- 4 years ago
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It's five in the morning when he nudges me. I moan a bit, then shift my weight.He nudges again, this time more insistently. "Get yourself wet for me," hesays. "Wake me up when you're ready for my cock." He rolls over andseems to ignore me. His breathing becomes deeper as he relaxes back into asnooze. I am irritated. The morning air is cold, and I want to go back to sleep.I want to tell him to go to hell. But I don't. I remember that this is whatI signed on for, and I stifle any initial impulse I might have to curl intoa fetal position under the warm comforter, and even though I'm not in the mood,I stretch out flat on my back and begin to finger myself.
My body resists, and I urge it to respond. I lightly tickle my clit withfeather strokes, hoping to arouse some passion, but it's not forthcoming. Itry to fantasize, but my mind resists as much as my body. A feeling of panicset in as I realize I can't comply. I begin rubbing in earnest, hoping to forcea response from my body. A sense of failure creeps over me, a feeling thatused to be all too familiar, and I revert to fearing what he will think ofme if I can't come. Will he think I'm frigid? Defective? unresponsive? I don'twant him to see me struggle, reaching, grasping for an elusive orgasm. Howwanton must I be to fight so blatantly, so visibly for an orgasm?
And then I remember. In this relationship, I have no ego. How I appear, whatI fear he thinks of me is of no consequence. If he wants to see me struggle,he will see me struggle. It's what I agreed to. His pleasure and comfort ismy top priority, even in the face of my own discomfort. He wants a wet pussy,and even if I have to humiliate myself to give him a wet pussy, he'll get awet pussy. The thought of making myself wet for him and not for myself is arousingand comforting. I spread my labia and continue to rub my clit, no longer worryingabout appearing desperate. Desperate is how he wants me. He loves me desperate.I dip my finger into my pussy and find myself wet. I briefly wonder if he reallyis sleeping or if he is listening to the squishing noises I make as my palmglides back and forth across my now wet vulva.
I continue rubbing my clit and lean my face into his neck. It's easier thansaying it aloud in the quiet room. "I'm ready for you," I say. "I'mwet." I await his response, not stopping my rubbing.
His voice is froggy and deep with sleep. "How close are you to coming?"
"Not close," I say. "About a seven." It's understoodthat ten is coming. Sometimes, he will only fuck me at nine.
"Wake me when you are close. I like you hungry."
Those words inspire me, and within seconds, I tell him, "I'm at nine,now."
"Keep yourself there for two minutes. Don't even consider coming." Herolls over and again appears to ignore me. I breathe deeply, keeping myselfon the edge, concentrating on maintaining my level of arousal. It would beeasy to think of other things, to stop wanting it, but I know he might at anymoment command me to come. I know what happens if he commands it and I fail.I won't be allowed to come for at least ten days. That thought almost pushesme over the edge, and I ease up the pressure. I estimate the two minutes, asneither of us has a stop watch, and I tell him, "It's time."
"How close are you?"
"Good. You're a much better fuck when you are hungry for my cock. Doyou want to come today? Or do you want to go to work like a hungry slut?"
"I want to come."
"Thinking with your pussy again, I see. If you're a good enough fuck,I'll let you come. Don't stop fingering that pussy. I want you hungry for mycock."
I'm struggling not to come now. I'm amazed that mere moments ago, I was strugglingto get aroused. This is the power he has over me. I breathe deeply, relaxingmy pussy muscles, making myself limp and passive, which is what he wants thismorning. I feel my arousal drop to an eight, and I quickly correct myself,rubbing faster, right below my clit, where I can get more intense stimulation.As I approach orgasm, I back off and stroke my labia, waiting for instructions.I keep this pattern up for a few more minutes, poised to stop all stimulationor come, whatever the command might ultimately be. He rolls over on top ofme and thrusts his cock, hard with a morning erection, into my wet pussy. Hegrimaces. "Don't you dare come without permission." It's said throughclenched teeth.. I pull my arm out from between us and stop stimulating myself.I relax my pussy, lax and passive beneath him, simply letting him thrust inand out, not responding, as any movement on my part will make me come. "Ilike you like this. A passive little fuck toy. Who is this pussy wet for?"
"Who gets pleasure from this wet pussy?"
"Good girl. Now, I want you to grab my cock with your pussy. Make yourpussy tighter for my cock." I try, and almost immediately go over theedge. "You can't clench without coming?" I feel exposed that he canread me this well. He stops thrusting, raises up on his forearms and looksstraight into my eyes. A wave of submission, a combination of fear and comfort,washes over me, starting in my chest and ending in my belly. "Surely youaren't suggesting that I wait for you while you gain control over your pussy?" Ifreeze. I'm no longer afraid of punishment. I'm afraid of disappointing him.His pleasure is my priority. I clench my muscles around his cock, then beardown. I clench again and push erotic thoughts out of my mind. I draw up myknees, as I know it's more difficult for me to come without tension in my legs.My legs are bent, my knees gripping his torso, my pussy clenching his cock,alternating with bearing down, enhancing his pleasure. "Yeah, that's it," Hesays. "Milk my cock with that pussy. You're a wet fuck for me. This pussyis for my pleasure."
He thrusts in and out. I shift so that he's not pressing against my clit.I'm still aroused, but not so close to coming. I move with him, as I know helikes the way that feels. "Ah, that's it. Be my fuck toy. I like you likethis, hungry and milking my cock." He's pistoning in and out of me. IfI think of how his thrusting makes my belly rise and fall, I'll feel contractionsthat mimic orgasm. I ignore my belly. I ignore my clit. I simply focus on hispleasure, clenching around his cock, then bearing down on it, trying to bethe best fuck I can be for him. "Tell me what you are doing," hesays. He knows I've made the transition from wanton lust to passive fuck toy,but he wants to hear it out loud. Wants to hear the power he has over my mindand body.
"I'm trying to be the best fuck I can be."
"Because I'm your fuck toy. My pussy is for your pleasure."
He saws in and out of my pussy. "God, I love you like this. Denyingyourself for me. So wet and hungry. Such a good fuck toy." His body becomesrigid, and he thrusts once more, shooting into me. A couple more thrusts, andhe's done. He withdraws, leans his head down and kisses my belly. "Sobeautiful when you are like this, so wet and frustrated." He strokes mybelly, down past my smooth mound, and inserts two fingers into my pussy, andpresses his thumb down on my belly. He grabs my pussy and shakes it twice likehe owns it, then removes his fingers. I'm still puffy and swollen, but notas close to coming as I was. He leans his head down and licks my labia, sucksgently on my clit, then sucks it into his mouth, swirling his tongue over itfor no longer than two seconds.
His mastery over my body has me responding immediately, and he chuckles.He knows he could make me come with a flick of the tongue, a crooked fingerin my cunt, or a pinch of the clit. He reaches both hands up to my nipplesand rolls them between his thumbs and index fingers. I moan and thrust my hipsup. He continues as I grow more and more aroused. I can't come like this, withno genital stimulation, but it makes me so hungry, so wanting. I breath heavily,almost panting, and he continues rolling my nipples, tweaking them, pinchingthem. "You may touch yourself, but do not come." I eagerly reachboth hands down to my pussy, one on my clit, the other pulling on my labia.I groan, he's got me close again, and I want so badly to come. "Pleasemay I come?"
"You really don't sound very sincere. Are you sure you want to?"
"Oh, god yes. Please let me come." I continue pulling on my labia,but I've stopped fingering my clit.
"On your knees on the floor." I immediately comply. I scrambleoff the bed and onto the cold floor. "Your pussy got my cock all wet andsticky. I think it needs to be cleaned." He stands above me and I reachto put his cock into my mouth. "Did I say you could use your hands? Ionly want your mouth touching me. Put your hands behind your back."
I clasp my hands together behind my back, which thrusts my breasts forward.I lean in and suck his now softening cock into my mouth, bathing his cock inmy saliva, using my tongue to clean the slime from his cock. It's both ourjuices, and I'm so aroused, I like the gamey taste. He reaches down to rollmy nipples between his thumbs and index fingers again, and I moan around hicock. My clit is throbbing, and I want to come. I need to come.
"Are you still at a nine?" I continue cleaning his cock, but look up andnod.
He doesn't stop stimulating my nipples. "Good," he says. "You may touch yourself,but don't forget your priorities."
I grab at my pussy with both hands, so focused on his cock that my handsare clumsy. He notices and is pleased. "How close are you?"
"A nine."
"Good. Get over here and rub that pussy on my leg. I want to see youhumping my leg like a bitch in heat." He squats just slightly, bendinghis knees to give me a decent surface. I scramble to a standing position, andstraddle his leg, pressing my wet pussy against his thigh, sliding up and down,the hairs on his thighs rubbing against my clit. My own thighs grow fatiguedas I squat down and rise up. I rub against his thigh without embarrassment,thinking only of being able to come. I'm panting and starting to whine. I'mon the edge. It's harder in this position, but, oh, so much better. "Pleasemay I come?" He arches an eyebrow and moves his leg away from my clit.I groan. "Please, please let me come."
The eyebrow goes up again. I realize what he wants to hear from me, and Idon't hesitate. "Please may I grind against you? I'm a bitch in heat.Oh, God I need it. I just need to rub against your leg." He nods, andI scamper to his thigh, rubbing and clenching for all I'm worth, holding ontohis torso, grinding my pussy against his thigh, and I feel the first spasms.I gasp, and my legs tremble. I continue rubbing, spasming, contorting as Icome. I'm so out of control, my legs are trembling, and I can barely supportmy weight, but I keep thrusting against him. I see him smirk, satisfied. Icome again, a whimper being forced out of my throat. This is what he does tome. He owns me.
I looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...
Mind ControlYou've recently gained a strange power. You can control when others orgasm. You can "lock" someone out of cumming, set certain conditions that they can can't cum without, set conditions that will force them to cum, or simply command them to orgasm. You can also control what turns them on. You can change someone's fetishes. That doesn't change their personality of coarse. A prude who secretly has a fetish for exhibitionism and humiliation won't suddenly jump to have sex. On the other hand that...
Mind ControlSorry, no pictures in this chapter. Steve-O was responsible for them and he got a little busy. After an incredible day of delicious sex. the four of them decided it is was time for a break. Marco and Brad each hit the exit button and the Orgasmatron went into sleep mode.The drunken monkey bouncing around inside Kimmie’s mind just would not calm down. He, in fact, was making one hell of a racket.The heavy-duty workout she had received from Jenny made her shiver as she replayed the scene in her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMarco initially was jealous when he saw his girlfriend getting fucked by Steve-O and was shocked that she was muff diving on Jenny. He felt rage starting to boil until he looked over at Jan. The jealousy was still there but the sight of Jan naked, pouty, and excited really turned him on. He and Jan locked eyes and without a word said, they knew what was cumming.Marco walked over to Jan and brushed his hand through her hair, then lightly gave her a kiss. In his native Roma, women who looked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAt one time, Brad and Jenny had enjoyed a life full of stimulating eroticism. Several years prior to the virus they had an open marriage that rejuvenated their passion when things started to get a little stale. They discussed the possibility of using the Orgasmatron to recreate that lifestyle again. However, after discussing this, they decided their marriage had been through enough challenges and going down that road had too much risk. They needed something that provided more structure and...
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After that remarkable orgy in the Orgasmatron, Steve-O really wanted, no needed, more physical touch. He was lonely and had fallen for his Ebony Goddess. Jan was first and foremost a friend, but also a trusted colleague. The most important thing was that she was his lover, and he had to have her in his life.He grew up and still lived on Merritt Island, across the causeway from Melbourne Florida. He inherited the family estate on the ocean, and fondly remembered shrimping a bit closer to the...
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****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place, it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...
There are many fictional worlds out there. Anime, cartoons, video games, books. All full of sexy ladies ready to be hypnotized, controlled, and messed with. What would happen if a member of this world learned hypnosis? Or discovered a mind control power? How would they use them? For mischief? For conquest? For sex? Or perhaps someone ends up at a hypnosis show and gets controlled for the entertainment of an audience? Or even more still, if they find a hypnosis video online and fall under it's...
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[ A 'fictional' interview with a woman who talks about her fascination with teasing and denying a guys cock, and why that is.]In this interview I speak with 'Magdalena' (not her real name) about how she got into the rather curious and somewhat 'arcane' practice known variously as 'orgasm control', 'tease and denial', and 'chastity.'Q.Thanks for agreeing to chat with me today, Magdalena. I appreciate it.A.I'm glad to do so.Q.So, I guess I'll start off by asking how you got interested in this...
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Birth Control? Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom put my sister on birth control when she was 14, but after taking them for a while, they made her sick, and she quit taking them. Mom didn't want to hear about "sick," and just kept buying them, but Nancy kept stuffing them away. It was a no win situation for both of them, so I stayed out of it. It was only when I read the back of one of the packages that I realized they contained female hormones! Nancy and I had...
The events of the previous evening had been quite intense and had left an impact of sorts on my ex. We had woken up the next morning, and at first, nothing was said. But as the morning wore on, there was a deafening silence. I had to finally break it and asked her to open up. It transpired that the feeling of being so out of control and dominated had confused her. She said she liked the thrill of what happened at the time, but after had felt used and cheap. It was the loss of control that she...
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Hi everybody this is Satya Dev. I am a software engineer from Hyderabad. I want to tell you a real story about my aunt (my father’s younger sister) which happened in 2002. Her name was Supriya and she was really fun and cool. I just turned 18 then and was very happy to see my new test results. I got very good marks and my father said I can go for the holiday with my uncle and aunty to Delhi. I had not seen my aunty for some time and I was very eager to see her. She has a son 2 years younger to...
IncestSARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...
It was raining heavily when the auto stopped outside my apartment. Despite the protection provided by the auto rickshaw I was completely drenched and my clothes were clinging to her body like second skin. I knew that the contours of my breasts would be visible and hence I had the money ready in my hand. I did not want to give the auto driver an opportunity to ogle and well, get ideas. As the auto sped off, I entered the apartment and the first thing I did was to kick off my sandals. The next...
Having feared and anticipated this moment, Gary spoke nervously, "It is certainly hot in here isn't it mother? Why don't you take your blouse off?" His eyes were wide as he stared intensely into my own and it seemed like he was ready for the expected disgusted response. It took me a few seconds to get my own nerve up before answering as I had planned, "Do you think it would help Gary? It is hot in here!" My hands rose to the buttons running down the front of my silk white blouse and I...
Jonas had that moment when his wedding band felt tighter on his finger but the constricting tightness in his pants won out as the young woman engaged his mouth in a full sensual explorative kiss. Out of Control Marietta was extremely pleased with herself. She hadn’t felt this self-pumped since she parted with her useless virginity three months ago. She was on the cusp of womanly independence and she was going to take everything in her stride. Jonas her middle-aged driving instructor,...
TeenageI'm waiting again for my boyfriend. He's been enforcing a self-control rule that he feels I need practice in. Evidently, it's a poor show of self control if I touch myself throughout the weekend I have been strictly forbidden from it. And as a part of the exercise, I am expected to confess my private affairs everyday to him. My confessions are especially difficult as I am required to stand in front of him and take down my pants or lift my skirt and drop my underwear and spread my legs while I...
A few months ago we made an otherwise boring journey into London into an orgasmic pleasure. Let me explain a bit. We live about an hour from London by train; it’s one of those trains that stops every few minutes at each station along the route.My outfit for the day was just a pair of boots a coat and a smile. Other than that I was naked. I left the house like this and was going to be naked under my coat all day in London. We didn’t have any backup clothes for me to wear. This was it!We walked...
ExhibitionismAfter a long day at work dressed in her conservative business attire, she'd come home, let her long auburn hair down, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders and well down her back. All she'd put on was a thin tank top and a sarong tied around her hips. She would pause just for a moment ,the breeze coming through the kitchen easily blowing through her clothes caressing her body. The breeze felt like gentle fingers as it briefly, and ever so lightly, teased her nipples making them hard...
Young Marietta has public sex with her driving instructor.... Marietta was extremely pleased with herself. She hadn’t felt this self pumped since she parted with her useless virginity three months ago. She was on the cusp of womanly independence and she was going to take everything in her stride.Jonas her middle aged driving instructor, married with two k**s; had just informed her she was ready to take her full drivers licence test. She had nailed heavy traffic and reverse parking today. She...
Loss of Control By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Aaron Miles cringed when he saw that his step-sister Rachel was home with her best friend Kim. The two girls hated him and seemed to take pleasure in making his life a living hell. He quickly headed up to...
I don't know what it is about it, the control, that I like so much. I just do. Ever since I met him, in college, it all just seemed so natural. So easy. My tutor, offering to write my papers for me when I wanted to go party. Doing my homework problems when I was too hungover. Driving me and my friends home from parties when I was too drunk. It had continued after college, again, naturally. Whether he followed me or not, mattered little. I took a well paying job in sales. I was good at it. I'm...
The guys showed up at seven-thirty, Teddy having picked up Stick at school; going to Stick's neighborhood after dark wasn't a really bright idea for someone as unprepossessing as Teddy. Mary met then at the door in as little as she could get away with -- in this case, a black, baby-doll nightie with lace bra cups, the remainder of which was flowing and opaque -- as far as it went, which wasn't far below her pudenda. "Hello, Boys..." Both boys recognized and chuckled at the Mae West...
I am your damage control. Do you know what it is like? To get that phone call in the middle of the night from a woman who is falling into her own personal pit of hell? To hear the anguish in her voice and know you cannot help? To get in the car and drive as fast as you can with disregard for speed limits or personal safety? Just to get to her side and all the while knowing you aren’t the one she really wants there? I am your damage control. The night was cold and so was she. In every...