Purvi Ko Swarg Ka Anand Diya free porn video

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One evening, a few months ago, my secretary Sheena transferred a call into my chamber, it was probably 7 o’clock & I was working late on one of my new export project, normally, I do not like to be disturbed when I am working late, as during the day, there are many calls, visitors & appointments, so my chain of thought & working gets disturbed, if I am working on a new project, I usually start late in the evening & work into the wee hours of the morning to avoid disturbances….anyways Sheena persisted that I take this call as this lady Mrs. Mana Shah had been trying to get in touch with me for past two weeks, but due to some reason or the other I was not available, Sheena transferred the call.Hello !!!! Good evening Rajan speaking…..I answered the call….Hello !!! Good evening Mr. Rajan, this Mrs. Mana Shah here, i’ve been trying to contact you for the past two weeks but without luck…..I’m sorry Mrs Shah, I was busy….anyways tell me how can I help you…..Mrs. Shah “ I run a NGO which helps destitute women in Mumbai, we teach these women different trades & to make many handicrafts & beautiful durries, we sell these in the local markets & the earnings partially go to our institute & the remaining to the these women who stay in our institute, in this way women who make these durries & handicrafts earn a decent living & our institute also gets some monetary help…The main reason for me wanting to speak to you is that, we would now like to export these handicrafts & durries to other countries & earn more, that’s where I need your help.

Having said that, there was a pause for a few minutes….I needed time to think, my mind was preoccupied with my current project, so absorbing what Mrs. Mehta said was a bit difficult for me to digest in one go…..Mr. Rajan are you there ??? Oh yes !! I am right here, sorry was just trying to put my thoughts together, as to how I could help you…Mrs. Mehta, I am a bit preoccupied at this point of time, would it alright with you if I spoke or met you next week ???….there was a pause again….Well next week I am traveling to Delhi, I have a wedding of my nephew to attend, so I shall be away for a week, anyways, you can meet my secretary Mrs. Nair, she is aware of this whole project & she has all the details, you could meet her & discuss it with her, I will get myself updated, not to worry…she gave me Mrs. Nair’s telephone number & disconnected. I noted that number on my planner, after completing the current project in three days, I called Mrs. Nair on the telephone number given by Mrs. Shah, after introducing myself to Mrs. Nair & exchanging business pleasantries, we came straight to the point, Mrs. Nair said that discussing this kind of a project on the phone was not feasible & so she suggested that I visit their office & discuss further, I agreed, she gave me the address & we decided to meet the next day at 6 o’clock in the evening. Their office was not very far away from my office, just a 15 minutes drive, I reached Mrs. Shah’s office at sharp 6’o clock, It was on the 15th floor, I knocked at the door, there was no answer, so I pushed the door & walked inside, the office was empty, the staff had left for the day, it was a good office which could accommodate about 20 people, there were two cabins on the farther side of the office, I walked up to them, on one the name plate read Mrs. Mana Shah & Mrs. Purvi Nair on the other, I knocked on Mrs. Purvi Nair’s door & walked in ….Yes Mr. Rajan, good evening, nice to see you, please come in…..

Hello Mrs. Nair, good evening…I wished her after the initial pleasantries, we got down to discuss their project….while discussing the project, Mrs. Nair kept getting up to remove files from the cupboard & couldn’t miss looking at her, Mrs. Nair was about 30 years, well toned & slim body, about 5’7” tall, whitish complexion, straight hair, well plated up to her waist, she wore a sari nicely draped & a Sleeveless blouse, so when she raised her hands to pull out files from the upper rack, I could see that her armpits were clean & her breast were full & round…..anyways, we got on with the discussion & Mrs. Nair was busy telling me all the details of the production & the costs, just then I interrupted …Mrs. Nair, I need to know what is the cost per unit…..Mr. Rajan, please call me Purvi, I like it that way…O.K, you to call me Rajan, I like it that way too….we both laughed…the mood was lightening up, so after about an hour of serious discussion, we decided to have coffee, Purvi went to the pantry & got herself a cup of tea & a mug of coffee for me, it was getting a bit suffocating in that cabin, so Purvi suggested we sit in Mrs. Shah’s cabin which was a lot bigger & comfortable, I agreed, we walked into Mrs. Shah’s cabin, this cabin was almost thrice as big as Purvi’s cabin, it had a large sofa & a beautiful bathroom attached to it, it was decorated by a person with fine taste, we sat on the sofa sipping at our cups. Since we had taken a break from work, we got talking on general topics, Purvi mentioned that Mrs. Shah was from a very rich family, she was married to Mr. Shah about 10 years ago, but she divorced him on reasons of incompatibility, she was a very compassionate person & could not see the plight of these destitute women, so she started this NGO organization, Purvi then turned to her own story, she was born & brought up in Dehradun, studied for her graduation & post graduation in Delhi, where she met George Nair, who was doing his M.Phil in Economics, they fell in love & got married, after two years, George got a job of a lecturer at a university in U.S, he went ahead promising Purvi, that he would take her to U.S in a few months, but once there he did not communicate with Purvi at all, Purvi tried all ways possible to contact George but he was not traceable anywhere in the U.S, she was left fending for herself, her parents would not accept her back, as they were against her marrying George, as he was from a different cast, so she was all on her own, since she could not find a suitable job in Delhi, she moved to Bombay, where while going through the local Employment Times, she sighted an advertisement put by this NGO & applied for it, she was selected by Mrs. Shah, this was about eight years ago, since then, she worked selflessly, Mrs. Shah looking at her commitment & honesty to the organization, made arrangements for her accommodation, a two bedroom flat at Andheri, where she lived alone.

Suddenly we realized that we had spent a lot of time chatting & it was already 7.30 in the evening, we got back to work in Purvi’s cabin, we worked for another hour, it was getting late & I was tired, I suggested that we continue the next day, Purvi agreed, since I also stay at Andheri, I offered to drop her home, we locked the office & I dropped her home, the next day I thought over what we had discussed the previous evening & made up a very rough plan, as to how we should proceed with their project, by evening a rough plan was ready, I went to Purvi’s office at 6.15 in the evening, as the previous day, the office was empty, I knocked on Purvi’s cabin, there was no answer….so I knocked on Mrs. Shah’s door…Yes…come in, a voice responded from inside, I pushed the door & entered the cabin….Purvi was sitting on the sofa will files on her lap & busy working, I sat beside her & explained to her my rough plan, she liked it, we started working further, Purvi got up & went to the pantry to get me some coffee, she was looking absolutely stunning today…..she had worn a fawn coloured printed salwar kameez , absolutely skin tight, with a similar chunni, stilettos & her hair left loose on her back, her figure was visible to the last detail, her vital stats were 34 D – 29 – 33, I could feel something happening in my groin, looking at her walk past made me forget what I was doing, she returned with a mug of coffee for me, I kept staring at her…she was looking very beautiful today….I could not hold myself “Purvi, you are looking very beautiful today…is it something special ???? You are dressed to kill” Purvi smiled & with a Low voice & blushing said, “Yes….its my birthday today”…Hey that’s great…Many happy returns of this day…I wished her, so what the program for today evening ??? I asked, “Nothing….just go home have dinner then go to sleep…that’s all, nothing exciting….there’s no one to celebrate with”…..that’s not fair, its such a special day for you & you sound so down….let’s celebrate, i’ll take you out for dinner, lets celebrate your birthday tonight”… she hesitantly agreed….we worked for a while more…I could see the excitement on Purvi’s face, her mood had completely changed, she now had someone who wanted to celebrate her birthday, the thought on being alone on her birthday had vanished, she looked forward to a good enjoyable evening, I had a different chain of thought running in my mind….a beautiful woman….romantic candle light dinner….a few glasses of wine….may be a dance with Purvi….romantic whisper’s…Purvi & me end up in bed at my place. It was nearing 8.30, Purvi was too excited & in no mood to continue on our project, she was talking about everything else but our project, gauging that the time is right, I on the pretext of picking up a file, put my hand across the table, my arm brushed her tits, Purvi did not bother to move back, may be because she did not notice it, I thought, so while taking the file back I purposely rubbed my arm again, but this time much harder, Purvi looked at me naughtily & smiled….I got that !!!! She said, but did not protest….this signal was loud & clear…I decided not to be naughty until later, I saw my watch, it was 8.45, “Come on lets go….we need to celebrate” saying this I shut all files on the table & stood up, Purvi followed, we got into the car & drove to a 5 star hotel on Juhu beach, the captain showed us to a table in a cozy corner away from the other guest, we sat ourselves down beside each other (normally people sit opposite each other, but since I wanted to be very close to Purvi, I purposely sat beside her) I ordered for a bottle of French Wine & we got talking, Purvi, was very excited & happy, she behaved like a kid who was celebrating her birthday, the steward brought the wine & poured it into our glasses & walked away, I raised my glass “ To you beautiful Purvi, good health, prosperity & many many more birthdays Cheers !!!!” “A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU PURVI ” Purvi raised her glass & we sipped the wine….I put my hand around Purvi’s shoulder….Purvi, was in seventh heaven, “Are you enjoying yourself ??” I asked,

“Yes very much, I have never celebrated my birthday like today, I am extremely thankful to you, really I mean it” …..”Oh, don’t thank me, it’s a pleasure to have such a beautiful company for the evening, its really romantic” saying this I pulled her a little closer, Purvi had finished her glass of wine so I filled it up again, Purvi was not really bothered what was happening around her, in all that happiness & excitement, she wasn’t even aware that my hand from her shoulder was now on her thigh, my hand was moving up & down her thigh & slowly trying to get between them, I kept whispering some romantic words into her ears & she was giggling away at it, slowly my hands got between her thighs, Purvi was slowly responding, her thighs started to widen slowly, as though she was enjoying it, I persisted, my hand went further inside until it touched her pussy, she slowly started resisting now…..I slowly withdrew my hand & put it around her shoulder, I slowly on the pretex of whispering in her ears, kissed her lightly on her cheeks, she smiled & looked at me…..”You are a wonderful person Rajan….otherwise who would spend so much time with a lady whom you hardly know for 2 days”….I pretending to be humble said, “Oh Purvi, please don’t say this, you are such a beautiful girl & I like you & I wanted to see you happy on your birthday, that’s why I celebrated your birthday, so that we could spend the evening together, saying this I pulled her towards me, I filled her glass again, Purvi was slightly tipsy….everything was happening as planned, I asked if she would like to have dinner, but she was to excited & said that she Was not hungry, so after paying the bill, we left, I put her in the car, the wine was hitting her slowly, but she could manage herself, while driving I said” Purvi, its late now & you will be alone at your place on your birthday, why don’t you spend the night at my place, we could listen to some music & continue the party” she thought for a while….O.K, i’ll spend the night at your place provided you promise not be naughty….I agreed, knowing very well what was in store for her, we reached my apartment, once in, I offered Purvi some more wine, she readily agreed, I put on some fast music & went into the bedroom to change, as I came out I saw, Purvi had kicked her shoes, thrown her chunni to one side & was dancing to the music, I had worn my track pants & a T shirt with no undergarments, all set for the kill, I joined Purvi, Purvi was least bothered what was happening around her, the glass of wine she had at my place had made her quite tipsy, anyways dancing with her I moved my hands all over her body, slowly I took her in my arms & we danced very close, I was already had a hop, my cock was hard & erect, dancing close it kept rubbing against Purvi’s pussy, I could see that Purvi, was enjoying it, I very well knew that, a women who has not had a cock for the past eight years, will do anything to get it, she only has to get a feel of it…anyways, our close dancing ended in an embrace, embrace further became a hot smooching session, finally, I picked her up & took her to my bedroom, I put her on the bed & kissed her, another long passionate smooch, my hands started moving all over her body, she was enjoying a man’s touch after 8 long years, she was getting all heated up, I pulled up her Kameez & then her bra, her round full tits were in front of me, I put my mouth to the left boob & started to suck, & with my right hand pinched her right boob nipple….aahh….ooohhh….she moaned, I kept sucking harder & biting her nipple in between, aaahhh….oooohhh….Rajan ……yes…yes….suck hard….please suck me…suck me…aaaahhhhhhh !!!!!! She moaned, her nipples were hard, I knew her pussy would be full of her juices & I was more than eager to lick all of it, imagine a pussy melting after 8 years. I moved down & pulled her salwar then her panty’s, I was right, her thigh’s were wet, I spread her legs wide apart & started to lick her pussy, it was heavenly, the more I licked the more juices flowed out….uuuum….aahhh….eeerrrrrrr !!!! She moaned I spread her pussy with my fingers & started to eat her clit….aaahhh….ooohhh….Rajan….you are so good at it…..please…please don’t stop….don’t stop….aaaahhh ,,,, mmm…..eat me ……eat me….Rajan….please…please ahhhhh….aaaahhhhh…yes…yes….suddenly she squirted a fountain of juices on my face, I licked her pussy of all the juices, Purvi was now hot & wanting to be fucked all the way, not giving much time,

I picked her up & carried her into the bathroom put her down & run the shower, the cold water ran down our bodies & once again Purvi was asking for more….Rajan…please ….please eat me.. Eat me saying this, sitting on the floor, she spread her legs wide & with her fingers opened her pussy, I went down on my knees & put my mouth to her pussy….aaaaahhhhh…. ….yes….yes…eat it….Rajan….eat it…..I started to bite her clit which was hard & protruding, standing out of her pussy like a hazel nut, Purvi was on fire…eat me…yes…yes…eat me….aaaahhh…. ….I got up & shoved my erect cock of 6.5” into her mouth, she readily accepted & started to suck…uuummm… …I kept moving my hips to & fro as though I was fucking Purvi in her mouth, her saliva dripping from my cock, my cock was ready for the final action, I pulled my cock out & laid her down in the bathroom and spread her legs & shoved my cock into her pussy….aaaahhhhhhh…she screamed….her pussy was tight, real tight, but in the heat of the moment I rammed it with full force…aaahhhhhhh… …slowly Rajan….slowly…I am being fucked after 8 years, have mercy on my pussy, I was in no mood to listen, I kept ramming her pussy Harder….slowly….slowly….Rajan…please….please….aaaaaaahhhhh….aaaaaaeeeeeeee !!!!I did not stop & Purvi kept screaming, after about 5 minutes, her screams turned into passionate moans…oooohhhhh…ya…ya….ooooohhhh…yyyaaaa…yes…Rajan…..fuck me….fuck me….ya… Ya…ya…aaaaahhhhh ….yes…yes…yes….fuck me Rajan, fuck…fuck…fuck….me, she was now enjoying my rock hard cock in her pussy….I kept ramming her pussy without mercy, she spread her legs even wider to get my cock as much as possible…aaahhhh…yes…fuck…fuck….Rajan…yes…fuck harder…harder….harder….fuck…fuck…meeeeee…..hhh….I increased my speed….my balls banging against her asshole…..faster…Rajan…faster…yes…yes…I couldn’t stop….my cock was red from the action….it need some rest, so pulled it out & shoved it into her mouth to suck, she sucked at it hungrily…the huge rod kept going in & out of her mouth & it got even harder, she was so hungry sucking at it, that her her lips touched my pelvic area & my cock was in her throat, she was so hungry that she devoured the entire 6.5” into her mouth….uuummmm… I pulled my cock out, shoved into her …aaaahhhhhh…. She moaned in ecstacy & her juicy pussy pulled the whole of my cock into it…..it was warm now & movement was much easier….fuck …fuck….fuck me….fuck me…..

Rajan…..she was almost reaching an orgasm…..her hands were caressing her tits & squeezing her nipples, her hips we moving faster than mine trying to get as much of my cock inside as possible, finally after ramming her to 10 more minutes I finally pulled my cock out & spilled on her stomach…..she was not satisfied as yet, she got up & sucked at my cock hungrily until it fell limp…..I picked her up & brought her out of the bathroom, gave her a towel to wipe herself, then we slept together in each others arms, again at 3.00 am she woke me up & we fucked again for an hour….this woman was out of her wits….she wanted to fuck more, she wanted to make up for all the lost time, it was only after I promised her that I would fuck her for the next 15 days that she agreed to go home that morning.I met Purvi again the next evening in the office, she had changed completely, I had given her what she was longing for & she was yet not satisfied, after finishing our work, we fucked in the office, this carried on for another 2 weeks, I on purpose prolonged my work on the project, so that I could fuck this hungry woman everyday. Mrs. Shah returned after a week & was quite satisfied with our plan & progress, finally I completed this project & they are doing good amount of business. Purvi keeps calling me up for advise of & on, we meet at her place to talk business & then a good fucking session.I hope you have enjoyed reading this sexual experience with Purvi. Any unsatisfied aunties, bhabhis, MILF can contact me on for sex and fun Looking forward to your mails…

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Aakhir Purva Ko Chod Hi Diya

Hi dosto mera Naam Yogesh hai aur me Indore me room par kiraye se akela rehta hun. Me indore me ek coaching me padta hun jahan kai ladkiya aati hai jinko dekhkar hi muth marne ka dil kare usi coaching me ladki padti thi jiska naam purva tha vo kafi sexy thi 36 26 34 par vo bahut bhaav khati thi ladko se vo bahut kam baat karti thi kai ladke us par line marte the jin me mai bhi tha jab maine us se baat karne ki koshish ki thi usne mujhse saaf keh diya ki me uske liye koi khwaab nahi dekhu par...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Friend Girlfriend Diya

Hi this is Rahul this is story about my experience with my friends girlfriend first let me tell you details about myself. I’m 6 feet and strong built boy with fair complexion and Diya the name of my friends girlfriend is around 5 ft 6 inches whitish complexion with figure to die for 34 32 36 and mostly she has the features of girl whose even horniest expression can make you cum, To my story began with our Shimla trip we all were going to shimla in pair you can say this was fuck trip...

3 years ago
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Dosti k kahtir chodnay diya

Doston aap logon k liye mainay ye story padhi or socha kiyoon na apnay sub say acchay doston k sath share karun per main aisa kehta hun baqi sub kisi ki bhi sotry ko apni bana ker jhoot keh detay hain ye mainay padha h or aap logon k liye yahan likh raha hun pasand aye to pyar say ek email kar dena to ye silsila chalta rehega warna pata nahi kub toot jaye apna lund hath main lay loo aur choot kay lips ko ungli say sehla sehla ker story padho to maza ayega aap ka dost vick...

2 years ago
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Maami Or Uni Beti Ko Chudaai Ka Asli Maza Or Sukh Diya

Hi friends, mera naam ronit ha, aur me iss ka bahut purana reader hu since 2007-08 or mene 1 story bhi post ki thi or aaj kal wo hot list me bhi h. Girls/bhabhis/aunties can contact me for any type of free service with 100% secrecy guaranteed. Ye story ha mere, meri maami or unki jawasn ladki ki waise to maami bhi bahut jwaan h. Me or stories ki tarah ye nhi kahu ga k unko dekh k log muth marte ha ya unko chodna chahte ha kyu ki mujhe kabhi kisi ne aisa kuch nhi kaha. Or han mere cock/lund k...

2 years ago
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Bus Me Aunty Ki Chut Mar K Bosada Bana Diya

Hiii me iss ka purana reader hu bhot sari stories padi h or muth b mari h aaj me apko meri kahani sunae ja rhaa hu Muje jab ahmedabad se puna kam ke silsile me jana tha tab mene ek travels me AC ki sleeper book kar di…shayad 14 ghante ka rasta tha…Train me booking nahi ho paya tha…kyun ki diwali ki season jo thi…to muje bus me ticket book karni padi… Vaise bus to bahut hi badhiya thi or 2X1 thi lekin muje jab seat mili tab sirf ek hi 2 size ka sofa khali tha…To mujse 500 rupya jyada liya or...

3 years ago
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Kese Bhabhi Gand Ko Chod Cho Ke Chatni Kar Diya

Hi friends this Raj again aap ne meri first story read ki hogi and mera name Raj he me Ahmedabad ka rahne wala hu me 3rd year B com me study krta hu meri age 20 years he muje to nahi pata but ladkiya bolti he ke me bhot handsome hu nd me jab chodta hu to ladkiyo ko jannat ki sher kara deta hu or 1 ya 2 gante tak ladki ko 6odta nahi hu. Jab tak usko pura satisfaction nahi milta bus chode hi jata hu aaj tak jitni bhi girls ya bhabhi ya aunty ko mene kiya he vo aaj bhi muje yad kiya krte he. My...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Diya

Namaskar dosto aap ko dost rahul ek baar phir aapne new story lekar aa gaya haii iss story mai mai aap ko bataungaa kii kaise maine aapne mousi kii bahu ko choda. Please padh kar mail jarur karna At I will be waiting. Tooo hua uuu ji jab mai aur archu chudai mai mast the tab humne darwaza band nahi kiyaa thaa aur bhabhi neee hame dekh liyaaa tha aur bhabhi. Hum see uss time tooo kuch nahiii boli aur phir karib 10-15 din baat jab mai archu kiii ghar gaya tab bhabhi ne kaha raj mujhe kahee...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi mein pel diya

hi frendz my name is,chalo naam mein kya rakha hai.after reading so many sexperiences of ppl in this forum i intend to write down my sex experience too and be a member of this faculty. Baat un dino ki hai jab hum naye naye delhi shift hue the.wahan sabhi log naye the,kuch logon se achha taalmel baitha to kuch se sirf dua-salaam hi hoti thi.wahin pados mein 1 couple rehta tha,husband’s name was kj and wife’s name was sonu.main unhe kj bhaiya aur sonu bhabhi bulata tha.bhaiya thode lallu kism k...

3 years ago
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Chut ko bhosdi me badal diya

Hi iss ke doston, faulad jaisa land walon aur kamsutra ki devi garama garam chut walion ko mera sex bhara land se chut aur gand ko fata-fat sata-sat pelta hua namaskar. Main skumar, jodhpur ka rahne wala hoon aur 25 saal ka, height 6 ft., hathiyar 7” lamba aur 3” mota, topa massroom ke chhate jaisa bara aur gulabi, gora, handsome aur sexy navyubak hoon aur bahut hi private on special demand play-boy ka kam karta hoon. Main apne achhe achhe dealing ke bare men nam badal kar jaroor likhta...

2 years ago
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Saheli ne chood diya

Us din mein pehli baar is hostel me kadam rakhi thi. Mujhe ajeeb sa lag raha tha. Sab mujhe yun dekh rahe the jaise kha jayenge. Mujhe uparwale room mein accomodation mila tha. Meri room mate thi mita. Woh dekhne me bahut sundar thi. Mujhe has ke swagat kiya. Phir. Maine apna sara saman thik thak idhar udhar kar ke rakhli. Dopahar ko khane ke liye niche gayee, to hostel ke mess me saaree ladkiyan phir se mujhe aise dekh rahi thi mano main koi raj kumari hun aur sab mujhe appreciate kar rahi...

2 years ago
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Couple Ne Offer Diya

Hiii friends main prince, good looking handsome boy 5.11ft. Meri hieght hai. Colour fair. 6 inch a lund. Kuch month pehle main facebook per ek couple se chat kar raha tha wo delhi se the. Kaafi baat hone ke baad usne mujhey apni biwi ke sath sex karne ka offer diya. Maine puncha bhabhi ji taiyar hai to wo bola ki bhai bhabhi taiyar he maine usko bta diya he bus main apni biwi ko thoda extra maja dena chata hun isliye tumko uske sath sex ka offer de raha hun maine bol diya ok bro….  I’m ready....

2 years ago
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Anjan Aurat Ko Judwa Baccho Ka Sukh Diya

Hello friends, mai rajiv(name changed) iss ka regular pathak hu.Isme maine kafi sari desi hot sex stories padhi isliye mujhe bhi feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni story aap logo se share karni chahiye. A meri pehli story hai jise mai aaj aap sab se share karne ja raha hu. To ab der na karte huye story par aate h.Main jamshedpur se belong karta hu aur ek average physic ka ladka hu yani ki aap bol sakte hai ki na jyada mota aur na hi jyada patla. Meri height 5.7″ nd land ka size 7″ hai.A baat karib 2...

3 years ago
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Rakhi me diya

Hi friends. Mera naam suraj hain.main delhi me job karta hun .main apane mammi papa ke pass har 2 mahine me ghum kar aata hun. Mere ghar me meri mammi,papa aur mujhse 2 saal chhoti sister suman hain.jo abhi 19 saal ki hain. Main aur suman hamesa ek dost ki tarah rahte the aur mere dil me kabhi bhi suman ke liye koi galat irada nahi tha.ek baar jab main ghar gaya to suman ko dekha to mujhe “indian sex stories” bhai bahan ke kisse yaad aagaye.us waqt mujhe mere samne meri bahan nahi balki ek...

2 years ago
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Meri Bhabhi Ko Sukh Diya

Hi dosto, mera naam Sameer hai aur mein Ranchi, Jharkhand se hun. Ye meri pehli kahani hai to agar koi galti hui to maaf kariyega. Maine waise apne life mein bohut sex kiya hai par ye incident kuch different hai. To main iss incident ko aapke saath ek story ke roop mein share karna chahta hu aur ye 100% real hai. Main 24 saal ka jawaan ladka hu. Meri height 5’11” hai. Aur 8 months pehle maine ek bhabhi ki paiso ke liye chudai start ki thi. Fir dhire dhire mere 7 clients ban gaye jinhe main...

1 year ago
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Hyderabadi Unsatisfied Lady Ko Satisfaction Diya

Agar koi ladki ya bhabhi mujhse satisfied hona chahti hai ya sex chat karna chahti hai to plz feel free to email me my email id is Ek din mujhe ek email aya ek ladki married ladki ka usme likha tha ki wo mujhse baat karna chahti hai to maine uska email ka jawab diya ladki ka naam seema tha (name change due to privacy) wo bhe hyderabad ki rehne wali the bato bato me hum dono ne ekdusre ka number exchange kiya aur whatsapp pe baate hone lagi. Phir usne mujhe apna photo bheja wowww mai to photo...

1 year ago
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Dost ki maa ko maza diya

Hi to all indiansexstories readers my name is Amir and my age is 22 years I’m working in a MNC in lahore Pakistan. Mein ISS ka bahut bara fan hun yeh mera true incident hai.This story is abt me and my friend’s mother who is name is Sandhya (Fake) she is mother of my best friend Uzair. I will write the story in hindi so yeh 4 yrs pehlay ki baad hai uzair aur mein bahut achay friends thay mai akser us k ghar. Jata rehta tha aunty bahut sweet thi woh hamesha mujhse bahut pyar se baat kiya karti...

3 years ago
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Pados Wale Ladke Ne Chod Diya

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main dikhne me ek dum maal hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h aur mujhe ladko se chudwane me bahut accha lagta h aur mujhe mote lund aur bade lund bahut pasand h ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse chat karungi. Main apne apko bhaut maitain karke rakhti hu aur mujhe meri colony ke padsi ladke bahut line marte h aur main bhi kabhi kabhi un logo ko response deti hu. Main aaj apko bataungi kaise mujhe ek...

1 year ago
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Uncle Ne Sex Kar Diya

Mera naam shweta hai aur me 18 years ki hu. Me hamesha se thodi chubby thi aur ekdum gori ( fair ) mujhe bachpan se sleeveless aur tight kapde pehne me shram aati thi par 4 mahine pehle meri frnd rinku aur fiza ne mujhe bola ki tu beautiful hai aur ladke tujhe tabhi pasand karege jab tu thode kam kapde pehnegi par mujhe toh shram aati thi tabhi 1 din fiza ne mujhe sleeveless top diya aur bola ki piche wali sunsaan gali jaha bohot kam log rehte hai waha kuch der sleeveless pehn ke tu ghum, koi...

3 years ago
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Maa Ne Naya Baap Diya

Hello readers mera naam Aditya hai age18 yr mai; Lucknow ka rehne waala hoo. Aur aaj mai ap sbhi ko apni ghar ki dastan batane jarha hoo; jo ek dum sacchi haiii. Aur meri maa ki khani haiii jisne sab kuch badal ke rakh diyaa. Ye dastan 2 saal pehle hui thi meri maa ka naam Sarita hai age 33 yr rang goraa. Ab khani pe ata hoo mere parivar me 4 log haii Maa ,Pita ji mai aur daadi. Mere pitaji kapdo ke showroom me kaam karte the unhi ki kamai se hum log ka guzara hua kartaa thaa. Din acche kat rhe...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Maa Ne Birthday Gift Diya

Hello Dosto mera naan Suraj Thakur hai. aap sab readers ko happy new year mubarak ho. kaise hai aap sab log. asha karta hu aapko new year kafi chut aur land mile. to main aapne baare me kuch bata deta hu. main amravati me rahne wala ladka hu aur main ek middle family belong karta hu. ye story meri aur mere friend ke mom ki hai. Main ek bohat sidha aur sarmila ladka hu. aur mere dost hamesha mujhe is baat ke liye daate rahte hai. mera ek best friend jo amol ki family ek maharashtrian hai . amol...

4 years ago
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Didi ko makan malik ne chod diya

Hi mera naam nitin hai .mai kanpur ka rahne waala hoon aaj mai apko ek aur kahani sunane ja raha hu. Ye kahani kishi aur ki nahi mere didi ki hai. Mai waise to kanpur ka rahne wala hu lekin abhi pune me rahta hu. Meri didi mere saath rehti hai.. Mai do room ke ek flate me rahata hu. Aaj mai apne didi ki pahli aisi kahani sunane jaa raha hu jise maine apne aakho se dekha hai. Sabse pahle mai apka parichay apne didi se aur apne makan malik se kara du. Meri didi jinki umar 24 saal ki ek sundar aur...

2 years ago
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Mammi ko sukh diya

Priy bhaiyo mere sath jo bita yadi meri jagah aap hote to shayad aap bhi aisa hi karte, esme koi sharafat dikhanevali baat hi nahi thi,kyonki me koi sadhu sanyasi to hu nahi jo ki apni echaao ko apne vash me kar lu.Pahle to me apko apne parivar ke bare me bata du.Ghar me papa mammiaur me hum tin hi prani he.Papa ko apni nokari ke karan lagatar tourpar hi rahna hota he, Ab ghar me mere aur mammi ke alava koi nahi bachata.mammi ki age 38-40 ke bich hogi lekin unhone khud ko kafi maintain kiya he...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ko Massage Diya

Hi doston mera name hai Nimku aur mera Lund ka size 7inch hai jo koi aunty ya girl free mein satisfy hona chahti ho toh mail karen par Toh story pe aate hai iss story ki heroine mere flat ki aunty hai jinka name hai Mintu aur dekhne mein bilkul Jacqueline Fernandez jaisi. Unki figue 36-28-36 hai. Unki legs bilkul waxed aur toned hai puri milky white Jacqueline toh bhi complex de sakti hai aise hai Aunty mere flat ki. Ek din Dusheera ke time pe aunty kuch kaam karte waqt gir gayi thi jisse unke...

2 years ago
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Hardcore Sex Experience With Diya

Hi, my all lovely ISS readers. I am your own Prince here to make you drip and to get some lovely and pinkish female friends. I believe that When I make love colour, age and cast is irrespective. So any female friend can reach to me easily at So, it’s my experience which I don’t believe as I don’t consider myself who can take a girl down to bed in 5 days only.Actually, I am working in an MNC and I use to roam at different parts of Delhi-NCR, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. We were having a...

3 years ago
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Dost Kind Maa Ko Jam Kee Choda Aur Mall Andar Gira Diya

Hello hello Dosto your vishal is back again a very long time due to out of india for business purposes nw today  I  share with us a real incident me now my frns mom the story is 29.04.2016.Chalo dosto land hilana chalu karo. Baat 29.04.2016 ki hain mera dost sanjay mere ghar see 1 hr ki duri par renta hain.Mujhe usne sham 4 baje apne ghar par bulaya main gaya uske ghar bell bajaiye aunty ne darwja khola maine namaste kiya aur aur andar gaya aunty nighty mein thi aunty kee bade bade chuche dekh...

3 years ago
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Jab Chachi Ne Mere Towel Me Apna Hath Daal Diya

Hi everyone! Main apke samne apni life ki ek jaise gatna share karna chahta hu jisse lardkiyo ke rongte khade ho jayenge aur lardko ka pata nai kya kya khada ho jayega. Chaliye aapko seedha kahani pe le chalta hu, waise agar kahani pasand aaye ya apka contact karne ka maan karre to please feel free to get in touch on Ye baat last holi ki hai. Mere ghar ek colony me hai, use colony me mere ek relative ka ghar v hai. Wo log do bhai hai. Waise to wo log riste me mere chacha lagte hai lekin unki...

3 years ago
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Didi Ki Saas Ko Jam Kar Choda Aapna Maal Uske Chut Par Laga Diya

Hello Dosto I m back your vishal yaar meri jitni bhi story hain wo sab sataya gatna hain ek lady ne mujhe mail kiya puchti hain is this true story mujhe kya pada hain jo fake story banakar aaplogo ke land se maal nikala trust is the main thing khair chhoro story suno currently 03.03.2016 ki ke kaise maine apne didi ki saas ko choda uadipur mein aapko tho pata hoga 29 ko maine apni naukrani ko choda hain pata nhn tha mujhe meri didi ke ghar par bhi chut mil jayegi wo bhi 50 saal ki aurat ka.Tho...

2 years ago
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Meri Behen Ki Chut Faad Diya

Hello to all my Indian sex story readers .. Main is site ke regular reader hun .. Maine do tin story bhi likha hai .. Aaj jo story main aap logon ko batane jaa raha hun wo meri chhoti bahen ki sachchi kahani hain .. Jyada intezar nahi karaunga aap logon ko .. Sidha story ke taraf chalte hai .. Lekin usse pahele main apne aur meri bahen ke bare me kuchh bata deta hun … Ye story jab ki hai tab mera umar sirf 22 tha aur meri bahen nila 18 ki thi .. Wo bachpan se hi bahot khubsurat aur cute thi .....

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Ko Dard Ka Ehsaas Nahi Hone Diya

Hello everyone.. this is Sonam again with a new story friend’s thanks mujhe feedback dene k liye .. mujhe itne mail aaye yej dekh kar mujhe bahut khushi hui! isi trah se mail karte rahiye ..yeh story mere ek fnd aur uski gf ki hai .. wo dono meri hi class mein padhte hain ..ladhke ka naam amit hai . aur ladhki kanika.(name changed) .. yeh kahani ab ladke ki jubani ..hi .. mera naam amit hai , aur meri height 5’11” hai .. Rang gora aur body ekdam shape mein hai .. meri bahut saari gf rahi hai...

3 years ago
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Call Boy Ne Khush Kar Diya

Hi I’m Sharmila . I’m from Ahmedabad . i m married 35. muje sex bahot pasand he . main regular iss pe story read karti hu. mera figure 36 32 38 he.jo bhi meri gand or boobs dekhta he w uska dewana ho jata he. jaise maine kaha muje sex bahot pasand he par mere husnband ko sex itna pasand nahi. wo apne business me busy rahete he. ye meri paheli story he. hope for great response Ye bat 10 days pahele ki he. Hamre area me ladies ki kiti party hoti he har 15 days me 1 bar hoti he. EK ba meri frined...

1 year ago
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Mami nepPyaar diya

Yeh kahani us waqt ke hai jab mai 18 saal ka tha, us waqt mai apne 12th ke exam de raha tha, use waqt pata chala k hamare ek door k Mama ke death ho gaye aur vidhwa mami aur unka beta hamare yahan aa rahe hai rehne k liye. Unke umar kareed 28 saal ke hoge aur unka ek beta jo ke 5 saal ka tha.Unke liye mere dimag mai kabhi galat khyal nahi aye par woh the bahut sexy gora rang aur gathela badan. Woh hamre yahan rehne lagee kyunki sab log jada tar bahar rehte thee isliye mummy ko unki jarurat...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behen Ki Shadi Mein Dost Ki Dadi Ki Choda Maal Andar Gira Diya

Hello Dosto main vishal fir se ek satay ghatna le kar aaya hu aapka mail bauth sare logo ka aaya bauth khusi hui ke aur bhi jaldi satay ghatna pesh karu tho mujhe mail aab story par aata hu Baat hain 13.03.2016 sunday ki dost ki badi sister ki shadi thi mujhe mere dost ne jaipur se phn kiya kaha tu aha ja didi ki shadi hain 15 tarik ko bauth kaam hain akela nhn ho payega maine kaha k bhai dnt worry main kal subha aha raha hu maine ghar par kaha aur subha ki flight se jaipur chala gaya dost ke...

3 years ago
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Bete Ne Chudai Sukh Diya

Hi friend, i am sarwesh from bihar. Meri last do story 1. Chut ke raste kismat khuli 2. Mere pyare chacha ji aap logo ne padhi hogi. Ager nahi padhi to jarur padiye aur comment kariye. Meri ye new story ek maa bete ki hai. Mai jab mumbai gaya tha to vaha ek 35 year ki aurat se mila. Maine use pataya aur 4 dino tak uski chudai ki. Usi ne mujhe bataya ki kaise uske bete se uske chudai ki shuruaat hui. Aage ki story usi se suniye. Hello dosto mai shabnam hu. Mai ek tv actress hu. Mere husband se...

3 years ago
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Powercut Ne Sexy Didiko Chodneka Mauka De Diya

By : Akashdas145 Hi friends of ISS. I am Akash. I am 5ft 10 inch, slim. This is my first story. Please give comment and send me email in . Today I am here to share a true story of life with you. It is the story of that time when I was in my 12th grade. I just gave the board exam of 12th grade. So I was free that time. Now I am going to narrate this story in Hindi for better understanding. To ekdin main shopping mall mein ghumne chala gaya kyunki us time main free tha. Actually mera ilada tha k...

4 years ago
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Piya Ko Diya

hello dosto sabhi ISS padne walo ko mera namaskaar….mera naam rajesh hai aur mai delhi mai rahta hoon…mai ISS ko phechele 2 saalon se pad raha hoon….aur ye mere phele story hai kyon ki abhi tak sex karne ka ek hi moka mila hai baat issi saal ki hai january ki, jab mai delhi aaya aur yaha ek room rent pe liya tha…..jaga maine room liya tha us building mai lagbhg 100 family aur rahti thi….mai third floor pe tha aur waha pe 4-5 larkiya thi…. ek larki jiska naam piya tha wo mujhe acchi lagne lage...

3 years ago
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Mousi ko chodne mai Maa ne saath diya

E mera pehli publish hai aap sab ko zaru pasand aayega.Mai suvam 19 saal ka bengoli ladka hu,kolkata mai rehta hu. Story begins………… Mai humesa se he mature aurato ko pasand karta hu ku ke mai mature auroto mai he bada hua hu.Meri ghar mai hum teen log rehte ha mai,maa(43),mousi(39).Baba humesa he bahar rehte the kaam ke wajese.Jawan hote he maa mujhme physically&mentally change dekh liya tha.Chote umar se he mai mousi ko man he man mai chata tha aur unhe apna banana chata tha.Mousi ka figure...

4 years ago
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Jeebah uske gand ke ander daal diya

Hi I love yaad hai na meri story aapp sabe ko btuh passnd ayie or muje ko buth sare mail mile jise main delhhi ki female or school girl hai or cpls bhi hai..meri kash bath ye hi hai ki main apny clint ki detali kiss ko nahi deth hun kyone vo muje per belive kerth hun app sabe ko meri story kesi legi muje ko maile jrroo kerun or chat kerun. Meri id hai per ok Meriid hai{{{{{{{{ abe sabe sy meri requst hai ki muje ko mail jarro kerun because main asi hi app sabe sy apni real story sahre kerth...

4 years ago
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Jammu Ki Aunty Ko Maza Diya

Mera asli naam rehne do sedhe story pado. Me jammu ka rehne wala hu aur muje sex ka bhut shok hai…Me sex ke liye addicted ho gaya hu , isi wajah se muje apni dost ki maa ko chodne ka khyal aata rehta tha..Vo kafi frank thi mere sath bachpan se hi aur me b jab se muth marne laga tab se hi uski bare me soch soch ke muth mara karta tha..Mera dost bahr engg karta tha aur mere dost ke papa govt job karte the aur unki duty jammu ke bhr thi ,mere dost ki bhen b hai jiske b mere ekele me momme dbaye ha...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behen Ko Chord Hi Diya

Hi main raj, jamnastami k din paida hua hu to ras leela karunga hi….. Anyways ye story kuch ajib but sachhi hai…Maine engineering ki hai waha mera ek dost tha chandan 1st year ke 1st sem khatm hone k baad main jb laut raja tha tab mujhe pata chala k chandan bhi mere hi home town ka h…..Wo mere ghar aaya main uske ghar bhi gaya,humachhe dost bann gaye the…Jb main uske ghar gaya tb maine pehle baar story ki heroine yaani chandan ki behen priya ko dekha…. Tab wo kaafi achhe figure wali ek kamsin...

4 years ago
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Ghar Ka Pyaar Mom Ne Diya

Hi friends this is Amit. Mai abi 20 years ki age ka hu aur Agra se B.Tech kr raha hu. Meri family mei meri mom Sanjana, choti sis Sakshi aur dad hai. Meri mom ki age 43 hai aur sis abi 18 yrs ki hone wali hai. Ye story meri mom aur mere beech hui real incident pe based hai. Waise to mai porn kafi small age se dekh raha hu par jab mai 18 years ka tha tab mere ek friend ne iss ke bare mei bataya. Tab se mai iss ka regular reader hu. Pehle mujhe incest k bare mei kuch bi pata nit ha. Ye sab muje...

3 years ago
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Padoswali aunty aur uski behan ki choot phad diya

Hello friends, main aaj phir apni ek chudai bhari khani sunane ja raha hu.i m from ranchi.Main subah 6 baje tution ko jata aur karib 10 baje vapas aata seema aunty apane ghar par jaise koi aurat apane husband ka intjar karati vaise hi vah khana bana kar naha dhokar mera intjar karati thi. Jaise main 10 baje unke ghar aata. Vah darvaja khola kar mera apani sexy smile se mera swagat karati. Aur jaise hi main ghar ke under aata vah darwaja band karake mujhase lipat jati aur main unhe vaha se...

1 year ago
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Mene Apni Bhua Ki Ladki Ko Chod Kar Pregnant Kar Diya

Hello friends me is id ka regular reader hu me hamesa yaha story padhkar muth marta aur apni aag ko thandi karta tha mera name bhawesh he me pali rajasthan ka rahne vala hu jyada bor nahi karte huye story pe aata hu bat un dino ki he jab me 5-6 sal ka tha jab meri bua ki ladki mere ghar par aai aur hum khelne lage tabhi use bathrum aaya aur hum dono ne sdath me bathrum kiya mene dekha uske niche kuch nahi tha mene touch kiya to vaha khadda tha usne mujhe kaha ki ladkiyo ki ese hi hoti he phir...

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