MyFamilyPies Chloe Temple Learning Lines With Sis
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Taliban - a Rape Pillage and Plunder Story
Written By Alebeard
This story was inspired by several stories on this siteincluding , Pooch, The Inmate, POW, The Chair and Diana as well as bitsand pieces of other tales. This is a fictional tale for adults only, ifyour under age please don't read this. If ya don't understand the differencebetween fantasy and reality please seek help, if you are a victim of rapeand torture you may find this tale disturbing. You Have Been Warned
Chapter 1 - Fatima and the early days with the Taliban
I began my work for the Taliban over eight years ago. The group implementeddraconian laws restricting women's rights after taking control of much of Afghanistan.The reforms were presented under the guise of Islamic fundamentalism, for therank and file this reason was enough, the leadership on the other hand wasdriven by a more perverse and sadistic need to enslave the female sex.
Although suspicious of foreigners, the Taliban nevertheless could not findwithin it's own ranks both one with my skills and one who they could trust.My credentials came from several third world countries, but this was to bemy biggest project.
The first girl they brought to me was named Fatima, perhaps 17 her refusalto wear a veil had brought her into conflict with the Talbian, her attractiveface and large chest had brought her to me.
The girl was brought to me shackled, wearing a full shapeless dress and aveil, I could see where the shackles had cut into her hands and feet. Angerswelled, I needed to work with a fresh canvas, an unmarked piece of flesh.My employers promised me later that the mistake would not be repeated, butat this point I had yet to prove myself and did not wish to make demands.
I had been provided two Taliban guards to assist me that first day, loyalto the cause they were not professionals in this sort of thing, they lookedmildly uncomfortable. The chamber itself was not bad but could be much improved,adjustable chains affixed with leather cuffs hung from above, shackles wereavailable along one wall, a mattress was in one corner and a large wooden Xwas bolted to another wall. I cabinet I had brought was also in the room aswas a few scatted odds and ends.
The camera's necessary to record the subjects suffering and degradation weresituated in two corners on tripods, they could be zoomed and manipulated bytwo more guards behind a two-way mirror. Personally I would have much preferredto bring in other photographers with better cameras and a sense of what I waslooking for, but again, this was not the time to push.
"Remove the restraints and her clothing , secure her to the two cuffssuspended from the overhead bar" I ordered, making sure the cameras wereon and recording.
The first shot of a victims face when her clothing was stripped away was alwaysa great one to note, defiance, fear, humiliation even arousal could be caughton film, but the veil obscured that, I would have to talk to them about that.
The Guards had no problem getting her clothing removed, one spent too muchtime squeezing her large tits, another thing I would have to see to, everythingdone to the subject, large and small should go through me. I stepped aroundthe girl really getting a good look at her for the first time. Her face wasgood, wide dark eyes, sharp features, there can never be too much said aboutthe importance of facial features when making films of this sort, those withsharper features filmed best. Her chest was moderately impressive, nice largebreasts with large dark nipples but not very firm. I decided that heavy thudyblows should be used on her front as compared to more stinging implements.Her legs were nice enough I noted as I circled her and her ass nice and heavybut well shaped and firm. I cupped her pussy from behind allowing the camerato get a shot of her panicking face. Her pussy was tight and neatly laid out,that was good.
"Get me that flogger on the left, no no, the flogger, the one next tothat, yes that one" I ordered the fool of a guard.
The flogger I asked for was a crude one, although that was part of its charm,a thick loop of hose bound with a handle it looked like a tennis racket withno webbing and a really thick frame. I stood slightly to the side of Fatimaand showed her the tool. Her eyes grew wide and she began pleading, the wordswere in Arabic but Ill translate for you.
"Please! Mercy! Forgiveness! Please O merciful Allah please!, I admitmy crimes, You have already shamed me enough!" she pleaded. She was stillunder the impression she was wanted to confess and then she would be throwninto a prison, on some assignments I had done in the past that might have beenthe case, but not this one.
I lashed her left tit with the hose using a sideways swing, then backhandedher heavy right breast. "EEEEEIIIIIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Hertits swayed wildly on her torso while she screamed and twisted, her long hairflew about her head as she grimaced in pain. The expressions were good I noted.Fatima had almost certainly never had a man touch her tits before, likely neverone gaze upon them, and here she was exposed to guards, torturer and camerawhile her large jugs were being batted around obscenely. I'm not sure whichshe hated more, the pain or the humiliation.
"AAHHH, STOOOOPPPPPP,PLEEAAASSEEE, YOUR KILLING ME!" she screamed(I'm still translating here) as I beat her tits one way and then the otherwith the heavy hose. For about 15 minutes I continued the torture of her tits,while she screamed and twisted. When I stopped and had her taken down she collapsedin a sobbing heap.
"Secure her face down on the mattress, no no, drag it over near the eyehookson the floor, that's right, use the rope not the shackles, arms together andout, legs apart, on her knees , push her face out, tighter, good". I orderedas I stepped out of my uniform. One of the reasons I performed the torturemyself was that I truly enjoyed it, my cock was standing straight up, I couldhear the idiot guards gasp and look away like children, my dick was fairlythick and long to say the least, it was one reason I was highly recommendedfor this kind of work. I selected an English riding crop from the wall. "Yougrab her head and make sure she does not bury her face in the mattress, I wanther looking at the camera"
Using the rod of the crop like a cane I brought it down hard on the middleof her full ass cheeks. "OWWWWWWWIEEE!" she screeched. Although itmay not have hurt as much as the torture of her tits, being caned across theass for many a girl triggers a certain response, that of being punished. Imethodically gave her 20 stripes, then knelt behind her and spread her smallpussy lips with my hand, positioning my cock at the mouth of her dark cunt.Fatima struggled and squirmed to try and stop the rape of her virgin cunt,I didn't mind, it would play better for the camera's. Her small body was coveredwith a sheen of sweat, she looked really great during this time when I reviewedthe tape later, her face was twisted in fear when I started, you could seethe flash of pain hit her when the head of my cock popped worked its way intothe mouth of her cunt, her expressions as she was violated were precious. Ipulled the head of my cock back out and rammed about halfway into her in onevicious stroke
"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" She started in a high pitchedwail, her eyes bugged out as I pulled out and rammed all the way in, tearingthrough her cherry and tearing at stretching her virgin twat.
Her body jerked and spasmed as she was impaled time and time again. Afterabout 15 minutes I pulled out of her cunt and positioned my cock the crinkledbud of her ass. Taking a girl up her ass is a powerful thing, aside from thepain, it degrades and humiliates, strips her of any control she may think shehas, shows her how worthless she has become, it is in many ways the most privateand intimate of places. She sobbed and pleaded as I pushed against her tightasshole, it took some time, but eventually the head of my cock slipped pasther resisting ass-ring and popped inside her pretty little shitter.
"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TAKE IT OUUUUTTTTT!, NNNNOOOOOOOOOO, PLEASE!!!!!!!!,YOUR KILLLING MMMEEEEEEEE!" She wailed as I forced two inches of cockup her tight ass. Her wailing increased in volume as I reamed out her virginasshole, the two guards were having a hard time keeping her head up as shewas sodomized, her hands clenched and unclenched wildly as the cramps toreup her insides.
Her tight ass spasmed and clenched at my cock, the fight she was putting upmade things much worse for her, but even if she knew that I don't think shecould stop. Her ass was really getting a good workout, I had started slow butnow moved on to full deep strokes, her little ass-chute fighting me all theway. The feeling was delicious, her high pitched screams had grated on my earsat first, she was very high pitched, but they blended well now with the moreprimal lower tones as more and more of her was opened up and violated.
The pain and humiliation was etched on her face, her pretty features shatteredwith terror and fear she was just at the point I wanted her, violated and beatenbut not yet defeated. After another 20 minutes I allowed myself to cum deepup her ass, she laid there crying, like a whipped and beaten dog.
After lowering the hanging cuffs I untied the girl's legs and rolled her overto her back. I smiled at the terrified young Afghani teenager as I securedher legs to the cuffs and turned the crank to raise the chains and her legsuntil the were fully extended pointing at the ceiling, with her ass just barleypulled up off the mattress. the chains allowed some play side to side so Ibrought her legs together and bound her at the ankles with some left over rope.I went to the cabinet and retrieved a small collapsible table which I set upnext to the mattress so she could turn her head and see me, she didn't wantto look I know, but couldn't stop herself. I set up a small metal three leggedstand and placed a self contained open flame burner under it, placing a largeglass container on top of the stand I proceeded to fill it with common cornoil, the still had no idea what to make of it all till I lit the burner, shequickly understood that the flame could mean nothing good for her. After placinga thermometer in the oil I stood and picked up a clipboard.
While the "sentencing" of a prisoner was a vital tool in the psychologicalterror and emotional surrender, the declarations were usually hooky and annoyingif you ask me, this one was no different. I read the text to her using a formaltone, once again I will translate.
"You have been found guilty of crimes against Islam and the Taliban Revolutionincluding breaking Islamic law, treason, heresy and blasphemy, by mercy ofAllah you will be spared the penalty of death by stoning, for a term of threeyears you will be used by the Taliban soldiers as punishment for your crimes,you are now considered less then a woman, less then an animal, the loyal Islamicsubjects will be commanded to treat you as such and in the eyes of Allah andthe Taliban will not be committing adultery but instead performing their dutywhich I'm sure they will get little enjoyment out of, if you survive the threeyears you will be banished from Afghanistan in Allah's mercy"
Fatima sobbed in self pity and desperation hearing the proclamation, I lether cry for awhile undisturbed while the oil heated and I made preparations.The effect was a good dramatic pause in the film, it is important that theviewer also has time to absorb and savor it all. When the temperature of theoil had reached that to scald but not not blister I turned down the heat, Iknew from experience the level that would keep the temperature up but not heatit anymore.
"You will be staying here for at least two weeks to begin your punishmentand preparations".
With her ass pulled slightly off the the mattress I slipped a leather beltaround her hips and clasped it together. The belt has several purposes includingthe one I needed it for now. I retrieved a fairly large hollow dildo made ofclear glass, the dildo was curved for a proper fit. Picking up the Dildo Idipped the tip into the oil and rubbed it against her pussy. She jerked andlet out a yelp as the oil burned her outerlips.
"Now, I'm going to scald your pussy, those will help toughen you forthe punishments you will receive, it will also make sex rather painful untilit heals, we will consider that an added bonus".
I rammed the dildo into her in one hard stroke causing her to scream and bringher ass up even farther. Using straps I secured the dildo to the waist straptightly, holding it all the way inside her. I hated to gag her, the screamswould be great un-muffled, but the chance that she would bite off her tongueis too great. I decided to use a rubber bit gag, it will still allow alot ofsound to escape but protect her tongue. Inserting a funnel into the openingon the base of the dildo buried inside her tender pussy I pour in the hot oil,filling the inside of the dildo then sealing it with a cork.
The girls eyes are wide but I can tell it has not really hit her yet, it willtake awhile for the heat to really transfer through the glass. In a few momentsher whimpering turned to shrieks and then screams as the heat turned from uncomfortableto scalding, her pain had just began, as the scalding of her tender inner cuntcontinued the pain would get worse and worse, the tissues becoming more andmore sensitive. Her limbs twisted as shook as her inner pussy was scalded,she looked like she was trying to pull her limbs from her sockets. Even behindher gag the screams were great, for a half hour her cunt was scalded, to Fatimait seemed hours. The girl went mad as her insides were seared with pain, itfelt like her sex was being blowtorched away, I loved every minute of it. Theway her limbs convulsed, the way she whipped her head from side to side madlyand the way her ass bucked and jerked trying to get the burning agonizing painout of her. The camera caught it all. After 30 minutes I removed the dildo.Fatima would be allowed to rest now, I gave orders that she be taken to a cell,fed and given anti-biotic, showered, clothed and given warm blankets and heat.It was important that there be a contrast between her torture and her resttime for now, I left strict orders she was not to be abused.
The Taliban had provided me sparse quarters those early days, long beforeI had risen in both esteem and power to become feared and respected both withinthe Taliban and by the whole of the Islamic states. The room itself had a smallseparate bathroom, a moderately large closet, a few chairs, a coffee tableand a large bed. Tied spread eagled to the bed was my darling Fabiana. Fabiwas given to me as a gift from the Cubans when she was 13, already somewhatbroken in spirit I had molded Fabi into a far more precious creature then theCubans could have. Fabi was only 15 years old but her eyes tell of what shehas become, dark and soulless they are dead-pan globes of ice that fix uponyou without fear or lust, she was beyond fear now, beyond hope or despair.Fabi still had a great body, although she bore scars from both the Cubans andmyself, her smallish tits bore several long scars along the sides and underside,her inner thighs bore the scars of cigar burns as did her vagina, her backwas not so bad actually, but bore it's share. Her scars made her even morebeautiful to me.
Amazingly her tight little round ass was nearly unmarked, I had received herbefore the Cubans had done her ass much damage and I found it too perfect tomark permanently, only a few pale faded stripes remained. I smiled as I lookedon her, she always brought joy to me, my love. She was jerking slightly inher bonds as the burning itching powder I had filled her pussy and ass witheach morning tortured her.. O yes, she could still feel pain, she was not immuneto it at all, she could be made to be lost in the pain, taken by it, but hereyes almost never showed it, they rarely showed anything, but the tears gaveher away along with the shaking and spasming of her body, only a low moan everescaped her lips. I sat on the bed and stroked my loves hair, her deadpan eyesmet mine showing no emotion, I knew her well enough to detect the pain in them,but I'm sure no other would. I smiled and kissed her, she opened her mouthobediently to accept my kiss, such a good girl. The powder had he effect oftightening her muscles and shrinking her openings to that of a virgin afterrepeated use, it had taken me nearly a year to get her this tight again, nowall that were needed was a small refresher session after she has been stretcheda bit. I also made sure the chemicals within would sensitize her even more.
I cupped one of her small breasts, so firm it was actually hard to the touch,dark cone-shaped nipples strained upwards the scars were beautiful, so sexyI ran my finger along the ones on the tender underside, perhaps tonight I wouldburn her nipples again, they were healed from the last time, yes, I think shewill like that, she always moans and shakes when that happens, her eyes lockedon mine, the eyes of the dead, she graces me with a grim smile, so sweet, howI love her. I watched her for awhile then released her from her bonds and rolledher over onto her stomach and inserted a finger up her tight ass-chute to testhow tight she was, indeed it was coming along well. I laid with her for a longtime while she took my cock, still covered with the dried cunt juice, ass-slimeand blood of the Arab girl down her throat, I came twice and used her as mytoilette once, when I was ready to go get food before returning to work I orderedher to masturbate for a hour bringing herself to orgasm three times, then showerand clean her cunt and asshole. She hated to orgasm but could make herself,when she did she came very hard, but It reminded her she was still alive, stillfeeling. She never begged to avoid pain, but at times she pleaded not to bemade to cum. How I love her.
The second day with Fatima would be more structured then the first was. WhenI arrived in the morning Fatima was already stripped and standing with herarms stretched above her in the hanging chains. Her legs were unbound but shestill kept them wide apart, not because of any sluttishness oh her part butbecause her scalded cunt was still very tender. She had all night alone todread what she would be put through today, the fear was evident even as shetried to compose herself and put on a stoic front.
"Hello Fatima, welcome back, today we begin your formal training, theway you respond will determine where you go after this, if you are unable tofollow instructions or prove less then desirable you will be given to the generaltroop to be used as they see fit, if you can follow orders sufficiently andplease us here you may be allowed to serve a group of carefully selected officers,your pain may indeed be greater with them but your chances of survival willincrease, if you are specially good you will remain here where your pain willbe quite high but I promise you that you will live. We will start with threesessions each day a 1 1/2 hour session in the mornings, a 2 hour session inthe afternoon and a 3 and a half hour session in the evenings". I lether absorb the information for a few moments. "Do you understand?" Iasked. Instead of answering Fatima simply sobbed. Picking up a thin cane Istruck the teens heavy tits 10 times in quick succession.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIII!!!!!!" Her breasts already blackand blue from yesterday's beating danced under the assault
"You must learn to answer when questioned Fatima" I said in a calmvoice and lashed her another ten strokes on her upper tits.
"AAAAHHH,YESSSSSSSS!!!!!, PLEASE STOP!!!!" pleaded the sexy cryingArab.
I lowered the cane. "Yes, see Fatima, that's much better, now let meask again, do you understand everything I have told you?"
The crying girl nodded " Yes, I understand"
"That's good Fatima, very good" I smiled at her and brought thecane up.
Her eyes went wide as her gaze followed the cane. "Nooooo........I answeredyour question........ you said I was good... I answered you .....I...AAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I brought the cane singing down on her tits, making sure to catch her sensitivenipples, 5,10,15,20 hard welting searing strokes while she cried and screamedin that high pitched wail she had, beautiful, just beautiful, when I was doneI kissed her sobbing, wailing tortures mouth while she screamed into mine,for several minutes after the beating her screams continued.
"For the first session of the day we are going to torture your pussyFatima, I know your going to beg for mercy but you won't get any, that's OKFatima, I want you to beg, what I want is for you to chant the word MERCY overand over while I hurt you, do you understand?"
"O God no, Please...."
I raised the cane.
"Yes! Yes! I understand, I understand!!" She blurted.
"Good, if I am pleased with your chanting your second session of theday will be somewhat less painful, if not I will continue. Do you understand?".
I undid her restraints, she immediately put her hands to her tits to try andrub away the pain, normally I would be angry, but it made good film, so I didn'tmind. I gave her a few moments while I moved a few things and then orderedher on to the mattress where her virginity had been ripped away yesterday.She began to shake and started to panic a bit but complied rather quickly,far quicker then I thought she would. The fact that the mattress had no framemade it difficult to secure her legs apart, but with a bit of rope work thetask could easily be done. I selected a length of rough hemp rope, pullingher legs up and over her head, I secured her spread open with her arms securesat her sides and tightly bound at the wrist and ankle, spreading her wide open.Her cunt will still slightly puffy from yesterdays rape and very tender fromher scalding but had healed fairly well. I picked up a jar of greenish slime,opened it up and rubbed a liberal amount over the girls pussy, using my fingersto work it in,
"This will prevent your cunt from being slit open by the session, youcan thank me, this is free of the pepper mix I will use on you when you disappointme, remember to chat and you will continue to please me, if not I will continuethis afternoon and I WILL use a heavy pepper with it."
Selecting a flogger of thin leather straps knotted at the ends I took sometime to examine the pretty slit being presented to me, even after the rapeshe was small and neat, her inner-lips barely visible even spread out so.
"THWWWWWAPPPP!" the tails struck diagonally across her pussy, coveringher mound with agony
"THWAAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!" "What do you say?"
"THWAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!! Her eyes flew open as two strands found her clit
"YYAAAAAA!!!, MERCY!!!, MERCY!!!, MERCY!!!" she screamed wildly
I brought the strands straight down to cut into her cunt "THWAPPPPPPPPPP!!!!"
"NOOOOOOO!!!!, MERCY!!!!!, MERCY!!!!, MERCY!!!!!!!"
"THWAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" the strands cut deep into herpussy.
"GGGGGGWAAAAAAAA!!!!!, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, MERCY! PLEASE MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"AAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
The abuse went on for 40 minutes that way, I could tell despite the salveif I continued her cunt would split open, I considered that sloppy and unprofessionalso I avoided going that far, if I wished her to bleed heavily I would do itin other ways. Even when I stopped whipping her pussy she continued to chant "Mercy" overand over, her body shaking and heaving as though she were still being lashed.I took off my pants and shirt, folding then neatly and returned to stand onfront of the girl. Her heavily bruised pussy was radiating agony, I had madesure many of the strokes landed on her tender clit and cut between her poutingcunt lips.
"Fatima, can you hear me? Fatima?" it took her several minutes torespond.
" We have a little over 20 minutes left in your morning session, nowI am going to give you two choices, I can rape your little pussy for the remainingtime, or I can scald you again, which would you prefer?"
" Noo, please!!!, no more!, I can't take any more!, I want to go home....please!!!!!!Let me go!!!!!"
I retrieved the cane, it is important to use the same instrument as a purelycorrective tool.
" No Please!!! Rape me! Please Rape me!!" she screamed in panicladen sobbing bursts.
I laid the cane against her beaten, scalded cunt rubbing it gently as shestrained even harder against her bonds. " I will, but first you have tobe punished for not answering quickly enough.
I brought the cane up her eyes following it mesmerized as I held it aloftfor a second then brought it down hard across her asshole and lower pussy.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I hadn't even expected the mercy chant again! This was a good sign. I broughtthe cane down nine more times in the same place while she screamed and chantedfor mercy. After the caning I thrust into the little Arab girl's abused pussy,every muscle in her body tensed like steel cords as she screamed from somewheredeep inside her being, the beatings had tightened her muscles and tenderizedher cunt, now those muscles were being torn open and her raw cunt still tenderfrom yesterday's rape, the scalding and the vicious flogging she had just receivedwas being violated again.
You will read in many adult stories how a virgin who is raped goes throughimmense pain the first time but takes it easily the next day, this is untrue.After a painful rape the subsequent rapes are more and more painful as thebody is still sore and inflamed, after a week of daily rapings the cunt andanal passage are often so tender and sensitive that the subject passes outwhen a cock enters her from the pain of simple sex. Fatima was no different,the agony of this rape was worse then when her virginity was ripped away, thatcombined with the pain the flogging caused her pussy put her over the top ofpain. For the remainder of her morning session I raped her sore and batteredpussy while she screamed and pleaded. Her body was undergoing heavy crampingas her muscles rebelled from the bondage and the abuse, alot of women vomitedat this point, but she showed no signs.
Fabi was sitting on the bed when I returned, her hair and body still wet fromthe long shower, her outer cunt lips were swollen from the powders effects.It had been a long session, she would be nearly swollen shut, I smiled at herand retrieved a special large Dildo, I saw the tears in her eyes, she knowwhat this would mean, she was to be ripped open again, how I loved her....
The afternoon session with Fatima was slightly less painful for the younggirl, it is important not to overload a subject with too much pain, if youdo their bodies will shut themselves down to it, aside from that I had promisedher a less painful session as a reward for her behavior, it is vital to keepone's word. For the afternoon I had lined up 10 Taliban soldiers with reputationsfor following orders. The two guards under my direct command were given instructionsto have the subject on her knees, legs apart with her hands behind her, thoughthey were given orders not to bind her or force her if she refused. When Igot there Fatima was indeed in the required position. Her cunt-mound was visiblybruised and her tits were even worse, black and blue over alot of the surfaceand covered with stripped welts. "Good afternoon Fatima" I said tothe trembling girl. "As I promised your pussy will be given a rest thisafternoon, but we will still require that you be trained in pleasing the soldiersyou will serve for the remainder of your sentence, have you ever sucked a man'scock Fatima?"
"No!, I'm not that kind of girl, only whores do that!"
"You are no longer a girl Fatima, you are less then a whore, would youcare to repeat that or do you wish to be punished?"
With a moan of despair the girl repeated in a small voice, "I am lessthen a whore"
"Yes you are a filthy creature, look at you, your tits all bruised, yourlegs open, cunt gaping open, you deserve no mercy Fatima, but I will give yousome anyway, ten soldiers are waiting outside, taking time off their valuableduties just to help train you. You will take each of them in your mouth anddown your throat, but don't worry you wont drink their cum, they have ordersto shoot their seed all over your face and tits, after each is done you willask him politely to give your tits 5 hard strokes with a riding crop, thenyou will crawl to the next soldier and begin on him, if you get all 10 to cumand whip you within the sessions two hour time you will be finished until thisevening, if not you will continue until you do and you will receive anotherscalding at the end of tonight's session, do you understand? Naturally youcan refuse and take your scalding now and we can continue whipping your pussy,then I will give you to the men anyway to do with as they choose, and I won'tbe in a mood to protect you from anything they may choose."
The girl looked positively sick at the thought. With girls of this age andwithin these cultures the idea of being used by a group of men like this wasthe lowest of lows, something no one would allow to happen. As shameful andhumiliating as rape and sodomy may be, to be forced to give head was in someways worse, it was something she would have to do as compared to somethingbeing done to her, it would confirm she was a whore and a lowly animal. Itwas always interesting to see which choice they made. After an agonizing fewmoments she answered.
Her voice quivered with self disgust that she could not stand strong. "Illdo what you tell me to".
Without a word I opened the door and bid the ten soldiers to enter, the soldierswere obviously shocked by the condition of the girl despite being warned fully,amateurs, I hate amateurs. The soldiers each bore a riding crop, boots, a rifleacross their backs (Don't ask me what I was thinking when I told them to bringthose!) and wore nothing else, quite a few were already erect or semi-erect,amateurs. Faith's eyes grew wide, unable to take her eyes off the many cocksbefore her. She was a picture of terror.
"Fatima, your session has begun, I suggest you get started" I saidmatter of factly. Had she done the math she would realize she had 12 minutesto bring each man off, receive her strokes and get to the next
Crying and sobbing she crawled to the closest soldier who looked nearly asfrightened as she did! Taking the tip his erect cock in her mouth she ran hertongue along it uselessly while whimpering and crying in shame. I came up behindher, grabbed her by her hair and pushed her mouth down deep onto his shaftthen jerked her head back and forth several times. "Like that, use yourtongue and move your slutty mouth up and down so he can fuck your throat, thedeeper you take him the faster he will cum". Crying harder she began tomove her mouth up and down on the soldiers cock, he glared with anger and shamehimself, what a fool. Within five minutes the idiot soldier came in her mouth!The Moron! I could have strangled him right there! The only redeeming factorwas she coughed up the sperm so it ran obscenely down her chin onto her chest,Sputtering and gagging she asked for the cropping, he gave 5 half hearted strokes,the soldier was burned in my memory, he would pay I decided. I almost decidedto dismiss Fatima right then, save the film and kill the soldier, but my positionwas not yet at a level I could get away with that.
The second soldier was thankfully much better, for twenty minutes she bobbedon his thin long cock, gagging and crying while he stood ridged, almost atattention, finally he pulled out and released a large load right into her tearstreaked face, it was beautiful! She thrust her chest out shaking, her titswere already so battered yet she had no choice but to beg for even more, "Pl..Pleasecrop my tits sir" she said in a small defeated voice. His strokes wereless a cropping then an attempt to cut her breasts off her! He literally brokethe crop on her tits after the third stroke and used the splintered piece todeliver the last two, he left her bleeding with 3 of the strokes drawing bloodywelts and holding her tits rolling on the ground. For 15 minutes she lay therebefore gathering her wits and crawling to the next soldier, I was amazed shehad not broken down to a begging heap by now.
The third soldier shot his load on her bleeding tits before she even touchedhim! I really couldn't blame the guy, those five strokes nearly made me cum!The five strokes he gave her tits were low, hitting the bruised underside whileshe screamed.
The fourth soldier kneaded her tits, pinching her nipples and painting anobscene word the equivalent of "WHORE" on her stomach with her ownblood while she sucked his cock trying to get him off as quickly as possible,he lasted about 15 minutes until he shot his load into the humiliated girlsdark curly hair and delivered 5 searing strokes right on her tortured nipples.
The fifth soldier rammed his cock down her throat in a vicious manner, fuckingher mouth and throat while she panicked and struggled for breath. He held herhead tight against him while she fought and struggled, for the first time inher torture Fatima was really fighting with all her might to escape from thethroat raping cock cutting off her air and ripping into her gagging throat,one of the soldiers, number two rushed forward to hold her hands up above herhead pushing her down to keep her on her knee's and preventing her from strikingout. The soldier raped her throat like a cunt, cutting off her air much ofthe time while she thrashed and struggled violently to get away, the assaultlasted only 8 minutes, but for Fatima it must have felt like a lifetime untilhe finally pulled out and covered her tits with his cum, she gulped in airand threw up on the floor immediately, I know it is not sexy to talk of suchthings as Fatima getting sick, but it is important to realize that the truthof the matter is the subject's stomach at some point or another rebels, I amamazed it took this long. The soldier kicked her in the chest, knocking heron to her back and slashing at her tits with the crop opening up the previouscuts again and bringing fresh blood to the surface. Once again I know bloodis not sexy, but sometimes these things happen, I would have stopped it ifthe wounds were deep, but truth was the bleeding had stopped quickly, but theblood gave a great effect for the camera and panicked Fatima.
The Sixth soldier got off on slapping her face while she was giving him head.Her chest and face were now fairly coated with cum, her tits were a mess, streaksof dried cum and blood mixed together on her large bruise covered jugs. Thesoldier struck her repeatedly as he rammed into her sore, pain-filled throat,the idiot was lucky he did not get bit. He lasted a good twenty minutes butshot down her throat instead of on her face. I swear I can not get good help.I was suprised when Fatima choking and gagging managed to ask for her fivestrokes. He showed some mercy on her tits and just struck with the tongue ofthe crop while she squealed, her tits were so sensitive now even a light strokewould hurt.
The Seventh soldier fucked her face for 10 minutes while beating her ass withthe crop as she screamed into his cock, at this point I had to warn the guardto ease up with the crop, her session had already been more painful then Ihad intended, but such is the shortcoming's of working with amateurs. He addedhis big load to her chest and face, she held her tits up with her hands andasked in a small voice "Mercy!" it was all she could think of tosay while he used the crop like a cane across her nipples.
The Eighth soldier lasted nearly a half hour but provided a wholly uninterestingtime with the subject, small dicked wonder that he was, he was gentle and almostloving with her shooting his jism on her face and only half heartedly croppingher.
The Ninth soldier was the sort I would like here permanently. He had her bythe hair but still had her do the work, calmly whispering what a whore andslut she was he would at times force her throat all the way down, keeping heron the verge of gagging then take her and force her lower to lick his balls.When he came fifteen minutes later he wiped his cum into the mix and scoopedit up from her chest to smear on her face and in her hair. "Sir, any morestrokes on her breasts may cause permanent damage, shall I change to strikingher ass?".
"Yes, I think that would be wise, good thinking soldier, double the strokesand proceed with her ass". "Fatima, turn around, place your headon the ground and stick your ass out..good girl".
The soldier delivered twenty searing strokes to the beautiful full ass presentedto him in the humiliating position Fatima had been made to assume, he madesure several of the strokes landed right on her sensitive asshole.
The last soldier came in 10 minutes after pumping her face with his smallcock. At least he remembered to cum on her face, he also caned her ass butwith no real strength, why is it I am surrounded by incompetence?
After the guards left I stood above the cum covered, bruised and beaten Afghanigirl drinking in her bruised and bloodied breasts, the obscene word scrawledon her stomach, the coat of semen that covered her face and chest and her stripedass.
"You failed by over 20 minutes Fatima, you will receive another scaldingtonight. I believe your tits will be put out of commission from heavy use fora few days, but your cunt, ass and back are not too bad yet, enjoy the restof the afternoon, I will see you this evening". With that I turned andleft the room, I gave orders for her to be taken to the infirmary and cleanedup and also given a birth control shot. I was the only one who had used herpussy at all and I knew I would father no children, but tonight her use wouldbe expanded.
Fabi had recovered from our earlier play in typical style, poorly. She turnedher hooded eyes to me with what could have been a m accusing look had it beenpossible to read the expressionless gaze of Fabiana. She was still traumatizedsomewhat from the cruel ripping open of her cunt I knew, but the real displeasurecame from the boredom of the place, there was little to do. Usually I providedFabi with a slave of her own during the day for her to torment, one who shecould practice her own sadism on without fear of damaging anything of value.For now I only had Fatima in my care and so that was not yet possible here.I had requested a television, VCR and some movies, Fabi understood Englishwell enough to enjoy American and British works, but I had still gotten noreply. We spent the afternoon playing chess instead, she beat me most of thetime and today was no exception.
The last session of Fatima's day was the longest and the most flexible. Themorning session would be set as a time to work on and abuse a certain partof her body, the afternoon a time for her to be raped or used by the soldiers,but the evening was all together improvised most of the time. Tonight I hadasked two soldiers, the seventh and ninth from the afternoon session to bepresent for the session.
Fatima was bound to the wooden X shaped cross, her back facing out, her hipsthrust lewdly out by a pegged in wedge of wood that forced her pelvis far back.Her arms were lashed to the top part of the X with rough hemp rope and herankles towards the bottom, spreading her legs far apart and offering us anunobstructed access to her cunt and asshole. Her ass still bore the marks ofthe last few sessions, but was in far better shape then her tits. One of thecamera's had been brought near the wall to catch her facial reactions, theother was behind her and at a slight angle as I had requested.
"Good evening Fatima" I approached the girl, running a finger overher asshole and cunt. Despite all that had happened to her Fatima was stilla Muslim girl, a virgin before yesterday. The shame of being so treated wasstill horrible for the terrified girl. "Fatima, I know you cant turn yourhead to see, but I have two men here with me, I'm sure you will remember themfrom this afternoon, you had their cocks in your mouth and begged them to whipyou Fatima, do you remember that? I'm sure that you do, but there were so manymen Fatima I am not sure you will be able to pick them out." I had thesoldiers kneels down to get a close look at the girls asshole and cunt, pointingout the swelling from the rapes, sodomy, whippings and scalding she had endured.Fatima cried as she was examined like a piece of meat, poked, prodded and examinedby not one but three strangers in her most private of areas.
"Now Fatima, I know your ass can't go back much farther, but I want youto thrust it back more and follow orders and Ill only scald you for 10 minutestonight, otherwise you will get a full half hour, do you understand?"
"O No! Please don't make me! I can't! I already hurt too much! Too much!Please don't!"
"Ohhhh, Fatima, you have already earned your first punishment, it wasn'ttime to start begging yet, your already moving closer to a longer scalding,you must try to do better Fatima, your punishments will be added up and deliveredafter your session. Now Fatima, thrust your ass back and ask the nice man tofuck your ass".
"No! Not again! Not that! Please!!"
"Go Ahead, but do not cum in her ass, I do not wish her lubricated".
I have spoken before how the pain of rape and sodomy builds with subsequentrapes, the same can be true for the humiliation of rape. Sometimes the subjectbecomes numb, sensitized to the abuse, it is my job to make sure that doesnot happen. It may seem that the torture Fatima was forced to endure is random,that is far from the truth.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".Fatima screamed again as the guard began to slowly force his cock up her drytortured ass. "PLEASE TAKE IT OUT! IT'S ALREADY TOO SORE! NO MORE I WANTTO GO HOME! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHNOOOOOOOOOOOO!.
Inch after inch was forced up her tight stretched shitter while the cameracaptured every twitch of her body, every spasm of pain and scream of the obscenerape. He kept plunging deeper and deeper into the young girls bowels as shesobbed and begged for relief from the pain and humiliation.
After about 20 minutes he pulled out and came all over her sexy full ass.The other soldier took her place behind her and raped his cock into her cuntin one vicious thrust. Although the ass is usually a more painful place totake a girl her scalded, bruised cunt was perhaps harder on her, for two hoursthe two of them switched off.
Fatima was hanging limp in her bonds, her poor body overloaded from the rapesand Sodomy of the last two hours not to mention the abuse of the last two days.I attached the restraining belt to her hips and began to heat the oil. "Tomorrowyou will gain a day of rest and exercise Fatima followed by another day oftraining then another day of rest, I'm sure you see that pattern. Now it istime for your scalding Fatima, because you were bad tonight you will be scaldedfor the next hour.
I waited for the oil to get to the proper temperature, filled a glass dildowith oil and corked it, I waited for the glass to heat first this time beforeshoving it in Fatima's sore pussy and placing the strap over it.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!,ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed and whipped herhead side to side bucking her ass back and forth lewdly.
I poured a second dildo full of oil and shoved it hard up her still open assholein one firm stroke.
"AHHHIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shewailed even harder as the Dildo torn into her bowels. Soon the scalding inher ass matched and eclipsed that in her pussy as she went totally insane withthe pain. The screams seemed no longer human but that of some crazed animalas the agony touched some core part of her. Indeed it must have felt like thevery center of her was being blowtorched apart as her ass and cunt burned andscalded. The camera caught ever frenzied spasm and scream as she poured herthroat out shrieking and wailing. After a half hour I removed the two dildosand replaced them with two fresh ones so her torment could continue, she onlylasted a few minutes after hat before slipping out of consciousness. I leftthe dildos in till her session was over and had her dragged back to her cell.
Fatima's training continued on that way without much deviation for the nexttwo months, although there was some variety in her sessions. After two monthsa stunning change took place within my little corner of the Taliban. Apparentlybefore I arrived the longest a subject had lasted was 3 days and the most atape had brought was $1000. With my contacts throughout the industry we wereable to sell tapes for $5000 each and produce many more taped per subject ofmuch better quality, aside from that those members of the Taliban leadershipwho enjoyed such things were overjoyed with my work, the funding and increasein power literally came overnight. One day I received official word from WarlordRabbani that I had been given the rank of Colonel and that funding would beincreased ten fold, aside from that I was now able to draw on the general poolof soldiers for staffing and could hire my own camera crew and editing team.In addition two more subjects, Sohaila and Meena were delivered for sentencingwith the promise of many more to come.
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Vanakam nanbargale, ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peyar Sasikala, vayathu 42 aagugirathu, en kanavnaai naan siru vayathile izhanthu viten. En kanavan irantha naal muthal indru varai veru entha aan thunaiyaiyum nadamal irukiren. Aanal en sontha maganaiye kaamam seiya enathu kaama unarchi ennai thundiyathu. Magan eppozhuthum en arugil thaan paduthu uranguvaan. Avan vayathu 19 aagugirathu, siru vayathil aangal sunniyai kai adikum...
Note : This is part two of a family's journey into i****t. In part 1 (Backseat Sister), Phillip, unbeknownst to his sister Tanya, caught her masturbating... about him. A few days later the serendipitous stars all lined up and she ended up sitting on his lap in the backseat during a lengthy ride... a ride that ended with the almost silent taking of his sister's virginity with his mom and dad in the front. Although the father was none the wiser that his daughter had been deflowered by his son as...
I was a nineteen year old male, who recently had a sex change to a woman. I was all feminine, except I still had my dick and balls. Ever since I was a little boy I never felt comfortable in my body so when I was sixteen, I told my parents I wanted to be a girl. Of course they freaked out about it at first but respected my decision as I was old enough to make my own decisions. I went to a doctor and had the operation. I grew big breasts and had sexy hips. I never felt happier. It would be a...
Zofeya Caldwell and her friend, Aimee Connell sat nervously on the sofa in the living room. To the girls’ left, Zofeya’s adoptive mother, Diane, sat in her leather armchair. Opposite Ms. Caldwell, in the other armchair sat their neighbour, Miss Pauline Manson. The ladies sat there in silence. Aimee, despite her friend’s warning about what was going to happen to the young ladies, sat and hoped that Ms. Caldwell would simply tell her off. Zofeya played nervously with her long dark hair, looking...
SpankingWhen I was 18 I was dating a guy, Tim, who was very open sexually. He had always expressed an interest in trying anal sex. I on the other hand was very hesitant because Tim had a very large cock, about 10 inches long and very thick. Well one day we were lying in my bed. Both of us were pretty silent and admiring each others bodies through our clothes. Out of no where Tim asked, “Are you ready?” It wasn’t difficult for me to figure out what he was talking about. I’m sure he could tell by the...
First Timecousin I was staying at a cousins house for a funeral.She has a son who is in his twenties and he was staying there too.I was invited to stay a few days after the funeral.Jeff was really paying a lot of attention to me.I could tell he was really taken by me.I was sitting in my room late one night when someone knocked on my door.I was not dressed to see anyone but I secretly hoped it was him or any other man.I was wearing a short nightshirt without any underwear.When I opened the door Jeff's...
Mrs Margo Richmond was relaxing in her bath-tub after a trying day at the university office. With her head rested back and her eyes closed she softly sponged her breasts as her thoughts swam around her head. Her day had started well enough, having carefully dressed in a prim grey formal suit that subtlety showed off her sensual lithesome figure. She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration from male colleagues, for there was...
His head was pounding, his stomach a constant churning ache. He managed to open the door to his office and slink over to his chair, wincing at the sound it made when he pulled it back. He sank down into it, laying his head on his arms on the desk, praying that either God would take mercy on him or kill him. Killing him would be a mercy today and God didn’t grant such mercies to people like him. Nick reached into the middle drawer of his desk, his fingers going over the different pill bottles...
A sexy phone call is a good way for two horny people to get off, especially if they are apart. A sexy phone call is one way Dave and I satisfied our primal needs, since he lived a long distance from me. Right now, he's in another state on business. On this particular night, he called me, and this is how we satisfied our hunger for each other. Its 9:40pm at night and I am lying on my bed reading a magazine. The phone rings and for a brief moment I wonder who would be calling me this late at...
I plan out an evening for both of us to spend some time alone. I would have the appt. to myself because all the roomies would be somewhere else and have agreed to not come back here for the night. I start out by arranging something that I think you would really like. I decided to treat you to a professional underwear. The gown is long, red, and has a zipper in the back which would extend to the bottom of your back. The note says, “I love you Jayne. The limo is going to drop you off at my house....
EroticI woke up to complete darkness. The sound of the neighbor’s dog barking told me it was morning. Why can’t I see anything? I thought to myself. I tried to push myself up, suddenly realizing my hands were bound tightly behind my back. My mind and heart began racing as possibilities danced through my mind, certainly Cole didn’t do this. My husband, a hard-working business man in his early thirties, isn’t into the BDSM like I am, in fact I had tried talking to him about trying it a few weeks back...
Tyler just doesn’t recognize his true potential which has caused major frustration for Aurora who wants him to stop living under her roof and move out of her house. Using her feminine wiles, Aurora seduces her naive step-nephew into an afternoon of intense and unexpected sex. Tyler is just thrilled to get his dick wet inside such a hot, milf and Aurora is just happy to know that her pussy can still control any man she wants. She writhes on his dick before it spews a warm hot load all over her...
xmoviesforyouSo my mother got me a job collecting glasses at the local pub she worked at. She would collect the used food plates from the restaurant side of the pub and help the chef in the kitchen. I was only allowed to collect the food plates and glasses at the time as I was too young to serve behind the bar.I don't have very big boobs, but I do have a very round curvy sexy ass. I am not what you would call good looking or attractive as none of the boys ever asked me out while I was in school. This has...
Part 3 so please read the first two installments to get the gist of what happened to me in the eraly years of my first marriage.Debbie came home from work at 11.30pm, I was still sat on the sofa, naked, and with Heathers knickers on my cock. Debs looked down and said'Ah, I see you had an enjoyable evening with Mike, but where did the panties come from?'I told her about Heather and she at next to me urging me to tell all, taking my re-hardning cock in her hand as she listened intently..Her head...
Hello! Welcome to my home! I guess your parents never taught you to knock. But that's alright. I'm glad you're here. I don't get many visitors these days. Come, come, sit down child. I wish to tell you a story. You've probably already heard a version of this story I'm about to tell you, but I wish to share with you the true story. Who am I?, you ask. That isn't important. But you may call me Sid. Before I continue, I must ask you a question. Please forgive this old man for asking such a silly...
My Wife’s Sexy FriendYou will probably think I am a horrible person after reading this but you be the judge as it actually happened.My wife and I met in a little shop that made cannoli. Marie is her name. She is a beautiful Italian woman, Five foot six, with deep dark brown hair and stunning brown eyes. We started dating shortly after meeting and things moved quickly for both of us. She told me early on that she thought she loved me and I said I felt the same. I really did but I was never...
Me my friend we are going to school that days my age 10 year I see my friend sister in bathroom I wNt see what she do I open door shock she seat & piss I see 1 st time clear pussy hair pussy she smile & closed door after same day she find me at round & said what u see that day I don't know she smile & said come tomorrow I show u again next day Sunday I see she wear salwar me & my friend watching TV program she call my friend to bye same sugar from shop then she closed the...
"No way! I'm not gonna do it any more. I'm tired, and my head hurts!" Chad lurched to his feet rebelliously, resting his forehead against the bole of a tree at the edge of the clearing. He knew that he was being childish about the whole thing, but he'd sat crosslegged on the mossy ground until he could hardly move, staring at the quarterinch nugget of raw gold until he felt like his eyes were permanently crossed. A throbbing ache bounced back and forth inside of his skull, and even the...
try to make this short and sweet. i met this girl in college she always use to tease me and bully me how? just doing annyoing shit like taking my gym clothes etc. i didnt know she really liked me til later when i seen her at a walmart. she was working the game section. well when i found out she liked me i picked her up from her break. kissing each others face off i wanted to bring her back to my crib so she was with it. did i mention she said she dont suck dick damn was she lying she gave me...