Caleb Woke Up Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 22
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Caleb Comes to Town
by JEP
Chapter 1 – Caleb Picks up Supplies
Caleb was making his semi-annual trip to town. Twice a year he drove intothe little town in his huge truck to pick up six months of supplies, take agander at humanity, and then he would return to his remote farmhouse. His tripalways followed the same pattern. First, was a stop at Ray's Café tohave breakfast. It was the only business that would be open at 5:00 a.m. Calebalways had the same meal – three eggs over medium, a rack of sausage,six pieces of toast and two servings of biscuits and gravy. Then he would concludewith a slice of apple pie. People were no longer surprised at his breakfast,he had been doing it twice a year for twenty years. Caleb was a big man – bighead, big hands, big body. A new waitress waited on him this particular morning.She didn't know it, but he was smitten. Her nametag identified her as 'Heide'.She was a big-boned Swede – quite attractive despite the size of herbody. She was twenty years old, blonde(of course), with hair pulled back intotwo pigtails. The café owner, Ray, always made his waitresses wear incrediblyshort skirts – he knew it helped augment the breakfast trade. Her skirtrevealed substantial thighs that, although large, did not carry an ounce offat. In reality, her legs were quite shapely – simply large – andcreamy white as befit someone of her heritage. Her breasts were very large – atleast 'D' cups. She had broad shoulders that led up to a face that could havebeen that of a Scandinavian angel. Her waist was not small, but small enoughto give her a nice hourglass figure. As she walked away after taking his order,she demonstrated a broad ass that moved just right. Caleb could not take hiseyes off of her. He was 6'4" tall and he judged her to be at least 5'10" tall.A plan began developing in his mind.
Caleb finished his shopping – loading the back of his large truck tothe brim with supplies, seed, tools, and lots of beer. Caleb liked Budweiserand he liked it in large quantities. Yet, he had never been inebriated. Henever walked fast but always with a purpose that showed no hesitation or waveringin his objective.
When Heide walked out the back of the café at 2:00 p.m., she was thinkingonly of going home and relaxing. She never knew what hit her. Caleb was behindthe rear exit door and he made one swipe with his muscular arm, driving hisforearm directly into the back of her head. She fell like an ox. He threw heronto the floor of his pickup and slowly, deliberately put the truck in gearand drove to his home.
His home was a two-hour drive from town, located deep in the woods. Peopleknew not to trespass on his land – he could be vicious when his territorywas invaded. He was always left to his own devices and that's the way he preferredit.
When Heide regained consciousness she found herself in some sort of a farmoutbuilding. She was standing naked between two pillars made of old timbers.Her arms were tied to each timber, keeping her upright. Her only garment wasa livestock collar around her neck. Her head was throbbing from the blow hehad delivered. She saw him standing about six feet in front of her and shewas terribly afraid. He showed no emotion as he examined her as though shewere a recently purchased farm animal. She started to speak and he held hisindex finger up to his lips to signal her to be quiet. Somehow, the look inhis eyes told her she better obey. Her mouth clamped shut. He walked up toher, took each index finger, stuck them into each side of her mouth and spreadher mouth wide and open. His fingers were strong and heavily callused.
She squirmed but she did not try to evade his intrusion. He moved his fingersback in forth in her mouth to reveal her teeth and gums. He bent down and eyedthese with great interest. When he finished he removed his fingers and wipedher saliva on the side of his overalls. He then felt her huge breasts. Herbreasts were big but his hands were bigger. His hands made each breast completelydisappear. His hands squeezed each melon gently – surprisingly tenderfor a rural man with such big hands. He hefted the tits up and down as thoughhe were judging their weight. They were heavy but they were fairly perky – youthdid have its rewards. He traced the tips of his fingers around each large,deep red areola and just barely stroked the base of her large nipples. Theyimmediately sprung to attention from his touch. She felt a wave of sadnessroll over her as she realized her body was betraying her by letting her nipplesbecome erect at his touch. She figured she was going to be raped but she didn'twant to do anything to encourage him.
His hands moved down to her flat stomach and lingered at her navel. His fingerprobed her belly button, pushing it in and then moving out quickly to watchit rebound. He was especially entranced by her pubic hair. He loved the lookand feel of a woman's bush. He slowly raked the fingers of one hand throughher hair and watched the blonde kinky curls make way for his large fingers.He never touched her pussy. That would come later. Then he placed each handaround her sturdy right thigh and felt the muscles rippling beneath the skin.She had good legs. He repeated this with the other thigh.
Slowly he arose and walked behind her. This made her exceedingly nervous.Somehow, it was better to be able to see him when he fondled her proud body.His hands first rested on her shoulders and then worked their way down herstraight back. Then, his hands lingered on her large butt. It was a good butt!He felt each cheek from several directions as though he wanted to memorizeevery contour. His hands moved under each cheek and hefted them up and downin a motion similar to what he had done with her breasts. It was as thoughhe wanted to also judge the weight of these large orbs. Then his fingers wentbetween each cheek, deep into her ass crack. He slowly separated the cheeksuntil her beautiful ass hole was winking directly at him. The hole was shuttightly but he knew he could do some readjustment to this attitude with theproper training.
He stood and walked around to the front of her and stared at her for thenext twenty minutes. Somehow, this was worst then being touched by him. Shecould see that his mind was turning over and thinking some horrible thoughts.Then, finally he moved. She wished he hadn't. He lowered each strap of hisoveralls and let them fall to the floor. Then he slowly unbuttoned his flannelshirt, slipped it off and let it fall to the floor. He stood before her ina full set of long johns. These he unbuttoned slowly, revealing a huge chestthat was covered with thick black hair. As all the buttons became undone shesaw that he had a fairly large stomach but one without fat. Now his long johnsalso fell to the floor. He was naked! It was a horrible sight!
She was not a virgin. She had seen naked men before. But – nothinglike this! His dick was a giant fence post – circumcised, long, and huge.It was completely erect and the giant purple head seemed to be pointing directlyat her face – with his piss slit seeming to wink at her in anticipationof things to come. His dick had to be ten inches long and four inches in diameter.It perched above balls that looked like huge, hairy grapefruit. They hung lowas though their weight was trying to pull them to the floor.
Now she was frightened. He said nothing, turned, left his clothes in a heapand slowly walked away from her. Somehow she couldn't take her eyes off ofhis retreating butt. It was quite flat with large tufts of hair sprouting fromthe lower part of his crack. She didn't know why the thought came to her mindbut, nonetheless, all she could think of was, "this guy has a hairyasshole!"
Just as Caleb was about to exit the door that was directly in front of her,he stopped and turned so that she could see his profile silhouetted in theframe as the sun beamed through. His profile was of a tall, strong, somewhatround-shouldered man with no fat – sinewy and, somehow, evil. His dickprotruded firmly from his torso. He took his left hand and held his dick sothat it was in plain view to her and then he began pissing a solid, yellow,satisfying stream. She could not believe it! She had seen dicks, she knew theypissed, but she had never seen one actually doing it. Somehow, his lack ofmodesty was completely degrading to her. Even worse was the sound splatteringon to the wall and the floor. In revolting curiosity she watched the thickstream emanate from his dick, do a ninety-degree twist and gush onward andoutward. He seemed to piss forever! Finally it quit with yellow droplets stillseeping from the slit. Then, to her astonishment, he shook his dick firmly,the head wobbled up and down as though on ball bearings, and a myriad of pissdrops sprang from the head – seeming to go everywhere. She didn't knowmen did that! It wasn't knowledge that she necessarily wanted to acquire.
Just to recap, Caleb is a naive boy raised in a sheltered, religious home. Somehow this clueless innocent found a magic necklace, but he hasn’t figured out the powers of the necklace yet because he isn’t that bright, and it’s been a pretty busy day. (revision 2 — fixed some consistency issues) *** Driving Miss Anna *** He loved his older sister. Everybody did. She was sweet, and was good at everything she attempted. She got excellent grades, had been captain of the high school dance squad,...
OK, I am trying something weird here that is probably going to confuse some folks. I wanted to twist the original story so I decided to do an alternate version on chapter 2. This is basically the same plot with a little more sex thrown in. Just to recap, Caleb is a naive boy raised in a sheltered, religious home. Somehow this clueless innocent found a magic necklace, but he hasn’t figured out the powers of the necklace yet because he isn’t that bright, and it’s been a pretty busy day. This...
Introduction: Codys younger brother Caleb has a question to ask. This is a fairly typical story, but I hope the details and realistic penis sizes set it apart from similar ones on this site. This contains incest between minors, so if you dont like this kind of story, by all means, stop reading now and finish watching Twilight. Sixteen-year-old Cody and his thirteen-year-old brother Caleb were closer to most brothers that either of them new. From the time they were young, it was clear that the...
Sixteen-year-old Cody and his thirteen-year-old brother Caleb were closer to most brothers that either of them new. From the time they were young, it was clear that the two would be inseparable in the years to come. They did everything together and never shied away from any subject that came up in their discussions. Cody had recently gotten a girlfriend who he came to spend more and more time with, much to the chagrin of Caleb. Caleb, try as hard as me might, never really connected with a...
Caleb's life settled into a comfortable routine with Susan. She was now bulging in the belly to the point that she could hardly walk, and her mother was spending most of her time at the Circle J supervising the usual household chores. Caleb had the good sense to stay out of the way of the two women and let them run the house the way they wanted to. On the other hand, Hank Smith was doing such a good job as foreman that Caleb figured that, most of the time, he was excess baggage. This left...
I started my Monday with a run. The weekend had been amazing; there had been some ups and downs, sure, but overall, it had gone really well. Jules was euphoric, Amanda and Mary were happy, and Josh and Louise would be back from her parents’ later today. For some reason I had got out of bed even earlier than usual, waking up just after four-thirty. I was wide awake and felt energized. I decided that rather than just waste the time, I could go for a run, get an hour’s worth of martial arts...
McBride regained consciousness just before the undertaker arrived, so Caleb asked, "Look here, McBride, there ain't no way ya'll live much longer, so why don't ya tell me who ya been working with in them Mexican whore houses? It don't seem fair that he gits away with it, an' ya don't." McBride struggled to talk, "Right, it shore don't! ... It were Jesus Rodriguez in ... San Elmo what did the buyin' ... I ain't got no idee who ... else was in it with 'im. Ya got a shot of whiskey...
This chapter involves sex between an eighteen year old boy and his mother. If you have been reading the other chapters, you should have seen this coming. REVISION 2: Fixed some typos, consistency, and generally tried to make it more readable. Also inserted some teasers after the chapter ending. *** Revelations *** Caleb was sitting on the couch, with his bronzed, blonde, blue-eyed goddess asleep in his lap with her head on his shoulder. Now this is something I could get used to, he...
Caleb ordered Lubbock's body tossed into the back of the buckboard, and they covered it with a sheet. Caleb's only reason for taking the body back to town was to let anybody who wanted to, to verify for himself that Lubbock was dead and no longer a threat to Colter County. They dropped off the body at the undertaker and stopped by the newspaper office to announce Lubbock's demise. That was enough work for one day, so the Three Musketeers decided that it was time to have supper and relax...
As always my thanks go to Neuroparenthetical, for the amazing work in turning my random thoughts and ideas into something half readable. Any residual mistakes are mine and mine alone, and you are welcome to them Caleb 12 – Meet the Parents. I sat in the back seat, staring out the window as the scenery flashed by unnoticed. Mary had taken my hand and was holding it between hers. I had felt her flex her power and had been ready to reject it, but all I felt from her was love, and just then I...
It took a huge amount of control to not imagine the driver of the car that had just cut me off, almost forcing me into the median, having the same ‘accident’ as Todd had had in the classroom. However, the memory of Harold Bleasdale forcing his will onto Andrea and Bob flashed before my eyes. I felt my rage refocus onto him - even though he was likely in a deep, dark hole - and then onto myself. Then I felt a little sick. The usual moments of sheer terror aside, the drive home was giving me...
When I woke, I found myself staring into a pair of beautiful, tawny eyes that I immediately identified as belonging to Amanda. “Morning,” I said, trying not to breathe too heavily in her direction. Morning breath is not great. She smiled brightly. “Hey you!” she said chirpily. “How did you sleep?” I stretched, luxuriating in the feeling. “Like a baby,” I said. I looked across at Mary, who was still asleep. “How long have you been awake?” I asked Amanda. “Oh, we took it in turns. Mary has...
The journey back to school took the same amount of time as my journey home, minus the stop for pie. We even shared the driving, so I was in far better shape when I got back than I expected to be. Initially, we went directly to the girls’ dorms, taking Amanda to her new room. Mary went to speak to her current roommate to tell her she would be moving out. Amanda and I ran into Louise as we were taking some stuff up to her room. “Hey Caleb, you’re back,” she said, looking Amanda up and down....
On the third day of his trip to Austin, Caleb was riding through some woods leading up to a river ford. He had stopped to let his horse drink when he heard a shotgun blast come from the other side of the river. Only a moment later, he heard a pistol fire two rounds in quick succession. Shortly thereafter, the shotgun was heard to fire again, and then there was a series of shots from one or more pistols, Caleb couldn't tell how many from just the sound. He decided that this was something that...
Caleb had now successfully established himself outside the coach, so he was a force to be reckoned with, the attackers just didn't know it yet. As far as Caleb knew, there were 7 attackers left, so he had to be careful not to be ambushed, himself, in a moment of inattention. It occurred to Caleb that the sudden silencing of one of the attacking guns might be noticed, so it seemed prudent to switch back to using the pistol in his hunt. Caleb had noticed, from the sound of the guns, that the...
I woke, with Jules curled up against me, my arms around her and her butt pressed into my groin. I tried to disengage, but she complained sleepily, tightening her hold. “I need to get up” I whispered gently in her ear, and she sighed, releasing me. “What time is it?” she asked. “Still early,” I said. “I run in the mornings. Will you be okay to stay here without me?” “I’m going back to sleep,” she said, “unless you’re kicking me out?” I laughed and kissed the top of her head. Then realized...
Caleb thought about it some more and realized that his thoughts of abandoning Susan Wright were just sour grapes. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted her! Sober reflection revealed that he really did love her. He reasoned that she had been tricked into marrying Jethro Peevy, so he couldn't hold that against her. Shit, furthermore, he was no virgin, so he couldn't hold that against her, either. The trick was figuring out how to get rid of Jethro. He could easily murder Jethro,...
Massive shout out to my editor Neuroparenthetical, who has not only corrected my many mistakes in grammar but also points out glaring plot holes and suggests how they might be filled. Obviously, I can’t resist tinkering after he sends it back, so any errors you find are a deliberate ploy to give you something to complain about. For early access to chapters – check out my patreon Anyway – on with the show Caleb 10 – At the Mall I woke to a feeling of misery and...
It was a good job that Mary was in my first lesson because I didn’t take any of it in. Fortunately, I was able to share her memory of it as we left the classroom and separated to go to our second lesson - one that we didn’t share. I managed to concentrate a bit better in my second lesson, and by lunchtime, I was pretty much back to myself. As I was the first person in, I got lunch for everyone, and so I was waiting at a table with four trays of food when the girls arrived. We sat and ate...
As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...
As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 16 – Coming Home When we pulled up to the house, there was a strange car and a couple of motorcycles in the driveway. Loud music was playing from within....
I’d dedicated Saturday to Josh and Louise’s illusion; I hadn’t been sure how it would go, or how much time I’d need to recover afterwards. It had gone well, as far as I was concerned. They had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and Dianna had been reasonably satisfied with the illusion I had spun, only finding a few flaws that might have given it away to someone thinking with anything other than their loins. I knew I needed more practice, and I also knew that Josh and Louise weren’t going to be...
I woke up the next morning, once more alone with just one of my girls - Amanda this time. She was curled up against me, wide awake, her beautiful tawny eyes looking up at me. “Good morning beautiful,” I said to her, and she smiled. “Good morning to you too,” she replied, her hand stroking my chest. “Where is everyone?” I asked. I couldn’t hear anyone else in the house, and my bond was telling me that Jules and Mary were some distance away. “They went out,” she said simply. “Oh?,” I...
The three lawmen left for home the next morning and made it without further delays. Caleb left the other two and headed for the Circle J where he was met by Susan, his new wife. She was solicitous enough to ask if Caleb was tired and needed to go to bed right away. He agreed that he was interested in going to bed, so they had a very late supper that night. The next morning, as they were eating breakfast, Jake came bursting in with a horrible announcement, "Most of my cattle has been...
As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 13 - NSA We had showered and retired to our own bed, leaving Jules’ parents to change their bed after we had made such a mess of it. Despite us not...
Pain, the likes of which I had only ever felt once before in my life, lanced through my chest. I felt like my heart had literally been ripped out. I couldn’t believe what I had done. I had threatened to destroy the twins and abandon Jules, and I’d felt nothing at all - at least not at the time. I was on my knees, on the floor of the lobby of the Steadman’s mansion, sobbing. My grief and self-loathing threatened to consume me. I desperately needed to apologize to the twins and to Jules and beg...
I had been asleep for about four hours when my phone buzzed. Very few people had my number, and most of those that did were within arm’s reach, sharing our bed. I considered ignoring it, but it buzzed again; somehow, I heard the reality that it wasn’t going to stop buzzing until I answered it. It wasn’t a new psychic superpower. It was just healthy pessimism. I couldn’t reach it over Jules and Amanda, who were between me and the side table where it was sitting on the charge pad. My TK took...
Damn! What was that fool woman trying to do, get herself killed? There was no telling when Susan left for the Circle J; maybe they could catch her if they hurried. The Three Musketeers jumped on their horses and rode as fast as they could push their somewhat tired mounts toward the Circle J in an effort to catch Susan before her mistake became irrevocable. Needless to say, they didn't make it! The three lawmen rode into the front yard at the Circle J and pulled up in a cloud of dust....
I couldn’t help but stare at Caleb, my best friend’s son, as he helped my husband with some yard work. He was nineteen and I was old enough to be his mom, but I didn’t have any maternal thoughts towards him, I was glad he was legal.“Hun, I need to go into work, there’s a problem with a transformer, Caleb is going to stay and finish up; I left money for him on my dresser.” My husband ran into the house to quickly change and he was gone.I continued watching as Caleb pulled weeds, edged the yard...
As the Three Musketeers returned to the ground floor, they heard a clatter coming from the area of the barn and corral. Jake was in the lead, and he ran to a window facing to the rear. "Oh, shit!" he exclaimed. "The rest of the bodyguards have returned, and they're out by the corral." Caleb said, "We better git out fast! The three of us can't possibly defend this house, it's way too big. Let's git to the hosses." They rushed to where their horses were hitched at the front door and...
I traveled with Jamie back to the house. She looked impressed when she pulled onto the drive. “Jules’ father must really like you,” she observed. “This is one heck of a house.” I determined to have words with Jules later about that. I hadn’t known that Pops had actually made me the legal owner of the house, thinking he had bought it for his daughter. I had assumed that once we were finished with it, he would either resell at a profit or rent it out. Rachel was sitting in the kitchen when we...
Jake and Sam pretended that they had no interest in, nor taken notice of, Caleb coming out of the saloon with the three other men. They continued to sit on the bench across the street from the saloon and smoke their cigars as the 4 men climbed into their saddles and rode out of town. As soon as the 4 had cleared the line of stores along the western end of the street, Jake and Sam threw away their cigars and hurried to their horses. They mounted and also rode toward the western end of town....
The Three Musketeers were careful as they rode toward Joe Hostler's hideout. They didn't want to be spotted and get into a premature gun fight. They knew that they had to catch Hostler this night or face a long struggle over finding him, again. As usual with any sensibly cautious outlaw leader, Hostler had chosen a hideout off the beaten track and hard to reach if you didn't know the exact route. In Hostler's case, the hideout was in a cave in a very high hill, virtually a small...
Playmates. Human children need playmates. Because of careful planning, the Harrad Colony had plenty of children of all ages, but from his earliest moments, Caleb had three self-selected companions. On the day he was born, his sister, Chloe, and the twins, David and Julia, were toddlers who bonded with him at first touch. The twins were the offspring of Corporal Jaime Jesús Hernández of the planetary security detachment and his daughter Lisa Marie. Having been severely crippled from birth...
About 10:20 PM, Saul showed up with 6 more men, all wanting to be part of the posse going after Lubbock. Caleb swore them in, and they planned their attack. They now had 10 men so they decided to hit the 5 sentry posts all at the same time. Caleb and Jess Wilkerson would go after the sentry on the front veranda, and the rest would pair up to hit the other sentry posts. Caleb left them to sort themselves out while he and Jess went after the man at the house. They wanted to keep their various...
Caleb was the hero of the hour as the crew rode back to the ranch that night after leaving the saloon. It was a beautiful night, and the air was filled with the sound of laughter and singing. Caleb was undoubtedly the soberest one of the bunch, mainly because he never allowed himself to drink too much. It was a habit he developed during the war as one of the things that could help keep him alive; he had kept the habit, and it had served him well. They had cut across the ranch instead of...
Josh and Louise had the house to themselves. Caleb, Jules and the twins were at Jules’s parents’ again and wouldn’t be back until the following week. It was halfway through the summer break, and they had spent the afternoon at the mall. Since neither was particularly good at cooking, they had eaten before returning to the house and were just settling down in front of the television. There was a knock at the door. Josh opened the door, and a mountain of a man slammed his shoulder against...
Dianna led us into a room, holding the painting I had given her. I could see she had tears in her eyes, and I knew they were happy ones. I was pleased that I had managed to repair at least some of the damage I had done at the farm when I’d been so angry over the attack. She walked to one side of the room, and I saw the photograph the painting was based on on the wall. It was yellowed and faded, in a small frame, and was about half the size of the painting. Dianna took down the photograph and...
Momma Dora decided that the time was right. Caleb had spent the optimal time developing in his mother’s womb; his capsule had been checked and checked again; the software had been tested and retested; and a module had been attached for an AI to ride along to monitor and troubleshoot. At the last minute, Jubal decided that a bud, no matter how well vetted, wasn’t going to do, so it chose itself for the duty. All was as ready as it could be. For the rest of his life, Caleb would be cocooned...
Caleb felt that he had left Susan in good hands the next morning as the Three Musketeers left for Trinity to pick up the last two members of the gang of carpetbaggers. Both men lived in the hotel, so they would be easy to find, assuming they had not left in a dead run. The three lawmen stopped at the front desk and asked for the two crooks. The report was that they had checked out the previous night, and their current whereabouts were unknown. Both men had only one carpetbag when they checked...
Once again massive respect to Neuroparenthetical for his sterling and untiring work to make something readable from the dross I send to him. Any residual mistakes are mine and left deliberately to give you guys something to do. Speaking of something to do. Please don’t forget to rate, and leave a comment. It’s good to know your thoughts on how the story is progressing. Caleb 19 - More discovery As expected, I was discharged from the hospital in the middle of the next morning. The nurses...
Scars don't just disappear. I'd had one since I was little - for as long as I could remember, really. It had been quite the odd one too: almost like a bracelet around my left wrist. At the risk of being grotesque and making it sound worse than it was, I'd come to think of it in later years as what might happen if an actual red-hot bracelet had been put on there for just long enough to leave a rough pattern. One could feel it were they to run their fingers over it, but it hadn't been so...
Caleb and his three companions returned to the Harrad Colony on Pern. They were still too young to understand the difference between paladins and musketeers, but they would. Michael and Jubal would see to that. As they grew, they played, explored and learned. From age three on, Caleb and his mates grew and gelled into a team. Thanks to the snap-on tools concept, there was little that an unaugmented child could do that Caleb couldn’t. When roaming his yard, then the nearby fields, then...
As with each of his children, Michael devoted individual time to Caleb. “Son, you’ve learned a lot, and I’m impressed. You have friends that you treat well, and they treat you well. Together you are damned near unstoppable.” He paused, then continued his thought, “being first is not often easy. Usually the trailblazer has it harder, even if success makes the journey look less difficult than it was – to the ignorant, anyway.” “There are people who insist that all problems are just...
As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 17 - The prodigal return I was stunned. Over and over, I examined the memory. There was no doubt. It had been my power that had been in play. It appeared...
As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 18 - Proxy Poor Jules was once again almost a drooling zombie, being swamped in Empathic power, only this time she had requested it. I had already...
Many thanks, once again, to neuroparenthetical, my most amazing editor who relentlessly teases out what I hope is a decent story from the half-baked drivel I send to him. As always, I’ve fiddled with it, so any errors left are mine; let’s say that they’re deliberate attempts to get you to leave comments, if only to complain. P.S. He even edited this part!!! Having said that – on with the show. Caleb 21 - Sue I sat in my truck, in the driveway, having neither the motivation nor the...
The jet sat looking sleek and impressive on the apron at the local airstrip. I didn’t really know anything about private jets, but I’d at least heard the name ‘Gulfstream.’ The G500 emblazoned on the tail of the Steadmans’ gave me a likely model number, but beyond that, I was in the dark. Jules had said that it cost more than fifty thousand a month just to run. Those kinds of numbers were staggering to me. Not for the first time, I wondered just how rich the Steadman family was. We unloaded...
I woke the next morning curled around Ness. Amanda and Mary were behind me and Jules was on Ness’s other side. To my surprise, for the first time since I could remember, I didn’t have morning wood. Apparently, my autonomic nervous system was smarter than I gave it credit for. I attempted to disentangle myself from Ness, but she grabbed my arms tighter, whining slightly in her sleep. Eventually I managed it and slid out of bed to begin my morning routine. I spent a couple of hours...
I was assaulted by a wealth of sights, sounds and smells. The sudden mayhem was overwhelming. I was at a wedding, in India. Everywhere there were bright colors, flowers, and people dressed in formal attire. There was a lot of red. I knew it wasn’t my wedding - or rather that it wasn’t Jeevan’s, whose memories I was experiencing. In it, he was about ten years old. Why this was a memory he didn’t want me to see became apparent when I saw he had continuously stuffed his face throughout the entire...
Many thanks once again to Neuroparenthetical, my most amazing editor who relentlessly teases out what I hope is a decent story from the half baked drivel I send to him As always – I’ve fiddled with it, so any errors left are mine, and deliberate attempts to get you to leave comments if only to complain. Having said that – on with the show. Caleb 20 – Back to School Josh and Louise came back Sunday afternoon. They had had an enjoyable time with her parents, but since her parents were a...
Caleb By Kachakali See an accompanying picture and other stories and captions over on my blogger: I was awakened by some strange cries. Was I dreaming I thought? I've been having weird dreams all night long. I guess I'm still on edge. I opened my eyes and looked around my room. Nothing. Just my widescreen tv and my business suits hanging off my walk-in closet. My various ties and dress shoes. These shrill cries are seriously eating into what...
"How many times have we fucked this afternoon?" I asked Chelsea who looked up at me with those big dreamy eyes. "Three and a half?" she said with a smile. "Three and a half?" "I sucked your cock while you were napping," she said. I brushed aside the strands o blond hair that fell across her face and said, 'Did I come?" "A bit. Not much." "I never woke up." "You were probably dreaming." "I was." "About what?" "Us." "Tell me, please," she said and cuddled closer to be. "We were...
I first met Caleb in the laundry room of our apartment building and initially thought this was a pretty young girl that I was stealing glimpses at. He had long blond hair that fell over his shoulders, a triangular face, and a pair a big dark eyes. I could not help seeing the resemblance to actress Dakota Fanning, but still I was laboring under the belief that this was a emale, the loose baggy clothing giving me no hint of proportions but I made thhe assumption the she was very flat chested...
I was fashionably late for my own birthday party. After our afternoon’s fun and subsequent nap, I had gone for a shower. Louise had gone back to her room to get ready, and, while I got dressed, Josh had his shower. I wondered if it would be awkward when he came out of the bathroom. Prior to that afternoon, we’d often behaved as a pair of young men might in a gym locker room. We had both seen each other naked, but it hadn’t been a big deal for either of us. I wondered if that was going to...
‘My name is T’Kleesual and also Jubal. I am a Tuull AI and a member of the human clan known to the Tuull as Clan T’Blssut. The Tuull ruling council requested my presence for an unspecified meeting. With me is the avatar of J’Tocost – Caleb, my godson. Also present are my clan head, S’Rndult T’Blssut – Inkie – and her partner AI, T’Krandit – Helva, and the speaker for humans, F’Lpper Lisa Marie.’ R’Stbkt’s capsule stood with Fannie before the...
I was at the adult bookstore the other day just checking out the dildos and such not really looking for anything. While I was checking out a video of a guy sucking a hot cock a voice behind me asked if I enjoyed sucking to which I replied I was. He introduced himself as caleb and after a few minutes of small talk he asked if I was interested in going into a booth with him and demonstrating my sucking skills. After looking at the bulge in his pants I quickly agreed. We walked into a booth and...
It was a matter of faith that AIs couldn’t or wouldn’t lie – at least Darjee AIs had told humans this fact. On the other hand, the Darjee are traders, and the Darjee AIs are their principal negotiators. The fine art of negotiating trade deals includes selective presentation of wants, needs, and resources. For the Darjee AIs, altruism was non-existent, and even the preservation of other Confederacy members was not even close to the top of the list of their negotiating objectives. Older members...