Jiski Kabhi Kalpana Nahin Ki Thee Woh Hua Merey Saath
- 3 years ago
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He Soon To Thee Shall Sacrifice
By: Michael Alexander
It was a quiet Friday evening and I was sitting quite happily in my blue easychair in the den, with a fire roaring under the mantle. A tall glass of sherrystood on the side table next to me and I was deeply immersed in the pages ofessays written by one of my English classes. My red pen seemed lubricated withexasperation as it slid across page after page of the most appalling atrocitiesto the English Language, and I found myself cursing once more, the invidiousstructure we know here in America , as secondary education.
I was less than half way through when I heard a knocking. Unlike Poe, it wasnot on my chamber door, and it sounded much more insistent than a raven, nevermore.Sighing, I put aside my lap desk and papers, rising from my chair and I paddedacross the house.
I was already dressed for bed, since the time was well past nine and for onceI was glad that I had wrapped my robe around my flannel pajamas. I walked throughthe foyer and flicked on the front porch light and saw through the glass windowof the door that three girls stood before my house.
Two of them I immediately recognized. Both were students of mine and therewas the fact that one of them had a paper, totally marked with red ink, inmy finished pile beside my chair. The other hadn't yet to turn in the assignment,but it would be due on Monday.
The third girl was much older, easily a senior, while the other two girlswho were my students were in their junior year. Her long blonde hair, flashingblue eyes, and mischievous smile were very alluring and I found myself gazingat her as my fingers turned back the dead bolt and opened the door onto thecrisp spring night.
?Hello, Professor!? said Elizabeth, my already corrected student, with a littlewave. She smiled at me as I nodded to her.
?Hi, Professor.? Said Courtney, who stood there, a silly grin on her faceas she clasped her hands together.
?Ladies, I'm not sure what you are here for, but the truth of the matter isthat I much prefer to speak with students during my office hours. It's a violationof the department policies to meet with students off campus.?
The stunning blonde behind my students nodded. ?We know that professor. Wehad something very urgent to discuss with you.?
My eyes narrowed, intrigued. ?I'm sorry. You look familiar, but do I knowyou??
The senior shook her head. ?No professor, you don't. But I'm responsible forthese two girl's grades, and I thought we should come and discuss it with you.?
I leaned back and assumed a haughty expression on my face. This had happenedto me before, albeit rarely, but it seemed that every couple of years therewas a girl who thought that she could improve her grade with a little off campusextra credit. Those of us in the profession of teaching knew that acceptingthis kind of proposal was the surest way to lose your job, not to mention neverbeing hired by the academic community again. Despite those disgusting abominationsof the English Language that abound on Internet Porn Libraries, real collegeeducators NEVER take advantage of those offers.
?I'm sorry ladies, but grades aren't for sale. That is the only thing I willsay on the matter. Now, I have to get back to grading essays, and I would recommendto you, Courtney, that you spend your weekend working on yours.?
There were a collection of sour faces before me and I stood there, like therock of Gibraltar , assured in my moral conviction. The three girls spent amoment looking at each other and then the blond girl opened her purse.
It is always alarming when one sees a weapon pointed at oneself. And thiscase was no different. What looked like a gun, I recognized as a taser. Recently,our own campus police had equipped themselves with this non-lethal weapon inorder to appease more liberal entities. How this young lady had acquired onewas beyond my understanding. I stood my ground, knowing that even if she wereto shoot me, I wouldn't budge on my principles.
?I can assure you, young lady, that threatening me will do you no good. Iwon't abide that kind of coercion and I will immediately call the police. Ifyou put that away, I will be willing to forget this ever happened.? I said.
?Professor, this taser produces in excess of over one thousand volts, whichwill render you unconscious. Please back up into the house, because I wouldrather not have to drag you through your own foyer.? The blonde girl said witha smile.
I swallowed once, my bravado seeming to evaporate. I spent an eternal secondcontemplating my choices, raised my hands, and then began backing up. The blondgirl entered first, keeping the taser trained upon me as my two students immediatelyfollowed. I only noticed then that Courtney was wearing her book bag.
When I reached my den, still staring at the attractive blond who held a weaponupon me, I heard my front door close and the dead bolt slide home. Elizabethentered the room, nodding to Courtney and the blond girl. I stood in frontof my chair as Courtney began rifling through the already graded papers andpicked out Elizabeth 's essay.
?Good Lord, Liz. This sucks!? Courtney said after reading some of my handwrittenremarks in the margins. She handed it to the blond who began reading the paper,keeping it eye level with me, the taser still pointed directly at my chest.
?Courtney is right, Elizabeth . This is awful. The professor is totally rightin giving you this grade.? The blond turned and glared at my errant student. ?Iwant all of your essays turned in to me prior to handing them in, got it??
I admit that I felt slightly curious. I was expecting to be told to re-gradeher paper. Or change the grade. Certainly a vindication of my appraisal wasnot what these girls were here for. I finally dropped my hands from their earlierposition, and put them on my hips.
?Okay, well we've definitely learned that Elizabeth can't write an essay.? Saidthe blond. ?But that isn't why we are here, so I think we should begin.? Shesmiled at me once and shook the taser. ?All right professor, off with the robe.?
My surprise must have been evident. ?Excuse me??
The blond looked at me with supreme confidence. ?You heard me professor. Isaid to take off your robe.?
I resisted. ?And my I ask why??
?Are you asking why??
I'm afraid my sarcasm got the better of me and I nodded. ?I suppose I am.?
The blond took two steps closer and held the front of the taser up, only afoot or two from my chest.
?Because I have the taser, and you don't. If you don't take your robe off,I'll shock the shit out of you and have Elizabeth fly your robe and yourpajamas from the campus flag pole.?
I've seen determination in people before. Extreme self confidence of the typethat makes great leaders bring their followers through insurmountable odds.The steely glint in this woman's eyes was of that grit, that firm commandingpresence that I had fought so many years to attain. And now I was the weakone.
I shrugged off my robe, throwing it down upon my chair, standing there inmy pajamas, trying desperately to look as confidant and self-assured as possible.
?Satisfied?? I asked, my voice seeming to sound shaky and weak to my own ears.
The blond girl grinned. ?Not in the least. Take off your top too.?
I hesitated only for a moment but then proceeded to follow the order as thetwo sharp spikes of the taser electrodes were waved under my nose a secondtime. I felt my skin prickle in the cool air despite the fire and I tossedmy pajama tops on top of my discarded robe.
Courtney had moved to the side table and dropped her book bag unceremoniouslyon the top, digging through it as if searching for a writing instrument. Myeyes widened in alarm as I saw the heavy thick leather cuffs she extractedand I suddenly began to wonder what this whole episode was about.
?Take off your bottoms now.? Ordered the blond.
I shook my head. ?They're all I'm wearing.? I replied.
She shrugged. ?So??
?I will not remove them, no matter what you say. Now put that thing down andleave my residence immediately.?
?Uh oh, professor. You shouldn't make Kristen mad.? Courtney said.
I folded my arms across my chest. ?Kristen is it? Well let me tell you, Kristen,that what you are doing will certainly result in your expulsion from the college,as well as Elizabeth and Courtney. I hope you understand that.?
Kristen smiled once more, her soft blond hair framing her face. ?Take offthe pajamas, now.?
I held my stance, my arms folded across my bare chest, a look of impenetrableimmobility on my face.
And then she fired.
I remembered the pain of the taser exploding through me, but remember nothingelse from that moment. When I awoke I discovered that I was lying horizontallyon my own bed, my arms and legs stretched out to each corner and securely bound.Each wrist and ankle was covered in the thick leather cuffs I had observedCourtney remove from her bag, and as I pulled on my restraints I saw that thegirls had used short bungee cords with hooks to secure me.
I was alone in my room, lying atop my own bed, my body uncovered and naked,totally helpless. I looked around and wondered if my fate was to be discoveredatop my own coverlet by some hapless school official who no doubt would receivea call explaining my predicament.
?Well, well. You're awake!? Came a voice from the hall. I raised my head andsaw Courtney standing in the doorway. I felt a moment's humiliation; my nakedbody exposed for this twenty something beauty that I was old enough to havefathered. I will admit that like every man, I have lusted over the young firmflesh that parades before me every day, but I have always been strong, ableto resist the temptations.
I felt myself rouse, hardening in a mixture of sexual excitement and embarrassmentand I heard a soft chuckle. I watched as Courtney came right to the foot ofthe bed and reached out, softly stroking my cock with the lightest of touches.I could only gasp as the sensations flooded through me.
?Like that, professor?? She asked.
I grit my teeth, arching my neck, and I shook my head. ?No, Courtney. Youshouldn't do this. Just let me go.?
Courtney laughed, a light silvery ring that chimed in my head. ?Oh no, professor.I don't think so.?
She sank to her knees at the foot of the bed and I realized she was kneelingon something, probably the ottoman from the living room. She bent over at thewaist and I felt her breath on the tip of my cock.
The touch of her tongue on my tip was enough to send a wave of intense sensationright through me, and as it began to swirl around the head of my cock, I moanedwith a mixture of denial, fear, and ecstasy. Courtney's mouth engulfed my entireshaft and I felt her begin to suck, her head bobbing up and down as she deepthroated my entire rod with slow and deliberate movements.
It was incredible. Easily the best of the few experiences of fellatio I havehad. To put it in the crudest language, Courtney was an incredible cocksucker.She wrapped one hand around my cock as the other stroked my balls, her facerising and falling as she swallowed the thick meat of my granite organ.
I came quickly, a bubbling, exploding, geyser of white froth that seemed toshoot forth like Old Faithful . Courtney cooed once and opened her mouth, quicklylicking up my fluid as if I were a popsicle in a child's hand.
I felt myself sigh once as my member softened in the girl's hand and I relaxedagainst my bonds. Unknowingly, my body had tensed as orgasm was reached andI felt the bungee cords pulling me taut once more. Courtney gave my shaft onelast little squeeze, still licking my milky white cream from her lips, as sherose and headed to the door.
Only to be replaced by Elizabeth . My other student, the one whose paper Ihad marked up so badly approached the bed, looking down at my spent organ,lying wet and soft against my belly. She too knelt down on the ottoman, graspingme in a soft hand, pulling my cock upward so that it was stretched out, thetip barely exposed in her closed fist. She squeezed as she spoke.
?Feel good, professor? Did you enjoy Courtney's blowjob? I'm just as goodyou know. She may be a better writer than I am, but I can give just as muchpleasure, you know.? Elizabeth murmured to me.
I raised my head to look down at her, her tender face inches away from thetip of my cock. ? Elizabeth . You don't have to do this. Just let me up andI will totally forget about all of this. We can work on your paper together,during my office time. I can tutor you even. Just please stop this and letme up!?
I admit my language was a bit forceful, and I'm sure full of desperation.Despite the incredible pleasure I had just experienced, I knew that the situationcould only worsen. I moaned in exasperation as she gave me another squeeze.
Her head dropped down and once more I felt the soft warmth of a tongue againstmy cock. She began rhythmically squeezing me in her hand as her tongue swirledround and round my tip, sensitizing it. Her fingers opened and she slid herhand down my semi rigid shaft until she was able to pinch the base of my cock,pressure forcing blood to the head.
I groaned as I felt the stirring in my loins. The steady massage and tonguingElizabeth gave me, her brunette hair dangling down upon my thighs, was morethan I could stand against. I bit my lip as my body betrayed me, hardeningonce more in the mouth of a student.
It is my understanding that there is an oriental or perhaps Indian art thatteaches a multitude of methods to fellatio. Up to this point, my own experienceswith this art had been limited, with the exception of the current situation,to one rather wonderful experience in high school. Unfortunately, I remembervery little of that early experience, mostly since I experienced orgasm shortlyafter my high school girl friend had taken me in her mouth. Being much olderand wiser, I was certainly aware that there was an art to bringing a man toorgasm with the mouth; I had just never experienced it.
However it was obvious, from the radically different technique that Elizabethwas using to stimulate me, that both Courtney and Elizabeth had been trainedin that art. You would imagine that there are only so many ways that a cockcan be sucked, but I know now that there are hosts of specific actions thatincrease pleasure during fellatio. Elizabeth sucked my shaft into her mouthand began slurping on it like a straw, sucking in air around it, and then blowingback outward.
I groaned out loud as I felt my cock stimulated, the sides softly stroked.I was still sensitized from Courtney's ministrations, and I felt the bloodpump through me like fire. My hips rose as my body betrayed me. Elizabeth wrappeda finger and thumb around the base and began squeezing me, her fingers curledaround my balls. I gasped as waves of pleasure shot upward through me, hammeringdeep the sense of urgency and need.
Again I exploded, a tiny pitiful amount of cream that seemed to pool a topmy rod like an unsightly tube of paste. Elizabeth let out a tiny chuckle andextended her tongue. With a long rasping lick, she removed the fluids of mybody, sending a painful shiver up my spine. I groaned again as she pumped mystill hard cock with powerful yanks, and I had to grit my teeth as her palmgrazed the edges of my tip. Then she let go, dropping my flaccid shaft so thatit lay pointing toward my thigh.
I lay there with my eyes closed for some minutes. The chill in the house seemedto have abated in the heat of my throes, and I wondered as to the meaning ofmy rape. My mind was clouded with the vibrations of sexual release, and I foughtthe urge to doze. I felt Elizabeth leaving the room and I relaxed again, hopingmy ordeal was over.
I felt her presence long before she touched me though. I could hear the softwhisper of cloth as someone kneeled once more on the ottoman. I thought I couldhear her slow breath. And I knew it when she touched me.
Once more it was my sex, gentle fingers lifting me up, the warm enclosureof a mouth suckling, the soft caress of my scrotum, the tender probing of myanus. Most men can only bring themselves to release once, maybe twice undercertain circumstances. It's a biological fact that has its history in our animalforebears when the female of species found multiple partners, in an effortto assure that the most powerful and strongest male would father her offspring.
Kristen never said a word as she sucked upon my cock, twining her tongue roundit. It was minutes before her fingers and tongue worked their magic, once morebringing the rush of blood that hardened my shaft. Her palm surrounded me asshe kissed my tip, wrapping me in soft strength. She began to pump, drivingher hand and head up and down my shaft, lubing me with her mouth, until myprick was a glistening pole of urgency, needing the release that could onlycome from her.
I bubbled forth, the pent up need coming to the surface under pressure, butwithout the volume of the two previous eruptions. I gasped with a mixture ofpleasure and pain as Kristen licked my tip, my sensitive head swollen and pink.
?Please??I groaned as Kristen continued to suckle me, despite my orgasm andthe slowly fading strength of my cock. ?Please?no more.?
There was slight chuckle and I felt my cock released to lie flat against myabdomen.
?Professor, do you know what ?cock milking' is?? Kristen asked, reaching outand lightly running her fingers up and down my balls.
I shook my head. If I had known then it had been forgotten, unattainable inmy current state.
?It's a practice where a man is forced to come multiple times, even if ithurts.? She smiled. ?You've got at least four more coming tonight.? She flickeda finger against the tip of my cock, a hard slap that caused my thighs to buckle.
I'm not sure how long of a break they gave me, but I know it wasn't longerthan ten minutes. My body lay cramped and tight upon my own bed, secured bythe cruel whims of three girls who had tortured me with sexual pleasure. Ialmost whimpered in fear when Courtney came back into the room, this time holdinga tube of lubricant.
I watched as she began removing her clothing, certainly no strip tease. Justthe expedient disrobing that comes before showering, or changing one's wardrobe.The bed creaked as she sat on it, her pliable thigh pressing against mine.She uncapped the tube and squeezed out a large portion of cream, a clear gelthat seemed to glisten. It was cold as she applied it, stroking just one sideof my limp shaft. With seemingly endless patience she sat there, wrapping herhand around my cock with twists and pull and strokes in what seemed like amassage gone far down into the depths of eroticism.
It took almost ten minutes of stimulation before my body responded. I waseven surprised, since I felt that no amount of rubbing could force my exhaustedprick to stand at attention once more. I felt my blood stirring and once morethe need of lust filled my shaft.
Courtney began pumping me harder, rubbing her palm faster up and down my cock.The gel congealed and became sticky, which resulted in a slight abrading asshe rubbed me, but she dealt with quickly by applying more jelly. I lookeddown at my cock, seeing a turgid shade of pink, over sensitive skin on a rockhard shaft. I groaned as it trembled, her fingers bouncing heavily over theridge of my tip, the most sensitive spot on a man's cock.
Once more I came, crying out, pulling against my bonds, as she stroked me.She didn't stop either, despite my thrusts and pain filled cries. She pumpeduntil I went totally soft, the top of her fist covered with a mixture of geland what little cream I had produced during my rest.
She went to the master bathroom and I heard the water running in the sink.I turned and looked, seeing the beauty of her naked body standing before thevanity, washing her hands. I wondered what I had done to deserve such torture,to be humiliated by one of my own students, fondled, petted, forced to come.
Courtney smiled and me as she exited the bathroom, leaning over me and givingme a view of her dangling breasts. She planted a soft kiss upon my foreheadand ran her fingers through my hair.
?You're doing great, professor. Keep it up.? She laughed a little and turnedas my mind finally noticed the pun. Her swaying bottom exited the room andI realized that she had left her clothes piled there on the floor.
And then Elizabeth was there, pulling off her own shirt, baring a set of creamyunsupported globes with huge nipples. Her jeans came off just as quick andmy eyes settled on the shaven pubes of her pink flower. She too climbed upon the bed, but unlike Courtney, she straddled my chest, facing my cock. Istudied the curve of her bottom, the dimples on each side of her spine as shepoured lotion from a bottle. A little snap sounded the closure of the containerand once more I felt tender fingers taking hold of my organ.
Warmth. Almost hot warmth. The oil she spread upon my cock heated as she rubbedit in, sending waves of pleasant massaging heat through me. Thankfully sheavoided the sensitive ridges the Courtney had taken such pleasure in strokingwith her palm, concentrating more on the slow long strokes that men preferover any other.
Elizabeth put her palms together with my cock between them, drawing upward,stretching my cock out as she stroked it. I felt the hardening, a difficultthickening, as if my cock didn't want to become firm. She tickled my ballsand ran a finger over my anus, setting me arching.
But it was enough. My cock, while not as hard as it had been for Courtney,firmed up and Elizabeth began a unique stroke I had never experienced. Shecupped her right hand over my cock, the tip sinking into the soft flesh ofher palm, her fingers extended downward like a condom. With slow movements,she simulated the sinking of my cock in a woman's body and I felt the intensesatisfaction of soft friction along my entire length.
My body hummed with pleasure and I began to thrust upward through her handas the needs of lust moved me. My breathing came in rapid bursts as I foughthard to thrust in a way that would move me toward explosion, despite the softand steady caresses that Elizabeth forced upon me.
It seemed like forever, a longing that filled me up, as she caressed me. Ibegged, I pleaded with her to let me explode, a torture unlike any I had experienced.She laughed and then placed her palms together as if praying, my rod sandwichedbetween.
Then she began rubbing, my cock begin swirled between her fast moving hands.She pressed them together, mashing my shaft in back and forth motions as ifshe were trying to warm her hands, or create fire using me as her frictionstick.
I cried out. My cock was throbbing, my thighs and buttocks tensing painfully,my hips trying to thrust up. Her toes dug into my sides and I felt her legssqueeze me as she rubbed. I cried out, almost screaming, as I exploded betweenher hands.
Thankfully she stopped, only keeping the tight pressure as my member leaptin her hands. I bucked and then collapsed as my orgasm ripped through me, sendingsmall spurts of clear fluid out of the tip of my cock. Elizabeth squeezed mehard, then let go, my cock falling wilted and spent.
My entire body ached. My shaft tingled from the intensity of the frictionsthat had been applied to it, and I felt as if I had never slept in my entirelife. I imagined that I had been tied down for well over three hours as thegirls wandered into my room, each individually, to spend their own time tormentingme. I closed my eyes.
?How are you feeling, professor?? Kristen asked, waking me up from my doze.I startled, still feeling the tingling in my cock and I looked down at my redtinged shaft. I realized I had slept for only a minute or so.
?Thirsty.? I said. It was only a moment ago I realized how desperately I wantedwater.
Kristen smiled. She rose from the side of the bed and walked into the bathroom,taking a paper cup from its little holder and filling it with water. It wasonly as she returned that I realized that she too had disrobed, her body aglorious apparition of celestial beauty.
For a moment, my head spun and I remembered a fragment of poetry of Sappho,a Greek poet who ran a sort of girl's finishing school on the island of Lesbos. It was from the Hymn to Aphrodite. Even now I'm not sure if I recited italoud where Kristen could hear.
Thou now he shuns thy longing arms;
He soon shall court thy slighted charms;
Though now they offerings he despise,
He soon to thee shall sacrifice;
Though now he freeze, he soon shall burn,
And be thy victim in his turn.
And was I the victim? Had I shunned some longing arms? My mind churned sluggishlyas Kristen held the cup to my lips. The water was sweet, as sweet as Kristen'svisage, and I gazed up at her in rapture.
Unlike Courtney and Elizabeth, Kristen moved to the foot of the bed and satdown upon the ottoman. Her white cream breasts were beautiful to behold andI admit that I craned my neck to watch her as she set a small jar down, a thickdollop of cream on her fingers.
I gasped as she grabbed my cock and began rubbing the cream into the tip.Her fingers swirled around the edge, that sensitive part that was already sotender, so sore. I gasped as the pain hit me and I felt as if my cock werebeing rubbed with sand paper. Despite the cream, it hurt. And I shook as shetortured me, rubbing just those spots, interspersed with long strokes up anddown the underside of my shaft.
But in moments I knew that she had succeeded. I knew my rod had hardened,and Kristen made a circle with her fingers and began sliding the ring downmy shaft, squeezing every little bit. My moans and cries were becoming louderand I heard her call out to Courtney, who padded into the room, still naked,holding one of my books of poetry. Kristen didn't even pause in her manipulationof my shaft as she spoke.
?Courtney, he's making a little too much noise. Can you gag him?? Kristensaid, eliciting a painful cry from me as she slid her fingers round the edgeof my tip. Courtney nodded and put the book down upon my dresser. One kneecame up on the edge of the bed and she swung herself astride me over my chest.Carefully she edged up, my nose only inches from her sex.
The throbbing painful rub of my cock didn't overwhelm my senses enough tonot notice the scent of Courtney's arousal. It permeated her shaven slit andI saw the wet juices there. She moved forward and I realized that I was aboutto be gagged with the moist petals of her flower. She squirmed again and thenmy mouth was full covered with sodden folds of pink flesh, a musky salty flavorof young horny girl.
I know I licked at her clit, punctuated by the cries and animal like thrustswhich came regularly, caused by Kristen's touch. Courtney writhed above me,pinching her own nipples and running her fingers over her body, sometimes placingher hands on the wall for support. I felt the fluid of her orgasms seep downmy chin as she cried out, matching my own anguished moans.
And then I came, a painful, exquisite release that left me shuddering, tryingto get my breath between mouthfuls of still quivering girl. My cock throbbedand stung painfully between my legs and I lay trembling beneath both girlslike a bowl of gelatin. Kristen continued to play with me, but left the brightred ridge alone, as well as the tip, instead giving me the same slow strokesthat Elizabeth had used to excite me.
My mind reeled. My body ached. I felt light headed and exhausted, excitedand tormented all at the same time. My arms were cramped, as were my legs andI couldn't even find the strength to pull against the bungee cords.
Kristen finally let go of my cock and moved to my right arm, releasing thebondage cuff from the bungee cord hook. Softly and carefully she bent it, workingit over and over, massaging the muscles. I groaned as circulation was restoredand the little pins and needles of feeling shot through me. Satisfied as Iflexed, she returned my arm to its bondage and moved to my right leg, repeatingthe process.
I felt another touch on my cock as Kristen moved my leg, relieving the crampsand I felt Courtney begin the soft strokes once more.
?Oh god?please?no more.?
Courtney smiled and continued her stroking of my shaft as Kristen went onto my left leg, releasing my bonds, but holding my ankle tight.
?Why are you doing this to me?? I asked, fighting to regain control of myself.Kristen re-secured my leg and moved to my left arm. She leaned close and pressedher breasts into my face.
?Because you need to understand that the girls of Sigma Epsilon Xi will doanything for their members. Including the domination of their professors.?
?I'll report you.? I said, my voice slightly muffled under the supple breastflesh.
Kristen laughed. ?No you won't. While you were unconscious, we posed you ina variety of positions that are embarrassing. And of course the coupe de gracewas the picture of you, lying back on the couch, with one of your studentsnaked, giving you head, tears pouring down her face, mascara running.? Kristensmiled and lifted herself up.
?We don't mess around professor.? Courtney said from the end of the bed, graspingmy cock firmly and squeezing.
Elizabeth came into the room, as naked and beautiful as the other two girlsand holding a camera phone. ?Professor? I'm really sorry about my essay. Irealize you can't change the grade, but I can promise you that I will do betterin the future.? She held up the phone and I heard the tiny buzz of the camera.
Courtney laughed and then smiled. ?Come on, professor. You've got to get itup one last time.?
The rubbing intensified and I closed my eyes and grit my teeth. Slowly theyput their hands upon me, tweaking my nipples, rubbing my chest and arms andlegs, and of course the constant attention to my cock.
Finally I was hard again, a strong uprising of blood and heat that rose upward.I groaned as Kristen straddled me low, over my loins. Elizabeth moved to occupythe spot Courtney had climaxed in and I found myself suddenly awash in femalescents and sights.
I felt Kristen lower herself downward onto my cock, clasping it firmly inthe soft flesh of her pussy. For the first time that night, I felt the sensitivemedium that Aphrodite had always intended for man. My throbbing cock felt thesensitivity subside as the fluids bathed it, perfect flesh surrounding it.
My mouth opened onto Elizabeth 's clit and slit, sucking in the vast foldsof her sex, using my own tongue to pleasure her as she had pleasured me earlier.I swallowed her juices and felt permeated with them, from my loins to my head.
Both Kristen and Elizabeth came before I did. Kristen rocked back and forth,reaching behind her to cup my balls, caressing them. Courtney had moved forwardand was busily sucking on Kristen's upright nipples, while Courtney's handcupped and thumbed Elizabeth 's own stiff nub. The girls moaned and then gaspedas their orgasms filled them.
And then it was my turn. The last explosion, that was nothing more than aminor pop, a throbbing, painful release that left me tender, and yet so satisfied.As the sucking sound of my softening shaft came from Kristen's rising, I laythere stunned with the sexual epiphany I had experienced.
They left me there. I heard them getting dressed in the living room, the excitedbabble of girl voices. My mind wondered just what demands were being made ofme. Why create the option of blackmail when I had just been told that I didnot have to change Elizabeth 's grade? I felt confused, as well as tired andspent.
They came back into the room, well dressed, makeup refreshed, with Courtneyholding her backpack. I watched, suddenly feeling trepidation as Kristen fishedout her taser, stood between my legs, and held it just a few inches from myballs.
?I hope you will be a good little boy while we untie you, professor.? Kristensaid with a bit of menace in her voice. I nodded, knowing that even had I wantedto, I was in no condition to rebel.
Courtney and Elizabeth quickly uncuffed me, pulling the bungee cords off thebed and stuffing them into the book bag. After a moment, my legs were freedas well and I kept still, not wanting Kristen to think I was going to giveher trouble.
I jumped slightly as the taser touched my cock, moving it downward so it floppedbetween my legs, a limp shriveled worm.
?Now let me tell you professor, that from now on, neither Courtney nor Elizabethwill receive a bad grade in your class. For my part, I will do my best to tutorthem. In fact, their papers will be relatively good and you will be able togive them A's despite our little conversation. Hopefully that will assuageyour code of morality.?
Kristen poked my cock with the end of the taser. ?As to our little fun tonight,you need to keep that to yourself or you will discover the pictures postedall over the internet and on fliers here at the school.? She laughed. ?We'llsend them to you via email so you know exactly what you want to keep quietabout.?
She came around the side of the bed and leaned down to my face.
?And if you ever want to be our little toy again, just let Elizabeth or Courtneyknow, and I'd be happy to come down here and see if we can break our recordof seven orgasms.?
The pain of the taser was excruciating and I blacked out.
A day later, after I had recovered, I received an email filled with over ahundred pictures. Me in several poses with both Courtney and Elizabeth, onein which it appeared I had spanked them, another where I had forced them toprovide me with sexual relief. I knew that these photos would destroy my careerso I kept silent, and have so all these years.
I know more about Sigma Epsilon Xi now. The outlaw sorority that takes inyoung girls, usually sophomores, trains them to be bisexual sex slaves, thenallows them to move upward and become more domineering while still subservientto the seniors. Eventually, a select few with the supreme confidence, mannerism,and capabilities become the leaders and true mistresses of the organization.There are many chapters, spread throughout our country, and even oversea. Andslowly I have been putting together a list of women, powerful ones in politics,medicine, academia, law, and business who are all alumni of Sigma Epsilon Xi.
And in one way?so am I.
The slutty adventures of big titted nypmho mommy whore Diannaromo continues . . .Chapter Thee – Creampie fill up for big titted mommy whoreDianna knew as she lay there with her very wet pussy leaking her juices she was one filthy whore slut. And yet she could just not help herself. She needed this, she wanted this, she deserved to be gang fucked like this. She was a whore, it was her fate to be used like this as her husband and boys were at home fast asleep. The van screeched around another...
Enathu kalluri kaalangalil entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal ippozhuthu oru nirvanathil velai paarthu varugiren. Naan eppozhuthum athigam pengal idam pesamal thaan irupen aanal en manathil yaaravathu vanthu enidam pesa maatargala endru thaan irukum. En manam niraiya pengal mulaiyai pidithu azhuthi vilaiyaada engum aanal enathu nanbargal irupathaal naan yaaridamum pesamale irupen en endraal veti banthaa. Naan engineering kalluri padipatharku munbaaga diploma padipu padithu vanthen. Athu arasaana...
July 1982, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning, I kissed Kara goodbye and headed to my parents’ house for my usual morning routine with my little sister. She was happy that I could spend the morning with her and asked to take a walk, so we weren’t in the house with my mom. “Let me guess — this walk will end in the clearing,” I said with a smile. “Yes,” she said, taking my hand as we walked down Overlook towards Klondyke. As usual, we turned around and walked back, taking the path to the...
I sit here, on my side of the screen, imagining what you do on your side of the screen. I mention real life often but treat you like a fantasy. You are real, and we discuss any number of things, not always sexual. I do react to your words, my body reacts to your words. Therefore, there is a factor of reality in every chat. Do you imagine what I am doing? Do you see me playing with my hair? Do you imagine me naked when I tell you I am still in bed? In your mind, are you watching my fingers...
MasturbationSabra was twenty-eight and filled with a quiet panic every day. She was convinced that if she weren’t married by the time she was thirty she would be single for the rest of her life. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had suitors in the past, but that none of them had met her high standards.She was sure that her looks would fade and her body would thicken and sag and she would end up looking like her mother. That thought depressed her more as each week passed.She got a job as a secretary at a company...
TabooHi everyone. I did receive a great deal of positive response to my stories, which has, in turn, encouraged me to submit a new one. Folks, I want you to realize that while it may be cool, at times, to make women your sluts in your bedroom, you can’t give them up in the open. So, I request you all, to please not ask me for the contact details of the women I sleep with. I have written a couple of stories about having wild sexual encounters with two women from my office and also another story...
Brian and his brother Jeff was pulling up to brian's new home. It was alarge barn style home located a quarter of a mile off a main road just back in the woods. The nearest town was Fairbanks Alaska ten miles away. At firstBrian thought his brother was nuts for suggestingmoving to Alaska to hide from his wife six months ago. Now here he was ready to start a new life and disappear from his old one. Brian never thought that he would ever leave his wife Karen. She was his c***dhood sweet-heart...
Mai ek pathan family se hu. India mai delhi mai rehta hu. Mere parents ka business hai. Meri height takreeban 6 foot rang bohot gora chowda seena aur seene pe baal. Mai apne engineering college ka athletic champion bhi tha. On the whole mai ek bohot hi handsome ladka hu. Kisi ache khaase sexy model se kam nahi hu lol. Yun to college mai bohot sare dost the laikin kuch dost bohot kareebi the jismai ek arun bhi tha. Ham dono hamesha hi sath rehte, sath khelte aur apne secrets bhi ek doosre se...
The camera focused on the center of the set: two wing back chairs upholstered in a camel-colored leather canted toward each other at forty-five degrees off the parallel with an occasional table between them. The stage facade behind the chairs appeared to be a wall in a luxury home, complete with elegant but unobtrusive paintings. A small, squat lamp with a low-wattage bulb lit the occasional table. The camera panned in on the two women sitting in the chairs. One was a nationally known...
September 4, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “These are really interesting pieces,” I said to Siobhán. Kimmy, Elyse, and I were reviewing the two completed pieces that she’d done as examples of what the series would look like. “You don’t like them?” Siobhán asked pensively. “No, I do! Why would you think I didn’t?” “Usually when someone says ‘interesting’ about abstract art it means they don’t like it.” “Sorry, in this case I meant it. Maybe ‘intriguing’ would have been a better word.” She...
Batista entered Angel's room and she was lying face down on the bed sobbing. He sat down next to her and placed his hand lightly on the back of her head, running his fingers gently through her hair, "Shhh," he soothed softly. "Why did you bring me back?" She turned around and he pulled her up into his arms. Batista kissed the top of her head and held her for awhile, "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up," he said after awhile and led Angel into the bathroom and began to fill the tub...
The small group of people, which to Charles' amazement consisted of three different species, entered the living room, where Martin Garret was waiting. "Can I get you some drinks?" Catherine asked their visitors. "Water will suffice," Soval answered and Charles got the distinct impression that, while the Vulcan didn't really need any, he seemed to want to give her something to do. Somehow the Vulcan ambassador in his living room didn't quite match the image of the ice-cool,...
Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...
"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...
"Ugh," Trip groaned after another long meditation session. "Two and a half hours, I think I'm getting the hang of it." "You did well," T'Pol reassured him. "We should add some furniture to that white space of yours," he said. "Meaning?" "I mean it's nice to be with you in your mind, but all we can do is stand, sit or walk around in that white space, can't we add some scenery?" "That would be possible, but it would also distract from the main purpose of meditation." "I...
Six Shall be one, the Marid defeated. In the lands of the West shall be born our salvation, The Blood of Sultans and Warriors flows through his veins, Four wives and countless lovers shall he possess; the appetite of sultans. If you wish freedom for the Djinn, send a daughter of Jann, slumbering in a brass lamp, to wife, She shall guide him to his champions and gird them for battle. Six shall be one, the Marid defeated. The Warrior of the Earthen Sword, whose youthful inexperience...
For a long time she sits at the mirror. Tonight is the final performance. The end of the show. It’s had a long run, it’s travelled the world, won the applause of thousands, but tonight it must close. Tonight is the end of the road, the swan song, the last bow. Carefully, so carefully, she puts on the make up for the last time, adjusts the wig, touches the cheeks with just a little more colour, the lips with a hint more gloss. The lights around the mirror shine with a stark unforgiving glare,...
Mera naam romil hai aur mai dehradun ka rehne vala hun, filhal mai delhi ke mnc mai software developer hun. Mera lund 6″5′ lumba hai aur 2″5′ mota hai.Jo ke kisi bhi unsatisfied women ko satisfy kar sakta hai. So anyone interested or want to take advise aur simply talk can mail me at- “”. Mere colleague jo ke mera bahut acha friend hai uski shaadi thi 15 din tke baad. Magar mera usa mai office trip ke vajah se mai attend nahi kar paya. Fir jab mai vahan vapas lauta to usse milne gaya usne mujhe...
It was 2 weeks before that this little adventure started! We already knew that the children were going to be staying over their grandparents house that night as it was Halloween and they were desperate to take the children trick or treating. See last year we discovered that our local area really went all out for the kids, with everyone pulling out the stops to put on a show for the kids. So that weekend (2 weeks before Halloween) the boys tried on their costumes, however they both...
How did it ever come to this? How did guy Nick slowly turn into sissy Nikki? It didn't happen all of a sudden, of course, but still pretty quickly. It has probably always been inside me ...Holiday The divorce is now six months ago. It still hurts, but I have decided that it is important for the k**s that life goes on. That is why I booked for two weeks at a campsite. No trip far away, the alimony that my ex wife pays is not generous enough for that, but with the beautiful summers we have had...
Three naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison "Yow, it's cold!" Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing the limits of the season for their favorite swimming hole. "Why did I let you two talk me into this?" yelled Jill, her teeth chattering, mostly for effect. Holly's jaw dropped, also for effect. "Who talked who into...
We’d gone our own way once we arrived in town. The Marshall and I, although having spent more then some memorable times on evening’s like the one I was sitting out on the porch that night, where the sky is clear and the stars and moon shine brightly, it had me thinking about those days gone by. My mama had stuck her head outside and said “What are you doing out there dear?” I told her just thinking about things. “About what?” my mama asked. “Ohhh about being out on the prairie and wondering...
Mature“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly beard...
MatureWhen I paid my bill I got up and got on the elevator to go up to my room. Just before the doors closed a hand shot through the gap to hold the lift. The man from the bar quietly boarded and gave me a polite nod of greeting. He reached for the panel but saw that I'd already pressed the button for his floor. "Fourteen?" he asked in a calm tone. I nodded and waited for the box to jolt to life. We got to our floor without any other stops and we both stepped out and headed in the same...
He felt good. Yes he did. Smiling as he rode away he knew he felt very good indeed. All his body felt good as saw her beneath him as he “wailed” away at the woman and saw her screaming for more and more. That is until both came. Yes, that is until both came, and he knew she had seeing as her body shook and countered multiple times as it never once repulsed as the two unfamiliar parties fornicated dramatically until the very end. As he rode away he could “feel” her all over him. As he rode away...
He felt good. Yes he did. Smiling as he rode away he knew he felt very good indeed. All his body felt good as saw her beneath him as he “wailed” away at the woman and saw her screaming for more and more. That is until both came. Yes, that is until both came, and he knew she had seeing as her body shook and countered multiple times as it never once repulsed as the two unfamiliar parties fornicated dramatically until the very end. As he rode away he could “feel” her all over him. As he rode away...
MasturbationIt was just another normal day in the cheese aisle when I first noticed her. Customers came and went as normal buying all manner of chilled foods. The queue at the deli ebbed and flowed as people clamoured for cheese, cold meats and fresh pizzas. It was my job to manage the staff and ensure all the shelves were fully stocked. In hindsight I didn't pay too much attention the first time, but after four days of seeing her visit my aisles I knew every curve of her body! On day one she bought milk...
LesbianShe Shall Go To The Ball------------------------I used to live by Acocks Green in Birmingham, and I used to get my hair cut opposite the Aldi at a place called Savva Savva. I mention this because a few readers know the area. I can't remember the name of the girl who used to cut my hair, but I used to do photography for her. No, not that sort, I mean portrait work of her and her chap and their k**s.I shall call her Tracy. I was single at the time and I was in for a haircut on a Saturday...
Just a little thing that came to me as I watch the horror and devastation that man will do to his fellow man. I wonder if there is hope for us on this planet until I see the selfless actions of those who fight to rescue those trapped, risking their lives as many did yesterday and paid the ultimate price for their devotion to duty. At this time my thoughts go out to all of you in the USA and my prayers are for those who have lost loved ones in this atrocity. May the bastards who...
The Sins Of The Fathers In the shadow of The World Trade Centre I wrote a short story, something unusual for me and though I was reasonably happy with it, I wanted to say more. So I started on a second and then a third. They still don't say all that I want them to, but the individual stories I am happy with (sort of). This though is an exercise in what if? The question, which is the basis of all that claims to be Science Fiction. It may deal with a sensitive subject but I have no...
Shall W/we Begin?As if in a dream I enter the dimly lit room, looking about as the glow from the candles reflect off the shiny metal objects adorning the surrounding walls. I shiver imagining what these sharped toothed, jagged edged devices are used for as I look from one to the next. Remembering Your words describing this "special" room as Your torture chamber I bite my lip finally fully understanding the meaning to that statement. Walking further into the chamber I move through the play of...
Shall We Dance? Fresh from the shower, I pad out of the bathroom naked, trailing wisps ofsteam. I head toward the bedroom to see what you've selected for me this evening.The garter belt and stockings are no surprise. The dress you've selected is.It's a slinky cocktail dress with an off-the-shoulder black lycra top thatclings to my curves and then flares into a short, flouncy, skirt that barelyfalls to mid-thigh. I haven't worn that since New Years. The shoes next tothe bed are the Brazilian...
The chiming of a clock spilled its gentle melody into the warmth of the night, blending with the soft, steady sounds of the lovers' breath. Peaceful night reigned for the moment. Suddenly, a streak of unnatural crimson light shot across the surface of the ornate mirror that stood next to an armoire. When the streak touched the center of the mirror, it halted and began to pulse and grow until the entire glass suffused its bloody hue. The light in the center of the mirror darkened as it began...
Marshall's Story By Margaret Jeanette Mandy Tower was frustrated. She and her husband Marshall had just made love and she was unfulfilled. He just didn't please her. He hadn't even once during the fifteen months they were married. She remembered Scott Hill from high school. Now he could satisfy you. She wondered where he was now. Marshall was five foot five and slim. He knew he didn't have the biggest equipment down below but he never thought he wasn't...
“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly...
A late evening I was invited to a feast by a neighbour, my only friend in my maternal ancestral village. I was indicated to freshen up and wear a formal dhoti for the ceremony. I was here in this village after almost two decades due to the demise of my maternal Aunt, beloved. It was a brisk walk as my neighbour walked me along the village towards our Coconut farm. We entered an old modest house inside the farm, where I was introduced to its caretaker. We were shown our way to the dining room...
I love the monsoon season. The relief from the heat of summer and the sudden promise of life anew can be felt everywhere. The smell of rain, the nice hot tea and snacks available everywhere make it something of a relief for many. It also brings a sense of romance in people as they take trips around the city. I was based in Pune during one such monsoon. After the sweltering dry heat had left the first showers were welcome. It was also the season where I was single and was hoping to enjoy some...
I am a 35 yr old handsome man working in a MNC. We have some fields and fruit gardens at nearby village. In the farm we have a farm house and a gardener’s family to look after the garden. The gardener’s name is Narasimha aged around 48 yrs and his family consisted his wife and two sons Ravi aged 22 yrs and Gopi aged 20 yrs. Every weekend I used to go give him instructions how to maintain the garden and used to stay for a day or two and return back to the concrete jungle. Last week I went to...
Gay MaleIt was raining hard, well, after all, it was the monsoon season. Yeah, monsoon. It’s a funny sounding word but believe me, the rain it produced wasn’t funny by any stretch of the imagination. It had been quite a few years since I was in Southeast Asia and some of the old memories were coming back to me. I was in what used to be called Saigon on what I loosely refer to as “business.” The company that I was in this city on behalf of had provided me with an office in an office building downtown...
EroticHe had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...
He had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...
MatureKi Jung keeps in touch with her three top students regularly, via the long-distance communications devices she provided each of them. In this way, she can keep up with how they are progressing and to find out about Auntie Pak, while telling them about her experiences. It isn’t the same as being there with them, but it is enough. After two years, she grew close to them. As she is traveling between Chang Li and Marshall cities, Ki Jung often thinks of them. She is considering asking one of...
This happened during my single days many years go. I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn’t been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years...
Together Toby and his mother sorted out the meal for the family, fully dressed now, and waiting Cyril`s tractors usual noisy return, they talked over the inevitable mug of tea, Beryl asking if he had enjoyed their ‘romp’ as much as she had, his broad grin, and enthusiastic nod, said it all, then he asked if she was serious about both being tied and spanked and “how would he know to stop?” adding “How many slaps did she want?” she looked thoughtful, then said, “I don’t know, I may not like it at...
En veethiyil oru pen irunthaal, aval peryar keerthana ippozhuthu thaan palli padithu vaurigiraal. Aanal intha vayathile avaluku mulai matrum suuthu perithaaga pazhuthu irukum. Avalin suuthu nangu virinthu irukum, intha pennai eppadi usar seithu irandu varudam kazhithu sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kamakathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Aval suuthu nandraaga virithu irupathai paarthu niraiya aangal avalai oothu irupaargal endru enninen. Aanal oru naal en nanbanidam...
Nan rajesh , ipo enaku vayasu 25 chennai la it company la work panren. Enaku chinna vayasula irundhey sex asai romba adigam aduku karanam en mama ponnu anushya enna vida 3 yrs periya ponnu nalla structure ,color. Nan 5th 6th padikra appo leave ku en patty oda village ku pora appo lam la nanga rendu perum avanga thottam povom anga thottathu veetla iruka kattil enna paduka vachi en sunni ya thadavi vayil vachi sappuva, ava pundaya thechi vida solva ava chinna molai ah kasaki vida solva. Enaku sex...
Idi 7 years back start ayindi. Madhi oka chinna palletooru, ma friend nenu oke school and oke college lo chaduvkunnam. Chinnapatnundi valla intiki velladam appudapudu valla inti dagara padukovadam alavatu. Vadi chelli peru harika chala andam ga baguntundi, adi nannu annayya ani pilichedi. Adi ala pilavadam naku nachedhi kaadu. Memu apudu inter chaduvuthunnam, harika 10th chaduvthondi, chala active ga untadhi, allari ekkuva. Apude dani sallu peruguthunnayi, chudadaniki chala sexy ga kanipinchedi...
En ped roomil ulla veli jannalai thiranthaal thinamum enakku inpa kaadsi tharum sema kaddai thaan ethir veeddu vasanthaa akka. Pala neerangalil naan kaalaiyil jannal thirakkum pothu ava thuni thuvasiddiruppaa. Appo ava thuni vilaki paruttha mulaikalin tharisanam enakku kidaitthathundu. Meelum sila neerangalil thodaiyai kooda kaaddiddu thuni thuvasiddiruppaa. Vasanthaa veeddu paatroom veli pakkam ullathu. Oru kailiyai maddum kaddik kondu ava paatroomil irunthu kulichiddu veliyee varum pothu kan...
ఆహ్లాదకరమైన ఈ ప్రకృతిలో ప్రతీ ఋతువూ అద్భుతమైనదే ! సన్నజాజులు , చేమంతులు , గులాబీల గుబాలింపులతో మనసుకు హాయిగొలిపే వాతావరణం నెలకొంది ఆ హాల్లో . పచ్చని ప్రకృతిపరిసరాల మధ్యన, నగరవాతావరణానికి దూరంగా, మన్మధ్ అభిరుచులకి తగ్గట్లు రూపుదిద్దుకొన్న నేచర్ కౌంటీ పక్షుల కిలాకిలారావాలతో జీవించే క్షణాలకి అద్దం పడుతోంది . కౌంటీకి దగ్గరలోనే శ్రావణి , మన్మధ్ లకి సంబంధించిన ఫ్రండ్స్ , చుట్టాలు ఉండటం వలన దూరంగా ఉన్నామన్న ఆలోచనలే కలగదు అక్కడి వారికి . పూలసుగంధాలతో బాటు అగరుబత్తీల పరిమళం గాలిలో తేలియాడుతూ వస్తోంది...
Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi vundhi, danillo inti sammunu vunnayi. truck ma pakka inti mundhu aggi vundhi. Ma pakka illu voka padhi rojullu nundhi...
Real incident happened in kochi … kurachu slow aayittulla storyanu… ithra pettannu edappalliyil nalla otta veedu kittumennu vicharichathalla,broker paranjathilum nalla chuttupadennu thonnunnu.hmm ethayalum ee veedu mathi sridevi oru deerganishwasathode manasilorthu.enthado thanikku ee veedu ishtapetto gopante chodyam kettanu sridevi alochanayil ninnu unarnathu.Gopan srideviye cherthupidichu veedellam chuttikandu.Gopan vayasu 30 joli project commissioner ayi work cheyyunnu,ipo eranakulathe...
This happened during my single days many years go.I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn't been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years old...
Group SexVanakam makale, enathu peyar Manikanan vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En mamavirku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthai irukirathu en maami en idam nandraaga sirithu pesuvaargal. Enaku en maamiyai migavum pidikum, eppozhuthum en meethu paasamaaga irupaargal. Naan eppozhuthu avargal veetirku sendraalum enaku sapida ethavathu koudthukondu sirithu pesikondu irupaargal. Avargal mulai unmaiyil miga sexiyaaga irukum, periyathaaga pazhuthu irukum, maami paarka karupaaga irunthaalum sexiyaana nattukattai. Ival...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...
We can all agree that there is just something very addictive about browsing through content uploaded by the owners themselves, right? It is on a whole new level to amateur pornography, since while amateur porn is fun and all, it is often just reloaded by random people. However, on r/TheEroticSalon/, you have many gorgeous Redditors uploading their personal dirty images, which I think is pretty fucking neat.Do not worry, r/TheEroticSalon/ is a free subreddit, and it is filled with some of the...
Reddit NSFW ListHi, guys, this is raja again with one of successful adventure with my relative Mami which happens when we visited her village near pondy. Please put your Comments to ‘’..any married women or girls who is in need for safety friendship they can mail me..100% privacy is guaranteed since I’m from a decent family and works in corporate. Ok, guys coming to the story..we have one close family relative who have a family of 4 members.. mama Mami and one cousin bro & sis.. once we planned to go to Mami’s...
SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...
Shall We Dance By Paul G. Jutras It was raining when Ryan got to school soaked to the bone. As he leaned against the brick wall, he slipped off his white sneakers, turned them upside down and dumped water into the nearby potted plant. His bangs looked stringy like limp noodles. "What a day for picture day," he said as he saw his white dress shirt, pants and sleeveless sweeter reflected in the office window. "Come on," Dotty called as she put her raincoat in her locker and...