Quarantine lil bitch
- 2 years ago
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It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until Mistress is ready then to save what is writtenand write out how pathetically little written was done and list out how manyinternet porn stories Little bitch had read this last week. And place on theblind fold and wait for Mistress. Little Bitch is anxiously waiting for mistressin anticipation. Little bitch hasn't had an orgasm in a week and last weekendlittle bitch had only one. Thank goodness it was an intense one. Little Bitchexpects to have Mistress enter the room and walk around getting what she needsor wants to begin with this is usually an exciting moment for me since I haveno idea what she will start out with. I know it is usually lashes or spankingfor things Little Bitch has done to irritate Mistress including the numberof porn stories I have read. Last week it was only 6 stories and mistress read65 from my poor handwriting. Mistress was gracious to allow me to explain itwas my poor hand writing and it would be 6 lashes, It sill ended up around60. Never correct your mistress. I am suspecting that this weekend Ill endup wearing one of my mistress' old night gowns as a punishment. She was nothappy that I had worn a set of her panties this week ones that match one ofher silken evening sets. Little Bitch is expecting that Mistress will try andmake it feel like little bitch is getting fucked while either penetrating Mistresswith Little Bitches hard on. Or make little bitch feel like he is being fuckedwhile eating Mistress. Little Bitch loves getting anal play. He especiallyloves it when Mistress uses one of her strap-on's and fucks her bitch untilthe strap on grinds out an orgasm against her clit this has made Little Bitchorgasm with the strap-on massaging his prostrate, this has happened even whenLittle bitch is no hard. Mistress has also discovered the use of a saw horselast week I was strapped down face first long ways on it and whipped and spanked.And the even more shock of hot candle wax dripped on me. Once mistress thoughtmy ass was (For now) sufficiently red she sat into a comfortable chair andhad me on my knees servicing her. She loves to not just be licked but to haveher clit sucked as if it was a small cock. Mistress likes to have me suck cockshe frequently to humiliate me and it does arouse her to have me suck any oneof her strap-on. Only once did she meet with another Domme and they both hadfun seeing their two slaves suck each others cocks.
The night begins and yes Lil Bitch is patiently waiting for Mistress in hislacy thong.
Mistress walks in while he is blindfolded. He can hear her and even smellher perfume and body scent as she moves around. Lil Bitch is blindfolded andalmost shudders when he knows she is near anticipating a touch or waiting tojump at hearing her voice.
Mistress walks all over the room checking out if all the things she requestedare laying out. She makes a few surprise adjustments of toys to be used justas a surprise for her Lil Bitch. As he hears her make her final adjustmentsin the room he is surprised and jumps to hear her voice next to him as herhand touches him. She tells him to stand up and move following the leash tugfrom the leash she attaches to his collar. Lil Bitch moves as he is pulled.And is told to raise his arms and is tied with arms up and spread at leastshoulder width apart. He feels her tap his ankles to spread his feet apartand feels her attach a leg spreader to the ankle cuffs she told him to wear.He can't see anything due to the blind fold he is wearing and expectantly waitfor her first touch or command. She asked him how many indiscretions he hadthis week. (Those include reading porn stories online.) He told her he hadnine. She asked how many of those were stories he told her all of them were.Mistress asked him to do the math of how many lashes that would be for hisindiscretions. (Minor ones like reading stories online are five each.) He toldher that it would be 45 lashes. Mistress thought about it for a minute to,her slave it seemed longer? Mistress said yes that would be correct? now countoff how many I do so I don't lose track. Mistress said to not make any noisethrough this unless I ask you a direct question. Mistress started out withher latex Cat, Lil Bitch can hear each stroke as it whistles through the airthen makes it sound. It doesn't really hurt it just makes and impact and alarge sound when it hits. She stops at ten and asks how many was that?
Ten replies her slave Lil Bitch. Very good Mistress replies. She trades herlatex cat to her riding crop with the larger slapper in a heart shape. Shedoses out ten more only uneven this time 3 for Lil Bitches left butt cheekand 4 for his right. 3 are right up between the legs to his balls and lowerthighs. Mistress pauses every time she hits them just to watch him jump. Mistressasks again now how many. Her Lil Bitch replies that is 20 Mistress.
Very good she tells him. She once again uses her latex whip. She tries tomake more hits into his balls and lower thighs this time. She again asks himhow many he says 38 Mistress. She asks him again ?How Many?? He says 38 Mistresstwo missed. Mistress Says that is very honest of you but it will cost you a5 more for criticizing my discipline. Mistress grabs he wooden paddle and extractsten more. Then pauses and adds two. She knows she has him red on his ass andjumping from every blow. She has hit his balls at least three times with thepaddle and his ass is now very red. Mistress now asks him one more time howmany is that? He tells her it is now 40 Mistress? She takes her velvet touchof a hand and slides it up and down his bottom. She brushes his balls she hashit with her hand and continues to watch him jump and settle as her hands glideover her work and his sensitive area. She picks up her latex whip again andswings hard. He jumps as it hits his right butt cheek. The latex whip whichdidn't hurt earlier is now making a statement and he flinches now at everystroke. She almost giggles as she makes them hit or ?Caress his balls in theirthin panties.? She finishes at 48 and asks him how many he takes a second tocatch his breath and during that she says I asked you a question he says that48 Mistress. She says that good your keeping count. Now its 5 extra for makingme wait. Mistress quickly finishes the last of the blows from her whip. Andsteps back to catch her breath and view her work. Mistress likes what she sees.And reaches around to the front of her Lil Bitch and touches his panties. Feelinghis pantied front, an as hard as iron and a growing wet spot in his panties.Mistress quickly got her camera and shot a couple of pictures of her handywork. Mistress then says you seem to be enjoying what you had coming a littletoo much. She quickly pulled his cute little panties to the side and startedstroking him. Go ahead cum. I dare you she said because this way we will seeif you enjoy what is to happen next. It didn't take long and he was shootingout from her hand as she was stroking him. Mistress slipped his soiled laceypanties back over him and pulled on his leash. Now its time for some of myfun she said and let up on the arms. I'm going to release you from here. LilBitch did as he was told. And moved as he felt his leash pulled. He was movedsideways and told to bend over what he felt in front of him. He bent over andfelt the cold of her saw horse. And she quickly tied off his hands again. ToMistress it was a cute shuffle since she had not undone his leg spreader. OnceLil Bitch was in place she grabbed her riding crop and started a new on hisreddened ass and watched to see him flinch when she hit his balls again. Justto see him jump, flinch, and dance again. Mistress told him this is part ofwhat he deserves for enjoying his punishment earlier. She also told him thatshe wants to see if he gets hard again from this punishment. Lil Bitch lostcount of the strokes and was so busy trying to keep his punishment quiet asearlier in the evening Mistress had said she didn't want to hear anything.Mistress herself was loosing count she was lost in the moment of watching thedance she was creating. She paused to collect her breath and reached down betweenher slave's legs. Damn she thought. He is still hard. Mistress then reachesand grabs a cigarette and her lighter. She Lights both her cigarette and acandle. She cools down a little and waits as she knows her slave can smellher smoking a cigarette and knowing that he is also a smoker could use onetoo. As she finishes about half her cigarette she leaves it in the ashtrayholder and walks up next to her slave she exhales her last drag towards herslave and see's him relax and waiting. She takes her candle and tips it a littlebit sideways and watches as the first drop lands on his bottom. Mistress justholds it steady and watches as the second one lands near the first. And see'shim jump from it again. Mistress moves the candle up to drip down his side.She watches him flinch even more and suck in his breath. Mistress plays thisgame for a little while watching him suck in breath and to the flinch dance.Mistress Pauses and uses her long nails to flick a couple pieces of cooledwax off he Lil Bitch. Mistress also takes her hand sand caresses her slaveand notices he is now not hard but there is still a big wet spot in his cutelittle panties she picked out for him to wear. She told him he was a good slavefor being so quiet but to just relax. Mistress walked away from her slave andgot one of her favorite butt plugs and some lube. She walked back to her slaveand picked off a couple more pieces of cooled wax and caressed him. As Mistresscaressed him she hooked a finger in the back side of his lacey panties andmoved them out of his ass crack. She kept caressing him and sliding her fingersup and down his crack. Mistress then tapped a finger on her slaves little brownpucker and felt him move to the sensation. Mistress then lubed her finger anddripped some of the cold lube down his butt crevice. She almost giggled asshe saw him jump from the cold lube. But her hand stayed him as she caressedand eventually placed her lubed finger at his hole. Mistress said to him tojust relax as she swirled her finger around and then pushed it in. Lil Bitchas he has said before loves anal attention. And quickly Mistress slid he fingerin then two. Mistress said to keep relaxed and she grabbed one of her favoriteto use butt plugs. This is a multi banded butt plug and she quickly had thefirst ring of the plug in. she turned it a couple of times and started thesecond ring of the plug. As soon as the second ring went in Lil Bitch gasped.And started to do fast breathing to try and accommodate the second ring. LilBitch knew he should have played with a plug or two when he was getting readyto not have this awkward moment. Its tough enough doing enema's to make surehe is clean back there knowing he is to get violated and used back there whenand how mistress wishes, but this would be easier if he had already stretchedhimself out. (Those enemas do clean but they put a pucker back in your butthole.) Mistress after she gets the whole plug in place and she is comfortableit will stay undoes his leg spreaders. Mistress slides up a harness to exposehis balls and cock. And to keep the butt plug in place. Mistress undoes hishands and says ok now I need attention. She makes him follow her to her bedand she lays back. Lil Bitch can smell her excitement and is eager to makeher orgasm, His cock is rising again. Mistress says and pulls his leash youare going to please my tits. You will lick only. Lil Bitch has done this taskseveral times. He starts in long slow licks. He knows to start from the bottomof her breasts up towards her nipple. Lil Bitch Knows also to pay a lot ofattention to where the bottom of her bra rides under her breasts. To pay alot of attention to there. Then to slowly lick up like an oversized ice-creamcone until asked to suck and vacuum onto the nipples. Mistress was alternatingmaking Lil Bitch suck back and forth between both for some time. Mistress alsomade sure she did love slaps to keep his attention. Mistress then told Lilbitch to work his way lower. Just as he was about to reach her bikini lineshe said wait and rolled over. Mistress told him to start again from the topand work his way down. Lil Bitch started kissing, nuzzling and licking fromher hair line into her neck and started to slowly work his way down. Lil Bitchgot to her panty line and started to spread out his oral affection. He madesure he covered each crease and butt cheek with his tongue and kisses. He hadworked his way to her thighs and started to work back up. As he hit the creaseto each round bottom cheek he lapped up the outsides and into the middle. Hekept up licking and pressing his nose and tongue until he was spreading Mistress'sbut cheeks and licking up her crack. Eventually he has his nose spreading herbottom and his tongue flicking across he hole. He keeps this up until he feelshe buck a little and back into his tongue. He slowly tries to fit his tongueinto her hole. Lil Bitch slowly works in his tongue and works it around untilhe feels her breathing pick up and she starts writhing around. Mistress startsslowly moving until his tongue is hitting the lips of her crotch. Mistressrolls back over and tells he slave it is her turn to have an orgasm. Lil Bitcheagerly starts licking along her lips of her wet pussy, Mistress Moans buttells him he needs to go deeper. Her slave digs his tongue in deeper and Mistresspulls up her legs. And she tells him to lick her clit. That does not last longand she is telling him he needs to suck her clit like a cock. Lil Bitch goesat her clit like it is a cock trying to suck it down and make it go off. Mistressstarts holding the back of his head hard and forcing him hard down on her crotch.Mistress starts bucking and her breathing is raged. Lil Bitch is taking ingulps of air when he can during her bucking orgasm. Mistress eventually tellshim enough and pushes his head away. Mistress tells her slave it is his turnto be on the bottom. Mistress places him on his back and slides on her strapon. Mistress pushes up on his legs with her arms and guides her strap on intoplace she takes a moment to make sure it is place then pushes it in. Mistresslooks to see the reaction on his face. Seeing him open his mouth and take inair like a fish out of water she knows she has hit her target. She lifts alittle with her arms to change the angle and pushes the rest of her cock inuntil she feels it push back on her sensitive clit. She works at a slow paceto see his expression and to look down and see her cock going in and out. Shenotices that as she fucks him she is starting to get pre cum oozing out ofhis now hard again cock. Mistress knows how to get him excited even thoughhe had recently orgasmed. Mistress keeps driving into him faster and fasteras each time she fucks him she gets closer to an orgasm from the image andthe stroking of her clit from the strap on. Mistress knows he is close andslows down. Mistress pulls out and tells her slave she needs a break and takesoff her strap on. She tells him that he has been good and has earned the rightto fuck her and finally get his cock wet. Lil Bitch quickly mounts her andholds up her legs to get a good angle. Lucky for Mistress she had made himcum earlier or this would have been over in about ten strokes. Her slave quicklypounds her to an orgasm and as she nears her second she feels him bunch upand hold his breath and changes his stroke she knows he is about to cum also.After he cums and moves off of Mistress she points out that he made a messand needs to get busy cleaning it up. Lil Bitch gladly knelt down between hisMistress' legs and cleaned up his mess giving Mistress one more orgasm. Mistressand her slave curled up next to each other and soon fell asleep. A few hourslater Lil Bitch felt legs being pushed apart and something pushing up intohis ass crack Mistress hadon her strap on again and was looking to fuck himone more time. Mistress looked down at him and said ?this time I'm going tofuck your ass until you cum.
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Chapter OneMistress has been putting me through my paces for the past week. She has come to the ranch to help Master and myself get through my training to become a pain slut. Master has been around but part of the training yet. Mistress has told me to be patient, that he would participate soon.I am still sleeping at the foot of Mistress’s bed. I wake to service her every morning. I have been allowed to cum, but only when I am being flogged or some sort of pain is being inflicted on me. This has...
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I was breathing hard, as hard as I could with the gag biting into my lip. I could feel the table’s cold leather beneath my back, pressing the flesh where the straps bound my thighs and ankles. My arms were raised above me, my legs splayed open, vulnerable and exposed.I had wanted this, right?Damn, I had begged him for this. “Please Daddy,” I could still remember the desperation in my voice. “Take me further,” I had said. This man owned me. Owned me in a way no man had ever come close to....
BDSMI was caught by my beautifull stepmom wearing her panty in secret It was late night . taking the cute panty she left in the laundry room,going to watch porn in my roomi was terrified when my room door openedtrying desperately to close my screen, a cute sissy boy mouth around a bbc she never let me a chance''now i know why my panty disapear''''stop dont close it, you like cock my little boy?you like wearing my panty little cock sucker?''''please please dont tell my dad please'''''oh you are so...
Naughty lil Pillow Princess"Hi", she says smiling at me. Smiling back we go and get some dinner. We hadn't long met but had become great friends. Tonight is girls night. So dinner, shopping, and I'm going back to my room to rest. Its been a long week for me.We acted like k**s as we ate, laughing and having fun. Getting up and leaving, she placed her hand on my back. I've noticed she has gotten touchy lately. Where she just touch unexpectedly. Now its time to do my feet. So we are off to the...
Naughty lil Pillow Princess"Hi", she says smiling at me. Smiling back we go and get some dinner. We hadn't long met but had become great friends. Tonight is girls night. So dinner, shopping, and I'm going back to my room to rest. Its been a long week for me.We acted like k**s as we ate, laughing and having fun. Getting up and leaving, she placed her hand on my back. I've noticed she has gotten touchy lately. Where she just touch unexpectedly. Now its time to do my feet. So we are off to the...
I can remember being k**s and my lil s*s sleeping shirtless and in he panties.Finally when i was 16 and she was 15 i started sleeping in her bed or we slept on the living room floor.As each night passes i would begain to scoot closer.One night as she was sleeping i decided to pull her cotten panties to the side and begin to gently lick and suck on her pretty pink pussy,to my suprise she did'nt awake..I was under the impression she slep the whole time,however months later while fighting she...
Read this when you have time it's a bit long. I commented on this girls profile and it kinda got into a part of me life story "I said" , I like your favorites , I don't like watching black guys with white women , the fantasy doesn't work for me , when I was 6 I ate my first pussy and it was black , so now that I'm old it's my fantasy to go all the way with a black girl. "She said" , Ummm.. So wait. The first time you ate pussy you were 6? Are you sure you weren't m*****ed or ****d?? That's a...
Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin...
Introduction: Second time with Joe I waited impatiently knowing my wife was being used by another man. She is my living porno, yeah, even better than porno because it was real sex with a real woman. I guess every guy wants their wife to be a slut, but usually with only them. I suppose I just have enough confidence to assume that she isnt going to fall in love with someone else. She always comes home to daddy and she seems to be a rare woman built for sex, although she doesnt look the part....
My wifes older sister and her husband were staying with us temporarily. A decade older than us my wifes sister was still attractive while her husband had salt and pepper hair but neither was out of shape. It was later in the evening when my wife was licking my shaft. Charlie had come home alone earlier and he gone to bed upstairs so we didn’t bother to shut our bedroom door. We spent some time licking and whispering dirty thoughts before straddling me my wife began her slow descent onto my...
She returned Saturday afternoon with an evil grin as we headed straight to the bedroom. I wasted little time getting my hand between her thighs to inspect. With her tongue in my mouth I felt my wifes sopping wet pussy. She had just spent the last couple hours with Joe and only moaned as my fingers parted her thick swollen lips and into her wet cum box. Had she let Joe fuck her sweet ass too? Placing her on all fours I spread my babys firm ass to reveal her glistening soft hole. I...
On one occasion a man she brought home from the bar was so fascinated with my wifes muff that he stopped to turn on the bedroom light and spent quite some time between her legs just complimenting, admiring and licking her juicy lips. As she came to bed she snuggled up to me wrapping her hand around my cock. My wife and Joe had shared the ride to work together on a couple occasions and the frequent sexual conversation between them lead to their meeting. His wife wouldn’t be home...
Introduction: Shes better when shes bad As I sat talking with her cousin Dave my wife continued cleaning. Squatting, her pink terry cloth shorts hiked up leaving most of her sexy ass exposed and bouncing near the floor in full view. I wanted to pound my lil slut right there and couldnt wait for her cousin to leave. She was bold like this, not shy, and although this was probably unintentional it turned me on. Being Native American Indian her skin is naturally tanned. Her pouting pussy is always...
Heres Part Two! Youll notice I put a little dialect in the story, I hope you enjoy it! Dont forget I always love positive or helpful feedback.(: Kyle finally sat up after a few minutes from recovering from his powerful and intense orgasm. He didnt remember even shooting so much cum so quickly! To his surprise when he sat up, he found innocent little Samantha licking his cum off herself. This wasnt exactly helping him stay soft. Mmm big bro, your cum tastes so good! Samantha said, giggling as...
Only a short story for my first experience, as my first experience was very short!Young girls are supposed to be all sweet and innocent, but I doubt many are, I know I yearned for attention in my very early teens and when finally I started growing boobs, I couldn’t stop looking at the tiny little swells that were forming and would constantly feel them while laying in bed, even in school, I would sometimes have to run my hand over my blouse to make sure they were still there! When my mum first...
Introduction: Charlie enjoys my young wife My wife is even better when shes been bad. Even though I still wrestle with it, pride etc&hellip, I cant deny that shes more than I can handle sometimes and sharing her in different ways is exciting. Hearing about her with other men allows me to go longer because of the distraction it causes. Would you be cumming as your wife described how so and so screwed her really long and hard or would you wanna fuck the shit out of her? Wouldnt you want to show...
(Not a story per say, but a collection of my past kinky history) Per Lil Piggy In the past it was easy because the world I know now I didn't know then.The "top" aspect was simple for lack of a better word. There just wasn't much to it. All you needed was a bottom and they either went down or opened up for you. That mentally came from the women I was fucking out there. Which was funny because as I was doing it, I got off thinking about those guys I played with when I was a teenager. I did...
This is a continuation of the tale of Ed who has a big cock. The first tale was "Lil s*s Discovers My Big Dick!"Britney was looking forward to spending the day with her brother Ed who was home from college on mid-term break. Today would be really special since mom and dad would be gone. You see Ed was not just her brother but also the best fuck she had ever had in her life!It all started last summer when she had walked in on him jacking off. What she discovered that day was the biggest cock...
IT was 11 pm on a satuday night, my bf went out to get some food and he said he'd be awhile. his 6 foot 4 in. lil b*o was there he was 19 and soooo hot. he asked when his big b*o was comeing back, so i said "he said he'd be back in an hour or two" so we sat down on the couch and we watched disaster date for a couple minutes then we started talking. he said "you know these pepole might be crazy but i bet that girl's crazy in bed." so i looked at him and he was like "im sorry and i not...
so me n my gf were layin in bed cuddlin wen reach dwn n startd 2 rub my cock. i told her 2 stop bcuz her lil sister was aimlessly walkin around her house. she continue n got me hard. so i startd playin wit her tits. she got up,closed tha door n undressd. i did 2. she hops on top n stickz my cock inside her. she grabz my hands n places dem on her ass n tells me 2 smack it hard. about a minute into it her sister walks in n she startd screamin. i push my gf n cover her wit a blanket. her sister...
It was early morning and I was on my way to work when I first met ali. She was begging on a corner near the station. I d noticed how pretty she was even in scruffy clothes. I stopped to chat to her she told me how she was homeless and had nowhere to stay. I asked if she would Luke to get out of the cold and go for a cup of coffee and something to eat my treat. She jumped at the chance so off we went. After chatting a lil more I took putty on her and said she could sleep on mysofa for a few...
Daddy came in to my room this morning and caught me masturbating. I was on my back in the middle of my bed, my nightie was pulled up, my panties were off. My bald u******e pussy exposed.I was fucking myself with two fingers, nice deep long plunges in and out of my wet teen pussy, while I rubbed my swollen clit with my thumb. Daddy was at the doorway watching me, his hard cock in his hand. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, but now that my perky tits have cum in, daddy loves me even more!I started...
Only a short story for my first experience, as my first experience was very short!Young girls are supposed to be all sweet and innocent, but I doubt many are, I know I yearned for attention in my very early teens and when finally I started growing boobs, I couldn't stop looking at the tiny little swells that were forming and would constantly feel them while laying in bed, even in school, I would sometimes have to run my hand over my blouse to make sure they were still there! When my mum first...
Danganronpa: Despairs Lil Sister AN: This is my first story, a concept I had thought up for a year now, so there will be some beginners mistakes and I use the Japanese title if they are different from the English ones Ex. Ultimate Fashionista (ENG) < Super High School Level Gal/Gyaru, please comment your critique and thoughts on my story concept. Makoto wakes up in a strange room, completely black with three big computer screens lit up with the word "welcome to the family" on...
Its only a matter of time, but in the end its nature you cant hide from itits started by a need to play with it for me during covid quarantine, always home wanking i wanted a dildo, just to try , just to feel oy ouncebut we all know what happens to us, that thing gonna be our best new friendwaiting for it to get home by delivery, that night drunk for nothing i stroke thinking of it and in the shower i shaved my assIt was on my door on a friday evening , my shaved ass ready to try my new friend...
“But mom, why do I have to go to Grandma’s alone? The woods scare me.” “Oh Red, you make that trip four times a year and nothing has ever happened. This is Southern Transylvania; the winter weather is warm and nothing untoward has happened to anyone here in years. Why are you still so terrified?” “I’m still afraid every time I enter her woods. The temperature drops; the path gets dank and it gets dark as dusk even first thing in the morning. My bad dreams got worse this past week. I’m cold...
Big Help from Lil Sis- Part 3 Last part of the three-part series. All characters are over eighteen years old. Jessie moved towards the door as my sister opened it. The first guy through the door said a quick hi to my sister and then moved over to Jessie and wrapped an arm around her and gave her a quick kiss. He was obviously her boyfriend. He stepped out of the way and the boys with him streamed into the house. They were carrying cases of beer or White Claw and one had two...
Patricia had her fill of her husband Story Codes:? F/m F+/m M+/m Cross-dressing D/s B/D Bondage Humiliation Synopsis: Wife turns her chauvinistic husband into a sissy slut cross-dressing whore. Introduction:? Hello, I?m fairly new at writing stories and I write to help stimulate my fantasies and I hope that it may stimulate your fantasies.? I am not currently involved in a dom/sub relationship but I have had several real life Mistresses in the past and I find I crave the real life scene...
"Look at you Evie. You're so slutty in your teddy and stockings,” said Mistress Sarah. Then she looked down at my hard cock and said, "....and your clitty is so big. Excited are, you?" Mistress Sarah reached out and firmly squeezed my cock a few times. It was a welcome sensation that reverberated though my entire body. Before I could respond, she ordered, "Turn around slut. Let me see that arse of yours." Ever since I had met Mistress Sarah online, I had dreamed of her fucking me in the arse....
CrossdressingLuke could feel the nerves building inside him. He had booked his appointment last week after months of debating. The Violet Club was like nothing Luke had ever imagined. Patrons were able to book sessions with professional dominants and submissives. In addition, they were able to customize them based on their fantasies.Luke had experimented a little with BDSM in his previous relationship, but once that relationship ended he knew he wanted to dive in further. Luke had typically found himself in...
BDSMThings went along very well for the first month or so. Mistress Madison did help Kim get caught up with her late bills and with what she made she was able to relax a bit on the grocery bills. Things were beginning to look up for her finally, and Kimberly could sleep peacefully for the first time in a while. She didn't have to worry about her ex leaving the country and cutting off her finances - she was able to make up for it and more now.And working for the Mistress was actually becoming fun....
FemdomMistress Sarah led me back into her bedroom and sat naked in a chair in front of a large dressing table. She ordered me to fetch my maid's dress. It was time for me to learn how to properly dress her for a night out and she wanted me in full sissy attire for the event. Mistress Sarah watched me step into my sissy dress. She told me to turn around slowly for her as she pulled down on the pink silky fabric, ensuring the shiny dress cascaded around my legs smoothly and wrinkle free. She then...
CrossdressingMistress by mail? I would like to tell you an interesting story of sorts. My wife requested that I accompany her to a marriage counselor in an attempt to save our dwindling relationship. "Of course" I said I would be glad to go if she thought it would help! She had selected the counselor, the time and even the place. All that I had to do was show up with my willingness to participate and the check book of course. After several hundred dollars and many wasted hours it was decided...