My Bitch Mom Avani free porn video

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My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year

of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot

and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go

up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell. We live in

a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other

apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots

of young students in college and schools in our area and many come up to the

terrace to study, workout or simply for fresh air, as we are all in the same

income group and hence our living conditions are similar.

My Mom works in the Government schooland has a steady 9-5 job and hence will

help me in my studies as she has a Masters degree. We have our own nook up

in the terrace which is hidden from others and we have a concrete bench to sit

under a light. There are some water tanks which hide us from the

neighbouring apartments and hence we can study in peace.

As this is a very important year in school and I have to take the

competitive exams for engineering admissions at the end of this

academic year, my Mom and I take my studies seriously and she gets information

from the internet and her other friends at work whose sons have scored well

in competitive exams.

My Mom avaniis 34 years old as she got married at 18(as is normal here in

India) and I was born within a year. For me she was MOM and hence I thought

she was like every other Mom’s except that I noticed that grownup men would

behave like imbeciles in front of her and would smile widely if she just

looked in their direction. I guess she is pretty but for 15 yr old boy women are

just women and Moms are just Moms. My older friends always talked about

girls but I didn’t see what the fuss is about.

My house always had visitors and my friend as well as the older boys in

our area were all my friends and visited me often and let me hang out with

them even though I was a few years younger. I had a lot of friends

especially among the older teens of 18 or 19 who were in University doing

Engineering and Medicine. My Mom also encouraged me to make friends with

these boys and asked me to learn from them so that I will also get admission

with a scholarship in some good Engineering college.

My Dad was abroad in Dubai and my Mom stayed back because of her teacherjob

and for my education. I am the only child hence my parents wanted the best for

me. One night as usual we were studying on the terrace and we went down to

our apartment and had our supper and were back on the terrace even though

it was late at night and people had gone to bed (in this city people go to bed

by 930 or 10pm). My Mom was reading a magazine and I was busy studying

when we heard footsteps and saw that it was Arun. He was an 18 yr old

engineering student who was my friend and was well built as he went to the

gym to workout. My Mom liked Arun as he was a studious and nice guy. He had a

skipping rope and started skipping and after 5 mins my Mom got up and

took the rope from him and started skipping as fast as he did. We were

impressed and my Mom said,” what did think about me? I was an athlete in

University”. She then sat down on the bench and folded her legs. She was wearing a

skirt and loose T-shirt. Arun then told my Mom that he can do a one hand push

up 10 times and started doing them in front of her. He was looking up at my Mom

all the time and took his time and did the push-ups slowly. He then came and sat

next to her. I then got up and said that I can also do push-ups and started doing

normal ones in front of them. When I looked up I was stunned to see that I

could see my Mom’s panties clearly as she had folded her legs and her skirt

was parted fully. I then realized why Arun was excited when doing his

push-ups. He looked at me and smiled and winked at me. My Mom was not

aware that her skirt was parted and she was fully exposed. She got up saying

that it was late and she was going to bed and Arun can help me with my

studies-which he readily agreed.When she left we both watched her leave and

for the first time I saw my Mom as a woman and noticed her sexy ass.

I realized that I had a hard-on and Arun also noticed that. He immediately

commented that My Mom was hot and asked me if I saw her panty.

I told him that she was my Mom and we should not be speaking about her

in this way. He then pointed to my hard-on and smiled and left.

When I saw the look of lust in Arun’s eyes for my Mom, I realized that

my Mom was really sexy. Arun was a popular guy among the girls as he was

handsome, tall and well built. He had a beautiful girlfriend but he

never looked at her the way he looked at my Mom. That made my Mom all the

more desirable. From that day onwards I started masturbating thinking about

my Mom and tried at every opportunity to see more of her body.

My birthday was about a month after my friend Arun and I had seen my

Mom’s panty when she accidentally exposed herself to us (read part1). After

that we had many of my friends(Tarun,Vijay,his brother Ajay,Karthik and

Sanjay) joining us on the terrace late at night and we all had push-up contests

and every one of my friends got glimpses of my Mom’s panties as she

continued to wear her skirt fold her legs and sit on the bench. She was unaware

that she was giving us a clear view of her crotch. When we guys met anywhere the

only topic was about my sexy Mom and I also started getting into this and we

all now wanted to see more. The guys all discussed and analysed every part

of her body and included me in their friendly bawdy talks. From there it

graduated to fantasies about fucking her though all of us knew that it was

impossible. Once the guys knew that like them I also had the hots for my Mom,

they treated me as one of them and we watched many porno movies with the

theme being young guys with older women.

So when my Mom asked me to invite all my friends for my B’day party, I

invited this gang of older guys also. The b’day party was the usual tame

affair with cutting the cake and playing stupid games. My Mom was pleasantly

surprised when my older friends helped her throughout the party and she was

laughing and joking with them. They in turn were hanging on to every word

she said and my Mom was flattered that these bright young Medical and

Engineering students found her interesting. She did not notice that they

were getting nice glimpses of her body as she was wearing a saree well

below her navel and her blouse was held with strings with large open spaces

at the back. Her tits were big and her cleavage visible as the blouse was low

cut and the saree kept falling of her shoulder. When all the young guests had

left and only my 6 older friends were remaining, my Mom sat down on the sofa

and stretched her legs saying that she was tired. My friend all gathered around her

and Arun asked her boldly if she had any beer for them as all the young kids had left

and they were all adults left. My Mom looked at him strictly and said that they were

too young to drink beer. Sanjay laughed and told her,” Aunty we all drink even hot drinks

at parties with our girlfriends and when we go to the disco. And the other

night Ajay puked on his girlfriend after having one too many.” Ajay

immediately jumped on Sanjay and they started a friendly wrestling match on the carpet.

Arun immediately fell at my mother’s feet in Hindi filmy style and pleaded with her for

just one beer each and offered to massage her feet for her in return.

So saying her sat in front of her and caught her feet and placed it

on his lap and started massaging her feet. My Mom laughed and tried to pull

her feet away but he held on tight and kept massaging it. She stopped

struggling and laughed at him and said that she does not drink beer and as

her husband is also abroad there is no beer at home. I immediately got up

and went near her and whispered in her ear that Dad had a stock of some

brandy bottles in his cupboard.

My Mom looked at me and at Arun and all the pleading smiling faces around

her and said,”Ok guys. I have some Brandy and you will all get only one

small drink each after which we will call it a day.ok?” The guys all started

pleading for a large drink if it was going to be just one and my Mom got up

and went to her bedroom to fetch the Brandy.

Everybody started jumping around and making noise and I went over to

the stereo and turned up the volume and we all started dancing and jumping

around. My Mom returned with a tray full of glasses and a full bottle of St

Remy’s French Napoleon Brandy. Arun offered to pour the drinks but my Mom

playfully slapped his hand away. She then poured 6 drinks and mixed Pepsi

with them and handed it to the guys. She handed me a glass with only Pepsi.

Arun immediately asked her where is her drink and she replied that she

rarely drank and that too only with her husband around as she got drunk

easily with just a couple of drinks. He said that is not fair if the hostess

does not join them and it is not polite. All the guys started pleading with

her and I too joined in and she gave me a long look and laughed and

said,”Ok guys just one drink or else you guys have to carry me to my room.”

She then poured herself a small drink and filled the glass with Pepsi. She

had a sip and then got up saying that she will get her photo album for the

guys to see. When she left the room Arun got up and took the Brandy bottle

and poured some into my glass and also poured a stiff one in my Mom’s glass.

He winked at me and said,”Let’s get your Mom drunk.Ok”.

When my Mom returned with the photo album she found us sitting like

innocent boys and asked us to sit next to her to see the album. Immediately

there was a shoving match to determine who sat next to her and in the end

she was squashed in between 2 guys on either side on the sofa and two guys

standing right behind her sofa. Arun and Karthik were the lucky guys right next

to her with their thighs pressed against her. I playfully jumped onto her lap

and turned and hugged her tightly and kissed her on her cheek and proudly

smiled and winked at Arun. My Mom was laughing and tried to push me away and

I was in heaven as I could feel her whole body against me and got a hard-on

instantly. I playfully kept hugging her and said that I was the b’day baby

and hence could sit on her lap. She hugged me tightly and said,” My b’day

baby- you are very heavy and my legs are paining.” I got up pretending to

sulk and sat at her feet and finished my drink. I was getting pretty high as

I was not used to drinking any liquor. Even the guys had just bluffed my Mom

and in fact none of them had any hard liquor and had only beer very rarely.

My Mom started showing us her College photos and as she was an athlete we

gat to see her in her shorts and tight tops etc. She was extremely beautiful

and all the guys remarked that she was like Aishwarya the Miss world.

My Mom smiled and said modestly that she was not beautiful and that she was

getting fat. At that everybody said that she was just perfect and Mom blushed

and sipped her drink.Within 15 mins we had all finished our drinks and had seen all the

photos. My Mom then asked us what we should do. The guys immediately said lets

play a game. Actually they thought that she would now chase them away as it was

getting late. My Mom asked what game and they said lets play spin the

bottle. She said,” Ok guys- I will change into something comfortable and you

can get the game ready and tell me the rules.” So saying she got up and left

the room.Arun immediately whispered that another 2 drinks and she will be drunk.

So saying he poured her another stiff drink and filled the glass with Pepsi. We

all started making small slips of paper with the instructions and there was

a lot of laughing and shouting as all of us were a bit high.

When my Mom returned we saw that she was wearing a loose nighty with a

round neck and we were disappointed that we could not see any cleavage. We

expected her to be in her skirts and tight tops.

Arun handed her drink and she did not refuse. They asked her if they can

have a small drink and she immediately said,” Ok guys, only one more

small drink for you guys. I don’t want you puking on my carpet.” Tarun started

pouring the drinks and by the time he had poured 5 drinks the bottle got

over. We all turned and looked at Mom and she looked at us and said,”Ok. I

will get another bottle but only for one small drink for the last glass.”

Saying this she went off to her bedroom and got another bottle of Brandy and

said that this was the last bottle and we have to keep it back for Rahul’s

father.We all took our drinks and I had a Pepsi refill and we sat on the carpet in

a circle. This time everybody wanted to sit in front of my Mom and my

Mom looked at us all strangely and asked if nobody wanted to sit next to her. In

the end Ajay and I sat next to her as we were the youngest and Vijay was

lucky to sit in front of Mom. She folded her legs and sat but this time

nothing could be seen and we all started teasing Vijay and throwing some

chips and popcorn and whatever we got hold off. My Mom did not understand

what the commotion was all about.She then asked us what the rules were.

We all explained that when the empty brandy bottle stopped spinning and pointed

towards a person, that person should pull a slip out of the cap full of slips and do

what was on the slip. She then clapped her hands and said,” that’s simple”.

Arun then said,” Aunty- there is a penalty for not doing what was on the

slip.” She looked at him smilingly and he said that the person will get

spanked on the bare bottom 5 times by a person of the opposite sex. Arun

added,” Also I am the referee and my word is final”. By this time my Mom had

finished her second drink and was quite high and squealed out loudly saying

that in that case she will get to spank all the guys as she was the only woman.

Arun quietly refilled her glass and handed it to her. She took it again

quietly and said,”I’m having a great time with you guys so I will have one last drink

Arun then sat and spun the bottle which pointed towards Mom. The cap was

handed to her and she pulled out a slip which said -Kiss the person sitting

next to you on the lips for a whole minute.

She immediately turned and kissed me on the cheeks. When we protested she

said that she agreed to play with them as she thought that it was an

innocent game where you had to sign a song or something. Everybody told her

we are all adults and we don’t want to play silly childish games. She then

inquired if the other slips also were of an adult nature and we all laughed

and said “YES”. She then protested saying that she was a married old woman

who can’t play such games with kids. Again everybody said that she was not

old and was only a few years older than Tarun who was oldest guy at 21. She

then turned to me and said,”Rahul beta (son), you are also in this with

these guys? What if your Papa (dad) came to know about this?”

I said,” Its ok Mama-nobody will tell anyone and this will be our secret.”

She then took a long sip of her drink and held her hand out palm up and

said.” Beta promise, you will not tell your Papa (dad) about this.” I

placed my hand on her hand and said,”I promise Mama”.

She immediately turned towards me and held my face in her hand and

moved her lips towards mine. There was pin drop silence in the room and she

slowly gave me a kiss on my lips. I held her head and returned the kiss and

slowly parted her lips with my tongue and french kissed her. She tried to pull

away but I held on and she relaxed and kissed back. Somebody pulled us apart

saying that the minute was over.Everybody started clapping and told Mom that

she was a sport and she also started smiling and finished her drink and asked

Arun to fill all the glasses and also give me a drink. The guys got busy and filled

up all the glasses and we all said cheers and had a big sip. Now all the guys knew

that we were in for an exciting time with my Mom but were not sure how far she

will go.Arun again spun the bottle and it again pointed towards Mom. She squealed

and said that is not fair and it is someone else’s turn. But Arun the

referee said that it was just luck that it pointed towards her and maybe the

bottle liked her better as she was sexy. We all looked quickly at him for

his boldness which of course came from the liquor.

My Mom immediately got up and ran away to her bedroom saying that we were cheating and she did not want to play this game. We all ran behind her to catch her and sanjay who was the oldest guy there caught her and held her around her waist. All of us caught my Mom and she kept struggling playfully. We knew she was drunk as she was not protesting and kept giggling like a school girl. While struggling we all fell on the King sized bed and pinned her down. I immediately jumped on her and sat on her back while the guys held her hands and legs. Arun said that my Mom deserves a spanking now as per the rules of the game and as we were 7 guys we all would spank her once. My Mom started struggling and tried to get up. I turned around and sat on her back facing her bum. I immediately gave her a slap on her buttocks. As I was drunk also I did no realize the force that I used and she yelped in pain. Mom stopped laughing and then all the guys one by one gave her a nice solid slap on her beautiful buttocks. We let her loose and she got up and silently went to the bathroom rubbing her buttocks

We were all silent as we thought that my Mom was angry with us for spanking her bottoms so hard. We went to the front Hall and sat down and waited for her. we all finished our drinks thinking the evening was over when my Mom came back smiling and said” Ok guys lets continue playing.” “Are you Ok Mom?”I asked

“I’m fine.”she said and hugged me.”I’m having fun”.Arun again spun the bottle and it again pointed towards her. This time Mom did not make a fuss and she knew by now that Arun could control the speed of the bottle and that everytime she will be the victim.She leaned forward and picked a slip from the cap and read it.

“You will be asked one question by all the players and you should answer truthfully. The referree will decide at the end if it is the truth and will decide the punishment if it is a lie.””Who will start first?” she asked.

Arun said,” I will go first”.”When did you first kiss a guy?”My Mom looked at me and the others and smiled and said,”On my wedding night.”Karthik then asked,”When did you first touch a guy? Aunty ,You know what I mean.””Yes.You mean when did I touch a cock?On my wedding night.”We were stunned at her using the word “cock” so casually that Sanjay immediately asked her,”Aunty when did you first get fucked?”

“I got fucked for the first time on my wedding night.”my Mom answered.Now we knew that the game had gone to a higher level with the use of words like “cock” and “fuck”.”When did you first suck a cock” asked Vijay”Never”answered Mom.

I aksed her,” Mom have you had any relations with anybody other than Dad?”

She answered,”No, except I kissed you today.”

Ajay who was sitting next to my Mom asked her,”Do you shave?”

My Mom smiled at him and said,”yes I shave my legs.”

“No.No.” he cried out. “Aunty I mean down there,” he said pointing at her crotch.

We all looked at where he was pointing and Mom was embarrased at 7 guys looking at her crotch and one of them her own son.She looked down at the ground and shyly nodded her head up and down and then added that,”its been a few weeks since”

Ajay persisted and asked,”So, now you have hair there.”

She answered softly,”Yes”. Then she turned and looked at me and held my hand and softly whispered in my ear,” Beta(son), you will not tell your Papa(dad).No?. I nodded my head and she asked,”Are you enjoying your b’day party?.

I answered that it was the best party I ever had and she whispered that it was not over yet and squeezed my hand. In the meantime the guys had removed some slips that seemed too tame now as the game was moving to a higher level and now everybody were expecting more than when we started playing. Arun added some more slips and then spun the bottle. As usual it stopped and it was pointing towards Mom. She reached for the cap and picked a slip and gave it to me to read. The slip read “Kiss all the guys one by one for 2 mins each”.

My Mom just closed her eyes and was resigned to whatever was happening and she was also now fully drunk. Though I had a hardon I felt bad for her and asked her if we should stop the game. The guys all looked at us and she did not reply but reached out for me and pulled me towards her and started kissing me. The momentum pushed her backwards and she lay flat on the carpet and I was lying half on her kissing her. I slowly reached for her left breast and gently squeezed on it and she did not object. She stopped kissing me and then moved my head to her breast and reached out to Ajay who was sitting on her left and he started kissing her. Now we were 2 guys on her either side, one kissing her mouth and the other playing with her breast. When she finished kissing Ajay she moved his head to her other breast and reached for Karthik who was now sitting right behind her head. He bent forward and kissed her and in the meantime I felt adventorous and had moved my hand to her crotch. Her legs tightened at first in a reflex action and I gently parted them and placed my hand on her cunt and rubbed it. She did not object but slowly spread her legs. Seeing this Arun lifted the nighty slowly and moved it above her waist and her panty was exposed to us. I immediately started playing with her cunt and Arun removed her nighty completely leaving Mom lying on the carpet only in her bra and panty surrounded by 7 horny young guys, one of whom was her own son.

Quickly her bra was removed by Karthik and Sanjay was tugging at her panty now to remove it. I held my breath and expected Mom to object to this but she lifted her buttocks off the ground and assisted Sanjay in his task and she was lying fully naked with her eyes closed.

For a moment all of us just looked in awe at the beautiful naked women lying in front of us and we knew that the best was yet to come. I quickly removed my clothes as I wanted to be the first to fuck my mother and I did not feel ashamed or shy that my cock will be definitely smaller than the other guys. I quickly lay in between my Mom’s spread legs which had a number of hands on her cunt and a few fingers inside also. I kissed her and whispered in her ear,” Mom “. She opened her eyes to see her son lying naked in between her legs and looked deep in my eyes. She wishpered back,”Is this what you want?”. I nodded and she gave a small nod and closed her eyes and my cock was nudging at the fingers on her cunt which were then removed to give my cock free entry into her wet cunt. I entered her gently and was surprised to find that her cunt was very tight. I realized that she hadnt been fucked for a long time and also she had had only one child. There was complete silence and all the guys were watching this incest fucking right before their eyes. I started banging into her and came within a few seconds shooting my sperms deep into her. That is when it hit me that there was a possibility of us making her pregnant today. Also it hit me that my Mom who had never had any other man in her life was in a gangbang with 7 guys, one being her son.

I was shoved off Mom and Arun got in between her and in one smooth motion shoved his huge cock into her well lubricated cock. Now my Mom had many hands on her body and Arun banged away at her for a few minutes when everybody kept scolding him for taking such a long time. Everybody wanted to have a fuck as soon as possible. Arun groaned loudly and shot his cum deep into her and rolled off. His place was immediately taken by Sanjay who had the biggest cock of all and it was at least 8″ long and very thick. My Mom groaned when he entered her and opened her eyes wide to see whose cock was so big and she spread and raised her legs wide to accomodate him. She then wrapped her legs around his waist and the sight was so vulgar and exciting. I started getting a hardon seeing this so I placed my cock in her hand as she squeezed it to pulled me towards her mouth. She know it was me. She opened her mouth and I put my cock in her mouth and she started sucking it. seeing this the guys got all excited and once I came in her mouth Arun took my place and shoved his limp cock in her mouth which sucked at it and he got erect.

This became the norm that after fucking her cunt, the cock would be placed in Mom’s mouth and sucked hard again.

We all had another round fucking and cummimg in her cunt and her whole cunt and face was a mess with cum all over.

My beautiful decent Mom was turned into a slut by her own son and his friends

The next morning I woke up with a hangover and a throbbing head. It suddenly hit me that I had fucked my Mom the previous night. I went to the medicine cabinet and took a Saridon for my headache and after brushing my teeth I went to my Mom’s room. I now remembered I was fully drunk last night and had puked in the bathroom and had been carried to my bedroom. I don’t know what had happened after that.

I slowly opened my Mom’s room and went in. She was still fast asleep with a light bedsheet covering her body. I went and lay down next to her and she turned towards me and hugged me and smiled. I hugged her back and looked into her eyes and knew that things were fine and my Mom was not pissed off at me. I slowly moved my face closer and she did not resist when I kissed her. Instead she parted her lips and french kissed me. She pushed away the bedsheet and I saw that she was fully naked. I immediately sat up and felt her body all over. She turned over contentedly and I ran my hand over her butt and massaged her beautiful butt. I knew that now we were lovers and I could have her body whenever I wanted. I slowly ran my hand in between her legs and she immediatelt parted her legs. I got undressed and lay on top of her and kissed her neck and cheeks. She had her eyes closed so I parted her legs with my knees and slid my hardon inbetween her butt cheeks. She was wet down there and I could slip my cock easily into her cunt from behind and I started fucking her. I whispered in her ears that from now on I will be fucking her when ever I want and she just nodded her head with her eyes still closed. I kept fucking her and came in her cunt and then lay still on top of her. We lay like that for quite a while and then I rolled over besides her and hugged her. She wrapped her legs on my body and both mother and son slept like that for a while.

The doorbell rang and I quickly rushed to my room and my Mom grabbed her Nighty and went to the door to let our maid in. I quickly had a shower and got dressed for school and came to the dining table for my breakfast. My Mom was in the bathroom and I quickly finished my breakfast and left for school. Before leaving I tapped on my Mom’s bathroom door and she peeked out and I gave her a kiss on her lips and told her I would meet her in the evening.

After my Son had fucked me in the morning and left for school I had a nice long bath and recollected all that had happened last night. I was still in a daze and the sudden turn of events. I knew that now my life had completely changed and would be totally different. I was a bit aprehensive but I was also thrilled that I got fucked after such a long time and that too by 7 guys including my son. Till yesterday I was a decent lonely woman without any sex and overnight I was a slut who had been fucked by her own son and all his friends-at least most of them.

I had a nice breakfast and contemplating on what to do when the phone rang and it was Arun who wanted to come over. I said Ok and within 2 minutes he was at my doorstep. As soon as I let him in he started hugging me and I took him to my bedroom and without any small talk he had me naked and on my back. He quickly got undressed and got inbetween my spread legs and without any foreplay started fucking me. He banged me violently and came in me and got up and went to the bathroom for a wash. I lay on my back naked with his cum flowing out of my cunt and knew that from now on this is going to be my routine with 7 guys coming and fucking me whenever they wanted. I smiled thinking that at this age I had 7 young studs at my beck and call to service me.What more could any woman ask for.

Arun left immediately saying that he will be back in the afternoon along with Sanjay, Tarun and Karthik.He also said that the brothers Vijay and Ajay will be coming within 20 mins and he left. I told Arun that my door will be just shut and to tell the others to just walk in.I decided to lay where I was till the brothers came as I was feeling lethargic after all the fucking I had received.20 minutes late the brothers came and without any preliminaries got undressed and joined me in bed. I just laid back and let them enjoy my body and they sucked my breasts and fucked me one after the other and left.

I suddenly realized that I need to visit a doctor and get a loop (IUD) for contraception as I definitely get pregnant with all the young potent sperms being pumped into me. It was some how thrilling to know that I could even be impregnated by my own son. I decide to carry on fucking for some time without any contraception and would enjoy the thrill for the time being.

In the afternoon the 4 guys came over and I was in bed getting nicely fucked when the brothers also came and joined us and a little later we were all joined by my son who was eager to fuck me again.

This time all the guys just sat around us and commented that it was so sexy to see a mother a son fucking. I asked then if they fantasized about fucking their mothers and all of them said “Yes”.

Anyway the afternoon session continued till evening and then I became all motherly again and strictly told them that they cannot slack off on the studies for fucking me. I said that from now on they will get their books and all of them will study for three hours and only then will they get one fuck each. Only during the weekend will they get unlimited fucking.

They all laughed and said it was a deal and also assured me that it is their responsiblity to see that my Son gets admission in the best Engineering college

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Call Me Mommy Part 5 Tasting Mom8217s Sweet ass

Hey guys! HarDick69 is back with the incest series he’s been writing. All of my stories are based on real people and situations. I’m available only on hangouts due to obvious privacy reasons. Without any delay, let’s continue to the fun. Mom: I don’t remember everything that happened yesterday night because of the wine. But it was one hell of a surprise, baby! I never expected you would celebrate my birthday. Me: Oh! You’re my sweet mommy. How can I not celebrate your birthday? Mom: I’m here...

2 years ago
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Mouthful for Mommy pt2 of Over Moms lips

If the title bothers You,quit reading now.A couple of months ago,I came in my Mommy's mouth for the very first time,and ever since that day,things have been pretty fucking wild at my house! My four little s*s ters have all become pussyeating,cocksucking experts! My Mom and Dad walk around smiling all the time. And most nights,for hours on end,our fam ily is spent in a big sweaty,pussy juice slicked,cum smeared,Mommy-milk covered, jumbled up pile! And WE LOVE IT!***I must say,I am always amazed...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Mom Dad Rose Phil I

Note : This story is completely fictional! So there I was, laying on my parents bed dressed in a pink body suit that I had just been given and told to put on by my mother. mom had pulled aside one of the leg openings and had fished my now erect dick out from beneath the shiny pink bodysuit and was sucking on my dick. Mom ran her hands over the sheer fabric of the bodysuit, I now know that Mom was getting into this as much as I was especially since Mom was not only dad's slut but also bi. I...

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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 1 Mommys Naughty Lesson

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Mommy's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You're looking sharp,” I said to my eldest son as he came downstairs in a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt tucked in. He always wore t-shirts too tight for him. He loved to show off how ripped he was. My sixteen-year-old son was such a handsome man, so much like his father. “Hot date, Mom,” Ryan answered, his brown hair...

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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 2 Mommys Naughty Threesome

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mommy's Naughty Threesome By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, shuddered as she looked at the latest printout. She gripped the dot matrix paper, staring at the blocky letters, her hands shaking as she read: STATUS: Drones have installed four pinhole cameras at SUBJECT 2 residence at 2003 CST. CAMERA 1: ACTIVE, Living...

3 years ago
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bDefacing Mom by MomsBigBoy b

True Story, i****t Introduction: This happened to me a long time ago, I have changed names and obviously spiced it up for your enjoyment Not even in her wildest dreams did Donna ever expect to be in the position she now found herself in. Down on the floor, kneeling in front of her only c***d, the stacked blonde mother had her head tilted back against the edge of her son's bed.She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about...

4 years ago
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Mom Stepmom and Sisters

MY MOM  STEP MOM AND MY SISTERS. PART 1   Reflecting on my life: I recently was remembering how not to long ago I had  driven into the circular drive of the home I grew up in, in Beverly Hills as a teenager and seeing my wife trimming the rose bush and thinking how strange life can turn out. How, just three years before I had driven into this same drive because my dad had just died. I remember as I sat in my car that I was sad but also very excited. My step mom who is now my wife was...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Scott Gwenn Mom and I revised

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 19, having been changed into my parent's little girl, since there can only be one man in the household according to Dad. I also have just found out about the block orgy practices that where occuring right under everyones noses. Talk about having a hard time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible Well back to the story, I had been on my best behaviour for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Mom Dad Gwenn Scott I Carolyn

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 18 and having just found out about the block orgy practices that where occurring right under everyone's noses. Talk about having a difficult time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible. Well, back to the story, I had been on my best behavior for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little participating, my participation the first night was limited to Mom, Dad, Rose and Phil. That was it, although as I did get...

3 years ago
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My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt

So if you read the last story about me and my mom and my grandmom then this is part 2 of this amazing weekend.So while we we’re in the country we didn’t do much…but what we did do was fuck and we did a lot of that…So the one night came along and I wish sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. While my mom and my grandmom were in the kitchen cooking…Now from my seat on the middle of the couch you could turn your head to the left and see the kitchen and vice versa. So while I’m...

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My Threesome with Mom and grandmom

So if you read my last story about me and my mom fucking in the gas station then here’s what happened next.If you didn’t read my last story about me and my mom in the gas station I highly advise you read that then come and read this one.Now let me get into the story for all my readers.So me and my mom finally reached my grandmom’s house somewhere in the country of South Carolina. You knew you were in the country because there were barely any street lights and her house was on a dirt road and...

3 years ago
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Swapping Of Moms Seducing Of Mom And Fucking Her Ass

In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...

1 year ago
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First time as Mommies lover

Once i finally got the courage to confess my real, sexual feelings toward my Mom, the rest was easy!We were both alone (Mom has been divorced for many years) and seated on the sofa. Mom had a glass of wine and to keep my thoughts clear, i had water. Mom knew that i was a confirmed lesbian since my sexual beginning as She had caught me and girlfriends in various acts before. So it was easy to recap my sexual preferences towards Women... the challenge came when i confessed that i was actually...

4 years ago
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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 3 Mommys Naughty Disicpline

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Mommy's Naughty Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so angry with Melissa when I stormed out of my good friend Cathy Dawson's house. That little fucking skank. How dare she cheat on my son. I never liked little miss miniskirt. She was a slut. A whore. The type of girl who would get knocked up and make me a grandmother before my son turned twenty-one. I was glad I...

3 years ago
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Step Mom Son takes advantage of horny stepmom

My name is Steve and I am of 19 years. I stand 5'11" above the ground and have a good built, however not of a footballer. Most people enjoy my company and I get around well with both, boys and girls. My parents broke up when I was 12 and my father sent me to a hostel. I studied there for 4 years after which I again started living with my father. Our relationship developed into a mature one and I started looking forward to him not only as a father but also as a friend and a guide.Three months...

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Bitched Part 2

Jimmy drove us in my car downtown to the financial district, not too far from where my office was. We ducked into a Starbucks. "I'm useless without some coffee," he said. "Me too," I replied. He told me to save a table; he went to get the drinks. He returned a few minutes later with a large, black coffee for him and a small caramel latte for me. "I figured you should like this, yeah?" he said, placing it in front of me expectantly. "Kind of a girly drink." I just told him,...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 2 Seducing My Hot Mom

I could understand why she was masturbating. It had been a long time since she had been satisfied. It was bothering her. The naughty thought to seduce my Milf mom entered my head. She spat on her fingers and rubbed her hairy pussy. Her hairy pussy was so sexy. “Aaahhh! Uffff!” she moaned as she climaxed. I watched her remove her panty and wipe her squirt off her pussy. She slid the panty up and down, wiping her pussy. She then threw it to the heap of dirty laundry in the corner. She sat up and...

1 year ago
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Bitched Part 1

Bitched - Chapter 1. In a way I was lucky, I guess. I mean, shit, it could have been worse. After all, I still had my health... after a fashion. First things first -- you've got it all wrong. Thinking about changing genders is definitely erotic. I didn't know about places like this, places on line, before it happened to me. But I'd thought about it at times, and sure, it turned me on. So that's the first thing; after the initial shock and weirdness, you get used to it. Quickly....

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Mom the Unwilling Slut 02 Moms Degradation

The author does not condone any form of non-consensual sex. This is a fictional story, and should not be acted out in whole or part without the willing consent of all. Warning: This story contains adult content including mother son, brother sister, and mother sister incest. If you don't enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. 8========D "Bro, you here" came my sister, Kayla's voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. "Hey sis, I'm in my room and I need a hand with...

2 years ago
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mommys helping hands pt 2

'jack its nearly mommys bedtime do you need to pee before i go to sleep?''uh no i'm ok for now thanks mom' jack really needs to pee but is still horified from being jerked off by his mom earlier'are you sure its no good you thinking you can get me to help you in the night mommy needs her sleep if you don't go nw you will have to wait until the morning''please mom could i get my nurse back to help me with stuff like that''no i told you in future i help you now would you like mommy to help you...

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Auntie Moms Friend and Mom

The first awakenings of my sex drive happened when I was about 12. My first memories of experimentations with sex were over my Aunt Mary. This woman was my uncle's ex wife, a woman I always recognized as an undeniably beautiful woman, in a plastic sort of way. I never seemed to recognize that her body was probably never as good as I'd imagined, at least not until later years, but it was over her that I had my first fantasy. I remember the very first time I blew my load. Mary had actually...

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Bitched Part 3

"You're a hard man, Alvin," my ex-wife Nancy used to joke. "Short, but hard." Then she'd put her hand on my crotch. "Just like junior." Yeah, I was hard. Hard to get along with, anyway. If other people saw me as tough, fine. Advantage to me when dealing with them. I wouldn't pick such a label for myself, though -- I might start buying my own hype. And then a shorty like me would be in trouble. Being 5' 4" ain't easy. Being that height as a cop wasn't either. So I overcompensated. Lost...

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NOTE: This is a re-telling of a typical fantasy my wife would indulge me in. Although in the fantasy I pretend to be a young boy, and she my lusty Mother it is ONLY a fantasy and we are both adults.On a typical day alone my "Mommy" walks nude from her shower to the top drawer of her dresser and selects an old thread bare nightgown that dangles slightly below her waist. She comes to the bed where I lay sleeping, strokes my hair, and says: " Wake up little Man... Mommy is going to make us some...

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My Wife My Mommie part2

As I opened the door I saw a lovely young girl receptionistsitting at the reception desk. She smiled at me as I approached herand in a loud voice said "Oh must be Mr. Meyer, wehave been expecting you. Are you dry now, or do you need diapersand rubber panties during the day as well." In a very soft and trembling voice I told her that I was onlyhaving a problem at night and that my wife wanted me to see if itcould be corrected. She told me to fill out the necessary papersfor...

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Call Me Mommy 8211 Part 1 Vidya Balan And My Mom

After my dad left my mom for another woman, I was the sole support for my mother. I lived with her in her 2bhk flat. She was a government employee. I helped her in every way I could. I helped her with chores and most of her needs which she conveyed to me. After all, I was in college and I was mature enough to help her move on in life and feel better about herself and her life. I was the horny young son of the family. My mom was the only parent I had so she tried her best to parent a teenager....

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 424 Mom and Dads Bedroom and a Discussion About Becoming Moms and Dad

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us into Mom and Dad's bedroom. It was a combination of two things I knew they enjoyed: their Corvallis bedroom's panoramic view, and the breakfasts we'd had high in the Cascade Range. Their bedroom was built into a high point on the ridge of a mountain range. The range was higher several miles farther north, but this was the most scenic spot. It was low enough to be pleasantly warm outside, and being below the timberline - the ridge itself...

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Mommys Hot Showers

It was getting late and I was ready to lay down and get some sleep. I told my dad I'll see him tomorrow before I headed up the steps. When I reached the top I heard my mom and brother laughing in the bathroom. Out of curiousity I opened the door slightly just to get a peek of what was going on in there. Oh my god, both of them were in the shower washing each other! Moms big d-cup knockers were being lathered up by my brothers hands while mom was doing the same to his boner. They were having a...

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Rectal thermometer suppository story

Part 1Well, this is it. A while now i was thinking of writing a story, and i guess that time is now.I post my story here, and not in the blog. Due to the fact that is’t a true story, it happend to me a few years ago… over 15 to be exact…but i still remeber it as if it happend yesterday. One last thing, if you’r not into medical stuff, you probably won't get much of a kick out of it, but for those out there who do, just like me, here it is…When i was 19 years old, i was going to nursing school...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 05

“I heard some noises in Alex room, I got closer and I heard moaning and laughing. “I opened the door, the kids were both naked in the 69 position, Alex laying on his bed eating his sister pussy while Miruna on the top sucking his cock. “That was after Nicole told me what happened with you regarding Niky and how she asked you to have sex with her. I were freezed, the kids got panic. “What came to my mind then was Nicole, Niky, and you. “I left Alex room without saying anything. “I went...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 01

I normally return back for dinner at 7 pm but in the morning when we wake up and having our coffee, Nicole told me about inviting Mariana tonight for dinner and if everything goes as planned she might sleep over and asked if tonight is ok with me. Niky was there, showed much enthusiasm encouraging me to accept, “Yes daddy please, we will have a big party and a lot of fun tonight, you will like Mariana as well, let’s fuck that bitch.” I'll explain later what is planned for Mariana and for...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 03

After I finished my cigarette I asked Niky to return to the living room and have some beer. I sit in the middle of the sofa and Niky returned with cold beer for me and just got between my legs and continued sucking my semi hard dick by now. I turned on the TV switching it to the porno channels trying to get excited faster to finish Niky and go to sleep. In few minutes Mariana showed in the living room saying , “Can I sit here for a while?” I replied, “Of course you are welcome.” Niky...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 14 Introducing Rhonda Moms Friend

Party At Moms Bernard is the bar stocked for tonights orgy Sheila asked casually "yes it is dear " responded Rocky's father , well you are after all the bartender & photographer .Bernard was a cuckold , & Rocky had now been dominating his mom for a couple of years now . As Sheila went to the bedroom to put on her bdsm wear Bernard wondered who would Rocky bring tonight. Just then the doorbell rang , Bernard opened it & Rocky smiled & said hey Pops as Nina Rogers , Denise & his new...

1 year ago
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My Wife My Mommie part5 con

"I can hardly wait. You know Daisy, when I first learned aboutTom's desires, I was hurt, confused, wanted a divorce, I reallywanted to kill him. But after I talked with Dr. More, and now you,I feel much better, in fact, it could be fun. "Ann, don't worry, Robin has been a complete baby for over ayear now, and there are moments, but for the most part it is fun.Bob's a P.E. teacher. I haven't yet done anything to him at work,but then you never know. All those cute little tiny bopper's,...

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Bitchy stepmom

[Guys this is just a story i thought of.Although its a story i am going to use a first person scenario.Witness how a 17 year old guys fucks his step mom again and again for years]My name is Stephen.I am a 17 year old normal guy.Everything's normal about me but 2 things aren't the first thing is that i am 6'3'' which many wud say is a normal height and the second thing is i am a virgin.Yes i havent fucked anyone, what's unbelievable is the fact that i have masturbated only twice once when i was...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 041

I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I send Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.” I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.” “You are so charming Vally,” she replied. I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face. “Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 06

I replied, “Ok sweetheart.” I stayed in the bath robe she bought for me and in less than 10 minutes the food arrived, I unpacked the boxes on the kitchen table and I waited for her till she came in. Finally, she came to the kitchen wrapping her body in a big towel. We started eating like wolves, she ordered too much food, salad, steaks, pasta, some appetizers, deserts. After a while she pulled 2 cold beers from the fridge, and opened them. While giving me my beer, she said in so happy...

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Bitched Out by a Bitchmaker II The Fuck Puppet

Bitched Out by a Bitchmaker II (The Fuck Puppet)By Cy BlackI opened my door and saw this little slut as she stood there with this sheepish look on her face. “Hi Simba” She stated as she stared down at my bare feet.I could have taken a victory lap, but I preferred to let this little broken bitch squirm for a while. “What the fuck you want here faggot?” I snapped. “You said I should come over at 5:45 pm.” She stated meekly.“And you said like that’s gonna happen. So, let me guess…you’ve had a...

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injection appointment doctor mf thermometer i

I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...

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My moms sex teach

Hai my name is kiran the only son of my mother iam now 23.studing degre 2nd mom parvathi 42 working in a school as a science dad was in dubai last 5 mom was a good figure she has 36 size boobs and big round ass and she was white.she had long hair it touches his ass.she was looking very beaitiful when she in moms 3 students are coming tousion for every day in our house.they are more brilant students they are coming tousion for science.students are raju18.sunil...

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Two Moms Two Sons 14 Gia And Keisha Get A Sexy Surprise

POV Keisha"I guess we'll see you later then, bye Pete and Joe, and nice to meet you two, London and Sandra. Maybe we'll see each other again considering you two love to frequent here," I said before we walked away."I hope so because you two are lovely ladies," London added before we waved to Pete, Joe, Sandra, and her, as we left.I waited for the door to close before I spoke. "Gia, is it just me, or do you think it just might be possible that Joe and Pete are, you know?" I muttered,...

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Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life

Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life My Changing Life... My mother just told me we are moving far way to be with my Aunt and her daughter who is really her son. Not even sure she is my Aunt, but we call her Aunt. Her son wants to be a girl I think; at least he acts like it. I was nervous moving far away and leaving my friends, I am 13. Most of my friend here are girls since I can't make friends with boys it seems. I too have strong feminine desires in me and I think my...

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Naughty Moms Club

"They say it's not the end," said Sylvia, explaining to the rest of the women in the room, "but we need to start using blindfolds."All the women in the room groaned in unison. They had thought they had found the perfect sexual amusement, but now it had all gone wrong.It had all started a year ago. Three of the local wives, Sylvia, Maria and Ingrid, who had sons in the same class, used to meet up for coffee, and all agreed that their lives were boring. The three of them had married young to...

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BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 02

While eating and having some beer Niky suggested, “ let's go to mom's room later on, I want to make more videos of Mariana, and let’s have more fun, it was amazing we all together.” I replied, “so you liked Mariana being with us.” Niky said, “Yes it was fun,” then she asked me, “Daddy, when do you want to fuck Miruna?” WHEN NOT IF I WANT. She continued, “ Do you want to fuck Miruna together with her mother?, or only with us first!” , her and her mother she meant by us. I was really...

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Present from my stepmom

Another hot but fictional story. I was sixteen, it was coming close to the end of the school year and one day I got sent home early from school and my dad was away on business for the week. I walked home wearing my short plaid skirt, white blouse, knee high socks and two inch heels, with no underwear. I arrived home, but before I got inside I heard some voices around back, so I decided to go check it out. As I made my way around, I noticed my stepmom, who was actually only 22, in her smallest...

Group Sex
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Two Moms Two Sons 15 Keisha And Gia Get Caught Off Guard

POV Gia"So, Gia, the plan is just to come onto them, but after they resist, we tell them that we know they're screwing their moms?""Yes, Keisha, you're overthinking this. You want Joe's cock in your mouth, right?""You know I do, Gia.""Then just go with it, they'll be here soon, and we'll work on the project. We know how to flirt and push ourselves a bit. Before we know it, we'll have those guy's schlongs inside us. We'll be having sex with them on this couch.""Don't you think...

College Sex
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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 7 My Sexy Stepmom

After positive actions with my sexy stepmom, my hot sister, and Nisha, I jerked off my cock and had one of the best orgasms. I had cum in my underwear. So I went to sleep naked, leaving the dirty underwear on the floor. In excitement, I didn’t even realize I had left the door open. The next morning, I was still not fully awake when I heard the sound of the door opening. As always, my stepmom had come with a cup of coffee. I was half asleep and lying down on my back, exposing my semi-hard cock....

2 years ago
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My Wife My Mommie part3

"Doctor I have just a few questions before we leave," Annsaid. "How does he feel at the moment? Will he ever be able to befunction as 'normal' male again? If I were to say "Tom's Home",what will happen?" Without knowing it Ann had said the magic words "Tom's Home"Immediately Tami became aware of his state of dress and tried tocover himself up. He looked down and saw that he was not only wet,but was dressed in only Pink rubber panties and WET diapers. Healso saw the pink pacifier in his...

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Two Moms Two Sons 11 Joe And Pete Do Something Sexy For Their Moms

POV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...

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Two Moms Two Sons 21 Gia And Keishas Plan Involving Pete And London

POV: Keisha, then Gia "Go see grandma, little London," I said, handing her to London. "There's my cute six-month granddaughter," London mentioned, taking her. I smiled as I saw my mom hold her. "Well, you certainly made her rather happy, Keisha," one of my dads said, pressing his back onto mine and wrapping his arms around me too. "I agree," my other dad added. "Oh, hi, Jake and Al," London greeted them, coming towards them. "Yes, I wasn't planning on being a grandma just yet, but...

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moms dirty megazine

I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...

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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

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Scott and his Stepmom

Scott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...

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Two Moms Two Sons 19 The MILFs And Boys Have A Serious Chat

POV Sandra "Hey, Sandra," she said, coming towards me. "I think we should talk," she muttered, sitting next to me. "What's up, London?" She stayed silent and couldn't make eye contact. I wasn't sure what she had on her mind, but I waited her out and even placed a hand on her leg. "I love Keisha and Gia, I think at worst, they love our sons. Best case scenario, they're in fact ready to take the next step. It’s been a year now, and we've been sharing our sons with them. I know...


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