Fantasy Of Humiliating Romance free porn video

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In my fantasies, I often like to mix romance and humiliation. I find thesetwo compatible, each balancing out the other. This is one of my most recentof such fantasies:

I am in a room with a large four posted bed. On the bed, spread eagle ismy boyfriend. We can call him Joe. Joe is sexually shy, and isn't into experimenting.Too bad for him! I have tied him like this with the help of a female friendof mine who I will call Sara. We had collected him earlier from a bar wherehe had been drinking whiskey. Sara had a powerful little something extra crushedand added to his drink… He is strong, and we are both rather petite,we needed him out for a while to give us time to tie him up and get ready forwhat we have in store.

The three of us are naked in this cosy room. I lay on the right of Joe, andSara on his left. We are beautifully symmetrical, the three of us, and I smileup at the camera placed on one of the beams which stretch across the top frameof the bed. These beams are handy.

Joe begins to stir. I reach toward his and kiss him gently into consciousness,tasting whiskey still on his lips. He opens his eyes and smiles up at my face.For a moment his deep brown eyes are calm and fill me with peace. Then, herealises I am naked, feeling my tits on his chest and looks down realisinghe is to. He tries to push me off of him with his arms, but they are tied tightlyeither side of the bed.

'Lisa?!' he says in frustration. I smile across at Sara and beckon her tolean over to me. Joe is clearly astonished. I kiss her over Joe's naked boundbody, our breasts sandwiched together as I pull her body closer into mine.I draw back and stroke a wisp of hair that has fallen over her face. 'Oh Sara…'I murmur seductively 'I really want you'. She draws me back into her body.I feel the heat from both her and Joe. I concentrate on our embrace, and remembermy plan, to try and ignore Joe as much as we can.

This is hard with three of us in the bed, but not impossible. As my tongueteases her, she runs a hand over my perky breasts. Gently she pinches a nipple,and I quietly let out a low grunt. Both my hands are on her arse cheeks, kneadingthem softly.

Joe has not yet made a sound. He is silent, perhaps in shock, perhaps becausea secret fantasy of his is coming true. His girlfriend and another girl gettingit on in front of him! He is not yet aware of the camera.

Both Sara and I are now kneeling up, and my hand begins to explore her pubicmound. Her pussy hair is worn tidy, but not as short as mine. I gently pullat her lips, and her reaction is to slightly spread her legs. Her hand hasalso traced down my abdomen and is now circling my clit. My lips are swollenwith desire and I am already damp.

We continue to light-heartedly masturbate each other over my boyfriend. 'Goon girls' he gently encourages, accepting the moment. He is breathing deeply.At this Sara suddenly stops kissing me and her finger becomes static whereit lies barely touching my slit.

To Joe's amusement me both get off the bed. I fetch a three foot spreaderbar and return to the bed. Sara has untied one of Joe's ankles and we proceedto trap it in the leather ankle strap of the spreader bar. We repeat with theother ankle and I then hold the bar down limiting his movement.

The spreader bar has three holes in it. Sara fetches three eight foot ropes,each with a hook on one end. The first hook is pushed through the middle holeon the spreader bar, which I hold as Sara continues to fix the other two hooksto either side of the bar. Now, Sara taking the two side ropes and I takingthe centre one, we raise the spreader bar and Joes legs until they are at a90 degree angle from his body sticking into the air. I tie my rope to an overhead beam securely as Sara ties her ropes to the two posts either side of theheadboard. Joe enjoys watching our naked bodies as we go about our work.

Joes legs are spread wide, giving us a nice display of his cock, balls andarse. But, as planned, Sara and I pay him no more attention. We leave him strainingagainst his bonds and return to pleasing one another. Sara tells me she hasto have me, and I lay down and she lays over me in a 69 position. She beginsto lick at my belly button, as I run my hands over her thighs and bum.

Sara takes her time teasing me with her tongue. She licks thin little linesover my inner thighs, and then lightly blows on them. I tell her how delightfulit feels to have a real woman. I hear Joe momentarily stop struggling in hisbonds. 'Ohh come on Sara! I need you now… We haven't done this in solong! Your soft tongue feels so good when its deep in my pussy' I tell herin a husky voice. Immediately she responds.

I grab her hips and thrust them down, my mouth ready for her sweet tastingpussy. I pull open her lips and begin to lap up her juices. I lick up and downher labia, after every six strokes I circle her clit eight times really fast.I'd been with Sara enough times now to know this was exactly what she liked.We both thrust our hips and sucked on each others clit, mimicking one another'sactions. Suddenly Sara jabbed her tongue into my pussy. She flicked it in andout at such as speed. I copied this movement, and we both climaxed soon after.

We held one another for a while. 'Your cream tastes so good baby' she toldme, just loud enough for Joe to hear. He wasn't really into giving me oral.I was so excited by how jealous he must be. I sat up and looked toward him,the first time I'd looked his way for 15 minutes. 'Oh! Look at this… someone'sbeen enjoying the show!' I exclaimed. 'Look at that erection…' gaspedSara in mock surprise. Joe didn't know where to look.

'What a cheap prick, turned on by low down slutty oral sex!' said Sara. Wehad often talked of Joes disapproval of oral sex. 'Do you know Joe, your girlfriendjust creamed herself in my mouth' Sara now said matter of factly. She lovedto torment him with her dirty talk. I was concerned that she might be windinghim up too much, his face turned to the side making eye contact with neitherof us and blushing furiously.

'Sara… do you think we should punish him for being a filthy peepingtom?' Joe is obviously disturbed by this secret relationship I am confessing,however he doesn't question us. Without another word, I pass Sara a blindfold,which she places on him.

I move to sit by Joe's chest. I bend down and suck on a nipple while twistingthe other in my hand. He has told me previously he doesn't really like this,and he feels it is slightly effeminising. I wondered what he was thinking now,so I clung to his soulders and pulled my self up to him. At first I buriedmy tongue in his ear, hoping my deep aroused breathing would add to the effect.'Joe… I hope your enjoying this' I whispered at him seductively. Hereplies by nodding his head. As I returned to his chest, I licked his lipsgently.

Sara meanwhile had produced a light paddle. As we had enthusiastically planned,she would now whack Joes exposed arse. She had also put a metal goblet containingice on a table beside the bed. I reached out and took a cube in my hand.

WHACK. The sound of the paddle almost made me jump, and certainly the paddlehad made Joe jump. He was not expecting anything, since he is blindfolded.He grumbles in protest, but it replied with another smack. I slide the iceonto the nipple I have been sucking. Again, Joe shifts, getting used to thisstimuli. I rub the ice round his nipple, and then withdraw it and suck hisfrozen flesh. He moans, and then Sara smacks him hard again.

I place another ice cube on Joe's navel, dangerously close to his erect penis.I continue to play with his nipples. Sara's next smack is her hardest yet,and forces Joe to slightly scrunch his legs in reflex. This pulls his torsoupward which dislodges the ice cube, and his penis is met with the ice cube.He lets out a startled noise, and I smile at Sara.

I bend over to where the ice cube has fallen, down on the sheet near hiship. I take the ice cube in my mouth and slowly drag it over his stomach. AgainSara smacks Joes bottom. 'My, my… Lisa you should see how peachy andred his arse is!' I laugh at this and pass Sara the goblet of ice. 'Why notgive him a break to let him cool down a little' I giggle as I wink at her.

Sara takes the cold metal goblet and picks out of it the last remaining icecube. She then proceeds to rub it over Joe's burning arse. He shudders in shockand continues to moan. I stand and take the goblet from Sara. There is perhapsa table spoon of freezing cold water left. I pour this over Joe's right footwhich is still suspended in the air and he lets out a cry in shock, shakinghis foot. My fingers follow the path of the water as it runs down his leg.

'Lisa… what do you want? I'll do it… just… I cant takethis teasing any longer… please …' Joeurges me. I look down at his throbbing cock and smile. Sara is now holdingwhat is left of the ice cube against Joe's anus, while occasionally lickinghis balls. 'First Joe, I need you to do something for me'. 'Anything' he replies'anything…'. For a moment I feel sorry for him. It must hurt his prideto be tied against his will and then made to beg for relief. I run my fingeralong his penis as I suck in air.

I crawl across the bed from when I'd been kneeling, and straddled his face.I was facing Sara. 'Joe, eat my pussy' I commanded, and immediately he stretchedhis neck up so he could reach my swollen lips. He breathed heavily on them,and run his tongue along my slit. I was silent, amazed that he was going todo this. Sara's ice cube had melted, and she now placed light kisses on hisarse cheeks, occasionally licking over Joe's exposed shit hole. I would tellwhen she did this, and Joe would tense his legs and exhale into my crotch.

I now pulled open my pussy lips. Although Joe was still blindfolded, he sensedmy hands and felt the new heat above his face. I gyrated my hips over him andhe begged me to squat a little lower so he could reach me better. Still withhis limbs tied to the bed, he could not guide me himself. He was still utterlyhelpless. I could hear his breathing deepen, and he frantically licked me andsucked hard on my clit. I made exaggerated sounds of arousal to let him knowhe was doing this right.

Sara then disappeared from the bed once more, returning with a pot of extrastrength deep heat. Blindfolded, he didn't realise why I suddenly giggled.Perhaps he guessed I was nearing a climax, and he began to thrust his tonguein and out of my hole. Sara returned to his arse.

She kneaded his arse and he grunted, beginning to slow down his tongue fucking.For this reason I ground my pussy down on his face. Sara now smeared a littledeep heat over her hands, not very much, not even enough for our prisoner todetect the grease on her hands. She continued kneading his arse, and I felthim wriggle under me.

'Joe, I never knew how much you love to eat pussy! I'll have to treat youto this more often, that is, if you behave for me' I said, feeling powerful.He couldn't make more than a barely audible moan, but I knew that he had reallybegun to enjoy his torture. I looked over at Sara and nodded the signal shehad been waiting for. As she lubricated her index finger with the deep heat,I came from Joe's arousal. My come oozed down the walls of my pussy and beganto emanate from my hole. I smeared this over Joe's chin and cheeks, and upto his nose which caused him to deeply inhale my sweet juices. I slid off him,and climbed off the bed. I reached up and took the camera which was still rolling,and then sat next to Sara.

Sensing our silence, Joe twitches in anticipation, hoping that we aren'tplanning to leave him here like this all night. He calls my name out into thedarkness only he sees. 'You promised baby… please… you know Iwant you… you know …' he says. 'Reliefis coming' I say softly and he hears my voice coming from near his exposedcrotch. His breathing portrays his desperation, and I am well pleased. Thisis the point when Sara puts the tip of her finger against his crack.

She pushes a little and his cheeks tense in reflex. My smile urges her on,and she begins to add pressure. 'Joe, try not to tense' Sara calls to him,and he knows it will only cause him pain. At the relaxing of his muscles, sheslides her finger in to her first knuckle. Held there for two seconds, theheat begins to get to him. 'Aaah… what is that?' he asks, but we don'treply. Instead Sara begins slowly sliding her finger in and out, never goingfurther than her first knuckle. I show the camera the pot of deep heat andzoom in on Sara's assault.

Joe is now breathing very faintly, trying to accept a finger up his bum.In the past he had fingered me up the bum, yet not let me return the favour.'I need to come!' he yells breaking the silence. 'Hold on for just a bit longerhoney' I say. Sara pushes her finger in all the way and makes a comment onhow tight his arse is. I tell her it's my turn, and pass her the camera. Ilube up two fingers. I quickly insert one the full length and tell Sara tozoom in on his face.

I work my finger in and out of his anus with a speed he seems to have troublewith. He clenches against my finger, and I enjoy the feeling. When he unclenchesI withdraw and he lets out a deep breath. I give him a few seconds to anticipateour next moves, and then return to his anus, this time with two. He was incrediblytight with one finger. I recall the first time he fingered me. He was incrediblygentle with me. I smiled, and began to push down on his hole.

'How do you like being fingered Joey?' asks Sara, interrogating him on camera.'I need to come… I'm so desperate…' he murmurs. 'That's right,you are a desperate little piece of pussy! Joining in on our lessie sex session…lookat you, eating pussy, having your nipples sucked and now being fingered!' shelet the hurtful words sink in. 'I'm so glad we've got this all on camera!'she squeals. 'What?!' Joe is clearly shocked. Sara laughs. 'Well, too bad Ihave to get going now' she says and kisses him good bye.

All the while Joe has been penetrated by my fingers, which were sandwichedvery tightly inside him. The deep heat was making his muscles clench furiously.I blew a kiss across the room the Sara as she left us alone. Moving quicklyI withdrew my fingers and unhooked the spreader bar from the ropes. I returnedmy fingers after lowering his legs back to the bed.

Joe called my name. He repeated it over and over again. 'Oh please…takeme in your mouth' he begged. This being the first time he had ever asked Ialmost blushed! I withdrew one finger from his hole to give me a little moreroom. I took his swollen cock in my mouth and swirled my tongue over the tipof is head. Joe almost screamed, and came right away, which I had not predicated.I wasn't ready for his come, which made me suck down hard on his cock in reflex,causing his moans to become louder.

He shot so much come into my mouth I simply couldn't contain it, and it spewedfrom my mouth over his groin.

After he shot all the come I believed his balls could possibly carry, I continuedto pump his cock with my hand, sticky wet with sweat and come. I lapped uphis come, cleaning him up a bit I thought. When I'd finished this, I movedcloser to his face and took off the blindfold. Almost immediately I saw Joelooking round the room, perhaps for a camera, or for Sara. I looked at himand when he returned the gaze, he gave me a beautiful smile.

He looked so painfully delicious, arms still spread and tied to the bed,head propped up by two soft pillows, smiling up at me. He reached to kiss me,but I drew back and raised one eye brow. He caught on quickly. 'Lisa… yourslave boy is begging you to grace his mouth with yours…' I smiled athis brilliant reaction to my dominance and stooped there and kissed him deeply.He must be able to taste his come in my mouth, and I wondered what he thoughof this. As we embraced I traced my hand back down to his cock which was alreadyhard. I laughed softly into our kiss.

'Lisa….oh….Lisa, Lisa… let me touch you' he begged.I wanted this too, so I untied him, ankles first (allowing him full view ofmy naked body as I couched to unfasten his ankles from the spreader). ThenI untied his wrists, freeing his arms. Immediately he wrapped his arms aroundme. He hardly managed to grip me, his arms so weak from being in bondage almostfor an hour. I rubbed feeling back into his arms while I planted kisses onhis soft mouth.

'Are we still on camera?' he asked nervously. He must have so many questions.'No…' I laughed and then said innocently 'there was no camera, Sarawas just teasing you'. I didn't want questions now, so I shut him up with along, deep embrace.

Joe had been a virgin up until this night, when now he begged me to let him'inside me'. I asked him to elaborate. 'I want you Lisa… I want to fuckyou' he told me what I wanted. 'Fuck? Or make love?' I asked. Caressing bothmy breasts in his hands he whispered 'Make love…'.

The bed was cleared of ropes and the spreader bar, and for the first timethat night we took advantage of the soft silky bed sheets and got inside thewarm bed. 'Is your bottom still on fire?' I asked with a menacing smile. 'Yes…'he replied 'I'll have to return you the favour someday' he said, his sentencebroken by the kisses he was planting all over my body.

We had delightful vanilla sex. Joe was like a totally different guy in bedthat night, wanting to please me and only me. He soon realised how exhaustedhe was though, and entwined in my arms, he fell from his humiliated, exhaustedstate into a peaceful sleep. As he clung to me, I reflected my need for touchinghim in ways that sometimes seemed to effeminise him… I asked myselfif I were a lesbian. No, I concluded, looking down at the sleeping beauty inmy arms. Our sex tonight had been the most pleasing I had ever experienced.I smiled and let the though go, and slowly joined my partner in sleep.

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Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The dildo stretched out my pussy, my flesh spasming about it. I groaned and gasped, my wrists twisting in the handcuffs, my asshole clenching down on the invading butt-plug. I shuddered, groaning, gasping, my lips stained with pussy. Zoey’s pussy. My little sister’s pussy. Alicia’s. I had eaten so much pussy today. I hated how much I liked it. I shouldn’t like it. I wasn’t gay. I wasn’t. But my bitch of a little sister and that...

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A FairyTale Finish Humiliating Kirsten Pt 5 The Final Chapter

A FAIRYTALE FINISH ONE I'm sitting by the pool. I'm probably not wearing what you expect. The woman at my side is probably not who you expect. She reaches out. Her fingers brush mine; my acrylic nails, red and decorated with perfect white snowflakes, each one slightly different, causes a couple passing to snigger and smirk. I don't care. I hold her hand. "Are you happy?" she asks...... TWO I stood at the doorway looking at Miss Maggie. She really was beautiful, but...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 15

Jeni was driving and the three of them were discussing me. They couldn't decide what to do next to humiliate me. They thought about going to an early movie to get me naked again, but then thought that there might be too many children at the early shows. Of course they talked about the adult movies where they could get me naked and get me fucked by complete strangers. Ron didn't like that because he didn't want me to catch anything that might get passed on to him. Then they decided they...

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Engineering Romance

It was close to midnight as Callum Donald followed the tight butt of curvy Paula Olsen, his latest girlfriend, up the narrow stairs to her apartment. It was the third time they’d dated and he wondered would she’d get lucky tonight. She must want it as she’d made admiring comments about his physique. That surely indicated her level of interest. Paula was an assistant accountant at a construction company he’d visited when engaged as a consulting engineer. He arrived at her workplace whenever the...

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A Sissies Humiliating Confession

This is a real life situation that happened this past weekend. I am sissy slave jennifer and i am owned by my beautiful Mistress Rita. Mistress Rita loves nothing more than putting this pathetic lil sissy through the most humiliating situations She can get away with. I once confessed to Mistress that when i was 16 i wore my very 1st pair of panties. Mistress insisted that i tell her who's they were, where i got them, and how i got them. i was embarassed to confess that i actually stole them...

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My Cuckold Evening Fun and humiliating

The following is a true account of one of many wife-sharing adventures that we have had over the years. A short history: I have been sharing my wife for over ten years. Her chief playmate is a co-worker of mine. Since we cannot play at the home of either party, we get together every few weeks at our workplace after closing. I do not recommend this, but our hormones got the best of us and here we are.The following is one of my favourite jerk-off memories. It seemed like a typical (cuckold)...

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My humiliating experience with Sandy Part 2

After my last experience with Sandy in the pool, I tried to stay away from her for awhile. I was really humiliated by her ability to carry and handle me, but also was really turned on by the experience. At the time, we were playing keep away with a ball, and she ended up carrying me around on her hip like a little kid. There was nothing I could do to get away from her, and she really teased me about a younger girl carrying an older boy and getting him turned on. Since my erection was against...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 7

Once inside, the girls headed to the kitchen. They opened the refrigerator door and started getting all the fruits and veggies out. They put them all on the table, putting the big ones down and then working backwards to the smaller ones. The hot peppers were the smallest ones. I just hoped they didn't shove those in my ass or cunt. Jeni said, "OK whore, outside. Piss and shit if you need to, then take a shower. We will be out in a moment to make sure you are clean inside that whore...

4 years ago
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A super romance

Max was with me today, being a good work colleague he sometimes shares his lunch hour with me rather than his new wife. He'd go on about her sometimes, which is fine and I'm happy for them both, but it simply serves to remind me just how single I really am. Today was my lucky day though. She showed up almost right after I did, and ordered a mint chocolate coffee and a muffin. Her name's Karen. I discerned that from her orders being called by the barista, but I knew very little...

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Temporary Romance

CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...

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Jill and Hobs Micromanaged Romance

Chapter One: Boy Meets Girl I noticed her on the bus ride to downtown in the morning. She was a very pretty young woman in her mid twenties with a nice shape but painfully shy. She had a faded purple streak in her brown hair but now she was sporting a new style, blond curls with highlights. She worked in an office and always wore sneakers even with her dresses. I was attracted to her and started saying ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘have a great weekend’ and was granted a rare smile. One day I...

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A Bittersweet Romance

If you want raw, graphic sex, go to another story. This is romance, and also a sad story. ***** My wedding to Carla, my fair skinned, black haired beauty, was an event I will always remember. It was not just because I was publically committing to the woman I wanted to spent the rest of my life with. I hadn’t thought about it while single, but on my wedding night nearly every woman in the room wanted to spend time with me. All the men wanted to be close to my beautiful bride was well. We had...

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City Romance

**A/N** So this is something new.. I’m trying it out and will post the next chapter if this gets high reviews. Rate and Review please Kay City Romance Monday It had been a long day. My body was sore and I definitely needed a shower, I reeked of hard manual labor. My hair had sweated itself into a mass of tangles stuck flat to my forehead and face, I was the epitome of a hard worker. My clothes were caked with a layer of dust collected over the years in a filthy attic. What’s sad is that...

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A Crawling Romance

CHAPTER 1 A three-night stop in Chicago and then back on the train to Boston was Harvey Chadwick’s plan. He had been visiting his sister in LA after roaming the world for two years following his wife Sophia’s death in a car accident only three months after their marriage. The 30-year-old computer systems troubleshooter had long lost his grief and when reaching his parent’s home in Boston Harvey planned to find another lively lady and settle down again. His mom reckoned she had three lined-up...

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A Staged Romance

A romance is a tale told by an idiot, full of flowery phrases and stolen kisses, and signifying nothing. To the fool, the teller of such tales, the fascination lies not with the sexual act: a messy business finishing with a shout and a grimace, but with the dance that brings them there. That eternal game of cat and mouse that brings two seemingly complex people into the hormone-induced dream world we call love. Love causes people to merge until they wed and propagate, or go their woeful ways. ...

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Building A Romance

This is a work of fiction. As this is in the Romance category, it takes time to build the entire story, including the sex. Be patient and enjoy. Your feedback is always appreciated. MEETING DR. STEIN In my capacity as the Regional Manager for a large pharmaceutical company, I was given the charge of developing a partnership with the Cardiology department at one of the major New York City Hospitals. Dr. Stein was part of the faculty at the hospital. She was the physician I was told to contact...

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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

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Sibling romance

Five years ago I started to fall in love with my beautiful wife BUT WAIT it’s not what you think it’s my sister but with a step in front of it. I’ve always seen my step sister Jane as the most beautiful woman ever and the day that I met her was the best day of my life...well not exactly because a month before my parents got a divorce and I couldn’t see my mom anymore because she cheated on my dad and took my by blood older sister away so I was not in the best mood. At the time that I met her I...

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An unlikely romance

Let me start by introducing myself before I tell my story. My name is John, when all this started I was a freshman in my university study. I'm a 5 ft 7 inches tall guy, I'm average when it comes to my physique, not a scrawny little guy or a fat short one and my intellect was not also on the extremes, which didn't help me to fit into any of the stereotypes at school; I was good at sports, but not so good to join the school's team, I was a gaming geek but not smart enough to join the nerds, and I...

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Fireplace Romance

They dance closely, holding each other as near as possible. The ballroom is lighted romantically as hundreds of men and women dance the night away. They might as well be the only ones there, for all she can focus is him and all he can focus on is her. He's looking at her in the way a man looks at woman that he loves. His hands make their way a little too close to her breasts for The song ends, everyone politely claps. A new song begins but he takes her arm, guiding her swiftly off the dance...

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From Bromance to Romance

This story is the story of romance and genuine love. There are alot of erotic firsts in my life but none are as dear to me as my first time with Jacob. We meet our junior year of college. I had just left the rugby team which was a club sport and he was openly gay and had just broke up with a long time boyfriend after he cheated on him. We were both changing and ended changing together. We had common interest like the outdoors. He turned me on to meditation and alot of liberal ideals....

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The Magic Of Love And Romance

Hello readers.. I’m in love with this site and you readers. You readers have been so kind and I’m surprised with ya feedbacks, your mails flooding.. This story is for you wonderful readers how you like it. And hope I have replied to all ya mails… For all the new readers let me introduce myself. This is Rohan Sharma. Age 27 years. I won’t talk about my looks, u can check it out yourself as I shall forward my pictures to you. I’m a sex advisor, a massuer by hobby. I’m here to help you in any way...

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The Dommes Romance

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Karens Romance

Karen's Romance - by: Norman O. Johnson It was a cool, rainy September afternoon in Raleigh, North Carolina. Thunder rumbled in the distance from slate-colored storm clouds. Rain was falling steadily in the backyard, overthrowing the bird bath, as I sat in the screened-in back porch sipping my herbal tea and reflecting on the extraordinary turns my life had taken in the last year. My name is Karen Lauterbach. I used to be named Kevin. You read that right. I changed sex a little...

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Holiday Romance

Holiday Romance ? by: Rachel Edwards Part 1 The sun was scorching as I stepped off the plane with my parents. I was now 18 years old and my parents were treating me to one last holiday abroad before my, the best way to put it, coming of age. They were now resigned to what I was undertaking and were becoming more and more supportive of me. Thinking back to that first time trying on a few of my older sisters clothes all those years ago I had no idea what world was opening up...

2 years ago
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Pune Me Sincere Classmate Ke Saath Romance

Hi everyone, mera naam jivan hai.Aap sabhi mujhe janate hai.Aaj mai aapako mere classmate ki story batane wala hu.Aapako story kaise lagi ye aap mujhe mail karake Mere class me komal naam ki ek bahut he sundar aur sincere ladaki hai.Wo kabhi bhi kisi ladake se baat nahi karati,unhe dekhati bhi nahi thi.Wo bahut hi shant rahati thi.Sabhi lectures attained karati hai,aur padhai mai bhi top me rahati hai. Sorry maine usake bare me aapako bataya nahi.Usaki height 5″ 6 hai.Colour me savali...

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Night Turn In To Hot Romance

Absolutely not come to sleep that night, turning sideways, it would have been wrong to tell the truth, I alocanalu, could not sleep at all, the silence around, it is very difficult to bear, who seemed to be near the door, I saw, in front of the aunt, pack up, “Come on in, Aunty, how sepayyindi You stand there, “And to come back inside, sitting on the ground adjacent to the wall,” adithya sleep to come, or “” Yes, the day you look back and go, jacksonian of a sudden, my mind, my chest became...

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That Girl I Met Online Turned Into Romance

Hey! Guys. I am writing a new story after 2 years now. I was amazed by the response i got earlier specially from girls too. I never thought that i will make friends through this site. Comments /suggestions always welcome please email So this story is of initial college days, i didn’t like my college people much more specifically any girl. I was still more involved with my friends in school but they were too gradually getting engaged with their new friends. I guess it was me who was not able to...

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Club Romance

Still on holiday and having an amazing time in the sunshine. My sister and I decided to head at night to a local nightclub to see what it was like. We knew it was aimed at our age range so we figured it would be some fun, better than watching flamenco dancers for the 1000th time anyway. Both of us got ready and headed over to the club, we both got in no problem and I scanned the room. There were some lovely girls there at the club and all wearing little to nothing however there was one girl...

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Holiday Romance

Holiday Romance by Richard-to-Rachel It was two days before our holiday to Prague that my girlfriend decided to leave me, it turned out that she'd been cheating on me for a while and had come to realise just now that she couldn't live with it on her conscience any longer. I was heartbroken, I had felt that we'd had a real connection and now I found out that she'd been deceiving me all along. I'd never really had much luck with women, I wasn't great looking and kind of shy and it had...

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Hotel Romance

Hotel Romance The hotel was in a remote part of Wales, which allowed it to cater for an exclusive group of clientele. It had the usual facilities, from a sauna to a swimming pool as well as outside tennis courts, although to be honest most of the guests didn't tend to avail themselves of these facilities. James arrived at the hotel on Friday evening and was greeted on the door by a woman from the Sissy club, Roberta. He registered at reception and was asked to record two names,...

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SRU My Spring Romance

Here I am, now the complete woman that I was meant to be after the accident that ended my boyhood. Please, get comfortable if you want to here about my Spring Romance. [][][] My name is Carol Jesse Sims. I was born Carroll Jesse Pridmore, I've been married for 21 years to the most wonderful man I've known since we were both children, Harold Lester Sims. We have twin girls and are soon to be grandparents! We were both born in Miami...

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My Summer Time Romance

My Summer Time Romance Synopsis:Two friends figure a way to get into the Spring Dance, where going Stag is not allowed. One will go as the other's date. The gambit is a dream come true for one. [-][+][-] Boys will be boys is what people say to explain why some boys are so mean, but some girls are just as mean. But there are also boys who make pretty girls, I should know because I'm one of them and couldn't be happier. Let me tell you how a former boy became a happily married...

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