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The weather was a real bitch; I had plans togo out today and spend all day outside of these walls, but the rain justwouldn't stop. Wind was pretty strong, too, filling my apartment with scentof soggy soil. TV? No, not tonight, I spend too much time in front of itanyway. So, I decided to surf a little; the net is always an interestingplace. After checking some interesting and some dull sites I ran my browserto a chat command; I wanted to find a new chat room; one I haven't visitedyet. And, of course, this resulted with thousands of different items; I shouldhave been more specific. Anyway, one address got my attention:

I expected to find some dull ladies chat aboutshoes from Armani or some other famous designer, and how they gave a fortunefor some sandals and bla, bla…but as I clicked something else cameup; chat server with titles like "BOOTLOVERS", "SOCKS AND PANTYHOSE", "FEETAND TOES","DOMINATION ", "TRAMPLING", "CBT", etc…Oho, I knew whatthis was; some kind of kinky site. I decided to log in and check out what'sinside, 'it may be interesting' I thought. So I entered my nick as "guest" andclicked on domination room. It took few seconds to log onto it and once Iwas inside a list of some really weird nicks came up: "slave4u", "stomp-me", "wormee", "tramplee", "Amazonbitch", "Raven", few nicks with Mistress in them and few with Master. Therewere some usual names like Bob and Sandra and a few more. I thought: 'I gotto check this out; I'll just sit there and watch'. And out of pure politenessI greeted them with a Hello, but no one seemed to be interested in replying.The page was idle for a long time; I supposed that these people are eitherreally shy or just waiting for known partners in chat. I wondered how andwhat they chat about

But I figured if it gets in action they'd probablygo private. Suddenly, after a few minutes, a picture popped out of nowhereand was uploaded by someone nicked "shrinky". Now, that picture was reallysomething; the view wasn't bad, but "shrinky" was really looking for trouble.And then, few comments came up like: "nice pic…" or "love that scale" anda few more. So, "shrinky" found some more pics and everyone was thrilled.After a while, "shrinky" stopped his work and, despite, of other callingfor more pics, he didn't reply, so someone concluded that shrinky was probablygone private with someone. And, everything went still again; I waited forsome ten minutes or so and was just about to leave when a private messagecame in from someone nicked "Morthina".

Hello! she said and I replied, 'Hello'. 'So,what are you looking for in here' she asked. I wasn't really looking foranything so I didn't know how to reply, but I figured it was best to be honest.'I am not looking for anything' I said; 'I came in by coincidence'. She wasidle for some time and then, 'oh really…that's why you're here foran hour already'. An hour? I never realized so much time went by. 'No…really,it's my first time in here; I'm still not sure what's this all about' andbefore she replied I continued, 'I thought that this was some kind of shoeschat, but I see it's not; I was just curious to see what's going on in here'.

'I don't think I believe you' she said, 'Ithink you're just shy'. Now that was stupid so I said, 'Why would I be shy;we are on the net, remember. I am not shy, I'm telling you, this is my firsttime here and I don't see a reason to lie, do you?' I decided to make ita little more interesting so I said; 'Maybe you could educate me about whatthis is all about, ha?' I waited for her reply for some time; she was probablyfiguring weather to believe me or not. 'I don't know' she said, 'if you'rea virgin you may not like it and I am not really a patient person.'

'A virgin? I am not a virgin, what gave youthat idea?' 'Well, you are in here for the first time, aren't you; so, you'rea virgin.' 'Yeah…well, look, I am not that ignorant; I know what thisis about basically, it's just that I've never had a chat like that before.I saw those pics before, too.' She was idle again for a few moments; I supposedthat she was dwelling weather to lose her time on me or to just ignore meand find someone handier to whatever these people were doing here.

But after a while she asked, 'did you likethose pictures that guy uploaded earlier?' I wasn't really thinking anythingabout them then so I said, 'well… I cannot say that I like them ordislike them. Anyway, what about your nick? Is that your name or what?' 'No,of course not, it's just a nick I invented…and speaking of nick, Ithink you should exit the room and change your nick; there are too many "guests" inhere already.' 'Ok' I said, 'It's just that I can't think of any appropriatenick for me; looking all these nicks in here it would be stupid to put justmy name or something' 'Ok…maybe I could help you with that…'now, I couldn't wait for which nick she'd come up with. It took her at least5 minutes, maybe more, and finally she said, 'how about "newbie"?' It waskind of appropriate, considering I was new in here. 'Ok then' I said andclicked myself out just to reenter with a new nick.

'Ok, I am back! So…what now?' 'Well…let'sjust chat for a while' she began, 'then, we'll see; I want to exchange someinfo with you.' 'Ok, shoot!' And we began our session.

Morthina: doyou know how to post pictures in here? If not, I'll explain it to you;it's nice to have pictures while chatting.

Newbie: ok,so tell me how.

She explained me how todo so and I wrote it down.

Morthina: tellme…how is your sex life?

Newbie: well,aren't we direct or what!

Morthina: whatdid you expect, ha? You're not on some teenage date here.

Newbie: ok,ok…my sex life is ok, I think…you know, just average I suppose.

Morthina: Ts,Ts…sound dull. You have any secret fantasies? And don't lie to me;I'll know if you're lying and I'll just split.

Newbie: ok,I had no intention to lie; I have some fantasies, everybody does. I alwayswanted to end up in bed with two women.

Morthina: That'sa start. Had any fantasies about older women when you were young?

Newbie: yes,I suppose I did have some. But, maybe I am still young, what do you know?

Morthina: Idon't and it's not very relevant. So, tell me about it.

Newbie: well…Ialways dreamt of one of my mother's friends; she was much older then me,but very hot. I fantasized being with her in all kind of nasty situations,but, of course, it never happened.

Morthina :Hmm…ok, do you maybe have a pic of you inside that computer?

Newbie: no,I am afraid not. Do you?

Morthina: yes,but since you don't have one, I am afraid I cannot post mine, then.

Newbie: ok,never mind. Maybe you could tell me about your sex life and your fantasies.

Morthina: Yeah…well,my sex life is not so good either; you see, things that get to me is hardto find, I find them mostly in here, but it's not much.

Newbie: ok…andwhich are those? I mean your fantasies and all?

Morthina: Iam not sure that you'll like this, it's not really just an ordinary sexualfantasy; still want me to continue?

Newbie: sure…Ican always disconnect if I want to.

Morthina: okthen, I like to dominate men; I like them totally submissive at all time.Want more?

Newbie: yeah,go on.

Morthina: Ilike to be in charge, totally in control…sometimes, I am a littlesadistic to them, too.

We were both idle for awhile; I didn't know how to react and she waited for my move.

Morthina: nowI scared you, didn't I?

Newbie: no,not really…it's just that I don't know what to say or think…

Morthina: stillwant to continue this?

I was curious, but I figureshe knew that already .

Newbie: yeah,why not, go on.

Morthina: ok…so,tell me how do you see me now; better yet, post me a pic of how do youimagine me and I'll do the same for you.

Newbie: hmm…ok,but I need time to find one on the net.

Morthina: that'sfine, go look for it…

It took me a while to findone, let's say appropriate picture, as I never did it before. Finally I foundone that would match the description so I uploaded it as she instructed me.

Newbie: hereit comes…

Morthina: goodboy, you hit the spot from the first

Newbie: Iam glad you like it.

Morthina: ok,now is my turn. Ready?

Morthina: tellme something, how does it feel when you imagine your self, kneeling helplessin front of a powerful woman. What kind of feeling do you get? Are youaroused, or maybe afraid?

Newbie: Iam not sure…I mean, it does arouse me a bit but I don't think Iwould want this to happen in real life.

Morthina: well…Ithink we're getting somewhere now.

Newbie: ok…so,why don't you tell me, what would you want to do to me? Or what would youwant me to do?

Morthina: well,it's not that simple; I cannot just list it like that. For that we shouldplay a game.

Newbie: ok,let's play. But first I need to know how; I don't know what to do, really.

Morthina: it'seasy…I'll describe what I am imagining and you'll just imagine thesame and reply what you feel.

Newbie: ok…so,let's try…

Morthina: well,let's imagine that we just met…in some bar or something. We don'tknow anything about each other, yet…only that we both are lookingfor some action.

Now, I am a redhead; long strait red hairand I am 6'2" high; green eyes; 178 lbs…can you imagine me now?

Newbie: yes,I can, you are a big lady. Are you handsome, too?

Morthina: yes,very handsome…

Newbie: okthen, now me. I have brown hair, short, I am 6'2" tall and I weight 183lbs. I am in good shape, too, working out, you know.

Morthina: yes,that's really nice…it's just that I don't really see you that way.

Newbie: no?Well, what do you mean? I mean…how do you see me then?

Morthina: well,everything is fine except…I see you as a 5'2" and weighing some163 lbs.

Newbie: youwant a dwarf??

Morthina: hmm…nota dwarf, but I like tiny men .

Newbie: ok,lady…whatever you say.

Morthina :that's more like it. Ok…so, would you like to go somewhere else?

Newbie: somewhereelse? What do you mean?

Morthina: weare in the bar, remember!

Newbie: oh,yes…yeah, sure, let's go!

Morthina: Ihave a great place of mine; it's on 6 th ,would you like to see it.

Newbie: youbet I would.

Morthina: ok,so we take your car and we are already there; now relax, make yourselfcomfy while I get some drinks for us.

Newbie: ok,I am on the couch .

Morthina: Ijust brought us two glasses of wine; so we are sitting on the couch justtalking. How do you like your wine?

Newbie: it'svery nice; this place looks good, too.

Morthina :I am glad that you like your wine…but, it kind of makes you dizzy,you know, tired, like you could just crash down right now, doesn't it?

Newbie: oh,I see…ok, yeah, I feel really sleepy; like something was in my wine…

Morthina: that'sright…just go to sleep, here, stretch your self on the couch.

Newbie: passedout.

Morthina: hmm…gotyou right where I want you. (Onehour passed)

"WAKE UP!", youhear my voice as you come out of sleep, still feeling dizzy. Once you'reawake, you feel that your hands are tied behind your back; your feet arecuffed, too. There is something on your eyes, so you cannot see anything.

Newbie: Ifeel helpless and a little scared; I don't know what's going on.

Morthina: youfeel a little cold; that's because you're completely naked. Now, I justcame closer and removed that blindfold from youreyes: "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Iraise my voice a bit.

Newbie: ok,I won't …

Morthina: no,no…its 'ok, I won't, Mistress', from now on! Do you understand that?

Newbie: yes,ok…

Morthina: "YES, OK…MISTRESS", Iyelled at you and pushed you on the floor with my right foot. Now, howdo you feel?

Newbie: scared…Mistress.Are you gonna hurt me, mistress?

Morthina: Idon't know yet, maybe…and don't ask too many questions, I don'tlike that! I am coming around the bed; you can hear my spikes taping onthe floor. I am looking at you…ok, you can, now, look at me.

Newbie: Iturn my head slowly and take a look at you standing above me.

Morthina: whatdo you see?

Newbie: well,I see a big lady in high heels, some black dress and…I don't know…

Morthina: Youdon't know, ha? Ok, I'll help you with a pic, here it comes…

A really weird piece ofartwork came up

Morthina: getthe picture now? Ok, you're not that small, not yet…

Newbie: isthat a whip you're holding, Mistress?

Morthina: yes,it is…and better don't make me use it… (Ijust removed the cuffs from your ankles), now,stand up! Come closer; I'll put this collar around your neck…

Newbie: yesmistress .

Morthina: lookaround the room! (you can see that this is no ordinary room; I've got someshackles hanging on the wall, on the other side I have different toys andone closet; inside that I keep my wardrobe and my footwear; in the cornerthere is a special made wooden box with a seat on top of it. This is myplayroom.

Newbie: yesMistress, I can see all that, now .

Morthina: Good.Now, the rules: since we are playing on the net first rule is this: ifI am not happy hot things are going down I will just leave and quit playing,ok?

Newbie: understood.

Morthina :I do this solely for my own pleasures and if you will get any, too, it'scompletely up to you; I do only what I see fit.

Newbie: ok,Mistress

Morthina: geton your knees, now! That's good; you are a man, therefore a useless creatureas you all are. I am going to use your body and mind for my own pleasure;I've seen different kind of worthless pricks like your self, some can performbetter, some are completely useless. Are you following me?

Newbie: yesMistress, I follow everything .

Morthina: Yourphysical condition, at the end of the game, depends on how satisfied Iam. More satisfied I am, better you will feel at the end.

Newbie: Iunderstand completely, Mistress.

Morthina: Andnow, finally …(I am pullingaside the curtain at the fourth end of the room), thisis one machine I also use in this game (youcan see a strange looking device, 6'5" high and 2'5" wide with a door onit and some controls), latteryou shall find out all about it, but for now, it's called "The shrinker".

Newbie: yesMistress, I see it…I never saw something like it before.

Morthina: Iam sitting down on the chair; I stretch my left leg toward you; I wantmy boot licked clean so I can see my eyes color on them!

Newbie: Icrawl closer to you and I begin to lick your left boot.

Morthina: Iwant that tongue to move slowly on the edge of my soles; very slowly goup and down my towering spiked heel…mmm, that's it, lick it slowand good. It gives me pleasure just seeing you so low and humble in frontof my powerful self. That's just the place for your kind, don't you thinkso?

I knew I had to say whatshe wanted to hear, otherwise she might have left and I wanted to find outmore about all this.

Newbie: mytongue goes easily up and down your heel collecting all the dirt from it,and yes, I know my place now, Mistress.

Morthina: good,now repeat the process on the right boot, too, while I have a cigarette;and be careful, I am watching you, don't go slipping on me or I'll haveto teach you a lesson, slave…yes, slave, that's much better nickfor you. I am starting to get excited by all this…yes; it feelsgreat to have you this way. But…I think that tongue of yours isnot quite big enough for me, ts, ts…we'll have to do something aboutit. Ok, stop now, get your head on the floor and stick your tongue out,I want to see it.

Newbie: Istop licking and I get my head down on the floor; my tongue is stretchedout fully as you commanded Mistress.

Morthina: justas I thought; not big enough. I am placing my right heel on your tongue,easily; I feel softness under it as I press to your flesh. Does it hurt?Never mind. Let's see what we can do now; I easily pull you up by the collar,maybe we can enlarge it this way, ha?

Newbie :gghhhh…it really hurts now, please Mistress, don't.

Morthina: DON'T?You piece of shit, who do you think you are to tell me what to do, ha?Now you've pissed me off; I am pulling harder. Betterwatch what you're saying; I could just rip it out of your mouth.

Newbie: aahh…yes,Mistress, I …I understand.

Morthina: well,its too late now, you already deserved you first punishment; get up! Goover there to the machine, now! I am, now opening the door of the machine;get in!

Newbie: Iam entering the strange machine; its dark, no lights; I feel a little afraid.

Morthina: SHUTUP! Get in so I can close the door. Ok, now…I will start the machineand you won't feel a thing; this will take only a few moments. Ok, themachine is running now (for 3 minutes exactly); I am opening the door;get out! Now, look at me! What do you see different?

I knew what she was upto but I decided to play ignorant.

Newbie: sorryMistress, but I really don't see any difference .

Morthina: youdon't, ha? I'll show you; I am pulling you by the collar to the mirroron the wall; look, look how small you are now; my machine shrunk you bya foot, you look like a real dwarf now.

Newbie :oh, no…why Mistress, why, I promise not to make you mad again, justdon't do this any more, please…

Morthina: Ihope not, I told you I like tiny men, but if you get too little then I'llhave to dispose off you; I won't be having much use of you, then. But,don't worry, I can reverse the process, so if you are really good, maybe…

Newbie: ohyes, thank you Mistress, thank you, I'll be so good from now on.

Morthina :well, you'll have to convince me of that. Go up against that wall overthere! I am now shackling your hands to the two bars coming out of thefloor; get on your knees! I am tying up your collar to the crossbar above.I slowly move behind you; you can hear my footsteps but you cannot seeme anymore. Ok slave, do you know what comes next?

Newbie: no,Mistress…please; I am afraid.

Morthina: youshould be; I am going to whip you, now. Does this frighten you, slave?

Newbie: yesMistress…it does, please, don't hurt me…

Morthina: Itold you, you'll have to convince me somehow and as I like to inflict painon men this is the best way to do so; endure your punishment for my pleasure.

Newbie: yes…but,what can I do this way…I mean, I cannot do anything for you…please…

Morthina: oh,but you can; you can scream for me, beg me to stop (I am coming closerto you, leaning towards you and whispering );" youcan bleed for me, I want to see you bleeding."

Now, this was really something;I couldn't say if that woman wanted to scare me this way or she was seriousas she would be in her real life. No wonder she had no sex life.

Morthina :I move away a few steps; "Ssssss"…you can hear my whip ripping theair as it flies toward your exposed back and 'SMACK!', it lands on yourback, lashing it self from your shoulder to your waist; a red stripe appearson your skin.

Newbie: AAAAAHH! Iscream as your whip hits my back and brings touch of fire to it…'pleaseMistress, no more, I am begging you'

Morthina: 'SMACK!'I feel shivers passing thru my senses as I land a second lash on your back;it gives me real pleasure to see you suffer, you worthless piece of shit!

Newbie: myeyes are filled with tears brought by this enormous pain and humiliationI have to withstand now; I feel that I have to endure it like a man toprove that I am not worthless.

Morthina: Ha,ha, ha…I don't think you can do that; you are what you are, period. "Ssswwissh",my whip goes again; "SMACK!", it lands again across your back more forcefully.I think I can see some blood coming out of your skin; good, that's whatI wanted. Now, all this is making me breath harder; my excitement raisesand my judgment is slowly fading; that is not good for you, slave, notgood at all.

Newbie: myback aches with severe pain; I know now that my screams and my beggingwould never reach you as it brings you so much joy to torture me like this.I don't know if I'll be able to take this anymore…

Morthina: tome, it is completely irrelevant; take it or not I need to fulfill my needs (Iam coming closer to take a look at you). Bloodis dripping from those bruises, slowly…oh, are you going to faint,you fuck? My left hand reaches for your hair and I pull your head up forcefully, "Openyour eyes, pig!", suddenly, as you glance at me, I swing my right handand it collides with your chin, giving you a strong blow. "SBAAMM", onemore blow hits your face and another one comes from my right knee up inyour chin; your lips are bleeding now, too; you are loosing your conscienceswith the final blow to your face by my big fist.

Newbie: myvision is blurred and my mind fogged by the vicious beating you're givingme…the last one finished me; my head and my hands fell limp as Ilost my consciences .

Morthina: Iremove the shackles from your hands and I loose the collar; your body fallson the floor. I drag you to my machine and, with my strong hands; I placeyou inside once again. The machine is running and when it's done; I takeyou out and carry you to the middle of the room. I just put you and leaveyou there until you regain your senses. I am looking at you; you're soshrunk now, so small, that I'll have no problems handling you in anywayI wish. I think I should wake you up, now, I don't want to lose the excitementI achieved by all this.

I place my right boot on top of your ballsand press; this should wake you up.

Newbie: Ifeel a great pressure and pain on my groin as I began to come to my senses;my mind is still blurred and I feel my body aches all over. I open my eyesand see you standing above me with your leg between my legs; NOOO…Aahhh!It hurts so badly...please, Mistress, no Suddenly, I realize somethingis different than before; you look so huge now.

Morthina: doyou like your new size, pig? You're one foot smaller than before; I hadyou in my machine while you were dreaming your sweet dreams. You see, ifmy foot was twice as big, I could easily cover you with it completely,Ha, ha, ha…

Newbie: allthis really begins to frighten me; you've already hurt me in so many ways,I don't even want to think what may come next. Mistress…I reallydon't know what did I do to make you so angry that you would want to tortureme like this.

Morthina: You'vebeen born and that is your first and major mistake. But enough of thissmall talk; I need more turn-ons. Lay still and spread your arms and legsand wait for me, I'll be right back.

Newbie: yesMistress .

Morthina: (I am back after a few minutes; Inow have new foot wear on my feet). Now,let's see how fragile you are, pig. Look at these (pointingat my footwear); these are madefor testing pricks like you. I am walking around you slowly, looking at whereI should start, and I know that you know what I am about to do to you; Ican see the fear in your eyes, slave.

Newbie: whenI saw those new boots on your feet, with 2" thick soles and 6" high heels,I realized what you're up to. I am freaking out of fear, but it scaresme more to just imagine what you could do to me if I was to try to avoidthis somehow; if I just wasn't so small…

Morthina: everyslave should love and adore his Mistress; do you love me, slave? Tell me,do you really worship your Mistress?

Newbie: oh,yes, yes…I worship you so much; I feel great affection for you,Mistress.

Morthina :that's nice, really nice. I suppose, then, that you would do anything toplease your Mistress, anything at all that I might desire, wouldn't you,slave?

Newbie: yes,Mistress…I would do anything to make you happy and pleased.

Morthina: goood! (Iam placing my right boot, its sole, on your left hand palm) yousee, sometimes I like to feel some flesh and bones under my boots; it givesme real sense of power and pleasure. So, I suppose that it's ok if I juststep on you a little harder, you know, just to feel those feelings of powerand pleasure.

Newbie: oh…well…yes,I mean (I am breathing really hard now; the fear I feel is so huge), butplease, please, don't hurt me Mistress…please…

Morthina: well,I'll try not to, I promise, although…well, I am not sure that Iwill be able to do so because you are so tiny now and you look so fragile…we'llsee… I slowly add pressure to your palm, now; I see your face istwitching in pain…"CKRCK", your bones are starting to collapse insideyour hand, and so I stop.

Newbie: AHHH…thepain is so strong; I am looking at my hand as it disappears beneath yourpowerful boot, fearing you might crash it completely. I feel relief, onceyou remove your boot; however, my fear is now greater for I don't knowwhat you might do next.

Morthina: Iplace my left boot atop your chest, leaning on it and adding more pressure;I can feel your chest denting as I now stand with both my legs and my fullweight on your chest. You're so small; your chest is hardly wide enoughfor both of my boots. Are those going to collapse? Can you breathe, worm?I wouldn't want to kill you, not yet…

Newbie: Iam fighting hard to catch some air as you stand atop of me with your fullweight; I feel my chest bones so dented as they are pressing against myspine. Blood is rushing to my face as I lose my breath slowly.

Morthina: oh,you poor thing, ts, ts…did your Mistress hurt you? I slowly walkbackwards toward your belly and your groin. I, then step on your cock;it is so small; it shrunk together with rest of you. I press your cockand your balls against the cold floor; it goes completely flat under mysole…does this hurt? I hope so. You won't need those anymore; theyare so small, anyway.

Newbie: myeyes are filled with tears as the pain gets worst by each moment; I lostmy breath completely, I am unable to make one sound…Ohhh, it hurtsso much; I am afraid to even look at what you're doing .

Morthina: Ijust felt the urge to go to the toilet and, for that, I have a great idea.I stand off your flesh now; get up on your hands and knees and crawl overthere (I am pointing to a wooden box). Go!

Newbie: Ibarely manage to get up; I feel broken all over. I slowly crawl to theplace you commanded me to.

Morthina: Iremove the seat first and then I open the box top; ok, go inside, put yourneck inside that big hole in the middle, face up, and your hands in othertwo on sides. Once you're in the position I lower the top and lock it.I return the seat on top of the box.

Newbie: Iam immobilized now; only my head and my hands are out, the rest of my bodyis inside the box .

Morthina: Iunzip my black skirt and let it fall on the floor; then, I remove my blackpanties and sit on the box seat with my legs spread and my vagina rightabove your face. Now, slave, I need to piss; I am going to piss all overyour face and in your mouth. I want you to drink all that I have to letgo, is that understood? And later, I might let you lick the remaining onmy pussy, only if I am satisfied.

Newbie: bythe first time I feel little better about your actions; I am looking atyour divine vagina, Mistress, and I might be so lucky to get to lick someof it. I feel I want to bury my face inside it, taste and inhale thosegreat scents of your cunt.

Morthina: Now,are you ready? Slowly, a tiny jet of my golden nectar sprays over yourforehead and your eyes; Ipoint it to your nose and your mouth. Drink now! My jet is more intensenow; you're losing too much, you fuck! Come on, drink it all! Ohhh…seeingyou down there as my toilet slave it turns me on so much. I feel almostorgasmic. Mmmm…do you like it, slave? Do you like being my toiletbowl, ha, ha, ha…? Oh, yes…that's it, drink it all…

Newbie: Ifeel so humiliated as your warm pee hits my forehead and fills my eyeballs;I open my mouth to catch the warm liquid; It's salty and smelly, but Ihave to drink it all because I am afraid of possible punishment that youmay come up with. My lips began to hurt as your pee hits my previous wounds;your jet is coming so intensively, I can hardly breathe.

Morthina: yeess…oh,just a little more I have for you…ohhh, what a relief. Did you drinkit all? Well, most of it, I see…good, that's just good. Are youthirsty some more? I don't have any, sorry, ha, ha, ha…(I am loweringmy self down to your face). Now, lick the remaining liquid from my pussy,but nice and gently. Ohhh…yeah, it's good to know your tongue isstill working…ahhh, yeess…lick it, yeah…mmm, I haveto get you out of there, come on. I get up and remove the seat from thebox and I unlock it; get out, now! I have some other plans for you.

Newbie: ohhh,it feels so good to taste and smell your divine pussy, Mistress; I enjoythis cleaning so much, please don't stop, please…

Morthina: getover there by that chair! Now sit down in front of it and lean your headon it, face up…that's it, good. I spread my legs above you and Isit on it, backwards, pointing my asshole to your nose and my pussy onyour mouth. Now, lick it good, I want to come, do you hear me? Better doa proper job, or else…

I sit fully on your face, now; your noseis inside my ass and my pussy right on your mouth; your small face justfits my divine bottom. Now, lick!

Newbie: ohhh,it feels great to taste your pussy once more…I stick out my tongueand start to lick it gently in circles; I move my head as little as I canto apply some effect with my nose, too. I stick my tongue inside your pussy,although, I am afraid, it may be too little for you, now. For the firsttime, I feel my cock is getting hard; for the first time I've being arousedby this.

Morthina: ohhh…yes,lick it, that's it; I feel I just might come, yeah…ahhaaa…( Ipress my bottom on your face, harder, leaning against the chair with myhands and your body with my legs), lickit, you fuck, lick it! I pull myself up a little and then lower again ontoyour face; I do it several time more rapidly, now, I am almost jumpingon it… it's not good enough, I cannot come, your face, your tongue,everything is too small and I need something bigger. Oh, I know …(Isuddenly get up off of you), standup, now!

Newbie :I am trying really hard to bring you to the top Mistress…no, please,don't stop now…please.

Morthina: SHUTUP! I swung my right leg and it landed on your chest; I said, get up! Goover there to the machine, now!

Newbie: ohno…not the machine, please, I am too small already…pleaseMistress, I am begging you.

Morthina: Ireach for your hair again and I give you a blow with my fist right to yourface; I said shut up and get up, didn't I?! This kind of disobedience cannotgo unpunished. Get over there, now!

Newbie: Islowly stand up and walk toward the machine; I cannot believe what is happeningto me…

Morthina: Iam opening the door; get inside, you little shit! Get in! Once you're inside,I close the door and start the machine, but with two cycles this time.Ok, it's finished; I open the door and look down; 1 foot only, that's howbig you are now. I bow down and take you in my hand; good, that's justhow I wanted you, ha, ha, ha…look at yourself, 1 foot high and maybe1 pound heavy; I could fit you in my pocket. I take your right hand betweenmy two fingers; I wonder if I might break it now? I probably could. Oh,I know, you want to say something…but, when you get this small,you just loose the ability to speak, you see, your voice is gone. So fromnow on, you only listen.

I walk to the bed, slowly; Ihave an idea; that small I can use you for only one thing; I'll make youmy dildo, what do you say? You said you wanted to bury your face to mypussy, so this is your chance, your "big" moment, ha, ha, ha…

I lay on the bed and spread my legs; I,first, use my middle finger to widen my pussy hole a little; well,it's time now , Ireach down with you in my hand and I lean your head against my purple,wet flesh; go on, knock your self out, ha, ha, ha…

Slowly, I press your head against my pussyhole; I can feel it slowly slide in; ohhh…yeah, now your shouldersare already inside and I am pushing until only your legs, below your kneesare out. Mmm, this feels great; I then pull you out, easily and back inside;I can feel you're all sticky from my cunt. My juices are flowing and Ihave to be careful not to choke you with my pussy or break your neck. That'sit, I am increasing the pace now, ohhh…ahhaaa, yeess, and I am fuckingmyself with you, yeeaaaahhh! Ohhh, this is so good…mmmm, yes… mywhole body is in ecstasy, I feel my muscles twitching; ohhh…I am…Iam comiiing…yeess…AAAHHHHH! I came, I came so strong, mybody is now all loose; I take you out and bring you closer; I want to seeif you're still alive. Hmm, I don't see any movement; maybe it's too late.Oh, but you are; I see you open your eyes all in shock. Poor thing, allthis is beyond your apprehension, isn't it? Anyway, you managed to makeme cum, so I suppose I should unshrink you now as your reward. I get upand I move towards my machine, but, half way I stop; on the other hand,when I think of it, you were not that good all this time. I put you downon the floor; wait for me here!

After a few minutes I come back; I havesome new outfit on me and some new footwear; I think I have to completesome job I started earlier; now lie down on the floor and spread your legs.Don't be afraid, you poor thing, your Mistress will take care of you.

I slowly lift my left foot and place itabove you; I can see you trembling, fear is what your face is now. Yousee, since you're so small I think that no one can have any use from youany more, so…I lower my shoe and point my heel exactly on your groin;and this, especially this is of no use for anything, therefore…myheel comes down on your groin and "SQUASSHSH" , it goes to a pile of bloodypulp, your cock and balls are gone, destroyed. You lost your consciousnessagain; or maybe you are dead. No, I see you're moving; you're trying tosay something, what is it? Begging? Crying for your life? Sorry, but Icannot hear you. You know, I think it's already too late; you'll probablybleed to death, anyway. I'll leave you for a few moments, now.

Once again I am back wearing my crush boots;you can hear me coming, my steps sound really heavy. You want to run, totry to escape, but you're too hurt, you can't really move at all. I amnow standing above you; why don't you get on your knees and beg some more,maybe it'll soften me some, maybe I'll spare you.


That's it, on your knees. What? I can'thear you; are you begging? No! Well then, I think you're not trying wellenough. Anyway, my time is almost up and yours definitely is; I raise myleft boot above you; I will now end your worthless pathetic life, you worm,and you should be grateful to be squashed by this superior woman…byenow; I raise my boot some more and "SBAAMM!" I land it down on you forcefully;my heel goes right thru your head, my sole mashes your torso and your legsinto a messy pulp. Ahhhh! …I feel orgasmic again hearing your bones,your skull, and your flesh collapsing under my boot.

I didn't know what to say now; I kept idlefor last part of this as I was supposed to be in the play, but now, whenit was done I still didn't know what to say. She was still here, probablywaiting for me to write something, so, after almost 15 minutes of idle timefor both of us, she came in, 'Well…say something. Are you so shockedyou can't speak?' 'Yeah…well, I am a little stunned, especially withthe end part; I am not sure I like all this one bit.' Maybe some of the partsI could bare to even like, but generally, it was a little too much. 'Oh,come on…it's just a game and it's online, too; it's no big deal, really''Maybe not for you, but as you said, I was a virgin before this, so, it leavesa freaky trace on me.' I thought that she would just say 'bye' and leave,but she pushed the conversation further on, 'So, you think that I am a freak?Some kinds of sick bitch, ha? I know I am different; maybe little extremein my fantasies, but I don't see myself sick, you know; there is lot of peoplelike me, plenty come in here, too.' 'I didn't say that you're sick; it'sjust a little too much for me, that's all. May I ask you something personal?''Sure, but I'll decide whether to answer or not.' I had more than one questionso I decided to go easy, 'tell me how old are you?' '28' she said, 'and doyou really look like you described your self or it's just your imagination?''Well…in some points I do and in some not; I am tall and redhead;I cant say how handsome I am, that's for others to say, but more-less, Ido look like that.' 'Ok…so, have you ever done something like thisfor real; I mean in real life, or something similar?' She waited for sometime; I knew I had to doubt whatever she replied. 'No, actually, I don'tknow if I would be able to hurt anyone even a little; I just get turned onby these fantasies, but if it would come along for real, I am not sure whatI would do; I would probably get scared and run away.' 'Hmm…I am notsure if to believe you or not; you sounded pretty bloodthirsty before, likea real sadistic bitch. Tell me, how big is your footwear collection? Whatyou got?' I wanted to pry into her head as much as I could. 'It's not thatbig and I have what most women have; just shoes, you know…but…whyare you asking all this questions; I thought that you are shocked with meor maybe…maybe you are a bit intrigued, ha?' 'Yeah…maybe alittle just curious, you know. Do you have some steady partners in here…Imean some victims for daily fun?' 'No, not really, I don't do this too often,just occasionally. Anyway, I have to go now; it was real fun to play withyou, maybe we'll meet again.' 'Ok…well, bye then; maybe we'll chatagain, who knows.' 'Bye'. And she left the room; I stayed for a little longerwatching for some pics a guy nicked "carpet4u" posted.

After a while, I left, too. I was tired soI went directly to bed, with thoughts of what I just did this evening; itlooked really nuts, and however, I did kill almost 3 hours.


After I gave it a few thoughts I came up witha plan. I'll go back there one of theses days but under a different nickand see what happens. The only problem was that I wasn't sure if she willuse the same one, otherwise I wouldn't know if she's there or not.

Three days passed since I've been chattingwith that woman and for the last three evenings I logged myself into thatroom under different nicks. Every time she was there; I began to wonder isthis all that she's doing in her life; maybe she has a computer at her jobso she can get there anytime. So, on the third evening I entered the roomunder nick "dwarf" but I didn't want to contact her at once; she might havefigured out who I was. So I was just idle for some time, watching what otherswere doing. There were plenty of pictures coming up, some chatting, and somereally strange offers between these people. Morthina was idle, too; likeme she was just watching or maybe she chatted with someone else on private.So, I decided that the best way to attract some attention was to place somepictures. I surfed the pages separately and I found a few that she mightlike, so I began to upload them. I have uploaded at least ten pics and Iwas almost about to quit and give up when suddenly she said 'Hi!' on privatewindow. I immediately replied 'Hello'. 'Nice pics you got there' she began'you have really vivid imagination. Are you really a dwarf?' She bit my hook'Thanks for the compliments and no, I am not a dwarf…it's just a nick.''Aha…I see. But, you probably fantasize about being one, don't you?''Well…maybe in certain situations only, but regularly, no, I don'tthink that is an advantage in life.' 'Ha, ha…of course not, I didn'tmean it that way…well, you know what I meant. So, what are you inhere, for?' I got her hooked now. 'You know, some kind of e-action, maybe.''You have a steady partner in here?' she asked, 'no, not in here…Idon't really come in here often; I like to upload and download this picsand this server provides that, that is, mainly, why I come to this one.''Aha, ok. But, what do you mean "not in here"; somewhere else maybe?' 'Yes,well…I have something in real life' I couldn't wait to see her replyto this. 'In real life? Really? Wow, that's rare, you know, really rare.''Oh no, you would be surprised, actually. There are plenty of people outthere; they even have clubs for it, groups and other things' I knew how hookedshe were by then just by the speed of her typing. 'So, how did you two meet…Imean, how did you know that you were both into this…you know whatI mean.' 'Yes, it's very simple; we met like this, on the net, and aftersome time we decided to meet in real life.' Now, that was a little too muchfor her; she kept silent for a while as this surprised her; she probablythought that no one was that brave to go and meet in real life and to tryall these things. After a few minutes I asked 'Still there…?' so shereplied, 'yes, I am here, I was just thinking.' 'So, tell me something aboutyou? What are you looking for?' I asked. 'Well, same as you I guess, someaction. Tell me, what is it that two of you do in real life? What kind ofgames do you play?' Now I needed a little time to answer, 'I think, mostlywhatever you can find in here we do in real life. She's always a Dom andI am always sub, that's how we both like it.' I thought that, just knowingthat there is someone out there, who really does it, turned her on like nuts;I could almost hear her breathing deep and heavy, probably touching her self,too. 'So…give me a few details of what you do? Have you ever crossedthe line, even a little…I mean like going too far and that…?''Well…not really, maybe once or twice she would…wait, yes,once we did cross the line a little but everything was ok later; she wenta little out of control and bruised me a bit, but that's it.' 'How…Imean, how did she do it? Tell me something…' I was laughing now; shewas really eager about this so I decided to linger her some. 'I don't know;it would take too much time to go describing everything. In short, she hasthese really mean boots with very high heels, spiked like nails, so she hurtme a little with those, that's all. You have any footwear like that?' 'Aaa…no,not really, I have some boots and some other shoes that I might use in sucha game but those are not so dangerous.' 'Might? What do you mean, might?Don't tell me that you never did any of this in real life, not once? I don'tbelieve that.' This was the moment of truth; I was about to find out howserious she is; at least I thought so. 'No, I never did. Well, just once,long time ago, with one of my previous boyfriends; we played a little butnothing really harsh; it was just a mild play of domination, that's all.'I knew that, subconsciously, she was thinking about how it would be if shewas to go ahead and find someone to fulfill her fantasies and that I was,at that time, the best option. So I decided to play her some more. 'There'sreally nothing to it, you know; I was also very skeptic about it, first timewe decided to meet. After that I realized that it was the best thing I everdid, especially when it was over that first time. We both fulfilled our fantasiesand were very happy about it, and you know what; it suddenly seemed a lotmore normal then it did before.' She had no words to reply so I continued,'you should really find someone, and you know…its really freeing,the only thing you have to worry about is not losing control and everythingis fine.' She came in then, 'that's what I am afraid of; I am not sure thatafter few sessions, I wouldn't lose it, go uncontrolled and do somethingbad…you know, once I get comfortable with it.' 'Yes…well, shefelt that way, too, but only at the beginning; later she realized that shecould never hurt someone badly.' I was pretty determined to destroy any chanceof her sleeping that night; I thought ' youfuck with me, I fuck with you ',so I told her, 'I have to go now; it was nice talking to you' and she repliedquickly, 'No wait! Lets talk some more.' 'Sorry, maybe tomorrow, I have adate… you know, "the date". Maybe tomorrow, I'll tell you all abouthow it was, ha. Bye now' and I left before she could write anything.

I was thinking, 'I would really like to meether or someone like her; I was curious how she acts and looks in public.The only thing I could imagine about Morthina was a strange woman sittingin some dark room behind the computer and doing all this and only this becauseshe was too big freak to hang around with other people.'

Tomorrow night I went back to that chat serverat the same time and she was there. She didn't wait one minute; she cameright in, 'Hello!' 'Hi' I replied. 'So…tell me, how was it?' I playedignorant at first, 'How was what?' 'You know…your date, how was yourdate yesterday?' 'Ah, that…well, I am not sure that I want to talkabout it; maybe we should talk about something else.' I knew she hardly waitedfor this so she said, 'Oh, come on, what's the matter, now? Yesterday yousaid you'd tell me…so tell me.' 'I don't know how should I put this…it'sjust that I am not so sure I like it, anymore, that's all.' 'Oh, really…butwhy, what happened?' 'Well…she kind of lost control yesterday; shealways does when she drinks alcohol, but never before, she lost it fully.Yesterday, she was like mad; I have bruises all over me and I am not sureI want to see her again…ever!' she kept idle for a while as she wasprobably thinking how to continue; if she was to be thrilled and show methat I might have left or maybe she thought I wanted that kind of reactionfrom her. 'Well, that's not good; yesterday it seemed that two of you hadit going great. Maybe you should find someone else to play; someone lessdangerous.' I knew where she was getting at, 'Oh yeah. And how am I supposedto do so; maybe I should meet with you so you could beat me up, too. I don'tthink so.' 'I don't think I would beat you up; not at the first date, anyway,ha, ha…I am just joking, I don't think I am brave enough to meet someonejust knowing him like this. For all I know, you could be some serial killerlooking for women to cut their throats in some dark alley.' I was littlesurprised with that but she was right; the world is crazy. We chatted somemore and then she left; she showed no sign that she was interested in a gamelike the other night.

That day I came to work a little late; I wasreally exhausted from work as it increased hugely for the last few weeks,so I just over slept. 'Dan, boss wants to see you' my secretary's voice camethru the interphone. 'Yeah, ok.' I thought he was about to wash my ears butinstead he had a very nice surprise for me; 'Dan, meet Loraine' he said andnodded towards the woman standing beside the window. 'Lorain, this is Dan,your new partner.' My partner Jack just retired recently; I expected to getsome rookie for partner as it usually goes that way, but a woman; we hadonly three women working in our branch here in SLC and they were all secretaries.

I took a better look at my new partner andmy eyes almost popped out; this girl was hot, she looked incredible evenin the suit she was wearing. She saw how I was staring for a while and shesmiled; I guess she was flattered like any woman would be. After some officialsmall talk we left, 'so partner…may I call you that?' I asked politely,'sure' she replied, 'where did you come from?' 'I was with force, a detectiveand I applied for a job with FBI so they accepted me.' A policewoman, hmmm…thatwas new, too. 'Ok, so today we have to go and check up on this guy; he isunder witness protection program.' I saw the expression on her face; shedidn't like her first assignment.

Next week, we both had to go to the one smallvillage inside the country; we were supposed to pursue a possible kidnappingcase. Just the evening before I logged to the same chat room and found Morthinathere. 'Hi dwarf!' she hailed me. 'Hi' I replied. 'You made up with yourpartner? Still playing?' she was very keen to find out. 'No…I calledher few days ago and said that it's all over; I can't go with it any more.''Oh, that's too bad then; at least someone had it going for real.' I decidedto play her a little, to lie some more just to see her reaction. 'But…Ihave a confession to make, if you're willing to listen…' 'Sure, goahead.' 'Well, it's like this…few days ago, when you and I chatted,I lied to you.' I stopped for a while and she wrote, 'I don't like beinglied to, if you were here I would punish you severely for that, ha, ha…''Yeah…anyway, she never hurt me like I told you; in fact, I brokeoff with her because she was too gentle, I played with her for three monthsand I couldn't get her to play it a little rough. And I like it that way,so I just broke off.' I was really keen to find out how she would reply tothat. She was idle for some time and then she came up with, 'WHAT? I don'tbelieve you, you're lying now!' 'Believe it or not, that's the truth.' 'Wellthen…I think that you and I should definitely meet, I can do you roughas much as you want, ha, ha, ha…' I waited a little, 'As I rememberyou said you could never hurt someone; was that a lie?' 'Playing it roughdoesn't necessarily mean hurting someone; there is rough and there is ROUGH,you know…' And I decided to throw my bait, 'Ok…let me tellyou what we should do; I have to go now and you can think about it for aday or two, and next time, when we meet in here, you'll tell me whether ornot you still want to meet me, ok? So, bye now.' And I logged out quicklybefore she could say anything.

Loraine was a really modern cop; she alwayshad a pile of equipment in her car. 'Ok, this is the house; we should goin separately to keep a low profile. I will go first and set up everythingand you come after 30 minutes; the apartment is on the top floor, no.23'she just nodded her head and I went up. She came in after 45 minutes carryingthree bags, 'that's what you call a low profile? What you got in all thosebags?' 'My wardrobe and my equipment; we are supposed to stay here for oneweek, aren't we? And I just don't like surprises.' We were supposed to dosurveillance on the house across, so we took watches. I was free from 8 pmto 2 am, so I took my laptop and went online. I waited for about 45 minutesbut Morthina never showed up.

After three days, all that became pretty boring.I was watching Loraine sometimes; she looked hotter and hotter as time passed.'Maybe I should hit on her' I was thinking, 'no, she's my partner and itwould ruin everything.' On fourth day my laptop went broken; it just blackoutand I couldn't get it running anymore. After my watch was done, I asked Loraineto borrow me hers, 'I just need it for a little while; I need to obtain somethingfrom Internet.' She dwelled at first but, finally, she gave me hers. I wentto my room and connected to Internet. Once I began to write the address ofthat chat server, after few letters it came up automatically; 'Oh, so MissLoraine goes in here, too. I clicked on the drop down button for nick window;I wanted to see which nicks she used. Suddenly, a bunch of cold shivers wentdown my spine; among others there was a nick 'Morthina'. 'Jesus, it's her!'I almost said it out loud. I couldn't believe my eyes; my partner was a personthat I was chatting with so heartily, these past few days. 'Maybe this wassome kind of mistake' I thought, despite the fact that I knew it couldn'tbe. I quickly disconnected and deleted the last day history; I didn't wanther to know where I was on the net. 'What should I do?' I was asking my self.I shut down the computer and went back to living room, 'Here, thanks a lot'I gave it back to her. 'That was quick' she said and continued, 'what's up,you look kind of pale to me? Feeling ok?' 'Yes, yes…I just receivedsome bad news on my hotmail address, nothing to worry about much. Listen,I am gonna go out to catch some air; you want me to bring you something?''No, I am fine; I've got all I need.'

I went out to find a cyber café; I guessedshe'd go to that chat once she gets bored. I found one after an hour; I tooka cup of coffee and sat down in one of separate boxes. I logged in to theserver and she was already there. This time I hailed her, 'Hey, still thinking?''Hello. No, not really, I had enough time to think about what you said.''So? What you came up with?' 'I am not sure; this is all new for me, I nevermet anyone before this way.' 'But, deep down, that is what you're lookingfor, isn't it? I mean, I guess you thought at least thousand times how tobring your fantasies to life, didn't you? It just that you have little coldfeet, now, when it came to that.' 'I guess you're right, but I am still notsure.' I knew she was just buying time; if this was really Loraine with meonline she wasn't hesitating as I saw her as very determined till now. 'Ok,then, maybe we could get to know each other better this way, and then we'llsee. What do you do for living?' she waited a little and then she said, 'Iam a cop.' 'A cop? Really?' I acted really surprised. 'I never expected that.''Oh really? And what did you expect? A housekeeper probably.' 'I never saidthat.' 'Yeah, but you thought so; you men all think that we cannot performwhat you consider men's work. Anyway, what do you do?' 'I am a cop, too.'She didn't believe it, it was too big coincidence. 'Don't lie to me again,what do you do?' 'I am not lying' I am a cop just like you, I work for thebureau.' She was now really surprised, 'for the bureau? I work for the bureau,too; this is really a strange situation.' 'You see, we're colleagues, wealready have something in common. Ok, think a little more, I have to go now.Maybe tomorrow we can chat again. Bye!' 'Bye' she replied and I disconnected.After an hour more, I went back to the apartment; I was now 100% sure itwas Loraine. I found her to be kind of pensive and cheerful at the same time,'everything ok? You look cheerful, what happened?' She looked at me and said,'Oh nothing, I just had an interesting chat with some guy, that's all.' 'Really?About what?' 'I don't think you would be interested' she wanted to evadethe subject but I was pushy, 'Oh come on, tell me, we have nothing else todo, anyway.' 'There's nothing to it; I think I just found me a date, that'sall.' I smiled at her, 'A date? Really? Why would a good looking woman likeyou try to find one on the net, can't you just go out and see for your selfwhat's out there.'

'Look, it doesn't matter ok' she was a bitangry now, 'you wouldn't understand.' 'Ok, ok, don't get mad at me; justforget about it' I went to my room and closed the door. I laid down on thebed and start thinking; 'what shall I do now? Tell her or not? I had theadvantage because I knew everything and she knew nothing, yet. Maybe I shoulduse that advantage, but how? Loraine didn't look like Morthina at all, nordid Morthina sound like Loraine. I could never imagine one being another.I should arrange too meet Morthina and watch Loraine for her response tothat. But, first I need to repair my computer.'

I took my laptop to nearby service and I toldthem that I work for bureau and that this is an emergency. They fixed itpromptly.

I went back at 1300 and took my watch fromLoraine. Nothing suspicious was happening at the house across. 'Later thisevening I will chat with her again; we'll see what happens' I thought. Shetook over at 20:00 and I said how tired I am, so I went to my room. We cannotboth use the same line for the Internet so I decided to connect via my cellular.I waited one hour maybe and then I logged in. 'Hello again!' she hailed me.'Hi, what's up?' 'Nothing much, just sitting on a job, bored to death' shesaid. 'I never asked you, where do you live?' I already knew that, but anyway…,'In SLC…and you?' 'I live all around, where the agency sends me. Presently,believe it or not, I am in SLC, too.' 'Either you're lying to me or thisis just a too big coincidence.' 'I am not lying; not now, anyway.' 'So…dowe meet or not?' I kept silent a little bit as I went to check on Loraine.I looked thru the key hole and I saw her tapping her fingers on her computer,nervously, and whispering 'Come on…'. Oh, yes…she wanted thisto happen, badly. 'Sorry, I had to go to the toilet' I wrote, 'where werewe? Ah, yes…to meet or not to meet. I don't know, what do you think,is it a really good idea?' 'Look, if you don't want to, just say so and that'sit. This was your idea, anyway.' 'Yes, I know, it's not that I don't wantto' I moved my chair closer to the door so I can type and see her at thesame time, 'I just want to cover all aspects; I am a cop, you know.' I waiteda little and I said, 'Ok, how do we meet?' I looked thru that key hole atLoraine and saw her making a gesture with her hand like she was saying ' YES! '.'I don't you have any ideas?' 'Yes I do, wait just a second.' Ilogged out and turned off my computer; I looked thru the key hole and sawLoraine all furious. "Bastard!" she said, I opened the door and entered theroom. "I am not!" I said, she looked at me as I surprised her, closed hercomputer quickly and said, 'I wasn't talking to you, I was…' but shenever finished, 'oh yes, you were' I said, 'Morthina!' she just looked atme with her eyes and mouth wide open; she couldn't say one word, make onesound. It took her almost five minutes to get her self together. 'You! Thatwas you?' 'Yep!' I replied. 'Are you telling me that….,that all thistime, I was chatting with you, my partner?' she couldn't believe it. 'Yes,that's me, the "dwarf".' 'You fuck! How could you?' she was furious, 'Jesus…youwere probably watching me all this time, weren't you? Tell me!!' she wasall trembling with fury; I guess she would have killed me right there ifshe could. 'It wasn't that way' I said calmly, 'I found that it was you justyesterday when I borrowed your computer. I didn't know before and I watchedyou only this evening just to make sure that it was really you. If I hadany other intentions I wouldn't be here revealing my self, would I? So, justcalm down now.' 'Calm down? I cannot calm down; do you know how humiliatingthis looks for me? I just want to…' she stopped at that. 'I thinkI have pretty good idea what would you want now.' She turned around and wentto her room, slamming the door behind her. I came to the door and said, 'Look,what you want me to do, ha? It's not my fault it had to be you; I am sorry,ok.' I waited a little but there was no response, 'Oh come on, come out here,lets talk like grown people, shall we? You're acting like a teenager, notlike someone who calls her self Morthina.' After a while I gave up; I satdown to continue her watch. An hour passed when she finally came out; sheacted calmly but didn't look that way. 'You ok?' I asked, 'Oh, shut up, Idon't want to talk about it.' 'Ok, as you wish…I just wanted to continuewhere we stopped, that's all' I threw my bait once more. 'What are you talkingabout' she said still angry. 'About what we talked over the net, the date,remember.' She looked at me and said, 'Date? With you? That's really stupid.'I made a special grin on my face while I was watching her. 'Why are you lookingat me like that, ha?' 'Oh, I just look how good looking you are and I amtrying to picture you in some special outfit.' She was confused, 'What outfit,what da hell you are talking about?' 'Oh, you know…some leather bootswith very high heels, black corset, and a whip in your hand…' I wasjust smiling viciously, watching her getting more and more confused. 'You'rea stupid fuck, you know that' she said when she realized I was making jokeson her account. 'Oh, now we are calling each other names, ha? Ok, come on,if that will help you, come on, give me your best.' 'What…' she didn'tunderstand at first, 'Well come on; if that will help you to get that angerout, go ahead, be my guest. I know that you need to get it out, so go on.'At first she just watched me for a while and then, 'you are an idiot, youknow, stupid one, too.' 'Ok, that's a start…go on.' 'You are reallypissing me off, you imbecile.' 'Oh, you can do better than that, can you?''What do you want, you prick, ha? You piece of shit!' she was getting intoelement; she started to move closer to me, slowly, 'Why are you provokingme like this, you pig? Ha, why…you want something, go ahead and sayit, you bastard!!' she was furious; I could see every vein on her neck, 'Comeon, what do you want, mother fucker?!! How dare you play me like that?' andsuddenly she swung her right hand and slapped my left cheek hard. She lostit for a moment and when she realized what she did, she just placed her handon her mouth, and 'It's ok 'I said,' Feeling better now?' as she didn't replyto that I asked, 'What's the matter, want more?' She was shaking, probablyof anger and excitement at once. 'Come' I pointed to the chair, 'Sit down,let's talk.' She finally calmed down and sat on that chair. 'Don't be madat me, ok; it's really not my fault, I didn't know earlier.' She was quietand I watched her for few moments, 'We can still make that date' I said asI was now even more curious to find out about her, how she really was. 'Adate? Just like that, ha? We are partners, remember' she said and continued,'If someone finds out we're fucked.' 'Yeah, I know…but why would anyoneknow? We have to stay here for three more days and we are bored to death…so,we just might make it a date as well.' But, I still had not told her thecomplete truth; she didn't know that I was Newbie, too.

'So what now? We should just forget about thejob and start playing games, right here, is that what you're saying?' 'Thejob will be fine, don't worry about it…and games…well, I don'tknow, you never said what kind of games you have in mind.' She watched mefor a while like she was trying to see if I was serious. Frankly, I wasn'tsure my self, then. She stood up and went towards her room, and just whenshe reached it, she said with frightening calm voice, 'I'll be ready in 20minutes' and disappeared behind the door. Now, I was really confused as Ididn't expect her to act that way. 'What da hell' I thought, 'let's see whathappens?'

After 20 minutes I came by the door and asked,'you're coming out or you want me in?' 'I'll be out in a second' she repliedand I sat back on the couch. She came out after 2-3 minutes wearing onlyher bathrobe and some shoes with high heels. She looked fabulous in that;that robe was red with some black things on it, her hair was loose, and itwas pretty long, too.

She came closer, sat down by me and said cheerfully,'Well, I am here, let's play!' I was now confused a little; I didn't knowhow to play anything like that and she thought how I had experience becauseI lied before about my relationship with someone else. 'Ok…so whatdid you do with that woman' she began, 'you need to tell me, I never didthis before.' The situation was really stupid; I didn't know what to answerher so I just said, 'well…I don't know, it doesn't go like that, youhave to know what you want, what turns you on and then just play it.' 'Yesbut I…' but I interrupted her, ' I cannot tell you what to do…it'sjust whatever comes on, we do.' She just sat still and didn't move or sayanything. 'Look, what is it that you want? You want to be bossy, in charge,hm? Be dominant, make me do things you want me to do…or do what youwant to do.' There was no response from her; I didn't know what to do butsomething suddenly crossed my mind. I saw how neat she was with her thingsso I just stood up; 'Ok…lets see…' I went over to the table;there were some papers and some other stuff, all placed very neatly. I justtook those and threw them on the floor, 'HEY! What da fuck are you doing?'she didn't understand what I just did then, but there was a response fromher. 'Aha!' I said and just stepped on those papers, 'Ooops, sorry.' Shestood up and moved towards me and when she came closer I just fell on myknees and said with my head bowed down, 'I am so sorry, it'll never happenagain.' At first she was surprised but then she figured out what I was doing,'Oh, so that's it, ha? Ok…' she grabbed my hair and pulled my headup. She waved her right hand like she'd hit me real hard but instead justslapped my cheek lightly. 'Wait…didn't you said that you broke offwith that woman because she was too easy with you?' she raised her hand and,this time, slapped me much harder, 'Is it better this way, ha?' she asked.'You like this? I could give you more for what you did just now.' She lookedat me for a while and said, 'Why don't you get up and get out of those clothes,come on!' I stood up and began to undress; ' thismight be interesting ' I thought.'I guess you're right; we could play a little without harming our job orprofessional ties, but I have to warn you' she came closer to me and said,'I am not sure I even like you…so, I just might lose control and…" butshe never finished. 'Don't worry…I don't think you are that type','which type?' she didn't know what I mean, 'you know, hurting type', 'we'llsee, won't we. Ok, now get on the floor and pick up those papers' I wentdown on the floor and she took the belt from my pants. She walked aroundme for a while and hit my back with that belt few times. She did it lightlyand then spanked my ass several times, just a bit harder. I was collectingthe papers and she placed her foot on my back, 'come on, I don't have allday.' She was smiling while she watched me, 'you look silly that way, youknow that…crawling on the floor like a dog', 'maybe…but I knowyou like it, don't you?', 'well…yes, I suppose I do; it feels weird,I never did this before except on the net, but it is hardly the same. Shestood above and across me and suddenly, she leaned down and grabbed my wrists;she pulled my hands up so I just lost my prop and fell on the floor withmy face down. She held my hands behind my back and I felt her putting thehandcuffs on my hands, 'Now, that's better…how does it feel to bearrested, ha?' she never waited for my answer, instead, she turned me asideand on my back with her foot. I was looking at her then and I saw, that nowwhen I was restrained, it excited her. 'What are you going to do to me?'I asked and she said, 'I don't know…I really don't know' she placedher shoe on my chest and began to move it across my torso. After some timeshe had her shoe on top of my groin and in a few moments my dick was gettinghard, 'well, well…look at that! This is really working for you, ha?I bet you want me to do all kinds of weird shit to you, am I right? Comeon, tell me; what do you want…what was she doing to you, maybe thatway I'll have a better picture?', 'Why don't you just think about the stuffthat you were playing with on the net, ha? I think that would work for you,too…just do what you imagined you were doing with those people onthe chat.' She stared at me for a while and said, 'I should really turn thisinto my favor…I mean, since you feel so giving.' I made no commentsto that. 'Let's see…' she walked around me a little and then, shesuddenly kicked me in the ribs with the tip of her shoe, not very violentlybut hard enough for me to make a grin on my face. She did it again, severaltimes more, each time a little harder. 'You like that, ha? I bet you're apain freak, aren't you? Answer me?!' she raised her voice a little. 'Ok,ok…I don't know, perhaps a little, but all this is supposed to besexual thing, doesn't it?' She leaned towards me, waited few moments andsaid, 'Who says?' I didn't like the sound of that, 'Maybe I am just a sadisticbitch; maybe I'll just fuck you up so bad no one will recognize you' sheswung her leg and hit me into my stomach as I was leaning on my right hand.Now, that was serious; I curled on the floor and lost my breath. I barelymanaged to say, 'I think this is not so good idea after all; I think youshould remove these cuffs now, come on.' 'Well, fuck you! It's too late now;you wanted to feel overpowered by a woman and so you are. It's my game nowand I'll let you go once I feel like it…look at you, big time copso afraid of a woman; it's kind off pathetic, don't you think?' she againswung her leg and ran it into my ribs, this time more forcefully. I nevermanaged to loose my muscles when another blow came to my left arm and anotherone into my stomach again. 'Why…why are you doing this?' I was reallyshaken, 'Shut up! Shut da fuck up!' she yelled, 'who said you can talk, ha?'and again she hit me in my ribs. I was just lying on the floor not able tobelieve what was happening to me. She brought a candle from somewhere, litit up and began to spill hot wax all over me, 'Just to warm you up a little,ha, ha, ha…' It was nothing compared to the beating she gave me earlier.

I felt hot wax dripping on my skin, burningslightly. Each time a drop of it touched my skin I twitched my muscles. Sheput the candle on the table and said, 'enough of that. Get up on your feet!'I obeyed and she took me across the room to the bed. 'Lay down on the bed'she commanded. As I did, she brought an extra pair of cuffs and cuffed myankles to the bottom and my wrists to the top of the bed. 'Now, I need togo out for a while and you just lay here and wait for me.' 'Wait…whereare you going? You can't just leave me like this.' She turned around andsaid, 'I can't? Watch me!' and she left the room. 'Shit! I got myself intoreal trouble' I thought.

I waited for at least two hours and then Ifell asleep. The sound of the door opening woke me up; she was standing atthe door smiling, 'Well, it's good that you had some sleep, you know. You'llneed your strength for me tonight, I promise you that.' 'Where were you?'I asked indifferently as I didn't want to show her any concern I might havehad. 'Just shopping' she said. 'Shopping?! At this time of day, come on.''Yes, well…the stores I went at, they work best at this time of day'she had a really wicked grin on her face. She came closer to the bed carryinga bag in her hand. 'I bought some things' she pointed to the bag, 'that wemight need tonight. Would you like to see them?' I never answered and shejust spilled all from that bag on the floor. When I saw what she brought,my eyes almost popped out; there was a pair of black leather boots, kneehigh with very high and sharp heels, a big black plastic dildo with a strap,a long leather whip, and some kind of clamps with iron balls on chains andmuch other stuff I couldn't really see from my angle. 'You're crazy! Whatdo you need all that for? How much money you've spent?' I was asking variousquestions as I freaked out when I saw the contents from the bag. She justsmiled, picked it all up back into the bag and left the room. After some20 minutes she came back, looking completely different. 'Like what you see?'she asked; I was stunned; I couldn't speak. With the boots and leather corseton and a whip in her hand she looked frightening. 'Look…I don't…'I wanted to say something but she just swung that whip thru the air and landedit on my chest, 'SSSMAACK!', 'Oouchh!' I yelled and she gave me another blow.'Please…don't.', but she kept silent and hit me again; 'I really beginto enjoy all this' she said, 'I don't know about you, but I intend to enjoyit some more.' She came closer to the bed and dropped the whip on the floor;slowly, she climbed the bed and stood above me for a while just watching.Slowly, she lifted her right leg and placed her boot on top of my chest,and then she stepped on with both of her legs applying her full weight ontomy chest. She wasn't huge or fat woman, but this way, she was a heavy loadto endure. And those boots were really high and heavy, pressing mercilesson my flesh. I began to loose my breath, 'Oh, what's wrong? Can't breathe?Ts, ts…you look so tiny now under my boots.' 'Come on…it'snot…huuh…funny anymore.' 'I didn't know this was supposed tobe funny, but it is fun, for me at least. Stick your tongue out!' she ordered.I knew I better listen; I was I no position to be smart so I did. I stickout my tongue slowly and she rubbed her boot sole on it for a while. 'Suckmy heel!' she said and placed her heel in my mouth. I felt cold metal onmy tongue and my lips as I did it. She shoved it deeper into my mouth andsoon I was gurgling as her heel was so long, it reached the end of my throat.'Do you suffer? Tell me, I want to know.' I was, but I couldn't speak andshe knew it. She took it out and said, "Wouldn't want to kill you, though" shemoved down towards my legs and stood on them, "And this?" she pointed tomy groin, "Is it worth keeping it in one piece or I should just…" shelifted her right boot above it leaning on the wall "…smash it withmy heel." That was pretty scary so I said, "Please don't…" and shelowered her boot on top of it but slowly; she wasn't pressing too hard, insteadshe began to rub it with her boot; at the same moment it was a little uncomfortableand exciting; my dick slowly erected and she said, "Well, well…itworks, after all." She was really enjoying herself; she began to apply morepressure and, suddenly, my dick was all flattened beneath her boot, "Ouuh…no,please stop it…" but she just pressed harder; all of it disappearedunder her boot including my balls; the pain was now agonizing as she stoppedrubbing and almost stood on that leg. She made a really threatening grinon her face and said, "Once I am done with you, you won't be of any use tothe world, anymore" she lifted the boot and just started to walk all overme like she was on the street; she walked so fast that I couldn't let anysound out of me. She stopped at my chest, turned my head aside and climbedon it with her both legs, "WHAT?" she yelled as she saw me trying to movebehind her, "Is it going to collapse? I'd love that…I just wish Icould get bigger for you, you fuck! You were laughing at me, ha? You thought' what kind of nutcase is she? 'after that chat on the web, didn't you?" she stepped of my head and of thebed; my head was in pain and I felt really dizzy. She went away and cameback with a glass; I didn't want to drink anything but she just poured itinto my throat, "There…this will make you feel better."

She drugged me with something; I wasn't sleepy,just very weak but the situation was not developing so well; not at all;I got myself into pretty bad position allowing her to do all this. She unlockedthe cuffs and helped me up, "Maybe I have something for you that you'd like,hm?" I had no clue what she was talking about; she led me to the kitchentable and pushed me on it; she locked the cuffs to the fwd part of the tableand then my ankles to the rear; I was cuffed and bent over it. "What areyou doing?" I asked, "Relax…you said it yourself; I should do whatevercomes to my mind…so this is it" I tried to see behind me but I couldn'tturn enough; I just heard her doing something and then she came closer behindme, "When was the last time you got laid, ha? Last time you shoved that dickof yours into someone, tell me?" "I don't know…why you are…" Ididn't know what she wanted, "Do you know how that feels, ha? When someonesticks something inside you, ha?" "Most women like it, don't they?" I wasable to think a little clearer; she seemed pissed, "Well, I am not most womenam I" I felt she was moving something around my rear end. Then I felt shewas pressing something against my ass and soon, it was penetrating insideme, "No…what are you…AAHHH!" I screamed as she shoved it inforcefully, "Like it, you fuck? Ha?" she began to pull it out and back in, "No…please,stop it…no"; in the beginning it hurt pretty badly, later it justfelt weird, "How does it feel to be fucked? Tell me asshole" damn thing wasbig; my ass was getting really warm by that thing; she grabbed my hair andstarted to increase the pace, "Yeah…come on…lets fuck thisass good…yeeess" she was out of control with it; I felt my ass wasburning but she just wouldn't stop, "You're a bitch…my bitch" shewas hollering, "Please…stop…please" I was begging but she justkept on; she slapped my ass few times while yelling, "COME ON BITCH! ENJOYIT…YES!" I couldn't say how long she did it but it felt like eternity.She stopped and pulled it out; I was feeling so humiliated by this, my eyesfilled with liquid. Again, she pressed something against my ass; it feltit was cold this time as she pushed it in; this time it was bigger but noton her. She came in front of my face, grabbed my hair and said, "Open youmouth!" slowly I opened them and she shoved that dildo right in, "Yeah…blowme bitch!" she was all sweaty and turned like hell; she pulled my head upand down moving her hips at the same time; I felt that thing coming deepin my throat.

She rammed it deep in my throat and stopped,holding my head pressed against her stomach. I was gurgling and trying tocatch my breath as that thick dildo closed all my airways; at the same timeI felt like I was about to throw up and I was suffocating as the air wascoming thru in really small amounts.

She was coming; she held me like that for atleas three minutes as she came hard, "Ohhh…shit, yes…" hermuscles twitched and she was very loud, "Yess…I am coming! YEESS!!Aahhhh…!!!

After a few moments she pulled that dildo outof my mouth and I began to breathe deeply again; she just went over to thechair and sat down looking like she was thinking what to do next.

After a few minutes she came over to the tableand let me loose; she sneered at me as she said, "I think you had enough" andshe just went to the bedroom, locking the door behind her.

She never came out that evening; I completelydisregarded the job we were here for and fell asleep on the couch after agood deal of thinking.

The next day, we went back to the city; wedrove for couple of hours and none of us spoke one word. We handed our reports,which were mainly false, but that guy was well protected so it didn't mattermuch to us. I went home later on; I knew that we would never be able to bepartners in future, after that night. For the next few days we worked togetherbut we kept our distance. One day when we were on some stakeout, just sittingin the car and doing nothing, she suddenly talked about that evening, "Dan…look,I am sorry if I hurt you", she stopped for a while waiting for my reaction;there was none so she continued, "I suppose I thought that you wanted somethinglike that; you did sound like you wanted it and…and maybe I lost ita little, but…" she didn't know what else to say so she went silent. "Ok…justforget about it, ok" I tried to sound indifferent, "Let's just work" I said.She turned to me with some new sweetness in her eyes and said, "I reallyfell badly about it; I want to make it up to you…someway…anyway." Aftertwo days and a great deal of insisting she managed to persuade me to havedinner with her; she insisted that she would prepare it in her place as sheconsidered herself to be an excellent chef. I agreed as she was really buggingme with it but also because she was really attractive woman, hard to resist.

I came to her apartment around 7:30 pm; sheopened the door and smiled, "Hi!" and she seemed very cheerful, too. I couldn'ttake my eyes off of her at first; she looked gorgeous; she wore a beige midiskirt that revealed lower part of her nicely shaped and firm legs; high-heeledroseate sandals gave special shape to her pretty feet. Above, she had a beige,almost transparent, blouse with laces and buttons, opened just enough tomake you lock your sight to her chest. Her appearance confused me a littleand she saw it so she quickly asked, "How do I look?" as she it would confuseme even more, "I…you look…Ahm…great, really great" Ihad to change the subject quickly, "Here…I brought some wine" andI offered her two bottles of red wine I bought earlier. She took off my coatand led me to the bedroom; her apartment was big and neat, nothing I haven'tseen before. I sat on the couch in the living room and she asked, "A drink?" "Sure,whatever you have" "Would you like to try my special cocktail? I think you'llfind it exquisite", I had no objections to cocktails so I said yes. She wentto the kitchen and I heard her making noises with bottles and shaker. I lookedaround a little; everything seemed normal but yet, something was wrong, somethingwas missing. At first I couldn't figure out what but later on it came tome; there was no smell of food; usually when someone is cooking, even withsuperb ventilation systems, there was always some smell, but there was nothing.I was being a cop then; always thinking as a cop. I didn't want to pry intoher things by asking where the smell went so I just waited; she came afterfew minutes with two big glasses containing some green liquid, "Here" shehanded the glass to me, "Try and tell me what you think." I took the glass,smelled the liquid a little and took a small sip, "Nice, really nice I said." Shesat opposite to me exposing her great legs a little more; I looked at theglass and smiled, "What?" she was curious; "Oh nothing…I just rememberedthat…" I stopped to reconsider my thoughts, "Well, last time you gaveme something to drink, you dazed and raped me" I looked her right in hereyes; she bowed her head like she was ashamed and I continued, "Sorry; Ididn't want to make you feel bad, I shouldn't have said that."

We were just sitting and talking casual; Icouldn't take my eyes off her and more I drank the cocktail, more I likedit, "So what's inside this" I asked, "Oh, just some herbs and few differentliquors, lemon and cinnamon and coffee; it could have some strange effecton you, but it's always the same with any cocktail", I didn't know what shemeant by that but I knew I suddenly had to go to the toilet. "Where is the…" Inever finished and she pointed to the door on the other end of the room likeshe knew what I would ask. I went over and opened the door; that toilet wasstrange, really small and it had only the toilet bowl and the lavatory; Istepped in and could barely close the door as the space was really narrow.I opened the zipper on my trousers and began to pee; suddenly the light wentoff and I called her, "Loraine!" She came to the door, "Yes?" "The lightwent off" I said, "Oh, not again…it's the bulb again" she said, "Ok,never mind; I'll change it later" I said and resumed with what I was doing.It felt kind of strange in here; I felt like the space was getting biggerand bigger now that I was in dark; and I couldn't stop peeing; I don't knowfor how long but it felt like I was in for 20 minutes, peeing all the time,'Jesus' I thought, 'what is this?'; I began to feel embarrassed especiallywhen she asked, "You ok?" "Aaa…yes, yes…I'll be out in a second." Finally,I stopped and turned around to the door; I couldn't find the handle anywherebut, as I leaned on them, the door opened; strong light came in and, at first,I couldn't see; I just felt something was wrong, different. I took a fewsteps forward and stopped; I looked in front of me and saw Loraine's feetright in front of my face; I freaked out, went backwards and fell on thefloor and, as I looked up, I saw Loraine standing above me, her head waslike in the sky; she was giant. I couldn't comprehend what was going on;I lost my breath out of frenzy that suddenly came upon me. I took a quickglance around a room and what I realized was much worse; she wasn't gigantic,she was normal; instead, I was small, shrunk to a size of a beer bottle.I was completely num; I couldn't move my arms or my legs or the rest of mybody; my sight was blurred and I thought I'd faint, all out of fear.

She bowed down a little, blinked her eyebrowsand said, "Well…how do you like my cocktail now…tiny; yes,that's what I am gonna call you from now on: 'tiny'." She saw how I franticallylooked around so she said, "I wouldn't even think of it; there is no placeto run or hide now…you don't want to do that as I would try to catchyou and maybe even step on you…by accident, of course…ha, ha,ha…" she laughed loudly. I knew she was right so I just laid therelike frozen; just looking at her legs terrified me like hell. Slowly, shetook her left foot out of her shoe and moved it closer to me; she positionedit above me and began to slowly descend it; I thought that she'd kill meright there. Her sole was huge; as it came down she stopped just as she touchedme lightly, "Oh, how I want to do this; I really feel like squashing youright now" and I knew she was sincere, "But, this is just to show you howit would be if you become…well, uncooperative, so to speak." She turnedaround and walked over to the couch; with every step she took I felt theground trembling like it was a strong earthquake. She sat down crossed herlegs and called me over; her voice was so strong and loud although she spokenormally; once I was close she bowed down and grabbed me with her hand andin an instant I was on the table in front, "You see…I don't even needa cage for you; I just put you on the table and if you try anything you'llprobably fall down and brake all of you bones", she stopped for a second,leaned forward and said, "You shouldn't have come to that chat room, ever;see what happens when you're too nosy…you get shrunk…partner!"

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After the Library

As Susie strode out of the library, grinning like the cat who is about to get the cream, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the girl scramble to her feet, roughly hitching up her knickers and tugging her skirt down. Her face burned with embarrassment as she picked up her bag and followed her back to her office.Susie held the door open and motioned Cathy inside, before silently locking the door and sitting down behind her desk, leaving Cathy standing before her. She opened the girl’s laptop...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Third MMF with wife and long time friend his house

A couple of months passed since our last fuck date and he was getting very horny for my wifes holes again. We would dirty text back and forth about how much fun we had fucking my slutty wife together often. I loved knowing my boy was wanting my wife so bad it's a huge turn on! He said he wanted to play at his house for the next round. He has no close neighbors lives alone and constantly looks around his house at places he wants to fuck my wife. We planned for a Saturday to stay the night and...

3 years ago
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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 8 Fundraiser I

Acing Your Punishments – Chapter 8: An unusual fund-raiser, Part IThe ‘Friends of Millennium High’ (‘FoMH’) was the fundraising organization of the school. Its chairman was Mr. Witner. The FoMH had hitherto confined themselves to cake sales and Christmas Bazaars to help raise money for the school, but when young Kevin Witner told his father all about the September punishment assembly over dinner, the latter immediately appreciated the fund-raising potential of Mr. Barton’s latest innovation. He...

3 years ago
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Orally Yours

He stood before me nude from the waist down, his healthy cock dangling. The others formed a circle around us as I drop to my knees, "Ringer" moves forward, his ample penis about to enter my mouth. Ringer suffered bad head injuries in a car accident, he's slow mildly retarded, but his mates stay loyal, they shout him a suck every birthday. And I've landed the gig.Nothing wrong with his plumbing though, his cock is a handsome 8 Inches and I'm working it with a steady tempo. Ringer hardens...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 45 Friendship

Gen cringed when she heard her master curse again for the hundredth time. She was feeling ashamed that hers and the others magic healing had not only not protected him, it was also the fact that he was hurt as badly as he was. She'd already made a decision that she was sure that master wouldn't be too pleased with but for him she'd do anything. Walking out of the huge room in the palace they were in, she headed for the throne room. As she walked in Princess Amira saw her and walked...

1 year ago
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MylfExtras Dani Jensen Pleasurable Pain Mix

Gorgeous redhead Dani Jensens beautiful blue eyes hold secrets. The thing that sets her apart from the other girls is that she likes to mix pain with pleasure. Today, she will be taken through three levels of pain to get to euphoria. The first level is spanking. Our stud slaps her fat ass as she moans. Then, he shoves his cock all the way down her throat for the second level. Finally, he pierces her pussy lips with his meaty cock, slapping her silly as he fucks her twat. Dani cries out for...

4 years ago
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I Lost My Virginity To A Married Lady

Hey friends I am Sam(name changed) from chandigarh. I am not regular reader of iss but I read 2-3 stories here…They were good stories. So I thought of writing my own story here. This story begun when I was in 3rd year of engineering.I use to go college regularly and don’t miss my class much.One day my parents told me that they have to go out of town for some function so I need to come with them , I refuses so they decided to call someone here for me as they never leave me alone.So they called...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Love Making With Colleague

Hi Everyone! This is Parikshit from Ahmedabad, 6 feet tall and average built, working as a Software Engineer. I’m reading on ISS since long time and today I’m going to share my own experience. The girl here is Harleen, 5 feet 5 inches having mind blowing hot asset of 36-32-34. She is quite fair. I’m going to explain everything so story might be long. Please keep patience. Now jumping to the story, Ignore any mistakes done! This has happened when I was in Graduation. I did my graduation from a...

2 years ago
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My best friends mom needs a massage

My best friend Tony and I grew up next door. We have been best friends since the first grade. Tony and I are both 19 now. My mom and dad divorced when I was very young and I lived with my dad. Growing up without a mom was hard. Tony’s mom, Mrs. C. always insisted I call her mom, I think she felt sorry for me and tried to be the surrogate mom that I didn’t have since my own mom remarried and moved out of the country. I was over Tony’s house every day since my dad worked long hours. Mrs. C....

2 years ago
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Sexy Encounter With Bangalore Aunty

Hi, I am Aks from Bangalore. This doc has come out with a great influence, courage and inspiration after reading so many blogs here. Well to describe me, I am 33yrs, 5.7 tall and weigh around 64kgs. Medium built, not so fair and not a mirror cracking material. I mostly attract the opposite through my great sense of humor and one liner. This story is about the encounter with my aunt who had visited our place for a family function gathering at around 12 years back when I was 21yrs. To describe my...

3 years ago
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ObsessionChapter 4

The next few days were torture for Lynn. Arriving home just minutes before her husband the night of her encounter with Peter, she had slipped into bed and pretended to be asleep when Gary arrived. As he slipped into bed beside her and his arms encircled her, her conscience began a nagging which had not allowed her to sleep at all that night. The following day she had shifted back and forth on a course of action. One minute she was determined to tell Gary everything and beg his forgiveness,...

3 years ago
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Police Girl

I sat on my small bed, my hands shaking so much I was almost spilling my hot sweet tea. I had thought that joining the Police force might have given me back some power, but it looks like I was wrong. I had been my first day out on my own and what happened, the same as always happens, I was dragged off the street and assaulted. Well no quite this time, but the end result was the same. I look down my front and I can see the problem, even my blue surge uniform can't hide my thrusting bosom. It...

2 years ago
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Becoming a true Lesbian but maybe just a little

Modeling I was f******n, out of school for the summer and enjoying an ice cream at a place not far from my home. There were three of us setting in the park across the street from the place we got our cones, when a very attractive lady came up, stopping just in front of me, “Hi my name is Janice, I’ve been watching you for a few days now. Don’t worry I’m not a pervert or anything, I work for a modeling agency and I think with the proper training you could make some good money.” She handed me...

4 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 1

Dear Dirty Diary I turned forty-seven in December and for the first time in my life, felt a need to record my most personal thoughts and actions. My husband told me it would put everything into perspective and pointed out that someday when I'm old and gray, I'll have these memories to cherish. Of late, I have been hopelessly preoccupied with matters of the heart. In particular, urges of a sexual nature have bordered on becoming an obsession. I'll be the first to admit that my desire had waned...

1 year ago
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Speaking With Your Demons15 Coming Clean

“Toni, it’s Dad. We need to talk.” “I’m glad you called. I have important news. Ethan and Emma are home packing. They’ll arrive in Seattle tomorrow morning to see what you’re up to. Even if you can’t tell us everything, we have to understand the treatments before people start demanding answers. Since you haven’t been forthcoming, we decided it was better discussing it with you directly. But I wanted to give you a quick heads up in case you need to clean up loose ends before they...

4 years ago
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Heads Tails

A fantasy encounter as seen from both sides. Feedback always welcomed.****************************************************************************************Billy had had a very long day in the height of the Summer laying flagstones for the council. Overtime was well paid and often fought for amongst the manual workers but, today, he could have done without it. At this time of year, with the lighter nights, he always stopped off at the country park on his way home. Despite the occasional pass...

2 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 8

"This is a very unusual kind of man. He is not really a man, but is an artificial construct of flesh and bone. He was controlled by a wizard much more powerful than I will ever be, probably from some distance away. There is not much else that I can tell you, except that I am surprised that you could kill it. May I examine the knife that was used?" Rolf handed her his knife and Granny Eltman held it for a few seconds. "Sir Rolf, where did you get this knife?" "Sir Geoffrey gave it to me...

2 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 6

Illustrated version available on request – The Author Celia’s Story Celia sat cross-legged and covered her pussy with a towel so as not to distract her listeners from the story she was about to tell. Joanna followed suit although not sitting cross-legged, she simply sat demurely, or as demurely as one can while nude and neither Jim nor Paul could see her privates without becoming very obvious about it. Celia cleared her throat and began: “I grew up as a shy, submissive, quiet girl who...

1 year ago
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Not Dead

As the Earth wheels through space, the vast majority of its inhabitants are oblivious to the eternal war that is about to be reignited. Equinox. Equilibrium – a deadly alignment. The enemy is massing. Not here in our world but in another place, another side that’s not parallel, nor a shadow world, although it is dark. It’s just… separate, misaligned, two worlds inhabiting the same location but oblivious of each other. Except for the special days of perfect symmetry, when night and day become...

3 years ago
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Willing Seduction

I stood in front of the building and could hear the music coming from inside. I had thought about this many times, but had never mustered the courage (or something) to actually do it. I don't know why today was any different, but here I was. Each time I had completed my preparation ritual of complete shower, total body shave and meticulous hygiene habits. Before getting dressed in the insanely tight pair of jeans I bought in a moment of weakness for just this occasion, I slid into the black...

2 years ago
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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 2 Ann Takes a Walk in the Woods

The next morning Ann awoke to a rainy day. It was the type of rain that lasted all morning, but since she had homework and house chores to do, she made good time of staying indoors today. Her pussy had also returned to normal. The slight knowledge that she had fucked herself silly the day before was reduced to a mere memory. The small tickle deep within her tummy, close to her cervix reminded her though. Her little clit became hard as she reminisced about the fun day. But Ann was a a good...

2 years ago
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Rough Cut Ch 13

Edited by Poison Ivan Moe stared through the one-way mirror. The blonde hugged the wall as if it were her new best friend. A fine sheen of sweat crept over her body like untamed ivy. Her mussed hair stuck in the moisture at the sides of her face. The bastard that had browned the girl was back in his seat, pants zipped and buttoned, and stacking his winnings into piles, the girl already forgotten. The rest of the dirty half-dozen sat, waiting for the next round of cards, all eyes on the...

3 years ago
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Mom Ke Saheli Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi friends mera name suraj hai or me maharashtra ke jalgaon city me rehta hu me ye web ka bohat bada fan hu me almost sabhi story read ki he and me apna exp.Share karna chata hu aap logo ke sath ye meri pehli story he achi lage to muje bata na and kisi ladki, aunty and bhabhi ko intrest ho to muje mail kare plez is id pe me aap ko ko puri tarah se satisfy karunga ye vada he mera mail id he Me apne bare me kuch bata ta hu meri age 22 he height 5.9 he. Ye bat 2 sal pehle ki he ab aunty ke bare...

2 years ago
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First time with a real woman but not last

It was a hell of a day for Tom. One of the best he'd had in a long time. He was a week away from graduating from high school and finally getting out of this town. He had grown bored by most of the people, some he realized he just didn't like. But all that was going to change soon when he left for college and he knew he would never come back. It's all he could think about until six today, Tom's not thinking about leaving anymore, he's only thinking about the last five hours. His friend Steve was...

Straight Sex
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Chloe Smythe A Day In The Park

This story is based on the idea Chloe Smythe isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this extremely young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he...

4 years ago
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Carol Alicia

Frank had been seeing Carol for about six months, and during that time, they'd had some great times. Carol was a lovely brunette with pale blue eyes and a penchant for oral sex. Frank loved the way she looked up at him with those soft blue orbs when her mouth was full of him. She often smiled around his shaft, an impish delight shining in her eyes, while she worked her mouth up and down. Carol's figure is nice too. Slender, yet filled out with the curves of a mature, sexy woman. Her breasts...

2 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 3

With only an hour to go to the appointed meeting point, Wren slipped into the training area. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Wren tried to center her energy. So far, she had managed to increase her power, though her energy use was far too high. She was missing something, though for the life of her she couldn’t think of what. Unfortunately, the mention of her brother’s name, still had her anger seething inside. Thomas Tygoron, she would most definitely make whomever was using his name pay....

2 years ago
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Her First Bi

There is something magical about Southern California in June. The flowers seem brighter and weather is perfect. No wonder this part of the world is known as a gold coast. In the morning you wake up to humidity free 65 to 70 degree weather, a perfect temperature to go for a three mile run along the Pacific Coast Highway. Along the way you pass the most magnificent sights of the Pacific Ocean and athletic bodies of fellow runners. Women in their sports bras whose sole purpose is to insure the...

3 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold Part III

So it’s been 6 years since I’ve given an update on me and Sarah. Sarah had been sold to a d**g lord named TJ by my wife’s bull James to help us out financially and Sarah ended up being put on the street to earn money by selling sex. By the time I found out she was gone. She was turning tricks on the street and was hooked on d**gs. It was only supposed to last 3 months and then I’d get her back but I was so naive I guess. She ended up being sold off to someone else in another city. I totally...

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Wheelchair sex v1

I've had two sexual experiences with people in wheelchairs. This is the straight one...There is a longish intro to this, so either read on for the full story or go to the bit marked *** for the sex :)A few years ago, when I was in my early 50s, I lived down the road from a young woman. She was really cute and always happy even though she was in a wheelchair. Her eyes always sparkled with the joy of life and she had a wonderful smile whenever she replied to me saying "hello". One day I stopped...

2 years ago
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Wifes fling to spice are sex life up

It was my 40th birthday and was planning a nite out to Liverpool I wanted a few of us to go so I got 6 of us together and sorted it out for the following Saturday we decided on fancy dress but couldn't decide on wat. So we got our thinking caps on and I said we could do cheer leaders everyone laughed and said yea ok it will be a laugh I said we could put hair in pigtails really short skirts and cropped top haha.. Oh not forgetting long socks but make it loook sexy..So the celebration begins I...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 22

Chapter 22: I DEFINITELY DOZED off in a milk-induced haze, because the next thing I was aware of was the steady footsteps of Amanda as she walked down a corridor. It was dark and I guessed I was hidden behind the fabric of the sling. As I wriggled a little I heard, "Hold on just a second baby... Mommy will sit you up so you can see," and she rearranged me into my sitting position within my sling. I could feel I had a diaper that was going to need changed again soon, but ignored that...

4 years ago
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Better Than New Ch 03

Act 3 Friday, January 1st, 2:15pm ‘Hi, Val speaking.’ ‘Did I embarrass myself badly last night?’ It was a voice from the bottom of a gravel pit. Doreen was obviously suffering. ‘No, Doreen, you didn’t. You had fun. You let loose and had fun. And so did I.’ ‘Are you sure. I have some very strange memories from last night. How did I get home?’ ‘Well, you were very tired, so I brought you home and made sure you were comfortable.’ ‘I was still wearing my dress when I woke up this morning....

1 year ago
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Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 2

Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 2: The Start of One Long Night By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Don't I have enough trouble bailing the Colgates out of their messes?!" the man said, pushing the teenage boy through the front door. He looked like a natural politician, with a white forelock in his dark hair; though, at the moment, he wore a burgundy pajama shirt with his business suit pants and coat. "There was no bail," mumbled his rather average looking son...

4 years ago
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Fun With An ISS Reader

Hi…. I’m shyam, a regular reader of iss; it’s my 4th story, thanks to everyone for their valuable comments. After my first story, got a mail from silly(named by her),she said it’s a great story with lots of lusts, though during couple of mail conversation she never said she want to explore sex outside her hubby, we did some general conversation about life, parents, plans. Sadly one day she said please dot expect much from me as she is just here to indulge some chats only not into real meets, I...

3 years ago
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Journey Towards Sex With Mom 8211 Part 1

This is a real story. It is unlike those other fakes where people directly have sex with their moms. I am 22, live in Pune and work in an IT firm. My parents live in Mumbai. My dad had bought a house in Pune long back and thus I live in it alone. My mom and dad visit frequently and stay over the weekend. My dad had to go to London for business work for 2 weeks and hence my mom came to live with me in Pune while he was gone. Living alone, I had got me into some very bad habits like masturbating...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Girl She used to be mine

Towards the end of the eighties my life was starting to really look up. I was doing well with the telephone and alarm company I was partnered in with Rich. Now that I was a partner, I had real incentive for the company to do well. Rich and I spent a lot of time and energy together expanding the business, especially when we ventured into the security field. We had always been friends, but now we were best friends. I saw more of Rich than anyone else. When we were not side by side at work, we...

2 years ago
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Lindas New SchoolChapter 10 Bedtime

Linda was dragging her feet a bit as she made her way back to the common room. It had been a long day. When she got there, she found that Victoria and several of the other girls were still there. She gestured Victoria over, and asked her to come back to the dorm room with her. She agreed, gathered her books, and left. As she waited, Linda was asked a number of questions by her curious classmates. She promised they would find out most of it at morning assembly, and they could ask her more...

1 year ago
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The Coach

Phil had been coaching the women's swim team at college for ten years and always had an eye for his girls,admiring the way their toned taut muscles flexed as they made laps in the olympic sized pool and performed skilled dives off the top tier board.He noticed that two of the girls,Liz and Katy had a lustful gleam in their eye as they watched one another during practice.The other three members of the team had been sick with the flu,so when Friday's practice session wrapped up and the girl's hit...

2 years ago
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My Blindfold Scheme

Introduction: How I changed my wife and our sex life forever. ONE As I write this my wife is taking a shower. Soon she will get herself ready for her night out with her girlfriends. Once or twice a month they will hit the Kiez, the legendary party and red-light district of our native Hamburg. Theyll have some wine, girl talk, exchange the latest rumors, and have a good time. Most of them are in their thirties, like us, and they are all nice middle class women whose idea of doing something...

4 years ago
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Andee Learns Just What Stays in Vegas

Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Penny and her PussyChapter 6

Mr. Smith was waiting for her as she finally staggered, barefoot as instructed by her oddly compelling new task mistress, up her gravelled drive, the stones cutting into her already sore feet. The faithful pedigree tomcat mewed piteously. His beloved owner was late and he was hungry. Not only that, but he quite missed her company! She picked him up and kissed his sweet little face, opening the door and dropping him gently into the hallway. He made his way hurriedly to the kitchen and was soon...

4 years ago
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Pamelas TherapyChapter 8 Conclusion

Childhood development consists of five distinct stages; Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent and Genital. Adult mental health is contingent on the successful completion of these phases. Oral fixations may lead to a need for instant gratification and later drug abuse. Anal retentive individuals may become inhibited or obsessive compulsive. Our sexual identity is molded in the phallic stage, and cemented in puberty. Psychoanalysis attempts to reach back to our childhood and rip out our self destructive...

3 years ago
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The Second Foundation Pt 03

Warning: Parts of this series may contain violence, coercion, extortion, blackmail, non consensual sex, same sex copulation, derogatory terms, interracial sex, political statements, cheating and a lot of other stuff good boys and girls should not read (on porn websites). If any of the above are not your cup of tea, please don’t waste your time reading this. * Chapter 1 It was however Laura and Aisha who gave him a good tip. They told him they were looking looking for someone to clean the...

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It Happened in the Morning

Smells are the first thing I always notice when waking from my sleep. Today had that crisp cold air from the chilly months. My long tongue reaches out pass my lips in a deep yawn. I lift my head up and look about a few times while my tail starts a small pat on the covers. The human laying there on the other side of his bed, Rick I believe the others call him, took a few deep inhales while sleeping. The sound of his chest raising and falling was a soothing sound to my ears. I move up onto...

1 year ago
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A School Trip With Mary

The school had planned a trip for the top students in our class. I was among the selected few. The rest of the students on the trip consisted of Mary, the energetic, cute one; Kate, the extremely hot one; Kyle, the “Science-Guy”; Nicole, the ditsy one; And Jeremy . . . He was just himself. (We didn’t hold that against him!) And, last, but not least: Myself. I was the smart, witty, computer-guru. It started out as a normal school outing: long, noisy, and for the most part boring. We had...

Group Sex
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School With Mrs Stern

School With Mrs. Stern By Aleisha James My best friend, Matt, and I had been expelled from our high school while in 10th Grade. Our parents had tried to get us into other schools and at one point we were both sent to military academies. Different ones, of course, since we were viewed as a bad influence on each other, such that separating us might curb our rebelliousness. It did not work. If anything, it urged us on to even more outrageous behaviour, as if to prove a point. Our...

3 years ago
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Sissy Husband Scene

SISSY HUSBAND SCENE by Throne "Francis." Sitting in her large, deeply padded recliner, Maria waited a few seconds for her husband to respond. When he didn't, she called again, this time with impatience. "Francine!" Moments later he hurried into the room. She smiled with cruel satisfaction at his appearance. Francis was short and slender, with no visible muscular development. She had made him get laser treatments to permanently remove all of his body hair. He was wearing a...

2 years ago
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Virtual Seduction

Selena could imagine only too well the scenario in which she was participating. After all, she was wholly responsible for it. One small, but large breasted, girl was applying her wide-open mouth to Selena's own. Another girl, very similar in appearance, if not virtually identical, was licking and sucking and chewing her smooth and hairless vagina. Selena found the taste of saliva and teeth almost sweet, slightly salty, and strangely convincing. Her fist and most of her forearm was embedded...

4 years ago
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The Greek Girls FunChapter 3

It had been a month since Anita had acquired the two British Blondes as her personal slaves through hypnosis. She had fooled them with alcohol and a promise to make them look fitter and younger, when in reality; she planned to put them under Mind Control. She had made them sign all their property over to her. Karen had to quit her job as a model for the British London Model Agency and both women's bank accounts were also signed over to Anita. The house in London had been sold off to a very...

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