Sam's Treatment free porn video

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Samantha sat quietly in the Doctor's office. The Doctor was just finishing upsigning something when she had walked in and taken the seat. Samantha had wornsimply jeans, shirt and light jacket for her visit. The jeans were nice andtight; the way Samantha liked them. Her left hand was wrapped in gauze withher index and middle finger splinted together, as if they had been broken.Her stomach felt like there were a swarm of butterflies in it. She was hopingthat the results would be good.

The Doctor was a woman of about 30 in a typical lab coat that covered herclothing. Her thick brown hair was up and she wore slim glasses over her browneyes. Instead of an office chair, the Doctor was in a motorized wheelchair.Since the first time that Samantha had come see the Doctor, Samantha had thoughtshe was a beautiful woman, someone that she would love to get to know betterbeyond the professional relationship. The Doctor put the pen down and slidthe papers aside.

?So, it has been three days since you were in.?

?Yes, Doctor.?

?Any ill effects since that time?? The Doctor's tone was professional andcomforting, as doctors are apt to talk.


?Any irritation? Itchiness??


?No discomfort? Lack of sensation??


?You have been taking the pills as instructed??

?Yes, ma'am.? Samantha had been lulled by the Doctor's tone, which suggestedauthority. Samantha acted accordingly.

?No ill-effects from them? Nausea? Indigestion??

?No. In fact, I haven't felt the need to eat since yesterday.?

?Good. Let's have a look, shall we??

There was a whir of the chair's motor and the Doctor came around from behindthe desk. Her legs were covered with a thin blanket and the way the lab coatwas pulled tight suggested that the Doctor had a large bust. Samantha thoughtit must be straining at double D in size, but it was difficult to tell withthe coat on her. The Doctor took Samantha's left hand and gently started toremove the gauze. The Doctor could feel tension in Samantha's hand.

?Are you nervous?? she asked, smiling at the reactions Samantha was showing.


?How come??

?I just hope it works.?

?I do to,? the Doctor said, reassuringly. ?You seemed to want it to work somuch at your initial consultation.?

The Doctor had the layer of gauze off the hand and now only had to removethe splint.

?Okay?? the Doctor asked her lovely patient.

?Yes,? Samantha said.

The Doctor slid the splint off. Samantha's two fingers were black. But notblack from lack of blood or any medical condition. They were black, like theyhad been dipped in black gloss paint, which wasn't too far from the truth.It was also difficult to distinguish the two fingers as separate digits ofSamantha's hand. It was as if they had been glued together, which they had.The black ?skin? on Samantha's fingers reflected like it was still wet, eventhough it was dry and warm to the Doctor's touch.

?Excellent. It has taken well.? The Doctor examined the fingers with her touchand her eyes, looking for any signs of reaction to the skin. ?I told you youshouldn't worry.?

?I know,? Samantha said sheepishly. ?It's just that when you said that theremight be the chance of rejection??

?In a few cases, was what I said. That's why I do this test. Some patients'skins have allergic reactions to it, like some people have problems with latex,which this substance is in fact derived from. Now, can you separate your fingers?? Samanthatried, but they wouldn't budge.


?Can you bend them?? Samantha curled her hand into a fist and the fingersflexed together. It was as if they had been joined like that since birth.

?And no discomfort at all??


?Good. Now you are sure that you wish to continue??

?Oh, yes,? Samantha said, like someone who was about to realize her dream,which she was.

?Well, then I see no reason not too. You've signed the release and taken theprescription. Speaking of which,? the Doctor pulled out a pillbox from hercoat pocket and popped one of the little pink pills. Samantha noticed thatthe pills were the same ones that she had been given to take.

?Doctor, you take the pills, too??


?But that means that you?? Samantha knew what it meant and found the thoughtexciting.

??Have an application of Blackskin. Yes, I do. I don't like to let patientsknow until they are ready themselves. Would you like to see?? Samantha noddedemphatically yes. The Doctor undid her lab coat and took the cover from herlegs. Samantha instantly went wet from what she saw.

The Doctor did indeed have large breasts that only had the coat covering them.They were at least 40 DD from what Samantha could tell and were perfect. Fromunder her breasts to her feet, the Doctor had been encased in Blackskin. Theblack shiny skin formed tightly to her, squeezing her shapely legs togethertightly into a single column. The skin covered her all the way to her toes,her feet seeming as if they had been sealed into a single 5? high-heel bootthat seemed to mold to her feet as if it were part of her. Samantha let herhand lightly caress the ebony skin that now confined the Doctor to the wheelchair,since it was plainly obvious that she would be unable to walk. Like the Blackskinthat had been used on Samantha's fingers, it was as natural fitting as if itwere second skin, which it was.

?I had my legs done about a week ago,? the Doctor explained. ?I had gone awhile without a treatment and missed the sensations.? The Doctor slid her handsdown her thighs, or perhaps more accurately, ?thigh?, reveling in the smoothtightness of it. ?I wanted it to be something that I could keep on withouthindering me too much. This is just what the doctor ordered?if you'll pardonthe pun.?

Samantha smiled at the joke and kept running her hand over the skin. The Doctordid not stop her since she was enjoying the caress. Samantha ran her hand upthe Doctor's leg to her covered flat stomach. She began to fondle the Doctor'sbreast. It was full and round and soft to the touch, suggesting that it wasnot the magic of a plastic surgeon, but very natural indeed. Samantha thenrealized that she was being forward and pulled her hand away.

?That's quite alright,? the Doctor reassured her. She took Samantha's handand pulled it back to her breast. She then took Samantha's left hand and pulledit toward her mouth. The Doctor treated the joined fingers to a kiss, thenlet her tongue gently glide over the smooth Blackskin. She looked into Samantha'seyes and saw the desire form. The Doctor knew that Samantha would make a wonderfulpatient, but she had had to be sure. Desire alone would not suffice. Her bodyhad to be amenable to the treatment. Which Samantha had shown she would be.The Doctors lab results showed as much from the initial examination, but thetest application was always the best way for checking long term exposure.

?Help me,? the Doctor said, setting the wheel locks. The Doctor put her handson the arms of the wheelchair and planted her ?foot? on the floor. She pushedherself up as Samantha rose to help steady her on her single heel. The Doctorwas really an inch taller than Samantha, however with the added height of theheel, she towered over her. Samantha looked at the back of the Doctor, marvelingat how wonderful the application was and how it made the Doctor's curvy hipsand rear look soo much more appealing. When Samantha was finished admiringthe Doctor's back, she stood before her. The Doctor slipped off Samantha'sjacket. Samantha knew the Doctor's objective and removed her top, letting herown chest become exposed. The Doctor's skilled hands lightly brushed her softbreasts, her one thumb teasing a nipple gently. Samantha reached up and undidthe Doctor's hair. The brown hair fell down to the Doctor's waist and framedher face wonderfully. Their arms wrapped around each other and they pulledthemselves together, the Doctor's chest flattening against Samantha. Theirlips met. Samantha felt the Doctor's tongue inside her mouth and did the sameto the Doctor. They pulled apart after a minute of this. Samantha leaned againstthe arm of the chair she had been sitting in as the Doctor's skilled tonguedanced around her nipple. Samantha let her fingers wander from the Doctor'stits to her sealed legs. Samantha pushed her hand where the Doctor's groinwould be. The Doctor moaned and swayed slightly, still maintaining her balanceon the heel. The Doctor's hand went in-between Samantha's legs and pressedfirmly against the jeans. Samantha's thoughts scattered and her heart beganto pound. Her teeth bit her lower lip as her hips ground into the Doctor'shand. She whispered something aloud. The Doctor looked up at her face, lettingher finger flick the hard nipple.

?What was that?? The Doctor felt what was said, but wanted to hear it.

?Seal me?? Samantha panted. ?Seal me forever.? The Doctor's face came up toSamantha's, her hand sliding behind Samantha's neck.

?I will.? The Doctor kissed Samantha deeply again. She pulled away, suckingon her lower lip. Then the Doctor returned to her seat in the wheelchair. ?Standup,? the Doctor ordered. Samantha straightened up, swallowing, her knees weakfrom the passion that she felt. ?Remove the rest of your clothes and placethem on your chair.? Samantha followed instructions. The Doctor's wheelchairspun and went to the bookcase behind the desk. She pulled on a book and thebookcase slid aside to reveal an elevator. The Doctor wheeled in and motionedfor Samantha to follow. Samantha joined the Doctor in the elevator and thedoor closed; the car then proceeded down to the treatment rooms where Samantha'sfantasies were about to become real.

The door of the elevator opened onto the lobby of the treatment center, whichwas done in a warm off-white, well lit, but not harsh. The walls were coveredin a thick padding, like on the cell of an insane asylum. The Doctor wheeledout into the lobby and indicated a chair for Samantha to sit on in the corner.

?I have spent over three years perfecting the technique and substance thatyou are about to experience. It developed out of my own desires, then blossomedwhen I found others who shared those desires. You are about to experience nothinglike you have ever known before.? The Doctor took out a handheld remote andpressed a button, causing the chair that Samantha was seated in to rise upslightly and for a padded platform to rise out of the floor under her feet. ?Thepink pills you have taken have altered your metabolism to the point where yournutritional needs have been curtailed, as was your need to excrete wastes.These changes are not permanent. They are only as long as you continue to takethe pills on the prescribe schedule. You will still need to ingest nutrients,but not in the quantities that you have needed previous.? The Doctor slid herhand under her own breast and started to caress it.

?The same research I did on the metabolism pills lead to the hormone pillsthat endowed me with these. Yes, they are real. But science gave them helpin growing. I will make it part of your treatment if you wish. I can do otherthings as well, but that will come in time. First??

The Doctor wheeled her chair over to the platform, set the wheel locks, andslid onto the platform on her ?knee?. Samantha spread her legs, knowing theDoctor's intent. The Doctor clasped her hands behind her back and started tolick and suck on Samantha's sex. The Doctor was evidently skilled at performingcunnilingus, apparently without the use of her hands. Samantha was in ecstasy.She found herself cumming a short while later as the Doctor did seem to certainlyknow which buttons to push. The Doctor sat back looking at Samantha who seemedspent for the moment. The Doctor took a small canister from beside the chairand held it under Samantha's nose. A hiss came from the nozzle as a gas wasadministered to the new arrival. The Doctor pushed another button on the remoteand a hidden door opened. Two of the Doctor's orderlies walked in. When Samanthalet the haze of passion fade from her mind, she noticed the two.

The Doctor's orderlies were women. Large breasted from their hormone treatments,to at least 46 DD. Both had waist length hair, one brunette, and one redhead.Their splendid bodies were encased in Blackskin. Their toes were pointed dueto the 5? heels that were sealed to their feet. The Blackskin was formed withtheir legs separate, so that they could walk. It had not been applied to theirchests, but it was used to bind their arms in such a way that their wristswere ?glued' to the sides of their bodies, just under their breasts. Theirhands were free of blackskin, but it was obvious that they had limited motionpermitted in their arms. The blackskin proceeded up their necks and stoppedunder their noses, sealing their mouths. The skin was smoothed over their lipsso that they formed through the skin, though there was no chance of them beingable to open their mouths ever.

?These are my orderlies. They will help prepare you for the occlusion.? Theorderlies walked over to Samantha as the Doctor remounted her chair and wheeledback to let them take the patient. ?You will notice that your body will seemsluggish, this is due to a mild tranquilizing gas I have given you. It makesthe process go much easier and better results are achieved when the patient'sbody is totally relaxed.? The orderlies each took an arm, and since their armswere so hindered, it was necessary for the orderlies' large breasts to pressagainst the patient, much to the patient's delight. Samantha's body was slowto respond to her commands and it didn't help as her head was swimming withrandom thoughts of what lay ahead.


The orderlies led Samantha into a smaller room, which seemed like a largeshower. There was a drain in the floor and flexible shower nozzles coming fromthe ceiling. The orderlies positioned her in the center of the room. The nozzlescame on and a sweet smelling fluid sprayed over the three women. It was oilyand slick. Soon, Samantha was dripping in it and the orderlies spread it allover her, using their ample breasts as applicators. Samantha licked her lipsand tasted the oil; it was sweet, almost like white grape juice. Samantha lookeddown to see her skin shiny with oil and being smothered with the orderlies'bodies. The softness of their chests and the smoothness of the oil were makingher knees evermore weaker. The orderly with the red hair stood up and Samanthaleaned on her. Samantha kissed the orderly's sealed mouth. The orderly lookedlike she wanted to respond in kind, but couldn't due to her Blackskin gag.Samantha caressed the orderly's large breast and kissed her again. The otherorderly was smoothing the oil over Samantha's leg. She then stood up, and thetwo orderlies squeezed themselves against Samantha. Samantha was now in a wonderfulslippery sandwich.

Samantha's body glistened with the sweet oil and the nozzles were shut off.Her hair and that of the orderlies was now damp and limp with the stuff. Theorderlies took Samantha by each arm and led her to the next room. Samanthawas feeling almost euphoric between the sexual desire brewing within her andthe softening effect of the tranquilizer. The drug worked even quicker withthe naturally relaxed state of mind that she was in and her vision was gettingfuzzy around the edges.

Within the next room was a padded table that had been tilted up on end. Herbody still dripping with oil, Samantha was led to a short stool and made tosit. One of the orderlies went off to a cabinet on the other side of the room,while the other went about pinning up Samantha's long brown hair so that itwas up above her neck. Once this was complete and Samantha was now back onher feet, the other orderly came back with what appeared to be a double donutroll of black spongy rubber.

?And now we will begin the process.? It was the Doctor's voice, but Samanthacouldn't determine where in the room it was, not that she was in any stateof mind for strong rational thought. Samantha could feel her arms being pulledbehind her. Her right arm was folded across her back and the donut was slippedon up to the middle of her forearm. Her left arm was folded back and throughthe donut as well and her arms were hands to elbows. The material felt softand cold and Samantha gasped slightly as her skin touched it.

?In order for the Blackskin to stay inert, it must be kept cool,? the Doctor'scalm voice explained. ?It will warm up, soon enough.?

Samantha could feel it warming up from the heat of her body. The orderlieswere unrolling the Blackskin donut in each direction, so that the Blackskincovered her arms over her hands and elbows and up to almost her armpits. Withsome forceful tenderness, the orderly smoothed out the skin and Samantha couldfeel it start to shrink and get sticky. The oil seemed to be helping it adhereto her skin.

?As it did with the application on your fingers, the Blackskin is reactingto your body heat and has begun to cure. It is shrinking to a skintight fitand is gluing itself to you.? The orderlies continued to smooth it out as theBlackskin formed a tight U glove over Samantha's arms behind her back. Samanthatried to move her hands but found them fast in place under the skin. The skingave slightly, but it was as if her arms were wrapped in tight rubber withonly the slightest of give to it. Samantha felt the goosebumps form all overher body and her nipples became hard and erect with the excitement. Her mindcleared slightly from the adrenaline rush and she smiled.

?Excellent,? the Doctor remarked, looking at the application of Blackskinover Samantha's arms. The skin got a deeper black and became shiny as it cured. ?Nowfor the top.?

The orderly had returned with a ?sweater? of Blackskin that was pulled overSamantha's head, much the same as a sweater would, but without arms. The topcame down to just below Samantha's waist. As the orderlies smoothed out theskin, the sweater began to cure in the same manner as the U glove. After justa few minutes, Samantha's upper body was encased in tight black rubber thatwent up her neck to just under her jaw line. Samantha reveled in the tightconfining skin that was making itself a part of her. It was amazing. The skinwas tight, yet not constrictive to blood flow or feeling. It had some give,but was strong and restrictive. Her eyes were closed now, lost in the incrediblenew sensations of her body.

?Now the boot.?

Samantha was taken over to the vertical table and leant against it. Samanthawas still testing her bonds, not in an attempt to escape from them, but tomake sure that she couldn't escape. She wasn't trying all that hard, but itfelt to her like there was no way that she would be able to free herself onher own. The redheaded orderly placed a single high heel boot at Samantha'sfeet. The boot was wide enough for both feet to slide into and the heel seemedto be about four inches in height. At the top of the boot was another donutroll of Blackskin, this one fairly large.

Using the lubrication of the oil, Samantha slid one foot into the boot. Theredhead placed a spongy thick pad of blackskin on her ankle and pressed anotherone inside her knee. The blond orderly steadied her as the redhead guided inher other foot, squeezing the blackskin sponge between her anklebones. Thefit was nice as both feet were snug in the single footwear, but didn't feeljammed in together. The redhead then started to unroll the blackskin up Samantha'slegs. The roll overlapped the blackskin top now sealed to her upper body andjoined the two pieces into one. The blond squirted more sweet oil onto herbreasts from a bottle and then rubbed her chest with the redheads, spreadingthe oil. The two orderlies then ?buffed? Samantha's new skin with their oil-coveredbreasts. As they worked, Samantha could feel the U-glove, the top, and theboot of blackskin merging together and her long beautiful body was now coveredfrom the neck down in the tightest black body wrap. Samantha leaned againstthe vertical table as her new skin was smeared with more oil

?I call this ?snake oil'. It is an oil solution that helps the blackskin maintaincohesion and stability. Without the oil treatment at least once every two days,the blackskin would start to decompose and flake, eventually disintegrating.So if you wish to keep your application on over time, you will have to havesnake oil applied.?

Tight inescapable bondage and warm sweet oil baths regularly? Samanthathought, Don't let it stop!

The motion of the table caught Samantha off guard as it was lowered into ahorizontal position. Her weight shifted from her feet (or more appropriately ?foot?)to her back. The padding on the table was almost gel like, forming to her body.Samantha expected her arms to get sore from being trapped under the weightof her back, but they didn't. The redheaded orderly moved toward Samantha'shead to undo her hair and smooth the skin near her neck. The temptation ofthe large pendulums of flesh so near her mouth was too much and Samantha snakedher tongue out to lick the nipple before her. The orderly moaned softly throughher gag and seemed to really enjoy the sensation. Samantha let her lips forma seal around the stiff tip and spread out to cover as much flesh as she could,all the time, suckling gently like a baby. The blonde orderly came up and pulledthe redhead away, almost like she was admonishing the redhead. Samantha couldn'ttell if the blonde was jealous that the redhead was having her breasts suckedon instead of her, or if it was the fact that the new arrival was doing itand not her. Samantha watched the two orderlies as the redhead tried to makeit up to the blonde by teasing her nipples. Such was the gentleness that Samanthacould instantly feel it on her own body.

Her mind flooded with erotic thoughts and wanted to bring up Samantha's handto caress and play with her own nipples, but her arms were firmly fixed behindher back. The realization of this caused Samantha to get wet again betweenthe legs. Samantha flexed her thighs as much as she could to help stimulateher sex even more, but the blackskin was preventing it, which turned her oneven more, which wanted to make her play with herself, which she couldn't,which turned her on?and so on. Her body felt as if it was about to short outfrom the undirected energy building up. She became lost in her own conundrum,wiggling to try to achieve any type of stimulation. Her heart pounded harderand her throat became dry. She tensed her muscles to benefit from the slightshifting inside her cocoon. She would give anything to have her pussy exposedand played with. Instead it was shut away under a layer of living latex blackskin.Samantha twisted her body onto her side and brought her knees up. This increasedpressure against her groin, but it wasn't enough. Maybe if she could roll overand grind into the table. That might work.

?You look so beautiful when you squirm.? It was the Doctor's voice from nearher ear. The Doctor was behind her, leaning on the side of the table to steadyherself on her single heel. Samantha felt the Doctor's hand caress her throughthe skin, running her fingers down over her black, shiny ass and in-betweenher legs.

?It's driving you mad, isn't it?? The Doctor's voice was steady and seductive. ?Youhave finally found a way to enclose your body in tight bondage, and now itis preventing you from playing with yourself.?

?Yes,? Samantha replied weakly. She was frustrated, but it felt wonderful.Samantha melted even more when the Doctor nuzzled gently against the side ofher neck, her hot breath tickling what skin was still exposed.

?Let me help.? With that, the Doctor gently turned Samantha's face towardher own and kissed her. Slowly the tongues met and Samantha moaned in pleasure.The Doctor's breasts were pushing against Samantha and the Doctor's one handwas still down under Samantha's ass. Samantha's moaning turned to a whimperas the Doctor's two fingers pressed against Samantha's groin, sending thatalready sensitive area into a quick state of shock.

?You are soo beautiful. You love the way this feels, don't you? You've dreamedof this, haven't you?? the Doctor's voice with it's quiet whisper excited Samantha'smind as the Doctor's touch stimulated her bound body. The voice drifted fromSamantha's consciousness. The Doctor could also feel herself getting caughtup in the moment, but knew that she had to put Samantha over first. It wasso wonderful to watch and experience when one of her patients has their firstorgasm in the skin. Samantha's body was pushing down on the Doctor's hand,moving toward the pleasing stimulation, all the while the rest of her formwas twisting and writhing. Samantha's face took on the look of painful pleasure,as the two emotions collided. Samantha had stopped kissing the Doctor to focuson the climb her mind and body was on. Her breathing was coming in bursts,timing it to help with the sensation. It was close. Her mind knew it. She sensedit building. She felt the scream build.

Samantha had never known anything like it. She could feel her body and mindrushing toward the peak. Suddenly, she felt like she was flying. Her body wasquivering with the release and her muscles tensed. The Doctor could feel thethrobbing of Samantha's sex against her fingers, and bound up as it was, thatmade it all the more exciting. For a moment, Samantha seemed to be suspendedin time. For Samantha, it was unlike anything she had ever felt. The wave ofwarm pleasure swept over her and she found herself floating in ether. She hadcum before, but never with this intensity. And it didn't seem to end. Her bodysurfing a wave that was bringing her closer to shore. Finally, the wave dissolvedgently and her body in its blackskin prison was deposited on the sand. Thewarm water of the waves was lapping around her.

Samantha's body went limp on the table, her breathing deep and steady. Herbrow was soaked in sweat and she could feel the trickles running down in betweenher tight legs. The orderlies came to the table to help position Samantha backinto its center. The Doctor wiped away the sweat with a cool cloth, aware ofher own excitement from what she had just witnessed. The Doctor never forgother first time ?in the skin?, and watching other patients with their firsttime, only served to remind her of it once more.

?Rest darling,? the Doctor said in a soothing voice. ?It is late and you aretired. When you awake, you will learn of more pleasures. Rest now.?

The lights in the room dimmed and Samantha succumbed to the blissful fatigue.The Doctor wheeled her chair over near the door and waited for her orderliesto follow. She would need them tonight to put out the fire that was smolderinginside her sealed sex, already deciding to use the blackskin on them.

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                                               Sam’s Place Mark was a black man from the east side of New York. He had recently moved to a suburb of Chicago. One day a friend took him to a certain night club in a shanty part of town. Since then, he had been visiting this pub more than usual. It wasn’t that he liked the beer they served or anything else about the place. It was just that he had an interest in a lusty little blonde dancer who worked there. Ever since she first danced closed to...

1 year ago
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Sams experience

At 18 years old I'd never really had much luck when it came to sex but all that changed when Shaun walked into my life. He worked at the same bar as me and we hit it off straight away. He was tall and so fine! We started hanging out as friends but one night after work we went back his place to get stoned. It started off all innocent, watching videos and chilling out. we flirted and had a laugh. At about 3am we were really stoned and he decided to put on some porn. It was so horny, I'd never...

First Time
4 years ago
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South indian housewife in 7 days treatment

My name is Anita Singh. I live in a small town in Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am 32 years of age, married. I got married at the age of 25 to Rajesh, who was a shop-owner. My married life started smooth and I was happy with everything. Rajesh and I shared a very good and close relation. My sex life also was quite regular and satisfactory. But bitterness in my life started when Rajesh and I decided we are going to have an issue after two years of our marriage. When even after one year of...

4 years ago
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Course of Treatment

A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...

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Water Treatment

Water Treatment‘Who was talking at this meeting...who did you hear in the room with your husband?’‘I d-d-d-don’t know please I don...nuh-nuh-nuh-naaarrgh!’The naked woman strapped down into the heavy wooden chair arched and twisted. Her soft brown skin gleamed with the sweat of her futile efforts under the hot, blinding lights.‘Oh but I think you do...’ Her desperate denials turned to whimpering pleas as the man standing behind the chair reached round to cup the full globes of her breasts. He...

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Aliens and CowboysTreatment

Waking up at his usual time, Mark threw on his robe, exited the room, grabbed a cup of coffee at the bar and went out to the walkway to take the stairs down one level to the bridge where he and Cricket went over his daily reports. The only item during his daily reports that caught his interest wasn’t actually part of his daily report. He had received a message from Captain Derek Jones stating that he had recruited enough people for his mission, and another message from Kaleb confirming...

3 years ago
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BreederChapter 11 The Treatment

"Just hold still now Maria..." Maria felt a prick in her arm. The prick in her arm was a drug to both wake her from an anesthetic and ensure her compliance. The small medical crew had only a few minutes before the controlling effects of the drug would wear off. The voice penetrating Maria's fuzzy head was that of Dr. Elizabeth Curtis, senior medical advisor to the Breeder program. Maria felt sick. It was like her skin was crawling like it was covered in a rash. She sat on a medical table...

3 years ago
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Angel And The Three Devils Treatment

A woman living in a house with three men -- three brothers, in fact -- could be considered one lucky bitch or a whore. It all depended on who you asked. To most people, the brothers were lucky bastards to be sharing a house with a woman — especially if she put out to all three. Living with three young, virile males between the ages of twenty-six and thirty was a nymphomaniac's dream come true and Angel was living it. When she rented a room from the guys three years earlier, it was purely...

2 years ago
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My wife Sarah and I were enjoying a small golfing and spa break which we had been enjoying immensely, until i managed to twist an ankle when fishing a wayward ball out of the rough. Luckily we were talking to a lady in the bar that evening who was actually by her self on a spa break and enjoyed golf and happened to have her clubs with her so arranged to play with Sarah the next day.They met at breakfast the next morning and off they went. I took myself off to the spa for a little bit of...

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The Treatment

Disclaimer: This story contains adult themes so if you are under age or offended by this type of thing scram. If you like female domination, heavy humiliation, etc then read on. This is my first story enjoy. The Treatment (aka Poodle Punishment) By Deviant Dave I didn't frequent the strip clubs in Niagara Falls and Fort Erie Canada like my buddy Tim but I'd tag along once in awhile. For some reason I always had more of a conscience than the other guys and often felt guilty if I...

4 years ago
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Course of Treatment

A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...

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Nurses Special Treatment

Most the day I sleep in the bed and wake for when the doctors are there or the nurses come to change the sheets. I lay waiting for the day the doctors finally give me the ok to leave. Although I don’t mind this one nurse who comes in every other day. She is young, with perky breast and long brunet hair. She has never seen my face because it has been wrapped up since I got here. She looks so fucking hot when she is in that nurses outfit. This hospital seems to use the short skirts still....

3 years ago
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Samson Gets Familiar Part 3 Kaylies Return

I'll never forget the day my bandages came off, staring at myself in the mirror and admiring their 42H glory. I couldn't help but be sad and remember Samson and what he would think of them. Sadly he'd never find out, having passed 5 years before my surgery. I hadn't loved another dog since that summer, not physically or emotionally. That all changed when I bought my first house this year at 36. I'm a moderately successful single woman with the terrible problem that in my small town...

3 years ago
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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed, even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

2 years ago
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Penis Enlargement Treatment

I had been considering for some time looking into one of the various penis enlargement methods that are constantly advertised on TV, the radio and of course, the constant stream of email spam promising me three more inches in just days. My cock is only five inches long, so the advertisements are constant reminders of my inadequacy. I really want to experience the power of pushing a big, thick cock—MY big thick cock into a girl and watching her squirm and groan, trying greedily to accept every...

4 years ago
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Physiotherapy Treatment

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to...

2 years ago
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Sex Treatment

I am new to the site and my story hope my story will be interesting, I am married and we are three sisters now we are married for three years and this happened one year after our marriage, all three of us have a age difference on 2 years and I got married just 8 months after my elder sister got married. after marriage she went to the place where her husband was working and then we got married and we also moved to Agra, we moved to agra immediately after marriage with in one week and we were...

3 years ago
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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed; even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

2 years ago
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Dr White Begins Chastity Treatment

Published by JustFourInches on 10.8.20“Dr. White will see you now.”I looked up to see a pretty blonde nurse with a cordial smile and the expected clipboard. I followed her to Exam Room 5, where she motioned for me to enter and asked me to wait for a few minutes. This was my first time meeting Dr. White. First time for a lot of things these days. My wife and I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio for work, and I was due for my physical. Dr. White was listed on my insurance website as an option, and...

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Dr White Begins Treatment

Published by HornyHubby05 on 12/5/20“Dr. White will see you now.”I looked up to see a pretty blonde nurse with a cordial smile and the expected clipboard. I followed her to Exam Room 5, where she motioned for me to enter and asked me to wait for a few minutes. This was my first time meeting Dr. White. First time for a lot of things these days. My wife and I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio for work, and I was due for my physical. Dr. White was listed on my insurance website as an option, and...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 17 Alien Medical Treatment

The attendant was someone new. This young man looked a bit frustrated as we entered the room. “Who are you?” “Citizen Mark Parker,” I replied crisply. “The AI told me that I was to show up with two concubines.” The man looked at me and the three women with me. “You seem to have three,” he said. “Lenore already visited a pod,” I replied. “But when the call came I was not in my home pod, so she escorted Aine here.” The attendant looked surprised. “You weren’t in your pod? Why not?” “I want...

1 year ago
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Tough Treatment

Carlton Adams, Carl or 1 ton to his rugby friends was a pro rugby player and had just completed qualifying as a sports physio, dietitian and trainer when he crashed a friends Harley. Taking a girl for a ride, a speeding car had run them off the road, the girl had minimal injuries but Carl had rolled with the huge bike sustaining back and leg injuries. After 12 weeks in hospital he was wheeled to the physio unit to start work on walking and regaining mobility. His assessment was a shock, in...

Adult Humor
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Samson Gets Familiar Part 2 End of Summer

The summer ticked by, day after day, and I started to lose all hope of ever getting to spend another night with Sammy. I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him and I had to know if he felt the same. My uncle came to me one day to tell me that he had planned to surprise my aunt and the boys with a camping trip and that I, of course, was invited to come along as well. This was it, the moment I'd waited for the last month. I looked him squarely in the eye and asked if it would...

3 years ago
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Salvation Ch 18 Cruel Treatments

As he drew nearer, he was able to admire its architecture. It stood three stories high and over eighty feet long, and had windows that were heavily draped. The dark roof gleamed from the recent downpour and the windows reflected the sunlight, moving from pane to pane as he approached. The building stood well back from the street and had a doorman always in attendance for added security. Built for up to fifty patients, who were accommodated in their own private soundproofed rooms situated...

3 years ago
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Samson Gets Familiar

I went straight to my travel bag and tucked my new things in the bottom where noone was likely to find them, then I bided my time till I could dress. The anticipation ate away at me, knowing that in that bag were lingerie and shoes that belonged to me, not stolen from someone else, but mine. I finally got my moment about a week later, my uncle came up to me and said they were all going out to eat and then to a movie. Naturally I was invited to go, but seeing my opportunity, I made up and...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

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A Suitable Case for Treatment

I was feeling stressed. I needed to do something about it. Everything had got on top of me. Too much work, too much travel, too much socialising. I asked Zoe for advice. She was a long-time friend who I knew had taken time off work several months before and had come back shining. She looked happy and relaxed. I gave Zoe a ring.Zoe looked at me. "You do look a bit washed out, what have you been doing?""Not much, I just seem to be rushing around trying to keep things going.""Well you're...

2 years ago
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Pamela gives me a special treatment

My sensual wife had asked me to purchase some sexy outfit for her, since those days she was in the mood for wild hard sex…But then, as I was entering a lingerie store in the shopping mall, I just bumped on a very sexy beautiful babe in her early twenties.She was hot; she apologized because she was looking backwards when she was walking out of the store. I helped her to pick up her bags and she then told me her name was Pamela…She went back inside with me and helped to pick up some sexy stuff...

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The medical assistant to the Urolog treatment

If you have been following my stories, you know that I am a young, attractive female medical assistant who works for a leading urologist in a major city. As this is written, I have had this position for three years which makes me 27. Not many women work in this field but frankly I chose it because of my fascination with the penis. And I get to see a great many of them. While most of our patients are older, we get enough young men and even virile middle-aged men, to keep it interesting for...

4 years ago
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Sruthi Wants The Exact Treatment

Hai to all ISS readers, I’ve gone through this site since long back and i feel that this site is the very best site to spend our time and loneliness.After reading many stories i thought why should i keep my mouth shut.So i am also posting my real life story.This is my first time so please pardon if any mistakes.You can send me your feed backs to my email id “” Coming to the story.My name is sting(name changed). I am a male,doctor age 34 working in a private hospital in pathanamthitta...

3 years ago
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The Sissy Treatment

"The 'Sissy' Treatment" I walked into the lounge and quietly took a seat near the corner of the bar. I heard the familiar swishing zip of my sheer vintage hosiery as I crossed my legs and smoothed my skirt. "Can I help you Miss?" came the voice of the bartender as he put the napkin down in front of me. "I'll have a cocktail," I replied. I looked around the dimly lit lounge. The place was upscale, mostly folks from downtown who after having a few drinks at their usual...

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special treatment

   Lucia was in her early thirties, a latin hipped brazilian living in Manchester.  Her neck had been giving her grief since she strated her new job a few months back.  Work insisted she go to see a doctor and then a physiotherapist, she didn't see the point but they were paying so what the hell.   When she arrived at the clinic after work she became even more pissed off when she rang the bell and there was no answer.  'fuck, what a waste of time' she thought as she turned to leave, 'hi there,...

Straight Sex
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The best treatment

It was nine at night and someone knocked on the door and when I checked, it was one of the known faces I always adored much, she was my student in college Anu. She was a perfect blossom with the perfect body I like, 30-24-34 and wheat complexion. I preferred such girls because I always imagined putting their tiny boobs in my mouth and suck them hard. Few days remained for their final exams and she happened to visit me for clearing her doubts regarding some questions she found difficult to...

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Silent Treatment

It was Friday night when my wife, Maxine, came into the room where I was watching TV. I recognized from the way that she was dressed that she intended to do some serious partying. This was news to me, for as far as I was aware, this was just going to be another night for both of us spent in front of the telly. "I'll probably be back late, Darling, so don't bother waiting up for me. I have to go, that's my cab." "But where—" was all I managed to get out before she was out of the room...

2 years ago
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Jungle Treatment

© 2000 This is a witness report filed by Sergeant Michael Sands of the Irish Rangers. It is compiled concerning the events in Sierra Leone in September 2000 when he and other UK personnel were held captive in the village of Masuri in central Sierra Leone. This concern the treatment during captivity of Captain Jackie Ward, Jackie is a Territorial Army medical officer with the British Army in Sierra Leone, a blonde statuesque nurse of 24 years, she is very polite, kind and gentle, Jackie...

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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 6 Pressure Treatment

Yvonne and Sue were giggling together, excited by their developing sexuality, or bisexuality I supposed, as my wife Sally helped the post-orgasmic Becky towards one of the armchairs. Sally looked over at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss. A slight concern crossed her face. “Rog, how many fucks is that today?’ “Er, Seven? Eight?” I was struggling to remember. “Right. Bed.” Sally was so in charge. “You’re exhausted. We all are.” “I’m not exhausted,” Vonnie piped up, grinning. “I’m not...

3 years ago
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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 10 Shock Treatment

And so it did. They put both Vonnie and Sue through the thermal shock treatment – four minutes in the hot tub, alternating with four in the butt of icy water – swapping them over through three cycles. They dried them, drove four stakes into the lawn in the late morning sunshine, and tied the two naked girls down by their wrists. “So Roger,” the twat Thomas addressed me, “you understand what you have to give us and why, don’t you? So let’s get started. Fuck your underage daughter with your...

1 year ago
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The candle treatment

Dr. Sierra Clark sat quietly while Ethan and Sydney Harmon related their failed attempts at sexual intercousre for the past week!!! ", I just don't know what else we can do," Sydney offered softly, "we tried everything you suggested, but nothing, it just didn't work!!!" "Is that true, Ethan," the doctor asked quietly?!? "I'm afraid so," he replied sadly, "I just can't seem to be able to attain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse with Sydney!!!" "What did you do then," the doctor...

3 years ago
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Samstagnacht wir waren aus, feiern in einer Disco. Mein Freund Max hatte endlich mal angeboten, dass er fährt und so konnte ich etwas trinken. Das nutze ich aus und wir hatten Spaß, bis er entschied, dass es an der Zeit sei Heim zu fahren. Er zahlte und wir verließen die Disco, um in seinem Wagen zu mir zu fahren. Ich war noch ziemlich aufgedreht und redete ununterbrochen, bis mir plötzlich auffiel, dass er eine andere Strecke für den Rückweg gewählt hatte. „Woher fährst Du" fragte ich...

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Samsher Ki Kahani Part 8

Neeche mama mami ko chod raha tha. Bahut dinon baad usko pyar karne layak akela pan mila tha. Mami nidhal si apni taange chouadaye padi thi aur mama uski khuli choot mein apna ‘jaisa bhi tha’ lund pele ja raha tha. Par wo chudayi mami ko formality bhar lag rahi thi. Jaise bus karwana hi hai. Usko mama ke 4 inchi lund se koi khas lagav nahi tha. Ab mama ki umar bhi to ho gayi thi na. Aisa nahi hai ki wo dushron ki aur dekhti thi apni sex ki purti ke liye. Bus wah ‘jo mila’ se hi santust...

4 years ago
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Missy Day Sixteen Spa Treatments

"Shhh, shh little one," Abuela murmured, twisting her four fingers counter-clockwise in my pussy. "It's a good hurt." I sagged back onto the gynecological table and tried once again, unsuccessfully, to close my spread legs. When I had entered the smaller treatment room earlier to see a gyno table, I wasn't surprised. When my feet were put into stirrups, my legs were spread wide and then were strapped down I didn't even utter a sound of protest. But now, they made it impossible to...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

Group Sex
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The Pet part 5 Debbie gets some special treatment

When Sally, Lorraine and Liz had told her that they’d arranged to borrow Ashly’s slave Kim for the weekend, she’d literally begged them to let her join them. They’d agreed, on one condition – that she told absolutely no-one about their plans, to which she’d agreed. They’d warned her that if she did tell anyone she’d be in serious trouble but she didn’t truly believe that they’d do anything to her so, in true “best-friend” style, she’d told Debbie, her friend from the stables. Well, her and...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Unusual Medical Treatment

The war was over and though grief at the sheer number of those lost was tempering the enthusiasm of the victors, there was still an all encompassing sense of relief across the country. Voldemort was dead, permanently this time, and the general consensus was that this time around, his followers were all going to be dealt with appropriately. No matter how great this news was however, none of it could do much to lift the spirits of one Ginny Weasley however. The cost of the war had hit her hard,...

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