- 2 years ago
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Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twentyminutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face waspeaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowlyrising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down aroundher waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to herbreasts.
They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mindtowake them up. I slowly began tracing her nipple, barely touching it, verycarefully circling her breast. The nipple sprang to life. I increased thepressure a little bit, rubbing the nipple until it jutted out from Megan'sbreast like a hard little rock. It was only then that Megan stirred.
She moaned a little, then stretched her arms up over her head and yawned.Finally, she looked over at me and smiled. "Good morning, gorgeous," I greeted her. She looked down to see myhand begin to squeeze her exposed breasts. She smiled at me, happy for thisearly morning gift. "Hmm, mmmm, that feels so good." Megan closed her eyes and prepared herself tofeel every sensation that I chose to give her. She arched her back a little,moving her breasts closer to my waiting hands. I smiled at her eagerness andbegan groping her. Her breathing became quick and shallow as she let herselfbetaken away in my gentle caresses. Just when she was beginning to feel reallygood, my touch stopped. Surprised, she opened her eyes and moaned in protest.My face was solemn and my eyes told her that something was wrong. "Have you forgotten about last night, my slave?"Her stomach dropped. She had hoped I had forgotten about her transgressionlast night, but I never forgot. It had started out so innocently. The twoof us planned on a quiet evening at home together. Megan had laid down on herbed, eagerly awaiting my return from work. She knew that once I was home, Iwould prepare her for my pleasure. She would be bathed in pleasant-smellingoils and her hair would be brushed until it shone like the sun. Then, I wouldapply the wax to her pubic area and under her arms and slowly, agonizinglyripthe hair out, one by one, prolonging the pain as much as I could. I wouldattach the leather collar around her neck and fit her ankle and wrist cuffson.Finally, I would attach the little bell to the ring that I had placed on Megan'sright labia. Megan knew that it was only then, when she was clean andprepared for me, that she would be able to serve me. She had looked at theclock. She still had at least an hour until I got home from work. Megancouldn't wait any longer. Moaning softly, she began to caress her bare breastsand her fingers slowly moved down to her pussy. Thoughts of me rushed throughher head as she began to rub herself. She wasn't allowed to masturbate withoutmy permission, but she had figured that what I didn't know wouldn't hurt me.Just as she orgasmed, she heardsomeone clear their throat in the doorway of the room. She had looked up tosee me staring at her, disapprovingly. "I see you don't need my company tonight, slave," I had said. Meganknew better than to protest. She sat up from the bed and hung her head inshame. I had gathered my things and told her that I wouldn't be back untilmuchlater. "Where are you going, Master?" she had asked, tears running down her face. Shenew she had failed me. "That is none of your concern, Megan. I will deal with this in themorning." When the door slammed and I had left, Megan had cried. She hatedtodisappoint me, and she knew that she had been a disobedient slave. All ourplans for a romantic evening had been ruined because of her. Now, the morningafter, Megan remembered that she had slipped into bed after midnight when Istill hadn't reappeared. She had cried herself to sleep and she hadbeen too exhausted to hear me return at two in the morning. Now, she knew shehad to face punishment for failing her master.
I had slipped out of bed and stood in front of her, tall and imposing. "I want you to do everything I say, Megan. Don't ask any questions and don'thesitate. Prove to me with your obedience that you are sorry and that youdesire to be a slave to me." I smiled secretly when I saw her lower lippop outand the tears begin to fall.I didn't really mind Megan's disobedience. It excited me that she was suchasexual creature. However, rules are rules, and nothing excited the two of uslike a punishment session. I tried to hide my amusement and instead said inthesternest voice I could muster, "Get out of the bed."Megan rose, her head hung low. She knew she had to take whatever I wouldgive her, and she would do it gladly. She wanted me to see that she wassorry and that she could take anything I would dish out. "Go over and face the wall, slave. Stand with your legs spread far apart andyour hands on the wall over your head."She did as she was told. She knew I was watching her every move, seeing ifshewould hesitate. She stood before me now, bracing herself against the wall,waiting for my touch. I stood behind her. "Megan, I put up with a lot from you. I don't ask for much, but you continue todisobey me, and I can't stand for that." She heard me rustling aroundin adrawer for something. "You need to learn a lesson. Prepare yourself forapunishment." Her stomach tensed in anticipation as she braced herself.Shefelt her whole body tense up, knowing what was coming. I put a hand on herbackso I could get leverage and brought the flogger down across her ass as hardas Icould. She jumped. No matter how many times she was whipped, the firststroke always startled her. She brought her hands down to her buttinstinctively, trying to rub out the damage done by the lash. She heard mesighat her from behind. "Slave, you know the rules are that you are not allowed to moveyourself from that position against the wall unless I gave you permission.Youmoved your hands. That just brought you more punishment." She quicklyreturnedher hands to the wall. "Now, slave, can you hold position or do I need to tie you?"She shook her head. "No Master, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."She knew the punishment would be much worse if she were tied. She wasdetermined to get through this as quickly as possible so that she could continueserving her master in the way that I deserved.
I waited for Megan to brace herself again, then once again brought theflogger down across her ass. She groaned a little, but held position. "Thatwas much better, slave," I told her. I increased my rhythm a little, landingfour strokes across her thighs as quickly as I could. She cried out and bounceda little from the pain, but her hands did not leave the wall. Smiling, I knewthat with the next stroke, she would have no choice but to disobey. I swungmyarm all the way back and brought the flogger up between her legs, landing ahardstroke right on her mound and her clit.
My hand, softly cupping Megan's pussy...just before I bring the lash oncemore under her...mmmm...soothing Megan's reddened ass with myhands...caressing...softly smoothing her pained flesh...roaming under her wetcunt, I move under her, tongue tasting the saltiness of Megan's groin whileher juices are flowing...and letting her pussy continue responding to my handwhile her hips are unashamedly moving her clit to rub against me, as I holdmy hand still for Megan to moan...and then...withdrawing my hand so sheknows...the lash...about to....*whack*...and Megan again jumps...with herslick juices now dampening the grip pulling her hair back roughlyso she now looks up at the ceiling...I tell her..."You must learn to beobedient to be a good slavegirl for me..."
I bite into Megan's neck, teeth marks my hand returns to herhotcunt...her pussy rubbing hardernow...then...*whack*...again...again...again...up under her legs she feelsthe lashes...jolting her entire pussy up into the mystrokes are brutal...meant to hurt...and cause tears and pain now...
"Is my pussy wet, a bit...slave?", feeling the heat rising intohernipples...her face flushed with some degree of shefeels...a lash again...she feels my hand once again also...guiding my hard,throbbing...dripping cock to her wet and brutalized now tellingMegan, "Tilt your ass...up on your toes...slavecunt...grip this cock insideyour lips...and hold it there" As I take each nipple...rubbing her cuntjuices on them to slicken them as my fingers twirl...and pull them topleasure ... enough to make Megan acknowledge the inescapable orgasm beginbuilding inside her errant pussy. As my cock is held so carefully...I bringmy lash back down HARD on her back legs...causing Megan to impulsivelysqueeze her pussy so hard she pops the head of my cock...out.
"Ohhhhhhh....bad slave!...very, very bad slave!'ve failed me...AGAIN!!"Now...I turn her to face me, grabbing Megans's shoulders, so limp now in myhands, daring not to show one sign of I tie her arms tightlyabove her head..."Never ever find anything more important than my needsandwants...serving and servicing these things...are your become theperfect slave to me!!"
I know you well, you want this so at times, then you feeltrapped...and like a wild animal, you have to get away at any cost, come back...because you want, but it's much more than just a "want"...without it you would suredly die...for I am more than just a part ofyou...I am your life...and you know I know that, so you want it as I can giveit to you won't take it from anyone else, could never imagine yourlifewith anyone not only love this...but as it became an expressionofyour life, have fallen in love with me, your master...
"You don't want anyone else knowing how you really want to be...needto you really are, Megan...afraid to trust anyone else to be ableto give what you need...and then...let youalso be as you need...without it at times...but with it much much more thanyou ever can be without sadistic domination of your you askfor and need to be punished...for bolting from me...for any reasonwhatsoever, if I choose or doesn't live for myattention, no matter how I dispense it...gently and lovingly...or likethis"...
"You do know you're to be punished, Megan"
"Yes I know Master"
"You need to be show that you're aware of being wrong...beingbad...needing to show me you're willing to take what I give you'll tryharder next timeto please me. Also pretty slave, you do this because you know I enjoy seeingyou in pain like that...don't I?...and you enjoy feeling that pain...for me,don't you? You'll do anything for me, won't you?
"Yes Master."
"I'd love to see you arching your back now...on your hands andknees...pushing that redlil raw pussy up to me...asking me to fuck you...hard and rough. You do loveme to fuck you hard...don't lil cuntbitch? You love to bepunished...but you need to be can't get my cock in younow...Meagn, my bad lil cunt nasty lil dirt-rubbing pussy...I'dhave you begging I have you on your hands and fuckyou...rape you hard and oh, so that'll be your punishment...toleave you lying in the dirt...all night...cum...squeezing out of your pussy.You better beg me...whoreslut...or I'll make you wish you were never born!"
"No, I don't want to beg."
"Then...find out what I do to bitches who think that they can refuseme!!"Laughing in some maniacal tone, I jerk you up by her thefloor..."No cunt of yours is going to entice me to fuck itnow...whore!"...dragging the wall...taking each arm... tyingit wideto the side, parallel to the ground...with gravel toned voice telling Meganto spread those cunt lips by having her feet outside this 4' wideboard...never bringing them closer."
"Oh my gosh!!!!...Megan, you foolish lil idiotbitch!!
I grab her cunt...squeeze it so hard she has tears flowing freely...her lipstrembling...can't breathe it hurts so my nails dig into Megan's cunt...squeezingit like a foam rubber ball...over and over again...I grabit...hard...harder...even more harder now, with fingernails tearing into hersoft smooth skin...looking into her squinted eyes, closed so if anything she could do now would avert my tempestous lust todevour her impertinence...
"You like this, bitch? feel like cumming for the lildogwhore you are?" I squeeze these cunt lips so hard...and biteon hernipples, watching her eyes as she looks and sees her nipples pulled outwardbetween my eyes drilling into Megan's soul, this aggression shebrings out in me..."You better cum for me loud and the whorefuckyou know you are to me...bitchslut!!"
Megan did...screaming a most terrible primal burst of energy...screaming fromboth the pain and the exquisite orgasm she finally was allowed to haveripping herself apart from within...her body...likewise bucked and contortedas if volts of searing electricity possessed her totally...god was she sogorgeous right at this very moment...
"Now look what you've done to my hands, you sorry little fuckslut...allwetand slimywith your cunt juices!!!...Fucking whore!!!!...lick it off...kiss myhands...tell me you love me to hurt you...want to be punished like the filthyslutfuck you are."
What a mistake...and she knows what it does to me to ever have anythingnegative shown to me by any slave...ever...
"You think you can defy me, don't you, Megan?...even now?"
"Fuck you"
I slap her tits now with my lash...20 times...each tit...criss crossing,under and over...directly over the aerola, the nipples...refusing to soften...
"Stop it you fuck head...let me go!!"
Over and over again...I bring my lash over her tits...hurting,stinging...ripping...taking a gag now...ball it into Megan'smouth to stop those stupid driveling words ofhers..."You are so foolish" I rip her legs now wide open...tyingthemthrough iron rings to weights, now off the dungeon she can hardlymove them...before they stretch that cunt open so wide it feels like she'lltear in two.
...I love to watch her struggle, her erotically arousing to me...
Megan knew the game we played. She lived for it - punishment asdeviously as Ichose, each time a bit different, maybe not more severe or intense, but itwas how sheenjoys body-shuddering orgasms like she has to have. Addicted to it, to me,she is verygood at "asking" me to use her body and mind as my erotic tool, mysexualinstrument forbringing pleasure to her. She'll immediately deny that this is her drug, heraphrodisiac,but she knows that I know her better than anyone on this earth. What sheconfides in me,during times of confession, relaxed intimacy, is not only her way of lettingme know herpast and the particular "sexual imprinting" that sears her soul,but also herunique recipefor pleasure. The game increases now in tempo.
"You pathetic little whore!!! You deny me and then think you candefy me??!!"She was spread as tight as a banjo string, her legs gradually giving up theirresolve toremain anything but closed, away from me. The double-stacked plastic milkcratesalready are mashing her reddened ass into a lattice-work of pressure points.Her arms areshackled above her, sadistically chained and now wrapped into her braidedhair, more knotted than braided, but I did not care at this point for herdelicacy in alluring me to her...yet still Megan isbeautiful and still smelling so fragrant from her dedication to alwayspresent herself tome as my willing sexslave. What is about to happen, unbeknownst to her isthe struggleto not only keep her legs and pelvis from dipping into an excruciatinglytortuous anglebelow horizontal, but if she does not now pull up with her arms as fiercelyas she can, hergorgeous blonde hair will slowly be drawn so severely, she might rip it out-an event shenever expects. But not willing to damage this exquisite creature, she alsodoesn't knowthat above her wrists, another short chain is also attached in that maze ofwebbing so shecan only sink a few inches. This chain itself tightens to the support,keeping her aloft withonly the sensations of needles piercing her scalp.
To you, the reader, this seems so sadistically cruel, but I do thisnot for me, butfor her. She only orgasms when she masturbates alone, and when she canrelive thetorture - and the more fiendish I express this to her, the more intensepleasure herorgasms build.
What a totally vulnerable sight this hard-bodied professional model -nowsexslave is. Tears run down her porcelain smooth face. Perspiration dripsfrom herbreasts. Teeth try to clench inside her gagged mouth as snorts of air plungedown hernose. Her eyes shut so tight. The exertion on her legs, facilitated by theunforgiving 50#weights looped through rings and then tied to her ankles, cause even herouter labia toopen, revealing her wet, swollen clit.
Pondering the moment, "Should I bring you more despair, my gorgeouslittlegirl?", as I flick her rock-hard nipples, twist them as I lick the saltinessfrom between herheaving breasts. She only moans. "Really? More? Then allow me to helpyoureallylearn what your defiance earlier has purchased."
Wide-eyed I step away, move behind her to place a wide nylon strapunder andaround her thighs, ratcheting this momentarily up, then kick the milk cratesout fromunder her, banging them across the slate floor. Whispering into her ear, "Now my sweet,your legs are spent," as I bring the flogger down fiercely at the junctureofhermagnificent legs...again, and again, and again, and again...directly onto herswollen cunt.Her arms grab hard to pull herself...where??...away from me?? I laugh untilI almostchoke. "No, no, no, no, noooo precious girl. Your situation gets much,muchworsenow." The ratcheted nylon strap was only as supportive as I choose. "Oh,pretty baby,now I'm going to relieve you of this burdensome old thing," and I slowlyletthe clackingof the reversing ratchet loosen the support. Not only her wearied legs givecompletelyout to the demands of the ankle weights, and her perfectly rounded ass beginsitsinevitable descent below horizontal, but she also feels the incredibletension now on theroots of her hair.
Snorting with terror-filled eyes, she pulls hard on the support aboveher head,knowing I'll really leave her...until it does rip her hair. (But we know I'vealready plannedto avoid such a senseless waste...shhhh).
Her arms tremble and shake from the hideous demands I make on them.Theloose ends of the chains tinkle like a wind chime. Her tears flow freely,dropping off herexquisite cheek bones. "Darling, let me give you something to take yourmindoff of thismean old predicament." I attach clamps to her shuddering nipples, so wetthey slip offthe first two times I try to close them on her buds. Then I smile into hereyes so sweetlyas I pull her wet outer lips of her precious cunt and do likewise. Muffledscreams.
I can almost hear the pain sear through the gag as she writhes, theweight of herentire body easily too much for even her toned arms to prevent for long.It's only whenher absolute desperate terror of immolation is certain, that she's saved fromlosing herhair by the sadistic exactness of my predicted slack.
"My pretty girl, so ready to say 'no' again to me? To use profanityin my presence,and directed towards me?" She looks with eyes begging, constrained mumblingrushingfrom her gagged mouth. "No? I don't think you do either", and I releaseherhair byunclipping my snap-link, letting it drop onto her back, rivulets of sweat nowrunningdown and dripping of her pointed ass.
"But precious girl, I have a new instrument I created and I do thinknow is theperfect time to 'give it a test run', whattya say?" Now Megan is surehercareless wordswill never be uttered again. It doesn't matter. She's mine. I don't care.
With her mouth already crammed full of the foam rubber ball gag, shewatches asI bring a swimmer's nose clip in front of her eyes. I love to see how widethese incrediblygorgeous blue eyes can spread. With her hair released, she now shakes herhead violentlyaway from me as I shush her, stroke her matted hair...then grab a vise-gripfull of it andjerk her face to within an inch of mine. "Why do you still resist me,precious, when youknow it only buys you more of the...same?" I kiss her dewed little nose,socute...then letthe clamps snap her nostrils shut - completely.
I didn't realize what an inverted angle a woman's legs can reallyspread into, asmy unfortunate sexslave demonstrates. She bucks and screams as if she canshake thenose clip loose, and gradually, gradually she surrenders to the laws ofnature...and passesout. Her head droops forward.
Attentive as ever, I lift her chin softly. You'll remember that Ireally do adore andcherish this creature of my pleasure. First, taking the nose clip off andthen removing theball gag, she begins to draw into her parched lungs full breaths of gloriousair...stillunconscious.
Kissing her sweetly, she stirs, then groggily awakes to see me whereI left her...aninch in front of her face. "Please Mark, please!!" "Shhhhh,precious girl;you will eitherbe totally silent or I'll again have to let my gag and clip silence you -understand?" She isso very smart, one of her more attractive allures to me. She nods, lippoking out asrenewed tears descend. "Good girl", and I step back to reveal mylatestinvention ofpleasure. Megan stares in wonder, as I slide it towards her. A wheelfastened with, whatlooks like eight inch leather straps - obviously a whipping machine.
"No darling, I wouldn't just create something so one dimensional.What you don'tsee is the air compressor which supplies pounds of air that not only propelthis wheel toturn at any given speed, but with this valve here, I can choose the amountofair that fillsthese industrial-strength balloons that are encased by the two dozen sheathsof leather.And, by the way, they are well oiled with hypo-allergenic topical cream thatmakes themso very soft or turgid as any human tongue...or, given my whim, as taut asany eight inchlash you've ever imagined. Care to see?"
"You know, I was thinking of you when I devised it, my littlepain/pleasure slut.Now here, let me get it right at the juicy little cunt of yours, so neglectedbut so very,very wet." Allowing first the desired amount of pressure to make caressingtongues, Ibegin the revolutions of the wheel to create for her an ingenious degree ofthe best oralsex a woman could ever care to experience. Flipping from under her pussy, Imake sureit does what I intend. Her clit is also totally lapped over and over andover and overagain ad infinitum as Megan begins to feel such total pleasure, onlymomentarilydisturbed by the always surprising jolt of pain when I remove the clips fromher pussyand nipples.
"If you care to be a good girl to me again, Ms. Megan, I'll placethat wide strapback under these tortured little legs and raise you up ever so slightly soyou can relax andget tongue fucked with only delicious pleasure in mind. Care for me to dothat?" Shenodded. Very, very smart girl - didn't' I tell you?
Being the indulging Master that I am, I not only comfort her painedlegs by fullysupporting her weight with the straps, but I also recheck the angle of thewheel tomaximize the surface area along her sopping pussy. Gently increasing thespeed ofrevolutions, Megan begins to show all the signs of a deliciously, blossomingorgasm.
"Now precious, I'm going to get some refreshments and I just want youto spoilyourself with the new toy. Just sound...and I'll be rightback." She nodswith a look of complete rapture as she gives herself completely over to theministrationsof the tongues. What she doesn't know is that cameras and listening devices,along with aremote control for the wheel will, unfortunately, make sure she can't keepher promise.(Told you I was devious.)
Megan's tight cunt begins to throb as the spasms engorge her womb,contractingher uterus, sending waves of complete pleasure flowing throughout her entirebody andmind. Relentlessly the tongues lap...lap...lap...lap her shuddering cunt asshe once againstrains against her chains, this time in abandoned ecstasy. All of this I'mwatching on mymonitors, listening for that inevitable moan. I did not have to wait longfor my sweet, toovocal slave.
"Unnnnnnnhhhh.....Ahhhhhhhh......Mmmmmmmmm!!!", she so tries tosuppress,but I only smile, my cock alerting inside my pants. "Poor Megan, whatam Igoing to dowith you", as I witness a truly wondrous display of her sexuality. Herentire bodyconvulses, her head wavers from side to side, back and forth. Her teeth bitedown on herlips, but I only raise the volume of the microphones, as I touch thedungeon's outer doorso she too will know...She did it again...tsk tsk tsk.
As my feet reverberate down the stone steps, all that is heard is therapidity of thewheel's tongues...increased even more now, slapping a wet little naughty cuntthat is thebane of my poor Megan. Her eyes meet mine as I stride toward her, tearsagain soprecious and so sweet as I flick the machine off.
Her nose running now, eyes red with free flowing tears, my pitifulcreature's lipstremble as she so realizes how awful her plight continues to be. "Don'tfeelso muchself-pity, my sweet," as I hold a soft cloth for her to blow her red nose. "You do knowwhat I know, so we won't dwell on it, okay; we shouldn't make this any worsethan italready is, now do we?" Her eyes...gosh they are sooo beautiful, lookup atme like anexpectant child's, so ready to hear the good news.
"Well, darling girl, if I just 'let this go' for once, and...'justkeep it between me andyou', would that be all right?" She nods so cute, making her very besteffort to show meshe's learned her lesson. I gently stroke her tear-stained cheeks and leandown kissing hersoft hair, inhaling her feminine essence.
"But, know pretty Megan...if I did may loserespect for me,thinking your sweetness could just manipulate me some other time.Then...where wouldI be, baby?...Just a mockery of my former self, who I am?" That look ofimpendingdespair sweeps over her totally, realizing I am fair, firm, sometimes evengentle, butalways honorable to my own integrity.
"No prettiest girl ever...I think I'm going to have to show you theother feature ofthis newest toy...and I was so hoping to have a good reason to do so...withyou...tonight.And, with you being such a sweet, adorable little slaveslut...well, you'vebeen more thanwonderful in allowing just that!! Aren't you proud of yourself, now?" Thatgorgeouslittle bottom lip...immediately pokes out as the first tears drop by.
"Now, now, now...behave for me, my pet. I really did mean for you tomoan youknow. Here, let me just show you what my machine can do besides lapping yourlittlepussy into a frenzy. If I reverse the wheel, it will come over in a downwardmotion...AND...the other sides of the leather straps have the graingoing...hmmm, shallwe say...against you, not with you, if you catch my drift. So where the onemotion waslike a delicious tongue, this time when I pump more air into the leather,your soppy, wet,nasty, crusty cunt is going to be whipped incessantly till there's no moreofanything left -and it won't stop, you know, until I make it!!"
As I start the medieval torture device, I bend down to whisper, "Nowprecious, I'llbe good and won't make it hurt...too fast...too soon. I have to go backupstairs and leaveyou once again, because I have to meet a very special visitor.Hmmm...someone youknow, in fact!! Your younger sister has been exchanging e-mails with me thelast fewmonths, and she really thinks this idea of being a slave is just what shewants too. Iinvited her here to the sanctuary where I do intend to "give her" everythingher youngheart desires. Bye for now, prettiness. You know I'm as close as thenearest monitor." Tears/Panic/Hyperventilation...just when she thoughtshemay, at some time, be nearing the end of my pervisity. Hersister...mmmm...much more than I expected for one so young...but, do wait forthat story in the near future...
***Later, some hours pass...that same night...when Megan's strength istotally spent...the devious invention set to perform varying regularities ofspeed and intensity...never allowing her to know when, how much, for howlong...totally and desparately be a victim of some lifelesscontraption...used...only for my desire...even if I'm not there to witnessher depravity...her body finally and hopelessly droops as much as thistautness allows...
Absorbing this erotic scene in my heart, I silently creep back down thedungeon steps...Carefully assuring myself of her safety, it's only then Islowly allow my darling girl's limp body to seep to the comfort of the softfurs I have arranged below her...In her sleep, she is so incredibly deliciousstill to she always is, truthfully...even as the imp she loves tobe...
I cradle her in my arms, as my precious little girl...with the mixtures ofmaster/lover/mentor/father all playing upon my heart...stroking her softness,her curled that she's had such a moment of exertion...and whisperinto her ear..."Megan, Megan...I love you darling girl...I love you sovery,very you have captured my heart like no other...and have found yourplace within my soul...where you are always needed...alwayswanted...always...loved." And with the last words breathed into her...thosegorgeous eyes, that make my entire being rejoice, open up and I fall sodeeply into them, into she reaches for me to hold us together in akiss...that lasts from the time I scoop her up into my arms, until I gentlylay her down once my bed...where she will be cherished andadored...for the balance of this night...and even longer into the followingday...***
copyright '99Wolfendom
Introduction: A sexless marriage leads to me getting sex by any means…… My wife Robyn, step-daughter Megan and I, Live in a two bed room apartment. Robyn and I have been married for a year now. Both Divorced. The first 7 months of date were great. Megan wasnt too fond of me and didnt approve of me and her mother. I once heard her and mother talking. Honey, Royce and I are getting pretty serious. Hes going to be around a lot more. Robyn would say. Why could you and dad work things out? Megan...
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“Wow Megan, I can’t believe what a jerk your boyfriend is for leaving you. You are such a nice person,” Tina said.As Megan sat down sobbing, she said, ”I just don’t get it. He thought we needed more space and that we should see other people.”“You are better off without him. I know you can do a lot better than him anyhow. You are a beautiful looking 21 year old. You are still young so just forget about him. I got an idea Megan. Why don’t you come with my boyfriend Tim and I tonight? I really...
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Megan was hot. She was Asian, nice size breasts and a tight waist and hips. She kept herself tanned all year. She also knew a lot of her job was looks and she kept herself looking great. She was smart. She worked as a partner at a large law firm. That is where she met Issac. They both started as Staff Attorneys. Both Megan and Issac rose quickly, both working together and interdependently. They dated for a year and got married. She had only been with one other guy before Issac and she planned...
By Mario Caliente I spotted them in the shopping mall. They stood out amid the bustling horde of Christmas shoppers on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Swans among sparrows, like Romeo said when he first saw Juliet. (He said something like that, anyway.) Once they caught my attention, it was as if there was no one else around, though I was greatly appreciative of the fact that we WERE surrounded by a teaming mass of aggressive shoppers exuding holiday spirit, because this allowed me to...
Introduction: i read a fw stories i liked amd meshed them Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dogs leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasnt terribly well...
By the time she reached the barn at the end of the farm lane the rain was coming down in sheets. Katy decided to shelter in the barn for a while, at least until it eased up. It would be warm inside and she would have a chance to dry off a little. The girl entered the old building, dragging the large dog behind her. It was quite deserted and she sat down amongst the warm, dry hay after hooking the dog’s leash over a post. Looking around for something to dry herself on, she found an old blanket...
Introduction: A Mother and her daughter are stalked and really bad stuff happens to them *******Sandra McFarland’s SUV rolled into the garage at 6:15 pm. She strode from the garage into the kitchen in a workout outfit: white cross training shoes, black, tight leotards and a bulky grey sweatshirt two sizes too big for her. She called out for her daughter: “Megan? Are you home, hon?” From my hiding spot I watched her as she checked the microwave. She pressed some buttons and the microwave hummed...
Turning, Megan surveyed the higher ground. The trees around here seemed very old and dense to Megan. The ground rose, with the higher elevation shrouded in fog and clouds. It had rained since they arrived in Seattle two days ago. They stayed in Seattle the first night and had driven to the national park yesterday. They hiked up the lowest part of the mountain and set up camp. Right now Matt and Randy were gathering wood for their fire. Megan continued to scan above her. She couldn’t explain...
“Damn...”, Caroline said, hardly believing what she had just heard after Megan and I finished explaining to her exactly why I just got done taking her best friend's virginity away. “Yeah, pretty much. It's been one hell of a trip, that's for sure”, Megan assured her, looking over at me. “I can hardly believe it myself, but it happened. All of it”, I added. Megan nodded in agreement, looking at Caroline’s face as she tried to read her reaction to our unbelievable tale of love...
"Look what I brought home!" Megan Pierce ran to the doorway as soon as she heard her father's voice. He stood in the doorway holding a large white box in his arms, which he struggled to keep upright. "Dad, let me help you with that!" Megan said, as she rushed to help hold the other end of the box. The two of them carried the box into the kitchen and rested it upon the counter. "Let me see, let me see!" Megan said excitedly. Bill Pierce gave his daughter a knowing smile, and...
It was the first time I and her brother Lex had ever gone to see Megan at work. As we sat there, I looked around, of course, checking out all the other women who worked with my daughter. I started to think to myself that my daughter looked the best. As I watched my daughter, at some point my thoughts began to become lustful, incestuous thoughts. I noticed how great of a body my daughter has. She is 5'5", dark brown eyes, long brown hair, and a very nice tan. When she would come over to sit...
I got over to his house that Friday night; he had several of his buddies over. That didn’t stop me from going in to see him. I let myself in and at first my brother kind of ignored me. I didn’t recognize any of the guys that were over. He just have assed introduced me, “This is my sister Megan.” The guys said hi, I kind of noticed them checking me out but I was too pissed to really care. I told Lex I wanted to talk to him alone. He just told the guys that him and I needed to talk in...
“So, the real reason I came over is I need to talk to you and Kyle. Do you remember what is coming up this summer? “Yeah you and Dad are having your 20th anniversary, right?” Megan said as I walked into the kitchen to be part of the conversation now. “20 years? That’s pretty special Michelle.” I said pouring myself a cup of coffee and sitting at the table with them. “Thanks, Kyle. “ Michelle continued, “We were thinking of going to Maui and were planning to have Scott and Ginny stay with...
Saturday morning rolls around and I watch Megan get ready. She has a spring in her step as it has been a long time since she has played her favorite sport. Since she is substituting on a team called the Pink Bitches, Megan has a pink jersey with a number 13 on it for her favorite player on the US National team. She has black shorts and sock and hot pink cleats. I see the outline of a black sports bra on underneath her jersey. Soon, I watch Megan pile into her black SUV with her friends Amanda...
Walking through the house Megan wasn’t surprised to find that the house was empty, her mum worked late most days and she usually had to make dinner for herself and her younger brother John when he wasn’t out with his friends or at football practise, as it was a Wednesday evening, she knew that John wouldn’t be home for a few hours and her mum could be in some time after 9 that night. She walked into the kitchen and quickly made herself a sandwich before putting herself in front of the...
Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...
I didn't bother to ask him if he wanted me to give him a hand job, I just reached over, grabbed his cock and began to give him a nice hand job. My father instantly let go of his prick and put his hands behind his head, enjoying watching the porno and having his daughter jacking him off. "Mmm, that feels so good Megan. You are so good at stroking cocks!" "Thanks dad. When you are watching these movies, are you thinking it is you and I?" "Fuck yes Megan!" "Isn't it a bit hard? I...
The day after my visit to my brothers’ house, I gave my father a call. I left him a message that I would stop by that night after dinner to say hi. My father called me back and left me a message, all he said was that he would leave the front door unlocked. I showed up at his house and let myself in. I called out for my father and I heard him respond he was upstairs. I went up stairs, my father had his bedroom door open and I could hear the TV playing so I walked in. My father was lying naked on...
IncestThe whole time we ate I could not keep my eyes off of her tits. Megan would bend over to tease me by letting me look down her top. She would play with her bra, adjusting it to see if I was watching. She got up a couple of times, her pants made her ass look so good, my mouth actually started to water from the lust I was feeling for my sister. When we were done Megan asked me what I wanted to do. I leaned in close to her to respond. "I want to fuck you sis. That outfit you are wearing is hot!...
Megan had just arrived home for Christmas Vacation from Brigham Young University-BYU and seemed bum-ed-out. Megan had nearly failed all her courses and just barely passed; mom had gotten the word that Megan was into drugs and smoking marijuana. For weeks our parents had been silent with me around. For Later Day Saints my sister Megan is a failure. Megan hid in her room till dinner time. Dinner was uneventful, dad fired up the gas-grill on the patio. Everyone was silent as we ate steak, baked...
Megan's Run CHAPTER ONE “Oh, please let us do it, Bill!” she pleaded. “It will be quite safe; and so much fun for me!” He looked dubiously up at her standing over him, confident and assured in her nakedness. “Well,” he began doubtfully, but by then she was at his feet, her arms around his knees, smiling up at him with infectious mischief sparkling in her eyes. He smiled back; and was lost. Now that she had his consent she was all briskness for a few minutes. Then, the simple preparations...
“Good morning Carol, I am well, thank you.” Carol has been my executive assistant since I took over the business when my dad died. She had been his assistant for many years prior and had been with the company for more than three decades. “What is on the schedule today?” “You have a call with the bank at 8:30, Dwayne at 9:00 to discuss changes on the shop floor, a meeting with Megan and me at 10, lunch with the sales team, and at some point in the afternoon, you need to see Joe in shipping....
Megan O’Malley was one happy girl as she rode her school bus home. Friday, the final school day of the week and the Winter break has begun. No school again for two weeks.Even the day was perfect; unseasonably warm for December the temperature was in the low seventies with bright sunshine as her ride started.Megan’s was the last stop on the route, as they neared her home an abrupt change in the weather occurred. Through the window she watched, as the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors; first...
My cousin's have average looks, kind of nerdy, neither one currently had a girlfriend and to be honest I know they had never been out with any girl on a date. I could only imagine how horny they were. I went over to my uncle's house on one of my off days; nobody was supposed to be home. I got there, went around the house, didn't find anyone so I got into my bikini and went out by their pool to sunbathe. Well as you guess, my uncle 'forgot' that his sons would be home around the time I...
Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled as she realised it was just a bad dream and it was all over now. She rolled onto her back and looked at her desk chair which had the short denim mini skirt draped over it and the events of the day before came crashing down and she realised that she wished she was still dreaming. She thought back to how she had been innocently chatting online when she had...
“Well I don’t know about you”, I said after a few moments of mutual silence, “but I’m horny as fuck right about now.” “Haha...same here, sexy. We’ve got all night to try what ever we want...”, Megan replied, giving me a very arousing look as she did so. “Shit, this is got to be just about the greatest day ever”, I thought happily to myself. It was just now a little after nine, and Megan and I had pretty much done everything except actually fuck. That was more than I could have...
The only thing I don't like is working the overnight ten to six shift. You can't get a free beer after about twelve o'clock! Still, sometimes there are compensations, occasionally glorious ones. The following is an account of one such summer night. It was about eleven o'clock. I had just set up the radar on a back road and was now busy drinking coffee from a flask and reading the latest Irvine Welsh novel, musing how well he seems to understand those Scottish male traits of casual...
Megan had always know her mother was a slut. She and her brother had grown up listening to her getting her brains fucked out, and masturbating her brains out just a wall away. The headboard banging against the wall, her slutty, whorish cries, begging to cum. All the "don't stops", "keep goings", "mother fuckers", god yes's" echoed off the walls, and into Megan's ears. Not only had she heard her mother fuck, she had seen it. She never told anyone about it, but one night, she waited up to...
I loaded a new cassette and batteries and we left the room. Megan pranced through the mostly empty lobby and her outfit quickly drew attention. As I had hoped, in the bright daylight, her dress became almost transparent! Her black lingerie, garter belt and nylon stockings showed through the gauzy material. Megan's breasts were equally exposed and I could see her nipples grow hard with excitement as soon as she stepped out onto the street!We bought a couple of Zombies next door and wandered down...
Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates. John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...
CheatingI was feeling horny, incestuously horny so I drove over to my father's house to pay him a surprise visit. I had the key to his house so I let myself in. I heard the shower running so I quietly went up stairs to surprise him. My father had the bathroom door wide open so I quietly peeked in to see what he was doing. He had part of the shower door open and I could see him in the reflection of the mirror. He had a raging hard on and he was jacking off like crazy. He had his eyes closed and I...
Bob Randolph turned the corner of the equipment shed and went toward the open double doors. He was looking for his niece Megan and he suspected she was working on that old Mustang again. As he got to the open doors he was greeted by the sight of a well filled pair of thin and worn cutoff jeans shorts. There were two nice looking tanned legs hanging from the shorts with feet that dangled a few inches from the ground. Head and shoulders were deep in the engine compartment. He stopped to...
Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...
Love Stories“Megan you better come over here right away and help your sister” I call out. “Come in Ginny, what’s wrong?” Megan comes running over and giver her sister a big hug and leads her into the kitchen and half closes the pocket doors. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, like “Bobby Kirkpatrick is a BIG JERK” and “I HATE BOBBY” shortly followed by “Cindy is even worse, that two-bit slut”. In a little bit, I see Megan rushes out of the kitchen, grabs a box of tissues, and hurries back...
“I will have her bring her car in. I will pay for it. But when I drop Megan off at the end of the day this is how I want it to go. I want to watch her get fucked by you and your workers.” “Oh we can do that for sure man. I told everyone here about the horny slut white I fucked in the restroom. I know all of these guys would love to take a turn with her.” “I hope they all have big cocks. I want to see her sucking down on some big black cock as well as seeing her pussy and ass...
As I walked into the office that morning, I noticed that everyone was looking at me with some kind of look that I didn't understand. Perhaps it was faith that I was going to do the right thing, for all of us. I went into my office and Jan came in. 'Good morning Bill. Are you doing ok? I... I want to thank you, regardless of how this all turns out. You are my hero. You are doing the right thing and I admire you very much for that. Everyone here admires you Bill. Everyone.' 'Yeah, then...
We returned to the hotel to get ready for the evening. Megan arranged to meet the girls around 7:00 pm and she wanted to take her time getting dressed. I showered and came out to find Megan considering what to wear. I got dressed as Megan wandered back and forth, teasing the buys on the street below. She stood by the window with her clothes laid out on the table. Then I got an idea. Picking up the camcorder, casually mentioned taking a walk. Megan looked up and smirked."Don't go very far. I...
Again we slept in and followed the same ritual as before. I found this especially exciting as I anticipated Megan's routine. She ordered breakfast and I set up the camcorder to tape what followed. This time, Megan remained in the bathroom as breakfast arrived. Disappointed, I let the waiter in and closed the door. Just at that moment, Megan "happened" to come out of the bathroom, dressed only in her sexiest black lingerie and stockings!The word about yesterday must have gotten around because...
My aunt and uncle said they wouldn't be back to late and the boys had not had any dinner yet. My aunt made a comment about how much the boys were going to enjoy what I was wearing. I was a bit embarrassed since I was not expecting anyone else to be over there but there was nothing I could do, aside from just going with it. After they left I went into the family room where the boys were playing their video game, they hadn't seen me yet. Well I could tell they all approved of what I was...
[ Taking inspiration from the porno classic 'Debbie Does Dallas', I'm re-working it to fit a different context. In 'The Price of Neglect' universe, the young and beautiful Megan has yet another fabulous experience with big, black cock! This time with Francis, a long time friend and confidant of Willis, who has been featured in other stories I've posted here. For those small dick white guys who might read this, this could be a great way to spend some quality time with your dicks in your hand as...
As in part one i told you how i save my freind jennie by making her sister megan a beutiful woman. Anyways i got off megan and we both changed the bed sheet that had megans blood on it and megan was very happy and had a little pain. I told her to take tylenol or something as she will have pain for some hours. I took her to the shower and i cleaned each and every part of her body. I cleaned her good and while cleaning her i kissed almost every part of her body. I saw her cuchie was amazingly red...
Four years of college and now I'm out. Yes, I knew better than to think I was going to change the world. Teachers make a difference but it's a slow, gradual difference. Nearing graduation, I applied all around and got an offer from Samuel Adams Middle School in Harrisville. LIke any new job, I guess, you start out not knowing anyone, well, the people you interviewed with, sure, but often you don't really work with them day to day. So, I had started really not knowing anyone, just...
CHAPTER THREE: MEETING THE VP’S This story contains SLUT, EXHIBITIONISM, BIG BLACK COCK, GROUP, and OFFICE* * * *I had waited to go into the office, my first day … well, I giggle, as a secretary … until 9:00 AM per Mr. Nolan’s suggestion. That way the office was sure to be open upon my arrival. I am carrying a cardboard box of personal items for my desk. I awkwardly got the door open, crossed the waiting area and placed the box and my purse on the reception desk that would shortly be mine. I...
“Uh...oh… sorry lost in thought, Carol. What’s up?” I said “Kyle, you were staring at your monitor for 5 minutes. Well longer probably. I have been standing in your office door for 5 minutes watching you and you have not moved. No looking out the window, nothing. You ok?” “Yeah, fine” “No, you are not fine, Kyle I have known you for too long since you were a little boy when I started working for your dad. Now, what’s up?” Carol is right, she knows me better than I want to admit. She was...
Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...
John was leading with Brennan behind him and Cory was bringing up the rear when they emerged onto the logging road. Night had fallen and they had to proceed with the flashlights. A glow on the horizon promised moonlight in the next hour or so but, until then, they had to rely on the flashlights. John crouched with his head swiveling, sweeping the beam of the flashlight ahead of him. "I hear a motor idling," John whispered urgently over his shoulder to his companions. Cory moved up beside...
Introduction: Megans ordeal truely starts as Dominatus decides to introduce Megan to her neighbour Mr Johnson Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do? Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadnt realised was...
Afterwards, I called down to extend our stay and we lay in bed making plans for the day! While we couldn't top the previous night, we could try something different. This time, I demanded, Megan would be aware of what she was doing!"Let's start by laying out your lingerie by the window!" I ordered.Megan dutifully set out her wardrobe on the chair and stood by the window in her white lingerie and dark brown stockings. I picked out a pale blue pushup bra, blue lace garter belt, and crotchless...
Megan and I returned to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. This year it fell on my birthday and Megan promised to make it something special. She allowed me to pick out her clothes and I shoe my favorite see-through outfits and sexy lingerie. The morning of out flight, I laid out her clothing for the trip. Megan gawked at her outfit, a sheer pink blouse and short skirt with appropriate lingerie, nylons, and high heels!The trip was interesting. Megan wore a coat to start with, but as we boarded the...
Saturday mornings, Megan comes over between 9 and 10 to work on projects getting the house back into shape and generally getting stuff done, but this was also a way for us to bond. We would then just hang around the house in the afternoon and then take some time naked playtime. Sundays are Megan’s day off to spend time with her family. As the semester began to get near the end of the term, I started to notice that Megan was really tired. “How is school going?” I ask at dinner one night. “I...
My swim class was next to the high school that Megan went to as a junior. Every day that I past the school I caught glimpses of her in her P.E. class. She had the last P.E. class of the day and from experience it was the hard core class where running until you puked was normal. She always looks sexy running and fuckable whenever I drove by. One day I decided that I would go to class late just so I could watch her run around the track. She wore mini cloth shorts that had the school’s logo on...
I'm a pretty lucky guy, one of the few who actually enjoys their job. My name's Dougray, and I'm a twenty three year-old police constable, or cop if you like, serving my great country in the beautiful, remote Highlands of Scotland, usually on road patrol. It's an easy number, most of the time I just park up somewhere quiet with the speed radar on and maybe pull some poor soul over for speeding offences about once every two hours and give them a ticket. Mainly, I'm sat in the car either...
Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadn’t realised was that when she handed over her email address she allowed me to stalk her on facebook and find out her real identity and when she downloaded his...
This is my 375th submission to Literotica. A kind of milestone for me, as I didn’t think I’d live long enough to get anywhere close to that number. Well, with improved medical advances and some very good luck, I have, and now I look forward to providing you, my readers with many more submissions. I want to take a brief moment to thank all of you. Especially those who take a second to tell me what you liked or didn’t like about the work. Thank you, and happy reading. PW * The air, heavy...
The attractive blond looked very young. The waitress had automatically asked for ID when the adult beverage order was placed. Always cautious as she examined the girl’s driver’s license, the waitress had asked for a second form of photo ID which the young woman produced. It appeared to be either a student ID card or possibly an employee identification badge. After careful scrutiny of both identifying documents the bar maid seemed satisfied and went to retrieve the young woman’s order. The young...
We got to our room and my dad opened the door. As soon as it was open my dad pushed me into the room where I was instantly grabbed by two naked men. They grabbed me by my arms as my dad shut the door. Then my dad said to them, "Go on, have your way with Megan." They pulled me towards the bed as my dad sat down in chair next to a table in the room. "You guys fuck my daughter while I sit here and watch." I was still a bit startled by all of this so I was still struggling a bit as I...