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This is a recent, true and genuine (if slightly light-hearted) e-mail conversationbetween two BDSM Library friends. Only the names have been changed to protectthe innocent. I have deleted the links to the on-line store where Meg buysher bikinis, to avoid embarrassment and so as not to provide free advertising.


Dear Meg,

I've been thinking more about what you've told me in your previous messagesabout your love of thongs and I thought I had better warn you of something.

I work at weekends as a volunteer beach lifeguard. I can be sent anywherearound the country to any public beach and my job is to watch that people aresafe and also to enforce acceptable behaviour. This includes maintaining and,if necessary, enforcing the public beach dress code. If you should, by chance,be on my beach when I'm on duty you could be in a lot of trouble if you werewearing a thong bikini or a thong-bottom one-piece swimsuit.

Not that I would mind; actually I love to see firm, rounded bare bums likeyours and I would watch you for a while as you parade up and down and showoff your gorgeous body. But then I would approach you and introduce myself.You would recognise me instantly because I always wear a tight stretch swimsuitwith my name on it. It's at least one size too small so that it clings to allof my curves and forces my big boobs to spill over the top.

I would tell you that thongs are not allowed on the beach because they embarrassthe other bathers and I would warn you that I would not allow you on the beachagain if I saw you wearing a thong. I would take photographs of you as a recordin case I needed to identify you later and so I could prove that you were improperlydressed. I usually take three photographs: one full-length from the front andone from behind with the offender standing up and another taken from behindwhilst she is bending forwards with her hands clasping her ankles and her feetspread wide apart. The last shot takes the longest as I need to make sure Iget a good viewpoint.

Then I would grasp hold of the sides of your thong-bottoms and pull them highon your hips to see whether your pussy mound is still covered when the materialis stretched tight between your legs. I would also slide my hand under thestraps of your bikini-top to see how tight they are and if they are too looseI'd untie them and re-tie them much tighter.

If I thought that your bikini-top was too sheer I'd carry out a couple ofsimple tests. First I'd splash water from my sports bottle over your breaststo see if the material turned transparent when wet. Then I'd brush the backsof my knuckles over your nipples to make them erect to see if they protrudetoo obviously from the curve of your boobs. If your bikini failed any of mytests I'd expel you at once from my beach and warn you that you would be punishedif I saw you wearing the same swimsuit again. Then I would point out the female-onlylifeguard station where I'd be based and I'd explain that the door has a lockon the inside and has a bed and a reclining chair, provided primarily to laycasualties whilst they recover or are resuscitated.

For now, Meg, I'll allow you to imagine what punishment I might mete out toyou next time you contravene my beach code of conduct.

Are you planning to go to the beach soon? The weather's going to be very warmthis weekend.



Oh Emma,

I will be going to the beach if the weather is good and I will be wearinga tiny triangle thong bikini ?

How would you punish me for ignoring the beach rules?

Meg xxx


Meg, Meg, you really are a very bad girl! I think that you have deliberatelychosen the most blatantly revealing and provocative bikini you could find inyour bedroom drawer, just to flout the rules and flaunt your body in public.Look at how your nipples will poke thought the near-transparent fabric. Lookat how your cunt-gash can easily be seen through the thong triangle. And seehow small it is! I shudder to think what it looks like from behind, but I shallcertainly be taking close-up photographs of you on the beach tomorrow, strictlyto use as evidence of course.

I think you are trying to goad me, to put me to the test, to see how I willreact! Well, Meg, your attitude is totally unacceptable, so is your bikini.It will take me until at least tomorrow to decide exactly what your punishmentwill be when I see you on the beach. But I can now reveal that the bed andchair in the life-guard station have wrist and ankle straps attached becausesometimes we get swimmers and bathers in such distress, or suffering from fitsand spasms, that we need to restrain them for their own safety. I think theserestraints will be necessary tomorrow as part of your punishment. I also thinkthat you will wish that your bikini bottoms covered more of your bum cheeks,to give you some protection. And you may wish that you hadn't provoked me andhumiliated me by wearing such a skimpy, tarty and disgraceful swimsuit.

I'll see you on the beach tomorrow; be prepared to receive the punishmentyou deserve (and a bit more if the fancy takes me).

From a very aroused and expectant Emma (zealous lifeguard and upholder ofpublic decency).


Dearest Meg,

I have now decided on punishment for wearing such a debauched and slutty bikinion the beach:

First I will wrap you in a survival ?space' blanket for modesty's sake andtake you into my lifeguard station where I will leave you to sweat in the stiflinglyhot conditions for at least an hour as I complete my beach inspection. Uponmy return I will peel the blanket off you and see just how much your perspirationtrickles down your ample body.

Next I'll take you outside where everyone can see and plunge you suddenlyunder the cold shower, making your bikini totally transparent and your nipplesmassively erect.

Back inside the station, I'll lock the door and sternly reprimand you forbreaking my rules then, to stop you from wearing that skimpy tart's bikiniagain, I'll cut through every strap so that it falls useless on the floor andleaves you totally naked.

As you stubbornly refuse to apologise, I compel you to sit down and I humiliateyou by strapping your arms and legs to the recliner chair so you are vulnerablyexposed to me. I search through your shoulder bag for more incriminating evidenceand find your mobile phone. I can tell a lot about a person by their phone-booklist of contacts; I browse your list and notice that almost without exceptionyour friends & contacts are all female. That makes me smile.

At the bottom of your bag I find something that makes me smile much more ? yourpocket vibrator. I flick the switch and it starts to hum.

Moving towards you I make you squirm and struggle as I hold it near to yournipples and they spring to full, hard erection again. But do I give you theundeserved pleasure of touching them? No, instead I strip out of my swimsuitand play it over my own nipples instead!

That really makes you struggle against your bonds, until I shock you intosilent submission by rubbing the tip of your own, very personal vibrator alongmy pussy lips as I lie back on the recovery bed. I moan and buck as I slideyour toy into my open vagina then quickly stab at my swollen clit, immediatelybringing myself to the orgasm I've craved ever since I first saw you on thebeach.

If I was considerate I'd have awarded you with an orgasm of your own, butno, I pack you off with just your towel around you and warn you not to returnto my beach in a revealing thong bikini again. I wonder as you walk away whetheryou might yet come back again.

You have been warned.

x Emma


Oh Erotic Emma,

Although you did punish me and warn me to dress more appropriately next timeI came to the beach, feeling the warm sun on my skin today was too much ofa temptation so I had no choice but to wear a bikini with a string back ?

I think it is very acceptable for any beach. Don't you?

Meg xxx


Oh, Meg, no, this is totally unacceptable!

You are a very bad lady. Also, you are very wicked keep sending me links tosites featuring scantily-clad young ladies wearing preposterously revealingbikinis. Do you think I enjoy looking at their tanned, firm bodies, their erectnipples and their parted pussies scarcely covered by tiny scraps of see-though'material'? Do you?

If you come back on my beach wearing that string bikini I'll have to believethat you actually enjoy being punished. Now that couldn't be true. Did youenjoy being punished?

I'll have to think of something else next time, and when I do I'll tell youabout what punishment I have planned so it can be a deterrent to you.

Meg, I think the best thing you can do is to spend a lot more of your sparetime trawling though the internet looking at pictures on the on-line bikinistores and try to find something more suitable. Or accept the consequences!

x Emma, your over-zealous lifeguard.



I'm afraid I have no other style of bikini available to me so I have no choicebut to wear them. As for enjoying being punished, well I think I will needfurther sessions in the lifeguard hut before I can come to a conclusion.

Meg xxx


Dearest, most confusing Meg,

So you aren't't sure whether you enjoy my beach-station punishments? I wonderjust how far you'll push me before you're really sure; I hope you don't regretwhat you have said. I'm quite strict about my beach rules; I do have standardsof public decency to uphold. Your excuse about not having any other, more modestbikinis to wear is quite lame and this suggests to me that you do actuallywant to be punished some more. And yes, you are going to need several moresessions in the lifeguard hut before you can even come, let alone come to aconclusion.

Well, the weather forecast is looking good for the week ahead so I expectto see you down on the sand, flaunting that round, sexy bum of yours and pushingout those big 34C boobs without a care for the effect you'll have on the otherbathers. You'll probably swim in the sea and strut back up the beach, drippingwet in your now-transparent thong-bottom string bikini.

I'll be waiting for you, Meg dearest.

First I'll take more photographs of you in that excuse for a bikini you happento be wearing so I hope you've been practicing touching your toes. Then I'llescort you up to my beach station where this time I'll tie your wrists togetherwith a rescue rope. I'll loop that over the top of the fresh-water shower fittingso you have to stand with your hands stretched high above your head, unableto protect yourself. I'll write in large letters on the wall behind you: ?THISIS WHAT HAPPENS TO RULE-BREAKERS? and invite members of the public to taketurns at pressing the control valve so you are repeatedly drenched with coldwater that will pour off your breasts and trickle down your belly to your crotch.Who knows, the force of the water may even drag down your skimpy bikini bottomsexposing your shaved pussy mound to the amused onlookers.

Then when I decide you have been humiliated sufficiently, I'll untie you fromthe shower and take you into my station to be ?interviewed' during which I'lltie the rope to the rafters above your head. To make sure you can't wear thesame bikini again, but taking care not to cut your smooth skin, I'll slashthe fabric with a diver's knife where it vainly tries to conceal your breastsand I'll tear it apart to expose your nipples. No doubt they will already behard and erect as you enjoy the thrill of your forced humiliation and impendingpunishment. I'll also cut a long slit right down the centre of the tiny fabrictriangle that scarcely covers your mound and rip it apart so your pussy isnaked and exposed to me (and probably spread wide open and oozing self-lubedue to your obvious heightened state of arousal).

When I've taken down your personal details and checked them against my recordsI'll realise you are a repeat offender, inflaming my anger and my passionatezeal in equal measure. I'll give you plenty of opportunity to repent and apologisebut it's unlikely that you'll cooperate so I'll have to spank you. Firstly,whilst you are still tied to the rafters, I'll administer several strokes witha long bamboo cane normal used to carry a flag at the children's sandcastlebuilding competition. If you cry out, I'll cut your bikini bottoms from youand stuff them in your mouth to silence your protests, despite the fact thatyou'll probably enjoy the taste of salt water mixed with your ample cunt-juice.

If you are still unrepentant, I'll untie you and lay you face-down over alarge, firm inflatable beach-ball that I use for competitions on the sand andI'll pass the rope around your ankles too so you can't climb off. Now I'llbe able to spank your bare bum cheeks facing high and invitingly into the air.1 - 2 - 3 ..... 1 - 2 - 3 ..... 1 - 2 ? 3 I'll count as I rain hard hand-slapsdown onto your reddening flesh. Although I would never admit it, I'll findthis unbelievably arousing and my pussy lips will spread wide part betweenmy legs so my tight swim-costume will work its way deep between my labia andrasp against my aching clit.

Unable to resist bringing myself to orgasm in the most satisfying and selfishway I can think of, I'll walk around to where you can see me and slowly stripout of my tight costume then pose and expose myself to you. Reaching to thewall behind me, I'll select what to you might look like a modern police-officer'struncheon. It has an ebony-black shaft about 1½? in diameter and 12? longwith a shorter, ribbed extension at one end. This is about 2? in diameter and5? long and is fixed at an angle to the main shaft. I'll also take down whatmight look like a bridle for the beach ponies, made up of leather straps andsteel loops & buckles. You'll be puzzled as to their use until I squatdown and gradually, carefully ease the short, stubby end of the ?truncheon'into my lubricated vagina then wrap the ?bridle' around my hips and upper thighs,using it to hold the fearsome black object in place between my upper thighs.It will only be when I stand up straight, tall and menacing that you'll seethe huge strap-on phallus protruding proudly upwards from the base of my belly.

Unable to make your protests heard, you'll have no choice but to succumb tomy perversions as I stand behind you and press the tip of the tool againstyour soft vaginal opening. I'll notice just how quickly your pussy opens upto me as a measure of your pleasure as I slide the extension to my sex deepinto your cunt.

1 inch, 2 inches, 3 inches, more and more, now over 6 inches have disappeared.Slowly I'll build a rhythm, gradually pushing more inside your accommodatingtunnel until my belly slaps loudly against your bum cheeks. Faster and fasterI'll pump your pussy as the leather straps pull tight against my flesh andthe upper surface of the phallus drags back and forth over my clit. If I sensethat you are trying to climax by pressing your clit against the inflated ballI'll slip a rolled towel under your pelvis to make pussy-contact impossible.Holding onto the halter neck strap of your bikini top like reins I'll rideyou to a climax, mine of course not yours, as your exposed nipples press repeatedlyagainst the ball, arousing you but not sufficiently to deliver an orgasm.

When I've come as many times as I choose I'll slide my tool out of you anduntie you, inviting you to lick your aromatic, glistening juices off the longshaft that has just defiled you.

You will now be free to leave, with a warning not to return to my beach unlessyou are more suitably dressed.

Do you think this punishment would have the desired effect, or will you beback?

x Emma,

Lifeguard and administerer of fair and proportionate punishments.


Oh Emma,

You punishment may have appeared harsh to you but I'm afraid it will not bea deterrent to me as I love to feel the sun on my body and get a tan with minimaltan lines. Therefore I will be back tomorrow wearing another of my skimpy bikinis.

I'm just glad the spanking and caning failed to leave any marks. Maybe I amstarting to enjoy my punishment.

Meg xxx


Sorry, Meg, I'm not likely to get down to the beach for the next couple ofdays. But that does not mean that you can do whatever you like, as I'll beasking questions when I'm next on duty and you'll still be punished if you'vebeen bad. Be very careful what you wear, won't you. I'll be checking your tanlines next time we meet so I'll know if you've been baring your flesh again.

You have been warned.

x Emma



I'm really don't think a verbal warning will stop me at all. I have alreadytold you in my last email what I will be wearing and as you wont be on dutythen I have carte blanche to do as I please. My tan lines will be quite minimalI feel.

Meg xxx


To: National Lifeguard Agency

From: Emma

Date: 20 July 2005

Subject: Beach Patrols

Dear Patricia,

I am, as you will recall, a freelance beach lifeguard attached to the organisationknown as PRUDE (Personally Responsible for Upholding Decency Everywhere) andI have recently been working the stretch of beach from the twin protrudingpoints known locally as Hardas Rocks right down past the Navel Base as faras Prominent Mound.

I have to report that standards have been slipping and some bathers are ignoringthe basic rules of beach behaviour. In particular I have had to deal quiteseverely with one woman known to me only as Meg. She has total disregard forother beach users and has no respect for authority. She regularly wears thetiniest, most revealing and often totally transparent bikinis I have ever hadthe pleasure to set eyes on and despite repeated warnings she continues toflaunt her mature, rounded and voluptuous body. Her speciality is skimpy thongsthat leave her bum cheeks naked and exposed and I have numerous photographsthat I keep at home as evidence that they hardly cover her cunt at all.

I have punished her before, subjecting her to public humiliation under theshower (one of my favourites) a light caning and spanking and even a good hardpussy-fuck with the longest strap-on dildo I had with me at the time, but stillshe keeps coming back to the beach wearing almost nothing at all.

So now I am reporting that I have had to administer a much more severe punishment.

I found Meg walking along the sand alone in a secluded part of the beach.She was wearing a miniscule triangle bikini top that barely covered her areolae.Her breasts swelled around the edges, her deep cleavage was obvious and hernipples were erect and thrust forward pulling peaks in the near transparentmaterial. She was wearing matching thong bottoms that just about covered hervulva but I could clearly see that her mound was shaved bare. When she bentforward, the string back had totally disappeared into her bum-crack and I couldsee the pink, puckered rim of her arse-hole as it wrapped itself around thebikini thong.

I was furious! I had warned her so many times but she keeps wearing thesetiny bikinis so I dragged her behind some rocks to begin another round of punishments.

First I photographed her in various humiliating positions but she just seemedto play along, enjoying the attention. So next I found 4 pieces of driftwoodthat I forced into the sand with a heavy rock forming a square about 2 metresby 2 metres. Finding some discarded coarse fisherman's rope washed up by thesea I bound Meg's ankles and wrists and, laying her face down in the sand,I tied the ropes tight to the driftwood stakes. The sun was now high in thesky so I left her spread-eagled under its hot rays for a couple of hours toroast. Her big bum rose high and invitingly into the warm summer air and shedid look so ?

Sorry, back to my report. When I could see that her skin was becoming soreand reddened with sunburn, I untied her from the stakes but then tied her wriststogether behind her back and tied her ankles together with no more than 30cm free movement. Dragging her to her feet, the soles of which here sore fromthe hot sun, I walked her the half-mile back to the lifeguard station, Megtaking small, restricted steps under the heat of the sun. I occasionally gaveher sips of water to drink, also allowing the water to stream down her bodywhich, unfortunately, made her bikini transparent again.

Pushing her into the lifeguard hut, I abused her verbally and tried to gether to apologise and repent, but to no avail. Sadly I had to punish her more,so I pushed her onto the recovery bed face down and secured her arms and legswith leather straps at each end. Her bum cheeks were already fiery red fromthe sun's rays and grew redder as I rained down hard hand-slaps on her bare,burned arse. Her bum was bright crimson from the combination of her sunburnand my spanking, the pain of one accentuating the other. Each stroke made asatisfying ?crack' sound and Meg moaned into the mattress, writhing her bodyand grinding her pussy mound against the bed. She seemed to be enjoying mypunishment so I had to change tack. I untied her ankles from the bed and boundtwo poles to her legs, one to keep her feet apart and another slightly longerone to force her knees wider apart so she couldn't squeeze her pussy. ThenI released her wrists from the bed and lashed ropes from them to her ankles,pulling them so her body arched backwards in a crescent shape.

Taking a bamboo cane, I beat her arse, her back and the backs of her legs,causing her to cry out but not to plead with me to stop. Incensed, I pulledher off the bed and made her kneel on the floor, her shoulders against thewall and her body arched backwards uncomfortably so her leg muscles tightened,her tummy flattened as the muscles pulled taught and her breasts thrust forward.Her nipples were obviously hard and erect so I untied her bikini top, threwit aside and grasped her breasts roughly. I pinched and pulled her nipples,squeezing them hard then suddenly letting go, making her moan. I repeated thisseveral times but to no avail so I leaned down and bit them hard, sucking theminto my mouth until they were thick and distended but this only made her moanall the more! Bitch. I even thrashed them with the cane but this only causedthem to grow obscenely long and hard and turn a brighter shade of fiery redso I punished her by tying coarse ropes around her breasts, pulling them tightso her breasts flushed pink.

No repentance was forthcoming, so I beat her stomach and the insides of herthighs repeatedly with the cane, making her soft flesh glow red and angry.It seemed to me she might be enjoying this treatment so much she might be aboutto orgasm so I stopped to strip out of my swimsuit and furiously frigged myclit in front of her to tease her and humiliate her. I shouted obscenitiesat her and just managed to climax before she did.

So, huh, I won, didn't I! The bitch is unlikely to take me on again now sheknows how seriously I take my job.

All in a day's work.



Oh Erotic Emma,

I am having a wonderful time at the beach at the moment. I love showing mybody off in my tiny wicked weasel thongs. One of the lifeguards doesn't likethem however and keeps punishing me for wearing them. My back and bum is allsunburned after one of her punishments, so I will have to even my sunburn uptoday. She thinks that I won't return after the last time but I don't thinkshe realises that I enjoy being punished and that there is no punishment thatshe could administer that would dissuade me from showing myself off on thebeach.

Maybe I will see you there.

Meg xxx

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I don’t know about you guys, but I love going to the beach. And I don’t care if it’s a regular beach or a nudist one. I’ll go to any beach to have a good time. I can go there to approach girls to have sex with, to swim, eat ice cream… I don’t know; it’s just a really fun time. In some ways, I enjoy nudist beaches more because I can show off my huge cock and girls usually can’t take their eyes off of it. On these kinds of beaches, approaching any chick ends with her asking for my number and we...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Beach Vacation in Mexico

Next thing I know, I’m walking the beaches of a beautiful, warm, and exotic beach resort. And fortunately, there are plenty of college girls around here, too. I was recently single at the time, and open to just meeting new people and having fun. I’m not bad looking, a tall and thin swimmer. I feel comfortable walking around the hot girls on the beach. And yeah, I’m discreetly taking peeks at the girls in their small bikinis. I could tell it was going to be a fun trip. I met a few people my...

3 years ago
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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

2 years ago
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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

3 years ago
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Beach To Bed With A Married Lady In Chennai

Unlike my previous stories, this is purely a fictitious one. All characters in this story are fiction and the concept is a replica of my sexual desire. About me, I’m 32-year-old male, Madhusudhan from Chennai working in one of the reputed Indian company. I love sex and I love married ladies. :-) Back to story after this small intro of mine. My work timings are from morning 9 am to 6 pm every day. I love roaming alone. So, every day after office hours, I used to go to Marina beach and be there...

4 years ago
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Beach House Sissies

Beach House Sissies by cc My wife Chelsea and I were spending a week at Myrtle Beach, which if you've never been there is crowded, noisy and fun. We had a time-share condo close to the ocean, and I noticed a couple staying across the street. I don't know if their place was a time-share or a vacation home, but there was an expensive car parked under the house (This close to the beach all the houses are built atop heavy ten-foot pilings and everyone parks their cars beneath them.) and...

4 years ago
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Beach Master

Cathy and I stand beside the sign that says Nude Beach: No Photography. We strip off our bathing suits and put them in the holdall with our mobile phones and sun lotion. Two naked men approach, one short and dark, the other tall and blond. Both sport large penises.The blond introduces himself as the beach master with a hint of Scandinavian in his English accent. He says the nude beach is on his private property, at least the access to the beach is his land, so he makes the rules. Unlike most...

2 years ago
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Beach gender bender

Thought I'd share another story about an experience on a beach a few years ago...A few years ago I spent some time living and working in Spain, near Tarragona in the north west. I used to visit the local beaches as often as I could and found a few quieter spots that I liked to go to. Sometimes I'd strip off if there was no-one about and I had a great all over tan!During one of my more fem phases I decided to go to the beach. I'd admired all the lucky girls who got to wear little bikinis and go...

2 years ago
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Beach camping

It's been an interesting couple of weeks, lots going on at home and at work.  I really love my life right now, my husband lets me, and encourages me to explore my wilder side, and I have really gotten into it.  I love sex, all types, and have been trying many new things these past couple of years.  Up until about 5 years ago I was a nice middle class housewife living in Hawaii, than my hormones got the best of me and I started flashing guys,this  leading to blow jobs, than getting fucked, to...

4 years ago
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Beach Vacation I

---------------- The Close family: Beach Vacation I -------------Cast:Stepfather: FritzStepdaughter: EllenGrandson: MarkFritz had taken his young stepdaughter Ellen and her teenage son Mark to the beach for a holiday. On the drive to the beach, Fritz had suggested that they take a single motel room to save on expenses. Enjoying the wonderful weather, excited about her first vacation in months, Ellen agreed without hesitation. She hugely appreciated her stepfather taking her and her son on...

2 years ago
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Beach Apartment 1 of 2

BEACHAPT.TXT 1 of 2. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation "Are you really inviting me to share your apartment at the beach with both of you for a week, for free?" I asked incredu-lously, amazed at my good fortune. Lisa and Nancy smiled at each other. For two sisters who had ordinary jobs and are not models, I don't think there could be two more gorgeous women. Lisa is a secretary, about 28, with long wavy, blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a body that she likes to show off and tease...

4 years ago
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Beach Master

The blond introduces himself as the beach master with a hint of Scandinavian in his English accent. He says the nude beach is on his private property, at least the access to the beach is his land, so he makes the rules. Unlike most nude beaches, sex is not only permitted but also required, so if we want to sunbathe in the nude, we will have to show how liberal we are by having sex in front of an audience of nudists. We exchange a surprised look, laugh, flush with embarrassed excitement, and...

3 years ago
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Beach Bunny

I live right on the Atlantic Ocean in Florida and have a very nice beach for my front yard. It is well posted but you really can’t keep everyone out. Like most people that own ridding lawn mowers, snow blowers, and assorted ski equipment I own a beach combing machine that literally combs the beach and removes anything bigger than a dime down to a foot deep. In essence I have one of the best-groomed beachfronts in my area. I had a canal dug along one edge of my property from the ocean all...

2 years ago
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Beach Changed Wife 2

The freshly satisfied lovers made their way down the beach hand in hand. Alissa left her husband behind passed out cold. She knew he was exhausted and still way too high to follow them. She was really looking forward to spending some alone time with her new lover. She was hopeful that he would be willing to make love to her once more today, all on her own without the intrusion of her husband.She couldn't believe how out of control she had gotten today, but it was impossible for her to deny how...

2 years ago
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Beach Date

"Aw, c'mon, Mom, can I go to the beach? Please?" "As I told you, no. The last time you went to the beach, we had to come looking for you - the problem, kiddo, is that you love the beach too much." I loved this banter. Angie, my nineteen-year old daughter, and Samantha, my 35-year young wife, were veterans at it. I can't quite place the time they started these kind of healthy arguments, but I can assure you, it's always a pleasure to watch the two of them thrust and parry like...

4 years ago
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Beach Booze Foreigners Sex 8211 All About Goa

Greetings, This is my first story I am posting on ISS please pardon me for any mistakes. I am jotting down true incident that happened with us on our trip to most happening place of India, Goa. Myself Ashy, Monty, Harry, Chandu went to Goa to De-cafe ourselves from hustle and bustle of our jobs and city life and reached Goa. It was noon when we reached our hotel and sun was beaming hot on our head as we were welcomed by a beautiful lady who garlanded us with flowers and provided a drink to cool...

2 years ago
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Beach Blonde

Beach Blonde Synopsis: A beautiful but troubled blonde seductress meets a young man on the lookout for some fun. Too late, he realizes that "fun is in the eyes of the beholder." I was meandering along the boardwalk one summer eveningwatching the interaction among various groupings of people. Teenagecouples stopped to lean against the aluminum rails and press bodiesagainst each other and neck. Married people were pushing toddlersin strollers. Older people, some in...

4 years ago
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Beach Cum

The water was cold on my body, causing little goose bumps to rise all over me. I loved the feeling of the sun against my skin, then the feel of the cold water rinsing the suntan oil off. Nude beaches were my particular thing. I liked being a female and naked against the elements. I loved the feel of the wind, the sun, and the water against my naked body; my breasts always became super sensitive on these occasions. It excites me to be looked at, too. I like looking at other people too. I had...

2 years ago
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Beach Time Is The Best Time

After I got my umbrella set up and a beach chair, I laid out a towel for my dog. As I sat there, it was hard to not look over at the family, because they were very active. Later that morning, it was getting hot, but as I continued to watch this family, it seemed to be extended family, with lots kids, and adults of various ages. As I watched, I figured out they had rented the house that was right by the beach entrance, because every now and then someone either went up the house or came down...

4 years ago
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Beach encounter

Several years ago, my (now ex) wife and I took my parents to the beach in Florida. It was a purely family vacation and we were having a great time. My dad and I played golf most days, then relax on the beach and go out for dinner together. Despite being on a family vacation, I admit going to the beach ALWAYS makes me horny as hell. In fact, I had been really good lately. I would still see my long time fuck buddy, Pam, every so often. But, due to a variety of circumstances, it had been several...

4 years ago
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Beach Fun

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

2 years ago
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Beach Sex

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

3 years ago
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Beach of ecstacy

Hi I am Nithin. I am very happy with the responses I got from our dear readers. I was planning to write about my MBA days again. But then this incident happened. So I thought I must share this beautiful experience with readers. I got large number of e-mails from various parts of India. Few are from ladies and a large number from gents. In that too majority were impotent husbands who want their wives to be fucked and get pregnant. I believe in safe sex. I always use condom while having sex. Only...

4 years ago
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Beach holiday pt 2

Well we had such a fun day that we decided to try the beach again and this time we were going to the nudist part that our friends from yesterday were telling us about. I had convinced you to go nude and as we got to th nudist beach there was a big dune and some cabins to get changed in, We had never been to a nudist beach but as we had fucked on a regular beach I didn’t see it being much of a problem.We got changed and wondered out you holding my hand tight as we walked along in the dunes...

4 years ago
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beach fun2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got out of school 2 weeks ago, and I am so siced for summer. Driving down the Bay Way, I'm in my family's Honda we just got after I got my license. Its like 78 degrees out and no clouds. I live for summer, and when summer comes, we go to Ocean City. My names Sam by the way. 6 foot 160, dirty blond and blue eyes. Slight muscle tone. Im not too...

3 years ago
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Beach Fantasy

I am a young guy in my twenties walking on a really quiet beach in just my beach shorts with my towel in hand. I find a nice spot to place my towel on the sand and I take a little lie-down. I decide to just relax there, take in the view and listen to the waves roll up the beach. I lay there for a while daydreaming and enjoying the sun. A guy walks slowly, looking like he just is going to walk on by like other people have, but instead he walks up to me. As he comes nearer I see that he is hot...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Beach Adventure

'You want me to flaunt myself in public?!'It was our penultimate night of our 14 day holiday on the South Coast of France. I had deliberately chosen our hotel as it was placed centrally on a 'clothing optional' beach. Despite Julie loosening her attitude to exposure in private (read my Fantasy Photoshoot story) I had yet to persuade Julie to expose herself in public. I had hoped I could persuade her to maybe lose her top at the beach. She would look so hot sunbathing topless! I had even brought...

2 years ago
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Beach Vacation

A solid month of travel, meetings, and incredible project deadlines and I was mentally, spiritually and physically exhausted. I flew home and arrived at my apartment late Thursday evening and immediately passed out. The next morning, I went in and told my boss I needed a break. One look at my face and my boss knew he had one unhappy camper on his team. He smiled at me and agreed I should take some time off. I thanked him for his generosity and returned to my desk. With two phone calls, I booked...

3 years ago
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Beach Party

Copyright © 1998 The Gwins were visiting the beach with the Robinson's, Joan's sister and her family. It was just past noon and Greg had been down at the beach all morning. He was hot, hungry and horny and all alone since everyone else had gone into town earlier to eat and catch a movie. The families had rented two large cabin type houses by each other overlooking the beach and it was only a short walk back up to his cabin from the beach. Stopping by the porch, he washed the sand off...

2 years ago
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Beach House a Week With the Musketeers

If I only knew then what I know now. It’s a pretty good thing I didn’t, though. I would have been dangerous. I had just turned sixteen, lived in Costa Mesa, California, only four miles from the beach. I had bought a pool cleaning route and was making pretty good money at it. The money I made cleaning pools was spending money too. Since I was on the swim team and water polo team and my parents thought I was pretty industrious they paid for clothes and all that. My dad and I split yard...

2 years ago
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Beach Balling

She loved going to the beach. Playing in the water was fun and parading up and down the sand was fun too. She didn’t mind if her light brown Latino skin got a little bit darker from the sun although she tried to avoid tan lines and it was legal to be topless here. The little marks from the thong could be avoided by moving it around from time to time as she lay on the beach furniture. Didn’t want to burn her pussy tissues though. She got her boyfriend to bring her there quite often even though...

1 year ago
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Beach fate

Note : This story is completely fictional! Zoe, Liz and Jilly wandered down the hill from Liz's home overlooking the Portuguese beach. Zoe and her big sister and niece turned a few heads of the locals as they headed for the beaches only restaurant for brunch. Sunny beaches and golden sands were a theme throughout the sisters lives. Their father had been a servicemen and they't been service 'brats@ brought up on the move on dads overseas postings. Zoe a career woman was at the end of a months...

4 years ago
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Living along the Gulf Coast with flat beautiful white sandy beaches, I enjoy the warm summer evenings on the beach. I love to take a couple of fishing rods, sift the sands for Sand Fleas to use as bait and sit back in my lawn chair waiting for the fish to bite. A small cooler for some cold refreshments and a larger one to hold any fish I may wish to keep. A small wind-up type of lantern keeps the place visible so I can bait and tie on hooks as necessary. A small gaff made of a rope and large...

3 years ago
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Beach of Black Sand

[Note: this story involves the same characters as the series ‘Coyoacan Mi Amor.’ I wanted to make it part of that cycle but it can be read on its own. Enjoy!] —— ‘You’re in for a real treat,’ said Bernardo as he steered the Jeep Cherokee over the rutted road. Scrub brush lined the lanes, every few miles they stopped as a cow ambled across. ‘My kidneys are bruised from all the bumping. It’d better be great whenever we get where you’re taking us, Bernardo,’ said Dan Lissner, senior writer for...

2 years ago
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Beach Trip

My family, which consists of my significant other and his child, planned a weekday trip to Old Orchard Beach, Maine, two weeks in advance. We do this a few times each summer since his family owns a house there. When he allows a friend of his child to join us, it becomes a sexless vacation. The beach is white and the town center has plenty of amusements, games, and restaurants open to all ages every night of the week. I needed adult fun, so I planned ahead to enjoy myself in spite of the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Beach Masturbation

I was in Miami staying at a hotel approximately 1 mile North of Haulover Beach. One morning, I was sitting by the ocean at my hotel when a man my age came up to me and started chatting. His name was Jake and he was from Brooklyn, as we chatted my eyes were not looking at his eyes but at the blue speedo he was wearing. Of particular interest to me was the outline of his penis shaft and its mushroom head clearly visible. Embarrassed I stood up to look at him and it was his turn to stare at may...

4 years ago
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Beach Balls

Beach BallsMichelle Johnson liked what she was seeing.Her daughter Keesha was getting lots of attention. Now that Michelle was laying face down on the towel, the attention of the men on the beach had shifted from Michelle to the curvy little twelve-year-old who was standing in the sand next to her, undressing.Michelle had chosen this spot because of all the men that were nearby - Michelle loved to be watched. When she and Keesha got out of the car, Michelle stripped to her bikini right away, so...

3 years ago
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Beach Job

Reba walked down the beach until there were no more bathers. She was out of sight of any houses or condos. A drift wood log was a good place to stop and sit. She had some decisions to make. She had let her life get in a hell of a shape. Just a little over a year before she had married Howard. She had married a slob, a real bum. Howard was drinking too much. He was drunk on their wedding night and seldom came home from work sober. Reba's salary was almost double the amount Howard made...

2 years ago
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Beach Blanket Bingo

My girlfriend Geena is 23 and I just turned 27 and we recently started going to a local nude beach, mostly to people watch but for a little bit of exhibitionism too. It started off innocently enough; Geena found out that it excited her to show off her body to men, so she started going braless while we shopped in our local mall which morphed into letting men see her when she tried on clothes in department and specialty stores. Then going out to a nude beach seemed like the next logical step. At...

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Beach Couple Showing Off

This morning (Friday) was a gorgeous day, one of the classic Australian East Coast summer days. About 20C, no wind and not a cloud in the sky. After doing some work I decided to head up to Birdie Beach (nude beach about half an hour north of my place). I’d touch up my speedo tan and do some paperwork. When I go up to Birdie Beach I usually park in the normal carpark just to see what is going on since that is the main nudist area. But then I walk south of the point far enough that I have some...

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