Sanchita Madam Ko Chudte Dekha
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Not so usual disclaimer
At last back to work? It has been over a year since I last posted a story.I would like to thank all my readers and particularly those who took the timeto send a mail.
This story is not strictly speaking a Lydia von Sklaverei's story. She ismentioned but not present. Maybe she will make an appearance in a later partof that story; I do not know it myself. This story has a theme which struckmy fancy some time ago. A capture using the most delightful of all femininegarments, the wedding gown. I must give credit to Myriam Grey for some of theelements in the following story. She has written a wonderful story called InstantBride. It has a TG theme, so be warned.
I am trying to create a ?coherent' world (or as coherent as a world basedon fetishism can be?). No element is innocent. I will detail some of the featuresof this world in the next installments of that story. Do not worry; it willnot take another year. If you want to write spin-offs, parallel histories orre-use some of my characters in other histories, go on. I do not mind if mycreations live without my knowledge. However if you post a story, do it ona free site, please and drop me a line. I will not interfere, but I like toknow where my characters are heading to avoid inconsistencies.
Feedback is valued. Whatever you have to say, send it. Ideas are also welcome.
Legal boring stuff, I have to say this, so I will try to make it a bit entertaining.
This is a work of friction. It means you can rub it wherever you want. Errr? No,in fact I meant this is a work of fiction? Any similarity to any person, deador alive would be generally coincidental and quite amazing. If there is anyperson called Lydia von Sklaverei out there, I am really sorry, that name wasnot in the phone book, so I thought it was safe to use it.
Any similarity to events, past, present or future would be quite astonishing.If it is however the case, drop me a line, I will come to join the fun rightaway.
I used a few names, well known to the readers of a famous American author.If she ever reads this, let it be known I used those names due to my admirationfor her works and I hope she will not be offended.
If any minor is reading this, well kid, do not read any further. This is notfor you! I know this sounds pissing off and enticing at the same time, butthis is grown-ups' stuff. Do not pollute your mind just yet with those thoughts,even if I suspect you have seen enough porn movies to give you a much degradedconception of love in general and sex in particular. If you are parents, justmake sure your kids do not stumble on these texts?
I own the copyright for this work, but I do not intend to make use of it aslong as none is making profit from it. This is intended as a free entertainment.
And now let's get to the goods!
The Madam Moriarty Club: Satin 1 ? Bridal Capture
She did not know when things had gone awry. Well, she knew when she had gotthat packet, which had started her downfall, but she did not know what hadcaused its delivery to her in the first place.
There she was, in a white satin teddy which would have been qualified as gorgeous,were it not for the fact the sleeves were fashioned after a straitjacket andher arms where thus crossed under her bosom, with no chance of moving themand no chance of removing that accursed garment. She had tried to slip it overher head, but it was of no use: each time she had tried, she had felt the garterbelt around her waist move a bit and then effectively stop any further attempt.It seemed the teddy and the garter belt were fixed together.
For perhaps the hundredth time, she looked around and studied her prison.She was in a beautiful room, elegantly and femininely furnished. The bed, onwhich she was lying, was at the center of this room. A monstrous king-sizedfour-poster affair of a bed. The sheets were satin like her teddy. When shehad tried to get up from this bed, she had discovered that her feet were chainedto the board at the end of the bed. This somehow did not surprise her. Whatwas the point of putting her in a sexy but inescapable teddy prison if it wasto let her wander at will.
She laid down on the bed, looking upwards. A mirror was fixed to the ceiling,allowing her to see her whole body. She was trapped in that peculiar teddy.Her legs were in clad in sheer stockings. She could discern the cuffs aroundher ankles. However, the chain holding her feet was nowhere to be seen. Andyet, as she shifted her legs on the bed, she felt the tug of a fetter.
She gave up her useless attempts and went back to the moment when everythinghad gone out of hand.
She had been alone in her small suburban house. She was looking forward tothat day of inactivity. As a secretary in a lawyer's office, she did not havemuch time for herself. She was always ushering clients into her boss' officeand preparing his appointments. Even during week-ends, she had to work to preparethose blasted files for her boss. And it was not the satisfaction of havingher own desk with her name plate reading ?Erika Mayfair' that could compensatethat.
Some clients were quite shady. She remembered that lady surgeon, Doctor Lydiavon Something. She was, according to the files she saw, a top-notch surgeon,who had invented revolutionary techniques in plastic surgery. She had beenfired from her former hospital because she was accused of stepping over theboundaries of ethics. What this meant, Erika could not even begin to guess? Herthoughts were drifting between embezzling money from the hospital to gruesomeexperiments on helpless patients. The lady herself was supremely impressive.A regal and haughty bearing, a strong jaw, blue eyes, blond hair coiled ina severe bun, she was a vision of strength all packed up in a specially tailoredbusiness suit. She was not walking through the office; she was simply enteringa conquered domain. A cold voice, which sent shivers down Erika's spine, asif the lady was somehow not entirely subjected to human feelings but nonethelesstried to counterfeit them for normality's sake.
And there was that other one. She was not as frightening as the doctor, butsomehow even more disturbing. She was a new client. Her name was Vanessa Whateley.When she had walked into the office, Erika barely stifled a gasp. That womanwas gorgeous. A tall redhead with sparkling green eyes, delicate features;Erika could not help but feel a sudden pang of jealousy. And the fact she wasobviously filthy rich did not help ease that feeling. When she had addressedErika, it had been in a low and sultry voice which literally oozed seduction.
?Would you please warn Mister O'Neill, that Vanessa Whateley has arrived??
Erika had stared for a couple of seconds and then had stammered: ?Of course,But did you have a meeting arranged with him??
Again the same low voice? ?No, my dear. But I am pretty sure he will be ableto find a few minutes to take care of my problems. It is of no importance ifhe cannot meet me right away. Waiting for him in your company will surely notprove a torture?? Taken aback, Erika had called on the internal phone. Whenshe had said the name, she had been sure she had heard an excited squeal atthe other end of the line. Two seconds later, the door to her boss' officehad violently opened, her boss looking as if he had tried to wrench that dooropen in his haste to see his new client. The hinges had even given a faintcreaking sound which bid no good?
As Erika was thinking about those past times, her eyes drifted once againto the mirror. There she was, a brunette with green eyes and delicate features,an inheritance of both her deceased parents. Her mother had been a Japanesebeauty her father had one day brought back from one of his numerous trips.He was an Irish man, raised in Saint-Louis . He gave her a famous family namein Louisiana . He told her he had had no contact with the main branch of theMayfairs since decades, mainly because the old guardian of the main branchCarlotta Mayfair was an old bigoted crazy foul who did not care for the offspringOncle Julien had left in the Irish parts of the City. So, rejected by his family,he had built his own affair independently? Her mother was a silent woman. However,a smile was always on her face which emphasized her extraordinary beauty? Theyhad passed away in an airplane accident, on one of the trips her father insistedon doing ?to keep an eye on the ever-changing world' as he said.
And then her tricky mind drifted to that fateful Saturday morning when shehad been abducted. By whom and for what purpose, she had no idea, even if shehad suspicions on the latter considering her present outfit?
It had come as an innocent-looking packet. She had been awakened by her door-ring.Groaning, she had turned on her bed, refusing to get up. And then, the ringinghad gone on. Whoever had the nerve to wake her up on a Saturday morning atbarely 9 sure wanted to see her. She got up wearily, put her night robe onand went down to her door. The ringing had not stopped, even becoming in themeantime more insistent.
?All right, all right, I'm coming!?
She fumbled with her keys and finally opened her door. On her door step wasstanding a tall raven-haired woman in an immaculate suit with a small equallyimmaculate suitcase at her feet.
?Hello!? proclaimed the intruder ?I trust you are Miss Erika Mayfair? Youhave been chosen to test our brand-new wedding kit! If you will just sign her??
She had thrust a clipboard into Erika's hands along with a pen and indicatedan empty box in which to sign. Erika was totally baffled.
?But I am not getting married! What is the meaning of this??
The delivery woman looked at her and then laughed good-naturedly. ?But youare Miss Erika Mayfair? Then you are the winner of one of our special weddingkit. If you try it, I am convinced you will never see a wedding gown the sameway!?
Erika sighed, aware that this woman would never leave her alone if she didnot accept all her conditions right away.
?Okay, okay, I am taking it. Just put it in my living room.?
?Very well, Miss!?
One minute later, the white suitcase was sitting in the middle of her livingroom, the formulary handed by the delivery woman signed and the delivery womanherself was led to the door by an annoyed Erika. Before being ushered out ofthe house, the delivery woman piped in a last time ?This kit will truly changeyour perception on wedding gowns!? ?I'm sure it will.? grunted Erika. ?Havea nice day!? declared cheerfully the delivery woman just before Erika's doorslammed in her face. Her smile then faltered to be replaced with a wicked grin. ?Itwill certainly change your perception on weddings in general and on weddinggowns in particular, Miss Stuck-up. And it will most certainly be a nice day.For one of us, that is.? She then left Erika's doorstep and went back to hervan. All she had to do now was to wait.
Erika was sprawled on her couch in her living-room. She was eyeing the suitcasewith a mixture of scorn (mainly caused by its early appearance), curiosityand trepidation. She was not exactly a romantic, but she had to admit, thethought of a wedding gown was something she always found? stimulating. It wasthe epitome of femininity and she did not know a woman who could resist it.Getting up, she marched to the suitcase. Opening the top, she first discoveredan array of beauty products which would make the joy of a professional beautician.There was among them some bathing products made specifically or at least sothe label claimed ?for the delicate skin of the bride to be.? Alongside itwas a, as the label proclaimed, ?special shampoo for the bride's hair, joyand marvel of the brides.? Giggling, Erika picked up both tubes and went toher bathroom. She filled her tub and poured some of the content of the firsttube in her bath, before getting into it and using the rest to wash herself.The smell was intensely feminine, flowery and soft. Erika had no trouble imagininga bride on the morning of her wedding using those products. Unconsciously,her hands, which were busy washing her body, drifted downwards to her crotchand while she fantasized about her handsome imaginary husband began to franticallywork on her clitoris and pussy. She was soon panting and not long afterwards,she let out a guttural groan, indicating she had achieved release. Pullingherself together, Erika giggled, thinking it was quite appropriate to get herselfall wet in her bath. While reclining in her tub, her gaze wandered, beforefalling on the shampoo sitting on a tablet beside her tub. ?Well,? she thought ?ifthe bath products have so intense an effect, I can't begin to imagine whatthe shampoo will do.? She reached for the shampoo tub, poured some into herpalm and began working on her scalp. ?Whatever that product is, it certainlyhas a devastating effect? thought Erika when her head began to tingle. Shewas soon pouring some more shampoo into her palm and massaging her scalp. Whenthe tube was empty, she washed her hair. Incredulously, after she had gottenout of her tub and dried her normally mousy hair, she remarked it was now shinyand healthy looking, like never before. ?Wow, I should try and get some ofthe same brand, it sure is effective??
Getting back downstairs, refreshed and now considerably more good-humored,she lifted the panel on which the rest of the beauty products was and divedfurther into the box. She retrieved a gorgeous white satin wedding gown. Shehung it carefully, admiring the gorgeous matter as it settled into its naturalfolds. It was truly a work of art. Even before being worn, one could see thewoman wearing it would have all her curves emphasized and highlighted. It wasa promise of a hot and sex-filled night in itself and yet with enough retinueto hint towards a mutinous virginity? Under where the gown had been, Erikafound the other garments a bride would wear, all in white satin, all gorgeous,all irresistibly sexy. And in the middle of it, a white box with the words ?Honeymoonpreparation? etched in red letters on it. Reaching for it, she pulled it outof the box. Inside was a strange device, lying on a white satin bed. It lookedlike a scorpion without the pincers and with a ball instead of a spike at theend of its tail. There was a note, reading: ?this is the ultimate device toprepare the bride in anticipation of the honeymoon. Place the vaginal stimulatoron your opening, the caudal ball against your anus and let the device guideyou to the altar?? Erika watched the device closely. There was some kind oftiny dildo on the part designed to go into her vagina. And the ball lookedquite harmless. Shrugging, she shed the towel she had worn after her bath andput the device to her opening and guided the ball to her anus. At first shefelt nothing. And then just as she was preparing to remove it, disappointed,she felt a tingling in her groin. The device suddenly began to provoke wavesof pleasure in her body. And yet, it also seemed to prevent an excess of stimulation.It was making her hot but did not allow an orgasm. After a few minutes, Erikadecided it was indeed a very good way to prepare a bride for her honeymoon,since it would make her so horny, she would do anything to get some release.The sensations then seemed to recede a little. Erika decided it was time togo on with her dressing.
She put on a pair of trimmed satin panties, buckled the garter belt aroundher waist and rolled the stockings up her legs. She enjoyed the feeling ofdragging that sheer material along her legs, savoring the caress. She clippedthe top of the stockings to the six garters dangling from the belt. She thenput on the strapless bra provided in the box. It emphasized her breasts, makingthem look bigger than usual and extremely inviting.
She then went back to her bathroom to apply the make-up which was in the box.It was a very discreet make-up, just some eye shadow, a bit of mascara on alight colored foundation. After applying the soft lipstick, she looked intoher mirror and decided she had not looked that good since years if ever.
Getting back downstairs, she picked up the gloves from the box and slippedthem on. Like the rest of the garments, they were made of white satin, butmost interesting, they fitted her perfectly. The rest of the garments alsodid, but somehow, she had dismissed it as a coincidence. Now she was beginningto wonder how they could have gotten her measures. Shrugging she went backto the task at hand. She contemplated the gown. It was a gorgeous model withseveral layers of petticoats, a small décolleté with some almosttransparent matter stretched on it. It zipped up in the back. At the base ofher spine, just before the curve of the petticoats, a big wide satin bow wasnestled. Before putting the gown on, Erika searched once again in the box.She retrieved a pair of knee-high white high-heeled leather boots. The heelswere in fact quite high, but she guessed, the bride would look all the moreimpressive in those boots. The funniest on their boots were however the twobows fixed at calf height above the heels.
She laid the boots aside and picked up a box lying at the bottom of the box.The red words etched to the surface read: ?Jewels for the bride.? Chuckling,Erika opened the box and discovered a choker and a tiara. There were clipson the tiara to affix the veil Erika then fished out of the box.
Erika got up and opening the back of the gown, put it on the floor like awhite satin circle. She stepped into that circle and bending over worked thegown up her body. The long sleeves puffed around her shoulders before becomingnarrower and enveloping snugly her wrists. Zipping the gown should have proveda challenge, but once again, its creators had been extremely clever and hadattached a string to the zip in the back. It allowed her to zip the gown shutwithout all sorts of unseemly contortions. She then arranged her petticoatsaround her as she sat down and put the boots on. They fit her snugly but comfortably.Once again, Erika wondered how they had got hold of her measurements but dismissedthat thought for later treatment.
Remained only the choker, the tiara and the veil. Erika examined the choker.It was a white leather choker, a bit wide but nonetheless pretty. There wasa small metal rose etched to the front of the choker. Erika put it on. It wascomfortable, even if a bit unusual. She then picked up the tiara, perched iton top of her head and took the veil. She went to the full-length mirror whichwas in a corner of her living room and attached the veil, completing the imageof the bride. She was simply gorgeous. She looked at herself up and down, detailingeverything and she had to admit, she found nothing to reproach. She was perfect.
And then as her hands had brushed against the sides of the gown, the big bowin her back uncoiled itself and like two twin snakes, the two ends stroke.They coiled themselves around her wrists and brought them back to the smallof her back where they affixed them solidly. Stunned by the attack, Erika stumbleda few steps backward. She fell on her couch. Just then the bows on her bootsuncoiled too and, encircling the opposite ankle, deprived her of the use ofher legs too. Too shocked to react, Erika laid on her couch, unable to think.She did not hear her door open. She did not hear the footsteps approaching.Only did she realize she was not alone when a hand lifted her veil. She openedher mouth to ask for help? and bit down on a rubber ball as a white ball-gagwas forced between her teeth and buckled tight. She was then propped up againstthe cushions of her couch. The veil was replaced, but not before she caughta glimpse of the sneering face of the delivery woman who had brought her thatbox?
?So? Did you enjoy your wedding kit? Well, now that you're correctly packaged,it is time to bring you to your spouse? But we would not want you to spoilthe moment by struggling? So I am afraid I will have to put you to sleep? Pleasantdreams, sweetheart?? The woman had taken a small gas-mask from a pocket and,slipping it underneath her veil, had applied it to her nose and mouth. Aftera few reluctant but necessary breaths, Erika had felt like the room was spinningaround her? Her last vision before falling asleep had been a white veil, theveil of her wedding gown?
And now, as she was waiting for her abductor, on that bed, in those clothes,she could not help but wonder who had gone to those extents to abduct her.And what was with all that satin? As Erika was reflecting on those grim subjects,she heard a rummaging in the lock. She was about to know who had done thisto her and even more importantly, who was, to imitate that delivery woman,her spouse?
To be continued off course?
What is next to come? Well, Erika will come a lot but we will also discoverwho her abductor is. And Erika is caught in a very large web? What is the MadamMoriarty Club? That must be explained since it is part of the title? Well? Abit of patience, please dear readers? See you soon, same bat-time, same bat-site!
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Hi mera naam Yuvraj hai. Main aaj aapko mere life ka ek incidance batane ja raha hu jo ki real hai. Pehle main mere bare main aap logo ko bata du. Main nasik k ek private college main b. Tech kar raha hu. Regular jim jane k karan main kafi tagada aur majboot hu. Ab main mere hasina k bare main aap logo ko bata du jo ki meri madam hai aur meri appartment main meri flat k saamne rehti hai. Uska naam Amruta hai. Wo dikhne main madhuri dixit jaisi hai. Wo hamesha sari pehanti hai. Wo shadi shuda...
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Incident 2. This happened on a week end afternoon. Madam was along at home. As asked by madam I went to near by grocery shop and brought some vegetables for Madam. Then I went for washing my dress and was planning for a bath. I also applied coconut oil also on my body in preparation for bath, and was wearing only a towel and no undie. Suddenly I heard a cry from inside home and madam was calling for help.. I thought some thing really wrong and rushed to the home. Luckily the front door was...
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Ye baath us waqt ki hai jab hum 12th class main padte the hamari biology ki teacher ka naam shweta kapoor tha jo dekhne main ek dum patakha thi Shweta madam ki umar kareeb 35-36 saal ki thi par wo dekhne main badi mast thi har ladka unko chodne ke sapne hi dekha karta tha Aur naa jaane unke baare main soch soch ke kiti baar muth mara karta tha students to unke baare mein socha hi karte the par hamare college ka principal bhi un par latoo tha hamara principal ek dum tharki tha aur kai bar wo...
Hi friends this is a fantasy. Not a real story but I hope you will like it, mera naam rahul hai, ham 12th me parte the hamare maths teacher bahut hi hot and sexy hai, or bahut hi gori doodh jaise, uski skin daikh ker aisa lagta tha manu duniya mai koi bhi itna khoobsurat kase ho sakta hai, sare larke parte kem the usko ghoorte jyada the, hum dosto ka ek group tha sabhi roj usko leker aahe bherte rehte the, sab soch rahe the ki madam ko kaise chode, to maine idea diya kyu na hum maidam se home...
Hi, main ravi, phir ek naya experience share karne ke liye and thanks to my reader for appreciating my previous story: sab ki pyas bujhai So, ye mera experience totly new hai, actually sex jitne zada logo se kiya jaya utna hi mazza hai, aur humari health bhi achi rehti hai. Mujhe ek din ek anjan number se phone aaya, woh kisi teacher ka phone tha, unko ek part time teacher chaiye tha, so she contacted me. Maine bhi der nahi lagayi, aur jaldi hi milne gaya, sab kuch theek ho raha tha, dheere-2...
Hi readers I am Prakash and today I am going to tell u something u must have read umpteen no of times in various sex story sites. I am writing for the first time on this site because once I started to read stories on this site, I felt it will be pleasure to share some of my own experience with u people. Sex has always been a topic of hot discussion from Ashoka’s time, but here in India even today it is supposed to be a taboo which is generally neither discussed on drawing boards or dining...
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Yeh Kahani tb ki hai jb main 12 th main tha mera school ek kaafi popular school ke jiske kaafi branches the all over india aur uska headoffice mumbai main hai,mere school main ek vice-principal sir the , kuch dino baad saare schoolon ka vice principal conference hua aur is baar us conference ke liye hamar school chuna gaya toh saare schoolon ki vice-principals hamare school main aaye jisme se kuch vp yani ki vice-principal aurat bhi thi. Toh hua yeh ki total 26 vp main se 8 vp aurat thi jis...
Hello friends yeh meri pehli story hai and I hope apko pasand aygi.Yeh true story hai meri life ki,main cadet school main parhta tha 12th main tha meri physics teacher jin ka name shagufta tha unky boobs bht sexy thy main jb bhi dekhta tha to madam ko chodny ka dil krta tha bht sexy the madam,school k bad main unky ghar tution bhi parhta tha ek din mainy madam ko chodny ka plan bnaya unky ghar waly shadi main gay hue thy bs wo or unki behn ayesha ghar main then.Main juice ki botle main vagra...
This is a True story which was happend 2 months back.My name is Andy and I am employed as a tailor in a ladies garment stitching shop. We were known for our tailoring and used to get a lot of customers. Work was good and I especially enjoyed taking measurements of ladies. One of our regular customers was Farheen madam. She used to get various types of garments like salwar, kamiz and blouse stitched by us. She usually used to visit us at least once a month for new clothes and on most of the...
Hi, guys, this is jai, back with a new experience. Most of the story is true and from my own experiences with people. Let’s get into the story to know more about our hot teacher, Sanjana madam. All the characters mentioned in the story is above 18 years old. Sanjana madam is very talented and one of the best teachers of our university in Chennai. She is very friendly with every one of us and a very open-minded person. She is 32 years old, married and has no kids. Even at that age she...
With an assassin targeting President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, can the most famous cross-dressing crime-fighter of the 1940s save the day? MADAM FATAL: DECEMBER 1941 by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a prequel those Madam Fatal stories I've posted to date.) - 1 - "Tell me about Scrappy Nelson and Tubby White, Mr Stanton." "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked,...
There was a male comics character in the 1940s who fought crime by cross-dressing and calling himself Madam Fatal. Here's my take on the character, the second in what will be at least a trilogy of tales. MADAM FATAL: POWER by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a sequel to MADAM FATAL: PROWL. Images in the SWI version show what the character looks like.) - 1 - According to my informant, one of my...
I am a regular reader of and also wrote few stories on iss which was liked by readers. Iam very thankful to them. My name is kaku presently living in gurgaon and working as a engineer in a pvt firm.i am 35 yr having 5’7″ ht and well physic.i have 7″ long and 2.5″ thick dick and always wants to be inside cunt, my wife injoy my dick from all hole of body.she dies for this. Now lets come to the story, yeh bat un dino ki hai jab main school main padta tha. Main us samay 10 main padta tha.main...
By : Ishant_love Doston mera naam Ishant hai men 25 saal ka hun aur indore men rehkar MBA kar raha hun ISS ka niyamit pathak hun aur mene bahut saari kahaniyan padhih kuch kahaniyan bahut achi bhi lagin aur kuch bilkul fake but fake kahaniyon men bhi kamal ka imagination tha. Bahut sochne ke baad tay kiya ki kun na men bhi apna ek real life incident share karun ap logon ke saati e kahani bilkul sachi hai. Baat un dino ki he jab men 12th class men padhta tha aur meri age 18 thi. Humari ek...
Mera nam sahil hai, M/28/delhi, , Love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai Delhi mei rahta hoo aur aajtak New Friends Colony, Sarita Vihar mei lagbhag 15 houswewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail Karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj mai aapko ek aisi kahani...
Mera nam ritesh hai, m/28/Delhi, working in mnc company, love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai delhi mei rahta hoo aur aajtak new friends colony, sarita vihar mei lagbhag 15 houswewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.sath hi 100% secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj...
Hello friends this is my first story….Hope aap sab logo ko pasand aayegi…Ye story sirf story nahi hai …Ye bilkul sachi kahani hai. Sabse pehle main app sab logo ko apne baare main bata du..My name is sujal..My age 29 years hai nd delhi se hu…Body se average hu nd height 5 feet 10 inch hai…Mere lund ka size 7 se 8 inch ka bich main hoga…Mujhe sex krna bahut acha lagta hai…Ek hafte main kam se kam 4 baar toh muth maar hi leta hu..Koi sexy married ya unmarried mere sath secret relationship rakhna...
Sabhi pyare dosto ko mera dono hath jod kar namshkar. Mera naam Yogesh Kumar hai. Meri umar 55 saal ho gyi hai, meri height 5’7 inch hai. Mera weight 121 kg hai. Main kafi acha hatta katta ek mard hoon. Main ek mast mola mard hoon. Jo aaj bhi apni wife ko roj chodta hai. Meri wife ki umar 52 saal hai. Hum dono ke do bache hai, ek ladka aur ek ladki. Mere bete ki umar 27 saal hai aur meri beti ki umar 24 saal hai. Un dono ki shadi ho chuki hai. Main apne ghar ke pass ek govt. school me ek...
Baga muligi muligi juice akhari chukka varaku naa pukulone kaarchesadu, nannu denguthunna Ramesh. Idharam okke govt office lo clerk pani chesthamu. Ika Ramesh dengina non stop debbalaki, puku Lo karchesina veeryaniki, pukulonchi para para para sounds vasthunte, vaadi sperm lo nenu thega kaarusthunna juice mix ayyi pravaham naa pukulonchi kaaruthondhi. Hammayyaaa anukuni idharam mudhulupettukuni upiri peelchukuni relax ayyi muchatlu cheppukuntunnam. Ramesh naa thodala pai kaaruthunna dravanni...
Hi my name is Banginboy ( yeah that’s my id ) I am 24 years old now and I am a regular follower of ISS . Now I want to tell you all about this first fucking incident with a teacher when I was 18 and in high school in the 12th standard this was the first time that I had experienced real sex and to top it off it was our teacher and we three guys sultana madam was 27 years old and she was only a year old in our school. She didn’t take any off our classes but we did fantasies her naked and fucking...
We had spent the night at a local hotel and had arranged for a late checkout the next day, knowing the Madam’s lover would be available in the morning. He was scheduled to arrive at 10 AM, my morning routine was able to get a late start. Showering, a fresh save on face legs and torso, and a quick enema, in case Madam chooses to make me available to her guest, was how the morning started.That was followed by getting dressed in the outfit we had selected for me, hose, wig, and makeup. Madam had a...
Cuckold"Crawl over here!" he was told. Madam had a wickedswing, so he knew better than to argue. He did his best toposition himself the way she had pointed for him to do. Shestood before him in all her glory with the cruelest instrumentof torture. He hated and loved it when Madam chose to givehim her attentions. "Now, worship my feet as you havebeen taught!" he crouched farther down and begankissing each one of her toes. She allowed him to gently suckle eachand every toe. He gave her his softest...
BDSMI am the recording secretary at the state level for the PTA and I get to travel a few times a year to attend conferences and such. I’m thirty-eight, my two kids are in high school, so I have quite a bit of free time and I workout almost every day. I am told I am still very attractive, don’t look a day more than twenty-eight and was blessed with a Thirty-four-D chest with really big nipples and am five foot four inches, weight one hundred and nineteen pounds and am a brunette. My husband has...
LesbianHi readers, This is Ram from Hyderabad. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on This is a true incident happened in my life. I’m a student and no money. So I do part time job in free time in Chennai. At that time I met my madam (name not revealed for privacy so let’s call her madam only) This story may seem boring in the beginning as I’m explaining true...
Hello friends, mai yashji wapas aa gya ek aur sheela madam k sath chudai ki asli tasweer le kar. Muje pichli story ka bohot acha response mila. Maine kuch bhabhi ko seva ka mauka dia. Meri email Id par aap kabi bhi response de sakte hai – Aayiye kabi seva dena ka mauka dijiye. Apne baare me btaunga, 24 saal, gurgaon, tcs it company me kaam karta hu. Aur sheela madam ek school ki primary teacher hai jo mere school me padhaya karti thi. Shaadi ho gayi but abhi bhi kisi model se kam nahi. Boobs...
Madam Martinique's Finishing School Part 1 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Discipline. Respect. Honesty." The head mistress's riding crop snapped sharply as it hit each word on the marble plaque behind her desk. Her eyes seemed hard as diamonds as she turned to look at my mother. "Those are the three pillars upon which our school are based." "I ... I mean ... umm. ..." Hearing Mother stutter and seeing her squirm in the hard, wooden chair next to mine...
By : Veer_azad Me ek school men adhyapika hum ye matra 12th kaksha tak ka school hai sam ko aksar me nadi-talab ke kinare ghumane nikal jati hum aise hi ek din me talab ke kinare ghum rahi rahi thi. 9th kaksha ki chhatra aur 11th ka ek chhatar mil gaye ye dusare section men the maine unase unaka nam puchha to unhonne apane nam Reeta aur Sanju bataye. Reeta ne school dress yani skirt aur top hi pahane the, lekina uski skirt kuchh Choti thi isaliye jab vo baithi to muje usake gori tangon ke sath...
The Lincoln Madam.A Crazy Time In My Life!I guess I was about 38 and recently single, the usual story of wife ignorant of my real passion, the big secret that finally came out, and what a fool I must have been to have let her trick me into breaking my own rules of, "Never tell a soul"!However, I did and now the world had changed from what I was expecting, to a new beginning, forgetting the pain and hurt on both sides, it was over!That was 2 years ago now, and the first night on my own, was...
I rang Madam to make an appointment to visit and she told me it had to be either a Tuesday or a Thursday as her maid needed more training with slaves. So I made a Thursday appointment. I was told that the maid would get me ready for her and to call the maid Miss Josephine. I knock on the door and it opened with a finger beckoning me in. I entered and there was an old man dressed as a female maid. The usual maid oufit of black dress white pinafore and white hat. I was ordered to stand on the...
As arranged, I arrived just before two o’clock. Having found the address, which was in the middle of a long Georgian Terrace, without difficulty, I knocked on the door and waited. Within a few seconds it was opened, and a girl in her early twenties with short blond hair and a slim, almost boyish figure stood before me. “Oh hello, I am Steven, and I think that you are expecting me.” “Hello, yes we are. My name is Cassie. Follow me please.” I followed the girl a few metres along a passage until...
BDSMMadam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 2 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beams of afternoon sunlight slanted through the narrow windows built into the steel doors at the far end of the hall. Even though I could barely see the head mistress's shoes because her dark gray dress was so long, I could hear the heels of her shoes clicking on the polished floorboards as we walked towards the doors. Something told me the riding crop she carried should seem...
Cincinnati, Ohio was just slightly above Mobile, Alabama on the list of profitable arts and craft fair locations for a dealer. Even Cleveland had moved up in the ranks. Yet there I sat, pissed off yet reluctantly resolved to make the best of the situation. It was always good to have at least one ‘psychic’ present at these trailer trash shopping mall events. And that was I, Madam Zira – seer and fortuneteller for the lonely, the desperate, the ignorant thrillseeker with too much money and the...
Us din ke baad main aur Deepika madam roj ek sath school jate aur ek sath hi meri bike par apne quarter wapis aate. Aisr hum dono me apas me bahot achi baat chit hone lag gyi. Main ab Deepika madam roj kisi na kisi bahane se apne office me bulane lag gya. Aur bato hi bato main unki roj bahot tarif karta tha. Unhe mujhse baat karna acha lagta tha. Aur mujhe ache se pata tha, ki Deepika bahot ache se samjh rhi hai. Ki main use roj kisi na kisi bahane se kyo usse apne office me bulata hoon. Main...
The drive to Don and Carol’s isn’t far but traffic was snarled making the journey irritating. It had been an arduous work week for both Jean and I and we were looking forward to the evening as we always do to these special get-togethers.Jean and I are married, in our late fifties and began swinging about eight years ago. Jean is 5’ 8’’ tall, a slim blonde who could easily pass for 38. She has small breasts with large, erect nipples, an ass to die for and a multiple orgasmic pussy topped with...
The drive to Don and Carol’s isn’t far but traffic was snarled making the journey irritating. It had been an arduous work week for both Jean and I and we were looking forward to the evening as we always do to these special get-togethers. Jean and I are married, in our late fifties and began swinging about eight years ago. Jean is 5’ 8’’ tall, a slim blonde who could easily pass for 38. She has small breasts with large, erect nipples, an ass to die for and a multiple orgasmic pussy topped with...
SwingerThis is the story of the most existing sexual part of my life and how I lost my virginity. To give you all a little background on me then… I come from a very traditional family and like all other boys that age I was excited on women and used to masturbate a lot. Some of us close friends used to have a competition at times to see how is the best to come at the last with one guy timing us on a porn movie. However I have never seen a girl naked or thought it would happen in near future. I was 5.5...
Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 3 Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watching the way Tod moved as she wove between kids running down the hall (then shifting to a fast walk when they looked up at the head mistress following behind me) and clots of other kids chatting in low murmurs, I felt amazed I could have ever thought she was a boy. She did dress like a boy, and if half of what I had learned about this school was true, she probably started off as a boy,...
Hello dosto, mera naam sam hai. Me ISS ka bahut bada fan hu muje yaha ki saare kahaniya pasand hai. Yaha ki stories padhne k baad mene socha kyu na mere story bhi aap logo k saath share karu. Ye kahani mere aur meri tution teacher radha k baare me hai. Radha ka rang gehua tha aur uski aankhe bhuri rang ki hai. Uska figure 30 24 32 hai. Aur height 5’1 feet hai. Me apni story pe aata hu. Mai 18 saal ka tha jab mai radha ki tution me gaya. Shuruat me use dekhne par muje koi khaas feeling nahi aae....
Hi readers, I am Raj Kumar from Vizag ( Andhra) and im 27 yrs now. Telling about me I am 6ft tall and 6.5 inch thick cock. If you like this story mail me on This is a true incident which happened in year 2001 when I am in 12th class. I studied most of my schooling in boarding school and my school is a kind of military based school. Due to military training and other hard sports and stuffs I gained good muscle at that age only. Our school had hard rules, like Even in 12th grade the students in...
This is my real life story with few changes. I am Rohan. It happened unintentionally. But I felt very luck that day to have a good looking madam sit next to me. Though she was an average looking lady, but was having a maintained structure and looked little curvy. I was allotted a window seat. I was on the last seat, the madam entered the bus and she looked at the seat next to me and another last two seats in my lane were empty. Luckily madam came near my seat and looked at me. I gave her a...
Hi guys!I am vineet. As u know I live in mumbai and have a hot english teacher of school,mrs.jayamala shinde.She must be around 35-36 yrs old with big tits,a round ass and with an open navel.All d guys in my class used to fantasize her.She taught me from class 11 to 12.All 3 yrs I was a very good student of English scoring above 80% every time.I was her favorite student and she used to call me for any work she had..Now d actual story starts here.Wen I was in class 9 I shifted to a new house and...
Hello. Mera naam Ritiesh hai aur mai Agra mai rehta hu.Meri age 23 saal hai aur mai abhi padh hi rha hu. Agar koi lady ho Agra ya aaspaas ki milne mai ya chat krne mai toh vo pe mail kr de. Ye story pichhle saal ki hai jab mai college trip pe gya tha, Manali. Toh hua yu ki humari college bus ki gayi thi jisme kuch ladkiya thi aur kuch ladke, aur humare saath ek male aur ek female faculty gayi thi. Mera stop sabse last the chadne ka bus mai toh mujhe koi seat nhi mili sivaaye madam ki bagal...
Hello guys, how are you all. I am back with another story. I have told you guys in one of my previous stories how I got to have sex with one of my school teacher Surekha madam. Those who haven’t read it please read the story named “Fucking Surekha madam” you will enjoy it. Now for the new readers let me introduce myself first, I am a 25 years old Gujarati guy, currently living and working in Ahmedabad. This incident happened when I was in my final year of engineering. I came home for my reading...
Hi Dosto…. Mai apka Vicky, from bhilai durg, c.g.. Kaise hai aap log… Khub bur me ungli ya kela daal ke maze kar rahi ho… Yaar kab tak in faltu chijo ka upyog karogi.. Jabki aapko lund to bahut aasani se mil sakta hai… Just mail me on So hurry up darling… Specially for chhattisgarh. So friends aaj mai aapko apne school life ke samay ke ek behtarin exp. Ki bat batayumga.. Mai 17 year ka 11th commeres ka student tha.. Mai padayi me toper to nahi but a gread stu. Tha.. Par badmashi ya kah lo...
Madame JustineDo not read this when you are under age. This is for adults eyes only. Many people enjoy the adventures of Indiana Jones. Very few of those same people would actually enjoy things like running for their lives in front of a crushing boulder, or gewtting kicked into a snake pit. Sometimes fantasy is just fantasy, no prelude for reality. Take this story as it is: Fantasy. Now read on. SLUTS ‘N SLAVES FAMILY BDSM BROTHEL A painful joy for all?Harry looked at the little business card...
By now I had become quite happy visiting Madam on a monthly basis and the sessions had become that bit longer with more spanking. I vividly remember one session where I had had my warm up spanking and I was to be given an internal examination. I had to get on the bed and get my arse up in the air as high as possible with my shoulders and head on the bed. I felt her gloved finger slip around my arsehole lubricated with vaseline. Gently she inserted it into me moving it around slowly. Then...
This is my attempt to achieve some sort of ultimate in consensual feminization. (Of course, the ultimate is unattainable; someone else will always find a way to go further than you have gone.) I hope the result doesn't cloy; there's a powerful lot of sweetness and light here. Certainly if you're looking for whips, barking dominatrixes, with verbal and physical abuse in general, you'll be disappointed. But for a few, I hope this tale will be a dream come true. There's a little bit of sex,...
Careful with those instant messages and careful with those profiles girls, you just never know. Instant Message, Instant Madame By Jennifer Richardson [email protected] "Hi!" I waited to see if there would be a response to my instant message. Her profile had seemed too good to be true. "Madame De La Val, Strict Mistress, Authoritarian Dominatrix. Seeks full time submissive transvestite capable of a range of duties from Maid to Secretary. North of England, the successful...
Madame Jemma – An Introduction A New ContractRoger leafed through the stack of files in amazement. Each folder contained the personal history of one of Madame Jemma’s past and present assignments. Mostly women ?.but a few very unlucky men as well. The photos alone were disturbing enough but the exacting narrative detail, evaluations, medical exams and interview notes made it very clear that Madame Jemma was running a very professional long term operation. Roger’s lawyer had warned him about...