- 4 years ago
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Thursday nights I reserve for something special. It's always for the twoof us, with the express goal to bring us closer together. Marriage can wearout if you aren't careful. It has to be kept alive, nurtured, and it takesattention and effort. That's my job, to be proactive and take the initiative.From the beginning we agreed on certain roles in our relationship, privilegesfor each of us balanced by individual responsibilities. I got the short straw,the one where you win the dominant role. Not that I mind, in fact I wouldn'thave it any other way, and neither would she.
This Thursday I had been working on for months. It was the night before athree day weekend so we didn't have to worry about getting up early. I foundthe movie we were going to watch, munchies appropriate for the mood I wanted,and something extra special for her to wear for the evening. Not an eveninggown, nor anything out of the Victoria's Secret catalog,though if it ever showed up in there I wouldn't be surprised. For what I hadin mind one size fits all too, even though I did know her dress size.
Thursday morning before I left for work I told her we would be staying infor the evening, I would be fixing dinner, and that she should not make anyplans. One of the benefits of being the dominant partner is that I get to issuethe occasional edict without explanation. When she pressed me for details Ibegged off, answering with nothing more than an enigmatic "wait and see." Shewas persistent though, calling me at lunch from her office. Ostensibly to tellme how her day was going (something we tried to do every day) but she got ina few hints she'd like to know what I had in mind for later. "Nice try" I toldher but left her as curious as ever.
Meanwhile I left an hour early so I could get home and start dinner. Mostmen aren't big on cooking but I enjoy preparing a good meal. It would be Mexicantonight: a tostada salad with guacamole and sour cream, and fresh hot tortillaswith the carne asada . I stopped at the market on theway home to pick up a nice red Chilean Chianti to go with it. Sure it wasn'tMexican, but at least it was in keeping with the Latin theme of the dinner.For dessert later I had some hot buttered sopapilla ,something especially appropriate to the ambiance I intended to build. She usuallypampered me, but tonight she would be the one who sat back and relaxed. Andif she didn't agree, well, I had something ready to ensure I got my way.
When she walked in the door the table was set, wine breathing on the table,a Vincente Fernandez CD softly playing in the background, and the aroma ofsizzling beef asada filled the kitchen. She stopped justinside the door, transfixed by the sight. Before she got out a word I heldup my hand to stop her. "No. Tonight you have nothing to do, except what Itell you. First, put down your purse and kick off your shoes. Then come overhere and kiss the cook, but mind the grill."
She did just that, in precisely the order I dictated. The years togetherhad developed a sort of telepathic bond between us. When she heard that directorder type domineering tone in my voice she went into the full submissive mode.And that's exactly the mood I wanted to trigger. I knew how much she thrivedon being controlled, being told what I wanted from her in no uncertain terms.She was pretty good at figuring it out without my help, but when I seized themoment and went into the dominant master of the house role she responded instinctively.Purse went on the side table by the door, shoes underneath, and she was inmy arms in seconds. Or rather arm, one was stirring the asada witha spatula. But one arm around her was all I needed to pull her close and delivera welcoming kiss warmer than the tortillas in the oven.
"What do I do?" Of course that would be her first question. What was shesupposed to do for me? Tonight she would do plenty for me, but I didn't wantto get ahead of the plan. Still she had to do something or she'd be preoccupied.
"Fetch the wine glasses and pour for us. Then uncover the tostada saladsand put them on the table. The asada is just about ready.You sit down while I bring in the meat and tortillas."
Sure I could have done all that first, but I knew better. She had to contributein some way. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her carefully wipe imaginaryspots off the crystal before pouring the wine. She stood behind her chair asI brought in the tortillas in the warmer. "Sit down. Everything is ready. Youwill enjoy this evening…that's an order."
She smiled and looked down, in that demure way that melted my heart the firsttime I saw it. "Yes sir," she answered as she pulled out her chair. Back inthe kitchen I scooped up the asada into the bowl andwrapped a towel around it to keep it warm. As I carried it into the diningroom she reflexively reached out to straighten the pot holder on the tablebefore I put down the hot bowl. I lit the candles and turned down the lightsbefore I sat down next to her.
One must observe the proprieties. I took her hand in mine and asked her tosay the blessing. I'm not much for religion but she has a deep and abidingfaith that deserves respect. Grace is a small thing but important to her. Whenshe finished she looked up and put her other hand on top of mine. "Thank you,this is so wonderful."
"The night is just beginning. Wait till it's over before you pass judgment." Ileered in a suggestive way. She laughed and playfully punched my arm. "C'mon,let's eat before the food turns cold."
Good food, good conversation, and a delightful companion are the key ingredientsof a successful dinner party, even if the party is for two. Ever the fastidiousone she carefully tasted each dish separately, between sips of wine. Me, Ilike it all in one, a tortilla with the carne asada onthe bottom, with tostada fixings heaped on top, all rolled into a sort of burrito.For about the hundredth time she warned that I'd never make a real gourmet,and for the hundredth time I answered that I'd rather eat food than talk aboutit.
The meal lasted a good two hours, most of it talking rather than eating.The topics ranged from work to friends to some gardening chores we had plannedfor the weekend. Casual conversation seems to become more intimate and personalas two people grow closer together over time. Talking about the shrubs to beplanted by the door while her fingers lightly run over my arm brings us togetheras a couple just as much as a romp in bed all night long.
I wasn't on a fixed time schedule but I did have more planned for the evening.While we were clearing the table I clued her in on the coming attractions. "Igot a movie, one of your favorites. It's an oldie, but a classic. You get onechance to guess the title. Think of…John Steinbeck."
She got that thoughtful look. From growing up in Salinas California she knewall about John Steinbeck stories, but I wasn't sure how well she knew the movies. "Hmmm.The obvious answer would be Grapes Of Wrath , but that'stoo easy. It'd have to be one of the others." She stared at the wall for amoment, and then snapped her fingers. "Tell me, would Myrna Loy be in thismovie?"
She got me again. We both liked older movies but she was a real expert atcinema trivia. "You got it. Robert Mitchum and Myrna Loy. Grapes istoo depressing anyway."
She clapped her hands together. " The Red Pony ! Ilove that movie. Just last week I was thinking about it."
I shut the dishwasher and started the cycle. "We're going to sit on the couchand watch it while sipping one last glass of that wine. I have some sopapilla forlater. But before that we have one last chore to finish. I want you to do somethingspecial for me. Something I'd really enjoy, just for me. Want to help me beselfish?"
She slid her arms around me and lifted her face up to mine. "You know I would.Anything! And I mean anything. You don't even have to ask, you know that. Whatdo you want me to do?"
I brushed aside her hair and kissed her forehead. "I know, and it's not reallya request. Actually, you don't have to do much at all. In fact, you won't bedoing anything. For the rest of the evening you leave it all up to me." I tookher arm and started to lead her into he bedroom.
She looked up at me with a sideways gaze, suspicious now. "I'm not sure ifthat's a promise or a threat." She laughed.
"Both," I answered as I opened the bedroom door. On the bed was a small cardboardbox, the something special I had ordered for her weeks ago. The miracle ofthe internet, virtually anything can be found if one uses the right searchkeywords. She arched her eyebrows in a question when she saw the box but saidnothing. "It's for you," I told her.
She started to reach for it. "What is it?" she asked.
"Not yet." I pulled her back using the grip I still had on her arm. "It'ssomething I want you to wear tonight." The box was far too small and the wrongsize to hold any type of clothing she could think of. "I want you to wear itfor me. And, umm, nothing else. So you'll need to get those clothes off first.Then I'll show you what's in the box."
She looked at the box for a long moment before turning back to me. "Okay,if you want it, you get it." She started to unbutton her blouse. Being thegentleman I naturally offered my assistance. After about five minutes of touchingand giggling we managed to finish the job. She stood in the center of the bedroomfloor, clothes piled on the chair in the corner. "Y'know, I could have doneit in half the time without your help."
"And half the fun too, so don't complain." Her objections were hard to takeseriously when followed by giggling. "Hold out your hands, about so far apart." Iput her arms into the position I needed. "Now, feet a bit further apart. That'sgood."
My expression and tone of voice suddenly turned serious, necessary for thenext step. "You will be quiet and not speak or move. Hold that position untilI tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" Those were the code words that toldher I wanted obedience and no questions. She nodded, not being permitted tospeak. Her eyes were wide, following me as I picked up the box.
When I pulled out the handcuffs and chains her expression was one of shock,but I saw the first hint of excitement too. To her credit she didn't flinchas I opened the smaller cuffs and locked them on her wrists. She looked downat them for a moment, then back up at me. No distress or panic showed in herexpression, which told me I could proceed.
I moved around behind her and pulled the chain connected to the handcuffssnugly around her waist, forcing her bound wrists tight against her stomach.I used a small padlock to secure the ends of the chain behind her back. NextI knelt down and fastened the larger cuffs on her ankles. The connecting chainbetween her ankles was very short, no more than about two inches across, enoughfor her to stand but not walk. I double-locked the ankle and hand cuffs beforedropping the key in my shirt pocket. Her eyes followed the key.
I put my hands on her shoulders to keep her steady while I leaned back toexamine my handiwork. She was neatly packaged in the restraints, unable tomove or free herself. Her only hope of freedom was the key in my pocket. Icould see she knew it too, from the constant movement of her eyes from my faceto the shirt pocket and back again.
Through all this she had remained silent, per my orders. I expected no less,for she took pride in her obedience to me. For all the outward appearance weshowed to the public, of equal partners cooperating in a loving manner, behindclosed doors the equality was redefined by our specific places in our relationship,dominant and submissive. This moment was one where I chose to exert total control,and she willingly relinquished to me in turn. I straightened the hair aroundher face with one hand while holding her close to me with the other.
"I love you," I whispered in her ear, so softly she could barely hear. ButI felt a tremble go through her and knew she heard. I kissed her, slowly, deeply,holding her close to me. I could feel her hands press against my side. Theywould have been around my neck if she could reach, but in her current statea feathery touch was all she could accomplish.
I scooped her up in my arms and headed for the bedroom door. "Let's go watchyour movie. We have some dessert waiting too." With one arm under her backand the other under her knees I carried her out to the sofa. She leaned herhead against my chest and smiled up at me. No doubt she wanted to speak butI hadn't lifted the ban yet.
In the living room I sat her down and turned on the television and VCR. Itook the remote and placed it in her shackled hands. "You hold onto this fora moment. Don't go away, I'll be right back." She shook her head while frowningup at me. Sure, I knew she wasn't going to stand up and wander around, butI had to say it anyway. What's the point of having a helpless prisoner if youcan't enjoy it by reminding her?
I shoved the tape in the VCR slot before heading back to the couch and myplace next to her. I took the remote out of her hands and put it down. "Youhave permission to speak. For now." I put my arm around her shoulders and pulledher close. She felt good, a natural fit against me.
"You're really getting off on this aren't you?" She snuggled up against myarm. "You'll take care of me while I'm your captive?"
I hit the start button for the opening credits. "Yes I am, and yes I'll beright next to you all night. I feel pretty good, how about you? Anything pinchingor too tight?" I wanted her feeling dependent and vulnerable, but not in pain.
"No, I'm okay. How long have you been planning this? I certainly didn't expectit. Was the dinner a plot to lull me into a compliant state?" She managed ajab, more of a nudge, in my ribs.
"Months. And it worked, didn't it?" I put a hand over the cuff holding oneof her wrists. "I found a picture of these on the internet by chance one day.It stuck in my head. I decided I wanted to turn fantasy into reality. The restyou know. How does the reality feel?" I caressed her wrist, exploring the circleof steel imprisoning it.
"It's hard to describe. Scary, a little bit, but I feel safe as long as you'rehere. Powerless, like I'm paralyzed and can't move." Her other hand reachedout to touch my fingers. "Excited too, without my clothes it's very erotic.Whatever you do I can't even begin to resist you." She raised up her legs. "Andthose things," she nodded to the cuffs around her ankles, "I can't run awayeither. Or cross my legs, but then I guess there's no point in protecting mymodesty now." That last comment was followed by a girlish and embarrassed laugh.
The credits on the TV screen finished, so we began watching. It didn't takelong to realize having an attractive, and nude, woman sitting next to me wassomething of a distraction. The occasional small rattles as she shifted position,reminding me that she was bound in my chains, didn't help my concentrationeither.
About halfway through at a scene change I stopped the movie. "Time for asnack. How about some sopapilla and a glass of wine?" Istood up to go to the kitchen.
"Can I help?" she said in a dreamy voice. It seems she was unfocused too,or she would have realized how silly the question was.
"You stay right there. I insist."
"I think I can do that. You dominant types, always gotta be in charge. Ratherdo the work yourself than let me loose."
"Exactly. Glad you understand." I got out some butter and put it in the microwavealong with the sopapilla . It only took a few secondsto warm up. I poured two glasses of wine and took them out to the living room,then returned for the food.
Sitting on the couch, with nothing but the small bracelets on her anklesand wrists she was quite the picture, one I could admire for hours. I thinkit made her self-conscious, because she interrupted with a practical question. "Okay,it smells delicious and looks tasty, but how am I going to eat it? Did youconsider that in your months of planning?"
I sat down next to her and started to butter the pastry. "Yes I did." I brokeoff a piece and held it up to her mouth. "Open wide."
She hesitated at first but finally took a bite. Then she licked the butterfrom my fingers. Not only was she eating out of my hand but doing her bestto turn it into an extremely sensual experience. I left the movie turned offas we went through dessert.
Drinking from a glass took a couple of tries to get it right but she managed.A few drops spilled but I had a napkin ready. Dabbing up the red spots on herbreasts made it all worthwhile. I started to wonder if the spill was deliberateon her part, or an unconscious reaction on mine.
We had plenty of time for more intimate play later. I switched the movieback on after we finished. At some point the hand over her shoulders workedits way down to her breast, and the other one somehow was spread out over herknee. Neither of us was watching the movie.
I nibbled at an enticing ear before whispering to her. "Remember those teenagedays when you'd go out on a date to the movies? I was the type who behaved.Well, mostly. But what I wanted to do, what was going on my head, was this." Isqueezed her breast, hard, while pulling her against me. The hand on her legslipped down to caress the soft spot underneath her knee. She shuddered inmy grasp, a sharp ragged moan escaped from her closed lips, but otherwise shesaid nothing.
"What I worried about," I continued, my mouth nearly touching her ear, "wasbeing rejected. She might grab my hand and push it away, turning me down. Knowwhat makes this night special? You can't do that." My hand slowly ran up herinner thigh.
"Pl…Please…" Her eyes were closed, her breathing ragged, gasping.I could feel the warmth of her skin. Her hands jerked against the restraintsbut she couldn't escape their hold.
I put a hand in her hair and pulled her head back. Roughly I kissed her asthe other hand reached its destination. Her eyes flew open and stared intomine, scant inches away. "Remember this moment," I told her, punctuating eachword with a touch inside her. "Remember you belong to me, mind, body, and soul.Never forget I will claim what is mine whenever and wherever I wish."
She opened her mouth, trying to speak, but I stopped her. "No. No words." Istood up and gathered her in my arms. "Save them for later."
I carried her into the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind me. At somepoint the movie ended and the tape shut off. Neither of us heard it.
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SupernaturalOne day I woke up with a hard on & my hand playing with it. In fact, my hands were ALL OVER ITAs I was waking up, I realized I was uttering dirty talk like I usually do when I'm awake but in a whisper tone of voice. I was name-calling & using other otherwise foul language wordingAs I was doing this, I quickly noticed (What sounded like) SOMEONE TALKING TO ME !!!!! The sound was coming from my patioMy bed is in the middle of the room but within the length of my feet as you get up from...
With his second Games now in the books, Bret resumed his job as the DI for unarmed combat. Bret was also assigned as Assistant Range Officer. Within a week Bret was fully immersed in both jobs. Bret's and Bob's habit of exercise once again consumed an hour of their mornings. Ten days after returning from the Games, Bret and Bob were about half way through their ten mile run when the observed two large black males arguing with two young white females. The young girls each had a toddler...
When I didn’t reply, Drew looked up at me, his eyes narrowing. ‘Well?’ ‘I don’t know,’ I mumbled, scared I’d make a fool of myself if I attempted a longer answer. ‘You can do better than that.’ ‘Drew—’ Tilting my head back, I stared in desperation at the hand still holding my wrists above my head. ‘Please…’ ‘Fuck.’ He let go at once. ‘Sam—’ ‘Please? Can’t you just leave it?’ I brought my hands down, swiping at my wet face with one and trying to bat his fingers away from my rucked-up...
Do I have the courage? “What must I do?” she whispered. Old Mrs. Weed patted her hand gently. “There are no observers,” she said. “If you would watch, you must join. If you would join, you must come as the goddess entered through the gates of death.” Rebecca caught her breath, torn between her own religious morality and the desire to know. To participate in a surviving witch cult, however, might be more than she wanted to know. She took a deep breath and tried to let it relax her. “You...
Hii readers My name is Rathessh this is the story that happened in my life few months before. It’s all about how i fucked my neighbor widow lady. Her name is Jaya age 32 she is a widow her husband died few years back. She has a son studying in 10th standard. His name is Rajesh. Jaya is working as a teacher in a school near to our house. About her body she is slim with proper flesh at proper places. She has a size of 34 24 34. She is not that much beautiful but her body is beautiful and sexy...
In einer kleinen Vorstadt von Hamburg namens Perl herrscht an der dortigen Oberschule eine ungewöhnliche mädchen Knappheit. Von 603 Schülern sind gerade mal 41 weiblich und in vielen Klassen sind kaum bis gar keine Mädchen vorhanden. In der Klasse 9a sind es genau 2, Sophie Mertens und Alina Gold. Selbstverständlich wurden die beiden schnell beste freundinnen. In einer klasse mit 12 weiteren jungs könnte man glauben dass sie es nicht einfach hätten, doch da sie als die schönsten Mädchen der...
TranssexualHi friends on iss. This is Ranjit again with a new story in which I fucked one angry girl in her own house. This happened in the year 2015 December. The girl in this story is Anamika aged 26 not very fair but she looks damn sexy with stats 34-30-36. She has the perfect pair of boobs and round fluffy ass in shape. Coming back to story, I saw Anamika in office and she was looking super sexy as she was in tight jeans and tee shirt with a muffler. I was attracted by her looks. But she was behaving...
Sometimes you need a Hero Ero to help you find some good shit to jerk off to. Arguably, your dirty old friend ThePornDude is usually that pantless champion you need, pointing you toward your ideal fap material, whether it’s lesbian threesomes, hentai or some wild fetish porn for the real freaks. Today, though, I’m going to talk about another hero making his lifesaving rounds on the Internet smut scene. Thanks to this magnanimous fucker, I think I avoided another indecent exposure arrest at the...
The Fappeningbad Dreams 1 : Chapter 3 Gor showed me how to use the food dispenser and then left saying he would return in the morning so I could start to recruit my servers. I ate a very good meal of steak, potatoes and carrots, and washed it down with a very good tasting beer. The dispenser could serve anything you wanted but Gor told me the alcoholic drinks were very low on alcohol. With nothing else to do I went into my sleeping quarters and lied down to try to sleep, But the memory of sucking off Gor...
GayKrystle greeted me at the door, welcoming me with a hug and a kiss, inviting me inside. Her hair was freshly styled, and she wore a lovely blue silk cocktail dress, low cut, showing plenty of cleavage. She took my hand and ushered me into the living room. Her house was much larger than my father's, and the furniture more expensive. She earned more than twice as much as my father, and it showed. "You look gorgeous, Anne," Krystle said. "Thank you," I replied. "So do you. That's a beautiful...
Groaning Terrance rolled out of the wreckage of the bookcase he was lying in. There were a few sharp points and splinters he pulled free of his skin, but thankfully none were in his face or eyes. As he looked over at the ruined mess that was a side table he saw the light stirring of Rory. "Hey, are you ok?" asked Terrence tiredly "How can any one person have that much strength?" asked Rory as he finally opened his eyes and looked at Terrance. "The way he threw us I think he only...
Hello readers, liked every story let me begin this real life encounter by giving you some stats. I am Angad, 33yrs athletic built and physician by profession in Orlando. This goes back to the time when I decided to get settled in life and get married. Like any other NRI I decided to give an ad in I was living in Orlando at the time and still am. So here I go, post an ad at the web and I started getting responses. One day I got a response from Saloni. On further enquiry it turned out...
Joy and I snuck down the alley behind the brothel. We weren’t exactly inconspicuous. A tall American and a gorgeous Czech. We’d play lovers if anyone happened by. Which we were, sort of. No one did. They would have almost had to bump right into us. It was dark. The back of the Victorian mansion ended up being used as a parking lot. Three luxury cars and a couple of cheap compacts sat there. The only light came from a lighted path along the side of the brothel. But I could see a woman sitting...
As per usual on a school morning, breakfast was a little chaotic. This particular Friday morning, my mum and step-dad were flying off to a weekend-long conference. Colin, my step-dad, clapped his hand on my shoulder. “Don't forget to mow that lawn,” he reminded me, for about the tenth time. “No problem,” I said, grabbing a hot muffin from the toaster. My seventeen year-old step-sister, Linda came in and gave both our parents a good morning kiss on the cheek. Like me, she was in her school...
TabooIt started out innocently enough - but I guess it always does. As long as I can remember, Mom had always greeted me and wished me goodbye with a little peck on the lips. Naturally, I tried to avoid it as I got older out of embarrassment, and by the time I was a teenager, it was something rare that only happened at home. That changed when Dad walked out on us. Mom was devastated, and I did everything in my power to help her through it. On a whim, I brought back the old childhood ritual. The...
This is the first time I have submitted anything like this so please bare with me! I first got into exhibitionism when I was 18 years old. Me and my boyfriend at the time were walking back from a night out and feeling frisky, he had been touching and teasing me all night and I was horny as hell. We walked along the pavement down a reasonably busy road past a park which was surrounded by a small waist height wall. My boyfriend dragged me into the park and we started to kiss, anyway, fuelled by...
The morning after the riotous birthday party, sun was coming in where a shade had been opened. A loud voice in the doorway said, ‘Can you believe this? We’ve been doublecrossed by the party planners. They kidnapped him to their own bed.’ The planners were trying to get up, but Theo had them around the waist and wasn’t letting go. ‘We plead guilty as charged. Is there any coffee yet?’ ‘Go pee and come in the other bedroom.’ Sarah sat on the toilet and he stood between her legs. Before...
I just got my sweatshirt over my head when the door flew open. "Pants up everyone!! We're here to study, not to screw!!" It was Henny, who else. She always had a way to make an entrance, and was never afraid to speak what was on her mind. I smiled and gave her a hug, as did Bill. She had really missed me by how hard she hugged. After hugging Bill she said, "You showed this girl a good time didn't you, she gets awfully lonely some nights. I think she buys batteries by the case now."...
Hi, readers hope you have read my previous stories ( sex with chithi ( one ), ( two) ), this story is a continuity of that stories. As I got permission from my dad, mom and chithappa’s permission to stay in chithi’s house. First day – I woke up early put on a simple casual dress without taking a bath ( as I was hoping I could take bath with chithi ) went to their home carrying my project papers and some books, when I went there and rang the bell chithi opened the door, she was wearing a nightie...
IncestI finished in the kitchen and started the crock-pot. He had apparently prepared a pot roast last night, as well as the fruit salad, and left it uncooked in the fridge. Mmmm, I loved his pot roast. Lastly, I picked up his discarded boxers and went to his room to deposit them in the hamper. They were wet. I couldn't resist; I sucked the wet crotch tasting his pre-cum. God, what has come over me!? I can't believe how horny I am! I dropped them in the hamper and went to look for Master. I...
Hi ! I am a 22 single male from Chennai. I am working in an software company. I am regular reader of ISS. I like to tell my story which happened when I am doing my college. I am from Chennai and this incident took place when I am 20. In the evening after I had finished my college, I was feeling bored so I thought of going for a movie for the 6 p.m. Show. The theatre was good, but quite isolated. There were very few patrons and more males then females. I went and sat in one of the last rows....
Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...
David was still sweating from training as he got out of his car. He walked from his garage through to his house, where his wife was nursing his newly born child. His wife was sittting on his la-z-boy with his little baby breastfeeding it. His wifes breasts were'nt the best they were quite small with petite nipples, this didn't matter anyway because the breasts on his mind weren't his wifes! David's wife finished breastfeeding and rounded up their other two little boys as she was...
We move back to the bed room leaving the towels on the floor as we enter. I reach down and fish a smoke out of my pack and light it offering you a drag as I sit in the chair by the desk. You take a puff and sit on the desk in front of me giving me full view of your glistening pussy. Its slightly puffy lips are noticeably throbbing. As I gaze up over you I also notice your areolae’s are also swollen with your nipples looking like hard erasers. Your breathing is soft but lightly labored as mine...
Emma Hix and Nikole Nash stopped by to get their faces fucked and pussy’s pounded in the 1st ever 3-way in site history!!! I start fucking both of their faces and switch to POV. I have them push each others heads down on my cock and hold their noses. I fuck their pretty faces more and have them undress and play with each others pussies. I begin to fuck Emma from behind while Nikole eats my ass and hers. I fuck Nikole hard doggy style and put my cock down Emma’s throat in between...
xmoviesforyouKelly had moved to Kansas City for a good secretarial job. Her dad had passed away and then her mom. There was nothing left for her in Junction City, Kansas. She had liked her new life of dating, drinking, dancing. She was a virgin. As her mom told her, "It's your one bargaining chip, don't give it away." She had endured many back seat wrestling matches but had held out. She had learned how to put up a good fight. As Miss Junction City, she would come to need that skill. One by one, her virgin...
TeenI had time to go home, unpack, and check the house before driving to the station to meet Maggie. As I was driving, I wondered why she had suddenly decided to return home from her weekend with Michael. If she knew yesterday that she was coming home today, she would have told me then.I went through lots of possibilities in my head. I wondered whether she was coming home to tell me that she was leaving me. I concluded that she wouldn’t come all the way back after two days just to tell me that. ...
Wife LoversBlonde, blue-eyed waitress and yoga devotee Lacey is just 19 years old so we can to forgive her surprising emotional response after her casting when we ask her if she thinks this porn business is for her. “I don’t think so”, she says as a tear rolls down her cheeks, disappointed with herself. That’s an odd response considering she did quite well during the casting. Nice body (minus the tats, of course), compliant, reasonably adept at sucking dick, and takes the butt plug...
xmoviesforyouChapter Ten – Redemption Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, hp, magic, spank, voy The first week of Hogwarts had been a very interesting one; the Spellbook of Desires had passed through several peoples hands. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, and Draco Malfoy had all had their time with the book, but for the last month, Malfoy had been in firm control of...
Beautiful blonde curvy wife Heather Honey is very anxious for her Spanish stud Ramon to arrive and show her the good time her husband promised her. When Ramon was greeted by Heather at the door in her sexy pretty pink dress showing off her big tits and sweet big ass, Ramon could not wait to pull her juicy tits out and suck on them. As he made his way pleasuring her body he finally was face deep in her big sweet butt cheeks getting her pussy dripping wet and ripe for his throbbing big cock to...