Bj?rk Gudmundsd?ttir Fan Gift Day : Faked IQ free porn video

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Björk Gudmundsdóttir fan gift day: faked IQ

After shared reflexion, Björk came to the conclusionthat her new "fan gift day" could be about something else than sex. Sex remindthe best thing, the one thing that drive her nuts and make her think, but there'smore to life than this. "Who knows, maybe some people care about my thoughts...",suggest to herself a deliriously naive Björk.

Inquiries from fans for the first edition of the "fan giftday" are rapidly flying in the Office of Elektra records. Most are too ridiculousto even be considerate : "I would like Björk to marry me!", "I want Björkto collaborate with Micheal Jackson", "What about a porno movie soundtrackfor a movie in which she plays a bimbo singer?", "Björk in playboy underthe title 'A pixie that just want to be a pussy!' ", "Björk should doan album all by herself", etc.

Thinking of giving up, Björk team is starting to receivemore interesting, realistic suggestions and wishes : " I would be happy ifBjörk accepted to act like a 2 years old for a whole year. Seeing my favouriteicelandic singer limited to her child side would make me love her even more!It's what she does best, no?, "My fav singer exposing her personal diary ormost private thoughts for several hours, in a series of features would be nice.,Doing an album in collaboration with me. I just bought these music softwares.Anybody can use them.", "Limit yourself to singing children music written forby real musicians", "Let your instinct control your mind. My inquiry is abstract,but i'm sure you know what i mean. You're almost there anyway..", "Realiseyour fans music ideas", "Show your fans what you've got in the head. You'rea strong, independant woman who have a lot of new ideas? Then, your IQ is probablyreally big! Several fans signed this paper to see Björk take several tests.The results should be sent to all the postal adresses bellow. We expect thebest results, nothing less. Björk is a genius!"

The last letter was the choice. Close second was the oneyear contract limiting the small woman to the intellect of 2 years old. Björkherself, really loved the idea of being infantilised. Isn't that ironic?

Soon, the most respected specialists were hired to analysethe way Björk's intellect worked. Several new innovative technologieswere used. Taking care of impossible tasks like evaluating the level of creativity,concentration in the best possible situations, these techniques could reallynailed down the quality of Björk most talked about, but little known cells.

The regular IQ tests, were then used as a back up tool,just in case something went wrong with the hi-tech ressources. Taking all thetests, answering all types of questions about all human discoveries, Björkreally did it all to please her fans.

Björk brain

After several delays dominated by heavy doubts, all of thescientists came to the conclusion that the final results were ready and impossibleto deny. Björk was invited to look at them. Unconfortable, confused, thecast of the labo looked at a smiling Björk with scared, deeply seriouseyes. "Sooo....Björk? Ugh! Ugh! Weeee have created a! ugh! analyse of your brain. Here-it-is" ; then the malaise of theintelligentsia caused by the extreme truths was liberated with a video...

"Björk's brain is a mistake of nature! Everything aboutit is wrong!! The blood circulation throught the cells is painfully slow. Thepaths taken by any kind of information in this brain are overly complicated,long and completly irregulars ; nothing even make sens about them. The spacebetween the cells is so thin that it often block the blood and create deepand expansive (getting worst with the age) thought interruptions. These interruptionsare also encouraged by a natural lack of electrical flow in the brain. Allhuman brains got a minimal set of features like a steady electrical flow, cellsof a certain size, regular activation of all parts in the brain, a pro-activefrontal lobe, and a superior overall weight. Björk's brain doesn't haveany of these features!! Instead, it work by accident. Occasional electricalshocks provocate some kind of thought that the subject can't really be awareof. Uneven cells (some are too broken to work, others are half-functional,but most are just plain absent) can allow a few parts of the brain to work.It's why several Björk's brain sections have never been activated andnever will be. On a certain level, all of these problems could be covered bya superior frontal lobe capacity. Unfortunatly, the frontal lobe examinated(in all kinds of activities), is rarely activated and when it is, it's accidental,totally random. The worst caracteristics are related to the brain weight whichis much lighter than normal human brains. Near the status of a gorilla intellect,Björk is obviously "the dumbest human being on earth." The fact that thiswoman is able to talk and read is some wonder! Somehow, Björk was ableto push her "habilities" to the maximum."

Completly pissed off, angry and out of control, Björkscreamed the loudest way possible, like a wild gorilla, to show her frustrations."Yougot to have the worst jokes ever in your field!!" Call me when you have somethingto tell me...", she replicated to people so convinced of their studies thatthey just couldn't even think seriously of calling back Björk ; talkingto this "person" was not serious anymore, for any rational human being.

To calm her down, friends directed her to toward the IQtests, the old fashion tools.

For the first test, based on 10 mathematics questions, 10sciences questions, 7 langages questions and 3 general knowledge questions,Björk got 0/30. For the second test, based on 5 mathematics questions,10 sciences questions, 10 langages questions and 5 general knowledge questions,Björk got 0/30. For the third, test, based on opened, creative questions,Björk was penalised for writting too much incoherent giberish, and endedup at -30/30. It was a new low for this exercise given to young childrens forbasic knowledge evaluation. The average for this test was 20/30. For a fourthtest, based on general logic, Björk was described as having "no logicat all", a status that the test creators only added to complete the "perfectlylogic" grade! And it goes on...

Björk brain?

Thinking of an organised manipulation, Björk calledup for new examinations of her intellect, by other people, with the previously,voluntarary avoided values for "concentration", "creativity" and the new option "socialstatus according to your brain quality". All IQ tests were avoided this time.Björk wouldn't want to go through all this work again. So sure that thenext results would be the "good ones", Björk accepted to send the soon-to-comestatistics about her mind to her fans.

"Björk's brain got the most inferior quality for ahuman being. It can barely handle education, any sort of intellectual work,thinking with an obvious direction. Switched on and off like a bad electricalinstallation, Björk's brain is always unsure, painfully slow and prettyuseless. Like the primitives, monkeys and gorillas, Björk is a curious,intriguing creature, but "it" share only a few things with real evolved humans.The thing that make it talk and read is the nature of the active cells. Thething that make it lack any sens of rythm and physical hability, confort (Björkis known for touching herself almost continuously like she's been giving herbody for the first time and is unsure whether or not it fits :,out of goofy walk and dance, is the damaged cells. These same cells are healtyin most animals heads. Somehow, Björk is smarter than most animals. Somehow,she is dumber. Her concentration is the one of a senil goldfish ("Shecan't sit still. She has the attention span of a senil goldfish." alreadyrecognised a hotpress journalist). Her creativity can only be imitation. Withthis brain quality, the subject should be retrograded to a domestic pet. Westrongly recommend, that the subject is keep caged in the labo for furtherscience developpements : Björk might be the first known case of humandevolution."

Destroyed, just like her friends of the past and fans ofthe past by the news, Björk nearly got a nervous breakdown. Then, sheheard that the first examinations and all the IQ tests results have been publishedby Icelandic governement in newspapers. "We've been convinced by argumentsof several specialists : the world most retarded human lifeform (it just can'tbe called a person anymore) is icelandic and is a celebrity! It can look likenegative press for our country, but it's not. Björk can make a great freakof nature. This thing will attract several tourists and make Icelandic famous!",written out the president of Iceland.

Too dumb to notice that you fake it

Hiding herself to keep people from capturing the nut case,Björk rapidly lose all her fans, friends. It became a fact of life thatBjörk was a laughable curiosity. So much that Björk herself slowlystarted to think that it might be true : "The fact that i don't realise it,only prove it."

Years later, now sure of the exceptional, abnormal low IQthat guide her, Björk figure out something for the first time in her entirelife : she've been totally dominated by her smart friends. Her IQ has beenfaked, built from A to Z. It took the medical approach to break the illusion.

Björk now remember real interventions of her intellectin the past. It's the opposite of the famous Björk : "My lovers arefriends before all. Friends I can sleep with from time to time. I have neverasked myself too many questions." (lesinrockuptibles ) , "If a doctorwould measure me, he would think I would have to have sex three times a day." (detailsof 1995), "Luckily I'm so stupid that I don't realise why. The only wayI can explain it is that I was in the right place at the right time." (smashhits), "Don'tblame me, I'm just an idiot foreigner." ( dotmusic ), "I'd be lyingif I wouldn't admit that I realized in a lot of things I'm a bit, sort of,stupid and slow. And it takes me about, kind of like, 10 years later than myfellow girlfriends in, kind of like...finding out about certain things, and...Iwould basicly say that, you know, I'm a bit, sort of stupid and a bit sortof slow, you know, and... I think it's lot to do with my...inability to..takein and learn about things with my brain. I kind of have to do it with my senses,is kind of all I got, really. And when you do things like that it takes ages,you know. And I, for example #like#, no way I can drive a car. I had a carfor one year and I think I crashed it, sort of…twice a month. And it'sjust to clever for me, you know, it's got no logic for me ." (swedishtv)

Björk suddenly remember the recent deterioration of her brain, after amemory blockage during a few years (the thought interruptions problem is gettingworst with the age) :

"And your reading just goes down the toilet. You startoff reading highly spiritual, good-for-the-brain things and by the end I'mjust reading about fucking and sex orgies." (Q, 1994), "You can havelike a sex orgy with dogs." ( sodamag), "It's not meant to be a strife,it's not meant to be a struggle uphill you're trying too hard, surrender, giveyourself in, you're trying too hard, you're trying too hard [...], it's warmernow lean into it, unfold in a generous way, surrender, surrender, undo" (Björk "Undo",from "Vespertine" - 2001), "i am strong in his hands, i am beyondme, on my own i'm human, and i do faults [...], i turn myself in, i give myselfup, volunteer, you own me : i'm yours, you have to trust it, i'm eternallyyours, all that i gave them, i gave to you, so needy of comfort, but too rawto be embraced, undo this privacy, and put me in my place." (Björk "GenerousPalmstroke", from Vespertine - 2001) .

True Björk = brainless bimbo

All of her fans of the past don't even remember the nameBjörk when the animal decide to reinvent itself as the "brainless bimbosinger". Happy with the commercial sucess, it can't see that all the peoplethat hated the previously-thought human for so long are laughing at the freak.Doing everything in their power to provocate Björk exposure, they transforma sex object into a professionnal humiliating jokes subject for talk-shows.Being seen by law as public domain with no human or even animal rights, Björkis kept naked and humiliated all day long. She's asked questions like these: "So, what do you want to do with your life, brainless?", "Do you know howto think?", "Do you like to be dumb?", "We've heard that you almost acceptedto live like a 2 years old for a whole year. Science tells us now, that itwould be a step forward for you?", "So, you are useless isn't it so?". She'sanswering, smiling and proud of her status : "I dunno anything. I would loveto fuck you now.", "mmm... I dunno anything :)", "Do you think it's good tobe dumb? It would really help me to have your advice. Because, i dunno...", "It'stoo hard to act like a 2 years old. I'm not that evolved :)", Björk thengiggles like the biggest slut, "Yeps!! I'm completly useless :) This is alli know...I can't understand the 101 uses for a Björk videos.This is stupid. Not like me, but...I'm sorry, my brain is dead now."

This document is 100% approved by a senil goldfish attentionspan Björk Gudmundsdóttir :

Copyright © 2003

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My Best Birthday Gift Ever

During my college years I never really had a girlfriend. I lived with my mother which was the cheapest way to get through college. My mother’s best friend, Helen, often came over to visit. I liked Helen. She was in her early sixties and in good shape for her age, nice skin, not too many wrinkles.She did however have the largest, saggiest tits I’ve ever seen. Helen did however have one nasty habit. When my mother was not around she would ask me the most embarrassing questions.”Do you have a...

2 years ago
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18th Birthday Gift By Closest Friend

Hi, guys, this is Bharath. The sex story which I am going to tell you happened on my 18th birthday. This is my first sex story so please bear my mistakes and don’t forget to give your feedback at I am 5″10′ in height with not so fit body with some chubby cheeks. My dick is 6 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter. Kavya(name changed) is my childhood friend we both studied in the same school from the nursery. We were separated in PUC. Since we were closest friends, we used to quarrel a lot. A...

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Daddys Big Birthday Gift for Tonya

Tonya was one of those girls that developed quickly. Her breast started growing when she was 12. Before her 13th birthday, she had full b cup beauties. They seemed to try busting though her to tight clothing. During her 13 year, her pussy hair exploded to the point her mother taught her to trim there. By her 14th birthday, she was a voluptuous looking vixen. Five feet tall 110 pounds, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Tits grow on her a full 32C. Well aware of her looks she used them to...

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Birthday Gift To Mom

Hello ISS readers this is Krishnan once again after a long time gap, from Chennai. It has become one and a half year since I posted my last story – Mom mercilessly fucked by me. During this one and a half year I fucked my mom at least thrice a week and she became pregnant two times, she abortion both time. First I want to introduce myself and the characters in the story for those who are all reading my stories for the first time. I am Krishnan finished MBA, the characters in the story are; my...

4 years ago
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Meri Fan Ki Chudayi

Hi friends this is sexy boy again…. And i m back with a new story of your choice……. Aapne meri pichli story ko bahut like kiya aur mujhe mails bheje…. Bahut saari ladkiyo ne to mujhse chudne ki bhi iccha jahir ki aur 2 ki to maine puri bhi kar di… Unhi mai se ek ladki ki story aap ke liye lekar aaya hoon… Meri mail id hai Jo log mujhe nahi jante unke liye bata doo ki mera naam hai sameer sharma height 5 ft. 8 inches and 7″ long and thick dick…..To ab story par aate hai…..Ye baat aaj se 2...

3 years ago
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Fan vs Selena Gomez

It is a hot day and Selena Gomez is getting tired and annoyed. She wants to go home and relax. After she autograph one of her old albums the next person came up, a fair looking man who looks to be in his twenties. He is wearing a shirt with one of her model pics. The one with her wearing a bikini on a blue matress with two big hoop earrings. “I’m a big fan” He tugged on his shirt to show her. "I can see that." She nodded. She was annoyed and slightly creeped out. Usually her...

1 year ago
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Birthday Gift By Girlfriend

Hi all, I am a regular reader of ISS. I would like to share my experience with you… First of all I introduce myself. I’m a 24yrs normal guy with 5.8 height with slim body and working as a software engineer in Hyderabad. I did my graduation also in Hyderabad only. This incident was happened as soon as got job in 2013. About the girl she my classmate in graduation, a good looking girl with good body 32-28-34. If any girl looking for sex relationship/night stand can contact me(). Also please...

1 year ago
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Muslim Widow Aunts Wonderful Birthday Gift

This story continues after Aunt Sheen becomes widowed and seduces me with a blowjob when I go to sleep at her home because she is all alone. Before I begin let me tell you a bit about me and Aunt Sheen once again. My name is Ali and I am the youngest of 3 c***dren to my folks. I come from a fairly conservative Muslim family. We live as a joint family with Aunt Sheen’s apartment on the top two floors of our huge house. I am 5 ft 10 inches, fair, light brown eyes with straight, jet black hair...

2 years ago
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The Best Birthday Gift

Hello guys, I am Rahul from India and now settled in the US. I am 25 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with rock hard dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex and you will feel the heaven. My family consists of my divorced mom and me, we lived in our 2 BHK house. My mom’s name is Banumathi and she is 48 years old now. She works as a teacher in a private school near our house. She is one of the beautiful women in the world. She is a little dusky in color. She...

2 years ago
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Chote Bhai Ka Birthday Gift Bade Bhai Ki Gand Part 1

Ye story hai Shahid aur uske half brother Ishaan ki. Shahid ek bisexual actor hai. Ye story tab ki hai jab Shahid ki shadi nahi hui thi aur Ishaan 18 saal ka hua tha. Ishaan apne mom aur dad ke sath rahta tha aur Shahid apne flat me. Shahid milta tha apne bhai se par is bar woh saalo bad mil raha tha Ishaan se. Aj uska birthday hai aur Shahid ko uske birthday ka invitation mila. Shahid sham ko 9 baje shoot khatam karke party me pahuncha. Sab log pahuch gaye the bas Shahid late tha. Shahid ke...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 3 Christinas Naughty Birthday Gift

Chapter Three: Christina's Naughty Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Christina Franks Everyone was staring at me. I felt the cameras on me, my cheeks growing redder and redder. I didn't like being in the spotlight. I preferred being back at my office in the White House, analyzing situations and reporting them to my mother, the president of the United States. It was what I was good at. Not talking to people. Why did I agree to do this interview? Leah...

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Gift On Birthday

Gift On Birthday By: Londebaaz Chohan Could I make you believe that my little sister Cindy was a devil? Even when she was very young, the puberty hit her like a bullet train and she would fill even her loose dresses with her plump body and either did not care what it did to me or did not know exactly how it affected me. Sometime, rather more often than not, she tried to walk around topless even though she had some great boobs. If I got a boner and covered it up, she was always confused and...

2 years ago
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Birthday gift from hot aunty

Hi friends, Dr nikhil sharma here for the first time.. Me 24 yrs old,6ft tall,fair,n 70 kg in weight,n from pink city,i am going to write my story for the first time, hope u will enjoy it, mail ur comments at so without making u much wait,let me start my real story, which happend with me on my 24th birthday. Her name is deepika,28, with 6 yr old child, lives in shillong,her husband is a businessman n most of the time he goes for the tour. We met on internet n started chatting, after...

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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me 8211 Part 2

Quick recap (I still strongly recommend to read the Part1): I (Imran) and my closest friend Shabuddin (Shabu) planned to fuck the brains out of my long term chat friend Meghna (Megi / Megs), on her 22nd birthday. She has the curves that even a man of 60’s could die for. I’m a recent pass out of a prestigious Engineering college and got a campus job in an MNC, with a great salary. Shabu is my classmate and childhood friend, who is also working in an MNC. We stay in Mysore and my would be bitch,...

4 years ago
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Got My Special Birthday Gift

First thankyou all for such great responses to my previous stories. You guys can chat with me on hangouts.Here now I am here to share my another sex experience.Which I enjoyed on my birthday as my birthday gift. The gift was from my best friend sweety.I am suresh working in bangalore.Sweety is my best friend from my schooldays.We both had sex before in her house. You guys can read it from my previous story”Best friends explore each other”. This happened last year on my birthday.It was my...

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Birthday Gift From My Sexy Bhabhi

Hey everyone. I am Varun 18 yrs old from Kanpur. This a story of how my bhabhi seduced me to fuck her. Her name is Ragini (real name). She is a sex bomb. She is white in colour with body measurements 34-26-36 of 29 yrs. She married to my bhaiya 3 yrs ago. Toh app logo ko zyada bore na karte hue mai apni story pr aata hu. Ye baat september 2016 ki hai. Jab mujhe kanpur se delhi jaana tha 1 week ke liye. Toh mere dad ne bhaiya se baat kri ki mai 1 hafte ke liye unke ghr pr aauga. 1 september 2016...

2 years ago
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VDay Per Bhabhi Ka Erotic Gift

Helo dosto. Mera naam nav hai. Mai ghaziabad se hu or 26 saal ka hu. Meri mail id Aab aata hu story pe. Dosto story thodi lambi hai. Puri padhna n kaisi lagi mail karna. Ye kahani meri or meri cousion bhabhi lovely ki hai. Jaisa naam hai waise hi darshan b. Dekhne me gori chitti, lambi, bahar nikli hui gand or kabhi2 gand me fasa suit. Moti chuchi or ghungrale baal. Bhabhi ki age 32 year hai or uski ek shop hai ladies undergarments n cosmetic ki. Mere ghr se 4,5 ghr chod k bhabhi ka ghr hai or...

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Irfan and Sahil

Irfan was lying on the bed in a relaxed mood. It was late night. He was getting a little bored. 'What should I do,' Irfan thought. Suddenly, Sahil entered the room. Sahil smiled at Irfan. Irfan smiled back, knowing he wont be bored anymore. Sahil sat besides Irfan and started staring him from top to bottom like a hungry slut. He asked Irfan seductively,'Am I allowed to play?' 'Sure,' was Irfan's reply. Sahil moved over his hand and started caressing the bulge in between Irfan's jeans. Slowly,...

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Birthday Per Diya Didi Ne Anmol Gift

Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....

2 years ago
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A Birthday Gift

Mayra looked at the clock. ‘Shit, it’s already 10am,’ I thought, grabbing my coat and putting it on. I grabbed my purse with my left hand as well as my keys, and the gift with my right. It was a cold and windy November morning: the 2nd, to be exact. I locked the door behind me and walked down the steps to my car. I opened the door and got in, ‘Shit! Why hadn’t I started the car before I got in it,’ I thought, ‘it’s really cold’. I started driving down towards the beltway, getting on 270...

1 year ago
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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me

NOTE: This is my first story. It comes in 3 parts the Prologue, Main story, Epilogue … It’s a long story to tantalize your senses. So, if you are NOT a lambi race ka ghoda, then this is not for you. ********* Prologue *********** Somewhere in Mysore in a large multi-storied apartment complex nearby the famous MNC … Woke up with a hard-on as was the case since I was 11! Felt proud of my manhood. At 23, I am a long boner among the people of my age. My hand automatically went there to soothe it,...

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Birthday gift

Birthday gift Soniya darling Mera app sebhi muth marne wale ladko ko namaste aur chut me uangle karne wale ladki yo ko mere khade land ka namaste.Maine is site per bahot se stori padhi hia to maine socha kyo na apna bhi anubhav likha jai. To mai apni kahani shuru karta hu. Sabhi landwale apna land hath me lekar halai aur chut waliyo apni chut me ungle dale aur kahani ke ant me pichkari marna na bhule. Ab mai jada bor na karte hui ap ko apni stori sona ta hu. Mera nam RAKESH hai mai amravati ka...

3 years ago
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Tiffani Takes Charge

TIFFANI TAKES CHARGE by Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This story is a sequel to "Holly, Tiffani and Me." I would strongly suggest reading "Holly, Tiffani and Me" before jumping into this story. Enjoy!!! ----- Morning found me groggily coming to, cradled warmly in Michael's lap, with my hand resting comfortably between his legs. My initial surprise was offset by fond recognition, and fonder memories, as I surveyed my body, admiring the...

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The anonymous birthday gift

At first i thought it was a joke from one of my friend, but the anal lube bottle and the pink panty with '' sissy '' font stamped in front made me drop the pink suction cock in the plastic package''wtf wtf wtf''is all i could say knowing too well it was made for a sissy to wear and fuck herselfi throw the gift box under my bed angry some one was making a bad jokebut after my birthday party that weekend , i didnt ear anyone talking of it drunk getting out of the uber alone and going staight to...

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Fan Girl

Fan GirlBy ninja5Chapter 1? ? ?The case had been thrown out of court on bad evidence.? It seems the detective in question had been a little too eager to convict me.? Still the ordeal had left me with an uneasy feeling that I was being watched.? People knew my face now.? I had had to move to London for that very reason.? In my old neighborhood I was a celebrity.? An unwelcome celebrity, treated like a pedophile, abused and spat at in my own streets.? In London I could hide among the crowd and...

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Best Possible Valentines Day Gift

Admittedly, I was rather late getting into the ‘dating game.’ It was just after Christmas Break of my senior year of high school when I had finally fallen in love with someone – a tall, glamorous beauty with a silky voice, eyes as deep as the oceans, and skin as white as virgin snow: Claire Mangelson. Suddenly, I realized that, for the first time in my life, I would need to buy a present for a girl who was not a blood relative I had known for years. The scary thing was that I had no idea what...

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Friday Night Fan FuckFest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Fan Fuckfest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

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Birthday Gift From Friend

Hi all, This is mohit again. This is my 4th story. Thanks for the response I got from u guys. It encourage me to right my 3rd encounter with madhuri on my birthday.Please give your feedback @ My previous story details: It is my birthday on 17th nov so I got calls from friends and family in night so slept late at night. I plan to bunk the office so that I can sleep nicely. But my sleep disturbed by ring at my door around 9:30 am. I was not expecting any one so I did not open door after 30...

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