Mariah free porn video

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David didn't understand the ramifications of what his wife meant when, ashe drifted off to sleep, she told him goodbye. He and Lesley had been talkingdivorce and that night, over too many glasses of wine, they'd agreed to finallygo ahead and end their marriage. David had been against it: He still lovedLesley, but she was determined to move on.

When David woke up he was not in his bed. He was severely bound in a Lucitebox on the floor of the back of a moving truck. Various needles were in hisarms and led to various drip feeds. A ball gag was stuck in his mouth and adrip feed from that gave him drizzles of water occasionally. Lesley stood overhim along with two young women who were very tall and quite muscular.

Lesley announced to the waking David, "This is Karey..." and abeautiful blonde nodded at him with a look of superiority over him. "...Andthis is Rebecca." and a beautiful red head smirked at him. Lesley said, "Butyou can call them mommy. I've sold you to them and they are going to make youinto their little girl!" With that, the three women exited the truck andpulled down the back door, shrouding David in darkness.

David passed out in the truck as it travelled a long distance. When he awoke,Karey and Rebecca revealed to him what they had had done. David's thumbs hadbeen amputated and his fingers were sewn together. Drugs had robbed him ofhis adult strength and his was as weak as a baby and had great difficulty walking.His testicles had been removed and he longer could achieve a male orgasm. Hisbowel and bladder control was destroyed and he would forevermore constantlywet and dirty the diapers he was now required to wear. He body had been completelydenuded of hair, with the exception of the hair on top of his head. David wouldalso discover over the next several days that his intelligence had by reducedby hypnosis to that of a three year old child.

Months passed...

A normal day at the household: David, now named Mariah by his new mommies,Karey and Rebecca, was awakened by one of the mommies. She would pull him outof his crib and carry him easily (They being quite muscular and he now underone hundred pounds) to his changing table. This morning, Karey had woke upher baby girl and removed his frilly pink Barbie nightgown and then his pantiesand his dirty diaper. She held his legs aloft by his thin ankles and cleanedup the mess. Then she oiled and powered his ass and genital area, ticklingthe area where his testicles used to hang with her three inch long silver fingernails.She put a fresh diaper on.

Many days, David was given a perm and this was to be one of them, his mommyannounced. Karey picked out a very frilly, very pretty pink taffeta dress,pink frilly panties and socks and a pink pair of Mary Janes for David to wearthat day.

No need for a hair bow today, Karey announced, because "Miss Thing hasa hair appointment this morning."

Karey told David to get dressed while she went downstairs for a cigarette.David knew what this meant: Be dressed and downstairs for inspection by thetime she finished her cigarette. Even though his mommy (actually both) smokedimpossibly long cigarettes, he often had trouble dressing and being downstairsin time. Failure to do so would result in a spanking and David feared theirharsh spankings that hurt so bad, so he hustled as fast as he could. David'swalk downstairs was always an adventure due to his lack of strength. But hemade it and stood at attention before a sitting Karey as she ground out herMax Menthol 120.

As the final stream of smoke trailed out of her mouth she looked up towardDavid and said, "That was cutting it awfully close, Miss Priss!"

"I'm sorry, mame." David sniffed with his eyes down, as he wasstrictly ordered to do during inspections.

"Well..." Karey implored, "Are you going to start gettingyour ass in gear like you're told to do, or should Rebecca and I just startspanking your lazy ass every morning?"

The word "spanking" caused David to start crying and he bellowedamid tears, "I'll be faster, mame. I won't dawdle. I'm sorry, mommy."

"That's better, Mariah." Karey said, an unlit cigarette bouncingup and down in her mouth as she said it. She lit the cigarette and stood, kissedDavid on the cheek. "Let's go start your perm," she said, alreadyheading to the kitchen, "Be a big girl and bring mommy's cigarettes andlighter, Mariah."

David picked up the long green, white and gold pack of the long, slim cigarettesKarey smoked and thought to himself, "She's only 19, which is too damnyoung to smoke anyway and she's young enough to be my daughter. I love to smokeand I'm forbidden."

Karey and Rebecca would often, though, allow Mariah to take a drag off oftheir cigarettes. Still David's angry thoughts smouldered. But they suddenlydisappeared when he noticed the tattoos on the inside of each wrist. Both werethe same: "Mariah" written in elegant script in black ink and shadowedin pink ink. Just as suddenly, David's anger subsided. He was no longer David,he was Mariah and he had to obey these beautiful 19 year old girls. He dutifullywalked to the kitchen, where Karey stood with her arms crossed and tappingone of her boots. She wore her normal skintight, mirror-shiny PVC black pantswith the platform boots with the stiletto heels that pushed her height to 6'3" dwarfingDavid's 5'2" frame.

David held out the cigarettes and lighter in one of his deformed hands andsaid, "Here, mommy..."

"I thought we'd agree you'd stop dawdling?" she said angrily.

"I'm sorry, mame." he said and before it was out of his mouth,Karey slapped him across the face.

As the pain of the slap seared, David started crying again and Karey yankedhim by the arm to the salon sink area of the kitchen and threw him effortlesslyinto the chair in front of it. As she angrily washed his long hair, she stoodover him with the cigarette dangling from her mouth, with a three inch ashon the end. Karey finished washing the hair, wrapped it up in a towel and groundout the cigarette. She dried the hair a bit and then started working the foul-smelling perm solution in. Once it was absorbed, she combed the hair and startedon the curlers. Each curler was metallic gold and Karey wound hair around eachone and pulled it tight before attaching it to his head by a long, heavy silverclip. Karey's anger had resulted in her pulling the curlers on impossibly tightand David's head hurt badly and as always, the perm solution was burning hisscalp.

Tears formed around the rim of David's eyes from the pain and as Karey surveyedher work, cascading his head in curlers, she smoked a cigarette and yelledat him, "Mariah, grow up, you damn crybaby!"

David sat and tried to hold backs the tears as Karey got his breakfast. Shefilled a food processor with a can of spinach, several handfuls of prunes,oatmeal and liberal doses of castor oil. This created an unappetizing darkbrown mush that she spoon-fed to David as she finished her cigarette and aftershe had tied a big Hello Kitty bib around his neck. Then she filled his juicecup up with the only beverage David was allowed to drink: It contained applejuice, prune juice, castor oil and piss from Karey and Rebecca. David and hismommy sat at the table while she smoked and he drank his juice, awkwardly holdingthe juicy cup with both of his deformed hands. Anticipation was hanging inthe air, as David knew some form of punishment was coming for his slownessthis morning. Karey pondered and finally meted out her punishment. David shiveredin anticipation of a spanking.

"I think you'll be cleaning the ashtrays today, Mariah."

David breathed a mammoth sigh of relief, bringing a slight smile to Karey'sface.

"Mommy's being pretty nice today, isn't she, young lady?" she said.

"Yes, mommy! Thank you, mame! I'll try to be better!" David chirpedin the same ass-kissing voice he used to use on his boss at work when he wasa regular adult male.

"What did you do to be such a lucky little girl, Mariah?" Kareyasked David as she flicked a long ash from her cigarette on to David's tongue,which he swallowed.

"I don't know, mommy." he beckoned in response. "I'm a luckylittle girl."

Karey made David a big, juicy sippy cup to drink while he cleaned the ashtrays.While it included the regular ingredients, she added medication, that whilenot making it possible for him to not get queasy cleaning the ashtrays, wouldat least not allow him to actually vomit. David was told to start with theashtray in kitchen and he dutifully hovered over it and used his tongue topick up the many cigarettes in it and chew them up and swallow them. Then helicked up all of the ashes and licked until the ashtray was sparkling. He didthe same with the ashtrays in the dining room, den, living room and each ofthe ashtrays on either side of his mommies' bed. In all, he had eaten over100 cigarettes and their ashes. During his task, David had dirtied his diaperand he recoiled at the displeasure of it. He'd never reconciled himself withthe fact that he had no bowel or bladder control. Pissing his diaper was onething, soiling it was another. Every single time provided him with discomfortand, when he was changed by one of his mommies, considerable humiliation.

When David was done cleaning the ashtrays he felt very unsteady and quitebloated. He toddled downstairs to the kitchen where Karey had been joined byher wife, Rebecca. Both were smoking. Karey lounged in a seat while Rebeccastood in an outfit similar to Karey's.

She exclaimed, "There's our girl!" and effortlessly swooped Davidup in her arms. She took a massive drag on her More Menthol 120 and said, "Momsays you've been acting up this morning, Miss Priss!" David blushed andthen flinched when Rebecca put up one of her massive arms like she was goingto slap David. "I won't hit you this time, princess," she said, "Butyou need to be better behaved."

David meekly said, "I'm sorry. Mame, I'll be better."

Rebecca noticed David's diaper drooping down past the end of his dress andsaid, "Somebody's got some dirty droopy drawers!"

A towel was laid on the table and David again endured the humiliating processof having his diaper changed, this time by Rebecca. It never got less degradingand as always, Rebecca finished the process by tickling David's tiny, now-useless dick.

"Nothing on in there, eh, baby?" she teased.

"No mame," he moaned weakly.

Around noon came a daily ritual: The two mommies and their overgrown littlegirl went to the house's weight room. As Karey and Rebecca worked out on variousmachines and

weights, toning their muscular physiques, David was required to set in alittle girl's chair, his head a huge mound of curlers, and hold his dolly,Tamika, and verbally give his "Daily Affirmation." This entailedDavid saying out loud how he came to be a grown man forced to live foreveras Karey and Rebecca's daughter...

As his mommies worked out, David said, as he had everyday for six months, "Myname is Mariah Sissy Cunningham-Tynes. I am a 41 year old man who lives asthe daughter of the most exalted Goddesses Karey and Rebecca Cunningham-Tynes.I was a lawyer who was sold by my ex-wife to my mommies. Even though I wasa grown man, I was forced to become a little girl. Now my most passionate desireis to please my mommies and show them that I am a good little girl. I praisemy mommies for the new life and love they have given me. I am so lucky. I mustbe a good little girl for my wonderful mommies."

David repeated this mantra over and over again while his mommies worked out.Then, as David continued uttering his mantra, Karey and Rebecca would do their "posedown" where they flexed their gleaming, muscular bodies for each otherin the mirrors that covered every wall of the workout room.

As always happened every single day, Karey and Rebecca would soon get soturned on by each other's bodies and David's worshipful words. They would collapsein each other's arms are start making out. The women always worked out in thenude and soon they were licking and caressing each other's tanned and tonedbodies. David watched as the two beautiful young women began licking each other'svaginal regions with their tongues. As they came close to their climaxes, onewould ask David if seeing his mommies having sex turned him on. David was incrediblyturned on by seeing the women in action but his lack of testicles had removedany chance of sexual excitement in his body forever.

Before David could answer, one of the women would say, "Of course heisn't! With the tiny little dick of his, I wonder how he can get excited overanything!"

As David would cry over the complete loss of his sexual desire, his mommieswould climax monstrously and lay in each other's arms, lighting cigarettes.As Karey lit a Max Menthol 120 and Rebecca a More Menthol 120, one or the otherwould gaze at simpering David, perched in his dress and diaper and clutchingTamika, and say, "Mommie's working up a big lunch for her little girl..." Thiswas the prelude to the end of the workout.

David had a rubber ring forced over his mouth by one of his mommies and thenwas laid down on the workout room floor. His head was forced inside a specially-designedportable toilet. Once his head was inside the toilet, the rubber ring affixedDavid's open mouth around a hole in the bottom of the toilet. Once David wassecured, one or the other mother would set on the toilet and relieve herself.This day, Karey sat first and she smoked another Max Menthol 120 as she pissedinto the toilet. The piss drained down into David's mouth and he swallowedit down. As Karey pissed, she flicked an incredibly long ash from her cigaretteinto the toilet between her legs and David was forced to accept this in hismouth.

David knew what was coming next and braced himself; he'd never gotten usedto it. Karey farted and the shit- flavoured smell engulfed his mouth. Thenit came, Karey had her most satisfying shit of the day as she streamed a torrentof her faecal matter downward from her toned ass. The shit, of course, wentdirectly into David's mouth and he accepted it as he had no choice. He ateand swallowed Karey shit. His body shivered from the taste and utter humiliationof taking his mommy's waste into his body. Rebecca followed suit and pissedand shit into David's mouth. He went through the same revulsion accepting itinto his mouth and body.

As she often did, Rebecca took a final puff on her More Menthol 120 and withthe preamble, "Here comes dessert, baby," dropped the cigarette downthe drain that was David's mouth. He swallowed it.

David was then unbound from the toilet and his mouth wiped clean by a babywipe. This was the time that Karey and Rebecca sat in their respective tanningbeds. David was led to a cage suspended from the ceiling. He would be madeto set in this while his mommies tanned with crayons and paper and make a prettypicture. His mothers' opinion of the picture would determine whether he gota spanking, so David would work furiously to make sure his picture pleasedhis mommies. This day, David worked on a masterpiece. His mommies loved itwhen he made pictures that showed his pathetic position to his "Boyfriend." Mariah'sboyfriend is a 12" long black dildo (more on that in a sec). David hadan idea that would totally please his mommies. He coloured a picture of himselfin a wedding dress. Meanwhile, his "Boyfriend," the big, black dildowas dressed in a tuxedo. They were married and little David was the bride ofthe big, black dildo. David was so excited, knowing it would please his mommies.Karey and Rebecca exalted over the picture.

"What a good little girl you are, Mariah!" they exclaimed, adding. "Thisone's going on the refrigerator! What a good little girl!"

David's pride was short-lived however as he noticed that Karey was strappingon the 12" gleaming black dildo on. David's "Boyfriend" wasgoing to visit his asshole. David shivered as Rebecca strapped him to the "FuckingBoards." David was strapped in securely, allowing no movement and thenKarey lit a Max Menthol 120. As Karey was lighting it, she banged the tip ofthe dildo on David's asshole, warning him of what was to come... And then, "OOOOOOWWWWW!"

David couldn't help but moan from the pain of Karey ramming all 12 inchesinto his anus. As she moaned in pleasure and enjoyed her cigarette, David moanedin pain and this, as always, made Karey and Rebecca giggle with delight. Kareyfucked David with abandon and soon she came in ecstasy. Rebecca kissed Kareyhard and then she took the dildo and strapped it on herself. She too, fuckedDavid wildly has she enjoyed a More Menthol 120.

As David laid strapped to the fucking board crying over the pain in his ass,both of his mommies made what to him was an incredible gesture of kindness:Each offered her burning cigarette to David's lips. David greedily sucked theflavour of the Max Menthol 120 and More Menthol 120 offered by the women. Eachwoman wore shiny Black Opal lipstick in various shades of silver and Davidtasted their lipstick from the tips of the cigarettes. For him, it was an oasisfrom the degrading position he had been forced into.

After this, David was made to walk back and forth in front of his two mommies,while they watched, smoked and made out. David's anus hurt so bad, he was forcedto limping and along with his weakened state, it was an effort not to crawl.

After that, Rebecca left to run errands and Karey told David that his mommieshad arranged a playdate for their little girl. Karey explained that Aliciawas the former husband of Mrs. Anderson, a fortysomething friend of David'smommies. He had been sissified by his former wife and now lived as a littlegirl like David. Karey gave David some guidelines to follow during Mrs. Andersonand Alicia's visit and then the doorbell rang.

Alicia had on a very pretty, very frilly, very shiny peach dress that endedat his waist, exposing matching panties and sleek, hairless legs that led downto pretty peach Mary Jane shoes and matching frilly socks. He appeared to havebeen a man just a few years older than David. Mrs. Anderson, meanwhile, wastall, like David's mommies, and older. She wore a leather shirt that huggedher waist and a matching top. She smoked a Benson & Hedges Gold 100 ina long holder and appeared very regal. As instructed earlier by Karey, Davidplanted a kiss on Alicia that ended with them swapping tongues as each lookedat their mommies for approval. Each received the nod of approval they yearnedfor and then David hit his knees and began kissing Mrs. Anderson's boots atthe tips of her toes.

"My, what a good, respectful little girl!" Mrs. Anderson said.

David and Alicia sat on the floor, playing with their dolls when Karey orderedDavid over to where she sat talking to Mrs. Anderson.

"Yes, mommy?" David said, standing at attention before them.

"Do you know the alphabet?" she asked him.

David scrunched his face up in confusion saying, "Who's that?"

"Say your ABC's for Mrs. Anderson or I will give you a spanking righthere." she ordered.

David started crying and moaned, "But I don't know them!! Please don'tspank me!!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me!" Karey roared, "Nowyou WILL get a spanking. How many is 30?"

"Um..." David's eyes looked toward the ceiling and he tried tofigure out how many 30 was. Tried but failed: "Um, is it a lot?"

"It certainly is, missy, and that's how many spanks you are going toget."

David roared in agony and his crying accelerated. She explained that shewould take one spanking off for each letter of the ABC's David got. She toldhim to begin and David immediately said, "A." He always got thatone, which Karey noted and said she wouldn't take off a spank for that one.David wailed.

She told him to continue and he struggled to remember them. "Was itC-B?" he thought and decided to guess that.

"No, Mariah!" Karey said, exasperated, "It looks like

you're gonna get most of the spanking, but... it starts A- B-C, if you canjust get the next letter, I'll take two spankings off."

David brightened, thinking that maybe two meant that maybe a lot of spankingswill be taken off, then just as suddenly realized that he had no idea whatthe next letter was.

"I'll give you a hint," Karey teased, "Before mommy and Ibought you and made you our little girl, back when you were a grown man, itwas the letter your old name started with."

David struggled to think of the letter, he knew his name was David (Eventhough he was forbidden to say the name by his mommies), but he couldn't fathomwhat the letter was.

Tears poured out of his eyes and he wailed at Karey, "Mommy I don'tknow, please don't spank me, I'll be extra good! Just don't spank me!"

"Spank you I will, young lady!" Karey said lighting a cigarette,as she exhaled a plume of smoke, she added, "You have until I finish thiscigarette to change my mind..."

David immediately hit his knees and crawled over to Karey. He looked up patheticallyat her with his tear-filled eyes and made a praying steeple with his hands.He begged and begged her and she returned his grovelling with a smirk as shesmoked.

David continued his pathetic display and moaned, "Please. mommy..." overand over again and he leaned down and started kissing the tip of Karey's boots.

As David's pathetic begging continued, Karey stared at him with an aire ofsuperiority and enjoyed her cigarette. Mrs. Anderson enjoyed one of her Benson & Hedgesand watched with an amused look on her face. Finally, Karey looked at Davidwith disgust and told him to shut up. David obeyed, but he couldn't stop crying,so he muffled it as best he could. Karey hadn't flicked the ash on her 120mmcigarette since her first few puffs and an incredibly long ash hung from it.She flicked it onto David's tongue and then took a long, final drag and groundit out in the ashtray. As a steady stream of smoke poured from her mouth, sheeasily yanked David up and across her knee. She ripped down his panties, rubberpanties and diaper and held him down with one hand and placed a thick, hardleather glove on the other. The glove was weighted to cause horrible pain wheneverDavid was spanked with it and he shivered with fear in anticipation of it hittinghis ass.

Suddenly, Karey delivered the first blow and David screamed so high fromthe pain, he actually did sound like a little girl. He immediately startedcrying and screaming and continued to do so as Karey rained blows down ontohis bottom. By the time so reached the 30th and final spank, David was almostin another state. He was wildly kicking his legs up and down and screamingand moaning and crying uncontrollably. Karey pulled his diaper and pantiesback on and had him stand up. David was beside himself, crying and every fewseconds screaming from the pain that throbbed in his ass. For 15 minutes, Davidcontinued this display while Karey and Mrs. Anderson watched him with big smileson their faces, occasionally laughing, while they watched him, talked and smoked.David spent this time in an otherworldly state; the pain hurt so bad!

Mrs. Anderson and Alicia left shortly thereafter and David was still cryingfrom his spanking. When Rebecca returned home a few minutes later, he was STILLcrying and Rebecca said he would be going to bed early as punishment. David'snormal bedtime was 6:00 p.m. It was only 4:00 p.m., but he was dressed in afrilly nightgown and placed in his crib for the night.

He continued crying in his crib, the pain hurt that bad. Plus, the curlershad been left in and their tightness hurt his scalp. Then suddenly, he wetand dirtied his diaper again. The discomfort and humiliation of it engulfedhim and he wailed himself to sleep. The coming week was to be a big one, thoughDavid didn't know it yet.

Karey and Rebecca had been married a year and to celebrate their love, hadtheir noses pierced again, this time in the middle. Inserted into these newholes were long, thin silver tusks that splayed across the width of their beautiful,young faces. Though his mommies are so lovely, the tusks, to David, make themappear even more sinister to him and he secretly feared them more than everbefore.

In the following week, David grew more inward. The women scared him so bad.After the week ended, his mommies ordered him to stand in front of them oneday as they sat in the living room smoking. They told him they had noticedthe change in him and said they knew it was because he was jealous of theirnew piercings. From the time David came to know the young women, which is whenthey bought him and transformed him into their little girl, they had wore diamondstuds in their noses. They frequently would kid David and say that he wantedto get his nose pierced to "be a big girl" like his mommies. Of coursehe didn't and he was even freaked out when his ears were pierced to accommodateearrings his mommies insisted he wear.

Thus said, David's mommies announced that they had decided he would be gettingsome special piercings so he wouldn't be such a "Miss Priss."

First, David's nose was pierced. But instead of a stud, a hoop was placedin his nose and a chain was looped onto the hoop and attached to a hoop inhis ear. When he was shown the results he was mortified, as usual, but thankedhis mommies profusely for it.

Then David's mommies announced that David was such a special little girlthat he was getting special piercings and special jewellery. He was told thepiercings would be painful and when he started to cry, Karey and Rebecca gaveeach other that "Isn't she adorable?" look and told David he wouldbe put under while the piercings were performed. David was amazed by this andactually jumped into his mommies arms and hugged them tightly. Usually, ifpain was involved, they made sure David was a fully wake participant. Davidactually felt warm and fuzzy and was delighted when each of his mommies gavehim drags from their cigarettes.

David was drugged heavily and as he drifted off to dream while the piercingstook place. He actually felt comfort as Karey and Rebecca each kissed him onthe lips and wished him nightie-night.

When David awoke, he was seated in his highchair in his mommies' gym andthey were setting in front of him, smoking cigarettes. David was naked andshivered a bit. He was only unclothed when he was bathed by one of his mommies.David's mommies ordered him to direct his eyes to them. Then they told himto lift his arms and look at his wrists. What he saw amazed him, sickened himand chilled him a million more times than the atrocities the women had alreadycommitted against him.

To put it bluntly, his wrists had been pierced. A cylinder revealed a nearlyinch-wide hole in each wrist, just above his "Mariah" tattoos. Theends of the cylinder had had thick washers welded onto them so they wouldn'tfall out. David nearly fainted, but not before his mommies got up and eachlifted one of his legs. They revealed to him that the same piercings had beenmade in his ankles. This time, David did faint.

David was brought to immediately and just as immediately started to cry uncontrollably.This was even more of a violation than having his testicles removed!

David's mommies ordered him to stop crying in their sternest manner and heobeyed, knowing the wraith otherwise. Karey explained that he was going toget two bracelets to wear that he would love, one for his wrists and one forhis ankles. Just as suddenly a strange looking woman with tattoos and piercingswalked into view and started covering David with a silver cloth. Rebecca explainedto David that this was because their friend was going to weld the braceletsonto David so they would be there permanently. Two lengths of shiny chain wereproduced and David almost fainted again.

Karey and Rebecca produced a pair of welding goggles, which were paintedpink, and had "Barbie" in its trademarked scripted logo printed acrossthe bottom of one lens. They were placed over David's eyes. David cried asthe friend produced a huge, thick hoop and fixed it into the hole of one ofhis wrist piercings. Then the welding torch was lit and within seconds, Davidhad a big hoop permanently pierced into his wrist. This was followed by securedhoops in the other wrist and his two ankles.

David was beyond a mess as the chain was welded onto the hoops. Soon he hadchains strone between his wrists and ankles. Then he watched in horror as eachlink in the chain was welded closed into an infinite circle. In David's mindhe was chained forever and he passed out.

David's frilly baby girl dresses would from now on be made with zippers inthen back so they could be placed on him without his chains being removed.


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Cum for Master

‘Take a deep breathe through your nose and hold it in for the count of 10, concentrate on Master’s voice. Now, through your mouth, exhale completely and slowly. Continue breathing long, deep, breaths through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Tense up all your muscles very tight, now, counting from ten to one, release them slowly, you will find them very relaxed.’ ‘As you read this you will hear Master’s voice, with every breath and passing movement, you are feeling increasingly more...

2 years ago
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KatieChapter 2

I slept pretty late on Saturday as I didn't have anything to do. I put on some cute pink plaid flannel pants and a cream tank top that hugged my body. Since I didn't have school or really any place to go, I skipped a bra. Part of me was sad that I didn't need to wear a bra, but the other half didn't really like wearing them. I mostly wore them to school because I didn't want to get picked on. I knew a couple of girls whose moms won't let them wear one yet, and they got teased...

3 years ago
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A Sexy Subject Part 4

Introduction: The Honeymoon… for Mr. Burkle and Trish ???? The day of the wedding Trish and Christine met Steven at the county courthouse to sign the marriage license. Judge Clifford Brown who performed the ceremony was a tall, slim man with short brown and a goatee who wore glasses that rested on his nose. Christine and Steven exchanged vows and rings. Judge Clifford then pronounced them man and wife and told Steven he could kiss his bride. Steven nodded and gave Christine a quick peck on the...

3 years ago
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Marie Clair Goes To the Wrong School

“Why sure, you may sit here, Sir.” Marie Clair said to the kind-looking, middle aged gentleman. She was glad to have a “gentleman” sit next to her on the train, considering there was some “riff-raff” getting on behind him. She sure wouldn’t want to sit next to one of them. Her aunt had warned her about some of the people who might be on the commuter train. “My name is Marie Clair, and I’m on my way to Saint Catherine’s School for Girls in town. I’ve never been to the city...

1 year ago
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POV Masters

A site calling itself POV Masters is staking a big claim right from the title. There are at least a dozen other paysites out there focusing on the first-person perspective, giving you a porn-stud’s-eye view of blowjobs, doggystyle sessions and other good times. What’s so special about this next site that makes them masters of the craft? Is it just another bullshit brag, or do their movies really make you feel like you’re banging a pornstar? offers premium porn that puts right in a...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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9 Removing the offending part b

Section 2It was wet and windy as Ken arrived at the little home; he brought a sheaf of flowers this time and a very presentable bottle of wine.His doorstep kiss both deep passionate and returned in a like manner by Kay dressed for dinner in a low cut red slim line dress.From the start it was obvious he knew as they did why he was there and over a lovely meal he allowed them to explain all that had gone on since last they had met. The final incident with Sammy proving the straw on the camel`s...

1 year ago
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Sara and I

I'd had a thing for this girl for a long time, her name was Sara. She was this unbelievably amazing person, a year older than me (she was 17) and really gorgeous. She was about 5'4" with short dark hair, and slim. She had nice petite tits and an ass to die for. We were at this for an ex girl friend of mine who had just come back from a holiday to Spain, and Sara and her boyfriend were there. There had always been abit of a thing going on between, even when i was involved with this other girl....

4 years ago
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Kelly friend fashion tease

She was only 16 years old, her name was Kelly; she had dark hair, she was pretty, she wore glasses and had a nice body for her age. She live alone with only her mother. Three months ago her mom started seeing a guy. He was 35 years old, kinda tall with green eyes and dark hair. He had a good body with big arms and a big chest. He was funny and really nice to Kelly. Sometimes he would tell her how pretty she was and that the guy she fell for was going to be a very lucky guy. He was fun to...

1 year ago
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Male escort

Hot male escort Hi, this is sameer from Bangalore, age 27y and height of 5.11 feet and weight of 65 kg, I want to share a experience of mine, that happened while I was working as a male escort in London. I worked as male escort in Bangalore and then I was moved to London with this profile, I was happy as I was going to London, their I learnt many things, including the best way to satisfy a woman, lucky after reaching London, 10 days later I got my first appointed for a lady called Elaine, so I...

5 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 29 Onward

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The ball was a huge success. Aunt Francine essentially started a second career that night. Martel Dance Academy already existed, but the popular impact of the Youtube video is hard to overstate. Mother admits to doing the editing of the video, which should explain everything. She claims it took more of her time than the Will Smith movie. One of the other videos Mom edited is of Aunt Jo. That one stayed in the family, because you have to understand how...

2 years ago
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Bevs Golden Boy

He was her golden boy, her surfer boy, her summer love. His shock of wavy sun-bleached hair and taught surfers body formed an image that carried her through an entire school year. They had met last summer on the beach during her family’s annual vacation to the New Jersey shore. One of a summer flock of teenage girls sunning on the surfing beach waiting for the surfer boys to overcome their goofy shyness, she had her eye on him from the start. It wasn’t long before she and a few of the other...

First Time
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Female DelightsChapter 18 Demands

About mid-morning Princess Zubeydeh sent word via a somewhat less than happy Chief Eunuch that she was asking for a brief audience. The Chief Eunuch was worried at this breach of the natural order of things. To his mind, there could be nothing worrying a woman, even the mother of the Emir, which could not wait until the Emir commanded her presence before him. For the Emir it provided a welcome break from the utter boredom of the economic problems of a country earning too much foreign...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ne Dhoot Marwayi 1

hi frendz i m rahul this is my first story so please forgive me if anything is wrong.I m writing a true story of my bhabhi who has now became a real slut.I Will write many parts of it.without wasting any time i am gonna start my story. first let me explain myself iam 5’7 and study in 11 the story occured when i was in 8 now my bahbhi she is the sexiest women i have ever sene her figure is 38/28/36 her big boobs just can make any person go crazy unka naam savita hai lets start the story main...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 18 Oooh Foreshadowing

The sun was an orange disk over the ocean as they set off towards the sound of distant music, past the ever-present black and orange decorations that nearly every home in Lavender wore. As the cemetery drew nearer, the Victorian style street lamps flickered to life, some sending up short bursts of blue sparks and startling a few jumpy tourists. When they reached the town square, where the light purple cobblestones rose up towards the mountains, the Tower became an omnipresent beacon. It rose...

4 years ago
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Incest WifeChapter 5

It was happening again. For the fourth time that week, Thad and his mother were sneaking into Thad's room at night after everyone else was supposed to be asleep. Sometimes-they even stayed in that room together all night. Randy wondered what was going on. Whatever it was, they were keeping it a big secret. Randy had asked his younger brother about his mother's nightly visits, but he had acted kind of scared and had avoided answering the question. He had wanted to ask his mother what was...

4 years ago
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My wifes birthday gangbang

My name is Alan i'm a very happily married man with a normal job and life, but what happened 2 years ago changed all of that.My wife is Kelly, and i'm proud to say she is a very sexy lady who gets lots of male attention. We met when we were both 17 and both virgins. So up until 2 years ago the only person i had ever had sex with was Kelly and the same goes for her. Like i said Kelly is a very sexy lady 32 years old average hight dress size 12 long blonde hair big full kissable lips but the...

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An Evening of Firsts1

"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them.  "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask.  "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly.  "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...

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TVMovie Time

Lingham woke up that morning horny as hell, despite the fucking he'd received using the Anima portal to access the Disney and X-men dimensions, but now a new idea was going around his head. What if he used the portal to access all the hot women in the m ovies and on television he'd always wanted to fuck? It might be worth a shot... After a few hours of setting up, he has it... the portal is hooked up to the big screen TV in the living room... so, where does he go? (Give it a sec, there's gonna...

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Playing Hooky Ch 02

Mark was away on business — again. Julie was out for a night on the town with Almond, Natalie and Noreen. Sabrina decided this would be a good time to do some spring cleaning, tidying up their home, and think things through. It has to stop, this is wrong Sabrina thought to herself, vacuuming the carpet and moving things to get the dust bunnies that lay underneath. But my baby’s so beautiful, I love the way her face scrunches up when she cums! Sabrina’s mind drifted back to thoughts sexual. ...

3 years ago
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The First Time Mistress Sent Me to My Room

A few years ago I had a Mistress in my life, run my life rather. She was very strict and quick to implement harsh punishment. Do the slightest thing to her displeasure and she would explode into fury. My sissy ass would have a thin but sturdy chain clipped to the lock on my clit cage. Which she would then attach to one of the many well placed hooks in ceiling all around the house. She would pull until I was on my tippy toes before she set the hook. As if the pain of my genitals being stretched...

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Tempting Ashly

As the plane landed, Ashley couldn't help but think how she had gotten herself into this. It wasn't that she didn't like her cousin Tiffany, but she didn't like being sent away. She had been dating the school bad-boy for almost two years now and she had grown to love him deeply. But that didn't stop him from hurting her over and over. She wanted to save herself for marriage and hadn't slept with him and only occassionally gave him blowjobs. Because of that, he had often found other girls that...

2 years ago
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I'm pining for my love and I don't know how to get a hold of her. I so want to hold her in my arms and give her anything she asks, and yet I can't find her. So I desperately seek out any clue I can find to hunt her down and save her from anything or anyone that is keeping her ensnared...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend and Girlfriend Bought and Sold

The two of you met at college, just after your eighteenth birthday. According to your friends, it was love at first sight. You yourself were never so sure about that. Was there even such a thing? But you got on well, that couldn't be argued. You went from friends to best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. You had fun dates, you even moved in together a year to the day that you first met! Your friends got used to seeing the two of you together, it seemed sometimes that you never left one...

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Confessions of an English Maid 1937

Confessions of an English MaidbyJessie.London1937 CHAPTER 1During the course of the years in which I have been more or less closelyassociated with other prostitutes I have frequently listened toexplanations as to just what this one or that owed her degradation; theparticular villainy to which she attributed her advent into a life ofshame. The usual story is one of seduction by a lover under theinevitable extenuating circumstance of "before I really knewanything," with the occasional variation,...

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Pool Party

My name is Dennis, my wife and I recently finished renovating our basement, turning it into a rec room complete with a bar and pool table. Its a great place to entertain friends.One weekend about a month ago, my wife went to visit family out of town and our daughter Claire said she was going to be staying at a friends house. So, I invited over a few buddies to watch some sports and have a few beers.After the game we were playing pool when my daughter came home . My daughter Claire is 18 5"9...

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My Deflowering

This story is an excerpt from a book I read, and if you like it half as much as I did, comment, friend me, and I will give you the title and author. It is a long passage, but you will be glad that it is. read-on, and enjoy.I was in a girls finishing school, renowned throughout merry Olde England as the finest disciplinary establishment in the country, if not the world. The occasion was of my deflowering, a ritual that Rev. B., the headmaster reserved for himself. I was led to the chamber by...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 30 Rule number nine tilted

One night, I picked up the phone, thinking it was Adeline. "Sammy?" "Hi, Kelley, how are you?" I asked, trying to sound friendly. "Sammy, I'm making another trip to Seattle to meet Linda? It's next weekend, and she's asking if you'll be there. Naturally, I told her you would." "Gee, Kelley, I distinctly recall you agreeing to tell Linda that we're not together." "I couldn't. Please say you'll go with me. We'll have such fun. You won't be disappointed." "I'm sorry,...

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Ease The Burn Four

Silvie lay cuddled to her father's side in the afterglow of her first real fuck. Her dad was on his back on the sofa and she was on her left side with her right arm and leg thrown over his body. Her right hand was toying through the hair on his chest and would occasionally trace downward over his belly button, through his pubic hair and across his spent dick. She marveled at how something that was so big just a few minutes ago was now just a shriveled tube of meat about three inches long. She...

2 years ago
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Debbies Accidential Debauchery

I awoke with a groan, the bright sunlight hitting my face like a sledgehammer and making me squint. My mouth was parched and my whole body felt sore. The soft beating in my skull didn’t make getting my bearings any easier. Holding up a hand to block the stinging rays, which had, in my opinion, no fucking right to torture me at this time of day, I took a look around and felt my stomach twist. I had not the faintest clue where I was. The only things I was certain about were that I was naked,...

Group Sex
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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 5

The two men immediately froze when Steve pointed the handgun at them. Steve risked a few quick glances around to determine if the two had any companions somewhere close. He saw no one else. By this time the girls were awake. Roxie was struggling to pull her shirt on while Sam clung to her. Steve carefully stood as he studied the two men. They didn't look like cartel men. They were very poorly dressed and one was much older than the other. Both men were heavily armed, however, and Steve was...

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Kyle and the Thompson Family

Kyle drove up the drive way of the house at 6969 North Water Way. It was a large colonial style home. It was the home to the Thompson Family. Mr. James Thompson, still in his early forties, was a millionaire several times over. He owned a number of businesses around the world. He had a daughter, Rene, who was a sophomore at an ivy league school he couldn't remember the name of. He also had a son, Gregory, who had just graduated from high school. Their mother had passed away several years...

Mind Control
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Father daughter

The next day my wife was working a 12-hour shift at the hospital and I was home ostensibly keeping an eye on Clara, who basically came and went as she chose all that summer. My son Matt was off at the skate park again, as usual, and I was back in the garage, finishing preparations on Clara’s loft and hoping Alyssa didn’t find her way back over at an inconvenient time.At around noon, Clara came into the garage and said she was going to go over to her friend Beth’s house. I said okay, but then a...

2 years ago
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Taming of Amy V Dining Out

Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sleeping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long.I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to go...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away

This story is about the time we went away for a naughty weekend, and ended up doing something spontaneous. I was sitting at the bar having a drink by myself as Natalie got ready to head out I was asked if waiting for someone by a gentleman in a suit I replied ‘no’ and he said that he was sorry to bother me and I continued with my drink. When nearly finishing my drink the gentleman asked me what the time was I told him 7:30pm he said thanks I finished my drink and returned to my room. Natalie...

4 years ago
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Bus Mein Mili Ek Sexy Ladki

Hello all. Ye 100% real story hai ek sexy ladki ki. Aur is story ko padh kar sari ladkiyon ki ungli unki choot jarur ragdegi. Mera naam Rahul hai. Age 26, from Lucknow. Ye baat pichle saal ki hai. Main Lucknow se Prayagraj ja raha tha interview ke liye. Main apni car se jane wala tha. Par shayad mera luck achha tha isliye mere mann mein aaya ac bus mein travel kiya jaye. To main bina confirm ticket ke bus station pahucha aur ek ac bus mein baith gaya. Us bus mein bohut kam log baithe the....

3 years ago
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Loved in Pieces

Love is illogical. It’s often found in the small moments where you are hit with the realization that the person in front of you matters more to you than anyone else. When they walk in from work and brush their lips to your forehead and pull you close. When you get in an argument and you realize you don’t want to fight, you just want to make up. The fleeting seconds during the most mundane activities, when you look up and smile knowing this person, this unique and complex person, loves you for...

1 year ago
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A Trip to Casies

Casie had just moved into her first home and invited her on line friend Jackie down to visit her. The two had been chatting on line for several month's now and the arrangement to meet… Casie had just moved into her first home and invited her on line friend Jackie down to visit her. The two had been chatting on line for several month's now and the arrangement to meet was now set. Jackie started the long drive that Saturday morning while Casie work hard on getting everything ready for her...

2 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 15B Crossing The Line

Jake, Matt, and Bill all received multiple phone calls over the next two days. They received them from Doolittle, from Crow, from Shaver, even from William Casting, CEO of National Records — the big guy himself. These phone calls were all in the same vein — demands to submit recordable music by the deadline, threats of what would happen if they didn't, promises that National would not cave on this issue no matter what, that they would sacrifice the millions they stood to make even if they...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity to Isabel

After taking my new lover's cock into my mouth and sucking her off, we quickly found a taxi and went to Isabel's house. She was in her early twenties and lived there with her cousin. We rushed inside when we arrived and as we went into her room, we tore off our clothes.There she was before me completely naked with her huge engorged cock pulsating and ready for a fucking. My cock was hard too in anticipation of what was about to happen. Now I wanted Isabel to take my anal virginity and make me...

2 years ago
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Control Removal

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional; any similarity with real-life situations/characters is purely co-incidental. Any resemblance to any other works is also purely unintentional. If You have any comments, please email me at [email protected] Removalshe wasn’t really sure if she was awake or not. she could feel the cold, hard steel against her back, but darkness still pervaded her sight. Were her eyes open? she did not know. The rest of her body felt numb. she tried to...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 41

We were still talking to Susan when I heard the door open and Chris’s voice. “She wanted to show this to you,” he said. “Hey, Travis. Hey, Liz.” “Hey,” we said in unison. Susan handed him the phone while she inspected Amber’s handiwork. I heard her say that it was beautiful. “Do you want to say hello to your new niece?” Chris asked. “Of course,” I said. “Hey, Sweetie, your Uncle Travis and Aunt Liz want to say hi,” I heard him say. “Hewo, Uncle Twavis and Aunt Wiz,” I heard a little...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriend Chapt 2 Filled to the Brim with Girlish Glee

The Girlfriend - Chapt. 2 - Filled to the Brim with Girlish Glee "Can we practice one more time?" Lissa said. She was the perfectionist of the group, and loved to perform for an audience as I was well aware. I restarted the YouTube video and strains of 'Three Little Maids are We' filled the den, coming at us from Natasha's uber hi-end sound system. Lissa, Jackie, and I began singing the words, dancing in a choreographed routine that Denise had put together for us. She sat on the...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Morning

The shift of the mattress woke me up as my husband slipped back into bed. I blinked my eyes open and he smiled at me. I smiled back, inhaling the scent of freshly brewed coffee and enjoying the feel of naked skin against my own. I ran one palm gently over the woman sleeping between us. I didn’t want to wake her up yet, just send her dreams in an erotic direction. I held my husband’s gaze as my fingertips grazed lightly over Emma’s nipples, barely touching, the merest brush of flesh on flesh....

Wife Lovers
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Banged Madhvi Aunty In Pune

Hello guys/girls. My name is gautam, from pune. I’m 6 feet tall, have athletic body, 25 years old. From beginning I liked elder girls (now aunties ). This is really happened ( as all say this is true story, its all up to you to believe it or not). Forgive me for any mistakes Do give me feedback Coming to the story. When I was in college I have had a gf. Our relation was good, going smooth. We have enjoyed a lot together. We used to have sex weekly or twice a week. She was a horny girl. She...

2 years ago
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Domestic Bliss With Daddy

Domestic Bliss With Daddy Mommy and I smiled at the camera as you took a picture to commemorate our first night out as a family after being released from the hospital. You motioned for us to get closer together and as I pressed up against Mommy's breast, I glanced up and could see her grimace and try to maintain the forced smile she was putting on for you. I don't know why Mommy was so ungrateful for the love you showed us, particularly after our accident that had left us in...

2 years ago
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Drunk aunt

I was watching my aunt's huge heaving breasts from across the room. She obviously had too much to drink and the alcohol was getting to her. She leaned forward a bit to grab her drink from the table, and I could almost see all the way down her very low cut tube top. My brother and I were invited over to play some cards and have a drink with some other friends. Since her husband was gone we didn't have to worry about calling it a night early. I had other ideas. I was finally going to get to enjoy...

3 years ago
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Billy ndash blood Sweat and Oil

Sir, Boss, Master, ALPHA, GOD…. They are just words. Billy is all of these things; 6’4”, muscle, ripped, tattooed, pure power, the man, the top of the food chain.He Texts:6pm, worship me. Billy.I’m ready for him. Around 6:00 I hear the keycard open the door of the hotel room. I stand to greet him as the door opens and the room fills with his presence. Billy is fresh from the gym; his body is shining with sweat, his veins thick beneath his skin and pulsing with raw power. The vest he has...

4 years ago
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Taking the Plunge With Daddy Part 8

I entered the big hotel suite bathroom and closed the door behind me, my arms full of the clothes and heels that Daddy and ordered me to put on next. I took a deep long breath and felt my chest expand and relax...and realized I had a little stomach ache. It must be from Daddy's delicious cum. That was the first time I had ever swallowed another man's cum - I had tried mine a few times watching the hypnos and all that, but never really did it before, not a big mouthful. Wow, his scent...

1 year ago
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Tattoo Part One

His story Background My wife, Hanna and I are both thirty-something but like to think not fallen into the trap of becoming boring grown-ups! Hanna keeps herself fit doing lots of exercise and has a great petite figure. We have ‘adopted’ two teenage girls, Yolanda and Chantelle, who spend most of their time round here rather than at their respective patents’ houses.  Their two families parents live in our road. The parents are grateful for this arrangement as their offspring are going through...

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CybersexAudrey POV

It was 10 pm. I logged on to Facebook. There was a a friend request there. It was Alex Gallagher. He sat next to me in algebra and Language Arts. He was also my neighbor. I friended him. Soon, he chatted me. Hey. Hey I said You want to see my cock? He asked. I gasped. No one had ever asked me if I wanted to see their cock before. If you want to see my pussy I replied I WANT IT MORE THAN APPLE PIE He shouted in caps lock. I giggled. Then go on msn. Im sw33tdr34ms. Ill be there. He said. There...

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Just To Avoid Jail Part 1 Error Of Judgment

Hello, my fans, followers, and friends. I, Shivangi, am back with not a sex story but with one of the sexiest incident of my life. This took place a few days back when I was coming back to my home from Ahmedabad domestic airport. I went there to drop my hubby as he had to go to Delhi on an urgent basis and his driver was not available. I had to go with him to the airport. His flight was on schedule at 21:45. I dropped him early and was on my way home but due to traffic, I preferred to go...

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