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Wrath after Lust

Please note. This story is written in the English language and not the Americanvariant.


In this strict religious community, lust is severely punished

MF Whipping

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2004

Wrath after Lust

"Time and time again I have warned against the Devil's evils." TheReverend Lloyd Masters, standing several feet above his 'flock', began hisSunday sermon to the small congregation at the isolated religious farming commune.They owned about 400 acres of land, which they tried to farm organically withthe minimum of machinery using methods most would consider fifty years outof date. His voice rose, spittle sprayed from his mouth and he punctuated eachsentence by thumping the lectern at the front of the pulpit. "Each andevery one of you must put a strong guard in your minds against the seven deadlysins Satan tries to impose on you! The sins of Sloth!… Envy!… Greed!… Gluttony!… Pride!… Lust!… andWrath! These heinous sins must be forcibly resisted and repelled in order toenjoy our Good Lord's blessing in this life and to keep our lives pure! Onlythen will we receive the ultimate reward in heaven!" He lectured themvolubly and at great length on each of the sins. Most had heard similar sermonsbefore and were only mildly surprised at the order in which he dealt with theseven sins. Nearly an hour later he got to the sin of Lust.

"Lust, sexual intercourse for pleasure and not just for the procreationof our species. Fornication for its own sake; for enjoyment! Fornication tosatisfy a lust!" The reverend mopped his brow, he knew he had everyone'sattention, even the children who hardly comprehended what he was talking about. "Lustis a sin even when the participants are wedded in holy matrimony and it isdone in the privacy of the marital bedroom. But the sin is far, far worse whenlust takes the form of an unholy union, a disgracefully shameful union betweena couple who are each married but not to the other! An adulterous liaison andone I would not have believed would occur in this community! A community devotedto living a good and clean life and to following the teachings of our LordJesus Christ. Unfortunately I have to believe it for I saw the act with myown eyes! Two members sitting facing me now fornicated openly and in a mostdepraved manner on our land, our holy land, land we have consecrated." Gaspsand murmurs of disgust and horror from his audience caused the reverend topause and wait while they looked around. "It should be obvious who thesedepraved beings are." Madeleine Brown slumped in her seat, blushing crimson;Thomas Jeffries sat back in his pew and looked defiant. Both were in theirlate thirties and each had their spouse and two teenage children sitting alongsidethem. "Bring them to the front so their shame can be seen by all." Madeleinestood and immediately rushed for the door but was caught before she was evenhalfway there. Thomas a tall, strong man looked ready to put up a fight butwas no match for four of his fellows especially as they had been forewarnedand were ready. Despite putting up a struggle, the hands of both adultererswere quickly tied behind their backs and were made to stand underneath thepulpit with the eyes of the congregation were on them while the reverend hushedthe churchgoers and continued his sermon. Madeleine, 'Maddy', started crying.

"From their appearance, there can be no doubt in your minds of the truthof the adultery but to dispel the last vestige of doubt, I will give you theevidence, witnessed my own eyes, of their shameful and vile carnal copulation!" Apause to allow the mutterings to subside. "You may recall the full moonof last Thursday evening and it being mild I went for a walk to contemplatethe infinite patience of the Almighty in placing all those jewels in the blacknessabove us." This wasn't quite true because the reverend had heard of thetryst and had hidden in the bushes near the barn. "I paused in my ramblingby Mason's barn and soon the figure of a man, Thomas Jeffries walked by andfurtively entered the barn. Shortly after her was followed by a woman, MaddyBrown. Thinking this needed further investigation I went in the side entranceand peered over the bales of hay. The moonlight streamed in from the open endof the barn so I could see them clearly as they, in odious passion, performedtheir infamous deed."


"Oh Maddy dear, I'm so relieved you could come. 'Tis such a pity wehave to meet in this way."

"Oh Tom, I want so much to be with you and yet there is no way thatwe can. We have so little time together. An hour or so at best, while Haroldand Bessie are working in the church. Let's not waste the time we have. I wantyou, I need you to hold me close. I need you inside me, to show me your love,love that Harold denies me. Undress me please. Hurry."

"And you me. I want to hold you and kiss you and do all the things truelovers do," Tom replied. Each undressed the other and fondled and kissedas each item was removed until they were naked."

"Oh Tom, you're ready for me. It's so hard and I want to suck it andmake it even harder. I need you so much Tom. Fuck me please. Oooohh yes, harder,harder. Harold never does it like this. Hardly ever does it. I need you sobadly." Lying on the hay, Tom fucked with fervour and passion in longhard strokes, trying to delay his emission until Madeleine had hers. When shecried out her orgasm so he released his seed. For a while they lay cradledin each other's arms murmuring terms of endearment, not knowing every momentwas being watched.


"And so we come to the last dreadful sin, Wrath." Ignoring Madeleine'scrying from below his stance at the pulpit, the Reverend Lloyd Masters continuedhis fiery sermon. "Wrath or anger between two or more people…" Heenumerated the sinful wrongs wrath caused but then went on, "However,sometimes the Good Lord needs to show his wrath and displeasure at the actionsof his children. His wrath is used to serve not only as a punishment for theirwrongdoing but also to set an example to others and keep them on the straightand narrow path of divine goodness. Sometimes he uses his powers directly inthe form of storms or tempests but at other times he delegates that power tothose that so rightly serve his cause. Today is such a day. I prayed long andhard for these two sinners and asked for his guidance for obtaining their absolution.Last night in a vivid dream I learned he had chosen me, a loyal servant, topunish and show this pair the error of their ways. In the most clear and graphicway he revealed the form their atonement should take. It will be painful forthem but it is just and necessary to absolve them! The Lord did not deem itwise for me to do the task myself but entreated me to call on others to administerhis retribution and for you to bear witness that it is done in a full and propermanner."

There were murmurs of surprise from the assembled people. Many wandered whatform the punishment would take but only a select number of the elder menfolkwere privileged to know.

"My good children," the reverent held up his hand and waited forthe noise to die down, "It is not the Lord's wish that his building, thischurch, be desecrated by the punishment of this immoral pair. Our HeavenlyFather deemed it more appropriate that the correction be carried out wherethe sins were actually committed. Therefore after a prayer for their redemption,I will ask you all to make your way to Herbert Mason's barn where he assuresme everything is already prepared for you to witness them receiving their justand rightful desserts." Again more comments from the congregation butdutifully they knelt for the final prayer, interrupted at intervals by thesobbing and cries from Madeleine and an outburst from Thomas calling the preachera hypocrite.

Half an hour later the reverend led a gaggle of chattering people along thepath to Mason's barn. Both Madeleine and Thomas tried to resist but with theirhands tied and four of the elders half dragging them along, resistance wasfutile. Worse perhaps were the overwhelmingly righteousness comments of theirfellows who now regarded them as the most debased creatures on earth.

Working to Lloyd's instructions, Herbert Mason had cleared a space in thecentre of the barn and placed hay bales around the walls for folk to sit. Themain topic of conversation during the walk concerned the form the punishmentwould take but the sight of a cask filled with fresh cut willow rods left themin no doubt the pair were to receive a whipping. Normally such whippings werecarried out in private or viewed only by the injured parties but this timethey knew it was going to be a very public affair.

"Let us pray." Lloyd, with much pomp and ceremony, Lloyd led theonlookers in a prayer for the souls of the sinners. Madeleine and Thomas weremade to kneel by the cask while he blessed the rods it contained. "Lordwith these instruments of your love and care, help us to drive the devil fromthe bodies of these two sinners so they may receive redemption and return tothe true ways of your goodness." "Amen."

Lloyd then addressed the congregation in his usual theatrical manner. "Mygood people, this is the very spot where I witnessed the sinful coupling lastThursday. It was here they shamefully undressed each other and played and kissedbefore their adulterous conjoining. Today it will not be the tender kiss ofsoft lips that titillates their bodies as each item of clothing is removed,it will be the sharper kiss of the rod. And who better to apply those kissesthan the aggrieved spouses of the couple. Harold and Bessie please step forwardand remove the shirts of the sinner who cuckolded you and apply the rod tothe bare chest of the person. In the Lord's name apply it well. You will needto use all your strength to drive out the Satan who is so deeply entrenchedwithin."

Bessie, surprised and delighted to be allowed to use the whip, had an evilgrin as she walked to the still kneeling Madeleine. At the best of times shehad no liking for the attractive woman. "Before the hour is out, you'regoing to be sorry you flaunted yourself and seduced my husband," she hissedas she undid the victims blouse and pushed the garment back and down the armsas far as the rope binding. Quickly unclasping the front of the bra, she exposedMaddy's full breasts to everyone.

"No! No! It's not right. Please leave us alone!" Maddy yelled andtried to roll on the ground to hide her body. Two elders grabbed her arms andpulled her into an upright kneeling position that thrust her breasts forwardready for the rod's painful kiss. "No please, in God's name, don't hitthem," Maddy pleaded again knowing the plea would go unheeded by the cold,hard woman.

"Maddy, it is in God's name that I will hit them and hit them well.You will suffer as I am suffering from the humiliation of everyone knowingthat you took my man into your body for wanton sex." Bessie went to thecask and removed a dripping rod, swung it a few times and then changed it foranother. A yell from Thomas and a cheer from the crowd told Maddy that Haroldwas already using a rod on Thomas' chest. Wild eyed she looked around for helpbut none was forthcoming. Bessie taunted her by flicking her nipples with therod causing them to harden. "You like that Maddy?" Bessie's grinwidened, "But perhaps this will not be so much to your liking," Anothercry from Thomas. Bessie waited until the cheer had died and Harold stoppedand watched as Bessie swung the rod hard across the top of both of Maddy'sexposed breasts. It forced them down and flattened them to her chest. Maddylet out a tremendous scream but it was almost drowned by the righteous clappingfrom most in the audience. Only a few had sympathy for Maddy's pain. Many ofthe men and older boys surreptitiously moved their pricks to a more comfortableposition and were enjoying the sight of the semi-naked woman. The rod swungagain with an upward movement catching the underside of the already tormentedbreasts. Another scream followed by more encouragement from the congregation.Never in anyone's memory could they remember a punishment like this and itwas only just beginning. Six more times the rod savagely struck Maddy's breasts.Vaguely she could hear Thomas receiving a similar treatment and, with a quicksideways glance, saw the elders struggling to hold him too.

There was a short respite during which the preacher reiterated the reasonsfor the punishment. Maddy wanted to massage her bruised and swollen breastsbut with tied wrists she couldn't even do that. Tears fell on them as she weptloudly.

"Remove their lower garments so we can punish the root course of theillicit sexuality," Lloyd ordered. A gasp went up from the onlookers.In a community where for a woman to show an ankle was considered indecent,to see two adults completely naked would be scandalously degrading. Even Bessielooked round in askance at Lloyd but he nodded his approval. While Maddy wasstill kneeling Bessie removed her the sobbing woman's boots and then two elderslifted her by the armpits to allow Bessie to unfasten the skirt and lower itand the underlying bloomers. The elders turned the naked woman for all to viewher body and see her swollen, striped breasts. In the small barn, none werevery far away and everyone could almost feel the heat from them. Maddy waspast caring about this indignity, the fire and pain in her breasts was toogreat but she knew there was more pain to come. Vaguely she heard Ruth, herdaughter, cry out for them to stop the punishment but no one took any noticeand she was pulled back to her seat on the bale when she tried disrupt theproceedings.

Maddy tried pleading with Bessie again but the response was curt. "I'mgoing to make sure you do not seduce my Tom for a long, long while you hussy." Withthat she laid a fresh rod viciously across Maddy's stomach eliciting a furtherhowl of pain from the victim. Steadily Bessie laid the strokes lower and loweruntil the front of her thighs and her sex mound were covered with deep redwelts. Resolutely and despite the intense pain, Maddy kept her legs togetheruntil she finally slumped limp in the arms of the elders.

Once again Ruth stood up and cried out, "Stop, you've hurt her morethan enough." Again she was quickly pulled back and silenced.

Thomas faired no better. His prick started to rise when he was displayedbefore the community. He could hear some of the younger girls giggling buttried to ignore them. The pain in his chest was severe and took all his attention.He too realised that he must keep his legs together to try and protect hisballs but that did not protect his prick. Harold laid his first stroke to catchthe partially erect penis close to the head. The force drove it against histhighs and the cane welted them at the same time. The pain was horrendous andhe let out a thunderous roar and swore obscenities at Harold. The words onlyincited his tormentor to lay stroke after stroke in the confined area thatwould normally be covered by his underpants. Eventually the beating stoppedwhen he too collapsed and was only kept upright by the men who held him.

Most of the onlookers thought that was the end of the punishment but Lloyd,now full of his own lust for power, ordered ropes to be slung over the ceilingbeams. "Throw water over them to bring them back into this world so theLord can finish their punishment," he ordered. This time there were morethan Ruth's voices raised in dissent but still Lloyd ignored them. When theadulterers could once again stand, albeit unsteadily, on their own feet, theelders fastened the ropes around the victims wrists and hauled them up so theycould only just keep their feet on the ground. "Make them face each otherso they can see how the other has suffered and will continue to suffer untilthey have paid the full penance price for their scandalous behaviour.

Neither Bessie nor Harold believed the body in front of them could standmuch more but nevertheless started to lash the buttocks and the shoulders butwith less ferocity than they'd used on the front. Maddy only took six strokesbefore she collapsed. Thomas succumbed after a dozen.

"Bring them round and continue," shouted Lloyd. This time therewere more murmurs of discontent from the congregation.

"No!" The voice of one of the elders boomed over the general hubbub. "Enoughreverend. They have been punished more than enough for their sins. They willbear the result for a long while and it will live in their memory for the restof their lives." Seeing that most of the community agreed with the elderhe allowed the pair to be taken down and helped to their homes.

"You will sleep in my bed mother and keep apart from father," Ruthinsisted. "I have no wish to sleep with another's whore," Haroldspat in reply. Ruth carefully tended her mother's injuries but there was littleenough that she could do to relieve her pain. David, Maddy's son, sided withhis father in believing his mother to be a no better than a prostitute andshould have been thrown out of the community.

Thomas' twin sons didn't seem concerned one way or the other. They were oldenough to believe their father wanted the sex their mother denied him so helooked elsewhere and got caught and punished. It was severe but that was thepenalty for getting caught. In any case they had enjoyed their first sightof a totally naked woman.

Neither Maddy or Thomas were able to do more than hobble about for the nextweek and for week after only did the lightest of work. In the main they werekept apart but in such a small community, inevitably there were times whenthey were together but never alone for more than a few minutes at a time. Bythe end of a month, both were working near normally although their bodies stillshowed the colourful, horrific welts, which were still very tender to touch.Worse perhaps was the attitude of the fellow members of their religious order.Far from thinking the whipping had absolved their crime, they almost believedit had reinforced it. Like lepers, they were shunned and few would speak tothem except when absolutely necessary. Bessie, like Harold, refused to allowher partner to lie alongside her in bed and both taunted them mercilessly overwhat had been done.

"Mummy, you can't live your life like this," Ruth spoke quietlywhen they were alone in their home. "Everyone calls you names like slutor harlot or strumpet or worse even when they know I can hear. I know you stilllove Tom so why don't you try and escape together? I'm old enough to take careof myself and in any case I might want to go with you. Since Reverend Masterstook over, this community has become very restrictive with him setting himselfup as the all-powerful demagogue. Shall I try and have a word with Tom? Theyhardly let you near him." Maddy agreed that if Tom wanted to leave withher, she was willing to go with him.

"Be very careful Ruth," she admonished. "Make sure no oneoverhears any conversations between you and Tom otherwise you could be in forpunishment too."

"Tell Maddy, if she wishes to come with me, be ready to move out tonight," Tomwhispered one afternoon six weeks after their flogging. "The boys areat the camp vigil so they will be out of the way and there's no moon so Lloydshouldn't be on the prowl." Ruth nodded and relayed the message.

It was nearly midnight when Tom moved silently into his wife's bedroom. Beforeshe knew what was happening, Tom tied her wrists, gagged her and then fastenedher ankles to the bed. Bessie struggled but could not move far and her shoutscame out no more than low moans. Even these were muted when he drew a blanketover her head. Quickly throwing all his possessions in a large duffel bag,he quietly walked to Maddy's house. Tapping on her window before quietly slidingit open he was surprised when the face that appeared was not that of his lovedone. It was Harold's. Harold grinned, "So you thought to take my whorewife from me again did you Thomas?" He held a thick staff in his handready for use.

Tom didn't wait to answer the question. With the speed of anger, his fistsmashed into Harold's face, knocking him to the floor. The cudgel fell unusedfrom his hand; blood streamed from his broken nose. Before Harold had a chanceto recover, Tom leaped into the room and used his superior strength to quicklysubdue Harold. Tearing the sheets from the bed, he tied and gagged him. WithHarold thus secured Tom started looking around the house and found Maddy andRuth tied to chairs in the kitchen. Harold had caught Maddy packing a shortwhile earlier and guessed she was planning to elope.

Quickly they gathered up her things, raided the housekeeping moneybox. "Please,I'm coming too Tom. Please let me," Ruth pleaded. "I shall be inreal trouble if I stay."

"Of course Ruth. You are part of my family now. Gather up your stufffor we must be away shortly."

The trio headed for Mason's barn. "The old truck is there and the keysare always on the hook so we'll take it and leave it in the next town," Tomspoke quietly. "With the money I've saved and what we've have taken fromour houses, we can get a train from there. We'll find somewhere where loveis not deemed to be lust and is followed by tenderness and not wrath. Whereyou may find love too Ruth without it being considered sinful. The real Godcan guide us from now on, not that puppet in the pulpit."


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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...

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DemonDriven Lust

Mary scowled as she flipped through the pages of the scuffed book.  “Guys, this book is full of spelling mistakes. And most of the ‘potions’ chapter is just recipes for soup and chili.” Sean poured the last line of flour onto the living room carpet as straight as he could, completing the pentagram. “C’mon, Kaitlin only paid 50 cents. What do you expect?” He stood and dusted his hands. “How does this look, you two?”Mary stood staring at the design, clearly uncomfortable. The satanic symbol was...

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The Cave II The book of Lust

Time sped by after I left the cave. I don't know how I got home that night, only that I worke up the next morning and went right back to the cave. But I could not find the entrance again, no matter how hard I tried or how sure I was that I was in the right spot, I just could not find it. I was sure it was not a dream, His seed still coursed in my veins and His words rang in my head! I finally realized that He had given me orders...to spread the word of Cock. This meant something totally...

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Mother's Consuming Lustby Lanka Cream (address withheld)***Claudia is a successful businesswoman, voluptuous and a widow with a young son. It has been years since her husband died and she has remained celibate because no other man has measured up. Temptation comes from a close quarter as she is his masturbation fantasy and she finds out. Things develop into a long lusty relationship. (Fm, ped, inc, 1st, lac, preg)***At 39 Claudia was enjoying the prime of her life. She owned a successful...

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Brown Lust

Vickram Dutt, or Vick for short, was born in Vancouver, Canada, but his background was Indian. In terms of physique he was tall and muscular, a build he had acquired from all his time spent working out at the gym or at home. With fair brown skin and short black hair, Vick had a handsome face and figure; his dark brown eyes and strong jaw completed the striking portrait. Just last month he had celebrated his nineteenth birthday, and he was currently on his summer break after having completed the...

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Beeline 0280 Prisoner of Lust

Prisoner Of Lust By Theodore Stickles PAULA'S UNLEASHED PASSION Paula had always known that one day, the lust-starved prisoners that shecounseled would not be able to resist her voluptuous body. So, as the prisoner grabbed her and forced her to undress, releasing hisaching member, she shouldn't have been so shocked. He squeezed and fondled her bare breasts ... pinching her nipples hard... savouring the flavor and feel of a woman's flesh ... rubbing hishard, erect penis against Paula's trembling...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 9 Sister Spreads Her Lusts

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Nine: Sister Spreads Her Lusts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke trembled. She felt the power of her grandchildren radiating through the room as Alexis nursed them. In a night, Alexis went from merely being two weeks pregnant with her twin brother's children to delivering a pair of healthy twins. Even now, as the infants nursed at her breasts, they'd grown. The nanites that...

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Fulfilling Lust

Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping in and out of her making slurping sounds from the constant plunging down on him. This elf was something else, the words kept echoing through her head, at times images of Allen, whom she knew had feelings for K'lara. Occasionally images of the time she spied on Allen as he would dive in and out of her sister would flash in her mind. The man she had loved and still might love had chosen her sister...

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Mutual Lust

I’d see you come into the café every morning for coffee unable to take my eyes from your body, your ass straining your tight faded low cut jeans, your tits stretching the various t shirts you wore each day, your long, dark curly gypsy-like hair hanging loosely past your shoulders. Our eyes would meet briefly before you went to the counter to serve yourself coffee. You would turn away, pour your coffee, glancing at me over your shoulder with your dazzling eyes then back at the white mug you...

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Mutual Lust

I’d see you come into the café every morning for coffee unable to take my eyes from your body, your ass straining your tight faded low cut jeans, your tits stretching the various t shirts you wore each day, your long, dark curly gypsy-like hair hanging loosely past your shoulders. Our eyes would meet briefly before you went to the counter to serve yourself coffee. You would turn away, pour your coffee, glancing at me over your shoulder with your dazzling eyes then back at the white mug you...

Straight Sex
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Night of Lust

I wanted her the moment she walked in the bar. I had been driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in western Massachusetts. It was late and I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel just down the road and get up early. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bar tender with a pot belly and an old guy by himself at a back table with his head down on the table, holding a shot glass; the head of a buck with huge antlers hung from the wall over the bar. We...

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Married woman finds lust

Kara was brought up in a church going environment where she was taught that her body should be saved for the man she was to wed. When most girls her age were off exploring their sexuality by giving up their virginity, she was saving herself for the man of her dreams. She did give in to a few exploring hands and roaming fingers on occasion but kept her maidenhood intact. Most of those same girls who were considered sluts in school ended up settling down to be good little wives and mothers. ...

2 years ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

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Residential Marriage Guidance Aftercare

Residential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...

4 years ago
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Self Administered Aftercare

SELF-ADMINISTERED AFTERCARE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MY WEEKEND I woke up wanting to kill someone. I lay on my bed in my...

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Love or Lust

We were making love. Well, that’s not quite true. We were having sex, wild, uninhibited, blow your mind, sex. I don’t know at what point it was transformed from making love to this erotic lustful adventure. All I know is it started with an innocent kiss, a little peck the on the lips, a little fondling of her breasts, my semi hard dick rubbing against her ass through our clothes, her hand against my crotch, my lips on her nipples and finally ended up with my tongue in her pussy while she sat on...

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Swallowing Cum Blindfolded The Taste of Lust

His eyes can't see a thing. His complete body is submerged in darkness, the same pitch black from where the odd faint noise gently bursts into distant echoes; footsteps in the kitchen, glasses clinging, the door opening? Closing? She had told him to undress, very kindly she had said it, almost with a smirk, and fully clothed, she had watched him first take off his shirt, then unbutton his pants, pull them down. It was night outside; he had felt naked. His bare body and the beginning of an...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 17 A Fatherrsquos Lusts

Sven Falk “There were a good dozen of them, Ava,” I said as I parted the rosy thighs of the princess’s proxy. Like she had every night since we’d left Cheyvn, she’d inhabited her proxy to hear about our progress. And to enjoy my body. I felt terrible for Kora, having to wait outside until I finished with the princess, but Ava couldn’t know about my incestuous affair with my sister. She wouldn’t understand. I loved them both, but I couldn’t have them both. “A dozen!” she gasped, her quartz...

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About the afterlife 8211 A spanking story

It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in the throat which usually indicated the onset of a bad cold or flu, accompanied by a feverishness and headache. His body had the normal aches of a 68-year old man, but more intense tonight, more...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Kate and Dylan Twins in Lust

I was concentrating on three different female butts just then and didn’t catch who he was talking about “Huh, which one?” “Kate. Look at her man, she’s so awesome, I would pay to get her hot for me.” I looked across the floor to the girl he was talking about just as she leaped off the floor, her long lithe body stretched as graceful as a leaping Gazelle from toes to fingers as she spiked the ball down to the opposite side of the net. If a photographer had been able to catch her while...

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Wendys intimate night of lust

*** The sequel to " Wendy's night of lust " please read that first ***It's now been a couple of years since Wendy started her own business venture as a strippagram. Although that business now booming especially given her one customer guarantee which she set from the beginning, FULL STRIP GUARANTEED!!!! Meaning no matter what gear she started in like a slinky evening dress, sexy pvc outfit basically any outfit requested by her clients, she always ended up COMPLETELY NAKED everytime! She felt...

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Faith Trust and Pixie Lust

Toby's head swung around when he heard the shriek come from somewhere above him in the tree. He and Riana had come to the village for the weekend to relax and visit with the other fairies there. But what he saw happening in the air above him seemed to be anything but relaxing. Riana was hovering in midair and seemed to be slapping another sprite as hard as she could. Not just one indignant slap, either. She was slapping the hell out of the other fairy. Toby was horrified and flitted up to them...

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Introduction to Lust

My wife and I have been swinging for nearly ten years. My wife has always openly lusted for bigger or better eye candy. Events early in our marriage had led to joking about considering an open relationship after fourteen years. Joking and considering gave way to meeting and teasing and a few pleasant experiences - for her. Too often I have pointed out that a woman on the internet has a thousand guys to choose from, while a guy on the internet has to compete with thousands. I suggested swinging...

First Time
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Chapter Four: The Monster's Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's...

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The Festival of Carnal Lust

"Say after me," mayor Linden prompted. "I am saving myself for the forest." "I am saving myself for the forest," Jenny Linden repeated together with the others assembled. She and around fifty other girls stood in the city hall in front of the mayor. "Once more," mayor Linden said. "I am saving myself for the forest," they said again. After who knows how many repetitions none did stutter at the words, but mayor Linden had no real trust in his eyes, just worry as he watched the...

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Mother and Son and the Scent of Lust

The science regarding the existence and effects of human sex pheromones is not well established. There have been some studies that show how women’s menstrual cycles are affected by the presence of either male or female pheromones, but none seem to be conclusive. But the roles of these pheromones have been well-established in some other animal species.In theory, males and females have special olfactory senses that subconsciously detect the odors emitted by sexually mature members of the opposite...

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Dr Strangelust

What began as a flight of fancy for 21-year old English student nurse Emma Davis was fast developing into a dangerous obsession. No sooner had she finished reading the latest instalment of Dr Strangelust’s ongoing saga than she was busily firing off an e-mail, sloppy cumstained fingers slipping all over the keys. ~Oh gosh, Dr Strangelust, Chapter IV made me the wettest yet…I’m literally trembling with desire~ The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back over the words, her words, yet...

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Dr Strangelust

The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back the words, her words, yet words it was almost impossible to believe she had just typed. Her mind must surely have blanked momentarily, for never would she have mentioned that sort of thing to one of her most trusted lovers, let alone a virtual stranger. And not only was he a virtual stranger, judging by the stories he posted, Dr Strangelust was possibly the nastiest, sickest. filthiest and most deranged sex fiend on Planet Earth. Despite all...

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I woke up slowly my head hurt oww so much pain throbbing through my head i had the feeling i was being watched. I opened my eyes wide and there was my kidnapper his eyes not moving watching me. I swallowed the lump in my throat i was in a room i tried to move i couldnt my arms! They are handcuffed ! " You sick freak!" I screamed he laughed softly under his breath he reached for me. One of his hand ran over my naked breast! Oh my god im naked he undressed me! I trembled as my body flushed i...

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Fantasies of Ilustoria

Welcome to The Library. Not a Library like any you've known, no. This one deals in certain stories pertaining to the Legends of a specific realm--Legends that delve into details unfit for the prudent public. But they are no ordinary tales. These tales are much like the tree their paper was cut from, branching out at every possibility their Heroes meet. But enough of that, there are Fantasies to be had! The Heroes of Ilustoria are not many, but of the few, those whose tales are befitting of this...

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Studying was what I was really good at, but interest? It had to be field hockey. My dad was a great hockey player in his college days, but an untimely and serious knee injury prevented him from pursuing it as a career. Since young, I had been watching live, televised games and even highlights. Anything but playing it. I had to blame my mum for her overprotective nature and also my childhood asthma. My high school hockey teams had been the district champions, for 5 consecutive years, the longest...

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“Here at Atlust, our main goal is creating solutions to help the betterment of society. At Atlust we believe a healthy society is a happy one that’s why we dedicate so much money into our pharmaceuticals” the video spokesperson said in a tone that was eerily cheerily. You had always hated these things they always felt cheap and disingenuous. While the video droned on about minor successes and cosmetics you tried to relax and focus on other things.

Mind Control
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It?s been a full month since the strange animal attacked you in the forest. The bites and scratches healed quickly. The mental scarring is still with you. Every night, you see the massive beast plowing right through you, its claws digging into your shoulders as it bit into your flesh. Thank God for the ranger that shot it off of you. The dreams became more vivid as the nights wore on. The attacker was hazy, fuzzy; it looked at first like a large dog. The beast didn't just attack, it tried...

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Dragon Ball Z Lustiness

Pam and Videl were getting prepared for a party that was going to be thrown for the Z-FIghters. Trunks and Goten were outiside playing when everyone arrived. Pam took trunks (Pam was drunk) and ask him if he wanted to play. Of course he said yea. Everyone wanted to know what they were doing, but just continued partying. "What are we going to play?" asked Trunks. "The lust game." said Pam desperately. She took off her shirt and bra. Trunks looked amazed. "Take off your clothes," demanded...

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Mein Leben als Lustobjekt

Mein Name ist Bianca und ich komme aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Ich bin am 14. Dezember 18 Jahre alt geworden. Nun muss ich rückblickend sagen, dass mein Leben bis heute nicht unbedingt als positiv bewertet werden kann. Es gibt jedoch nicht viele Dinge, die ich bereue, auch wenn ich manches vielleicht besser nicht getan hätte. Mein Leben als Lustobjekt begann mit meinem ersten Mal...

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