Football Watching Party free porn video

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Julie's father Bob served as a special forces operative for twenty yearsin the US military. Retired now he worked in security for a fortune 500 ITcompany. Julie's mother had died in an automobile accident when she was veryyoung so she had grown up and only child with her dad frequently away. Shehad only been 15 the first time that her father had visited her bedroom inthe middle of the night. Waking up with him climbing into her bed on top ofher and having his way with her young body. Since then he had made her performall kinds of kinky sexual acts for his pleasure. He was a physically and psychologicallystrong man, who never took no for an answer and always got exactly what hedesired. She had just turned 17 but had already been made to have sex withhim in almost every sexual position that you can imagine in both her pussyand mouth. She was quite an attractive girl standing 5'7 and weighing 115 poundswith long brown hair that dropped down to the middle of her back and lightblue eyes. At her father's insistence she shaved her pussy completely barewith regularity. Whenever he caught her with stubble she was punished severely.

Her father was a huge college football fan and decided to have some friendsover for a big non-conference game between two of the top teams in the country.Her dad told her not to schedule anything for that day because she would beplaying hostess for all of his friends. This wasn't any real problem sinceJulie wasn't really allowed to have any resemblance of a social life in thefirst place. Her father would not even consider letting her date at all, hehad become extremely angry the one and only time that the subject had comeup. He had told her "That sweet little pussy is only for my use." He had thenspanked her ass with his belt until it was red and extremely tender until shebegged him to be fucked, which he then did with wild abandon. This was thenormal pattern that he employed. He liked to force her to comply willinglywith her desires rather than to use physical strength to accomplish them. Ofcourse it was physical strength and punishment that made her comply but heenjoyed seeing her doing things that she didn't want to do.

She had begun to clean the house from top to bottom for several days beforethe party, knowing that her father would become extremely angry if he perceivedthe house to be a mess. That morning she had intended to sleep in since itwas a Saturday but he woke her up at about 7 AM, much earlier than she normallywould have gotten up. "Get up and get dressed" he told her. Groggily she pulledherself out of bed and went and took a shower and brushed her teeth. She wentback to her room and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and wentout to the kitchen to make breakfast. As was their normal routing she madeenough breakfast for both of them, scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, andsome bacon. He came into the kitchen wearing a sweatshirt proudly displayinghis favored team of choice for the big game. "What the hell are you wearing?" heasked. She looked down at herself, an obviously puzzled look on her face asto what was wrong with her outfit. "I won't have my friends thinking that I'mraising some kind of tomboy in this house. You're going to go back and getdressed like a girl. No, wait a minute, I'll come help you pick out somethingappropriate to wear." She followed him back to her room, surprised since theonly time he was usually picky about what she wore was in the lingerie department,he never said anything about what she wore to school. She figured it wasn'ttotally surprising given that he had friends coming over and that it was theday of a big football game, both of those things usually got him on edge. Hepicked out a black sundress for her to wear and left the room. She strippedoff her jeans and t-shirt and donned the sundress. At least the weather wasstill nice in September in southern California.

Her father seemed to be on edge for the rest of the morning. She kept gettingin trouble for seemingly meaningless things, but as normal she was just quietand attempted to correct whatever he wanted done since there was no use reasoningwith him when he got like this. She worked most of the morning getting somefood trays with snacks ready for the party. Before the guests arrived her fathermade her go back to her room once more and put on some black high heeled shoestelling her "You're going to be the waitress today, so you had better act andlook like one. I don't want any of our guests waiting around on drinks or foodtoday young lady!"

Her father's friends started arriving at the house around 11 o'clock inthe morning about an hour before the game was set to start. She was actuallysurprised at how many people came since her father usually only had a coupleof friends over at a time. No wonder that he had been edgy about this partyshe thought. She recognized all the men in the living room, though like allof her father's friends she didn't really know them at all. She pretty muchjust always steered clear of him when he was around his friends and she knewthat he preferred it that way. When all the guests had arrived she countedsix of them altogether in the living room besides her father. She saw thattwo of her dad's coworkers were there, both of them were some kind of vicepresidents at the company which he worked, but she knew that they didn't workin security like her father did. Three others were guys that her dad had knownin the military who lived in southern California. The last guy was one thatshe had seen around a few times recently but wasn't really sure where he hadmet him.

She brought the food trays into the living room and set them down on thecoffee table. She took in an order for a round of beers and returned from thekitchen with the various brands that they had requested. When the game startedthe men become amazingly loud. It seemed that the men in the room were rootingfor opposing teams and this led to a lot of cheering and taunting between thetwo groups. Julie was constantly bringing in more beers from the kitchen, asit seemed like they were drinking them almost as quickly as she could get them.She noticed that almost all of them were checking her out from time to timeand she could feel eyes on her ass as she walked back towards the kitchen morethan once. This of course was nothing unusual when she was around guys, especiallywhen they were older like the guys in this group. She thought that the militaryguys and her dad's new friend were probably between 45 and 50 years old, whilehis two coworkers were probably a few years older than that. Nothing strangeabout guys that age checking out her body.

In the second half the guys started to get rowdier with each other as thealcohol had loosened them up. They started wildly celebrating good plays madeby the team that they were rooting for. They also started to eye her more obviouslyand made lewd comments about the college cheerleaders and female coeds whenthe cameras panned to them on the sidelines. Her dad told her to go to theliquor cabinet and bring back some Jack Daniels and shot glasses for the groupand they began to do a few rounds of shots. With about five minutes left inthe game the team her father was rooting for was down by a 10 points but wasdriving. But then when it was getting close to scoring the quarterback threwan interception to one of the defensive backs who ran it all the way back fora touchdown. Half of the room erupted in wild celebration knowing that thegame was over while the other guys hung there heads knowing that the game wasall but over. Her father threw his hat to the floor in disgust and yelled atJulie to go get more beers from the kitchen.

The mood of the room had settled by the time she had returned with morebeer. They had switched the television to show a different game on TV, whichhad lightened the mood. They went back to being somewhat rowdy, since mostof them were slightly drunk but not nearly with the emotions that had beenpresent before during the earlier game. She noticed that not many of them werevery interested in the new game. A few minutes later one of her dad's friendsfrom work said, "Hey Bob, how about some of that entertainment that you promisedus?" This was met with enthusiasm from the rest of the men in the room as manyof them chimed in. "Actually I do think that it is about that time now" herfather replied.

"Julie, clean off this mess from the coffee table." She hurriedly stackedthe plates of food from the coffee table and removed them to the kitchen. Thenshe came back and gathered up some of the beer bottles that had also been discardedthere. When she came back into the room her father stood up out of his reclinerand told her to stand up on the coffee table. "What?" She didn't understandwhere this was headed and was confused. He gave her that look which told herthat he was about to lose his temper and she quickly got up and stood on topof the coffee table. Her father took the remote control and muted the television.Looking around the room she could see that everyone was just staring rightat her. Her father then walked over to the stereo and turned a radio stationon. He started flipping through the channels until he can to a hip hop stationand then turned it up. He went back over to his recliner and sat back down.She looked over at him unsure of what was going on and he smiled and said toher, "Ok baby girl I want you to dance sexy for us now."

Julie was shocked and embarrassed. She just stood frozen looking at herfather thinking that he couldn't be serious. She was shy by nature and wouldnever dance in front of all these guys. She turned around and stepped downfrom the coffee table. Instantly her father was up from his chair and grabbedaround her shoulders from behind. "I told you to dance sexy for my friends,now get up there and do it now!" Julie started to cry, "Please dad don't makeme do this." He had expected this and had her by surprise. He pulled her easilyby the shoulders over to the recliner telling her that he would give her areason to cry. She knew what was coming and knew from experience that therewas nothing that she could do to prevent it; any resistance on her part wouldonly make this worse. He pulled her across his lap with her ass in the air.He unbuckled his belt from his pants and pulled it from its loops. Then hepulled her sundress up from her legs and over her hips leaving the materialon her back. Her blue bikini cut cotton panties were now visible all the menin the room as they watched the scene unfold with rapt attention. With thebelt doubled over her father began to spank her ass hard, causing her to startto cry not from embarrassment but from pain. Soon she began doing what sheknew she must to get the spanking to stop. "Please dad, I'll do it, I'll dancefor your friends." He stopped from bringing the belt down the next time. "Tellme what you're going to do for us?" She sighed and said, "I'm going to dancesexy for you and your friends up on top of the coffee table." She knew thathe liked to have her describe exactly what he wanted her to do in detail, hersaying the words bringing her even greater embarrassment. He then brought downthe belt again hard, spanking her another ten times on her ass. "Next timeyou had better remember to do what I say the first time and not question me."

Julie got up from the recliner, pulling her sundress back below her waistand walked back over to the coffee table. She climbed back on, gathered herselfand began to dance to the music. She looked over at her father and could tellthat she was not yet dancing provocatively enough for his liking and that ifshe didn't she would soon end up back over his lap. She began to move more,shaking her ass a bit and doing some hip hop moves that she had seen on MTV.He knew that she knew how to dance this way because he had made her do it before,but before it had only been him in the room. She listened to the music andjust tried to lose herself in the dancing and not thin about all the guys watchingher. After a few minutes she noticed that one of the guys had gotten a videocamera and was recording her. She wiped her hair from her face and looked overat her father who motioned for her to resume dancing. She knew that there wasreally no choice and began dancing again without looking at the video camera,though he kept changing his position shooting her from different angles.

After about twenty minutes her father got up from his chair and went overto the stereo and turned it off. Julie thankfully stopped dancing since shewas quite tired from dancing in her high heel shoes. "Ok Julie its time toplay one of our games, I know how much you like to play games." Julie shuddered;her father used the term games whenever he made her do sexual things for him.She looked around at the leering faces of the guys around the room and wisheddesperately that she could somehow get out of the house. "Ok baby girl I wantyou to take off your sundress for Daddy." She just looked at him, frozen tryingnot really trying to think of a way out since she knew that there was nonebut just wishing that this would somehow stop. He took her down from the coffeetable and back over to the recliner and over his lap. It did not take nearlyas long this time before Julie relented and told him that she would do as heasked. He continued to spank her until she felt like her ass was on fire. Shecould not ever remember him spanking her this hard before and knew that therewas basically no way that she could stop whatever he had planned for her. Shegot back up on top of the coffee table and slid the straps from the sundressoff her shoulders and let it slip down around her feet. His friend continuedto videotape all of her actions. Her father made her take off her bra and herhigh heeled shoes as well, leaving her dressed only in her blue bikini cutcotton panties. The men around the room drank in the sight of her young pert,B cup breasts. Her legs were long and slim, her skin all over her body smoothand taught the way that only a teenagers can be.

"Ok now baby girl I want you to turn around and face the other way." Shecomplied turning around with her ass now facing her audience of leering men. "Nowspread your legs out for daddy all the way now to the edge." Her father likedto do this, making her open up her legs for him. She looked down at the coffeetable, really now for the first time appreciating how long of a coffee tablethey had and wishing that they had a smaller one. Her father put his handsinside her legs and directed her to keep opening them up until her feet wereabout 4 feet apart and very near the edge of the table. He then made her wiggleher feet and move backwards on the table, bringing her feet very close to thetwo corners behind her. She knew what was coming next and at his directionreached her hands down and bent over at the waist until her palms were restingon the table. The spread of her legs caused the fabric of her panties to bestretched tight as she bent over at the waist.

One of the men handed her father a knife and she felt his slip it betweenher waist and the material of her panties. He held her panties in place ashe cut the fabric on both sides and let the cotton material fall down to thecoffee table. With her head down between her legs she saw the both her pantiesfall to the table as well as the lustful faces of the men as her pussy wasexposed to them. She could feel the cool air on her pussy as her pussy lipswere spread slightly from the spread of her legs. She knew that this was thereason that her father liked her legs to be spread so much, he always saidthat when her pussy lips were spread on their own that they were begging forhim to put his cock inside of her. She looked back between her legs and sawfour of the men sitting on their leather oversize couch, which was directlybehind her. Her father and another friend were both standing up one on eachside of her. Her father saw her looking at him from between her legs and gaveher a devilish grin that she knew meant that she was in as much trouble asshe suspected.

"Here man, help me open her up," he told his friend standing opposite him.He pulled back her pussy lip as his friend pulled back the other one. Openingup her inner pussy for all of them to view openly. She knew how exposed shewas, and what she must look like in this degrading position. She could seethe noticeable bulge in all of the men's pants, as there cocks were undoubtedlyhard with anticipation. She dropped her head wishing that this were not happening.She knew that she would like what was coming up even less and knowing her fatherthat this entire experience would be repeated. She saw the friend holding thevideo camera get directly behind her with the camera very close to the openingof her pussy. Her father reached over and turned on a light on top of the camera.She knew that later her father would make her watch this tape with him, enjoyingher humiliation as she saw what had been captured for prosperity.

"Ok guys are we ready for some more fun?" her father asked his friends. Itwas a rhetorical question which none of them felt the need to answer and evenJulie knew the answer. He walked away and brought back a few towels from thehall closet. He slapped her still tender ass and made her get down from thecoffee table as he spread out a few towels over the top of it. He then spunthe coffee table so that it was rotated 90 degrees and made her get back ontop of it, but this time in the doggy style position on her hands and kneesonce again with her pussy facing the couch. He slapped the inside of her thighsuntil she spread her knees and feet out near the edge of the table. He thensnapped a leather dog collar around her neck, a very large for which he hadgotten a dog tag that read Daddy's Girl on it. He then attached a leash tothe collar and pulled on it pulling her head back and making her move positionuntil her ass was neared to her feet.

"Hey now hand me one of those empties." One of his friends passed him anempty beer bottle from the end table and gave it to her father. He positionedit in between her pussy lips and slowly inserted it into her pussy. She couldfeel it entering her passage and could feel how hard the glass was enteringher. The leash prevented her from rocking forward to try to escape the intrusion.Someone asked her dad, "Hey dude do you mind?" He quickly replied, "No mannot at all." She saw her father's new friend walk around in front of her withan empty beer bottle in his hand. He kept walking around the table until hewas right next to her head. "Hey there Julie how's it going?" She looked upat him with her eyes open wide. Her father slapped her ass hard, "Answer him,he's talking to you." She closed her eyes as she felt the sting in her assand then opened them up again looking at her dad's friend. "Well I'm not doingso well at the moment actually," she told him. "Yes I can see that. Of courseI'm sure that you know that while you aren't doing so well the rest of us arehaving a splendid time. Your father actually met me online on a chat site;we have a common interest, which is that we like to be very much in controlof our girls. I actually have a lot more experience than your father in traininggirls and it was my idea for him to host this little get together. Now whatyou're going to do for me is to suck on this beer bottle and show me how skilledyou are at sucking a cock."

Tom, his internet friend, placed the bottle to her lips and she opened themup allowing the neck of the bottle to enter her mouth. The way that he talkedshe knew that he was not going to be denied any sooner than her father waseven though he seemed to be calmer when talking to her. He told her that theywere going to give her some slack with the leash but that she was supposedto keep her ass in the same position that it was in now. When it was looserthe placed his hand on her forehead and brought her head down so that she waslooking forward instead of her head being bent back. He then began to workthe beer bottle in and out of her mouth, each time moving it a bit deeper insideof her. He then held the bottle still and directed her move her head up anddown, sucking on it like it was a cock inside her mouth. She looked up at himwith her eyes as she did so, seeing him looking down at her very calmly assessingwhat she was doing. This whole time the beer bottle in her pussy continuedto be pushed in and out of her. She could also feel fingers on her slit fromtime to time as they touched her. She did not know that the six men behindher were actually taking turns with the bottle but she could hear their laughterfrom time to time as they enjoyed the sport. She heard the television turnback on as one of them turned it back to another college football game. Somehowthis embarrassed her more knowing that they were using her body for their enjoyment,getting a laugh about how they were able to use her and watching their sportsat the same time.

Her father's internet friend took over the thrusting of the beer bottleonce again, directing her to keep her head still. He began to move it deeperinto her mouth with the wide part of the bottle trying to work itself intoher mouth. He put his hand on her mouth and she could feel him directing herto open her mouth extremely wide. She then felt him begin to slide the bottleslowly into her mouth. The wide part of the bottle was scraping against bothher top and bottom set of teeth as he slowly slid it inside. She then saw afriend, this time a different one, bring the video camera around to her headto capture this action. The bottle continued on inside her mouth until thelip touched the back of her throat. While inserting it the man talked to herin a gentle tone, "That's it little girl, just relax, just relax and it willgo in nice and easy." Once it was completely in the wide part of the bottleoccupied her mouth totally and she was forced to begin to breathe through hernose to get oxygen. He left it there for what seemed like an eternity as allthe men walked around to view it, even taking the bottle out from her pussyto come see it. He then slowly began to slip it out of her mouth until he pulledit completely clear. "You can make them do anything you want, all you haveto do is let them know who is boss. She can tell that I'm going to get my wayand that I am completely serious about what I want." He then asked my father, "Sodo you want me to show you some of the things that we discussed." He quicklyresponded, "Actually yes that sounds like an excellent idea."

He took her hand and pulled her up from the table. She stood naked beforethem and looked at them all sitting around the room looking at her with amusedgrins on their faces. She had little doubt that eventually after they weredone with all these little games they had in store for her that they wouldall get their chance to have their cocks buried deep inside her. He walkedback to the coffee table holding a round black cushion that looked like a column.He put it down onto the table on its side and then took her by the hand andled her back to the table. He had her get back down on her knees in the doggystyle position once more and as she came down to rest on the hands he slidthe cushion back touching her knees below her crotch. He then made her spreadher knees and feet and she came to rest down on the cushion. He then broughtout an athletic bag and unzipped it bringing out a blindfold that he placedover her face leaving her in complete darkness. She then felt him clamp somethingthat felt like pieces of hard rubber around her ankles and knees. Then aftera minute she could feel him attaching something to one of her ankles and thenpulled the opposite on in slightly to attach the other one. She could thenfeel that her ankles were trapped in exactly this position and guessed thatit was some kind of bar attached between her ankles. He then repeated the processbetween her knees and when he was done she was unable to move her legs at all.He then came to her arms and pulled them forward and secured them with thesame hard rubber feeling cuffs to the front legs of the coffee table. Her chinwas now laying on the coffee table, her body completely defenseless to hisdesires. She had never been bound like this before and the feeling was notone that she liked. She felt scared and vulnerable and wondered what he wasabout to do to her.

"How are you doing now little girl?" he asked her. "I can't move," she toldhim. "Yes, I know that is why I tied you this way. Now I want you to be a goodgirl for me and do exactly what I tell you." She thought about this for a momentand said, "I don't think that I can do anything tied this way." He chuckledto himself and said, "Oh don't worry little girl you will still be able todo exactly what I require of you. You will do it because there is no use inresisting. This will not end until your have performed for all of us and wehave enjoyed the show." She then felt his hand lift her head up slightly andhis fingers on her cheeks pressing in slightly directing her to open up hermouth. He persisted making her open her mouth wider and wider until it wasstretched to the limit as it had been with the beer bottle. She then felt somethingbeing pressing between her teeth. She felt it contract slightly and heard itsqueak as it moved past her teeth and she could tell that it was some kindof rubber. He kept a steady pressure on the giant red ball gag and the menwatched with fascination, as they were surprised that he would be able to getsuch a large object into her seemingly small mouth. Once it was firmly in placehe pulled a strap behind her head and cinched it up tight, though it was hardlynecessary because it would have been extremely difficult for Julie to rid herselfof the large gag. He then removed the blindfold from her face.

She heard him walk away from the table and lowered her chin back down ontothe coffee table. The huge gag was stretching her mouth to the limit and shecould tell that he jaw was going to become extremely sore if it was left inplace for even a short while which she suspected that it would be. Her bodywas completely immobilized, her wondering what would happen to her next. Shefelt his hand on the ass cheek, she wasn't sure how she knew it was him butjust from the way it was calmly placed there she suspected that it was. Theman with the video camera moved around in front of her face. She wasn't sureexactly why he was here instead of behind her, but she could very faintly seea reflection in the lens and strained to try and make out what it was. Herbody shivered as she felt something cool press against the opening of her anus.Talking to the men around him she heard him say, "See how the little pink staropens up very easily when I put some lube on my finger." Her eyes flew openwide as his finger slid inside her ass and immediately she realized that itwas her expression to this event that the cameraman had been sent around tocapture. She had never had anything up her ass before and she attempted tofree herself from her bonds to absolutely no avail. He began to slowly fingerher ass in and out. "Good girl, just relax your ass and it will go much easierfor you," he told her. Slowly she accustomed herself to the strange feelingof having his finger up her ass and she relaxed herself against her restraints.He had been waiting for this reaction and not long afterwards he pulled hisfinger from her completely.

From his bag he brought out a string of small anal beads. "Now is when Julieis going to put a little show for us but we'll let her warm up a little bitfirst to get the hang of it." She had no idea what he was talking about butfelt the first anal bead being pressed against the opening to her ass and slidein. Over and over the process was repeated until the entire string was insideof her. She could hear him whisper something to someone behind her as he walkedaround to her face. Her father took hold of the sting attached to the beadsbut let it hang loose with slack in it. Sitting down close to her face he leanedin and talked very softly to her, "Ok, now what I want you to do is to useyour muscles to push out the beads that I put inside you. Just like you aregoing to the bathroom." She looked at him and knew that this was going to happenand began to push. To the delight of the men behind her the beads began tocome out one at a time as her ass puckered up and pushed them out. Once theentire string was expelled her father took the beads and began to reinsertthem into her ass. Once the string was completely back inside he directed herto expel them once again, which she did.

He then went back to his back and got a medium size string of beads andthey repeated the process this time making her push the beads out of her assfive times instead of just two. When he brought out the large beads he movedback close to her face to show them to her. When he placed them on the coffeetable in front of her she estimated them to be a little smaller than an inchin diameter. "These are going to work slightly differently than the ones before,but these are the last beads that we will be using. You're going to have tohelp me to get them in though. When I tell you to, you are going to push likeyou are trying to push them out. That's the only way that they are going togo in. Do you understand?" Her eyes looked at him as he gave her the instructionsand she nodded her head slightly. "Ten times in and out and then you'll bedone with the beads," he told her. He moved behind her and then a moment latertold her to push. As she did her ass puckered up and he pushed the first beadinside her. The feeling of the bead coming inside her as she pushed out feltstrange but it was repeated until all six beads on the string were inside her.He then made her expel the beads, her ass having to pucker much more with thelarge beads to expel them than with the small beads. The men enjoyed seeingthe muscles in the back of her legs and ass tense as she puckered her ass topush out the beads. It was almost as if the little pink star of her ass wasinviting them to push their cock's inside and showing them how she would milkit of their cum.

Her legs and ass were covered with a slight sheen of sweat as she expelledthe beads for the tenth and final time. Pushing out the beads was tough workin itself but her having to breathe through her nose as a result of the gagmade it even more tiring. No doubt since capturing her facial expression whenhe had first penetrated her she had no doubt that the video camera had beenfilming her ass this entire time. With a smile on his face he went back tohis bag and pulled out a plastic see through dildo. It was about five incheslong, started narrow and got wider until its diameter was almost three inchesand then narrowed back now until it's circular base. He moved back to her headand placed the dildo on top of the coffee table in front of her face on itsbase. Her eyes opened wide as she saw it, instantly knowing that it would bethe next thing inserted into her ass and startled at it's size. "You will haveto push very hard for me to be able to get it into your ass, but you had betternot keep me waiting. I expect you to take it all."

He moved back behind her and spread some lube onto the dildo and pressedit against her opening. Over and over again he made her push her muscles andpucker her ass, slowly pushing the dildo in and out of her ass each time gettingit just further inside of her. Several times its girth made her catch her breathand if she had been able to talk she would have pleaded for him to stop orto at least give her a break and hold it still. Whenever she slowed in shepushing he smacked her tender ass with his hand and made her resume her efforts.Finally the widest part of the dildo pushed into her ass and then the remainderof the dildo, which narrowed, naturally slid into place. This left the circularbase pressed against her opening. She heard them take turns then as he showedthem that the clear dildo allowed them to see her opening clearly stretchedaround the dildo in its resting position. They all laughed about this, commentingon how nice it looked. She barely heard all of this as she slumped her musclesagainst the table, resting her muscles. It was then that they told her thatshe had to push it out of her. He had to smack her ass hard several times beforeshe was able to strain all her muscles and expelled the dildo, actually poppingit out of her into the air. This caused a great stir of excitement as the menlaughed as it flew and had enjoyed just how taught all of her muscles had lookedas she was trying to expel the dildo. Four more times they made her take itinside her, though it went in pretty easily after the first time and then madeher push until it popped out of her. Her body was exhausted and she was sweatingand could smell herself starting to stink from her own sweat.

He left her there, tied to the table, as he began to talk to the men as ifhe was some kind of professor and they his students. "It is really quite enjoyableto make her do exercises such as that one. Make her do a lot of work for you.You shouldn't be the one having to expend much energy. Make her do that, that'swhat she is for. Especially when you have a young one like this, they are fullof energy, you would be surprised how much you can get them to do."

The men then moved to different points on the coffee table and untied her.It was he that helped her with the huge ball gag removing it from her mouth.She flexed her aching mouth relieved that it had finally been removed. Herfather brought a straight-backed chair into the living room and asked Tom ifhe wanted to proceed with the next demonstration. "Actually that sounds likea wonderful idea." Tom moved the chair centered with the television and turnedthe channel until it was on the ESPN night football game that was just startingup. He moved over to his bag and brought out what looked like a short ridingcrop, completely disrobed and then sat down on the chair. When she saw himundressing, Julie knew that she was about to be penetrated by a cock for thefirst time tonight, only unsure of which orifice was to be used.

He made her stand over the top of him with her legs spread wide facing awayfrom him. He then put his hands on her hips and lowered her down until hisrigid cock began to enter her pussy. He continued moving her down until shewas completely inside of him. Julie was actually quite surprised. She had expectedsomething completely different from this man, but had been made to have sexwith her father many times this way, either facing toward or away from himbouncing up and down on his cock making her breasts bounce for him. When shenaturally started to lift herself up he swatted her hard on the ass with theriding crop. Tears came quickly to her eyes as the cruel crop made a brightred mark on her abused ass. "I did not tell you to come up young lady," hechastised. "You are to remain with my cock buried completely inside of thattight little pussy of yours. Now what you are going to do is give those pussymuscles a little workout. I want you to flex them, squeezing my cock insideof you, and then release them. Now try it," he instructed her. Julie flexedher muscles and then let them relax.

"That's pretty good. Now what I want you to do is keep doing that over andover again. Yes just like that, but a little harder now. Yes that's a goodpace for now, later I will make you speed it up a bit. This is what is calledmilking my cock for it's cum." She started to squeeze his cock with her pussy,being made to do it over and over again. As if she was of no concern he startedtalking to the other men again. "You see, in this position she has to do allthe work. But since she is only able to squeeze my cock and isn't able to generateany friction at all it is very difficult for her to actually make me cum. Sheis going to have to really try hard for a long period of time to make it happen.I guarantee that by the time I do come in her pussy she will be desperatelypraying for me to cum inside her. She will absolutely want it by the time shegets it. Plus on the fun side I can just watch the game while I do this. It'sa great combination, her doing all the work and I can still watch my TV withno problem at all."

Over and over again she squeezed his cock with her pussy. Sweat began todrip down her back into the crack of her ass freely from her continued exertion.She felt like she was going to collapse from the effort but whenever she slackenedher pace even slightly he brought down the riding crop to her burning ass.From her position she could see the wall clock and it had been over a halfan hour in which he had been making her milk his cock. The men were extremelyturned on from all of the day's activities as well as seeing this girl completelycovered in a think sheen of sweat making it look like her body was coveredwith oil.

Finally he told her that it was time to make him cum and for her to increaseher pace. She started to squeeze more quickly but still got whipped and toldto squeeze harder. She tried to summon all of her available energy to squeezehim with everything she could muster. He had been completely correct in hisprediction because she wanted him to cum in her pussy badly and was doing everythingthat she could to try to make that happen. After a minute or two despite herbest efforts she began to lose pace and intensity. It was then that he beganto bring the riding crop down on her ass over and over again to keep her goingat a pace that met his demands. It was then that he finally lost control andlet a stream of cum loose inside of her tight pussy. He let the cane fall tohis side and as she felt him relax she did as well. Dripping with sweat shefelt totally spent, feeling his cock already softening inside her.

After only a minute or two the other men pulled her off of him and put herback on her hands and knees on the coffee table supported by the cushion. Totallypast the point of any resistance her pussy was penetrated from behind as wellas her mouth from the front and the other men took their turns with her body.Her father had told them that her ass was off limits but they were all so turnedon to be with such a young hot girl that none of them cared. They were so hornyafter watching her for all these hours that came extremely quickly the firsttime but each used her late into the night.

Afterwards she went to her bed, too exhausted to take a shower and ploppeddown on top of her covers still naked. Her father came in and put her underthe covers. As she was slipping off to sleep she could hear him tell her thatshe would definitely be seeing more of Tom and that they would also be playingsome of the new games that he had shown them together.

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I watched as my sons football team made the winning play, jumping up and cheering along with the rest of the crowd of parents, faculty, students and locals who'd come to see the game. My son had done a great job tonight, and hopefully would be offered a scholarship. My wife couldn't come tonight, our younger daughter was home sick, so I had come alone to the game. I gathered my coat and walked to the back of the stadium, waving at my son as I passed. The crowd thinned out quickly, the cool...

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Football Leads To Boob Balls

Hi, guys, this his Rohit again. Thanks, for your replies to my last sex story. Those who haven’t read my sex story for them please read my story naming “A key to pleasure”. Now for the new readers, I am Rohit, from Pune, 22 years old. You can contact me on This is the real sex story of me with my neighbor aunty.This is a long story guys hope you will like the situation in which I got lucky. Coming to sex story, after fucking Sneha, I was enjoying her. But got a chance to fuck Anita from my...

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Football Match Resulted Into Sex With Neha

Hello Friends, first of all I like to thank all the ladies, girls and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense response which leaded me to submit my fourth story for you all enthusiastic people. So sit back and be ready for another real life encounter I had with Neha (name changed for privacy reasons). For those who are reading my story for the first time I wanted to tell you briefly about me. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company...

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Football and two naughty sisters

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Football widow

"I'm just sick of it," Terri said after taking a sip of her coffee, "the stupid season just started and Chuck is already ignoring me completely on Saturday and Sunday, and I think it's hopeless, he's never gonna change!!!" "I hear ya," Valerie replied, "Brad spent all weekend glued to the TV watching wall to wall football, and what's worse, those idiotic pre game show now are about as long as the games themselves, and then don't let's forget Monday night, crimony, that's the holy grail of...

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Wife Watching Bach Party

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Football kann das Leben verndern

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Football Fantasy Halftime break

It was football season again, so I had Sunday afternoon pretty much to myself. Alex and a varying cast of buddies would be glued to the big-screen TV in the den. I decided I’d do the laundry on this gloomy, boring day. After my shower, I pulled on yoga pants and an old tight t-shirt. No need to dress better for this bunch, and I could wash one more set of my good clothes. I pulled my hair back in a pony-tail, but did brush on a little make-up out of self-respect.I was laying out coasters on the...

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Football Gangbang

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Football Cuckold

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Football Saturdaywith Anna Missy

I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...

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Football Friends

FOOTBALL FRIENDSI'm really lucky. I have a group of gorgeous straight male friends. We allplay for the same amateur football team. The four of us have been friendssince school. There's me, Paul and my three best friends, Matty, Danny andAlec. I was a closet gay, I was really scared to come out to these gorgeoushunks of men, I didn't want to lose them. We did the usual mucking around,wanking each other when we were at school, but unfortunately for me, nothingmore.A couple of months ago we all...

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Football and the First BJ I Gave bimale

In the late 1990s I went over to my friends Josh's house to watch little football. Josh was 35 and I was 30. We had become good friends at work and now that I was divorced we were spending a bit time together. Well were just chilling one day and watching football at his house. The game was a blow out and about halfway through the 3rd quarter he said he had subscribed to a hot porn channel and asked if i wanted to watch. I had a few beers in me and said "yes and it sounded like...

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Football party with many guests later today

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Football game sucking fucking

This is purely a fantasy..But they can cum ture(I hope). I envited 2 of my white freinds over to watch the game and they brought one of their freinds, these guys are constuction workers and huge beer & jack drinking bear guys. Dave, Rob Danny and me..It is sunday afternoon and the beer and jack is flowing down throats like forty going north. As the game begins, Dave all of the sudden says.."DOES ANYONE BUT ME WANT TO SEE HIS BLACK ASS?" as he was rubbing his crouch. I looked as dave in...

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Football Fun

I had just met Roger a few weeks ago through a friend. His wife was out of town and he invited me over to watch a football game. We drank a few beers and our New England Patriots lost. He then surfed the cable channels and landed on the porn channel. He asked if this was OK and I said sure. After a few minutes he asked if I had ever masturbated and watched porn with another guy before and I said yes in college. We talked about how fun it was and then he got up and came back in some loose...

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Wife Watching Bach Party

The friends that were most involved were Will and his wife Steph, which at the time of our flings, had been friends for about ten years, also involved were Bob, and his wife Bev. We were always very close friends for years with Bob and Bev, but after not working with Bob any more, and our kids grown, we just didn't get together very often. At one of our now few get togethers, we were having a few drinks at there house, and talking a lot about getting older, and what we had done with our...

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Watching JulieChapter 7 Christmas Party

I'm not sure what possessed us that Christmas, but we told Julie she could have a kind of dress-up Christmas party at our house. Not too many kids, we said, everyone dressed up nice, no booze and, yes, her mother and I would be around the whole evening. If she wanted to have Stephanie or another friend stay over, that was OK, too. "OK, Dad, how many kids?" I looked at my spouse. "Six?" Julie looked doubtful. "Twelve?" My spouse chimed in. "Uh, uh, kiddo. Eight max, no more....

5 years ago
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Football Privilege

In your small town, football is everything. The whole town takes great pride in the local school's footbal team. The sport is so important to them that, after a few years of less than stellar play, they decided they needed someone to blame. They ended up saying the players were just too distracted. Specifically by their sex drives. A radical solution was needed, and after much deliberation, a solution was found. In order to keep their minds clear, it was decided that the cheerleading squad...

2 years ago
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Football Widow

Well, I guess it all started our first year of marriage. My husband Roy was working and making a very good living for us.We were married for less than a year; However, we have been together for almost three. Living together, happily I might add. We lived in Pueblo West, Colorado, in a small two bedroom apartment. It was overpriced and not really nice at all. I should share that this was the year 1987.Why would I be telling a story from 1987? Well, a lot of things happened that year. Me losing a...

3 years ago
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Football Fantasy Part 3

--- *BEEP BEEP BEEP* I woke up. "Ohhhhh......" I said, rubbing my eyes. "What ime is it?" I looked at the clock on Kevin's bedstand, 8:30 a.m. "Holy shit!! Kevin wake up!!!" I yelled. His hair was still messy from the night before, we had a lot of fun, and he looked up from his pillow. "What? What's going o..o...OOOOOnnnn?" he yawned. "We're late for the first day of football practice!!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of his bed, quickly grabbed my...

4 years ago
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Football Fantasy Part 2

After going the whole school year without getting any hint from Tanner, I decided to talk to him. "Hey Tanner!!" I yelled to him before he got on the bus to go home. "Tanner!! What's up? You want to, you know, hang out sometime?" "You know," he started, "It's the last week of the school year, finals are a know?" "Yeah, they suck big time, I heard our Algebra final is 200 questions long!! And for English, we have to write two 1,000 word essays on Shakespear! ...

2 years ago
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Football Tournament 2 7th grade boys having fun

When unpacking Eric said, “Hey, I know all three of us were briefs where ever we go but the team thinks its dum, so when were going to bed lets just all wear our briefs but don’t tell anyone about it. Okay?” Tome and me responded “aright.” Then we went off to dinner ate then went to bed. I awoke that night to the high and cute voice of Tom’s saying, “ I’ve never been alone from my family like this before.” He was wrapped all around me hugging me like there was no tomorrow in his little...

4 years ago
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Football Party Part II

Todd and I sat at opposite ends of my couch, watching a football game. My girlfriend, Jessica, sat between us. The three of us had just finished having a hot threesome. Jessica was still topless and wearing a pair of tight skimpy blue shorts. We all stared straight ahead at the television while Jessica gently massaged us through our shorts, waiting for us to become aroused again. I replayed the earlier events in my mind. At the climax of our threesome, Todd’s cock was in my mouth, shooting...

3 years ago
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football game

Ugh! I got so drunk during the football game! We watched it at home, my bf, about ten of his male friends and me. My bf made margaritas and kept filling my glass, all his friends were flirting with me and I loved it. I had on my super short and tight cutoff jeans, which look so cute on me, my long pretty legs look so sexy in them, I was barefoot and wearing a cute tight, white, very low cut v-neck t-shirt, no bra, my long hair loose, my lips so red, smiling at all the guys and laughing at their...

4 years ago
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Football Field Fuck Fantasy

It had been a long day at work, and we were on the drive home. My boyfriend and I were riding in silence. Though my boyfriend didn't have a license, I was much too tired to drive that night.“Why are you taking this turn?” I asked. “There's no traffic; you don't need a back road.” He looked at me with a sly grin on his face, “I figured we could take a little detour.” Placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing. “You said you liked pleasing me, right? Well, I want to make a little fantasy come...

2 years ago
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Football Party Part II

Todd and I sat at opposite ends of my couch, watching a football game. My girlfriend, Jessica, sat between us. The three of us had just finished having a hot threesome. Jessica was still topless and wearing a pair of tight skimpy blue shorts. We all stared straight ahead at the television while Jessica gently massaged us through our shorts, waiting for us to become aroused again. I replayed the earlier events in my mind. At the climax of our threesome, Todd's cock was in my mouth, shooting...


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