Sleeping With Mom free porn video

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God, Kevin, your mom gave me a serious boner!”

Lying on the upstairs carpet with her ear to the air vent, eavesdropping on the group of teen boys in her downstairs family room, Jackie Stuffer’s heart jumped when she heard Chuck say that. “Was he really talking about me?” She wondered. She was hoping to overhear one or more of the boys talk dirty, but she really wasn’t expecting a frank discussion about herself. Her hand moved down below her nightshirt to her panties, and she gently rubbed her crotch as she continued to listen.

“Yeah,” said Barry, “You sure could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra!”

“That nightgown was so short! Was she wearing panties under it?” asked Chuck.

“Yeah, I could see her panty lines,” replied Steve.

“That’s what she always wears to bed,” said Kevin. “It’s just a long t shirt, but I like watching her tits jiggle in it. Last night she was wearing it when she was helping me with my homework, and she kept rubbing her tit against my


When Jackie Stuffer first started having what she

considered harmless sex fantasies of her son Kevin and his group of eighteen-year-old friends, she felt just a slight twinge of guilt following her orgasms. But over time, those guilty feelings completely disappeared, as the fantasies increased in frequency, and the scenes that she

played out in her mind became more debauched. Now her thoughts of the young teens occupied more and more of what little time wasn’t taken up with her job, marriage, housework, and other increasingly monotonous chores. Maybe if there were more good looking men where she worked, maybe if her husband were home more, maybe if she had some fulfilling hobbies instead of the same mundane tasks, they wouldn’t have even started. But they did, and now the fantasies of being involved with her son, as well as his friends, became Jackie’s favorite source of escape from her dull life.

Jackie had been looking forward to the boys’ sleepover for some time. She didn’t really expect anything to happen, but she held out hope for any activity that would fuel further fantasies: a little flirting on her part, maybe one of the boys will stare at her body a little too long, a little insight into their sexual interests, a glimpse of one of the boys in pajamas or underwear. Little tests and games, similar to the ones that she had been developing

with Kevin.

When she became sexually interested in Kevin, she started out giving him longer hugs. This progressed into kisses on the cheek, and, recently a little peck on the lips. At the

same time, the normally modest mom started revealing more of herself to Kevin. Letting him see more of her in her nightshirt, for example. When the tall brunette caught her son staring at her large breasts swaying freely in the cotton sleeping attire, she then increased the stakes,

letting him see her in her bedroom in her bra and panties, complimenting Kevin on his maturing body, and, yes, pressing her breasts against him. Quite harmless at first, she reasoned, but now the sexual tension between them was taking a predominant role in their relationship.

And things were working out well with his friends, too. She thought she had caught a couple of them looking at her breasts a little too long on a few occasions the past couple of months, as well as admiring her long legs in her

shorts this past summer. She recalled the time that Steve phoned when Kevin wasn’t home, and she stayed on the phone quite a while talking about his personal life. Once she got alone with Reggie long enough to tell him he had grown into an attractive young man, and she was rewarded with a blush. Actually, none of the boys would likely to be considered strikingly handsome. They were a group of quiet, average, maybe a little nerdy, high school seniors. As much as one heard about kids being sexually active at a

younger age these days, she saw no indication that any of these boys were dating or being chased by the girls. But at the age of forty-one, Jackie, would be thrilled to fuck any of them!

Besides her son Kevin, there was the blonde-haired Steve, who was Kevin’s best friend, and the most outgoing one of the group. Jackie had known him most of his life. Barry, with long bangs and a cute, almost girlish face, has lived

just two doors down for a number of years. The dark-haired Chuck was once in a Sunday school class that Jackie taught. Reggie was a little heavy and wore glasses, but was a nice, polite kid.

The sleepover was already a success in some ways. Her husband was out of town on business until late tomorrow, and her younger son found his own sleepover to go to. A heavy snowstorm was raging, making surprise visitors unlikely. This allowed Jackie the freedom of showering and

slipping into her tight pink nightshirt early. She made a point to be in the kitchen in her nightshirt when some boys came up for drinks, which is when Barry, Steve, and Chuck stared at her body. At the same time, Jackie got some good

looks at Barry and Steve in tight tee shirts and skimpy cotton jogging shorts. And now the comments about her breasts!

“Her legs are about a mile long!” exclaimed Barry. Listening through the vent, Jackie slid her hand inside of her panties.

“Barry, did you bring your dad’s porn video?” asked Kevin.

“Yeah,” replied Barry. Want to watch it now?”

“Let’s wait a while, until we’re sure Mom’s asleep,” Kevin said. “We can get on the web and find some porn sites later, too.”

Why, those horny, naughty teens, thought Jackie. Her parental side told her she should put a stop to any porn watching, but she decided to let it go. When the conversation switched to other subjects, Jackie rose from the floor and crept into her own bed.

She could think of no other excuse to go down to check on them, so it was time to wrap it up for the night. One more fantasy. This should be a real powerful orgasm! Under the covers, Jackie slid her panties down off of her ankles, and

encircled her clit with her middle finger. Now, which teen to fantasize about?

Suddenly, her bedroom nightlight went out, and there was an alarming silence in the dark. A slight uproar from the boys downstairs told Jackie that the power was out all over the house! Damn!

Jackie found her panties and pulled them up in the dark. She felt her way to the bedroom door, and down the hall into the kitchen, where she found the flashlight. Some of the boys were stumbling through the house, looking out the

windows. “Wow, look at all that snow!” exclaimed Chuck from an upstairs living room window. Jackie approached him from behind, and looked out the curtain with him. In the darkness, there appeared to be a good foot of wet snow on the ground, as well as all over the trees and electric lines. Jackie’s face was right next to Chuck’s as they peered out the window. She felt his warmth, and took the opportunity to press her left breast firmly into his right shoulder. Chuck didn’t move or speak.

From somewhere else in the house, someone yelled, “The lights are out all over the neighborhood!” Jackie could see that in fact the power was out throughout the block, including the streetlights. But what she noticed even more

was that Chuck was rubbing his shoulder back and forth against her breast. The contact shot a wave of adrenalin through her.

When other teens entered the living room, Jackie broke away from Chuck, and went downstairs. In a box in the storage area, she found another flashlight, and a battery-operated lamp that they used for camping. Fortunately, the battery was still good, and it gave off adequate light in the

family room.

The teens were gathering in the family room again, and Jackie wondered how much they could see of her thin short nightshirt in the dim light. She could clearly see Barry and Steve’s tight cotton jogging shorts.

“Well, it’s too late for anyone to leave, and the street hasn’t been plowed, so no one can drive anywhere safely. So everyone is going to have to sit tight and wait for the power to come back on,” announced Jackie, once again assuming a parent and guardian role. Then she found an old

battery operated radio and listened through the static upstairs. The news reported that there were power outages all over. She made her way back downstairs and told the boys that it didn’t look like the power would be on any time soon.

It was already getting cold in the house. Jackie didn’t have to look down to know that her nipples were rock hard in front of the boys. The looks she got from the boys only made them harder. “Lets get the fireplace going,” she

ordered. Kevin helped Jackie stack wood in the fireplace. As Jackie moved about gathering firewood and finding newspapers and matches, she was aware of her braless breasts jiggling, and was confident that the horny teens were watching them. As she leaned into the fireplace to stack the wood and kindling, she felt her short nightshirt rise, and knew her white panties were exposed to the boys. Aroused by the thought, she leaned in farther, bending at the waist, and made sure that a good percentage of her panty-clad butt was on display.

Soon they had a good fire roaring. There were two problems remaining. One was that without TV, video games, CD players, or computers, the boys were bored. The second problem was that it was too cold for Jackie to spend the night in her bedroom. “Boys, guess what? This is the only

room with heat, so you’re stuck with me until the power comes on.” Jackie stood between the boys and the fire, and she hoped they could see her braless silhouette through her thin nightshirt. They were certainly staring at her. Although they didn’t say it, after what she heard earlier,

the horny mom was confident that the guys didn’t mind having her around as long as she was dressed provocatively.

As the boys discussed what to do now, Jackie sat on the edge of the fireplace, in amazement at her good fortune being marooned with “her boys.” First, my husband and other son are gone, we get snowed in, I overhear the boys lusting for me, and then the power outage forces me to virtually spend the night alone with the boys. This is

like… divine intervention! Fate! My dreams coming true!

Jackie’s lust overpowered responsible logic and good judgment. She decided to throw all caution to the wind, and take every advantage of her stunningly fortunate situation.

While the boys were coming up blank on activities, Jackie was searching through her experiences for fun party games that teens would enjoy. She saw a rubber ball belonging to

her younger son, on the floor. She picked it up. “Ever played ‘Pass the Grapefruit?'”

Most of the boys shrugged, but Steve said, “Yeah, a long time ago. Is that where you put the grapefruit under your chin and try to pass it to another person without using your hands?”

“That’s it!” said Jackie. “It’s supposed to go boy-girl-boy-girl. But since I’m the only girl, everyone has to pass it to me. Let’s try it with this ball.” Jackie stood up, and placed the rubber ball under her chin. She walked up to Steve, and stood just inches from him. Steve leaned forward, and pressed his body against his friend’s tall mom. As Steve and Jackie rubbed up against each other in an attempt to pass the ball from Jackie’s neck to Steve’s without the use of hands, the other boys saw the benefits of playing this game with the large-breasted, sparsely-clad

woman. They watched silently as Jackie pressed her breasts into Steve’s chest, their cheeks rubbing together. When Steve finally got the ball under his chin, he repeated the process, passing it back to Jackie.

Jackie turned to Chuck, who was eagerly waiting to be next. Chuck, like most of the teens, was shorter than Jackie, and she bent her knees slightly to meet him. The others watched as Jackie’s and Chuck’s whole torsos were pressed

against each other. Jackie felt her breasts rubbing against Chuck’s chest. She took the opportunity to grind her hips into Chuck’s crotch. While they fumbled with the ball, Jackie was amazed and thrilled to feel Chuck’s hard

penis rubbing into her. Jackie placed her hands on Chuck’s sides, and hugged the slender teen as she rubbed against him.

After Chuck, all of the boys eagerly lined up to play the game. Each in turn pressed their hard cocks into Jackie as she rubbed her breasts against their chests, and wrapped her arms around them. The game pretty much became a big hug-fest, the ball not even being passed back and forth.

Kevin was the last boy. Jackie tried not to be too anxious to rub against her son, particularly in front of his friends. But when they pressed together, Jackie felt his hardon also, and he pulled her towards him. Kevin was the only teen that was as tall as Jackie, and the best looking

in Jackie’s biased mind. Kevin pressed his cock firmly into his mom’s pussy mound, and Jackie couldn’t help but emit a little moan into his ear. She ran her hands up and down his back, and Kevin did the same to her.

When each boy had two turns, a flushed Jackie reluctantly broke off the game and sat on the edge of the fireplace. She bounced her knees up and down, causing her thighs to jiggle. As the boys sat around her on a couch and some chairs, Jackie asked, “What should we do now?” While the

boys debated what was next, Jackie spotted several of them looking at her long bare legs, and staring at her crotch, trying to look up her nightshirt. Jackie subtly obliged them by opening her legs a little so they were sure to see the “V” of her white panties over her crotch. She leaned forward and crossed her arms, causing her cleavage to heave up out of the top of her nightshirt. Encouraged by the gawking of all of the boys, including Kevin, she spread her

knees apart even farther, her nightshirt creeping up high, her panties in full view.

“Here’s an old game!” said Jackie. “How about ‘Spin the Bottle?'”

Several boys smiled. Steve said, “Uh, I’m not sure how you play it.”

“I don’t either, really,” admitted Jackie. “I guess you just spin a bottle, and you have to kiss whoever it’s pointed at when it stops.” The boys nodded their approval, and Jackie added, “Since I’m the only girl, I’ll spin every

time, ok?” When the boys agreed, Jackie grabbed an empty plastic coke bottle that one of the boys had finished, and knelt in front of the coffee table. All of the boys, including Kevin, eagerly sat around the table.

“Uh, let’s make a pact that whatever happens tonight stays within the group. In other words, it’s our secret. OK?”

“OK,” the boys all echoed in unison.

Jackie took a deep breath, and spun the bottle on the table. When it stopped spinning, the boy closest to where it pointed to was Reggie.

Reggie gave a nervous smile. When Jackie stood up, Reggie also stood up, walked around the table, and stood in front of Jackie. Jackie puckered her lips, leaned forward, and gave the round-faced teen a peck on the lips. The others

cheered as Reggie blushed and sat down. Jackie couldn’t stop smiling.

Still standing, Jackie leaned over and gave the bottle a spin. This time it pointed right at Steve. Steve stood up, smiling, and quickly moved towards Jackie. Jackie wasn’t going to waste her opportunity with her blonde fantasy boy. She put her arms around him tightly, pressed her lips on his with her mouth open, and slid her tongue into his mouth. Steve kissed back, and entwined Jackie’s tongue with his.

Finally, Jackie released her embrace, and spun the bottle again. It was Chuck’s turn, and he was ready. His tongue immediately met his former Sunday school teacher’s, and he ran his hands all over her waist and back. They enjoyed a passionate French kiss.

The next spin pointed at Kevin. Jackie wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. But Kevin smiled, eagerly embraced his mother, and gave her a long wet kiss. Jackie, thrilled with her son’s response, flitted her tongue around his, while massaging his shoulders. Kevin squeezed his mom’s waist tightly. Jackie wanted to hold him all night, but remembered that his friends were watching, and released her beloved son.

The game continued for quite a while longer, with all of the boys getting multiple turns, and each giving and receiving a good French kissing and a long hug. All of the boys pressed their erections into Jackie’s thigh, crotch, or stomach, depending on their height. On his fourth turn, Barry accidentally brushed his hand over Jackie’s right breast. Jackie thought it was deliberate, and subtlety ran her hand over his hard cock as she released him.

While holding on to Barry a little too long, Jackie had another brainstorm. “Who wants to dance with me?” No one volunteered at first. Jackie picked up the battery-operated radio, turned it on, and scanned the FM frequency

until she found an easy listening station. “C’mon, someone slow dance with me. Steve, how about it?”

“I, uh, don’t know how to dance,” mumbled Steve.

“Oh, it’s easy,” countered Jackie. “Come here, and I’ll show you.” Jackie grabbed Steve by the hand and hauled him upright. She grabbed his left hand with her right, put her left arm around his slender torso, and proceeded to give him a dance lesson. As soon as he got into a rhythm with her, Jackie drew him closer, pressing her body against his as they rocked. Steve responded by pressing his erection into her leg.

The other teens watched for a while, and then began talking amongst themselves. Jackie and Steve danced away from the fire, and into the darkness. Jackie slid both of her hands down Steve’s back, and rested her hands on his two firm butt cheeks. Slowly, Steve moved his hands down Jackie’s back, and allowed the tips of his fingers to touch the top of the older woman’s ass. With no objections from Jackie, the fingers slid further down over her mounds, and squeezed her ass cheeks through her cotton nightshirt and panties.

The other boys noticed the dual ass groping as Jackie rested her head on Steve’s shoulder. When the song ended, and the dancers released their grasp of each other, there were now plenty of other volunteers to dance with Jackie. Chuck was her next partner, and soon his palms were massaging the older woman’s fleshy pillows. The horny teen slid his right hand down farther, over the back of her bare thigh. He slowly slid the hand up under her nightshirt and felt the exposed bottom of her bare ass cheek. When Jackie

responded with a quiet moan, Chuck slid the hand up under her panties, and squeezed her bare ass flesh. The others watched their friend groping the older woman’s bare ass in the semi-darkness for the rest of the song.

The next song was Reggie’s, and he eagerly slid both of his hands up under Jackie’s nightshirt and panties, and massaged her warm ass flesh. Jackie felt his hardon pressing into her crotch, and rubbed herself against it.

Kevin volunteered to dance with his mother next. He followed his friends’ “lead,” and wasted no time getting his hands on his mom’s bare ass flesh. He squeezed her cheeks firmly, the slowly massaged them, his hand circling

the mounds, his finger flitting over her ass crack. He slid his hand as far down as he could, and the tips of his fingers grazed over the beginnings of her pubic hair between her legs. Kevin then slid his right hand up her side over her nightshirt, and under her arm. He pressed

his palm and thumb against the side of his mom’s left breast. Still getting no resistance, he tried to subtly move his hand frontward, until his thumb found Jackie’s erect nipple. He flitted his thumb over the hard nipple for a minute, and squeezed his whole palm over the large tit. Jackie sighed as her son massaged her breast in the presence of his friends. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips. She moved her left hand down to his side, and slid it over his hard cock. She slowly stroked it though his cotton shorts.

When the song ended, an up-tempo track with a Latin beat blared though the tiny speaker. Jackie released her son, and started dancing by herself. “Who wants to dance with me fast?” None of the boys took the opportunity. They

were satisfied to sit back and watch Jackie dance before them. Jackie couldn’t resist putting on a show for her teen audience. She wiggled her hips as much as she could, bouncing high. Jackie’s large braless breasts flopped noticeably under her tight cotton nightshirt, her nipples still sticking out. Her bare thighs jiggled as Jackie

spread her legs and lifted her knees. Jackie felt her breasts heaving up and down, and flopping from side to side, as the boys stared at them. Several of the boys were sitting on the floor, and appeared to be trying to stare up

her nightshirt. Jackie allowed the sleepwear to ride up high, and in no time part of her white panty crotch was exposed.

Jackie turned her back to the boys, and wiggled her hips back and forth as fast as she could. Her ass flesh rippled and shook under her panty lines. Her nightshirt had ridden up in back also, and the boys could see part of her white

panties, and even some bare ass flesh. With all of the boys having previously put their hands under her panties, they had bunched up nearly to her crack, and now much of her bare ass was exposed. Even though it was winter, her

mounds were still noticeably whiter than her legs. Jackie looked back at the boys, smiling while watching them stare at her shaking butt. She put her hands on her sides, and slowly slid her nightshirt up farther, and soon it was bunched up almost to her waist. She stuck her ass out at the boys, causing her panties to ride up even further. Her ass flesh shook and rippled as she did everything she could to make it move.

Chuck and Steve couldn’t help cheering Jackie on, yelling “Alright,” and “Go, Mrs. Stuffer!” Others joined in, whistling and shouting, “Yeah!”

Jackie turned around and faced the boys again. Her moist crotch had caused her panties to stick to her pussy mound, and slid right up into her pussy lips, giving her crotch a “camel toe” appearance. Little tufts of brown pubic hair

stuck out on both sides of her panty crotch. Jackie grabbed the hem of her nightshirt with both hands and lifted it up to her navel, allowing view of her entire panties. She continued to dance with a big smile on her

face, throwing in every sexy little move that she could think of. She slowly rolled her hem up higher, exposing her midriff. Dancing with her hem nearly up to her breasts, holding the material out, she was starting to expose the bottom of her breasts. Steve and Barry were

yelling, “More!”

“You want to see more?” the dancing mom asked.

“Yeah, MORE!” all of the boys, even the smiling Kevin, hollered.

Jackie slowly lifted the hem more, exposing more of the bottoms of her shaking tits. Her fists were under her tits, and she massaged her dancing breasts. Finally, with a big smile on her face, she lifted the garment higher, and showed the smiling teens her naked, jiggling, tits. The

boys erupted which cheers and whistles as their friend’s mom held her nightshirt up to her armpits, shaking her chest at them. The milky white bags were capped with very large, and very dark areolas. Jackie’s hard nipples stuck

out nearly a full inch. Jackie pulled the nightshirt up over her head, dropped it, and continued to dance topless. She leaned forward to let her tits dangle in the boys’ faces. Then she stood upright, and bounced as high as she

could. She could see her own breasts fly upward nearly to her chin, then crash down again almost to hear waist, dancing from side to side. Jackie enjoyed shaking them around as much as she could, having little control as to which direction each breast would take.

The teens loudly cheered the older woman on.

“Go, Mrs. Stuffer!” hollered Chuck.

“Yea, shake ’em, Mrs. Stuffer!” bellowed Reggie.

“More, Mom, More!’ added Kevin.

Jackie put her hands on her panty hem, and teased the boys by tugging on the sides, exposing most of her front, then pulling it up again quickly, sometimes exposing a blink of pubic hair. She slowly wiggled the panties down, and slid

them down her hips, exposing a thick triangle of brown pubic hair to her son and his friends. Amid more cheers, she thrust her hips in and out, grinding her crotch at them. Jackie turned around, and shook her bare ass in the boys’ faces.

Jackie faced the leering, cheering boys, her legs spread, knees bent, fists in the air, elbows bent. She heaved her chest at the boys, alternately gyrating and thrusting her pelvis. Jackie’s chin was up in the air, a big, open-

mouthed grin on her face. The flickering firelight cast a reddish glow on her jiggling flesh. The ecstatic woman looked into the teens eyes, overjoyed at their uninhibited looks of lust at her forty-one-year-old body.

When the fast song ended and a slow one began, Jackie stopped dancing and caught her breath. The boys cheered her and gave her a loud round of applause. “Whew!” said Jackie. “Well, should I get dressed now?”

“No!” the boys simultaneously shouted.

“Well, if I’m going to be naked, then everybody has to be naked. C’mon, guys, strip down!”

Steve and Chuck quickly ripped off their t-shirts. Kevin, Barry, and a reluctant Reggie soon followed. “That’s it, keep going,” coaxed Jackie. The four shirtless, slender boys looked at each other, then all simultaneously pulled

off their shorts, standing naked with raging hardons. “You, too, Reggie, please!” The chunky Reggie pulled off his shorts, and he, too, exposed a full erection.

Jackie emitted a genuine gasp at the impressive, naked teens. With an open-mouth gape, she marveled at the four slender boys’ firm bodies that made their erect penises appear even larger than they were. And Reggie’s unit was also a respectable size.

It was the most erotic moment of Jackie Stuffer’s life: naked, posing for five virile teen boys, who ware naked and presenting their erect, hairy cocks, with big grins on each of their beaming faces, leering at her naked body, showing

their obvious pleasure in seeing the grown woman’s nude form.

“My God, you are all real men! Oh, I HAVE to touch all of you! I’ll let you feel me up, if I can touch you!”

The lads eagerly gathered around the naked matriarch. Steve was the first to put his right hand on Jackie’s hip, and quickly run it up her waist, and over her left breast. Chuck grabbed her right breast. Reggie and Kevin each squeezed a butt cheek, and Barry rubbed his neighbor’s

hairy pussy mound. Jackie reached down and grabbed the first two cocks she could get her hands on, which belonged to Steve and Chuck. She slowly stroked the firm shafts as the teens felt and jostled her.

While Chuck squeezed and massaged Jackie’s breast, Steve played with her long nipple, pulling and pinching it. “Does that hurt?” he asked.

“No, you can be pretty rough with them,” cooed Jackie. Steve yanked her nipple harder, stretching her areola. Chuck did the same thing. Soon both of the boys were lifting Jackie’s big jugs by her nipples, shaking them up

and down. It did start to hurt just a little, but Jackie was thoroughly aroused by their attention and manipulation. Barry pinched her pussy meat and combed his finger through her long pubic hair. His index finger grazed her wet slit, causing Jackie to sigh. When Barry slid his middle finger into her lubricated lips, Jackie spread her legs, and grabbed Steve and Chuck’s dicks harder. Steve and Chuck

each leaned over and sucked on her nipples and licked her breasts. Jackie took turns stroking all five cocks.

Jackie noticed that Barry was doing something strange. He held his dick in his free hand, and was rubbing the head along her naked hips and thighs. As the boys started taking turns with her body parts, Barry moved behind his mature neighbor, and rubbed his dick head over her bare

ass. Then he slid the head up and down the taller woman’s ass crack, pressing his groin into her buns. Jackie wondered if he wanted to enter her from behind, but he seemed content to rub it over her body. “Barry, if you want to stick that somewhere, I’ve got a good place.” Jackie slowly turned around and pressed her groin against

Barry’s cock head. Barry grinned at her as he slid his purple helmet through her pubic hair, up and down over her dripping wet pussy lips. Jackie lowered her hips, and pressed the dick head against her swollen clit. Barry pressed forward more, and the tip of his cock disappeared

inside of her pussy lips. Thus Barry became the first teen to penetrate Mrs. Stuffer.

The other teens continued to feel Jackie all over, not even aware that Barry was inside of her. Jackie pressed forward, and felt the teen shaft slide into her lubricated slit. She looked over at her son Kevin, who was sucking on her right nipple. She put her hand over his head and held him to her breast, while his friend slowly slid his cock in and out of her. Jackie reached down and played with her son’s balls and stroked his long shaft.

The other teens were realizing that Barry was fucking Mrs. Stuffer right in front of them. Barry was thrusting his hips in and out. Jackie had her legs spread as far as she could, and was meeting his thrusts. The angle wasn’t quite

ideal, and Barry’s cock wasn’t in deep, but his shaft was making contact with her clit as it went in and out. Jackie was starting to pant and squirm. “Ohhh! Haaa!” The others kept feeling Jackie, but her attention was on her clit. “Ooooooh, Ohhhhhhh!”

Jackie suddenly felt Barry’s cock squirt its warm jism into her pussy. “Ooh Oooh OOOH!” Jackie shuddered with her own orgasm, hanging onto Barry and the others for support, her eyes closed, her head spinning.

When Barry pulled out, Jackie sat down, panting. Once she had regained some composure from her orgasm, she looked up at the remaining four boys with their still-erect cocks. Jackie grabbed a sleeping bag that had been loosely stuffed

in the corner, and quickly rolled it out in the middle of the carpet. She lay on top of it on her back. She spread her legs wide, and smiled up at the boys. “Who wants to fuck me?” She never used the word “fuck” in public, but it

just naturally flowed from her lips.

The four boys looked down at Kevin’s smiling mom on her back, her legs spread wide, her pink pussy glistening through the forest of hair, her big tits sloping slightly to her sides, but mostly piled up high on her chest. All four boys raised their hands and said, “I do!” But Steve was the first to kneel in between her legs. Jackie grabbed his cock and guided it to her pussy lips. With a few instructions, Steve moved forward, and slid the full length of his cock inside his best friend’s mom. He got down on

his elbows as Jackie whispered, “A little higher, honey.” Steve got into the saddle, and pumped the older woman at a medium pace.

“OH, is this GREAT!” he grunted as he fucked Jackie. His friends encouraged him and cheered him on as Jackie wrapped her thighs around him, stroked his back and butt, and whimpered. As Steve got more comfortable, he stroked faster and harder, as Jackie’s whimpers turned to moans,

then squeals.

Feeling the slippery cock penetrating deep inside her, Jackie was quickly reaching another climax. “Uh! Uh! Uh! Oooooww!” She clamped her long thighs around Steve, gyrating her hips back and forth. She dug her fingers into his back. “UGG UUUUHHHHH! STEVE!” She had never had sex in front of anyone else before. Opening her eyes to see Kevin and his friends watching her, she lost all control, thrashing back and forth, almost throwing Steve off of her. “WOOOOO! FUCCCKKKKKK!” She felt Steve shoot his load

deep into her pussy. “UGGGGGG!”

Steve climbed off of Jackie and rested on the couch. Jackie lay on her back panting. She looked over at Chuck, who was sitting next to her staring at her naked body, his cock still stiff. Jackie reached over and stroked him. Chuck lay back on the carpet, and Jackie knelt between his

legs. She lowered her head down, opened her mouth, and took her former Sunday school pupil’s stiff cock between her lips. Chuck moaned and laughed as Jackie slid her lips up and down on him. “God, what a feeling!”

Barry and Steve now sat on either side of Jackie on the carpet, reached under her, and played with her tits. “I can’t keep my hands off of these!” explained Steve. Reggie knelt behind Jackie, and massaged Jackie’s two ass cheeks sticking up in the air. He reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy before inserting a finger inside of it.

Jackie lifted her head, smiled back at Reggie, and said, “Reggie, why don’t you fuck me from behind?” Reggie knelt upright, presented his stiff cock between her legs, and slid it into her pussy from behind.

“Ohhh!” moaned Reggie as he slid his cock in and out of his friend’s mom doggie-style. He started to hump faster, slamming his full weight into Mrs. Stuffer, causing her thighs and ass cheeks to ripple and shake like Jell-O. Jackie moaned her approval as she sucked Chuck’s cock, and

felt Steve and Barry groping her tits.

“Mmmphhhh! Mummmpphhh!” moaned Jackie as she got jostled around. She licked and sucked on Chuck passionately while getting her pussy slammed from behind. She started to squeal and convulse again.

Chuck mumbled something about cumming, and Jackie felt his warm jizm squirt into her mouth. The dick momentarily slipped from her mouth, and the next shot of cum splashed onto her nose and cheek. She regained the head in her mouth and sucked down the rest of Chuck’s cum.

Jackie pressed her butt back at Reggie, and contracted her cunt muscles around his sliding cock. “OWWWWWOH!” she squealed, and thrashed around in the midst of another orgasm. She felt Reggie’s hot jism spitting into her pussy as she thrashed about. Reggie pulled out of Jackie, and

she curled up on the floor.

Jackie pulled herself up from the floor, and sat on the couch next to Kevin. Kevin’s cock was still hard. “Honey, are you OK?”

“Yea,” Kevin said.

“Are you cool with all of this?”

“Sure, I’m enjoying it,” Kevin told his naked mom while looking down at her tits.

Jackie put her left arm around her son, and put her right hand on his naked thigh. She gently stroked his balls with the tips of her fingers, causing his dick to spasm. Jackie wrapped her long fingers around Kevin’s cock.

“You didn’t mind me having sex with your friends?”

“No, it was cool watching it!”

Kevin reached up and massaged his mom’s left tit. Jackie responded by stroking his cock.

“Did you want to have sex with me, too?” Cooed Jackie. Kevin looked up at his watching friends. “They won’t tell anyone. Everything that happens tonight stays among us, right guys?”

The four other teens nodded an affirmative. Jackie got off the couch, and straddled her son. She lowered her torso down onto his lap. She aimed her pink pussy over his cock head, and let the shaft slide into her as she dropped down on him. Jackie wiggled into position, and kissed her son. Kevin reached around her, and put his hands on her ass cheeks. He moaned and smiled as he thrust up into his mom’s pussy.

Jackie whimpered as she bucked her hips on him. She took his head, and held it between her breasts. Kevin buried his face in his mom’s cleavage, then wrapped his lips around his mom’s right nipple and sucked it. “OoooOOOHH!”

cried Jackie. Her moans blended with the creaking of the couch and the squishy noises made by the cock in and out of

her already-used pussy.

“Oh, Mom!” groaned Kevin.

“Uh, Uh, Oh, Kevin!” responded his mother.

Kevin leaned back and admired his mom’s jiggling tits in his face as she bounced up and down on him. He toyed with her ass, thighs and hips, before he resumed suckling on his moaning mother’s dark nipple. He had a hard time keeping

it in his mouth as his mom thrashed about, nearing another orgasm. Kevin couldn’t hold out any longer, either. The two of them gyrated and bounced all over the couch, Jackie squealing, and Kevin sucking. Kevin shot his load up into

his mother’s canal, as she collapsed on top of him.

After resting in her son’s arms for a few minutes, Jackie looked back at the other teens. All were hard again. And Jackie was getting aroused again looking at them. “Did everyone get to fuck me?”

“I didn’t,” exclaimed Chuck.

“But you got a blow job,” countered Reggie. “I’m ready again!” The others all announced their desire for more sex from their friend’s mom.

Jackie pondered which one to take again. “OK, Chuck, lay on your back on the sleeping bag.” The dark-haired teen did as he as told. Jackie straddled the lad, and slid her pussy down over his cock. While slowly humping Chuck, Jackie asked Steve to stand on one side of them. She

turned her head, and wrapped her lips over Steve’s cock. She told Barry and Reggie to stand on either side of her, and she stroked their cocks and played with their balls.

Jackie moaned through Steve’s cock as she sucked him, fucked Chuck, and jerked off Barry and Reggie. All were smiling and chuckling. Jackie glanced back at her son, who was sitting on the couch, his red, glistening cock still stiff, jacking himself off as he watched his mom and his

four friends. He was staring right down at his mom’s asshole as she humped Reggie.

Kevin stood up, and knelt behind his mom. He slid his cock along her ass crack. The goosey feeling further aroused Jackie. She stopped humping Chuck for a minute, and temporarily took her mouth off of Steve’s dick. “Kevin, can you put it in my hole?” she asked her son.

“Uh, I don’t know. It looks so small.” Kevin mumbled.

“Oh, try, honey, I’ve never had it that way!”

Kevin jabbed his slippery dick head at his mom’s asshole. He worked it in circles, trying to force it in. As his mom grunted, Kevin managed to stuff his cock head inside her anus. From there, Jackie felt the shaft slowly work its

way into her anal scabbard. “UHHGG UGGG! It’s tight!” she groaned, as her son took her virgin asshole.

Kevin also grunted, but once inside her, slowly humped her ass. Jackie felt like she was being split in two. It was a tight fit, tighter than any of the cocks she’d had in her pussy, but there was something about the cock pressing into

her that aroused her.

Jackie resumed her attention to the others. She again sucked Steve, stroked Barry and Reggie, and tried to get into a rhythm with Chuck and Kevin. It was awkward, her neck and back hurt, she had a hard time raising her arms to get to the cocks in her hand, but she was in ecstasy. Sweating between the five teen’s bodies, she humped and

sucked and stroked as fast as she could. Barry and Reggie and Steve were all trying to feel her hanging tits. The cock in her mouth muffled Jackie’s moans, squeals, and grunts.

Steve came first, spilling his jism all over Jackie’s nose, eyes, and hair. As he pulled away, Jackie was able to get into a slightly more comfortable position. She emitted a series of loud, unladylike grunts. “UHHH! URRGHHH!


Reggie’s cock shot cum onto her right tit, and dribbled onto her hand. Almost simultaneously, Barry’s cock spit on her left tit and chest. Jackie released the two cocks from her hands, and fell on top of Chuck. Chuck and Kevin were

in a good rhythm as they fucked her pussy and ass. Kevin leaned over his mom’s back. Though in some pain, Jackie loved to feeling of the two cocks inside her in close proximity. She felt like their two dick heads were almost touching. “UH, UH, UH, UH! HAARRGGGH!”

Jackie’s long orgasm was dizzying. She gyrated and thrashed as much as the two lancing cocks would allow. “WWHHHOOOOOUUUG!” She felt Chuck shoot a load into her. And then she felt the new sensation of Kevin’s warm cum shooting up her asshole. “HHHHHHAAARRRGGGGG!”

As Kevin slowly slid out of her, Jackie collapsed on top of Chuck, crying and laughing at the same time.

The boys slowly got up and took breaks, went to the bathroom, got drinks, and retuned to the warm family room, as Jackie lied on her side, watching the still naked boys. She had never had so many orgasms in one day. Yet as she looked at the boys, most of who were semi-hard, their cocks

hanging down, she grew horny again.

She took each of the boys one more time, one at a time. She allowed each to choose to do whatever they wanted. Ultimately, they each chose to lie on top of her and fuck her in missionary position. Several, including Kevin, did

request a little cock sucking as foreplay.

When they were finished, it was nearly dawn. A wobbly Jackie stood up, grabbed her nightshirt and panties, and slowly made her way upstairs to take a shower. Just as she turned on the water, the lights came back on. By the time she dried her hair and returned downstairs in a clean robe,

most of the boys were asleep on the floor. She lied down next to her beloved son Kevin, crawled inside his sleeping bag, and fell asleep in his arms.

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My First Day With Mom

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Soft sex with my innocent mom

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A Night Out with Mom

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4th of July with Mom

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4th of july with mom

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4th of july with mom

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Sex with Mom

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How Me And Friend Got Laid With My Mom

Hey, this is Tom again. I have earlier told my experience with mom during our train journey. During that journey I saw my mom getting intimate with 2 guys and I also got a chance to get laid. After our trip, mom completely changed. She started to speak with me like nothing happened. She never spoke about the trip. Let me tell about my family.My dad is abroad. Me and mom stays in kottayam which is in kerala .Now after the train journey 1 year was over. Now I finished 12th standard. Waiting for...

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Summer Break With Mom

I was on my way back home for summer after my first year of college. I wasn’t planning on coming home, but Dad was coming back from his deployment from Afghanistan sometime during July, So I decided to come home. I wasn’t looking forward to be back home, because of an incident with mom, before I went to college I felt there had been sexual tension between me and her for quite awhile. As wrong as this may sound I was sexually attractive to her, mom is a very flirty and attractive women. I...

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nexpected Hot Night With Mom

The stories really got me thinking about my fantasies concerning my mother. I was just curious about i****t when I discovered this site and I had no prior i****t experience to share until last week.visit on to see full series of these storiesFrom as far as I can remember, I always looked at mom as just regular ol'mom - until I hit puberty. I started noticing all the different things that separated boys from girls: tits, round hips and ass, and of course, their sweet and...

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Mom8217s Swapping With Friend8217s Mom

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Blackmailing My Stepmom

“I’m in love with my stepmom. I don’t live with my Dad, but I stay with him and her two weeks a month. I swear, those two weeks are constant masturbation for me. She’s 18 years older than me, I’m 18. But, for some reason I always wanted to fuck her. I’ve known her all my life. She stays home and takes care of my half baby sister, while my Dad goes to work. I’m always sneaking around trying to catch her bending over or something. Taking a shower. Lying out in the sun with a bikini on....

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Ever since I learned what masturbation was, my stepmom Pammy became my #1 jerk off subject. After every weekend I spent with my dad and stepmom I would come home and my dick would be so sore from jerking it off all weekend. I was in high school when I really started to notice Pammy; she was 37 at the time. I don't know if she would qualify as hot to most k**s in my school, but she drove me wild. Pammy is average height with a slender body. Tits were 34B, I knew from always looking at her bras,...

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Caught by My Stepmom

I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...

1 year ago
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Sharing With Mom

My name is Jenny -- Jen to my friends -- and this is the story of how my world turned upside down, then righted itself in a beautiful way. When I was a girl of twelve, my father unexpectedly died of a massive cardiac arrest. Mom did her best to keep us going, but we got hit by serious financial setbacks when I was sixteen, and in the end we had to sell our house and move into a trailer. I'll say this much -- Mom got a really nice mobile home with the money we took in from the sale. Still,...

4 years ago
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First time with my mom

Hi every one my name is Pramod. I am from Kerala. Now I am working in Bangalore. I am 25 years. In our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life. I never thinks it happens in my life. This is not fiction. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me, it is all true, though it happened a long time ago, when I was just a kid. When the situations changed in my life I am 17 and my mom...

2 years ago
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Finally I Make Incest with Mom

Hi to all ISS reader I am very good fan of this site and reading story but one day I read incest story and after that I am interested to ready incest story and after reading this type of story my mind changed and I finding fun in my family so I finding way to do with family member and doing some fun. I tell you my information first and background my name is Hitesh and I study in college and I am average looking boy and also my mom is look like a typically mom but body is great like average big...

3 years ago
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Me With My Sexy Mom

Hi readers, this is Sanjay from Coimbatore. I am going to share my experience of my sweetie mom with me with the permission of my mom. This is true incident which was happened in my life after reading many stories I’v got the courage to write my experience in this site. I am the one child of my parents. My father is working in the private concern and my mom is home maker. My mom age is 35 and my father age is 40 and my father is very strict person. He always quarrels with my mom for each and...

3 years ago
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Avinash and His Hot Mom 8211 Part 5 At the Movies With Mom

My mom then gave a small kiss on my dick and just touched it a little. Me: Oh, thanks a lot, mom, for that. Mom: Haha your welcome maybe next time your dick will get something more than just a kiss. Me: What? (Shockingly) Saying this my mom left the room. For over one hour I was just thinking what the hell just happened. I was jerking off with my mom beside me while she was fingering her pink pussy. I felt like the luckiest dude in the world. So later on it in the evening. My mom was in the...

3 years ago
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4th of july with mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

4 years ago
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Home alone with mom

I pulled into the driveway about 10:30 in the morning, all ready working on what excuse I could give my Mom. I had told her I would be home last night, but spent the night in a motel room, alone, after totally washing out with a very lovely waitress. Summer was almost over, and I did feel guilty, I have spent most of it cruising around the country, having as much fun as possible, trying to laid as much as possible, and now I would be heading back to classes in two weeks, and had hardly seen my...

3 years ago
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An Affair With Mom

Note: This is a FICTIONAL tale of Incest. For suggestions and comments, get in touch with me at “Your dad should have been here by now.” mom said looking at the clock that had struck 8pm. “It’s okay mom,” I said reassuring her, “he must be busy at work. You know how it is.” Mom began to sob uncontrollably. “Hey, it’s alright mom. I have a month before I go back to college! We can go out anytime now!” I hugged mom and reassured her. “It’s not that.” mom said, wiping away her tears with the...

1 year ago
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My Experience With My Mom

My name is Rohan.  Right now I am 26 year old and not married and I am staying in Delhi now. I am going to share my experience with you. Firstly I want to tell about myself. I used to stay at Vishakapatnam I was a normal guy with 6 feet height and fair in color.  I am a little dumb guy from childhood. I don’t talk with people much. Even I don’t have friends much from child hood because they don’t like to talk with me as I am not smart. So I spend time mostly at home by watching tv, playing with...

1 year ago
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There with love for mom

It was an innocent question that opened the floodgates. “Robert, how come you never see any of these girls more than once or twice?”“Mom,” he said, “it’s horrible; not one of these girls is interesting to me, not one of them excites me. Even if I had the chance I wouldn’t want to go to bed with them.”I laughed, “I thought a boy of your age wanted to go to bed with every girl he saw.” I think my laughing angered and emboldened him. Richard looked at me for a long time and said, “No mom, I just...

1 year ago
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Let me tell you a little bit about myself and my mother. I am 24 years old, a good looking guy and perfectly "normal" by anyone's standards. I am a college graduate and work for a large investment bank. I am 6'1 180 pounds with blue eyes and short brown hair. I have had the same girlfriend since my freshman year in college. She is a real cutie, a typical southern belle if you will. Despite my typical upbringing and lifestyle, I have always had a thing for my mother. I've had a ton of...

1 year ago
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Going To The Prom With Mom

I stared at her, she stood there with one hand on her hip. In her other hand, she brandished a wooden spoon. Mom was making basil pesto pasta, which is one of my favorites. “I dunno Mom, ‘cause I don’t want to go. That’s why.” I tried looking behind her, to see if she had grated parmesan cheese yet. She must have anticipated my interest in the food because she moved to block me. “Ryan… that’s a lie, I can see it on your face. What’s wrong, honey?” her brow furrowed, and genuine concern...

3 years ago
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Sharing a shower with Mom

Inside there was a small sitting area with a fully equipped kitchen, one small bedroom with a bunk bed for my brother Nick and me, and another bedroom with a queen sized bed for mom and dad. Finally there was a tiny itty-bitty bathroom with a toilet and a sink for washing and brushing one’s teeth. Now that the work on the caravan was finally finished, dad insisted we had to try it out by going on a voyage across the country. Knowing how much work my father had put into the restoration, it...

2 years ago
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In The Saddle With Mom

The first time I really noticed my Mother as a “woman” and not as my Mom, was when I was only thirteen and Mom was twenty nine. I had been getting spontaneous erections for the past year and a half, but I wasn’t about to embarrass myself by telling anybody about them, especially my Mother.One night we were getting ready for bed. I had already undressed, turned off the light and got in bed. Mom usually went into the bathroom, closed the door, took a shower and changed into a long t-shirt for...

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