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Forced fetish

Forced Fetish

That Special Night

He had it all prepared before. Tonight he would fuck his girlfriend as neverbefore.

She wore the sexy undergarment with the stockings that made her long legseven longer. In addition he had her wear the high heels they bought together,and now for the final touch.

She was nervous when he blindfolded her, and extremely aroused. She couldsense he was up to something and she was all for it. She smiled wickedly whenhe led her away from the bedroom into the living room, and stood patientlywhile he moved furniture around. Then she was directed to the middle of theroom, where he had placed one of the dining table chairs. When she sat downhe began to tie her up. ?Kinky? she said softly when he started with her arms.He tied her arms to the back of the chair. Not too tight, but enough so herbreast were pointing a little bit more up front. Then he tied her legs to thechair. When she was all tied up, he walked around her looking at this beautifullady tied up, and he was almost coming just from the view.

?You are extremely beautiful ?, he said ?and the red underwear is making youlook sexy, oh so sexy?. He then proceeded to tie a heavy stone underneath thechair, so she could not by any chance fall. ?This should hold you while I fuckyour brains out? he said.

?You really thought this through, didn't you?? she responded. The fact thatshe was sitting in the light with her legs tied and spread, her arms behindher back, blindfolded, it made her hot. It was the first time he did this withher, but she was already happy, her sex life would not be boring!

?The finishing touch, we would not want to wake up the neighbors? he said,and opened gently her mouth, and place a ball gag in her mouth. ?MWWM? shemurmured. This was a little uncomfortable, although she was not going to object.And when the ball gag was in place, she could not any more. ?All I can do iswiggle a bit? she thought ?I wonder what is next?.

?Very, very nice? he said, while he gently stroked her left breast, withoutremoving the bra. He took a step back and admired the view. ?Beautiful, youhave the capabilities of a porn star? he said. ?Tonight is all about sex, sex,sex, and more sex?.

She smiled and let it happen to her.

Then the doorbell rang. Immediately she was back on earth. ?Someone at thedoor, they must not see me? she thought, and started to wiggle nervously. ? HmmmHmm ? wasall the noise she could make, and the chair was rock steady tied to the stone.The bondage did not let go. ?Damn? she thought nervously.

?Let me see who that is? he said, and walked out of the room, leaving herbehind.

?NMNMN!!? she tried to hold him back. ?Release me first, you fool!? she thought.But he was gone already.

She heard the door open, and some faint chatting. ?Who could it be? ?, shethought ?At this hour??. ?And why are they not leaving?? She heard somebodyget in, and her boyfriend talking with the stranger. Then the footsteps approached. ?Oneis a woman! He let a woman in, and see here like this?. No this was going toofar for her. But the damn bondage was too good. Now they were in the room,and the stranger could see her.

?MMHMMHMH? she tried to voice her discontent, but the damn gag. She startedto breath heavily and shook violently.

?Relax? her boyfriend laid his hand on her shoulder, to calm her down. ?Noneed to be nervous right now, you'll see? He said to her. He directed the ladytowards the chair and pointed where she was to kneel down. Meanwhile he kissedhis girlfriend gently and stroke his hands through her hear, around her neck. ?Calm,calm? he hushed her, and she calmed down after a minute or two. Meanwhile thelady was positioned in front of her, and silently crept up to her. ?What ishe doing, where is the woman, why is she here?? She thought confused, whilestill shaking every now and then. ?Did he plan this? I do not want this, Iam not into this kinky stuff!? But she eventually did calm down ?He would nothurt me, or mistreat me? she knew, ?But he will have some explaining to do?

And then when she was calm down the lady softly touched her inner thigh, andstarted slowly stroking her. At the same time her boyfriend increased his comfortingwhispers, and thus refraining her from violently reacting to the touches ofthe lady.

?He wants the lady to make love to me, while he is watching? ?Or even worse,maybe participating with sex with her and I ? She wanted to object, do somethingbut was helpless. In addition the lady touched her so softly, gently, and evermore closer to her pussy, that she got more and more aroused.

?She gets into it? he noticed. He started kissing her more passionately inthe neck, while feeling her breast, shoulders and arms. He looked down andsaw the whore he ordered slowly progressing towards her pussy, and he knewhis fantasy would come through. ?Only now to get her aroused beyond her owncontrol so she will enjoy it too? He thought and passionately kissed and fondledher. He felt her nipples grow hard and her breathing slowly turned from thenervous rhythm into the horny rhythm. ?Victory!!? he thought and gave the whorea sign to continue. And so while he pulled her bra down, to free her breast,the whore worked her way up to her pussy, pushed the knickers experienced aside,and gently kissed her pussy. The whore gave a thumbs up, indicating to himshe indeed was already wet down there.

?Oh god, oh god oh god? was all she could think. This sensual fondling ofher body had mad her hot as never before. ?I do not want this, but damn itfeels good!? and so she surrendered to her own feelings and let them do withher body as they wished.

The night was long and eventful. At first they made her come a few times tiedto the chair, then her ball gag was removed and replaced by her boyfriendsdick. And while she sucked happily and tried to swallow as much of his dickthe whore fingered her ass whole and licked her pussy. The whore was actuallyso good that they both came at the same time.

Then she was made to kiss with the whore, and exchanged the cum of her boyfriend.All the while the boyfriend watched the amazing scene in front of him. Of coursehe selected a very good looking whore, one of his liking , but still. Thiswas hotter than he ever imagined it. He came already and his dick was immediatelyhard again. The whore dressed in her garter belts, push up bra and with hertattoos licking and kissing away with his girlfriend. And his girlfriend totallysurrendering to her feelings, and hot as hell. Her long legs, her gorgeousfull breast, which by now were being treated by the whore, her nipples fullyerect, and she was tonguing! ?Yes? he thought to himself ?this will be a nightto remember?. Thus he joined the fun again.

After she had kissed and was for sure totally cooperating, they finally untiedher from the chair, and the party was taken to the bedroom. There he fuckedher doggy still with her hands tied behind her back, while the whore kissedher breasts, and clitoris. She was moaning loudly, and enjoying everythingthat was done to her. She came numerous times, having a sexual delight shenever experienced before.

?God this was great? where her last thoughts when she finally fell asleepearly in the morning, in the arms of her boyfriend. The whore smiled wickedly,and moved off of the bed, and dressed herself up. ?Have a good night miss sexy? shethought while she silently left the scene. ?Poor you ? ?.

The Mystery Lady

Days passed. Alice and Rob went on with there lives, and the night was rememberedas something special. Alice made clear that she really enjoyed the night, butwas not in for a repeat performance. It was too kinky for her.

But then things changed. While on her lunch break alone from the office awoman suddenly approached her.

?Are you Alice Donahue?? the lady asked politely.

?Yes? Alice responded.

?We need to talk, business? the lady told Alice . ?My name is Fiona Dense?.They shook hands, and Alice offered her a seat on the table.

?It is about your kinky behaviour ? the lady said as she sat down.

Alice was taken aback. ?Pardon??

?Here, this will clear things up? the lady explained, while giving her somepictures. ?These have been taken from your steamy night a few days ago?.

?We have a business proposition for you, if you are willing to listen of course?

?I do not understand ..? Alice looked at the picture of that night. Who tookthese? When, How? It was her and the whore, and her boyfriend, in various positions.All the night's progress lay before her.

?Now we find you a clear beautiful lady, with great potential? the lady continuedas if nothing special happened. ?Here let me explain? she took another setof photographs and laid them on the table. They were pictures of various beautifulladies either naked or partially naked. They were rather descent erotic pictures.

Alice was still looking over her own pictures, which were much more explicit. ?How..?? shestarted to say.

?How is not important my dear.? The lady interrupted ?Look at these pictures? shepointed to the set erotic pictures. ?These are. And these is what we have todiscuss?

Alice now looked at the erotic pictures.

?What do you think of these? The lady continued having Alice 's attention. ?Theyare true quality pics . Look at the way the beauty of the ladies is accentuated.In addition the lightning is perfect, the dresses they wear are truly beautiful? Shelooked at Alice and when Alice looked at her, still confused, she continued ?Betterthan the filth laying in front of you there?

?Now I understand the confusion etc etc , but let me put it to you plain andsimple? The lady sat back relaxed ?We want you for these quality pics . Wehave analyzed the filthy pictures of you and see you as a great model.? ?Inaddition we see that you are not that morally restricted? she pointed at thepictures with her in various pornographic positions. ?We will give you a sharein the websites of your pics , and trust me, that can be a lot? ?This in additionalso ensures your privacy: we only work with private web sites, for which youhave to individually sign up. This brings less money overall, but gives youa good paying and trusted clientele.?

Alice finally got her feet on the ground again. ?I do not think so? she replied ?Thesepictures of mine, however you got them, I want the negatives. That is the endof our conversation. You must think I am mad for going to model for you.?

?You are fiercy , I like that. It should show in the pictures.? The lady replied,as if she anticipated this reaction. ?I do not have the negatives, probablythe whore you were with has them. What she will do with them I do not know,I can only guess??

?If that is a treath ?? Alice looked angry at the lady.?It will not work.I'll call the police and send you straight to prison?

?My dear?, the lady said politely , ? Think about the deal. I leave all thepictures for you, and we'll be in contact ? .

The lady stood up and vanished into the crowed, leaving behind a confusedAlice .

Alice took the pictures and tucked them fast into her purse. She looked aroundif anybody noticed her, or had seen the pictures, but everybody went abouttheir own business. She quickly stood up and went back to the office.

At the office two gentlemen were awaiting her.

?Alice Donahue?? The larger of the two asked.

?Yes?? Alice replied.

?We are from the police and are here as a mister Donald Mesty has filed anattempt of blackmail by you.?

?Me blackmailing my boyfriend?? Alice was completely surprised.

?Where can we discuss this more privately?? The policemen asked.

Alice guided these man into a small empty office room, away from the noseycolleagues.

?Madam we have taken this issue very serious. As we speak we are going throughyour house and office with a special team.?

?But I never ..?

?May we see your purse?? The officer asked.

?Yes, but ..? and she gave them the purse without thinking.

When the officer fetched the pictures from her purse she knew this could betrouble.

?These are the same pictures mister Mesty just received?, with a note of youclaiming some money or else to ruin his career?

?But I never ..? A mobile phone rang. The police officer took his mobile,acknowledged the message, and then looked at Alice again.

?We just found the whole set, and the negatives. You are in deep trouble,will you accompany us to the office, you are entitled to?.?

When Alice reached home late that evening her life was a mess. Her boyfriendhad broken up with her, and accused her of blackmail. Her lawyer had advisedher not to try to contact her boyfriend without his permission, and with himbeing at the meeting too. He also indicated that she had a very weak case,and that the best he could do was try to arrange a settlement before it wentto court. Her remarks that she was set up was not possible to proof: a mysterywoman whom she met only once. And of course she had forgotten her name, sotracking her down would be almost impossible. The whore was being tracked downbut hopes of finding her were slim. The brothel where she worked said she leftto an unspecified location after paying a large sum of money she still owedfor the rent. This actually pointed also towards Alice as the guilty one.

How did the whore suddenly have enough money, with the blackmail not paidyet?

Alice cried herself to sleep out of confusion, and of feeling powerless inthe web of lies.

The next days thing worsened as it became clear to her the accusations wherefollowed up. The police questioned her and was thinking of putting her in jail.Her lawyer started negotiations for a settlement on her request, as her boyfriendrefused any contact. This was advised by his lawyer, as the case could costhim his job if she was not accused of blackmail. Alice was also worried forher own job now and that was why she reluctantly went for the settlement. Herboss had called her in his office and made though he did not know what wasgoing on, one more police search and she would be without a job. He made itclear she should be happy she still had one.

Three weeks later a settlement was reached and the case was closed. She lostall her savings but kept her job and career. Her boyfriend of course was herboyfriend no more. Alice self was emotionally exhausted and still wonderedhow things could go so easily so terribly wrong.

That's when the mystery lady approached her again.

The Second Try

? Alice , how are you doing??

Alice looked around and saw the mystery lady standing in the aly just behindher.

It was night and she just came back from a couple of drinks with a good friend,to ?celebrate' it was all over. The last weeks had been pure hell.

?You!? she thought about grabbing her and more but stayed calm.

?Have you thought about my business proposal?? ?I was out of town for a while,and thought let me check you again? The lady smiled and now Alice saw she wasnot alone.

Two other ladies accompanied her, as if they were on a night out.

?Don't you think she is a natural?? The lady asked the other ladies, who noddedin reply: ?She will do great on the web? ?Almost perfect?

?What is your name, I will hand you over to the police?

?For what?? the lady asked surprised

?For ruining my life!? Alice blurted. ?You blackmailed me, and then you followedup on your threats.?

?I honestly do not know what you are talking about? the lady replied.

Alice now was confused: she sounded honest, but how could this be.

?My dear, explain me what happened. Let's have a drink, maybe we can helpyou??

And so she ended up with her explaining about the blackmail and how her lifehad been turned into a mess.

?Well let's do the following: obviously you have been set up by the whore,or even your boyfriend for whatever reason. Money probably, maybe career. Ihave been envolved too when they send me the pictures of you with your address,phone and work. So we will go to the police, and explain all this. I want myname to be cleared too. Then we open the case again and you will get your moneyback.?

Alice consulted her lawyer through the phone, who even spoke with the mysterylady (Fiona Dense), and all was set. Except for the warning of the lawyer thatshe might loose the case, and then would loose much more: her job, her friendsetc.

That is when Alice decided to leave it all is it was. Her savings she couldtry to get back by just working harder, and well, she did not need a boyfriendwho was so easily convinced she would blackmail him.

Alice, Fiona and her friends just sat the rest of the evening discussing Fiona'swork and how she rolled into it. Fiona explained her how it worked, and whyseveral of her models did it.

?My dear? Fiona said late that night when the four of them had drank a fewmore drinks. ?My business is a bit shady, as you may have noticed I do havecontacts with whores, topless dancers etc, but that is needed to get a steadysupply of beautiful ladies to pose for my erotic web sites.?

?However, it is completely legal in the end, and you should think it over.? ?Weguarantee your privacy, so no real names and addresses appear on the sites? ?Andyou will have earned your savings back in no time, if the sites you are onare successful?

Alice by now saw the benefits indeed, and needed the cash too.

?The most difficult part is the beginning. You have to get used to the idea.? Fionapointed at the pictures of her models. ?They all worked before they startedwith this. Some of them still do, some of them are now full time models.? ?Itdepends on the person, and on the success of the pictures.?

?Like Petra her, she has had a lot of people liking her. She even starteddating a few of her admirers, I think.? ?And she is making a lot of money.She bought a house by the lake her closeby . It is actually a perfect placeto shoot nude pictures.?

And so the night when by discussing the ups and down of nude modeling, andshe left Fiona late that night with a promise to contact her as soon as shemade up her mind.

Three weeks later after she saw she was going to be in serious money problems,and a promotion thanks to the events was not going to happen soon, she calledFiona to talk about a contract. Two weeks later the contracts were signed andAlice was all set to start her career as nude model. Fiona promised her shewould start her of slowly, so she could stop any time. However, Fiona alsostressed she should see this as work, and it needed her full commitment. Aliceunderstood and promised to be as committed as possible. However, she notedher normal career would still be number one.

The first shoots

Alice of course was kind of excited. She knew she was a beautiful woman, orat least above average, and really always liked dressing up. And as a teenagershe did some photo shoots as all her friends did. The it was thrilling to becomea model. And now she was kind of fulfilling that childhood dream.

Also the thrill of making erotic pictures, daring to show herself , and indirectturning the man on, was making her actually feel good. The pictures Fiona showedher all the times, and the web sites showed it were just erotic pictures ,with basically partial nudity only, and indeed focused on the beauty of thewoman body, in stead of the sex.

Basically all costs where shared by Fiona and Alice , and profits too. Thereforeshe had to pay for her own clothing on the set, as well as for the studio,the photographer, etc etc .

These costs where paid up front by Fiona, and Alice would pay back eitherfrom her next salary, or from the profit of the site. This made the businessalso urgent for Alice , as she would have some financial problems if therewas no profit soon. And before the real shoot Fiona said she needed to be checkedout be one of her favorite photographers.

And thus Alice on the day of the test shoot fetched the sexiest, yet decent,underwear she had to work, as after it she would go immediately to the shoot.

She arrived at the specified address on time and rang the bell.

?Welcome Alice , how are you?? Fiona said while she opened the door and lether in.

?Let me have a look at you? She continued once Alice was inside. ?Turn around?

She looked at Alice and then said satisfied ?Very good. You look just as Ithought you would?

She guided Alice into a studio. There was a female standing there busy witha camera.

?Darlene, this is Alice ? Fiona said to the female photographer ?Ready forher first shoot.?

? Alice , nice to meet you? Darlene said as they shook hands ?lets get startedimmediately?

?This first shoot is just a try-out.? Darlene continued while she took Aliceby the hand. ?We will check your potentials and what your best selling looksare? She pointed for Alice to stand in front of the camera. ?Although we havesome samples already? That is when Alice noticed the pictures of here enlargedat the wall.

?How ..? Alice mumbled

?Please undress completely now ? Darlene continued ?I'm being paid by thehour so you want this test shoot to be over asap ?

?The pictures are the ones I received, remember? Fiona answered the unfinishedquestion. ?Darlene enlarged them to get a better feel of your looks? ?Now undressmy dear?

Alice took off her clothes, kind of expecting this, kind of reluctant. Shelooked at her dirty pictures and remembered how they changed her life, actuallymade her do a nude shoot right now!

?Is it really necessary to undress completely to see my looks?? Alice askedwhen she reached her underwear.

?Nice underwear? Darlene replied ?We could start from here, but it will costyou more, remember you ladies are paying me for the hour. And in the end Iwant to see you totally naked anyway.?

?It is better to follow the directions of Darlene? Fiona added ?We have tocheck your body, and she is the expert here.?

And so Alice undressed completely. When she stood naked in front of the cameraDarlene started making pictures and instructing her into several positions.At first stiff she soon got into it and before she knew Alice was smoothlystanding in all sorts of erotic poses. When an hour passed Darlene said sheneeded some close ups, Alice had no real objections. And so she was orderedto first make several ?faces', then to cup her breasts and finally to openher pussy. The last one she still did very reluctant, breathing heavily outof stress. She wondered if she was doing the right thing.

?Finished? Darlene said after the last pictures of her pussy. ?Tomorrow wewill see the results? ?I expect you to be here tomorrow same time. We willdiscuss where we go from there.?

?There goes another evening? Alice thought. She found herself again, and lookedfor het clothes.

? Alice we have had a small problem? Fiona said while she entered the room. ?Yourclothes are a bit wet due to a leaking sink? ?Actually they are quit smellyright now? Fiona showed her clothing which were drained with some brownishfluid. ?We will wash them for you no worry, but you do not have any clothesright now?

?I do not have any clothes anymore in this place? Darlene added looking atthe dirty wet clothes. ?How will she get home??

?I came with a coat? Alice said while looking naked at her totally ruinedclothes ?And my car is close by?

?I will send this to the dry cleaner? Fiona said, putting the clothes in aplastic bag ?What is wrong with your sink Darlene??

?The sink has been broken for two weeks now. I did not have time to fix ityet?.

?Anyway, Alice , tomorrow we discuss the pictures, and where we go from there.Don't you worry you have been great and your looks are fabulous. Your sitewill be a success. Fiona you hit it right once again.? And with these wordsDarlene went back to her camera's to close up.

Fiona handed Alice her coat. Alice put it on over her naked body (except forher heels she was wearing) and together they left the building. Fiona broughther to her car for safety. Alice was glad for this as you could never knowwho you bumped into late at night.

?Tomorrow I won't be there? Fiona said through the open window. ? but callme after the meeting with Darlene, ok??

?I will, bye? Alice smiled at Fiona, and drove home.

?I sure hope my clothes are not ruined, it was one of my favorite businesssuits? she thought when driving off. She felt really exposed sitting in hercar with only her coat on.

?Bad time for a flat tire now? she thought, and started getting nervous. Sheunderstood that a lot could happen actually, and she would have to explainor try to hide her naked state. Luckily she reached her apartment block withno problem.

?Next time I should ask Fiona to accompany me, for safety? She thought whileshe got out. She quickly slipped into the building, got to the lift, and reachedher room with no problems. Tired for the long day she fell asleep wanderingif she should go through with this nude picture business.

The discussion of the first shoot.

The next day after work Alice went straight to Darlene's Studio. She was anxiousabout the pictures. On one side she was thrilled, yet on the other side shewas still not really convinced this was the right way to handle her money problem.Of course it looked like the easiest and fastes way now, but it hold some highrisks for her career. But other alternatives where not really available rightnow.

She had also already signed a contract with Fiona, who already started toset up her web site, so backing out now would hold an additional money penalty.And that she could not afford. And up to now everything was quite open andprofessional. And after the first 10 shoots she could quit with no penalty.

She parked her car and ringed the bell.

?Come in.? Darlene said when she opened the door. ?How are you??

?Fine? Alice replied, as she was guided to the photo studio again.

?Please undress again? Darlene said simply ?I will get your file?

?Excuse me?? Alice asked ?Why should I undress when we will not take any pictures?

Darlene smiled and replied ?Well, for one we will discuss your body, secondwe might take some additional pictures?

And so Alice undressed again and waited the return of Darlene. She carefullylaid her clothes on a chair in a corner, to be sure they would not end up atthe sink in the next room again. Darlene returned with her pictures and notes,while talking to the phone. ?Ok, if you can be here in three hours, it willbe ok.? She finished the conversation. ?A model is coming tonight for someadditional pictures.? She told Alice . ?Ok lets get started!?

And thus began a thorough session of critique. First Alice was given examplesof where she looked ok and why , then the opposite, and finally she went intodetail of what she needed to improve. She advised Alice to go to a gym andfirm up her whole body ?I can only touch up so much in the pictures?. She wasa little ?fluffy' according to Darlene, and the pictures where showing it.Also she needed to go to a beauty parlor and do the whole works: manicure,pedicure, hair etc. As a nude model she explained she needed to take care ofher whole body, as there were no clothes to hide the parts that were ?ignored'right now. She showed Alice on her body where she found improvements couldbe made. A small starting belly, breast that could be lifted slightly withsome exercises

?As for your pussy? ?Or do you prefer to call it vagina?? Darlene asked ?Anyway,it is also prominent on the pictures, and the viewers will look at it. Thereforegive it also a hair cut. I would suggest to experiment with some hair stylesthere: a small line etc. Bald is also ok, but it is not really as ?kinky'.Personally I think your pussy would look better with a small piece of hairabove it.?

Alice just nodded. She was wandering if she would go through with it. Sheworried again about her career, what if someone saw her naked pictures, whatwould she do? And it turned out to be a lot more work than expected. And rightnow she was looking at enlargements of her own pussy. It was actually veryobscene.

?Attention please? Darlene woke her from her thoughts. ?Now your first shootwill be in two weeks. That should give you time to shape up the body to thedesired level. We will be able to get a good set of pictures from you by then.? Darlenelooked her in the eye to get her attention fully. ?You will need to go to thegym every day, get on a vegetarian diet, and start immediately with the new ?look'.You need the practice the look see. Trust me, it is a lot of work to get yourwhole body in shape and looking great.?

?Ok? Alice mumbled.

?Fiona will check on you to suggest some looks, and to ?fine tune' you. Sheis very good at that. I will see you in about two weeks for a real shoot?

At that moment a person walked in to the studio.

?Oh sorry? the man said. Alice jumped and covered her naked breasts and pussy.

?Don't worry, he is a male model, he has seen more nude women than you canimagine?

?Kevin, this is Alice ? Darlene said. Kevin offered Alice his hand with afriendly smile. Ashamed Alice shook his hand, still covering her body as muchas possible.

?Now do not be so modest? Darlene smiled and took both Alice hands and placedthem aside of her body. Then she walked behind Alice , still holding her handsto the side of her body. ?She has got potential doesn't she?? She asked Kevin.

?She'll be a looker, definitely.? Kevin looked her naked body up and down. ?Whencan we shoot?? he asked Darlene.

?Oh, let me clean up the place, and finish with Alice ? Darlene replied, andturned to Alice again. ?Sit down so we can talk the financial stuff. You needto know what you are up against.? Darlene sat down at the tables, and gesturedfor Alice to sit down too. ?See it as an additional motivation. Remember youalready signed a contract with Fiona. We need to sign one now too, to get thelegal stuff out of the way etc?

Alice felt extremely uncomfortable with the situation. The male model justhad seen her whole naked body, something that was actually very private toher, and even judged her roughly. Also the way Darlene forced her to show herselfwas unexpected. She was clearly out of her league her. In her own office ather own work she would never let herself be out of control this much.

The next half hour Alice sat and heard what she was in for; She needed topay Darlene an hourly fee of 300 dollars, excluding the rent of the materialand studio. In addition Darlene would keep full rights of the pictures shewas making, however needed to have the consent from Alice to post these picturesanywhere else but on the sites of Fiona. In all Alice found out she owed Darlenealready a sum of 3000 dollars for the current two sessions.

When she got the papers she signed quickly and paid the sum. Half of it shewould had to get back from Fiona. She wanted to get out of the building asapand back home to think things over. The expenses where getting way beyond whatshe expected. She needed to rearrange her financials again.

Alice stood up to get her clothes.

?Where are my clothes now?? Alice looked around suprised .  

?Oh I put them by the sink? a half naked Kevin replied ?Needed to clean uphere, I want to be home early?

?Not the sink again? Alice panicked.

?Oh-oh? Darlene said, while she ran to the other room. She returned with apile of wet dirty clothes. ?Sorry for this, again ? Darlene said smiling.

Alice sighed. Darlene obviously could almost not hold her laughter. Alicehowever was feeling grim, especially at the thought of driving naked home again.And she could not ask Fiona to accompany her, as she was not there. Alice justtook her coat, and for the second time left the building in just a coat andher heels. She quickly ran to the car and got in.

?Luckily I  did not put on too high heels this time? She thought. Andwhile she drove away: ?I will put an extra pair of clothes in the trunk. Justin case?.

After another nervous ride home she reached her apartment, where she reworkedher finances. She would have to skip lunches by now to make ends meet. So shecalled her friends and rescheduled their dates till the next month. ?By thenI should have received some money from the shoots?.

The beauty parlor and fitness were also very expensive. Darlene had suggestedplaces where other models she knew went to. But the prices were higher thanAlice expected. Instead of earning some money she was giving out much, muchmore. ?This month no personal treats at all? Alice thought grimly looking atthe bills.

The beauty parlor even needed three appointments to give her body a totallyclean-up. Her toes where done, her fingers done, all with decent fake nails,as per instruction of Darlene. Her skin was cleared of any spot that couldbe treated. ?The more you have a fair skin, the less I have to work on yourpictures after the shoot? were Darlene words, so Alice expected to be cheaperoff this way.

Her hair was slightly touched, and her eye brows slightly cut. Her whimperswere touched too, but in all her face did not change very much. Just that shenow received various instructions about daily care, and how to apply make up.Here Alice made sure she kept her business look. This model thing after allwas just a try for some additional money, all be it an expensive one. At lastshe was left with a pile of lip stick, mascara and other cleaning stuff shenever used before, with instructions for daily use. Only then would her wholebody be perfect, the ladies of the beauty parlor had assured her.

For Alice this meant she would have to wake up earlier to remove her nightmake up, and also to apply her new make up.

The gym was just heavy on her. Everyday she was to go three times to get herbody into shape according to the fitness instructor. This she could barelymanage with her work. She came in the morning before work, during her brake,and after work. And after being drilled by the instructed every time for ahalf hour (which became longer and longer as the week dragged on) she had touse the cleaning mascara again, and apply her make up again. So she was thewhole day running from appointment to appointment.

When the weekend arrived she was dead tired and wanted nothing more but sleepthe whole weekend. That's when Fiona came to check on her.

?Hey Alice , exhausted?? Fiona started when she walked up to her. Alice wasjust leaving her office for the weekend, and actually had to go to the gym.

?Dead tired? Alice replied ?I want to go home and sleep the whole weekend?

?I thought so? Fiona said. She started circling Alice . ?But you look muchbetter already? she said while she examined her. She took Alice 's hands tocheck the manicure work, the new nails, touched her hair, all in front of heroffice. Alice was actually too tired to object.

?But come with me, leave your car her? Fiona continued ?I do not have muchtime, and we need to get you dresses for the shoot next week. I have a perfectnice descent idea of how your first shoot must be?

Alice wanted to resist, but Fiona already guided her to her car. In her carthere where her friends again, and they cheerfully welcomed her.

?We are going to have some fun tonight? they all agreed. Alice smiled politely.

?Just do not make it too long, I need to go the gym tomorrow, and want tobe in bed early today? She expected to skip gym today.

?First we bring you to the gym today? Fiona corrected her ?Else we have oneangry instructor?

?How..?? Alice asked surprised from the back seat

?I know the instructor, and the beauty parlor ladies too by the way? Fionasmiled at her. ?It is my job to get my ?material' as good as possible, andthus I check on them? ?I do not have the time to always attend to my modelspersonally, so I call them to see what to expect?

?She is really managing the business professionally? Alice said with someadmiration.

Alice was dropped of at the gym. Fiona went inside to have a talk with someoneelse, and told Alice to be at her car in half an hour, for the trip into town.

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CamContacts Fetish

I think I might have a fetish for CamContacts girls because I spent all morning looking at the site with my dick out when I could and should have been doing something productive. Then again, maybe it’s just something about the kinky collection of camwhores they’ve got listed under their Fetish Sexchat Cams that snagged me like a gimp on a leash. The world of webcam sex is a world where your freakiest fantasies are indulged, and some folks are just a bit freakier than others. So it stands to...

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Bobs Gyno Fetish

"Hi, I'm Bob. I'm 34 years old, and I am a 'gyne-holic'. I cannot seem to get rid of this vaginal fetish. I've done a lot to try to satisfy my urges, but I seem to need more. Once I get what I want, maybe I'll be done ... maybe not." "Bob, thank you for coming to sexaholics anonymous. Tell us more about your fetish." "Well, I am obsessed with ... ahem ... pussy. Not just fucking it, that's normal. Me, I always want to look inside the pussy, probe it, explore it, reveal it, open...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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PornHub Fetish

Today's Top Rated Fetish Porn Videos - On your mark, get set, go! Welcome to the Fetish section of Pornhub! You know Pornhub and Pornhub knows you! That's why you get so many special and awesome things on the pages of this porn tube. Cause Pornhub knows very well what you want, when you want it and how to satisfy the needs of a porn fan! So, as I was saying, this is the place where you need to come if you want BDSM, bondage, slapping, leather shit, gagging, rough sex and so on. Another...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Millie found the perfect partner to fulfil her handcuff fetish

Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...

4 years ago
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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

I was part of a normal family and I was the only child. and both my parents worked so it didn't make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, I proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were two people, the mother who was in her 40's (widow) and her daughter nithya (23 at that point). nithya chechi was working as a receptionist in a firm so being well groomed was no problem. she was attractive by any standards...

3 years ago
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The Evolution Of My Sex Life And Latex Fetish

This is the story of the development of my fetish and my sex life.One of my very earliest memories, probably around the age of four, involved rubber gloves. My Mom had a pair of household latex gloves she kept in a drawer in the bathroom. Now, these gloves were not the regular colored ones with the rough surface and flock lining. Naturally, they didn't fit my little hands that way but, they were fairly tight fitting, natural transparent latex and smooth and shiny inside and out. Although...

4 years ago
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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

hello to all readers.. my name is kuttan and im from south india. this story i write is a true incident and not a narrative. this incident is a collation of many small ones and all adds up to make me one hell of a lucky bastard.i was part of a normal family and i was the only c***d. and both my parents worked so it didnt make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, i proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were...

1 year ago
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Bimbo Fetish

Reddit Bimbo Fetish, aka r/BimboFetish! Bimbos, the hottest thing in the world that no man can resist. If you say you can resist seeing a bimbo and drooling over her, then you’re probably lying. What constitutes a bimbo anyway? It’s pretty simple, really. Bimbos are women who have gone to great lengths in order to present themselves as nothing more than sexual objects. Now, when it comes to showing off what they have to offer, bimbos have always been there with their huge tits, faces with a lot...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Smoking Fetish

First off, let me preface by saying that I am not a smoker (Not in “Real life” anyway). I do, however try to indulge a man's fantasies when we're together. I have, of course, turned down some of the more bizarre requests, but smoking for fetish purposes, is pretty benign. I have been surprised by how many men have this fetish. I don't know if it adds to the air of sluttiness that men who are into CD's prefer (Men don't want us dressed and acting like church ladies), but a lot of men love to...

2 years ago
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Birth of a pantyhose fetish

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even...

2 years ago
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A School Girl Fetish

A School Girl Fetish By Kachakali Read this and other stuff on my hobby site I have a schoolgirl fetish. I'm not afraid to admit it. I love their long hair and girly uniforms. I was very jealous of my sister. She got to go to a private school and I just went to public school. I would have loved to see all those cute girls in their uniforms. For me, it went from lusting over them to actually wanting to try on their clothes. But I can't...

3 years ago
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How I got my cum fetish

So guys always ask me about my cum fetish, why I love cum so much. When I first started being sexual, cum sort of grossed me out. It wasn’t until I graduated high school, started dancing and explored my sexuality more to learn what I really loved. It started when I met a black man named Deshaun at the club, I remember the night we met like it was yesterday. I just turned 18 a few months ago, I remember because that’s when I went through my fishnet phase. I was up on second stage in a black...

4 years ago
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My first fetish

I don’t know exactly when this strange fetish of mine began but it’s been a haunting of mine ever since. It’s more then just a sneaker fetish. I have had the urge to be with a woman who would wear my sneakers. I haven’t found any info on the web about this so I must be unique. So here’s the my story of my first time ever with a woman and the end of that darn fetish. When I was in my early teens I saw my best friend’s older sister wearing his...

2 years ago
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A business woman becomes obsessed with dirty sex and goes out on a limb for her fetish

I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn’t help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I’ve learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won’t stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...

3 years ago
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My smell fetish

Hi everyone! My name is Juliana, I'm eighteen, bissexual and decided to share with you something that happened to me when I was sixteen! I haven't changed much since that time, I'm shorty, white, thin, brown hair (like to make ponytail). I don't have big boobs, but I kinda like my ass. Sorry about my english, I know it's not perfect. I've always been very interested in the smell of things and sex wasn't different. A few years ago I found out that I liked my own smell. I used to smell my panties...

2 years ago
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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

4 years ago
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Marys Furtive Fetish

Mary was feeling a little worried. She was due to go to college in a couple weeks, which meant she had to move into the dorms. "Can't I still commute from home?" Mary asked her parents."Oh no!" They said, "You wouldn't be getting the full college experience." They explained. "Well," Mary tried, "Can I at least have a single dorm? How will I have any privacy if I share room with someone?""That's more expensive," They said, "And unnecessary, you'll make more friends and socialize more if you...

5 years ago
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Michelles Fetish

This is a pee fetish story so if you're not into that you probably won't like this. If you do however I hope you enjoy my first attempt at writing!My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like.So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice...

2 years ago
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Ok so I've got this little fetish burning inside me. My wife is a sexy cute BBW. She wears thick rimmed stylish glasses and resembles the "sexy liabrarian" type. She's about 5'7" long brunette hair flowing to about the middle of her back. She's thick in the thighs and ass with 38D breasts. She is sexually verbal. Honestly she could qualify as a screamer in the right situation. She's not a dead fuck by any means she really works her hips and ass with the motion. She has a freaky side that she...

4 years ago
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my gf first time feet fetish

She discovers my foot feish with her sexy red painI'm dating this gorgeous 21 yr old, we'll call her Sarah, who has really indulged my foot fetish. Particularly, she loves it when I cum on her feet after fucking. I thought I would Commit to writing the story of how she discovered my fetish and how well it turned out for me.It was just a few weeks from when we began dating. We had been out drinking and dancing and came back to my place, late at 2am. As we were through the front door we were...

3 years ago
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Vampire fetish

Vampire fetish is huge for me too. That scene in the cave for the lost boys has to be one of the most passionate and sensual scenes in vampire movie history. Went to the peir in Santa Cruz where the lost boys was filmed. I was with a Dom type. I didn't eat before we went and It scared him. I didn't want to throw up on the rides. We had matching lost boys shirts like a couple of nerds. Rode the loof carousel with him. We sat on the bench seat. He bit me hard. Left a big hickey. I made a...

2 years ago
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The Nail Fetish

The Nail Fetish by Alicia It's kind of hard to believe what has happened to me. It's even harder to try to organize it into this story. But I'm going to try. I think it all starts with my fetish. I mean, many people have fetishes. There are rubber fetishes, feet fetishes, many types. I have a fingernail fetish. In my mind, there is nothing more erotic than beautiful hands with long, perfectly painted nails dancing on a computer keyboard or a piano or tapping on the...

4 years ago
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The Foot Goddess ballbusting foot fetish

Ballbusting/Foot Fetish/FemdomThis is a Foot fetish, ballbusting, femdom story, if you don't like these stuffs it's better to stop readingPart 1Taliya was a grown woman of 40 years old. She was white skinned and black haired. Feared by all her city, knowing to be a ballbusting assassin. She would take contracts ONLY from women to castrate men or kill them, and even when killing them she makes sure to bust their nuts first.But Taliya had a specialty, she didn't use any weapon or gadget to bust...

2 years ago
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Define Fetish

If you ever wondered how a real fetish-driven website should look like, just explore DefineFetish. This place is dedicated to all kinds of dirty acts, from hardcore tortures pleasures to some softcore BDSM. It all depends on the video you choose to view, as I am quite sure you will find whatever the fuck you are looking for on fetish site.The first thing you obviously need to know is that is a hardcore fetish site, and you should probably not visit...

Pornstar Databases
4 years ago
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Michelles Fetish

My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like. So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice about me when I walk into a room. A few weeks ago I was walking by a group of sixth graders that were out on a field trip and as I went...

2 years ago
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Foot fetish

Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...

2 years ago
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A Slave To My Fetish

It had been a long day and the thought of a nice cold drink before dinner was rather appealing. The unusually hot weather had brought out the crowds on Ocean Boulevard, most of them, no doubt, heading for an early evening stroll along the beach. I decided to stop in at the Grill to sit outside and watch the world go by. Well, mostly to watch the many scantily-clad young women go by or as they stopped at the light, waiting to cross over Ocean on their way to the shimmering sands below....

3 years ago
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Strange Fetish

I suppose my fetish with underwear and fun with crossdressers really started when l was in my teens, l had a friend Jay who liked dressing in his mothers underwear and we would role play which always involved us on the bed with him in knickers and bra stuffed with socks and me on top, my cock would be up one of the knicker legs so our cocks were sandwiched between us, l would be sliding myself up and down as if l was fucking him, when we climaxed the spunk l shot was a mear teaspoon compared to...

4 years ago
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Nylon Foot Fetish

Tina/Suzy painted there pedicure nails in Red which I loved. As they both wore a pair of sheer 15 dernier stockings there feet were accentuated by there high heeled mules. I adore shoes like this particularly when they walked, the sole flicking her heel, making the quiet swishing sound I heard so often at work. Just the sound was enough to give me an erection but added to the glimpse of her soles they gave or even better when she dangled them from her toes then flicked them back up to slap her...

2 years ago
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The beginning of my pee fetish

Before I knew I wasn't alone in the world with the pee fetish, Here's one of the episodes I had.It was summer time, a bunch of guys and girls from my high school planned a party out in strip pits. We all brought alcohol and plenty of it. As we gathered around a fire, and drank and talked, I found myself watching everyone and trying to figure out it thier bladders were also full. I was also watching to see people sneeking off to relieve themselves. After a while, I got lucky, I saw one of my guy...

3 years ago
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Me The Landlord And His Ass Fetish

I have been reading ISS for quite some time and would like to share my life experiences with this community. I would like to share the sensuality of my experience initially to help the readers understand the course of events leading to the sexuality in my life. I am Karthik, 32years old now. This happened about 10 years ago. Back then I was fresh out of college and got a job in Chennai in a reputed MNC. Initially, I stayed in a PG. But PG life did not suit me well as I have always been...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Foot Fetish

Here we go again. I'm hoping that this one will make you all happy. It's the best I could do. If it doesn't work for you I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy...hell I hope that you can READ it to begin with. But anyway I hope that you are going to enjoy it and if you find anything similar to this or you get the urge to write ANYTHING like this then send it my way PLEASE!!! But anyway I hope that you enjoy it and e-mail me back with any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you and...

4 years ago
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My Fetish

My Fetish I am kneeling here all in black lingerie, a bra, panties, garterbelt stockings, heels, short skirt, sheer blouse, with a long wig, makeup, hoop earrings, jewelry, hands cuffed behind my back and with a big hard dick stuffed into my mouth causing me to gag. My ears are being held to shove it in and out, all the while being laughed at and called a cock sucking whore. This Probably unusual, but even more so in the fact that I am a man, or use to think I was! This all...

2 years ago
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Making A Living Smoking Fetish

Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...

2 years ago
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How a kind lady helped my nylon and foot fetish

I thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn't trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I've always...

2 years ago
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Erotic Essay 2 Find Favourite Feature Fetish

EROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...

3 years ago
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Bettys Secret Fetish

I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...

2 years ago
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Bettys Secret Fetish

I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...

4 years ago
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Cirque de fetish

“Step right up! Step right up and experience the greatest show on earth. Go though the maze of mirrors or visit our special barn. Experience the worlds greatest hypnotist or meet the incredible Mistress Selena. Help wanted as well. All this and 10 times more at Cirque de Fetish! It is even free of charge 3 nights only!” The barker is yelling out over the crowd as you approach the front gate with all the other people. You can feel the excitement, anticipation and smell the sex wafting though the...

4 years ago
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Primal Fetish

The bedroom was quiet and dark, as both Mark and his girlfriend lay perfectly still. Sleep had come easy to both of them, as they had just had sex the night before, their bodies still intertwined from the heated passion. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the pinging of an alarm. Morning had come, and with it, the responsibilities of the day. Mark slapped the machine with a groan, as his girlfriend started to somberly remove herself from his body. Yawning and lifting himself from the...

4 years ago
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Dirty Little Fetish

The last push of hot air of the day lingers in my bedroom, with the light of the sun departing into the west, streaks of light cascade over my bed. It gives the room a softly romantic feel in the most natural of ways. Right now, the only things I can hear are my own breathing and the soft wooshing of the rotating ceiling fan.We planned for this last night, so I've had time to get things ready. I've thrown off my comforter and top sheet, leaving just the pillows so nothing gets in the way. Now...

2 years ago
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Choose a fetish

Billy was all was a kinky boy. He wanted to discover all his kinks and explore it all by the time he turned 21. He had been planning this sense he was 14. He knew that he couldn't find a regular girl to do this thing. He was into some nasty stuff, he like being piss on and use as a toilet; also sometime he could be submissive. He like getting breast milk, and doing fat girl, smother, etc. A lot of these things he had even tried or attempted. No he had to find the right woman to do it. That is...

3 years ago
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My foot fetish

My name is Cameron, and I'm twenty. I have a twenty-two year old girlfriend who really seems to be into me. Her name is Claire, and I could see asking her to marry me sometime soon. Anyway, we've been seeing each other for a few years now, and we've been having sex for about two years. We waited a little while to really get comfortable with each other, before we had sex. Over that time, I had grown really fond of her feet. When we would cuddle together, I'd reach over, and grab her feet. They...

5 years ago
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Becoming Julie Part 3 mast smoking fetish

Becoming Julie, part 3 – The Later Teen YearsSo now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom had not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and...

3 years ago
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Breast Fetish

So I work with this VERY busty girl at my workplace. I believe she told me once she was a jj cup or something. Anyway We flirt all the time.(I LOVE big breasts) She is blonde and has green eyes. She is a little chubby and cute. Not fat but thick. I guess she is a little bit below a bbw but getting there. Anyway, we flirt a lot and she likes me. So on Friday I finally asked her to go out for a drink at the local bar. We had a couple of drinks and watched the game. Flirted some more like we...

2 years ago
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Mistress Bs House of Fetish

I'm pretty sure it was early on in the semester when Mistress B thought it was a good idea for us to try some chastity. She had bought a device for me to wear and one Monday morning before we went back to school, she decided to put it on me. She would wake up a good 2 hours before me Monday mornings, as I recall being woken up and her asking me if I was ready. Before I knew it, the device was firmly attached to me and she put the keys around her neck on a necklace. It would be 5 long days...

3 years ago
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Kinky Bottom With Neck Fetish

I was in Mumbai that time. 26 years old. Slim rather skinny figure. I used to think I am straight but I always liked when any boy or man kept their hands on my throat. I was skinny and short.A lot of boys in college and some colleagues used to grab me by the throat. They might have done as fun but I loved being strangled and their warmth on my throat very much. Anyway finding somebody to tell this fetish of mine was always impossible. Hence when I was in Mumbai for a job as a bachelor, I used...

Gay Male
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my panty fetish

I guess my panty fetish started back in high school but that a whole other story. Over the past few years i have posted adds on a certain website (cl) that i was looking for sexy panties. Replies were always hit or miss but sometimes a real girl would respond back. In one add i put how i'd luv to go through a panty draw and pick a pair to stroke my cock on. A girl (Amy) answered but said she would only meet me in public and give me her panties. To my surprise she showed up and i walked up to...

4 years ago
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Awakeing of a nylon fetish

This is not just a story, its more a recollection of the first memories of my nylon fetish. Where does a fetish come from anyway? Maybe thats an area we shouldnt touch now, thats something for the wise men and doctors.When and where did it all start? I was 9 years old and home alone for some reason i dont recall. Ive must have been really bored ´cause i was on a imaginary treasure hunt, i was always a little boy with loads of imagination but this turned out to be a really really good treasure...

2 years ago
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Foot Fetish

The gift card was in an invitation that was as interesting as the establishment I was about to enter. “Happy Birthday, Peggy Anne. We are about to make your fantasy come true. Come prepared for a great pedicure and perhaps a little bit more.” The building was a charming southern cottage with magnolias and old oak trees. The Spanish moss hung like lace from the branches. There was just enough for atmosphere but not enough to make it spooky. There were rocking chairs on the wrap around porch....

3 years ago
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My Wifes Fetish

My Wife's Fetish. Copyright YEOWCH. ***************** "Well?!" Well what ?" "Well, are you going to or not ?" "Going to what ?" "Stop being so bloody daft Ian, you know what I mean !!" "I do?" "You sod, you're doing this on purpose aren't you. Just to get me bloody riled." "Do what?" "IAN !!" * Confused ? Let me explain.... My wife Mandy has a fetish. Spanking. Come to think of it, you'd better add slippering, belting and caning to that as well. Now don't ask me where it comes from...

2 years ago
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Just for FunChapter 2 Just a Fetish

Emily and I had fought before, but never like this. We were both lawyers, not that it helped. Some people have this idea that lawyers always argue like they’re in court, presenting evidence and rationally posing objections. When Emily and I fight, we get mean. I recognize it in myself - I’ll snipe at her, never letting her finish a point. In turn, she’ll change the subject ... typically onto some slight I’d performed in the last few days. I’ll get mad at her for changing the topic, she’ll...

2 years ago
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Indian MILF Fucks Shoe Salesman with Foot Fetish

This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita Bhabhi was having a meal with her friend Annie. The women were laughing and having a good time. Annie dropped her handkerchief, and a waiter grabbed it for her. Before he stood back up, his eyes fell on Annie’s shoes and froze. Waiter: Ma’am, are those the latest Louis Vuitton? Annie: Yes, it is. Good guess. Waiter: It was no guess, madam. You could say women’s shoes are my passion. Thank you, miss. You have made my...

4 years ago
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Stevens Fetish

It was a dark and stormy night... Ok OK, so it wasn't really. I just wanted to get your attention. Actually it had been a beautiful day made more so after I received the purple invitation to a party. It had been a rough day at work despite the warm sunny weather. I'd been working hard on a huge merger. We're talking about millions of dollars. That type of money can get to a guy, even if it isn't his. Hmmm probably more so since it isn't his. Anyway... it went well with only the few minute...

1 year ago
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StripChat Fetishes

I watched some StripChat fetish shows this morning, and I’ve got to say, some of these girls are real freaks! I mean that in the best way possible, of course, because a kinky girl is exactly what you want when you’ve got kinky tastes. Some guys are okay with a pair of tits shaking in their face or watching a beautiful woman finger herself, and I’ve definitely been known to crank it to a basic vanilla striptease from time to time on days with a Y in them. The thing is, the internet’s a bold and...

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3 years ago
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The story behind some of my fetishes

Well, I don't really write unless I have to; however, a lot of people question the videos in my favorites and thought some of you would like to know how I allegedly "inhabited" some of my fetishes. I was in a relationship for a little over two years. My ex boyfriend was a white 5'11", brunette with hazel eyes very sweet to me (until the relationship ended of course) yet very possessive.This man influenced so many fetishes of mine; I'm not sure if I consider it a curse or a blessing. As high...

3 years ago
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Rape Fetish

Welcome to the world (or alternate world) of Rape Fetish! And as the title emplies these stories are all about girls with rape fetishes. (Rape is a serious crime in the real world, if that's your kind of thing than keep it as roleplaying with a consenting partner and stories like this one but not in the real world.)

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