Interview With A Domme
- 2 years ago
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The Blind Domme
My fingers moved quickly across the last of the raised dots. "Allison" myfingers read "I've been looking all over town for you! You have companyat home. A young man all the way from New York."
My fingers dropped off the page, and I closed "Peyton Place", myfirst "naughty" book I'd ordered surreptitiously as a girl, yearsago,hiding it under "Little Women" when I'd gotten it in the mailfrom Jennie, my roommate at Perkins. "It is such a sexy book, Kyra!" she'dsaid to me over the phone "Don't let your Mom find it!"
Not that Mom could read Braille anyway. I laughed thinking about it...afterall, I'd read "Peyton Place" a book from the 1950s, in the seventies,and even then it was tame next to books like "Valley of the Dolls" andwhatever Erica Jong was writing..but sadly, those books weren't in Braillethen. But now, that I can read regular print with my Optacon reader, whichscans print and sends electronic impulses back to my index finger in the shapeof the letters, I have full access to whatever erotic filth I like...but mymy old favorite is still what it was when I was twelve...the Braille versionof "Peyton Place".
I leaned over and put "Peyton Place" on the coffee table, feelingto make sure it was not going to knock over the coffee that Kevin had broughtme. Then I'd have to whip him. I giggled. On the other side of the room, therewas a cough. "Did you want something, Miss Kyra?" I made my voicecold. "Did I say I did, Gareth? Are you pushing your nose into the corner?You'd better." "Yes ma'am." his voice came, mumbling.
I smiled, and tucked my shirt in a bit, feeling my heavy breasts with thehardening nipples. I thought of poor Gareth, who had been standing naked inthe corner all morning. Gareth owned this house, and kept me on a fat allowance,understanding about my various lovers and the other slaves that I have livinghere, and all the poor boy wanted was some time with his Miss Kyra!
Gareth works so hard, and much of that time he's traveling around the world,hoping for some alone time with Miss the one weekend he gets athome, Miss Kyra makes him stand in the corner!
And last night, when he took me to dinner, he was telling me how much hewanted to take me on a picnic today, how he wanted to take me jewelry shopping,and maybe go to a play. He'd bought tickets to a good one "The Music Man" andhad gotten us front row seats so I could hear well, and possibly sense theactors moving about on the stage. And I was going to take these tickets andgive them to Deroy, my lover and his other girlfriend, Caitlin.
And poor Gareth was consigned to the corner. Balancing two EncyclopaediaBrittanicas under a cup of hot coffee on his head, no less...if he drops it,I'll hear him, and have another use for mny long white cane.
I could have whipped Gareth, feeling his crotch hardening against my nylonedknees as my hairbrush crashed against his sweaty, wrinkled buttocks again andagain...but that would be too much attention. Gareth must realize that justbecause he supports me and gives me a nice place to live, doesn't mean he'sgoiing to get Miss Kyra to focus on him all the time.
In a way he reminded me a lot of Basil, the slave boy who kept me in a wonderfulcottage at Martha's Vineyard years ago. I was just twenty-one, and Basil wouldwork all week in New York, sweating away, getting no relief from the chastitydevice that held him, and then he'd show up on Fridays, getting off the ferry,and gasping at the sight of glorious little me in my bikini. I usually hada darkish tan by June, and would wear a white bikini which, I was told, setmy dark skin off.
I don't know what dark and white are like, really...but I know the soundof Basil's strangled gasp as he'd see me, and I'd march right up to him onthe dock, toward the voice "Here Mistress" tapping my long whitecane, the stick that has grown progressively longer since I got my first oneat age three.
I'd tap my cane, feeling the wood on the dock, hearing other men whispering "There'sthat hot blind girl...Jesus, those tits...what's she see in that loser?" Money,honey. I'd tap along and finally stop right in front of poor Basil. I'd hearhis heavy breathing and smell that pathetic Brut cologne, and reach right upat chest level and grab one of his nipples through his expensive Brooks Brothersshirt, twisting it harshly, before dropping my nails down to flick his crotch,where the penis was straining against the chastity device.
At home, I'd order Basil to strip and bring me a Long Island Iced Tea. Thenwe'd adjorn to the bedroom, where he'd set out the ropes, and I'd move around,tying his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, before using my superior tactilesensation-oriented fingers to feel Basil's entire body... I'd run my fingersover his Adam's apple, his broad shoulders, running my hands over his chest,tweaking the nipples again and again.
I'd hear Basil's breathing getting heavier and faster as my nails marchedalong his belly, feeling his navel. I'd smell the sweat pouring down his foreheadas my little hands finally reeached his chastity device. "I don't knowwhere the key is" I'd say. "I think I lost it...I can't see anything,you know." I'd hear the mingled sob..and that was ridiculous. We bothknew that I had the key. Finally I'd go into my purse and get the key out andunlock the poor bastard.
I'd have an exaggerated feeling of Basil's legs, pretending I couldn't findthe chastity device, but finally I'd unlock it, pulling it out from under hislegs. Then I'd feel for my marvelous lubricant and squirt some on my hand andbegin my tactile trot across his balls and shaft, touching the full, throbbingshaft, running my fingers carefully across the swelling veins of his engorgedpenis. I don't know whether sighted women are as fascinated with the variousbumps and paths surrounding the average penis, which is incredibly coveredin lines, veins and wrinkles.
The circumsised penis is not quite as intricate, but it is indeed bulbous,and Basil's was cut and huge...and I'd rub it carefully, whistling betweenmy teeth, hearing him pant as I moved my long nails up and down the shaft ohso carefully. I generally polish my nails red, as my sister says that's a goodcolor for me. Red is a good color, gray isn't...they're all just words to Kyra.
At some point I'd lean over and carefully rub my nipples across Basil's chestuntil he appeared to be begging oh, begging for me to let him cum, and thenI'd leave the room for a while. I really enjoyed spenidng the entire weekendtorturing poor Basil, and quite often locking him back up again with no orgasm,and sending him back for a long week of chastity in New York.
If he bitched "I didn't get to cum last week either, and I'm so goodto you..." Then I'd have Basil grab his ankles, bent over and lash hisbottom with the cane, and not let him visit me for a fortnight. What a riotthat was! Especially since he would be locked in his belt for all that time.
Then there was Jaques, who I kept in a cage in his apartment in Monaco...he'dtaken me all over Europe in a car, and I hadn't had to tap around with my caneat all. I could just be whisked about in Jacques' limo...or Kent, the richdeaf-mute. I couldn't see his hand-signs, and he couldn't make any noise...allthe communication we seemed to have was when he'd thump to the floor as I whippedhis butt cheeks, or I'd feel his body vibrate as I stimulated his frenum withmy expert tactile fingers. Or Bruce, a whining baby who I kept in rustly petticoats,hearing him raise them and pulling down his panties for yet another correction.What an amazing creature ran the U.N....what would they think?
Or Mustafa, from the Sudan...who had a dungeon so intricate I would haveto move carefully through the tunnels, using my facial vision to feel the changein the air pressure between the body and the stone walls before arriving towhere he was cuffed to the ceiling...feeling through his rack of whips fora long one with spur ends that would give me that satisfying sound of slashing!
But enough of that...we had visitors coming. My old friend Simone and hernovice domme Sheila were going to spend a few days here, and we had to prepare. "Gareth!" Icalled. Thump! "Ow!" I giggled silently. The coffee must've fallenon his bare belly as the books dropped on his feet, the poor clumsy thing. "Gareth,you must prepare...we have visitors coming..but first I think I'm going tohave to execute my cane on your buttocks for your clumsiness."
A long sigh. "Yes ma'am."
An Hour Later
"Jesus, Simone, I haven't laughed so much in years...since I was onthe Island with you." Kyra smiled. "You were a Castle Domme?" Sheilaasked in astonishment. "After only a three year internship as a dominatrixin New York State!" Kyra said triumphantly. "Ky's title was LadyGrandison, but she was known as Lady Fingers" said Simone with a smile. "Shehad the power to make any man jump at her touch."
Kyra snorted, feeling around for her Budweiser. Kevin, Kyra's brother andapparently a slave also, quickly put the can in her hands, and she took a longslug, She was the most beautiful woman Sheila had ever seen. Watching Kyraas she conversed enthusiastically with Simone, Sheila was just amazed. Thatshoulder length sandy hair, clear, luminous though quite blank hazel eyes.
Though Sheila had to admit, Kyra was much better mannered than the blindpeople who Sheila had been around previously. Most stared into space as theyspoke to you. Not this girl. When you spoke to Kyra, she turned her head asif to look at you, though of course, she couldn't.
"How is the fat old Castle director?" Kyra inquired of Simone. "Thelast time I heard from him, he sent me some begging letter...a tape of course,because he didn't want Kevin or Gareth reading it to me in their voices. Hewas just begging me to come back. Like five years in the Castle wasn't enoughto teach me everything...Simone, don't you ever want to come back to this area?"Kyratoyed with her white cane as she spoke. "I've had just about enough ofit traveling around here." Simone replied, touching Kyra's hand. Sheilasensed that there was something else between Simone and Kyra--they weren'tjust pals.
"I really wish to return to the sunny beaches of the Castle...and mypathetic husband Stuart." Kyra snorted. "Yes of course, Mr. Peanut--Icall him that because he always smelled of salty peanuts to me," explainedKyra in Sheila's direction. Dressed in a skintight black tee shirt and cargopants, Kyra relaxed, chain smoking Lucky Strikes, sipping a beer and laughingat Simone's sallies. Sheila noticed that the poor bastard in the corner, nakedGareth, kept surreptitiously turning and giving Kyra imploring looks, thoughof course that couldn't do any good. Kevin stood by Kyra trying to be as helpfulas he could.
"Did you bring me my sandwich, brother dear?" Kyra asked, and Kevinmumbled "I was busy with the beers, but I'll get it." Kyra smiledinto space. "You've got to learn, Kev. Unzip your pants and take yourcock out." Kevin's voice wavered "Please, I'll get the sandwich." Kyralaughed "You certainly will, after you take your cock out, NOW." Kevinunzipped his pants and pulled out a long, hard cock, and Kyra picked up herLucky Strike, and began stabbing it out on Kevin's penis, holding the shaftwith one hand as she burned Kevin's cockhead with her cigarette tip in theother. Then, Kyra had neatly picked up Simone's cup of steaming hot coffee,and had poured a bit of that onto Kevin's hard cock, to the point that he screamed.
As Kevin held his hands behind his back, gritting his teeth, Kyra felt aroundand grabbed the tip of Kevin's penis and pinched his foreskin several tiimeswith her long fingernails, and he squealed and gasped at the intense pain.Kyra groped about in front of her, and Simone instinctively handed Kyra herlong riding crop, the Licorice Whip, and she landed it five or sx times, hardon Kevin's shuddering cock....and Kevin cried yet a bit more!
Kyra then reached her slim little wrist into Kevin's open zippered crotchand grabbed and squeezed Kevin's balls, as her brother bent over at the stomachand cried. "That's amazing, I couldn't have found them in there withoutseeing." Sheila said. "Oh, I've learned to do quite a bit withoutit as you may guess.
"Now, you can zip back up and go get me my sandwich, as well as theother women's sandwiches" Kyra told her weeping brother, and laughed hearingSheila's gasp. Apparently they were twins...they looked a great deal alike,though of course they weren't identical, and Kevin was sighted. But there seemedto be a yearning look in Simone's eyes as she learned towards Kyra. Sheilawas mystified by this.
Kyra, enjoying the sensations of a cold brew in one hand and Simone's pressingfingers in the other, wondered how Simone was going to behave on this visit.With the new girl, Sheila, here, Simone couldn't possibly revert to her usualrole when she visited Kyra's house. But seventeen years before, when Kyra hadbeen a domme in the Castle, Simone had come to her room one night, and in avoice quite different from the usual, regal "Simone tone" she'd said, "Kyra,I-I saw you when you were domming one of the female clients. Simone had soundedso hesitant, and Kyra had felt the vibrations of Simone's face close, but sheseemed to be just below Kyra's head--was she on her knees, Kyra had wondered?
Kyra had smiled, trying to tilt her head down somewhat to the direction ofSimone's voice, and had listened carefully to the way Simone was speaking,and the tone she'd used. Having always had to depend on only the four sensesof hearing, touching, tasting and smell, Kyra had learned early on that peoplesent messages from the way they said things, that were far more important thanwhat they said. "I-I just was so taken with the way you whipped that girl,and how you twisted her long nipples."
Simone had stuttered. "I-might have to dominate one of our um, gentlesex one day, and it was good for me to watch, very interesting." They'dtalked late into the night, and somewhere around three, Simone had asked ifshe could stay. Somehow, Simone had worked her way between Kyra's legs andhad performed several hours of expert tongue work on Kyra's happy pussy, bringingKyra to several orgasms. At one point, Kyra had asked Simone if she wantedreciprocity, and Simone had insisted that she'd be happier masturbating, andKyra had felt Simone drop to the floor and frig herself, Kyra assumed, on herknees.
Simone had shown up night after night, climbing into Kyra's bed and bringingher to several orgasms before going back to her own room after masturbatingherself while sleeping on the floor. And then Simone had begun cleaning Kyra'sroom now and then, when slaveboys weren't showing up to do it....Kyra wonderedwhat was going on.A couple of days later, Simone was supposed to bring a Spencerpaddle, the the thick wooden kind with the holes, to Kyra immediately for animportant session with Senator Panfili, and Simone had been late, and Kyrahad made do with a telephone book, she'd heard her father, a Texas police detectivesay they'd "sweat" truth out of suspects using a book as it didn'tleave marks, and Kyra had adapted that for the Senator.
When Simone showed up an hour late with the paddle, Kyra had laughed andsaid "Well, you were supposed to bring the Spencer earlier, but we resolvedit." Simone had snapped at her. "Well, I'm not your servant to bringyou things on time just because you're blind...unless you want to punish me...thenI supposed I'd have to do as you asked." Kyra had felt her way acrossthe room until she'd been right level with Simone, and then she'd reached outand slapped Simone's face, hard.
"You'll bring me that Spencer paddle on time next time, and this timeI'm going to show you what you get!" And Simone had stripped, thrown herselfover Kyra's couch, and received a terrific paddling from her energetic blindfriend. After this, whenever Kyra and Simone hadn't been busy domming theirvarious slaves, they'd get together so Kyra could give Simone the disciplineshe craved, twisting Simone's nipples, horsewhipping Simone's bare butt, cattle-proddingSimone, and generally keeping the other dominatrix jumping.
When, after five years, Kyra had invested her money and decided to leavethe Castle and go to Buffalo, NY to live with her brother, Simone had pleadedwith her not to go, and then made regular trips to Buffalo, just to get furthersessions.But now Simone seemed somewhat regal, and it didn't look like she'dwant that from Kyra now...female domination. Or maybe she would, but Kyra doubtedthat she wanted to lose face in front of was a mystery!
Sheila was amazed at this scene. Gareth, the fatty slave was still nakedand in the corner, sobbing audibly. Every now and then he would blow his noseinto a handkerchief, which she assumed was the only bit of clothing he wasallowed.And Kevin, Kyra's twin brother was incredibly solicitous of his sister,running back and forth to get anything she wanted, and being rewarded leftand right with cuffs and slaps. Sheila had never heard of a brother servinghis dominant sister before, it seemed a bit incestous, but hell a month agoshe knew nothing of female domination or S/M at all. "You got it, he eatsher out and she manually teases him, just like the others I've introduced youto"
Simone had told Sheila tartly in the car. "Kevin actually came to livewith Kyra when she came to work at the Castle, and stayed right in her room,never left without her, though (snort) we used to see her whipping his bareass on the beach...if she hadn't been so good at her work, the Castle directornever would've gone for that, let me tell you." "But how did he work,or did she support him?" Sheila asked. There wasn't much employment atthe Castle for guys, as the slaves did almost everything.
Simone had snickered, turning into Kyra's driveway. "No, Kyra wouldn'tsupport any man, I don't think–much less her mealy-mouthed brother. Kevinis fairly rich, he's a writer, does those Mike Fish mysteries, you know them." Sheilanodded. "Yeah, my dad reads them, there are about fifty of them, realmacho stuff." Simone had laughed as she'd braked and turned the car off. "Yes,I wonder where Kevin gets that, as he's the wimpiest creature I've ever seen.
Anyway, he just sat at his word processor and typed out all that drivel,and sent it off to a publisher in New York, and then he'd receive royalty checks,which of course he signed over to his blind little sister." Simone snorted. "Hehas been her body servant since she was a teenager. Pathetic, I think." Sheilahad heard a tone of irritation, or was it jealousy? You'd think Simone wouldbe in favor of a rich brother serving his dominant sister, she thinks everythingelse that goes on like that is so cool, right?
What Sheila didn't know, was,that that Simone had been Kyra's slave, whichSimone devoutly hoped Sheila would never know. And Kyra had ordered Simone,who was the ultimate dominatrix, to give Kevin oral sex every year on his birthday. "Pleasenot that," Simone had begged of Mistress Kyra at the time. "I'vedrank gallons of your urine, Mistress, knelt on broken glass and sometimesyour childhood jacks, I've rimmed diahrea from your gorgeous buttocks.
I've allowed you to push needles through my nipples...I've had you lash mybreasts with stinging nettles...You've scorched cigars out on my tender tongue..." "Youhave to do it, if you are my slave" Miss Kyra had replied back then. Simonehad continued her protests "I've deep-throated your dildos and lickedyour muddy boots clean... I serviced your pet Shetland pony... but please don'tmake me perform fellatio on a slave, much less one as pathetic as your brother."
Kyra had caned Simone viciously for her sauciness, and Simone had swallowedtwo or three loads from Kevin's sorry little cock.Not just when she'd beenin the Castle but even after Kyra had left to become a free-lance dominatrixagain, was Simone commanded to come and service Kevin on his birthday.Kyrahad found the Castle too "Safe" and stifling. Explaining why shewas leaving to the sobbing Simone Kyra had said "As a blind girl, I wasalways encouraged to get a 'safe' job in a workshop deal making brooms...
When I got the full academic scholarship to Welleselley, and there was nodoubt of my intelligence, I was still advised to get a job teaching blind kidsat a school, or doing something where I'd be sheltered." Simone had beggedher with tears in her eyes. "But this isn't a sheltered workshop! Thisisone of the most exciting places in the world, Tease Island! My whole life haschanged...I'm happier as your slave than I ever was as a domme, and you wantto leave me and this exciting place?" Kyra had replied,
"No, the Castle is especially sheltered, because there's always a constantflow of slaves coming, and you don't have any uncertainty about clients...Aswell as how easy it is for me to get around here. I miss the city streets,having to feel the vibrations of telephone poles, and tapping about... Independenceis everything to me! Not to mention that my old clients miss me, and have beenwriting...And I can't ski here...really, Kevin and I are going home."Kyrahad paused, feeling the tears under Simone's eyes as Simone had laid her headon Kyra's lap.
But don't cry so much, Simone, honey...if you want to continue being my slaveoccasionally..." Simone had nodded her head, begging "yes, yes...I'lleven pay you, Miss Kyra!" Kyra had shook her head, smiling. "Youcan come here for a month every year and get a full month of whippings, beatings...hoursof me tormenting your clit lips with a pencil...on the one conclusion thatyou service Kevin.
Kevin was a geeky guy even before he became a was beyond hiswildest dreams to get head from a girl as hot as you are. He serves me so well364 days a year, that one day he deserves to have a hot woman do him, and hechooses you, and you'll do it in return for coming to see me. Got it?" Simonehad assented, and in the twelve years plus since Ky had left, Simone wouldcome to see her for one month of the year, October.
This was the month of Kevin's birthday, and get the privilege of servingMiss Kyra for thirty glorious days, in return for sucking –ugh! SlaveKevin's cock on his birthday. Simone's slavery was a secret from everyone exceptKyra, ...Simone didn't want anyone, especially her slave husband Stuart toknow she submitted to another! Now, sitting and chatting, Simone tried to keepher voice level as she laughed at Kyra's sallies.She knew, Simone did, thatthis was not a regular October visit, that she was ostensibly bringing Sheilahere to meet Kyra just so the girl could see different aspects of female domination.
But there was another side, and Simone and Kyra both knew it...Simone washoping for a little session or two...and possibly, since it wasn't Kevin'sbirthday, they could have a clandestine session without Sheila knowing it–Simonehoped that, and Kyra knew that this was what Simone hoped.Kevin had broughteveryone a nice lunch and was standing by, idly rubbing his crotch, which must'vehurt considerably from the various punishments that Kyra had inflicted.
Simone, looking over at Kevin was just revolted by him. It was true thatKyra, born totally blind, had never seen anyone's looks, physically...But Simonehad often wished Kyra could just once see her homely brother's face, with allthe gorgeous men and women that Kyra had slept with.So to even socialize withthis dork, even if he was her blood could they have been twins, evenfraternal? During Kyra's time working at the Castle, when Kevin wasn't writinghis novels or cleaning the room, he was almost always in a corner, crouchingnaked, during most of Simones' visits.
Kyra had never ordered Kevin to leave during the sessions she'd put Simonethrough, but Kevin was not going to tell any secrets...still, Simone hatedhim.Why couldn't Simone stop focusing on Kyra sexually? This was supposed tobe an educational weekend for Sheila, for God's sake. But here in the livingroom, Simone couldn't keep her eyes off Kyra's magnificent breasts, heavy inthe light violet T-shirt. "My breasts are so off limits to you, you worthlessold whore."
Kyra had said to Simone so many times, heartlessly. Simone was only a yearor so older than Kyra, but Kyra treated her as if she was a dirty old man withfleas. "Get back! Scumbag!" Kyra would kick Simone in the stomachas she'd stare at Kyra's areolas with streaming eyes...but that was then!
Now Simone was an equal, at least on this visit. She had to see Kyra as apeer dominatrix...but still, Simone couldn't stop looking at those proud mama'spoking through the hot violet ends-above-the-belly deals, that showed the navel.
Kyra was still doing her 100 sit ups a day, evidently. What a flat stomach.What beautiful full breasts! Simone breathed heavily, and felt a stream soakingher panties. Her memories of Kyra were legion! Kyra whipping Simone's bareass while Ky herself was encased in a curve-hugging black dress with an incrediblysexy halter neckline..
Kyra's breasts jiggling in a cream colored knit top as she pulled Simoneacross a floor through rings in Simone's nipples..Kyra in her black stringbikini with the string-tie bottom, known as "Camel toes" by manylustful men...Simone had been naked that day at a NON-nude beach in Delaware,receiving a vicious swishing with a cut thorn branch! Oh, Simone was wet thinkingof it, soaking wet.
And the horrible, humiliating week she'd spent with Kyra and a dominant boyfriendof Kyra's, Max. Max, also blind, had suggested they blindfold Simone and Kevinand keep them on their knees, serving...all week. Simone had bumped into thingsrepeatedly trying to bring Max and Kyra their meals, and of course was punishedviciously "We get around fine like this, what the hell's wrong with you,Toilet-Girl?" Kyra had asked Simone that weekend mockingly.
Simone had been called that because she'd nearly stumbled in the bathroomand doused her hair in the toilet. Then Max had held Simone's face underwaterin a shit filled bowl, beautiful formerly dominant Simone, who had nearly threemillion dollars from having dommed so many rich men and women...but now justToilet-girl...or Toilet-Pig. And Simone had loved it!
Just watching Kyra leaning back and bantering with herself and Sheila madeSimone very wet, remembering just nine months before when Kyra had sat on thissame couch.
This while Simone herself had been the naked, quivering slave, kneeling ather feet, nipples clamped with mousetraps as Kyra, fully dressed–whatwas she wearing back then? She'd been in a one-shoulder crop-top in a provocativebright yellow, and tiny shorts with stockings and heels, idly pushing one heelin Simone's clit, shaved bare for the occasion by Kevin.
There had been other dommes also fully dressed sitting with Kyra laughingand discussing Simone as if she were some sort of dog. Oh, the delicious humiliation!
Simone remembered when Kyra had first come to work at the Castle, a new recruit.It had been quite unusual for the Castle Director to bring in a disabled Mistress.They did have Anna Myers, who had one leg shorter than the other, but mostof the time Anna wore boots, one with a higher heel, and no one could reallytell.
Still, Anna had always been a bit insecure about this defect, though shewas incredibly pretty, and she'd married a client and left, a client who didn'tmind the limp at all."Are you joking?" Simone had asked M . Fulbright.Simone herself had just been promoted to a Ladyship, she was Lady Bissell now,and was quite egocentric about it. "I found her in a Chicago cat-o-ninetails newspaper...she had her own house, Mistress Kyra did, and five girlsworking for her. She's quite good."
"Trust us" said Lady Ipswich,the Director's girlfriend. "Kyra'sremarkable" said Lady Esplinger, who looked so glamourous herself in ascoop Esplinger was obese and living in Vermont."Kyra maybe blind, buty she's been a professional domme for seven years..and she's onlytwenty-six!" said Lady Parkinson, now ten years dead of leukemia. "Oh,sure...the Director's has been impressed by a set of tits or something." Simonehad said skeptically.
But Kyra had been really something! The Director had asked Simone and someother seasoned Castle Mistresses to watch Kyra handling a sub from behind atwo way mirror. "This is impossible" Simone had chuckled to herself.She knew the submissive being used, Owen, and she knew at the first lash ofa whip, he would squeal in pain and then run and hide. Several Mistresses hadbeen criticized for losing Owen, as he'd go anywhere to escape a lashing.
Kyra had walked easily into the room where Owen knelt, naked. Her cane tappedthe shag rug in front of her. "I hear you breathing, Owen, honey"Kyhad said, as her sightless eyes gazed just above his balding head. "Don'tyou want to say hello to your Mistress,? But Lady Ipswich warned me that youwere a shy little thing."
Simone had of course been completely blown away by Kyra. At that time, Kyra'shair had been cropped close to her head, but there was no doubt to her feminity.Kyrahad full lips and a delicate nose and high cheekbones. She wasn't wearing alittle leather or lingerie outfit, either, her breasts instead were pokingthe tip of a turquoise knit top, the cleavage prominent. Her long legs pouredout of a twill mini skirt, and moved easily in high heels.
As Kyra's tongue had moved across her lips, Simone had felt a twinge betweenher legs. What's this? I'm not gay, she thought. Sure, Simone had had her shareof girl-girl experiences, especially in the tenements with other teenyboppersin her days as the shy Sadie Mulvaney who Simone had once been.
Yes, but she'd always preferred dick, she thought, anyway. But this younggirl had seemed to beckon her.Owen had bitten his lip. Simone and the otherswatched him shiver. "He's always like that" Lady Ipswich had whispered.
"You wonder why he comes to the Castle to be dominated at all...he'slike a prisoner-of war or will she find him." As Kyrastrode in the room she called lightly,
"Owen? Where are you, dear?" Owen was breathing very carefullythrough his nose now, kneeling naked on the rug, and hoping against hope thatshe would think he wasn't there.
It had been a big room, and as Kyra moved towards Owen, he'd moved back,as silently as possible. Simone at the time was contemptuous of this very pretty,but quite inept was someone who couldn't see going to capture theelusive Owen?
"Owen, honey, I can't see you, but my nostrils are filled with information." Kyrahad said lightly. "You apparently don't bathe much, and of course yourperspiration is quite evident...and then you try to mask the fact that youdon't bathe by sloshing your face and shoulders with Aqua's quiterevolting, but I think I'll find you."
Kyra moved about a foot from Owen, her cane swaying back and forth. Owenmoved back a bit. "I hear you moving around, Owen." Kyra giggled. "AndI smell a roast beefy horseradish odor in the air...don't you brush after lunch,babe?" Kyra had walked another couple of steps.He had edged slightly overto the bed, still on his knees, in a sort of silent crab-walk."Ah, I hearyour rustle, honey." Kyra had announced. She'd stepped forward tappinguntil her long white cane had hit Owen's wrist.
Kyra had bent over slightly, and touched Owen's head, and then raised hercane and slashed it hard on Owen's right shoulder, and he'd screamed.Kyra hadlistened to the yelp carefully, and reached down in the direction of the voice,pulling Owen up by the scalp. After Owen stood up, Kyra had hauled off andslapped him hard across the face, and he'd begun crying. "You will learnthat when I say hello, you respond to me, a hello Miss Kyra would be nice now."
Owen had sniffed. "Hello (sob) Miss Kyra." Simone and the othershad watched in wonder as Kyra had produced a pair of handcuffs from her purse.Kyra had expertly cuffed Owen's wrists behind his head, and then spent twohours alternately toying with Owen's cock and nipples, her expert fingers morethan compensating for her useless eyes.And then slashing the same with hercane...whacking his knees and stomach, and laughing as he fell, and bendingdown to caress and slash again.
At one point, Kyra had brought a fountain pen out, and written her name,holding the pen with her toes. Scribbled her name "Love Kyra Swanson" onOwen's chest in calligraphy!Kyra's fingers had moved across Owen's cock fora good half hour, pulling him to the point of complete orgasm.."Oh, Ithink I feel your hips wiggling, let me pull away my hands!"
Kyra would laugh, and pull away, and Owen would sob in frustration. At theend of the session, Owen, who'd been avoiding Ky in the beginning, begged hernot to go, she was the best he'd ever had, he said.Later, when Simone had becomeKyra's submissive, she'd learned the true extent of the sightless top's abilities.
The blind girl's fingers could wander across Simone's breasts, finding littleveins that aroused Simone, that Simone had never heard about! Cruelly bindingSimone to a hassock, Kyra would run her fingers through Simone's vulva, herclitoris, sometimes adding a doctor's tongue depresser where she'd find spotsthat no man, slave or normal had ever discovered in Simone's pussy.
Kyra would expertly tie strands of licorice to Simone's clitoris, and theneat her way in, biting harshly just as her slave was about to cum.Or, she'dmassage Simone's tender bresats and then BANG! Kyra'd tweak a nipple hard,or scratch the underside of Simone's tender breasts until the older woman wassobbing. And how Kyra would laugh!
Did it matter that Simone was an exotic and intense Tease Therapist, fearedand desired by most Island slaveboys, and more than a few submissive men inthe States and in Europe? Absolutely not. When Simone was in Kyra's room, shewas no better than an irrelevant kitten. Everyone on the Island thought Simonewas mentoring Kyra with her frequent visits, and Kyra pushed this falsehoodquite cheerily.
But then she'd run sandpaper on the inside of Simone's mouth when she gotsassy, and cruelly shove a straightened coat hanger up Simone's cunt as ifto perform an impromptu abortion.Now, Kyra realized that she was doing mostof the talking. It was natural that Sheila wouldn't have a lot to say.But Simonehad always been the chatterbox, but she could hear Simone's haggard breathing,and as she casually ran her fingers across Simone's neck, she felt a few dropsof perspiration.
Oooh, my sometime slave-girl is horny, Kyra thought with a smile. Simonejust wishes that she were here alone so I could strip her naked and give hera good whaling with my thick leather scourge, eh? The one that I made Kevinput spurs on the ends? Kyra remembered many a whipping...making Simone screamin pain as she landed the scourge again and again. Then feeling down to Simone'sblistered cheeks running her fingers deliciously across the hot, scorched skin,and eventually taking Simone, weeping into her arms, and whispering "Buthoney, isn't this what you like doing to all the guys?"
Now, Kyra dropped her hand to Simone's wrist, listening to her chatter onabout Sheila's husband, Congressman Roger Malvern and his slavery...She pinchedthe inside of Simone's wrist, and Simone gasped, and turned away, and Kyrasmiled inwardly, running her tongue inside her teeth. Kyra wondered what Sheila,the young girl was thinking. She must be able to see that Simone is lookinga little weird.
Kyra had no idea what faces looked like, but she'd learned from the sighted,that it was easy to take in a lot about a person from the so-called expressionon their faces. Kyra had "brailled" Simone's face several times,and knew how different her friend's face could be.Kyra had felt Simone-with-a-smirk,and then also felt her friend's face during a session, and she knew, more thananyone how Simone "looked" when she was uneasy.
For beneath that dominatrix scorn, there was a scared little tenement girl,little Sadie Mulvaney..Kyra had heard the whole story, and was merely amusedby Simone's various facades, the tough domme, the haughty lady, it was toocute.Sheila watched Simone and Kyra with curiosity. Simone's face was weird,man.Sheila had never seen Simone as anything but self-assured and regal; andit almost looked as if Simone wanted Kyra to make out with her or something!
Sheila remembered that Simone had gone into several reveries in the car,thinking of visiting Kyra. Kevin, who was ensuring a steady supply of beersin his twin sister's hand was excited and annoyed by Simone's presence. Heloved the blowjobs that he got from this striking woman every year, and therewas a chance that he might get a second one on this visit, though his birthdaywas 3 months away...But Kevin always hated Simone at the same time, for heknew that Kyra was quite fond of her, and there was much more interested focuson Simone than on a secondary male slave like Gareth.
Or all the different guys who Ky had sessions with, the ones who broughther money.Earlier that morning, Kyra had spent several hours with Kevin, she'dtied him down, naked on the kitchen table--how humiliating! Who couldn't haveseen through the window, but of course Kyra always said "Seeing doesn'tmean anything to me, Bubba."
Kyra had rubbed her marvelous supersensitive fingers up and down Kev's thrustingorgan, as he'd stared into her cleavage."Don't you look forward to MissSimone coming, Kevin?" Kyra had cooed, as her long nails had felt aroundhis swollen scrotum."Sissy hasn't let you have a squirtie in weeks andweeks and weeks...maybe there's a treat for little Kay-bo." This had beenher name for him when Kyra had been a toddler.
Even then she'd been imperious, giving orders and waving her little fist."Kevvie,buy me candy! Kevvie, give me a piggyback!" and Kevin had done whateverhe could to make his sister happy, pulling her around in the wagon, ensuringshe was included in all the games with the sighted children.
Their parents had felt that Kevin was a little saint, to help his blind twinthis way, but little Kevin had just worshipped Kyra. She was beautiful, andfunny...and far more intelligent than Kevin himself was, though everyone hadthought of him as being a "gifted" child.
Kyra often played little games with Kevin---at seven, she'd inveigle himto come in her room at night. The lights were always out, as she didn't needthem, and she'd forbid Kevin to turn them on...At seven, she'd begun playinglittle games with him, where she'd wrestle him in the dark.
Although Kevin was much stronger, and even better coordinated than his sightlesssister, when the lights were gone, she was Master. Or Mistress.After she'dwin, pinning him down, it was time to play doctor.
Once or twice, their father had found them, and heartlessly, she'd said "Daddy,Kevin's doing this to me...I'm scared. He made me take my clothes off." Kevin'smemories of his police detective father...and his father's wide leather beltwere still quite clear, though Kyra had given Kevin many a whipping far morevicious since then. Make the old man seem like a piker.And she wouldn't evenapologize for lying...she'd just talk Kevin into coming in again to wrestle...andhow could he have resisted his adorable sister?
He' d cried bitterly when she'd gone off to the Perkins School for the Blind,and awaited vacations with angst.One vacation, Kyra had brought three othercute little blind girls home, was it seventh grade?
And they'd ambushed Kevin in the garage, and taken off his clothes and tiedhim to the floor, and whipped him with one of Daddy's discarded fan belts.
Then they'd all explored his body with their fingers, feeling all over. Candis,the only one of them with a bit of residual vision, had informed Kyra thatKevin was not too cute. "He's ugly from what I can see, Kyra...and you'reso pretty.Are you sure you're twins?" Kyra, her hand toying with Kevin'sballs had smiled. "So that's why the folks always talk about your great intelligence,Bubba...they say I'm pretty and you're smart!"
But she'd been sweet after that, kissing Kevin's neck and face and tellinghim what a nice guy he was."You're my bubba, and that's all that counts!" Andthat one time, Kyra had sucked Kevin off, quite enthusiastically! By the timethe twins were sixteen, the dynamic had completed.
Their father dead, and Mom at work all the time, Kyra had transferred fromPerkins to Kevin's high school, where he'd taken all the notes for her, andshe'd done most of the work.She'd quiz Kevin just before tests, drilling him,and then giving him harsh whippings if he made more than two mistakes...andshe'd encouraged him in his creative writing efforts.
"If you want to write those stories all day, I demand you do a damngood job, and read 'em to me!"Kevin had been too shy to send off his firstMike Fish novel, but Kyra had force-fed him a dildo until he'd obeyed her...
At this point she was at Wellesely, and he was at a nearby community college,and they were sharing a small apartment. Kyra had already begun her dominantinterests in other men...By the time Kyra had graduated from Wellesely, shewas a full time dominatrix, and Kevin had published two books!
Not that the fame got him laid, as he was his sister's slaveboy...what atime it had been! "Kevin, stop daydreaming and bring us more beer!""YesMiss Kyra" and Kevin shuffled off to the kitchen, as he didn't want toannoy Kyra, Simone or Sheila now.
Kyra wondered what Sheila looked like. Kyra could generally get a feel fora person, just by standing close, she'd feel her space especially invaded ifthe person was fat.And of course if Kyra gave the person an embrace, she'dknow almost everything. But Kyra hadn't even really shaken hands with thisgirl yet, and she wanted to know if Sheila had a good figure.
If Ky could give this girl a hug or something, which she couldn't yet, asthey didn't know each other and Sheila was across the room…then Kyracould find out if Sheila had some muscle tone, what her figure was like…FuckingSimone had told Kyra NOTHING about this girl at all. She could be a fat, uglygeek. God knows submissive men are desperate to get anyone to dominate them.
But Sheila sounded kind of pretty…let's see!
It was not for nothing that Kyra had taken a masseur's course while in herjuinor year at the Perkins School.This had been another "safe" professionfor a blind girl, but Kyra had preferred it to geometry, which was the onlyother class offered in her schedule. As it had turned out, Kyra had found amuch more lucrative profession in just being her bitchy self, but the old lessonswere still there, and she knew quite a bit about the human body. "Sheila,come over here, would you?" Kyra called out. "If you don't mind,I'd like to get to know you a little better."
Then, in a somewhat gruff voice "Get off the couch, Simone, sit on thefloor or something."With satisfaction, Kyra had listened to Sheila's gaspas Simone had sighed with resignation, the mighty, dominant Simone, and obeyed.Then,Kyra felt another body hesitantly plopping down beside her. Kyra felt Simone'sbody crouched down on the floor, and could hear Simone cursing under her breath.
She knew that Simone had been terrified that Sheila would discover her submissionto Ky, and certainly Simone could've told Kyra to go to hell.She wasn't goingto sit on the floor, and Kyra would've backed off…But Simone couldn'tdisobey Kyra to save her life, for nearly eighteen years, whenever they'd met,the famous Domme Simone was Kyra's humble slave-girl.
Simone was steaming mad, but probably also a little bit wet, hee hee! Let'stake this just a little bit further, Kyra thought. Who said the blind are powerless? "Simone,while you're down there, why don't you rub my left foot, and you can wash ittoo…Gareth, you tub of lard get out of the corner, and go get a littlebasin and some skin soap and you can wash my right foot, while Sadie washesmy left!"
There, and Kyra had completely humiliated Simone…she called her bythe old shame name, and demoted Simone to washing feet next to a clearly openslave.But Kyra felt Simone humbly removing her left pump, and she began massaging.Whetheror not Simone was beside herself with anger, she was behaving, or obeying—andGareth was sitting down, and Kyra felt her other foot begin to get specialattention.
"Yes this is great, my feet feel great having servants wash them!" WasSimone gritting her teeth? Who cared? yra was excited by all this submission,but even more aroused to meet this remarkable young woman, Sheila!And Kyrawould get to know her as well as she could...she'd "see" everything.
As a ten year old, Kyra was pitcher for the stickball team, just by requiringthe batter to whistle..And Kyra's remaining senses did the trick...and stilldid! Kyra smiled in Sheila's direction and leaned forward.
Sheila was so weirded out by Simone getting on the floor. This was totallyunlike the Simone that Sheila had been getting to know, the Simone who controlledSheila's husband, Roger Malvern.
Where was the Simone who'd been taking Sheila across the country, teachingher about being a good dominant?And now Simone's eyes were lowered and shewas crouched on her knees, washing one of Kyra's feet, while the fat guy washedthe other one.
But Sheila was quite drawn to Kyra, who was incredibly pretty...but why hadKyra asked her to come sit down? This was weird! Kyra seemed to be staringat her, though this was impossible. Kyra's four remaining senses had servedher well in all this sightless life, and she'd learn a lot now! "Great to meetyou!"Kyra had said, and suddenly kissed Sheila on the lips. She worried thatthe girl might be startled, but Sheila didn't back away, though of course Simonemust be steaming. "Sorry, I'm a little friendly, Sheila." The little voiceresponded, "It's okay, you're really attractive."
The voice had a meld of New England flattened a's and a little bit of theSouth. Perhaps she was a military brat. From the kiss, Kyra had ascertainedPeppermint Scope, Bubble Yum and the remains of what Ky was sure was a triplemeatball sandwich from Maury's deli about three miles from home.That cheapbitch Simone couldn't even feed this exsquisite creature well!
Kyra's nose detected a hint of Estee Lauder's Intuition perfume, and Maybellinesomething or other. And Secret underarm scent. Estee is great stuff! Good,the girl had class.She must be blonde, blondes always use Halsa shampoo, whichKyra's heightened sense of smell also perceived. The hair was blonde, no doubt,and unfortunately processed…
Kyra leaned forward a bit and let her wrist brush Sheila's front. She seemedto be a thin girl...she must be quite insecure, Kyra thought, as Kyra's wristfelt the underwire triangle bra and the molded foam cups of the Venus EnhancerBra, those famous push-up pads. And of course it was a shelf bra "Oh, excuseme."Kyra smiled. "I didn't mean to collide my elbow with you. Yes sir, somenice 36C boobs,from what Kyra was able to feel.
But Sheila was wearing all this underwire padding bullshit to look bigger...becauseshe was sweet, and insecure. Kyra smiled to herself as she wondered if Simoneor anyone else was aware of it...People who relied on their eyes were indeedhandicapped! They'd assume just by looking that little Sheila had cantaloupesunder her shirt.
Kyra heard the scrape of denim against the couch. Tight jeans, Kyra wagered.
As Gareth washed Miss Kyra's left foot, he sneaked looks at the enraged butquite expensively dressed beauty kneeling next to him, who was now filing thetoenails on Miss Kyra's other foot. This woman Simone was obviously quite inlove with Miss Kyra, and seemed somewhat submissive, though Gareth could'vesworn she had dominant overtones.
This was a new development, Gareth told himself. It was interesting thatMiss Kyra had clearly fallen for the young girl, Sheila, who was now sittingnext to her on the couch. Sheila was cute, there was no doubt about it, Garethwondered though, whether Miss Kyra was gay, or bisexual or a heterosexual experimenter.MissKyra had once told Gareth over dinner that she, having never seen another humanbeing, was very interested in "touching others" And clearly she enjoyedhaving sex with others. Kevin had told Gareth once that Miss Kyra had madelove to a pony as a girl, but this couldn't possibly be true.Miss Kyra andher brother had lived in Gareth's house for several months now, and life hadchanged considerably for Gareth. For one thing, not only was he subbing toMiss Kyra, but her brother Kevin, was Gareth's Master as well, though Kevinhimself was his blind sister's slave, as well.
When Gareth had been young, he'd come home sobbing from a schoolyard unpleasantness,and Gareth Sr. had said "Garry, take some comfort that all bullies arebullied by someone else. Chester probably is beaten up by his daddy or something,and he's taking it out on you!" And clearly, Kevin was severely dommedby his sister, and took it out on Gareth something terrible. Yes, the old manwas right.At dawn this morning, Kevin had awoken Gareth in the cage where helived down in the wine cellar. Gareth had long since relinquished the masterbedroom to Kyra, and the next best room to Kevin...He'd assumed he'd be livingin a maid's room at least, but he'd assumed wrong.Still, the cage wasn't sobad, once you got used to it. In a way the cramped space was good for Gareth'sback.This, back which was beginning to act up now that Gareth was in his lateforties.Still, it had been quite unpleasant being awakened this morning. Kevinhad thrown ice cold water on Gareth, who had been dozing naked in his cage,and then Kevin had rousted Gareth out of bed, and made Gareth run around hisproperty naked.God the memory! Kevin chasing Gareth with a South African policeriot baton, made of a cruel rubber.
Gareth had started back into the house with red, raw bruises all over hispoor body, and then Kevin had ordered Gareth to iron Kyra's miniskirts, all39 of them. Kevin had found a few wrinkles in Gareth's work, and he'd thrownGareth across his knee for fifty blistering ones with a big thick wooden paddle.Garethhad then had to kiss Kevin's hairy inner thighs and whisper "How I loveyou, Master" over and over again for half an hour. He'd sucked Kevin'scock for a bit too, though Kevin was not allowed to cum, but stayed on thehonor system, not using a chastity tube.Gareth had then given Kevin an expertmuscle rub all over his body. He'd lent Kevin the keys to his Masterati aswell, so Kevin could go out later on to wherever writers go for inspiration.WhilstKevin was at the local coffeehouse discussing Proust or whatever, Gareth spentthe hours between nine and twelve on housework.
Washing windows, cleaning the attic, scrubbing the living and dining roomwalls, and typing Chapter Four of Master Kevin's latest manuscript entitled "MikeFish's Fourth Amendment", which Gareth privately didn't think much of,though the books seemed to sell!Then Gareth had clipped the edge of the lawnand waxed the kitchen floor. Louder chores like mowing the lawn and vacuumingthe rug would have to wait til Miss Kyra was up and out of the house as itwould disturb her too sensitive hearing.Finally at one, Kevin had returnedhome, and they'd gone to awaken Miss Kyra by bringing her and her latest loverBelgian waffles, nova lox and eggs Benedict in bed. Under Kevin's direction,Gareth had blown the lover, swallowing a few loads of seed. Gareth had thentaken the fellow, a local drunk from Bailey's Tavern down the road home, anddropped him off. The guy had spat at Gareth as he'd pulled the Maserati out,but what could he do?
When Gareth returned, he'd been ordered to lick the drunk's semen from MissKyra's glorious vagina, and bringing her to more orgasms, while Kevin had enjoyedthe privilege of sucking his sister's beautiful creamy white 44DD breasts.Thiswas a privilege that Gareth might earn later on, he was told...for more ofa financial commitment. Gareth certainly dreamed of kissing those beautifulorbs, tipped by the most glorious pale pink nipples!Until then, he would haveto be satisfied drooling over his Mistress' chest, heaving usually in tightstriped tube tops, teeny sleeveless tank shirts and little purple bikinis.Sometimes Kyra would borrow one of Gareth's shirts and tie it just above hernavel, and wasn't that exsquisite!Kevin had looked over Gareth's work on hissister's pussy, and given Gareth another whipping as he'd seen a slight dribbleof semen remaining.But then Gareth had been allowed to bathe and rub Miss Kyradown, and to trim her wonderful pubic hair.Another whipping had followed, thistime from Kyra herself, as he'd left some ragged edges along the way. Kyrawas actually much stronger at the corporal process than her brother, and hadnearly broken a bamboo cane across Gareth's poor bottom.
However, she'd heard Kev giggle as it was going on, and he'd had to bendover for a whipping also, as Kyra couldn't abide gloating and jealousy amongstthe slaves. Though of course constantly she was inciting it!Then Miss Kyrahad tied Gareth down and unlocked the horrible chastity tube and stroked andteased Gareth's cock for more than an hour.Oh, and this was what made Gareth'slife go round! Gareth had not cum in 49 days. Ky's long nails and ultra-softfingers had examined every vein, every wrinkle and crevice in Gareth's pulsating,bursting penis.And how she'd laughed, listening to his gasps and smelling thescent of his sweat in the air..she'd gone as slowly as she'd liked.It had beenincredible for Gareth, he'd stared at her in her lingerie demibra, her tinypanties, as he'd strained against the ropes.And the red nails had done theirgood work on his suffering cock and balls. He'd thought of all the times inthe lonely hotel rooms, as he'd rubbed and stroked his chastity tube.He'd staredat pictures of Miss Kyra and rubbed the tube, which of course just meant thathis cock had strained against it.Gareth had cried in misery as his penis hadbecome more engorged and trapped in the cruel metal.
One night he'd had a hooker come up, and he had sucked her breasts, pretendingthey were Miss Kyra's and the whore had laughed at Gareth as he'd continuallygrabbed the metal prison his cock was in. "What kinda fuckin' loser letssomeone put that on his john, huh?" she'd asked.Gareth had gasped andbegged Miss Kyra earlier this afternoon as she'd been teasing him slowly, usingjust a bit of lubricant, and she'd just laughed. "You poor thing, I knowit's not easy being celibate, my Chastity Boy...Stop squirming so much! I knowI promised you an orgasm...two weeks ago I told you that you could have onetoday, perhaps." Kyra had punctuated this comment with a quick fingerin Gareth's anus that made him hop. "But Kevin tells me you can't ironmy miniskirts properly, and I think you need to focus on your duties more beforeyou begin getting rewards."Kyra had smiled, listening to Gareth's sobsas she'd locked him up again. "We'll try again in two weeks, maybe Mummiewill let you cum then, don't cry sweetheart."But Gareth had not been ableto stop sobbing. It had been nearly two fucking months since he'd last beenallowed to cum on Master Kevin's boots and lick it up. Oh, the hadbeen so long, and his cock was so full of backed up sperm!
He'd tried so hard to please Miss Kyra, he'd bought her gifts, licked everyinch of her body whenever she liked...oh, and would take her to Paris whenevershe liked, allowing her brother to treat him like a gay slave-pig...and hestill couldn't cum! And how many times had he made her cum, eh ?As Gareth continuedto wash his Mistress's foot, he thought about how many times he'd gotten heroff.Oh, how many of her lovers Gareth had sucked off for her...and she'd livedhere in the house for nearly eight months, and he'd had three orgasms.Three!Gareth had always been a man of the world, bedding lots of young women hereand there.He recalled dating one "seriously" while having flingswith a couple of others, and his Visa bill was always stacked with bills fromprostitutes from around the world.
Even as a boy, Gareth had pounded his pud four or five times a day whilelooking at Gareth, Sr's collection of Playboy, Penthouse and Oui, those greatmags of the seventies.And now everything had changed! Gareth went through lifestaring with constant longing at Miss Kyra, his cock bound up in the crueltube. Kyra did her best to tease him to distraction a few times a week, laughingcarelessly as he begged and pleaded for relief.
Kyra had a way of stroking Gareth's cock to great frustration, and at onepoint in her youth she'd been billed as "The Sightless Stripper" ata joint in Tennesee.And so she greatly enjoyed lap-dancing poor Gareth, pouringher bosom out of a tiny top and rubbing Gareth's nose in the curves of herfull breasts.Gareth was in heaven/hell as his engorged cock helplessly rubbedagainst the smooth thighs.Then she'd return to playing with his johnson, pullingit back and forth as if it were some sort of magic joystick that she'd found...andoh, how Kyra enjoyed a joke like that!"Oh, how I'd love to see the expressionsyou have on your face when I tease you, honey" Ky would say.
She'd be pursing her full lips as she'd run a long nail across the undersideof Gareth's straining organ, her sightless eyes wandering just above his head."Kevinsays you do stuff to your face so it puffs out, kind of like Steve Forbes whenhe was running for election, though I've never seen him either" Kyra wouldthen lean over and tickle Gareth a bit, as he screamed and cried, letting himbounce just added to her mirth!It was a familiar game of Kyra'sto toy with Gareth's cock--she dressed in perhaps bikini underwear, the boundnaked man prostrate in front of her...She'd play with his cock for severalhours, then lock the tube back on, and have Gareth take her out to dinner anda movie, perhaps a trip to a jewelry store...And then they'd come back andshe'd tie him down once again strip to her powder blue demibra and pantiesagain, and run the long nails across his frustrated cock long into the night.
When Kyra's ultra tactile fingers felt a sense that Gareth might be closeto orgasm, she'd roll him over and go at it with the belt, until Gareth's buttockswere feeling scorched...Or sometimes she'd alternate strokes with her nailswith pounding on his cock and balls with her high heels!On the three occasionsthat Gareth had been allowed to jerk himself to orgasm, it had been in themost humiliating situation possible, with Kevin whacking Gareth's ass witha big paddle.This as Gareth, gritting his teeth against the hurt of the thickpaddle's slams on his red butt, would pull and jerk his frustrated cock....Ohresist the distraction of the painful whacks! And finally he would spurt, miserably,and Kyra would order him to lick it up...ugh!Two of the three times Garethhad been allowed to orgasm, Kyra had exacted a terrible prifce from him. thefirst time Kyra insisted that Gareth's parents and his brother come to tea.
Kyra made Gareth serve tea in a pink pajama outfit with footies and a drop-drawerin the back, and of course he had to suck a pacifier. Kyra explained to theparents that Gareth had been to overpoweringly stressed out, and this was therapyfor him.The family probably would have removed Gareth as president of the familybusiness at this point.But they were aware that if it hadn't been that sinceGareth had been involved with Kyra (They were engaged supposedly) the familyfirm's profits had skyrocketed. Gareth, a previous cokehead beach-bum typehad been referred to as a "genius" in Business Week magazine.Butstill they were concerned, Gareth Sr, a Korean War vet looking disgustedlyat his blushing son while Junior had cowered on his knees at Miss Kyra's feet.Momhad said "Dear, perhaps there's some therapy you'd like to go throughinstead of this baby thing, though?"
And Sonny, Gareth's younger brother had snorted. "We always knew h ewas a wuss, Ma. Though I do appreciate Gareth Jr's taste in women!" Withthat Sonny had given a lascivious wink to Kyra, who of course couldn't seeit.At the end of the visit, Gareth had had to jerk off in the bathroom lessthan 2 feet from where his parents were sitting in the parlor.Mom and Dad hearingGareth moaning and panting as he jerked, and also monstrous whacks as Kevinwhipped Gareth's ass as he was bent over the tub with his drop-drawers pulleddown.
They'd wondered what Gareth and Kevin were doing in the bathroom, and hadheard screams and whacks.And then seen Gareth, leaving the bathroom tear-streakedand mumbling to say goodbye, still in the pink jammies.A few months later,when Gareth was dying to cum again, he'd been taken on a camping trip withKyra, Kevin, and four macho Bear masters. Gareth had been kept busy gatheringfirewood, making the fire, cooking and putting up tents, as well as waitingon everyone, enduring lots of harsh discipline for being too slow.
The first night that Gareth had fallen asleep, Kyra, who was not called LadyFingers for nothing, had delicately removed a hornet's nest with the hornetsstill sleeping from a tree, being guided by an anxious Kevin.She'd felt herway over to Gareth's tent and gone in and tied the nest to Gareth's balls,and then stepped out of the tent, and zipped it up.Kevin had thrown a rockat the tent, so the hornets and Gareth both woke up, and neither could leave...theconsequences had been too unfortunate to write about here!
If that wasn't enough, Kyra's female slave Miranda had shown up the nextday, and had her cut offs taken down, and she'd been thrashed.This was funfor Gareth to watch, but then her beautiful breasts were thrashed by Kyra,who wielded stinging nettles found in the woods.Miranda, screaming with painhad roared "Why don't you whip Gareth's balls then?"And Kyra andthe four masters had taken turns thrashing Gareth's already hornet stung ballswith the stinging nettles until he wept with acute grief.
Finally the five masters, including Kevin had skull-fucked and then sodomizedGareth by the edge of the Lake, while Miranda had described the scene to Kyra.Then Gareth had been forced to squat over the campfire, his pubic hair singed,and had jerked off while Kevin whacked his ass...Gareth had had to use keroseneoil to lube it, and was terrified the whole time that his dick would be seton fire! But the orgasm had been phenomenal!
Earlier this week, Kyra had taken Gareth's tube off and made him jerk himselfwhile she held her finger on a nerve under his knee...And when the nerve quiveredin a certain way, Ky would shout. "Ah, you're close!"And she'd takea fly swatter and whack Gareth's hand off his cock! Sightless, she'd done thisfor three hours, letting him jerk himself to near rapture.Oh, how he staredat her boobs and long gorgeous hair, the full, glossed lips...and over andover again.And just as Gareth was about to cum, she'd whack him, right on thehand, except the one time she'd accidentally hit him on the nose and made itbleed...too bad!But this was part of Miss Kyra's price, along with all expensespaid and thirty grand a month deposited into her account. Gareth could wellafford it, and his life was much richer for what had been going on.
He was often on business trips, and could enjoy most of his lifestyle out,though of course his cock was in a chastity tube while traveling.And so withthese thoughts, Gareth cheered up a bit, and kept washing.
Simone licked the underside of Kevin's cock one last time, and nibbled reluctantlyon the frenum.Now Kevin, homely, stupid Kevin, gasped and ejaculated, spurtinghot semen down her tender throat, and Simone tried hard not to gag.She lookedup at him, and he was grinning.
Of course Kevin knew the situation Simone was in, if she showed any revulsionat all, and he reported it to Kyra, all hell would break loose. It was actuallyeasier in a way to fellate Kevin now, as Simone was barely concentrating onit.Five hours ago, Kyra had dismissed Gareth to the basement, and taken Sheilaby the hand and they'd gone into her bedroom, leaving Simone to alternatelysteam and wince."Now wipe up. Mistress Kyra has ordered that you stripand bring her and Miss Sheila some tea and biscuits." Kevin said languidly,as he tucked his penis back into his jeans. What?
"Kevin, I'm not a slave to Kyra on this visit...I obeyed her when sheasked me to blow you, but I can't appear as a slave to Sheila--"WHACK!Kevin's hand slammed heavily across Simone's mouth, and she dropped her head.
"Shut your trap you filthy little whore. If you didn't want Miss Sheilato know of your lowly status, you shouldn't have brought her here, should you,slut-bag? For seventeen years you've been Ky's toilet-pig, slave-scum wheneveryou were in her presence, that's not changed." Kevin kicked Simone inthe left breast and then again in the stomach. "You can either obey mysister or you can get the fuck out tonight--without Miss Sheila!"
With that, Kevin slapped Simone again, and stalked out of the room.Simonewas aghast, but she was also wet at the idea she'd be humiliating herself infront of Sheila, who only knew Simone as a dominant bitch, satisfied, boredand evil...what would it be like now?Simone arose, though, and ran after Kevin,grabbing him by the arm. He dragged her back into the bedroom. "I justcan't, Master Kevin I–" Kevin slapped Simone hard across the jaw."Idon't want to hear any more bullshit from you, Simone, otherwise there willbe some dire consequences." Simone looked up at Kevin with blurred eyes.
"Please, Kevin, it just can't happen. I can't leave without Sheila,she's in my care, and you can't punish me for this." Kevin gritted histeeth and grabbed Simone by the shoulder, bitch slapping her SLAP SLAP SLAP.Ashe slapped, Simone's head went back and forth, and blood came out of her lip...Kevinslapped again and again."Are you ready for heavy consequences, dirtbag?"Simonehad violated Kevin's rules before, and he'd done some nasty shit to her, underKyra's command.
Once he'd taken a cigar and had burned marks all over her beautiful youngbody; another time she'd been forced to service a Palomino stud on Kyra's formerfarm, owned by a slave Godfrey."I'm giving you one more chance to shutyour trap and do as you're told, or you're going to serve Simone and Sheila,and also suffer a serious consequence!" Kevin shouted. But Simone wasnow trying to stand up and shout back at him, and Kevin had had enough. Heturned and pulled a thick leather belt off the dresser, and reached over, unsnappingSimone's jeans.Ripping them down, he threw her on the bed and slammed the straphome again and again, causing serious welts on her rounded bottom.
Kevin ordered Simone to strip and she did, and he landed the belt a few moretimes across her full breasts as she sobbed and cried, idly stroking her quimas she pulled and rolled on the bed as the belt fell again and again. Kevinthen picked up a cane and whacked her all over her body as she rolled about,and then threw it to the floor."Now comes the consequeneces!" ThenKevin grabbed a pair of shears from the dresser and pulled up a huge hank ofSimone's beautiful, thick raven hair and brought in the scissors for the kill.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Sheila was lying naked on the bed, exhausted.She was covered with sweat, and her vagina was exhausted with all that hadgone on down there...Kyra,the blind woman had been licking Sheila for whatappeared to have been years.
Kyra had somehow inveigled Sheila into the bedroom, and stripped off herclothes.
Kyra had then tossed Sheila on the bed, and stripped herself, revealing amagnificent body. Sheila had actually had a lesbian relationship in her veryearly twenties, that had been quelled by her homophobic parents.Sheila hadbeen convinced that she would go straight to hell if she continued, and asshe was also attracted to men, it had been easy to quash these thoughts.Nowmy God, this sexy blind girl with the hot body and the sightless eyes had lickedand sucked Sheila from her neck down her breasts into her vagina, and thenkissed and licked Sheila's legs...
At one point Kyra discovered stubble, and Sheila apologized. "I've nothad time to shave them with this long road trip Simone and I have been on" ButKyra had laughed.Ky had escorted Sheila into the bathroom and into a huge kidneyshaped hot-tub, where Ky had shaved Sheila's legs and under her arms, and hadtrimmed her pubic hair into the shape of a heart!
All this while appearing to stare at Sheila and converse with her. Sheilakept almost saying "Shouldn't you be looking where you've got that razor?" butof course Kyra couldn't see the razor anyway...and she did such a great job!Kyrahad then given Sheila a wonderful, fulfilling bath, rubbing her completelytenderly while telling her something sexy in French, Sheila thought. Then Kyhad taken Sheila back to the bed, and re-bathed Sheila's entire body with herwonderful, loving tongue.
Sheila had had about thirty orgasms in twenty minutes! Well maybe not thatmany. But there were quite a few! Then Sheila had insisted on going down onKyra a bit, and had learned she'd not lost her "touch" as Kyra hadscreamed in a few orgasms herself. Then the two women had necked for a bit,and then Ky had gone back down and licked away between Sheila's quivering legs.Yes!There was a light knock at the door, and a strange figure came into theroom. Sheila could just see by the illumination of the rice lamp. A bald head,hovered over a tea tray on a stand that the person was carrying.
Kyra cocked her head and listened. "Who's there?" Sheila almostfell off the bed when the person answered "It's me, Mistress Kyra. yourslave, Simone." As Simone put the tea tray down and then knelt besideit, Sheila gaped at her.All of Simones' beautiful long, thick, raven hair wasgone. Her pride and joy, that hair, the hair that Simone brushed nightly, whenshe didn't have a slave to do it...
And if Sheila wasn't mistaken, Simone's eyebrows were gone, and she was naked,except for a pair of panties.Sheila looked closer, and Simones' body was obviouslycovered in long, red welts, slashed across her beautiful breasts, her arms,her shoulders and her stomach, and legs. And Simone, who always looked youin the eye and smirked, was now staring at the floor humbly.Kyra pulled herselfup on her elbow, and reached over and felt Sheila's pulse...the little nervein Sheila's wrist was going a mile a minute.
"What's wrong, Sheila?" Ky asked curiously. "Are you freakedbecause Simone is serving dinner?" "Simone...Simone..." Sheilababbled."If I may speak, Miss Kyra?" Simone asked. "Sure, SadieMulvaney, what's the story, you pig?" Kyra asked. "Master Kevin punishedme for insolence by shaving my head and whipping my body, and sending me inhere naked with your dinner, ma;am.
and Miss Sheila is unaccustomed to seeing my worthless self like this, ma'am."
All of a sudden, Sheila felt like she needed a straight vodkafast.
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MY LOVELY FIRST DOMMEPart One[This little story is loosely based on my first – and unfortunately only – real BDSM experience. This first part ends about the time we were interrupted in R/L, so Part Two will be pure fantasy….]I had been chatting with her on Xhamster... She was just across town, and it was time to meet to see if some of our chat could materialize into a R/L experience.She was very nice, smart and a good writer -- and with a subtle but serious streak of Domme in her. I was...
Dream Date with a Domme?Commissioned by Mistress Spider.Written by slave 781-524-112.1.First Contact.A box arrives, delivered by the concierge, recorded delivery, needs a signature.i have to sign for a package covered in pink wrapping paper, addressed to ‘sissy slave slut’ and then my real name, not my slave one.Cocked eyebrow from the young lad as i sign somewhat embarrassed. i open the box, briefly examine the contents but it is tightly packed. Look for a letter of explanation. There is...
Confirmed Domme The unexpected session with Ariel had left me astounded at my own vulnerability, more accurately my willingness to become submissive to this girl young enough to be my daughter. I not only allowed her to control me, I subconsciously willed it. At first I attributed it to the fact that I had not had sex in over a month and while it had been satisfactory, it gave me no incentive to please the woman. Her orgasm was long coming and mine was purely a physical release. Ariel’s...
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Confirmed Domme The unexpected session with Ariel had left me astounded at my own vulnerability, more accurately my willingness to become submissive to this girl young enough to be my daughter. I not only allowed her to control me, I subconsciously willed it. At first I attributed it to the fact that I had not had sex in over a month and while it had been satisfactory, it gave me no incentive to please the woman. Her orgasm was long coming and mine was purely a physical release. Ariel’s...
FetishUnsuspected Domme When Ariel and her mother first moved in next door, they kept a low profile for weeks. When I finally went over to introduce myself and welcome them to the neighborhood, they seemed an odd family. Ariel was a typical 17 year old except that she dressed in the Goth garb popular with some teens. She wore black eye makeup, lipstick and nail polish. I never saw her in any clothing that was not black, skirts, pants and tops and she was always quiet. Her mother always dressed...
Fetish*BZZZT BZZZT* Her phone rattled in her pocket. Brianna had turned off audio alerts until she felt better, but left the buzzer on just in case something important popped up. She pulled out her phone and found an incoming call from Alex. Of course... They'd talked about having a session tonight. “Hey bitch.” “Good afternoon, my Goddess. How was your day?” “It was a day. Not feeling the greatest right now.” “Oh... Sorry to hear. I could come over and give you a massage if you like? From...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indian sex stories dot net Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, We had a beautiful moment, it was an amazing lunch afternoon. a million thanks for showing me the best pub in Chennai and last but not least it was amazing to be with you, well actually it was also crazy. I wanted to write a short story about us and what we did, so that can inspire other to meet people too. I have attached the doc file with this email. I hope you would be fine with me...
*Dedicated to Wayne P. over at SOLDG* This is a true* story; all characters and events described are based on factual accounts, although some small portions of dialogue have been altered for dramatic effect. Certain manufacturers or their representatives have paid a substantial fee to, or performed many hours of cunnilingus upon, the author for the shameless promotion of products and services. Any persons who believe this are invited to forward their most recent bank statements, along with a...
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Love Stories(I have never tried to write a story with a lady character in first person. I was uneasy that I may not be able to project female feelings, emotions in a believable manner. But my lady fans ‘insistence has resulted in creating this story. Hope you will receive this also with enthusiasm. I sincerely thank my friend Lov for suggesting the story idea and for her valuable inputs.) ………………………Rahul stopped sucking my left breast and looked at me thoughtfully. I was absent mindedly running my fingers...
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Take your pick with whichever title. I prefer the second but I guarantee the first will get more reads. *** I paced back and forth in the hospital corridor, almost like a father waiting for his wife to give birth. The surgeon and his team were in with Alison whereas I had been told to wait outside. Today we would find out whether or not the operation had been a success. Alison had been born blind, she had never known the wonder of sight. She knew my features only by touch although she said...
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"What?" I shouted down the phone, "You mean now?" I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless. She put a hand to her mouth when she realized what was happening. Dropping everything on the desk, she grabbed my coat from the hat stand and helped me struggle into it as I listened to the hospital on the other end of the line. Holy shit...
I was sat behind my desk when the call came."What?" I shouted down the phone, "You mean now?" I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless.She put a hand to her mouth when she realized what was happening. Dropping everything on the desk, she grabbed my coat from the hat stand and helped me struggle into it as I listened to the hospital on the...
Love StoriesThe final chapter in the Blind Girl in the Rain series. Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the...
LoveAnother December. A different year. "Where is that wife of yours?" Janet hugged herself as she stood waiting next to the carrier on this bitterly cold Friday morning deep in the heart of Winter. Another heavy snowfall had left the landscape covered in shades of white as I turned back to the house with a knowing smile. "You know what she's like," I replied as I unlocked and opened the right side door for her to get in out of the cold, "Besides, Gracey is with her." The older...
Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...
Hello, beautiful and handsome! My pen name is ManMad (because I’m a man who is mad for sex). Funny right! This is my first story after reading lots of stories, I thought it payback time. I’m good looking, fair, with good meat to satisfy. (Interested only in females). That’s a bit about me: Now not much wasting your time lets come to the story. It’s a real one not a fantasy but the names used are fake just to hide the privacy. It’s my first-time story, so please bear with my writing...
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It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...
I've been blind since birth, and it didn't seem to matter too much as I was growing up, but on the day of my eighteenth birthday I was still a virgin and it got me thinking. My name is Grale, by the way. I know, funny name, but my folks were into old cultures and I guess it dates back to some ancient dead time. I got some kidding at school, but as I matured into a 5 foot 7 inch, blond, woman with a well-defined waist, 38C breasts and hips to match, I could almost 'hear' the appreciative looks I...
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Another day. Another Monday. I stared out into the far distance as the world began to paint herself with cloud strokes of deep copper and burnt umber. But it wasn't another day. Or another Monday. A blind girl called Heather McCallister had made everything different. Part 3. The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my...
LoveA romance. "Hey, stud," said the girl to my left, "How about sharing some of that big old cock of yours with this empty pussy of mine?" I looked across to her at the end of another deep thrust between the sweet thighs of the mewling fuck beneath me as I pounded her well-stretched snatch into the mattress. Instinctively, the younger woman clasped me tighter to her as her long black stockinged legs wrapped themselves around my splayed thighs and pounding buttocks. I was on auto-pilot....
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He sighed and reached out with a weary, sleep-leaden arm, feeling across the surface of his nightstand until his fingers traced the cool smooth surface of his phone and, using the charging cable to identify which way the phone was facing, he swept right on the screen, silencing the alarm. He let out a soft sigh and let the warmth of his mattress and quilts once more take him, as he always did for the glorious length of the snooze button, content and comfortable. Five minutes later...
The small apartment was quiet as Eric settled down to an evening of television. He was looking forward to a night to himself after a long week of teaching at the Wood County Police Academy. His specialty was self-defense, but he taught all aspects of police work. It had been an especially tough week where things went wrong when they shouldn’t have and things didn’t get done when they should have. All in all, he was tired and sore and didn’t want to be bothered for a few days. Flipping through...
after last time when me and my wife was not succesfull with old man we v got conversation. She said i have to find a way how she could have anal sex but not been f***ed to have pussy sex. Finally i have found way very strange but possible soluyion. I have got place in man s WC with some dirty drowing and wrote a note that ‘young virgine but blind, searching bulls to be anally sutisfied by Matures,ask her b*****r to entry fee and audiences (it suppose to be me),meeting weekend at 7 PM, adress…’...
after last time when me and my wife was not succesfull with old man we v got conversation. She said i have to find a way how she could have anal sex but not been forced to have pussy sex. Finally i have found way very strange but possible soluyion. I have got place in man s WC with some dirty drowing and wrote a note that "young virgine but blind, searching bulls to be anally sutisfied by Matures,ask her brother to entry fee and audiences (it suppose to be me),meeting weekend at 7 PM,...
It was a warm Saturday morning the day I met Eve... I remember because the night before I had attended a BDSM munch that I had received an invitation to.It was a fairly small gathering that night–my area is not known as the Mecca for BDSM activities, but we do have a few that dabble in the Dark Side here. And I socialized with a few that I knew there and enjoyed myself–it was a good way to spend two or three hours talking about our favorite subject and catching up with old friends.Anyway, I was...
BDSMThe the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
BLIND DATE WITH A MISTRESS by Submiss18 After having scoured several different adult personal services, it seemed I'd finally found a dominant woman who responded to me. Upon sending her an initial email to let her humbly know of my intentions and past experience as a submissive slave, Mistress Diana sent me several other emails questioning my level of commitment and I've learned she is very adept at prodding me to want to please her as soon as possible. She has given me...
The coffee cups and dishes on the table suddenly came alive as Jenny slammed her fist down on the table. “Dammit! It’s just not fair!”Her neighbor, Sylvia, sitting across from her was startled. “What’s the matter, Jenny?”“It’s not fair; David travels for work all week and when he comes home he’s always horny, which I guess is a good thing because it means he’s not cheating on me when he’s away. But we don’t make love anymore, he just climbs on top of me and he’s done in a flash and then goes to...
FemdomYou wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...
You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...
FetishThe room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...
Part 3.The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day.Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again.I got up and sat on the...
First TimeSomeone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the head. Concentrated the mind. Put a few things...
Michael had decided to have a small get together one summer weekend. He had just got the hot tub cleaned and refilled and wanted to try it out. So he invited his friends Richard and Amy over for dinner.Michael picked up some steaks and fired up the grill. The three soaked a bit in the tub prior to eating dinner, and then Michael put the steaks on. After they ate, they decided to get back in the tub and let their dinner settle.Richard had just gone into the house to freshen up everyone's drinks...
Straight SexThe Blind Date When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused. Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife. He had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend. She called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used. Actually, his ex wasn’t far off the mark. ...
By Dina PetroMaya and I graduated from high school, we both have registered for the same university for our college studies, which was in another town about 100 miles away from our town, being very close friends and neighbors, we rented a small Studio apartment and shared it together for a better freedom than the college dorms.Being both at the same age of 18 years old, very close friends, we got a long real fine, our apartment was very close to campus, only walking distance, besides the town...
By Dina PetroContinuation of part 1 of the storyI did not object or resist as I wanted fucked by then so bad, all I wanted was to feel his cock sink deep in me and satisfy my hungry pussy, I was screaming and moaning as loud as I could, he was ready to cum when he pulled out of me lay down on his back while I took his cock in my mouth and started milking it taking each and every drop of his thick white cock cream.While trying to suck his dick clean I lifted my head up towards the door to be...
I was walking to my car , back from a friend place around 11pm I came accross a corner and they were approaching me asking where the bus station was , both looking a bit drunk, older black sympathic dudes , one with sunglasses who i realised was blindi told em i didnt know wasnt from the area but was going south of downtownand we all went in my car , chatting of tonight game and i endup offering them to drop them home both kinda on my way to homei drop one off and drove away the blind daddy...
KENNA I was never known as a wild woman or a daring woman. However, I had experiences that would put me in both categories. I had a high sex drive and a curiosity that could, would, and had led me down some interesting roads. I was simply smart. I chose my friends well, my confidants better, and I was a master at selecting the right sexual partners. I expected discretion. I was well known in my town and the face of a company. I could not afford or allow my sexual exploits to hinder...
FemdomThe chilled Champagne tingled in her mouth and spread through her with an emboldening power as she relaxed in the warm bath. A wry smile emerged as she surveyed the room. Scented candles, flowers, and warm fluffy towels folded to perfection.He'd been an excellent study. She'd had to be strict with him in the beginning. Zero tolerance to any male ego, or any lapse in his concentration on serving her. She'd whipped and spanked him raw in order to get him to where he was, but goodness, it was...
TrueThe chilled Champagne tingled in her mouth and spread through her with an emboldening power as she relaxed in the warm bath. A wry smile emerged as she surveyed the room. Scented candles, flowers, and warm fluffy towels folded to perfection.He'd been an excellent study. She'd had to be strict with him in the beginning. Zero tolerance to any male ego, or any lapse in his concentration on serving her. She'd whipped and spanked him raw in order to get him to where he was, but goodness, it was...