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Death by Chess

©2004 by C. Smith

Chapter 1

Werner Richter was a bitter man. He had done hisduty: he had presided over the slaughter of the woman he had loved dearly foreighteen years. He had watched them hang her up by the ankles and cut her throat.He had held her hand and kissed her as her blood drained past their lips, justas he had promised he would all those years earlier when they had first becomelovers. They had known that the terrible day was coming and he thought he wasprepared for it. But he wasn't. It had twisted something in his soul.

Ironically, that was the very year he was namedC.E.O. of Musgrave, Inc., but his elevation came three months too late to savehis lovely Aprille. She had produced nineteen healthy baby girls for the Company'slivestock inventory, all of them Prime Grade beauties, two of them alreadyproductive Breeders themselves. But when her reproductive system faltered,Company policy and the law made her fate automatic. Her status was changedfrom Breeder to Meat and she was slaughtered. Werner had kept his purchaseoption on her active during all those wonderful years so he was able to buyher and see to it that she died blissfully stoned on O-drugs and riding a hugeorgasm. But that did little to salve the pain in his own heart.

It also bothered him that he had refused her lastrequest, even though it was for her own benefit. She had wanted to be live-roastedon a spit. She was way past the age limit for spit roasting but knew that hecould afford to have it done privately to bypass the Company's quality assurancerules. That was certainly true, but he could not bear to think of her beingcooked live over a roasting pit. She could not convince him that O-drugs madethe orgasms grow in direct proportion to the intensity of pain, and that theimmensity of the pleasure would overwhelm the underlying agony of her roastingflesh. He had studied the eyes of countless live meat girls as they turnedon their spits over the fire, but it was impossible to tell if they were reactingto the pain or the ecstasy. She had sighed and dropped the subject, and theyhad made spectacular love that one last time. But his denial of her final requestleft him with an unshakable sense of guilt.

He did follow through on one important promise.He established a weekly ritual in which he cooked a portion of her meat, takenfrom its shrine in his freezer, and shared it with a Prime Grade girl fromthe Musgrave livestock in an elegant setting replete with candles, fine wine,his best dinnerware and a profusion of flowers. Aprille's silver and gold urnwas lovingly placed as the centerpiece of the table. In accordance with herdesire that she be remembered not with sorrow but with sex, love and joy, theevening always ended with an exuberant indulgence of fleshly pleasures.

Once a month the ritual was expanded to a fullscale spit roast feast and orgy with several male guests and a matching numberof Prime Grade girls. For these occasions, because he did not want to use uphis precious supply of Aprille's meat too quickly, he purchased "consecrated" girls.These were Primes who had previously attended one of his weekly dinners andpartaken of Aprille's flesh. Aprille herself had suggested it, her logic beingthat once her own meat was digested by another girl, she became part of thatgirl's body. The meat from that girl was thus "consecrated" and became thesame as her own.

The orgy feasts began at Saturday noon with theceremonial slaughter of the sacrificial girl. It consisted of a re-enactmentof Werner's last moments with Aprille, including hanging her by the ankles,cutting her throat and kissing her while her blood poured past their joinedlips. That ritual was followed by the normal evisceration, stuffing and spittingof the carcass. Roasting time for the average size girl was at least six hours,which left plenty of opportunity for high-spirited afternoon play as she cooked,followed by even wilder play after the feast.

Yet none of this effusion of sexual extravaganceand playful debauchery relieved his heartache. Indulging his libido in Aprille'shonor, even at her behest, did not ease his grief at her loss. His bitternessgrew with each passing month, with each new sacrifice to her memory, with eachnew taste of consecrated blood. His pain was a bomb awaiting a fuse.

It arrived in the form of an M1-P named Kimberlee.From the moment she received an order to report to the C.E.O. as a guest forone of his weekly Aprille Memorial Dinners, Kim had known she was in peril.Meat girls were always vulnerable to activation, of course, but her added statusas a Pleasure Girl had given her some protection, or so she had been assured.She certainly had worked hard enough to earn it. Many of her Prime Grade friendswho had not managed to add the "P" to their status designation by the age ofseventeen had not made it to age eighteen. She had waited on many a table andsigned up many a client at banquets where former classmates were roasting ontheir spits.

But this invitation was a scary turn of events.Everyone knew that Werner Richter chose the prettiest of his weekly dinnerdates to be sacrificed at the grand end-of-the-month orgy, and all her friendstold her she was unquestionably the most beautiful of this month's choices.Her long dark hair, brilliant green eyes, lush bosom and lithe figure madea sensational combination.

It was only a slight acne problem on her chin thathad kept her from being classified as a Breeder, and that condition had nearlycleared up. With makeup it was undetectable. It was too late now, of course,to make Breeder. She had already been sterilized and prepped for live spitting.It was only her ability to turn a profit for Musgrave, Inc. as a Pleasure Girlthat kept her out of a roasting pit.)

Until now. Now she was "consecrated." Unless shecould think of something, she wouldn't live past the weekend. How could shepossibly convince Werner Richter to choose someone else to be his pre-orgysacrifice? She cried herself to sleep three nights in a row over the ironyof being not quite beautiful enough to have made the cut for breeding, butwas plenty beautiful enough to have her throat cut in honor of fucking SaintAprille.

Then an idea came to her. Maybe Richter wouldn'tgo for it, but what did she have to lose? Her Notice of Activation would arriveFriday evening, giving her time to say goodbye to close friends before reportingSaturday morning for her flush-out enemas. She went to Richter's office Fridaymorning. Normally, an M class girl, even one with Pleasure Girl status, wouldnot be granted an interview with the C.E.O.; but if he had, in fact, chosenher to be slaughtered for his big weekend orgy, he might well be curious asto why his featured entrée had come to see him.

And she was right. She was ushered into his officeby an extremely pregnant B1. She was an older woman, probably in her earlythirties, and her body was beginning to show the effects of her many pregnancies,but she was still gorgeous. It was easy to see why she would have been designateda Prime Grade Breeder. At seventeen she must have been a knockout. And no acne.

"Kimberlee! How lovely to see you!" Werner Richtersaid, rising to welcome her and guide her to a plushly upholstered leatherchair in front of a desk as spacious as a bed. "What can I do for you?"

"I have an idea I thought you might be interestedin," she said with as much assurance as she could muster, considering her heartwas in her throat.

Werner Richter smiled back at her, admiring herexceptional beauty, amused at her ineffective effort to appear nonchalant.She would make a worthy sacrifice to the memory of Aprille.

"Remember," she said, "how you were saying at thatMemorial Dinner last week how frustrating it is that the pro leagues and collegeshave blocked us from showing our intermural sports on global TV?"

"I do. They don't like the idea of competing againstan all-nude female league. They're afraid of losing audience share to us."

"Well, I've thought of a way we can get aroundthat."

"Oh?" Richter smiled encouragement, but his eyessaid, I know what you're up to. "Go on."

"What we need is a whole new game, one that willbe exciting to watch, but one that the pros and college athletes aren't allowedto play."

Richter had not missed the fact that she'd usedthe "we" pronoun twice. The little minx was definitely trying to land a dealthat would keep her pretty neck unslit for a while longer. He couldn't decidewhat intrigued him more: watching a lovely girl he would be eating tomorrowtry to talk her way out of her destiny, or hearing what kind of cockamamiescheme she had in mind to outwit the pros.

"And what game would that be?" he asked.

"Promise you won't laugh. It doesn't sound likemuch, but I've got some really good ideas about it."

But he did laugh! It was an absurd conversation.He knew she was only trying to wiggle off her hook and she knew he knew. Hecould easily read the desperation behind her plucky bravado. He had to admit,though, he really admired this girl. What was her name? Kimberlee? It was toobad, in a way, that he'd never get to know her better. "I make no promises," hesaid. He bestowed on her what he thought was his warmest smile.

What she saw was a wolfish grin. Her heart waspounding. Her life was hanging on her words. "What I had in mind, Sir, wasa chess game."

His smile widened.

She hurried on. "Not just a dull two-person game.This one would have somewhat different rules and have a lot of action withnaked girls."

Richter raised both eyebrows. Was he more interestedor just laughing silently? Kim clenched her fists so he wouldn't see them tremble.

"Do you play chess, Sir?"

"I do."

"Great! Then picture this. We'd have a field markedoff like a chessboard. Both teams would consist of mostly naked young femaleswith just enough costume to identify which team they're on and which piecethey are. They'd all be armed with weapons from the middle ages — swords,daggers, maces, axes, spears — like that. We wouldn't have to use thePrime meat stock, either. With makeup and conditioning, the Standards and eventhe Oven and Chuck grades could be used."

"This game is going to involve bloodshed, then?"

"Absolutely, Sir. That's our edge! Free peoplecan't kill each other legally, but we're livestock."

"I'm listening."

"Two players have to call the moves. You couldcall them generals or commanders or something. They would be up on a raisedplatform or tower where they can see the action. We could even bring in realmilitary brass, or celebrities, or we could use our own girls. Using our ownwould probably be more exciting."


"Because . . . Well, let me explain some of therules. In ordinary chess when you capture an opponent's piece, you just jumpone of yours into its space and take it off the board. But in this game thetwo pieces would have to actually fight it out. If the attacker kills the defenderit would be like a regular chess move, and the dead or wounded girl would bedragged off the field. But if the defending piece kills the attacker, thatputs the attacking general into a whole new quandary. She has to plan for bothpossibilities. And she'd have to do it, make her next move, within a givenamount of time or lose her turn. And that time could be as short as half aminute, or even fifteen seconds. So not only do the generals have to play goodfast chess, they have to contend with the possibility that their moves willbackfire."

"And why would using our own girl generals be better?"

"They could be the Kings. In normal chess you winjust by putting the King in a capture situation he can't escape. Checkmate.In our game the King has to be actually killed. We could put each team's Kingon her own tower on the chessboard. It would be on wheels and motorized soshe could move around like the other pieces. She'll have to fight any piecethat puts her in checkmate position. If she's killed, the other team wins."

"Sounds promising, but how do you keep the fieldfrom turning into chaos with girls chasing each other around with swords? Andat the same time keep the action flowing?"

"I'm developing some good ideas on how to do that!I just need a few more days to put it together. May I come back Monday? I'llbe able to lay it out in more detail then."

This was the critical moment. Either he would goalong with it and she would live through the weekend, or he would reject itand by this time tomorrow she'd be having her guts flushed out. He could evensteal the idea and develop it himself after feasting on her at the orgy. Shewas so tense she was afraid she might pass out.

"Scheherazade," he said.


"Have you ever heard of Scheherazade?"


"She was a beautiful Arabian girl who married aking named Shahryar who was in the habit of marrying virgins and having thembeheaded the next day. She kept herself alive by telling him an exciting story,then tease him with a preview of another equally exciting story the next night.So the king would let her live one more day. She did that for one thousandand one nights. By then the king had become so enamored of her that he decidedto make an exception in her case and let her go on living."

He let several seconds of awkward silence buildup as he smiled knowingly at her. Kim's hopes plummeted and she let her gazeslip to the floor. He'd seen through her and wasn't buying it. Then anger beganto boil through her despair. What right did he have to mock her pathetic attemptto save herself by rubbing her nose in her ignorance? How the hell would sheknow who this Scheherazade was? The only things they taught her here was athousand and one ways to get a man to cum so you could make yourself usefulwhile waiting to be slaughtered for meat. She looked up at him defiantly.

"All right! I admit it! I don't want to die tomorrow.I think I'll be much more valuable to you if you let me live long enough towork this idea through. I think it can be a big hit and a serious money-makerfor Musgrave if you'll just give me a chance. You can always cook me laterif my ideas don't work out. All I ask is a chance. Please."

"What makes you think I've chosen you forthe Monthly Memorial? Haven't your sources informed you that I choose onlythe most beautiful consecrated meat for those occasions?"

"Yes they have, Sir," she said, and stared backat him with her chin up.

By God, Richter thought, this girl is somethingelse. She knows she's an incredible beauty. She undoubtedly feels cheated thatshe didn't make Breeder because of adolescent skin problems. Definitely smarterthan your average meat, and not willing to give up her life without a fight.She might even have a decent idea going with this chess thing. He decided topush her a little further, just to see how she'd handle herself.

"And you figure you're the most beautiful of thismonth's crop?"

"I've only been with you that once, Sir, but youdidn't strike me as a cruel man. You knew before I walked into your officethat I knew you'd chosen me. And you knew why I was here. If I weren't theone you'd chosen, you would have told me right away. You wouldn't have leftme in torment just so I could make a fool of myself."

He snorted. "Not cruel? Inviting girls for dinnerand sex only to reward one of them with death: that's not cruel?"

"You obviously loved Aprille a great deal, Sir,and this is your way of honoring her. We're meat, Sir. If you don't kill usand eat us, someone else will. I don't expect to be spared that fate, I justwant to postpone it for a while. I love life, like Aprille did. She was luckybecause she could have babies, which kept her alive so you and her could havea lot of years together. I'm more like your Scherere . . . whoever it was.I have only my wits. And I think I've come up with an exciting idea. Please,Sir! You won't regret giving me a chance to prove it! And you can always activateme if it doesn't work out. Or for any reason at all, for that matter."

"True, but it will cost me. I'll have to buy anoption on you to keep someone else from buying you in the meantime. Why shouldn'tI just take your idea and run with it myself?"

"Because you're a honest man and it was my idea.You spend a lot of money to honor Aprille the way you do, buying a girl everyweek, all of them Prime Grade. I can't believe you'll steal my idea just tosave the price of a month's option. Besides, as CEO you get a discount."

He laughed. "Okay. I'll give you extra points fortact. You're right, of course. You are my choice. You are far and away themost beautiful girl I've met since Aprille. And the most interesting."

He paused, pursing his lips and tenting his fingers.He could see Kim's heart thudding under her thin dress. Yet, terrified as shewas, she held her head high. "All right, Scheherazade, I'll grant you yourstay. The original Scheherazade got a one day reprieve. You have a month toshow me that your chess game has real potential. In the meantime, you will becoming to my orgy tomorrow, but only to enjoy the roast and be available forplay. And to tell me more about your game."

Kim jumped up and threw her arms around him. "Youwon't regret it, Sir!" She kissed him vigorously, telling him between gentlebites, "And I'll make it worthwhile for you in other ways, too!"

"I bet you will," he laughed. "I remember yourfirst visit!"

"So do I," she said, and began nibbling her waydown his neck as she opened his shirt.

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When she awoke, she knew not what time it was. The light of the room was so intensely dark that nothing could penetrate more than a few inches. She wondered where she was. She sensed no movement in the room. She heard the click of a lock and the creak of a door hinge. She heard footfalls coming closer to her. “Shield your eyes. I shall light a lamp.” She did as she was instructed. She heard a match being struck and heard the click of a lamp globe. “Open your eyes and I will slowly raise the...

3 years ago
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Deathly White Thighs

CHAPTER 1 Romance, oh why couldn’t he experience romance? Just the once would do, thought Tom O. Bates whose trail of mixed-bag seductions lay in his wake like feathers of a rooster attempting to escape the red-faced farmer’s wife wielding an axe and intent on having her sleep interrupted by only one cock at dawn. Tom was an unsuccessful writer of sexy novels, rejected because his sentences were unacceptable. Too long. Another reason was although his hero and heroine met in the first chapter...

4 years ago
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Death Watch

Several years ago, just for fun, I audited a Creative Writing class at the university associated with the hospital where I am an RN. Probably the best assignment throughout the semester was to write something that would be appropriate for an episode of ‘The Twilight Zone’. In other words, if we wanted to bend the rules of reality a bit here and there, go right ahead. After all, if Rod Serling could do it, why not we? A few weeks ago as I was hauling Christmas decorations out of the attic, what...

2 years ago
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Death name

There I was, driving home for work Thinking how my life seem so normal. Funny looking back. How much things have change. BANG!!! What??? I hit something!! As I see the body moving across my hood an into my windshied and over. SHIT!!!! Finally stopping my truck and over to the ditch. He was lying there. Blood and grass cover his body. I grab my phone call 911. 911 whats your emergency? SHIT I hit some one--------- Shanking so bad trying to think. Law enforce teaches how to hand thing...

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Death Throes

a plane of existence deep in the Abyss Gorflkk was trying his best to please his mistress, but was having a somewhat difficult time of it as she stood in one of her bedchamber's enormous windows and cast her gaze across the foreboding landscape of Woeful Iscandar. As was true of all of Woeful Iscandar's populace, Gorflkk was a demon. A tenebrosus, to be exact. He and his kin were down among the lower ranks of demons but of higher station than dretches and quasits. In the Abyss, Gorflkk...

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Death By Fucking Ch 02

My name is Deirdre Martin and I'm a management consultant. I am brought into corporations to determine how to make those corporations more efficient, more profitable. Part of that means that I sometimes (well more than sometimes) have to tell my clients how to consolidate functions in order to improve service. That's a euphemistic way of saying I tell them who to fire. It's not a pleasant part of my job, and it doesn't make me very popular with the people I work with. They may be the very...

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Death By Fucking Ch 02

My life has been in a bit of a rut lately, if lately can be construed to mean three years. I travel, work, eat, sleep. Those are the four basic components of my life. I know that there should be more than that, but I made my bed, so to speak, and must sleep in it. My name is Deirdre Martin and I’m a management consultant. I am brought into corporations to determine how to make those corporations more efficient, more profitable. Part of that means that I sometimes (well more than sometimes)...

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Death Creeps in the Fog

the story is based in early 19th century and though long I think it's okay hopefully you will like it ---------------------------------------------------------------“How did I start you ask? That’s an interesting question. I could give the pathetic answer that some give once caught. That it was their upbringing but for me that wasn’t true. Nor was the fact that I was turned down by the girl I went to school with and embarrassed in front of my friends. Yes I was and at the time it hurt but...

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Death of A Salesman Part 1

Death of A Salesman I am a salesman - or at least I was - and a damn good one. If you ever saw "Glengarry, Glen Ross" I'd have been the one winning the car. If I'd had a couple more years I'd have been the one setting the prizes and sending other people out to earn money for me. The trouble was, I was too good. It aroused envy in my peers. It made my boss afraid. They knew they could never beat me fair so they cheated. Most things they could have come up with I'd have outsmarted them...

4 years ago
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Death By Misadventure Part 2

Sitting on a stool at the counter, smoking a Rothmans and nursing a tonic water - ice, no lemon - the girl who had momentarily piqued my curiosity looks older at close quarters than she did from the other side of the dining room. If I'd been asked to guess her age before I met Suki I'd have said she was in her late twenties; today, having learned to look for such indicators as the set of her mouth and the laughter lines at the corners of her eyes, I'm inclined to revise that estimate to...

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Death Penalty

Some looked back at the barbaric times and wondered why it took so long for an enlightened society to create humane way to kill someone. No one really knew other than it might have been considered an immoral act, and no one wanted an immoral act to befoul an execution. Sam Snider was sentenced to death, and he deserved to die. He had led a relatively clean life – other than the killing, but his tests indicated that he was eligible for a little more flexibility of choice in how he would die. It...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 19

The second day of the trial began with Dr. Tim Houston still on the stand. Wyatt Quinn had few questions he could ask, but he believed he still needed to take a run at the man. Otherwise the jury was likely to take every opinion the man stated as the Gospel. He began small, questioning some of the word choices that Houston had used. But he soon worked his way up to the question he wanted a different answer to. The capital murder case hinged on special circumstances. In this instance, the...

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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 14

十四 I went back to my apartment, swallowed a handful of Xanax. I had been upping my dose weekly for them to be efficacious. While I waited for them to kick in, I lay back in bed, scooped my phone up into my hands, stared down at it like a palm reader and read and explored more about the death penalty in China. China doesn’t release official statistics regarding the number of death sentences that are carried out, so it’s hard to know how many were executed per year. Being an American, I like...

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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 17

I’d taken my pills but still I lay awake at night, staring at shadows. I peered out my open window and realized I’d not seen any stars, or the moon, since I’d arrived in China. I could imagine the school’s ghosts as gremlins crawling and clawing up into the sky, eating the moon like a cake. Tonight, there were no drilling sounds and my room was silent as death and my mind was racing, abuzz, unable to quiet... I was feeling like an overloaded plane in a turbulent sky, wishing that I’d...

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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 20

二十 “Reactionary,” a stentorian voice bellowed at me the minute I walked into my apartment, and I saw there was a pile of letters strewn about my kitchen table. The papers were yellowed with age. They were written in Chinese, in a smeared, dark red ink. I sat down, looked them over. Used translation software on my phone to scan, translate them. They were a prison diary, written by Lily. The diaries were mundane, showed the tedium of her death row existence. Every day was the same. She’d be...

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My Last Duchess

My Last Duchess By Cal Y. Pygia "I'm happy to do it, of course," Thaddeus said, "but, remember, that every correction--" "It's not a correction," I interrupted. "--or revision," Thaddeus continued, "is an extra hundred dollars, minimum." "Fine," I said. I wanted the painting to be perfect, and I was willing to pay whatever it cost to make it so. I had no intention of telling Thaddeus Martin this, of course, although I suspected that the artist had...

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Death by fucking ch 05

Donnie and Dee Dee made me lie on the bed and watch a little TV while they prepared for dinner. Donnie insisted on taking another shower, though I didn’t for the life of me know why. Come to think of it, she insisted that I take a shower too; not together though. I wanted to get in with her, but she wanted to reset to zero with our relationship and act like we hadn’t just fucked each other’s brains out. I’ll never understand women. There is something tremendously domestic about...

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Death be not Cruel Pt I

Tears blinding him he struggled forward, grasping her by the thighs and despreatly trying to lift her to allow her air--so safe the beautiful woman he loved. It was to no avail. Her feet twitched their last macabre tatoo against his chest, and as a final indignity, her bladder relaxed, allowing urin to run down her trembling legs and the amrs of the lover who held them. The silence of her passing was marred only by his uncontrolable weaping as he collapsed beneath her dangling corpse and...

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Death of a Muse

Solemn and faceless they bore her coffin in from the cold, listless morning. It was early, yet, and the chapel had not yet filled, but I knew that before long even the standing room would be crowded. The pallbearers paused with the strength of ritual, and placed the mahogany box like an altar at the front of the church. The rich wood gleamed brilliantly with the kiss of sacred candlelight. As well it should shine, as it would be a closed casket service. The air was stifling with the scent of...

2 years ago
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Death Has No Friends

Many people who know me and what I’ve done say that I am one evil son of a bitch. Personally, I couldn’t care less. However, the vehemence of my accusers sometimes gives me pause. They’re so sure of themselves. They see themselves as the Heroes of the story and me as the Villain. He or she who must be destroyed for the sake of all that is good and decent in the world. That’s fine in books and movies, but it doesn’t work that way in real life. Without further ado, I will tell you my story. And...

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Death by fucking ch 04

She was lying partially under the cover, one arm thrown carelessly above her head, her eyes closed and a sensual, lazy smile on her face. I could see her semi-nude form looking so warm and inviting and could feel myself stirring once again. I finished dressing and walked over to her bed, kneeled at the bedside and put my arms around her. I took her in my arms and gave her a gentle kiss. "Thank you, Dee Dee, for a wonderful evening. You know that if you ever need anything from me, all...

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Death By Fucking Ch 03

We were lying in bed in Deirdre’s hotel room recovering from a bout of mind-blowing liberating sex, at least from my point of view. I had wanted to make slow sensuous love to this woman who had suddenly become the focus of my life. Instead I lost my head and it turned into a long hard monkey fuck. It was a mistake. I don’t know what happened. One minute I was this guy trying desperately to impress the woman of his dreams. The next minute I was primal man staking his claim on Eve in the...

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Death comes to Hamberley

Death comes to Hamberley By Belle Gordon Prologue The police were called to Hamberley Manor at 0807 on a Monday morning. The call had been made by Ms Rosemary Kilburn, the maid. When she had entered her employer's bedroom to awaken her with her customary morning tea she was surprised to see the bed empty. Leaving the tea tray she went about her duties thinking her Mistress, Lady Mildred Reiner had risen early and gone for a walk as she sometimes did. Looking in the open door...

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Death ALWAYS Wears Black Chapter 1

The man shaped shadow in the neighbor’s yard across the street had not moved in the last 20 minutes but it was entirely possible that Glenn’s eyes were playing tricks on him as his panicked mind worked overtime on his dilemma. It had been two weeks since the contract had been fulfilled by the assassin’s guild of Ar and he had yet to send them their payment, of course, they had not exactly sought him out either for their gold, but he was still extremely worried. Silas had seen what happens to...

2 years ago
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Death Bringer 5 Christmas Triumph

I am Death Bringer, Lord of the Berber Cliffs and Master of the Caves of the Dust Sprites. My tale begins several days ago as I, a lone watchman on guard against the evils that lurk when the world sleeps under its white blanket, sat in the aerie looking out over the desolate land now covered in ice. The beast of the five hells was hunting far below me. Why it must lift its leg and spray its foul liquids hither and yon I do not know. The five hells must be more terrible than even I can imagine,...

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Death Wish

Fred was browsing the postings in the alt.torture newsgroup when he came upon this post: > Hi, > My name is Candy. I am a female pain slut with a > death wish. I would like to correspond with males > or females who would tell me how they would kill me > if they ever met me. Fred figured her for a troll, but shot off a quick reply anyway. > Hi Candy, > I know exactly what I would use you for! Reply if > you want to know what...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 14

Ten minutes after Bryant's first meeting with his entire detective squad, Jan Elliot walked into his office and shut the door. "Uh-oh ... the closed door," Bryant said. "That means you plan to yell." "Maybe I mean to sexually harass you," Jan replied as she took a chair opposite him. "Nope, you'd have called me to your office for that," Bryant joked. "I'd have called you to my office if I planned to yell," Jan said. "Look, we need to hash out our responsibilities here....

4 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 18

Marcoba and I met in tacit silence at the front of the cafeteria. Today he was dressed in a full dinosaur costume, a T-Rex. Chinese teachers gazed at him, with soft warm eyes, lips stretched into smiles, while they stared at me, curiously, some condescendingly. When we sat down to the laowai corner, began our breakfast, a shifty-eyed auntie, sitting nearby, motioned, laughed to her brethren, and mimicked me eating, simultaneously perplexed and amazed that I could use chopsticks. Terrorist...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter IV Taken By The Chessmen

Alice considered hiding, only a few important details stopped her, the first of which being the lack of proper hiding places in the small cabin, the second of which being that the commotion on the other side of the door had woken the knight, and the third being that the door was suddenly forced open and she found herself standing before several of the chessman, all of which were entirely focused upon her.“Drop your weapons!” they ordered in unison, despite the fact that Alice was clearly...

Group Sex
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A Duel with The Chessmaster

Dueling The Chessmaster Every lonely man wants to get a girl, a girl who will love him and treat him kindly. But not every man will get what he wants. So what does one have to do to obtain the one thing he needs? The answers are not obvious but one man finds a sinister yet intriguing way to get the girl of his dreams. It is in a small club in the shadows of the city. There a tall man will give you what you want if you can beat him at a game of chess. The only problem is that each piece...

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Death By Fucking Ch 05

Andrew’s Story Donnie and Dee Dee made me lie on the bed and watch a little TV while they prepared for dinner. Donnie insisted on taking another shower, though I didn’t for the life of me know why. Come to think of it, she insisted that I take a shower too, not together though. I wanted to get in with her, but she wanted to reset to zero with our relationship and act like we hadn’t just fucked each other’s brains out. I’ll never understand women. There is something tremendously domestic...

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