Sarah Carerra 2 28 A Staple for the Holliday
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?Amanda's Sudan Holliday?
By Angelgirl
If you have already read "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" you probablydon't need to read this introduction. But if you haven't or might take offenceto a brutal story about a very young girl you will need to know these few things.This story begins after the death of my Daddy. It was at his funeral I firstmet two of his lifelong friends. They were twin brothers from the Sudan andwere Princes. They were amongst the richest men in the world. They told methey had been at my Daddies fishing cabin seventeen years earlier when I hadmy accident. I was five years old at the time and to this day I have totalamnesia of what happened. The brothers treated me as if I were their daughter;they were kind and helpful with his funeral. They even asked if I would considervisiting them at their Palace in the Sudan . After they left I never wouldhave thought about them again if it weren't for my Daddies letter. I openedit two weeks after his death as I had promised him I would. In it he said Ideserved to know the truth about what really happened that day seventeen yearsago. It was a story of child abuse beyond description. In it he said that hehad given me to the brothers for their sexual pleasures. He blamed Abdul andAbid for everything that had happened to me. I couldn't believe the two sweetmen I met at his funeral could be the persons he described. I thought it musthave been the ramblings of an old man with dementia. But I needed to know forsure; I needed to prove it to myself. That was why I contacted the brothersand informed them I would visit them; I had to know those terrible things myfather had written were not true.
?The Story?
It was almost 4:00 A.M. as I stood by the front window peering out; therewasn't a soul on the streets. I looked at my watch; a few more minutes hadpassed by. I had enough time for one more quick check around the apartment.I would be away for two weeks and didn't want to leave anything on. I stoodin the centre of the living room looking around as my eyes settled on the smallover night case beside the front door. I couldn't believe I was going awayfor two weeks and only taking one small case. Abdul had told me to bring nothing.He said I should walk out my door as if I were going for a walk around theblock.
"You must trust me, your every need will be catered to. We will clotheyou, feed you, and even bathe you." We will care for you as you have everdreamed possible," he had said.
I knew that Abdul and his brother Abbid were among the richest men in theworld but it still seemed strange to leave without taking anything at all.I had packed a few tops and some shorts, as well as a half-dozen pairs of myfavourite panties. I couldn't imagine going without panties. In the side pocketof the case I had placed my birth control pills and a dozen prophylactics.I did plan on having a little fun on this holiday. I looked at my watch again;it was a little past 4 AM . I ran to the window and looked out.
"My God!" I said out loud. "That's the biggest limousine Ihave ever seen." It looked twice as long as any I had ever seen beforeand it was covered in gold trim. I could see a dark man standing beside it.
"Oh Ship Shit!" I'm late already", I thought as I grabbed mycase and ran out the door. The sky was still dark blue and the air was cool.The sun hadn't yet risen into the sky but I could tell it was going to be awonderful day for flying.
As I approached the limousine the driver lowered his head and bowed to meas if I were someone of importance.
"Good morning," I said trying to be friendly; but he wouldn't lookme in the eyes.
I couldn't believe what I saw when I climbed into the car; it wasn't anythinglike I expected. It was bigger than my living room. The interior was upholsteredin deep red velvet and there were no seats. Huge soft pillows had replacedall the seats. I felt like I was already in their palace. As we began to driveI heard the chauffeur's voice coming over the intercom.
"You must wear a rope and veil when you leave the car," he saidcoldly.
I noticed a bundle of fabric lying on a low table in the centre of the car.
"Why do I have to do that?" I protested.
"Only Sudanese nationals are allowed access to the plane without goingthrough customs," he answered. "If you're U.S. Customs were to seeyou they would not let you board. It is only until you are on the plane, afterthat you may run naked if you wish."
I was a little surprised with his candour. I wondered if he was coming alongand hoped I might run around naked.
"We will be at the airport in five minutes. Please be prepared." Hesaid.
With much reluctance I put on the heavy rope. There was a large hood to covermy head. Just before we arrived I pulled the veil over my face and the cardrove through the gates without stopping. We stopped under the wing of a giantplane. As the driver opened the door he looked directly into my eyes with asilly smile on his face.
"You could have a hundred robes and a thousand veil's covering your body," hesaid. "But you would still look too beautiful to be an Arab woman."
I felt a tingle shutter up my spine as I wondered if all the men in the Sudanwere as charming. I almost hoped he would be on the flight. As I walked upthe ramp I realized it was a 747. I had flown many times but never on a planethat big. I hoped there would be other passengers who spoke English. I wassure a plane that carried over four hundred people would have some. My jawalmost dropped to the floor as I stepped through the doorway into the plane.I thought the limousine had been opulent; but this was beyond my imagination.It was like a palace with gold everywhere and monstrous overstuffed coaches.There was a tiny dark girl standing at the doorway. She was dressed in a costumethat resembled a harem girl. Her body was draped in transparent pink veils.She led me across the thickest carpet I had ever walked on. We stopped at ahuge set of double doors that led into a beautiful bedroom. There was a roundbed in the middle of the room covered in beautiful silk. Tapestries were hangingall around the room. The childlike servant-girl wouldn't look me in the eyesjust like the driver of the limo.
"You may remove the robe and veils if you wish," she said in perfectEnglish as she handed me a small black box.
"If you wish for anything just press the button on the pager," shesaid politely as she turned and left the room.
I couldn't wait to investigate my new surroundings. There were several adjoiningrooms to the one I was in and a giant bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub and shower.In one of the rooms there was a massive oak desk. The room had everything,TV, VCR, and a huge stereo. It was without a doubt someone's pleasure palace.I felt the plane starting to taxi down the runway and realized I was the onlypassenger on board. I wasn't sure if I was overwhelmed by what was happeningor if it was outright fear I was feeling. I began to question the logic behindAbdul and Abid wanting me to visit them so badly. I wondered why they senta multimillion dollar plane just for me. Why didn't they just give me a ticket?For a moment the story my Daddy told me rushed into my mind and a cold chillran over my flesh.
"Get a hold on yourself," I heard myself say allowed. "That'swhy you agreed to go; to prove the story wasn't true. It's too late now tochange my mind," I said to myself. "I might as well be in the Sudan. The plane is in the air and I am in their hands."
I went into the bathroom and stared at the huge Jacuzzi tub; it could easilyhold a dozen people. The shower was made of solid marble with four separateshower heads. I thought a shower might be very nice when I noticed a cupboardagainst the wall. I was greeted by a delightful site as I opened it. It wasfull of beautiful sex toys. There must have been fifty different kinds of dildosthat ranged from very small to absolutely huge. I was getting extremely wetas I lifted the largest one from it's rest. It felt like skin and was at leastten inches long with a switch on the bottom. It reminded me of the one I leftback home except this one was much more lifelike and bigger. It's large bulgingveins looked like they were full of blood; it almost seemed hot in my hands.It began to vibrate and pulse when I turned it on.
"I'm going to have fun with you my beautiful black monster," I saidas a large smile crept across my face.
I gasped when I opened the doors of the second cupboard. It was also fullof toys but much different. The smallest dildo made the one I had look likeit belonged to a dwarf. I had never seen anything like it; the smallest wasover a foot long and the largest was at least three feet and as big aroundas a football.
"How could any girl put one of those into her pussy?" I said outloud. "One of those things would dislocate my hips," I snickered. "Thosemonsters can stay right where they are."
I realized that these toys must be for the purpose of BDSM and torture. Therewere whips of different lengths; some of them having "A-cat-of-nine-tales" withsharp barbs on the ends. There were gags with balls attached to them and manydifferent kinds of clamps and handcuffs. What really got my attention was aleather case full of scalpels made of gold. I closed the cupboard; not wantingto look anymore. It wasn't that those types of things bothered me. It was justthat I thought them rather silly and I already had what I wanted in my hand.I went into the shower taking the beautiful black dildo with me. As I turnedit on I was pleasantly surprised to see it not only vibrated but it was growingin size. I turned it off and it shrank back to its original size. Looking atit closely I noticed a little strap. I knew its purpose was to hold the dildoin position so that no hands would be needed. I spread the lips of my waitingpussy and began pushing; it seemed almost too big. The shower had washed awaymost of my natural fluids; I would need help with this massive cock. I slippedout of the shower and looked around the room. I saw a jar on the counter andwas pleased to find thick body oil inside. I lowered my fingers into the slimysubstance; it felt wonderful. My pussy was creating its own juices as I walkedtowards the bed and lowered myself down.
"What a beautiful head you have," I said to the black monster asI spread the thick oil all over it.
I raised my knees as high as I could and spread my legs wide apart. I beganpushing the head of the dildo past the lips of my pussy. They offered no resistancethis time as they split to welcome the intruder. I felt it filling my emptiness.Finally all that remained was the strap. I lifted my bum into the air and pulledthe strap high up onto my hips fastening it securely. I was surprised to heara loud snap as the clasp fastened into the strap. The belt was not elasticand I thought that maybe I had put it on a little too tight as it was bitinginto my hips. I smiled thinking that the dildo was not going to be able topull itself even one inch out of my swollen cunt. I lowered my legs down closingthem tightly together. The pressure in my pussy was almost more then I couldtake; it felt wonderful. I spread my legs just enough to turn the switch onthen quickly closed them again. I could feel the beautiful cock starting tovibrate.
I couldn't believe the sensations it was causing inside my belly. It feltlike jolts of electricity were shooting into my ovaries and seemed to be increasingin strength. I could feel it pulsing as it trusted forward and then withdrawingjust as if it were fucking me. It was somehow growing in size and was beginningto push into my cervix each time it thrust forward. It felt like it had grownto the size of a grapefruit and it's pulsing was beginning to feel like a sledgehammer.I spread my legs wide trying to make more room for its massive size; it feltlike I was being fucked by a horse. I was sure that the dildo had expandedto twice its original size. The base completely covered my clit and it feltlike a thousand fingers were massaging my clitoris at the same time. I knewI might be damaging my insides but I didn't care; I was just seconds away fromthe fireworks. I began to scream as the pain and pleasure erupted inside ofme. The feeling of pain from the dildo trying to push its way into my tummyand my orgasm were as one. I had never felt anything so intense before. Mymind and body were screaming for relief but it was only pain and more painthat I was feeling now; the giant dildo was trying to rip me in half. I reacheddown to the strap but I couldn't find the buckle. I screamed as an intensejolt of pain shot up my spine into my brain. Stars were flashing before myeyes and my head began to spin. I tried to reach down between my legs but itwas as though my arms had gone numb. I could feel nothing except the violentpain in my pussy.
"Oh God!!!!! I'm going to kill myself with a fucking dildo," I screamedin terror.
I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. Then without warning thedildo stopped and the pain began to subside. I felt it shrinking back to itsoriginal size as I dropped my legs down and began breathing deeply.
"It must have had a cycle built into it, I thought extremely relieved. "Ormaybe I wore out its batteries," I laughed to myself as I lay on the bedpanting like a well fucked bitch. Then I heard a soft voice.
"That was a very foolish thing you did," the voice said.
I opened my eyes to see the child-like stewardess standing over me.
"In a few more seconds it would have killed you. These toys were notmeant for "YOUR" pleasure. You must not touch any of them again," thelovely child said as she began to loosen the strap from around my waist.
"YEOWWWWWWW" I screamed looking down to my hips.
As she lifted the strap from around my hips I could see deep indentationsin my flesh. The young girl looked me in the eyes; I knew what she wanted.I spread my legs and lifted my bum into the air. I screamed in pain as shepulled the giant dildo out of my ravaged hole. I felt her tiny fingers spreadingthe thick lips of my vulva and begin probing so gentle my juices starting toflow again; she was bringing me back to life.
"I don't think you are damaged; there is no blood. If you had been injuredI would pay with my life," the girl said with a sigh. " I understandwhy they want you so badly now. You should be traumatized and in pain fromthis experience, but my touch has aroused you. You are truly a remarkable creature.You will give much pleasure to the Masters."
I opened my mouth to speak but she gestured for me to remain quiet.
"You have several hours before we arrive and should save all your energy,and lust, for the Masters. It would be wise to get some rest now." thegirl said as she turned and left the room.
"She thinks I'm a fucking nymphomaniac!" I thought feeling a littleupset by her words. Then a smile began to spread across my face and I beganto laugh loudly.
"She could be right. Maybe I am a wanton whore ", I laughed andgiggled myself to sleep.
I awoke with a start as a voice came over the intercom. It was one of thosepleasant computer voices.
"We will be landing in fifteen minutes," it said. "The 42C. It is 10:35 AM . In the Sudan .
"Oh MY God!!!!" I thought. "Its morning here and already overa hundred degrees outside. How hot does it get?" I thought as I slowlylifted my body off the bed.
I decided to take a quick shower before the plain landed; my body felt sticky.As the pelting stream of water bounced off my pubs I looked down to see thesmall nub pushing out from beneath its sheath; it was swollen and ready foraction. I couldn't believe how sensitive it felt. It was like every nerve hadcome to the surface as it beginning to twitch with anticipation. But somethingwas telling me it might not be a good idea to be screaming as the door of theplane opened. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.
"See! I'm not a slut; I can control my cunt," I said as I triedto ignore the aching between my legs.
I felt the plane starting to descend. "I had better hurry and decidewhat I am going to wear, I don't think I should be naked when the plane lands," Igiggled.
I decided to wear a light green skirt and matching halter top. I put on apair of panties but then decided to remove them. "If its a hundred andthree degrees outside I will need all the ventilation I can get," I giggled. "Noone will know I don't have panties on.
As the plane came to a stop the young stewardess appeared from nowhere. Shewas staring at me. Her body was completely covered, only her eyes were exposed.
"Will they not like the way I am dressed?" I asked her.
"Oh, they will very much like the way you are dressed," she answeredalmost sarcastically.
As the door of the plane opened it felt like I was standing in front of afurnace; the heat was so intense that my skin was tingling before I got downthe stairs. There was a large white limousine parked about twenty feet awaywith a man standing beside it dressed in large baggy white shirt and pants.He had a huge black beard that hung almost to his waist. On his head was awhite turban with a silver crest in the centre. His eyes burned into me asI approached him making me feel as if I were I naked. I deliberately took myeyes from him and began to look around; there was only one small building.It looked no bigger than a two-car garage. It seemed strange to see a pavedrunway big enough for a 747 and only one small building beside it.
"This must be their private runway," I thought. "I guess therich can do anything they want."
The man opened the door as I approached. I could feel his eyes all over mylong legs and tiny miniskirt. His eyes didn't leave until the door was closed.I was amused and slightly aroused from his actions. To see a man lusting formy body usually excited me, and this was no exception. I could feel the bloodfilling my pussy as I sat on the cool leather. I tried making conversationwith the driver but he wouldn't answer. I saw his eyes staring at me from hismirror as he constantly adjusted it and an urge came over me to lift my skirtand spread my legs.
"That would be all I need," I thought, "for him to crash thecar out in the desert while he is staring back at me. Or even worse; he mightpull over and rape me leaving me in the desert to rot." I decided thatmy plan was not a very good one.
When the car came to a stop we were in a small courtyard. There were severalbuildings surrounded by a high stone wall. Gardens and flowers were everywhere.A waterfall was running into a small stream that ran the full-length of thecompound. Although it was beautiful I was a little disappointed; I had expectedtheir palace to be much larger. As the door of the car opened the heat burstonto me; I hadn't realized how comfortable it had been in the car. As I steppedout there was a woman standing at the doorway of the building dressed in anurse's uniform with two huge black Arab men standing beside her. They werealso in hospital like uniforms. Something didn't seem right; I felt like gettingback into the car as the woman walked towards me.
"Come with me child. You will burn your skin to the bone the way youare dressed, and we can't have that," she said.
She was as black as any person I had ever seen yet she spoke perfect English.As she led me into the building it looked strangely familiar. The slender Arabwoman turned to me as we walked down the narrow hallway.
"This is the palace hospital. You will have to spend your first day here.There are many tests that must be performed before you will be allowed intothe palace," she said as we walked into a small office and she invitedme to sit down.
"I am Dr. Shipe," she said. "No one is allowed to enter thepalace without first being tested by me. I'm sure you understand that you maybe carrying germs that could be foreign here. They do not wish to die fromsomething as simple as the common cold. Do you have any questions?" Sheasked.
"I wish someone would have told me I will have to be dissected," Iprotested. "Maybe I wouldn't have come after all."
"That is probably the very reason they didn't," she laughed. "Wehave no time for small talk; they want you at the palace before 1 a.m. .. Wemust hurry with the examination."
"What is "Their" purpose?" I asked looking at the twoblack men standing in the doorway behind us.
"They are my assistance," the woman answered coldly.
I wasn't going to push what she meant by that, I didn't really want to know.
"Go into the next room and remove your clothing," she said in aauthoritive tone. "That shouldn't take you to long as you are almost nakedalready."
The room smelled of disinfectant and burned my nostrils. It looked like alarge public bath with a marble table in the middle. I slipped out of my miniskirtand halter top just as the woman walked into the room followed by the two men.
"What are "They" doing in here?" I protested loudly.
"These men are responsible for your cleanliness. If you contaminate thepalace they will die. They are "Eunuchs"; they have no interest inyour white flesh. They are going to wash your body whether you resist or not;it makes little difference to them. You will waist your energy fighting them.Now lay on the table and the men will do the rest. I knew she was right; therewas no sense in resisting these giants. I also knew that she was right aboutdisease. I could have a bug that was foreign to the palace; it was just herprimitive methods I found so offensive.
The two eunuchs washed my body with the same professionalism I would haveexpected from a high-class massage parlour. They lathered my entire body withthick soap that burned just a little. Then they used a straight razor's toshave all a hair from my arms and legs. When I realized they were not goingto stop when they reached my pussy a cold chill tingled up my spine. Withoutasking they spread my legs and began lathering my pubs with thick creamy soap.I cringed waiting for the burning but this was a different soap; it felt wonderful.When I saw the men standing over me with long razor's in their hands I almostdied.
"Do not move!" The woman commanded. "If they cut you they willlose a finger for each cut; but as you can see they still have all their fingers."
Each man lifted one of my ankles to his shoulder and began shaving on eitherside of my swelling lips. The sensations were driving me crazy. I knew thatmy juices must be flowing but neither of them acted as if he noticed. Theyshaved all the way to my bum; I had never experienced anything quite like itbefore. I began to moan as they fuelled the desire in me. I felt my clit pushingout from beneath its hiding place as their hairy arms brushed against it. Iheard the door slam as the DR. left in disgust.
"I guess she must be jealous," I giggled to myself.
With her not in the room I felt more at ease with the huge black men.
"Please, Please," I started to beg.
They both acted as if they couldn't hear me as one of the men picked up thebuckets and left; leaving me alone with the other. He was holding a small hosein his hand and began to run warm water over my nakedness; it felt wonderful.I was moaning steadily now.
"Please, Please, Please," I kept begging as he placed the warm streamdirectly onto my clit.
It was all I needed. I was about to explode when he pulled the hose away.
"No! No!" I pleaded loudly as I looked up to see him smiling downat me.
"Oh God! He is just going to torment me," I sobbed out loud thinkinghe wouldn't understand a word I said.
"If they knew I do this I would die," he said in very thickly accentedEnglish.
I watched as his head disappeared between my legs. His teeth began nibblingon my swollen clit and his tongue shot deep into me. I couldn't help myselfas I wrapped both my hands around his head and exploded into his mouth. I thoughtI was going to pass out before I finished cumming. His face was covered inmy juices as he lifted his head.
"Thank you," I said softly; not sure what else to say.
"No! Thank you," he answered. "Yours is the only white fleshI have ever tasted. " ALA " has blessed me today. I know now whythe Prince's have wanted you for so long; and why they would go to any lengthsto bring you here. You are truly a "Goddess"."Before I couldsay anything he left.
As I sat on the edge of the table I could see thick fluid running from betweenmy legs. I lifted the small hose and began to wash my satisfied cunt.
"If that bitch is going to give me a physical it wouldn't do to havemy pussy dripping. I just hope that big black stud has enough sense to washhis face before anyone sees him," I smiled in satisfaction.
I was putting the hose down as the bitch came into the room.
"Okay white girl, it's time to do some tests," she said coldly.
I knew this wasn't going to be much fun and after two hours of drawing bloodand making me perform physical tests I realize it wasn't diseases I was beingtested for. The tests she was performing were for endurance. She had made merun on a treadmill until I was ready to collapse and I was forced to lift weightstill my arms felt like they were going to fall off. I could see the samplesof my blood in the lab and knew enough to tell it was for AIDS and VD she wastesting it for. I was surprised to see that she was also doing a test to seewhat stage of my ovulation cycle I was in. I was sure she was happy to seeI was midway in my cycle which put me at my most fertile level.
"You may leave now little white girl. Someone will be waiting for yououtside," she said in a nasty tone.
I was going to ask the bitch what bug was up her ass, but I decided that Ihadn't come all this way just to fight with this uppity cunt. I looked aroundthe room for my clothes but they were gone. Even my overnight bag had disappeared.
"I can't walk outside naked. Where are my clothes?" I yelled ather.
"You were told not to bring anything. Now you have obeyed your masters," thedoctor said in a mocking voice as she handed me a bright yellow fabric.
It was an extremely sheer full-length robe. After I put it on I still feltnaked as it was totally transparent.
?Now , get out of here,? she snarled as she threw a pair of sandals onto thefloor at my feel.
The blistering heat of the day was beginning to subside. The sky was darkblue but not yet completely dark. A car was sitting with its door open in thedriveway; a hand gesturing from inside. As I slid in an Arab man was sittingacross from me. He was dressed in white that seemed to glow in the dark. Hisdark eyes peered out from the thick black beard that completely covered hisface. It was when he reached out to me I realized how huge he was. His fingerswere the size of my wrists and his hands were covered in thick black hair.It looked more like the hand of a beast than of a man. I pushed back into myseat trying to create distance between us. I felt the massive hand rest onmy knee and the fingers wrap themselves around. I watched in shock as his otherhand wrapped around my other leg and forced me to spread them. As hard as Itried to hold my legs together I was offering no resistance to his powerfularms. He spread my legs so wide I was almost doing the splits as he leanedforward inches from my pussy. Although the thin fabric of the toga was stillbetween us I felt totally naked to his piercing eyes. I was a little shockedby his actions but I wasn't afraid. I always felt I knew when I was in dangerfrom a man's lust and I couldn't feel any danger from the man staring intomy pussy; it was more like he was inspecting me, like he might before purchasinga horse. The only thing bothering me was how wide he had spread my legs. Myhips were really beginning to ache. It felt like if he were to push just alittle further they would snap. I couldn't take much more.
"Well, are you going to buy? Or are you just window shopping?" Isaid in a bored sounding voice trying to break the tension.
A roar of laughter erupted from the Arab's lungs as he released his grip onmy legs and sank back into the seat.
"I am sorry Mandi," he said from behind his thick beard." Iwas just remembering a time almost forgotten."
He spoke beautifully; there wasn't a hint of an accent.
"You remind me so much of your father. Another girl would have pissedall over the seat. But you!! You make wise-cracks. I am happy you have come.This is going to be very interesting indeed.
"Who are you? I snapped. "What makes you think you have the rightto do this?"
"Be quiet little one," he interrupted. "You will understandeverything soon. For now just enjoy the ride to our Palace."
I think it was the way he said "OUR PALACE" that caused a light-bulbto go off.
"Abid? Is that you?" I asked feeling embarrassed that I hadn't recognizedhim sooner.
"Yes little one, it is I," he said as he began to laugh again.
"I've never seen you look like this," I said trying my best to makeexcuses for not recognizing him. "You look so different!"
"This is not the U.S.A. Mandi. You will find many things different here," hesaid smiling at me.
"I need my clothes," I pleaded. "I feel naked in this toga."
"You should be proud," he said softly. "You have the body ofa "Goddess". All who see you will worship you. I found your beautyimpossible to resist when you entered the car. It would insult the gods notto allow your admirers to worship your beauty. Please do not feel ill of usfor our primitive culture."
I was stunned; I had never heard anyone talk so beautifully. He really thoughtI was a "Goddess". I could feel his lust now; but it was differentthan anything I had felt before. It was as if he wanted more than my body.His lust seemed to be for my very existence. It felt like he wanted to possessme. I wasn't to sure how I felt about that. In some ways it made me feel likea Princess about to be made Queen, but in another way I felt like a lamb aboutto be slaughtered. The one thing that made me feel good was knowing how importantto him I was. To know that he wanted me so badly was making my pussy swellas I wondered if I would receive the same greeting from everyone.
I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice we were stopping in a court-yard;it was as lavish as any park. Abid told me to wait in the car as someone fromoutside opened the door. I could hear him talking in his native tongue butI couldn't understand anything. After a few minutes his hand reached into thecar, I put my hand into his and he guided me out. I was standing in a mazeof bright lights that seemed to shine only on me; it was like I was standingin the middle of a football field. Then all at once the lights went out andfor a moment I could see nothing. As my eyes adjusted I could see that I wassurrounded by giant buildings that were covered in gold. There were marblesteps at my feet, and when I looked up I saw dozens of young men standing onthem looking at me and cheering. They were wearing traditional Arab clothingbut most of them were clean shaven. I saw an older man walking towards me;he was a giant of a man just like Abid. I knew that he must be Abid's brother.He wrapped his arms around me lifting me into the air and began covering mycheek in slobbery kisses. I was embarrassed to be given so much attention butquickly forgot about it when I felt his hands examining my body. As he kissedmy cheek his hands were cupping my breasts and pinching my nipples. Then theytraced down my belly sliding under my toga and resting between my legs. I couldfeel the lips of my pussy splitting open to welcome his evasion; it was betrayingme again as tingles ran up my spine. He gently placed me down and removed hishand from between my legs; his fingers sparkling from my wetness. He turnedto the crowd of young men and held up his hand. I really felt embarrassed asthe crowd responded with a deafening cheer. I could feel my face heating asit turned bright red. Every guy there knew I was aroused, and they were allcheering because of it.
"You truly are the "Goddess of Passion". This is a great day." Abdulesaid.
It was all to much for me; my head was spinning. I began to see stars andI felt light-headed. The last thing I remembered was feeling sick to me stomach.
When I woke I was laying on a soft bed with several young boys were standingat the foot of it. I was lying on my back with my toga pulled up around mywaist and my legs spread wide. The boys stepped back when they saw I was awake.From the soreness between my legs I knew something had been happening. I wasabout to scream at them when I heard a loud clapping and looked up to see Abidentering the room. He spoke in his Arab tongue and the boys ran from the room.
"I hope you are feeling better," he said with a concerned tone. "Yougave us quite a scare out there; it sometimes happens after a long journey."
"Who were those boys?" I asked, still mad from the soreness betweenmy legs.
"You must accept my apology for them. They are my youngest sons and couldwait no longer to meet you," he said laughingly.
"I think they were touching me," I said with a concerned voice.
"Boys will be boys," he laughed again. "They have never seensuch beauty. Your white skin and soft pink lips were too much for them to resist."
I knew it wasn't my mouth Abid was referring to. I was still lying with mylegs spread apart and his eyes were riveted between my legs. I closed my legsand tried to cover my nakedness with the thin veil, I never felt so vulnerable.It was as though they had just imported a new pet and everyone was clamouringto see and touch it. I felt totally at their mercy but I was also thrilledto know I was the centre of their attention. I knew I was the only thing ontheir minds and the object of their desires. I was sure that Abid and Abdulwouldn't let any harm come to me. If it didn't bother Abdul that his youngsons were looking at my pussy I couldn't see any reason to complain either.
"What girl in her right mind wouldn't give the tip off her nipple fora chance to have a bunch of young guys lusting for her," I thought asI looked up into Abid's black eyes.
"Yes, I understand how boys can be," I said as I lifted my bodyoff the bed. "I'm not mad at them, I was just a little shocked to seethem." Abid seemed pleased with my words.
"We have planned a dinner in your honour," he said. "You willmeet the remainder of our sons at that time. My wives will help you prepare.I hope you are hungry; the cooks are preparing the finest of foods. Everythingis in your honour."
"Thank you Abid," I said shyly. "I will try to act in a mannerthat does not embarrass you."
"Do nothing of the kind; be your delicious self," Abid laughed. "It'syour toxic vitality we worship." Before I could say another word Abidturned and left the room.
What I had thought to be a small bedroom was actually not a bedroom at all;the walls were veils of fine fabric and began to rise into the ceiling; I wasin a large chamber. There were six dark skinned women standing beside a smallsunken pool just a few feet away. They stood motionless staring at me for afew minutes, and then one of them came towards me.
"My name is Shasta. It is our duty to prepare you for the evening's events.Will you come over to the bath please?"
I followed her to the steps that lead into the warm water. She and the othergirls had less clothes on then I; they were wearing see-through pants and asmall vest that lay open at the chest doing little to conceal their dark breasts.As we reached the edge of the tub the girls began removing their clothing.They all looked to be around nineteen except for Shasta; she looked more myage; in her early twenties. As the girls released the bindings in their hairI was amazed to see how long it was; dropping almost to the floor.
"They must not have cut it since birth; it looks like they don't removeany of their hair," I smiled as my eyes rested between their legs.
"Now I understand why it's called a pussy; a big black pussy," Ichuckled to myself.
I wondered why they had gone to so much trouble shaving me if the men preferredtheir women with a rug between their legs.
When I removed my toga I heard the girls giggling. It was they're turn tostare at my bald cunt. I could feel the blood flowing into my vulva as I watchedtheir eyes burning into my hairless slit.
"Relax," Shasta said softly as I lowered myself into the water.
The girls lifted my feet off the bottom of the tub and suspended me with justmy head out of the water. The temperature was perfect, I felt like I was ona cloud as the twelve hands began to caress my body using soft sponges untilI felt a sharp tingling in my nipples. I had closed my eyes when their handsbegan caressing but I quickly opened them to see what was biting my nipples.The girls were holding small stones in her hands and were rubbing them acrossmy nipples; I had never seen my nipples look so large; it was turned them brightred. It looked like they were ready to burst as the vibration rubbing acrossthem shot straight into my clit. I wondered if they had noticed my arousalwhen I saw Shasta watching me look at my swollen nipples.
"It will make them more responsive then they have ever been," shepurred. "Relax my beauty, relax," she kept saying.
I laid my head back into a hand waiting to make sure it didn't go too deeply.I was lying in a bed of caressing hands as I closed my eyes again. I felt mylegs being spread apart and the warm water licking the inner lips of my pussy.It fell like thousands of tiny fingers were spreading my vagina as I liftedmy head to see who had such a magical touch. Shasta and two other girls werebetween my legs. One of the girls had a little stone in her hand while Shastawas holding a long thick sponge. It was at least two feet long and as big aroundas my thigh. Shasta twisted the sponge till it was reduced to the size of abanana, then she moved it between my legs. I wasn't sure what she was goingto do but I was ready for anything; I closing my eyes as my head fell backinto the pillow of waiting hands.
If it was possible to have an orgasm from one's nipples being rubbed I wassure I was about to experience it. I felt fingers pushing into my vagina; itstretched and spread as something pushing into me. I knew that it must be thelarge sponge Shasta had rolled so tightly. It expanded inside of me like anexplosion pushing on every inch of my birth canal. It wasn't enough pressureto hurt but I knew there wasn't a spot inside my cunt that wasn't being caressed.My clit popped out from under it's hood not able to resist the pressure; thewater seemed cold on its raw nub. Shivers of pleasure were surging throughmy body. I had never experienced such pleasure. Shasta pulled the sponge outjust a little and then pushed it back in. The feeling of the massive spongepushing into my swollen pussy and the tiny rocks rubbing across my nippleshad removed all my shame. I was thrusting my pelvis forward trying to takein more of this wonderful violator; my heartbeat pounded in my clitoris asthe cool water splash against it. A violent shock surged through my loins asif a huge mouth had grabbed my pussy in its jaws; a scream burst from my lungs.One of the smallest girls was pinching my clit between her fingers, and withher other hand she was rubbing a stone across my screaming clit. It was likea thousand volts of electricity shooting through me. I didn't have time todecide if it was torture or pleasure; my body began to erupt in a violent orgasm.I knew I was screaming but I couldn't stop myself. Every nerve in my body waselectrified as I soared upwards into blackness.
When I woke I was back on the bed and the six women were standing around menaked and dripping wet.
"You gave your Masters a scare," Shasta said. "Everyone camerunning when they heard you screaming. They thought we were killing you."
"So did I!" I said with a weak laugh. "Do you do that to allof your guests?"
"No. Only for the most special," she answered seriously.
As I attempted to lift myself from the bed I realized just how sensitive mynipples and pussy had become. I fell back onto the bed as shiver after shiversurged through my body. It fell like there was someone still biting my clitand nipples. I was sure that if I tried to move I would be exploding againwith orgasm.
"What have you done to me?" I asked in shock.
"We have awoken your senses; so that you may experience the joys onlyallowed a Goddess." Shasta answered. "You're every movement willheighten your awareness; soon you will adjust to the sensations."
"I don't understand," I said in disbelief. "I have been rawbefore but it never did this to me. What kind of rock was that?"
"They are not rocks," Shasta answered. "They are the genitalsof those who worship you. All of their passions and desires have been givento you."
Shasta was talking in riddles; they had simply made my nipples and clit soraw that the nerves were on the surface. They had probably given me a drugto make my body burn with desire at the slightest touch. My mind drifted backto a few moments earlier; remembering the explosive orgasm I experienced fromtheir touch. I could feel my pussy filling with blood again. The wetness wasrunning down the crack of my ass making a wet spot on the bed. Shasta seemedto be aware of what was happening.
"It is best that you save yourself," she said coldly. "Youare expected for dinner soon. Unless you plan on going naked I suggest youcontrol yourself and let us finish preparing you."
Her candour helped me control my passions but I was still burning inside asI asked to use the washroom. I slipped into the shower turning on only thecold water. I stood in its cooling embrace until I began to shiver. I directedits freezing spray directly onto my burning cunt till it felt extremely uncomfortable.I almost had my passions under control when the spray hit my raw clit; it felllike fire. I couldn't believe freezing water could do that to me. It took anotherfive minutes to push my passions down again. When I walked out of the bathroommy skin was deep blue. Shasta laughed when she saw what I had done.
"You cannot change who you are. Your destiny belongs to your Mastersand there is nothing that will change that. Come quickly we must finish preparingyou."
In a few moments Shasta had transformed me into an Arabian princess. I couldn'tbelieve my eyes when I looked into the mirror. It was like I was looking atsomeone else. The girl looking back at me did look like a Goddess. I was completelycovered in white lace and gold trim. I looked a little like Barbara Eadon.I was wearing baggie harem pants but this time I did have a pair of silk pantieson under them. The bra was simply astounding. It was made of a white sheerfabric with all the edges trimed with pure gold and my nipples were stickingout a ring of gold. They felt so raw and sensitive I wasn't about to protestthem being exposed but I knew all it would take was someone touching them andI would be out of control again. I was pleased when Shasta snapping two goldcups onto the rings. As she snapped the small pointed cups over my nipplesI could see there were golden tassels hanging from them. I wasn't sure thatI liked the tassels; they brought to much attention to my nipples and wheneverI moved I could feel them swaying and it felt very arousing. I was given along veil to cover my body. It was placed over my shoulders draping down coveringmy midriff as I watched in the mirror.
"It all depends on how you look at it," I thought to myself. "Onone hand I am completely covered, on the other I look naked."
The thin fabric covering my body did very little to conceal it. If I had beenwearing the teeniest of bikinis it wouldn't have been much different.
Just as I was about to leave Shasta walked up to me. "Enjoy yourselfthis evening; everything has been prepared in your honour. They have gone toogreat extremes to please you. There will never be another time your wisheswill be more powerful. This is your night to be Master."
Before I knew what was happening Shasta opened my veil and pushed somethingcold into my belly. When she removed her hand I looked down to see a brightred ruby glistening in my belly-button. It was the most beautiful ruby I hadever seen. Somehow I knew it was hers and she was giving it to me in a gestureof friendship.
"Thank you Shasta," I said happily. "I will wear it with pride."
She smiled back at me but said nothing as she turned and walked from the chamberwith the other girls following behind her. I was left standing by myself. Iheard a loud gong sound and saw another wall of veils starting to lift. I couldn'tbelieve the spectacle that was on the other side of this wall. There were hugetables covered in food. Abdul and Abid were sitting against the far wall onhundreds of pillows. There were at least twenty young men on each side of them.There was a row of dancing girls standing in the middle of the room and rowsof servants against the wall. I got a little freaked out by their silence.There must have been over a hundred people just a few feet from me and theyweren't making a sound. They must have been there the entire time I was beingprepared. Then the reality of it hit me between the eyes. It had been verybright in the chamber while I was preparing. Depending on the direction ofthe light the veils would offer no privacy. They had been sitting in the darkwatching me the entire time. They had watched and heard my screens as the girlsmasturbated by body. They had sat silently watching everything that happened.Not just Abid and Abdul, but everyone; everyone in the room had watched.
My thoughts were broken by a thunderous roar that seemed to shake the chamberwalls. It became so loud it almost deafened me.
"This is all for me. All these people are here just for me," I thoughtto myself as a feeling of pride swept over me.
I could feel lust in the room greater than I had ever sensed before, it waslike every man wanted only me. I could feel their desires reaching out to meand embracing me. My nipples began to burn as my juices filled my beautifulsilk panties. I was losing control quickly. I could feel my knees becomingweak; I knew that all eyes were on me. All of their thoughts were on me. Icould feel the heat radiating from my pussy as it tried to tell me what itwanted, it wanted all of them.
"Oh God!" I prayed as I walked towards the centre of the room. "Pleasehelp me make it through this night."
I could feel the fluids from my dripping cunt soaking through my panties anddown the insides of my thighs. By the time I reached the centre of the roomyou would have thought a party had been raging for hours. Scantily clad girlsdanced seductively all around the room. Abdul gestured for me to sit betweenhim and Abid. I couldn't understand what was wrong with me; just a short timeago I had experienced one of the most violent orgasms of my life yet all Icould think about was my pussy as it begged for attention. I could feel ittwitching with anticipation as I moved closer to them. I couldn't remembera time that I had felt more lustful. As I sat down beside Abid he clapped hishands and the long line of young men on his side stood up. They formed a linestraight in front of me standing so perfectly one behind the other than allI could see was the one before me.
"These are my sons," he said to me. "I will introduce all thirtyof them to you. It is important that you remember their names. If you forgettheir names they will feel worthless and insulted."
"How could he expect me to remember over thirty Arabic names? I haveenough trouble remembering his and his brothers." I thought completelyfrustrated.
The first man standing before me looked like a young Abid. He was around twenty-fiveyears old and at least three hundred pounds just like his. He didn't wear anypants; only a large nightshirt. I glanced over at the young men sitting besideAbdul. His sons didn't wear pants either; they all wore the same long nightshirt.For some reason that bothered me a little, but my thoughts vanished as I feltmy hand being lifted into the air as Abid's son placed a kiss on the back ofit.
"The scent of your flesh drives me wild with desire," the youngman said pleasantly.
I noticed a bulge beneath his shirt as the fabric wrapped around it. It wasall I could do not to reach out and take it into my hands.
"It must be huge!" I thought as I stared at his manhood. "Itmust be as big around as a loaf of bread."
I could feel my pussy twitching as it tried to make me reach out to it. Myjuices had soaked through my panties and had made a large wet spot on the pillowI was sitting on. I had never felt so out of control in my life. I was beginningto wonder if those stones really did have some kind of magical powers.
"This is Abid 1," the old man said as I watched the young man turnand return to his place beside his father.
The next man looked almost identical to Abid 1 except he was little younger.As he bent down to kiss my hand I could see the swelling between his legs to.He might have been a little younger but his phallus looked even larger.
"I will never forget your gift to us," he said with words full oflust.
My head was spinning as I tried to imagine the huge cock that lurked beneathhis shirt.
"This is Abid 2," the old man laughed.
I looked over to the old man with a questioning look in my eyes. He understoodimmediately what I wanted to know.
"Yes, my little one. They are all Abid. They are numbered one throughthirty. That way even I do not forget their names.
It was fifteen minutes before Abid finished introducing his sons. As eachone of them was introduced he would give me a complement. As the last approachedme I lifted my hand to him. He couldn't have been more then twelve years old.When he put my hand to his mouth he bit into my finger.
"OOOOOWWWWWOOOOOOWWWWWWWW," I yelled as his sharp teeth piercedmy flesh and I quickly pulled my hand away to see a pool of blood on my knuckl.
"I want to eat you," the young boy said pleasantly.
I was surprised to hear such words coming from a boy. Abid broke into laughterbut I didn't find it quite as humorous; the little bastard had just about bittenby finger off. But I had to admit he was very cute. He had no shame for whathe had done; it was as though he thought I would appreciate it. He stood smilingdown at me just as his brothers had done; waiting for me to say thank you.
"Why thank you Abid 30. I appreciate your complement. Maybe someday whenyou are a little older I will let you eat me." I couldn't believe whatI had just said. The words had just blurted out without thinking.
I heard clapping so I knew I hadn't offended anyone. Now it was Abdul's turnto introduce his sons. They lined up in front of me just the same as Abid'shad. They were not quite as big as the previous bunch but by anyone's standardsthey were very big. The first one standing before me must have weighed overtwo hundred pounds and I quickly learned that their manhood didn't lack either.Every man who stood before me down to the youngest showed some amount of hardas he was presented to me; I had never felt the presents of such sexual energy.I was swooning in their lust when Abdul passed me a glass of wine. When I beganto drink from the glass I couldn't put it down until it was empty. It was themost delicious I had ever tasted. I prided myself in my ability to hold myliquor but my head was spinning after the one glass. My thoughts drifted backto a time when Roger and his friends had drugged me. It was the worst nightof my life. I wondered if I was being drugged again. I leaned over to Abduland my body fell into his as I lost my balance. His arms wrapped around mepulling me tightly to his massive body. It felt wonderful being held in thearms of such a man. I felt totally helpless and yet completely safe.
"Are you drugging me Abdul? Are you getting me so drunk that you canhurt me? Are you going to kill me tonight?" I asked meekly.
Abdul started to laugh as he pulled me even closer to him. "This is yournight my little princess. I promise on my life that nothing will happen thatyou do not wish. If at any time you feel out of control say stop and it willstop. As for harm coming to you, that is not in anyone's mind tonight. Thisnight is meant for your pleasure. Every experience you have ever dreamt ofcan be yours tonight. You will wake tomorrow knowing that there is nothingleft to wish for."
I was having trouble understanding him. I knew he was assuring me that I wouldnot be hurt but my lust was totally out of control, I had never felt like thisbefore. It was like I had the spirits of a hundred nymphomaniacs screaminginside of me. I needed something else to concentrate on. I remembered thathe introduced his first son has Abdul 2. I wondered what could have happenedto Abdul 1. I thought that if he had been killed in a misfortunate accidentit would make me sad. I decided to ask about him. Abdul was holding me againsthis body with his large arm wrapped around me and his hand laying across mybreasts. I wondered if I were to tell him to stop if he would but I didn'treally want take the chance that he might; I loved what he was doing to mybreasts.
"What happened to Abdul 1?" I asked quietly as I felt his hand squeezingmy breasts even harder.
I gave a yelp from the sudden pain and he released the pressure returningto the soft caressing.
"Abdul 1 is a great disappointment to me," he said. "He haslearned ways that are different from ours. He has lived most of his life inyour USA . In my heart he does not exist."
It was working; I was beginning to feel sad and the lust in my pussy was subsiding. "Whereis he now Abdul?" I asked. "Does he live in the United States ?"
"No." Abdul answered. "His worthless soul stands over there."
I looked over the dancing girls to see a handsome American sitting in a chairon the other side of the building. He was dressed in blue-jeans and a sweatshirt.He had short blond hair and his face was clean shaven, not even a moustache.He looked like the All-American boy with his dark Californian suntan and hisgolden hair. He didn't look like he was much over two hundred pounds. He wasa small man compared to his brothers. It was obvious his mother had been awhite American. I saw the door to the washroom was just a few feet from wherehe was sitting.
"Excuse me Abdul, I need to use the little girl's room." I saidas I tried to stand.
My head was spinning as I put my hand down onto Abdul's lap to push myselfup. I heard him moaning and looked down to see if I had somehow hurt him. Ifroze as I looked down at my hand; his big legs were on either side of it.My hand was wrapped around his thick cock. Abdul looked into my eyes as hismonster began to throb and unconsciously I felt my hand tightening around.It felt like a baseball bat. I could feel the juices flowing from my pussybut even worse the saliva was filling my mouth. I wanted to rip up his shirtand bury his manhood into my mouth. It was as though my body was in completecontrol. It wanted to fuck every man in the room. My mind was telling me Imust be drugged, they must have given me something to force my body to be likethis. It felt like my cunt was on fire, I needed to fuck so badly. It tookall my strength to release my hold on him and walk towards Abdul 1. I wantedto meet this handsome man and my mind jumped at the opportunity to flash visionsof his cock buried deeply into my cunt ripping me open. He would be the one,I knew it. I would take him into the washroom with me and fuck him until hekilled me. As I approached he shot forward grabbing me by the arm and pulledme into the bathroom. He was really hurting my arm. I wondered if he was goingto hurt my pussy that much. I leaned against the wall waiting for him to beginripping the clothes from my body.
"You have to get out of here," he yelled at me. "Your lifeis in danger. My father will kill you if you don't leave now,"
I stood in shock listening to him. "He must really hate his father," Ithought to myself.
Nothing could convince me that Abid and Abdul wanted to hurt me. I wasn'tgoing to let Abdul 1 destroy this night. I burst past him before he had a chanceto turn around. I had run in the wrong direction; the door I ran through leadinto the kitchen. There were people preparing dishes of food. It was like standingin a supermarket; there was food everywhere. I heard a loud squeaking soundand turned to see what it was. Two of the chefs were opening a massive slidingdoor of an oven. They lifted a large tray from the oven with a steaming lambon it. The oven was so big that the entire animal could be cooked it in onepiece. I watched as the chefs began carving the flesh and when they openedits stomach steaming berries and nuts began pouring out. For a moment I thoughtabout sampling the tasty treat but I could tell they seemed nervous with methere.
As I rushed back to the safety of Abdul and Abid the party was really gettingwild. There were dozens of naked dancing girls with their large brown breastsbouncing in all directions. The male dancers had small loincloths coveringtheir nakedness. By the time I had returned to my pillow I had completely forgottenmy encounter with Abdul 1. All of the sons were still sitting in a row on eitherside of their fathers but they seemed much more relaxed now then before. Theywere laying back into their pillows and had removed their nightshirts; theywere completely naked. I couldn't stop myself from looking down the long lineof beautiful cocks. Abid 1 was sitting a few feet from me completely naked.All I needed to do was reached over his father and I could touch his beautifulcock. My raging desire for sex was returning. My pussy was gushing fluid andI was covered in salty sweat. My clitoris and my nipples were screaming forattention. It was all I could do not to rip off my clothes and crawl over theold man to his sons beautiful cock. My mind was trying to tell me that I mustcontrol myself; but there had never been a time that I felt such desire. Ifelt like a wild animal that was waiting for the opportunity to bolt from itscage.
"You look tense my little one," I heard Abid saying. "Drinkthis, my sweet child and all that can be yours will be.
Abid was holding a small glass with a clear liquid in it. It looked like nothingmore than water. I took the glass from him and drank it down without askingwhat it might be; I knew it wasn't water. It tasted so bitter that I almostthrew up. Abid knew what my reaction was going to be as he quickly handed mea glass of wine. I downed all of it in one large gulp.
"What was that!" I gasped.
"It is a substance that young men in the U.S.A. search for all theirlives," Abid whispered in my ear. "You Americans call it, "SpanishFly". We know it to be the gateway of the soul. It will free you of allyour stresses."
"I'm not to sure that is a good idea," I said weakly. "Youhave no idea what thoughts are in my mind."
"This night is yours my angel. You must live life to its fullest tonight.Every man here is thinking only of you, they all want you. They would givetheir lives to have this night with you. Each one of them has vowed to killhimself if you do not choose to be with him tonight."
His words were driving me wild; making my body scream for sex. The thin fabriccovering my body was sticking to it and I could feel the sweat dripping fromme. I was going to screen from the aching in my pussy. My nipples felt likethey were going to push the little gold cups that covered them off with suchforce they would be like bullets. I could see some of the dancers laying onthe floor in front of us. They weren't dancing anymore, they were fucking inat least twenty different position. My eyes fell onto the ones closest to me.The woman was on her knees with the man standing over her. She had both herhands around his penis and was licking its head. I could see his lovely penisjump each time she licked it. I looked to see what the sons were doing; I wonderedif each of them had chosen a dancing girl for themselves. I was stunned whenI saw they were all watching me. Not one of them was looking at the dancinggirl. My heart began to pound so hard I was sure it was going to burst frommy chest. All of these men were waiting for me to decide which one of themI would choose. They were waiting for me to choose between them. A feelingcame over me that I had never felt before. This room was so full of passionit was making me spin out of control. I wanted to embrace them all and makeeveryone know my love. My need to give pleasure totally engulfed me, I belongedto them. Tonight I would be their whore, their slut. I was overflowing withlust, I needed them all.
My lustful thoughts were interrupted by something flashing in front of me.One of the male dancers had thrown his loincloth into the air and it had fallenonto my lap. I picked it up and held it to my face. I breathed deeply and couldsmell the heavy scent of his manliness. My pussy juices were pouring out ofme; the pillow was making squishing sounds under me. I didn't care what anyonethought; I didn't care about anything except being the vessel for every manin this room. The dancer was right in front of my face; his large cock bouncinginches from my lips. Without thinking I lifted my hands around his hard shaftpulling him closer. I couldn't believe I could be so shameless; to do suchthings in front of so many strangers. It was like I was being driven by a forcebeyond my control. All I could think of was the beautiful cock. I opened mymouth driving the large head between my lips. I heard the dancer moaning asI softly bit down just behind his glands. I began sucking and licking his beautifulweapon as if it were the only one in the world. I drove the head down pastmy larynx till I felt his balls slap against my chin. I heard the man screamas he began to fill my belly with his seed. He fell back onto the floor asif he had died.
I had become a rabid bitch in heat looking for her next victim. I couldn'tsit anymore; the fire in my loins was more than I could bear as I jumped tothe floor. The men began to cheer in anticipation of what I might do. I wasin a sea of male lust; it was everything I had ever dreamed of. I had diedand gone to heaven. I had never been a stripper or a bar dancer but I was sureI knew what the men wanted. The music was hypnotic as it sparkled around inbright colours before my eyes. My body felt like it was on fire. My nippleswere screaming to be released. I grabbed onto the golden tassels that weresuspended from the ends and gave them a hard tug. I screamed with pleasurewhen I felt the cool air embracing my swollen glands. It felt like a thousandtiny needles were sticking into my nipples and quickly making its way downto my quivering pussy. I almost fell to my knees as the jolts rippled throughmy body. If it were not for the constant cheering of the men I would have driftedoff into another dimension. It felt so much like this was some kind of a crazydream, it no longer seemed real. I began ripping the clothes from my body asI wildly danced across the floor. In a few seconds I was whirling around thefloor completely naked. I could feel the fluids running down the insides ofmy legs. I was fuelled on by the constant shouting of the men. The coloursdancing before my eyes began to take on new shapes. I was surrounded by mendancing in circles around me. All the girls were gone; I was the only girlin the room now. They were slowly coming closer; my circle was getting smalleras they surrounded me. I felt hands touching my body as I reached out to thehard wet bodies around me. I was being lifted into the air by hundreds of handsas they caressed every inch of my body. Tongs were licking between my legsas my swollen clit burst out from beneath it's hiding place and someone suckedit into their mouth. I felt myself being lowered down onto soft pillows andlay with my eyes closed and my legs spread wide waiting for what ever was tocome.
"It is time. It is time to choose," I heard the soft voice of Abidsaying. "It is time to choose who will live and who will die," hesaid softly. "You must choose who will be your mate tonight."
There would be no one killing themselves over me this night. I had one purposeand I was about to fulfill it. I didn't care what might happen to me, all Icould think of were these wonderful men who wanted me so badly they would killthemselves if they couldn't have me. I never felt so needed in my life.
"All! I want all of them," I managed to force from my lungs.
"I thought that might be your answer," I heard Abid saying. "Enjoyyourself my little one."
A huge hulking beast of a man lowered himself over me; it looked like Abid.I could see white hair streaming from his head as the hands returned to mybody. Some were caressing and others seemed to be trying to pull my body apart.It felt like they were having a tug-of-war with me. I was lifted into the airagain with my arms were pulled up over my head. My knees were pushed almostup to my chest and then spread wide apart. It felt like my hips were goingto snap. I tried to imagine what I must look like. My pussy was gaping wideas I could feel the cool air licking my cervix. I tried to see what was happeningbut the bright lights kept dancing before me. For just a moment my senses clearedand I could see the men that surrounded me. I couldn't believe what was happening;it must have been a dream, I would never have submitted to being raped by fiftymen. It was a dream I didn't want to end. I wanted all of my dream creaturesinside of me at the same time. Abdul was bearing down on me. I could see agiant zucchini in his hand. I gasped as I realized it was his penis. He wasmuch larger than any of his sons, I couldn't believe the size of it, I thoughtmy eyes must be playing tricks on me.
"I was hoping that you would be awake for me," I heard him saying. "Iwanted you to see what I have for you," he laughed loudly.
This was really happening to me. I could see Abdul lowering his massive bodyover mine and feel the hands pulling my body apart. As the head of his massivecock pushing between my legs it felt like I was being split in half.
"No Abdul, Please No. Please don't," I began to beg as fear toreinto me.
"You have made your choice," Abdul said as he filled my body withpain. It felt like I was being impaled by a fire hydrant. I felt his massivetool pushing into my belly as my ovaries pushed into my throat. He became likea giant piston slamming into me. Hands were pulling on my hips to meet eachone of his thrusts. The mouths had returned to my breasts, this time they weren'tbeing so gentle. My nipples were being bitten by sharp teeth. Every inch ofmy body was being violated. Abdul was mercilessly slamming his giant penisinto me and the pain began to subside. All I could feel was the rhythmic motionof him slamming in and out as my body was beginning to enjoy what he was doing.My fear was being eroded by lust. I could feel my clit swelling and reachingout to Abdul's huge hammer. It would pop out from its hiding place just tobe smashed back in again by his thrusts. I couldn't concentrate on any onefeeling; too many things were happening at the same time. There were handsand mouths all over my body. Someone pulled my head back and placing his mouthover mine; his hot tongue filling me. Then he was replaced by another. Eachtime a man thrust his tongue into my mouth I was swallowing constantly as theywere depositing large amounts of saliva into my mouth. I decided not to swallowtheir saliva and soon it was running out of the corners of my mouth. I didn'ttry to resist as I lay with my head hanging backwards over the edge of thepillow and felt another tong pushing into my mouth. It was much bigger andharder than any of the other ones. I began to gag as it ripped it's away pastmy larynx into my throat. I knew this wasn't a tongue pushing into my throatwhen I felt the slap of balls on my face. Someone had buried their cock intomy tummy. I felt him pull back and then drive forward again. I was now beingfucked from both ends at the same time. What I had feared would be painfulwas actually becoming very pleasurable. I was floated above what was happeningto me looking down upon a field of lustful men. My white body shining likea Goddess surrounded by her loyal subjects; each one waiting for his turn withher. Abdul's roar brought me back to reality when his hot fluid began fillingmy uterus. I could hear loud squishing sounds as his cum squirted out of mein all directions. A feeling of sadness fell over me when I felt my pussy becomeempty. I wanted him inside me and it wasn't long before my wish was granted.A fresh new cock had taken his place and was wasting no time. In one quickmotion he had driven into me till his balls were slapping angst my ass. Myclit was staying out this time as it welcomed each of his thrusts. I hearda loud growling from the man who had his cock buried in my tummy as his largetube filling with his seed and rushed towards my throat. It felt like he waspumping gallons into my belly, I could feel the heat inside of me. He was quicklyreplaced by another when he withdrew his cock from my mouth. I opened my eyesjust enough to realize that it was the young twelve year old who had bittenmy finger earlier in the evening. I could feel his penis growing in my mouthand was amazed at the size it was becoming. It felt like the cock of a wellendowed man. I could feel the pressure building in me as I thought about hisvirgin cum as I began to lick and stuck his young cock. I wanted his seed morethan anything; I wanted to suck it into my belly. I put all my thoughts intomilking his wonderful young cock. I hardly even noticed when the cock buriedin my pussy began to explode and was quickly replaced by another. The youngboy began to grown as his cock turned hard as stone. He screamed as if he hadbeen stabbed with a knife as I felt his warm liquid pouring into my mouth.I couldn't swallow fast enough as it poured out the corners. The cock thatwas pounding into my pussy starting to cum, I was being filled from both ends.I felt little jolts of electricity ripping into my belly. The teeth chewingon my nipples knew what they were doing. I felt pain birth in my nipples asthe teeth bit down into then just as the jolts of electricity exploded in mybelly. My clit felt like it was being split in half. It felt like my body wasripping into tiny pieces as surge after surge of orgasm burst through my body.There was no more pain; all I could feel was pleasure. I had orgasm after orgasmuntil I began to feel nothing. I was drifting into a cloud of blackness. Idon't know how long I was out but I was abruptly dragged from it by being throwninto the air. I was over the shoulder of someone that was walking away withme. The next thing I knew I was dropped over a large hard surface; almost likea small table. My feet were still on the ground but I was lying on my bellyacross the hard service. I felt my legs being spread apart and fastened bystraps to the floor. My arms were pulled out and spread wide. They were alsostrapped down. The main weight of my body was resting on my hips. I could sensethat someone was standing in front of me but I was too weak to lift my head.I felt my hair being grabbed as someone pulled my head into the air. My jawfell open from pure exhaustion. Before I knew what was happening someone hadpushed his cock into my mouth. I could feel hands spreading the cheeks of mybum. It felt like they were trying to split my ass in half. I knew the reasonthey were pulling my ass so wide; someone was pushing into my ass hole. Itfelt like they were trying to skewer me with a stake. I was sure what everit was would be coming out my mouth at any moment. It fell like they were shovinga flagpole into me. I would have screamed if it weren't for the cock burieddown my throat. I could feel someone spreading the lips of my pussy. Therewere at least two hands spreading the lips apart and another trying to forceits way into me. I felt my pussy scream with pain as the fist force its wayinto me. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I could feel anotherhand pushing against my clit just above the fist that was inside of me. I felttwo fingers pushing into me. Someone else was trying to push his fist intomy already stretched pussy. They were trying to push two fists into me at thesame time. The pain began to scream into my brain like the screeching wheelsof a freight train as the second fist ripping its way into my distorted cunt.I could feel the two men clasping their hands together inside my belly. ThenI felt another hand pushing at the lips of my ripping cunt.
"Oh God No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I thought as blackness fell over me.
When I woke I was lying in my bedroom of curtains. For a moment I thoughtit might all have been a dream until I tried to move; pain began shooting inevery direction. I collapsed back onto the bed as my breathing was causingme pain. I felt like I had been driven over by a truck several times. Otherthan that I felt okay. Each time I tried lifting my body the pain drove meback down again. Finally I decided that I didn't care how much pain I was inI was going to sit up. I got an elbow under myself and began pushing up. Ilifted my head just high enough so that I could see the full-length of my body.I weak scream filled the room as I looked down at the abused mass. I lookedmore like a cadaver then a living human being. My body was dark blue with hundredsof small bruises all over it and a large pool of dried blood between my legs.My pubic bone looked twice its normal size. I couldn't see my pussy and I reallywasn't to sure I wanted to. I pushed a little harder trying to sit up. A painshot out from my spine hitting my brain with the force of a sledgehammer. Isaw stars and lights flashing everywhere.
"You are a remarkable woman," where the words that brought me backto painful reality. I opened my eyes to see Abdul standing over me. "Youhave proven yourself to be worthy as a Goddess," he said.
I tried to speak but no words would come from my swollen throat.
"I can see that you have many questions little one, most of them canwait. If you are questioning the events of last evening and are feeling youmay have been taken advantage of I can assure you that you were a very activeparticipant."
I made a face trying to let him know that I didn't believe him.
"The entire evening was videotaped little one. I will leave a copy withyou. If you wish to refresh your memory you may view it at your leisure. Youmight then understand why we have chosen you over all others. The festivalwill be held in three days. You will need that time to prepare. When you wishto get out of bed my wives will help you. If you have any questions they willanswer them. I will not see you again until the festival. I am looking forwardto seeing how well they prepare you."
I was trying as hard as I could to speak but no sound would come out of mymouth. I watched him turn and leave the room and from out of nowhere Shastaappeared over me.
"You must need to use the washroom," she said as she looked downon my battered body. More of the young women appeared at her side. They helpedlift me until I was standing on my feet. My head was spinning as I reachedout for Shasta's arm. The spinning slowly subsided and I was able to standon my own.
"Would you like help in the washroom?" Shasta asked.
I waved my hand in a gesturing "No". I didn't want any hands otherthan mine touching my body for a while. I staggered into the bathroom and satonto the toilet, I really needed to pee. As I relaxed my bladder to allow thepee to flow, nothing happened. I tried pushing very hard but still nothingwould come from my body. I looked between my legs for the first time. I burstinto tears at the site. It didn't look like anything I had ever seen before.It looked more like a mass of raw meat, like a bloody roast beef was sittingbetween my legs. I couldn't see any lips or slit, it just looked like a solidblob of red flesh. I lowered my fingers expecting to jump from the pain whenI touched it but to my surprise I could feel nothing at all. It felt like ablob of jelly that wasn't even me. I realized what I was looking at was a thickcrust of blood mixed with seamen and other things. My pussy was somewhere underneaththis mess. I began to dig my fingers into the gooey mess until I could feelmy sensitive flesh underneath. My fingers found the thick folds of my vulva.They were so badly stuck together that it was as if they had been glued. Ibegan pushing my fingers between the folds of battered flesh. I felt the lipsbeginning to yield to my prodding. My mouth opened in an attempt to screamas a burning sensation tore through my loins. At first I thought I had rippedinto an artery as a huge volume of dark red liquid poured from between my legsburning like fire on my raw flesh. Then I saw it turning to a deep yellow.At the same time I could feel relief in my bladder.
"Well, at least that's still working," I thought to myself.
As I lifted myself of the toilet my legs gave out from under me and I feltwith a loud thump to the floor. Within seconds Shasta and the other young wiveswere in the bathroom.
"Whether you want it or not we are going to help you," she saidcoldly.
As they got me to my feet I began to feel very sick to my stomach. It feltlike there was a huge lump in my belly trying to push its way out. I beganto heave as soon as I was standing and Shasta turned me towards the toilet.It fell like my stomach was turning inside out as I exploded into the bowl.I felt like Linda Blair from the Exercised as a huge volume of liquid burstfrom inside my belly. The toilet was overflowing before I quit vomiting. Shastaand the other wives stood in silence staring at me. I had just pucked overtwo quarts of cum into the toilet. It was no wonder that I was unable to talk,I didn't want to think about how many blow jobs I must have given to swallowthat much cum. The funny thing was I didn't remember anything. It was as ifmy mind was trying to blank it out.
"You should come to the bath," Shasta said as she and the othergirls helped me to my feet. "It will heal your wounds."
I gestured to her that I agreed as we walked towards the large tub. As I wadedin the heat from the water felt wonderful. The water between my legs was turninga crimson red as it began to wash away the pain. The women began to use thesoft sponges on my flesh again. My body was so sensitive it felt like theywere using the rocks. I was stinging everywhere as the water cleansed my wounds.My pussy was burning so badly I was sure someone must have shoved a hot chillipepper into it. The women suspended me just under the surface of the wateras before. I felt them gently spreading my legs apart as they began to cleanmy throbbing cunt. This time I was getting no joy from their touch. Each timetheir sponges touched my raw lips it fell like I was being cut by a razor blade.I was happy when they were finished and led me back to my bed. I looked intoShasta's eyes still not able to speak. I pointed to the video tape lying onthe bed.
"You wish to watch the tape," she said in a sarcastic tone. "Iguess if I could have done as you I would also wish to relive it."
Shasta snapped her finger and from behind the veiled wall a girl came pushinga large TV on a stand. Shasta Place the DVD into the player. As the pictureappeared on the screen I could see myself sitting between Abdul and Abid. Iremembered sitting with them but very little after. I couldn't believe my eyeswhen I saw myself taking the penis of one of the dancers into my mouth. AsI watched my wanton behaviour small memories were coming back. I couldn't believeI had been so brazen. When I saw myself jumping to the floor and ripping allmy clothes from my body I couldn't believe it was me... For a moment the screenwent black but then as the picture reappeared I could see myself lying on apile of pillows with my legs spread wide open for everyone to see. When I heardmy own voice telling Abid that I wanted to fuck every man in the room I pushedthe stop button on a remote control. Tears were pouring down my cheeks.
"Everyone must think I am a sick nymphomaniacs," I thought as moretears began to pour off my cheeks.
"You are truly the Goddess of all life," I heard Shasta's voicesaying.
I had forgotten she was standing behind me the entire time. She saw everythingI saw.
"I had questioned why they wanted you," she said. "I felt thatI could have given the Masters what they needed. But when I see your greatnessI know that only you can be the one. I understand now why it must be you. Iwill spare nothing so that you may be the best you can be. It will be the greatesttriumph of your life. I promise you that," Shasta said.
I had no idea what she was talking about. All I knew was that I never wantedanother night like that again. If this feast she was talking about was justanother excuse for an orgy I wanted no part of it. I gestured to Shasta togive me a paper and pen. I wrote down my concerns and handed the paper to her.
"Oh, No!!!!," she gasped. "There will be no orgy; in fact therewill be no sex at all. This is the most religious event of the year. It isa feast to honour the Gods of fertility. If we do not please them our Kingdomewill perish. That is why it is so important to choose a Goddess so carefully.She must be their equal or they will push her aside and not hear her message.You were given the living seed of all the children. The Gods must see in youtheir worthiness to bear offspring. You will carry the seeds of life to theGods.
"And just how will I do that?" I asked as concern for my safetyfilled my mind. "Are you going to strap me onto a slab and run a knifethrough my heart?"
Shasta looked shocked. "No, No, No. We would never do that. We haven'tsacrificed anyone in that manner for over fifty years. We learned many yearsago that if the Gods wish a life it cannot be given by the hands of man. Onlythe Gods themselves can take a human life," she said reassuringly.
I was relieved to hear that I wasn't going to be sacrificed on some butcherblock, but she still didn't tell me what "WAS" going to happen. Iwrote again asking her to tell me more about the feast.
"It is just that, a feast," she answered bluntly. "It is acelebration to ask for acceptance from the Gods. It is mostly a ceremony. Youare the most important person of the event. You will be the one that is honouredin taking our living seed to the Gods. You have only three days to heal andprepare. I'm sure you understand that you must be pure in every way beforethe Gods will accept you."
I was beginning to get a little sick and tired of their customs. Over fiftymen had fucked my brains out and not one of them had stopped by to see howI was. I decided to go along with them for the next three days and then I wouldblow this fucking place. I nodded to her that I would cooperate. Shasta lookedpleased.
"It is not an easy task preparing a Goddess," Shasta smiled. "Youmust fast for the next three days. You will be allowed only liquids. On theafternoon of the feast your body must be pure. It will take us all afternoonto wash your flesh before you are given for final preparation."
From the way I felt I didn't think I was going to be wanting anything to eatfor the next three days anyway. I nodded my head in approval. I rememberedthe last time the girls had washed my body and how they had brought me to awonderful orgasm.
"I just might be ready for their probing fingers in three days," Igiggled to myself.
For the next few days I didn't do much besides lay around on my bed or bathemy body in the warm pool. I didn't see much of Shasta or the girls until themorning of the third day. I was feeling amazingly good that morning. My pussyhad returned to normal, the lips were soft and pink again. My little clit wasresponding to the slightest touch and I could feel it's wetness as my thoughtsremembered the girl's hands all over my body.
"All I have to do is make it through this feast and I will be on my wayhome," I thought to myself.
By early afternoon I was getting really hungry for the first time in threedays. All they had allowed me to eat were broths. My stomach was growling whenShasta came to see me.
"I'm starving," I said pleadingly. "Can I have something toeat?"
"It is written that you must be pure before you are prepared," sheanswered. "I see no harm in allowing you into the kitchen after you havebeen cleansed," she smiled. "Come then, let us begin the cleansingof your flesh."
As I slipped into the pool I could see the other wives waiting for me withbuckets and sponges in their hands. Within seconds they had me suspended justunder the surface of the water as I had been before. They were cleaning everycrack and orifice in my body. They started by washing my hair. Then they concentratedon my ears and nose, removing the tiniest of hairs. They had many more devicesfor cleaning my body this time than the previous.
"You are the first they are making an exception for. They are allowingthe hair on your head to remain. They are sure that your beautiful golden hairwill please the Gods. Until now all hair has been removed. Except for the hairon your head their must not be a trace on your body." She said.
"That's a lot of shaving," I said nervously.
"We have a cream that will remove the hair from your body," Shastaanswered. "Please step out of the pool for a moment and I will demonstrate."
I stood quietly at the edge of the pool while the girls applied the creamto every inch of my body.
"Please spread your legs now," Shasta said.
I reluctantly spread my legs expecting the cream would burn the still tenderlips of my vagina. To my surprise there was no pain or stinging at all. Theywere rubbing it all over my pussy and up into my ass. I spread my legs evenwider allowing for deeper penetration. I could feel my fluids starting to flowas a finger slipped between the lips. I wondered if she thought there mightbe hair in there. I knew that the girl had other intentions as she began torub her thumb over my swelling clit. I felt her pushing back on the flesh exposingits tender knob.
"If I was to be granted one wish in my lifetime," Shasta said asshe lowered her mouth to my swelling clitoris. "It would be to eat thislittle part of you,"
I wasn't paying much attention to her words. It was her teeth and her tonguenibbling on my clit that was driving me insane. I began to moan loudly whenshe pulled her head away.
"I can't see that your lust has returned, your fluids are flushing awaythe cream. I can't believe how soft and smooth your flesh is. Your pussy isas soft as a baby's bottom." Shasta said from between my legs.
She had a small rubber hoses with warm water running out of it in her hands.She placed its stream directly onto my clit. I lifted my hips trying to increasethe sensation. I knew that I was close to a wonderful orgasm when Shasta loweredthe hose from my clit. I wondered why she had done that.
"If you are a good little girl for the next few minutes I will finishwhat I have started," she giggled. "I told you that you must be completelycleansed. That means inside as well as out," she said as she slowly pushedthe opening of the hose into my vagina. At first it felt quite pleasant butsoon it began to hurt. She was holding her hands tightly around the hose notallowing the water to come out. The pressure was becoming unbelievable in mybelly. When I began to whimper from the pain she released the hose from mypussy. I heard a loud wooshing sound and looked up to see a small wave movingaway from between my legs. She repeated the ordeal three times before she toldme she was done.
"Now you can tell everyone you have the cleanest cunt it all the world." shelaughed loudly.
"I'm just glad it's over," I sighed with relief.
"It's not quite over just yet," she giggled.
I felt the hose going between my legs again. This time she placed it muchlower. I knew where she was headed with it. At least I knew what to expectthis time. I felt the end of the hose easily pushing into my rectum. I wassurprised at how cool the water felt as it splashed against my intestines.In a matter of seconds my belly was beginning to swell. It felt like it wasgoing to explode. My tummy had expanded to the size of a beach ball. I couldsee the veins bulging all over it. I was beginning to worry that if she didn'tpull it out soon something inside my belly would rupture. My skin had stretchedso thin that I was sure I could see the water through it. Then I felt her pullingthe hose out. It sounded like a tidal wave going across the pool. I couldn'tbelieve how wonderful the relief felt.
"Now you have the cleanest ass-hole in the world, " she laughed.
Shasta told the other girls to go to the kitchen and prepare something forme to eat. After the girls had gone she ordered me to sit on the edge of thepool with my feet dangling in the water as she remained in the pool. She placedherself between my legs with her head just inches from my pussy. Her long slenderfingers began dancing all around my vagina as she spread the lips apart. Twoof her fingers disappeared inside of me and her thumbs began rolling over myclit. I could feel the blood rushing into my swelling clitoris as it poppedits little head out from under its protective hood. Shasta placed it into hermouth and began rolling it around on her tongue. I could feel her teeth bitingsoftly into it. She was driving me wild with passion. My pussy was so closeexploding into orgasm when she pulled her head away.
"This little thing is what makes you what you are. Without it you wouldbe nothing. I could bite it off and steal it from you so easily," shesaid softly.
"Let me cum first," I pleaded not taking anything she had just saidseriously. I was just one lick away from cumming.
"If I stole it from you it would do me no good. You must give it to meof your free will," she said in a more serious tone.
"Does this crazy bitch think that I would actually tell her she can bitemy clit off just to get her to finish me? Just a few strokes with my own fingerwould be almost as good."
"Tell me that if a time ever comes you no longer have a use for it Imay have it," she pleaded.
"Now that's more like it," I thought to myself. "I can livewith that."
"Yes, Yes. If a time ever comes that I don't want my clit anymore I giveyou permission to bite it from my body," I said giggling.
I hadn't finished the words when I felt her mouth covering my swelling pussyagain. Jolts of electricity began to burst in my cunt as she nibbled and sucked.Several hard orgasms ripped through my body before I finally lay back totallyexhausted.
"It is a promise then?" I heard her saying.
"What's a promise?" I asked.
"That your clit is mine if there ever comes a time that it is no longerof any use to you," she said calmly.
I figured she must have drank too much of my pussy juice, but after the lickingshe had just given me I would have agreed to terms far more dangerous thenthese. After all I was hoping for a repeat performance before I left for home.
"Yes my sweet Shasta. My clit belongs to you if a time ever comes thatI have no use for it."
I couldn't believe the large smile my statement created on her face.
"It is time for us to go to the kitchen. I am sure the chefs have preparedeverything for you by now," she said in a gentle voice as she handed mea towel to wrap around myself.
"You will only need this to protect your vanity till we reach the kitchen.You will be prepared for the feast after you have finished eating."
I wrapped the towel around myself and followed her towards the kitchen. Aswe walked in I could see the other girls waiting for us. There were three chefsleaning against a table at the far end of the kitchen just standing watchingus. There was a huge platter of fruit and nuts on the table closest to me.My mouth began to water as I looked at the delicious food. Shasta pulled outa chair from behind the table.
"Eat, my sweet lamb," she said as she motioned for me to sit inthe chair. I didn't need another invitation. I sat down and dove into the deliciousfood. There was every kind of nut I had ever seen and hundreds of differenttypes of berries. As I ate like a starving beast the five women circled aroundsmiling down at me. I glanced over to see the three cooks had pulled a largeplatter onto the table next to us.
"I guess they are going to prepare another animal," I thought asI remembered the one I had seen them lift from the large oven a few nightsearlier.
"Eat all you want my sweet. Eat till your tummy is about to burst," shesaid excitedly.
I sensed a strange almost perverse excitement in the tone of her voice. Itsent a cold shiver up my spine. I found it strange that she would become soexcited watching me eat. I must have stuffed the food into my belly for overfifteen minutes before I sat back.
"I think I'm going to burst," I said as I placed my hands over myvery full tummy. "That was the most delicious bowl of nuts and berriesI have ever eaten."
"You should taste their sweetness after they have been cooked," Shastasaid in a mocking tone. "Are you not going to have more?"
"I couldn't, I'm full to the top," I laughed.
"I'm sure there is more room in your lovely belly. With a little helpI'm sure you could eat much more," she said as the girls all move closerto me.
I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. All five of the girls had circled tightlyaround me. There wasn't even enough room for me to stand.
"If you are not going to eat anymore it is time for us to prepare youfor the feast," Shasta said in a strange high-pitched voice.
Before I knew what was happening hands were grabbing hold of me on all sides.There were hands under my knees and around my neck. My wrists and my ankleswere being held tightly. I realized the three cooks had taken the place ofthe girls. They had lifted me into the air and were carrying me across thefloor. One of them was at my head, another at my feet, and the third had hisarms wrapped around my waist. The girls were holding my hands and feet still.I didn't have control over a muscle in my body except for my mouth. I triedto scream but only a faint squeal came from my lungs.
"What are you doing?" I yelled as loudly as I could but nobody seemedto take notice of my protests except Shasta. She began to laugh almost hystericallyas they carried me across the kitchen floor.
I would have been the Goddess this year if you hadn't agreed to come," shesaid bitterly. "I would have been honoured for all eternity, you tookthat away from me but I will surely win next year when I have your gift."
I knew what she meant by my gift; she was talking about my clit again. Somehowshe thought she would be ripping it from my body. I didn't understand anythingthat was going on. What could possibly make her think I would agree to beingmutilated just to satisfy her crazy ideas? When I felt my body being placeddown onto a cold surface the reality of what was happening became clear tome. I knew that I had been placed onto the platter the chefs had brought tothe table a few moments earlier. I thought they were playing a very sick jokeon me.
"If you are trying to scare me it is working," I began to plead. "Pleasedon't do this. Please stop."
I couldn't stop myself from crying. Tears were running down my cheeks andinto my mouth. I could taste it salty sweetness. Only Shasta seemed to be awareof what I was saying. The three men and the women acted as though they couldn'thear a word I was saying. Two of the men lifted my legs from under my kneesand pushed them up to my chest. They pushed so hard that my knees touched mychin. It felt like the vertebrae in my spine was separating. Then they spreadmy legs apart pushing my knees almost into my armpits. Pain was bursting frommy hips. I was sure that I heard cracking sounds. As the men held my legs inplace the women pulled my arms down to my sides. They placed my hands underthe bottoms of my feet and began to use twine to bind my hands and feet together.Being able to hold onto the bottoms of my feet relieved some of the pain inmy hips. I held onto my feet tightly and pulled them up into my body. I guessI was making it easier for my tormentors to complete their task; all I knewwas that it relieved the pain in my hips. Several hands lifted me a few inchesinto the air. I could feel the twine being wrapped tightly around my body.When I was placed back down on the platter I was completely bound. All I couldmove was my head. Even my fingers were bound to my feet. I could see a lookof satisfaction on everyone's face. Shasta was the only one looking into myeyes.
"Why are you doing this to me? Please untie me and let me go," Ibegged her.
"You should see how beautiful your white cunt looks now," she laughed. "Yourprecious little clit is standing straight out."
A cold chill surged into me and my head began to pound wildly.
"It's because you want to take my clit isn't it? Can I only save myselfif I let you sever it?" I asked in a trembling voice.
"That is a very interesting proposition," she answered. "Butyour clit will be mine before this day is over. How did you think we wouldsend you to the Gods? In an automobile?" She laughed wildly at her ownjoke.
"You said that you couldn't kill me," I sobbed.
"No one will take your life," Shasta answered clearly. "Wewill simply put you into the oven and if the Gods wish to spare your miserablelife there are many ways available to them." She giggled
Reality rushed into my mind. They were going to cook me alive. I began toplead and blubber like a baby.
"Oh God No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Please Nooooooooooo. Please don't put meinto the oven alive. Please, Please. You can be that insane. Please don't dothis to me."
"I have heard enough of your whining," Shasta said loud enough todroned out my weak voice as I felt a pair of strong hands lifting and pullingmy head back. One of the cooks was standing over me with a lone transparenthose in his hands. It looked to be just a little larger around the garden hose.I felt a pain ripping into my chest as one of the women bit into my nipple.My mouth opened wide in an attempt to scream when I felt something being jammeddown on either side of my jaw. It had all been done just to get me to openmy mouth wide. What ever it was they had placed into my mouth was causing itto remain wide-open. As soon as the cooks had jammed the wedges into my mouththe girl quit biting my nipple. I watched in horror as the cook began to shovethe plastic tube down my throat. A large funnel was placed onto the other endof the hose. One of the cooks held it a few feet over my head. The girls liftedthe bowl of nuts and berries I had been eating from and began to pour theminto the funnel. The nuts and berries rushed down the tube and into my tummy.My tummy began to feel like it was going to explode. At least another two poundsof berries had pushed their way into me before I saw the flow stop. I feltseveral hands resting on my swollen tummy. They began punching and needed itas the flow of nuts and berries began to fill my tummy again. They punchedand needed my tummy until they couldn't get any more in. As the cooks slowlypulled the tube out of my throat I could see more fruits and nuts flowing downthe tube. They were even filling my throat.
"I guess you have three choices," I heard Shasta saying to me. "Youcan bring up and choke to death or you can die a painless death in the oven.You will pass out from the heat long before it eats your flesh. Or you canhold out for a miracle from the Gods. You can hope that they will spare yourlife. The choice is yours."
I wondered why she thinks I would choke to death if I brought up. All I woulddo is made one hell of a mess," I thought defiantly.
The answer came to me a few moments later as one of the women appeared overme with a large needle and thread in her hands. One of the cooks removed thedevice from my jaw pulling it shut with his hands. I tried to scream as I feltthe sting of the needle piercing my lip. I felt it go through the undersideof my bottom lip an out the top. She did this several more times before shecut the needle free of the thread and began to tie my lips together. I couldfeel a trickle of blood running on the insides of my cheek and down my throat.Tears were pouring so badly from my eyes that everything was becoming a blur.Fear had totally overtaken me. I was capable of enduring almost any among thepain if I knew I was giving pleasure. But this had none of those feelings.There was no passion in this room. The only feelings I could sense was Shasta'shate for me. I had never been so afraid in my life. My heart was pounding asI felt myself being lifted into the air one more time. They turned me overand laid me down onto my stomach. My body was rocking as it I were a largebeach ball. There were pains shooting in my belly. I could see a large bowlof fruit on the table beside me. It was full of apples, pears, oranges, andbananas. I could feel hands pulling the cheeks of my bum apart. It felt likethey were splitting my ass. I saw one of the cooks scooping a substance froma can. His hand came out full of lard. I screamed in silence as I felt himpushing his fingers into my ass. I saw one of the girls passing him an appleand felt pain ripping through my rectum as it began to enter my bowels.
"No, no!, oh God Nooooooooooooooooooooo," I screamed in silence. "Pleasemake them stop. Please God, Please make them stop," I began to pray andplead in my silent torture, but in my heart I knew it was too late.
I wrenched in pain as the cooks slowly emptied the bowl of fruit into my intestines.The pain was like a fire burning inside me, the force of it seemed to be everywhere.I hardly noticed the stinging of the needle as they began to sew my rectumshut. I felt myself being lifted into the air again, this time I was placeddown on my back again. I saw them walking around me smiling down at their handiwork.Shasta appeared before me holding a large pineapple in her hands. I couldn'thelp but admire its foliage. Most pineapples I have seen have a few motleyleaves sticking out of them but this one had what looked like a thick blushof green flowers on its stock. I knew what she planned on doing with it butI was incapable of any more fear that I already felt. In a way I had almostaccepted my fate, I just wanted it to end. I felt fingers pushing into eitherside of my vagina. This was probably the first time it was not dripping wetfrom its own fluids. There was no feeling of lust in me. I saw Shasta appearover me again. She was holding the pineapple in her hands. It was covered inthe thick lard. She smiled down at me as she lowered it between my legs andbegan to push it into me. My body started to slide off the platter. One ofthe cooks lowered his large hands to my shoulders and held me tightly. I knewthat my pussy was ripping as she pushed the huge pineapple into me. I couldfeel it screaming in pain as she split it open. My head was spinning, lightswere flashing before my eyes. I fell like my life was already ebbing. I beganto pray for the darkness that would give me piece. I saw Shasta smiling downat me again. Her hands were covered in lard and blood. She lifted my head soI could see the green foliated between my legs. I could feel the pointed barbsof its skin sticking into my internals. She dropped my head back down ontothe platter.
"You're white cunt looks beautiful," she laughed loudly. "Injust a few moments you will meet the Gods."
Shasta and the other girls began to pack fruit and vegetables around me. Shastarubbed the lard from her hands onto my body. I was almost delirious with fearand pain. My mind began to play a sick game with me. I began to imagine whatI would look like when I was removed from the ovens several hours later. Iimagined them cutting me open and all the fruits pouring out of me in a steamingmass. I imagined Shasta being the first to claim her prize as she cuts my steamingclitoris from my body.
The squeaking of the oven doors shocked my senses. I felt the platter beinglifted from the table. I was placed onto the open door of the oven. Shastawas standing over me with two large grapes in her hands.
"This will keep your eyes moist and fresh. The Masters love fresh eyes," shelaughed almost hysterically.
She lifted the lids of my eyes placing the grapes under them. It didn't hurtbut I was unable to open my eyes anymore.
"Your fate is now in the hands of the Gods," she said still laughingfrantically. "We will leave you now."
I felt the tray being pushed into the oven. Then I heard the creaking of thedoor as it closed tightly.
I could feel the heat; my skin beginning to burn.
"Oh please God take me now," I prayed. "Please don't make mesuffer," I began to scream in my silent world. There was no one to hear,no one to care. The heat was beginning to singe the insides of my nostrils.I began to hear music like the sounds of harps and violins. I was ascendingto Heaven. The violins sounded terrible like a screeching sound, almost like,like, like the sounds of the doors of the ovens opening. I could feel coolair rushing onto me.
"Have they changed their minds? Was this all a sick joke? Or are theypulling me out to baste my flesh," I wondered.
I felt myself being lifted from the tray and carried away from the oven. Ibegan shivering as if I were freezing cold. I felt myself being laid down ontoa cool surface. I could feel the bindings that secured me being cut.
"You must remain quiet," a voice said. "You must trust me orwe both will die."
I recognized the voice. It was Abdul1. He was saving me. I heard a snippingsound and my bowels began to spill onto the floor. Two more snaps and I waspuking nuts and berries everywhere. I felt him lifting my eyelids and removingthe large grapes from under them. My vision was extremely blurry, but I couldsee his golden hair over my face.
It is not my intention to disgrace my family. That is why I waited until theyleft you in the ovens. They will think the Gods have rescued you. I could notlet your life end in such a manner. You have a much greater destiny."
As I hung onto the last few threads of life that attached me to this worldI could feel his lust for me. I knew that in some way he wanted me. It wasfilling me with strength. It was giving me the will to live.
"The next several hours will not be pleasant," he said. "Youmust hide in the cargo hole of a plane until you are safely in the United States. You will have to lie in a coffin. I pray that you will not hate me for myfather's actions."
I felt him snipping the threads that held the giant pineapple in my pussy.Bolts of lightning shot into my brain as he began to pull it from my body,then everything went black.
In my blackness I could hear a loud roaring. There was lots of vibration asI tried to open my eyes. I realize they were already open.
"Am I blind? Have I gone blind?" I thought as I began to panic.My hands were thrashing wildly trying to discover my environment. I was encasedin some kind of fabric. I was inside of a box. My mind remembered Abdul 1'swords. "You will be in a coffin."
"At least it's not an oven," I thought slightly relieved as I beganto realize where I was. I knew that I was in a plane. I tried to move and foundthat I couldn't feel anything from my waist down. I lowered my hands to mylegs but I had no feelings in them. I began to feel extremely sick to my stomach.I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I began to puke all over myself. Starsdanced before my eyes and then there was more blackness.
When I opened my eyes again I thought I must be in some kind of a dream. Itlooked like a very posh private room in a hospital. My body was covered inelectrical monitors. As I woke several of the monitors began alarming. Threenurses and a doctor were standing over me before I could blink my eyes.
"You are finally awake," the doctor said.
"Where am I?" Burst from my mouth.
"You are in Mount Sinai hospital," the doctor said. "You havebeen in a coma for almost two weeks. Abe is paying for all your treatment."
"Who is Abe?" I asked.
"I guess you know him best as Abdul 1," the doctor said. "Heasked me to give you this when you woke," the doctor handed me an envelope.
"Please forgive my ignorant family. They truly believed they were honouringyou. Please do not call the police or make an incident over this terrible injustice.All your medical costs will be covered by me. I have placed one million dollarsin your bank account. Consider it a small gift from me for the honour of almostknowing you. You are a precious jewel in a world of slime. Any man who processesyou is the most fortunate man alive. Someday I hope you will find forgivenessin your heart. P.S. I am told that you will fully recover. I am so happy tohear that. Abdul 1."
"If it hadn't been for him I would have raised such a stink that Abduland Abid would never have been allowed to return to the United States again.But his words so full of passion melted my heart. I looked up to the doctor.
"Is it true? Will I fully recover? I asked.
"Yes my dear. You should be fully recovered within a few weeks. It maytake a little longer for the trauma of what has happened to you to subside,but time is a great healer."
It had been almost six months since my visit to the Sudan . I never heardanother word from anyone since I left the hospital. I had transferred Abdul'smoney back into his account. No amount of money could buy me off and I wantedhim to know that.
It was late Friday afternoon and I was at the beginning of my four days offfrom work when I heard a knocking at my front door.
"Who is there?" I called out. My blood ran cold when I heard theresponse.
"Abdul" was all I heard.
"That fucking bastard has come back," I thought as rage filled mymind.
I opened the drawer of the table in the hall and lifted the 38 revolver fromits case. I released the safety and sprang to the door. I swung the door openand began squeezing the trigger. The gun made a loud click as the hammer slammeddown. Luckily for me, and especially luckily for Abdul 1 the gun wasn't loaded.I had bought the gun for protection but I hated it so much I had forgottento load it. The beautiful blonde man standing before me would have been blownall over the hall. I think Abe must have pissed himself when he saw the gunpointing in his face the first thing he asked was if he could use the washroom.After things settle down we talked for several hours. We talked about our families,our fears, and our hopes for the future. We seemed to be becoming intimatefriends. I couldn't get it out of my mind that this was the man who saved mylife. Every time he looked into my eyes I could feel the butterflies in mytummy and the wetness between my legs. I told him about my father's letter.I told him how much it had freaked me out. I said that I had never been ableto muster enough courage to go to the cabin for fear that I might rememberwhat really happened that weekend. He told me the only way to defeat fear wasto embrace it. He said I must find the courage to challenge my demons. He saidthat since the first time he saw me he had been able to think of no other.He said he would be willing to go to the cabin with me.
"There is nothing I can think of that I would rather do than to be withyou," he said. "You are my destiny. I must process you."
His words were driving me wild with desire and passion. But before I couldanswer him the phone began to ring. When I answer it I couldn't believe myears. It was his father Abdul Sr...
"Is my glorious son with you?" He asked.
I didn't answer him but I was sure he could hear my heart pounding with fear.
"I know that you are with him now. I know that you can't wait to getoff the phone so that you may spread your lovely legs for him."
"What a fucking pervert," I thought to myself.
"You do not know my son. He is not the man you think he is. You thinkhe has lust for you. You think he wants you. I want you to think of me as herips the flesh from your body. I want you to remember me telling you to stayaway from him as he eats your living heart. You will die watching him eat theflesh of your cunt. He has probably asked you to return to your father's cabinwith him. That is where he intends to end your life in suffering you have neverimagined. He did not save you so that you may be free. He saved you for himself.He did not want to share you with anyone. He will eat your flesh and drinkyour blood and you will still be alive as he opens your skull and eats yourbrains."
"FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!," I screamed into the phone asAbe came running into the kitchen.
"What is happening?" He asked with such caring in his eyes.
I wasn't going to tell him it was his father. I wasn't going to tell him theawful things his father had just said. How could his father be such a crueland heartless man. Why would he want to hurt his own son so badly. I couldfeel Abe's lust more strongly now than ever before. It was as though our soulswere blending. I knew that he would be the last man in my life. I trusted himwith my life. I wanted to give myself to him heart and soul.
"I would love to go to the cabin with you," I said smiling up athim.
A huge smile appeared across his face. "We will go soon. I have manypreparations I wish to make. I do not want to fail as my father did. We willbe as one forever. But until then,".
I felt his hand rest on the neckline of my dress. Before I knew what was happeninghe ripped the dress from my body. His powerful hands continued to rip the clothsfrom my body causing the fluids to pour from my swelling pussy. He saw the38 pistol lying on the kitchen counter.
"Spread your legs apart slut!" He commanded.
As I spread my legs I could feel my juices leaking out the crack of my bum.
"Farther, spread your fucking legs farther," he yelled as his lustwas driving me into a frenzy. I had never felt so much power before. I wantedhim to devour me. I wanted to be part of him. I spread my legs as wide as Icould. I saw a puddle of fluid on the floor between my legs.
"You are such a fucking slut," he yelled as he stuffed the muzzleof the 38 into my swollen lips. "Tell me to pull the trigger, tell mebitch." He yelled.
"Yes, Yes. Please pull a trigger," I pleaded totally in his control.
"Click," echoed throughout the kitchen.
"Where are the fucking bullets bitch," he screamed.
I leaned over and pulled the drawer open where the bullets were kept. I sawhim load one into the chamber.
"Can you imagine the fuck this could give you," he yelled.
I had no will, only his will existed. Whenever he wanted I would do. I washis.
"Yes master, Yes. I began to scream. "Pull the trigger. Please,pull the trigger."
I felt the cold steel of the barrel pushing deep into my pussy. I heard himspinning the chamber. His...
Now wait a min. That's another story.
I hope you have enjoyed my story; and understand why I had to write ?Amanda'sLetter from Daddy? . If you did enjoy it I would love to hear from you. Pleasewrite to me at,, [email protected]
Shopping After his ordeal, Ted fell asleep for some time. A few moments after he awoke, he remembered the spanking and tentatively rubbed his behind. Cool, but tender. He noticed his cock and tucked it back in the panties. “Amanda?” he called. “In the living room.” “Just a sec.” Desperately thirsty, he took a big drink at the bathroom sink, then walked to the living room, wearing only the panties. Amanda, seated in an easy chair, smiled and held out her arm. They kissed, long and...
Sun Beams through my window waking me. I get out of bed, put on a pair of black skinny jeans,grab one of my band tees, throw on my red leather jacket and head out for breakfast. It's been 2 weeks since my house dimension hopped me onto a world without humans and covered in cat people. Luckily for me this world has been extremely accepting of me despite everything and i have been adapting well. I got a new job as a bartender and i think i'm gonna be okay but i have been getting lonely. I decided...
LesbianChristmas 1998 Wasn,t one I care to remember much. Wife Sarah had been taken into hospital with pneumonia on Christmas Eve and had to spend two weeks to recover. Son Rick was no longer at home now living with his girlfriend Fiona but daughter Christina was still at home working in central London, my mother in law recently having passed away it was sad to think of a first Christmas without her and now no Sarah in the house either. As we needed the money I volunteered for extra work as security...
The blistering heat of the day was beginning to subside. The sky was dark blue but not yet completely dark. A car was sitting with its door open in the driveway; a hand gesturing from inside. As I slid in an Arab man was sitting across from me. He was dressed in a white that seemed to glow in the dark. His dark eyes peered out from the thick black beard completely covered his face. It was when he reached out that I realized how huge he was. His fingers were the size of my wrists and his hands...
Abid was holding a small glass with a clear liquid in it. It looked like nothing more than water. I took the glass from him and drank it down without asking what it might be; I knew it wasn't water. It tasted so bitter that I almost threw up. Abid knew what my reaction was going to be as he quickly handed me a glass of wine. I downed all of it in one gulp. "What was that!" I gasped. "It is a substance that young men in the U.S.A. search for all their lives," Abid whispered in my ear....
"I guess they are going to prepare another animal," I thought as I remembered the one I had seen them lift from the large oven a few nights earlier. "Eat all you want my sweet. Eat till your tummy is ready to burst," she said excitedly. I sensed a strange almost perverse excitement in the tone of her voice. It sent a cold shiver up my spine. I found it strange that she would become so excited watching me eat. I must have stuffed the food into my belly for over fifteen minutes before I...
It was both exciting and humiliating to him as he walked towards the large upstairs bathroom where Amanda was waiting for him. Thinking of turning back, the frustration kept him moving… slowly. He paused for a moment, before his nervous hand reached towards the doorknob. In Amanda’s house, there were some rules, and he knew how strictly she enforced them. One of them being, he was without question not allowed to masturbate himself. Any masturbation which was permitted would happen once per...
This story is a tribute to Bared Affair and to Angie who gave so many people so many great articles and so many happy times: The format of each story in Bared Affair was a newspaper article style in depth report on a news item of interest to the spanking world and this is my version of ‘Bared Affair meets Lush’: The Article: 17 th May 2011 A new service is being offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited, based in Stretford in Sussex, UK. This is an investigative report by Amanda Jones . ...
The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...
Amanda hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit apartment. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the door swing shut behind her before sliding the deadbolt shut with a satisfying ‘clunk’. The blinds were open enough to allow a sufficient amount of moonlight to shine through the lone meager window in her tiny one bedroom basement suite. Reaching over, she flipped the light switch on, her brow furrowing in confusion as the room remained enshrouded in...
The Article 5th July 2011 Amanda Jones third article in her series on the disciplinarian service offered by SDL and RDL, this time shadowing RDL disciplinarian Ruth Atkins. Ruth Atkins is 29 years old, slim, smartly dressed in a blue skirt that stopped just above the knee, a white short sleeved blouse, and a jacket. Quite the business woman actually. “I trained as a school teacher and was a firm believer in corporal punishment which I discovered if used correctly produced well behaved and...
The Article: 27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...
Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...
amanda's Fantasy Dearest Mistress, Please understand that I have hundreds of fantasies. But You specifically asked for a fantasy from me about You. So, due to U/us becoming so close as of late, this one will probably be one of the greatest fantasies that I have. Please bare with me cause this is likely to become extremely detailed. At least from my perspective it will be. And so it begins.... The day has finally arrived and I am here to finally meet my beloved Mistress for...
Hey all I am Da (name changed) 21yr old. This incident happened to me when I was in high school. I always have strong appetite 4 sex as most of teenagers do. But to me it was something more when compared to others. After the final exams I recieved a call from my aunt & she invited me to her place as there were holidays going on. Even my cousin also insisted me to come. I agreed and left for there. Its about 2 to 3 hr journey. I directly went inside the house as there was none. But when i...
IncestThe Sudanese Seductress I was living in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavor Hills - for the simple reason that it was where I could afford to buy a property. It is reasonably scenic and you can get to The Dandenong Ranges and The Mornington Peninsula fairly easy. The Monash Freeway and the Eastlink are nearby, although the traffic on the Monash can be frightful during the rush-hour period. Although it had a number of large supermarkets - Coles and Woolworths and so forth - I had taken...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 2 The next day seemed a prolonged torment for both of us. The hours dragged by and our minds were turning to thoughts about what would happen that night. I wondered about stopping at the convenience store on the way home. I hadn't been there for a couple of days, but that didn't mean a thing. I decided to text Whitney. "Hi sweetie, would you like me to call in the shop this afternoon to see you? Or would you prefer to wait until tonight? xx" "Hi!...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 3 As Whitney had to work that afternoon, I drove her back to her unit to get changed. She explained some more of her background to me. She was originally from Sudan, and named Whillam. Whillam's parents and emigrated when he was young. He had started dressing in his mother's and her sister's clothes as a teenager. However, his sister caught him and threatened to tell their parents. His sister had considerable power over him. Whillam's parents owned a...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 4 After I had recovered somewhat from my prolonged bondage ordeal, it was time to punish Whitney. I had Whitney change from her shop assistant clothes into something much more feminine and sexier. She had a very pretty sky-blue bra and panties set with matching negligee and suspender belt, grey-white stockings and blue high-heels. A blue ribbon was bound around the base of her shecock. Once Whitney was suitably attired, I bound and gagged her on the...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 5 To this day, I still don't know why Whitney was kidnapped. We had been together for several months and had started thinking about our long-term future together. Whitney was also contemplating whether to go through with the full sex change or to keep her shecock. It will always be one of the great unknowns if, instead of my being away during that fateful week, I had been working as usual. As it was, I had had to go to another site for a week, and,...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 5 I sat looking at the barrage of pictures that were downloading to my phone, before turning my attention to the live feed on the internet. Whitney had been stripped naked and bound to a chair with her legs spread far apart. However, it was her shecock and her tgurl testicles which were the main object of the torture. These had been clamped in place somehow and were being repeatedly stimulated so she was subjected to continual orgasms. Some of the...
WARNING: This story is for adults only WARNING: This story is for adults only. If you are a minor, go elsewhere now. This is an extreme story, involving S&M, bestiality and snuff. So if you don?t like these subject, go elsewhere. Amanda, the pig catcher Ideas and plot by The Duchess of Hell, words by 2NN Amanda watched the pathetic, little creep moving about, no clue as to what she had planned for him. Had Justin, the object of her contempt, been even remotely aware of what she had...
Amanda had been so excited when her husband Dan invited her to go to Philadelphia with him on the business trip. As a young woman from the South, Amanda had never traveled up North before, especially not by plane. She was fascinated by the size of the city. She and Dan had a wonderful meal at the downtown hotel and that evening Dan was so passionate with her. When Dan left for his meeting, Amanda found his laptop computer opened and still connected to the Internet. Although she knew it was...
I would like to share with you the experience I have just been through in as much detail as possible. I will not disclose the names of the locations for various reasons. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Bryce. I'm 22 years old, and have just graduated from a state university. I'm originally from a suburb of a city about 200 miles from my college, both in the same state. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh about 165 pounds…pretty "normal" build. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and am...
AMANDA?S SURPRISE AMANDA?S SURPRISE Chapter one ? Caught Amanda walked slowly down the dock, wincing each time the old boards creaked under her feet.? She saw the old buildings, windows broken and graffiti covering much of the outside.? She felt uneasy, wishing she was home, but she knew that she had to try to find out what had happened to her friend Susan.? Susan worked for the local paper and fed up with being sent on stories covering school fetes and store openings, had decided to do...
Amanda Thompson stands in front of a mirror. She holds an angel costume up against her sexy body, admiring herself. She looks up and down the costume, liking the length of it. She decides to try it on in the dressing room.Amanda takes the costume over and summons the saleslady."May I help you?" the saleslady says."Yes, you can. I would like to try this on." Amanda says."Okay ma'am, right this way." the saleslady says.Amanda watches as the saleslady walks towards a row of dressing rooms. She...
“Finally I found you Amanda. I thought we were going to meet at the end of the school day and instead you just ditch me. Do you mind telling me why” Jenny said, the hurt clearly sounding in her voice. Amanda stopped and turned as her friend caught up to her on the street. They were a few blocks from school although not on the route they normally took home. Amanda looked at the sky but if she was hoping for divine intervention to whisk her away or at least inspire her tongue on what to...
It was one of those hot summers, in which long days of sun and heatdrove the people towards the sea-shore. Amanda was one of them, seeking coolness in the fresh salty wind that blew through her hair. “Wow, this beach is crowded!” Amanda said to her friend Janice, who had decided to come along with her. Actually, Janice was the neighbor’s daughter, but she and Amanda had become very close, since Amanda had moved in at her new apartment last year . She was thirteen years of age, three years...
manda Deacon was a married, white woman in her mid-twenties. Twenty-six, to be exact. She had a very nice body and firm ass, too good belonging to a married woman. A natural dark blonde woman, she was a head turner and would grab attention of any polite, white man if not for her wedding band. To aggressive black men, it did not matter. And Amanda was accustomed and very comfortable with black men, thanks to a progressive program sanctioned by The Black Power Movement.She, like her husband,...
Michael Jones enjoyed his life. He was married to a remarkably interesting woman. What made her interesting was her love for lovemaking. She was a confident woman who was in tune with her body.When they met, they had sex the first night. She told him that she was not a slut she just enjoyed sex. Michael thought he hit the lottery. The women he usually met were a bit skittish when it came to sex.Amanda his wife was beyond skittish. In fact, she loved sex period. She loved sex with men,...
Wife Loversby Vincent Amanda opened her eyes and looked at her sleeping friend. It was late, but it was Saturday, so there was no problem having a lazy morning. Even with a little drool hanging from the corner of her mouth Amanda thought Hina looked like an angel and was dying to kiss her, but she didn't have the heart to wake her up. As soon as Hina's eyes fluttered open Amanda planted a big kiss on her lips. "What a nice way to wake up," Hina said, "I had a crazy dream." "What...
The first day in a new job... Everyone is slightly nervous on their first day in a new job. Amanda was no exception. Not massively nervous - no reason to be, Just the vague threat of the new. After all - this was job was not going to be that challenging to her. She was not going to be a PA to a high flyting executive - although that would be her top choice. Not an office manager. No senior position. Amanda's new job was a receptionist. Something she thought she could do with her eyes...
Amanda Seyfried arrived at the expensive inner-city hotel, walking up the steps in the sunlight, her large designer sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was making sure not to walk too quickly, otherwise her large breasts, supported only by the tight black vest top she was wearing, would bounce uncontrollably on her chest and attract far too much attention. She didn’t have a bra on today, just her top and some very tight jeans, hugging every curve of her ass as she walked up the steps into the...
Amanda Carr was biting her nails, a nervous habit, as she used her foot to rock the car seat holding her infant son, Christopher. The Reagan Arms apartment complex office was warmer than it really should have been, and her little boy was on the verge of being both hungry and fussy. To top it off, the apartment manager had asked her to wait while he wrapped up a few things regarding new residents a good 15 to 20 minutes ago, and she was still waiting. If he doesn’t hurry up, I’ll have to come...
by Vincent Part 1 Amanda was in her bath robe sitting on her bed, waiting for the sound she's waited for every night this week. Amanda had a crush. She knew it was the real thing, because when she met Hina for the first time her teeth tingled. It was a dead give away. Every time she met someone that piqued her love interest she had that same reaction, tingling teeth. Almost all the girls in her wing of the dorm showered in the morning, like most Americans, to wash away the sleepy. ...
Introduction: Amanda introduces Toby to her friend Katie Amanda Adventures 2 : Amanda introduces Toby to Katie. Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she...
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life.As I lay there thinking about the night before I was surprised at how many new sexual experiences I had in one night. I sucked dick last night. Not only that but I got fucked too. I knew I wasn't gay...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
InterracialHer cell phone rang. 22 year-old college girl Amanda Day had no idea that by answering it, she would set in motion the chain of events by which she'd give up her anal cherry that very afternoon.The phone. I don't have time to talk on the phone, I'm late for work, she thought. She didn't bother blow drying her hair, and her only concession to makeup was some lip gloss. She didn't need much more than that to look beautiful, anyway. She was one of those girls who just radiated beauty without...
Amanda is 42 years old, her 20 year marriage had recently failed and she is now divorced and living with her 17 year old daughter Laura. Amanda has recently discovered an internet dating site and has been corresponding with a dominant male. Their on line relationship has developed into one of master and slave. The below is an extract of their latest encounter following the delivery of a package from the master. Master – Yes I can see you slut are you in your bedroom Amanda – Yes Master...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very...
Dog, camera, action! Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog’s knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep...
It was a normal Sunday night on campus, Andy and I were sitting in our room chilling out and watching a sci-fi movie while enjoying a beer or two. Monday’s class load for the both of us was pretty easy, so we took advantage of being able to just relax for a few. There was a knock on the door that broke up the sound of our movie, and since Andy’s bed was closest, he jumped up to see who wanted in.Amanda came in like a fresh breeze as she always managed to do. Beautiful red head, smart, witty and...
Group SexIt was Amanda’s first day of Frosh week, which is the week before college starts that freshman move in and get familiar with their new campus. Amanda was walking down one of the campus’ many walkways when she was approached by two men. “Hi there, I’m Jason and this is Darren and we are with the fraternity Kappa Omega Pi. We’re throwing a party later tonight and we’d love if you would come”. Amanda thought about it for a few seconds then responded, “Sure, sounds like fun, I’ll be there”. Jason...
by Vincent "Look. You made the school newspaper," Amanda showed Hina the sports page as they sat next to each other on a bus heading up I-39. They were going to spend Memorial Day weekend at Amanda's family's dairy farm near Dakota. The headline said, "Cute coed brings luck to Badgers softball team." The full color picture showed Hina blowing a kiss to Emily in the on deck circle. "I think I can even see your red panties." "Oh, no you can't. Let me see." Hina grabbed the...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits.Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her.My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Interracialby Vincent "Where did you run off to, young lady?" Amanda inquired when Hina came in the front door. She was watching TV with her dad and Ray in the living room trying not to think about the moves her brother was trying to put on her girlfriend. "I took a walk down to the pond with Max," Hina said. Amanda's concerns were playing out. She knew how charming her brother could be. "So where's Max?" "He's outside. He had an accident." That got the attention of the two...
She had seen him in school, he had to be around thirteen she thought. Slim and nicely built with a ready smile. She was working as an assistant to the math teacher and the cheerleaders, having finished high school last year. She was emancipated, both her parents dead. Leaving her a vast estate, lots of money but nothing to do. And she was thoroughly bored, bored with the young and not so young, men constantly contending for her attention. She didn't know if she was perverted but the idea of...
Chapter 1: In the Hallway Dress casual!" Amanda's boss told her over the phone. "Wear that cool combination I saw you wearing at the mall!" "I forgot what I was wearing!" Amanda replied. "You know," her boss Jason said nervously, "the jean jacket and the tattered shorts!" Hello, was that Jason? Amanda wondered as she hung up the phone. Always a shy, awkward, polite guy, now he was telling her what to wear! Jason needed Amanda to work late that Friday night so his material would be...
Two weeks ago, Jane had received an email. She had almost deleted it as spam, but she recognized the sender as Amanda, a girl who had been one of her daughters basketball team before she had graduated a few months ago. The only thing in the email was a picture of the girl wearing only a pair of men’s boxers and a sports bra. Jane nearly had a heart attack. She had been sneaking looks at the teenager for the last couple of years whenever she was at a basketball game or practice but she didn’t...
Introduction: Middle class wife to black cock addict Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. This is my wife, shes in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating...
He sat at his computer in shock. 'How in the hell could someone write a story about fucking their own daughter?' he thought continuing to read and something came to him, his cock was harder than it had been in years. 'Damn!' he said looking down to his swollen member. 'You like this shit do you?' he laughed enjoying the feel of being so hard again. He hadn't had a good hard-on in five years and figured it was his age creeping up on him. But, after reading a few of the stories on the web...
This is my wife, she’s in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier years but had lost touch...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
The last day of our affair was a day of surprises in the Carson household. Not saying a word, Amanda wore her engagement ring to the supper table as we prepared to eat prior to our parents leaving to play bridge. She was the last one to arrive at the table and, as Mom was talking at the time, she just sat down and crossed her hands in front of herself, the diamond on her finger in plain sight, a shit-eating grin on her face. For my part, I decided to play dumb, pretending not to notice...