ago of the mexicans who raped her in the orange groves and of Mr.Patterson and his boys, but Wendy heard the familiar voice of her mother "Its okay...its okay.." Wendy hugged her mom tight and they talked about what had happened, Wendy remembered the threat...
CHAPTER GUIDE _________________ 1. The Ad 2. The Glory Hole and Invitation 3. The Participants 4. The Intro 5. The Game (1st Half) 6. The Game (2nd Half) 7. The Bukkake Finale 8. A Night with “K” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: The Ad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over a year since my divorce from my wife. We met each other in high school and dated throughout college. We got married the year we both graduated from our university. She went to med school...
The rest of the Defenders waited in silence and darkness. The only light came from the glyphs over which they stood that marked their appropriated places around the edge of the vast pillar that rose from the abyss. The light was enough that they could see other such pillars, though these others rose beyond them, out of and back into the darkness. What they stood upon now was a broken column that had once, with its brothers, supported the stronghold that hung over them, now. In times of extreme...
Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...
College football wasn't big in New England but it was big enough to earn the city of Boston a bowl game. It wasn't a glamorous game, just a mid-to- low level game for teams that barely made it into a bowl game. The inaugural game was one that caught the sport by surprise but it was fitting as it would feature the two, "Local" teams in Boston Cambridge University vs. UMass-Amherst. BCU was unofficially the "host" team for the game as the university was "down the street" from the game's...
The Initiation Game By Morpheus It was a nice day with great weather. The sun was out and a slight breeze whispered through the area to keep things from getting too warm. Countless people were surrounding me, all out to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately I was too preoccupied with some problems to enjoy it very much. My name is Dylan McKenna, and I'm an 18 year old Freshman who just started college. I was lucky enough to get most of the courses I wanted, but just found out that...
The Game By Cassandra Morgan In the late afternoons, when the sun started to fade, our home was dark and lonely. When I got home from work, it felt lifeless and empty. I walked into the living room, and Zoe wasn't there. I went to the kitchen. Nothing there, either. Zoe was that way. She could be gregarious, the life of the party. But she was happy alone, too, getting lost in her own thoughts, retreating into herself. Finally, I found her in the den, sitting in the big leather...
The Whore-for-a-Day Game by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Let me be blunt,? Alex said. ?We've been married for more than a year and a half and it's not as good as it should be. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a better marriage. I just don't know what I should do.? ?I think everything's fine,? Leslie said, but there was no conviction in her voice. Alex waited for a long time, hoping that she would elaborate, but she remained mute. Eventually he asked, ?Are you happy?? ?Yes. Are you?? ?Not...
The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...