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Wren 19

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VAROVANI Tato povidka obsahuje silne motivy natlaku a vynuceneho sexu. Jednase o fikci urcenou pouze pro DOSPELE. Autor nedoporucuje ani netoleruje podobnejednani. Pokud se vam povidka libi, chcete cist dalsi nebo mate nejake napady,napiste mi. .


Wren 19 (V teto casti - muceni klitorisu a stydkych pysku.)

O ctrnact dni pozdeji se Frauline Anja Van Almseck a Katrine Finnigan poprvesetkaly. Po dobu pobytu ve vezeni byly obe systematicky znasilnovany a bity.Biti a znasilnovani se opakovalo ve dne, v noci, az byly obe naprosto vycerpanea vystrasene daleko vic, nez by si kdy myslely, ze mohou byt. Pod modrymi vezenskymihadry by se vam mozna zdalo, ze jsou jejich tela bez poskvrnky, ale opakovanaznasilneni na nich zanechala nespocet drobnych modrin a skrabancu. Anja bylapomerne svalnata a zdala se byt nezranena, dokud jste se na ni nepodivali poradne.Genitalie mela porostle hustymi tmavymi chlupy, ktere je zakryvaly, ale konecnikmela holy, napohled roztazeny, viditelne pootevreny, s rudym kruhem sveracevyhrezlym ven - vypadal jako bezzuba usta cekajici na dalsi porci. Nebylo divu,ze naslapovala velmi opatrne. Katrine mela svetle ochlupeni, ktere nemohlozakryt, jak rudou a nabehlou pochvu ma. Na stihlem, az chlapeckem tele bylovidet mnohem vic modrin, nez u Anjy.

Behem chvilky budou obe svleceny a spoutany mediky SAS. Medici se na nichbudou ucit - v terenu ma kazdy z nich dve role: lekar komanda, vysetrovatelzajatcu. Musi se otrkat, nez pujdou do akce. Obe zeny ted vypadaji uplne jinak,nez kdyz se dostaly sem, na zakladnu v Herefordu, presto rozdily mezi niminebyly uplne setreny. Anja, nemecka teroristka, ma tmave vlasy, svalnatou postavu,pritom velmi zenskou, zralou. Je vasniva a pres mnoho protrpenych biti stalevzdoruje. Druhy subjekt, Katrine, ktera mela tu smulu, ze jednou jedinkratprevzala zasilku pro IRA, byla blond, drobne postavy a nez ji zajistili, bylapanna. Chce se vyhnout bolesti a vubec se proto nebrani. Panna uz rozhodneneni.

Straze odvedly divky v zelezech do jasne osvetlene mistnosti kliniky. Anijedna nezvedla hlavu. Katrine si prvni uvedomila, kolik lidi tam je, a rozhledlase. Stredu mistnosti dominovaly dva stoly s cernou deskou, u kazdeho sedelosest az osm mediku komand SAS. Anja se rozhledla jen o zlomek vteriny pozdejia protoze byla o pet let starsi nez Katrine, okamzite poznala, ze stoly jsouve skutecnosti gynekologicke lavice. "Aach, ne," zamumlala a slozilase k zemi. Katrine se zmatene podivala na lezici Anju - na chvili si myslela,ze se ji dostane lekarskeho osetreni. Doktor, ktery ridil prednasku, klidnymhlasem pozadal straze, at Anju zvednou a polozi na pravou lavici, Katrine nalevou. Dva strazni, kteri divky privedly na kliniku, byli sehrani - stojiciKatrine zvedli, polozili na lavici a s Anjou, ktera se uz stihla probrat azacit hystericky jecet, nalozili stejne. Strazni necekali na dalsi pokyny,drepli si a sejmuli divkam zeleza z nohou. Delali to s naprostym klidem, bez

 zaujeti, zatimco vystrasene mlade damy, ztuhle hruzou, blede, vydesenetak, ze se neodvazovaly pohnout, myslely na to, co prijde. Strazni jim nejprvesundali pouta z rukou a vzapeti pretahli vezenske hadry pres hlavu. Divky muselyspolupracovat, nadzvednout zadek, aby je strazni mohli svleknout. Ti pak munduryprehodili pres operadlo volne zidle stojici mezi lavicemi. Pak divky polozilia zajistili jim zapesti do okovu zabudovanych do lavice na urovni krku. Zdalose, jakoby divky jen tak pohodlne lezely a podpiraly si hlavu dlanemi. Abysi to nerozmyslely a neodesly, strazni divkam pevne pritahli pres bricho sirokeremeny. Kdyz pripoutavali Katrine, Anja zpanikarila, zacala rvat, cukat sebou,zmitat se a kopat nohama. Ovsem sbirala odvahu prilis dlouho, ted uz bylo naodpor pozde. S rukama upoutanyma ke krku ji zmitani nebylo nic platne. Strazninevzrusene utahli Katrine remen, pak presli k Anje. Predloktimi se braniliproti kopum a utahli remen pres bricho i ji. Katrin sebo

 u uz nemohla volne hazet, mohla jen kopat nohama, ale strazni ji snadnochytili za kotniky a zacvakly je do trmenu. Anja neprestavala rvat, pot sez ni jen lil. Naha, jako kdyz prisla na svet, lezela na gynekologicke lavici,nohy siroce roztazene, zranitelne genitalie odhalene. Kdyz Katrine videla,co Anju potkalo, zkusila zkrizit nohy a vzdorovat straznym, ale ti si s nisnadno poradili, roztahly ji nohy a zajistili ji kotniky ve trmenech. Naposledyzkontrolovali sve dilo a otocili se k doktorovi. "Dekuji, panove, to mistaci. OD-CHOD! " pronesl klidnym hlasem, malem se na ne ani nepodival.Behem chvilky, kterou strazni potrebovali k odchodu z mistnosti, se Dr. Ovadpritocil k obema krasotinkam, stoupl si mezi ne a nasaval vuni jejich strachu.Nespoustely z nej oci. Katrine se znatelne trasla a odvazila se ho poprosit,at ji necha byt. I Anja se uz potila, na cele ji vystupovaly kapicky potu,cele telo mela napnute, jak se snazila vyrvat z pout. Doktor rozpazil a polozilji

 m zaroven ruce na cela. "Ssss, ssss, setrete si sily, drahouskove,nebojte se, nez se odsud dostanete, jeste si zarvete az az!" Pak se otocilzpet k medikum a zacal "Dnes si probereme moznosti, jak zpusobovat zenambolest, tentokrat jehlami." Pritahl si zidli mezi Katrininy roztazenenohy. "Ale nejdriv se musime podivat. s cim budeme pracovat... potrebovalibychom mile damy oholit, prihlasi se mi dobrovolnik?" Posadil nejblizsihomedika na sve misto a podavaje mu britvu a holici strojek, pozadal ho o vyholeniKatrinina pubickeho chmyri. Anje posadil mezi nohy dalsiho vojaka a nechalho, at si poradi s mnohem hustsim a tmavsim ochlupenim. Medici se pustili doprace, divky rvaly a prosily o smilovani, ovsem vojaci uz brzy odstranovaliposlednich par chloupku. Medici nemeli velkou praxi a holeni, jak tahalo, byloneuveritelne neprijemne. Skoncili a vstali od sve prace, nechali doktora, atzkontroluje vysledek. "Ano, to bychom meli," pronesl nad Katrininymivyspulenymi rudocerve

 nymi stydkymi pysky. Vstal a presunul se k Anje. Roztahl ji pulky azkontroloval okoli konecniku. "Tak tohle by neslo," pronesl zdvorileale pevne, "Mezi hrazi a konecnikem ma chlupy." Vojak se okamzitevratil na misto, levou rukou si Anjiny pulky pridrzel a zbavil ji par poslednichchlupu. Dr. Ovad vyuzil volne chvilky k popisu skod, ktere na pohlavi oboudivek zanechala opakovana znasilneni. "Rekl bych, ze tato mlada Nemkabude muset nejakou dobu chodit na nocnik, nez se ji vrati schopnost zadrzetstolici!?" poznamenal zvesela, "a vypada to, ze nase irska kamaradkaby byla radsi, kdyby nam minuly tyden nedosla vazelina!" Nekolik medikuse zasmalo. "Nez budeme pokracovat, rad bych, abyste vy dva damy trochuvysetrili a rekli ostatnim, co se s temi picami delo a co jeste vydrzi, nezse uplne rozsypou?" Medici si natahli chirurgicke rukavice a po vysetrenirekli ostatnim, co zjistili. Dr. Ovad, nadseny tim, jak pekne mladici devcatavyholili, vycaroval lahev lekarskeho lihu.

 "Voda po holeni pro damy, ale chlapi, setrete je, zatim jim tonelejte dovnitr," komentoval, kdyz se medici shybli a zacali divkam docerstve vyholene kuze vmasirovavat lih. Pozornost se neminula ucinkem - odrenakuze polita lihem palila jako cert, divky rvaly jak pominute a pripadalo jim,ze snad shori. "Nechte je na moment vydechnout," rekl Dr. Ovad, "chci,aby vnimaly, co se s nimi deje, aby vedely, ze to DROBNE nepohodli, ktere praveciti, neni nic proti tomu, co je jeste ceka behem nejblizsich tri hodin." Reakcina jeho rec byly upenlive prosby a zadoneni ze strany Irky a o neco hlubsimhlasem pronasene prosby a volani o milost od Nemky. Dr. Ovad zvysil hlas, abyprehlusil kvileni, a otocil se ke Katrine. "Kazda zajatkyne je jina, kazdareaguje jinak," rekl, poplacavaje ji dlani po Venusine pahorku. "Budemese bavit o jehlach a s jehlami. Problem cislo jedna muze byt infekce, samozrejmejen pokud vam jde o schopnost zajatkyne absolvovat dalsi vyslechy nebo pokudji chce

 te mezi vyslechy nechat znasilnovat ostatnimi vojaky!" Otocil sek Anje. "U nekterych zen nenarazite na problem, at je propichate, kolikratchcete, rany zustanou ciste a dobre se hoji. U jinych zajatkyn se vpichy hojipomalu." Otocil se zpatky ke Katrine, presel k opacnemu konci lavice azacal ji hladit ve vlasech. "Pokud zjistite, ze se rana nehoji, mate dvemoznosti. Bud ji nechat zanitit a hnisat, dokud zajatkyni nezlomite, nebo doni sypat sul ci lit kyselinu, aby vic bolela." Udelal krok smerem k Anje. "Pokudse do rany nedostane necistota, vetsinou se rychle zahoji a v muceni muzetepokracovat, dokud subjekt nezlomite." Popadl Anju za vlasy a nadzvedlji hlavu. "Po nejakych peti, deseti jehlach zjistite, ze uz to vysetrovanoutolik neboli, protoze se ji do tela vyplavi adrenalin," udelal pauzu,polozil divcinu hlavu na lavici a pokracoval, "pokud mate dost casu, prostepockate, az adrenalin prestane pusobit, nechate ji tak hodinku byt. Ale pokudnechcete cekat, jako tr

 eba my tady dneska, muzete ji pichnout latku, ktera rusi pusobeni adrenalinu," avytahl z naprsni kapsy zelenou ampuli. "Dejte kazde po 10 mililitrech,do stehna," podaval ampuli jednomu z mediku. Divky na okamzik prestalyknucet a snazily se prosit o slitovani tesne pred tim, nez se jim do jemnekuze na vnitrni strane stehna zabodla jehla. "Auuu, prestante proboha," rvalaKatrine "Do hajzlu s vama, vy zkurvysyni, AUUUU!!!" bylo slyset Anju,kdyz ji medik surove placl pres stehno, aby se vyhnul zile. "Tak, a neznam injekce zacne ucinkovat, dovolte, abych vam objasnil, ze v nekterych pripadechfanaticky vzdoruji az nekolik tydnu. Proto se nekdy vyplati, a ja to rozhodnedoporucuji, nasadit do citlivych mist kolem prsu a vaginy stale elektrody.Existuje mnoho typu, ktere lze aplikovat, a neni je mozno odstranit bez chirurgickehozasahu. Diky temto elektrodam si zajatkyne, i kdyz je zrovna nahodou sama,uvedomuje, ze brzy dostane dalsi elektrosoky." Vyjmul z kapsy na bokuneko

 lik balicku. "Prohlednete si krouzky z chirurgicke oceli a zaklapavacielektrody se zapichem. Jak vidite, obe lze snadno pripojit ke generatoru. Nenechtese zlakat, opakuji, nenechte se zlakat myslenkou, ze si usetrite praci a nasaditena bradavky nebo klitoris krokosvorky. I ta nejsilnejsi pruzina je prilis slabana to, aby udrzela svorku na krecovite se zmitajicim zpocenem tele v okamziku,kdy do nej pustite proud," podaval Dr. Ovad balicky medikum, kteri sezajmem studovali jejich obsah. "Vyborne, rekl bych, ze injekce uz by melyucinkovat," komentoval, kdyz divkam posvitil baterkou do oci a zkontrolovalroztazeni zornicek. "Zacneme slecnou Katrine Finnigan, irskou teroristkou," prohlasils ocima uprenyma na tabuli na zdi."Prosim, tady mate jehlu. Propichneteji levou bradavku," rekl nejblizsimu medikovi, podavaje mu jehlu. "Pokudchcete, aby si spolubojovnici se zajatkyni uzili, pocitejte s tim, ze se vpichnejakou dobu hoji, obvykle ctrnact dni, ale muze to byt i dele.

 Bradavku muzete propichnout nekonecnym mnozstvim zpusobu, ale vetsinouse propichuje vodorovne, i kdyz to muze byt i svisle nebo sikmo. Pokud chcetedo bradavek zavest krouzky, napriklad pro znehybneni subjektu pri bicovaninebo znasilnovani, musite peclive volit misto a hloubku vpichu," pronesl.Vytahl z kapsy fix a udelal na zatim mekke bradavce znacku. "Sledujtezajimavy jev. Nektere bradavky se pri erekci staceji." Vratil znackovacdo kapsy, chytil bradavku mezi ukazovacek a palec a surove s ni zakroutil.Katrine zarvala bolesti a malem si vykloubila ramena. Dr. Ovad jeji narek ignorovala kroutil dal. Pustil ji az za deset vterin. Zmucena bila odkrvena bradavkase nalila krvi a ztvrdla. "Vidite, bradavka teto mlade damy se stocilaasi o 30 stupnu a to neni nic neobvykleho," dodal. "Takze, pojdmedal. Pokud chcete zajatkyni zpusobit maximalni bolest a co nejvic ji ponizit," poodstoupil,aby medikovi poskytl lepsi pristup ke Katrinine levemu prsu, cimz prihlizejicimodkry

 l pohled na jeji zdesenou tvar, a zaroven ji nadzvedl hlavu, aby semusela divat, jak ji medik bere prs do ruky. "Musite propichnout stredbradavky. Je jedno, jestli vodorovne, nebo svisle, ale rozhodl jsem se provpich vedeny vodorovne, abych vam mohl ukazat dalsi zajimavou vec." Medikprikyvl, zkroutil Katrininu levou bradavku, az poradne nabehla. "Vyborne,ted ji propichnete, vodorovne, u hrotu." Katrine sebou zkousela hazet,prosit, kricet a malem omdlela, kdyz jehla prosla citlivou tkani na druhoustranu. "Dobre, pripada mi, ze byste ji mel zkontrolovat puls a celkovystav," poradil Dr. Ovad. Sledoval, jak Katrine rve, oci rozsirene desem,zpocene celo, pot stekajici pres oboci, misici se se slzami. "Vypada to,ze se ji to vubec nelibilo, souhlasite, panove?" polozil recnickou otazku. "Ated vy!" ukazal na jineho medika, "udelejte ji totez s pravou bradavkou,ale vedte vpich presne stredem a hluboko, u dvorce." Ke Katrine si prisedldruhy medik, vzal do ruky pravy prs a

 neobratne se jal jej propichovat. Dvakrat ji jen pichl, nez se mu podarilojehlu namirit spravnym smerem. "Fajn, poradne ji chytte za cecek, a suptam s tou jehlou. Ano, ted pekne pomalu, sledujte, kde jehla vyjde, prece bystese nechtel pichnout, " komentoval Dr. Ovad se smichem Katrinin rev. Pomale pauze se vratil k duvodum, ktere ho vedly propichnout jednu bradavku uhrotu a druhou u dvorce. Poposel k odvracenemu konci gynekologicke lavice azacal otacet sroubem. Katrinina zada se zacala zvedat. Dr. Ovad neprestal,dokud Katrine nesedela zcela vzprimene, s kotniky ve trmenech, takze se jikolena dostala do podpazdi. U jehel bylo mozno spatrit kapicky krve. Jehlybyly umisteny presne vodorovne, protoze medici spravne opravili polohu vpichupodle stoceni bradavek pri erekci. Bolest zarucovala, ze bradavky nesplasknou.Bolest v bradavkach byla silnejsi, nez bolest pusobena neprirozenou polohou,k niz divku nutila lavice a pouta. Nohy mela jeste dale od sebe, nez na zacatku

 . "A ted vam neco ukazu, dobre se divejte," uvazal na koncejehel smycky chirurgicke nite, utahl uzly, a zavesil do smycek zavazicka. "Vidite?Pokud bradavku propichnete nad stredem a zatizite, miri dolu, a pokud pod stredem,miri nahoru." Rozhledl se po mistnosti a kdyz videl, ze se na nej medicidivaji naprosto zmatene, rychle dodal, "Nevim, jake prakticke vyuzitiby to mohlo mit, ale je to zajimave, nemyslite?! " rozplyval se. Katrinesvesila hlavu, v bolestech s ni kyvala ze strany na stranu, slzy ji tekly poprsech, misily se s potem, tvorily male kapky, stekaly na dolni stranu prsu,odkud ji kanuly do vyholeneho klina. "Nezapomente, ze musite propichnoutstred bradavky, radsi niz, u dvorce, nezalezi na uhlu, ale jde o to zasahnoutoblast, kde je nejvic nervovych zakonceni," na moment se odmlcel a pokracoval "Obcasnarazite na zajatkyni, jejiz prsy jeste nejsou zcela vyvinute, mladsi, nezu techto slecen," pousmal se. "Pak vam doporucuji vest vpich podbradavkou, u kore

 ne," pronesl, ukazuje na misto milimetr od protazene bradavky. "Vtechto mistech narazite na mnoho nervovych zakonceni, ktere se teprve presunouna sve misto ve zralem prsu. Navic je zde dost tkane, za kterou muzete subjektznehybnit pri znasilneni nebo dalsich vyslesich. Navic ji muzete potesit tim,ze pri opakovanem propichovani se vytvori jizvy, ktere zvetsi objem bradavky,se kterou muzete pracovat. Krome toho bradavka zcitlivi!" Dr. Ovad nechalKatrine vystavenou v ponizujici pozici a uprene ji ziral na vyvesene bradavky.Pak se otocil k Anje, ktera celou dobu kvilela a prosila, at ji nechaji byt. "Tak,panove, vidite, ze druhy subjekt ma prsy zralejsi, budu muset zmenit techniku.Jak si ctu v jejich papirech, brzo bude menstruovat, vsimnete si, ze ma bradavkymirne zdurele, stejne jako kdyby byla tehotna nebo kojila.," vykladala nevzrusene hnetl Anje prsa. "Za techto okolnosti jsou bradavky velmicitlive, i pouhe prohmatavani muze zena vnimat jako bolestive," vzal pra

 vou bradavku mezi ukazovacek a palec a otacel s ni na jednu a druhoustranu. "Aaaaa prooosiiiiim, neeee," rvala Anja z plnych plic. "Vidite!Presne, jak jsem rikal, tak krasne citliva, vid, kote?" smal se Anjinezmucenemu vyrazu. "Za techto okolnosti nekdy staci subjektu pohrozit,ze zacnete s propichovanim, a ma dost. Pokud to nestaci, NENECHTE si tuto vyjimecnouprilezitost uniknout, propichujte pomalu, mnohokrat a vyuzijte, opakuji, vyuzijtezvysene citlivosti zajatkyne!" poradil pritomnym. "Vyborne, takzepojdme na to. Kdo z vas jeste nepropichoval bradavku?" zeptal se, nacezse zvedl les rukou. "Dobra, tak vy ctyri se postavte k levemu prsu a vyostatni k pravemu a dejte se do toho. Pozor na to, ze subjekt bude rvat vic,nez byste normalne cekali!" Anju muselo byt slyset az pred klinikou. Doztoporenych bradavek se postupne zakouslo deset jehel. "Fajn, prejdemena genitalie, uz jste to si kazdy na bradavkach vyzkousel?" zeptal seDr. Ovad. "No dobra, dobra, pokud si to

 budete chtit zopakovat, po prednasce vam je tu necham!"

Dr. Ovad si pritahl zidli mezi Katrininy nohy a zeptal se "Kdo by nampopsal klitoris teto mlade damy?" Jeden medik pristoupil bliz, ukazovakemv latexove rukavici roztahl stydke pysky a kratce si pohral s postevakem. "Jepomerne vyvinuty, ale ani kdyz se ztopori, temer nevystupuje s predkozky, pane." "Vyborne,to nam staci. Kdo nam povi neco tady o jeji kamaradce?" Zaroven se zvedlidva medici a zahrali si na zidle. Ten, ktery vyhral, se Anje posadil mezi nohy,a aniz by se ji dotkl, zacal "Zajatkyne ma dobre vyvinuty klitoris, vidimho vystupovat mezi stydkymi pysky." "Dobre, co predkozka, myslitesi, ze se klitoris jeste zvetsi?" zeptal se Dr. Ovad. Medik roztahl prstemstydke pysky, dotkl se spodni strany klitorisu a nekolikrat rychle za sebouna nej zatlacil. Anja se neubranila, telo ji zradilo a pres bolest v bradavkach- jehelniccich se jeji klitoris okamzite nalil krvi. "Podivejte na tenklacek!" zasklebil se Dr. Ovad, vytahl z klopy jehlu a divky s ni na klitorisupo

 skrabal. Samozrejme uhybaly, ale Katrine pritom nelidsky rvala, cozprozradilo, jak moc citliva je. Anja zatnula zuby a podarilo se ji nevydatani hlasku, protoze bolest vystrelujici z klitorisu do celeho tela nebyla nicimproti bolesti zpusobene jehlami v bradavkach. "Vidim, ze Kata ma citlivejsiklitoris nez jeji kamaradka, takze si ji nechame na pozdeji!" poznamenaldoktor. Katrine neverila tomu, co slysi, neverila te hruze, ktera ji obklopuje,copak je mozne, aby nekdo tak nezaujate probiral jeji telo a delal ji to, codelal? Anja zavrela oci a zacala kricet "Prosim, prosim, nechte me jit,prosim, uz to nevydrzim, nevidite, ze prosim, prosim nechte me..." Dr.Ovad ji pohladil po ruce a odvetil "Myslim, ze sis to mela rozmyslet driv,nez jsi zacala davat lidem do aut bomby," vysmival se ji, "bohuzel,necitim k tobe nic, je to nejspis pomsta za to, cos provedla. Ale nakonec teasi opravdu pustim!" na moment se odmlcel, "ale nebude to driv, nezte vyridim, TY DEVKO!" zarval

 znenadani. Obratil se k posluchacum a pokracoval "Nejcastejsi praktikouje propichovani malych stydkych pysku. Rany se hoji pomerne rychle a vetsinounezarustaji!" Dr. Ovad odhrnul Anjiny velke stydke pysky a upozornil medikyna stav malych. "Tahle pica vypada dobre zajeta!" usmal se a pakse venoval popisu mist, kde je vpich zpusobuje nejvetsi nepohodli a bolest. "Pripropichovani malych stydkych pysku, pokud za ne chcete subjekt znehybnit, musibyt vpich pomerne daleko od kraje," pokracoval Dr. Ovad. "Pokud jivsadite krouzky a privazete je za ni nebo pridrzujete pri znasilneni nebo pristimvyslechu, tkan se nechutne snadno natrhne. Vzdalenost vpichu od kraje pyskumusi byt nejmene stejna nebo vetsi, nez je tloustka kozniho zahybu!" VzalAnjin stydky pysk mezi prsty, odhadl jeho tloustku a udelal fixem caru asi10 mm od kraje. "Pokud bude vpich za touto carou, subjekt vam rozhodnenebude uhybat pred bicem, zelezy nebo ptakem!" Prejel prsty po carachna obou pyscich, aby j

 este jednou pripomnel spravne umisteni jehel. "Pokud se budetedrzet teto cary, muzete propichovat po cele delce," podotkl, dotykajese prstem hraze a pak roztazeneho ritniho sverace. "Meli byste vedet,ze cim niz je vpich, tim nepohodlnejsi jsou vsazene krouzky pri sexu nebo pouhechuzi!" Dr. Ovad poodstoupil a vyzval mediky, at se trochu pocvici v protahovanijehel. Anja sebou hazela, svaly napjate, ale jehlam neunikla. Uz ani nemohlakricet, jen sipala, kdyz se do ni postupne zakouslo tricet jehel. Zatimco studentitrenovali na bezmocne Anje, Dr. Ovad jemne masiroval Katrin, aby ji trenimdo velkych stydkych pysku nahnal krev a aby tak byly citlivejsi. Katrine stejnejako Anja nepretrzite rvala uz dve hodiny, prosila o milost, narikala, takzeani ona uz prakticky nemohla mluvit, zirala do prazdna a jedine, co ji slo,bylo potit se. Kdyz se k ni doktor blizil, otocila k nemu hlavu a bez toho,aby vydala hlasku, rty naznacila "Ne, uz ne." Doktor si toho vsiml,mrkl na ni a

 poslal ji pusu. Katrine v nepohodlne poloze uplne ztuhla, ruce, nohy,kotniky a bradavky ji neuveritelne bolely. Dr. Ovad mel za to, ze medici uzsi s Anjou uzili sve a nadesel cas venovat se Katrine. Stydke pysky uz nemelaruzove, ale tmave cervene. Nalily se krvi, zesilily a ponekud se stahly dostran, cimz odhalily klitoris. "Dva dobrovolnici? Prisit velke stydkepysky ke stehnu." Okamzite vystoupili dva z mediku a postavili se ke Katrinena urovni boku. Dr. Ovad pokracoval, podavaje jednomu z nich civku niti. "Velkestydke pysky jsou o neco mene citlive nez male, ale jsou silnejsi, takze muzetesit bliz u okraje," Dr. Ovad pokracoval, "Fajn, vezmete si tri navlekynite, protahnete je horni, stredni a spodni casti pysku, prichytte je leukoplastike stehnu, stehy napnete, aby se pysky roztahly, a konce zajistete!" Spousmanim pokynul dalsim dvema medikum "Tak, a vy si procvicite totezna nasi nemecke pritelkyni!" Obe zeny se hystericky zmitaly, kricely,prosily, narikaly,

 zaklinaly pritomne, at je nechaji byt. Dr. Ovad musel zvysit hlas, abyho bylo slyset, kdyz jedne dvojici mediku radil, jak rozmotat stehy, kterese jim prokrizily. Gynekologicke lavice byly zmaceny potem a slzami. Kdyz tinesikove, kteri sili Katrine, skoncili, poodstoupili a cekali na dalsi pokyny.Katrine pololeze, polosede zirala na obnazeny klitoris. Kdyz ji sili, snazilase zavrit oci, ale silena bolest ji donutila je otevrit. Anja lezela s rukamapripoutanyma na urovni krku a s ocima uprenyma na strop pri siti rvala "Nee,prosiiim, nee," coz ji samozrejme pred sesti vpichy nijak neochranilo.Dr. Ovad se presvedcil, ze jsou klitorisy obou divek obnazene a snadno pristupnea posadil se Anje mezi nohy. Z kapsy vytahl balicek zakrivenych chirurgickychjehelcu a predvedl, jak se propichuje predkozka klitorisu. "Panove. Vidite,ze tento klitoris je poradne vyvinuty, podivejte, v cem se nam tenhle klacekskryva!" rozplyval se nadsenim, "Pokud mate k dispozici tolik masa,muz

 ete predkozku propichovat vodorovne nebo svisle, pripadne obema zpusoby," podotkl,vzal Anjin kozni zahyb kryjici klitoris mezi prsty a o milimetr nebo dva jejnadzdvihl, takze mezi nim a telem klitorisu zela mezirka. Vzal do druhe rukyzakrivenou jehlu a dotkl se hrotem mista mezi telem klitorisu a predkozkou,kterou drzel mezi prsty. Vterinu ci dve pockal, nez jehlu protahl skrz, a komentovalto slovy "Podivejte se, jak se pri lehkem dotyku kuze pod hrotem jehlypohybuje. V tomto okamziku se musite rozhodnout, kde jehla vyjde na povrch.Ja osobne doporucuji, aby jehla prochazela tkani v delce rovne nejmene jedenapulnasobkutloustky klitorisu. Pokud chcete subjekt znehybnit, zabranite tak vytrzenitkane." Anja neprestavala rvat, "Sledujte, jak se bude tvarit, azbudu jehlu protahovat skrz!" Oci vsech pritomnych se uprely na Anju. Obratilaoci v sloup a vyrazil z ni nelidsky skrek. "Souhlasite se mnou, ze tohlebylo to nejbolestivejsi, co ji zatim potkalo?" Anjin narek nesla

 bl - bolest v bradavkach a postevacku stridave utocila na jeji uz takdost znicene telo. Doktor vstal a presel zpet ke Katrine. Sedl si ji mezi nohy. "Ated pozor, panove, jak jsme jiz zjistili, tato divka ma jedno velmi citlivemistecko!" Doktor zacal Katrine lehce masirovat okolo klitorisu. "Takto bychom meli," pochvaloval si, jak se mu podarilo ji postavit. "Vsimnetesi, ze u tohoto subjektu neni prakticky co propichovat, pokud bychom se zamerilina predkozku. Proto nezbyva nez propichnout primo klitoris." Katrine vyhrklydalsi slzy, coz samo o sobe uz bylo temer nemozne, s ohledem na delku predchozihomuceni. Proto nevidela tvare mediku v okamziku, kdy Dr. Ovad prednesl svujnavrh. Samozrejme ale slysela, co rikal. "NE, proboha uz ne, chci domu,chci domu. prosim?" kvilela. Doktor jeji narek ignoroval a pripravil sidve zahnute jehly, ktere ji polozil na stehno. "Sledujte, jak se zatvari,az ji propichnu klitoris!" pokracoval doktor, vzal klitoris mezi paleca ukazovace

 k, druhou rukou zvedl jehlu a klitoris podelne propichl. Katrine nikdynezazila takovou bolest. Ztuhla, kdyz ji telem projizdela vlna za vlnou neuveritelnebolesti. Trvalo pet vterin, nez se rozervala. Dr. Ovad pockal, az se Katrineztisi a pokracoval "To, co prave zazila, je rozhodne nejhorsi zkusenostv jejim zatim kratkem zivote. Za chvili to udelam podruhe, ale nejdriv vammusim objasnit, ze pokud klitoris propichnete napric, je to jeste bolestivejsi.Pokud subjektu do napric propichnuteho klitorisu vsadite krouzek, bude ji neprijemnyi pote, co se vpich zahoji." Dr.Ovad pockal par minut, az se Katrine uplneztisi a pak zvedl druhou jehlu. Katrine se neudrzela a v okamziku, kdy doktordokoncoval vpich, se pomocila. Scenu doprovazel neuveritelny rev "Aaaaaaaaa". "Jeironii, ze pokud byste misto vpichu umrtvili anestetikem, muze byt tento druhpiercingu pro zenin sexualni zivot prinosem. Slysel jsem, ze nektere zeny,ktere nebyly schopny dosahnout orgasmu, tuto schopnost z

 iskaly pote, co si nechaly do klitorisu vsadit krouzek. Verim, ze azskoncite vycvik, budete si to na nich chtit vyzkouset!" pronesl se smichem,vstavaje. Zamiril ke dverim. "Panove, dnesni prednaska konci, ale pokudsi potrebujete nove poznatky zafixovat, posluzte si. Pozor na to, ze injekcerusici vliv adrenalinu bude ucinkovat uz jen asi hodinu." Katrine a Anjazaslechly slovo 'HODINU' a vyprovodily doktora svornym "Neeeeeeee." Kdyzza sebou Dr. Ovad zavrel dvere, zacali medici pilne cvicit.

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Ambers First Time

It was a summer day; the sun beat down heavy-handedly, it was a hot day. Jason he was in High School at the time, I remember watching him get out of his car with his sunglasses and his school jacket one time he looked so hot and cool. I used to watch him all the time he was so hot and so cool, that’s why I think I swooned He was paying attention to me, he was pleasing looking with a muscled hard body, he worked out a lot, his big huge arms, big hands, strong facial features,...

2 years ago
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Wicked Uncle Slutty Aunt Virgin Niece 2

The small alarm clock buzzed insistently and Wendy’s eyes opened. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I let my uncle masturbate me!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so incredible!” Her third thought was the awareness of the gathering wetness in her panties. She always set her alarm ten minutes fast, so she could attend to her morning ritual of masturbation. On this particular morning, she needed it desperately. She clicked on her bed lamp, flipped the covers off and doubled a...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Aria Valencia Lolly Dames Spying On Swap Mom And Dad

What would happen if three families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Lolly Dames and Dan Damage really want to be the best swap parents possible. When they leave the room, Ricky Spanish comments to his swap sister Aria Valencia that their swap parents seem so uptight and strict. Aria hears Ricky out, then tells him on her way out of the room that things aren’t always what they seem. It is indeed true that things aren’t always what...

4 years ago
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The First Encounter Chemistry Teacher

Hello Readers, I am Sam, 21, from Amritsar. I can’t say much about my personality, physique: regular 5′ 8”. About my tool, haven’t measured it, you see, its the technique not the size, also, I didn’t felt the need to measure it. I am pretty much confident about satisfying women. So, this is my first time, first encounter or whateva! you want to say but to me its the precious one. Being and Indian, I would like to narrate it in Hindi so that I could reach the maximum. Also, It can be real,...

3 years ago
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Dream Sequence With My Pancake Man Part II

I can’t seem to keep my head out of the clouds. My dreams of him never faded but I got better at ignoring them for my own sanity. Now they are harder to ignore as my hope is slowly being revived. Another dream beckons....I look up and greet him as he walks through the door from work. He looks well-worn and hungry. “Dinner is almost ready,” I smile as he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. Strength radiates from him and I automatically relax into his arms, feeling him do the same. “Great,...

Love Stories
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Watching The Watchers

The flight attendant's ass swayed with the movement of the plane. I imagined a hard cock as it slammed into her pussy each time she leaned over to assist a passenger. Her last trip past my row she stopped, smiled at me and winked before reaching in to check the seatbelt of the elderly woman next to me. Could she read my thoughts, I wondered? I squirmed in my seat as I pictured her naked. Would Sam approve as well? Sam and I had been friends for a while but not until last week had we talked...

4 years ago
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Lonely Night

Party, disco, boys, mini skirts, off-shoulder tops, kissing and fondling had became my life. Nothing increased from that. Most saturdays and sundays, I used to visit some party thrown by some of our group’s member. We are around 15 people, mixture of boys and girls. We are 6 girls and 9 boys in this group. Saturdays and Sundays we have usually late night parties. After party, as we depart, some boy and girl are fondling each other, and rest return to home with artificial smile and light kiss on...

4 years ago
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My name is Ron. I graduated high school early and had also taken several college courses while still in high school. My sister April is pissed that her little brother is going to enter college as a sophomore, same as she will be. My goal is to finish my bachelor's degree one year before her and start on my masters in business, then work my way up to be the head of the biggest companies I can find.My part time summer job allowed me to take more courses, no free time but I felt I didn't have time...

3 years ago
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More Fun and Games

Dan held my head with me gently nursing on his cock for several minutes and Ted and Mitch just watched in excited fascination. This all happened way before porn videos even existed so none of the guys had ever seen anybody suck cock. True, I had been sucking Ted's cock for several weeks before but it's different viewing someone else getting their cock sucked. It's also different seeing a naked guy on his knees with his mouth full of cock. So it took some time for everybody to gather their...

3 years ago
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Burning the WitchesChapter 2

I'm not sure that I understood the plan. I guess I thought that Rebecca was supposed to find out as much as she could, while whatever we were facing tried to take control of her. But that wasn't what happened. Rebecca was clearly under the influence of the voice that was speaking to all of us. I was fighting hard not to let whatever it was get me to accept its offer. It seemed like my mind was working in slow motion. The effort of saying, "No," seemed to take all of my strength. And I...

1 year ago
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LifelineChapter 8

My wife arrived at home that evening with a trunk filled with boxes. I could see she had a weekend of work planned. That was OK because it freed me up to grab Lauren and spend all weekend playing games with her, going to the park and having fun. If Elizabeth was too busy to participate it left more hugs for me. I was OK with that. "Where do you want these?" Ellie asked as she carried the first of a half dozen boxes into the house. "Wherever you want them is fine," I said. "They're...

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity to my best mate

Well, last time I left you with how I basically got ****d by a black teacher at school when he discovered I was a crossdresser. There's a lot more involving him as I spent two years of my life being his personal fuck toy, including him giving me my first taste of pussy. But that's for another time. Today, I'll tell you how I got my first taste of cock, from my best friend.It's 1994, and PCs are still rich peoples toys. The internet is still for geeks and online porn doesn't really exist. As a...

3 years ago
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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 1

No one had found out immediately about Mac’s sexual encounter with the Admiral. At least not right away, but several days later, Lt. Harriet Roberts was in Mac’s office discussing an administrative matter when a casual comment led Harriet to look into Mac’s eyes and see what she’d meant. “Mac, what do you mean by saying you showed the Admiral where he made his mistakes with Dr. Cavanaugh?” Harriet asked, suspecting that Sarah McKenzie had just let something slip she hadn’t intended...

1 year ago
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Degrees Of Lewdity

Sometimes nothing beats sitting down and sinking hours and hours into a game. It’s like shutting your brain off from all of the bullshit going on in your life. I get it. I could see why some of you pathetic betas would want to shut that shit out. Not me; I just lay there at night relishing in my conquests of women and my fat stacks of cash. But the one thing about gaming for hours on end is that you can’t jerk your dick to most games out there. Fuck that noise. If you cucks want to kill two...

Free Sex Games
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BangBros18 Audrey Royal Dont get caught if youre going to fuck your step sister

Step sisters can run the gauntlet. Some are nice and sweet. Others are mean and rotten. But then there is the special kind of crazy that only comes once a girl not related to you starts living with you. Her hormones go all crazy and she needs to fuck but she’s got no good options so her step brother will make do. Homie here had that happen to him. He just wants a normal relationship with his step sister, but the mink ain’t having that. She wants the cock. Their relationship established via...

3 years ago
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The Amusement Park

My boyfriend and I are exhibitionists. We love to have sex out in the open. We’ve been going out for about a year now. We have had it in the oddest places. Sometimes people will watch us and sometimes people will even approach us and want to join in. We love to experiment and love when people catch us having sex when we’re outside. My name is Valerie and my boyfriend’s name is Scott. We both are twenty-one. I have brown short hair, brown eyes and I am five foot four inches tall. I’m just an...

2 years ago
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The Steps Lisa and Julia

The gorgeous brunette sat by the pool, stretched out on the lounger. Her magnificent body covered in the skimpiest of bikinis, the color matching her dark tresses. She opened her haunting eyes, lifting up her sunglasses to gaze at the two young boys swimming in the blue water. Their athletic, muscled bodies were glistening as droplets of water beaded on their tan skin. Decadent thoughts filled the beauty's head. Impulsively, she picked up her phone and dialed her neighbor's number. It rang a...

3 years ago
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My Disastrous Night 2 Sandra

Kate had a disastrous evening that drove her husband Jim away. Did he come to his senses and go back to his wife or did he get the help he needed from his Psychiatrist friend Sandra. Here is a recap from Jim's point of view. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 3

They left the Burger King parking lot, the two girls laughing and Tracy crying. They drove around town for a while, with Tracy spread eagle in the back seat, totally naked. She didn’t look out, but kept her head down with shame. She was sure others saw her like this, and continued to cry. Once the girls had their thrills, they drove to Christina’s house. Once there, they ordered their new little slave out of the car. “On your hands and knees Bitch”, said Linda. Tracy fell to her hands and...

2 years ago
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AftermathChapter 13

Tuesday morning I went into the office and wrote a brief report on my trip — though I had no idea who might ever read it. I took some coffee and went into my office and read (and answered) e-mail till a bit past 11. I went through the wad of messages and threw them all away. Then I phoned Chaz and set up lunch at the wool shop. Mona asked how it had gone and I told her it had seemed easy and that Maggie had complimented me. I was about to leave to meet Chaz when the phone rang. "CSIRO, good...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Yura Hitomi Sucks off a coworker at the office today

Remember that time Yura went to get a massage and the dude fucked her hot wet pussy? Well today we catch her at work in the office. She is so sexy and hot that one of her co-workers and her have been fucking after office hours. But today he comes to her and wants his dick in her mouth in the office! She has such a nice sweet mouth and she knows how to suck cock just right. She takes her time and sucks and licks and squeezes that it really gets him off. You can imagine how well she can suck a...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 34

Bea looked down through the hatch that led to the engine. Zeke had shown her where it was, and then Amanda had called out a question regarding bedding or something. Bea was too absorbed in what lay below the hatch to take too much notice. She told Zeke to attend to Amanda and that she would be fine. She could see that the engine room was accessed by a series of steep stairs, each going down one deck at a time with a landing in between. She made her way down to the first landing where the...

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