Joy of joys
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Semiater ([email protected])
When she saw the red and bluelights flashing in her rearview mirror Stacy almost wet herself. She didn'tknow what to do, she was 15 and didn't have her driver's license yet. She'dtaken her mother's car out so she could go to a party. It was supposed tobe a huge party, the biggest of the year and she couldn't miss it. She'dbeen on her way to pick up her friends when the lights shone in her mirror.Stacy's parents were out of town so all her friends had voted her the oneto drive them, none of her friends had their licenses' either, but with herparents gone, it would be easiest for Stacy. They all knew they had to getto that party, everybody in school had been talking about it all week. Itwas a field party, a huge blowout, there was supposed to be a band, and oneof the kids in school had said he'd get alcohol since his father owned 4party stores in town.
Stacy pulled off the main roadand turned down a narrow dirt track. Her heart was beating a hundred milesan hour as she brought the car to a halt. Her hands shook as she rolled downthe window. The bright lights of the cop car flashed off the trees, and thespotlight was focused on her mirror, blinding her. Stacy's mouth went dryas the cop started moving toward her window. She covered her eyes when thecop shined his bright flashlight in her eyes.
"Licenseand registration." Stacy kept her hands locked on the steering wheel, shedidn't want him to see her trembling.
"License and registration!" Theirritation was obvious in his voice.
"Um," She hesitated, "I don'thave them with me." Stacy looked up into the light, she couldn't see thecop's face with the flashlight in her eyes. Stacy took her hands from thesteering wheel and crossed them over her chest. She had on a thin tank top,she'd been planning on going into the woods with her boyfriend at the party,she'd never had sex, and she still wasn't going to let him tonight, but she'dbeen thinking about taking her top off for him, so he could see her breasts.The fabric was thin, and the spaghetti straps at the shoulders seemed barelythick enough to hold up the material. Stacy was 5'2" and definitely fit thedefinition of petite. Her breasts were small, but they were still large enoughto keep her boyfriend interested. He was a senior and on the football team,she was 15, and a freshman. It had made all her friends so jealous when she'dstarted dating him, but sometimes it made her uncomfortable too, he wantedmore from her physically than she was comfortable with, at least yet.
Stacy stared wide eyed into theflashlight. She felt the twitch in her cheek and thought she might startcrying.
"How old are you?" Stacy feltthe butterflies grow in her stomach.
"15 sir." She'd thought aboutlying, but instead, unconsciously, she tried to use the puppy dog eyes thathad got her out of so many tough situations before.
"What's your name?"
"Um, Stacy Boyle sir." She couldbarely get out her own name. Her mouth was so dry and her stomach felt likea volcano ready to burst.
"Boyle, like Tammy Boyle?"
"Um, yes, that's my…that'smy mom." Stacy regretted telling him immediately, realizing that he mightknow her and—"
"Do your parents know you're outdriving without a license?" Stacy pulled her arms closer in around her chest.
"No sir, I was just going outfor a joy ride, and…they're out of town, and…please, please,don't tell them." Stacy couldn't see the huge smile that came to the cop'sface when she said her parents weren't around.
"Get out of the car."
Stacynearly collapsed when she stepped out onto the dusty road, her knees buckledand her legs shook as she slammed the door shut behind her.
"Turn around, face the car, putyour hands on the door." Stacy felt the tears welling in her eyes as sheplaced her palms on the dusty metal.
"Spread your legs." Stacy yelpedwhen she felt the cop's hands on her hips as he began patting her down. Shelooked to her right and saw the main road nearly a hundred yards away. Sheheard the metallic click of the cuffs lock around her wrist as the cop pulledher left arm into the middle of her back.
"What are you—"
"Be quiet!" He grabbed for herother wrist and locked it into the cuff behind her back. He violently pulledat her pony tail and forced her to look at the sky, she could see the starsabove. She was just about to scream when she felt the huge wad of cloth pushedagainst her open mouth. In an instant it all became clear and the panic filledher.
The cop took hold of her shouldersand turned Stacy around. He pushed her back until she was pressed againstthe car. Stacy could see his face clearly for the first time. She prayeda car would pass on the road but none did. The cop was huge, at least 6'4",and he was ugly, his face was pockmarked and revolting, he didn't look likehe could chase down a criminal if he wanted to, his gut flopped over hisbelt. When she looked closer at the disgusting roll of fat Stacy noticedthe gun, her eyes locked on the blue steel.
Stacy screamed ineffectually intothe wadded cloth as the cop clamped his meaty hands on her young breasts,his long fingers dug into her soft flesh. Unlike her boyfriend's soft caresses,the cop's hands squeezed and pinched her with no gentleness at all. One ofthe cop's hands left her chest and moved up between her spread legs, shecould feel his fingers rubbing her virginal sex through the thin denim ofher jeans.
"Your mom turned me down whenwe were in high school because she was dating that asshole father of yours,I think it's time I get me a piece of one of the Boyle girls..." With hishand up between her legs the cop easily lifted Stacy off the ground and puther over his shoulder, he carried her toward the cop car. Stacy heard thetrunk pop and the cop tossed her down hard on the large first aid kit andspare tire inside, she barely had room to move in the overstuffed trunk.In an instant the world went completely black as the trunk lid shut aboveher.
Stacy could barely breathe forthe next 15 minutes, it wasn't for lack of air, it was panic, she was hyperventilating,she thought she'd die. Every bump, at every turn of the car, she thoughtshe'd wet herself. When the cruiser finally came to a halt she waited forthe trunk to open. Every noise made her whimper. She tried to scream butshe knew that with the gag in her mouth, and being locked in the trunk, shewouldn't make much noise. When the lid finally did open she was balling likea little child. She couldn't even see the figures that loomed outside thecar. She felt the hands grab for her arms and legs lifting her from the trunk.It was pitch black outside and she couldn't see anything, but she knew therewere two people carrying her. Not until she saw the small line of light comingfrom a cracked open door could she see the outlines of the two men holdingher. She felt the sharp point of one of the men's badges at her thigh whenhe lifted her legs onto his shoulder.
The heavysteel door slammed shut behind them as they moved down a long dark hall.The walls were painted cement, and even in the low light Stacy could seethe disrepair. The air was humid and stunk, but not of disuse, it smelt morelike a locker room, it smelt of urine and bodily fluids.
Stacy whined into the gag as thetwo men carried her into a room off the hall. They flipped on the brightoverhead lights and set her down on a wooden chair set to the side of a smalltable. The room was dank, but it was better than the hallway. Two more woodenchairs sat opposite the table. The room was painted pink, and one wall wascomposed mainly of a huge mirror, it nearly filled the whole surface.
The two cops left as soon as they'dset her down. Stacy flinched as the heavy steel door slammed shut, leavingher alone in the room. Stacy pulled at the cuffs locking her hands together,she knew she couldn't budge the metal, but still she tried. She looked atthe mirror, she'd seen enough TV to know that it was one way glass and theywere probably watching her. Even in the humid air her nipples were hard andthe fabric of her top did nothing to hide the fact. She wished she couldcover herself, she felt naked. She thought about standing up but couldn't,her legs felt like jello and she knew the cops were just behind the mirrorso it wouldn't do any good. The second cop hadn't been as huge as the onethat had pulled her over, but still he'd towered over her.
A mouselike squeak escaped unconsciously from her as she felt the hard wood of theseat beneath her. She was terrified, she could feel her body grow wet withsweat. She looked down at her cleavage and wished she'd never worn the wonderbra. Her rounded mounds glistened with perspiration.
Stacy twisted her head violentlytowards the door when it opened, the two cops entered the room, they'd takenoff their dress uniform blouses and were now in t-shirts. Stacy stared horrifiedat the muscled arms of the second cop, he was a good 3" shorter than theguy who'd pulled her over, but that still put him at over 6', and he wasbuilt like the hulk. The cops didn't have on their gun belts, but the one,the tall one, carried with him a black bag, while the other one had his nightstickgripped firmly in his hand.
The cops pulled the two chairsin front of Stacy and sat down. The shorter cop leaned back in his, Stacycould see the bulge in his black pants clearly.
Stacy jerked away as the tallcop reached for her cheek but he caught her chin and held her still whilehe removed the wadded cloth from her mouth. She coughed and sputtered tryingto adjust to the removal of the gag, then she started to beg.
"Please, please, what are you—"Thetall officer put his finger to his lips as sign for her to be quiet.
"Miss Boyle, I'm Officer Brownand this is Officer White, you will only refer to us as Sir's from now on." Hepaused, Stacy could only look at the floor. "I've checked the records andyou are 15, I'm glad you didn't lie to me about that."
"I—"Officer Brown neededonly to start lifting his arm before Stacy went quiet.
"I called your home and therewas no answer, I was able to speak with your neighbor though, and she confirmedyour parents are gone and that you are home alone. It was touching, she wasquite concerned." The tall cop crossed his hands over his chest. "I don'tknow if you understand the gravity of driving without a license Miss Boyle,or worse yet, possession of a controlled substance."
"I didn't…" Stacy couldn'tfinish. Officer Brown loved the shock in her eyes. He'd lied about the drugsof course, but she didn't need to know.
"Judging by the shock in yourface, maybe they weren't your drugs after all. Are your mommy and daddy potheads or drug runners?" Stacy was too in startled to respond.
"Well, either way, you were drivingthe car, and you were caught in possession, so in the eyes of the court theywere your drugs. Do you know the sentence for possession in this state MissBoyle?"
"I, um…" She was stillin shock and couldn't respond.
"20 years Miss, 20 years, though,you are a juvenile and it is your first offense, I suppose we're talkingjuvy till you're 18, and then…" Stacy let out a small whimper, hereyes were glazed over, she had no idea he was lying.
"Have you ever heard of what happensto girls in juvy Miss Boyle? Hell, I can tell you, I was up there just lastweek. The Warden, oh, his official title isn't Warden, they've got some euphemisticterm that sounds more pleasant, but lets be real, he's a Warden. Well, hewas telling me what usually happens to the new girls. There are these gangsof little bitches in juvy that run the place and they attack the new girlsas soon as they get there to establish their power. They drag the new onesinto the showers, and all these girls get around and hold the new one down,and then, they rape her with a broom stick." Officer Brown grinned, his gleamingwhite teeth shone in the lights. "But not a thin little thing," The recliningcop held up his nightstick as an example, "no, they have this stick that'sdamn near 3" in diameter. The Warden says that the girls usually end up inthe hospital ward after their first rape with the stick, especially the virgins." Stacycouldn't even react, her heart was pounding, her head was ringing. She lookedup at the big cop--Officer Brown--he had his hand under his chin and wasgrinning.
"I suppose you would wonder whythe Warden doesn't put a stop to these rapes if he knows about them?" Stacyjerked her legs to the side as he reached out and touched her bare knee. "Well,he's got this little business on the side, video's and whores, at least forthe pretty ones," the cop ran his hand up her thigh, "like you. He rentsthem out. That's why I was up there. I busted this girl for shoplifting afew weeks ago, her parent's didn't have the cash for a lawyer, so they madea deal to put her in juvenile till she was 18. She's got 2 more years left,she's going to be a good earner for the Warden, and me…" The tallcop smiled. "…I got a piece of the action for arranging it all." Heran his hand over Stacy's leg, "Man she was one hot little slut, I didn'twant to take my dick out of that tight snatch of hers. I guess the Wardenhad a whole football team buy her for the night just after I left." Stacysquealed as the cop grabbed her knee. His hand encircled her thigh. "Doesn'tthat sound like fun Miss Boyle?" Stacy was sobbing, her body shook like aleaf. The tears streaked down her face and her breasts heaved as she couldbarely contain herself.
"And the guards up there," hebrushed her cheek with the back of his hand, "they're allowed to fuck thegirls whenever they want. In the guard stations they have these eye boltsin the floor, on the long shifts they just chain whichever girl they wantright there under the table. Oh, and don't think it's just guys, they havewomen guards too, I hear that's worse, at least the guys they'll spew theirload in your mouth and you'll get a break," he ran his and over her lips, "butthe women officers they just sit there skirts up and the girl has to beaveraway for hours, though, if you like that sort of thing?" Officer Brown smiledmaliciously and pinched Stacy's nipple. "The girl I got for shoplifting,I went up there to interrogate her, maybe find a little more out about thecase," he winked at Stacy, "well, they have these rooms set up to do thequestioning in, I never did get any information out of her, she was screamingtoo loud for me to really get much. They have these little rubber coatedcanes they give to the guards, it sure does make a pretty sound when it hitsyour tits." He squeezed Stacy's breast.
The huge cop stood up, he turnedhis back on her.
"So Miss Boyle, what do you thinkwe should do, you've committed a serious crime, I should just call the judgeand set up an arraignment date." Officer Brown turned toward her, she couldsee the massive bulge in his pants. Her boyfriend had made her touch histhing once, he'd held her hand down and made her rub it through his jeans,but it was nothing like what she saw now in the cop's pants. Her eyes werefixated on the pole that ran down the inside of his thigh.
"Stand up Miss Boyle." With herhands behind her back she struggled to her feet. She slumped her shouldersforward as her body shuddered.
"I think you know what will solvethis problem Miss Boyle." Officer Brown held out his hand to the other cop.Officer White took a red ball gag from the bag on the table and handed itto his partner. The huge cop moved closer to Stacy, she took a step backand hit her calf on the chair.
"Open your mouth Miss Boyle." Stacystarted screaming but the noise was quickly muted as the rubber ball gagwas stuffed in her mouth.
"Let's get those clothes off MissBoyle." She couldn't get away from the cop as he grabbed for her hips. Theseated cop stood up and moved behind her. Stacy heard the scraping of thechair as he pushed it away and took hold of her shoulders. His forearm crossedbeneath her neck and he held her still. She heard the zipper of her shortsfall, she felt the fly open and Officer Brown put his fingers under the elasticband and pushed the material to the floor. Stacy went to kick at him buthe'd already read her thoughts and grabbed her ankles tight.
"Let's not be doing that MissBoyle." Stacy screamed as the officer squeezed her calf tight. She heardthe click and saw a switchblade open before her, she saw the gleaming metalraised in front of her eyes and she went still. Officer White held her tightwith one hand while with the hand other he slid the sharp blade up underthe shoulder strap of her top. Stacy screamed into the gag as the cold metalmoved over her skin. The fabric of the strap cut easily. It took mere secondsbefore Officer White had cut both straps.
OfficerBrown stood from his kneeling position and loomed in front of her. "Let'sget that top off dear." He clamped his hands on her breasts, molding hersoft flesh in his hands. Stacy screamed and tried to kick out at him butOfficer White squeezed her neck and held her off the ground. Her ears wereringing. Officer Brown wedged his hands under the material of her top andpulled it down over her waist. Stacy flailed her head side to side prayingit all would stop. The cop easily pulled what remained of her top down overher legs and tossed it aside. He stood still before her, she was reducedto only a bra, panties, shoe's and socks.
"Miss Boyle, you are a beautifulgirl." Officer Brown stepped forward. Stacy thrashed in the grasp of OfficerWhite as Officer Brown removed the clip on her bra. She screamed as loudas she could into the gag but it made no difference. Her perky little breastswere exposed to the dank air of the interrogation room. Her nipples werehard and pointed like little soldiers. Officer Brown softly flicked Stacy'ssmall buds. She twisted her head violently while she continued to scream.
"Let's get those little pantiesoff." The cop knelt down before her, she felt his fingers up under her cottonpanties. Officer Brown held her thighs still as he slowly inched her prettywhite drawers down. Her face was red as she fought desperately against theviolation, but she couldn't stop it.
The hugecop held her panties in his hand as he stood up and loomed before her. Stacytried to cross one leg over her exposed sex to little effect. She was shavedas bare as the day she was born, she'd done it for swimming the week before.She sobbed piteously as Officer White continued to hold her off the ground.He easily carried her over to the table, the old wood creaked as he lay herback on the top, her cuffed hands were pressed beneath her back. She triedto roll off onto her side but she was like a beetle pinned as Officer Whitestepped away and took in the vision of her nakedness. Stacy rocked her bodyside to side but she couldn't turn over. Her eyes were locked in on the twocops staring impassively at her as she struggled. She studied their gazes,hoping they wouldn't come for her, she pleaded desperately into the gag.
"My, my." Officer Brown startedremoving the belt from his pants. Stacy started screaming when he unbuttonedhis fly and lowered the zipper, his giant cock flopped through the slit inhis white boxers. Stacy redoubled her efforts to get off the table as hereyes were locked on the growing penis jutting from the officer's pants.
Stacy started screaming in earnestas Officer Brown moved towards her feet. She tried to kick out at him buthe captured her ankles and held her small white shoes in his hands as heeasily spread her legs wide. He pulled her along the surface of the tabletill her bare ass rested just over the edge. Her upper body wiggled sideto side but with the hold the officer had on her legs, her body didn't moveat all.
Officer Brown let go of Stacy'sfeet and took hold of her hips. The table was at the perfect height. It lookedlike the veins in Stacy's neck would pop as the cop brought the pre-cum coatedtip of his cock in contact with Stacy's virginal sex. She held her head offthe table and screamed as the huge cop was about to rape her.
Stacy's legs kicked wildly butto no effect as Officer Brown moved the head of his cock over the slit ofher pussy. Her legs convulsed and locked straight as Officer Brown slammedforward with his hips, ramming her body onto his cock. Stacy's screams eruptedand the piercing sound was deafening in the small enclosed room. For an instanther legs went rigid, then fell limp as 10" of cock pounded into her sex.
Officer Brown slammed into Stacy'sbody, her legs flopped free against the table, her head thudded lifelessas it fell back against the wood. Her long black hair cascaded under herhead as she was slid across the gnarled oak. The sound of flesh on fleshreverberated though the room. Officer Brown's ball sac slapped into the crackof her ass repeatedly.
It didn't take long and the coplet out an animal roar as his balls pumped a huge load of gelatinous whitesperm deep in Stacy's belly. It was like a seizure when the spunk filledher, her head jerked upright and her eyes went wide as jets of cum filledher belly for the first time, then her head fell back to the table again.Her cheek rested against the wood as Officer Brown pulled his dripping cockfrom her violated snatch.
"You're up Bud!" Officer Whitewas already naked. Stacy didn't even move as he grabbed for her ankles andpushed her legs back over her body till her knees touched the wood. Withthe back of her legs in the crick of his arm's Officer White entered heras he lunged forward. Stacy's ass was a good six inches off the end of thetable as her torso was pinned to the table. The officer slid his cock deepinto her cunt, Stacy yelped softly as he drove his length home deep in herbody with each thrust. His weight was heavy upon her and the matted hairof his chest scoured her sensitive breasts. He was slow and agonizing, withhis deep brutal intrusions in her newly ravaged sex.
Stacy turned her head and staredup into the distorted lust filled face of the officer above her.
"Ya cunt, you little whore," hiships pounded into her, "how do you like that you little slut!" Stacy closedher eyes but the officer grabbed a clump of her hair and twisted, "open upslut, AHHHHHH!" he bellowed out as his eyes rolled back in his head.
Stacy felt the warm cum explodeinto her body. Had it not been for the incredible pain, and the massive throbbingpenis in her belly, she would have worried about pregnancy and babies, shewas only 15, but instead, all she felt was unendurable pain.
Officer White cried out in monumentalorgasm. He crushed Stacy under his mass. Her aching wrists were pinned underthe weight, the metal of the cuffs pressed into her spine. She couldn't believehow good it felt when the officer finally lifted himself from her. Her sexfelt like a baseball bat had been removed when he pulled free his still rampantcock. She was able to roll to her side, away from the looming figures thatstood at the door savoring the delicate contour of her back, and the subtlebulge of her hips. The muscles of Stacy's upper back convulsed as she sobbed.
"Don't worry Miss Boyle, we'llbe back shortly!" The heavy steel door slammed shut behind the evil pairas the thud of boots disappeared down the hall. Stacy didn't even know ifthey'd got dressed after they'd raped her, she didn't care, she lay on herside, the mouth of her pussy twitched with the memory, and pain, of her violation.She could feel the cum drip down the inside of her thighs as her legs dangledfree over the end of the table. Her body hurt more than she could even fathom.She'd always hoped to have her first sexual experience in a romantic way,instead it felt like she'd been ripped in two. She could only cry, her jawsfelt like they would snap with the gag still forced between her teeth. Theair whistled through her nose as she sobbed uncontrollably.
When the door opened again sometimelater Stacy jerked her head up and watched the horrible pair enter. OfficerWhite, he was naked except for a pair of boxers and his boots, and the tallcop--Officer Brown--the one that had pulled her over and started this nightmare,he had on boxers and a T-shirt. There was no mistaking either of their statesof arousal, their pricks strained against the shorts. Officer Brown smiledat her.
"Miss Boyle, driving without alicense and drug possession…" he continued to move toward her. Stacytried to roll away but he easily grabbed for her leg and pulled her towardhim. She was on her back again and her arms were pinned beneath her body,the muscles of her stomach jumped and spasmed under his touch. He clampedone of her breasts in his meaty hand's, her nipple went involuntarily hardwith his touch. She stared up at the apparition above her, he moved his handto her sex and ran his fingers over the smooth mound, Stacy squealed as hetouched her. With his thick fingers Officer Brown spread the lips of hersex, they were swollen and raw, Stacy shrieked at his caress. He took thesmall nib of her clit between his fingers. She couldn't control it, she groanedin response to his touch, then she started screaming as he teased the hoodof flesh.
"That's a good sign." He turnedand grinned at Officer White. He took two fingers and thrust them into Stacy'sbattered pussy, her head flew off the table as tormented screams erupted.
"Let's get that gag out, shallwe." Stacy twisted her head side to side as Officer White came for her. Helocked two thick hands over her face and held her still. She was whimperingsoftly as he unlocked the buckle of the gag from her head. Gleaming linesof saliva ran from the red ball to Stacy's lips as the gag was pulled free.She coughed and sputtered, grinding her teeth together she tried to regainmovement in her jaws. She could only get out one word.
"Please!" Officer White took holdof her hips and turned her onto her belly. Holding her there he turned herbody so her head dangled free over one end of the table and her hips justrested over the other. The table seemed to have the perfect dimensions forher rape. Stacy could barely plant the toes of her shoes on the floor whileher breasts were crushed against the wood. Even as inexperienced as she was,she knew what was going to happen next.
"NOOOO, NOOO, PLEEEEAASEEEEE,NOOO—" Her entreaties were quickly silenced as Officer White steppedin front of her and slammed his cock in her gaping mouth. He grabbed forher ponytail and used it as a handle to rape her mouth. Stacy gagged as thethick cock drove deep in her throat, she choked as the bulbous rod was burieddeep in her gullet. She thought she'd lose it when the tip of the officer'scock jammed against the back of her throat. She couldn't breathe, she couldn'tbelieve that the huge cock was that deep in her mouth.
The pain was incredible. She couldn'tbelieve the searing pain in her ass as Officer Brown pushed the head of hiscock past her narrow sphincter. Her upper torso jerked and she kicked outwith her legs but she could do nothing, she was impaled at both ends.
OfficerWhite slowly pulled his cock out of her throat, the volume of Stacy's screamsincreased as her passage opened. Officer Brown continued to inch his poledeep in her rectum, it felt to Stacy like he'd slammed the whole of his cockin her ass, but a mere 2" had made it past the tight entry. Stacy felt thehands at the back of her head pushing her forward and Officer White's cockbegan to disappear again in her mouth, she felt her airway constrict as thehuge shaft filled her throat. The unbearable pain continued to mount as OfficerBrown rammed more and more of his cock in her ass.
Stacy thought she'd pass out,the pain was beyond anything she could imagine. She thought her ass wouldrip, it was a pain, a sensation, she'd never felt before, ever. It was asharp, searing pain, tears streamed down her cheeks in a torrent. She feltevery ounce of misery, she felt the smallest movement of her rapists. Shefelt the rhythm they got into as Officer White slammed his cock deep in herthroat and the tip of his cock battered the back of her mouth, she thoughtshe'd gag with each thrust. Then there was Officer Brown and his deep penetrationsin her rectum, his huge shaft was wedged impossibly tight in her nether hole.Stacy felt her insides burn with the friction of the massive cock againsther virgin anal passage.
Stacy's eyes went wide when shefelt the warm sticky liquid explode in her mouth. She felt the cum slam intothe back of her gullet. She couldn't breathe as the slime filled her throat.For an instant she didn't feel the painful thrusts in her ass, she didn'tfeel the blinding, searing pain from Officer Brown's massive cock still fillingher, but the respite was short-lived.
OfficerWhite clamped his hands on the back of her head as she tried to pull hermouth free from his spurting cock, but he held her head locked on his hugeshaft. Stacy was about to pass out when she heard the roar of pleasure fromOfficer Brown as he buried himself completely in her rectum, exploding copiousjets of sperm in her body, she felt the pole spewing its essence deep intoher bowels. Stacy had never felt so much pain and humiliation. Her young,nubile, breasts were crushed against the table.
As OfficerWhite slid his glistening cock from her mouth Stacy could only let her headcollapse onto the wood. A combination of saliva and cum seeped around herviolated lips. Officer Brown continued to slowly piston his waning cock inher tortured anus.
She musthave passed out because when she came to Stacy was alone in the room. Shetried to roll onto her side but her hands were still locked behind her back.Her pelvis burned as she stretched her legs trying to touch the floor. Shecould feel the line of cum dripping from her gapping ass and running downthe inside of her thigh. When she coughed glossy white cum dribbled downher chin. She wanted to retch at the vile taste filling her mouth, but allshe could do was sob and wail in complete and abject misery. Her nippleswere hard as she tried again to roll onto her side. The bright lights overhead were harsh as she caught her reflection in the mirror. She couldn'tbelieve the way her face looked. She felt disgusted as she saw the line ofgoo running down her cheek. Her hair was disheveled and she couldn't believethat only hours before she'd been ready to celebrate with friends.
Stacyyelped as she moved her leg and felt the pain of the rapes. Her head thuddedas it collapsed onto the table and tears streamed down her cheeks.
She didn'teven stir as the door opened and her two tormentors returned. She saw themmove into her line of vision and stand over her. The officers had put ontheir uniforms again, for an instant she thought that they might let hergo but then Officer Brown grabbed her pony tail and dragged her from thetable till she was forced to get on her feet. Stacy screamed in pain at thestrain on her scalp.
"Pleeaassseee,Stop this!" The slap across her face came with impossible suddenness. Herjaw felt like it was snapped out of socket. Stacy heard the click of thekey in the handcuffs. Her heart skipped a beat as her hands were finallyfree again. Tenuously she rubbed her wrists where the metal had bitten intoher flesh. She wanted to scream and run away when Officer White cupped herbreast and took her nipple between his meaty fingers.
"We'vegot a treat for you Miss Boyle, we know how you wanted to go to a party tonight,so we've arranged a special one for you, with some boys that will reallyappreciate a nice piece of pussy like yours.
Stacyflinched and cried out softly as Officer Brown thrust a finger deep in hertortured sex, the tears streamed down her face as she tried to beg with hereyes, she was too terrified to say a word.
"Whata cute little slut you are." Officer Brown cupped her chin and ran his fingerover her cheek while Officer White pinched and twisted her nipples.
OfficerBrown grabbed for Stacy's shoulders and pushed her ahead of him. OfficerWhite held her hands behind her back in case she got any ideas about running,not that she had any hope of escape. She was sobbing uncontrollably as theyled her down the hall.
"Please,please, stop this." Stacy struggled against the movement of Officer White,but he easily pushed her along.
"Please!" Stacydidn't pay attention to where she was. Her eyes were blinded with tears.Her legs ached, her body hurt, then the three came to a locked steel door.
"I thinkyou're going to enjoy the party Miss Boyle." Officer Brown put a large keyin the lock. Stacy's body tensed as the door opened. She tried to plant herfeet and hold her position but Officer White moved her on almost withouteffort.
"Youfucking bastards, you can't do this to us. What's the fucking idea of leavingus all in here, you can't—"The loud voice was silenced when the mansaw Stacy being dragged in between the two officers. The man screaming wasone of perhaps 20 men locked in the holding cell. The men came in all shapes,sizes, and ages. The man who'd been so suddenly silenced by the sight ofStacy was the tallest, he must have been 6'8", and looked like he weighedupwards of 350 lbs, but he wasn't fat, he was just huge. He had on a redcap, he was obviously a trucker.
Sittingoff on a cot were 4 black men, one of which must have topped out at over400 lbs. Also in the cell there were three men who looked to be at least70, the rest seemed indistinct, threatening, but indistinct.
"Helloboys, sorry for dragging some of you down here by surprise tonight, but I'vegot a little treat for your inconvenience."
Stacystared wide-eyed at the scene before her. The cell stank of human bodiesand urine. She couldn't believe all the men were cramped in the little room.There was the huge guy with the hat, and the massive black man. She alsosaw a couple guys that didn't look much older than she was. Her mouth droppedwhen she saw the three middle-aged men in the cell, they looked like theycould be her dad and she started screaming.
"Nooooo,Noooo!" Officer White slapped Stacy hard across the cheek. The faces of themen in the cell suddenly changed when they grasped what was going on.
Stacyfought like an animal as she thrashed against Officer White. Officer Brownput a key in the cell door and opened the cage. Stacy's muscles were tautand strained as she fought against the impossibly strong grip of the officercarrying her toward the open door.
Noneof the cell's occupants moved as the door opened and Officer White carriedStacy in. When he set her down just inside the door, for an instant she stoodon trembling legs like a terrified rabbit, nobody moved. When the heavy steeldoor slammed shut Stacy just stood still as all the men stared her.
"No needto use protection boys, she was a virgin till a couple hours ago." Stacystarted screaming and ran to the cell door. She'd barely been able to graspthe steel in her hands before the men of the cell came to life and pouncedon her.
"Noooo,please, stop this!" Ted--the truck driver--was surprisingly nimble for aman so large, he had Stacy around the waist before anybody else had moved.Her tiny hands locked on the rungs of the door trying to hold on. Ted liftedher off the ground and was trying to pull her toward the center of the room.One of the old men grabbed for Stacy's exposed breasts, his withered oldhands clamped on her soft flesh. Stacy turned to look at the werewolf likehair growing on his face. She could smell him, she could smell the age andthe neglect as he pinched at her tits with his overgrown nails.
Ted tuggedon Stacy's hips trying to get her to let go of the door but the fear somehowgave her the strength to hold on.
"Okay,if that's what you want." The huge truck driver let go of Stacy's hips, shepressed close to the bars seeking protection. It all happened so fast, shefelt the other men's bodies move in on her. She heard the huge man drop hispants and she turned to see the massive pole heading towards her body. Shefinally let go of the bars but it was too late, 3 or 4 other men in the cellmoved toward her upper body and bent her over at the waist, holding her stillfor the big man's rape.
Her cheekwas pressed against the cold steel as she felt the trucker's penis at hersex. Looking through the gap in the bars Stacy could see the two officerswatching outside the cell. One had a video camera and was filming as thehuge cock easily slammed to the hilt in her recently opened passage.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Thescream was heartrending as the length of the truck driver's huge cock filledStacy's tight sex. Her eyes went wide as she felt the massive rod deep insideher belly. She could feel her sex stretching to accommodate the huge member.Her mouth was gaping but no words, or sounds, escaped. She couldn't believewhat was happening to her.
The hugedick continued to fill her, she felt it snaking deep in her gut. Before sheeven had time to adjust to the intrusion two hands clamped on her head andtwisted it to the side. She'd barely had a chance to look up and see theface of the middle-age man holding her head before he pressed his cock againsther lips and forced his member in her throat. All the while Ted—whosome people called Teddy Bear, though, there was nothing gentle about theman—slammed into her from behind. It was brutal, the trucker slammedhis hips against Stacy's ass, she was jerked forward and off her feet ashe pounded into her. The loud thud of flesh on flesh rang through the basementcell.
Stacygagged on the cock filling her mouth, it was the smallest cock she'd beenraped with thus far, but the man was a sadist, she couldn't breathe as heused her violently. The man held her head over his cock, the jutting polewas jammed well back in her throat. Stacy could fell her face going red andshe started going lightheaded. She felt the saliva pouring around the invadingcock as her body tried to accommodate the unnatural presence. Her visionstarted to go black, just as was about to pass out the man let up the pressureon the back of her head and let her breathe.
Stacyalmost forgot about the huge shaft that was pummeling her sex until againshe heard the rhythmic slapping of flesh. The pain was intense. She felther passage straining to take in the huge member, she felt the pain deepinside her as the pole slammed into her insides. She couldn't see, she couldn'tsee the two cops filming her, but she knew they were there, her face wasburied in the groin of the middle-aged man using her mouth. She felt thesharp fingernails of the old man at her breast's, she felt other hands gropingher. She was unprepared when the cock in her mouth started spurting. Themiddle-aged man forced her mouth completely over his cock as it began shootingits juices. Stacy thought the goo would suffocate her, it was thick and copious.She couldn't swallow with the cock buried in her mouth, it was like she forgothow, it felt like she was going to drown. The sperm tasted different thanOfficer White's, it was more bitter.
The brutal taking of her sex continued,Stacy could feel the huge man thrusting into her, his hands were on her hips,driving her onto him, forcing his cock deeper and deeper into her belly.She could only scream as she heard the roar of the trucker when he filledher with his spunk. She could feel it shoot deep into her body. His cockwas pumping its load as it was buried deeper in her sex than she though physicallypossible. It felt like he was piercing her internal organs.
Handscontinued to explore every inch of her body. The man that had taken her mouthpulled free, a line of cum ran down the corner of her mouth as she saw OfficerWhite focusing a video camera on her face.
All thehands left her for an instant as the trucker slid his cock free of her tightsex. Stacy collapsed on the floor in a heap, but only for a moment, thenshe felt more hands on her. She was lifted over the shoulder of another man.Looking down she saw the naked black skin as he carried her toward wherethe other three black men stood around a cot. Stacy couldn't hear anythingthat was being said around her, the room was loud, and her head was ringing.She was tossed face down on the cot, her knees were on the floor and herbreasts were crushed into the rough wool of the blanket. She felt a man movebehind her. She looked back to see the biggest cock she'd ever seen linedup to penetrate her sex. She couldn't believe that there was anything longerthan the trucker's cock, but the black man about to rape her, his was longerstill. Stacy screamed as the huge pole worked its way into her belly. Thecock was long, impossibly long, but not nearly so thick as the truckers.Hands grabbed for her wrists and pulled them to the sides of the cot. Theyneedn't have bothered, she couldn't go anywhere, she couldn't escape thecell or the men, but she felt cords being tied to her wrists.
Anotherblack man approached her from the front. She couldn't clamp her jaws shutbefore he slammed his cock into her throat. Again she thought she'd gag.Inch after inch disappeared between her soft lips. Stacy could hear the soundof herself choking on the cock as the man behind her continued to rape hersex. She kicked her legs wide as the pole slammed fully into her. Her kneesscraped on the rough cement as the onslaught continued, she could do nothingto stop the violation. The sound of slapping flesh rang through the smallcell as the men raped her in unison. Her neck was arched back to meet thethrusts of the man using her mouth, the pair of rapists got in a rhythm withtheir fucking. They exploded together, Stacy could feel the warm sperm fillher sex as she desperately tried to breathe, and swallow, the load from thecock in her mouth. She felt the burning pain in her ass as one of the menslapped her buttocks repeatedly with his open hand.
As soonas the first pair of black men finished with her the next two stepped forward.Stacy could hear the metal cot creak as the huge fat man she'd seen slammedinto her sex and leaned over her body with his huge gut. It was all so sudden,it felt like she was going to be crushed. The edge of the metal frame bitinto her hips as the man pounded into her from behind. Stacy could hear hislabored breathing above her and she could feel the sweat pour off his bodyand onto her back. In any other circumstance she would have been disgusted,but as it was, the sweat pouring off him was the least of her concerns.
She didn'teven suck the cock in her throat, it just pistoned between her teeth, inand out, ramming deeper and deeper with each thrust. Her mouth was wet withthe spunk of her previous abusers, but the man raping her mouth now didn'tseem to mind. He came quickly, his cock pulsed and filled her mouth witheven more cum while the fat man continued to rape her sex, she couldn't believehow much it hurt. It wasn't so much the battering cock as the obese man himselfand his weight upon her. She was crushed as the layers of fat fell on herhips and back. It sounded like he would die, his breathing was ragged, buthe continued his disgusting rape of her, in spite of the dangerous soundingexertion.
Bubblesof cum formed at Stacy's lips as the man raping her mouth pulled free. Shetried to cough, or spit, up the remains of the rapists, but to little effect.She groaned in exquisite pain as the fat man filled her pussy with his cumand collapsed on her body. He drove the wind from her lungs with his mass.Stacy couldn't believe what was happening, it all seemed so surreal. Herface dangled over the edge of the frame. It sounded like she was in a hugehall, all the sounds seemed so distant, she felt the crushing weight on hertorso and she passed out.
Stacycame to feeling the throbbing in her sex. She could hear the guttural yellsof the man raping her as she screamed out into the cell. It all came backto her in an awful flash. She didn't know how many men had taken her sincethe fat man collapsed upon her and she'd passed out. She was still bent overthe cot with her arms pulled, and tied, to her sides. She could hear thecatcalls and clapping of the men urging her rapist on. Stacy tried to lifther head. She saw the men looming around her, nary a man was dressed, cocksjutted obscenely as she felt the repeated pounding in her sex. Cum trailedout of her mouth, she couldn't scream, she couldn't react to the terribleabuses anymore. Leering faces smiled at her as her breasts scraped againstthe rough material of the cot.
As soonas she felt the explosion of cum in her pussy another man mounted her andstarted raping her anew. One of the old men limped toward her dangling head.She felt his sharp nails scrape her scalp as he lifted her mouth to his waitingcock. He forced her lips over the withered member. Stacy almost lost it whenshe smelt the old man, it was a combination of body odor, rot, and medicine.The old man rocked his hips and thrust his ancient rod in her throat as theman using her sex filled her with his seed. Stacy couldn't look to see thenext man move behind her with her face buried in the tangled mass of hairon the old man's groin, her nose was pressed against his bucking hips. Shetried to scream when the bulbous head of her new rapist's cock pressed againsther anus. She kicked her legs wildly in the air as the penis was forced againsther sphincter. She heard the old man wheezing as he fucked her face, hiscock was soft, and she thought he would never be able to cum. Inch by inchthe other man wedged his cock deep in her ass, sodomizing her for the secondtime since her had ordeal started. She heard the man groaning as he forcedhis member into the tightness of her ass, though she had been anally rapedonce already the pain was still unbelievable.
The oldman moved her head over his cock again and again. Stacy couldn't believethe burning in her ass, she couldn't believe the incredible friction of theman's cock in her tight sheath. She passed out just as the old man shot hisload on her face, the cum was like water and ran down her chin. Her headfell forward and hung limp over the edge of the cot while a new man slammedhis cock in her anus.
Stacy woke up when she heard thedoor of the cell creak open. She could only open one eye, the other was sealedshut with dried sperm. Her hair was matted, little clumps of spiked hairrose off her head, like the time she'd dressed up as a punk rocker for Halloween,but this time it wasn't hair spray that held the hair aloft.
She couldn'tmove, the thick, muscled, arms of the trucker were locked around her chest.She could feel his cock hard beneath her thigh as he continued to sleep,probably dreaming about raping her again. Stacy could barely make out OfficerWhite moving closer. She had no idea what time it was, there were no windowsin the cell. Men slept around the room in any free space. Stacy knew theyhad all taken her multiple times through the night, even the old men hadtried to take her more than once with varying degrees of success. She hadno idea of how many times she'd been violated. She felt the trucker's breathon her neck as he engulfed her in his grasp. He had fought one of the blackmen for the right to sleep with her when they'd finally finished abusingher. She'd felt little more than a piece of meat. Multiple hands had heldher while the trucker and the other man fought, but it hadn't been a contest,the trucker shattered the black man's nose with one punch and had claimedher as his own. He'd fallen asleep on top of her after fucking her one lasttime. She hadn't even felt it by then, her body was numb from the rapes.She'd been forced to swallow so much sperm she felt bloated still. The menhad jerked off into a glass and made her drink it. She wouldn't do it willinglyso they'd held her down, pinching her nose shut they tilted her head backand poured the sperm down her throat so she had no choice but to finish thedisgusting cocktail. At one time during the night three of the black mentook her at once. One got on his back and she was forced to mount him whileone took her up the ass, and the third raped her mouth. She didn't know howshe'd made it through the night. The men passed her around like a rag doll.Her breasts were still red from the evil slaps and pinches.
Officer White peeled the trucker'sarms away from Stacy's torso. She groaned as the feeling came back into herbody. Even the slightest movement brought her more pain. She was over theofficer's shoulder and being carried out of the cell before any of the convictsstarted to come to. The officer carried Stacy to what looked like an oldlocker room. He carried her into the shower and set her down on the floorso she was on her hands and knees. She wanted to vomit but she couldn't,her breasts dangled and ached as they swayed while she coughed. Officer Whitestepped away.
Stacy'sbody convulsed and she began vomiting, thick white sperm erupted from heroverfilled gut, it was like she was frothing at the mouth. The showerheadsturned on and water streamed over her. The sticky white goo ran off her bodyand into the drain. She didn't even pay attention to Officer White standingjust outside the spray, recording her degradation on videotape.
Fifteen or twenty minutes laterthe water was turned off. Stacy looked like a drowned rat. Her hair no longerlooked like a punk rock fashion statement, instead it stuck to her forehead.She couldn't cough up anymore of the cum, her stomach was empty but she couldn'tget rid of the sick feeling, or the memory of her gang rape. Her sex wasraw and swollen. Her ass burned.
OfficerWhite tossed her a towel.
"Dry off slut!" Stacy wanted tocry, she felt her lip quiver and she wanted to ball like a little girl, butshe knew after what they'd already done to her it wouldn't make a difference.She pulled the towel over her tortured breasts. She remembered how one ofthe men had dragged her behind him by pinching on her nipples. She rememberedthe chorus of laughter as the other men clapped and urged him on. She triedto beg him to stop but it was of no use, he pulled her behind him like adog.
Officer White moved close andStacy took a baby step back. He lifted a black strap towards her neck. Shedidn't know what it was, she felt the cold buckle on her skin as he put oneend through the opening, and then leather cinched tight on her throat. Sheheard a small click and then ringing of a lock as it swayed against the buckle.
"Hands behind your back!" Stacydidn't hesitate, as soon as she moved her hands behind her back she heardthe metal cuffs ratchet together and close on her wrists. She wanted to protest,to beg him to stop. She thought that it all must be a dream, a horrible dream.It was too awful to happen in real life.
"Go!" She felt the push at hershoulder and she moved in the direction of the shove. She was too awestruckto even say anything. Her bare feet moved over the cold tile. It had to bea dream she thought, maybe she'd got drunk and passed out, maybe that's whyshe couldn't wake up now.
Stacy listened to the loud footstepsof the cop as he followed behind her. Her nipples were hard in the subterraneanair of the basement. She moved silently over the ground, her shoeless feettook delicate steps trying to ease the pain of movement to her body. Herinner thighs burned with each move forward. Her hair slowly dried as theypassed door after closed door, the lights were weak in the hall. She felta hand grab her wrist and drag her to a stop.
"This is the one." Officer Whitemoved her to the side and opened the door they stood before. Inside was anarrow room, more like a hall opening before her than a room. To the leftwas a floor to ceiling mirror, though again she knew it was a one way mirrorand there were probably people on the other side. To her right were heightmarkings on the wall, she knew then that it was a line up room, like she'dseen on TV.
Stacy felt Officer White tug herto a stop on the centermost pair of feet painted on the floor.
"Stand still, face forward!" Stacy'slegs shook and she felt herself blush. She knew there were people behindthe glass and she felt humiliated at the thought of them staring at her nakedbody. She felt like she would faint, she could no longer delude herself thatit was all a dream. An overhead speaker crackled and she recognized the voiceof Officer Brown.
"Spread your legs!" Stacy startedto sob. Her chest heaved but she didn't move.
"Spread your legs!" Stacy slidher feet wider, though not wide enough.
"Spread your legs!" The voicewas emphatic. She could feel her breasts quiver as the tears streaked downher cheeks.
"Turn to your left!" Stacy wailedin protest but she turned so she was in profile. Her young figure was pleasantlyoutlined against the white background of the back wall. Her perky breaststrembled enticingly as she stood humiliated, alone on the line up stage.
"Face the wall, bend at the waistand spread your legs!" Stacy's sobbing increased in volume. She felt hersex exposed as she bent awkwardly. She tried to stare at the floor but shefound herself looking back between her legs at the reflection of her nakedbody in the mirror. Her sex glowed red and her labia were swollen. Tearsfell to the floor beneath her.
The door opened and Officer Whiteappeared. He didn't speak but grabbed her shoulder and dragged her from theroom, when she was in the hall he started talking.
"You'd better not fuck this upslut, the buyer wants to see you play with yourself." She heard the clickof the cuffs as he released the locks. He placed a smooth shaft in her handand turned on the small motor, it started vibrating in her palm.
"Go, get on your back, spreadyour legs as wide as you can and start playing with yourself. Squeeze yourbreasts and start fucking yourself with the dildo!" Stacy looked at the 6" longvibrator in her hand.
"No, I ca—"Officer Whiteslapped her hard across the face. Like magic he produced a red ball gag andforced it between her teeth. Twisting a clump of her hair in his hand madeher spread her jaws wide to accommodate the rubber invader. He pulled herface close to his and spoke slowly and clearly.
"Go in there, get on your back,spread your legs and start playing with yourself," Stacy yelped as he grippedher arm, he squeezed tight, "you'd better make it look good, or else!" Stacygrunted in relief when he let go of her arm. He turned her toward the opendoor and pushed her back into the bright lights of the line up. She stumbledas she made her way along the small stage. She got to the center and turnedtoward the mirror. She wondered about who was behind the glass, and whatwas happening to her, then she got down on her back. She'd never felt soexposed in her life. Planting her feet as far to either side of her as shecould she spread her legs, her whole body jerked when she touched the tipof the vibrator to her tortured pussy lips. The tenor of her whimpers increasedas she moved the shaft over her sex. Stacy closed her eyes, with a free handshe pinched her nipples till they went hard. Her long fingers molded thesoft flesh of her breasts. She had of course masturbated, but it had alwaysbeen embarrassing to her. She knew she was supposed to have an orgasm, notthat she knew exactly what one was, but when she'd felt her desire mountshe'd always stopped, knowing her parents were asleep in their room. On thestage now she continued, she slid the plastic shaft into her sex as it buzzedaway, but she felt no arousal, just abject humiliation.
Stacy didn't know how long she'dlaid on her back and played with herself, she just followed the directionsof the voice on the loudspeaker. She'd been repeatedly forced to ram thewhole length of the dildo in her sex and anus, her wrist was tired from theeffort.
They'dmade her put her legs back behind her head, she was flexible enough and managedto perform the lewd display. When Officer White finally reentered the roomthat was how he found her, he loomed over her and smiled, she never feltmore shame as she did then, contorted as she was, his grin grew wider.
"You did good slut. With thatkind of show it was easy to convince him to buy you." Stacy's eyes were widewith shock, she didn't understand what he meant.
"Let's get you ready to ship!" Hereached down and ran his hand over the back of her thigh.
To Be Continued….
Thanks for reading, I hope youenjoy. I love hearing from people about my stories, it's always very encouraging.Thanks...Semiater [email protected]
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FetishThe Background In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately...
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We were on vacation and had stopped to get a bite to eat. Joy, as usual, was wearing as little as legally possible showing lots of skin. While we were eating I noticed a table of guys looking over at Joy and talking among themselves and also to some guys at another table. I told Joy and she looked over at them and gave them one of her sexy "come and get it smiles". When we finished eating Joy said she would be right back and got up and headed toward the table of guys. I watched as she bent over...
Group SexThe Background In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately...
Fetish“This is Joy,” the old lady said, and the blonde girl curtsied to me with a wide smile on her lovely face. “Her family live near the river, up north, and her father is ill; she needs to go home.” “Sorry to hear that,” I said to her, still holding her small hand. She was dressed for riding; tight fitting breeches and high boots, a frilly shirt beneath a short jacket and not a sign of stays. Her pale hair was tied back like mine but her queue hung well down her back like a waterfall. Five-three...
The Background In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately...
FetishThere was a straight chair next to the sofa bed. Billy crept toward it, afraid the ancient floorboards would squeak, and stood very quietly when he got to the chair. A bra and a pair of panties were draped over the back of the chair. He reached out and fingered the bra briefly, then lifted it and held it to his nose. It smelled like detergent. He picked up the panties. They were lacy panties, but the crotch and back were silky smooth. He sniffed them. More detergent. It wasn't a woman scent --...
Joy Of Anal SexBy: Londebaaz chohan I consider myself very lucky that in the very early days of my freshman year, I found Jessica as my girl for keeping and now sometimes when I think back; I do find myself as guilty as her for ending the relationship after 3 years although; she decided to end it all and go with someone else. At 5’ 7”, she was a bit tall girl than most other girls, with a very fair colored skin. Of course she was beautiful with very sharp and attractive features; particularly...
When I opened my eyes carefully on the first morning of my holidays the sun was already up and on his way. Thick beams of golden light entered my bedroom through the gaps between the heavy curtains, dust was dancing in the air. Full of anticipation of a week without work I jumped naked out of my cuddly bed. I stood in front of the wardrobe mirror, loo-king at myself: I was a pretty girl, that was sure! My jet-black hair, the hazel eyes and the stubby nose I got from my father, a Thai diplomat,...
I had Joy dress in some short shorts and a little halter top with heels and told her I was going to call some friends over so they could fuck her. I often do this. I love seeing her getting fucked and guys using her body to dump their cum in and on. When they got there Joy led them into the bedroom. She sat down on the mattress and began to massage her own breasts, rubbing the crotches of a couple of guys and kissed one of them. He touch her gently and she let out an audible moan. Several hands...
CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...
The Background In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately...
FetishGina Is My Bridesmaid By Janis Elizabeth It was about a year before my wedding that I started noticing that my clothes and makeup were not quite in the same place, as I knew that I had left them. Sometimes my lingerie in my dresser appeared to be slightly rearranged or refolded. I also noticed that sometimes a dress or a blouse would not be situated properly on a hanger in my closet or would be hung in a different spot. At first, I...
A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid Preface. This is my third attempt at TG fiction, following the first two chapters of my other story, The Dress Shop (third chapter is on the way soon, following an extended writing hiatus!), and another story which is (as yet) unpublished on FM. First of all, I'd like to address the fact that the story below is very much a 'genre piece'. That is, it knowingly contains many of the stereotypical plot contrivances that the majority of TG fiction...
I slept in as long as I could, but a loud kno-cking noise from my door ended my beautysleep abruptly. I threw my dressing gown around my shoulders and opened the door. It was my ex-boyfriend with a big grin on his Sunday-face who pushed in and settled himself without hesitation on my denim sofa. I didn't know why he had come at all, and I didn't real-ly want to have him here now! He squabbled, that he had heard that I was going on holidays, and that it was a must for him to see me before I...
NOT ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID A story by Satinmaid (satinmaid@y...) under direction from Mistress Lisa (lisa_simmonds2000@y...). Part 1 - Bridesmaid I had known Jackie for far too long, almost twenty years since we were kids in fact. I don't really mean 'far too long' - as we were best friends and had been for most of that 20 years. We were so close that I probably knew she was a lesbian at about the same time she realised. It had annoyed me at first because I did fancy...
My heartfelt thanks To Annabelle Brito for reviewing and helping me to edit the story. Without her suggestions, the story would not be nearly as readable. Her help was invaluable. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative and encourage anyone who reads the story to provide feedback. If you don't like it or any part of it, please tell me why. I hope you all enjoy the story. I Was a Boy Bridesmaid I never knew my Mom. She left my dad and me when I was 3 and I...
Next morning Tony awoke to a sort of orderly confusion. Debbie had left his bed sometime earlier, he showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen for Breakfast, but Debbie looking quite bleary eyed after her late night with him sent him back to his room to change into civvies. She followed him, to help him select suitable clothes, which was a bad move because it took quite a long time to complete the task. She was amazed at his stamina and he at her enthusiasm, and it was with great...
ronniefletcher When I was younger I got into a spot of bother and found myself up in court in front of a very bad tempered judge with the result that I ended up been sentenced to six months.This was the summer of 92 and I was doubled up (two of us in one cell)with a guy from Kildare. We got on really well, we shared a lot in common, when you're banged up at night time you get to know the in's and out's of the person that you are sharing the cell...
Joy Of Fucking A Gay BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan Woodrow been on the sales job, field sales job for well over 3 years and like most sales people, he knew that for sexual encounters and sessions, he had to work ahead and in advance. Of course, he worked the net prior to departing from the base office and arranged a beautiful college boy who enjoyed playing cocks in secret. This lad named Mitch was 21, almost 6’ 3’’, young and very healthy. For mutual satisfaction the photos were exchanged and both...
Joyce Andrews pulled her bulging duffel bag out of the back of the rented Cadillac and slammed the trunk closed. It was a gloriously warm and sunny Sunday afternoon. Slinging the strap over her shoulder, she waved goodbye to her mother and walked slowly down the sidewalk to the doorway of the dorm complex. A volunteer met her at the front desk and handed her a welcome package: a pink box that said 'Good Stuff' on the top and sides. "Hi, my name's Marci," the girl said, glancing at...
When Joyce was in high school, she looked much different. She never wore a skirt, a bra, or heels. She had short hair and a bad complexion. At that period in time, Joyce did not shave her legs or her underarms, and no one she knew saw it as at all unusual. This is not to say that Joyce was a slob; as a matter of fact, she often showered at least three times a day. Once in the morning before school, once after football practice, and once after her evening workout. Yes, Joyce played...
“I need my twenty bucks, you got it?” “Uh, you said I had till Saturday to pay it back, I don’t get paid at work until Friday, I don’t have it.” “I know I said you could give it back Saturday but I really need some money today, do you have any? Five bucks maybe?” “Huh! I only have a ten.” “Come on Joyce, I really need it.” She gave in “Shit. Okay give me my bag.” Her shoulder bag was setting on the top of her dresser so I reached up to grab it. I picked it up but one of the handles was...
The Conscripted Bridesmaid What would you do if you were threatened with disclosure of your covert crossdressing activity? How far would you go to keep it secret? Especially if it involved crossdressing in public! Well, I yielded, and it had a lasting effect on my life. Background My real name is Alan, but to my family and close friends, I've always been called "Ali," an abbreviated version, an acquired childish name that never left me. "Sis," as I refer to her, is my older...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing THE BRIDESMAIDS by lesley_taraIntroduction: The idea for this story came to me whilst watching on television the British royal wedding in April 2011, and seeing Pippa Middleton’s sexy ass so gloriously showcased in her stunning bridesmaid’s dress. If you have read my true story ‘What Turns Me On’, you will know what a trim and jutting female butt does for me! As always, the story is entirely fiction, and any...
"You'll be sitting at the bridesmaid's table today, dear." "Why won't I be sitting with you?" "How dare you question me like this. I want you at the bridesmaid's table and don't ever question my authority again. I'll sit you wherever I damn well please. I want to sit with some real men. Not some fucking little pantywaist like you. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You have much more in common with the bridesmaids then you have with any of the men sitting at 'our' table....
Joyce by Karen Elizabeth L. (Karentv720) My family and I had just moved to Norville now that I had finished college. I figured that with top grades from a very good Engineering school I'd be swamped with job offers. At least that's what I thought! In reality I had been out of school for almost a year and although I had many interviews in that time I had not had a single offer of a job! Now however I felt that luck would finally be on my side. Dad had a friend who ran one of...
It is Friday morning 7:00 am. I drive up to Joyce’s house in my friend’s 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 Sunliner. It is a hardtop convertible. I put the top down for two reasons; it is a warm day and Joyce loves the wind in her hair as we drive. Her long blond hair always looks beautiful blowing in the wind or spread around my lap as she gives me a blowjob. Joyce is waiting outside for me excited to be going on this weekend. It is all she can talk about. To her friends she tells them it is four days of...
Group SexJoyce drove home from work wishing that she could find some way to unwind from a long and stressful week, knowing that when she walked into the house, she was going to have to cook dinner, care for her k**s, and take care of the normal household chores, and whatever else that might come up. She took a deep breath before opening the door and walking inside, but to her own disbelief, the house looked to have already been cleaned and dinner for two was on the table and her husband Barry stood in...
Joyce lay on top of the bed staring at the ceiling. She had watched the clock go round for three whole hours. Two cars had started up within that time, one almost immediately after she got back to her bedroom, and the other one two hours later. An hour ago she had heard Robbie in the shower, then twenty minutes later heard a door down stairs slam shut. All was quiet. She slipped into the ensuite and started the power shower. She cleaned her teeth and looked at her clouded reflection in the...
She looked so delightful in her pale pink satin bridesmaid’s dress, its tightly-fitted cut highlighting the budding curves of her slender sixteen-and-a-half year old body – her small pert breasts, her slim waist, her trim hips and her cute bubble-butt. Helen was a very pretty and attractive teenager even in her everyday jeans and T-shirts; in this classically-simple and elegantly-shaped sheath of satin, she looked absolutely eatable – and I had plans to do just that. We two had been the...
The smell of sausages cooking stoked Joyce's senses into coming to life. She looked around and saw Robbie working at the barbecue, Sylvia lying on a sunbed, dosing, and just coming through the kitchen door was a very embarrassed looking Steve. She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but she felt better for it. Her mind was slightly clearer but something's were still fuddled. Her dream was still cloudy, but she was sure their were issues to resolve she felt she wasn't well enough to face...
"Pour some wine Joyce I'm gagging here girl"As if by autopilot, Joyce opened the screw top bottle of very chilled white wine and poured two glasses. "Arrrggghh. That's better" said Sylvia as she took a long gulp of the refreshing Sauvignon Blanc. "Been looking forward to that" Joyce sipped her drink and watched her friend finish off drying her hair. "So...what have you been up to today....anything exciting. You shipped a nice well hung black stud in while I've been Joyce...
Robbie left the house at midday. He had a regular slot on a Sunday from 1230 till 1330 on some specialist machinery at his local gym. Joyce went back to bed and tried to sleep a little, before everybody returned. She nearly succeeded. After Robbie had made love to her in the shower they had had an uneasy breakfast in the kitchen. She had made a pot of tea for herself and Robbie wanted orange juice. They were both still naked, at Robbies insistence, and she felt very uncomfortable walking round...
Sylvia and Joyce spent a lazy morning lolling around in there dressing gowns, catching up on the lost years. Steve was away golfing till tomorrow evening, and Robbie was at the gym. They planned on going into town for a look around the shops and do a little retail therapy. Girly stuff. Sylvia tried to keep the conversation as lite as possible, trying to avoid subjects that involved marriage.... Joyce was enjoying her reunion and tried to stay positive. They were both trying hard. At eleven they...
Joyce woke with a start from an alcoholic induced sleep. She opened her eyes not knowing where she was or what had disturbed her. The curtains were drawn and it was pitch black. She heard a man belching followed by the unmistakeable sound of a toilet seat banging and a full bladder being emptied into the bowl. A door closed and then it went quiet. Joyce Dickinson's marriage had disintegrated when her husband, Garry, of 18 years decided that he wanted c***dren, and couldn't stay with Joyce...
In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately and we were...
FetishIt was one in the morning when Joyce thought to check her phone. For weeks she had been obsessed with checking to see if there were any messages from her ex,,saying he wanted her backs, or some other such fantasy. "Mums left her phone at home aunty Joyce. Steves been rained off and is coming home at nine tonight." It read. She looked at her watch and saw the time, realising that Sylvia was four hours overdue to be home to welcome her husband home. Sylvia read the message and giggled. She put...
I couldn’t stop thinking about Joyce after the raiders game Last Sunday at Jack’s. I had to see her again. I didn’t care if Jack was home or not just the chance to see her again was worth making up a reason to go to Jack’s.I drove up to the laundromat and parked. I walked up to the side door. I hit the buzzer.Bbbbzzzz “hello?” It was Joyce. My heart fluttered.“Hey Joyce its Jay!”“Oh heeeeeyy Jay come on up”. She sounded so sexy even on the crappy speaker.I went up the super hot stairs in a...
I couldn’t stop thinking about Joyce after the raiders game Last Sunday at Jack’s. I had to see her again. I didn’t care if Jack was home or not just the chance to see her again was worth making up a reason to go to Jack’s.I drove up to the laundromat and parked. I walked up to the side door. I hit the buzzer.Bbbbzzzz “hello?” It was Joyce. My heart fluttered.“Hey Joyce its Jay!”“Oh heeeeeyy Jay come on up”. She sounded so sexy even on the crappy speaker.I went up the super hot stairs in a...
Robbie briefly contemplated making dinner. Briefly. He'd never made a meal in his life and being a self-centred teenager didn't see why he should start now. It was woman's work. His contribution to the end of Joyce's working day would be to bend her over the back of the chair and ease some of her built up 'tension'. He'd run her a bath.....A small gesture, but, he knew women appreciated such things. At 530pm he heard a car pull on the drive, dashed upstairs, started the bath running. then was...