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Sub*lime ©2004

"I usedto always catch you staring at me," my friend said casually.

I took a sip of the margarita Ihad ordered, gulping it nervously. Of course he had constantly caught me,and though my face would grow hot with embarrassment each time, he'd onlysmirk nonchalantly and continue on with his activities.

"I liked you, even then," I quietlyoffered.

He grinned. "Well… I likeyou, too. Do you like your food ?"

"It's very good. How's your shrimp?"

"Too bad you're allergic to them,they're great."

Returning his smile, I wonderedwhere our little supper date would end up. Even though I knew it wasn't tobe romantic, I had still done some special preparing for it. That afternoonI went to a local lingerie boutique to purchase some exotic underwear justin case we ended up together in a bedroom.

I browsedthe aisles for something that would flatter my body; I had been kick boxingfor a couple of months but was still unhappy about my skinny, unshapely legs.I chose some black garter stockings to enhance them and a lacy red bra thatunlatched from the front.

I wasnear the panty rack when I noticed a mannequin wearing a dominatrix costume.Fascinated, I took in her leather mask, her satin bustier, tight black skirtwith riding crop stuck into the waistband, and her thigh-high boots. I feltan unusual desire emanate inside of me and momentarily thought about buyingat least the boots and crop. I licked the corners of my mouth as I continuedto marvel at the statue. Then, instinctively, I looked to my left at a manin the bikini section. He was grinning sleazily at me, baring a snaggletooth,tobacco-stained grin. With that, I hurried to the checkout line.

The meal with my friend was goingpleasantly. We talked about the same things we always did and our platonichonesty remained intact. I asked him, "You have any other hobbies?"

As he explained them to me, I studiedhis face, which was quite unremarkable. I couldn't understand why I was sovery attracted to it. He had dark brown hair cut into a nondescript styleand boring brown eyes that finished off his average appearance. I smiledagain as I thought of how perfect he'd fit in the lawn care department ofLowe's. As he returned my grin, I wondered what his true opinion of me was.

I focused on finishing my food.More than his looks, though, I liked his sociable, down-to-earth personality.He liked to act as a teacher to those around him and had an unmistakableauthority to him. It intrigued me. Being a teacher was like being in controlof the person one was talking to and that was what initially turned me onto him. It was easy for our friendship to develop once he began to assistme with my tasks.

A couple being led into the eaterypassed our table and as they caught sight of us, their eyes widened in momentaryshock. I'm sure that my friend noticed it along with me.

He took a pregnant pause and confirmedmy assumption by asking, "Have you ever done this type of thing before?"


"You know.Go out somewhere with a white guy."

I wipedmy mouth with a paper napkin and softly said, "I've done just about everythingthere is to life at this point."

His eyebrows lifted. " Every thing?"

"Well, everything vanilla ."

He onlyresponded with his smirk. I wondered if he knew what vanilla meant in thecontext I was using it in. Soon, I'd get the answer.

"What about the type of women you'vedated?" I asked.

"I've been pretty conservativein my life about that."


"I've had… experiences,though."

I absently stroked my bottom lipwith my thumb and perked. I felt comfortable enough to ask, "With who?"

His demeanor didn't change. "Afew black prostitutes I picked up when I was serving in the military."


"Yes. But they weren't anythingspecial. Most of them just laid still underneath me and kept asking if Iwas almost finished."

"I see."

"It's so much better when a womanis with me to enjoy it, not for any other reason."

"That's very true."

He eyed me for a while, and I thinkhe was being so straightforward to test me. I just suppressed a beam, enjoyinghis candor as much as a juicy piece of gossip.

By the time we entered his homethat evening, the sun had all but lowered and the moon was out in the grayingsky.

"Do you date a lot?" he asked,locking his door behind us.

"Not a whole lot, like once a month."

He prepared mugs of coffee forus while I looked up at the early stars from his slide door.

"What about relationships? Haveyou had many?"

I sipped the cappuccino he handedme. "No. The ones I've always been in have been short. And unhappy."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What'sbeen the problem?"

"I don't know," I answered whileremembering how I got no joy or real sexual satisfaction from any of them. "Howabout you?"

"I've had some good relationshipsover the years. When I found the kind of woman I like."

My cheeks warmed. I didn't thinkto ask him what kind of woman he was speaking of. I nursed my drink and mulledover how hard sex and relationships were for me, though I regularly achedfor them both. I didn't think that this night we were sharing would be anydifferent. I was just obsessively drawn to him and wanted to consume as muchof him as possible, even in the ultimate way. I hoped I wouldn't get so nervousthat I'd be uptight and not able to do or experience anything. I had drunkquite a bit of tequila so I was feeling bold, but I knew one frown from himwould destroy my augmented self-confidence.

We werein his home office, near his desk. He kissed me for the first time there.His cologne danced into my nostrils and relaxed me more. His arms were aroundmy waist and my breasts squeezed against his chest. I hesitated for a second,drawing back, but he held me tighter and slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

"Feelsgood?" he asked, his face but an inch from mine.


Then hesuddenly loosened his embrace and shoved me roughly into the desk. I gapedat him, frozen. His expression was dark and my heart leapt curiously. I glancedat his front door.

He yankedmy shirt and bra up, then carefully bit my right nipple. I gasped while myhands clutched the shoulders of his shirt in case I had to keep him at bay.But to my relief, he remained gentle, and I found the slight pain from histeeth was actually making me aroused. My chest heaved as he switched to lickingand sucking my breasts. He undid and lowered my pants and with the sightof my garter stockings and naked pubis, his face lit up. He propped me onhis large desk and slid himself inside of me. I was surprised and pleasedwith how easy he pushed it in.

He movedin me with good even strokes which were slow at first. I squeezed and caressedhis smooth buttocks while feeling heat and contractions between my legs.Moans escaped my throat and it all caused me some embarrassment. He heldme tightly around my shoulders and pumped away, then quickly took a holdof my buttocks and we thrust together until our climaxes.

He kissedme once more then withdrew and untangled himself from me unceremoniously.He went to finish off his coffee and I was left in the office feeling spentbut awkward. My heart was also still slamming from the initial terror ofhis mood swing. I didn't know what to do next. I felt like a slut that hadjust been fucked in a back alley.

"Comesit with me," he said from his sofa.

I rubbedmy lips together thoughtfully and obeyed him. We lounged there together fora while. We watched TV. Then he said, "Come closer to me."

I meekly sipped from my mug anddid so. He embraced me and drew back to press his lips to mine. I savoredthe sensation as he repeated the action again and again.

He cupped my rear and writhed hiscrotch into mines. Feeling his penis pulsate against me, I gripped his backand parted my legs more. His living room was dim and quiet except for theTV, and I found his couch to be quite cozy and perfect for lovemaking. Butthen he took my right hand and pulled me up and towards the back of the house.

Once inside his bedroom, he gaveme a playful smack on my backside. I broke into a smile and he peeled offhis shirt and dropped his pants. Without asking he stared into my face andtugged off all my clothes. I was glad that he was being aggressive, dominant,and take charge with me. Like the biting it was giving me a euphoric adrenalinerush.

We kissed some more in his bed.My heart still thumped and I felt inadequate, but thrilled. He nipped atmy nipples again and stuck three fingers inside of me. When he attemptedto do four, I silently stopped him. He climbed on top of me and I held ontohim and thrust upward in pleasure with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Look at me," he said.

I made myself gaze into his faceand it heightened my arousal. He felt larger inside of me that time. Andhe fucked me much rougher, smacking his skin into mine and knocking the headboardagainst the wall so hard that I wondered if he was trying tohurt me. When the passion was over, he rolled his body from mines and thingswere quiet for a while.

"You liked it when I bit you," hestated it in question form.

My eyes opened and for the firsttime I noticed that his ceiling was stucco. "You scared me half to deathat first."

His voice was gentle. "I'm sorry.That was the was last thing I meant to do."

"It's okay."

"Did my teeth hurt?"

"Not too much."

"Did you like the pain?"

"It was… okay," I answeredwith carefulness. I didn't know where he was going with the conversation.

The fact that he had shoved mewithout reason was still on my mind, but I decided not to bring it up ifhe didn't. There was something more important that was bothering me, anyway.

"You know…" I started.


"I've never done this before. Imean, going home with a guy for the first time, and jumping into bed withhim. This the first time I've ever doneit."

"Why did you?"

"Well, we've already known eachother for a while now. It's not like we're strangers. We're friends"

"That's right. So why are you explainingyourself?"

"I justdon't want you to think that I'm a slut or anything."

"You'renot a slut," hestroked my hair, then added, "But I wouldn't mind if you became my slut.My obedient black slut."

He strokedmy hair once more then laid back in bed while I digested his last words witha furrowed expression. Then before long I was drifting off into a light,brief sleep.


Webecame closer over the next month. He craved intimacy and was very demandingof it. He often did whatever he wanted to me without asking while givinga pinch, nip, or shove to my body. Otherwise he'd give me orders to follow.I liked what he was doing and wasn't freaked out by it. I enjoyed followinghis commands, it turned me on. His treatment inspired me to one day reminisceto him about times I had asked past boyfriends to spank me and get kinkyduring sex.

"Well, I didn't ask them straightout," I told, "but I implied to them that it was what I wanted."

He peered at me with narrowed eyes. "Andwhat did they do?"

"They didn't take me seriouslyat all. Some even laughed." I blinked my eyes impishly.

"You… everthought about me spankingyou?"

"Mmmm,not really."

"Do youlike the idea now?"

My cheekswarmed and I smiled. I wouldn't look at him then.

"Yes or no. Does the idea turnyou on?"


He leaned back, then suddenly gotpensive. He interlocked his fingers and was silent for long moments. I watchedhim expectantly.

"Whatif I told you that I'm a Dom?"

My mouthparted and I fumbled for words.

"Do youknow what that is?" he asked coolly.


"Whatis it?"

"A… dominator."

He smiledslightly. My friend was very confident, controlling, and straightforward,especially behind closed doors, and yet at all times there remained his easygoing,mentoring demeanor. Therefore I stayed relaxed, though still surprised thatI actually knew someone who was into such a thing. I mean, spanking and pinchingwas one thing, but was he talking about extreme stuff like whips, chains,and piercing needles?

"That'sright, basically." He nodded. "Are you familiar with play?"

"N-no,not personally. I've seen things on TV about it, though," I answered witha quick shrug to appear sophisticated.

"Wouldyou like to have a session with me?"

"You mean… here? Now?"

"Sure. I want to. And I have everythingwe need."

"Well, I don't know you that well.I just couldn't…"

He placed his hand on my knee. "Youcan trust me. I'm sane, I'm safe. I was formally trained to be a Master andtake it very seriously."

I shot him a look. "Why didn'tyou tell me all this before?"

He stood up thoughtfully. "I didn'twant you running away from me screaming."

"I wouldn't have done that."

"I know."

"I'm notjudgmental."

He was staring directly down atme and I felt the pressure to make up my mind. I looked up into his eyes.

"Whatdo you want to do to me exactly?"

"I'll keep it light, okay? Youdon't have to worry," he replied in a soothing voice and started massagingmy shoulders. Warm goosebumps flooded my upper body.

"You've trusted me so far, haven'tyou?"

"Yeah," I admitted.

"And I mean, if I were a psychopath,I would've done something bad to you a long time ago. Why would I wait solong?"

I remained silent and thought thatover. He began to fondle my nipples through my clothes. Stirring began betweenmy legs as my mind was struggling with ambivalence.

"Let's just try it once. If youdon't like it, I'll stop right away and we can go back to the way thingswere before this conversation, okay?"

He took my hand and pulled me up.I found myself walking with him to the bedroom. My heart was racing and stomachfluttering.

"Comeon, we'll pick out some things together ," hewas saying.

He went into his closet and beganlaying out his equipment, which I had never seen until that time. All ofit was high quality and I felt a little hurt that he had kept this side awayfrom me. My faith in him was shaken.

But I continued to go along. Hestood behind me and I felt like he was my father guiding me through somethingthat was unknown but ultimately beneficial and wonderful. He chose a leathercollar for me, a thick one that was black and had decorative steel chainslining it.

He placed it around my neck. Itfastened just like a belt and clung to me securely. In the middle of it wasa metal ring that he then attached a leash to. With that, I was already beginningto feel like his personal property. I got the same sensation as when I sawthe dominatrix outfit in the store.

We looked over his collection ofspanking tools: there were leather slappers, hand paddles, and small whips.He picked up a paddle that had a leopard-print surface.

He asked, "How about this one?Do you like it?"

I nodded. I was hesitant to counterhim even if I didn't agree. He grazed the surface of it along the right sideof my face while smirking.

"Take off your clothes."

I silently obeyed him and was leftstanding in my blue bra and panties. He chose a gray blindfold and placedit over my eyes. Sight taken away from me, my other senses got more acuteas did my anticipation of what he'd do next.

The paddle brushed across my faceagain, then traveled down the middle of my chest and belly. I swallowed hard.

"Do you like the way it feels?" heasked.


Abruptly it smacked against myleft buttock and I gasped as rapid stinging spread over the surface of myflesh.

"Yes, what?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir ?"

"Good, bitch," he praised, thenslapped my backside once more. "And don't forget it. Now put your hands behindyour back."

I waited to hear the clinking ofhandcuffs, but never did. He secured my wrists together with leather bandsthat linked with metal rings.

That'swhen my heart started to race faster. Tethered and without my sight or hands,I was totally vulnerable to him. I prayed that he indeed was trustworthyand sound.

"How doyou feel being so helpless right now?" he asked.

"Okayso far."

"What'sgoing through your mind, slave?"

"I'm wonderingwhat you're going to do next."

He tugged on the leash and I jerkedforward. "Come sit a while."

As I sat in his bedroom chair Icould hear him changing some of his clothes. I heard zippers zipping andlaces being pulled. Then he removed the restraints from my wrists. He yankedon the leash and I stood up.

"Get on your hands and knees likea good bitch… Good… Now kiss my motherfucking feet."

I reached my hand out to find them,patting the floor. He yanked the leash and slapped my buttock with his barepalm.

" Withyour lips ."

I puckered them and after somefumbling, found one of his feet. My lips pressed against the toe of his shoeand discovered that he had changed out of his sneakers. I felt and smelledleather as I kissed both of his feet silently, feeling like an exploitedpiece of garbage. But it was vaguely gratifying me. Amazed, I tried to decipherwhy I wasn't as offended as I should've been. Meanwhile, my crotch was stillstirring in pleasure.

"You like the way it tastes?" heasked huskily.

"Yes, Sir."

He stepped away from me and I paused;he tugged me towards him. I crawled to him and resumed kissing his boots.Again he stepped away and began to lead me around like a dog through thehouse. We came to his living room sofa.

He had me climb up on it. My elbowsand knees sunk into the plushness with relief. My backside was in the airand facing him. He took hold of my panties and pulled them upwards so theyacted like a thong. My cheeks fully exposed he began to lightly massage andcaress them with his hand, then thrash them each with the paddle.

The burn was intense. A moan escapedmy throat and he smacked harder as if to get a stronger response. I bit downon my bottom lip and relished whenever he paused to soothingly graze my buttockswith his fingertips.

"You like the way this feels, don'tyou?"

I winced and breathed hard. "Ithurts."

He whacked harder. "This can bejust the beginning. Do you want it to be?"

Right then I was smarting, butthe punishment was still satisfying a hunger somewhere inside me. I had beenright to ask for past spankings.

"Answer me, cunt."

"Yes. I would."

He hit me harder than ever beforeand I yelped out.

" Yes,what? "

"Yes, Sir ."

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Soon An Altered Fates Tale

Soon An Altered Fates Tale by Eric Thanks to Steve Z for editing as always. This is a little bonbon for the list and FM as a thank you for all the well wishing and cards. God bless and thank you very much. Part 1 Peter J. Peters, CEO of Peters and Company, was playing a round of golf with his friends at the Country Club. Besides all the usual banter about business and the lousy position of their balls after each tee, they were also complaining about their wives. "All...

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Cindy This is a story in continuation of the My first camping trip series. it features the same main character, Cindy, but takes place a few years later. Cindy was 14 now, a freshman in high school. 3 years had gone by since that first trip into her sexual life at this point, and physically, she had grown a bit. She was still fairly short and petite, skinny, 53, had long straight blond hair. She still wore glasses, now a style resembling that of Ashliegh Banfield from the news, black rimmed...

2 years ago
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The Goddessess Beneath Me

I watched Melina Salonika study her naked reflection, inspecting her so-called imperfections. Tall and statuesque, to my mind she was perfect. With brunette curls tumbling over her shoulders, soft golden brown skin, and a figure to die for, Melina exuded sex. And when she looked at you with those almond coloured eyes, she was irresistible.She raised her hands above her head and twisted her body from side to side. Her beautiful breasts did the same, swaying left and right like an erotic...

First Time
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my wifes secret unfinished

It has always been my greatest fantasy to share my sexy gorgeous wife Mindy - had some time on my hands so decided to start writing that story - any help finishing it would be greatly appreciated - MorkI can't believe my eyes! There on the screen in front of me is my shy but sexy wife Mindy moaning in ecstasy as she is being fucked by a hairy muscular guy. She is on her back in our big bed, her legs wrapped tightly around his body, her small feet resting on his ass as he pounds into her. The...

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Daddys Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl an original story by CutePatti Part 1 My name is Andy Wilkins. I'm a fairly normal middle-aged guy, or at least I was up until a few months ago when some very interesting changes happened in my life. I have a 16 year old daughter named Julie who I have been raising alone for the past 3 years, ever since that terrible automobile accident when my wife was killed. It was a traumatic time for Julie and me but we eventually recovered and had settled into...

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Scene Five at the Boarding School

I remember slipping out of Mr. and Mrs. L’s bed that morning after the Christmas Party, getting dressed and going downstairs. No one was awake yet so I found my panties, jeans and pullover in the room off the kitchen. I got my coat and gloves from the hall closet and quietly left the Dean’s home. As I walked home I was trying to understand just who I was. Am I still the sissy I love being or am I bisexual now that I've fucked a women? The rest of the winter passed with me being called to the...

Gay Male
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Brothers Girlfriend

My younger brother's 19 year-old girlfriend and her friends have always been really up for a good time. They were the girls at school who all the guys wanted to sleep with. They all dressed in the latest fashions and looked hot. They regularly stay out partying till all hours of the morning and arrived at our place a loud, drunken mob to sleep it off in our large living room. Tonight they arrived at our house again and, following some sort of drunken reasoning, decided to continue the party in...

Quickie Sex
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 42 The Sorrows of Her Changing Face

When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his...

4 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 10

8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...

3 years ago
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50 Shades of Asian Part 1

Author’s Note: Last year, I searched online for an erotic pen pal. Jackpot! A married, young Asian hottie in Colorado replied to me: ”Any interest in being a Christian Grey in a hot, kinky online email-only role play fantasy?” Yes! What follows is an absolutely real exchange between me and this pretty, slender, long-haired beauty. It’s in multiple parts.Me:I must say that the thrill is building. I really want to please you. I need to feel you out. Determine our parameters. Taya:I am actually...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ke Sath Khudke Ghar Me Sex

Hello everyone..Mera naam sachin hai and main nagpur,maharashta ka rehne wala hu.Main ek pvt company me kaam krta hu.Meri age 23 saal, dikhane main smart and handsome hu,height 6 ft and lund ka size bhi 6 inch.Maine abtak jitni bhi stories padhi hai muze to sab fake lagti hai..Sab apne lund ka size 7 ya 8 inch batate hai.Ab jyada bor na krte hue story pe aata hu joki ekdam real hai,100 %% real.Koi bhi nagpuri ladki,aunty ya house wife sex krna chahti ho muze mail kre ‘ ‘ par.Plz I request to...

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Robby Ch 03

Part Three – Valentine’s Day Laura Miller glanced at her watch for the millionth time, Jesus, time was standing still. It was Friday afternoon, February 13th, and she had an hour left before she could leave work for the day. Laura was not normally so antsy to depart, she had not become the youngest branch manager at the bank by being slothful. Tonight, however, she had plans. It had been an arduous week and she was ready to let her hair down. She shook her head in wonder. Imagine that, she...

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Cocksucking Servitude

My entire world is a wooden cell. It's about 16 feet long and 5 feet wide. The ceiling is too low for me to even stand up in. How long I've been here since my kidnapping, I wish I could say. I remember my graduation ceremony, and then going to a party. I remember downing a drink from a solo cup, not knowing what was in it, not even caring as dozens of other students from my class celebrated alongside me. That night we were all ready to throw our inhibitions to the wind. After the party,...

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PhoenixChapter 3

Two weeks passed, and we still weren't convinced we were ready. Mrs. Houhlihan came into our lives right about then, a slightly chubby but well-endowed brunette with a thorough understanding of what she called the Change Process. She'd studied ITIL, which was a 'best practices' library for the IT world, and walked us through what we were doing. It helped that we had the clone in place, and had been running it in parallel for all tthat time It was a bit disconcerting to see myself walking...

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Die Firmenbernahme

Mein Name ist Lars ich bin Ende Dreißig und bin Gründer eines gut gehenden kleinen Unternehmens. Vor kurzem wurde mir das alles ein wenig zu viel und, nicht zuletzt um mehr Zeit mit meiner Freundin Patricia zu verbringen, habe ich mir einen Teilhaber gesucht. Vor kurzem habe ich dann jemanden gefunden der mir geeignet schien. Wulf schien genau der Mann den ich gesucht hatte, nun das Kapital was ich mir erhofft hatte konnte er nicht aufbringen, aber die Chemie stimmte. Nicht nur zwischen uns...

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Secrets of Fathers and EmpiresChapter 5

January 20, 2024 The clock on the wall in Whitten’s study read 10:00 am, everyone was seated, and they had been waiting for Harrison to start the reading of Whitten’s will. Before he started he handed a sealed envelope to Blaire, who decided it be best to read it later so they could continue with matters at hand. There were a few perfunctory words, but for the most part, it was simple and straightforward. The will was dated a week before his death, which was, as Blaire would discover later...

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Sue gangbanged on holiday

Introduction: How Sue was gangbanged whilst we were on holiday in the south of France. My wife Sue and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper...

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Long lost cuz part 21

So there we were out to dinner with 3 of our friends growing up. We were all sitting around the table chatting and waiting for food. Suddenly Becky drops her phone under the table."Scott, can you get my phone please i dropped it under the table and it bounced over by you? " not thinking anything of it I tried to reach it but was unable to. So i excused myself and slid under the table. I grabbed the phone and looked up and there right in front of me was my cousin's beautiful pussy! She had her...

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My Passionate Teacher Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, This is Sravya penning down my experience for the first time is ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m what many people like to call a bitch, and beware I’m not a slut(if you know the diff). I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. This is a pure fiction and none of this ever happened. So, tagging again. I AM THE SLUT,aiming to raise your dicks(well, at least one) with the story. This is about a 22yo girl( me,...

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Fifth PlaceChapter 3

"Randy, your 4:30, Karen Sugarman, is here," said the voice on the intercom. I pressed the button on mine. "Thanks, Bev. Please show her in." I got up and walked toward the door. Beverly appeared, flanked by Karen. I extended my hand. "Hi, Karen, nice to see you again." She shook it and replied, "Nice to see you, too, Randy." "Bev, please don't buzz in unless it's urgent." "Sure, boss." Karen didn't see the leer Bev gave me before she closed the door. She took a seat on...

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My Nympho AuntChapter 12

The woman's body was still limp as Eddie kissed a path back up the unresponsive flesh, dragging his tongue upward across her belly and nibbling at the rib cage, then moving from nipple to nipple. His hands were also busy, trailing over the smooth, olive skin and fondling hips and thighs, learning the delicate shapings of them, the pliancy of Isobel's body, so lean and long. He dug the different structure of her body, the exceptional length of the limbs that set her apart from both his...

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The Cute Husband Of My Cousin Sister

I am Reshmi name changed 20 years old and I am going through beautiful life, just like dream. I just want to share the incident and the happening of my life with someone but cannot find anyone, whom I can trust on. So started searching e platform to write down the happening, finally I got ISS and today I will pen down all the happening of my life to ISS members. My elder cousin sister is 28 years old and currently staying in Kolkata with his cute looking husband who is about 32 oh! My dream man...

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Mr Music Please

I wasn’t there myself, but the story was all over town… About the time that the plane crashed into Empress Chili and the Ninja Twins went on their killing spree at the Lucky Star, Mommyrot who had been playing at the Plexiglass Onion mysteriously lapsed into My Name is Bocephus by Hank Williams Jr., which in turn lured Santa Claus and countless other innocent victims to a horrible death from a Nuclear Wastoid in a Garfield-covered package. Fortunately, the day was saved and everyone was brought...

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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 6

The eight of us were all sprawled out in the living room and a couple of strangers face down out on the lanai with their untanned backsides sticking up obscenely in the sea of fully tanned nudists. I didn't recognize them but their white buttocks marked them as newcomers to the nudist lifestyle like a signpost saying "keep an eye on this one". I remembered Eve treating my Nora shamefully and I hoped she was none the worse for wear. I looked around for my Kristy and Julie and saw their...

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More of Linda Weekend slave

Weekend Slavef-self, F/f, reluctance, mild humiliation Linda was really stuck this time.  She had placed herself in a hogtie via handcuffs placed around wrists and ankles and the linking chains crossed to complete the hogtie.  This did give her enough slack so that she would be able to squirm her way to the keys in the next room.To make the trip more interesting, she had placed a vibrating egg in her pussy, just turned to low to keep her constantly aroused, but (hopefully) not enough to cum. ...

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The Best Birthday Ever

I never thought I would be doing this but finally my dream was coming true, I promised to give Theresa not just the regular birthday, but a birthday she would never forget. Ever since Theresa announced she was turning 60 this year I suddenly saw her change; and not for the better either. She had become more private; what once was an active woman she turned into a hermit. Even her clothes gave you a clue she was not enjoying the next year. Theresa used to wear short skirts and tight jeans which...

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A Charlie Brown Christmas story

Introduction: A Charlie Brown Christmas story that would never make it on to TV. *Disclaimer: I do not own this story, just figured I would share* Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some...

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It Started in the BushesChapter 4

"Holy shit," said Blondie-blond looking at me. "He just showed up out of the blue like that?" she asked. I could tell that something about this situation had struck a chord with her. Perhaps there was some similarity between what I'd just told her and her own life. "I got up and just pushed past him," I told her as I resumed my story. I needed to get out of the house and find Darryl. I actually just left Ed, there in our house. I was so upset that I couldn't think. The one thing...

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Licking her cunt while another man fucks her

it seems so weirdbecause i've never wanted to have sex with a manor have my wife cheat on me but i keep thinking about licking her clit while some big cock fucks her pussyand my my tongue keeps going lower, licking his big cock while he fucks my wife, my tongue in between his cock and her clit, my hands probably holding his balls, his cum leaking out of her pussy into my hasnt always been like this. its never been like this.she's small and beautiful and faithful.i mean, that's what I...

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Daytime Dirty

Sorry it's been a while since my last story, omusalo tipis. The past few weeks have been busy af, and truth be told, I am forever grateful for my hyperactive imagination. Because if it wasn't for my imagination, I would have gone crazy a long ass time ago!! I've rubbed and fingered myself in my car in public during the day, and rub and finger myself when i'm by myself. ugh. i can't help it, i'm always horny.the following story is simply made up from my dirty ass, horny...

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Pados Wali Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hlw everyone. Thand bhari namaskar sbhi garam chuchi or chut ko. Me aaj fir apni khani likhne jara hn jo meri pados wali bhabhi ke sath hui. Kisi ne mujse mail me kha k aap regular story ku ni upload krte . To mera jawab ye hai k dost mai sirf sachi bat hi likhta hn. Jb bhabhi ko chodne ka mauka milta hai , to use bad likh deta hn kese hua wo sb. To ab story pr aata hn. Bhabhi ka into dedu , wo married hai ( obviously bhnco tbhi to bhabhi hai) , jawaan hai, 1 bchche ki maa hai, or mohalle ke...

1 year ago
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Steamy Windows

His lips touched hers and she submitted to him totally. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth and slid over hers; around her gums, her teeth. His hand slid down to her knee and then up her skirt, caressing it’s way up and down her leg, over and over again. Her hands were at his collar, franticly undoing buttons. He shrugged the jacket off and worked at her buttons, all the while intensifying the oral assault on her senses. The windows of the car were well steamed up now from the perspiration...

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I Call Her Jessie

I call her Jessie. Of course, that really is not her real name. It’s just a name I like to call her. She is my slave after all. I can call her whatever I want. It makes me happy. It pleases me.It also pleases me to tease her. Even torture her. Hell, I even do both at the same time. Like tonight.Jessie asked for it tonight though. Oh, she didn’t tell me herself. She couldn’t. Her mouth was gagged. Silently, she told me. I could read her body language as it hung there by all four limbs in front...


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