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Boarding School Sex Training

Chapter 10 Rachel's New Life

Copyright 2005 by Powerone

Rachel sat in her room remembering what had transpired yesterday. It wasspring break and this was the first time she was alone with Stephen since theagreement, Headmaster Michael was always around before. She thought about heragreement, three years of being sexually available to Stephen in exchange fora million dollar inheritance. Actually it was only two years and nine monthsnow. A lot had happened since that time. Michael had trained her, trained herwell. She had lost her virginity in all of her orifices, Michael and Stephenenjoying putting their cocks in her mouth, pussy and finally sodomizing her.

Yesterday, Deena had joined them in bed, Rachel forced to perform with anothergirl, jealous as Deena fucked Stephen. Stephen had told Rachel that he wouldbe entertaining some of his friends and wanted her to join them.

"I expect you to do as you are told," the tone of his voice ominous, Rachelafraid of what was going to happen.

He had laid out her clothes, a short black dress that would ride high aboveher knees, low cut cleavage almost down to her waist, no bra, but she was thrilledat the sight of the black garter belt and stockings, and a pair of black satinpanties to match. High heels assured that her legs would be highlighted. Shetook a leisurely bath, soaking in the suds, her hand slipping down into thewater, to gently masturbate, her eyes closed in thought at what would happento her today. She could never fathom the things that they did, Rachel was alwayssurprised and sometimes shocked at what they conjured up for her. She was suretoday wouldn't be an exception. She stood before the full length mirror, naked,turning sideways, her breasts sticking out, her nipples still hard from masturbating,surrounded by the dark brown areolas. She gazed down past her waist, her buttfirm and tight, her legs lean and long. She faced the mirror, her pussy framedby the patch of pubic hair neatly cut into a vee, her mound pronounced, splitdelicately by her labia.

She began to dress, admiring herself when she finished, turning sideways,her dress opening up slightly in the front, a peek of her naked breasts. Herlegs looked great in the short dress, the feeling of the garter belt and stockingsmaking her feel even sexier then she was. She heard the doorbell ring numeroustimes, the sounds of voices downstairs signaling that some of the guest hadarrived, a tremble running through her body at the unknown that awaited her.

The clock in the hallway chimed seven o'clock, telling her it was time tojoin Stephen. She left her room, closing the door behind her, her heels clickingon the wooden floors as she went downstairs. She could hear voices coming fromthe living room, unusual, not the place that Stephen usually entertained. Sheturned down the hallway, entering the massive living room. There were fourmen and Stephen in the room. She smiled as she entered, her eyes moving fromeach of them.

She had met some of them before when she was younger, before she went toboarding school. The first was the Judge, a prominent jurist, a good friendof Stephen's. He was about sixty five, graying hair, slim figure, impeccablydressed, a dashing figure if it wasn't for his age. Seated on the other endof the couch was a handsome man dressed in a military uniform, a Colonel ifshe read the insignia correctly. He looked to be in his late thirties, earlyforties; a quick look showed no sign of a wedding ring on his finger. In thechairs across from the couch sat the Chairman of the school, Michael's boss.She had heard rumors about him, though no one had every confirmed them, mostof the girls refusing to even discuss it. He had a liking for the young girlsat the school, nothing unusual in that, Headmaster Michael had taught manyof the girls to be sexually available to their guardians, Rachel included.But his tastes were reported to run to more of the extreme, bondage and S&M.But no one ever talked about it, it remaining only a rumor. He was older thanMichael and Stephen, probably in his fifties. He was tall and slender, handsomein his own sort of way, but also scary; his eyes seem to run right throughyou. Next to him sat a Japanese gentleman, graying hair, dressed in a blackkimono, somewhat out of place with the other men, but still looking as thoughhe fit in.

Her heels clicked on the tile floors as she walked in, all eyes on her, noton her face, but on her body. Her naked breasts beneath her dress bounced asshe walked, her nipples hard as they rubbed on the inside of the dress, thesilk stocking hissing as her thighs touched as she walked. She was sure thatthere were five hard cocks in the room as she walked in, smiling at the thoughtof what her body did to men.

"Good evening Rachel. You look lovely tonight. You know some of them men,Judge Johnson and Chairman Wilson. This is Colonel Leonard and Sensei Ito.Would you mind getting us all a drink? Scotch and water, a touch of ice." Theybegan to talk again, Sensei Ito commanding the conversation.

She walked over to the bar, making the drinks, sure that all eyes were onher ass as she walked. Sensei. She was sure that was a title used for teachers,doctors and other people with a higher education and from whom you receivea service or instructions. She wondered what his services or instructions were.She put the drinks on a tray and walked over to them, the ice in the drinksclinking as she walked. She gave Stephen his drink first out of respect, bendingover to hand him the glass, his eyes staring into the gap of her dress, staringat her naked breast.

"Colonel Leonard next. He is the head of the Special Operations. His specialtyis political and military interrogation. I understand he is very good at hisjob. He has been very valuable for the school, helping Headmaster Michael inthe training of the girls and assisting Chairman Wilson in some other matters."

She moved toward him, a shiver running up her spine as his eyes glared ather, sure that his mind was imagining some awful things that involved her.As she bent over to hand him the drink, he sat forward in the couch, closerto her. "Don't move," his voice commanding, Rachel frozen in place. She lookedover at Stephen, he nodded to her, Rachel realizing that the night had alreadystarted.

"You're a very lovely girl Rachel," standing up in front of her. His handreached out and pushed into the vee of her dress, feeling the goose bumps popout on her skin as he touched her for the first time. He slid his hand in further,cupping her breast in his large hand, able to cradle it in his palm. "Sucha lovely tit Rachel." His finger began to run over her nipple, feeling thetip react, swelling up under his ministrations. "Nice firm tits and a veryperky nipple." He squeezed the nipple between his fingertips, watching herexpression as he increased the pressure, seeing her bite her lip as he pinchedharder. "Do you like your nipples pinched Rachel?" He twisted his fingers,feeling the flesh beneath his fingertips crush.

All eyes were on her as the Colonel played with her breast, his hand hiddenfrom view but all could see his hand move beneath her dress, cradling her breast.At first he was gentle, then his fingers began to pinch her nipple. She didenjoy a little pain though she hated to admit it to anyone, but he continuedto apply pressure, feeling like her nipple was in a vise. "Yes, I mean no," shestammered, the pressure continuing, feeling like her nipple was being crushed.

The Colonel released his tight grip on her nipple. "It seems to have gottenbigger and harder. I think the answer is yes." His hand clenched onto her breastflesh, testing the resiliency, unclenching, then clenching again, feeling hersquirm from his powerful grip. He loved the feel of young, firm flesh, hisfingertip rubbing over her nipple, keeping it in a state of hardness. He pulledhis hand out of her dress, all eyes on the black fabric, her pointed nippleseemed to be trying to poke through the silky material. "Give Chairman Wilsonhis drink next."

Rachel moved towards the Chairman, fearing him the most. While the rumorswere never confirmed, she was almost sure they were true. She had read a littleabout BDSM and the thought of being bound did tend to excite her, she was notsure about the pain. There was a fine line between pain and pleasure and shehad often discovered that pain didn't bother her much while she was sexuallyaroused. The Chairman was not as handsome as Headmaster Michael. He was older,mid fifties, with brown hair with a hint of gray around the temples, long andwavy. His face had a hardened look to it and she guessed that is what madeher scared of him the most, the dark brown eyes that looked so forbidden. Hewas still fit for his age and dressed impeccably, a pullover and slacks thatfit his body to a tee.

He grabbed the glass that Rachel offered him, putting it quickly down onthe table. He had other things to attend to, the lovely girl that was standingin front of him. "Come closer Rachel," his voice assertive, just like Michael'sor Stephen's. She didn't hesitate, a product of Michael's training. She stoodbefore him, her shapely legs perched on her heels within reach, his hands movingout to touch her knees. "Spread your legs a bit Rachel. I want to feel thosesleek thighs. Stephen tells me you have a lovely garter belt on." He waitedas her legs parted, a foot between them. "Wider Rachel. You can do better thenthat."

Rachel was beginning to get a little embarrassed. All of these men were staringat her body, each taking a turn at touching her, Rachel unable to do anythingbut suffer under their fondling of her body. She feared what they intendedto do to her, knowing this was only the preliminary. She spread her legs wider,a dampness between her legs as she submitted, knowing that a hand would soonfeel that between her legs. She felt the large calloused hand begin to slideup the insides of her thighs. She shuffled her legs a little wider as the handbecame more insistent, grabbing her tender flesh harder, squeezing her thighs,forcing them into a wider stance.

"That's a good girl Rachel," pleased as she spread her legs wider withoutbeing told. He sat forward, both hands on her thighs now, pushing outward onher legs, making her bow them out. She had to crouch down slightly to allowfor the awkward position. He could almost smell her pussy, the thought of theway her pussy lips were unfolding by the obscene position made his cock throbin his pants. He felt her body shiver when he reached the top of her stockings,his hands finding her naked silky thighs. He pinched each thigh harshly.

She looked down at the position he was forcing her into, her legs bowed outhis hands beneath her dress moving about, all eyes on her as she stood submissivelybefore him. "OWW," she screamed, her legs moving farther apart as her sensitivethigh flesh was pinched, feeling like tiny bites of the pliers were taken toher skin. The hands moved up higher now, her legs beginning to ache, feelingas she was being split up the middle by the wide expanse. She could feel herpussy getting wet, her body eagerly waiting the touch. "AAAGGG," she moanedquietly as his index fingers pushed painfully into the tender area where herlegs met, his thumbs moving up to push into her labia. She began to rock backand forth as the fingers pressed and released, each time the pressure harderthen the last.

The Chairman pushed his fingers hard into her labia, pushing outward, feelingher lips part, imagining the way she was opening up for him. He felt the gentlerocking of her body as he pressed harder, her eyes closed as she seemed toenjoy the harsh pressure on her body. He would see how well she would respondlater when she would be naked, spread and bound, the Chairman free to testher limits of pain and pleasure. He thought she had came when he touched herslit, his fingers finding her wet panties dug tightly into the crevice. "Ourdear Rachel is ready to cum for us," the others laughing at her obvious arousal.

She opened her eyes to the laughter, her face red in shame, her body trembling.They were right, she was ready to cum, the Chairman's fingers leaving her bodyunfulfilled and highly aroused.

"Give the Judge his drink," Stephen ordered her.

She clenched her legs tightly together, feeling her wet panties still pushedbetween her lips, walking over to the Judge as her panties moved back and forthher wet slit. God, she wished she could push her hand into her pantiesand masturbate herself, not even caring if the others watched. Sheknew where the Judge would be visiting, afraid of the Sensei, all of her bodywould have been touched and prodded, what would he do? She handed the drinkto the Judge, quickly turning her back to him as he ordered, staring at theSensei and Chairman. The Judge's hands quickly manipulated her body into theposition he desired of her, one hand on the small of her back, pushing downward,Rachel lowering her upper body as her ass naturally arched out.

"Hands on your knees, the Gentlemen would like to see those lovely tittiesdangling down." The Judge watched as her already short dress slid up the backof her thighs, her garter belt revealed, her black panties peeking out belowthe edge.

Rachel lifted her head up, leaving the top of her dress to open up, her nakedbreasts almost spilling out, exposed for the Chairman and the Sensei. She didn'thave to wait long before she heard the familiar command.

"Spread your legs wide for me Rachel," the sixty five year old Judge alwaysappreciative of Stephen sharing his teenage girls with him. They didn't liketo be touched or fucked by someone as old as him but Stephen and Michael alwaystaught them well, willing to do anything to please, the Judge eager to testtheir resolve. His hand slid between her widely spread thighs, gripping herabdomen, pushing upward. "Raise your ass up for me Rachel," his cock jumpingin his pants as her ass arched upward, her dress sliding high over her panties,the lovely ass of this teenage pushed obscenely into his face, her black pantiesoutlining her white flesh. The silky panties clung to her flesh, the crotchwet with her juices. With her legs spread so wide, her cheeks were barely covered,the panties sliding to gather into her crack, her taut cheeks almost beggingfor a spanking or a whipping.

She almost came as he touched her, not even caring when his dry, clammy handstouched her naked skin. She felt his fingers on each side of her crack, pushingoutward, her panties sliding between them. She felt her hips wag back and forth,unable to control her own body as his fingertips touch close by her forbiddenspot, her tiny anus. Stephen and Michael had both sodomized her, forcing herto take their hard cocks up her tiny hole and then making her pleasure them,clenching on their hard cocks until they flooded her colon with their hot cum.It had hurt, their cocks too large, her anus too small, but she knew that theyenjoyed her screams, making it even more enjoyable to them as she squealedin pain under their urgent thrusting into her hot colon. The fingers pressedoutward, feeling her anus begin stretching, the familiar burning in her backsidebeginning.

"Such a lovely backside Rachel," his cock ready to spew as he peeled hercheeks open, her tiny black panties pushed into her crack, the only protectionfrom his leering eyes. "It will be a pleasure to punish it." His hand beganto move over her asscheeks, touching the naked flesh, clenching the resistingmuscles as she tightened her cheeks in response to his words of punishment.

Now the truth was beginning to come out. Her body trembled in fear and pleasure,the thought of being spanked or whipped while the five of them watched, knowingthat she would be bound, her body readily available to whatever they desiredto inflict on her, pain or pleasure exciting her and also making her fearful.She didn't know what to expect, but sure that they wouldn't give her an optionof accepting or not. A smack to her ass by the Judge, his age no deferenceto the powerful slap of his palm on her cheek as she felt her skin burn fromthe blow. At the same time she felt her pussy leak her juices, the thoughtof how she must look driving her arousal.

He smacked her ass again, the sound ringing out in the room. "Up now Rachel,give the Sensei his drink," Rachel standing back up, her hand moving to thetop of her dress, pushing her breasts back in the wide gap of her dress, pickingup the last drink and moving towards the Sensei.

He smiled as she moved closer, taking the glass from her hand and sittingit on the table. "Stephen would you help me," handing Stephen the blindfoldthat he had on the table.

Panic settled into Rachel when Stephen placed the blindfold over her eyes,blackness suddenly engulfing her as she stood there. The blindfold fit hertightly, no light entering, the sounds and smells around her getting stronger.She felt a touch on her arm, Stephen's reassuring grip leading her away, thesound of the other men following them. "Where are we going?"

"Into the other room, we want it to be a surprise for you. I think you willenjoy it, if not, we will for sure." They entered the other room, the lightsalready turned on.

"Do you know what to do Stephen?" The Sensei moved closer to Rachel, standingin back of her. He gripped the roll of heavy rope, waiting for the right moment.He had done this many times, each time the result was the same. The Judge wasstanding by, ready to pull off her blindfold at the right moment.

In the darkness, she could still sense Stephen in front of her, partly fromhis scent, partly she just felt him. She felt a light touch on her leg, feelinga tickle, her dress being pulled up her legs. She was sure that it was aboveher waist, the cool air blowing on her naked thighs. She heard the commandagain.

"Spread your legs Rachel, really wide and I will make you cum." He tuckedthe dress up, keeping it above her waist, his hands free to masturbate her,her legs sliding farther and farther apart, her panties pressing harder againsther labia, her slit clearly visible, the front panel of her panties alreadywet.

The thought of being masturbated and forced to cum in front of them almostdid make her cum. She knew all eyes were on her sex, her legs extended wide. "OOOHHH," shemoaned as she felt Stephen's hand pull out her panties, his hand sliding in,sliding down over her neatly trimmed bush, her legs spreading wider, eagerto have him touch her slit.

As if they were synchronized and had done this a million times it happened.The Judge pulled the blindfold from Rachel's eyes, it taking a second for herto get use to the bright light again. Michael's fingers slid between her lips,finding her pussy soaked, moving back up to tap at her clit. The Sensei pulledher ups arms up, pinning them together, her opposite hand gripping the otherelbow. He quickly wrapped the rope tightly around them, pulling tight as shebegan to struggle.

She could finally see, the room filled with various table, chairs and strangeequipment, all with the express purpose of binding her open and spread. Ropesand chains hung from the walls and ceiling, heavy beams able to support herweight from the ceiling. One wall held various instruments, paddles, whipsand a wide selection and sizes of dildoes, many looking very painful, largebumps, nails, hooks and ridges running up and down the length of them. Shefelt her arms pulled up behind her, her wrists bound tightly before she couldeven think about protesting, even if she had wanted to. At the same time, Stephentouched her clit, her mind conjuring up an image of being bound and forcedto service all of the men, all of her orifices open and available, her bodypainfully bent and tied. She came from the image, the orgasm racing throughher body as she struggled, the ropes painfully digging into her arms sendinga second shattering orgasm through her body. Her legs felt like they wouldcollapse, Stephen holding her up as she came again, his fingers moving up anddown her drenched slit.

"Young girls have a tendency to do this. You can make them cum the firsttime you bind them. The sudden surrender, a gentle masturbation, the sightsof the equipment that will take away their free will and leave their body availableto whatever perversion we will inflict on them makes them cum hard as Rachelhas aptly demonstrated. It also leaves them sensitive, their sex temporarilysated, the feel of a whip or paddle made more painful."

Rachel could just barely stand, the Sensei continuing to run ropes over herbody. Her arms were now pinned to each other, high up her back, forcing herto bend forward. The Sensei yanked back on her hair, her head thrown back,her breasts thrust out. Ropes moved around her upper body, circling her breastsat the top three times before circling lower, this time the Sensei pulled herbreasts up so the rope would wrap tightly underneath them. His hands fumbledat the side, unable to see what he was doing, but when he pulled the rope,she felt her breasts begin to crush between the ropes, her nipples poking outfarther as they blood rushed to the tips. His hands fumbled between her breasts,a sudden intake of her breath as he pulled again, her breasts pressed eventighter between the ropes, feeling like her nipples would explode. Her legswere just starting to regain their strength when she saw a rope thrown overthe beam above her, pulling tight, a strain put on the ropes securing her armsas she felt herself being pulled upward.

They all watched as Rachel was slowly pulled up, the rope moving higher andhigher. "On your toes Rachel. Stretch that lovely body up for us." Her breastswere tightly drawn between the ropes, her nipples, hard and pointed pushedout the front of her dress. Her dress had ridden high up her thighs as sheperched on her toes, slowing swinging around in a circle as she tried to balanceon the rope.

The Chairman moved behind her, holding her body still. His hands reachedaround the front of her, his hard cock pushed up against her teenage ass, jerkingand throbbing as her cheeks tightened, attempting to hold the position on hertoes. He let his hands run down the front of her legs, moving down until hereached the top of her short dress. He gripped it and began to let it run upher naked legs, slowly teasing the others as her flesh was revealed.

It was beginning, the Chairman the first to take advantage of the bondagethey placed her in, his cock rubbing against her ass, sliding side to sideas he slowly pulled up her dress. All eyes were on her, but down low, watchingher legs as they were slowly revealed. She felt the dress move up, feelingthe air on her naked thighs, sure that it was above where her stockings ended,the sexy garter belt revealed to them.

"A lovely surprise Stephen, unexpected and lovely. Not many girls wear garterbelts and stockings. Rachel looks lovely in them, it highlights her white,silky thighs. I'm sure they will look good at framing her pussy when we gether panties down." The Colonel rubbed his cock, he had many plans for Rachel'slovely body. She would not like them but she would have to learn to sacrificeto please them. He continued to raise up her dress, the black dress pulledup over the top of her panties, Rachel seeing all of their eyes on her sex.The Chairman ran his hands over her hips, letting them slide back until hecould grasp her ass cheeks, turning her sideways so everyone could get a glimpseof her taut cheeks, her panties pulled tightly over them. "Nice ass," his handscontinued to take liberties with her body, Rachel tied tightly, still perchedprecariously on her toes, unable to stop him from molesting her. He turnedher more, her ass to the men, his hand running up and down her crack, the slightindent in her panties giving all of the men a mental image of her anus nestlingtightly in her crack. "Spread your legs for us Rachel," the familiar wordsringing out in the room again.

Rachel did as she was asked, her legs spreading apart, hard to keep her balancewith the obscene position. The Chairman helped her from spinning again, hishand on her ass, holding her in place as he caressed her flesh. He tucked thebottom of her dress into the top of her panties, keeping it out of the way.She felt him turn her again, Rachel spreading her legs again when she was facingforward, their eyes burning a hole in her as they gazed at her pussy again.She could feel her panties in her slit, knowing they had a great view of herlabia split by her slit, all of them eager to see her naked pussy.

"May I, Chairman?" The Sensei moved next to Rachel, a new set of ropesin his hands. He tied one end of the rope around her waist, wrapping it twicearound before tying another knot, this time the rope moving downward.
His hands pushed out on her inner thighs until her legs spread wider, the ropeslipping down between her legs, his hands touching her labia, pulling backher lips until the rope pushed in, a knot conveniently located at the top ofher slit would make sure her clit received the maximum attention. He pulledthe rope up from behind hard, a gasp coming form Rachel's lips as she feltlike she was being split up they middle with a knife, the rope splitting hersex into two. He pulled her cheeks apart, the rope pushed between them, anotherknot conveniently located over her anus, this one a double knot for added stimulation.Back up to the rope around her waist, another knot, then back down again, joiningthe first to push apart her cheeks and lips, the double thick rope now harshlyplaced between them.

"That hurts," she begged, but she knew it would do no good, their cocks jerkingin their pants as they inflicted the pain on her sex. She felt the Sensei pullup on the rope, her feet almost leaving the ground as she was yanked up byher sex. He yanked it back and forth, the knot grinding harshly on her clitand anus. "OOOOWWW," she screamed in pain, her sex rubbed raw by the harshrope. She felt the Sensei's hands cup her breasts, squeezing the bound flesh,his fingers tapping at her nipples, the blood engorged tips sensitive to thetouch. His fingers began to tug on her nipples, plucking the swollen tips,pinching and twisting them as she tried to move to avoid his harsh fingers,only succeeding in forcing the rope to move back and forth, the knots effectivelyrubbing her sex.

The Sensei pushed his hands into the gap of her dress, pulling her nakedbreast out, repeating the process until both of her breasts were naked andexposed. The tight ropes compressed the lovely, teenage flesh, her nipplesred and swollen as the blood was compressed to the tips. He ran his fingersover them, feeling her shudder as the sensitive nipples received his callousedfingers. He squeezed her tits hard, compressing the flesh beneath his powerfulhands, pleased with the moan of pain he squeezed from her lips. He pulled theropes tighter, her breast flesh pinched tighter, compressed into two extendedcones capped by hard, red blood engorged tips.

Rachel thought her breasts would pop, a heartbeat in her nipples feelingso loud as it throbbed. The Sensei's hands molested her breasts harshly, treatingthem roughly but they seemed to drive a strange feeling between her legs asshe was slowly stripped naked for the men in the room. It had happened to herbefore, her submission to Headmaster Michael and then to Stephen sending astrange desire in her body as they used her body for their own pleasure, oftenigniting pain in her body to please them. The Chairman was not idle, his handsrunning over her naked hips, sliding back to cup her ass cheeks, clenchingtightly on them, driving the rope deeper into the crevice. He yanked hard onthe rope, driving it between her legs, feeling like a knife was cutting herup the middle, the knots sawing back and forth over her sensitive skin. Hisfingers touched her labia, his powerful fingers pinching the puffy flesh, pullingback, shoving the rope in deeper, making sure that she felt the rough rope,her panties the only protection she had left. He pinched her lips tightly againstthe rope then yanked it, her breath taken away by the pain as it rasped alongher tender inner lips.

The Sensei began to untie the ropes from Rachel, her relief short-lived.As soon as the last rope left her body, her dress was yanked from her body,Rachel left standing half-naked, her panties her only protection, the garterbelt and stockings making her feel all the more naked. "On the table," he motionedfor the others to help him. Rachel was lifted up quickly and placed on thecold table. They pushed her head back until it slipped from the table, bendingbackwards as the table no longer supported it, staring up into the ceiling.She feared this, the position leaving her mouth open and available, sure thatshe would be fed some hard cocks. Her arms were pulled down towards the floor,forcing her back to arch, her breasts forced up into the air. A rope aroundher waist, too tightly drawn forcing her down onto the table, unable to movefrom side to side. She felt fingers fumbling at her ankles, knowing that theywere being prepared to be bound. She didn't have long to wait until she sawtwo ropes come down from the ceiling, her view cut off by her position as theyneared her feet. More fumbling and then she felt the rope being pulled backup again, this time her ankles were attached. They began to sway uselessly,Rachel unable to stop them as her legs were drawn up. At the same time, theropes moved outward, her legs beginning to spread farther and farther apartas they rose up.

A sudden movement next to her caught her attention, turning her head, struckby the feel of hot flesh on her cheek, the naked cock of the Judge restingon her cheek. She looked over at him, naked, his balls, wrinkled and hangingdown, his cock semi-hard, the sixty-five year old Judge barely able to getan erection. Her ass began to rise up from the table, her legs pulled up higherand higher. She began to ache between her legs, the spread of her legs nowobscenely wide, sure that all of her charms were open and exposed, includingher anus, a thought that scared her.

"Yes my dear, open up that sweet mouth and take in my cock," his fingersrunning into the corner of her mouth, prying her lips open, his hips movingtowards her, his cock dragging across her cheek, leaving a trail of pre-cumon her face until it sat throbbing on her lips. She couldn't protest, his cockslowly pushed into the hot confines of her teenage mouth, her lips stretchingwider and wider around his cock. He felt it harden as her hot breath engulfedthe head, her tongue accidentally swiping at it, afraid he would cum too soon.He wanted to enjoy her mouth first. He held her face, turning her towards him,feeding more of his dick into her mouth. "Tongue it Rachel, you're going tohave to make me cum."

She gurgled as the cock settled into her mouth, disgusted at having to servicean old man's cock, afraid of when he would cum, knowing they all liked to forceher to swallow their semen. She almost vomited as it pushed in farther, pushingagainst her cheeks, bulging them out before pushing to the back of her mouth.His hand gripped her head tighter as his hips began their urgent pumping, slidingin and out of her mouth. She could taste the cum leaking from his cock, slidingover her tongue, sitting heavily in her mouth. His hand held her face too tight,knowing that he was waiting to shove his cock down her throat, just waitingfor it to get harder.

She felt hands running up and down her thighs, her legs pulled high up intothe air, spread wide, her silky thighs available, caressed by calloused hands,moving up and down, pinching her tender skin, forcing a muffled yelp from herstuffed mouth.

The Colonel let his hands run up and down her thighs, moving down to herpussy. The wide expanse of her legs left her pussy lips pulled back, her pinkpussy glistening, her arousal evident. She might protest, but her pussy likedbeing bound and taken. He took a clover clamp, tying a nylon string to theend, securing it to the side. He moved it to her labia, his finger grippingit, seeing her hips jerk in response for the sudden touch. He pulled outwardon it before he moved the clover clamp to it, letting it go, snapping shuton her tender flesh. He enjoyed her muffled cry of pain, the Judge taking advantageof her scream to push his cock further into her throat. She began to gag, thecock shoving deep into her throat, clogging it, her breathing heavy throughher nose. He saw the Judge grip her face tighter, pumping his cock in and outof her throat. He pulled her other labia back, her body tense, this time knowingwhat was going to happen, bracing for the sudden pain. She was not disappointed,feeling the clamp snap on her other lip, pulling the string tight. She couldfeel her pussy lips pulled wide, opened by the strings attached to the clamps,her vagina slightly agape, her pink insides now completely exposed to the men.

She gurgled and gagged as the Judge pumped her mouth up and down on his cockas if it were a pussy. He pushed her face into his abdomen, her lips pushedagainst his stomach, his cock throbbing and jerking in her tight throat. Herthroat muscles fought the intrusion, clamping on the hard cock, trying to pushit out as she coughed and gagged, only succeeding in bringing so much pleasureto the Judge. "Such a good girl Rachel. You suck cock like a pro," almost readyto cum in her teenage mouth, her tongue and throat bringing so much pleasureto an old man.

Her pussy hurt, a pinching and pulling, not sure where it was centered, hersex a mass of pain as she lay there bound. She felt the fingers return, feltthem run up and down her inner pussy, knowing that she must be horribly exposed,his fingers not even touching her to spread her open.

"Do you like clamps on your pussy Rachel? They spread you open so nicely.I can almost see inside you," the Colonel laughed. He continued to run hisfingers over her pussy, taking liberties with her teenage body, his fingerpushing into her vagina, feeling the tightness, moving back up to her clit,the hood already slid back, the tiny bud already hard and pulsating with blood.

"EEEFFGG," the cock making her choke, gagging while her mouth was still plugged,the Judge pushing her face harder onto his cock. Her stomach turned flip-flopsas she choked and gagged, her throat massaging the cock buried in her neck,unable to stop the constant spasm. "Cough, cough," a combination of spit andcum dripping from her mouth to his cock as he pulled it out of her mouth, Rachelquickly sucking in as much air as possible, all the while choking and gagging.

"Again, back into your throat again," the Judge eagerly awaiting his pleasureagain, Rachel's mouth forced back down again onto his cock, the Judge not hesitating,her throat breached by the cockhead before she knew it, the choking and gaggingbeginning again. His hands became more insistent, forcing her throat back andforth on his cock, never quite pulling it from her throat as he face fuckedher.

Her throat was plugged again, sore now, the cock taking its toll on her tenderpassage. She blubbered, gagging uncontrollably, his cock fucking her, not caringabout her pain or discomfort, eagerly waiting when he would cum and spew hisfilthy seed in her mouth.

She heard the buzzing, bracing for what she knew was coming, the touch ofa vibrator on her pussy sending a shiver up her spine in spite of the cockthat continued to fuck her face. "MMMM," she moaned, the vibrator playing upand down her pussy, her juices beginning to freely flow. Vibrators were herdownfall, never failing to give her an orgasm, but usually it was she thatwielded the instrument, this time another was doing it, not sure if he couldfind the right places that sent her over the edge. She wished she could raiseher hips, but the bondage was tight and unyielding, pinning her to the table,spread and open. She didn't have time to think any more about it, the Judgegetting ready to cum, his cock jerking in her mouth, funny noises coming fromhim, his hands more urgent now, pulling his cock from her throat, wanting toshoot his filthy cum in her mouth.

The Judge felt it coming, his balls tingling, her teenage mouth and throatdragging his cum from deep in his balls. He pulled his cock from her throat,hearing her suck in air, his cock still sitting on her tongue, his hand holdingher head tight, not wanting her to escape when he shot, wanting to bathe herhot mouth with his cum. "GGGGOd, here it comes," his hand gripping the baseof his cock, squeezing it, feeling her tongue flutter underneath his cock.It jerked and began to spew in her mouth, a blast of cum shooting out the end,hearing her choke as it shot to the back of her mouth. "Yes, drink my cum Rachel," hishand continuing to pump his cock in her mouth. He saw it in her eyes as hiscock filled her mouth with his hot cum, the degradation of sucking his cockand letting him shoot in her mouth. He loved the look, making his cock shootagain, her cheeks bulging as her mouth was filled. "Swallow Rachel or you'llchoke to death." Her saw her hesitate, then he saw her neck move, knowing thathis thick crème was sliding down to settle in her stomach.

He kept shooting in her mouth, Rachel holding it as long as she could, hopingto spit it out, the taste bad enough in her mouth, the thought of it sittingin the pit of her stomach almost making her vomit. Finally she relented, swallowing,the thick semen slowly passing down her throat, the hot, salty fluid feelinglike lumps as she swallowed again and again. He finally pulled his depletedcock from her mouth, a trail of cum on her lips and chin as he dragged it out.Her head slumped down, her taste buds coated with the foul tasting cum. Shecoughed, spitting out what was left in her mouth.

She almost forgot the vibrator, looking up and seeing the Colonel smilingat her. She shivered when it touch her pussy again, this time pressed againsther vagina, the vibrator humming on high as the pressure began to build, theColonel pressing it inside her. She could only lie there and feel the vibratorslowly sink inside her, her walls gripping on the vibrating plastic as theColonel began a fucking motion with the fake cock, each time sending it deeperand deeper inside her. She looked up, the Chairman standing next to her, hiscock in his hand, looking at her slightly open mouth. "No, not again," shecried, but his fingers pushed into the corner of her mouth, prying it open,his hard cock pushed into the opening.

"Suck it Rachel, suck it like you did the Judge," wanting to dump his cumin the teenager. He felt her tongue begin to move around the head, her lipstightening on his cock as it slid in and out her lips, his hands reaching downto grip her head. "In your throat Rachel, like the Judge," not to be deniedthe pleasure that only her throat would bring.

She began again, the only way he would be finished with her was when he came,so she set about to bring his pleasure, knowing that her mouth would againbe bathed in cum, unable to do anything to change it. The vibrator began tofeel good, the Colonel moving it around inside her, touching places that shedidn't even know existed, but a new threat emerged. She heard another vibrator,feeling the cold of a lubricated vibrator pressed against her dimpled anus.She hated it when they fucked her in the ass, the vibrator almost as bad. Shefelt her anus fight the plastic cock, the Colonel applying greater pressure,her anus slowly forced to open to accept it. The vibrator felt strange, nothurting like she thought it would, but not all together pleasurable yet, theplastic vibe massaging the muscle in her rectum, rubbing back and forth asit pushed in deeper. She choked, the Chairman forcing his long cock into herthroat, Rachel taking a deep breath, opening up her throat and swallowing thecock, fighting back the urge to vomit, her mouth filling with saliva, but atleast she wasn't choking. She breathed through her nose, fighting the urgeto gag, the cock blocking her throat, the flesh pulsating and throbbing inher throat. She let her tongue lash at the shaft, feeling every bump and veinon it, running up and down the side, eager to make him cum.

"OOH," she mumbled, the vibrator pressing in deeper, wishing she could bendher knees and bow them out, anything to relive the cramp the vibrator was givingher, not like a cock, the plastic rigid and unyielding in her anal tract. Shecould never understand their fascination with her asshole, it couldn't be betterthan her pussy. The cock in her mouth began to fuck her, pushing in and outof her throat, each time Rachel tried hard to swallow it, many times not gagging,the cock passing painfully into her throat for the pleasure of the Chairman.

"Going to cum soon Rachel. But I need to play with your nips to get me tocum," his hand reaching down to her nipples, strong fingers pinching both ofthem, pulling them out. He got off when he molested a nice pair of nipples,twisting and turning them, the girls groans and moans of pain what he neededto cum, Rachel no exception.

Her body was a mass of conflicting emotions. Her mouth was stuffed with hardcock, her throat impaled on the thick member. Her nipples were pinched, twistedand pulled painfully, her pussy stuffed with vibrating plastic as her assholefought the intrusion of the plastic vibe buried deep inside her, pulsatingaway. She fought it but the pleasure was winning, her mouth began to suck theChairman's cock deeper into her mouth, swallowing as it pushed into her throat.She tightened on the twin probes in her holes, exacting the maximum amountof pleasure from the vibes. Even her nipples seemed to crave the harsh touchof the Chairman. Then it hit her. At the precise time that the Chairman beganto cum in her mouth, pulling it from her throat to make sure she tasted histhick cum, her mouth quickly filling with his juices, she came. Her body shuddered,her pussy and asshole clamping down on the twin probes, grasping them as theycontinued to plunge back and forth in her orifices, the vibrating plastic massagingher passages. And her clit, swollen to twice its size felt like it was goingto burst, the vibrator drawing out such a delicious feeling that ran throughher body. She could feel her juices flowing over the vibe, soaking the fakecock as it continued to fuck her as she came again, her mouth swallowing thefirst load of cum just in time to receive another copious load of cum.

They watched Rachel as she came, the twin vibrators extracting pleasure fromher bound body while she sucked the Chairman's cock with abandonment, no longerfighting the cock that had forced its way into her throat. She had cum twiceso far, but Stephen's and the Colonel were still ready to take her, but theypreferred the orifices between her legs, the tightness of her teenage bodywould extract such pleasure from their loins. Her body slumped down, exhaustedagain from the orgasm. The Sensei quickly removed the ropes from her body,her legs back down on the table, Rachel turning onto her side, curling intoa ball, cum dripping from her mouth, her thighs glistening in her juices.

She felt hands lifting her up again, her legs weak, unable to support herbody as she was half dragged onto the floor. The Sensei held a leather collarin his hand, a long chain hanging from it. She felt it tightened around herthroat, panicking as he tightened it too tight, hard to swallow now. She wasplaced on the floor, a large O' ring on the floor, Rachel pushed to her handsand knees. Her head was pushed down by unknown hands until her face was onlyinches from the wooden floor. She saw the Sensei's hands grip the chain, pushingit through the O' ring before a tiny metal lock secured it. She pulled backwith her head the pull of the chain stopping her only inches from the floor.She felt hands pull her ass up higher, hands on the small of her back pushingdown, her ass arching up obscenely as an unknown number of hands posed herbody provocatively for them.

The Sensei moved behind her, kneeling behind her up thrust ass, his handssliding between her slightly parted thighs, pushing out on the silky skin. "Spreadthem out for us Rachel," his hands continuing to force them outwards even whenshe tried to stop. His hand went to one knee, a rope tied tightly around it,the Colonel grabbing the other end and moving it to another O' ring on thefloor to the side of her body. "That should keep you spread for us Rachel," hishand pushing down on her back, the other under her abdomen, forcing her assto arch up again. "Real high Rachel. It opens up your sex so nicely for uswhen you do."

She felt the cool air on her wet sex, her labia pushed back by the spreadof her legs, feeling the air blow on her super-heated pussy. Even though shehad cum twice, the bondage and the powerful hands on her body sent ripplesup and down her spine, knowing that hard cocks would soon be thrust into herbound body. The chain on her neck was slackened, allowing her to rise up onher hands. Hands fumbled with her other leg, a tight rope attached low on herthigh. She felt a hand lift up her leg and pull it backwards, the rope tighteningas the Sensei made sure that her leg didn't bend unnaturally as it was pulledup high behind her. She gasped in pain as her legs were spread obscenely, hercheeks parted widely, her pussy feeling as if she was being split up the middle.The Sensei tied the ropes tightly, letting her leg go, her lower leg hanginguselessly as she balanced on her hands and one leg, her body twisting sideways.

The Sensei let his hands run under her body, grabbing her hanging breastsin his powerful hands, squeezing them until she gasped in pain, feeling hernipples harden up his touch. His hands slide down her sleek side, cupping hertightly clenched cheeks, before moving down to her sex.

"AAAAHHH," she gasped, two fat fingers suddenly impaling her vagina, sinkingdeep inside her, her legs unable to protect her body from their hands. Theybegan a gentle fucking motion, sliding in and out of her wet pussy.

"Get wet for us Rachel. You're going to have to take some hard cocks in yourteenage pussy." He thrust a thumb in her anus, watching as the red, wrinkledopening swallowed it.

"NOOO," his thumb hurting as it slid inside her rectum, the large fingermoving sideways, touching places that should be left untouched. The burningreturned as she felt her sex invaded by too many fingers, her rectum beginningto spasm uncontrollably by the finger running in and out.

"There too Rachel. I'm sure someone will test the elasticity of your asshole.Young girl's assholes are so resilient, able to take large cocks that stretchtheir holes painfully, but shrink back down again, feeling like a virgin assholeagain and again. Your spasms grip my finger so nicely, imagine what it willdo to a hard cock. Are you ready Colonel?"

The Colonel moved to the spot vacated by the Sensei, his hard cock throbbing,the sight of her tight pussy almost making him cum. He put his hands on hiships as he kneeled behind her, seeing her look over her shoulder, her eyesstaring at his big cock that thrust out, his cum laden balls hanging down below.Her slit was gaping open, her vagina slightly agape, the dark mysterious holeopened. He pushed his cock head against her vagina, hearing her gasp as themushroom head pushed aside all resistance, feeling her opening grip his cocklike a giant rubber band. God she felt good, his cock head gripped so tighthe didn't know if he would be able to push in.

Rachel let her head sink down as she felt the insistence of his cock as hebegan to thrust into her spread body, unable to stop the thick cock from slidinginto her wet pussy. She groaned as her pussy stretched to receive the girthof his cock, feeling the head push aside all resistance as he began to fuckher, his hands gripping her hips tightly, his thrusts driving his cock deeperand deeper into her clutching pussy. It seemed to go on forever, his largecock touching places inside deep inside her, filling her with his hot flesh.She felt her juices aiding his cock, sliding along her wet passage, feelingevery lump, hair and vein on his cock as it slide inside her. She felt it hitdeep inside her, a yelp pushed from her lips as the bulbous head banged againsther cervix, feeling bruised inside. She felt it jerk then begin the gradualwithdrawal, feeling like he was drawing her insides out. The painful spreadof her legs hurt, his cock beginning the fucking, pulling in and out with morepowerful strokes each time, his hands reaching under to grip her tits in hispalms, pulling her back onto the cock that tore into her very being.

"Such a good fuck Rachel, squeeze my cock real nice and I will shoot youfull of hot cum," teasing her as he fucked her bound body, her tits slappingback and forth in his palms as her body was buffeted by his powerful thrusts.Her pussy gripped his cock so tightly it was a struggle to drag his cock fromher each time. His balls slapped against her from behind, his stomach bangingagainst her ass cheeks, the sound of flesh meeting flesh ringing out in theroom, Rachel's groans and moans joining in as the fucking continued. The Colonelfucked her for over ten minutes, his cock never slowing down, continually thrustin and out of her teenage pussy as she endured the constant fucking. He hadlong learned to control his orgasm, enjoying the way he made the girls underneathhim endure the constant fucking of his cock, Rachel no different then the rest.

Her pussy felt raw, his cock continuing to fuck her, her body rocked backand forth as his hips slapped against her. It felt like hours, the cock extractingthe maximum amount of pleasure from her body, her pussy gripping it, tryingto force it out, only succeeding in giving him greater pleasure. She finallyfelt the final thrust, his cock feeling like a sword that was trying to drivethrough her as he buried it deep inside her pussy, throbbing and jerking beforefinally spewing out a load of hot, stinging cum. She shuddered as it felt likea fire hose spraying her insides, gallons of cum dumped into her body. He finallypulled out, feeling the river of cum drip down her thighs, a puddle beneathher.

They gathered around her again, the ropes loosened from her body, her legsable to close, feeling the stickiness between them, cum still stuck to herthighs.

"Let her ride the horse," moving her over to the padded bench sitting highon four legs. It was covered in leather, a dark brown from the countless stainsthat covered the top. It was rounded, sloping gradually to the sides.

She feared what they were going to do to her. She knew she would be bound,but what scared her most was the large rubber dildo that stuck up from theedge of the bench. It was over eight inches long, a fat bulbous crown on itshaped like a cockhead. The edges were flanged, sticking out over an inch oneach side, sloped downward. While it would slide in easily, the exit wouldnot be so, the flanges would flare out as the head was drawn out, draggingout painfully as it spread her open. That and the fact that if the dildo wasin her pussy, then the cock she knew was coming would have no other place thenin her asshole. She knew that she would be stuffed, her pussy and asshole filledwith faux and real cock. She struggled uselessly, two strong men lifting herup, a third between her legs, pulling back her labia, aiming the dildo ontoher vagina. "OOOOHH," she moaned as her vagina was stretched again, still sorefrom the previous fucking, the rubber dildo slowly forcing her open again. "No,slower," she begged as they lowered her down, feeling her pussy clenching tighton the rubber dildo as it slid in her cum drenched passage.

They finally settled her down on the faux cock, her vagina stretched tightlyaround the huge cock. Ropes were attached to her ankles, tied together underthe bench, her legs bowed out by the shape of the bench, her sex stuffed. Ithurt when they bent her over, the rubber dildo bending painfully inside her,rubbing against places never touched before. She felt the front of the benchlowering, her head down, her ass rising up. "It burns," her pussy suddenlyburning. "What did you do?"

"A little Ben Gay on the dildo. It should keep you moving up and down onthe dildo while Stephen buries his cock inside your anal sheath. If you squeezeon it, it wouldn't burn as much." It would also give Stephen a ride he wouldn'tforget.

Now she would have to fuck back on his cock and also on the dildo as painfulas the task was. She saw Stephen moving behind her, his large cock glisteningfrom the lubricant, Rachel hoping it wasn't Ben Gay. His fingers moved to thesides of her anus, pulling outward, her tiny hole forced to spread open, theburning beginning as the skin was drawn taut. "AAAAHHH," a tongue forced intoher anus, pushing deep inside, lathering her rectum from within, the fingerskeeping her spread open for the rough tongue. She tightened on the dildo, heranus tightening at the same time, forcing the tongue out of her. "OOOWW," thefingers spreading her farther open, a rubbery object touching her spread hole,the cock pulsating and jerking as it touched her hole. "OOOHH," the slipperycock not to be denied, slowly spreads her open, entering her hole to slip intoher hot rectum.

Stephen was not to be denied, his rigid cock so eager to be encased in herhot, buttery asshole. He thrust into her rear passage, his hands gripping herhips tightly as she struggle to accept the hard cock.

A scream tore from her lips as her crotch was ablaze in pain, the searingdildo stretching and burning her pussy, her asshole stretched painfully overhis probing cock as it felt like a red hot iron bar was being shoved painfullyup her ass. She began to sob as a second thrust forced his cock deep insideher bowels, the spasms of her anal tract massaging his cock as she tightenedto lessen the pain of the Ben Gay, delivering such a delightful fuck to hiscock, her pain adding so much to his pleasure. The third thrust was the worse,his cock pushed to the depths of her bowels, painful cramping in her stomachas it straightened out her bowels as it went where cocks shouldn't be, pushedto the furthest limit of its length.

Stephen felt his cock jerking and jumping inside her asshole giving him somuch pleasure, her walls clamping and clenching on his hard meat. His handsstroked her sleek thighs. "Good girl Rachel. You are giving me such pleasure," makinghis cock jerk inside her asshole, feeling her tighten on his cock.

She almost felt proud to be able to give him that much pleasure, the painshe was suffering almost bearable, as long as he was happy. He began to fuckher asshole, the searing agony as his cock pushed in and out, his cock rubbingagainst the faux cock only separated by a thin membrane bearable. He fuckedher twenty nine times. Twenty nine times his cock plunged in and out her backside,burying itself deep into her clenching bowels before the fucking stopped. Shefelt him plunge deep inside her, pushing as hard as he could, Rachel feelinglike he was driving a sword through her body and trying to push it out theother side. She felt him ejaculate deep inside her guts, his hot cum bathingthe tight tunnel of her backside, each spasm of his cock dumping more cum insideher. She could only lie there, whimpering as he slowly pulled his cock outof her asshole, her clenching bowels squeezing the last of the juices fromhis cock.

She cried as they pulled her off the bench, the faux cock pulling her insidesout as the flanges spread out, stretching her open. At last she had satisfiedthem all, taking four cocks inside her, the Sensei being there for his bondagetechniques, Rachel not available sexually to him. But she was wrong. They boundher again, this time face up, her head down far, her arms and legs tied tothe base of a stool, her body bent painfully, her crotch the highest pointof her body. They spread her open as they always did, Rachel seeing the hardcocks already in front of her. The only pleasure they wanted from her was herscreams, her pussy spanked by the Chairman, his large hand easily coveringthe whole area of her sex, setting the skin ablaze in pain.

It seemed like hours, her body bound in different positions, her sex alwaysspread and exposed, various instruments used to make her scream. A cock wasintroduced into her orifices, her mouth, pussy and her asshole fucked for theirenjoyment, her body forced to dance on their cock, the pain used to make hergive them such pleasure with her tight, teenage body. They finally left, Stephenhelping her up to take a bath, her battered body soaked in sweat and cum. Hehelped her into his bed, Rachel falling into an exhausted sleep, her nakedbody curled into a ball.

Rachel woke up first, Stephen nestled up behind her, spooning her, his cockthrobbing against her naked ass. Even though he was asleep, his cock was hard.She snuggled against him, rubbing her ass cheeks against it, feeling it beginto stir. She reached behind her, gripping his cock gently, bringing it betweenher legs, surprised to find her pussy already wet. She pushed it against hervagina and began to slide back, his cock gradually swallowed up by her pussy.She heard him awaken, his hands reaching around to cup her breasts, his fingersfinding her nipples already hard, one hand sliding down to her pussy, rubbingher clit, driving her back onto his cock encased in her hot pussy.

"That's the way I liked to be awakened," his cock beginning to thrust backand forth inside her pussy. "But tomorrow, I want to wake up in your asshole," heordered her.

Only two years and eight months and thirty days now. She was beginning toenjoy the domination Stephen had over her. It made her wet and excited. Eventhe pain failed to dampen her desires, the submission to Stephen and his friendsmaking her cum more then she cared to admit to. But still, she would probablyleave once her time period was up. It wouldn't be the same. Now she was submittingbecause she had to, had to service Stephen and any of his friends with herbody. She had no choice and that was what excited her so much. She would missit, but she still had a long time to go, the thought of forcing her to slipher asshole over his cock while he was asleep making her ready to cum. Therewas so much that she would have to endure with Stephen before the time wasup, her body shuddering as he shot his load of cum inside her, his finger drivingan orgasm from her body.

The End



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Tabitha screamed. I screamed. My heart hammered in absolute shock. Our small bedroom in the Kensington Boarding School swam around me. This was impossible. This could not be happening. Out of all the strange, life-changing things that happened today, this was too much. I had four purple tentacles sprouting out of my pussy and wrapped about Tabitha’s head and flaming hair. The appendages pulsed and gripped her. I could feel through them, the silky texture of my friend’s skin, the soft waves...

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Bisexuality Training

At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...

2 years ago
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Boarding School Discipline Diary

BOARDING SCHOOL DISCIPLINE DIARYPart OneChapter One? A girls’ first visit to the Headmaster‘Swish? Thwack!’?Oomph!?The crisp pain rips through her bare breast startling her, the thickness of the tightly wrapped cloth-eye mask keeping her in virtual darkness as a welt instantly rises across the flattened mound.  Her dreaded punishment’s begun.‘Thwack!’?Aaaggghhh!?More piercing pain, her other breast flattening, enveloping the flexing bamboo shunt as she twists, jerks at her bindings, grunts...

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Boarding School Encounter 01 Henrietta Molested by the Lesbian Alien

Chapter One: Henrietta Molested by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Merita tried not to panic as the alarms blared in her tiny space shift. She manipulated the controls with her hands and four purple tentacles. She stared at the blue planet before her It filled the curved screen. She was caught in a decaying orbit and her engines had malfunctioned. “I'm going to crash,” she whispered to herself, her tentacles twitching. Violet panic pulsed beneath her skin. She...

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Boarding School Encounter 02 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

Chapter Two: Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “...henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “...henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn't have one. That should frighten me, but it didn't. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “...henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding...

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Boarding School Encounter 08 Miss Marilynns Tentacles Molests the School

Chapter Eight: Miss Marilynn's Tentacles Molests the School By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “I think we can all agree that was a most stimulating lesson,” Miss Erma, our Latin teacher, said to the class. I nodded my head, my body still trembling after the orgy of flesh we had. My four tentacles had known every girl in the class, pumping in and out of their tight pussies and giving them such effervescent flutters of pleasure. But now we were all decently dressed again in our school...

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Boarding School Encounter 07 Henriettas Pussy Tentacles Molests Her Class

Chapter Seven: Henrietta's Pussy Tentacles Molests Her Class By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Answer me, Miss Henrietta,” panted my Latin teacher, Miss Erma. She stepped back from the desk. I lay stretched over it, my ass burning from the spanking she gave me, my small breasts rubbing naked into the desk. Why does she have tentacles? I heard her thoughts echo in my head, one of my new powers since I met Merita, the lesbian alien. And out of her cunny? I was naked, along with my new...

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boarding school for loving boys chapter 6

“I don’t give a crap. It’s a story. We don’t get paid for this, so crawl back into your hole if you don’t like my stories. Subject: Boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 6 Copyright: 2010 Not to be changed or copied without the owners consent. Gay: Young friends Story line: This story contains sexual contact between consenting boys and teens, love is also involved. Do not read this story if you are under 18 and it’s against your laws to read it. I did not bend your...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 8 Miss Marilynnrsquos Tentacles Molest the School

“I think we can all agree that was a most stimulating lesson,” Miss Erma, our Latin teacher, said to the class. I nodded my head, my body still trembling after the orgy of flesh we had. My four tentacles had known every girl in the class, pumping in and out of their tight pussies and giving them such effervescent flutters of pleasure. But now we were all decently dressed again in our school uniforms—dark-gray skirts, white blouses, camisole and petticoats beneath, stockings, and our heeled...

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boarding school for loving boys chapter 5

grammar so don’t start moaning about my story, if you don’t like it then leave. Subject: Boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 5 gay young friends Copyright: 2011 not to be copied or changed without the owner’s consent so ask me first. This story contains sexual matter between young boys and teens, if you are under 18 and reading this then go find something else to read as you will get into trouble. Chapter 5 *FAMILY DAY PICNIC* Boys in...

2 years ago
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Boarding School EncounterChapter 9 Henrietta Molested by the Nanites

My heart beat in fear as Peony, one of my new friends, had a metallic tentacle jutting from beneath her gray skirt of her school uniform. It was similar to the purple tentacles undulating from my pussy, except it was made of segmented metal, the end bulbous and smooth. It lunged for me while Merita, the alien possessing me, screamed a warning in my mouth. “Connect,” all the women who had invaded the classroom said in unison, their feminine voices curiously flat, reminding me of the voice in...

4 years ago
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Boarding School Humiliation

This story is loosely based on a real incident happened to me in my school days. A story of how desperate we boys (we all were 18 a or above 18 at that point )get for sex where no porn or a female body is available and how power turns someone into something they never even imagined. I was an introvert and suddenly getting an admission in a hostel really changed me now I didn’t have any alone time, after all, I use to watch porn a lot and by a lot I really mean a lot but now with no phone strict...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Boarding School Rapists

Megan had been here only four days and already she was homesick. It hadn't been her idea to come to a boarding school in Europe, but with her diplomat father sent to the Middle East and her mother dead there was little real alternative. Still, things here were so much different than at home. The girls seemed far more mature, more sophisticated. Not only that but, in this all girl school, there seemed to be a strange acceptance of lesbianism. Megan had seen a number of girls holding hands,...

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Boarding School Punished by Matron 2

Matron has again written an account of my punishment which I have to publish without any changes or I will suffer. As before I have to explain the background and nothing else. My name is Adam and I am nearly 17 years old. I am quite fit and enjoy most sports. I have been at this boarding school now for just over one week (Matron told me not to identify the school).  I got off on the wrong foot with my form teacher, Mr. Bradley and he sent me to Matron to be punished on day one. I annoyed him...

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Boarding School Punished by Matron and her Friend

Matron has written her account of my punishment and told me to post it without any changes or she will punish me again. She instructed me to explain the background and nothing else. My name is Adam and I am nearly 17 years old. I am quite fit and enjoy most sports. This is my first day at Boarding School (Matron told me not to say which). When my parents brought me here the headmaster told them that discipline was very strict which they were happy to sign up for as they thought it would be good...

4 years ago
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Boarding School initiation

I was sent to a boarding school in Yorkshire when I was 13. I was sexually innocent and although I got regular erections I had never ejaculated and knew very little about it. The school house I was in had a dormitory with four corridors radiating from a central hallway with washrooms. Each corridor was separated into cubicles by wooden partitions, which gave some privacy although there was an opening in the top half of the door so that prefects and masters could check on us during the night....

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 2 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

“ ... henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “ ... henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn’t have one. That should frighten me, but it didn’t. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “ ... henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding School overwhelmed by all the strange, new sensations. My thoughts darted from Nurse Paige’s...

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Boarding School and Wedding night exploits

Reading the newspapers I see as each year passes, women of all ages are coming to the fore, regarding their sexual habits.In schools, young and attractive female teachers are having sex with boys and girls, their sexual urges eclipsing their moral standing.Of course as a girl myself, we knew this from day one, we are horny buggers and love a good rodgering, and giving a good blow-job, it's society that tries to make us what we are not.In boarding school, we cut favors with staff, in return for...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex Training Chapter 2

This story is collaboration between Lady Dreamer and Powerone. Copyrighted 2002. It is a story of the coercion of a young lady, Rachel, to fulfill the sexual desires of her older Guardian. In order to gain the inheritance that is rightfully hers, she must consent to be trained by the Headmaster to service her Guardian. She will be taught to experience pleasure against her own will and to give pleasure against her will. She will be trained in all the perversions of the flesh. You May Contact...

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Boarding school1

I never had him again, I left for my vacation. I hope and wish he read this story and try to contact me... I am still looking for him or someone who can rift of my ass with bigger cock than his.......

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boardingschool for loving boys chapter 4

And how the lines are between sentences “I don’t give a crap about it”. It’s a story, we don’t get paid for doing this so climb back under your rock and wait for the other stories to be posted. For others that like my stories then enjoy it. Subject: boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 4 gay young friends Copyright: 2011. Do not copy or change this story without First contacting the author. That's me. This story contains sexual content between boys and young teens, must...

2 years ago
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Darwin Girls8217 Middle School 8211 Nudity Training

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); “So, tomorrow is your first day! We’re proud of you. How do you feel about it?” “Daddy, I feel great. It’s like I’ve got a new start, a chance to really do good.” “How do you feel about Darwin being an all girls’ school?” “Pretty good. Boys waste class time, like showing off and stuff. I think it’ll be more serious with all girls.” “Where’s...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingCh 9

A limousine picked up Rachel at school. Michael had told Rachel that she must obey all commands. Not just from Stephen, but all of his friends and employees. The driver looked at her as she began to get into the car, a stretch limousine big enough to hold at least eight people. He was young, about 23, not particularly handsome, rather tall and skinny. As she bent over to get in, she felt hands on her hips. She turned her head and saw the chauffeur, his hands holding her tightly. “Stephen says I...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 6

Chapter 6-Rachel Learns to Suck a Cock Rachel was on her knees, her blouse pulled open, her tits hanging out of her bra. Her nipples were hard and swollen from the tugging and biting that Michael had inflicted on them. Her skirt was on the floor behind her, her panties pushed down below her knees, her socks and shoes still on, accenting her otherwise naked body. Her lips were wrapped around Michael’s cock, stretched tightly around the hard and erect instrument. Her saliva glistened on the cock...

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boarding scool for loving boys chapter 3

I the writer of this story don’t give a rat’s arse About the spelling and grammar. I don’t get Paid to write here so if you don’t like my story then Go find your slimy hole and jerk off down there. For those that have questioned the reason why all the boys are the same, E.G, black hair, blue eyes and circumcised will see the reason why in this chapter, As for all the negitive remarks about this event will see why I wrote it this way. My stories are about puberty, love and...

4 years ago
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Boarding School

Requests - Catholic Girls "And none of their mamas ever seem to knowHip-Hip-HoorayFor all the class they showThere's nothing like a Catholic Girl" - Frank Zappa Yes, I went to one. I HAVE mentioned it a few times in stories, as "back story". A straw poll of my readers showed that they wanted to know more. I BET you do, you dirty fucking PERVERTS !! LOL !!Okay, I will be as candid as I can be. I will admit I occasionally blush scarlet when I reminisce about those sweaty trysts with...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 5

Chapter 5-Masturbating Rachel Rachel was still tired from last night. Michael had come into her room during the night and forced her to masturbate him again. He had shot his hot cum on her face again, humiliating her. She was due to see Michael again at 6:00 tonight. She took a shower and dressed, as instructed in her school girl outfit. She did not know why she bothered with the clothes, Michael would soon have her stripped naked. Rachel knocked on the door and entered. “I’m here, Sir,” she...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 4

Rachel had thought about yesterday’s examination. She had never been so humiliated and at the same time so excited. She had been stripped naked and her body intimately inspected by both Michael and Stephen. She thought about today, what would be expected of her. Michael told her to report at 9:00 P.M. She dressed in her usual schoolgirl outfit as instructed. Michael heard the knock on the door. “Come in.” He watched as Rachel entered the room, his cock beginning to stir as he saw her again. He...

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Boarding School Ch 03

My formal greeting to my father—a greeting any servant would give their master—was rewarded with nothing more than his nod of acknowledgment. But that small, seemingly inconsequential motion, meant more to me that what others would see. I love my father, respect him, and so whenever we were in the public’s eye—especially like those of the Elders’ class or other Purebreeds—I do all I can to keep his reputation up. I act the humble daughter, in reverence to his power and status. He treats me as...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 7 Henriettarsquos Pussy Tentacles Molests Her Class

“Answer me, Miss Henrietta,” panted my Latin teacher, Miss Erma. She stepped back from the desk. I lay stretched over it, my ass burning from the spanking she gave me, my small breasts rubbing naked into the desk. Why does she have tentacles? I heard her thoughts echo in my head, one of my new powers since I met Merita, the lesbian alien. And out of her cunny? I was naked, along with my new friend and lover Tabitha. We both were late arriving to Miss Erma’s class. We had been out in the...

4 years ago
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Boarding School Ch 02

It was the middle of the night, so school was in session. The limo driver on the other side of the tinted partition remained patiently in his seat for instructions. I stared out at the massive building, not feeling at all gun-ho about being a student here. ‘Your meeting with the Dean is scheduled in five minutes, Mistress.’ The deep rumble belonged to my bodyguard. My father always insisted on them, despite the power I wielded to fend for myself if any threat arose. This particular suite was...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 8

Chapter 8-Rachel Takes It In The Ass Today was a special day for Michael and Stephen. They both enjoyed the pleasures of a girl’s ass and the idea of being the first to fuck Rachel in her tight asshole made them so anxious. Michael knew that Stephen would be first, but he knew that even second, she would still be very tight. And since she had hated each time they had stuck their fingers up her asshole, it would make it all that much better. After tonight, she will have been fucked in all of her...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 7

Chapter 7- Rachel Loses Her Virginity Rachel lay in the middle of a large circular bed, naked, her legs spread wide, Stephen’s legs pushing them outward. His mouth was clenched tightly onto her right nipple, sucking it deep inside, his tongue rasping over her hard and erect nipple, now tender from the continual abuse Michael and Stephen had inflicted on it. She screamed in pain as his large cock brutally entered her virgin pussy, tearing into the unused tract. She looked up at Michael, standing...

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Boarding with Jim at New Outlooks

This is a story for those who enjoy reading about forced hormonal feminization, not just guys dressing up in female clothes. It tells what happens when two young boys are send to a unique school where--much to the younger one's surprise--they undergo special physical and hormonal treatment programs. The younger one is given female hormones (against his knowledge, untl it is too late), his roommate is given male hormones that turn him into a super masculine stud, with predictable...

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Boarding School Ch 04

I left David at the front door as I made a beeline for my laptop that had been set up on the work desk in a corner of the bedroom. I sat at the surprisingly comfortable desk chair and turned the machine on. Computers had always been a favorite hobby of mine (that is, other than sex) and it was no problem hacking into St. Cromson’s files. I found the area containing confidential information on the students and sent it over to Mike, highlighting everything pertaining to Kiba Shinjo and the other...

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Boarding school and different lessons

One night we were doing it in bed after lights out and we got caught by the dorm mistress. We were taken to her room and made stand in front of her naked, thats how we were when she caught us. It was most embarrassing and she made us tell her why we were doing what we were and how often had we done it together and had we done it with any other girl. We both assured he we had only done it together and knew of no girls who would do that with us. She asked how many masturbate and we said...

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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 3

Stephen and Michael followed Rachel as she walked naked into the next room. She was determined to follow through with her decision to submit to their demands and had already suffered indignities of stripping naked in front of them and three enemas’. Her heart sank lower when she saw the glistening, stainless steel gynecologist table in the center of the room. She saw the stirrups, straps attached to them and realized that she would be soon attached to them, spread open for them to inspect her...

4 years ago
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Job Training And Sex Training

Hi all ISS authors and readers. For the first time I put my hand on the keyboard to share my experience so for any mistakes please excuse me and give me feedback to Coming to my sex goddess, she is 38 and 5’2 height and milky white and with huge asserts of 38-32-36 which I measured with a tape. She has the beautiful and smiling face which can attract any men towards her. Particularly when she wears red sare and walks her ass will oscillates and will come in resonance to my heart which makes me...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

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Schoolgirl and schoolboy

This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...

4 years ago
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Corporate Training Turns Into Sex Training

Hi all, I am Sam here with my another wonder full experience with one guy whom I met in a training session in my company… training was arranged in Hyderabad for nearly 20 days (that became our honeymoon period). I reached a day before the training starts. I was given company accommodation which we have to share with other guy. He is suraj from Bangalore but never seen him in my office . he too reached on same day evening. His is nearly 5.8 height fair and soft guy. We had a nice chat had dinner...

Gay Male
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Boarding House Part 3

An entire week passed since that evening. Kim had gotten a job at a local dinner. She also met a guy who asked her out to dinner Saturday night. Also, Mini announced that another boarder was moving into the house in the next few days. However, the entire time Kim could not stop thinking about that night with her dream man, who was not just in her dreams, and how he took her virginity. As the days passed Kim could feel herself getting hornier than the day before, and nothing she did would ease...

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