Bird Watching 0
- 2 years ago
- 64
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On Saturday morning the neighborhood awoke shocked by the news of his detention.Mr. Albert Ryan had been arrested under a drug trafficking accusation. Hiswife, Angela, and his two daughters Alice (18) and Anna (15) were also undersuspect and, even they were not arrested, they have been put under their neighbor'ssurveillance, fulfilling the new law "people watching people". This law qualifiesa normal citizen to act as a procuration Officer and it confers the power ofJudge, prison warder and executioner if necessary.
The police captain chose for this task an ex-KGB officer and next house neighbor,Mr. Manzhula. This Russian was well known in the neighborhood. He and his familysettled down just 2 years ago but now they were fully integrated and respectedcause of their kindness and wealth.
Irina, his oldest daughter, was Alice's best friend and his twin sons Igorand Ivan (14) are numbered between the school's bests, even their behaviorleaves a lot to be desired.
"Mr. Manzhula" said Captain Clark after reading the obligatory informationsheet "you are in charge now" and saying this he handed over a symbolic (andreal) golden handcuff key. Angela, Alice and Anna standing next to Mr. Clarkoffered than their handcuffed wrists for Mr. Manzhula to free them.
A police camera man was recording the whole event. He filmed the 40 yearsold pretty woman, with long brown hair and her slim waist, than he recordedthe 18 years old girl with her short black hair, and her endless long legs,he took his time on her round ass, to finally film the younger blond beauty.He than registered the symbolic handing over of the golden key and Mr. Manzhula'searnest look.
Angela woke up that Saturday with the hope she had just had a bad dream,but Albert's absence told her immediately the nightmare was still lasting.
Never in her 40 years long life she had felt as humiliated as yesterday;handcuffed as a criminal and put under her Neighbor's surveillance, whilsther husband was taken to prison.
Thanks god that Mr. Manzhula didn't hesitate in freeing them, otherwise shewould've died.
Her mood rose slowly and when the door bell rang that afternoon, she happilyopened it to find Ms. Isha Manzhula standing outside.
"Hi, Angela, may I come in?" asked Isha and went in without waiting for ananswer.
"Are the Kids home?" Isha asked sitting on the sofa.
"No, no …" started Angela a little bit bewildered by her neighbor'sstrange behavior "Alice is out with Irina and her boyfriend and Anna went totown with some friends…"
"Why don't you make a coffee and sit down" interrupted Isha "I want you tolisten carefully"
Angela went to the kitchen still shocked, but she came back with the coffeeand the decision to put and end to that situation.
"Isha, look," she started, but was immediately interrupted "For you its Ms.Manzhula, and it's you to look and to listen what I'm going to tell you…"
Alice was having a similar strange situation. She had happily accepted herfriend's invitation to go to the cinema, but was surprised when she was pickedup by Irina and her boyfriend. Why the hell is Irina bringing this nerd? Sheperfectly knows I can't stand him, she thought.
"Come on, Alice, loosen a little bit up" Irina said when she jumped asidetrying to escape Ted taking her by the waist.
"But Irina, you know I don't like…"
"Alice" Irina's voice was sharp as a knife "he's my boyfriend and if he feelslike strutting along with two girls on his arms you should play along…" andseeing the deep anger in her friends eyes she added " At least if you consideryourself my friend"
Alice let it happen. He went from the parking to the cinemas with one girlin each arm.
Alice felt exhibited, she felt strange, as if HE had been the only reasonfor inviting her.
Reinforced by his girlfriend Ted slowly lowered both his hands. To touchIrina's butt was no big deal, but to fondle Alice's ass was another history.
Alice felt perfectly clear how his hand was slowly lowering, but after thereprimand she just got, she waited and hoped Ted to stop before being forcedto act again.
Ted, of course, didn't stop and finally squeezed her ass. "Edward" she shriekedand jumped aside "don't you dare…"
"Alice" Again it was Irina, and again her tone made Alice stop. "I've toldyou once and I'm not going to tell you again" she angrily said "Ted is MY boyfriendand if he feels like feeling up your behinds you should let it happen. Makinghim happy, you make me happy and being friends as we are; you'll do this tomake me happy, don't you?
Irina's twisted logic hit Alice. Yes, they were friends, but what kind offriend asks her friend to keep quiet for her boyfriend to fondle her. Therewas something absolutely wrong at it and ……
Ted, in the meantime, was fondling, caressing, squeezing and petting herass. She walked along with them really not knowing how to stop this, when theyfinally arrived at the movie theater and Ted let them waiting and went to buythe tickets.
"Irina are you crazy or what?" Alice asked her friend as soon as they werealone "You know I cannot even see him and you ask me to let him touch me?" Irinatook Alice by her shoulders, with both hands, and looking deeply into her friend'seyes she said:
"Alice, I'm your God now, don't forget it. You are under my father's, andas his legal extension under mine, surveillance. I can, if I want to, publiclystrip, beat, rape or slaughter you and any present policeman would only helpME, if you struggle too much." Alice went white.
Irina waited a moment and went on "From now on I don't want to hear the word "NO" fromyou. You are to follow my instructions and to do it smiling or I start punishingyou …"
Irina stopped talking cause Ted was coming back, but Alice had heard enough,she was not going to enjoy the movie.
"My husband" finished Isha speaking to a naked kneeling Angela "expects youto follow his instructions without delay" Than before standing up, she oncemore petted the kneeling woman between her legs, took her neighbors keys andwent away.
Angela started writing down the horrible instructions:
1) Dressed only in high heels and minis, underwear was forbidden, she hadto show up each morning at Mr. Manzhula's door to receive her daily instructions.
2) Whenever she is in the presence of any Manzhula family member she hasto behave as his Maid.
3) She is to instruct Anna that from now on she has to come over after schoolto play with the boys. Well the instructions were more like "for the boys toplay with her".
4) She's the final responsible of her family behavior and will be punishedfor it.
She remembered more instructions, but had no emotionally force to write themdown.
The afternoon had been horrible. She had not even started sipping her coffeewhen Isha told her to stand up to have a look at her. "You are like livestocknow" Isha told her "and we are going to benefit from it". Isha made her modelingin her own living. Occasionally Isha stood up and fondled her or stripped herof a piece of clothing.
Isha loved standing behind her neighbor to cup both her tits; she did itrepeatedly in different states of undress of her prey.
Angela who had never been touched by a woman felt deeply humiliated havingher tits massaged by her pretty Russian neighbor, in her own living and againsther will.
But after the tit massage she had to strip further till she was allowed tokneel beside her neighbor, stark naked and with the hands on her back. Thereshe got her instructions. Isha caressed her inner folds, finger fucked her,cupped her cunt, probed her ass, played with her tits and made her open hermouth and stick her tongue out, whilst explaining what was expected from her.She even took from her the right of going home without permission and had todeliver her keys. Her daughters should also deliver them, once they come home.And they should do it 'dressed the right way'; even their definitive dresscode would be established later on.
"Irina" asked Ted sitting between the two women" is Alice allowed rejectingmy hand on her thigh. I was getting a hard on and now she's spoiling my fun" Irinakissed her boyfriend and than said a humiliating "Alice, behave".
Alice stopped fighting his hands and regretted the way she was dressed. Herspandex trouser fitted as a glove, there was little difference between touchingher naked leg or through those trousers. Ted moved his hands up and down tillhe reached he slit. Her humiliation was increased because he was deeply kissinghis girlfriend, as if touching her was not important. She pressed her legstogether, trying to prevent him touching her most private parts. This timehe didn't ask his girlfriend. He viciously pinched her clit through the fabric. "Ahaaaaaaahh" shecried. The whole cinema turned their heads.
"Sorry, sorry" she explained red as a beet "I've trapped my fingers in thisstupid seat"
She literally sank into her seat. And she opened her legs, granting Ted'shand free access to her sanctum sanctorum. Ted putting his hand on her cunt,slowly stared fingering her slit. He massaged her nether lips, pressed on theright spot and went on touching and feeling. Suddenly Irina stood up and satnext to her. She opened Alice's blouse and taking a tit into her hand she toldher friend. "You see Alice, if you behave, all of us are happy" Then in silenceshe mauled the tit "Ted feel this one is magnificent" And Ted with his freehand fondled her tit.
When the movie finished Alice was sitting there, braless, with an open blouseand a wet spot between her legs.
They went out and Ted again took one girl with each arm. Alice didn't carethis time; she was to frighten anybody would recognize her in her present stateof undress.
"Anna my dear" started Angela as soon as Anna came home "Mom" shouted Annayou look amazing. "Yes, thank you but…"
"No, really you look astonishing why you don't dress more often like this" Anna'senthusiasm did not match with Angela's feeling "Anna" she shouted "listen".
"Yes?" Isha opened the door to find Anna standing outside holding her keys. "Ms.Manzhula, my mom told me to bring you my key and to play with your boys ifthey are home"
"Yes, of course, come in" Isha took the keys and went on speaking to thegirl "I'm so happy you finally decided to show up. Since we moved in my kidswanted to play with you, but you ….But today they will be happy."
She abruptly finished her sentence to knock at a door "Ivan, Igor? Anna ishere for you to play with her.
Anna didn't like the structure of the sentence "for you to play with her" butcoming from a Russian speaking woman she didn't care too much.
Anna had not been explained the real situation they were in. Angela justtold her that being under the Manzhulas surveillance they should be nicer thanbefore, and that Ms. Manzhula would be happy if she went to play with the boys.
One hour later Irina showed up with Ted and Alice. Alice's blouse was stillopen and her tits clearly visible. Ted had one arm over his girlfriend's shouldersand the other arm over Alice's, blatantly fondling her tit.
"Mom, Alice is staying for dinner, you don't mind, do you?" asked Irina. " Kanieshna " saidIsha in a friendly manner "your friend is always welcome" Said this she stuckout her hand and impudently started to fondle Alice's cunt. "I think you shouldchange her, it seems she enjoyed the cinema very much." Alice was too shockedto react. It seems today everybody felt free to take liberties with her body.
"Alice, be a pet and tell your Mom to come and have dinner with us, beforechanging" Added Isha. Alice turned and felt a hard slap on her bottom "Girlie,speed up, we are waiting and don't hang about on the way."
Two minutes later Alice and Angela were standing at the front door. Whata picture.
The black haired young beauty showing her upper department in her tight whitespandex trousers standing next to the more mature woman, very pretty too, wearingfour inch heels, a too short mini and a black blouse.
"The Ryan family" said Isha opening the door "come in".
Alice was told to go upstairs to Irina's room and Angela was led into theliving. There Isha sat down and let her neighbor standing at the door. "Angela,first you'll go and check if the boys are having fun, than you'll check ifIrina needs your help and finally you go to prepare dinner." Isha dismissedher new maid and put on the TV.
The picture Angela found when she entered the twin's room made her shriek.
Her beloved Anna was stark naked standing on tiptoe on four or five books.A rope pending from the ceiling had been attached to her neck and was now menacingto strangle her. Her hands had been bound in a cunning manner. One in the frontand the other in the back; they were joined by two length of rope. The firstcut deep into her pretty blond cunt, the other one looped around her neck.It was devilish. The more she tried to ease the pressure on her neck the morethe rope cut into her cunt and when she tried to release this one she strangledher.
"Hi, Miss Angela" It was Igor who greeted. "We are playing hangman" "Hangwoman" correctedIvan and both started laughing. They were twins but at the age of 14 nobodywould tell. Igor was fat, at least 160 pounds, but Ivan was slim and seemedhigher.
Both were half naked and caressing their cocks whilst playing with poor Anna.
"You monster, what are you doing" shouted Angela and wanted to help her daughter.
"Angela?" She heard the iron voice of Isha.
Angela stopped on the spot. "Please, please, Miss" she started "they aregoing to kill her…"
"Angela I asked you to check if the boys were having fun, not to spoil it" Isha'svoice was so full of menace that even a flame would freeze. "Tell me Angelaare the boys having fun?"
"I expect a full sentence, you stupid slut" Said Isha and slapped Angela'sface.
"Yes, the boys are having fun"
"Well than everything is OK, isn't it?"
Angela looked again at Anna, still fighting to keep balance and deeply humiliatedbeing naked and bound in front of these boys with witnesses, than she glancedat the boys stroking their dicks and smiling…
"Yes, Miss, everything is OK"
Than lift your skirt and tell the boys to go on having fun. Angela slowlylifted her skirt, until she was showing the nude sex of a grown woman to thekids.
Both boys darted forward and started fingering it. Angela looked at Anna.
"You can go on playing, iiiifff you are haviiing fun" produced Angela atlast"
"And tell them not to worry if they spoil something" added Isha.
The tension was horrible. Here she stood, with her cunt on display for twoteenage nerds to look at and feel up looking at her almost hanging, naked daughterhaving to tell them to go on playing and to not worry if they disgrace herbeloved Anna.
"Go on … playing and don't worry ….if …"
Whilst she was talking the boys were finger fucking her.
"…if spooooiiil her!" she finished the sentence crying. Shehad just allowed her neighbors to snuff her own daughter if they feel likeit.
"Good, good Angela" said Isha, petting her ass.
"Do you want to play with her too?" She asked the boys.
"Da, da my xatem" said both in her mother language.The only problem of playing with Anna the way they were doing it, was thatnobody was caring their cocks, but Anna's mom could solve this problem.
When Anna had entered their room more than one hour ago she wanted to bekind to these kids. For her, 14 years old boys were as uninteresting as hergrandpa and she just wanted to show her willingness.
But as soon as she entered she felt the strange atmosphere.
When they asked her to show them how to dance she didn't expect slow dancing.
Igor was the first and after turning twice he put his hand on her buttocks.
Angrily she replaced his hand, just to note the other hand fondling her ass.She stopped dancing and menaced to go home. They agreed that like this theycouldn't play c njom.
It is said that twins communicate each other in strange ways, Anna neverthought about it but for the moment both of them attacked her. In less thanthirty seconds they had bound her hands on her back and attached a slipknotto her neck.
Her cries stopped suddenly; my pulling her new neck rope. They went on dancing.This time one holds her neck rope and the other faked dancing feeling her up.They kneaded her ass, fingered her slit, and massaged her tits, holding heron a leash like an animal.
Anna was openly crying but could nothing against these two monsters. Theywere having a great time and she just prayed for someone to come in. Anna hadnever been touched in a sexual manner and now she had to add her own arousingto the humiliation she was undergoing.
Then it occurred to them to play hangman.
They piled up ten thick books on the floor and made her stand on them. Shetried to fight or protest but they slapped her ass and tightened the rope aroundher slim neck, until she obediently followed their lead.
Finally she stood on the books and the neck rope was fixed to the ceiling.The game could start.
The boys explained the rules to her, feeling her up all the way.
They were going to ask different questions. For each wrong answer she couldchoose if loosing a clothing item or a book. For each right answer it was themto strip a piece of clothing.
The first five questions were:
Which is the oldest lake in world? (Baikal)
Saint Petersburg is the modern name of which city? (Leningrad)
Who is going to be our private bitch and crawl around nude and suck us off?(Anna Ryan)
Why die hanged people? (they brake their neck)
If X times X plus X is one; How much is X (0.618033988).
Anna lost five books and started to breathe with difficulty. The next questionswere easier but the answer each time more humiliating.
Who are the Manzhulas fuck toys? (The Ryan family)
She lost her shoes.
Who is our maid. (Angela)
Anna, deeply humiliated, answered that Anna Ryan is, but being the wronganswer she lost her blouse.
Who is going to be popular for be an easy fuck? ( The Ryan family)
Again Anna, in tears, answered that herself. She lost another book and hadto tiptoe to not strangle her.
Between questions the boys had fun touching and caressing the nubile body,they also played with their rock hard erections.
The questioning went on. She learned that from now on she was going to crawlnaked, fitted only with high heels and a collar, instead of walking.
She learned that tonight they were going to shave her cunt in the diningroom; on the table and in front of both families.
She guessed right that both (she and her sister) could be fucked wherever,whenever and by whoever asked.
Once she was totally naked and half strangled, they changed the way she wasbound, instead of removing more books.
Half suffocated as she was she didn't care that two teenagers were freelyplaying with her sex. She answered YES to any question, disregarding how humiliatingit was.
Yes she'll suck them off: Yes, in front of their friends. Yes in front ofher friends too. Yes she fucks them, YYYEEEESSSS she'll fuck their dog in thegarden.
It was then when Angela opened the door. Anna's hopes were short-lived. Shesaw her mother and thought her nightmare was over, but then she heard her motheragreeing to the treatment she was receiving.
And now her own mother was on her fours sucking off Igor whilst Ivan wasfucking her.
Angela knew she had to perform, even in front of her daughter. Both twinscame at the same time. Then they made Angela crawl towards her daughter andlick her cunt.
They started spanking the grown up woman whilst she was licking her daughtersjuices.
"If she is not coming in 1 minute I remove another book" menaced Ivan. Angelalicked as crazy. She sucked on her daughter clit, forced her tongue into theroped cunt and licked till Anna started moaning. One more book was removedand Anna came. It was the most brutal orgasm she ever experienced. It rockedher so hard she lost balance and went on coming dandling by the neck. Bothkids spotted again rock hard erections. This time they changed places and Ivanfucked Angela's mouth meanwhile Igor fucked her cunt. But the three of themwere entangled by Anna's eroticism and they came. All three of them. Angelafelt bad, very bad coming on her daughter's suffering, but it was so erotic.A pretty naked teenager girl hanging by her neck, with a cord cutting deepinto her sex and half coming, half dying.
To be continued...
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"So tell me," Jena said, turning to Raz and suddenly changing the mood. "Who is smarter, you or Pina?" "Well, that is hard to say." Raz grinned. "Pina is a research scientist, and I am an engineer, or applied scientist. She discovers truth, and I explore the practical applications of that truth in our reality." "What an excuse! My math scores are far ahead of yours, so I am smarter!" Pina laughed. "All the rest of my scores are higher than yours, remember!" Raz retorted. "Ha!...
The evening Menak was released from the hospital they all took the tube to Tokyo, and from there to a banquet hall in the Tokyo Hilton-Sheraton hotel, for a press conference to release the findings from the first two stages of Pina's researches. They were met by Professor Enchiku Hamimoto and the Prodigies of Pina's cosmology team. Though the rest of Pina's team were well known to the Green Band, Professor Hamimoto was not, and he as well as they were suitably impressed and respectful...
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When the adults returned to Tira's clearing they found Pina working on her screen by herself, sitting on the big root outside the den. Tika, Raz and Jena were huddled together at the firepit, doing something on Tika's screen. They all looked up as the adults returned wearing expressions that cut short the children's happy greetings. "What happened? What is wrong? Where is Jela-Mother?" Jena cried, running to the adults and gripping Tira's hands. "Menak traded for the territory of...
I was working in another city away from my home. I used to stay in a small rented house close to my workplace. The house belonged to a friend of my dad, so the rent was more than reasonable. Overall, things were going pretty smooth. Well, till that day. That day started pretty normal finished my work and hopped my bike. I left the main street behind and was driving randomly on inner streets in the town. I knew several people in this part of town, including my friend Amir. Well, not friend...
When Jela had finally finished laughing Naz put down his pipe and walked over to her. Jela was laying on her back with one knee bent and her hands on her belly, smiling and panting. Naz knelt beside her with his hands on his thighs and openly appraised Jela's body from her hair to her toes and back. "You see his smile, Tika, and how his cock stands up?" Tira whispered. "That is how a man looks when he feels desire for a woman." "But he did not beat her. Not really." Tika...
They walked fairly slowly, hand in hand at Tika's comfortable pace. Soon Tika began asking questions, as Tira knew she would. "Tira-Mother, were you afraid?" "Yes, but not a lot. Still, more than I ever was before a challenge before." "Why?" "Three reasons. You are the first. If I had lost badly it would have affected you, and I would have had to make arrangements for your care." Tira was not about to discuss the small possibility that she may have died. "Second is that eight...
April 26, 2155 Thirty-two days later. "Tira-Mother?" Tika whispered. "Come in Tika. What time is it?" Tira responded sleepily. "It is after two o'clock." Tika told her as she entered her mother's den, finding only Tira and Menak within. "What is it?" Tira asked, then suddenly her face froze and she looked strangely at Tika. She reached over for her screen, wrote two letters on it, and said: white light. She shone it on Tika, and she and Menak could only stare. "Tika!" Menak...
Hi there, second time around. Thanks for the reviews. A few people took me to task for my religious disclaimer. On reflection I agree it wasn't necessary. But then faith 'aint always easy to come by. This is partly a continuation of the story; I've combined it with another idea that has been running around my head for a while. Both parts are self-contained but complement each other. It is probably better to read Pt 1 first as an introduction. This one is atypical in that it gets...
December 9th, 2154 Raz awoke because Jena was kissing him. His first sensation was her nuzzling his cheek and for a split second his mind was confused, then she was licking his lips and he realized what he was feeling as he came fully awake. He began kissing her back, and they enjoyed that for a few minutes. "Good morning, love." he murmured as she pulled back. They opened their eyes and smiled at each other, though her smile looked a little apprehensive. "Good morning my love." she...
As it turned out, none of the fighters in the first sixteen matches were particularly noteworthy, so the first fight was held in the great stadium, though neither of those two fighters rated such a venue. The Green Band and Assan moved to the balcony twenty minutes before the match. The paddocks were being assembled on either side of the octagon, where blocks of thirty seats, ten ringside seats and ten from the next two rows directly behind them, were being segregated from the rest of the...
The one good thing about being down, the only way is up and I was determined to get up. I needed to cut a thousand pounds a month from the running costs of the company and in the short term there was only one way of doing that. One of the tyre fitters would either have to go. Eric was with the company when I took it over. He was forty five, had a wife and two children to support. Tom, on the other hand was only twenty two and had only been with me for three years. He was young free and...
They were led through the corridors and up the elevators of the huge building, and ushered into a very large and ornate office with dark red carpeting and wood paneling, and pictures of Elders in formal tech suits on the walls. The ornate sign on the door had identified the office as belonging to the Houston Regional Director of The Department of Justice. Davdan introduced her group to Sandor, the Leader of the Councils of All Tiger People. He was a tall and rangy elder with dark eyes and a...
Old acquaintances and faces from the past. Choices are not always simple. People are complicated. This can be read as a stand alone, but as it does back reference to events in the first two...well... Tina Marie and Vickie, thanks for the support. It is appreciated. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2006. People are Complicated Pt 3 - Final. By...
They carried the supplies to Tira's den, and were re-joined there by Naz. The rest of the day was a traveling hunting class. Menak taught perhaps half the time, Tira a quarter, and Jena a quarter, though Naz and the children were encouraged to offer their thoughts to every discussion. Naz, Menak, and Tira carried most of the game, and the work was accomplished quickly. Jena managed to make more than half the kills, and the rest made about equal contributions. As night was falling they were...
June 7, 2155 Jena's screen made a soft birdsong just after six in the morning, alerting her to a call. She picked up her screen and silenced it with a tap, and at Raz's one-eyed inquiring look, she kissed his cheek and whispered; "It is only a call. Go back to sleep." She went out on the balcony and slid the door closed behind her. Tika was already there, working on her screen. Jena exchanged a smile with her, then looked to her own screen. "Greetings Jena, I am Binjo, most senior of...
June 8th, 2155 Pabano was a wiry five feet, eight inches tall, completely bald with piercing dark eyes, and he held a staff of some very dark, almost black wood. Davdan waited until the rest of her group were in place for breakfast in her kitchen the next morning before she brought him downstairs and introduced him. "My loves, I am proud to present my lifelong love Pabano, father of my daughter Damdan, twice Grande Champion, and recently retired Leader of the Council of the Jaguar People...
People Crackers II: A Family Affair by Troy "MMMM" said Jerry, "I love animal crackers." as he noticed what appeared to be a box. However, on closer examination he saw it was labeled People Crackers. "Shapes are shapes, it's the taste that counts." he reasoned. He decided to take them home to share with his family. Jerry got home and saw his older brother, Mike. They started to talk and Jerry showed him the box he had found. Mike was intrigued. "I have never heard of people...
June 9, 2155 Their mood was cheerful when they flew to New Delhi with Assan the next day for the round of eight. Since there were to be only four fights scheduled that day, two the next day and one the day after that, Nehru Coliseum would be the only venue used for the rest of the tournament. The park above it was again only a park, gone were the temporary grandstands, souvenir and snack booths, and V.I.P. flyer parking lot. That being the case, they donned their football fan outfits for...
For the next nine days, the Green Band's schedules were almost completely the ones they would come to consider to be normal for them. None of them worked on hunting or fighting any harder than most Tiger people did. Pina cut back to five hours of work on her physics projects per day, to allow her to spend five on her hunting and fighting, as most of their Adolescent friends did. The remaining exceptions were Raz and Davdan. Davdan was still training with the staff for five hours per day to...
After the Chinese had left, Davdan took Tira aside to inform her that there would be Meds arriving to speak to her in a little over three hours. Then she had Raz light a fire, and gathered them all around it. "Know this; when one becomes an Elder, and ceases fighting and hunting for excitement, most of us contest with one another with our power. We compete for status, influence, wealth, and yet more power. It is fun, and often allows us to do important work. "Aside from my other feelings...
Are you in the mood to read all kinds of amazing hentai mangas? I know you are, mother fucker! Which is why I have brought to you today a site with a wide array of the hottest series, videos, and more that is certain to excite your ass.What kind of site am I fucking talking about here? It is called Hentai Watching. With one quick look, you will find a variety of hentai videos and more that you can read and get off to in no time at all. It is a convenient selection of hentai videos that you are...
Hentai Streaming SitesIntroduction: High school girl next door puts on many a show for her neighbor, then takes it to a higher level by seducing him. Takes a while to develop, so please dont neg-vote it if youre in a hurry. Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesnt lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, hes comfortable being single. Hes lived in his suburban...
Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular. She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her,...
I still couldn't believe my eyes as I watched these hot Speedo wearing boys happily frolicking with my son under the warm Miami night sky. The other boys must have been from the other two condos that lined the outside of the private pool area. As I stepped out onto the patio I noticed two large muscular Latin looking men sitting at a patio table in front of the middle condo watching the boys playing in the pool. They were only wearing loose board shorts with the rest of their impressive...
This one is about pets. Its setting is in a gated community, the men who live there are well to do, you know the Mercedes B M W type. This community is like any other, except that they are all bachelors and instead of having regular pets, all of there pets are attractive young women, and like all pets are allowed to run free in there fenced back yards. Occasionally these pets would climb the fence or wiggle through it, getting loose and creating some sort of mischief that would cause...
Business wise things were really on a roll, so much so that Clare was pressing me to talk to a tax expert to ensure that I didn't pay more than I had to. I gave up my flat and bought a three bedroom house so that the girls could come and stay with me. However, in the year four A.D. Things took a new turn. I was picking up some Brake pads and Discs when I got a call from Eric asking me to drop in to our tyre supplier to pick up a pair of Pirrelli Cinturato P7s. I picked up the tyres and...
Hi guys, this is Abhinav back with the latest erotic mom son story during covid 19 lockdowns. This story is about how I was watching porn with mom during the lockdown. Let me tell you about my mom first. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 42 years old beautiful woman. She has a white skin tone and a slim personality. She looks like she is in her 30s. She does exercises and eats healthy food to maintain her fitness. She doesn’t have any signs of aging. She is decent and down to earth woman. She is...
IncestWatching the Boys - Part 19 The sounds were overwhelming! Boys moaning, men grunting and talking dirty in low murmurs. Slappingskin, and the wet sounds of large cocks ravaging and defiling young boybodies. The yelps and moans of young boys echoing from every corner of thenearly dark basement playroom sent erotic chills through my body. The smell of weed was strong down in the hot confines of the basementplayroom, and I could also make out underneath the weed, the unmistakablesmell of poppers....
Watching the Boys - Part 17 Leif disappeared back into the lavatory area with Jonathan followingclosely behind. I heard the sound of one of the doors unlocking and Iturned around in my seat looking back down the aisle. I could see Leifenter the small lavatory followed by Jonathan. The last few images I saw of them before the door closed was Leifleaning over the toilet, looking back over his shoulder up at Jonathan. Hehad pushed his khaki board shorts down revealing his beautiful...
Every day, at three o’clock, my neighbor sunbathes in the nude. She has a pool in her backyard and a concrete patio between it and the house that she lays out on. She’s the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She’s about twenty years old and has a very athletic body. She’s 5’5” and has the longest tan legs that are shaped quite beautifully. Her breasts are firm and I’d say they’re about 36C cup size, and she keeps her pussy shaved clean.She has long dirty blonde hair that reaches to the bottom...
VoyeurFriday evening, Amy and Renee had a date with a bottle of wine in the gazebo behind Renee’s bungalow. The yard was sizable and bound by a low stockade fence. Amy showed up at twilight. The women had kicked off their sandals, put their feet up on the gazebo benches and each finished a glass when Renee started talking about her sort-of boyfriend. She hadn’t said much only interesting and handsome. Amy blushed at the description – having surreptitiously watched Renee’s version of “interesting”...
fucking wife – cum wife – watching wife fuck – voyeur wife – watching wife – fucking my wife – my wife – wife fucked – fuck my wifeWatching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there,...
It's hard to explain, but not seeing my little sister Emmy has made me really sad. I've missed her so much since we've both moved out of the house. My role as big brother was really important, maybe because I know how much Emmy appreciated my help with everything.My sister Emmy - well - her name is Emily really, but I've always called her Emmy. It's my little pet name for her, and I'm the only one that calls her that. Anyway, she was excited on the phone when I told her we should meet at the...
3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck - Must ReadWatching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place.Ever since our...
3 Days of Watching my Wife Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place.Ever since our honeymoon, my wife...
I shouldn’t have done it really. It was a kind of a game that went a little too far, but here I was watching the laptop screen with my cock in my hand and I was as stiff as fuck. I was pumping it urgently. I wanted it to spurt all over the fucking screen at the sexy slut I was watching on the monitor. The slut, was herself, openly masturbating and sticking her fingers into her pussy with increasing urgency. The same slut that was breathing heavily, irregularly and the same slut that was now...
IncestBoss & Wife AUTHOR: ISS STORY RATING: I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent...
"Sit down sir." The first black TSA agent said to me, pointing at arow of chairs against the wall. "This won't take long." He sneered. I hesitantly walked over to the chairs and sat down with my carry onluggage. Keeping my eye on my barefoot boys as they stood there standingin front of a large metal table in the middle of the plain room. "I said strip boys!" The agent at the office desk in the corner saidas he stood up walking over to the boys. Leif looked a bit shocked butBryan...
My wife, Brandie, and I, have been into the HOT Wife lifestyle for close to 20 years. For the larger portion of that time we have also been members of a swingers club. Over the years, that club has moved around to 3 or 4 different buildings.One of the things I like most about the HOT Wife lifestyle is I like to "watch". Until we started sharing my wife with other men, I didn't know just how thrilling it would be to actually watch her having sex with another man. I found out that I have quite a...
My exposed cock was painfully hard as I put my laptop away. I closedmy eyes and reclined my wide, business class, leather seat back. At thispoint, I was so worked up I didn't bother to cover up my exposed erectionas it leaked pre-cum all over my stomach while gently stroking it. My headwas spinning from everything I had just experienced so far on this flight. Knowing my oldest son was being serviced in the lavatory behind me byour flight attendant. And my youngest son had just had...
3 Days of Watching my Wife Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place. Ever since our honeymoon, my...