Anthea s baby 1
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The Wedding
By: Michael Alexander
Chapter 1: The Preparations
The slight squeak of the windshield wipers against the clear glass madeBethany shiver slightly. To her, it was like long fingernails on a lengthygreen chalk board, penetrating deep through her spine in agonizing irritation.She tugged on the fluid lever, spraying cleaner over the glass, to mingle withthe drizzle, ending the painful squeal.
She glanced down at the clock, relieved she was early. She had taken extratime that morning, luxuriating in a bubble bath filled with salts, bayberrycandles, and even the soft romantic music of classical guitar. It had beenHER morning and she had been adamant about taking it. Something she wasn'treally used to anymore.
Her choice of clothing had been irrelevant, of course. One doesn't go toyour own wedding preparations worried about what you are going to wear. Shehad donned a comfortable set of wind pants, tee shirt, and breaker to darethe increasingly gloomy weather, picked up her duffel bag, and set forth onwhat she knew would change everything.
She smiled. Alan was so wonderful! The perfect man for her and she reveledmomentarily in the memories of their time together. She had gushed whenhe had proposed, babbling yes, yes, yes, over and over until he had finallysilenced her with a kiss. His penetrating blue eyes had melted the lastremaining glacier within her.
Her eyes caught site of the building, an imposing structure of steel andconcrete, with mirrored glass in slivers. When Alan had told her where he wantedto hold the wedding ceremony, her heart had skipped a beat, but of course shecapitulated, giving into his wishes as surely as if she had already marriedhim.
The parking lot was mostly empty, but she expected that. The actual ceremonywasn't going to be held until one o'clock, and her dashboard clock read ninethirty. But she saw three other cars, one still idling, pungent gray smokeemanating from its exhaust. Bethany pulled her car into the space next to theidling car, parking and emerging into the light rain, squinting to see whowas parked next to her.
"Morning Beth." A dusky voice said as the other car's passenger door opened,revealing a stunning brunette, tall and elegant. She was dressed in the familiarleather trench coat, a professional business one that made her seem even morethe lawyer. Her high heels clicked on the pavement, making Beth's own flatsoled sandals seem…corny. Bethany grinned upon seeing her best friendstanding there. "Hi, Ann. Thanks for coming."
Ann waved her hand. "Hey. You're getting married. And I was the one whointroduced you to Alan anyway." Ann waved at the driver of her car and it pulledaway slowly, leaving the two women standing close together. Bethany pickedup her duffel bag and together they hurried toward the building.
They opened a set of glass doors that announced quite plainly that the facilitywas closed for a private wedding that day and Bethany felt that warm flushas her nerves experience the excitement building. Today was the day! Ann movedup to the service window and rang the tiny bell.
A small, slightly dumpy woman wearing a white lab coat and glasses appeared. "Oh!Good morning, Miss Steinman. Good morning, Ann. It's so good to see you both.Come on back."
"Thank you Mistress Gray." Ann responded, unusually demure, her eyes droppingto the floor, so radically different from her regular lawyer persona.
There was a slight buzzing sound as the hallway door lock clicked. Ann movedforward first, tugging at the handle, opening the heavy door with ease. Bethfollowed her friend.
Bethany followed Ann down the corridor. While Beth had been here many timesbefore, she hadn't seen the back corridors.. Ann led her down the hall to adoor with a taped sign reading "Steinman/Eliot Wedding Preparations: Bride'sParty". Ann pushed and held the door open for Beth. "Here we are."
Beth stepped into the room. It was a large room, well lit with florescentlighting and partitioned off with white sheets hanging from hooks along theceiling. She looked around and saw two other women sitting in soft comfortablelooking chairs against the wall and they waved and rose as Beth and Ann entered.
"Oh Beth! Isn't this exciting!" asked Heather, her strawberry blond hairbraided elegantly into a single strand. Her youthful body bounced in a pairof shorts just a little too short, and a tight tee shirt that left nothingto the imagination, the soft yet perky nipples of youth prominently outlined.Bethany laughed, hugging Heather tightly and kissing her cheek.
The other woman approached and hugged Bethany as well. "Hello, Beth. Areyou ready for this?" she asked. Her blue jeans and dark pullover were tightbut conservative, unlike the hyperactive blonde at her side.
Beth nodded. "Oh Jennifer, I am SO ready. I know it took me awhile to getinto this, but I know I want it and Alan is so perfect." Bethany's eyes tearedup in emotion. "I just wanted to thank all three of you for this. You've allsheltered me and helped me and taught me. I just couldn't have done this without your help."
Ann chuckled and shook her head. "I knew when I first saw you, what youneeded. I'm glad we could help."
A door on the far side of the room opened and the small dumpy woman Annhad greeted through the service window entered, followed by three other women.Each was dressed in a lab coat, and wearing sensible shoes. Each walked withthe measured step of confidence.
"Good morning again, ladies. We only have a few hours to get you all preparedfor the ceremony. I would like you all to follow me." Gray said, her bespectacledface smiling mischievously.
Ann led the way as they trooped followed, entering one of the partitionedsections of the room. A large table stood along the solid back wall. But Bethanynoticed the four small rubber mounds, looking like barrels cut in half, sittingon the floor, electrical cords running from each one. Ann led the way to thetable and then turned, waiting expectantly.
Gray smiled as the four beauties looked at her anxiously. "Ladies, you willdisrobe completely, including footwear. Place your personal items on the table.I will collect them and lock them up so you don't have to worry about them.When you are finished you may assume the presentation position over our sybians.Get to it ladies."
Beth swallowed, and quickly deposited her duffel bag on the table. The zippingsound of her wind breaker filled the room as she began to undress. Her eyescouldn't help wandering to her friends and she gasped slightly as Ann unbuttonedthe long leather coat she wore, exposing a perfectly nude body. The slightsingle triangle above her slit spoke of elegance and demeanor. Heather on theother hand, had enthusiastically tugged her shorts down, baring a bright pinkslit, completely bare, smooth, and shiny. Jennifer had been wearing the pullover and jeans and Beth watched as her friend tugged the pull over off, baringa set of lovely cream colored breasts, huge pink nipples exposed.
"Ms. Steinman? Is there a problem?" Gray asked, her eyes narrowing.
Beth jumped and finished removing her jacket. "Uh no, ma'am." She said respectfully.
"You will address me as Mistress during the preparation, Ms. Steinman." Announcedthe short dumpy woman.
Bethany nodded. "Yes Mistress." She replied. Her fingers found the bottomof her tee shirt and she pulled it up over her head. She felt the slightlycool air touch her bosom and she felt the familiar tightening of her nipples.Ann had already moved forward and was kneeling over one of the sybians, theslightly wet slit of her sex positioned perfectly above a small protrudingbump. Gray stepped forward and with her foot pushed the switch at the frontof the device. Ann moaned lightly as the little notch began vibrating, rotatingaround as it massaged her sex.
Beth tugged at her hem as Heather dropped to her knees next to Ann. Thelittle blonde's body was scrumptious to look at, and the tiny fish tattoo onher bottom a cute little foot note to her personality. Bethany smiled as sheremembered meeting Heather for the first time on the slave's floor: a whirlingdervish of flesh and sex that had swept her literally off her feet. Ms. Grayapproached once more and soon Heather's soft moans accompanied Ann's.
Jennifer had finished removing her blue jeans and panties and stood watchingas Beth pulled down her wind pants. Beth smiled shyly as her dark red thongcame to light. Jennifer chuckled and moved forward to one of the sybians, droppingdown without a sound. In seconds the sybian was activated, but Jennifer keptquiet, only her eyes and expression communicating the pleasure she was feeling.
Beth stepped out of her thong and stood naked, watching her three friendsas they carefully rode the sexual devices designed to stimulate the libido.She had never ridden one of these but had heard about them. Beth moved forwardand knelt, her body lowering down until she felt the soft nodule of the sybian.She pressed a bit lower, letting the knob slip into the folds of her sex. Shewas already wet; her body excited from watching her three friends begin thewedding preparations.
Ms Gray stepped forward and Bethany jumped slightly as the device beneathher clicked on. There was a soft grinding and Beth could feel the knob beginto rotate around, a soft massage on her clit that slid downward and actuallyinto her body. She closed her eyes, concentrating on breathing, and rememberedAnn telling her of being forced to ride the sybian for hours, her legs boundtightly.
Suddenly a sharp squeal came from Heather and Beth opened her eyes to seethe petite blond shaking slightly, her legs splayed despite being on her knees,her crotch pumping madly against the sybian. Heather's hands were clutchingher breasts and Bethany realized that each tender nipple was locked tight ina self inflicted pinch. Heather let out another tiny wail and squirmed on herseat, sharp little gasps and cries coming from her throat.
Ann grimaced. "Good lord, Heather, must you always put on a show?"
Bethany glanced at Jennifer who was leaning back, running her fingertipsfrom her knees all the way up to her nipples, circling each areola and thenrunning them down to the "V" of her slit. Not a sound came from her as thewaves of pleasure ran through her body.
Ann appeared to be mediating, so still and non responsive was she, thatBethany wondered if her best friend was feeling okay. Bethany's own sensationswere beginning to flood upward and Bethany remembered that Ann's own masterwas in the habit of keeping Ann sexually aroused for days, unrelenting needwarping the elegant beauty.
Beth felt the first waves of her orgasm hit, striking hard. She bit downon her lip, not wanting to emulate Heather who still squealed softly on thefar side. The build up came much faster than Beth expected and her body flushedhotly as she felt the explosion inside. She trembled, her mouth parted, hereyes taking on that perfect look every lover wants to see in the eyes of theirpartner: a pleasure that almost is painful.
"Everyone stand up." Gray ordered. Bethany opened her eyes and moaned, notwanting to rise. Ann stood up first, her slit glistening and wet, the delicatefolds parted to show the deep well of her sex. Jennifer rose next, followedby Heather, whose thighs were coated in a messy sheen of juice. Beth rose,feeling her own secretions coating the soft petals of her flower.
Please return to the table, face it, bend over, placing your arms and breastsupon the table." Ordered Gray as she turned off the sybians.
All four girls turned toward the back wall and approached the table. Bethanytensed up as she lowered her arms and chest to the hard wood, pushing her dufflebag farther up the table. Beth heard several steps and she realized that theother white coated women had approached along with Gray.
Beth felt a touch on her bottom and she glanced back to see Gray's smilingface. "Don't worry, Ms. Steinman. Face forward now. I'm merely going to insertan egg into you." The dominating woman held up a pink plastic and metal eggshaped device with a small black wire trailing downward like a tail.
Beth nodded, knowing the purpose of the device and relaxing. She had beenforced to wear something similar before, mostly on dates with Alan. She closedher eyes and tilted her bottom upward, giving Ms. Gray a better path to hersex. Beth felt the press of the egg against the folds of her flower, then theincredible sensation of expansion. The large object widened and then suddenlypopped in, causing her to jump reflexively. Beth held her breath as she listenedto Heather squeal again on the other side of Ann.
"All done?" asked Ms. Gray. "Excellent. Keep that position ladies." Bethsighed, feeling full and terribly aroused. Once more she sensed Mistress Graystepping up and Beth prepared herself for whatever preparation was next. Shefelt a soft pressure against her bottom, and then it built, beginning to pressdeeper into her anus. Beth gritted her teeth as the pressure increased, wideninguntil she felt as if she were to tear, then the quick pop as the anal plugseated itself.
"Ladies, stand up straight, face each other in a circle, wrap your armsaround the woman to your left and to your right." Announced Mistress Gray.
Bethany stood up straight, stretching her back momentarily. She glancedto her left and watched as Ann and Jennifer quickly stood next to each othera ninety degree angle. Heather moved forward, facing Jennifer, leaving a closegap for Beth. Bethany moved forward and both Jennifer and Heather slipped theirarms around her waist. Beth's hands moved over the hips of her two friendsand she smiled as Ann's hands found hers, gripping them tightly. Beth hadn'trealized how erotic this would be until one of Jennifer's large mounds pressedup into her own bosom. With a laugh, all four girls moved inward slightly,pressing together in a soft hug of breast flesh.
"Do not break the circle for any reason, ladies. This will be a test ofthe devices that have been inserted into you. Breaking circle will result inpunishment." Ms Gray announced ominously. Beth looked into Ann's eyes, seedetermination and need.
Suddenly Heather gasped, and Beth felt her friend's body tremble. Her hipsdid a wild dance and Beth and Ann held her tightly. Beth could feel Jennifer'shand gripping Heather's in the small of her back as little cries escaped fromthe petite blond. The cries changed into soft moans and Heather opened hereyes and smiled her thanks at the others.
Next it was Ann's turn to stiffen and Beth felt her best friend's nailsdig into her palms. Beth felt Ann's trembling and she watched in alarm as Ann'smouth parted, her teeth grinding together. Ann gasped as the other three womenheld her and her breathing started again.
Beth glanced at Jennifer, realizing that Ms Gray would almost certainlygo in order around the circle, ending only last with the bride. Jennifer seemedto have braced herself. The first look of surprise across the tall girl's facewas less stoic than Ann's, but just as silent. Jennifer had less control ofher body though and Beth felt Jennifer's hips bumping her own as Heather'shad done.
Finally it was over and Beth quivered in a mixture of excitement and fear.What would this feel like? Every time Alan had used the egg on her, it hadbeen a soft vibration or a mild electrical pulse. She remembered the firsttime he had turned it on, a soft candlelit dinner, the waiter standing patientlyas she ordered. She had jumped in her seat, her hands flying to her crotch.The waiter had certainly noticed and she had turned scarlet in embarrassment,but then found herself even more turned on by the situation.
Beth tightened her grip on Ann, her eyes betraying her fears. There wasan abrupt burst inside her sex as the egg shifted gears from park to overdrive.At the same time Beth felt the hot spark of electricity and the overload ofsensations brought her to a mind shattering quick orgasm in the space of threeseconds. Her body shook wildly, much more than Heather's had, and Beth letout an inarticulate wail. Her vision clouded and she felt herself droppingas the pain and vibration continued.
The three other women were surprised when Beth dropped, unprepared to supporther weight. Both Heather and Jennifer had snagged Beth's hands as they fell,but the bride fell to the floor, her knees knocking. Ms. Gray appeared holdinga small black box and Beth stopped twitching, her eyes opening in surpriseto find herself lying on the ground.
"Punishment is obviously in order." Ms Gray announced, her face clearlyshowing her displeasure. "But since you are the bride, I will allow one ofyour maids to accept the punishment in your stead."
Beth looked up in shock and slowly rose to her feet. Her sex felt as ifsomeone had penetrated her over and over through a five hour period. She shookher head, willing to accept the punishment and she stepped forward toward MsGray, despite her fears.
"I'll take it for her." Announced Ann, moving in front of the terrifiedBeth.
Beth's eyes widened. "No Ann! I broke the circle. I'll take the punishment.You don't have to!" Beth raised her hand to stop her best friend.
Ms Gray looked at both women, her eye brows raised.
Ann spoke again. "It's her wedding. She still has to endure the ceremony,the reception, not to mention her honeymoon. I'll take the punishment."
Tears flooded into Beth's eyes as Ms. Gray nodded. Gray pointed out of thecurtained partition and Ann moved back into the main room.
"Follow her." Ordered Ms. Gray.
Ann seemed to know where she was going and Beth, Heather, and Jennifer allfollowed demurely. Gray and her three other cronies watched as the naked troopmarched to the far end of the room.
Beth caught up with Ann. "You don't have to do this." She whispered.
Ann smiled. "Do you even know what the punishment is?" demanded the darkbrunette.
Beth swallowed and shook her head. "No."
"Well I do. I've endured it before, and I can again. So let me do this foryou." Ann replied.
Beth saw them come to the corner of the room. A large winch system stoodanchored to the ceiling and Beth saw four cuffs dangling. Hanging from thewall was a series of whips, from bullwhips to crops and Beth bit her lip asAnn, obviously knowing what to do, lay down on her back under the winch.
Ms. Gray pressed a remote on the wall and lowered two of the cuffs to aheight just a few feet above Ann's elegantly painted toenails. Without verbalorders, Ann lifted her legs into the air and Gray quickly cuffed the heavyleather bindings around her ankles. A hum sounded as one of Gray's croniesoperated the winch and Ann was hauled upward, her legs parted and her armsdangling beneath her.
Beth groaned as she felt a soft vibration begin inside her body, both inher bottom and in her sex. One of Mistress Gray's cronies was using the remote.She saw from both Heather's and Jennifer's faces that they too were experiencingthe soft tingling. Beth looked back at Ann who saw the inquisitive stare andnodded.
Ms Gray took a large, leather tipped whip from the wall, its multi headedthongs looking like dreadlocks. She swung it twice through the air, creatinga swishing sound that came like the ominous clouds of a storm. Gray took twosteps toward Ann and raised the whip high, bringing it down between the outstretchedlegs of the woman with a resounding thwack.
Ann gasped out in pain, her body twisting as Gray pulled back and swungagain. Beth felt the vibrations inside her sex increasing as Gray began alternatingbetween Ann's breasts and sex. With each blow Beth felt the stirrings in herloins. She glanced at Heather, who had her fingers buried in her sex. Jenniferlooked like she wanted to grind herself on Heather's hip, but was still controllingherself. Beth pressed her legs together not wanting to experience her own pleasurewhile Ann was suffering for her.
Ms Gray continued the whipping, bringing a hot flushed look to Ann's sexand breasts. With each blow it seemed the vibrations deep inside all four girlsintensified. Heather was far beyond any of the others, her fingers tuggingand pulling at her clit. Beth was shocked to see that Jennifer had droppedany pretense and had wrapped her arms around Heather's body, one hand cuppingthe blonde's breast; the other on the girl's far hip as Jennifer ground herclit into Heather's hip bone, humping the smaller girl like a bitch in heat.
Beth groaned and gave in, reaching her fingers downward to her own sex,taking her clit and rolling it around in her soaked fingers. She could feelthe fluids dripping down her thighs and she moaned as the first wave of selfinduced orgasm rocked her.
"Well! Finally!" Said Ms. Gray who turned and hung the whip back on thewall. Beth stopped and stared as the winch clacked and lowered Ann's legs backto the ground. "I thought you three would never let me finish!" The internalvibrations suddenly ceased and all four girls gave little cries of anguish.
"W-w-what?" Stammered Bethany. Ms. Gray smiled. "Didn't you realize thatI was going to whip Ann until all three of you were masturbating?" The dominatrixlaughed. "And you…being so morally supportive."
Beth gaped in astonishment, and then blushed crimson as she realized thather own stoic desire to stand strong for Ann had only resulted in her bestfriend's continued agony. She moved forward and knelt by Ann, smoothing thethick locks and stroking her face. Ann's breath came in ragged gasps as shebegan to recover. Beth's eyes filled with tears as she examined the red tingedflesh of Ann's body.
"Oh Ann, I'm so sorry!" Beth begged, cradling her friend's head. Ann smiled,a quick short tired smile. "It's all right. I've been punished before. Willbe again I'm sure."
"You've got that right." Muttered Ms Gray who was busy unbuckling the heavyleather cuffs from around Ann's ankles. Beth turned to look at the woman butcaught sight of Heather and Jennifer. Heather was leaning against Jennifer'shuge breasts, her face mashed between the giant globes. Jennifer had the petiteblonde's head held in place. Ann tilted her head up to see what Beth was staringat, and then laughed.
"Knock it off you two. We don't want Heather to die of asphyxiation." Annsaid loudly. Jennifer glanced at Ann and released Heather's head. Heather gaspedas she got some air and then smiled guiltily.
Ms Gray and the three other lab coated woman held out towels for all fourgirls and directed them to clear any body fluids from their limbs, and specificallyto dry their privates. Beth found herself soaking the towel, but cleaning herselfoff and she was glad that she hadn't needed to ask for a second towel likeHeather.
Ms. Gray stepped straight up to Beth and smiled. "Ms. Steinman, please followme. It's time to get you dressed." Gray turned toward the other girls. "Ladies,each of you need to follow an attendant. They will help you get dressed forthe ceremony."
Ms. Gray began moving away, clearly expecting Beth to follow. Beth gavea quick squeeze to Ann's hand and then padded softly after the dominatrix.As they went back down the large partitioned room Beth wondered what sort ofgarment Alan had selected. She hoped it would be elegant. She and Ann had spenta wonderful night web surfing, examining various white teddies and white bondageoutfits from a variety of outlets. Beth had laughed hard when Ann had quiethonestly said that what most brides wear on their honeymoon night would morethan likely be what Beth wore for the actual wedding.
Beth had felt a little dispirited when she found out how little she wouldhave to do with the actual planning of the wedding. As the process went furthershe discovered more and more that she was more of a participator who had nosay in the activities other than what color or music there would be. She sighed.
Ms. Gray rounded one partition and motioned Beth to enter. A steel bar framehad been set up in the center of the partitioned space, looking like a swingset frame without the swings. Instead, two heave chains with cuffs dangledfrom the top of the frame. Gray pointed to the spot under the chains and Bethobediently complied.
"Raise your hands, Ms. Steinman." Gray ordered.
Beth brought her hands upward and Gray lost no time in cuffing both wrists,then shortening the chain so that Beth's hands stood high above her head. Bethfelt stretched as Ms Gray went to a small cupboard and pulled a long metalrod with more heavy cuffs at each end. Beth felt just a little intimidatedas the dominatrix locked each ankle into the spreader bar, forcing Beth's legsapart in an obscene position.
Ms. Gray reached back into the cabinet and removed a medium sized can anda soft paintbrush. Beth watched in confusion as the woman opened the jar, revealinga thick white fluid. Gray dipped the brush into the jar and swirled it slightlybefore bring the brush up to Beth's breasts.
"Mistress? What is that stuff?" stammered Beth, who had tried to shrinkaway from the approaching brush.
Gray smiled. "Latex. It's a kind of liquid rubber. Don't worry. It comesoff a lot easier than wax does." Gray grasped Beth's left nipple and pulledupward, exposing the underside of the tit. "It's actually kind of nice. Firstit won't come off easily, which is good since you will have it on through mostof the ceremony. Second, it's nice for you since it doesn't hurt going on.Now…it will tighten a little as it dries, but that shouldn't be toouncomfortable anywhere but on your breasts and maybe your clit. It doesn'tpinch mind you, but it does provide a bit of discomfort." Gray sounded as ifshe were lecturing a pupil. She repeated the process on Beth's right breast,and then spent a quick minute brushing the white fluid over each breast untilBeth sported a white tight bikini top.
Beth could feel the stuff beginning to dry as Ms Gray began long brush strokesdown Beth's abdomen. Looking down, Beth saw that Gray had swirled the strokesso that the started just to the side of her left breast, swirled across herbelly button and down to her right hip. With a flourish of artistry, Gray completedthe pattern, leaving the outlines of an hour glass shape on Beth's body withthe center point being Beth's belly. A long stroke followed from hip to hipand Beth squirmed as the brush dipped lower.
Gray smiled as she refreshed the brush. "I'm going to paint your vaginanow, Ms. Steinman. You don't want to have too much of this stuff find its wayinside you, so please clench your muscles and hold very still."
Beth nodded and strived to follow the woman's orders. She quivered as thetiny bristles glided over her sex, coating it. Gray actually dropped to herknees and dabbed upward, making sure that the thick cream rubber coated everypart, including the base of the anal plug. Beth felt her inner thighs strokedand she looked down to see herself wearing a skin tight pair of white shorts.The folds of her sex were clearly in few and Beth wondered for a second ifthis was the only dress she would be wearing for her wedding.
Finally Ms Gray finished, standing up and stretching silently. She walkedaround Beth quite a few times, examining the quickly drying latex with a carefuleye. Beth felt so totally exposed, bare to this woman's penetrating gaze.
"Want to see your friends?" Ms Gray asked softly. Beth's eyes widened andshe smiled, nodding to the woman in front of her. "Yes Mistress, I would reallylike to." Beth replied. Beth had been wondering how each of her friend's werefaring. She knew Ann would be stoically enduring whatever was dealt to her.Jennifer would be silently suffering, revealing her emotional distress, butonly through body language. Heather on the other hand would have been makingevery possible noise known to woman as her body was prepared for the ceremony.Beth wondered why she hadn't heard Heather.
Ms. Gray smiled knowingly and walked to one of the partitioned curtains.With a quick yank, she pulled it back toward the wall. All three of Bethany'sfriends were bound tightly to a large frame similar to Beth's. Ann stood silentlyon the far side, her arms and legs bound wide, her body already covered withthe same latex, but a brilliant red. It was obvious that she was drying; Ann'sface a careful neutral. Jennifer was on the side closest to Beth and she wasalso finished. Her body undulated in her bindings, seeming to dance to unheardmusic.
Bethany's eyes widened as she saw Heather. Unlike all three other women,Heather had been bound upside down, her legs spread unnaturally wide. Donein red, just as Ann and Jennifer, Heather's body seemed to be wiggling wildly.A thick rubber ball gag had been placed in her mouth, and her hands had beenbound behind her. One of the attendants held her hips as the other began torun the brush downward from Heather's clit to her breast. Heather jumped andwiggled wildly, obviously reacting to the brush strokes and Bethany found herselfgiggling as the petite blonde bucked.
Bethany laughed loudly. "She's ticklish!" Together, Ms. Gray and Bethanywatched as the other attendants tried desperately to hold Heather still asthe third one painted the trembling girl.
Ms Gray sighed. "I think your latex is dry now, Ms. Steinman. Time for thebindings." The dominatrix held up a long length of white silk rope.
Beth tensed momentarily then relaxed, but the sudden vibrations that startedinside her body revitalized her nervous system and she watched in suspicionas Gray came close.
"Does it feel good?" Gray asked as she looped the rope over Bethany's shoulders,letting the end dangle down evenly into twin pools beneath the bound woman.
Bethany nodded. The egg was purring gently and Beth could feel herself ripening.
"Did you know that the latex will keep all that wonderful juice inside you?Soon that little toy will be swimming in Bethany's pool." Gray commented asshe took the rope and made two loops around Beth's breasts.
Beth grunted slightly as Gray tightened the loops, and then ran the twolines downward through Beth's outstretched legs and back up to the line thatcrossed the back of her neck. Beth felt the soft silk dig in to her slit, butnot deeply. She felt the pressure of the line press into the base of the bottomplug. Neither of those two things bothered her as much as the tight grip therope had around the base of each breast.
Gray brought out additional lines and began tying them in a pattern, crossingthem down Beth's belly, matching the underlying latex. Beth groaned in sexualstimulation as Gray added more rope to Beth's bosom, tightening and pullingbackward the already bound breasts.
Beth looked down and saw flashes of tan skin through the white. MistressGray finished the bondage, leaving Beth in a web of white silk that tuggedat her breasts and pulled upward into her slit. The small dumpy woman pickedup the can of latex once more and began dabbing it on Beth here and there,where ever the original layer had torn. Finally, Gray attached a long thingauze veil to a silver and white head band and placed it on Beth's head. Thegauze wrapped around her body in a spiral, ending at her waist as a sort ofover skirt. Beth rocked back and forth through the whole ordeal as the vibratorcontinued its internal massage.
Ms. Gray stepped back and examined Bethany one final time. "Ms. Steinman,you look beautiful. A stunning sight." Ms. Gray pulled out a camera and begantaking several pictures of Beth. She paused momentarily. "I hope you're ready,because it's just about time for the ceremony."
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The Curtsey Part X - The Wedding By Sissy Smith The weekend was spent getting Prissy and Pansy ready for their beauty College d?but. Jessie and Alice spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday prepping the two sissies. Part of the procedure was to keep them focused on the task at hand, no time to revert to boyish ways. Whenever one of them made a mistake both were reprimanded. Jessie's goals were to turn the two sissy boys into twin girls who would become one sissy girl in reality. T...
Darlene's Wedding By Ricky Don... Ah the lunchroom. The camaraderie, the pleasant conversation, the sophisticated repartee, the ever present smell of cutting fluid and hot metal that pervades any machine shop. And don't forget the misogyny, profanity, and homophobia. Really, it's not that bad, at least I don't have to put up with the smokers since the county banned smoking indoors. Actually, I kind of like the ambience of the lunchroom most of the time. ...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...
We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesWaking with Barb in my arms, I think to the dinner the night before. I am sure now that Barb’s ex-husband’s girl friend is named Jane Jones. I remember what she had done to my brother just two years before. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. She moved in the following week and set to making his place her home. Two weeks after she moved in, he had to call me to come get him from work for he got too sick to drive and she was not answering the phone. We arrived to find not only was she...
Straight Sex'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...
The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn Websites(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Incestuous Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – May 2056 Vanessa, my now eighteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now an adult. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into...
We settled on 2 movies for the fall and 2 more for the first half of 1986. She worked hard on all the movies, each did well in the box office, making the studio lots of money. The standard fee that we were asking per movie was, $200,000.00, plus 1% of the net profits after expenses. I caught a lot of flack for those asking prices, but I told them take or leave it. Her star power with winning those 2 Academy Awards, was a big draw for any movie. MGM was on my case for another script. So...
It was morning back at the Red Roof Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania the day after my cousin Nick’s wedding rehearsal. Once again, I was sitting in a chair pondering my situation. Here I was back in the town where I was born for my cousin Nick’s wedding. I came here with my step-sister Marcy with whom I was living with as a couple. I had just met my sister Laura the day before. It just so happens she is the same girl Marcy and I had a threesome with and I ended up fucking in the ass. The...
Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesMarcy - Priscilla's Wedding By Sissie Maid Cuckold When Pansy finally came around after his faint, he wondered what had happened. Ms. Leslie explained he had fainted right after hearing that his wife was inviting all of his family and friends to her wedding to Marcus. Pansy rubbed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. "Yes, I remember now, is she really going to do that?" "Yes my dear, but don't worry it will be good for you, everyone will know what a pathetic looser...
I'm Marsha Ferguson married to Wayne Ferguson for twenty five years. I'm now fifty he's fifty three, We have one daughter Julie, twenty three and fresh out of college. My story begins when we received an invitation to our nieces wedding, along with a picture of the bride and groom to be. My daughter was all excited and couldn't wait to go. My husband was furious and refused to attend the wedding, because the groom to be, was black. "Why, would a good looking young girl like that, want to...
Exciting wedding Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Well yes, I suppose I can ask him do that.... I'll let you know." She turned to look at me, with that look on her face. "Janice wants you to be her sons bride! I told her that I would ask, but really, after all that dressing up you think you do in private, I would think that you would jump at the chance to be a bride!" "Just why would he need me to be his bride?! I mean, he does have a reputation with the ladies, so...
Femdom’s Wedding By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 12 of 21 ?The Wedding? from Femdom’s Ultimate Submission. Christina, Myra’s lover, helps with the ceremony.Home Page: 12Bill wakes up early on his wedding day. Somehow he has made it, and it won’t be...
Eloise Goddard plugged her earphones into her iPod and picked up her book. The plastic sandwich that she’d been served didn’t appeal to her and she could smell the food being served in front of the curtain. She giggled at her envy. She could’ve been up there if only she’d agreed to her boss’s request. At 22 years old she was, in her boss Peter’s words, the world’s best PA. Obviously not good enough to put on a permanent contract, as she’d temped as his PA for the last two years. But she was...
Introduction: It was a lovely wedding. I was not expecting to give my new father-in-law a blowjob. We had the most beautiful wedding on the shore of Lake Tahoe. It was mid-May. The weather was just perfect and so was the setting. We had decided on a sunset wedding and fifty friends and relatives were there. Both of my parents were there and so were both of my new husbands parents although they never said anything to each other. They had been divorced for four years and it was not an agreeable...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 - The Wedding For weeks Beth basked in the memory of their trip to Disney World. She was thankful that she had a trip to see her former family and speak with Ken's mom one more time. She would treasure that moment always, especially when Carol said that if she had a daughter she would have liked for her to be like Beth. She was debating whether she should send Carol a baby picture. It might be a way to keep the communication open so...
I stood there on her porch wearing my best blazer and slacks fresh from the cleaners, real shoes instead of tennies, and a nice long sleeved dress shirt. I even had my hair cut the day before to make sure I looked as groomed as possible. I had never been to a Mexican wedding before so I wasn't sure exactly how to dress, but I wanted to make sure Chanticleer wasn't ashamed of me, and suffer the consequences. I also didn't realize that they had weddings in the evening... I'd never been to an...
" Come on you! Quick shower and then we are out!" said Ashleigh, one of the maids of honour. " Stay right there Jacob and keep your eyes closed!" Narla said, another maid of honour. " Its bad luck to see your bride before the wedding." " We have 30 minutes Chris. Shower now!" Jessie commanded, the third maid of honour. Ashleigh pushed Chris out of the room and into the bathroom. Narla went to the kitchen and Jacob grabbed hold of Jessie. " Take care of him." Jacob said....
On Saturday, August 23, 2014, I attended the wedding of my friend Lynn and her boyfriend Steve (well, Steve is her husband now). My girlfriend/lover Kat couldn't attend this wedding. She doesn’t really know Lynn, and her husband might get suspicious if she disappeared for a whole weekend. Besides her husband Frank (who she doesn’t sleep with) and me, Kat also has a boyfriend on the side, named Dave, who she has known longer than she has known me. And has been fucking longer than she has been...
Straight SexNOTE: You know the deal by now...if you have not read the previous three chapters...well, what are you waiting for?It was morning back at the Red Roof Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania the day after my cousin Nick's wedding rehearsal. Once again, I was sitting in a chair pondering my situation. Here I was back in the town where I was born for my cousin Nick's wedding. I came here with my step-sister Marcy with whom I was living with as a couple. I had just met my sister Laura the day before. It...
IncestThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
Elaine had to leave to spend the week supporting her brother. His wedding to Patsy was slated for Saturday afternoon. Donna was gone back to Chicago by three. Sora and Whitney each wanted some private time with me before they had to be back in their dorms by team curfew. In exchange, we got Josh, Cassie, Nicki, and Liz added to our tent. We switched the trailer back to the use of the younger girls and Leonard who had finally received permission to join us. The real surprise was when Mom and...
Avalon Young – May 2048 Vanessa, my now fourteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now fourteen. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into her mouth. It squirted into her mouth. My cunt squeezed. I rubbed my thighs together. I groaned, the pleasure rippled through me. I gripped her hair as I...
‘What do you mean he ran off with Karen? She’s my fucking Maid of Honor,’ Betty yelled hysterically. ‘The wedding is in an hour.’ ‘Uh, I saw them getting into the limo about nine this morning and driving off,’ Betty’s mom said softly, trying to stay calm herself. ‘They haven’t come back and the limo service said the car was back on their lot after dropping the couple off at the airport.’ Betty staggered back and sat down hard on the bed. ‘I’ll kill both of them.’ ‘Now dear….’ ‘Fuck you!...
After dating Sarah for over two years, I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I couldnt be happier with anyone else. Im just your average guy. I'm 5'10" and around 200 pounds with brown eyes and hair. I'm a web master of a very profitable company. Sarah is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'7" with long red hair that fell half way down her back and had the most sexiest blue eyes I have ever seen. She had nice firm 36 c breast and nice curvy hips. Sarah is a lawyer at the biggest firm...
THE WEDDING BY JANICE In my mailbox that day I found an envelope from Karol. She used to be Carol but she moved to California and became one of the in crowd, now she is Karol. It was a wedding invitation. She was getting married to her life partner, Rose. I knew Rose and liked her, so I was happy that they were getting married. The only thing that would make me happier would be if she were marrying me. The...
"Let's go for a walk," begged Eric. "It will be chilly soon, and then it's too late."He did not have to ask twice. Stella could not think of anything she liked better than walking in the park with Eric, except maybe listening to his deep, soothing voice. A voice she could listen to forever and not get tired of it.As usual, he took her arm as they slowly made their way to their favorite park bench. It was empty as they arrived, just as the sun started to disappear behind the tall trees to the...
Love StoriesThe sound of my phone is going off; it feels like its right in my ear. ‘Who the hell is calling me so damn early?!’ I growl to myself, as I roll over, not even looking at the screen and answer. “Who’s dead, or dying? This best be important.” “Good morning to you to, Sunshine.” I hear him chuckle, I can almost see his smile. I bolt right up and look at the time. Its 8:30 in the morning and Mr. Hottie is giving me a wake-up call. I can’t help but smile. “Well, good morning to you, Harris.”...
Quickie SexHi indian sex stories dot net friends. This is Rocky, 29-year-old, a fitness trainer from Delhi. I am 5’11”, muscular guy. I chose to become a fitness trainer out of passion. I want to share a hot encounter I had at a friend’s wedding. He was my childhood buddy and has settled down in Delhi. It was a Punjabi wedding on a Friday night. Luckily my parents have provided me with sufficient treasure and I earn enough to lead a healthy and luxurious life. I wore a designer black sherwani with a red...
My wife Mona had a sister whose wedding was arranged and the date was near, Monty had ditched her by saying that he had work. She was very angry. He tried to console her but Mona was so angry that she didn’t let him touch her for a whole week. Finally the day before wedding she went to her house without Monty. Once she reached there she forgot all about the fight and started enjoying the pre-wedding celebrations. On the mehendi night there was sangeet arranged and everyone had come, she was...
My Big Sister's Wedding. By Tanya H. My Big Sister's wedding got off to a good start; by nine pm on the Friday night I'd already lost my virginity to the groom's mum. With her husband not due to come down until Saturday morning, she blatantly flirted with me, ordered me up to her bedroom and followed me there a few minutes later. "Has anybody ever done that for you, Stirling?" she asked, the words a little clotted, in the electric moments after she made me cum in her mouth. I was...
My Cuckold WeddingI stood at the altar alone with Rev. Carl, the minister, looking out at the wedding guests. It wasn't a large wedding, still to me it seemed there were a lot of people looking at me. I saw my parents and my brother, as well as a handful of cousins, all with big smiles on their faces. My family had approved of Laurel as soon as they met her. My father and my brother kept telling me how lucky I was to be marrying her. On the bride's side of the aisle there were many more guests...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesAt long last, the morning of the weddings arrived. After much, much, much discussion they had decided to split the weddings into two groups. Leigh and DT, Anita and Terry, and Sandra and Dave would be married in the morning, and they would have a wedding lunch. Queen Sparky and Prince Ross, Tony, Debora and Kyle, and Sean and Lee would be married in the afternoon with a wedding dinner. This way, one set of the crew could enjoy the first wedding and the second set the second wedding. Almost...
The story until now.I had just returned from the US. Julie came back with me with the intent that I would coach her in her barefoot water skiing. To allow that to happen, I had helped her obtain a job as a support person for my administrative assistant, Ronny who was grossly overloaded with work. After spending the night at home with Sue, I was heading across to Julie when I had noticed Sue following me. I managed to give her the slip but it told me that Julie and I needed to be very careful if...
Wife LoversMy name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old. I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs. This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with. He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist. I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits. John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time. I don't always close the drapes...
Wife LoversXanthos -- A Saturday Morning in January I guess it's time to take care of another detail. I picked up the phone and called my best friend -- from before I found Master Control -- who was currently living near Dallas, Texas. Ken is 6' tall, slim (the last time I saw him), 27 years old, with grey hair. He says that the grey hair (that he's had since High School) was genetic... I prefer to believe that it has something to do with his getting hit by lightning twice when he was still in...
It was a simple ceremony, with only a small contingent of guests in attendance: our parents, of course; Allison ... sorry, 'Charlotte', and Molly, who were bridesmaids; and Rod and Selena, who were using the trip as an excuse for a second honeymoon – the kids were flying out the following week for a family vacation. Rod was also standing in, along with Bob, as one of my groomsmen to balance out the girls standing up for Lizzy. Lizzy had asked Amber to be her maid of honor; my Dad was...