- 4 years ago
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Bootsie - © Spitman, 27th October 1993
The sun blazes down on the rock path as I lead Bootsie down to his feedingplace. I am used to the heat, and my bare feet are hardened after weeks inthe rocky desert. Bootsie is slurping as usual. He knows his food is waiting,and his enthusiasm is irrepressible.
So far, Bootsie has behaved himself today. A mischievous dragon would bea handful for anyone, but I am nude and defenceless, so I am grateful thathe is following me with at least an appearance of good humoured obedience.I have learned to stride confidently down the rocky path, but I know that mybreasts will bounce far too much if I try to run. It is quite impossible tokeep them under control when I am naked like this. All the same, there arecompensations for being so generously endowed. I get plenty of attention fromthe male attendants. That makes the others jealous, but I know it is the onlyreason why I am still alive. I am really very lucky. I make sure to remindthose overgrown boys of my sexuality, every chance I get. That keeps them good-humoured,but it is not enough for me any more. My appetite for sex has blossomed sinceI came here.
One item that always gets their attention is the ring I wear in my pussylip. I am sure it is eye-catching enough, even without the brightly polishedgold flashing in the sun, but they cannot possibly imagine how it feels. Itsmovement conjures magical sensations from my clitoris, as if I have Aladdin'sLamp between my legs, and someone is rubbing it gently, making the genie cometo life. If I run, it feels as if a full scale firework display is going off.A few paces is just about all I can take, of that.
'Yeeaaaaaaah!' I yell, as a shocking pain explodes between my legs.
Bootsie's long leathery tongue has flicked accurately upwards, with suchforce that it has lifted me off my feet. My legs kick wildly, and my toes reachunsuccessfully for the ground. I am outraged at the indignity of my helplessness.His leathery flesh curls up over my belly and holds me tight, while he samplesthe flavour of my dripping pussy.
"Put me down! Bad boy!" I yell desperately as the rough flesh ofhis tongue rasps deep within my tender crevice. He is really just being playful,but I am terrified that he will not be able to stop. Usually he obeys me, ifI shout at him loudly enough, but he is easily distracted when he is enjoyinghimself. I wriggle and kick as the fiery pain inflames my crotch, and I pantwith anger at the frustration and indignity of it. When Bootsie finally lowersme back onto my feet, I cannot move for a long, painful moment.
My swollen pussy is hot, inflamed. I cannot walk as if nothing has happened.But I know that I am lucky. I have seen his second tongue slice through thehide of an ox like butter, and his crocodile-like jaws and razor-sharp teethare equally lethal. I have vivid memories of what he can do to a girl. He juststands there and grins at me, licking his lips to remind me that he is enjoyingthe forbidden taste of my pussy. Sometimes it seems as if he is intelligent.I feel as though he has rasped me between my legs with a rough leather coachwhip. It is no way for a dragon to treat his Mistress.
"How dare you, Bootsie!" I yell, turning to glare at him. I knowmy bare bottom is red, but that is nothing to the way my pussy lips feel. Bootsiejust looks at me with a baleful innocence. There is no sign of the tongue hehas just used on me with such disrespect, but I know he will do it again ifhe gets the chance. He enjoys catching me unawares. His favourite prize isa taste of my pussy. I wonder if he really thinks of anything other than food.I seriously doubt it. I am probably just as tasty as the girl who is destinedto be his lunch today. But there is not much point in worrying. If he getscarried away with his game, there will be nothing I can do about it, beforeit is far too late to protest.
I dare not wear anything to protect my soft flesh from the wicked serrationsof his tongue, or his razor-sharp claws. Bootsie is easily provoked by anythingthat conceals a girl's flesh. I once watched him tear a girl's clothing topieces. Her lovely body was soon covered in cuts. Once he had tasted her blood,there was nothing I could do to stop him. I certainly had no intention of takingher place. Her last moments were not a pretty sight. Even fully dressed, Idaren't risk provoking him. Nipple rings provoke him even more, although theguardians like me to wear them while they take their pleasure with me.
At least I can wear my pussy ring while I am leading him. It also makes avery useful distraction for Melvyn and Rufus. I know exactly what those wickedboys might get up to if they weren't transfixed by the way the bright goldcirclet jiggles in the sunlight. I probably look as erotic and vulnerable asI feel, especially in the spike-studded leather collar that I am privilegedto wear while I am working. At least it distinguishes me from the less fortunategirls around here. Somehow it manages to communicate that I am Bootsie's Mistress,but only as long as my own young Masters allow me to be.
Bootsie likes his food tender, alive and of the gentler sex. Yes, he hasa predilection for girls. That is not his fault. Bootsie was bred speciallyto dispose of unwanted girls. It is sad to live in a world where there arejust too many of us. It is not a nice solution, and I try to forget that Iam destined for exactly the same fate, sooner or later. I am lucky to be appreciatedfor my co-operative disposition, in the meantime. I let Melvyn and Rufus doalmost anything they like to me, without a protest. Mostly it is fun, but Iam not allowed to forget my position. The judicious and regular applicationof pain sees to that. The boys seem to enjoy inflicting pain just as much astaking their pleasure with me. I wonder if they realise how much I have changed.Once I was timid with the girls I had to prepare for Bootsie, but now I feelan exciting intimacy with his victims. I absorb their feelings of terror withevery fibre of my being, and I try to make them share my pleasure.
It was particularly upsetting at first, when I recognised Bootsie's nextmeal as a girl I had worked, played or even loved with, but then somethingextraordinary happened. My own body responded in sympathy while I distractedthem with intimate caresses. Usually the girls are surprised that their bodiesrespond so easily to me. In no time I have them writhing, beautifully, totallyoverwhelmed with pleasure. I doubt if they are truly aware of anything thathappens to them after that.
Bootsie's chain is made from heavy, welded steel links. Its weight is supportedmainly by his collar, so it is not too hard to lead him along. Most of thetime he is quite docile. I cannot help the warmth of my feelings toward him,as we approach the clearing.
I gasp as that leathery tongue flicks casually, and a little more gentlybetween my legs. My lips prickle, and I twitch uncontrollably. Bootsie slurpscontentedly as if he has just won another major prize, but I am convulsed fora moment, as the heady spasms of pleasure bring a familiar weakness at theknees.
There are several tall posts on the right side of the clearing, as thickas my thigh and about three metres high. A wriggling, nude girl is securedto one of those posts. When we get a little closer I recognise Kelly. She isa delightful nude. I remember her as a girl whose innocent beauty used to makeme jealous. We shared the discovery of sexual games that girls can play, butthat was a long time ago. Those crude experiments were exciting for two younggirls, but she will be surprised at the things I have learned since then.
On the far side of the clearing there is a large outcrop of rock, with severalheavy rings and chains attached to it. On my left there are four shorter posts,each as thick as my arm. Two are about waist high, with smoothly rounded tops,but the other two make me shiver every time I see them. They are shoulder high,and their tops are sharpened to a point. Sometimes the boys mount a girl onone of those spikes. It is impossible to hold it, unless she keeps perfectlystill. The idea is to make her wriggle as quickly as possible, so she doesn'tget upset before she is nicely settled, with the spike right up inside her.It is so very easy, that it makes me feel peculiar inside, just thinking aboutit.
Kelly's neck is noosed to the post. As usual, the noose is so tight aroundher neck that she can hardly breathe, let alone talk. It has hauled her uponto the tips of her toes, and it is fixed through a hole in the post thatI cannot even reach. She cannot move enough to do herself any damage. MightyMelvyn and Rampant Rufus have prepared her well. I doubt if she gave them anytrouble. I have watched girls walk right up to the post and stand there, perfectlydocile, and even laughing. I have even seen a girl cross her wrists behindher back, ready for binding. I don't know what they say to the girls, but itworks every time. By the time the noose tightens round her pretty neck, andshe is hauled up onto her toes, it is much too late for her to struggle. Theycan manage a girl without any of the tricks they have learned from me.
Giant tears are trickling pathetically down Kelly's pretty cheeks. At leastshe knows what is going on. It is so embarrassing to have to explain. Her burstingnipples, and the glistening wetness in her slit show how aroused she is. Recognisingme has probably got her even more excited. I am rather flattered. It will makeeverything so much easier.
Kelly is such a lovely nude. Her wriggling moves all of the right bits, veryprettily. I check the noose around her neck. She can barely breathe, and herprotests are scarcely audible. There is no need for a gag to silence her screams.Her eyes appeal desperately as my fingers feel, stroke and caress her body.I remember the way we caressed each other all those years ago. It was muchsimpler then, my finger running softly through her slit as hers stroked mine.I remember how we liked to kiss each other. Now she has full, firm breastssurmounted with pretty pink nipples. I reach behind and check her wrists. Theyare bound with the usual cords, so tightly that I doubt if I could undo theknots. I explore the smooth roundness of her bottom cheeks. My fingers straybetween them, teasing her slippery, swollen vulva. I curl a finger deliberatelyup into the liquid heat of her pussy. Her inner muscles ripple around my finger.I feel the smooth roundness of her cervix as I stroke my finger purposefullyinto her. Her inner flesh feels soft and resilient.
I reach for her nipples with my other hand. They are tiny pink morsels ofdelight, but they swell quickly as I tweak them. Soon they are perfectly rigid.They will be such a treat for Bootsie. I run my hand down over her belly. Myfingers explore the soft curls of her mound, teasing until her clitoris peepsout, pink and glistening. With a practised movement I pinch that slippery morselhard between my fingers. She squirms violently. It is fun to be in controlof her writhing body. I continue my practised movements until she is helplessto stop the spasms of pleasure that convulse her. I feel the tingling in myslit as I read the excitement in her eyes. It is almost a pity to stop.
'Kelly, darling . . . be a sweetheart . . . try not to wiggle too much .. . it gives Bootsie indigestion,' I tell her. (SEE Dolcett MISC003 Drawing)
I doubt if she is listening, but it is worth a try. She owes me at leastthat much. In the state she is in, I doubt if she will feel very much anyway.The least she can do is help me to keep him in a good temper. If I am luckyit might quieten her a little.
I give Kelly a last, friendly tweak. My fingers are dripping as I step awayfrom her quivering body. Everything is in order. Bootsie flicks out his tongue,and licks her pussy with an innocent playfulness, slurping noisily. This isnot a good time to get in his way. I must secure his chain before he gets tooinvolved. I want to stay safely out of range, while I begin to tidy thingsup around here.
It was Kim's turn yesterday. She was a honey. After I prepared her Melvyninserted sharp liquorice slivers through her piercings. I could hardly controlmyself when I saw what an erotic picture she made, like that. Even Bootsiegot excited over her.
As I turn away with the end of Bootsie's chain, I notice that Melvyn andRufus have come to help me. They seem to have forgotten Kelly completely. Infact, they seem quite fascinated by my pussy ring, when they can drag theireyes away from my breasts long enough to notice the rest of me. Most men findmy nipples irresistible, even under thick clothing, and when I get excitedthey stick out beautifully. They feel pretty good too. It is nice to be appreciated.As I step forward, the movement of my pussy ring is so exciting that I cannothelp gasping at the magical sensations it conjures between my legs. I feelthe pleasure growing, making me squirm beautifully as I step closer to theboys.
Melvyn and Rufus are young, muscular boys, who can handle the most difficultslave, and it is exciting to know how effortlessly they can persuade my bodyto respond to their advances, but they are on their best behaviour, as I stepjauntily towards them.
My breasts swing heavily as I lean forward to bolt Bootsie's chain to therock. Melvyn and Rufus are on either side, reaching out to help. Fingers straybetween my legs. I let them move my knees a little further apart. I am amused.They are so predictable, but it is harmless enough to let them play with me.My breasts hang heavily down, and Rufus is busy teasing my enormous nipples.Melvyn is not helping with the chain. I think he is getting mixed up with otherchains, that are already shackled to the rock. Their playful stroking is pleasantlydistracting. Rufus produces heavy golden rings, and inserts them carefullyinto my nipple piercings. I love the way the weight of the rings stretchesmy nipples. I wonder if they will let me wear them all the way back to thecamp!
Their teasing is delicious. My pussy lips are nicely slippery and swollen,and my ring is tugging at me. It feels strangely heavy. Their hands are inthe way, so I can't see what they are doing, but it feels wonderful. If theykeep this up I will have an orgasm before I can fix this blasted shackle. Iknow they are doing it on purpose. Their gentle stroking right by my clitorisis making me squirm. I can't stand it much longer. Distracting, disturbingimages keep springing to mind, that have nothing to do with the way they areteasing me, poignant visions of girls at that awful moment when they know thatthe unthinkable is actually going to happen, their eyes big with surprise.
Over the past few months I have learned incredible things about female physiology.I have discovered that I can bring any girl to an orgasm in seconds. All ittakes is a quick caress in exactly the right place, and a few very specialwords. I enjoyed passing on that particular technique to the boys. It was excitingwhen they tried it on an unsuspecting girl, right in front of me. They soongot the idea. After that I taught them other ways to control a girl. Pleasureis insidious. Girls just naturally succumb to it, without a thought of resistance.It overcomes the will. I don't care that they can easily use the same trickson me. Pleasure and excitement are all I dare to live for. If a girl has tobe controlled, it ought to be done properly. In their place I would not goeasily, if I was given any choice. I feel reassured that at least they canmake it easy for a girl now. It is much kinder if she is guided towards theinevitable, without even the temptation to be difficult. That way it all seemslike a dream, until it is much too late for her feelings to matter. If I amlucky, they will take me by surprise one day, and then they will control mebeautifully.
Their caresses are making it difficult for me to finish fixing Bootsie'schain. I love it when male fingers touch me like that, caressing me delicately,insistently until I am ready to explode with sensation. I am on the edge ofan orgasm, but they are not letting me go. I want desperately to be fucked,but all they let me feel is the gentle intrusion of a finger into my engorgedvulva, while they watch me struggle with Bootsie's shackle. They must be havinga visual treat while I am kneeling like this, with my legs wide apart, andmy cunt looking ready to be screwed. One more turn of the bolt. My nipple ringsswing heavily as I make the extra effort. That's it! At last.
I feel relief as I straighten up at last. I turn and smile at the boys. Theylook as if they are waiting for something. Of course. I feel distinctly unsteadyas I get to my feet. There seems to be something awkward getting in the way.I feel a persistent pull at my pussy ring, and there is something cold andhard between my legs. I look down. A heavy metal chain, as thick as my finger,hangs from my pussy ring. It runs down to the ground and over to one of thoseheavy shackles, embedded deep in the rock. An orgasm hits me like a wall. Itis shattering to discover how easily they have tricked me. I explore desperatelywith my fingers but I cannot work out how they have linked the chain to mypussy ring. There is no easy way to unfasten it from my ring, and even if Imanaged to undo it from the rock, I know I would never get away from them,with that chain trailing behind me.
I am filled with an awful excitement. This is not one of their usual games.The boys are obviously fascinated by my predicament. I am not surprised. Iam a pretty nude, and I am chained to a rock by my pussy lip. That is enoughto fascinate any man, let alone that pair of incorrigible rogues. My vulvathrobs fiercely. I am tingling all over. I back away as they come closer, carelessof the direction I am going in. It hurts my pussy lip when I drag the chain,but luckily my ring is thick enough to hold without tearing my lip. Soon thechain is taut. It brings me to a halt very effectively. The boys approve. Nowthe links run straight towards me from the rock, and then up to my pussy ring.The boys are on either side of the chain, and I have nowhere to go. They don'tseem in any hurry.
They have tethered me just like an animal. That is a terrible thing to doto a nude girl. If I don't keep still, that chain will set off an explosionin my pussy. I would rather have a nice stiff cock thrusting deep inside me.I fidget uncomfortably.
'Damn you . . . You can't do this to me . . . . What if Bootsie sees me?'
I stop for a moment, and laugh nervously. Perhaps it is a mistake to protesttoo much.
'I do love it, really. It feels super, but will you please take it off menow?' I hold the chain up as I plead with them. 'I can't get it off by myself.'
'I know,' Melvyn answers me, with a wicked grin. 'That's the whole idea.'
'But it makes me feel . . . . It reminds me . . . . It's horrible. Pleaseundo it!'
Melvyn takes the chain from my hand. Rufus has stepped in close behind me.Melvyn cannot resist giving the chain a sharp jerk. Before I can stop myselfI am flying towards him, completely off balance. I reach out to save myselffrom falling. Rufus catches me, holding my wrists securely in his meaty hands.No sooner have I caught my breath than I realise that he is pressing them together.His grip is like iron as he binds my crossed wrists tightly behind my back.I can barely wiggle my fingers.
'Yeeeooow! Melvyn! That hurt!'
The pig had given the chain another vicious jerk that threatened to tearit loose from me. I am sure he has torn my pussy lip. He kneels in front ofme, and I part my legs as he examines my pussy. He takes his time. He is obviouslyenjoying himself.
'Don't worry, there isn't any damage!'
'Please be careful, Melvyn!' I plead, but he has other ideas.
Kneeling in front of me, he has a perfect view up into my slit. I smile encouragingly.He grips my ankles, and parts my legs a little wider. I am beginning to feelwonderfully faint with excitement. Rufus is still behind me, but he has steppedback a few paces. That should be a warning, but I am too distracted to care.
'Snnnniccccck!' The sound is terribly familiar.
I yell as the upward flick of his leather whip inflames my tender slit, fromthe crack between my bottom cheeks to the very top of my slit, but it is fartoo late to protest.
Instinctively I have closed my legs, to protect my tender slit. Melvyn gripsmy ankles and effortlessly spreads them wide again. Suddenly I know what heis up to. He caresses me swiftly, expertly, just as I taught him. I know itis impossible to resist. As he whispers those secretly provocative words myclitoris opens like a flower.
Pleasure tears through me. It shatters me like an explosion. I am helpless,drained of energy. My consciousness is overwhelmed with sensation. My kneesare trembling, and those heavy nipple rings jerk painfully at my engorged teatsevery time I move. My whole body shakes so violently that I am oblivious ofmy surroundings. Distantly I am aware that I am being lifted with my thighsspread apart. Something round presses against my vulva. It feels rather pleasant.They have mounted me on one of those rounded posts. They release me. I tryto grip the slippery shaft with my ankles. The rounded top of the post is pressinghard into the soft hollow of my pussy. I have seen this done many times before.At least these rounded posts don't cause any damage, but it is impossible fora girl to get off one of them by herself. I am absolutely helpless.
'Now how does that feel, my dear?'
'Oooooh! Melvyn!' I am trembling violently. 'Please let me down! Don't dothis to me!'
I know I am completely at their mercy. That rounded tip is slippery withmy juices. If I relax my muscles for a second, it will slide quickly into me.They are letting me enjoy a moment of anticipation, but I know exactly whatthey are going to do next.
Melvyn's hand reaches between my legs. I have an awful premonition as hisfingers reach the perfect magical place, just as I taught him. My legs aresuddenly kicking and the slippery shaft has already pushed a little furtherinto my vulva, it is sliding quickly deeper and I am settling onto it beforeI can control my spasming muscles. My toes reach the ground. I must have takentwelve inches of that thing, at least. I am stuffed with it. I can barely move.In fact, I am actually very pleased with him, but I have to protest.
'Melvyn, please get me off this thing, I can't move!'
I knew immediately that it was a silly thing to say. There are lots of waysto make a girl wriggle on one of these posts, and all of them give her orgasms.Melvyn is smiling at me and I know exactly what Rufus is up to.
'Oh, yes you can!' Melvyn answers, laughing.
I scream as the lash curls round the tender cheeks of my bottom, leavinga fiery trail. I writhe violently as the strokes continue. Pleasure explodesthrough me in a continuous series of orgasms that seem as if they will neverstop. The more I wriggle, the more I feel the delicious touch of the slipperyshaft against my incredibly inflamed clitoris. Melvyn is forgotten until hepresses a large ball into my mouth. I cannot control my excitement as I recognisethe flavour. Aniseed is Bootsie's favourite. Straps hold it tightly in place.Rufus is fixing some kind of noose around my neck. It runs down behind to mywrists. As he tightens the rope it pulls my wrists up high behind my back.I can hardly breathe.
Melvyn reaches into his pouch. He removes the heavy rings from my piercednipples and inserts sharpened slivers of liquorice. I protest silently. I knowwhat is coming next. His fingers manipulate my clitoris until it is terriblyexposed. I tremble helplessly as he pierces its throbbing tip with a thirdtasty sliver. It hurts terribly. I try to yell, but I can manage only a stifledmoan. I stare imploringly at Melvyn and Rufus, as they examine me with a casualnonchalance.
'Be brave, darling,' Rufus offers cheerfully, as the tears run down my cheeks.
'You know, it doesn't do to have a dragon getting quite so friendly withhis keeper, and it's Bootsie's birthday today. I will miss you terribly, butwe must set an example to the other slaves.'
Firm male hands run over my straining body as they check their work. Butthey find nothing amiss. I am a secure, helpless treat for the lucky Bootsie.Fingers explore where they can bring only pleasure. I try desperately to keepstill, but the pleasant tingling is growing again. My body responds unbiddento their persistent teasing, and a delicious excitement is beginning to overtakeme. I cannot believe that this is really happening to me. I know why I am gagged.Bootsie knows my voice, and he cannot hear me now. All he will see is a tastytreat served up just the way he likes it, and I ought to know.
I am tingling, excited beyond belief. The noose has tightened even more.My breath is rasping. There is an impossible heat between my legs, as my impaledclitoris throbs teribly. If I manage to keep still he might not see me, butmy juices are flooding from me and I know Bootsie can smell a dripping pussyfor over a mile. My only chance is to try not to catch his attention, but Iknow I can't keep still for long. No girl can avoid having orgasm after orgasmin a position like this. Our responses are too damned predictable.
The weight of the chain tugs mercilessly at my pussy. I am helpless withthat thing stuck up me, but they are taking no chances. Even if Bootsie liftsme off the post I am not going anywhere. That chain will keep me within reachof him without any trouble. This is going to be an awful ordeal. I will probablybe conscious until he has almost finished with me. I have watched him dealwith girls prepared just like this many, many times. It usually starts witha delicate snap at her temptingly exposed nipples, or a greedy munch at herquivering buttocks and breasts. After that he continues by ripping her apartlimb by lovely limb. I cannot help squirming in a sudden panic. He is boundto notice me as soon as he has finished with Kelly. I cannot even see Melvynand Rufus any more.
The trouble is, I have come to enjoy watching Bootsie feed. I am a connoisseurof his technique, and the subtleties are especially apparent when his preyis served up on one of these rounded posts. I have often climaxed while I triedto imagine how it felt, but now I will find out how it really feels. Knowingwhat is coming will probably make it worse. I just wish all this was not soterribly final. It would obviously defeat the object if the girls could bereconstructed after he has finished, and there are obvious practical difficulties,but it seems such a waste to go through all this and not be able to say howit felt.
Melvyn and Rufus have often tried out their ideas on me. Most of us girlsare pierced, but we don't wear rings all the time. One of their inventionswas long sharpened wooden slivers that are particularly exciting to wear allday. They easily touch things, or even catch on things. A girl with a sliverlike that through her clitoris has to be careful how she sits down. Sleepingis virtually impossible. Melvyn and Rufus have a collection of those slivers.They all have specially designed locking pins, so we can't remove them by ourselves.They are far too exciting to wear, unless my wrists are securely cuffed behindmy back, or to my collar or belt. The urge to play with them is irresistible,otherwise. Surprisingly, these liquorice ones feel exactly the same. I supposethose wooden slivers were just an excuse to make sure all the girls were suitablypierced. After I saw what they did with those liquorice slivers, it was evenmore exciting to wear the wooden ones, and they look as sensational as theyfeel.
I have spent a lot of time with Melvyn and Rufus. I never complained if theytried out their tricks on me. After all, I was a girl just like any of theothers. They loved taking me by surprise, and I liked it too. I think we madea great team. I suppose they have found a newer girl to replace me. I wonderwhat she is like.
My thoughts are interrupted as his jaws crunch on some delectable part ofKelly. The awful sound does something to me. I explode in a wild convulsionof pleasure. I am totally helpless with this rigid post up my cunt. My noisyspasms disturb Bootsie. He turns and studies my wriggling body for a momentwith his baleful eyes, and then returns his attention to Kelly. I am not goinganywhere. He can take his time. My tears fall quietly down my cheeks. Thereis nothing I can do but wait. Nothing at all.
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An Unfinished Symphony Kelly Ann Rogers One of the nice things I've learned about writing is to share the process of creation with others. It's not just that this keeps me from writing badly, but also because it's fun to engage other writers. As a result, there are several people to thank. First and foremost is Jill MI. She's a great editor and put in more time than I could ever thank her for. She has posted many of her own stories (some as Angel Rasch) and edited the work of a...
Liz and Angie had been school friends for several years. She and Angie had gradually grown into their early teen years and they had shared secrets about boyfriends, likes and dislikes as they'd begun to develop young womanly bodies. Over recent years, Liz and Angie had taken turns staying over at each other's house and they'd always had a lot of fun together. Liz had two younger sisters who she was always glad to get away from temporarily whenever she'd sleep over at Angie's but Angie was...
Je me réveillais comme tous les matins, un peu fatigué, et surtout malheureux de la nouvelle journée qui s’annonçait. Jusqu’à hier j’avais encore une raison d’aller à la fac, de supporter les cours les plus ennuyeux du monde. Cette raison c’était Marie, la plus belle gonzesse que j’ai rencontrée. La bombasse absolue, des seins comme des obus, un fessier à se damner, une peau douce comme de la pêche… Depuis le début de l’année, je n’avais pas arrêté de la draguer. Sauf que ça avait été en vain…...
Mind ControlDad wasn't amused when he picked us up, but I let Rachel do the narrating as an innocent bystander and he was chuckling when he let us off at home. "Be tactful when you tell your mothers," he advised. "But tell it all. And make sure you tell Rob. You can handle lunch, right?" "Da-a-ad!" "Okay. I'll be back about 1730 or 1800." Rob was home, so we told him the whole tale, again. He chuckled, too. "Your mothers will be horrified and aghast," he said. "But I understand. And...
Zodiac Coins: Pisces By JRD 2400 YEARS AGO... He was a trader, traveling from town to town with his wagon full of wares. Unlike many of his peers, he always sought to be fair in all his dealings. At that particular time, he was parked for the night. He saw a shooting star and gave a prayer to Zeus, lord of the heavens, his second that night. He saw yet a third star streak through the night and strike the second (which was actually a repeat of the first), freezing in the night...
You hear about how makeup sex is really great. But you have to remember that all generalizations are bad ... including this one. The fact is that even after a minor argument, like the one we'd just had, becoming intimate again can be a little weird. Maybe complicated is a better word. Part of that is because the emotional level you're on after a disagreement has you in fight or flight mode. That doesn't lend itself to being all lovey dovey, for obvious reasons. Another component is that,...
I am 34 married person. I recently met with arm accident fracture of upper arm. As it is my days difficult due to wife gone for delivery and I not able to satisfy myself for months. I keep see TV or read books most times. My night very worse as I get hard and cant do anything. All this noted by my house maid Puspalata, elderly early 40s lady, very sexy and wanting lady. She very much know how much I need it. She make me water in mouth with her display of cleavage while cleaning floor or her...
Hi… Sometimes there are stories, which one would like to keep under covers and yet the sweetest incidents often turn sweeter when memories are told to friends and shared under the blanket of a pseudonym. First I accept you as a friend before sharing this memory with you. This sweet tale is of Sangeeta a pretty young woman who worked in my house in Bombay (now Mumbai). Back then I was just 20 and filled with dreams of love and yet Sangeeta till then had never been a part of my dream. Strange...
Thursday, June 10, 1971 "Michael?" Mikeya said softly. I awoke with a start. I was still in the booth and my neck ached from the way I had been sitting, leaning my head against the window. "I don't know what's wrong with Ileana, she wouldn't tell me. But she's lying there in her bed, crying. Did you guys have a fight?" she asked me. I quickly scanned and saw Nicky, Adriana, and Vickie were still in my stateroom talking. I looked at my watch, it was ten after three. "No, not a...
John had been in Switzerland for six months, after his dad had got him a job with his company, but now the project was coming to an end. He had a week left on his flat, and decided to use the time to relax before heading home to London. He was having breakfast in his favourite little cafe, reading the paper, when he came across a small advert in the classifieds. ‘Male life model required for health class.’ It gave the name and number of a very exclusive girls’ finishing school in the city. John...
It was on a Wednesday night, some where after 10:00pm. There was a rap at my dorm room door, I was studying for a mid term test and really didn't want to be disturb. Yet I wondered over to the door and took hold of the knob, as I turned I asked 'who's there?' The door pushed back to me as a voice answered 'it's Prentice, let me in!' Talk about gumption, Prentice was already through the door by the time he finished speaking. Prentice and I was in the same class, nearly the same weight and...
Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to IX After me and Jeeju both were completely drunk after finishing 4 pegs each, the talks started to lose inhibitions after some time. Jeeju started the conversation about sex by asking whether everything was alright in my sex life and when me and Anjali were planning for a child. I told him to wait for 1-2 years and let us enjoy to the fullest. He also agreed with our planning and told me that this is the...
Chapter 1 Watching my mom being fucked by Troy with Pete in her ass was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. She looked incredible and was clearly having the best time. I wanted it. Badly. Admittedly, at 16, I hadn't seen much sex yet. My friends and I had watched porn together, giggling and making fun whilst secretly growing wet in our panties. It had all looked gross to me at first but recently, in just the past few months, something had changed. My body had suddenly developed and I’d...
They say that getting on the cheerleading squad can change your life ... well, it certainly changed mine! I was just over sixteen, and a pretty cute little number if I say so myself. Not too tall, at 5 foot 4 inches, quite slim, but getting the curves that were getting the looks. I always had a really good ass – I had slim, boyish hips, and it jutted out behind and bounced along nicely when I walked, especially in my favourite tight blue jeans or cut-off denim shorts. Now I was...
One thing nagged at me all through the night after leaving Kirsty and no matter how I tried to dismiss it the thought wouldn't go away. What was thing that was causing my disquiet you ask? It was the relationship I had with Elizabeth the school's Vice-Principal that was causing the problem, or to be more precise the impact such a relationship would have on my friendship with Kirsty. Was I being unfaithful to my new girlfriend? There was no sex between Liz and I as such but I doubted if...
I lived in an apartment when I was 49 . I have been an exhibitionist since I was 11 and have loved doing it. any how one day I ran onto the woman across the hallway form me in the parking lot. We talked for a while touching on many things one being tanning ,she had seen me at the pool in my throng .she wasn’t shy telling me how she had owned a tanning booth at her last house and friends would come by to tan and most tanned nude. I admitted I was the same I liked tanning nude always had and when...
November 1, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “May I have this dance?” I asked. “Yes! Hi, Steve!” Liz gushed. I took her hand and led her towards the center of the dance floor in the attic room just as a slow song started. Liz melted into my arms, molded her body to mine, and rested her head on my shoulder. We danced silently, simply savoring the feeling of our clothed bodies against each other. I wanted her, but I had two concerns. First, was Liz making unwarranted assumptions about what it might...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The end Part A few months after I graduated she filed for a divorce. She moved to a small one-room apartment and told me she loved and wanted me too much to let me live with her. In a crazy way it made sense to me and I understood, probably because I loved and wanted her as much. I remember that apartment fondly. It sat over a grocery store and the bed was up against the window that looked down on the street. At night in the dark you couldn’t see in...
IncestI was sitting in a corner table in our local café writing in my notebook when he walked in. He stood at the door, looked around. Our eyes met then we both quickly looked away. He then went to the counter where it was self-serve coffee, ordered a croissant and sat down at a small table next to the wall on the other side of the room. Again, our eyes met briefly. I went back to my writing and he opened the book he was reading.I had never seen him before and since our town is off the beaten track...
Straight SexChase wasn’t tired, so he just quietly lay there, holding Elizabeth, basking in the fact that this beautiful woman was going to be his wife. He smiled as he inhaled her scent, his nose in her hair. He tried to figure out what comprised the exotic florally scent, orchids maybe. Later, he counted the little band of freckles that ran across her nose, tallying thirty-seven. He wanted to memorize every curve and line of her face, to engrain it in his mind. Around 10pm, his bladder took over and he...
We necked and kissed a bit longer, then went to separate bathrooms to clean up. Afterward, Mike borrowed my car to run some errands. I was almost relieved when he didn't ask me to go with him. As much as I enjoyed his company, I'd gotten used to having a fair amount of solitude. Having him here was wonderful, but almost overwhelming. On his way out the door, I pressed a twenty into Mike's hand and suggested he pick up some condoms. He laughed and shook his head. "Lynne, I may be a broke...
"How many dicks can the average chick take at once? How the fuck is her asshole doing that? Damn, she's really got her face deep in that ass. Cum doesn't usually go there." Oh, sorry, I'm just thinking out loud while scrolling through Scrolller's Orgy section. Yeah, things are fucking crazy over here, my guy. What if I told you there was a particular category on Scrolller that showed some of the nastiest group sex videos you've ever seen in your fucking life?I'm pretty harsh when judging...
Gangbang Porn SitesI sat neck deep in water with my knees hard up against my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs. The water boiled and frothed and surged against my skin. If I’d been more relaxed it would have been relaxing. Instead, I was all tense and the constant movement of the water was annoying. I was tense because I was nervous – and embarrassed – and angry. I was embarrassed because I was naked and there were four other people in the tub with me – who were also naked. Maybe I should say nekkid. I...
Alex has been bothering sexy Chelsea for several months now. When he shows up on her door she offers to erotically hyponotise him to get him to stop bothering her. While hypnotized, alex is led to picture himself as a woman having sex, who desires men. What’s it like working for a National Security Agency assignment at MIT? Not very easy, that’s what its like. The things people hold dear, are constantly slipping away from you. Time? You spend 18 hours a day trying to crack 256 byte encryption...
September 4 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Bill’s on the pole for today’s race,” I said when we arrived home from Saint Innocent of Moscow. “The race starts in about five minutes, so if one of you would fix lunch, I’d appreciate it.” “I’ll do it, Tiger. I don’t care if I miss them going around in circles the first 50 times!” “Darlington is an oval,” I said snarkily. “An egg-shaped oval.” “OK. I don’t mind missing them going around in an egg-shaped oval the first fifty times or so! Go turn on...
Audrey Royal was super happy her boyfriend was going to let her have sex with another man. She needed some new cock to realize how much she appreciates the one she already has. This new guy was blessed though. He had a girthy schlong that felt so amazing in Audreys velvety mouth and tight pussy. She got fucked so good that she actually came on his cock. That never happens with her boyfriend. The only stipulation of this arrangement was that the man was not allowed to cum inside Audrey, but he...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is the continuing story of Lola who is still a very curious girl. This one is considerably shorter than the first story, I Am Curious (Fourteen). Hope you enjoy reading it! I AM CURIOUS (Eighteen) When I turned eighteen I knew I needed to get out of town. I am a curious girl and I was frankly bored. Id quit school shortly after turning sixteen and spent two years partying, sleeping late, and fucking just about everyone in the area. I didnt have a job and didnt want one, and...
I stripped the covers to expose her entire body. For a woman of 37, she still had a narrow waist, nice breasts, and the hint of a little hair above her pussy. "Stef, lie back like mom is doing? I'd like to see you side-by-side?" I asked. She took off her socks and then did as I asked. I heard her giggle as she did. I just looked them over for a while like comparing an original work of art to a fantastic duplicate. "What is it honey?" mom asked. "Except for your breasts being bigger...
Jeff knocked on Allie’s door. Only a few moments passed before she opened it and invited him inside. “I’m alone here, Jeff, and I’m all yours,” she said to him pleadingly. Jeff entered the room and took Allie in his arms, embracing her firmly. He asked her if he could kiss her. She said, “Please do, Jeff.” They locked in a gentle caress for what seemed like hours. Jeff’s tongue slowly parted her lips and they explored each other passionately. It wasn’t long before Allie’s chest was rising and...
Hi Readers, I am a regular reader of ISS. The experience which I’m sharing happened on 19th march with a Friend’s cousin. I’m sorry if there is a Grammatical mistakes as I am not a good narrator and for the lengthy writing. I’m Sharan from Coimbatore, 25 years, 6ft with good physique. Completed my PG in Management studies and working for a Well reputed company in Human resources . One of my UG friend introduced me to his cousin Vinthya to help her in final year project. She is 23 yrs from...
Kitty let her butt sway just a bit more as she walked up the sidewalk. Old man Barnes whistled again when she looked back over her shoulder to toss her honey-blonde hair and wink at him. He creeped out most of the girls, but Kitty knew he was harmless. She was dressed to kill in a form-fitting blouse and skirt, so she would have been disappointed if he hadn’t noticed her when he came out to fetch his paper. Giving him a little thrill now and then was well worth it whenever she ran out of her...
Saturday, June 19, 1971 I felt her fingers softly touching me. When I opened my eyes, Nicky was on her side, with her head propped on one hand while she continued to trail her fingers softly over my face and neck and chest. "Good morning, Michael," she said in a voice that matched the softness of her touch. I could feel the love in her touch, so I smiled at her as I told her, "I love you, too!" She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss that matched her touch and her voice. Nicky was...
Mon Sep 3 17:02:02 2001 First, let me tell you about myself. My name is Joni (pronounced Johnny). I just turned 19 but look like I'm only 15 or 16. I'm a Sophomore at a college in Texas. I'm very small - 5'1", 95 pounds. I have long brown hair - down to my ass. My tits are small and firm, about the size of Georgia peaches. My pussy is shaved as smooth as the day I was born. I lost my virginity when I was 12 and have been sexually active ever since. I love sex and have tried - and mostly...
I rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to skinny girls before I met her. I changed after...
I held Brittany in my arms as the door to the skating rink opened. Esther and the male concubine Petey stepped into the hallway. Kitty immediately noticed the young man. "Oh, a loincloth. I like the look." Petey blushed and stepped a little away from Kitty, who immediately turned to Esther. "The AI suggested that Brit and I be here now. What's happening?" Esther sighed. "Let's just say that Governor Johanes offered us an extremely clear example of the kind of leadership he offers....
It had taken all my courage to turn up and meet her; having connected by internet only, and seen pictures of each-other, I yearned to see her. Wanting to make her feel as comfortable as possible and confirm I was not some on-line creep, I agreed to meet her at a club she frequented, so she would be among friends. I was in a cold sweat; she was incredibly feminine and over the weeks, had indulged me with some deeply intimate thoughts as she became more trusting and confident. My cock...
King starred out the window watching that gorgeous blonde riding up his driveway. He stood waiting for her to climb out of the little golf cart she was riding before making his way to the front door.Everyone drove one of those things in the neighborhood. It was a way they all got around on the small secluded island. It was a typical hot summer day. The sun shined bright and it was just one of those days to be outdoors enjoying the sun and relaxing.The doorbell rang. King didn't want to seem too...
Angie was a very beautiful girl. For a 15-year-old, she had a stunning body. She was very slim, but fully-shaped. Her long black hair matched her beautiful brown eyes, and her breasts were developing beautifully. They weren't very big, about A-size, but they were very firm. Because she was half Mexican, she had nice tanned skin. She often didn't wear a bra, yet still her breasts didn't suffer from gravity. They stood proudly forward. Because of the pointy Sno-cone-like shape they had and...
Booty-blessed Latina Lilly Hall wears skimpy lingerie and heels, eagerly twerking her chunky butt through a playful tease. MILF director Francesca Le steps in to warm her up, tasting Lilly’s tight sphincter and buzzing her clit with a vibrator. Francesca’s meaty tits bounce as she hungrily rims bunghole, soon sliding a toy into Lilly’s ready rump. Lilly’s breasts lactate through a kinky lesbian intro, and nasty Francesca licks the juice from her swollen nipples. Hung...
xmoviesforyouMark was awoken in the early hours of the morning. It was just staring to get light and Victoria was struggling in his arms and whimpering. "Darling," he whispered, "what's wrong?" She continued to struggle and when he tightened his arms round her she fought them. "No! No!" she moaned. Mark was alarmed. "Victoria," he said sharply and felt her stiffen. "Victoria, darling," he said more softly, "what's the matter, my sweet?" She turned abruptly in his arms. "Is that really...
My name is Rob and I am 40 year old typical average man, I have my own house, married to a beautiful wife and have an equally beautiful teenage daughter. This is a story about what happened one fateful night to both of them and how it nearly destroyed my life. It was Friday night and I was having my monthly poker game tonight with several of my buddies. We were all typical middle married guys all except for Frank. Frank was almost 50 years old and a friend from work, he never married and...
When I was 10 a rich white couple adopted me.At first people were like why didn’t theyGet a white c***d, their inner circle had a hardTime accepting me because I was African American.Kate and Larry accepted as if they were my real parents.Larry was a successful business man that stayedOut of town most of the month. That left me and myMother at home alone a lot. When I turned 16,I became a very handsome guy with a football playerType of body. Most of the older white ladies around wouldCheck me...
I got out of work at lunchtime and wife works til 6 so I hurried home lifted the fishing rod and went for a few hours fishing to my usual secret spot over at a small river 1 across fields behind my house, its a bend on river then enters a forest which is overgrown noone goes there so very private, I was fishing away and heard someone talking I went to see and could only see a dog so never worried and continued, I fished for around 10 minutes at that spot then moved down into forest part when I...
Het was een heerlijke zwoele vrijdagavond en ik besloot om er een wap avondje van te gaan maken.Ik reed richting de Groene Ster in Leeuwarden en nam onderweg een xtc en een kamagra, zodat ik heerlijk lang kon relaxen en toch als het nodig mocht zijn een goeie harde neukpik zou krijgen.Aangekomen ging ik eerst op het "rietveldje" kijken of daar iets geils te doen was, maar het was daar rustig.....dus even rond gelopen en kwam daar een leuke knul op de fiets tegen die me heel vriendelijk groette...
“Hey daddy” she beamed as she tucked close into my arms. “Hey sweetheart, are you all set for your trip?” I replied as I hugged her tight kissing her head “Yes daddy” she smiled “Are you going to be ok here without me?” “Oh we should manage just fine for a week” I kidded “I’ll miss you while I’m gone” Leslie chimed and grabbed softly onto my shirt Abby watched her sister and her father from in the kitchen, looking up from her algebra. She watched her father lean down and...
I was a Captain in Black Ops dealing with amongst other things psych ops, prisoner interrogation and re-education. Once I finished my tour, I started a psychiatric practice with 3 friends from the service and med school. It took a couple of years, but we now have a fairly profitable practice. When we were first starting our practice, everybody at the office decided that Wednesday nights we would all unwind at Farlows. It was one particularly tough week when we all decided to retreat to Farlows...
It was noon on Saturday and my friend Sara was at my house. We were fooling around in my room, listening to cheesy pop songs, reading trashy magazines, painting our nails and talking about boys we liked. My mom was down the hall in her bedroom on the laptop doing work, and more than once she came into the room and told us to be quiet, which we did but this wasn’t enough so I suggested to Sara that we get out of the house and away from my mom, who was stressed out with her work. As Sara and I...
TabooIt had been one long ‘mother’ of a drive from San Francisco to Hollywood , Florida all by myself. I had really pushed to make the trip as quick as I could so I would have a few days to rest up before I started the two week position for the excursion airline. It was a start up and I was doing my friend a huge favor. I had consented after much pleading when he ‘sweetened’ the deal with a free apartment on the beach. I knew it would be hot in July, but never as hot as it was. The...
MatureSunday. I had been in New York six weeks and two days. Sunday morning Martha and I went to an Appalachian Arts exhibit at the Metropolitan, and late Sunday afternoon we went with Ronnie to see an old Greta Garbo movie at the Museum of Modern Art. Then we went to a diner. For the first time, as we ate, Martha asked me about the party. She said, "It must have been great. He was out until two o'clock." Ronnie said, "Two o'clock? Hey, hey. And how did Anita hold up?" I said flatly,...
His head was spinning. His head was spinning and his vision was blurry. He tried to muster a low groan before he realized his mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth tied around his head with a string, and that's when he knew it was time to panic. Immediately, he regained total consciousness. His vision was back, his headache receded and he could finally see what's around and where he was. Though, that didn't exactly answer the questions he already had, but rather add more to confuse...
CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM"But Dr. Ross, I-I just find it difficult to forgive Rose for what she's done. After all, we're engaged and plan to be married in eight months. Don't you think if she requires me to be faithful that she should do the same? A-And what she did with them in the way of-of sex is just too painful for me t-to even talk about yet.""I understand how you feel Robert, but in response to your question of faithfulness, she was faithful to you in terms of emotional feelings. She said...