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The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story)

By Gato Medio

© 2004 - All Rights reserved

" The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) " ismy first long story. It's of the size which may justify calling it a book.It is divided into twenty-one chapters and - baring any unforeseen events -will be posted in seven weekly instalments of three chapters each.

In a way, " The Ultimate Submission " isreally my first story. I started working on it under the title "Jacqueline'sstory" roughly a year ago. There came a point when I felt Jacqueline neededsome time to decide in which direction she wanted to go and I wrote four considerablyshorter stories which were published between February and May 2004.

" The Ultimate Submission " is also my firststory which had the benefit of being reviewed by an editor before being published.I consider myself lucky to have had the help of Peter Z who scrutinized myscribbling and pointed out errors and other problems. There is no doubt inmy mind that the final product has gained considerably from Peter Z's contribution.So, here's a big 'Thank you' to you, Peter Z!

By the way: The story is written in British English, so don't blame PeterZ if you come across a word which looks 'kind of weird'. The British spellingand any errors which still made it into the published text are entirely myresponsibility.

Chapter 1

Villiers-sur-Seine, the place where I was born and grew up, is a medium-sizedtown, roughly 50 kilometres southwest of Paris. Visitors might describe theplace as sleepy; the adult population considers it peaceful, but most of theyounger people would call it outright boring.

The town is not close enough to Paris to be considered a suburb, but tooclose to develop a worthwhile cultural life of its own. In consequence, thosewho don't have the means to go to Paris – and that covers most adolescents – don'thave much choice of what to do in their spare time. There are a few cinemas,an open air swimming pool and a couple of discos. There is also a park, theMunicipal Park, near the town centre. It tends to get very crowded, particularlyon Sundays, and young people with their irreverent, noisy behaviour usuallyfeel they're not welcome. But it has a few benches which are hidden from thegeneral public's view, and young people are keen to use this chance for a littleprivacy. The main drawback is that the gates are locked at sunset.

My parents belong to the group of people who would call Villiers peaceful.They would also be quick to point out that it isn't as peaceful as it usedto be. High-speed train connections and the fact that most people now can afforda car have brought the town closer to the 'city of sin'.

Particularly my father was one of those who decry the decline in moral standardswhich the closeness to the capital had brought to our town. His criticism wasspecifically aimed at women, mainly from the younger generations, whose behaviourdid not measure up to his strict standards. The sexual permissiveness of today'swomen as manifested in clothes which he considered too revealing was his primetarget. His favourite word for such women was slut, and he left no doubt thathe would not hesitate to apply this word to me, should he ever find me guiltyof wantonness.

My father always made it clear that my education was a strain on the family'sbudget and that he would have to continue making sacrifices if I were to goon to university. He never missed an opportunity to point out that he himselfhad never been given the chance to study. But, he then always added, he wasquite willing to carry that burden to provide for my future.

However, if my behaviour indicated that I wasn't taking my studies seriously,he would stop financing my idleness and I would have to find a job to earnmy own keep. He used this 'not taking my studies seriously' ruthlessly to prohibitanything he didn't approve of: listening to the wrong kind of music, wearingmake-up, coming home late, being dressed 'improperly' and having a boyfriend.

Although I did not agree with my parents' opinions and the strict controlthey exercised over me, I had no choice but to endure it – at least untilI would be able to pay my own way.

I studied hard and never lost sight of my goal to pass the final exams withflying colours. I did not just want to achieve the necessary marks to gainentrance to university, I wanted to be in the top ten percent of my year inorder to qualify for a scholarship and achieve at least some independence frommy parents.


My story starts some time in August of the year 2002. We were in the middleof the summer holidays, the time of year when I hated Villiers most. The factthat there were no lessons to attend made it even more obvious that there isabsolutely nothing to do for young people. The only relief from boredom wasthe open-air swimming pool.

The town was almost empty. Most people had gone on holidays to the Atlanticcoast or the _ Cote d'azur _. The girls in my class whichhadn't gone away used the small gardens behind their houses to work on theirsuntan. Most of them wouldn't think twice about sunbathing topless; the moredaring ones would look for a spot that was hidden from the public's view andtake off their bikini bottoms as well to get a seamless tan without any whitepatches.

I, on the other hand, didn't even dare to sunbathe in my bikini in our garden,for fear of incurring the wrath of my father. Instead, I went to the publicswimming pool but never took off my top because I was too worried that my fathermight get to hear about it. Most of my schoolmates didn't know the reason behindmy apparent prudery and my dedication to my studies. They thought of me asa prude cram and weren't very interested in making friends with me.

I don't know if my father's attitude had anything to do with this, but Inoticed that my physical development as a woman was happening slower than withmy class mates. When the other girls were already proud of their fully developedbreasts and exchanged stories about their first adventures with boys, my breastswere only two bumps on my chest and there weren't any boys interested in me.

One day, in the open-air pool, lying belly-down on my beach towel, I decidedto undo the catch of my bikini top. That way I would at least get an uninterruptedsuntan on my back. I must have dozed off in the warm sunshine because I didn'tnotice Thierry, one of my classmates, approaching. He had seen me lying thereand had gone to fill a plastic bag with water for his idea of a joke.

I was up like a rocket when the cold water hit my back, and told Thierryin no uncertain terms to get lost. And, of course, I forgot all about my bikinitop being undone. When I noticed that my breasts were exposed to his eyes,I quickly covered myself.

He just laughed at me. "Look around you Jacqueline! There are plentyof beautiful breasts, waiting for me to look at them. Why would I want to lookat your titties?"

I decided to ignore his insult and returned to the position I had been inbefore he arrived without saying a word. He would probably tell his friendswhat had happened and his story would reinforce their opinion that I was sexuallyretarded.

But that wasn't my main worry that day. What really made me uptight werethings which I didn't understand that were happening to me on a physical andemotional level.

The hormonal changes had finally started to happen and they arrived witha vengeance. I could notice almost daily that the size of my breasts had expandeda little more and a few more pubic hairs had grown. I wasn't completely ignorant;I picked up information here and there, from books, magazines and the conversationswith other girls. It was no mystery to me when my body started to change anddevelop into that of a young woman; the shaping of my budding breasts, thegrowth of pubic hair on my mound, all these things happened the way I had learnedto expect.

What I was completely unprepared for were the feelings which accompaniedthese changes. I couldn't concentrate on anything because I was constantlyaroused and couldn't stop thinking about sex. It disturbed me greatly and Iwas convinced that there was something wrong with me. Had I been religiousI would have come to the conclusion that the devil had taken possession ofmy body. But, as I didn't believe in the devil or any other supernatural power,I tried desperately to find a more rational explanation. I was convinced thatI was the only person in the world experiencing these sensations and that Ineeded professional help.

I didn't have any hope that my mother would be able to help me. She hadn'teven prepared me for my first menstruation, because the subject was just tooembarrassing for her to talk about. I had to find out about 'the curse' fromother girls.

There wasn't any teacher or doctor I trusted enough to ask about such a deeplypersonal matter. The few girls with whom I had some sort of friendship at schoolhad gone away for the summer holidays. I felt I was completely on my own. ThenI thought of Charlotte.


I had become friends with Charlotte during the relatively short time whenshe was my classmate. Charlotte was a full year older than the rest of us.She should really be one class ahead but she had been in hospital for a longtime after a car crash - the one in which her mother was killed. When she returnedto school she joined my class to make up for the lessons she had missed.

I guess what attracted me to Charlotte was that she was also a bit of anoutsider and didn't quite fit in with the 'normal' pupils. She was a self-proclaimedlesbian and men-hater. She called herself Charles and wanted everybody elseto also call her by that name. It seems that I was the only one who did herthat favour. We accepted each other for what we were and this mutual acceptanceturned us into friends.

But then Charlotte moved to another part of town and transferred to a differentschool. I missed her company, but the feeling wasn't strong enough to makeme continue our friendship. Also, with her being a lesbian, I was worried thatI might give the wrong signals if I continued to see her once she was no longermy classmate.

Charlotte was older than me and in many respects more experienced, more downto earth. Her body had already fully developed and she seemed to know a lotabout the female body and sex. I trusted her enough to tell her about my problem.I was sure she wouldn't laugh at me, even if I asked stupid questions.

I decided to ask her for advice. I took my courage in both hands and phonedCharlotte, telling her that I needed to talk to someone I could trust aboutmy developing sex drive. She seemed really pleased that I had contacted herand asked me to come 'round to her place the next day. Just hearing her cheerfulvoice on the phone made me already feel better.

The fact that a girl of her age was living on her own in her own apartmentgave rise to a lot of gossip. Her father had not waited very long to remarryafter his wife, Charlotte's mother, had been killed in that accident. Whatset the tongues wagging was the fact that his second wife was much youngerthan him. In fact she was only a couple of years older than Charlotte.

Many said that her father had raped and sexually abused Charlotte. Some neighboursbelieved this had started already while her mother was still alive; otherswere convinced that it was the death of his wife that made him use his daughteras a substitute. There were even some who were convinced that the remarriagehad resulted in a '_ ménage à trois_ '.All were convinced that it was the abuse she had suffered from her father whichhad turned her into a lesbian and an outspoken critic of everything male. Thestory was that she had threatened to go to the police unless her father allowedher to move out of his house. He had no choice but to agree and was payingthe rent along with a generous allowance.

Charlotte's version of the story was that she didn't get along with her stepmother. "She's only a few years older than me. How could I let her actas if she were my mother and order me around?"

Also, she said, the two were constantly 'at it', often starting their gamesright in front of her, before disappearing into their bedroom. He couldn'tkeep his hands off his new wife and she provoked him by walking around thehouse with a minimum of clothes on. "I explained to my father that thisenvironment was not suitable for bringing up a respectable young lady, andhe eventually saw my point."

Later, when we were intimate friends, I asked Charlotte if any of these rumoursabout her and her father were true.

"These stories," she answered, "are spread by people who cannotaccept that a woman is a lesbian, simply because she's a lesbian. They needto find some terrible event, preferably a male misdeed, in order to explainwhy a woman doesn't want to be screwed by men."


When I arrived at Charlotte's apartment, she asked me what exactly the problemwas and, with some difficulty, I explained.

"The problem is this: I know that my body is changing into that of ayoung woman, but there are some things happening to me which I don't understand.I'm almost constantly aroused, my nipples harden for no apparent reason andI can't stop touching myself. When I do touch myself, especially my breastsand my sex, it feels so good that I want more and more. I think there is somethingwrong with me."

She seemed a little amused by my worries. "You've come to the rightplace. Dr. Charles will cure you in no time. I'll have to examine you. Takeoff your clothes, I'll be with you in a minute," she said, disappearinginto her bedroom.

"All my clothes?" I shouted after her.

"No, silly. Have you never been to a doctor? Keep your knickers on.You only take off your knickers when the doctor tells you to."

I took off my clothes, folded them neatly and put them in a pile on a chair.Charlotte returned, wearing a white coat, just like a real doctor. I had theimpression that she had taken off the clothes she had been wearing before.

She looked at me and smiled. "Has anybody told you before what a prettygirl you are?"

I blushed but didn't know what to say. She took my shoulders and made meturn around, taking a good look at me.

"Those woolly knickers spoil the picture," she said finally. "Didyou select them yourself?"

"No," I answered, "my mother buys all my clothes for me. Idon't earn any money yet, so I can't be very demanding."

"Well, next time ask her to buy something a little more sexy, somethingthat makes you feel you're a desirable young woman. For now, it's probablybest if you take them off as well."

The garment in question wasn't actually made of wool; this was just one ofCharlotte's exaggerations that I would get used to over time. But it was truethat the panties my mother bought for me were completely shapeless and didnothing to enhance my appearance.

I followed her instructions but felt uneasy about the whole thing. Of course,there was nothing wrong with taking off one's clothes for a medical examination,but Charlotte wasn't really a doctor. Yes, it was usual to get undressed infront of other girls in the changing room before and after physical education,but then the purpose of the exercise was to change as quickly as possible intoanother set of clothes and I was never completely naked for any length of time,although some girls seemed to enjoy parading their naked beauty in front ofthe others.

Charlotte proceeded to 'examine' me, passing her hands all over my body,and I mean _ all_ over my body. The gentle touch of herfingers on my skin created a very pleasant sensation and I could feel my nipplesharden. It didn't escape her attention that I was getting excited, so she cuppedone of my breasts in her hand and passed her fingers over my nipple.

"How does this feel?" she asked.

"Wonderful," I said, "but it also gives me an urge betweenmy legs that I cannot satisfy."

She quickly put her hand between my legs. "Are you always this wet?"

I blushed. I felt deeply embarrassed by her question. "I had a showerjust before coming here. But I get wet again very quickly. Particularly now,when I undressed in front of you and when you touched me. Is there somethingwrong with my body?"

She smiled. "Your body is in perfect working order. It's just that you'rehorny as hell. You need some expert treatment. But for that it's better ifyou lie down."

Outside there was a storm brewing. Dark rain clouds had gathered and Charlottehad to switch on the lights even though it was only mid-afternoon. She showedme to the bedroom and made me lie on her bed, then she took off her doctor'scoat. Underneath it she only wore a black thong, a tiny triangle of textileheld in place by a few strings. The nipples on her full, firm breasts seemedto be just as hard as mine. Looking at her almost naked body made me feel evenmore excited.

Charlotte joined me on the bed which was just wide enough for two peoplelying close together. She hugged me and pressed my naked body close to hers.She kissed me while her hands moved down my back, making my skin tingle withexcitement.

Something inside me told me that it was a very bad thing to let her touchme like this, that I was in danger of turning into one of those women whichmy father called 'slut', but it felt good, oh so good, and I allowed Charlotteto do with me what she wanted.

Changing position, her mouth moved down my body towards my breasts and oneof her hands found its way between my legs. As her mouth reached my breast,I let out a deep moan. My arousal had become unbearable. There was a desiredigging deep in my loins, an ache for which I knew no remedy.

"Relax," Charlotte said, "don't try to control your desire.Let the pleasure take control."

I decided to just lie in her arms and to enjoy whatever she was doing tome – and she seemed to know exactly what to do. With her mouth stillon my breast and her tongue running gentle circles around my nipple, her handstroked my sex, gently prying my lips open and moving her fingers up and down.Then, when her fingers caressed the little hard knob between my pussy lips,I could no longer control myself.

There was thunder and lightning and a ten thousand volt charge hit me rightwhere Charlotte's fingers were. It was as if something inside me had exploded,sending wave after wave of pleasure through my whole body. I heard myself producesounds I had never made before. I had never felt anything like it in my wholelife.

It's quite possible that I fainted at this point, if only for a few seconds.The next thing I remember is that I opened my eyes, looked at Charlotte andasked, "What happened?"

She smiled. "It seems that you just experienced your first ever orgasm.And what a powerful one it was!"

With the rain pouring down outside, Charlotte taught me many new things aboutmy body, guiding my fingers so that I would learn how to stimulate myself.Then she talked about masturbation as a way of releasing the excitement.

She took off her thong and let me watch as she masturbated, her nimble fingerscaressing her body, opening the crevice of her pussy and stroking her eagerclitoris. Her sensual face, tensing with excitement and then showing completerelaxation as she reached the climax, was as beautiful and exciting as hernaked body.

All this touching and watching had made me hot again and she suggested thatI put into practice what I had just learned.

"Masturbate for me, come for me," she told me.

Under her expert eyes I brought myself to another climax, feeling that thiswas the happiest day in my life. Afterwards I covered Charlotte with kissesto show how grateful I was to her.

When the 'consultation' came to an end and I got ready to go, I asked Charlotte, "Doyou think I'm cured now?"

She laughed. "What you have, my dear, is incurable. It's called insatiablehorniness. But you can alleviate its effects by repeating today's treatmentas often as necessary. And you still have a lot to learn. So, come by wheneveryou feel like."

From this day on I became a frequent visitor to Charlotte's place. Therewere many more secrets about feminine sexuality which she taught me, and somethat we discovered together. She introduced me to the joys of cunnilingus bygiving my pussy the full treatment with her mouth and then making me eat hersin return.

But her lessons weren't limited to the feminine side of sex. She showed mea number of magazines and books with explicit pictures and descriptions. Therewere muscular men with enormous erect penises and naked women who were apparentlyonly too pleased to submit to their every wish. There were pictures of womenlicking those huge penises like ice cream cones or taking them into their mouthsas far as possible, pictures of men sticking their penises deep into theirpartners' vaginas, even some penetrating their anuses.

There were women having sex with two men at the same time and women whosefaces and bodies were splattered with the men's semen. I was sure these publicationshad come straight from hell, but I couldn't help feeling extremely arousedlooking at these pictures and reading the texts which contained words whichI – until then – would have never dreamt of pronouncing.

After seeing these pictures I frequently caught myself looking at boys' crotchesand wondering what their penises might look like and whether they were wasas big and hard as the ones I had seen in Charlotte's magazines. But I didn'tonly take an interest in the male anatomy. I also looked at women in a differentway and when I saw a couple hugging or kissing in public I fantasised aboutwhat they might be doing in the privacy of their bedroom.


Charlotte kept teasing me about my 'woolly knickers', saying they made melook like a farmer's girl from two centuries ago. I had asked my mother tobuy me something more fashionable, reporting that my class mates in the changingroom had been giggling and talking about me behind my back, but I met withcomplete incomprehension. For her, underpants were something you wear but neverlook at, let alone allow anybody else to see you in.

My solution to this dilemma was to take off all my clothes as soon as I arrivedat Charlotte's place. She was very pleased to see that I surrendered myselfso willingly to her and I was happy to escape her jokes. It took me some timeto realise that there was more to it than that. With my clothes I left behindSainte Jacqueline, the boring, well-behaved prude, which did not have muchfun in her life and turned into Jacqueline the wanton slut, or Slut-lin' asI sometimes called this part of my personality, out to enjoy herself even ifit meant having to roast in hell for the rest of eternity.

One afternoon, when I arrived at Charlotte's apartment – she had givenme a key so that I could let myself in – I heard her shout, "I'min the kitchen."

I undressed as usual and went to meet her. When I got to the kitchen, I sawa plumber who was bending over the washing machine. He lifted his head andlooked at me with a broad grin. Charlotte just said, "Ah, that's Jacqueline,my sex slave."

Unable to utter a word, I covered myself as best I could and ran to the bedroom,locking the door behind me. I only agreed to open the door after Charlotteassured me that the man had left. She was deaf to my complaints that she shouldhave warned me about the presence of someone else in the apartment, particularlyas this someone else was a man.

She just said, "Don't be such a prude. Let the poor guy have some funtoo. Looking at you probably was the best thing that happened to him for along time. And tonight, when he has a few drinks with his friends, he's goingto tell them about it – you made his day without even lifting a finger!" Andthat closed the subject as far as she was concerned.

Later that day, after she had feasted her hands and mouth on my naked bodyand had allowed me to do the same with hers, she started thinking aloud.

"You know, when I told that plumber that you were my sex slave, it wasmeant as a joke. But I've been thinking about it, and, in fact, you reallyare my sex slave. You get undressed as soon as you arrive to show that you'repermanently available for me, you never dare to deny me any wish and you doeverything I tell you to do."

From this day on, Charlotte decided that I was to be her sex slave for real.She established a series of rules which I had to follow: I was to call herMaster Charles, I was to remove all my clothes as soon as I arrived at herplace, I was not allowed to cross my legs in her presence so that she couldalways feast her eyes on my juicy plum, as she put it, and, in general, I wasto follow all her orders without delay. She also ordered me not to wear a braunless it was absolutely unavoidable.

The new rules, which I accepted reluctantly – I was never quite surehow far she would take them – did not represent any significant changein our relationship. I continued to spend many afternoons at her place, indulgingin the pleasure of unrestrained lust.

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 5 Ramon

"I've decided to pay a visit to 'Le Club' and would like you to come along." I couldn't believe that Charlotte would change her mind so radically. "I thought you would never set foot in a place like that," I tried to provoke her. Charlotte remained unfazed. "I'm not going there for my own amusement, but in the service of science." She said she was going to conduct a survey on the attitudes of men towards women and wanted to get the young men at 'Le Club' to fill in a...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 6 Conversations

I still remember quite vividly how I met Ramon's friend Pablo for the first time. It was on the Sunday of my second visit to Ramon's apartment. Following Mirabelle's suggestion, I had told my parents I was going for all-day exam preparation at my friend's place. I had arranged for Ramon to pick me up in Villiers early in the morning so that we could spend most of the day together. As soon as we arrived at his place we ripped each other's clothes off and engaged in passionate sex. During...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 15 Compelling Desires

The successful launch of Ramon's collection was one of the happiest periods of my life. I was pleased to see Ramon get the deserved recognition for his talent and hard work. I was pleased that I had been able to offer him Lola for a memorable night à trois and I was looking forward to the promised rematch in Berlin. I'll admit freely that part of my happiness came from basking in Ramon's reflected glory. More pictures of me appeared in the papers, particularly one taken when Ramon had...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 7 A weekend with friends

The week when I would sit the all-important exams was rapidly approaching. There was just one weekend left to get ready. But Mirabelle and Sylvie didn't intend to spend the weekend studying. They agreed with their parents that it was better to clear the mind from all exam worries than to cram until the last minute, and planned to spend the weekend in the mountain hut. They would leave Friday afternoon and return on Sunday. Mirabelle told me with a wink that I was welcome to join them. None...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 10 The birthday present

It had only been two weeks since I left Villiers and escaped the direct control of my parents. And, maybe not all that surprisingly, I could still notice how their views and attitudes influenced my thinking. It would probably take a lot longer for me to become completely free of their grip on me. It was easy to deal with the openly declared opinions of my father because I could tell from my own experiences how wrong they were. My mother's influence was more subtle. Her favourite statement...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 11 Arlette

Arlette, my room mate, arrived a few days before lectures were due to start. She was from Nice, where her father was a well-known plastic surgeon, catering to the whims of the rich and famous. Her father was obviously quite wealthy but had decided that it would be a good education for his daughter to spend some time without the luxury she had grown accustomed to and had arranged for her to stay at the university rather than renting her an apartment. He had also decided that she should learn...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 12 Caroline Part 1

When Arlette and I arrived at the bistro, Caroline and Claude, who had gone there directly from work, were already waiting. Claude did the introductions. I ignored Caroline's outstretched hand and kissed her on both cheeks. She looked wonderful. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, just as Claude had told us. And her mouth! Her full lips were always slightly apart. It made me think that she was permanently ready to plant a kiss on a cock head in front...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 13 Caroline Part 2

When I arrived at Caroline's apartment the next day, she opened the door dressed in a silk gown which showed off her stunning figure to best advantage. The garment was held together around her waist and whenever she walked and later when she sat down the gown opened and her beautiful long legs came into view. I was amazed to see her like that. My surprise must have shown on my face, because she said, "I hope you don't mind that I receive you like this. I had a quick shower when I got home...

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The Ultimate App Chapeter 1

The Ultimate App By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do with Miller Lite or the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. ) Chapter 1 "Would You Like To Purchase?" Was the question I was asked. It was a simple question. Only two answers to choose from. I could choose yes, and download and install this application onto my iPhone. Or I could choose no and not...

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It was Friday night. Bennett walked into the main club room sipping his favorite single malt. Seeing Carolyn sitting by herself, her head buried in a newspaper, he walked to her.“Good evening. I am Bennett Fitzgerald. I believe you are Carolyn Anderson.”She looked up. Not recognizing him, she replied, “Yes I am. Are you new here? I do not believe we have been introduced, but your name is familiar for some reason.”“You probably recognize it since I am on the Board of Directors of the club. I am...

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The Ultimate Seductresses 8211 Part V

Hi friend s and fans i know you guys missed me a lot so here i am now back again with the next part of this series, but friends if you have not read the previous parts then i would like to recommend that you read previous parts first and then start this one so friends here is the complete list with links …..Friends please don’t forget to mail me your comments on ……. Vandna ka nanga nach Http://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/vandna-ka-nanga-nach/ Seduced by wife’s...

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The story of my submission

The Story of my Submission The Story of my Submission Hello, this is Lisa. I am 26 years old and I would like to share the story of my submission with you. I have been authorised by my Mistress to write and to publish this story. Every word is true, and the email addresses I will state in the end are also real. To begin with I would like to say that I am actually lesbian. It is true that my first sexual experiences, which occurred during my school time when I was about 15 years old, were...

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Nicks Ultimate Test

The following is a brief but completely true account of a trip taken with my strictly non-professional, older dominatrix partner  who, subject to the satisfactory completion of the following trip, would then allow me to marry her and thereby commit myself to a life of  absolute submission to her in strict accordance with her agenda.  As mentioned, she had no professional interest in domination whatsoever but had a very definite sadistic streak in her psyche and I, as a lifetime submissive, fell...

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SlaveX Utter Submission

A suburban MILF submits to an internet master. 1) This is fantasy. These things don’t happen in real life… often. 2) This is in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ story category but it could certainly be classified as ‘Love/Romance’, especially the latter half. 3) The story contains strong elements of: BDSM; humiliation; reluctance; straight and lesbian sex; pain; and pet-play. 4) Rather long with no chapters, sorry. 5) I don’t describe the characters in detail. I think it is better the reader...

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A new realization of control and submission

Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...

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Bride Submission Bosss Bitch

Introduction: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. Bride Submission: Bosss Bitch Summary: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. NOTE 1: This is the 2nd part of a multi-chaptered story, although I believe it can be read without reading the first part if you wish. With that in mind, here is a summary of the story so far: Part 1: A SHOCKING SECRET Bride-to-be Brittany is finally going to meet the in-laws a few days before the wedding. To her surprise, her whole world...

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What is Submission within BDSM or D S

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 10

Lloyd squirmed at the pole in a strange blend of discomfort and sexual euphoria, on an image flickering to life upon the screen before him, his mind fast reclaiming its lucidity from the waning drug. He fought with his own conscience as that lucidity only served to heighten his arousal, his boning cock betraying the undeniable pleasure that had been awoken by his predicament thus far. As hard as he fought the shameful desires that now accompanied his bondage, the dark excitement at being...

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The Five Part 2 First Submission

GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...

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A Chinese womans sexual submission to

Divine White manA Chinese woman's sexual submission to White powerby Chingching Rogers?I'm a chink cumpig and I am ready to submit to the divine dominance of a White god.  I love White man.  I worship White man.  And I am unashamed to say it.  I am a little chink whore for White men's semen.?Those words you read first were written last:        Why I prefer White men:  I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question and to be honest, I'm tired, tired of all the racism directed...

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The Ultimate Lovedoll

"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...

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Ultimate Encouter

October 2011 – The Ultimate EncounterA fantasy by Patty for straight guys and gay girlsI haven’t always been a lesbian. My interest in women was aroused when I was around nineteen years old. In my youth I had sex with three guys. The first was youthful fumbling; it was a touch more enjoyably with the next two guys and they each had me more times than I care to remember. I’m thirty eight now going on thirty nine and have had a succession of lovers; all women, some of them very beautiful women....

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My Ultimate Fantasy

My Utimate Fantasy By The Princess My life had become mundane. At forty three I had achieved all that most men would ever want or need. I had sold my business interests and set up a self perpetuating investment portfolio that would last me for ever if need be. I was divorced and my adult children were independent and doing well on their own. I turned to thrill seeking adventures but there is only so much car racing and aeroplane flying one can do before...

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DARK Submission A Bisexual Journey

Introduction: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. DARK Submission: A Bisexual Journey Summary: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. Note 1: This story is dedicated to TheOriginalAnonymous who suggested the idea and was a sounding board as this lengthy tale developed. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, LeAnn and TheOriginalAnonymous for their editing. WARNING: Although this is in the INTERRACIAL category, there is a fair amount of gay sex (white...

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Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...

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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 4 A Reason for Everything

Saturday arrived too quickly for me. It was the first day back where Tahlia expected me to obey her rules and directions again, either that or risk her enforcing a clause in the contract she tricked me into signing with some film producers to make even more hardcore pornography. Submitting to Tahlia, the schoolgirl bully, was very definitely the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t sleep at all on Friday night as I considered the consequences of my actions to find myself in this position to begin...

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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

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The Ultimate App Chapter 2

The Ultimate App Saga By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do with Miller Lite or the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first part of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story.) Chapter 2 I threw myself back on my bed and ran my hands up and down over my chest and smiled to...

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The Ultimate Sacrifice The Meaning

This is not a new story this my way of saying thank you to my brothers and sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice. Please forgive me for run on sentences and bad grammar and punctuation. I like most people when I was young I didn’t know what meant to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to give my life for another. That is till when I was 19 years old in 1995 I decided to join the United States Army. I didn’t join alone though my two best friends who were like brothers to me joined with...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Ultimate Strip Fighting

Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Phases of Submission

Phases of Submission Phase I: Developing Curiosity Life throws you curves. Sometimes life tosses obstacles in your way. Sometimes it gives you a break. Then again, sometimes it puts you on a path you never expected. Two weeks ago I met the CEO of our corporation, Brandon Hacker, at a company gathering. We talked and liked each other enough that we arranged to go out on a date. My life has never been the same since. Brandon is not the tall, dark, handsome type. Rather he’s funny, medium height,...

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Ambers Submission

Part 1Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly...

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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School

Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...

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Submission Part 2

Submission Part 2: So, you have listened as I have told you about my affluent WASP upbringing and how my nagging of my mother had led to her walking out of her marriage to Dad and her conversion to Islam? You don't believe a woman who needed to find herself would find herself in Islam? Well Mum did because in Islam she could be valued for her brains as she did no need to display herself like western women. You have heard that she had come back for me dressed in her chador but dad...

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The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I

The Ultimate Bridal Weekend By Sheila Anne Morgan I followed the links to a new website I found: Phantasy Photography We are a full service photography studio that specializes in fetish photography. Nothing is too kinky for us. Bring us your wildest dreams and we will make them come true. Our services include, but are not limited to: ...

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The Ultimate Sissy Doll

Note and warning! This story was a mental exercise on my part. I simply wanted to see if I could write the most sadistic, twisted and purely evil TG story ever written. This story contains scenes of torture that even the dungeon masters of the Spanish Inquisition would fall faint from. This story has references to the worst and most depraved form of mental torment ever used by man. Yes, Barney the purple Dinosaur! Not for the faint of heart. The Ultimate Sissy Doll By Barbi...

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The Ultimate Christmas Present

The Ultimate Christmas Present By Paul Jutras It was Saturday Morning and snowing outside too hard for Tim McGee to go out and play. Popping his favorite Batman movie in the VCR, he curled up under a blanket on the couch. He was dressed in a gray jogging suit and a pair of suntan pantyhose that kept his lower half warmer than any pair of long johns. When the movie was over, he got off the couch and went to remove the tape at the same time as his mother walked into the living...

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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 12

Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...

1 year ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 5 Trust

The look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 9

"I thought I'd surprise you and take you out to lunch", Bill said angrily. "Who is this punk you're fucking?" "I'm Alex. Alicia is my mother", Alex said as he looked the man up and down. Despite the man's angry tone, his posture wasn't aggressive. Then Alex spotted something. "I have a question, Bill. Did seeing me fuck your wife turn you on", he asked. "What the fuck kind of question is that", Bill demanded, but his cheeks burned red like someone who had been caught in a lie....

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