Karens Story 7
- 4 years ago
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Karen's Milk by J. Wadd
This story is of an Adult Nature and meant to be read by Adults Only. It isa figment of a demented imagination and is in no way meant to encourage orsupport the actions described. In other words it is purely fictional and meantonly for readers enjoyment. If this type of material offends you, then don'tread it.
Karen eyes struggled to open, her mind in a fog, her eyelids so heavy shekept drifting in an out of conciseness. She thought she was dreaming as shestruggled to move. Slowly, as her mind began to clear her memory groggily returned.She remembered herself in the clinic when her labor pains began, then the pain,and bits and pieces of the delivery. Then it was nothing but darkness, untilnow.
As she looked about, this was not the room she had went into labor in. Thisroom was different, it didn't seem like part of the clinic, and she sensedsomething was wrong. Before she could sort it out, someone entered the room.
?Hello Karen. I see your finally awake, how are you feeling??
Karen looked up at the older woman's face with a look of uncertainty as shestudied her for a moment. She looked to be in her late forty's with slightlygraying hair pulled tightly into a bun. A stern almost snobbish, professionallook to her, but at least the white lab coat was reassuring as Karen concludedshe was still in the clinic.
Karen didn't answer, she felt sore and bruised. She felt so sleepy, her eyesstruggling to stay open. ?What's happening? Where am I? How is the baby? Isit a boy or a girl?? she asked with tears welling up in her eyes.
?Oh, slow down, one question at a time dear. I'm sorry Karen, but you won'tbe seeing the baby, remember? That was all part of the adoption and so it reallydoesn't matter if it was a boy or a girl. But I will tell you that the babyis healthy and the new parents express their deepest gratitude to you.?
Karen began to cry.
The woman sat down on the edge of the chair and pulled her in her arms, hertightly brasseried breasts poking against the side of Karen's cheek. ?Therethere, it will be alright, there will be other children in your future I guaranteeit, you'll be fine, you just need some time.?
Karen continued to sob before finally regaining some composure. ?Where amI? Are we still in the clinic??
?No, this is not the Doctor Adams clinic, this is my clinic. Do you rememberme? I interviewed you once in your Doctor Adams office.
?I don't understand.? Karen asked totally confused.
I am a close friend of Doctor Adams, my name is Catherine. Doctor Catherineactually, but for now I think it best if you just call me Catherine.?
?Why am I here??
?You see Karen you have been chosen by Doctor Adams and my colleagues fora rather unique project. That is why we have been preparing you for the last,oh, eight months or so.?
Karen was only more confused now. ?What do you mean preparing me? Preparingfor what? I thought the adoptive parents took my baby, what more could youpossible want for me??
?Karen the adoptive parents do have your baby now. But you see our interestswere never in the baby, but in you and the changes in your body that the babyhas caused.?
?I don't understand.? Karen seemed puzzled.
?Karen, you have been chosen for an experimental research program called IntensiveLactation Thearapy, or ILT. It is a program of designed experiments aimed atexpanding the lactation capabilities of the human female.?
?What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean, I just gave up mybaby and I don't have any ah.? Karen stopped mid sentence and thought for amoment, and a chill ran through her. ?Lactation, you mean like milk? Wait Inever agreed to this. I want out of here right now.?
Catherine held Karen again. ?It's alright. I know this all is a little frightening,but I assure you, you'll be just fine.?
Karen pushed Catherine away and tried to stand only to find her ankles werecuffed and fastened to the chair. ?What's going on what have you done to me?Let me go.?
?Calm down, this is just temporary, just relax, I'm only doing what is bestfor you. You're in no condition to go anywhere for a while dear.? Catherinereassured her.
But Karen's anger continued. ?Let me go, I'm leaving, I don't know what kindof sick ideas you may have but I'm not going to be a part of it.?
Catherine gripped Karen tighter, pushing her back down, her ankles alreadytied, she put up little resistance in her weakened state. Before Karen evenrealized it Catherine had slipped her right wrist in a cuff similar to theankle restraint and was now wrestling her left wrist into the opposite cuffas well. She quickly had Karen on her back fastened securely.
Karen weakly struggled against her bonds.
Catherine sat quietly till Karen realized it was useless and began to calmdown. ?Karen I don't think you fully understand, I can be your friend, or Ican be your worst enemy.?
Karen started to sob, ?Why, why are you doing this?.
?Sh, sh, let me explain.? Catherine continued. ?The vitamins that Doctor Adamsprescribed to you, you know the ones that you have been taking for the lastseven months. They were more than just ordinary vitamins. They contained amixture of hormones which have caused your body to believe that you were carryingmore than the one baby. The reason being, in our previous research we foundthat women with multiple births such as twins or triplets have a natural elevationin certain hormones which act specifically on their breasts causing them toredevelop internally. Those changes allow them to generate the nourishmentthat the multiple babies will need when born. We studied this for quite sometime and a few years ago we were able to develop these hormones artificially.?
?You have been on a steady dose of these for the last seven months. Your bodycurrently believes that you were carrying quadruplets, if our calculationsare correct. It's been happening inside you and other than maybe some breasttenderness, I'm sure you haven't even been aware of it,? she gently rubbedKaren's shoulders.
Karen could only stare blankly at the horror of what she was hearing, hereyes continuing to tear.
In a few moments Catherine continued, ?Now as you may know, it is not thatuncommon for a woman to be nursing three or even four newborns, what with thisage of fertility drugs and such, so the earlier development, although important,did not proved the extreme results we had hoped for, so we continued our research.We developed a new product based partially on the BGH hormone farmers havebeen giving dairy cows since the nineties. BGH acts on the cow's pituitarygland, specifically to increase the level of another hormone called prolactin.It was thought back then that it was the prolactin level in the female mammalwhich determined milk production, but we now know that it is much more complexthan that. We found that it is really the milk producing cells or lactocytesthat produce milk and that the prolactin level in the blood merely reactedwith them to complete the synthesis cycle. Our new product increases prolactinbut it is also aimed more specifically at these lactocyte cells. It is allvery complex and I'm sure we will all learn more as we go. Your body and breaststructure were carefully studied and we believe you are the perfect candidatefor our tests, that is why you were selected. For the next few months we willbe aggressively working at expanding the amount of milk that your body is capableof producing. All we need now is to start you on the medication and give youthe right stimulation. You can think of yourself as somewhat of a pioneer ifyou will dear. If all goes as planned we will all go down in the journals ofmodern medicine.?
?I won't do it. I won't be your guinea pig; you're out of your mind if youthink you can get away with this.? Karen screamed.
Catherine just smiled. ?Right now you may be saying no, but I think your bodymay soon change your mind. You see, it's out of your or even my control, it'sthe hormones that are in charge now. Oh, and if you recall the paperwork yousigned in our interview at the beginning of your pregnancy you would rememberthat you also signed a Medical Consent for Research form which in effect means,you volunteered for this program. I apologize if it was somewhat misleading,but even so it is still a legally binding contract and we have it all on videoin case you would like to refresh you memory. So, now let's stop this foolishnessand I'll get your first dose of medicine.?
She returned with a glass, but Karen refused and turned her head as Catherinetried to feed it to her.
?As you wish dear,? Catherine turned and left the room, but Karen's victorywas short lived as she was back in a few moments, this time with an IV bagon a rolling stand.
Karen felt panicky.
?Karen, as I told you before. We are going to continue one way or another.Your only choice is if it is with your cooperation or not.? As Catherine broughtthe IV needle into view she began to gently swab Karen's arm with alcohol.She warned Karen. ?Hold still or the needle might cause serious damage.?
Karen felt defeated and began to sob as the needle pierced her skin and foundits way into the vein.
Catherine finished attaching the IV and then adjusted the bag to a steadydrip. She then sat down on the bed next to Karen, opening Karen's gown andwith her thumb and forefingers, started gently caressing her nipples.
Karen blushed with embarrassment at the intimate contact.
?You'll get over your modesty quickly as you'll soon become quite accustomedto having your breasts massaged and you'll see, it won't be all that bad,? thenshe increased the pressure. ?Now when you decide to take the medication orally,I will disconnect the IV, but it is crucial that we start it now and we mustalso increase your intake of fluids to keep you from dehydrating, as most ofthe fluids in your body will soon be redirected, if you know what I mean.? Catherinecontinued her work on Karen's nipples, now squeezing and pulling them almostto the point of pain. She continued this for a few more minutes before releasingthe now tingling buds. ?There, that should be enough for now,? she said.
Karen was angry and flushed. ?I won't let you do this to me.? She exclaimed.
Catherine brushed Karen's cheek with her hand. ?Will just have to wait andsee dear. Now get some rest and if you need me for anything just push thiscall button.? She placed a corded remote in Karen's left hand. ?I think youneed to get some rest and I promise I'll leave you alone unless you call.? Sheturned and left Karen alone in the room.
Karen did feel tired, exhausted was more like it. As she lay there helplessshe thought back to early in her pregnancy and her first visit to the clinicand was first introduced to Doctor Adams. She remembered how thorough he waswith his examination, especially with her breasts and then she did recall alittle of the interview that Catherine spoke of, but she thought that thiswoman was just like a social worker for the adoption and stuff. Now the moreshe thought about it she also remembered how after the first month or so herbreasts had started aching, right after she had began to take those vitamins.When she had complained to the Doctor on subsequent visits, he seemed pleasedand told her it was perfectly normal and not to worry even though her breastsat times became so tender. Thinking of her breasts they were never somethingshe was proud of as she was growing up. Although they were normal sized whatbothered her was that they weren't as firm as most girls her age. They weresoft and loose and she could never go without a bra as it was very noticeableat least in her mind. But during her pregnancy they had firmed and had grownfrom a comfortable 34B to a solid 36D and were even starting to show littlestress lines on the surface of the skin at the sides. Her areola had growntoo and was now dark and wide and her nipples had enlarged noticeably. ?Whyhad had these people done this to her?? she asked herself. Was it because shewas single and listed no family or friends when she had checked into the clinic?She began to realize that running away from her parents and telling no oneabout her pregnancy may have been a big mistake. She lay there sobbing withall these things going through her mind, but eventually exhaustion finallyovertook her. She drifted off to sleep, a sleep so deep she was not even awareas Catherine changed the IV bag several times throughout the evening.
When Karen finally woke she was frightened. She had been dreaming that shecould feel pains shooting through her breasts. Now awake, she gathered herthoughts and realized the pains were not just in her dreams. She could clearlyfeel real pain and they felt warm and hard as she began to remember why shewas here. She quickly remembered the button and pushed it.
In a few moments Catherine appeared and Karen told her about the pain in herbreasts. Catherine kissed her on the cheek, ?That's and excellent sign Karen,you are doing great. Let me get something that should help with the pain, I'llbe right back?. When she returned she brought two steaming hot towels withher. ?Here dear I know you're breasts are beginning to hurt and this shouldhelp ease some of the pain.? She placed the towels directly over Karen's breasts.They were quite warm though not too hot and the heat did indeed feel good asshe felt the pain slowly began to subside. Before the towels fully cooled,Catherine again left the room this time returning with an electric heatingpad. Removing the still warm towels, Karen's nipples rose immediately as thecool air hit them. Catherine reached over taking them both between her fingersas before and began to massage them, pinching slightly and gently pulling themaway from her chest. Karen could not see, but Catherine quickly noticed thatboth nipples immediately sprouted little drops of milk and she eased up onthe pressure now just rubbing the erect nubs wanting to stimulate but not wantingany milk to be released at this point. ?Here I brought you this heating pad.This should help with your discomfort.? She said as she laid the pad acrossKaren's chest. ?Now why don't you try to get some more rest, your body needsit. You can call me again if there's anything else.? Catherine left the roomsmiling inwardly to herself. She knew exactly what the heat would do to Karen'sdeveloping breasts. She knew that the heat would expand the lactose cells andmake the milk ducts dilate, relieving the pressure temporarily and more importantlyletting them refill even further with the milk she was beginning to produce.
She went into the adjoining room to wait and she began to prepare the equipmentthat she knew would soon be necessary.
Karen could feel the warmth affecting her breasts and it indeed relieved someof the pressure she had felt earlier. She lay still, as the warmth continuedto spread and soon allowed her to drift back to sleep.
Barely two hours had passed when Catherine heard the call button sound. Sheknew that Karen would be in severe pain by now, but she did not rush to answerthe call.
Karen again had the recurring dream about the pain in her chest, which becameso pronounced that it had woken her. Just as before, it was no dream. It feltlike her breasts were on fire, and she guessed that the heating pad may haveshort-circuited or something. The fire felt so deep within her as she pressedthe button a second time.
Catherine smiled as the call went off the second time. She knew exactly whatwas happening.
Karen saw the door opening and called to Catherine. ?Please, the heating pad,I think something is wrong, hurry, its burning.?
Catherine was quickly to Karen's side and immediately removed the electricdevice and examined it. It was not hot, just comfortably warm, as she quicklycalmed Karen. ?Here see, it's not hot,? holding the heating pad to Karen'scheek.
Karen couldn't believe it. She was so sure that it had been causing the heatshe felt. Yet now even with the pad removed her breasts still felt like theywere on fire.
Catherine laid the pad aside and felt Karen's breasts with her hands.
Karen instantly became aware of the pressure within them. She realized whatwas happening and she began to cry.
Catherine comforted her by gently kissing her cheeks with one hand wipingthe tears as the rolled down the side of her face. With her other hand shecontinued to stroke Karen's nipples, alternating between left and right, assuringthat the both stayed erect.
Karen's sobbing continued as the nipple stimulation only increased the pressureshe felt within her breasts. ?Please don't do this to me. Please, just letme go.?
Catherine was deaf to her pleading. ?It will only get worse if you're notmilked soon Karen. Even if we stopped now, it would take a week, maybe two,or maybe even a month or more before your body would change and stop makingmilk.?
Then for the first time, with tears streaming down her cheeks, she realizedthat Catherine was right. She knew that at least for now she would have togive into this woman. ?Please I can't take anymore. Please make the pain goaway. Please I'll do what you want, just make it stop, please.?
Catherine kissed her again, this time on the lips, and then whispered to her, ?Firstyou must agree to my terms, only if you agree to obey and cooperate with mewithout question will I make the pain go away.?
The way it was phrased scared her, but the aching that seemed to be ever increasingleft her no other choice. ?Yes, Yes, I promise, just make it go away.?
Catherine removed the IV from her arm and released the straps holding herarms and legs. Karen's hands went instinctively to her breasts. They were rockhard and painfully swollen; just her touching them brought a gasp to her lips.
Catherine pulled Karen's hands from her breasts. ?Remember you are to do everythingI say without question. Is that understood??
Karen nodded her head.
?Then we will start with rule number one, you are not to touch your breasts,unless you are instructed otherwise. If I do see you touching them withoutpermission, I will bind your hands to your waist. Do you understand??
Karen thought for a minute not wanting to answer.
?Do you understand?? Catherine gripped her by the chin and turned it to faceher.
Karen felt defeated. ?Yes,? she whispered.
?Yes what? I didn't hear you.?
?Yes Maam, I understand.?
?Good, there will be more rules as we progress, but if you do as I say itwill be much easier for you, you'll see.? She kissed Karen on the cheek. ?Goodgirl, I think you are going to be a quick learner. Now come, we must go intothe next room.? She helped her up. As her breasts shifted with her movement,the pain cursed through them again and it was all she could do not to reachup instinctively to support them. Catherine helped her onto her feet and withKaren's arm around her for support assisted her through the door and into thenext room.
Inside Karen saw a table much like you would find in an hospital operatingroom. She was apprehensive as she was led to it. It was different than anythingshe had seen before. It was padded in black leather and had two large holescut side by side into it, about a foot and a half from the end of the table.It then became obvious to Karen that if she lay on her stomach that the cutoutswere meant for her breasts. She reluctantly climbed on the table and with assistance,lay face down as instructed by Catherine. At this point she was not going tooffer any resistance, as she wanted desperately for the pain in her chest tobe relieved. Once in position her ankles and wrists were again secured withstraps and a thick belt was brought across her back and tightened, forcingher belly flat against the table, her breasts hanging freely through the openings.She began to sob slightly at her helpless situation.
Catherine comforted her with her reassurance. ?It won't be much longer nowyou'll see just a few more preparations and when its all through you'll feelmuch better, but first I think it will help to explain what is about to happen.?
She reached into a cabinet and brought out what looked like a large cup withnumerous hoses running to it. ?In a minute, I am going to attach one of theseto each of your breasts. A suction will be applied which will then hold thecup in place. Now in the center of the cup,? she pointed to a smaller rubbersleeve attached to two separate hoses inside the cup. ?This will encase yournipple and areola. It will help stimulate the area by creating a pulsing suctionthat will gently massage and squeeze your areola. Then finally the inside ofthe sleeve, which will be gripping your nipple, is what will actually drawthe milk from you. Then through this hose, it will flow into a special containerwhere it will be measured and stored. But before we get to that part thereare still some things that need to be done, so let us begin.? Catherine presseda button and the table began to rise. She then uncovered the rest of the equipmentbeside the table and began to attach the cups and hoses to the machine. Shemassaged both of her nipples until they became fully erect. Next, she placedthe center sleeve from within the cup over the extended nipple and flippeda switch on the machine. The nipple was slowly drawn down into the sleeve bythe suction, until it could stretch no further. Then Catherine pressed a secondswitch and the rubber ring at the end of the sleeve began constricting andlocking her nipple within the sleeve. She reached into a jar of lotion andapplied a generous amount of it to both of Karen's breasts and worked it arounduntil they were well covered and then placed the outside cup into position.With the activation of another switch the cup firmly seated its rubber sealagainst her chest wall and began to pull her breast into the cup. When shehad completed the task with both breasts she moved back and lowered the table.
Catherine moved a video monitor to Karen's side and turned it on. When thescreen came to life, Karen had a direct view of her breasts from underneaththe table. It looked like something from a science fiction movie as she couldsee her breasts attached to the cups with wires and hoses running everywhere.
Karen's pulse began to quicken from both anticipation and fear of what wouldbe coming next.
Catherine slid a chair up to the table so she was just inches from Karen'sface.
She held a remote control in her hand and with the push of a button Karenfelt the suction in the cup increase. Within seconds her breast began to swelltrying to expand itself into the cup. The pain she suffered before began todiminish slightly. The suction began to pulse going stronger than weaker thanstronger again and the massaging effect actually began to feel good to her.
?Does that feel a little better dear?? Catherine asked, gently stroking theside of Karen's cheek with her free hand.
Karen nodded as Catherine continued. ?What is happening now is that the milkducts or alveoli as they are called are expanding from the suction and allowingthe pressure from your milk to decrease just like they did with the warm towelsbefore. We want to expand them as much as possible at these first milking'sas changes in your body will take place much easier early in the program whenits still trying to adjust to its new role. As we continue in the next fewweeks you will see your breasts increase in size. In fact, I think as you watchtoday you will see your breasts increase by maybe even a couple cup sizes beforewere through. We are uncertain how large they may eventually grow as the weeksprogress, but I think it safe to say you will never worry about being smallagain.?
Karen looked over at the monitor and she could see her breasts through theclear plastic cups. They were bright pink and looked larger than they had everbeen in her life. She watched in amazement and could feel them as they pulsedwith the alternating suction. The painful pressure inside them that had decreasedbefore was slowly starting to return.
?Ohh, god my breasts are starting to hurt again, you promised that you wouldmake them feel better.?
?Yes dear I did, but remember what I just said. I'm afraid you are going tohave to bear through some pain as we expand your vessels. It is going to bea feeling that will become all too familiar in the next few weeks if our testsare to be successful.?
?Now the rubber sleeves inside the cups around your nipples are squeezingthem just tight enough so that no milk can escape. Right now that is very importantbecause as your external breast tissue has been expanding in the cups formthe suction, your milk ducts have also been swelling, increasing their capacityto store milk which gave you the temporary feeling of relief before, that alsorelieves the pressure on the lactocyte cells we talked about earlier allowingthem to synthesis more milk and the process continues on. If we are to be successfulwith our experiments then we have to keep the pressure on the lactocyte cellsto a minimum in order for them to be able to produce at their maximum. Thisis a normal and an anticipated part of the process. I am afraid that we mustcontinue and wait until you are fully engorged before you will get the reliefthat I promised.?
Karen was confused as she looked back at the monitor and watched as her breastsgrew even larger now and they turned from bright pink to red. The heat beganto increase with the pressure she was feeling and she didn't think she couldstand it even a few more minutes. ?Please,? she pleaded.
Catherine continued to stroke Karen's cheek. ?It's alright, but as painfulas it is, we must do this now, you will realize this in the next few weeks.? Shedialed the remote to the next setting and Karen could instantly feel the difference.Her breasts were pulled even further into the cups and as the external tissuestretched the pressure within her breast eased up slightly. She sighed a bitof relief but it was short-lived, as within minutes the pains begin to reappear.In the next ten minutes the pain was even more intense than before and themonitor showed her breasts had changed to an angry dark red within the clearcups. She closed her eyes and sobbed trying to put it out of her mind, butcould think of nothing but her breasts and they pain they were causing her.This continued on for the next twenty minutes as her breasts turned from redto blue, and eventually to purple. Catherine knew this was enough for the firstsession and was inwardly pleased at the results. She turned down the suctionslightly and left the room for a moment.
When she returned, she was carrying a large glass of milky fluid. She satback down next to Karen and brushed her cheek. She moved in close to her nowand she held the glass in her hand. ?Karen, listen to me. I want you to drinkthis. It contains lots of essential fluids to keep you healthy, but I am notgoing to lie to you, it also contains the drugs that we talked about earlier.When you drink it, it is going to cause you to produce more milk. More milkthan is even in your breasts right now. I don't want any misunderstanding,I want you to be fully aware of what this means and in full cooperation.
Karen's tears continued. Although she feared what this might mean, she knewshe had no choice. There was no escape from this. She knew right now she neededto do whatever it took to relieve the aching in her breasts. She shook herhead up and down as a signal. ?Yes, I understand?, she moaned, then, her mouthreached for the straw and as she continued to sob, she drank it all. Catherinekissed her again and then toggled yet another switch on the remote.
In seconds the vacuum in the cups around her breasts increased to their maximumtrying to swell them even further. Karen could see them in the monitor as theyfilled the cups completely. Catherine pushed another button and the sleeveattached to her nipple came to life. It pulled her nipple deep into the recessand began to pulse simulating a babies suckling. She groaned in pain now asher breasts sought desperately to release, but yet no milk was being allowedto escape, as her nipples were still being tightly pinched at their base bythe secondary sleeve. She winced in pain, ?Ahhhhh, Ahh, Ah, Please?. Then Catherinepushed the last switch and with a faint hiss the constricting sleeve released.Instantly milk rushed out and began to trickle down the sleeve into the hose.
Karen watched as the clear hose showed light streams of the bluish white fluidand instantly she felt some relief in her still purple tinted tits. As thesucking of the machine continued, Catherine continued stroking Karen's cheekwith her hand. ?You see I told you I would give your relief. I am very proudof you. You have made a lot of progress in just a short time. Now just relaxand enjoy the feeling.?
Karen did just exactly that. Her eyes closed and a warm feeling came overher. Just as she was lulled into a comforting trance, a sudden reheating filledher breasts. It started from deep within her and began to spread through outher breast not overly hot, more like a pleasant warmth flowed throughout eachbreast and she could feel it moving toward the nipples. It was a strange butvery pleasing sensation and suddenly she could hear a difference in the machinethat was milking her. When she opened her eyes and looked at the monitor shecould see the reason. The tubes connected to her nipples were completely filledwith milk. It was like a dam had suddenly opened within her. She sighed andclosed her eyes again as waves of these new sensations ran through her. Itwas the most pleasure she'd had felt in months. She lay there relaxed and letthe machine do the work, hoping the feeling would never end.
It was quite awhile before Karen came down from her high. Now as the machinecontinued to pulse, the warm feeling in her was beginning to subside. She lookedback at the monitor and could see that the tubes were no longer full, but therewas still plenty of milk running through them. She looked up into Catherine'seyes with a warm and peaceful smile.
?The feeling you felt earlier is the called the let down.? Catherine replied. ?Thatis when your breasts fully relax, allowing the milk to rush out towards thenipple, hence they, ?let down? the milk. That is when you release the greatestamount of milk. Some women swear that it feels like an actual orgasm. I couldsee it in your face when it happened.?
?It was like nothing I've ever felt before. I felt like I was floating away,it was so peaceful.? Karen sighed. She relaxed and closed her eyes again anda few minutes later actually drifted into an almost hypnotic trance, concentratingonly on the pleasant feeling within her.
When she snapped back, the machine was still running and Karen realized thather nipples were starting to get sore. ?Please Maam; can we stop the machinenow??
?No quite yet dear, you still have milk coming out and even when it stopswe will continue for another ten minutes or so to make sure you are completelydrained. We want to make your breasts aware that you have run out of milk.That is the way they work. It's called supply and demand. If we create thedemand, then they will increase their supply. That is as basic as it can be.?
By the time they were finished Karen's breasts were not only drained, butsore. As Catherine stopped the machine she released the cups and Karen's breastswere released.
Karen looked at the monitor as this was happening and was shocked by whatshe saw. When her breasts emerged they still looked full. Her nipples wereas thick as her thumb and hugely elongated. Catherine began to rub them pullingand rolling on the nipples. It felt good to Karen as it stimulated the bloodflow back to them.
?I can see were going to have to go up a cup size tomorrow and I think we'llneed the next size nipple sleeve also. You are doing wonderfully dear.? Sheagain offered Karen something to drink, which she readily accepted. ?Now tryand get some sleep, it's only two hours before the next milking, unless youfeel you need it sooner.
Karen couldn't imagine asking to be milked again. In fact she would do anythingshe could think of to keep it from ever happening again. She felt fine eventhough her position was starting to get a little uncomfortable. But she wasstill so tired that it didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep again.
As she slept, nature continued its course. Her body began immediately tryingto replenish the milk. The two hours passed quickly when she was awakened byCatherine. Just as before Catherine was carrying another large glass of themedicine. Even though Karen knew that it contained more hormones, she was thirstyand she accepted it graciously.
Catherine smiled and kissed her on the cheek. ?You're learning very quicklydear.?
It was not at all unpleasant and she was indeed thirsty as she finished thewhole glass.
?Dear for the rest of today and tonight we will not be using the full procedurelike before. That will be done only once a day. Normally it will be the firstmilking in the morning. Now what is important is that your milk be extractedregularly and completely to increase its production. We will use just the simplemilking sleeve without the breast cups for that. After this milking you willbe allowed to walk about and get some exercise and maybe something to eat ifyou like. Just remember to keep up your fluid intake up or dehydration is definitelya possibility in your condition.?
Catherine sat down and placed her hands under the table and started to massageand squeeze Karen's nipples. Within minutes they became swollen and erect andshe attached the tubes and milking sleeves to them. She pressed the operationbutton on the machine and the sleeves began to contract and suck at her nipples.Though Karen breasts had not been that full and she had been in no pain, thesucking felt good and within a few seconds' milk began to fill the tubes. Afterabout five minutes of this Karen closed her eyes and sighed as her let downreflex again swept through her. Within twenty minutes her breasts were emptybut were continued to be milked as before. Then the machine was turned offand she was released. The milking had been quite pleasant this time and Karen'sfears began to ease, at least for now.
As promised Karen was released from the table and allowed to stand. Her legsached and she was still quite sore. It had still been less than twenty fourhours since she had given birth. She was given a cotton smock to wear thatcovered her breasts and waist and she was led into what was to become her roomfor the next few months. It was furnished with bed, couch, lounge chair, television,even a refrigerator and microwave, and accept from the fact of a large coveredobject in the corner, it looked just like any normal apartment. She was offeredfood and beverage which she eagerly accepted and told she could lounge forthe rest of the afternoon and evening. If it had not been for the two hourmilkings she could not have asked for better treatment. She had rememberedher instructions and had not touched her breasts even though sometimes theytingled and itched.
That night Catherine applied lotion to her breasts just like before. It waslater when Karen was ready for bed that she discovered that her bed wasn'tquite normal either. Although one half of the queen size bad was flat, theother side there were the familiar cutouts in the mattress just like the tablein the other room. She slid into bed on the normal side and she slept quitewell even with the milking interruptions. It was towards early morning whenshe awoke with the tingling in her breasts when she unconsciously violatedrule number one.
When Catherine entered Karen's hands were on her breasts. She quickly orderedher to stand and Catherine opened a drawer and proceeded to remove a belt whichwas soon strapped around her waist. Leather cuffs were then placed around herwrists were then attached, preventing any further contact. She was then ledback into the first treatment room and helped to lay face down, back on thetable with her breasts hanging freely beneath her. She again feared this womanand what was being done to her but still had her wits about her and asked forher medicine fearing any further infractions. Catherine smiled and kissed hercheek and although she had planned on punishing Karen further for the infractionshe dismissed it and was pleased that Karen had asked for the medicine. Shewould allow one more normal milking as originally scheduled before the nextstretching session. She hooked up the machine and pumped Karen's offering.It was still dark outside when the milking was completed and Karen's breastsdetached from the machine. She was left face down on the uncomfortable table,her wrists still fastened to her sides, when the lights were shut off. As shelay there, her position too uncomfortable for sleep, her thoughts focused onher new predicament. Here she was alone, confined to this place and this experimentand ironically now more or less enslaved by her own bodily needs. She sobbedat the feeling of complete helplessness she had allowed herself to be trappedinto.
Karen's progress was going better than planned. Her milk had come in earlierthan expected and the supply was exceeding expectations. Catherine kept trackof each milking and was pleased to see an increase in every one. The schedulehad been enough to keep Karen's breasts from becoming too engorged, while herbody worked overtime to try and keep up with the ever increasing demand. Catherineknew the next stretching would show even greater results, although it wouldsurely be more painful than the first. She smiled and began to think of otherthings that she might use in the future on her helpless subject.
When Karen awoke it was morning and the sun was up. Although she had no wayof knowing exactly how long it had been, she knew her breasts were full. Therewas a dull aching in them and the fact that they hung through the table hadallowed gravity to take affect. They felt heavy as they tried to stretch furtherand further away from her body. Catherine was already in the room and seatedstroking Karen's cheek. Karen looked up with a certain submissive look in hereyes. ?Catherine I think I need to be milked??
?In a few minutes dear, but first its time for your next stretching session.We are going to do this a little differently this time but just like beforeyour breasts are going to need to become very full before they are milked.?
Karen looked at her longingly. ?Please, do I really need to be stretched anymore?I have cooperated with you. I've taken the medicine. Please don't hurt me anymore.?
?Now, now, it will be alright. You don't really have a choice. Even if westopped you would soon find the ducts in your breasts are just not large enoughyet. The hormones would still continue working in your body. Soon you willbe producing twice the amount of milk that you are right now and it is crucialthat we make you capable of carrying that supply.? Catherine paused, as tearsbegan to form in Karen's eyes.
She frowned, ?You have so much to learn my little girl,? and she reached underthe table and began to massage Karen's nipples. She reached into the tray bythe bed and cupped first one and then the other hand into some sort of creamylotion and she began to work it into the breast flesh of Karen. When she wassatisfied, she moved out to the nipples. Instantly they erected and began todrip small drops of milk. Catherine then went back to the tray and retrievedtwo rubber band type devices which she then slipped over the base of each nipple.The effect was the head of the nipple swelled out over the band and the bandon the base to tight to allow anything to leak from them. ?Now Karen for thenext half hour or so I'm going to show you how important these stretching sessionsare. What I mean is that I am going to cause a let down reflex in your breastsand that should feel good, but with the bands in place the milk will have noway out, and you will soon see what I mean by needing to increase the capacitywithin you to store all of this new formed milk. Now, the first one shouldn'tbe too terribly painful, but I am going to continue and the second and thirdlet down will show you how uncomfortable you would soon become.
As soon as Catherine started to massage the nipples, Karen involuntarily responded,she instantly felt the warm feeling in her breasts as her nipples were beingmanipulated. She could not believe how quickly she was becoming conditioned.It was within minutes she sighed and felt her breasts let down. Her sigh soonturned to a moan as the milk rushed in, but with no where to go, they becameswollen and hot as they expanded. Catherine continued for a few minutes morethan stopped.
Tears reappeared in her eyes as her moaning continued.
?Is it painful dear??
Karen clinched her teeth and shook her head signaling, yes.
?You are going to have to accept the fact that this is necessary. You mustrealize that I know what is best for you and you must trust me with my judgments.Now I know you are in some pain but this is absolutely necessary. I'll letyou rest for a few minutes before we proceed.?
Karen lay sobbing. Her breasts aching for relief from not only the forcedlet down, but also the fact that it had been a good thirty minutes past hernormal milking and her breasts would have been naturally filled anyway.
The burning continued even as she began to get use to the feeling. Tears beganto run freely again when Catherine reappeared and again she started manipulatingher nipples. Like before it took only a few minutes when she felt the feelingin them building and in no time at all, suddenly another let down was forcedfrom her. This time the pain was immediate. There was no where for the milkto go as it overfilled every duct within her breast. She felt her tits wereready to burst and when she glanced at the monitor she could see why. Theyhad swollen immensely and had a turned a bluish hue, as the skin stretchedpaper thin, desperately trying to accommodate.
?Look how full they have become. Soon this is how much milk you'll be makingin a two hour period. Look, your stretch marks are beginning to show,? as shetraced the swollen skin with the back of her fingernails. ?You don't want themto feel like this all the time do you??
Karen's chest was on fire. Her sobbing was continuous now. Her face tensed,eyes shut and tears flowing out the corners down her cheeks. She shook herhead no.
?No, I didn't think so.? Catherine began to knead the fleshy part of her breastsbetween her fingers and she occasionally squeezed the hardness of them causingeven more pain.
Karen could see blue veins bulging through the skin and indeed could see tracesof red stretch marks as Catherine continued. It was when she started againto massage the nipples, Karen realized that even more pain was about to come.As she continued to massage and pull on the nubs, trying to milk them as afarmer would a cow.
Karen tried to stop it but she could already feel the warm familiar rush beginningto form and desperately she broke her silence just as the let down occurred. ?Ohgod, pleaseeeee, I can't take anymore. Please stop, oh shit make them stophurting please. Karen began to scream as the pain raced through her.
Catherine let go of Karen's nipples and moved around so she could kiss andstroke her cheeks. Karen's screams had diminished to sobs and she openly wept.Catherine continued and lovingly kissed her cheek as she reached back underthe table to her nipples and continued her massaging. Karen's face was contortedin pain, her eyes wide, starring straight into Catherine's, then suddenly theysqueezed shut and she screamed as another let down cursed through her chest.
When Catherine released the bands on her nipples, the milk starting squirtingout in streams without any other stimulation as the pressure inside forcedthe fluid through the openings. Catherine allowed them to leak freely catchingthe milk in two glass containers. When the streams seemed to slow she reachedfor the stretching cups that had already been prepared for the session. Karendid not even whimper as they were fastened into place and her nipples temporarilypinched closed again, squeezing off the outlets. Catherine had let her breastsleak on purpose. She knew as swollen with milk as they had become she couldnot apply the vacuum cups without doing irreversible damage to the tissue inthem. As it was, she knew the stretch marks that had already formed would notdisappear anytime in the near future. She also knew soon there would be manymore before she was through with her.
Now that her breasts were not as full they slid easily into the tubes thathad been selected. The new tubes didn't seem any larger in diameter than yesterdays,but they were noticeable longer. This, as Karen would soon find out, wouldallow her breasts to expand only slightly in circumference but the suctionwould try to pull them down the tube away from her body. Surprisingly it wasnot at all unpleasant when the vacuum started. Karen had stopped her cryingand almost felt at ease as her breasts had been relieved of their immediatepressure and now that the suction had started there was even more relief withinthem. As the pressure cycled, the sides of the tube became filled and now theystarted to be drawn down. This was a new sensation for her and although notinitially painful, she could feel the muscles struggling as they were pulledfarther away from her. She did not question what was happening, for she believed,as Catherine had said that it would be for her own good. The cycling continuedand increased for the next hour before finally her breasts filled the entiretube. Her breasts hurt so bad she could concentrate on nothing else. This painwas more muscle strain then the fullness she had felt before, but it was painfulnone the less. They stayed that way for at least another ten minutes untilthe nipple clamps were released and her milk was again allowed to flow. Thismilking was the longest one yet and she had numerous let downs before the supplyfinally began to dwindle. She felt relieved and empty as the machine continuedfor the next half hour even though the milk barely dribbled.
When the machine was stopped and the cups removed it had been over two hours.She stared shockingly into to monitor. Her poor breasts were covered with tinyred marks running from her chest out towards the nipple, blue veins coveredher breast flesh like roads on a map. Her breasts looked huge but now hungdown loosely beneath her. The nipples stuck out at least three quarters ofan inch and were close to that in diameter. She could only imagine what theywould look like when they again became full.
She was released from the machine, lead back into her room and allowed torest.
When the time had arrived for her next milking, Catherine removed the coveron the machine inside her room. It looked like a chair that someone had customized.There were arm rests with some kink of cylinders attached and wires and tubesleading to some kind of milking machine. Catherine explained. ?Now it is timefor you to learn how to milk yourself so that I can attend to other duties.I want you, when you hear this chime.? A button was pushed and a pleasant tonewas heard through the speaker system. ?To go over to the refrigerator and measureout twelve ounces of pre-blended medicine and drink it. Then you are to sithere and attach the machine to your breasts. When you flip this switch a smallsuction will start, allowing the nipple sleeves to stay attached. I'm sureby now you know how it is done. Once they are positioned, you are to slideyour hands into these plastic cuffs. The machine will sense your hands in thecuffs and after five seconds they will inflate, locking them in place. Thiswill then signal the machine which will have been preprogrammed for the appropriatemilking session. Once your wrists are in the cuffs they will be locked in placeuntil the session is over. When it is over they will automatically releaseand you can disconnect yourself and go about your business. Do you have anyquestions??
Karen shook her head, no.
Now let's see how you do. Karen went to the kitchen and took the medicineas instructed. She then sat in the chair, flipped the switch, than attachedfirst one milking sleeve and then the other to her nipples. ?Now, slide yourhands through the wrist cuffs and we can begin.? Karen slid both hands intoposition and the cuffs tightened. Seconds later the machine came to life andher milking cycle started.
This routine was repeated throughout the day. Karen had no way of knowingthe time interval had been shortened. Just like the day before she found herbreasts never got uncomfortable full with the increase in milkings. She couldn'thelp but notice that she was thirsty almost all the time and Catherine encouragedher drink as much as she could.
That night Karen found it uncomfortable sleeping on her stomach, her breaststhrobbed when her weight was on them. Unable to continually sleep on her backshe eventually slid over in the bed and allowed her breasts to hang free inthe cutout holes. This position, she realized, felt much better and soon itwas the only position which afforded her sleep. The next morning Karen madeher final milking as instructed before her next stretching exercise was totake place. She was not at all looking forward to it and was surprised whenCatherine entered her room carrying what appeared to be some form of bra. Sheinstructed Karen to bend over and she would help her try it on. Karen bentat the waist so her breasts hung freely and with Catherine's help her titswere fed through openings where normally the cups would be. Once it was positionedCatherine pulled both straps together and fastened the quad hooks into placestrapping it fit firmly around her rib cage. The cups of the bra were missingbut there were strong rubber like cuffs at the base. When her breasts wereforced thru like this, it caused her them to constrict down where they formedat her chest and it kept them constricted out two or three more inches, likean old fashioned corset. Karen looked up a Catherine with a puzzled expression.
?This isn't really part of todays stretching exercise. This has more to dowith shaping than stretching. It is important that we try many different thingseach one helping in a different way. This may take a few weeks or even longer.This bra is designed with sleeves to help shapen your breasts. As they havegrown I have observed your whole chest area has expanded to help accommodate.That is not acceptable as I am sure that you don't want your breasts to looklike udders, so I think it is important that we keep your breasts well formedand defined. Now these sleeves will constrict the supporting tissue at thebase. This will add definition by reducing the diameter around the chest togive you a shapelier, well defined bust line. You will wear this indefinitelyand the sleeves will be progressively tightened until I feel the desired resultshave been attained. With time your muscles and tendons with atrophy and thechange will become permanent.?
Karen could only stare down at her breasts which hung loosely from their recentmilking. With the base of each one constricted, the rest of the breast balloonedout once free of the binding making them look even larger than they had before,she worried what they would look like when they filled again.
Catherine then banded Karen's nipples like she had before to keep them fromleaking. She then showed Karen the removable cups which were to be fitted overthe elastic sleeves, making it truly a nursing bra. They were grossly too large.
Catherine went on to explain. ?This will be today's stretching exercise. Thesecups are equipped with pressure indicators in the attachments.? She showedKaren something at the hooks of the cup. ?When the cups began to stretch, theywill reach a predetermined value. This disc will turn from white to green indicatingthe cups are straining on the hooks. That will happen when you're your breastsexpand over the next few hours and they have totally filled the cups. It maytake awhile, but based on the previous stretching sessions, eventually theywill. That's when the bra will be removed and we will milk you in the normalfashion. In the mean time you are free to do as you please and we will justwait for the indicators to change.?
?Catherine I don't see how my breasts will ever fill these cups. Look at them,they are huge.?
?Karen, you just finished milking, that's why you appear so small now. I knowthat your breasts will eventually grow to this cup size and even larger beforewere through.? She said with a knowing smile.
?Please, I beg you, don't make me do this.? Karen knew how painful this wouldbe. ?Please I can't go that long without being milked.?
?Now don't be silly, I know you can. Now I encourage you to get somethingto eat and drink plenty of liquids. It will speed the process along, and thefaster they fill the shorter the time you will be uncomfortable. With yournipples sealed and your breasts covered I will waive rule number one, in fact,I encourage you to try and stimulate your breasts with your hands as painfulas it may be.? She pointed over to a pile of books she had brought in. ?I suggestyou try reading some of these as they will help pass the time and may eventake your mind off of your current situation.
Catherine left the room and Karen made herself something to eat and drink.She thought she would try and drink a lot and maybe get this stretching exerciseover with without too much agony. She felt relieved that she was finally allowedto touch her own breasts, even though it was hard to feel much thorough thethick material of her new bra. She brought both hands to her chest and beganto massage herself. She couldn't help but notice the difference from just afew days ago as her tits were noticeably larger than what she remembered before.
Karen decided to take Catherine's advice and started looking for a good book.She felt uncomfortable as she scanned the selection. All the books seemed tobe of an adult nature and some of the titles she didn't quite understand. Titleslike ?Saphho Lust? and ?Mothers Slave Girl? were just a couple. None the lessshe picked an innocent looking one and started reading.
It took less than an hour and Karen's breasts were starting to ache. The bandsin her bra that were restricting the base of her tits were truly doing theirjob. She continued to swell and the only place her breasts could go was outpast the restriction. Karen could still feel how loose the cups were and knewshe had a long way to go before the bra would be filled. She brought her fingersinto play and gently started to roll her nipples between them. She closed hereyes and tried to drift away as she continued to stimulate them, hoping thata let down or two might fill her enough to somehow complete and end this stretchingexercise. It didn't take long and she felt the rush as the milk flowed downfilling her breasts and then suddenly their pain increased as the milk wasbacked up against her tightly bound nipples. She looked down at her bra hopingto find it tight, only to be disappointed as she saw the cups still wrinkledand loose.
She went back to her reading. The story was about a girl who had been befriendedby an older woman and eventually moved in with her. Although well written therewere definite sexual undertones. Karen could feel herself becoming arousedas she read on. She felt both aroused and guilty for that arousal as it turnedinto a lesbian scene, but she continued to read.
Another half hour had passed before the pain in her chest made concentratingon the book impossible. She waited another five or ten minutes and again beganto stimulate her nipples. Even though it was painful, deep down inside herbreasts it felt good and just as before it didn't take long and she felt theflood suddenly release from within and surge out seeking release. Again thepain shot through as before, but now when she looked down she could see someof the wrinkles in her bra cup beginning to fade away. It gave her the renewedhope she needed. Karen then remembered and went back to the sink and dranka couple more glasses of water, knowing that Catherine said that it would help.When she returned she sat down and almost sadistically started to massage hernipples again. Though she was in pain she knew that this was her only way out.
Unfortunately for Karen, it took four more letdowns and another hour and ahalf for the bra to become tight enough to stretch the indicator discs. Shewas sobbing and grasping at her chest when Catherine returned.
?Karen please remove your hands from your breasts and place them at your sides.?
She did as she was told, clenching her eyes shut in pain as her pain had becomeunbearable.
?Until I till you otherwise rule number one is back enforce again. Is thatclear??
?Yes Catherine.? Came the almost hypnotic reply. Tears flowed freely downKaren's cheeks.
Catherine checked the disc on the cups and smiled as indeed both indicatorsshowed green, but before releasing her from the harness she brought a chairup in front of Karen and sat down. She picked up the book Karen had been readingand began to read the next passage. She read a couple of lines and laid itback down. ?Karen, I hope you like the selection of books we have for you.I'll make sure that in the next few weeks you have plenty of time between sessionsfor reading them. They are all classics and I hope you may come to appreciatethe author's views over time.?
Karen looked up with concern. Not quite comprehending the insinuations, butshe found herself staring directly into Catherine's eyes. Something changedbetween them at that moment, but before anymore was said. Catherine reachedup and grasped Karen's nipples through the fabric of the cups and began tomassage the overly engorged nipples again.
Karen continued the stare almost defiantly, but her tears continued to streamdown her cheeks. She knew she would be forced to suffer through another letdown.
It didn't take long either as Catherine knew just what to do. But this timejust as it began, Catherine leaned forward and with both their eyes lockedtogether, she kissed Karen forcefully upon her lips. Karen moaned and as herlet down rushed through her, she parted her lips allowing Catherine to explorethe recesses within her with her eager tongue. When their lips parted Karenwas in another world, almost past the part of pain. Tears' still streamingbut some unexplainable feeling was building within her.
Catherine reached down and with some difficulty released the hooks from thecups of the bra. She slowly removed the devices from Karen's breasts all thewhile keeping contact with her eyes. Karen although now engorged more thanshe had ever been before, felt a slight relief as her tits were freed. Catherinebent her head down and sucked gentle on Karen's still banded nipple, causinganother moan to escape her lips. Karen felt tenderness in the way Catherinewas handling her now. When she stopped, she leaned back and breaking eye contactlooked down at Karen's swollen chest. As Karen too looked down, her sobbingincreased. Her once attractive breasts were covered in deep blue veins andlong red lengthwise marks. The bands still in place at the base of her breastshad kept that part from enlarging. But the area where the bands stopped hadswollen to three times what they had been before. Her entire breast stood straightout, rock hard. There was not even a hint of sag as the skin could not stretchenough to allow it, even though the weight of the milk they contained was tremendous.Every muscle and ligament across the top of her breasts was now visible, stretchedto the point of breaking.
Catherine massaged the swollen mass, smiling triumphantly at what she hadaccomplished. ?Time for relief Karen,? she said as she led her back over tothe milking chair. ?Now I am going to remove the bands from your nipples. Iwant you to attach the milking sleeves as soon as I pull the bands off. I needto have an exact measurement of your supply.? Karen shook her head in acknowledgement.Carefully Catherine fought with the bands around Karen's nipples and with difficultyremoved them one at a time. As each band was removed Karen placed the sleevesquickly over each nipple before any milk could be lost, the suction in theouter sleeve fastening them tightly. As Karen moved her hands down the armsof the chair and into the cuffs, they inflated and Catherine kissed her onthe cheek as the machine cycled on. The milking sleeves began to pull Karen'snipples further into the sleeve before the milking sequence began. Karen hadwhat felt like a small shudder within her body as the sleeves began to constrictand tug on her nipples as finally her milk was allowed to flow. She noticedthat the cycle was modified this time. Instead of short pulsing, there wasa steadily increasing suction being applied to her nipples. It would buildfor about 30 seconds, then release for just a few, then start again and itwas causing the milk to literally gush out of her. It felt good as it was quicklypulling large streams from her and was starting to provide her with the reliefshe so desperately needed. She relaxed as best as she could and closed hereyes. She had another letdown, but this one felt more like pleasure than thepain that the last one had caused. She suddenly felt lips brushing againsther mouth again and she opened her lips to accept the long lingering kiss.The kiss became more aggressive as Catherine's tongue began to explore therecess it had entered. She felt new sensations within her and realized thatthese letdowns were like mini orgasms, only they were coming from her breasts.She let herself go with the welcomed sensations, moaning against Catherine'slips. She could hear the pump chugging and bogging down as it struggled tryingto pull so much milk through the machines tubing. It felt to Karen like itwould never end as the whir of the machine continued. She opened her eyes asthe kiss broke and watched as her breasts jumped and jiggled with the rhythmof the machine, the tubes staying full, continuing to pull a steady streamof milk from her. She looked up again at Catherine and a relaxed smile appeared.
After 20 minutes of constant pumping and god knows how many more letdowns,she began to feel like she was finally empty. As she looked down she couldsee the milk had slowed to a trickle. Her once bursting breasts had deflatedlike half filled water balloons, gravity and the weight of the nipple sleevesovercoming the swelling within them, as they now hung down loosely pointingtowards the floor. Karen who only minutes ago had felt so relaxed and calmnow began to cry as a feeling of guilt overcame her. She had actually enjoyedthe feeling from the kiss and from the last few milking's. Now as she watchedher sagging breasts she realized that she was turning into nothing more thana dependant cow, waiting patiently for her udders to be milked. Catherine watchedas the emotions unfolded and could sense the change. She knew that Karen'sspirit would soon be broken and her enslavement would then be complete.
Two weeks had passed since Karen had given birth and she had lost track ofthe days much less the milking's. With no television, radio or any outsidecontact what was happening in here was beginning to feel normal to her. Shewas breaking emotionally and she longed for human contact and the compassion,and understanding that went with it. She began to look at Catherine in a differentway too, more as a mentor, friend, but still strict authoritarian, someonewho she continually wanted to please, she thrived on the attention that hermilking sessions were giving her. It was the combination of these things andfrom the books she was reading, as most of Karen's free time was now filledreading from the room's selection of novels. As suspected they were all lesbianthemed and almost all involved some form of submission or bondage. Karen beganto imagine herself in some of things she read.
Catherine, knowing what was developing, was changing her habits as well. Shewas purposely touching Karen more intimately than before. Things like strokingof the cheeks, the back of the neck or through her hair. And although she wasnever one who wore perfume, she now stopped using anything artificial in herpersonal hygiene as well, as she wanted Karen to become familiar with her naturalpheromones. At the milking table she would purposely stand at the side of thetable by Karen's head, her crotch at eye level, knowing Karen could not helpbut to smell the scent between her legs. It wouldn't be long she knew, tillKaren would be hers.
Karen had also been started on an exercise program and although it felt goodto start doing things at first, it now made her breasts ache from lack of supportwhenever she began to jog or jump. She was never allowed to wear anything aboveher waist for support other than the forming sleeves which still encased thebase of her tits and it seemed like Catherine purposely her scheduled her exerciseprogram right before a milking when her breasts would be their fullest andalso their heaviest. In those two weeks her breasts had grown from a somewhatnormal looking 36D to something unimaginable. When they were full they balloonedfrom the sleeves, rock hard and the size of melons, but when they were drainedthey hung loosely on her chest totally soft and muscle less. It was unbelievablehow they could change so quickly. Dark blue veins now crisscrossed each onestarting at the aureoles and spreading out in all directions and stretch marksformed in deep grooves lengthwise across the top and sides as the muscles andskin were just not able to support the increased size and weight. Karen stillcried at times fearing that her once beautiful figure would be gone forever,but the desire to please and the encouragement from Catherine easily overpoweredthose feeling. Her life now so totally focused on her milking's that she thoughtof little else. She waited anxiously for her next session for the pleasureand even the pain that the next stretching might bring.
The next week brought about a change in the program. One morning she had beenbrought back into the milking room, lying face down on the table she had grownaccustomed to, with Karen standing closely by her head. Her breasts were positionedinto the familiar milking cups and her stretching session began. After nearlytwo hours and the inevitable pain and subsequent pleasure of her draining,the machine was stopped. Catherine was obviously not satisfied.
Catherine explained, ?Karen your progress seems to have stalled a bit andright now I think you are falling behind schedule. You are now giving almosta pint out of each breast per milking but have shown little increase in thelast three days. Right now we had hoped that you would be up to a pint anda half or more and still increasing.?
?I'm afraid we are going to have to modify our routine slightly to furtherencourage you along.?
To Karen's dismay, she was assisted into another room and helped into theexam chair. Catherine removed the bands at the base of her breasts which hadbeen on for well over three weeks now. Her breasts felt relief but it was tobe only temporary as before she could even see or touch them, Catherine appliedsome kind of jell to each one and applied another strange looking rubber sleeveover them. Although it felt good to have on something different they were stillsqueezed firmly and forced to elongate within the new tube, actually even longerthen before, but only the first few inches of the sleeve, closest to her chestfelt tight and the rest of the sleeve seemed much stretchier. It covered almosther entire breast allowing only her nipple to be exposed. Karen had no ideawhat these were for and she did not see the electrical connector on the bottomside of each sleeve.
With both breasts encased, Catherine explained. ?We have you on the highestamount of hormones that I think you can safely handle so we are going to tryother forms of stimulation, more physical in nature.? She added a belt to Karen'swaist which contained a rectangular box with electrical wires and connectorsat both ends. Even though Karen couldn't see past her breasts she could stilltill that Catherine connected the wires from the box to the underside of eachsleeve.
Catherine went on to explain. ?The sleeves contain hundreds of tiny electrodesand are transistorized to randomly activate two electrodes at a time. Yourbreasts were coated with a conductive jell that will complete the circuit throughyour breast tissue. The idea is to stimulate the nerves and muscles in yourbreasts and to kind of put them into overdrive as far as their production go.I'm told it is not painful, but it will probable be a little uncomfortableuntil you get used to it.
?Please, I'm scared. I want to please you but,? and she began to cry.
Karen quickly held her reassuringly, ?It will be alright, I'll stay with youthe whole time,? and she kissed her on the cheek. ? We have to try this. Thereis a lot of people that have put a great deal of time and money into it. Comenow, don't disappoint me, I really want you to do this for me.?
Through tearing eyes, Karen's lips quivered an almost silent, ?Okay.?
Now, where was I? Oh yes, the voltage is high but in short micro amp bursts,that do no permanent damage. The sleeves are two independent systems and areelectrically protected so the shocks will not be going any further than thebase of the sleeve, it won't be going across your heart or any vital organs,only your breasts. Once it is activated it is all automatic and the box onyour belt is actually a small computer that computes the best program to use.The sleeves have additional sensors that feed back into the computer. It willmodify the program based on your progress. Oh, and I was informed that becausesome of the subjects that this will be used on in the future may not be quiteas cooperative as you it is important that you not tamper with the connectorsor try to remove the sleeves or it will sense this and will give you a discouragingcorrection.?
Discouraging correction? If she had not been afraid before, Karen definitelywas now. She watched as Catherine took a key and knew that the device had nowbeen turned on, she braced herself and closed her eyes, although she felt nothing.
?Relax Karen, it takes a while for it to go through its self test before you'llfeel anything. Just relax, it won't be that bad.?
Karen couldn't relax or stop the nervousness as she could only wait in anticipation.Finally she thought she could feel a little sting on her left breast, thenanother on her right. They were short and quick and felt like nothing morethan a slight twitch then stopped. She took a deep breath and settled herself,thinking this might just not be that bad. The slight sting was followed withanother sharper sting on the right side in a different spot and an even strongerreflexing twitch, followed closely by one on the left.
Her eyes got bigger and she had a frightened look on her face now.
Within seconds there was another and then another, now both sides stung atonce. The strength of the shocks was definitely going up and in the next fewseconds she was getting multiple shocks in both breasts as she began to squirmabout in her chair. Soon both breasts were alive with the tiny bites of electricityand were twitching and jerking as the muscles were electrically stimulated.She looked down at the top of her breasts and could see what she was feeling.Her breasts moved as if they were being massaged as the flesh rolled in waves.
?Now it looks like has started nicely, will see how you do in the next fewhours.?
?Next few hours, oh please I can't. I'll never make it; my chest feels likeit's on fire.?
?You can do it, I know you can, trust me.?
The minutes felt like hours as Karen's breasts were repeatedly stung withcurrent, and the muscles in each milk duct spasmed and cramped. The milk whichbegan to slowly refill into the ducts acted as an internal electrical conductorand helped the current penetrate deeper into the sensitive tissue. In lessthan thirty minutes Karen's breasts were filled enough to start stretchingthe flexible part of her sleeves and milk began to drip freely from her nipples.Catherine quickly banded them not wanting anything to escape yet.
Soon as the pressure started to increase her breasts began to balloon outover the tight part of the sleeves. It became even more painful as they expanded.The natural muscles which had been strained to their limits almost daily, inone second were being stretched with her engorgement, then the next secondzapped with the electrical current and forced to tightly contract. Unbeknownstto Karen, this side effect was also planned. This would stress the musclesbeyond their capability and semi-permanently take away what little breast toneshe still retained.
It was one full hour of constant torture and Karen was tired and sore andoh so full. The stimulation had definitely worked as her breasts had swelledout from her chest like big round balls.
Karen was again brought to the flat table and assumed the face down positionwith her breasts hanging freely through the cutouts. What Karen hoped wouldbe the end of the session and her relief was not to be. Her breasts were nothooked up to the milker but instead, two large glass containers were positioneddirectly beneath her. Catherine pushed a button on the side of Karen's beltand the shocks stopped. She then released the bands from Karen's nipples andmilk began to stream out into the containers. Satisfied that everything waspositioned correctly she went back to the belt and pushed yet another button.
Karen instantly jumped as the sleeves came back to life. Only this time theshocks were much stronger and longer, forcing a scream from her. She triedto lift herself up only to realize that at some point she had been strappeddown and then Catherine quickly forced her wrists to the table and strappedthem as well. As she continued to struggle the intense shocks increased. ImmobilizedKaren could only scream as the electrical fire cursed through her.
Catherine turned back, oblivious to her cries to watch and smile as Karen'sbreasts began to constrict and shoot out thick streams of milk. The shockswere causing Karen to literally milk herself as the computer timed the contractionsto squeeze the milk through the ducts like a well trained farmer milking acow. It was so painful that she could not even feel the normal pressure releaseas the milk streamed from her. This was the most efficient milking that Catherinehad ever witnessed as the nipples seemed to explode as the whitish liquid sprayedfrom her. She also knew that after today she wouldn't be able to milk her thisway again for a least a week without totally destroying the muscles. But fornow she watched in ah as the milk sprayed freely.
The containers soon filled to a pint and her breasts showed no signs of slowing.Soon a pint and a quarter then a pint and a half as Karen was reduced to ashaking mass, her body still continuing to jerk with each shock. She couldn'tsee how much milk she had given, she just prayed that it would soon end. Finallyafter what seemed like an eternity the milk streams began to slow and the shocksbegan to decrease. Soon after her breasts were down to a steady drip and thecomputer stopped. She broke down and cried like never before. Her breasts burnedand numb from the pain as Catherine released the straps holding her to thetable and helped her to a sitting position. Karen tried to cradle her breastsbut the rubber sleeves offered little comfort. Catherine, sitting next to her,moved Karen's hands away and cradled her head down to her chest, rubbing hercheek as she continued to cry. ?There, its okay, its all over now dear, it'sall done, you did great. I am so proud of you.? Karen's sobs began to slowand she began to feel better form the comforting and the reassurance. Catherinelifted her chin up, until their lips joined and kissed her deeply. As the kissended Karen lowered her head back down and cuddled against Catherine's breast.She felt a warm sense of security as she snuggled closer, inhaling deeply thewonderfully intoxicating scent of this woman.
To be continued?
After our last session when Karen was playing a Dominatrix, I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I left a note on her windscreen as I left work. It read: My place “8.00pm. Don’t be late or you’ll regret it.’ She arrived promptly at 8.00.p.m. I let her in and locked the door behind her. We went into the living room. She turned around and kissed me. I grabbed her hair and forced her head back. “Do exactly as I say, do not speak unless I say. If I ask you a question and give you...
This story is based on a true experience. Names and a few details have been changed to protect the not so innocent from their conservative, narrow minded relatives. Karen stepped out of the bathroom, naked. I admired her tanned, fit body as she walked towards me with a grin on her face. Her large breasts swung gently from side to side. My erection grew as I a noticed the clean shaven mound between her legs. “I shaved,” she said, “Like you asked me to.” Taking her hand, I led her to the bed...
Story Thirteen HuCow's Delicious Milk By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure moved with ease through the department store. It was excited to leave its current pair of panties behind in this location. After the last one, Cherry Tart, had made Delilah White into a perpetual virgin, the figure wanted to try another form of body modification. It had an idea for a delicious one. It was why the current pair of panties looks so much like the white...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Megan opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her sunlit room. She stretched her arms out as she yawned, contemplating if she should go back to sleep. She got her answer from her growling stomach and rolled out of bed. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 1:34 PM. She tried to think of a good excuse for why she slept in so late as she got dressed and headed downstairs to get herself a bowl of crazy Sugar Explosion-O’s. “Hey Meg,” Megan’s...
IncestBlue Milk by [email protected] {Standard disclaimer- you must be 18 to read this story. It deals with sex, more sex, and dairy products!} Blue Milk, everybody had to have it. The first true aphrodisiac. One sip or mixed in another drink and the recipient was taken over by uncontrollable lust. Yea, right. But it was the latest craze sweeping the nation and my paper wanted a story. Kind of the latest fad of the month fluff piece. Before getting too far into the story I decided I...
The figure moved with ease through the department store. It was excited to leave its current pair of panties behind in this location. After the last one, Cherry Tart, had made Delilah White into a perpetual virgin, the figure wanted to try another form of body modification. It had an idea for a delicious one. It was why the current pair of panties looks so much like the white and black pattern of a dairy cow. There was a simple question written on the rear. Got Milk? The figure was eager for...
He hadn't seen Cynthia in a little over six months, and the last time he'd seen her, she had looked as though she'd swallowed a basketball. A month later, Cyn had given birth to Lisa, his first niece. Let's see, he thought, that would make Lisa about five months old, now! He should have made it back to see his niece earlier, but living on the opposite coast made the trip an expensive one. And he'd used the last of that year's vacation days on his last trip home. Thankfully, the...
Mothers' Milk by Elizabeth Mann Women, Their always good to have around. I play with when I'm bored or when I need a blow job. Yes they cook and clean too, but that's expected. That's what my mother did for my father, that's what I have women do for me. But I was stupid like my father, I married one, a stupid idea, marriage. Why say "I do" in front of some priest? So I can fuck her? I can fuck her without the priest. Women, they want the priest. They want the marriage, why? So...
Hi, this is Rajesh again with my new story, I am working in an MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I have a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying many Ladies and Aunties. Any unsatisfied girls, ladies, aunties can mail me at………………. I am overwhelmed by your comments and have encouraged me to come out with my other dark secrets of my life. Thank you for all for the good comments for my other stories that you people gave me. That is an inspiration...
IncestHi, this is Rajesh again with my new story working in MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I have a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying may Ladies and Aunties , any unsatisfied girls, ladies, aunties can mail me at [email protected] am overwhelmed by your comments and have encouraged me to come out with my other dark secrets. Thank you all for the good comments for my other stories that you people gave me. That is an inspiration for...
Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) again with my new sex story, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on Indian sex story too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts. I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s lovemaking in bed, but still, yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from college girlfriend during our golden...
© 1992 Jack pushed the door open with his foot awkwardly and entered his house. Both his hands were occupied; he was carrying with a large plastic bag of disposable diapers in one hand and two bags of groceries precariously balanced in other arm. Jack set the packages on the kitchen table. "Mom?" No answer. He looked in her bedroom, and saw his mother cradling his baby brother. A half-empty plastic bottle was lying near her feet. Both mom and baby were fast asleep. The scene...
Megan opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her sunlit room. She stretched her arms out as she yawned, contemplating if she should go back to sleep. She got her answer from her growling stomach and rolled out of bed. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 1:34 PM. She tried to think of a good excuse for why she slept in so late as she got dressed and headed downstairs to get herself a bowl of Crazy Sugar Explosion-O's™. "Hey Meg," Megan's mother Kathryn said. "Did you just wake...
Mothers milkRoby had just turned sixteen when this happened. He didn’t know what was next? He quickly was making his way down the hall to his room. He lay on his bed, butterflies churning in his stomach. He really wasn’t sure what was going on, but his body was telling him something. For the first time he had seen his mother not in the way he always had growing up, but in a much different way. He meant she aroused him. Yeah, he was sexually excited. He began to wonder if there was something...
Roby had just turned sixteen when this happened. He didn’t know what was next? He quickly was making his way down the hall to his room. He lay on his bed, butterflies churning in his stomach. He really wasn’t sure what was going on, but his body was telling him something. For the first time he had seen his mother not in the way he always had growing up, but in a much different way. He meant she aroused him. Yeah, he was sexually excited. He began to wonder if there was something wrong with him...
IncestHello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
IncestADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...
I am Sam age 22 from Chennai and I had a experience. I love breast milk very much but I didn’t get chance to drink until certain age. This is a real story of mine. Near my house there was a women called Padma who is age of 23 and she is very beautiful. She resides next to my house and she has very huge breast with 40 size and just now she had a baby. So she uses to feed her baby with milk. I use to see her because she will be very nice in speaking with me. But I am only ten year old so I didn’t...
From age f******n and the beginnings of puberty, Brad had maintained a watchful eye of his female neighbor across the street. He guessed her age in the early twenties and she was gorgeous. She had light strawberry colored hair half way down her back, a slender body and a pair of tits he would have given his left nut to see naked. Just the thought was enough to enlarge his still young cock forcing him to masturbate often. If only, he often dreamed.. ...
Introduction: I finally get a test of my stepmothers milk. My father remarried a few years after divorcing my mom. He literally ran into another woman on his way out of the court house. Depressed and in need of company, he invited the woman out for coffee the next morning. I didnt get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he...
The heavy, pouring rain came down in sheets making visibility almost impossible. Wayne struggled to see out the window of his Jeep Cherokee. His mother, Krista sat in the other bucket seat peering out through the suffocating deluge of water. Every few moments, Krista turned and looked out the rear window for a few seconds before looking back to the front. "I hope that they are okay," she mumbled. "Oh, they'll be fine," Wayne told her, hoping that he was right. Wayne's whole family was...
I didn’t get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he didn’t want to bring another woman around the house if she wasn’t going to last. He said that I didn’t need that, especially after just losing my mother. My father had expected his tryst with Pamela to be nothing more than a fling, but they managed to last months longer...
My father remarried a few years after divorcing my mom. He literally ran into another woman on his way out of the court house. Depressed and in need of company, he invited the woman out for coffee the next morning. I didn’t get to see Pamela for a few months. I knew my father was going out with her, but she never really came around the house. They always went out. After returning home one drunken night my father confided in me that he didn’t want to bring another woman around the house if she...
Hi sarit,I am Kishore. To tell about me I am fair and had a normal youth body. My age is 26. I completed my PG. The incident which I am going to narrate is happed during my PG college days. I completed my PG in Noida. Since it was business school our class is packed with all type of age grouped peoples. Among the students there was a girl called “Rajini” who is around 32. She is married and have 8 month old child. Her husband is a business man and most of the time he use to move to Bombay or...
IncestNOTE: This story stems from an incidental bit in the "Crowd Sources Sissy" story that a couple of readers seemed to be interested in having me explore further. It's just a starting off point. You do not need to read that story first to understand this new work, but of course feel free to read it to get the full effect. Enjoy! Crowd Sourced Sissy--Mothers Milk I knew that my husband had a sissy fetish long before I married him. For many, that would have been a bridge too far,...
It was the summer after my 18th birthday. I had just returned home one afternoon after a quick run to the grocery store. I went to pick up some milk to get the family through the rest of the week. I have twin sisters, and between us kids and my parents. When I walked into the kitchen, I found my mom standing bent over with her face in the fridge. Normally I would just say “Hi” and keep walking, but I noticed that she was clothed in nothing but a small white bath towel. I could tell she had just...
IncestIntroduction I often times find myself looking at pictures in the family albums. Recently I found a box I've kept hidden for years. Inside rediscovered snap shots long forgotten. At the time I was in my mid-teens, actually fifteen, and it was of my mother and baby sister. So what you ask? How many of you can honestly say you have pictures of your mother nursing a baby I ask? What follows may sound odd or even not likely but I'll let you be the judges. At the age of fifteen the hormones...
Chapter 1: 2:00 p.m Friday, December 18th 2009 "You're staring at me again." But there's no real complaint in my sister's voice as she utters the words. In fact, her eyes show a mischievous delight. "So do you want me to go?" I challenge as I take a few shuffling steps back towards the open den door. I'd just finished my last day of high school before the start of the Christmas holidays but I hadn't hung around long at the class party. I hadn't wanted to be late. Emily quickly nods...
I was visiting my friend Jen when her ten year old son came in and lifted her shirt and began to nurse on her big full tit. I was surprised and told Jen that he was a little old to nurse. She told me that she liked the sucking and would let him nurse as long as he wanted, prob till he goes away to college. She nursed him mornings and just before bed and then anytime he wanted. By him continuing to nurse her tits stayed full of milk. She said she would pump them when he was away so he could...
Got Milk? Mission Impossible inspired Steve's antics which found him, on this particular night, in the kitchen of Dr. Brooks home. Steve was sitting records, if anyone was keeping records, and he was sure the police were, at least on the number of homes he'd broken into so far. He was also beginning to love the coverage by the news media. Even better this night, because he found a fresh baked, five layer, dark chocolate cake as he opened the refrigerator for a glass of milk. Steve...
Markus Creneth checked the fridge, his short blonde hair all ruffled and messy from not having tended to it this morning. Not to mention the fact that he was completely nude, but that was one of the advantages of having your own private beachside mansion. He had already packed his cornflakes and his bowl...yet... "Where's the milk?" "Oh, I can help!" Andrea Lencroft, his wife currently inhabiting a skinsuit of a completely big titted version of Samus Aran perked up. Markus turned...
"Emily? Emily?" Emily blinked her eyes. It was morning and light streamed in through the dusty windows of the clinic. "Emily, honey, how do you feel?" It was Aunt Lily. Her voice sounded far away. Emily turned her head. She was still laying on the exam table, covered in an itchy wool blanket. Her back and legs were stiff from sleeping on the hard surface. She heard Aunt Lily speaking again. "Emily, how do you feel?" she said. Emily's eyes focused and she looked down at her...
Have you ever seen a nipple and aureola distended after breastfeeding? The aureola becomes dark brown with milk nodes standing proud. The nipple, swollen and engorged, stands out and is swollen to over an inch in length. When looking at a nipple that has been sucked on you can almost imagine it fitting perfectly into a mouth and down a person's throat, with its sweet milk gushing out.Have you ever tasted breast milk? It is thin and smooth in texture and very sweet. It is an acquired taste,...
FetishHi ISS readers I am Mani, living in Chennai outskirts I am living with my aunt, a distant relative, she is a very good family friend for us. She got married three years back and she got a girl baby of 8months. Her husband is working in a company in Singapore with his family members. He is a very good person but don’t have interest in sex. My aunt is good lady with dark complexion, average body structure and big breasts. We both use sit n chat very frankly, we never use to hide anything from...
IncestTom and Ann seemed to have gotten it all just right. They were so compatible and enjoyed each other's company so much. They were best friends who were married to each other. And the sex was great.Tom thought long and hard before he really opened up to Ann about how highly sexed, horny really, he was. He was afraid to tell her that he wanted to have a dynamic sex life with his wife and to explore everything there was that a man and woman could do together. He held his breath after he laid it all...
It all began as far back as I can remember was when I was about 8 years old. I bathed with my parents but mostly with my father. I was in the bath with my father and he did the normal things, playing with the bubbles in the bath with me and with my bath toys. Now it was time to wash. My father washed my hair, my arms, my back and everything else that needed washing except for my cock. That came last. As most children do who bath with their parents, they would also wash parts of there...
I’m going to tell you a strange story. I’m a pretty normal guy with a very strange fetish. I’ve tried to keep this fetish under wraps, but lately I’m just crazed and need to do something about it. I’m turned on by pregnant women. I like that their bodies change and really get turned on when their breast milk comes in. I love the taste of mother’s milk. I find it a turn-on to suckle on their milky breasts. It's very arousing and erotic to me.My obsession with pregnant women happened, when I...
FetishI imagine the empty area in my mother-in-law's basement is actually a large baby nursery. Most of her family thinks Mary works a normal secretary job, but she actually babysits infants every day. Every morning, 5 infant boys are dropped off at her house while the parents work. She only babysits infant boys, as she is a special type of babysitter. Mary is a wet nurse. She only babysits parents with lots of money, as parents bid for her services. When the baby turns 1 year old, she no longer...
Hello, everyone. This is Kiran, 21 from Gurgaon, hoping you all liked my story about how I fingered my own mom, 44 in part 1 and part 2 in my previous story. This part is continued from there. If you have not read that go to my profile and please read it before reading this or you can mail me at So I have explained in my previous story about how I went on to finger my mom just by massaging and actually going ahead to cum inside her to having sex with her day and night daily. We have a bath...
IncestSandy had always been a rather large girl. By large in mean her bust was bigger than most girls her age. She had begun to develop very early in life until now, at age Sixteen, her bust turned the heads of any sane man around. This is not to say the rest of her body wasn't something to cause additional excitement with her slender waist and very womanly flared hips. Her face was absolutely gorgeous with full sensual lips. Golden hair cascaded down her back...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Milk By Patricia Josh had always been a shy, quiet boy. His father had left his mother when he was quite young and he often kept to himself. His mother Rachel had often wondered...
Father's Milk by oh2bpreg There are definite disadvantages to being married to a career-oriented workaholic. Trust me, I'm living proof of that. I've been married to Marie for 5 years now. I love her to death, but it's pretty clear that her top priority is her career as a biochemist. In fact, it's a good thing that we started dating back in college, as I'm sure she would turn down dating now as it would cut into her work-life. Luckily, not only did I start dating her before she...
Hi, this is Pramod. I am here once again to tell about an unexpected encounter with one of my far relatives from Shimoga. She is a relative on my father’s side and she is in her late 30’s roughly around 37 or 38 years. Her husband was a drunkard and died at an early age. She was living in her in-law’s house and she later told me she was fucked by her father-in-law till his death. When this incident happened, I was 18 years old. Let me introduce her first. Her name was Latha. A typical village...
Ms Jones the Human Biology and Sex Ed teacher had already exhausted all the legal material for her Year 11 class, attended by Molly and Rachel.The GCSEs were nearly over and most ch*ldren would be leaving soon for the long summer holiday and then start at the local Sixth Form college.Ms Jones planned one last day for her class to remember - a trip to the slightly obscure Mothers Milk farm. It had no web-site and no need of any advertising, but was very well known by the local maternity units...
This story gets VERY disgusting and brutal. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". These niche things appear in THIS chapter. If any are not your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! Rape/Abuse/Violence toward women Torture/Pain/Crying/Sadism Incest Young girl Bondage Gross bodily fluids tastes/smells Eating cum and squirt Fingering dirty asshole Sweat licking Armpit...
I had known Emily since she was a baby. I watched her grow from a young c***d to an exuberant teen and finally to a very sexy young adult. Yes she was half my age, and to be honest, when she was an 18-year-old gymnast, there were times that I had less than wholesome thoughts about her, but as every father thinking things like that about their k**'s friends, I kept them well to myself. I suspect that as she grew into her early twenties, those full body hugs she gave me, the ones where she...
Mom and I were both stunned when we finally heard Sophie was pregnant. After just one year at the University of Illinois she was coming home to have her first baby, a husband or boyfriend nowhere in sight. She had left our modest home on the South Side of Chicago in September 2003, a full 4 year scholarship to their School of Applied Science in hand. She had always been a success, straight A's in high school, valedictorian of her class, All-State softball player, volunteer with the United...
I read up on breast-feeding and all the experts say breast-feeding is the healthiest method for babies, and recommend that it be kept up till the baby is at least three years old. My son is now 3 ½ years old and I still breast-feed him every day. He and I both love it. It is a very natural, loving and pleasurable experience. And it is allowing me to keep my beautiful breasts. In Europe some mothers nurse until their children are six or seven years old I’m told. At 3 ½, my son is no...
The night air was stale and heavy. Even the eerie way the light from the moon cast shadows on the ground seemed a bit off tonight. "It was going to an interesting night," thought Vickie as she lit up another cigarette. She was waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her up in a taxi and takes her home; it was far too long since she had seen him.The taxi arrives with Josh inside, and as they ride home talking about all kinds of things including the expectant c***d she was carrying. Josh...
Hi friends , this is another story after hot booby pushpa and Brahmin mother series…pls mail me ur comments on m dying to hear about my stories. This is the top secret inside our family that is between me and my mother. We are living in India. My father is in army so most of the time he is away from us. I am twenty four and my mom is forty eight. She has given birth to a child now (my last sister ). I don’t know why my parents have waited long for this child. My father came home for the child...
IncestCheryl hadn't seen Lacy in some time. Her and Jeff had gotten married nearly two years ago and she began playing the role of wife. It was only a few years agothat Lacy, Cheryl, and the rest of their high school girlfriends were out partying until dawn. Now Lacy was pregnant and expecting in just a month. Cheryl felt bad that none of the others cared to visit and that Lacy was pretty much house bound. So one day she decided to pay her a visit. The two women sat on the couch chatting."So what's...
Jessica, my beautiful wife had opted out of chemo. She didn’t want to hurt the baby but she was waning fast. I sold everything, both over and under the table. We were living in a one bedroom house in a crap neighborhood and it was pretty much rock bottom. It started off by me going on sites and selling her underwear. Obviously used. She didn’t care, she was dying and her baby girl was due soon. We needed the money. I got a few hits with the tag line “Prego used panties” and was amused at...
Cat leaned across the counter and grabbed a knife. She laid out her sandwich on two napkins and cut it from one corner to the other. The waiter took the knife rudely as Cat started to return it. “If you had cut the fucking thing like I asked, I wouldn’t have needed it,” Cat growled. The waiter bowed coldly and left. She was suddenly aware of many sets of eyes focused on her breasts in the bar-type mirror on the back of the wall. She looked down at her full, milk-filled breast and felt a...
Hello everyone, I would like to share an incident between me and a teenage girl. This is not a fictional story but is completely based on real incidents. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Sheela and I am 32 years old, married with two kids. My stats are 36c-34-35 (Yes, I have big boobs because of my recent pregnancy). We live in a gated community in Hyderabad. I am a happily married wife but am always thirsty for sex and I had many lesbian experiences during my college days. My...
Lesbian"Hey Rookie" I heard my boss said as I looked up. "Got a story for you, we got a tip from the local grocer. They say there is a new milk from a local farm that is flying off the shelves. I want you to go down to the farm and write a story about it." My boss said tapping his note pad. "You want me to write a story about milk?" I said with a sigh. "Listen I wrote stories about potholes when I was a rookie and let me tell you they give terrible interviews. Now get down there and get me a story" He...
TranssexualBen had been nursing on Julie's huge milk filed tit for over twenty minutes. She then turned his head to move to the other big globe. She loved nursing him as much as he loved sucking the milk from her huge tit. He found a hormone that made her produce milk and her 32 D tit was now 34 GG. He liked her naked so he could see her huge mounds and nurse any time he wanted. He also liked when she squirted milk over his dick and licked it off. Her nipples were also getting longer from being sucked on...
Once upon a time in a tiny kingdom there lived a young man named Jack. Jack fancied himself a ladies' man. The local women didn't think so because Jack could be brash and insulting when he thought he was being witty. Not surprisingly, the fair sex avoided him as much as possible. One woman who couldn't avoid him was his landlady, a young widow with an infant child. She was in desperate need of the rent she charged her lodger and Jack did pay his rent on time. The problem was in the...
I am thankful to ISS .Lets introduce my self-call me as Ramu. I am a final graduation student in Cherthala/Alleppy. I am a big boob lover and I like to suck lasting boobs. If any aunt needs to feed me contact me at Happy Diwali to Kerala Erotica and to all my erotic friends. My family had got invitation to attend the first birthday of my mamma’s son. My mamma’s son is still a child. They were staying in Bangalore and my parents told me to attend the function, as they are old. I went to Bglor...