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Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected]

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Published by: A1AdultEbooks

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?Kelly's Training?

by Richard Stryker

Copyright. R. Stryker 2005.

The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved.

Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of thiswork in whole or in part in any form by any electronic mechanical or othermeans, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying,and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbiddenwithout the written permission of the author.

This electronic book published by A1AdultEbooks

The five bar gate leading to Greg Dawson's farmhouse was closed soKelly had to alight from her car and open the gate before passing inside.Once inside, she remembered her instructions and alighted from the car againto close the gate. Inside the farmhouse a bell sounded when the gate openedand it sounded again when it closed. The driveway leading to the house wasabout a hundred metres long and Kelly drove up to the house. She parked the car and walked the remaining ten paces to the front door.

As she walked towards the building she wondered why her husband, Darren,had made her agree to the visit.

Darren had tried to explain why but his approach had been unexpected.He was fed up with her wanton spending on his credit card and he was determinedshe would learn a lesson that would make her think twice about adding totheir debt in the future. In short, Darren had told her she needed some experttraining and he intended to continue her training when she came back fromher session with Mr Dawson.

It went further than that though. Darren had spotted a whole personalitytrait he disliked. He noticed how Kelly, when out in a group, would be thelast person to dip her hand in her pocket and, for example, buy a round ofdrinks. Yet, when it came to using her husband's credit card, she had noproblem in spending as much as she could.

?You realise those friends of yours all know how tight you are?? He'dsaid to her on more than one occasion.

?So,? she replied impertinently.

?Well, they will soon get fed up with your attitude. They have towork for their money so they will soon get fed up buying you drinks whenyou don't reciprocate.?

?You reckon??

?Yes! Remember Mark, your author friend? Have you noticed how he'sstopped coming out with your little group??

?Yes, why??

?Because he got fed up with you. He's a sociable, amiable chap andover the months he's bought loads of rounds of drinks and you've bought himnone. He works really hard to earn what he does and, if the truth is known,he's fed up with spongers like you. It happens that he's also had a bad timewith his publisher as well. He found out that they were giving away his booksfor free, as a marketing exercise. That really blew his top, so now he'sself-publishing and doing no worse than before. Actually he's doing betterand feeling better about what he's writing. You see, he's ditched the spongersand made sure that the people who now get to read his books are those whoappreciate him, simply because they are prepared to pay him for the hardwork he puts in. The fact is, Kelly, people don't like spongers, and youare a sponger and you need to learn a lesson.?

Now, with the credit card bill in his hand, Darren knew the time toact had finally arrived.


Darren had contacted Dawsonthroughsome mutual friends who had already used the services of the Corrective ActionTherapist ? Greg Dawson's self-styled profession. The friends had been morethan satisfied with Dawson 's handiwork,and even commented on the way their partners had almost overnight becomemuch more submissive and dutiful, so Darren had made arrangements for Kellyto attend Dawson 's house. In telling Kellywhat was happening and why he had made the appointment, Darren had mentionedsomething about a therapy table, but had chosen not to elaborate on the matter.

Kelly had had an uneasy feeling when she'd agreed to do somethingabout her huge debts and learn how to control her finances as well as learnhow to treat people better by being fair to them. She'd even made a mentalnote to go and buy one of Mark's stories and then tell him she had done so.He was a nice bloke really and she liked what he wrote, so she'd decidedto treat him fairly in the future. For now though, she was facing an uncertainevening ? an evening she knew she had no choice but to go through with.

Darren had promised her that one visit to the house she was walkingtowards would be enough for her to learn her lesson and come back a reformedcharacter. She'd agreed, for she was desperate not to lose him and she reallywanted to do something to sort her life out.

Greg Dawson was waiting for her by the front door.

?Good evening, Kelly, won't you come in.? Dawson, compared to Kelly,was tall and strong. In his younger days he would have been described asbeing of an athletic build but now, in his mid life, the muscles were showingsigns of wear and tear from the time Dawsonspentin his local pub.

Polite enough, Kelly thought. The man was about forty five, she figured,making him twenty years her senior. He was still smiling as he closed thedoor.

?Err, Mr Dawson,? Kelly began when she had been ushered into whatwas evidently the living room, ?what exactly is a corrective action therapist??

?Oh, quite simply, I aim to correct your bad habits by teaching youa lesson you will not forget. In your case I have instructions from yourhusband on what he requires and I am happy to say you will leave here injust a few hours a reformed character. Now, please sit down.?

Kelly did as she was instructed.

?Tell me, Kelly, your money worries ? are they eating away at you??


?I thought so from what your husband said on the phone. Now, we needto be quite sure that you wish to do something about them and about the wayyou sponge off the goodwill of other people. You do want to do somethingabout that, don't you??

?Yes, Mr Dawson, I do.?

?I see, so how do you think I will help you??

?Well, my husband thinks I need some kind of training ? somethingthat will make me think before I spend any more money, or sponge off otherpeople. Something that I will look back on and remember as a warning to mein the future.?

?I see. And do you agree with your husband??

?Yes, it kind of makes sense, though I don't know exactly what kindof training would make me think twice in the future.?

?Oh, Kelly, you will soon understand, believe me. Now, Darren hasasked me to introduce you to a device I use to make people like you reflecton things when they have sudden impulses in the future. I call it my therapytable, because that is what it does ? it trains you to think twice. I understandyour husband has told you a bit about what I have in mind for this evening.?

?Yes he has. I have to say I doubt it will work and I doubt in thespace of a few hours you will change me, but I have to go ahead with thisor Darren will leave me.?

?He has told you that? That is excellent, for I am sure you will tryall the harder.?

?I guess I probably will. So what happens next??

?Did Darren tell you how to come prepared??


?Show me, please.?

?What, here? With the curtains open and the light on!?

?Yes. Part of this training is for you to learn to be obedient. Youmust train your mind to do the right things and part of that is to learnto do as you are told.?

?Yes, Mr Dawson, Darren mentioned that.?

?Good, in that case, please show me you are ready.?

Kelly had arrived wearing a fake-fur coat that went down to her knees.She also wore calf-length boots that rose to meet the hem of the coat. Dawsonknew she'd prepared herself. Darren had called him to tell him Kelly wason her way and she'd spent an hour in the bathroom beforehand.

Slowly she unbuttoned the coat and slid it off her shoulders.

?Excellent. I see you are already able to follow instructions.?

Kelly was standing there naked except for the boots and a black, wispythong.

?Did you experience anything while driving here?? He asked politely.

?Not really. I felt a bit vulnerable at first but I got over thatinitial fear when I realised no-one could really see me or notice what wasunder the coat.?

?Ah, that is good. I think you will gain much from this session. Comewith me.?

Dawsonled the woman out of the living room. Heopened a door in the hallway ? a door that led to a flight of stairs leadingto his cellar.

?Please, follow me. Be careful on the steps, they are quite steep.?

He flipped the light switch, flooding the stairwell with soft, yellowlight. At the bottom of the stairs was a second door leading into a room.The room was sparsely furnished and had a tiled floor. Two thirds of theway down the room was a metal table about two feet wide and six feet long.On top of the table was a thin, black leather mat.

?Please, go and lie on the table with your back to the mat.?

Kelly did as she was instructed, the meaning of the term ?therapytable' suddenly dawning on her. It was too late to back out now and suddenlyshe knew why she would never forget this evening with Greg Dawson.

She took up her position lying on the table, looking at the blackceiling. Two spot lights glared back at her, flooding her body with whitelight. She closed her eyes to prevent her from being dazzled. The doctorwalked behind her and she heard some sounds out of her line of sight.

?Put your hands above your head,? Dawsonsnarled,now in control of the situation. Kelly obeyed. She felt the rope round herwrists as he secured them together, before pulling her wrists down to thelevel of the table and fastening the rope to a stanchion under the head end.Then he tied a length of rope around her upper arms, pulling her arms backonto the table so her elbows touched the mat, so that her arms were forcedwide apart, and her breasts were pushed outward and upward. Her rosy nipplessat prominently on the tops of her dark areolas, and the thrill of her firstexperiences at bondage began to arouse her.

?Are you are getting aroused?? Dawsonaskedas he came back into her line of sight.

?Yes, it feels quite sexy to be tied up like this. I actually quitelike feeling vulnerable.?

?That is good, but we will have to stop you feeling aroused. You are,after all, here for training and not to enjoy yourself.? As he spoke he tweakedher nipples in turn between his thumb and forefinger and watched as theystiffened with Kelly's increasing arousal.

Dawsonwalked round the table and a moment latershe felt the length of rope around her left ankle. Dawsonpassedthe rope under the table and then wrapped the other end around her rightankle. With both ankles secured, he pushed Kelly's legs apart until her kneeswere at the edge of the table, her lower legs dangling down from either side.Then Dawsonadjusted the rope around herankles so that it was tight, forcing her legs together, under the table,making her back arch slightly under the tension. With her legs now openedwide, the black thong posed no hindrance to Dawson who, with a sharp knife,slit the two sides and pulled the flimsy garment free from the woman's body.

Dawson stood still for a moment, drinking in the sight of Kelly'sshaven sex, her two, thick labia already pouting for attention, glisteningslightly from her arousal at being tied to the table in such a provocativeway.

Securely bound, Kelly had no option other than to wait and see whathappened next. She did not have to wait for long. The light of the room turnedto darkness as the blindfold was put in place over her eyes and again Dawsontied it securely in place. With the blindfold secured, Kelly felt the ropebeing placed over the blindfold and, when she tried to lift her head a momentlater, she found she was unable to, the rope securing her head to the table.For the first time Kelly felt a wave of fear pass through her body.

?Open your mouth,? Dawsonsaidwith a ruthless calm.

In her world of darkness, Kelly began to be afraid but knew she wouldbe better off applying obedience rather than stubbornness. Darren had warnedher of the consequences of being disobedient or not going through with theentire programme of rehabilitation. So Kelly opened her mouth. She felt theball gag between her teeth and stretched her mouth open wider to accommodateit. Like the blindfold, it was tied securely in place.

?Not too uncomfortable, I hope,? he said.

?Mmmmm,? Kelly tried to speak, but the gag prevented her from sayinganything coherent.

?Now, I am going to tell you a little bit more about my methods. Yourtraining this evening is all about pain. Pain is a great therapy for yourkind of obsession. After this evening you will always look back when youare about to be reckless and you will not wish for your husband to send youto me again because of the painful memories you are about to be given. Notonly that, I believe your husband has something planned for you later onwhen you get home. Now, do you understand how this session is going to helpyou??

?Mmmm nnn,? Kelly mumbled. Behind the blindfold her eyes were widewith fear.

?Yeearrgghhh,? she howled when the first stroke of the flogger cutacross her naked, pale breasts, stroking her rosy nipples and flicking acrossthe dark areolas.

?Oh come, that did not really hurt.? Dawson's voice was calm, authoritativeand totally in control, and it only added weight to what Kelly now knew wasgoing to happen.

Swish! The flogger cut across her flesh again in a second stroke andagain she shrieked behind the ball gag.

Swish! The angle of the dozen, thin leather straps had changed andthis stroke cut down across her left breast, tearing at her jutting out nipple.A moment later her right breast was treated to a similarly ferocious assault.

Now, as each stroke landed, Kelly gasped and gulped behind the ballgag. In her darkened world, the fear of not knowing where the next strokewas coming from only added to the pain she was experiencing.

Dawson stood behind Kelly's head as he administered the flogging,making sure he treated both breasts in the same way, so by the end of thestrokes both breasts were bright pink and a more angry red colour in places.

Finally, after each breast had received ten strokes of the flogger,the torture stopped. After a minute, Kelly felt his warm hand cupping herleft breast. She felt the coarseness of the rope as he positioned it underher mammary. A moment later her other breast also felt the rope under it.Her tormentor wrapped the rope under the table, pulling it tight as he didso, before applying a second loop, criss-crossing her breasts, lifting themupwards and holding them securely in position as he tied off the rope underthe table.

?Ah, you have nice breasts. They are soft and tender. Now, you willfeel a little prick.?

?Yyyyy,? Kelly screeched behind the gag as the first needle piercedher left nipple, bisecting it vertically. The second needle pierced the samenipple horizontally and Kelly screeched again.

?Oh come, it is not so painful. The needles are quite small.? Dawson's voice was still calm as he administered the piercing. He turned his attentionsto her right nipple and pierced it in a similar manner. Each time the needlespricked her nipple, Kelly screamed with the pain, though her cries were muffledby the gag.

With two more needles, Dawsonpiercedthe taut flesh under her breasts, just above where the rope was pushing herbreasts upwards. Again Kelly screamed.

?Now, in my experience, the best thing for patients with a neurologicaldisorder such as obsession is the application of a little electric current.?

Kelly was wide-eyed behind the blindfold. She felt Dawsonashe cupped her left breast in his hand. Then she felt the needles move ashe attached something to them. When he removed his hand, her breast was pulledto the outside of her body by the weight of whatever had been attached tothe needles. Then she felt the same sensations as something was attachedto the needles in her right breast.

She waited for a few moments, as Dawsonmovedaround the room without speaking. Finally he broke the silence.

?This will be uncomfortable,? he said, in that kind of reassuringvoice only a sadist can truly master.

It started as a tingling sensation in her left breast, a sensationthat was not painful though a bit unnerving. After five seconds it movedto her right breast, tingling and exciting her nipple. Again after five secondsit returned to her left nipple though now the sensation was stronger. Aftera further five seconds the sensation returned to her right nipple, againa little stronger.

After maybe a minute the sensation had grown beyond stimulating intothe realms of pain. Kelly realised what it was ? he was applying an electriccurrent to the ends of her breasts! As the current increased so the sensationbecame more painful, and as it did so it spread out from the immediate areaof her nipples into the soft flesh beyond.

After the first minute the increase in power seemed to get biggerso now it was jolting her breasts and was becoming more and more painful.

?MMmsssss,? Kelly screeched behind the gag as the current came backto shock her left breast.

?MMMMsssssssshhhhh,? she cried again five seconds later when the currenttore through the needles in her right one.

What happened next was not reassuring. While the current continuedto torture her breasts, Kelly suddenly felt Dawson 'shand between her legs.

?I see you shaved as you were instructed. You have done a good jobtoo.? Dawson 's voice was almost casual,but in his voice there was something and Kelly could not tell whether itwas arousal or menace.

The next time the current jolted her breasts it was no stronger thanthe previous jolt. The level of pain was just below the threshold of whatKelly could consider as bearable, and though she winced each time the currentwas applied, she breathed a little easier when the current remained at thesame level.

Kelly felt something cold being applied to her naked pubic mound andall round her labia and she flinched inwardly as she felt his fingers gentlyparting her labia.

She was open and moist. The unwanted pain in her breasts had, nonetheless,aroused her and her own secretions had been flowing. She felt his fingeras it slid inside her. He stroked her a couple of times with the finger,searching out the soft pad of flesh that was her G-Spot. He withdrew hisfinger and patted her labia gently with his hand, just as the current switchedbreasts.

?I think we will go up one more level,? he muttered, moments beforethe increased jolt of electricity penetrated her right breast, causing herto screech once again behind the gag.

She felt the same painful surge in her left breast before the currentwas switched off.

?Now, your training continues with me attending to you down here,? Dawsonspoke softly as he had done all evening as he patted her labia again. Hiscalmness was most disconcerting to Kelly and she got the impression thatDawson revelled in what he was doing.

She felt something firm and leathery being played across the gap betweenher legs. Dawson was standing beside the woman, reaching over her chest ashe played the belt across her naked pubic mound.

Thwack! The belt slapped into her labia and the pain from the contactof the flat blade of leather coursed through her body.

?Mmmm!? Kelly squealed behind the ball-gag when the belt bit intoher labia.

Thwack! The second lash of leather, as it was brought sharply backdown between her legs was no less painful and a third stroke followed soonafter.

Kelly howled again and again behind the gag and the back of the blindfoldwas moist with her tears, tears that now started to trickle down behind themask onto her face.

?Do you like the pain in your sex?? Dawson 'svoice penetrated the world of pain that Kelly had entered.

?Nnnnnn,? she mumbled, unable to speak properly.

?That is good.?

Thwack! Another loud slap reverberated around the room as he broughtthe belt down right across her labia again. Kelly shrieked with pain as itlanded. Her agony increased when another stroke of the belt made contactbarely five seconds later.

Then Dawsonchanged positions.The fifth stroke with the belt landed flat across her pubic mound, the tailof the strap biting into her flesh that had been freshly shaven an hour orso earlier.

?Gggnnnnnnoooooo,? she yelled behind the gag. She'd struggled withher bonds earlier in the session and realised then that her chances of moving,much less escape, were virtually nil. With the belt landing across her moundagain she wrestled with the bonds in a fresh effort to escape.

?Ah, you think you can escape. Why then do you think I tied you sosecurely. I am an expert in my field of therapy and I can assure you thereis no escape until I release you.?

The next stroke across her mound was more painful than the previoustwo and Kelly involuntarily struggled with her bonds again while at the sametime screaming as loudly as she could from behind the gag.

The seventh and eighth strokes followed swiftly before Dawsonstoppedto examine his handiwork. The area around the pubic bone was bright pinkwhere the belt had made contact and in two places the overlapping effectof the strokes had caused welt marks to form.

?Good, now you are tender, it is time for more needles.?

Kelly mumbled something behind the gag, something unintelligible thatmade Dawsonsmile at her. He sat on theedge of the table beside his hapless victim.

?We are now going to prepare your vulva for some therapy. First, though,it is important that your labia do not get in the way.

?Yaarrooo!? Kelly squealed as he pierced the central part of her leftlabia with the needle. The needle went straight through the lip and a momentlater she felt the needle as it pierced the soft flesh of her leg, both enteringand then exiting her flesh about an inch above the entry point. The effectwas to open up the labia and pin it back against her leg, wide open, stretchedand taut.

?Yeee?eeee?oooo?..hhhhh,? she screamed behind the gag as he pinnedback the other labia in the same manner. Her sex lips were now held wideopen by the two needles and she was totally exposed, the hood of her clitorisbarely concealing the bud beneath.

Kelly felt Dawson as he stroked her clitoris, the sensations soft,arousing and pleasurable after the half hour of torture. She felt the budstiffen, a prelude to more pain, or at least that is what Kelly should havebeen expecting. She started to moan as he continued to stroke her, not fromany pain from the tenderness that the strapping had caused her but from thearousal he was stirring in her body.

She shuddered inwardly as her orgasm flowed through her. Her breathingcontinued to quicken when his attentions continued past her climax. She respondedagain to his continued stroking, her bud now stiff from the blood that hadbeen diverted to it from other parts of her body.

?You have a large clitoris,? he spoke softly in her dark world.

?Mmmnnnn,? she mumbled behind her gag. She'd wanted to express herpleasure more vocally but the gag prevented her, just as it prevented herfrom expressing the full horror of her terror and the pain a moment laterwhen he inserted another needle horizontally through her swollen bud. Ashe pierced her clitoris, a thin trickle of blood seeped out onto the exposedend of the needle.

What happened next was no less disconcerting. She felt something beingattached to the three needles that had pierced her around her sex, the samesensation she had experienced when he had attached something to the needlesin her nipples.

With the needles around her sex now being pulled downwards in thehorizontal plane of her body, she felt the smooth device being positionedat the entrance to her vulva. Dawsoninsertedit slowly. To Kelly, stretched and open as she was down there, it felt huge,and she was sure the device was tearing her muscles as it was pushed intoher.

With the device fully inserted, Dawsonspokeagain.

?Now, so you understand what is going to happen, I am going to applysome electric therapy to your vulva. It will cover your labia, your clitorisand the inside walls of your vulva and it will not be very comfortable foryou, though you will get highly aroused because of the sensations. The vibratorin your vulva is especially wide, to ensure good contact with your innerwalls. It conveys electric current to the tip and also will vibrate alongthe full length of the shaft.?

The first current tingled through Kelly's labia, through the needlesinserted into her body, holding the lips open, and on up into her clitoris.It was not particularly painful and when the vibrator inside her startedto hum, Kelly began to get aroused. It was not voluntary arousal, but oneenforced by the electric impulses and the strong, persistent vibrations ofthe device that had been inserted deep into her vulva.

?Mmmmm,? Kelly purred behind the gag as her arousal grew. It continuedto grow towards her second orgasm and in less than a couple of minutes shepeaked, the relief of her release quickly being replaced with fear as theintensity of the electric currents increased.

?Now, Kelly, I must explain something. Though your body will makeyou aroused and make you climax, it is not good for you. Each time the sensorsin the vibrator detect your muscles contracting when you climax, they willautomatically cause the electric current to increase by another unit. Thiswill, of course, make you even more aroused and so on. I think it will takeabout twenty minutes before you are totally overwhelmed. Now, I am goingto leave you to enjoy yourself.?

?Dunnn guuuu,? Kelly moaned as a fresh wave of pleasure swept throughher body, causing the sensors to react and increase the current level.

?Twenty minutes, Kelly,? Dawsonspokesoftly as he closed the door behind him, leaving the woman on her own.

As Dawsonclimbed the staircaseto his hallway, Kelly felt the tingling sensations round her vulva and thepenetrating vibrations of the device buried deep inside her.

Involuntarily her body responded to the attentions and she moved towardsanother orgasm. Inside her darkened world, Kelly struggled to block the sensationsfrom her brain. She tried unsuccessfully to convince her brain that the feelingswere not arousing her.

Suddenly, it was happening. The contractions started as her vaginalmuscles clamped the device more strongly, the feelings of pleasure coursingthrough her body as she climaxed, only for her to be jolted back to the realityof the situation when the tingling sensations turned slightly more painfulas the electric current was automatically turned up by whatever strange devicehe had rigged her up to.

Kelly closed her eyes to concentrate. She began counting the secondsin the hope that it would distract her, but her highly-charged sexual appetite,something Darren had no doubt told Dawsonabout,made it impossible. The vibrations continued unabated, bringing her to afresh state of arousal. She felt wet, very wet, between her legs, and knewfrom past experience that she was shortly going to enter the realms of amultiple orgasm. Even the dread of what would happen to the electric shockswhen that happened did not stop her body from responding to the steady, rhythmicpulsing in her vulva. She was building now, the liquid was flowing and thensuddenly it was happening. Contraction after contraction pulsed through hervulva as her orgasms came thick and fast. As she came, time and again, sothe mat on top of the table between her legs began to get wet from her secretions.At the same time the equipment took over and increased the electric currentsbeyond what was pleasurable to what was painful and then agony and then excruciating.

At a certain level of pain, Kelly's brain finally beat the demandsof her vulva and cut out the multiple orgasms she was experiencing. Now thepain took over and the pleasure of the past few minutes faded into historyas Kelly screamed in agony from the electricity that was tormenting her sexualorgans.

?Aaahhh eeeeeiyyyyoooowwww,? she screeched as loudly as the gag wouldallow her. Her cries went unheard so she breathed in deeply and screamedagain, a strange, gurgling sound. Then, as she screamed, the door to theroom flew open.

?What is all the noise about? I told you what would happen if youcould not control yourself.?

?Aiiieeenshheettt,? she howled in response.

?Ah, you had a multiple climax, and that sent the device into overdrive.Do you like the electricity in your pussy??

Desperately Kelly tried to shake her head but she could barely move.

?Yes, ah that is good, but I think you have had enough.? Dawsonturnedoff the device and the current died. He pulled the vibrator our of Kelly'ssopping vagina. Then he unclipped the electricity generator from the needlesaround her vulva and then her breasts.

Kelly was still sobbing from the pain in her genitals. As he unclippedthe device from her vulva he noticed the faint traces of burn marks wherethe needles had pierced her body, causing her to bleed slightly.

With deft precision, Dawsonremovedthe needles from around her sex and then gently patted her tender labia withhis hand.

Kelly winced as he patted her. The pain from the earlier therapy withthe belt and the sensitivity caused by the needles and the electricity, togetherwith the natural sensitivity experienced in that region after an orgasm,made his attentions all the more excruciating.

He stood up and turned his attention to the needles in her breasts.These he removed quickly and with no great care. He smiled thinly to himselfwhen a faint trickle of blood appeared at some of the puncture sites.

?Now Kelly,? he said, after he had untied the ball gag and removedit from her mouth, ?have you learned something from this session??

?Y?y?e?s,? she gasped. Kelly was still crying openly from the experienceand her body was sore and tender where she had been tortured.

?That is good. I trust you will remember tonight for a long time andthat it will serve as a reminder to you as I doubt you will want to comeback here again.?

?N?n?o, I don't,? Kelly stammered, trying to control the sobbing.

?And was it worse than you anticipated??


?Good. Now, we have not quite finished for these sessions always endup with my clients having a leaving present.? All the time he had been speaking,Dawson had been untying Kelly. Now, she was released and the blindfold released.

?Kneel on the ground with your upper legs in a vertical position.Put your head down and clasp your hands together on the floor, just wherethat little ring is.?

?Oh God, I don't think I can do any more.?

?Ah, but you must try, or the message will not stay in your memoryfor long.?

?Oh, it will, I assure you.?

?I insist, or I will have to tell your husband the session has beena failure.?

?And that would be the end of us I'm sure. Please don't tell him.? Kellywas still sobbing as she pleaded with Dawson .Dawson knew this was the moment when Kelly would either learn obedience andsubmission or she would fail, so he made a bargain with her.

?I won't tell him if you do as you are told.?

Kelly complied ? she had no choice. She knelt on the floor facingthe middle of the room. She got her upper legs into a vertical position andclasped her hands together on the floor near the little ring that had beenset into it. In less than a minute her wrists had been securely tied togetherand the rope secured to the ring, ensuring her hands were almost down onthe ground.

?Now, open your legs for me.?

Kelly obeyed, opening her legs a couple of feet.

?That is good. Now, I will slide this little stool under your stomachand you can rest on it.? The stool was about two feet long and six incheswide and the top was supported by a frame on each side, much like a bench.Dawson adjusted the two support brackets so the top came up to Kelly's stomach.Then he pressed the release catches on the bottom of the stool, locking itinto place in the grooves on the floor that Kelly had wondered over.

The stool was secure and Dawsonknewshe could put all her weight on it without moving it. Taking a length ofrope, he secured it around her waist and the stand and pulled it tight. Kellywas fixed in position.

It took Dawsononly a few momentsto make his intentions known. Kelly felt his hand on her naked buttocks amoment before she felt her cheeks being parted, exposing her anus.

?Ah, you have a virgin bottom. Never mind, it will only serve to reinforcethe message from this session.?

Kelly felt a blob of cold cream as it dropped dead centre of her anus.Then she felt his hand rubbing the cream in, pushing against the muscle ashe did so.

?My, you are tight,? he grunted as he pushed a finger against theaperture.

?Oh, shit,? Kelly groaned as the muscle relaxed and allowed him entry.She felt his finger inside her, a finger that was covered in a latex glove.He worked the finger round and palpated her sphincter.

?Good, you are opening up.? The finger was removed only to be replacedby two.

?Mmm,? Kelly winced as the added finger caused her some discomfort.Again the fingers were worked round the entrance to her anus, palpating thesphincter muscle. A few seconds later a third finger was added.

?Christ, that's hurting me.?

?Nonsense, it's just a bit uncomfortable. If you want pain, I willshow you pain.? Dawson removed his fingers and pulled off the glove, castingit to one side. He went over to his table by the wall and pulled from thedrawer a fourteen inch dildo that was over one and a half inches across.

?Now,? he continued when he returned, ?this will be painful.? He pressedthe dildo against her ass, noting with a smile that his previous attemptsto open her up had been partly successful. As Dawsonpushedthe dildo against the muscle that resisted his efforts, so Kelly pushed intothe little stool as she tried to escape the growing pressure of the devicethat was hurting her.

Suddenly the pressure grew too much for her and the dildo gained entry.

?Fuck me, that's so bloody big,? she howled as the dildo was plungedinto her back passage. ?Oh, no, oh, take it out, it's too fucking big.?

?It is large, but it has only ripped you slightly,? Dawsoncommenteddispassionately at the first trace of blood coming from her torn flesh. Hethrust and twisted the dildo in and out of Kelly's body with a slow, steadyrhythm, each thrust pushing the device a little further into her.

?That is stretching you, isn't it?? He questioned her.

?Y?y?e?sss,? she panted out her reply. There was no pleasure in this,just pain as the dildo was thrust mercilessly back into her body.

?Would you like me to electrocute your bottom?? Dawsonsoundedserious.

?N...n?o!? Kelly screamed back as the dildo was rammed ten inchesinto her body, the tear around the entrance to her anus growing bigger witheach thrust.

?That is a pity. Perhaps if you come back again I will do it then.?

?I'm not coming back. Your ways may be unorthodox but you can betthey bloody well work, at least they do with me. Yeearrghh!? Kelly criedout as the dildo banged into her again.

?I am glad to hear it, but it will be for your husband to decide ifyou need more therapy.?

?Yes, I know,? Kelly gasped as the painful device was finally removedfrom her bleeding rectum.

?As long as we all have the same understanding.?

Dawsonwalked back over to his table. He pickedup the gun he used for piercing people and walked back to Kelly.

?Now, Kelly, your husband has asked me to pierce you so he can remindyou of what you have been through if you ever stray again. If you do it twiceyou will be back here for more therapy and next time I will not be so gentlewith you.?

Dawsonwas in position now. Sitting behind the woman,forcing her legs open, he opened her labia with one hand, located her clitorisand placed the piercer around it. Then he squeezed the trigger and the studshot clean through her bud causing the woman to scream in agony.

?All done. I just need to put the wing on it and you will be finished.You are to wear the stud at all times. It may cause you some pain but ifyour husband discovers you have taken it off, other than to clean it, youwill be back here very quickly. Do you understand??

?Y?e?sss.? Kelly sobbed at the pain and the humiliation of havingto wear something her husband had always jibed was a hallmark of a slave.Now she knew she was his slave and he could have her tortured further ifshe ever stepped out of line. It was the price she had to pay for her recklesspast and for staying with the man she loved and needed.

Dawsonreleased the rope around her waist and untiedher wrists. Gratefully she straightened, though her butt was sore and open,and she knew it was bleeding.

?Good. In that case, put back on your coat, pick up what's left ofyour thong and get home to your husband. He has something in line for youtonight, so he told me.?

?Oh, fuck.? Kelly stuttered as she knew what Darren would demand ofher when she returned home.


The credit card statement was sat on the low coffee table when Kellyarrived home. Darren was in his favourite armchair and Kelly noticed he'dwashed while she'd been out and he was wearing his bath robe.

?How did the evening go?? Darren asked casually.

?Horrible. He flogged me, electrocuted me and then ass fucked me witha dildo. It was all so painful. Then, and this will make you happy, he piercedmy clitty and told me I am your slave.?

?I see,? said Darren. ?Have you seen the last statement??


?Even after we agreed last week that you would need therapy you wentout and wilfully spent another two hundred. Why did you do that??

?I don't know.?

?And will you be doing it again??


?Good. And what about sponging off your friends in the future??

?I won't, Darren, I promise. I'll even go and buy one of Mark's bookstomorrow and let him know I'm reading it.?

?Good. Well, now, as Mr Dawson was not aware of the two hundred andas I need to be sure his therapy is effective, we will continue your therapy.Lie on the coffee table with your ass pointing to the ceiling, legs togetherand with your hands down the front of the table grabbing a leg each.?

?What are you going to do, Darren??

?I am going to punish you for the two hundred. You will get twentystrokes of my slipper on your bare ass. Take your coat off before you liedown.?

Kelly looked with pleading eyes at Darren but his mood was set. Hisslippers had soft tops but the sole was made of black plastic and Kelly knewit would hurt her good. She realised she had no choice and Darren would onlysend her back to Dawsonif she was disobedient,that or he would kick her out. So Kelly took off her coat and lay on thecoffee table. Darren saw her pink sex as she undressed and whistled softlyto himself, his cock throbbing with anticipation when he espied the clitjewellery that Dawsonhad adorned herwith.

?Ready,? said Kelly. ?Please don't hurt me too much. I'm already reallysore.?

?I can see. Well, you should have learned your lesson by the end oftonight.?

The slipper lay on her bare buttocks. The first stroke had landedand Kelly was crying loudly from the stinging pain that had flooded her backside.

?Twenty strokes more,? said Darren coldly. The slipper bathed herbackside in red marks, redefining her bottom from the pink colour it hadbeen, to a much darker red colour. Time and again Darren brought the slipperdown on her naked flesh, leaving it to make its imprint with each stroke,giving Kelly time to react to each painful moment, before the next was delivered.

With each stroke, Kelly gasped and fought to keep back the tears.She failed, almost inevitably, and before event he tenth stroke had landedshe was pleading for mercy. There was to be none of it this night, though.

The slipper was flexible and gave out a most rewarding thwack sortof sound each time it stung Kelly's ass. Darren's assault was measured forhe intended to teach his wife a lesson she would not forget.

With the slipper having been used to deliver its final stroke, Darrentold Kelly to sit up on the end of the coffee table.

?Now, open my bathrobe and give me the blow job you keep on promisingme.?

?Oh, must I, Darren?? Kelly was sobbing from the slipper.

?Yes, unless you want to go back to Dawson .?

?No, please don't send me back there. He's horrible.?

?Then get my bathrobe open, and learn some respect while you're atit.?

Kelly had his robe opened in less than ten seconds and his rigid nineinches popped out into the open, standing smartly to attention.

?Open your mouth and start sucking.? Darren was enjoying the new powerhe had over Kelly.

Kelly obeyed without creating any further protestations. She openedher mouth and licked his cock all round, up and down the shaft, ticklingthe fraenum at the point where his shaft met the head, and then she poppedthe head of his manhood in her mouth.

She had done this kind of thing only twice before, when she was youngand at school. It had been a dare behind the bike sheds and the boys hadcum in her mouth so quickly it had been embarrassing.

With Darren, though, things were different. She sucked hard on him,drawing him deep into her mouth before releasing him and then repeating themovement.

Darren was clearly enjoying this action and grunted his approval ashis cock slid deep into Kelly's mouth again. He contemplated cumming in hermouth but distracted his attentions for long enough to let the delightfulthought pass.

?Okay,? he said after a few minutes. ?Now, stand behind the tableand lean on it, with your legs wide apart.?

?What are you going to do??

?Fuck you, what else??

?So my punishment is over??

?Not quite.?

?How do you mean??

?You'll see.?

Kelly was intrigued but knew better than to ask any further questions.She took up her position and soon felt Darren behind her. She opened herlegs wide for him, her labia already dripping with her own moistness.

She felt his rigid manhood as he guided it between her legs to thepoint where it pushed against her labia and then, with one long thrust, hewas buried deep inside her.

?Now, I understand Mr Dawson treated you to some electric therapy??

?Yes, and it was bloody painful. Ohhhh!? Kelly gasped as Darren thrusthis manhood into her again.

?Good, because it apparently softens up the vulva and makes it moreresponsive. How's, grunt, that?? He asked as he thrust into her vulva again.

?Sore, ahhhh!? Kelly groaned as he thrust into her again. His fuckingaction was slow and deliberate and Kelly knew he was doing it this way tocause her pain. Dawson was right ? the electric shock therapy had indeedmade her vulva more sensitive and now the effect of being fucked in thisway was making her feel more pain than pleasure.

?Oh God, Darren, it's really beginning to hurt?? Kelly moaned. ?Can'tyou finish in my mouth??

?No. It's too late for that. Have you really learned your lesson tonight??

?Ouch, yes. Can't you finish now??

Darren began to increase the rate of thrust.,

?Ow, ow, yeeeow!? Kelly cried out as his thrusting became more franticand more frequent. Far from her usual enjoyment of their sex sessions, thisone was really painful. It would stick in her mind for a long time and madeher resolve never again to visit Dawsonforanother session on his therapy table.

?Ow, no, please stop!? Kelly cried out as Darren banged into her onceagain.

Finally, Darren had worked himself up to the point of no return. Hethrust once more into Kelly, causing her to cry out again with the pain andthen he shot his thick wad of semen deep inside her. As he ejaculated, hepulled her back onto his cock, determined she would not escape from him untilhe was ready. Finally, after nearly half a minute he released her.

?Now, if you ever spend anything on that bloody card again, I willuse it to split your cunt wide open and then I will send you to Dawsonformore therapy.? Kelly was sprawled on the floor, crying softly from the painin her buttocks and her vulva.

?I promise I won't darling. I will do whatever you want, wheneveryou want, only don't send me back to Dawson .?


?Good morning, Mr Dawson, it's Darren Brown here.?

?Good morning Mr Brown. How are you today.?

?Oh I am fine. That session you did with my wife last week, I haveto say it seemed to work. She spent five days without spending anything butI have just found a new credit card voucher in her handbag. She's right herebeside me, crying already because she knows I am going to ask you to giveher another session, only this time it needs to have a longer-lasting effect.?

?I see. Well, you can send her over here this evening at about seven.I will be ready for her then. She should come prepared as last time, andyou can tell her I will be redoubling my efforts to assist her with her problem.?

?Thank you Mr Dawson, seven it is.?

The phone was replaced and Darren looked at Kelly, tears streakingher make-up.

?Seven. He wants you shaved again and he intends to assist you moreassertively this time.?

?Please Darren, NOOOOOOOO! I will do anything for you, but pleasedon't send me back to Dawson .?

?Dawson first and then you really will do anything for me, I promiseyou.?

?But I can do that without seeing Mr Dawson.?

?No, you have to learn your lesson and I am sure Mr Dawson can usemethods I could not even dream of. Tonight, seven o'clockathis place and make sure you are shaved properly, not that half-hearted effortyou made for me three days ago.?

?If you say so, master.?

Darren heard the word he had wanted to hear for the past week andsmiled to himself. Yes, he truly was the master and his little wife slavewas going to learn just what that meant.

The End

Published by A1AdultEbooks (

and reproduced by permission.

Same as Kelly's Training Videos

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 3

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Human toilet training

Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...

3 years ago
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Sissy Humilation Training

Sissy Humiliation Trainingby Derek BowdenHumiliation will only work if it is part of her decision to submit. It can’t be forced on her against her will and be expected to improve her self-image or have positive results. Humiliation training for a slave girl has many purposes. Sissy humiliation training is by its very nature, psychological humiliation. One of the primary reasons for using it is to force the sissy to push the “choice decision” she has made to obey her Master and be subject to his...

2 years ago
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Sheilas Training

Not for nothing are “Ghost World” and “The Doom Generation” my favorite films. I was made for a stark black bob long before I ever got one, before I saw those movies and even before I discovered black hair dye. Without it I might have ended up looking something like Lotte Lenya in “From Russia With Love.” Goddess bless Manic Panic!! It’s more than the hair, it’s the attitude. “Girl, you are the snarkiest bitch I know,” said my Best Fag Forever Matthew to me only the other week. “I won’t be...

4 years ago
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The Guys and Me do Training

Now men, it?s really not worth asking for the details (DISCLAIMER: ?the author apologises if the following work of fiction is not violent or disgusting enough.? As with his other work, it is his intention to construct a piece of prose that would revolt the average heterosexual man, leaving him nauseous and full of loathing for the perverted mind that could imagine such appalling, brutal and misogynist acts.? If the following story does not achieve this effect fully he promises to try...

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The Training

Chapter 1 I saw this ad on a D/S website, repeated here without editing: "married for six months, originally from Ukraine, 24 years of age, nice looking and my husband is from UK. He likes to get me trained to be his submissive. Never tried it for real except back home when I was getting my spankings. Need me to be his slut, asks me to dress very daring, and he even watched me with one of our best friends. we both wish a serious man, very experienced, to train me privately and discreetly,...

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Stella Maris Hot Holidays 1 Train Trainings

Stella Maris outsmarts her folks, who still provide the rent for her student room, while she has actually already moved in with her first serious steady boyfriend. Who takes his time to teach her all he knows from earlier erotic experiences. Stella Maris actually cancels her up-town apartment near the old (from 1928) Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam-South, several months earlier. As she spends most nights anyway in their big bed. Right under the ceiling of her lover's small place in a student...

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Violets Anal Training

Author: Powerone Title: Violets Anal Training Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will beprepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.  The author may be contacted at [email protected] Violets Anal Training     Michael sat in the chair as she entered.  Poweronehad described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very smallhands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips .  She had a gothic...

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Amandas Training

Amanda's  Trainingby AbeAmanda was in a state of near panic when she got a message that her mother  was gravely ill and she should visit her immediately.  Whoever sent the message had bought her airline tickets and must have had her American passport number, for nothing stopped her immediate response.  She quickly packed a small carry-on bag and decided to wear a comfortable black suit, jacket and pants, with comfortable shoes and cotton underwear.  It was said  in ?Accidental Tourist? that one...

2 years ago
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House Training

May be copied to anywhere by anyone for any legal reason whatsoever. House Training By RH Music Introduction: "Damn!" I cursed as the keys hit the floor. I reached down to pick them up. "Why am I nervous?" I asked myself, out loud. It seemed like an easy assignment. The owner of the house, an eccentric chemist/biologist/doctor/inventor named Jack Hewitt had died recently at Memorial Hospital. I had his keys. The State had contracted our law firm to see if there were any...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 3 Basic Training

I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

3 years ago
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Salvation Ch 21 Cruel Training

His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...

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Dog Training

I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...

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Tammys Training

Tammy’s Training By Seeker 111I was out drinking at my favorite bar one Saturday evening when I came across a very nice looking lady sitting alone and nursing a drink. Her hair was thick and luxuriant. The soft light reflected gently from her mane. It shined like the color of a sunset just before dark. Her figure was trim and held the promise of treasures hidden beneath her clothing.  She had a sad look on her face constantly staring down at the glass. I called the bartender over and had him...

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National Guard Training

I am a company commander in my National Guard unit. My full-time job is heading up an architectural design company, but once a month, I get to serve my community and nation by serving in the Guard. For the most part, it is a mundane chore, where once a month we meet at the Armory and conduct a troop inspection and then we all attend classes and try to not fall asleep as we learn the art of warfare.I don’t attend a lot of the classes since I am the company commander and that is what I have...

3 years ago
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The Training

Story: The TrainingKimberleigh's breathing deepened as her lubricated hands stroked Jay's engorged erection. His slithering member stiffened and turned a deeper red as he struggled to keep from ejaculating. She was fully clothed, which he found nearly as stimulating as looking at her naked body. He was naked, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead. His legs were spread wide, and his ankles were fastened to a spreader bar. He knew by her breathing that Kimberleigh was aroused. Her...

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 5 Azayal Assessment and Training

As they walked out of the portal they looked out over the expanse of the campus. The campus was spectacular and was built into the side of the foothills of the mountain below the palace. It did not look like any War College that Jason had ever seen. On the one side was the sea and on the other side was the mountain. There were cliffs to the sea and inactive, small volcanic mouths leading a procession up the mountain. The gardens were beautiful. Jason saw the college buildings on increasingly...

2 years ago
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My first training

This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I will be sharing as well. This first experience takes place back early July (2020).Yesterday I went to his house. I've been seeing his regularly for the past 6-7 months, but today we did something very different than we usually do. Usually, when I go over it's a standard routine where I suck him for an hour or so, he cums in my mouth and then fucks me for another 30 mins until...

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Kenpachi Zarackis Training

Nelliel was probably wishing she'd signed up to be tutored in the sword-arts by just about any other teacher in the world right now! This Kenpachi man... Something wasn't right about him... Well, maybe it should be more like there wasn't anything right about him! Worst of all was his height... Their teacher towered over the class at 202cm, making her one of the tallest men she'd ever seen, but he wasn't just tall, the man was looked strong, too!Surely an instructor of students who still might...

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Earths CoreChapter 22 Back To Training

"Cultivating this formation is exactly like cultivating the bodily maneuvers!" Zax exclaimed. In a sense, although Zax just became aware while who knows about his Master, Raroen and Grandmaster Kartion, but the bodily maneuvers were indeed a sort of formation, a bodily formation. It was even more evident when Zax remembered how he met Susuya and the feat that she displayed to him as they passed the courts with the Beginner grade students, on their way to Don's office. That day, the...

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Crossing Training

Cross Training By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1997 Mom and dad broke up a few years ago and even with child support my family doesn't have much money. That all changed recently when mom won the lottery. We now had more money than we ever dreamt of and our lives were about to change! I was just a normal boy doing what boys do, not paying attention to my mom or teachers, and being a pain in the butt to my older sister Barbara and her friends. One of my favorite thing s to do...

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Isabellas Unconventional LifeChapter 3 Isabella in Training

NOTE: This story references the comic Kamasutra for Your Pets by Extremexworld Isabella woke up feeling sore, relaxed, and refreshed at the same time. She reached for Felicity on the other side of the bed and found it empty. Banga and Barghest were gone too. She sat up and stretched while rubbing the corner of her eyes. The clock on the wall told her it was 2PM. Isabella stared at it and wondered how it was possible she slept so late, even with her animal trysts the day before. She heard a...

4 years ago
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Toilet Slave Training

Training a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons: 1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up. Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you’re slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes out of you. This...

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