Truck Stop
- 2 years ago
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Truck Stop
by Torrent
Look, it's like I told the cops — someone poked a hole in my back,took my truck, took my Indian princess and left me for dead.
All the rest — what I was carrying, where I picked up Cherry — itreally don't matter. But hell, Doc, you saved my life, and I owe you.
So here's the story.
The company told me I'd be hauling a high-value load. Three pressurizedtanks inside a bullet-proof steel cylinder. I said, just tell me this, is anyof this shit radioactive? I don't carry radioactive and I don't drive throughradioactive. And I carry a beep-counter to make sure I don't.
They said, it ain't radioactive. It's FuckFoam, the stuff they use to makeDi-Clones. It ain't even classed as a hazardous substance. Sure, you got agoddam smelly mess if it gets out, but it's safe.
That was the good news. The bad news was that I'd have to drive pretty closeto Nashville. There's other ways to get from Indy to Memphis, but the onlyway to avoid Vandals is to stick to the Eye Roads — I-65, I-40. And thatmeans coming pretty goddam close to that radioactive pile of shit that usedto be downtown Nashville.
Well, they're paying me 80,000 Federal, which is more than I made all oflast year, so I say, what the hell.
The first hundred miles or so was uneventful. I had another company driverwho needed a ride to Louisville. All he did was talk. Some guys like companyin the cab, but I like to listen to classical music, not some asshole tellingme his life story and how he's angling for an office job.
I dropped him off just south of Louisville and picked up three cans of hydrogen,enough to get me to Memphis, if I didn't run into trouble.
I'd been told the run from Louisville to Bowling Green was fairly easy.You might run into punks with shotguns, but no Vandals. No one with heavy stuff.
It was getting dark, and I was about ten miles south of E'town when I sawthe big Topaz sign all lit up off the side of the road:
I didn't need no gas, and I had three guns, which was two more than I wasever likely to get a chance to use. But I was horny, so I pulled in.
There was two big rigs and a Federal police van at the pumps, and a bunchof trailers at the edge of the pad. That was a bad sign. It likely meant theirdrivers had abandoned them. Too scared to keep heading south.
I went inside. A cop was teasing the waitress, and the two truckers wereeating burgers and not talking. They looked glum.
The manager was behind the register, reading a magazine.
"Business looks slow," said I.
He looked up. "It is slow. I'm going broke here."
"Well, I'm here to help you out," I said, flipping him my Topazcard. "What you got in the way of girls?"
He inserted the card and glanced at the monitor. "No way, buddy. Youcost us 2,000 F's on your last rental."
Now, I know I got a little rough on the last girl I rented, up around Gary,but I was pretty damn sure that fixing her up didn't cost more than the 500F damage deposit. Still, I didn't want to get into an argument and miss a chancefor some female companionship. I figured it could be a long way to the nexttruck stop that offered girls.
"Okay," says I, pulling out a wad of bills, "here's 1,500F's. That and the deposit should cover what you say I owe. Now, what you gottonight?"
"A blonde with big tits, named Honey Dew. And an Indian princess namedCherokee. They're in the back room."
When I went in, they were sitting on bar stools, smoking and listening tobluesy jazz.
The blonde was my type. Big tits, pouty mouth, and an expression that said, "I'mtoo dumb to do anything but fuck." Even better, she had a shiner. Herleft eye was almost swollen shut.
"Looks like you ran into someone rough," I said.
"Yeah," she said.
"A trucker?"
"No," she said. "Bristol, the manager."
Christ, I thought to myself. I just paid $1,500 for beating up one of theseDi-Clone bitches, and here's the manager doing the same to the merchandiseat this dump, and he probably won't pay a dime.
"You like rough stuff?" I asked. I always ask first.
"Love it," she said. She leaned toward me in a sexy way, and Icould see down her blouse. She really did have great tits.
She also had a rash. I could barely see it, but it was definitely there.I don't fool around with bitches that have rashes.
"Yeah, well that's nice," I said. "But I prefer to beat theshit out of girls who don't like it."
I turned to the Indian princess. She was small and dark, with long blackhair and big brown eyes. She wore a short leather skirt and an unbuttoned denimvest. Her tits were small but shaped nice. A silver pendant on a rawhide bolohung between them.
"How about you, sweetheart? You like rough sex?"
She just looked at me and said nothing.
I grabbed the bolo and jerked her off the stool.
"I'm talking to you, bitch," I said.
"Don't hurt me," she said in a small voice. "Please don'thurt me."
It was a real turn on. She was going to be fun.
We was barely in the cab before she gave me the first blow job. I leanedagainst the door, and she went up and down on me. She knew just how to do it.
"You think this is gonna get you a bye on the rough stuff," Isaid, breathing real heavy. "Don't bet on it."
I shot off in her mouth, and she swallowed it greedily. I shifted, pulledher down on the seat and got on top of her. I wanted to hurt her real bad,and she knew it. Her eyes were closed. She seemed to be waiting for the firstblow to land.
Then I thought, do I really want to blow another 2,000 F's? And if she endsup all beat to hell, what good will she be for the trip ahead? We was goingto be traveling through dangerous territory, and it wouldn't hurt to have anotherset of eyes in the cab.
So I settled for a single punch to her gut. I didn't use much force, butit was enough to knock the wind out of her, and she moaned, which is a soundI've always liked.
I pulled her up, shoved her against the passenger-side door and slid behindthe wheel.
"Yeah, we're gonna have some good times," I said. "That shineryour pal Honey Dew had was nothing compared to what you're gonna look likeby the time we get to Memphis. That's assuming you make it that far."
I wanted to scare her. Actually, I was pretty scared myself. I wasn't atall sure either of us was going to make it to Memphis.
We slept at a rundown rest stop, me in the bunk at the back of the cab,her in the front seat. Least ways, that's the way it started out. When I wokeup, just after dawn, she was curled up next to me. She hadn't gotten underthe blanket, but I guess she needed my body warmth.
I looked at her sleeping beside me. She was fairly pretty, not all tartedup the way most Di-Clones are. She looked almost real.
She opened her eyes and made a little gasping sound, like she was surprisedto find where she was.
"Rise and shine, Cherry," I said. I had decided to call her Cherry,instead of Cherokee.
I opened the door. It was cold outside. The sun was peeking over the easternhorizon, but to the west there was lots of dark clouds. I figured it was gonnapour soon.
I hauled out the propane burner and fried some sausages atop the only picnictable still standing. I showed Cherry how to use the coffeemaker in the compartmentbehind the bunk. I had a little refrigerator there, too, full of cheese andsalami and beer.
She sat on a bench, with the blanket wrapped around her. She was shivering.I sat beside her and put my arm around her. I don't know why. It just seemedthe right thing to do.
After breakfast, we stashed all out gear and I told her to get back in thetruck. I walked a little ways on the highway. The sun was up, now, but therewas no traffic. The road was in bad shape. Nobody had worked on it for at leasta couple of years. We weren't going to be able to do more than 40 miles anhour. A shadow crossed the highway. I looked up. It was a Prankster, sizingme up. Looked just like a buzzard, wheeling around real lazy.
I hightailed it back to the truck. I didn't want it mistaking me for a Vandaland zapping me with a laser. Pranksters are real good at keeping Vandals offthe Eye Roads, and for that I am grateful. But you better stay in your truckwhen they're overhead.
The rain started as we drove through the cave country. I'm told there usedto be all kinds of motels around there in the old days. Tourists came fromall over America to see Mammoth Cave and buy shit in tacky little shops.
We passed several exits with no sign of life. Finally, I saw a Federal policevan parked under an overpass. I stopped for a chat.
"You the first truck I seen today," said a cop who was about myage. His partner looked twenty years younger.
"Yeah, it seems pretty deserted along here. Any trouble ahead?"
"Naw, it's all clear, at least to Bowling Green. But we got reportsof some shooting north of Nashville. Where you headed?"
"Nashville, then on to Memphis."
"Well, maybe our boys will have everything cleared up by the time youget there. Whatcha hauling?"
"Propane," I said. I hoped they didn't ask to see my papers.
"Well, you better hope that fucker is bulletproof," said the youngcop. "Otherwise, you could be in the middle of the biggest explosion Nashville'sseen since . . . ."
"Yeah," I said, interrupting him. "But I don't intend toget my ass blown up. If they're going to stop this rig, they're going to needRPGs."
The young cop laughed. It was a nasty laugh. "Funny you say that. Vandalsbroke into an R.O.M. arsenal last week and stole a big bunch of shit, includinggrenade launchers."
If he wasn't a cop, I would have punched him out, the son-of-a-bitch.
Instead, I smiled and tried to stay cool. "No shit. You said an R.O.M.arsenal. What exactly is R.O.M.?"
"Jesus," he said. "Republic of Memphis. Haven't you heard?A whole stretch along the Mississippi River is now a separate fucking country?"
I hadn't heard. I knew there had been all kinds of talk about secession,about how the Federals couldn't hold things together anymore. But a Republicof Memphis?
And suddenly it hit me. If I was delivering to a depot in another country,how could I be sure I'd get paid? And what would they use to pay me?
"They got their own currency?" I asked.
"Sure do," said the cop. "Effective today. It'll probablybe worth more than ours."
Then he looked past me and said, "Who's the cunt?"
I glanced back. Cherry was climbing down from the cab. I hadn't noticedbefore what a nice ass she had.
"Di-Clone from a truck stop near E'town," I said.
"She don't look like any Di-Clone I've ever seen," the young copsaid. He stepped between me and her. Cherry tried to sidestep him, but he movedto block her. Then he grabbed her arm.
"Where you going, slut?" he said.
"Leave her alone," I said.
The older cop said, "Yeah, Fred, knock it off."
Fred twisted Cherry's arm behind her and pulled her against him. "Howabout a kiss, honey," he said.
Then he bellowed and doubled up. Cherry had kneed him in the balls.
He was on his hands and knees, gasping for breath. I looked at the othercop. The whole goddam trip just might end right here, I thought.
But the older guy just laughed. "You had it coming, Fred. Come on.Get up and get back in the van."
He helped his partner to his feet. Young Fred was wobbly, but he turnedback to look at us, and it was about the meanest look I've ever seen.
"I'll get you one day, bitch," he said.
We drove on for a while in silence. Then I put my hand on her knee and said, "Nicejob."
"Thanks," she said. She grabbed my hand and slid it to her crotch.
"I just hope you never plan to try that knee-to-the-balls routine onme," I added.
She looked genuinely shocked. "Why would I do that? You paid for me.That piss ant didn't."
Now I knew where we stood. I paid for her, so I got to do pretty much anythingI wanted. As for her begging for mercy the night before, it was all an act.I had told the blonde I didn't like women who liked pain. So Cherry had drawnthe logical conclusion.
As I massaged her clitoris, I wondered if she'd always be a step ahead ofme.
# # #
The weather improved, but the road kept getting worse. I was worried aboutbusting an axle, so I slowed to 25. That's when I saw him come running downan embankment to my right — a raggedy looking guy with a torn shirt,a skinny chest and an empty sleeve where his right arm should've been. At thecrest of the ridge, I saw what he was running from: three angry looking guyswith knives and clubs.
I downshifted, hit the brakes and had the door open before we was fullystopped. I don't know why, but I had decided that the one-armed guy was okayand it was the three who was chasing him that was the problem. That's the wayI saw it, so I pulled my Glock out from its pocket in the visor and fired acouple of warning shots. Scared the hell out of all of them, the one-armedguy included.
So I yelled at him to get his ass in the truck. Cherry opened the door onher side and he started to climb in, fell back and tried again. He grabbedCherry's hand and finally made it. Just in time, because one of the three guyschasing him raised a long-barreled handgun — a .22 target pistol wasmy guess — and started peppering the windshield.
Once the door was closed, I wasn't worried. Even a high-powered rifle wasn'tgoing to get through this cab. We was armored, big-time.
I put her in gear and we was back on the road.
The one-armed guy finally caught his breath and said, "Jesus, thankyou, guys. Those bastards was gonna kill me."
"What'd you do to them?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said, sounding hurt. "Well, maybe one thing.We was playing Ming, and I ended up with all their money. They said I was cheating,which is a pretty fool thing to say about a man with one arm."
I asked him what Ming was. He said it was some kind of Chinese board gamethat's popular in those parts. He said he learned it from his pappy.
While he was talking, I glanced over from time to time. Cherry was sittingbetween us, and he kept watching her. Even when he was talking to me, his eyeswas on her.
"I'm Stumbo," he said. "They call me Give'im-a-hand Stumbofor obvious reasons. But my real name is Husk. What's yours?"
"Daniel," I said. "And this here is Cherry. Cherokee, actually.She's an Indian princess." I decided not to add that she was a Di-Clone.He'd probably figure it out anyway, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.
"I ain't never seen an Indian princess," he said. "I thoughtall the Indians was on reservations out West, where you can't get to anymore."
"No," said Cherry. "There are Indians in Federal Land, too."
"How about that," Stumbo said. He didn't sound convinced.
We all got quiet, so I slipped a disk into the player. It was Aida. Igenerally like Rossini and Mozart better than Verdi, but I'm a sucker for Aida .
"What's this?" Stumbo asked.
"An opera," I said. "About an Egyptian slave girl."
"Slave girl? You mean, like, a fuck toy?" asked Stumbo.
I said, "Yeah, I guess so. Shut up and listen." So they shut upand we all listened. Listening to operas relaxes me. I usually don't know whatthey're singing about, but it sounds right. I'd listened to Aida thirtyor forty times before, so I sort of zoned out, driving automatically and imaginingwhat it was like in Memphis — the original Memphis, in ancient Egypt,with beautiful slave girls and jealous princesses and all that shit.
"Any of you hungry?" Stumbo asked, after a while.
"Yeah, I guess so," I said. Cherry looked confused but nodded.I think she had dozed off.
I pulled onto the shoulder and cut back on the throttle. I didn't want towaste fuel, but I also didn't want to have to crank back up if there were Vandalsaround.
The clouds had cleared, and it was warming up. I heard honking far away.It was geese, heading south. I scanned the sky for Pranksters, but there wasn'tnone.
"We got cheese and salami and mayo," I said. "Might be acouple of hardboiled eggs in there, too. And get me a beer, Cherry. Stumbo,get yourself one, too."
"I don't drink, Daniel," he said. "Don't drink, don't smoke,don't do speed or narc. My only vice is pussy."
He leered at Cherry. She handed me a beer and said nothing.
I kind of felt that, if I was a gracious host, I'd invite him to fuck Cherry,but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. Besides, if he'd fleeced thoseguys who was chasing him, he had enough money to buy his own girl.
He must have read my mind, because he said, "And speaking of pussy,I got a wad of 50 F bills in my pocket and nothing to spend it on. How aboutI part with, say, 20 of them, in return for a little fun with the lady?"
I turned to Cherry. "What do you say, Lady?"
She looked down and said softly, "I do what you want."
"Deal," I said. I held out my right hand to Stumbo to shake onit, then realized my mistake and changed to my left. He shook it.
"What I'd like, Miss Cherry," he said in a soft, sort of purringvoice, "is for you to do a little dance to get things started. Daniel,you got anything besides opera in that truck?"
"Yeah, I got a lot of chamber music, too, but I think I can scroungeup something a little sexier."
I popped a disk of Hindu flute music into the player and left the door openso we could hear it.
Cherry got up, closed her eyes and just stood there a while. Then she startedswaying. Stumbo looked impatient, but I liked her pacing. Slow and easy.
The music got louder and faster, and she slipped her hands under her vestand began rubbing her breasts. Her mouth was partly open, and she licked herlips.
She'd never heard this music before, but she seemed to know just when tomake the next move. She opened her vest and let it fall to the ground. Hertits were all rosy from rubbing them.
She unbuttoned her skirt and let that fall, too. Now all she was wearingwas very skimpy black panties and her bolo. She slid her left hand down intoher panties and began working on her pussy. With her right hand, she pinchedher nipples. She was making little whimpering and moaning noises.
Stumbo couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up, pushed her against the sideof the truck, and pulled down her panties. He shoved his hand into her crotch,then leaned against her and bit her neck.
She yelped but didn't resist. He unzipped his pants and began fucking her.He slipped out once, but she reached down and got him back in again.
It was all over in half a minute.
She was pressed against the truck, and he was collapsed against her, breathingheavy.
I didn't feel jealous, exactly, but I wasn't happy.
Finally, he backed off and told her to lick his prick clean. She hesitated,and he slapped her hard across the face.
I was about to bust up the party, but she sank to her knees and took hisprick in her mouth. She cleaned him up, real gentle.
Goddam, she was a pro.
We finished lunch and were stashing our gear when Cherry looked back downthe road and yelled. It was a bunch of Vandals, on bicycles. We climbed intothe cab, and I got my door closed just as the first one reached us. He grabbedonto my big outside mirror and began hammering my window with a bicycle pump.I gunned the motor and let out the clutch. We lurched forward, and the guyon my side tumbled off. We rolled over two others. I was pretty sure therewere more but I couldn't see them. Just then I heard the rifle shot. I didn'thear it ricochet, so they must have fired at one of my tires. Dumb shits didn'tknow I rolled on Haley's Honeycombs. Federal Army issue. It would take a coupleof dozen shots before one of them went flat.
After I had covered enough ground, I adjusted the outside mirror, and damnif there wasn't another one, peddling like crazy, just a few yards behind us.I pushed down on the accelerator and we pulled away from him. Then there wasa flash in the mirror and a lot of smoke where he had been, followed almostinstantly by a big boom.
"What the fuck was that?" Stumbo said.
"Prankster," I said. "Too late to do us any good, but atleast there's one less Vandal on this stretch of road." I opened my windowand looked up. The Prankster was gliding off to the east. Just like a buzzard.
# # #
I hadn't asked Stumbo how far he wanted to ride, but the more I thoughtabout him fucking Cherry, the more I felt it was time to get some things clear.Besides, we was almost at Briley Parkway, which was as close to downtown Nashvilleas I planned to get.
"Stumbo," I said, "we ain't talked about where you're headed.We're going to be just outside what's left of Nashville in about 15 minutes.Then I'm heading west, to I-40 and Memphis."
"Yeah, well, Memphis is fine with me," he said.
"But it ain't fine with me," I said. "I'm glad we could saveyour ass from your Ming-ding partners back there, and I'm sure Cherry is gladshe could be of service to you. But it's time for a parting of the ways."
I kept my eyes on the road. I didn't want to see his expression. He said, "Sure,just pull over and let me out, I'll be okay." His voice was all pitiful.
"Is it safe here?" Cherry asked.
"Shit," I said, "it's not safe anywhere these days. But he'llbe better off here than back in that pig-shit patch he came from."
"You're right," he said. I pulled to a stop, and he started openingthe door.
"Just a minute," I said. "You forgot about the 1,000 F'syou owe me. For Cherry."
"Oh, yeah," he said. He stretched out and reached down into hisleft pocket. I'm not sure exactly what happened next. I know he pulled hishand out and raised it. Then there was this hissing noise, and suddenly I couldn'tsee. Cherry was screaming, my eyes were burning, I couldn't breathe — andeverything sort of just disappeared.
When I came to, the sky was almost dark. I sat up, felt dizzy and sick,and lay back down for a while. I heard someone moaning nearby. It sounded likeCherry.
I tried to get up again, and this time I made it. I was in the middle ofthe road. The truck was about 50 yards away, part way up an embankment andtilted at a dangerous angle. He must have tried to drive it away and couldn'thandle it. It would be a bitch to drive with only one hand.
I heard the moan again, from a little gully beyond the shoulder. I staggeredover and looked down. Cherry was lying naked in a pool of rain water, her handstied behind her with wire — probably from my tool kit. I slid down nextto her and began fumbling with the wire. She turned to look up at me. Her facewas bloody and puffy.
"The son-of-a-bitch," I whispered. I got her hands freed and helpedher sit up.
"Can you make it to the truck?" I asked.
She shook her head, no. "Carry me," she said softly.
I carried her. She couldn't have weighed much over 100 pounds.
I got the truck back down on level ground, and we spent the night in it.He hadn't stolen much. My first-aid kit was still there, and so were my emergencytools. The Glock in the visor was gone, but I had another in a compartmentunder the bunk, along with a sawed-off shotgun. That's where most of my moneywas, too.
On the other hand, he had cleaned out my refrigerator, and that was goingto be a problem. I sure as hell wasn't going to buy food anywhere near Nashville.I don't like plutonium in my potato salad.
Cherry's vest was too torn up to wear, so I gave her one of my T-shirts.Her panties and leather skirt were wet and muddy but intact. Next morning,when we started out, I tied them to the mirror and let them flutter in thewind till they dried. Luckily, it was a sunny day.
Cherry was sore all over. She said that, after he gassed us, he draggedher out of the truck and slammed her head against a wheel cover. And whileshe was down and dazed, he had kicked her in the side. I felt her rib cage,touching her lightly. She said even the slightest pressure hurt, but I didn'tthink anything was broken.
"Why are you so gentle now?" she asked.
"What do you mean?"
"When you first took me in the truck, you said you would beat me. Youwould make me look even worse than Honey Dew."
It made me uncomfortable, her telling me that.
"Well," I finally said. "It's one thing for me to beat theshit out of you. It's quite another for some cheating son-of-a-bitch to doit for free. You more or less said the same thing yourself yesterday."
She smiled a little. I kissed her lightly on the forehead.
There was all kind of what they used to call "suburban sprawl" alongthe Briley. But if there were any suburbanites, we sure as hell didn't spotany. It wasn't till we were about 10 miles out on I-40 that I saw any signof life: a Topaz truck stop with what looked like at least 30 rigs, along witha couple of Federal vans and a local sheriff's car. I checked my fuel gauge.I probably had enough to finish the trip, but if they had any hydrogen I mightas well fill up. Besides, I needed some company. Cherry was a sweet littlething, but she wasn't worth shit when it came to conversation.
I parked on the edge of the pad and told Cherry to stay in the truck. ThenI headed for the restaurant. It was noisy as hell inside, with honky-tonk music,and cigarette and pot smoke, and guys yelling back and forth. There a few whoressprinkled amongst them. Seems it wasn't just a restaurant. There was a smallstage at one end, and at the other a bar, with beautiful bottles of whiskeyon shelves. I hadn't seen whiskey in a long time.
I found an open spot at the bar and ordered a Bourbon, double and straight. "Whatkind?" the bartender said. "Cheapest you got," I said, and rightaway regretted it. What the hell, I had 28,000 F's in the truck. I could drinkwhat I damn well felt like.
But I was too late. The kid had poured me a pretty stiff one. I finishedit in three gulps. It burned, but it felt good.
I asked the guy on the stool next to me where he was heading. "Nowherenow," he said. "I was supposed to be going to Memphis, but I'm likethe rest of the drivers here — fucked by politics."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Ain't you heard? The Federals aren't letting anything through to Memphistill this secession shit gets cleared up. They've set up checkpoints. They'reclearing trucks carrying food, but no fuel and nothing that can be used tomake weapons or ammunition. Not even fertilizer."
What about FuckFoam, I wanted to ask, but just then the crowd started hootingand clapping. I looked over to see what was going on. A short bald guy witha black bow tie was on the stage, holding a mike.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, then he paused. "Actually,there ain't a lady in the house, and none of you look like gentlemen. So howabout this — hookers and rednecks, we got a special treat tonight. Thanksto the kindness of a benefactor who will remain nameless, we're got a 1,500F prize for whoever's left standing at the end of our " — he pausedagain, letting the suspense build — "catfight festival!"
"God, I love this," said the guy next to me.
Two hookers came up on the stage. They were standard Di-Clone: big tits,big hair, big lips. One was a blonde, the other a redhead. They both wore glitterybikinis. I tried to get the bartender's attention for a refill, but he wasfocusing on the stage.
A big cheer went up, and when I turned back to the catfight, the blondewas doubled up, and the redhead was smiling and waving at the crowd. Then theblonde came up from behind and slugged her in the back. Then they both wentdown, and I couldn't see over the guys in front of me.
"Fuck it," I said to myself and headed for the door. Just thentwo dudes came in. Between them was Cherry. She looked scared.
"What the hell you doing with my girl?" I yelled.
"Your girl!" one said. "Little tramp was wandering aroundthe parking lot, looking lost and lonely. We figured to give her some company."
Several other drivers and a cop joined us. I thought the cop would straightenthings out, but instead he said, "She's just what we need. When thesegirls onstage are finished, we can toss this little piece of ass to Big Lil."
Everyone started laughing — everyone but me and Cherry.
"Why didn't you stay in the truck?" I yelled to her.
"I was scared," she said. I could barely hear her.
Then they started hauling her toward the stage. I tried to get to her, butthree guys held me back.
The first fight was over. I saw the loser, the blonde, staggering throughthe crowd and out a side door. Her face was covered with blood.
The cop went to talk to the bald guy, then pointed to Cherry. The bald guybeamed. You could tell he was real excited.
They pushed Cherry up onto the stage. They had stripped away her T-shirtand skirt. All she was wearing was her black panties. The crowd liked that.
The bald guy had the mike again, and he called out, "The gods havelooked with favor on tonight's festivities. They have sent us this lovely littleslut as an offering to our reigning champion . . . . Big Lil!"
At that the crowd let out a mighty cheer, and I got shoved aside as threebig men made their way to the stage. Actually, as I quickly realized, it wastwo big men and one enormous woman.
Big Lil lived up to her name. "Jesus," I said, "she mustweigh three hundred pounds." One of the guys holding me said, "You'reway off. Try three sixty-five."
"Hey, stop this," I yelled. "This ain't fair. Cherokee ain'tbut a third this bitch's size."
"Cherokee!" the emcee said. "Yeah, of course. I knew therewas something about you, honey. You're a fucking Injun."
Scared as she was, Cherokee's eyes flashed and she cried, "Indian princess!"
Just about everyone seemed to think that was funny. But Big Lil, who hadjust climbed onto the stage, looked bored. Well, at least she would get thisover with quick, which was the best I could hope for poor Cherry.
Two guys pushed Cherry forward till her tits were touching Big Lil's belly.Cherry looked up at her with as cool an expression as she could muster.
Then I heard the announcer say something about a clean fight, and suddenlyBig Lil lunged. She was quicker than I expected, for a woman her size, butCherry was quicker. Lil stalked her, and Cherry kept retreating, then slidingsideways when she'd reach the edge of the stage. Lil lunged again, and thistime Cherry went off the edge and tumbled into the crowd. A man and a hookergrabbed her and threw her back onto the stage — and right into Lil'swaiting arms.
Cherry struggled, but Lil's bear hug would have been hard for a strong manto break. The crowd was chanting, "Squeeze her, squeeze her, crush herribs."
Cherry was growing weaker. She tried to claw at Lil's face, but Lil shookher like a rag doll. When the shaking stopped, Cherry's arms hung limp andher upper body and head had fallen backward. I could see her face hanging upsidedown. Her eyes was half shut, and only the whites showed. Spittle dripped acrossher cheek.
Lil let her go, and Cherry's body fell with a thud to the wooden floor.Then the big bitch turned and blew kisses to the crowd. She was so happy, sheactually looked kind of pretty.
A man picked Cherry up, slung her over his shoulder and disappeared throughthe side door, along with three or four others. I tried to break free and followthem, but someone hit me hard in the stomach. When I tried to straighten up,he hit me again, this time in the head, with a beer bottle.
I lay there a while as the crowd cleared. Then, after about half an hour,when I felt strong enough, I got to my feet. I managed to make it to the sidedoor, but I waited a minute before opening it. If I was going to have to fight,I wanted to be ready.
But there wasn't going to be any fight. The men were gone. Cherry lay onher back, on the floor. She was naked. Cum oozed from her crotch and her mouth.I knelt and pressed two fingers against her neck. She was alive.
For the first time that I could ever remember, I cried.
There wasn't no doctor or hospital nearby. I asked; they just laughed. Butone guy who was halfway human said there was a clinic in Dickson, about 25miles away. Just get off at State Road 96 and head west, he said.
We got to Dickson past midnight. Everything was dark. If there was a clinic,I sure as hell didn't know where it was. I pulled into the parking lot of asmall shopping center, checked to see if Cherry was still alive in the bunk,then made myself as comfortable as I could on the front seat and went to sleep.
(To be continued.)
It was late August and I was on my way home from a business trip. The sun was almost down and the sky was a beautiful red-blue. I had the windows down and the summer air was starting to cool a little. I was about 100 miles from home and was anxious to get home and shower off and make love to my old lady. I had been gone five days and was horny as hell and needed some release because I was so busy on the business trip I only got the chance to beat-off once, early one morning.The interstate was...
I was craving some cock the other night... I was tired of dildos, they just never do the trick. Grindr was slow with limited options, so I needed another way. I figured the local truck stop would have some potential. I took a shower and shaved myself smooth, I did an enema in anticipation. I dried off and checked myself out in the mirror, I saw a young smooth boy made for cock. I locked my penis in a tiny pink chastity and put my favourite plug in my well trained ass. I slid my black thong over...
Truck Ride - Chapter OneI opened the door to the big red truck. The vehiclehad been lifted with both a body and suspensionpackage giving it the look like those monster trucksfrom late night TV. After I eventually climbed in, Isat down on the seat looking over at the driver whowas to be my companion for the rest of the day. Hisname was Travis and he was a handsome prince if everthere was one. I met Travis on-line a couple of weeksago. After numerous sessions of chatting by phone, wehad...
“Get dressed my slutty little slave; we are going to the truck.” Those were the words I awoke to in the very early morning darkness after master’s arrival. As I grabbed a quick shower I thought about the afternoon and evening just past; as he had promised before his arrival, master had indeed done just as he pleased with me. He seemed to know from the first moment exactly how to show me that I was his; how to make me feel my servitude to him deeply. He had made me meet him that afternoon...
Madhu cursed under her breath as she heard the announcement. Her flight from Mumbai to Bangalore had been cancelled due to a technical problem. This was the night before Diwali weekend. There was no way she would get another flight. She tried all the airline counters, and as expected, was told that all flights for 2 days were booked. A few quick calls to travel agents brought more bad news. All trains and buses were booked as well. And all car rental companies were overbooked too. Last minute...
This is the story of a girl I met during my last trip through US. I gave her a ride and during the hours on the road she told me her story.We ended up in a cheap motel but that's another story.I took what she told me and brought it into story format, added some things here and there but overall it is true.[/b]My name is Alice, I am 17 years old and I am earning my life as a whore in Iowa. What makes my life special is that I made the largest truck stop in the US my home.Iowa 80 serves up to a...
Hi kamukta loving friends, this is avi from up.I am 18 years old and my mom radhika 45 years old.My mom is very sexy and beautiful.Her figure is 36-28-38.She looks pretty good and charming. Ab mai bilkul real story btata hun.Hmare ghar mein 4 log hain mere parents aur meri didi.Pap ki age 52 years hogi.Wo duble aur kamjor hain. 5 saal phle ki baat hai.Ek baar mai aur meri mummy apne mama ghar se function attend krke train se ghar laut rahe the.Train bhut late ho chuki thi.Iss karan raat kafi ho...
My name is Carol and this is a true story of what happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I have been happily married to my Husband for 18 years, we have 2 children's. I have just celebrated my 38th birthday and my Husband turned 41 a few months ago. Having two children takes up most of our time, along with work commitments my husband and I don't have a lot of spare time for each other. We make the most of the time we have together by being inventive in the bedroom and other places. Most people...
Group SexI was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering my tits. I had been driving for a while and was horny and needed a break. Just as I left the ladies room a man came up to me and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down my top and began rubbing across my tits then lifting my mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big tits." He then ran his hand under my...
Sara was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering her huge tits. She was waiting for a trucker to notice her. She loved to come here and fuck the traveling men. Just as she stood a man came up to her and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down her top and began rubbing across her tits then lifting her big mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big...
Scuford looked at the iridescent bubble of his tea bursting as he turned his spoon in the cup. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and he was on duty at the gas station. This summer, Buford and Scooby found him a somewhat stressful job: night attendant at a gas station that was open 24 hours, 7 days. It was located just outside the city. Before taking the highway, many truck drivers were filling their tank there or even spent the night at the parking lot. Nowadays however, the station was declining...
Hi readers, welcome to the gay world. Sab mere dosto ap apne lund ko bhar nikal kar sahlana chalu kardo kyu ki thodi der main tumha ra lund khada hoke zatke marna chalu ho jaye ga or pani ke favare chodna chalu kar dega. Ye story he mere dost ke bike ride ki. Bo gandu he or use lund chusna bhot pasand he. Ab suno uski jubani. Hi dosto me ek gandu hu or mujhe lund chusna bhot pasand he. Main jabhi bhi bore hota hu to bike ride pe nikal jata hu. Ek din mujhe lund chusne ki chahat hogai thi. Our...
Master already had the truck rolling and with a gesture beckoned me forward. Her eyes grew round as she saw me, naked but for the collar around my neck, and I could see the fear awaken in her as she looked from me to master. Without taking his eyes from the road, master ordered me to remove her top and caress her breasts. She drew back further from me and protested that she had never done anything with a woman before. With an evil smile, master glanced at her and told her, “You will now”. I...
I am driving along alone in my car on a dark lonely highway when suddenly the engine starts making a graunching noise and shaking around. I slow right down and pull off into a rest area (just a lay-by surrounded by trees) and get out of my car to see if I can see what is wrong. Of course, I know nothing about cars so I haven't a hope of fixing it and I am really upset and don't know what to do. It is cold and raining so my clothes are wet and my blouse is sticking to my breasts which show...
There's a fuel stop on Hwy 98 and I-59 in Hattiesburg MS. A lot of drvers would call it a dump. The store and the krystals are always clean. The parking lot is another story, it's riddle with pot holes and no definded parking lanes. It's a free for all, usually littered with trash with a funky smell from time to time and a lot of diffrent characters roaming around at night. I've stayed many night in this parking lot, enough to have a few favorite spot. There is a hotel behind the parking lot...
Hey friends aaj mai aapko hamari ek aur kahani batane ja raha hu jaisa ki aap log jante ho mai aur meri bibi gita kale lund ke divane hai aur kaise hum dono sath me bp dekhkar maja lete hai. Ek din maine meri bibi ko kaha ki chalna koi naya kaam karte hai,life me kuchh excitement ho jaye wo boli ki kya karna hai maine kaha ki chal aaj raat tu randi ka role play kar.Wo boli:kya matlab. Mai: mtlab ki tu raat ko saj dhaj kar national highway par randi bankar khadi rah aur truck walo se apna bhav...
I had passed the layby numerous times on my way to work, always with an eye to using it on one of my 'walks on the wild side'. Well tonight was the big night, dressed in my purple PVC slutty mini dress, black and purple lacy basque with integral suspenders holding up black fishnet stockings. Panty wise I had on a purple G string that barely contained my throbbing cock. I say barely, it was quite embarrassing that my cock was small enough to fit, even when hard! A thought that sent a...
There wasn't no doctor or hospital nearby. I asked, but they just laughed. But one guy who was halfway human said there was a clinic in Dickson, about 25 miles away. Just get off at State Road 96 and head west. We got to Dickson way past midnight. Everything was dark. If there was a clinic, I sure as hell didn't know where it was. I pulled into the parking lot of what once had been a shopping center, checked to see if Cherry was still alive in the bunk, then made myself as comfortable as I...
Introduction: Fantasy Only Trucker meets young boy at truck stop Truck Stop Fun He dropped me off at the truck stop and told me to go and make some money so we could keep the room we were now living in. Shaking and afraid I walked slowly into the men bathroom with me head held down. I bumped into a guy coming out of a stall and he ask me if I was okay. I said yes, but Im a little hungry and I dont have any money. Well maybe I can help you out if you can do a little favor for me. What is your...
I hated long drives. It was the reason I so rarely visited home during my four years in college. If I could have gotten away with it I would have skipped holidays at home too, but my mother would have none of that. So that December I got into my car with a couple of suitcases and started the five hour drive home. I really wanted to drive straight through but around 3:30 I just couldn’t drive anymore. I was starving and there was no way I could wait the two more hours I had until I got home. The...
Seven years ago when I was 50, I took a trip to spend Christmas with my daughter Kay that lived in Pennsylvania at the time. It was the week before Christmas. I was driving through Illinois when it started snowing. It was late, around 9pm and the snow was getting heavier. I always carried a portable CB radio to talk with truckers while driving just to know what to expect what is ahead. I had been talking to this one driver that was a few miles behind me. His name was John. The snow was coming...
I hated long drives. It was the reason I so rarely visited home during my four years in college. If I could have gotten away with it I would have skipped holidays at home too, but my mother would have none of that. So that December I got into my car with a couple of suitcases and started the five hour drive home. I really wanted to drive straight through but around 3:30 I just couldn’t drive anymore. I was starving and there was no way I could wait the two more hours I had until I got home. The...
Quickie SexIt started of as a normal day as my alarm went off and I knew I had to get up and going if I was going to make my delivery appointment on time. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes still lying in bed trying to get woke up I grabbed my phone to check the news for the morning. As I hit the internet button the porn site I was watching the night before appeared and a video of a big titty redhead caught my eye. Why not I thought to myself as I reached down in my boxers and wrapped my hand around my...
This little encounter takes place before I married my lovely and very understanding wife. These days she and I often talk about it as a “what if...” as in, “Would I do it again?” “Would she do it?” “What might we do instead?” “Is there a way to make it more fun?” “Do you still have her number?” I should mention that it also occurred before the plague of “risk assessment experts” with their rules, black boxes and cameras have made my workplace less fun. At the time I was driving a delivery...
“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that, I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut.Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A thirty-six-year-old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men.I’m what you...
Gay Male“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A 36 year old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men. I’m what you would call...
You've been driving in your black silverado for 3 hours on your way to your friends cabin for the weekend. You're looking forward for a weekend of adventuring and drinking. After downing 4 mountain dews and a few burritos, duty calls and you stop at the truck stop rest stop. You walk in and there's 4 stalls and 6 urinals. Here's the bathroom setup: Stall 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 1 Stall 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 2 Stall 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Gayhello everyone my name is Gina. im 5'11" 195 lbs and im a trucker and this happened 2 years ago. I had just made my delivery for the week and my dispatch said I didnt have another load till monday so I could head to my pickup but couldnt get till monday so I had a long weekend. I usually post on craigslist to the city that I will be stopping at each night looking for some fun and tonight was no different. I started to my pickup because there was a big truckstop along the way with 100 parking...
Driving through St. Louis I decided to make a pit stop at a convenience store, because I had to pee. The place didn’t look any different from the hundreds of similar stops, but it changed my life. Walking inside, I rushed past the front counter to the men’s room, which was unlocked. Despite my urgency I didn’t bang open the door, but pushed it slowly, and as it opened I saw the back of a man who appeared to be just cleaning up. His shirt tail was out and his pants were partly down. But as I...
So nearly every night of the week, after it is late, i go down to the truck stop. I had been doing this for quite sometime but i had never encountered anyone who was interested. My routine was to simply go and sit in the bathroom and wait. This night however was different. I had never even been with a man yet, but i wanted to badly. I was doing my usual thing, just waiting in the stall when i heard two men come in. They sounded like very rugged men, and reaked of cigarettes and gasoline. At...
GaySo it was dinner time and sucking cock ! it one of your five a day xxxxxx he had the most wonderful tasting cum I sucked him until he went limp then wiped my chin and licked clean my hand xxx got changed and went back to workI could not concentrate thinking of that or more cock xxxxx after work I got changed into my office slut look nice big tittys red lacy bra and thong tiny skirt smart jacket that did not cover my tittys very well platform killer heels and blonde wig xxx got to the truck stop...
I pulled off the major highway that ran though my city into the highway rest stop. The rest stop outside of town had been a place that was well known to be very active at night with men looking for fun with other men. Trucks would stop through for "road head" and local married guys would discreetly hook up and explore their wilder side in anonymity.The place was typically dark, and could be dirty and filled with bugs if the weather was hot but it never seemed to be too nasty to keep the men...
I walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin’ buddy, Hank. I hadn’t seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths. ‘So, how you doin’ good buddy?’ he asked. ‘Not bad. Though I sure am looking forward to a night on a real bed. I haven’t been getting much shuteye. I’m a big guy and it gets pretty cramped back in that cab.’ ‘Yeah, I remember how ‘big’ you are all right,’ Hank said with a lewd smirk, winking at...
The freeway was mostly empty as Michael drove Nicole back to her home. The couple didn’t get to see each other alone that often, mostly hanging out at the mall or the gym. Michael’s mom didn’t like the couple being at their home alone and Nicole’s home was busy being totally cleaned and fixed up. Michael focused on the road ahead as Nicole undid her seat belt and slid across the bench seat to cuddle next to her boyfriend. “I hate that the trip home is the only time we are alone,” Nicole said to...
My girlfriend and lover Candi and I were driving back to her place for some steamy tranny sex after a night of partying at a tranny/gay bar in town when we passed a truck stop on the highway. Buzzed and horny as we were, we laughed about stopping in the lot and doing so hookin’ as a means to get us some trucker cock. After a minute or two of silence, Candi said lets do it and before I could answer she was turning back for the truck stop! Candi and I are both bisexual crossdressers and we pass...
As the two hiked up the steep hillside, Richardcouldn't help but wonder why they were spending somuch energy climbing up the side of the mountain. Hisanswer came as they rounded a corner providingspectacular views of the valley and hills around them. Views which photographs can never capture the intensebeauty and internal sense of peace from actually beingthere. They hiked for nearly two miles. Much of thetime in dense forest with no view and very littlesunlight. Richard was getting tired...
The freeway was mostly empty as Michael drove Nicole back to her home. The couple didn’t get to see each other alone that often, mostly hanging out at the mall or the gym. Michael’s mom didn’t like the couple being at their home alone and Nicole’s home was busy being totally cleaned and fixed up. Michael focused on the road ahead as Nicole undid her seat belt and slid across the bench seat to cuddle next to her boyfriend. “I hate that the trip home is the only time we are alone,” Nicole said to...
Oral SexAs I would touch myself my cold finger tips rubbing my clit sending all those good sensations, I remember the truck ride with my boyfriend. We go for coffee and drive around. As we drive around the sexual tension builds. Wetness creeps between my legs and an obvious bulge in his pants. We pull off into a secluded wooded area. Grabbing me and placing me on his lap. Our tongues dancing in each others mouths. His hand grabbing my head pressing me deeper into his kiss as his hand reaches for my...
Straight SexI walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin' buddy, Hank. I hadn't seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths."So, how you doin' good buddy?" he asked."Not bad. Though I sure am looking forward to a night on a real bed. I haven't been getting much shuteye. I'm a big guy and it gets pretty cramped back in that cab.""Yeah, I remember how 'big' you are all right," Hank said with a lewd smirk, winking at me. I...
This is a short story that took place, when I was on my way back from a short visit to Cincinnati, Ohio, to see some old friends of mine. This really happened, and I still find myself remembering what took place over and over again.I got a late start getting on the road to get home, so by the time I started getting close to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, I was getting tired. I found myself pull into the rest area, just south of Ft. Wayne. It was after midnight, and there were only a few trucks in the rest...
Adam stepped off the school bus, walked through the driveway and entered his home. He threw his school bag onto the floor and stomped his way upstairs, tired and fed up due to yet another boring day in high school. They do nothing but pile work on top of you in senior year. He barged through his bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him and it was then that he found it. Laying there on his bed was a stopwatch, placed right in the centre. "Mom?!" Adam called. "What?!" his mother replied from...
Mind ControlEdited by Dave Lori was sitting alone in the small conference room waiting for her partner. She had the big monitor plugged into her laptop and was doing a little online window shopping before their meeting. Eventually, she heard the door open and her business partner, Brent, take a chair to her right and in back of her. "You're late," she said without turning around. "There was an accident coming down this morning." "Sounds like you stayed in Lahaina and needed one last blowjob this...
I was traveling down a very popular roadway in my college town, when I spotted this handsome young man in a pair of short pants jogging along the sidewalk. I quickly turned my car around and approached this magnificent young nubile body and watched as his butt bounced and muscles in his legs tighten and relax. The young thing went on to the local high school athletic field, I found an entrance and park. I got out and went over to the fence and watched as this beauty jogged around the quarter...
I was traveling down a very popular roadway in my college town, when I spotted this handsome young man in a pair of short pants jogging along the sidewalk. I quickly turned my car around and approached this magnificent young nubile body and watched as his butt bounced and muscles in his legs tighten and relax. The young thing went on to the local high school athletic field, I found an entrance and park. I got out and went over to the fence and watched as this beauty jogged around the quarter...
He couldn’t believe his good fortune. She had turned her back, and he had the presence of thought to bang her in the head. She crumpled to the ground, and He checked her pulse to make sure he hadn’t overdone it. This was his first time using such force, and he wasn’t sure how far he could go. She still had a strong pulse but was sure to have a headache when she came around. All he could think of that moment was getting her in his truck before someone noticed her lying there. He grabbed...
As I would touch myself my cold finger tips rubbing my clit sending all those good sensations, I remember the truck ride with my boyfriend. We go for coffee and drive around. As we drive around the sexual tension builds. Wetness creeps between my legs and an obvious bulge in his pants. We pull off into a secluded wooded area. Grabbing me and placing me on his lap. Our tongues dancing in each others mouths. His hand grabbing my head pressing me deeper into his kiss as his hand reaches for my...
There are three things you have to know about us for this story.One is that I am kind of big; not fat, but barrel-chested big. Folks call me a bowling ball; I am 5'8" but I weigh about 210 pounds with a barrel chest (almost a "medical condition") that is a genetic gift of my ancestors - both grandfathers showed the same look at my age. I'm in my 30's, but I can beat my high school weight lifting records, which still stand. I am not a weightlifter, but I keep fit. The second thing is that my...
I woke up and saw the morning light filtering through the curtains. An arm lay across my side. I was laying on my side and turned to look back at my companion. He was still asleep, his youthful features innocent in sleep. I grinned and eased out from under his arm. I rolled out of the full-sized bed that my big recreational vehicle's bedroom held and stood up. My cock was semi-rigid with the need to piss. I was stark naked as I padded quietly from the small bedroom, down the short hall to the...
The Stopwatch "So, here is the way this will work," she said matter-of-factly. "I will start the stopwatch when you enter me and you have to hold back from cumming for 30 seconds, or else you then have to eat me out! Deal?" "I think I can do that," I replied with some trepidation. I'm not sure when the last time was that I actually lasted as long as 30 seconds, but I was going to do my best to get there. "OK, before we start, I want you naked," she said. I disrobed and stood in...
Thunderstruck by Arcie Emm They had not been completely sober, Alex the Dropout having snuck them a twelve-pack in exchange for a six-pack of his own, when the idea had come up. And though nobody remembered exactly whose idea it was, each remembered that Dylan had drunkenly agreed to it. The next day, after sobering up, it had not taken him long to realize the idiocy of the idea. Therefore, he spent the next week protesting that there was no way that he was going to follow through....
I was 18 when I fell in love with my best friend. His name was Tony and we’d known each other since we were 5. And I wanted him from the first moment I met him. Yes, at five I knew what sex was, and it took me 13 years to get it. Every Friday night my dad would go bowling, and every Friday night from the time I was thirteen I would sneak off somewhere, so that we could make out. But once I turned 18, everything changed. One Friday we were coming back from my Uncle Dale’s house, and my parents...
I was 18 when I fell in love with my best friend. His name was Tony and we'd known each other since we were 5. And I wanted him from the first moment I met him. Yes, at five I knew what sex was, and it took me 13 years to get it. Every Friday night my dad would go bowling, and every Friday night from the time I was thirteen I would sneak off somewhere, so that we could make out. But once I turned 18, everything changed. One Friday we were coming back from my Uncle Dale's house, and my parents...
Trucker’s AwakeningBy: Londebaaz Chohan Kuldeep Singh was truly startled by such sexy female voice on the other end of the phone; asking him; If he was alone at that time. He hesitated a little, not knowing, what was going on; who was calling or what the shit was all about but then he calmly answered that yes, he was alone. Now the same, very musical voice asked, if he could help her. That was not easy to answer but by now, he was also in a mood to play the game, if it were a set up or a game...
I have decided to visit my friend in Canada. As I cross the border into Canada I give a holler to my trucker friend letting him know Iam a four hour drive from him . As I am nearing his home town my phone buzzes I have a message markedurgent ,I pull off the road to read my message it seems my trucker isin a bit of trouble and needs my help this time . I call asking what I can do he preceded to tell me he is stuck out at duck pond ,giggling I remember this is where we first met he tells me to...
Suzy and I kept in touch by email for the next month or so and finally I got another delivery to Albuquerque. I let Suzy know when I was going to be there and we made a date to meet at the same bar across from the truck stop. I violated several speed limits for a couple of days so I could get to Albuquerque ahead of schedule to have time enough for a nice evening with Suzy. I offered to get a motel room for us so we could be more comfortable but she said, “No, I really like your truck. And, I...
Straight SexWell the girls that I recruited for the slut business are doing good! They seem to enjoy their work trying to milk every big black cock that passes through. The only problem so far is keeping them from giving their sweet young pussies away for nothing. The pimp has to stay on top of that all the time so that it doesn't happen. The girls will let some big dicked trucker talk them into a free fuck saying that they just can't afford it and laying some sad story on the girl. He will if he finds out...
We've all heard of those ladies of the night that have been rumored to roam truck stops seeking out lonely drivers. Affectionately known as "Lot Lizards", "Pavement Princesses", "Sleeper Leapers", they tend to move from truck to truck soliciting drivers seeking money for sexual acts, drugs, or even a ride down the road.Just like regular street hookers, each of these ladies has her own reason for doing what she does. Some suffer from drug addictions, some are homeless seeking a warm place...
MoneyIt was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...