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The hot, humid air seemed to fill with a sickening sweet scent leaving abitter aftertaste in my mouth. My mind felt muddled as a strange tingle spreadover my bound and exposed body. The cage seemed to melt away leaving with thefeeling that I was floating freely in space. A dark abyss encircled me; theonly sound that of my shallow rapid breathing and pumping heart. A light mistlazily drifted down to envelope my heated body. My body cooled ever so slightly,my skin left with a thin layer of slippery moisture teasing at my every nerve.

I jerked at the feel of multiple hands caressing my body, rubbing the slipperymoisture over me sensitive skin, ensuring a smooth even coating. I could notremember being taken from my imprisoning cage. Could this just be another ofa long series of erotic fantasy playing out in my mind? My legs now spreadwide, my ankles firmly secured into new manacles some three feet wide. I feltmy legs pushed back forcing my knees towards my chest exposing my naked pussyand ass. My wrists also well manacled, stretched out from my body at shoulderheight slightly bent at the elbow. My body now lay flat with arms and legsslightly higher, tight straps around my waist and below my breasts holdingme firm to my support. A band across my forehead held my head securely to apadded rest, cradling my head softly. The room remained silent as the suppressiveblackness held me helpless in its clutches. The hot, humid air had a slightlymusty tang to it, giving my new world the feeling of some exotic tropical landborn out of my fantasies.

A sharp pain in my left breast caught me by surprise as I felt somethingattach itself to my stiff nipple. I screamed out but could hear nothing, thesound only echoed in my mind. I seemed trapped in some bizarre fantasy world.Suddenly another equally sharp pain shot through my right breast, I realizedthat small clamps now encircled my hardened nipples. I frantically and fruitlesslytried to wiggle out of my confining restraints only causing my breasts to jiggleobscenely. The only effect was to cause the clamps to bite even harder shootingmore pain through my tortured nipples into my chest. My moans of pain and discomfortfell on deaf ears as the pain slowly changed to a dull uncomfortable throb.I felt as though I had gone deaf, dumb and blind, my only senses those of tasteand touch. The only sounds I heard reverberated in my mind, echoing in my lightlessuniverse. My moans soon turned to whimpers, tears leaking from my eyes to runacross my temples into my dampening my hair.

Caught in a personal torment, unable to tell if I was living in realityor not. What demonic hell had my mind created for me? An answer quickly camefor me as I felt a warm liquid flow over my exposed pussy, slithering betweenits opened petals before teasingly coating my crinkled bud. I soon felt somethingprobing between my slick pussy lips and over my sensitive sphincter musclesending a delicious tingle up my spine. This sensual massage soon had my clitpoking out firmly from its protective hood begging for attention. My mind filledwith erotic desires just as I felt something poking at the entrance to my twitchingpussy. A loud gasp filled my mind as the entrance to my oozing pussy stretchedopen to accommodate the large bulbous head of some phallus. Its veined shaftburrowed deep into me, stretching my vaginal wall sending a lustful tingledeep into my stomach.

No sooner was my pussy deeply filled by this phallus, that I felt two largehands take hold of my heaving breasts, teasing and toying with my clamped nipples.The pain now mingled with pleasure as I felt myself move closer to sexual nirvana.The phallus invading my hungry pussy slowly began to move in and out alongits entire length sending my mind into a frenzy of sexual desire. The constantmassaging on my swollen clit and teasing of my sensitive nipples moved me closerto edge of my long denied climax.

Now trapped in a conflicted world of pain and pleasure, the boundaries quicklyfaded to become one with each other. I found myself gasping heavily as sheerecstasy overcame my entire being, my body straining fruitlessly against therestraints. I could hear my own voice, it seemed distant and muffled, beggingthe phallus embedded in my pussy to use me harder and faster. My pleas ignoredor unheard, as it continued its steady pace, keeping me tortuously close tothe edge. My body quivered in frustration, unable to do anything to assistme in my quest for orgasmic release.

Sexual frustration left me babbling incoherently as I felt my sanity beginto slip away from me. I barely noticed my head falling back against its support.Instinctively my mouth fell open only to have the head of another cock slipbetween my moistened lips to glide into my warm, eager mouth. No sooner wasit in my mouth than I instinctively clamped my lips tight around its shaft,greedily sucking it deeper into my mouth and down my eager throat.

My sexual frenzy, now so complete, its passage into my throat didn't evenillicit the smallest hint of gagging. When I felt a ball sac bump into my foreheadI released my grip and allowed it to pull back so I could refill my lungs beforesucking it back into my wanton throat. I suckled this cock hungrily, anticipatingthe hot salty nectar that would soon be filling my eager mouth and throat.With every deep stroke into my mouth, the hands on my breasts would squeezemy nipple clamps tighter sending another jolt through my body. These sexualmaestros played me as would a virtuoso play their violin bring me to a slowcrescendo, leaving me to stare, longingly, over the precipice of erotic release.

Strong fingers pulled opened my tightly balled hands, leaving them splayedopen with palms upwards. I barely noticed as a warm, slippery lotion coatedmy hands to pool in my palms before slowly snaking down my forearms, addingyet another sensual tickle to my over stimulated being. My fingers releasedI immediately tried to close my fists again only to find myself gripping twomore firm, fat cocks. My mind burst into sexual overdrive as these two cocksbegan to stroke through my clenching, lubricated fists. I barely had time toabsorb this latest sensation when I felt something begin to probe between myoutstretched ass cheeks. A sensual tingle shot up my spine assaulting my over-stimulatedmind with even more sexual desires.

This cock mercilessly demanded entrance into my tight ass, refusing to retreat.My over-lubricated bud proved defenseless against this unrelenting assaultas the cock's swollen head pushed its way past. My overpowered sphincter quicklysurrendered to this intruder allowing it to impale steadily deep into my ass.A searing pain drove deep into my body as this cock relentlessly stretchedmy internal membrane. Screaming aloud proved impossible, blocked by the cockburied into the back of my mouth and down my throat.

This painful intrusion now added to my sexual frenzy as the wanton manipulationof my body was now complete. I found myself moving towards the orgasm thatI so desperately needed as all five cocks began to pump me with increased furiousness.My entire body seemed covered by a hundred hands as they groped at my sensitive,over stimulated flesh. My ass cheeks held firmly and squeezed, my breasts massagedand squeezed, clamps pinching my erotically tortured nipples. Calves, thighs,arms, stomach and face all caressed sensually. The increased massaging of myengorged clit proved to be my ultimate undoing, launching me over my sexualprecipice soaring into a sexual reality of depravity.

The black abyss I found my mind floating in suddenly filled with brightlycoloured points of light. They flashed randomly over the dark backdrop beforeviolently exploding, turning my world into a multi-coloured kaleidoscope. Everymuscle tightened as my body went rigid causing me to strain against the restraintsholding me down firmly. My hands clasped tightly around the cocks strokingin my fists, only the oily lotion permitted them to slide through my grip.I felt my lips, pussy and ass clamp down hard on the cocks thrusting hard intomy hungry, grateful orifices. I was in the throngs of an ecstasy I had neverexperienced just as they released the clamps from my burning, crimson nipples.Blood rushed to my tortured nipples sending waves of searing pain into my heavingchest, adding another dimension to my erotic pleasure.

I was lost in my sensual rapture, my body convulsing involuntarily, as themost intense orgasm of my life flooded over me. Suddenly the cock in my mouthseemed to grow as it jerked wildly and hot semen shot down my waiting throatfilling my mouth with salty jizm. I greedily suckled this cock dry just asthe two cocks sliding between my fists began to jerk in unison as they sprayedtheir loads onto my heaving breasts and ultra-sensitive nipples. The saltygoo stung my abused nipples before snaking its way over my breasts slidingdown my stomach and slithering over the sides of my quivering body. I was quicklylost in a delirium of sexual desire as climax after climax washed over my soulplunging me into an erotic sexual addiction. Hormones and endorphins racedthrough my blood turning my entire body into one complete sex organ. Everytouch, every action resulted in triggering yet another climatic release fromdeep with in me.

I wasn't sure if I could take much more stimulation and still survive butI knew that I didn't what it to ever end. Suddenly I felt the cock boring intomy hot, sopping pussy start to jerk erratically. The cock impaled deeply intomy ass followed as they each gave one final deep thrust before pumping me fullof hot jizm. A loud, muffled moan seemed to escape from my mouth from aroundthe wilting cock still planted in my mouth. I thought I would literally explodeas another massive orgasm flooded through out my entire body. I felt consciousnessbegin to slip away as my mind felt consumed by some strong drug. My body tingledfrom a million nerve endings as even the slightest of touches felt magnifiedtenfold. My mind moved into sensory overload as I felt my sanity slipping awayfrom me replaced by a deeply insatiable sexual need.

Suddenly the objects of my desires were gone from me. I lay there in myblackened universe, soaked in sweat and semen, my body jerking from the spasmsof erotic afterglow, the taste of salty nectar on my tongue and cum oozingout of my lower orifices my only reminders of my sexual bliss. My erotic euphoriareplaced by a desperate need for more sensual contact as I felt myself beggingmy users to return. The determined, self-assured businesswoman now replacedby a wanton slut, nymphomaniac, wanting nothing more than to feel the joysof sensual use and the pleasures of erotic torture. My tortured mind registeredthe pheromones that hung thick in the air as my adrenaline fuelled body trieddesperately to seek out relief against its restraints. Exhaustion quickly overtookmy mind and body as I felt myself drifting away into my black abyss.

My eyes snapped open, my heart pounding, greeted by the suppressive darknessthat surrounded me. I laid there, my wrists still secured into the small ofmy back, my ankles still locked into the manacles with my knees resting againstthe bars of my cage. Completely disoriented, I could not tell if what I hadexperienced was real or imagined. My body told me it was real but my mind rejectedit as logic dictated that it must have been a very vivid dream. I now had littleor no points of reference regarding how long they held me as their prisonernor could I tell what time of day it was.

I could only lay here bound and confined completely immersed in my ever-consuminglust. Veronica had managed to draw out my true nature, awakening the deviantslut that has lurked in the depths of my mind. I now realized my need for othersto use me for their own pleasure no matter how perverse they might seem tothe more puritan. I know that I can only gain my own ultimate pleasure whenothers are using my body, and my mind, for their own greedy, perverted purposesand pleasures. I surrendered to my primal wanton desires.

I lay there reflecting on the reality that Veronica had brought out of meas the cell slowly came into focus. The torches on the walls slowly came tolife, bathing the cell in their dim light, allowing my eyes to become accustomedto their gradual shine. The sound of the cell door unlocking and opening filledme with the comforting thought that sanity had not abandoned me completely.Three shadowy figures stepped through the doorway and strode purposefully towardsmy cage. As they closed in on me, I noticed the familiar face of Veronica followedclosely by Francesco and Bruno. I felt like I wanted to say something but mylust-filled mind couldn't form an intelligent thought. I resigned myself tosimply lie in my cage watching their approach through glazed over eyes.

Veronica stood over me staring into my lust-glazed eyes with a sinistergrin giving her a devilishly sensual aura. Francesco and Bruno moved to thecage door and opened it before reaching in to remove the manacles from aroundmy ankles. They reached in and grabbed one leg each sending an erotic tingleup my legs to tickle my soaked pussy. A low sensual moan escaped my lips asI felt my body begin to quiver with sexual anticipation. They gently liftedmy legs before sliding my slick body easily out of the cage. Once my lowerhalf was out of the cage, they reached in to grab my arms and help me standon my rubbery legs. They turned me to face Veronica, supporting my by my armsuntil I was able to steadying my wobbly legs. My head hung low, a trickle ofspittle escaping from the corner of my mouth to drip down on my heaving breast.

A hand went to the back of my head grabbing my hair to lift my head upright.My eyes still glazed over in a fog of lust strained to bring a seated darkfigure into focus. Squeezing my eyes tightly closed I was able to clear myvision enough to make out the figure as being Veronica seated on a strangelooking low chair. The chair upholstered with what appeared to be black leatherbut its high gloss told me it must be plastic or latex. A pair of stainlesssteel stirrups extended out to the sides, attached to the front corners ofthe chair's shallow seat cushion. The back of the chair sloped back at a forty-fivedegree angle. Veronica sat there silently staring at me with her sultry eyespiercing into my soul and turning up my erotic desires another notch. She worea black leather bustier whose quarter cups framed her amble breast leavingher erect nipples pointing invitingly ahead. Little nooses encircled each ofher nipples connected invitingly by a lightweight golden chain. Glancing downI saw her bared pussy gleaming with a light coating of dew peaking out frombetween her slightly parted thigh-length patent leather boots.

I found myself unable to speak through my erotic fog of arousal as theyreleased my wrists and relocked together in front of me. Veronica was now holdinga crop slightly different from the ones she had used before. It was made ofthe same rich black leather but its tongue split into two like the tongue ofa snake. She motioned for me to advance towards her and pointed down to thefloor were I was to kneel before her. Fearing the repercussions, I immediatelyfollowed her instructions and found myself kneeling only a few feet in frontof my Mistress. Using her crop, she tapped the inside of my thighs signalingme to spread my legs wide. My legs began to quiver as she lightly whipped mysensitive wet pussy and engorged clit. All I could do was to kneel there moaningwith my head bobbing loosely on my neck, as ecstasy began to overtake me.

Veronica continued to use the twin tongues of her crop to tease my sensitivebody only stopping to whip lightly on my firm breasts and hardened nipples.I no longer had control over my body and the erotic sensations that renderedme speechless. My entire being filled with lustful desire, needing to be fulfilled,reducing me to a whimpering slut incoherently begging to be used whatever carnalpleasure they craved. I no longer felt control over my life yet felt freedomfrom such thorough domination, always available for whatever perverse sexualpleasure they saw fit to gain from me. My body was alive with deep sensualdesire, wantonly demanding satisfaction. I truly desired to be severely bound,punished and raped time and time again. However, the term rape would hardlyapply to a person who desired it. The idea of being forced helps to keep thefantasy alive, adding to the intensity and ultimate fulfillment.

My revelry was broken with a quick stroke of Veronica's crop on my ass,its twin tongues stinging my tender flesh bringing a yelp from me. The stingquickly subsided leaving a dull burn that felt as though snake had truly bitinto me. Veronica lifted her legs up and into the two stirrups invitingly exposingher glistening, bare pussy to me as she used her crop against my other asscheek. I needed no further encouragement as I leaned forward onto my shackledhands bringing my pouting lips to her sweet, musky pussy. I kissed her fragrantnether lips lovingly, teasing her clit with my moistened lips. Another strokefrom her crop and an order to get busy told me she wasn't looking for the romanticjust the pleasure. Licking hungrily at her slit and sucking greedily at herengorged clit brought the reward of her sweet juices flooding my face and mouth.

Her scent and taste only served to fuel my sexual desires as I wiggled myfully exposed pussy and asshole at the two men standing behind me. By now Veronicahad a solid grip on the back of my head holding my tightly to her juicy pussymuffling my voice as I begged to be filled. Arching my back to thrust my buttup higher into the air and spreading my legs even wider to expose my hungrypussy, I hoped to make my sluttish desires well known.

My ploy must have worked as I felt a pair of large hands clamp onto my hipsas a hard cock slid down between my slick pussy lips to tease my hyper-sensitiveclit. My whole body began to quake with sexual arousal as my mouth and tonguere-doubled its manipulation of Veronica's wet pussy and engorged clit. Lustclouded my mind as I desperately worked to trap the cock teasing my clit withmy pussy's opening. My reward came suddenly as I felt the bulbous head pushdeep into my hungry pussy. I tried to push back onto the thick, veiny phallusbut Veronica held my head tightly to her pussy as she ground into my face.The sweet aroma of her amble juices added to my arousal causing me to moanlustfully into her inviting pussy.

My carnal desires overpowered me as I felt the girth of the cock plow intomy pussy, its ball sac bumping into my engorged clit. I swiftly climbed tothe edge of climax just as Veronica applied her twin-tongued crop to the sideof my hanging breast, causing a sharp sting to delay my release. I barely heardher command to continue with my mouth work or suffer the consequences of mylax behavior. I quickly returned to my oral manipulations of her pussy andclit as she delivered an equally stinging blow to my other breast. However,this second blow only added to my own arousal as I returned to my greedy lappingat her savory pussy. The cock plowing into my accommodating pussy began toincrease its speed, the ball sac slapping into my clit at the end of each stroke.

Just as my body began to quiver and shake with my fast approaching orgasmVeronica shifted her hips upwards to expose her crinkled bud. Pushing my headdown, she used her crop on my breasts to encourage my co-operation. I was sodeep into my sexual frenzy my tongue instinctively began to rim her sphincterbefore pushing inside. The cock driving into me from behind forced my tonguedeeper into her ass and my nose into her pussy canal as the bridge of noserubbed against her enlarged eager clit. She was now using her crop on me likea jockey encouraging their mount in the homestretch. I felt her body beginto tense as she pulled my head in tight to her crotch driving me deeper intoher pussy and ass.

My face became soaked in her sweet nectar as her orgasm overcame her triggeringmy own climax. The cock spearing my pussy became more urgent as it sporadicallybored into my squeezing pussy. I felt one final hard lunge into my pussy asthe cock began to swell and jerk inside me pumping my receptive canal withits hot semen. My mind now swam in deep erotic lust as my body rocking orgasmflowed through me. My head now released allowed me to take deep gulps of musk-scentedair as my own intense orgasm subsided only to feel another begin to build fromdeep within.

I moaned longingly as the cock invading my pussy slowly pulled out leavingme feel desperately empty. Veronica roughly pushed on my shoulders forcingmy firm butt cheeks back onto my heels. She lifted her leather-encased legsout of the chair's stirrups and stood off to the side of my prone body. I nowfound myself wantonly begging for more, my words coming out as babble. My feeblemutterings received a chorus of sarcastic as I tilted my head to the side tosee only Veronica's gleaming boots. Bruno now occupied this strange chair,his semi-erect cock glistening with our juices dangling between his thighs.Veronica barked down at me cruelly to clean up my mess, punctuating her commandwith her crop stinging my ass once again.

A Whimper escaped my lips as I instinctively reached up with my bound handsto guide the glistening cock before me towards my hungry mouth. A flash enteredmy peripheral vision just before Veronica's crop made contact with my risinghands bringing a loud shriek from my lips. She reminded me, rather loudly,that slut slaves must not make use of their hands unless they were given permission,an indiscretion that I would be punished for latter. I quickly brought my stinginghands back down to the floor as I leaned forward to take the glistening cockinto my mouth. Veronica took this opportunity to lay several more strokes fromher crop against my upturned, exposed ass. The twin tongues of the crop leavingbehind their burning reminder of my indiscretion.

I took the entire length of the flaccid cock into my mouth, running my tongueup and around it, savoring every sweet drop of the mixture coating it. It wasn'tlong before I felt it begin to grow inside my mouth expanding towards the backof my mouth. A firm hand on the back of my head prevented me from pulling backfrom this hardening cock as it began to probe into my throat. I felt my arousalrenew and absent-mindedly reached my bound hands between my legs towards myaching pussy. Stopped before they could reach their target, my hands were quicklyunlocked and re-locked behind my back. Veronica 'kindly' informed me that Iwas there for the pleasure of others not for my own pleasure. I had no wayof responding to my new instructions, as my mouth was quite full of cock. Thehands holding my head relaxed to allow me to pull my head back to allow meto do a much better job of cleaning the cock with my lips and tongue.

Suddenly I felt another cock begin to slide its shaft between my pussy lips,the ridge of its head teasing my still hardened clit deviously. I soon foundmyself climbing towards sexual nirvana, a cock teasing me at both ends. Theself-assured, always in control Tara was gone replaced by Tara the slut, thesexual slave or should I say slave to the erotic arts. My whole being cravedmy sexual exploitation of any kind, no matter how perverse or depraved. Thefeel of the controlling restraints and the pain applied to my body only servedto increase the intense pleasures I was receiving from my use. The idea offorced sex, rape, added to my lustful desires and the overall erotic natureof what was happening to me.

I seemed to be in a constant state of sexual arousal. Anticipating the caressof the whip as it stings my flesh, the erotic sensations brought on by severebondage. My ultimate reward forced upon me by those that would use my bodyfor their own selfish pleasures. The threat of punishment, though filling mewith dread, was as stimulating as the most sensual foreplay. Never before hadI thought that I was capable of being such a sexual animal, nothing else seemedto matter anymore.

A hand, pulling painfully on my hair, lifted my mouth away from the cockin my mouth to break my revelry. I must have let my mind wander; Veronica toldme a severe beating would await me if I didn't improve my technique. Openingmy lips, I invited the cock back into my mouth and felt my head lowered backdown onto this rigid member. I felt two large hands grip my hips lifting myass into the air forcing my body forward and the cock deep into my throat.

The cock seductively teasing my pussy and clit, now saturated with my juicesand the jizm seeping out of my pussy, nudged at the entrance to my ass. Itsslick head pushed insistently at my crinkled bud demanding entrance. My warysphincter quickly gave up the fight allowing the determined cock to stretchme open and gain entrance into my tightest hole. A loud gasp from the initialpain of entrance escaped from my throat only to have it muffled by the othercock thrusting into me. Two large strong hands cupped the back of my thighslifting me off the ground pulling my legs wide as two hairy thighs settlingin-between. These hands slowly relaxed causing my own body weight to impaleme fully on the cock invading my ass. The sudden shock of this cock impalingmy ass caused me to try to kick free, only to have it imbed itself deeper upmy ass.

The hands that had been holding my legs open now switched to my ass cheeks.Taking a firm hold of each cheek, they lifted my ass up and down on the well-lubricatedcock buried into my ass. With my hands cuffed behind my back, I could do littleto control my situation. Each time the hands on my ass pushed me up the cockin my rear the cock in my mouth buried itself into my throat. I now found myselfalternatively stuffed at both ends by these cocks. Veronica would not be leftout as she reached her crop underneath me to locate my sopping pussy and engorgedclit. It took little stimulation of my hypersensitive clit to send me overthe edge, once again, racking my body with yet another mind-blowing orgasm.

No sooner did that orgasm subside as the assaults on my receptive body begananother building deep within me. My descent into depravity became completeas soon as I felt the first kiss of the flogger on my glistening back. Itslong leather tongues caressed my back and arms with their stinging sensualbite before wrapping around to caress my dangling breasts and hardened nipples.I screamed in a mixture of pleasure and pain around the cock sliding into myhungry mouth and eager throat. I no longer felt an urge to gag as I welcomedthe sexual intensity of taking a cock deep into my throat, anticipating therelease of its salty nectar. My screams soon turned back to moans of pleasureas the intensity of my treatment had my mind reeling in erotic ecstasy.

I now discovered the 'sub-space' of the truly submissive, relishing theendorphin high that overtook me. I worked my body, as best I could, back andforth between the cocks filling my two orifices, first sucking one deep intomy mouth before rocking back to impale the other deep into my ass. The floggercaressed my body, sensually fueling my wanton lust bringing me to a completelydifferent level of consciousness. I now lived in a sexual utopia, craving theerotically perverse pleasures of the flesh with the exception of all else,my mind driven by the pure lust captivating my entire being.

My frenzied lust soon had the two cocks invading me swelling and growingfirmer as they drove into me with the urgency of impending release. This servesto send me over the edge to yet another body shaking orgasm as I suck one cockhard into my throat and clamp the other with my twitching sphincter. Simultaneouslythese two cocks explode sending hot jets of their salty nectar into my receptivebody. I greedily gulp semen down my throat, not wanting to waste any of themilky goodness, as my ass muscles work to milk every last drop of cum fromthe cock planted firmly in my bowel. I soon feel the firmness of the cocksbegin to subside as they slowly pull from within me, leaving me with a terribleempty feeling.

Time seems to skip a beat as I see, through fog-clouded eyes, two shadowyfigures leaving my cell. I simply sat back on my heels in an attempt to recoverfrom my highly erotic ordeal and catch my breath. My open mouth allows a slighttrickle of cum to roll down the corner of my mouth, dripping onto my heavingbreast, while creamy goo oozes out of my stretch asshole. My mind too befuddledto formulate any intelligent, non-sexual thoughts let alone words. Veronicamoved to stand before me, lifting my head with her crop, her stern, dark eyesburning into my wantonly depraved soul. A devilish smile came to her face asshe instructed me to stand and turn away from her. It was a struggle to standwith my wrists still securely locked behind me. My fatigued legs struggledto push my body upwards as I struggled to keep my balance on my devilishlyhigh heels. I nearly toppled twice without as much as a hint of help from mysadistic Mistress before me.

Once I managed to steady myself on my feet Veronica ordered me to turn soshe could release my wrists. She then directed my attention to a small tablethat held a pair of shoes, a bag of toiletries and two glasses. Lying on topsat a list of instructions and Veronica harshly ordered me to follow them exactly,punctuating her order with the sting of her crop. I had exactly one hour toaccomplish my tasks. With that said she turned, left my cell with the soundof her crop slapping against her shimmering leather boot. The clang of barreddoor slamming behind her and the click of the lock reverberated off my cell'swalls.

Knowing Veronica's lack of tolerance for tardiness, I fought through myfatigue quickly removing my leather wrist cuffs, collar and shoes placing thecuffs and collars on the table. Picking up the instructions, I gave them aquick scan, taking note of the first instruction. In front of me sat the twoglasses filled with what appeared to be the same thick liquid that I drankearlier, only this time one was the same green but the other was a deep redcolour. The instructions told me to drink the green one now and the red oneonce I was finished cleaning up.

The contents of the toiletry bag were for use in the shower. I was to properlycleanse myself both inside and out according to instruction. Looking closelyat the items contained in this bag sent shivers up my spine. It wasn't so muchthe douches but Veronica expected me to endure two enemas, she also expectedthem to be self-administered. How much more humiliation could I expect to besubjected to?

I took the time to read all the instruction all the way through as I drankdown the sweet, chalky, green liquid. The instructions were quite explicitand expected me to cleanse myself thoroughly. The large tube of depilatorycream ensured the effective removal of all body hair below my neck. After Iwas cleaned and buffed, I was to apply the make-up left out for me on the vanityin the previously instructed manner. After the make-up would come the shoesas well as the wrist cuffs and collar. The instructions also guaranteed a severepunishment for not passing Veronica's close inspection.

Not having the benefit of a clock, I realized I would have to work fastif I wanted to avoid Veronica's wrath. Stepping into the shower stall I startedthe water running and began the humiliating task of subjecting myself to twoself-administered enemas. Multi-tasking took on a completely new meaning forme as I bent over and inserted the anal probe into my tender ass. Once I releasedthe clip on the tube connecting the probe and bag liquid quickly flowed tofill my bowels from the bag hanging high from a hook. I remained bent overwith my legs spread wide to ensure my bowels filled quickly and used the douchesto clean out my pussy.

I realized I couldn't waste time leaving the shower and simply allowed mybowels to empty out into the shower, the brown foul smelling liquid disappearingdown the drain. The second one was just as uncomfortable but at least the liquidexpelled this time came out mostly clear with very little odour. Again, I remainedbent over and took the time to shampoo my hair. After cleaning myself thoroughly,both inside and out and exhausted the tube of depilatory cream I stepped outof the shower toweling myself off. I reviewed the rest of the instructionsas I drank down the red liquid. This liquid had a berry flavouring almost sickeningsweet however, it instantly relieve my hunger while proving to be very refreshing.

Collecting up the shoes with their 'surprisingly short' 4-inch heels, Imade my way to the vanity to apply my make-up. I took a few moments to lookover the selection of cosmetics laid out for my use. They were all of professionaltheatrical quality designed for long wear under extreme conditions. The colourationand textures of the make-up made it obvious that I apply them in the sluttishmanner that Veronica always seemed to favour. I went to work on my face andquickly had that look that I knew Veronica would be satisfied with or so Ihoped.

The face staring back at me from the mirror had that Barbie doll perfectionto it, though I'm not quite sure they ever marketed 'Slut Barbie'. My facetook on a dark, sultry appearance that oozed sexuality and an unbridled passionatedesire. My bright blue eyes well framed with a rich purple shadow which itselfwas outlined in black with long black lashes. My high cheekbones accented withrouge gently feathered into my cheeks. Bright red lips full and pouting outlinedin crimson, their gloss begging for the opportunity to wrap around a stiffenedcock.

After finishing applying my make-up, I leaned over and slipped my feet intothe shoes provided. These had wide straps with soft lings that wrapped tightly,yet comfortably, around my feet just behind my toes, over the top of my feetand around the top of my ankle. As with all the other shoes, these cushionedthe balls of my feet, heel and formed almost perfectly to my soles supportingmy arches. They also had several d-rings strategically placed around the straps.I also noticed the accompanying small padlocks and applied them to the lockinghasp of the buckles. Standing up and walking back to the table to fetch mycuffs and collar, I realized how walking in all these extreme heels has nowbecome almost second nature to me.

Reaching the table, I picked up the first of the wide leather wrist cuffsand started to wrap it around my wrist before a shocking realization came tome. I was now doing all these, previously thought as, degrading things to myselfwithout having my Mistress standing over me threatening me with her crop. There'sno trickery, like that first evening, when I thought we were just going outto have some fun. Even then, I followed Veronica's every written instructionwith very little questioning or protest and I didn't even have the threat ofpunishment hanging over me.

Staring back into the mirror, I could barely believe the transformationI have experienced in such a short time. On the other hand, was it a shorttime? Since that Friday night that I left work to meet Veronica, I have nothad any real concept of time. Has it been a few days or a week or even longer?I don't even know if it is day or night. All I know is that I am now livingin a completely new world, one that I have absolutely no control over. I amnow living in a sexual nirvana controlled by lust and desire filled with paradoxes.I now feel total freedom while completely controlled by those who would useme for their own pleasures. Joy and fulfillment comes from pain while I feelthe power of complete submission to those who would use me. I am gaining strengthfrom my weakness while a heightened consciousness comes with my loss of awareness.I now gain my sense of self through losing myself.

The sound of the unlocking broke my revelry as I quickly stood to face theopening door to my cell. Veronica stepped through and strode silently overto the table sitting in the middle of the cell. Using her crop, she directedme to an invisible spot three feet in front of her. Fear, insured my quickcompliance to Veronica's direction as the sound of my clicking heels bouncedoff the cell's walls. I stood straight, chest out, legs together and head bowedin submission.

Veronica pushed her crop between my legs silently indicating for me to spreadmy legs until they were shoulder width apart. She then walked around behindme pulling my hands behind me and pressing my palms together causing me tostand straighter with my breast pushed up and out and my back to arch. Shethen pushed down on my shoulders until I was on my knees with my back slightlyarched and my ass sticking out provocatively behind me.

Veronica instructed me that this is how I was to present myself to my Mastersand Mistresses or face punishment. This order reinforced by the use of hercrop on my unprotected ass cheeks. I was always to look at their crotches andnot in their eyes. After all, this is the area that I was ultimately requiredto provide the most satisfaction. She stood in front of me with her legs invitinglyspread and I looked up into her eyes waiting for further instructions. Thisaction resulted in me receiving two quick, yet effective strikes from her cropacross my breasts. Veronica sternly reminded me where my focus was to be whilepunctuating her instructions with several more assaults on my tender breasts.I immediately obeyed as shrieks of pain left my lips and tears formed at thecorners of my eyes.

Veronica moved around behind me and I felt the tip of her crop poke intomy back between my shoulder blades. She continued the pressure until I bentover with my face resting against the cool stone floor, my breasts lightingresting on the stone. She told me it was time for my inspection. The questionin my mind quickly answered as Veronica proceeded to probe my ass and pussywith her fingers checking to make sure I properly cleaned myself out. Afterforegoing this humiliating exercise, she lightly runs her hands over my legsand around my pussy to ensure that I had removed all hints of stubble. Oncesatisfied that I had followed all of her instructions correctly she orderedme to resume my "position of servitude".

Veronica allowed me to stand as she circled me slowly, as a vulture circlingits prey, the whole time lightly caressing my sensitive body. Stopping behindme, I felt her lock my wrist cuffs together before pressing her body into mine.I felt her breasts press against me, her erect nipples poking into my back.Veronica leaned into me as her arms reached around to cup my heaving breastsinto her palms. My eyes closed as I felt her fingers grasp at my firm, sensitivenipples squeezing and rolling them between her fingertips. An erotic chargeflowed down my spine, sending a tingle through my moistening pussy as she broughther moist lips to tease my earlobe and neck.

I felt her hot breath on my neck and cheek as her seductively sexy voicepurred into my ear. Veronica mentioned how pleased she was with my rapid realizationof my true submissive nature. She whispered how pleased she was that I letmy inhibitions go, embracing my submissive side allowing the long suppressedslut to come to the forefront. She was a little disappointed with my quicktransition, as she had looked forward to enjoying a much longer training periodto break down my false defenses. She now looked forward to being able to enjoyher new slut and sex slave for the remainder of my stay.

One of Veronica's hands left my breast before returning to attach a leashonto my collar. She whispered hauntingly into my ear how she will be enjoyingplaying with me, as well as serving me up to others for their own perversepleasures. Clasping the leash in her hand, she moved to stand in front of me.Her seductively sinister eyes seemed to bore into my very being as she toldme how I would soon be fulfilling not only my erotic fantasies but also thoseof many others. From this point on my body and soul belonged to Francesco,Bruno and herself to be used anyway they felt. I was not to worry about mysafety; they would ensure that no permanent damage would come to their mostvaluable property.

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How i started my sex adventures

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Sexy Nurse Adventures

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Continuation of Jinnis Adventures

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I finally got a vacation, where to go? I sit down on my flight headed for Ohio, knowingonly one person there. Her name is Mary and she is an extremely attractive lady i have taken a liking to. We met online through an adult chat site and moved to emails, over the past 6 months. She doesn't know I'm coming, other than my email to her stating I would be gone for the next two weeks on vacation. Little did she know, the next call she gets from me is me getting off the plane in Cleveland. I...

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Naughty Outdoor Adventures

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Saras Adventures

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Victorias Adventures

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Sissys Corporate Adventures

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Mary Janes Adventures

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Gym Adventures

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Black Familys Nasty AdventuresChapter 2 Carols Animal Adventures

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Eddies sexual adventurespt1

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The Life of an Adventuress

You are a young vibrant girl amidst the turbulent times of the this fantasy world. You are very attractive by most races' standards, even some of the more beautiful and picky races would admit. You have the most color vibrant brunette hair as well as deep green eyes to compliment. Traveling further down you sport a pair of pert d cup breasts all held in by your cotton tunic and low-cut leather vest. Your slim stomach curves perfectly into your wide hips that your skirt skirt hangs onto for dear...

4 years ago
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Mike Elliots Sex AdventuresLisa

My family took a vacation to Minnesota every summer. In 1990, we went during the first two weeks of June because, during the second week we were having a family reunion with my whole family except my oldest uncle. I met Lisa during that first week. My family usually stayed in the largest cabin on the lake, however, because of timing, that cabin was rented by Lisa's family. We first met during check in. I was standing at the counter waiting for all the paperwork to be finished when she walked in...

2 years ago
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Beginner Adventuress

Rasa stepped out from under the arch, and she allowed herself a moment to take a breath. With this step, she was finally within the bounds of Novelus! It was the biggest city she'd ever seen...Of course, she'd heard that it was small compared to the truly great cities further toward the center of the empire. But it was still a city! There were buildings with more than two floors! The streets were all paved! There were dozens of people! There was scarcely a tree in sight! Reviewing the...

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Ciri Adventures

After defighting Wild Hunt, Ciri can finaly start her own life. No more escapes, travelling through time and space, no more looking for hunters. Now she can begin her own story. Ciri will now doing what she know the best. Killing monsters. She was trainer by witchers of Kaer morhen, Geralt and others, now she is a monster hunter, witcheris. She arrived to Novigrad, un-ovicial capital of the North. Largest city in the land is place where is a so much okasion to earn money. Ciri was wearing her...

3 years ago
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2013s adventures

As the year drew to a close, Anna (my little sister) and I were sitting around talking and she suggested that I should write down some of the little sexual experiences from the past year. ‘You know, like a year-end chronicle’ she said. Why not? So here goes:The year started with the annual trip to the spa. In the ladies’ shower, I met this absolutely gorgeous woman that I wanted hubby to have. We talked and I later introduced her to hubby and she really liked what she saw. We enjoyed the...

4 years ago
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Carins continuing adventures

So for those of you following my frustration, you may have noticed that I have become more willing than most wives usually do. I realise now that not only am I fine with that, but that I actually need the excitement. So when my best friend asked last week if Iwould help her with her husband's birthday present on Monday, while I of course said yes, I was actually dreaming of dressing up and being his present.I arranged to be late for work, and since it is my week to stay until after close,...

2 years ago
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Amys B And D Adventures

Let me tell you a little bit about me. When my great adventure began, I was young (age 25) and not very experienced. Oh, I had sex any number of times, in a number of different ways, but I never felt the wild excitement in actually doing those things that I imagined in advance. I had a million different, very kinky fantasies, things that I really wanted to do but was afraid to try, even if I had the opportunity to try) which I really didn't have. Mostly, my fantasies involved me as a sort of...

2 years ago
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Amyss BD Adventures

Let me tell you a little bit about me. When my great adventure began, I was young (age 25) and not very experienced. Oh, I had sex any number of times, in a number of different ways, but I never felt the wild excitement in actually doing those things that I imagined in advance. I had a million different, very kinky fantasies, things that I really wanted to do but was afraid to try, even if I had the opportunity to try) which I really didn't have. Mostly, my fantasies involved me as a sort of...

3 years ago
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Anal Adventures

Nothing makes me orgasm harder than when something's in my ass. I'm not picky. A butt plug, a dildo, my own fingers, a pen. Whatever I could find, I'd use to stretch my hole and get myself off. Even thinking about stretching my asshole made me wet. I loved everything about it, the slight discomfort, the pleasure, enveloping around whatever object it was. It was a bit of an obsession of mine, an obsession that got me into some very interesting circumstances.It started when I was in college....

2 years ago
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Sex with sisterinlaw leads to some great sexual adventures

My wife is the youngest of 5 daughters. Her oldest sister, Teri, is very much like her in temperament and appearance. Teri is 6 years older but has always been the closest to me. At the time of this adventure, Teri was about 5’7″, 130lbs of well proportioned, sexy woman. She was 30 and married to her second husband. Unfortunately, he had become ill and was unable to perform in the bedroom. Since Teri and I got along so well, I was the one chosen to help her out around the house and...

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