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A sex sadism story for adults who appreciate the difference between awful factand delightful phantasy.

By Susan.

Chapter One.

M ariascreamed,and the man who was working three fingers of his left hand round andround in her sore vulva grinned appreciatively at the masked woman who wascarefully inserting the barbed fish hooks into Maria's nipples.

"Slowly,Eva…we don't want her to cheat on us by passing out just yet."

"Don't worry, Sir. I don't allow them to rest once I've started" the tall woman smiled.

Through the slits in the leather mask, Sir Murdoch Fines could see the iceblue eyes shining with pleasure. Finding Eva had been the best thing he hadever done. Cruel women were comparatively rare and they usually tended to beamong the less attractive of their kind, perhaps finding some form of jealousretribution when they turned to cruelty towards other women. They also tendedto be butch and almost masculine in their demeanour.

Eva most certainly was none of those things. Elegant, well-educated, extremelywell proportioned and with a beauty that made her absolutely savage crueltyeven more astounding, she was a rarity Sir Fines had no intention of losing.Like him, she had the sort of passion for brutality that any normal personwould have found mind-blowingly horrible.

With his right hand, Murdoch was toying with his erect penis, peeling the foreskinback over the purplish dome of the glistening helmet, squeezing gently, thenstroking the respectable length forward again. He had raped Maria, of course,in many different positions and in every orifice, usually with her pretty framebound in an uncomfortable but extremely accessible position so that he couldenter her at will. For almost a week, in fact, she had endured the ever moreobscene sexual degradation the Murdoch had forced upon her

After those first shocking and painful days when he ravished her virginal bodyin three equally virginal holes he had introduced her to Eva, and Maria suddenlyfound that it was not just the foul lusts of man that she had to endure, butthe depraved desires of a wet-pussied female sex monster upon whom she hadto perform the most disgusting acts in order to prevent the awful pain thata glowing cigarette caused when it was slowly pressed to her naked bottom.

With rather astonishing ease, Murdoch turned this normal moral young girl intoa sex slave ready to drop to her knees and suck his cock into her mouth ata moment's notice. She did the same for Eva, burying her pretty face into themusky depths of that blonde-curl covered pudenda to delve her tongue deep inthe hot salty gash of feminine splendour. A little judicious use of a leatherriding crop, and Maria submitted to opening her mouth and drinking the goldenfountains offered be Murdoch and Eva,.

When they suggested she should lie back while they took turns to squat aboveher and deliver food to go with the golden drink, Maria had tearfully refused.

Twelve neatly burned circular scars later, a girl hoarse from screaming inunendurable pain opened her mouth to the first of many varied brown offeringsher laughing tormentors delivered personally.

Murdoch enjoyed this stage of the proceedings, having a still quite innocentyoung lady perform the most filthy acts of scatological and sexual debaucherywhilst actually hating every minute of it. The way he could make her standon the table in front of him and spread her legs, play with herself, even pusha variety of vibrators and dildoes into both her pussy and her tight littleanal passage, tell her to smile and thank him for letting her stuff them intoherself….and all the time he could see the shame and horror in her eyes.Absolutely delicious.

Watching her with Eva was yet another heady delight. That tall blonde Nordicgoddess was so depraved it made him hard just to look at the cruelty in herice blue eyes. What a genuinely gorgeous bitch woman.

She came, regularly and copiously, screaming out her pleasure as she groundpoor Maria's face against her flowing vaginal lips, always wishing to get tothe hurting games, eager to draw blood, never happier than when she heard criesof pain turn to shrieks of agony.

Unlike the so-called dominatrix ladies Murdoch had previously hired,Eva wantedblood.

His last woman, an angular German lady probably the wrong side of fifty, hadpromised in her advertising to be a strong disciplinarian sadist, for the firstfew days of sexual domination playing quite a good role. Later, when the gamesbecame a little more violent, she had cheerfully whipped the girl Murdoch hadprovided, even drawing a little blood when the tip of the lash caught the girl'scunt lip.

But when Murdoch gave her the whip with the spiked metal balls set in eachof the five stranded thongs and told her to rip the girl's tits open, the Frauleinhad backed off in horror.

At gun point, she did as she was told. First the tearing whip, some rest forthe well-bloodied victim, then the skinning knife. How amusing it had beento force a so-called sadist to perform the neat fur peeling operation on thewell whipped pudenda of the now gurgling captive.And Murdoch had really gotto almost shoot the German lady to get her to cut off the girl's breasts andpush them inside a hip to hip slash across the belly…..!

His video film of the whole thing but with all signs of reluctance on the Dominatrix'spart carefully removed meant that she would never reveal that she had performedmurder at Murdoch's behest.

After all, she made a living advertising her skill as a sexual sadist, so itwould be difficult for her to explain away a film showing her appearing torub her clit with bliss as she sliced off a large potion of girl-breast. Shejust hadn't bargained on being employed by a man with the wealth and crueltyof Murdoch, someone who actually could buy a woman to kill and had the placeto do it and the means to dispose of the body afterwards.

Maria was begging for mercy. She had done everything she had been told to doand could not understand why she was now being hurt so badly. She had suckedhis disgusting cock, swallowed gallons of that horrid cream he gruntingly squirteddown her throat, plunged innumerable foul shaped objects into her own poorbody, sucked and fondled his awful woman's sexual parts in the most disgustingways, combined man, woman, and sex toy in whatever obscene combination theythought up for her, even eaten and drunk their waste "fresh from the hole" ,dressed in whatever bizarre costume he provided, and now this dreadful womanwas gleefully inserting a barbed stainless steel fish hook into the lower quarterof her left nipple, actually forcing it in and round so it broke out again…God,thathurt…and was now preparing to thread another hook through the upperpart of her nipple.


Then this smiling hooded woman she knew only too intimately,strangely garbedin long black leather boots like a kinky pantomime prince, with leather peep-holebra that her own large deep pink nipples jutted out of….obviously aroused……anda button flapped leather pair of panties…very black and weird…..hadproduced a little metal box of fish hooks and was even now forcing yet anothershiny barbed point into the denting then breaking skin of the flinching nippleand pain exploded in poor Maria's breast.

With great care, Eva was arranging the hooks to pierce the four quarters ofeach dusky aureole,her, eyes sparkling with unholy pleasure, the scent of herroused femininity wafting upwards from those black leather panties as her juicesbegan to flow now that she was actually doing one of the things that had madeher cunt flow in her secret dreams….

Another squeal of pain, Maria twisting against the soft nylon ropes that heldher arched and spread legged against one of the ingenius adaptable stainlesssteel constructions Murdoch called his fun frames.

"I haven't done anything wrong.Please don't hurt me. You'll spoil my poor breasts !" Maria sobbed.

Between her legs, Murdoch ground three fingers deep into her pussy-hole, smilingas he watched the fish hooks pierce the sensitive dark pink aureoles and sawthe first little beads of blood start to ooze from the perforations, mainlywhere the points re-emerged from within Maria's flesh.

He curved his fingers then cruelly dragged them out of her cunt, fingernailsscraping her vaginal lining and drawing a cry of pain from her throut. "It'stime to continue your education,my dear," his voice thick with the anticipationof her suffering. "You see, a willing slut is something I can have at any time.There is no joy in a willing slave. That defeats the object, don't you see? Only yesterday you stood on the dining room table after sucking me off andtonguing Eva until she had three orgasms, then you pushed that huge Germandildoe up your arcehole and peed in your cup before you drank it . Now thatwas a very dirty thing to do, and I feel it is time to punish you for beingso immoral."

"But you made me do it !" she wailed, then gave a shriek of pain as Eva slapped her punctured nipples.

"True", Murdoch smiled , pinching her clitoris and giving it a non too gentle twist, "bur we are bored with you now, so we are going to hurt you. You know we are both sadists, don't you ? And your sole purpose in life is to give me pleasure. Unfortunately for you, my pleasure will be watching your body squirm and writhe in ever increasing pain. That is what sadism is, you see. Sexual pleasure for us in causing excrutiating pain for you. Of course, you will eventually cheat us of our pleasure by simply dying, unable to take any more of the damage we will be inflicting on your body….especially the sexy bits like these…" and he viciously chopped his hand upwards into the jutting swell of Maria's breasts, laughing as they bounced wildly, drops of blood splashing his chest……"But you will have been begging us to kill you long before that happens. Some of my girls have lasted for weeks providing me with immense pleasure before they departed, usually in a multitude of different pi!

eces, and as you are such a fit young thing, I really hope you will be oneof those. A body as pretty as yours can provide hours of fun for a good sadist."

"You….you're going to kill me ? " the pretty teenager gasped, still unable to believe that such a thing could happen despite already having been turned from an almost virginal innocent into a sluttish sex-whore more depraved in actions than many a hardened prostitute.

Eva gave a little giggle. She leant forward and ran her tongue around bothfish-hooked nipples, careful to avoid the protruding stainless points, tastingthe iron-salt tang of fresh blood.

"Got it in one, Maria. Much as I would love to do something really naughty to these soft titties, I'm afraid the boss wants me to take my time with you, so this will be quite a pleasant little introduction to your new life of pain. I'll get to the good stuff eventually, though, so you'll have plenty to look forward to. You maybe won't look very pretty by then, of course, but I can hardly wait to start to slit your fucking cunt open !"

Murdock groaned with pleasure. He was watching Eva carefully. For someone newto blood-sports, she was not showing any hesitation and it looked as thoughshe meant every gorgeously rousing word she said. So far it had all been talkwith this sensual blonde beauty, albeit the most obscene and perverted talkof the "I'd like to stick a poker up her arsehole while we burn her eyes out" typeas they threshed in sexual frenzy together in approaching orgasmic delight.Murdoch had wanted to find out if reality banished the envisaged pleasure….butthe way Eva's cunt had oozed with lust as she drove the hooks into the screaminggirl's breasts was very re-assuring. He began to believe that he really hadfound the perfect woman. He brought his penis up to full erection as Eva carefullythreaded and knotted lengths of fishing line to the little ring holes in theend of each buried fish hook. He positioned himself between the widespreadthighs,pressed the tip of his member to the cleft o!

f that well-reamed pussy, looked into the wide frightened eyes of Maria andbegan to ease his length into her cunt. "Do it " he grunted,and Eva jerkedboth sets of fishing line upwards.

Maria screamed as her nipples were wrenched upwards, pain far more severe thanwhen the hooks had punctured her burst from her chest into every nerve of herspread bound body.

Murdoch grinned wickedly. "Yes…do it again…I want to feel herpain…feel her fucking cunt clench on my prick every time you pull thosefuckers up and make her yell…"

He began to ride the frame-tied girl. This was even better than when he hadfirst raped her because her screams were of absolute terror , far more frightenedthan her yells of protest when he first thrust his cock inside her. And nowhe had the sight of leather-clad dominatrix bitch Eva, eyes sparkling in unholyglee as she wrenched those tortured nipples and made them start to spray littlejets of crimson

Onto the man who fucked her so viciously.

This was power, this was the way to fuck a woman, this was what their titsand cunts were for….and he was only just starting !

Eva lowered her hands, watching the breasts fall, momentarily spread as theirfluid weight pressed them around Maria's rib cage, then she jerked the linestaut and nearly wet herself as the wild screams bounced from the walls of thetorture cellar.

It was the first time for Eva. For as long as she could remember she had foundthe idea of causing pain to another woman exciting. She knew when she reachedher early teens that it was a sexual thing,the sort of pain that turned heron changing from just scratching, hitting or kicking to working more deliberatelyon sexual areas, doing things that she really shouldn't even think about…notthat she had ever done even the less aggressive things. She was well broughtup, and went to a convent school, a true virgin bodily but with a mind thatshe worried was becoming seriously disturbed. Real acts of brutality, likereports of war and famine one saw on the television screen with depressingregularity, had no affect on her, but reports of a sexual murder, of seriousrape or fictional accounts of women undergoing any form of torture made hershudder with less than lady-like feelings. Add any suggestion that the tormentorwas enjoying a sexual charge out of hurting a woman, and Eva!

was wet without even touching herself. The torturer could be male, but if itwas a woman……that was a serious headlong dash for the nearestLadies or the privacy of her room to get her fingers working on the blazingthrob of lust generated in her loins.

She began to seek out books with passages containing sadistic scenes, wentto any film that showed bondage or cruelty, and found her increasing dependanceon thoughts of terrible cruelty began to alienate her from the normal boy-girlrelationships most of her friends were starting to enjoy. Her otherwise healthyurges were nor aroused by fumbling boys trying to squeeze her rapidly bloomingbreasts or slide their hands up under the hem of her skirt. In fact, she becameknown as a prick-teaser and a frigid bitch among the lads who loved her blondelooks but could get no response no matter how they tried.

Going on to university gave her the skill toget a top job in the publishing industry, moving through various types ofpublication until reaching a classy womans' magazine. Oddly, possibly becauseof her upper class education and good social standing,Eva had read almostall the historical, classical, and modern erotica publications concerningsadism but never come across a real dirty book….the sort in whicha vagina became a cunt. It had simply not occurred to her that she was notactually unique in having this shameful and utterly disgusting pleasure infilthy perversion !

Then one of the male secretaries at the publishing house had started readingaloud, to great guffaws of merriment from the other men….and he waslaughing at the bizarre requests in a kinky contact magazine,mentioning thingsthat rang a sudden very loud bell in Eva's ears.

Well away from the office,she found a newsagent with a top row of mens' magazinesand blushingly purchased "Whip Craft" …. A mainly black and white semi-comicpublication showing impossibly shaped females both bound, whipped, raped, and ….joyof joys… being the aggressor !

The text and pictures were of low quality but the effect on Eva was like beinginjected with a sex hormone. And at the back of the magazine were box numbercontact requests.

Other people liked tied up girls. They liked the idea of whipping them.Evena few suggestions of branding irons, spikes, racks to bend their bodies, andcanes and dildoes in all shapes and sizes.

Not looking for sex but desparate to find someone she could confide in abouther awful secret desires, Eva replied to some of the box number ads.,carefullyobtaining a box number of her own in a small magazine that had nothing to dowith kinky sex.

"Gentleman wishes to share stringent B/D ideas,F on F preferred, no payment just chat by letter or in person and possible mutually interesting experiences to follow.Generous host to intelligent ladies with unusual tastes."

Most of the ads were rather crude. This one was almost discreet.And after fiveletters she met Sir Murdoch Fines….though at first he used an alias,as did she, and to her absolute amazement found this educated gentleman soonhad her talking openly about her most intimate and depraved sexual phantasies.

After some meetings on neutral but always expensive ground, the brasserie ofthe Hilton, the Boat house Restaurant at Marlow on Thames, the Ritz for dinnerand so on, Eva accepted his invitation to his large house behind the main roadthrough Highgate…one of the most expensive areas of the capital….andfor that first visit she insisted on driving her own car and meeting him there.She did not intend to become a casualty to some white slaver….

Then he showed her his collection of pornography and every last barrier wasbroken down as she looked at pictures by people with strange names like Haffniumand Rizar showing women being savagely tortured, not just given a taste ofthe whip over their pretty derrieres but having knives thrust lethally deepinto their vaginas and breasts hacked from their bodies in delicious acts ofbloodthirsty sadistic cruelty.

So great was her arousal that Eva made no attempt to resist when the elderlygentleman slid one hand up her skirt and delved his finger beneath the soakinggussett of her lace panties to feel the heat of her ,strictly speaking, virginalcunt.

They made love….or rather they fucked like rutting animals.

Despite his years,Murdoch had a strong sex drive and a big cock to go withit.

More visits followed, more sweaty bouts of hot passion surrounded by lewd booksand obscene pictures. He showed her videos, some were cartoons with mind-blowinglethal torture themes, some were real film, obviously not so blood-thirsty,but pretty exciting to watch and lovely to hear….screams while beingfucked…sheer bliss.

He told her he had performed real tortures on real women, wanting to see herre-action.

Far from dis-approval,Eva simply wanted the details and said she wished shehad been there to join in.

When he suggested she may like to join him in the degradation and enslavementof a new girl, she accepted without hesitation.

And met Maria.

After the first few sessions,when he had shown her how to make Maria kneeland suck pussy and cock, all Eva's last traces of charity went….sheenjoyed her power, loved the cruelty, and wished it was more than just sexualenslavement she could perform.

And now she wrenched the lines as Murdoch thrust into the poor screaming bitch,saw the hooks opes bloodier holes in the stretching nipples, smelled the fearand tasted the terror of her helplessly bound victim, and with her free handshe was dragging orgasm after orgasm from her pouring slit,panties discardedto let her finger herself in wild debauchery.

With commendable self control, Murdoch had been thrusting into his slave girlin time with the nipple wrenching pulls, feeling the extremely special wayMaria's vagina contracted briefly as pain made her muscles spasm. It was likebeing sucked off at the same time as shafting her….a most delightfulpastime but one which his increasing lust could not permit to carry on formuch longer.

"OH yes…scream you little bitch…..PULL HER….oh…Now….Oooghhh yesssss…." he gasped as he spurted into the chasm of despoiled innocence and ground his hands in her arce cheeks to pull her on just that tiny bit more to meet the spurting jets of semen.

Eva had followed his increasing tempo with speedier jerks on the hook lines,giving an extra strong pull as he ejaculated and opening the multiple holesaround the pain hard buds of each nipple so that a quite pronounced flow ofblood formed a tracery of red lines all over the heaving breasts.

Now she had the possibly more pleasurable task of pulling the hooks back outof Maria's aureoles, working the hooks right through rather than reversingthem because the barbs meant the curved steel would only go one way. Then shesucked the blood away and took the opportunity to chew painfully on each soreteat before applying balm and plasters.

Murdoch pulled a small step lift over so he could stand with his still droolingcock at Maria's head height, and told her to suck him clean.

Sobbing and still shuddering with the affects of prolonged pain, she did asshe was told.

It always amazed Murdoch that though a slave knew she was going to die, ithardly ever occurred to her that to refuse an order would not make things anyworse. She would dutifully attend to his needs even when her tits hung downin shreds after a flogging with the razor wire whip.

Eva waited until he moved away, then straddled Maria's face and lowered hersoaking wet pussy down on the tear-stained face. Without being told, the sexslave knew what was her duty and her tongue lapped away all traces of Eva'scome.

Drained from their pleasures,the sadists decided it was time to leave Mariato rest…still bound to the steel frame, of course. They wanted her recoveryto be painful, too.

And Murdoch had made it a rule that once he started to seriously mistreat hiswomen, he never left them unsecured even in a locked torture chamber. One day,the worm may turn, and he had no desire to step into a room and meet a club-wieldingvixen out for revenge. Keep the bitches chained up or well bound…thatwas a sensible and rather satisfying rule to follow.

They went to the snug, a small comfortable lounge with bar, soft settee, T.V.,video, and plenty of soft lights ans sexy pictures on the walls.

Eva was constantly amazed how quickly this elderly man could recover from quitea strnuous sex session to be ready for more. As he stripped off her blood splasheddominatrix outfit and began to fondle her voluptuous charms, his cock was alreadyshowing signs of hardening. By the time he had put on a video showing a youngRussian girl tied to a wooden cross, stark naked, being severely whipped bytwo naked men,it was stiff enough to be seeking entry to her welcoming cunt.

The stereo sound of the leather slashing over female flesh and the piercingscreams mingling with gutteral laughter made Eva as randy as a whore on heat.

"I was impressed by your skill with the hooks" he grunted in her ear as he nuzzled her neck and eased his length fully home,lying on top of her. "I thought you might find it difficult to actually pierce her nipples."

"Why ? It was gorgeous !" Eva gasped, pushing her belly up to feel his penis go up against the nub

of her cervix and jolt that delicious tingle into her womb that ran right downher legs to her toes. I've wanted to do things like that for as long as I canremember."

"No guilt ?" he murmured, squeezing her rounded and extremely firm young breasts fondly.

"Of course not…she's a slave…all I want is to get to the bits we talk about, when I can cut the bitch open and really listen to her scream her fucking head off !"

Murdoch began to ride in earnest. "I think I must be a very lucky man ," hechuckled,

"to find such a lovely woman with such a filthy mind !"

End of Chapter One.

Coming soon : Blood and Screams.


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It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

3 years ago
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Party Girl Journals 5 Fullfilment

P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 *All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty.* At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of, even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...

2 years ago
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Taking a bellyfull

Amy had done pretty well for herself since joining Localair, a small regional air carrier in the South West. Her goal was to be an air stewardess, but Localair required its stewardesses to have a second language at ‘A’ level standard and she didn’t have that. She had started off as a ground stewardess on Localair’s check-in, but within a year she had been promoted to Team Leader. Now, another year on and she is about to start her first day as Shift Manager. It was still dawn as Peter watched...

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SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

3 years ago
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unfaithfull with consequences

My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...

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Fullfilled Fantasies Part I

“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...

4 years ago
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FullMetal Panic Kaname Tessas First Time

It was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...

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FullMetal Panic Tessas Love Adventure

You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Fullfilled

It had been a week since I had confessed my fantasy. I admit I was surprised at her response. She actually made my fantasy come true, well not exactly. You see I told her I fantasized about being fucked in the ass, so she produced a strap-on and did just that. She tried to convince me to go all the way with my fantasy; even promising me that she could make it happen easily.We both had quite a week and Friday night was finally here. Sitting on the couch we were having cocktails and discussing...

3 years ago
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Be carfull what you wish for part 2 a sissy story

My life was over everybody i ever knew saw what a cocksucking sissy slut i was. My parents threw me out instantly none of my friends wanted to talk to me anymore. I had to leave my hometown where i was public talk number one and left for the capital. I stayed at a hotel for a few days but soon i was running out of cash. i had no cash no job and nowhere to go i was desperate.So i had no other choice than to phone daddy. Yes exactly the guy who fucked me in front of my parents postet everything...

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Be carfull what you wish for part 1 a sissy story

I was about 22 and i was crossdressing for a few years now. Always hidden and only in my room. I often took pics and postet them on porn sites. It gave me a real kick to get strong man turned on. The rest of my life i was just a normal student boy still living at his parents and nobody new about my hobbies or would even suggest that im not straight but that changed soon.... Maby it were the sissy hypnos but soon my desire for cock became overwhelming so i started looking around on dating sites...

3 years ago
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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay.  Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...

4 years ago
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Curiosity fullfilled plowed by black Trans

You up? Read the text message from Trinity. Yep I responded, your dick up too? She replied, always I sent back to her. Trinity was an attractive transgender black female whom I had exchanged numbers with through a mutual female friend. We messaged back and forth for a few days, I had mentioned I was curious and wanted to try being with a trans. Trinity said she gets that a bunch and that she may be a bit much for a first timer. I didn't care however, she was attractive and I wanted it. She...

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Growing up in a housefull of women Long version

GROWING UP IN A HOUSE FULL OF WOMENThis story is a little different than other stories I have written and submitted. Some of you may like it…Some of you won’t. (I suppose that is the norm with every story on this forum).This is part of my real life experiences. Yes. They are true.The main characters are as follows: Billy (Me), Aunt Judy (Thelma's Sister), Grandma Thelma, Cousin Kelly (Judy’s daughter), and my s!ster, Michelle. We all live in a very matriarchal household. I am the only boy in 5...

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Black Balls Overfull with Spunk

So there we are my BIG HUNK-Bruno is still in the prison as he was a naughty boy and got locked up. The crime he did need his huge frame and muscle power, he was the right man for that!I wish the open day was every day and I could have a nice filling of my pussy so often as I need it....mmmm.All the prisoners between 18 and 40 had their medical done, this included a full sexual check up and sperm count. They said it was so that the medics could understand the urges and some sex crimes of the...

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SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

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Koena Bold And Bootyfull

Hi guys, Shaumit here back with another story. So about me, I am 21years old from Mumbai. I am a media graduate. Got average looks, a bit muscular body and pretty good sized dick. So, the story is going to be in Hindi. Ye kahani jo main aap sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hu ye kuch bhi planned nahi tha. Jab ye sab hua tab mujhe khudko vishwaas nahi ho raha tha ki ye sab real mein ho raha hai. To sab ladke apne lund ko pakadke hilane ke liye aur sab ladkiya chut geeli hone ke liye tayar ho...

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Naa Senior College Mate Ni Hyderabad Velli Fullga Denga

Hai friends, na peru kumar, andhra pradesh, tadepalligudem, west godavari. Na age 28 yrs, nenu b sc computers chesanu, tanuku lo. I am athelitic shape na body. I am 5. 8 feet height. Fair and baguntavani anni andaru antaru. Evaraina contact cheste neke telustundi aunties and ladies. And enko vishayam nenu defence lo service chestunna. Indian army lo. So anni states nenu vellavalsi vastundi, so mana andhra married and unmarried ladies and aunties fullga contact cheyavachu emi mohamatam...

5 years ago
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Hospital Fantasy Fullfilled

This is a true story. Written with the permission from the person involved but i changed the name so that it'll protect her privacy. Please dont mind the grammer as im not really a writer by profession. hahaha.A few years ago, i was hospitalized due to my knee surgery. busted it when i met with a bike accident couple years before that, and the usual saturday night futsal sessions just made it worst. since im insured, so what the hell, lets fix this thing..Anyways, after i'm done with the...

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His Mother's Fulfillmentbyqualitywheat©Dear reader, this is a story of an unfaithful wife, with her son's best friend, and turns into an i****t story with her son.Mia was laid on her back and trying to recover from the tremendous shattering explosion that had just rocked her beautiful body for the second time in the last 10 minutes.She was also trying to reconcile what had just happened and how. Less than 45 minutes ago sad but so sexy woman had been in her kitchen looking forlornly out of the...

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The Virgin Gets Chance to Fullfill His Wish

So after the school gets over It became the begining of the college You know whats college is about the Ultimate freedom that is the Biggest PLUS Point Of it!Since Striking the puberty i was waiting to be in college cause you know i will be away for Home most likely and other thing You know I need to have sex!:P lose my virginity thats all the horny thoughts i have :Pafter Striking Puberty i had liked Both males and females but i was more in to Males I guess!! well this is how it happenedI...

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Sex Is A Need That Should Be Fullfilled

Hey guys, this is Vaibhav (name changed) age 20, from Pune, Maharashtra. Do mail me your feedbacks and any comments/compliments if any to cool I have a good athletic body. I am studying in a reputed college in Pune.So now let me describe my mami. She is 31yrs old, fair with big boobs and ass. She is bit chubby. She has one baby boy of 3 yrs. I will write the whole story in “Hinglish”. Yeh baat kuch 3 months pehele ki hai, mere parents ko achanak hamare hometown jana padh gya mere grandfather...

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Durga Puja Fullon Bonanza

Hello my ISS friends! Hope you all celebrated this durga puja with great enthusiasm. It’s been a long time since my last story which was “chubby little housewife gets a creampie”. Thanks for all those great responses which I received, especially which I got from Ranchi. I am like waoh…We do have naughty females from Ranchi too. ;) thank you for trusting me and for all those naughties which we did and still do. ;) hope to satisfy you all more. A short intro for those who would know me for the...

2 years ago
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My Birthday Wish Fullfilled By My Wife

Richa is in her 28th year. She is fair and tall. She had one of the best boobies you will ever see and the roundest of ass you will every lay your eyes on. She is a teacher in a School and teaches Math’s in a Middle school class. She has long silky hairs that she usually keeps open. Her lips are juicy and red. They taste like strawberries. Her Neck is the most sensual part of her body. If you want to get her in the mood for fucking and she does not, all you need to do is plant a kiss on her...

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Doctor And Me Fullfilling Our Desires In Mahableshwar

Hello friends, I am adi from pune, I am a regular reader of iss and a good fan of all the stories, I mostly like the teacher and aunties stories…. Today after reading lots of stories I also gathered guts to do so real thing in my life,, I always imagined the beautiful women in my life and always gets hard and gets long due to thinking of aunties… But today I would like to share my real life story…. Friends I am adi 27 from pune 5.9” tall with good physique and of course a good tool to fit all...

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Wish Fullfillment

Wish Fulfillment By Heather St. Claire I want to speak, to cry out for help; but I know that I cannot; no words, no sound will ever escape my eternally frozen lips . I want to wave, blink, gesture, make any kind of movement that will catch someone's attention, but I know that I cannot. The only way my body can move is if one of the dressers adjusts me at one of my pivot points; for I am a mannequin. Of course, thousands of people have seen me as they pass through the store or by...

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Behen Aur Bhai Ka Fullon Kamasutra

Hi friends yeh ek sachi baat hai jo mere saath pichle saal hui thi. Mai ek jawan ladka hun jiska bout lamba hai. Isse mai bohuto ko satisfy kar chukka hoon. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab ek baar meri mama ki beti jise hum ripmy bulate hai jiski umar hai voh hamare ghar par rukne ke liye gaon se hamare ghar ane wali thi. Who bout sundar sexy hot ladki hai jiske bde bde chooche aur moti gand dekh kar kisi ka bh khada ho jayega. Upar se garmiyo ka mousam tha to sab halke aur loose kapde pehenti thi usne...

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wishfull thinking

I touch your hand and I can feel you shiver with anticipation, I move my hand slowly up your arm and I can feel the goose bumps start to raise on your arms I move in and kiss your neck and your heads tilts back as you allow me to kiss you slowly and softly. I place my hands around your waist and pull you close holding you tightly as you lean in and kiss my neck .I can feel my whole body shake as your touch makes me so weak inside I move my hands down to your bum and squeeze it gently then move...

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peeping tom gets more than an eyefull

I discovered my first playboy magazine under my parents bed at around age 10. and that pretty much set off the start of my sex addiction. the sears catalog, jc penny catalog, national geographic magazine... if it had scantily clad women, i was masterbating to it, alot, i mean ALOT... playboy was the one that set me off on a quest to see what else was out there. i was jacking off in the morning before school, sometimes id sneek off the bathroom and jack off during class, as soon as...

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Shivani8217s Lust Fullfilled

Hey this is Deven again from Pune. 21 height 5’7, tool size 6′. This is a story which happened when in my second year of college. My girl Shivani (obvious name changed) is 5’4 amazing boobs for her height, her stats are 34-28-32. You know today’s girls right they all want a slim body. Shivani was from my school only and later she joined our college. She stayed a little far from my place. We all have groups in college right, so in my group there were 5 boys and 6 girls, Shivani knew Amrita from...

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Unfaithfull at Xmas The Beginning 2008

As for the start of the affair - UK 2008 a Solicitors Office in the North East.... A new underwriter ( Simon ) arrived in the summer of 2008 and we got on really well laughing and joking etc – he was married and I had Bill so there was never anything going on just a lot of flirting and him trying to embarrass me as I was quite and demure at work and appeared shocked at rude jokes and comments ..... I loved flirting with him , got quite turned on about it if the truth be known .....showing an...

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Taking a bellyfull

Amy had done pretty well for herself since joining Localair, a small regional air carrier in the South West. Her goal was to be an air stewardess, but Localair required its stewardesses to have a second language at ‘A’ level standard and she didn’t have that. She had started off as a ground stewardess on Localair’s check-in, but within a year she had been promoted to Team Leader. Now, another year on and she is about to start her first day as Shift Manager.It was still dawn as Peter watched Amy...

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Marcia and her delightfull wicked stepmother

Marcia part 1 (made to date boys) My stepmother never really disapproved of my dressing up as girl, which i discovered in my early teens. She actually encouraged me and provided me with the prettiest of girls clothes(at first supposedly accidentally as in "there's a box of your cousin's stuff i put in your spare closet for safekeeping"-strangely enough all brandnew and all in my exact size - later once she "accidentally" caught me dressed much more directly) as she found it...

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Fantasy Fullfilled After A Long Time 8211 Part III

Mom: wait, let me think. From where to start. Hmmm…A little pause….And a deep breath… Mom: Are you not satisfied sexually with Vani(my wife)? I: I’m..But why you are asking such things? Mom: (little hesitate) I had been going through your computer since few days, in history everyday I found you are regularly visiting incest stories specially mom-son what’s that? I: yes I’m visiting Iss daily. And I admit I’m daily masturbating thinking of you, but also I never thought to have sex with...

5 years ago
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Doctor Fullfilled My Wife Fantasy

Hi readers, I am Salim 28 years old married since past 3 years my wife is Shahana 25 years old very hot very sexy looking. She actually looks very similar to Priyanka Chopra. We reside near to Hyderabad. Ours married life is wonderful we don’t have any problem what so ever except just one. It was my thinking my fantasies which were not going true. I loved my wife and she loved me more than I do. My fantasy was to see my sexy young wife fucked hard by another male. Any doctors from Hyderabad...

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Party Girl Journals 5 Fullfilment

P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty. At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of; even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...

Group Sex
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Lustfull Love

Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from mangalore..my height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the city.in a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...

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Fullfilling Our Threesome Fantasy

Hello Readers, I am sharing my experience for the first time on ISS. This experience isn’t imaginary or fake, it is 100% true. So some of you might not like it too, and some of you who are big fan of the 100% real stories will surely like it. Let me introduce you my self first, I m 24 years old fun loving girl with a perfect figure of 32-26-36. I love to do work out, I have a bf (I don’t want to give his name as I want to share my real exp so I wont even use a fake name for him). He is tall,...

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Married males curiousity fullfilled

As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...

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Wilfully Disobedient

Karen still couldn’t quite believe it.   Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt.   Three times she had been to bed with him.   And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling.   There was no question about it......Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with.   Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but...


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