Professional Male Escort From Karnataka
- 2 years ago
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Here’s another one of my favorites from elsewhere. Enjoy!
I never expected it to happen there. I mean, being the age that I was and all, I always expected that sort of thing to happen to me back home, in the US. Not in India. But there I was, a young lass at the age of 19, visiting relatives, and discovering that this wasn’t the India of my childhood. I was born in India, but my parents moved to the US when I was 6 months old, and we’ve lived there ever since. But we visited often, at first every summer, and then every other summer, and then for almost 5 years, not at all. I was busy with high school, my sister was busy with college, dad was working a lot, and mom had gone back to work in the medical field now that we were all old enough to take care of ourselves. So India had became a place we kept meaning to visit but never did, until finally that summer after my sophomore year, we all found ourselves free.
Even though I should have been doing an internship, I was confused about my major and the direction my life was going, and decided India would be a good break. College wasn’t going the way I’d planned. I’d gone expecting do premed, get excellent grades, graduate and go on to a top ten school. But I didn’t like medicine, and my grades were starting to flounder. On top of that, my social life sucked. Class and homework took up most of my time, and I hadn’t gotten a chance to party, or experience too many girls. That last thing hurt the most. I was a sexually frustrated young teenager, on the verge of becoming twenty, and I still hadn’t lost my virginity. I hadn’t even had my dick touched by a girl. I was always shy, and coupled with bad luck, my experiences with girls were horrible. India was a way for me to get away from my life, to take my mind off of school and sex.
It took a while getting reacquainted with all my relatives. We’d all grown, and everyone had changed so much. All the adults looked so much smaller, and all the kids looked so much bigger. My cousins Manish and Sudip had grown the most, and they turned out to be totally different than when we were younger. I soon found out they liked to party go to clubs, meet girls, etc. Manish told me he’d take me out to the best clubs in Bangalore, but before he had a chance, he got a call from his father, requesting that he come to their coffee plantation to help take care of business. Sudip was busy with work, and so I found myself spending the days relaxing with family. I didn’t mind, but at the mention of girls, I had gotten excited for a while.
India was so different from what I remembered. The city was much more cosmopolitan than before, and the youth were certainly not the same. You saw plenty of couples around, and the girls were noticeably more attractive than in previous years. The influence of Western culture had them looking and dressing better and sexier. They strutted around in tight jeans and shirts, some of them in shorts, their brown, sexy skin exposed. I soon realized that coming to India to get my mind off of girls was not going to work.
Manish came back to the city for a couple of days, and he suggested I go to stay with him at the plantation. Some of my other visiting relatives had gone to other parts of India and things were starting to get a bit boring, so it seemed like a good idea. I figured I’d be bored as hell out in the middle of nowhere, but it would be something different, so I went.
The coffee plantation was about 200 miles from the city. It took us almost 8 hours to reach it, and halfway through the trip, I was wishing I’d stayed put. The roads were awful, with ox-drawn carts and pedestrians and animals slowing traffic. Not to mention the quality and small size of the roads. I was grateful when we got to the plantation, though looking around at the crops, the few homes which dotted the land, and the huge mansion we had sitting on a hill, I started to think I’d come all the way out here for nothing.
Manish spent the next few days showing me around the house and the plantation. The house was incredible. It was huge, with big, airy rooms, and lush decoration. Though not extremely modern, everything was top quality and in great condition. It had a charm that only older homes can have, and I warmed to the place. The plantation itself was immense, acres of coffee plants covering the surrounding land. Down one hill was a small village where most of the plantation workers lived. We strolled through here, and I had to admit, I felt strange. We were noticeably bigger and of different stock than the people here. They were small, their bone structure being slim from their meager diets. And they were dark. Very dark. I myself am on the darker side, and I know many dark Indians myself, but most of the Indians I was used to were wealthy in India, or raised in the US. Our darkness is different, it’s hereditary. These people had a different darkness, one that not only came from genes, but from spending all their hours toiling in the sun. Their skin had a different quality to it, tougher, yet with a beauty no soft, rich person can have. Even though I knew about all this intellectually, it was quite another thing to see it in the flesh again after so long.
In the village, children ran around naked. The women and young girls were dressed in saris, and even though of low quality, they all had a vibrancy and color to their clothing that we in the West don’t have. Naturally I noticed some of the girls. Though of a different stock than us, they were still attractive, many with sharp, clean features and smiles that you saw in their eyes. They all stared when I came through, though I figured it was out of novelty rather than attraction. Manish seemed to know all the villagers well, as he was their employer, and they all addressed him with deference. Manish even introduced me to the more important men in the village, though we could say little to each other. We simply said “Namaskar” but all the men seemed to have a sort of deference to me as well. It actually made me a little embarrassed, that men three times or more my age would be acting as if I were someone special.
That night, we had a delicious dinner cooked by the servants. Since there wasn’t anybody else here except Manish and myself, the servants did all the work. I noticed a couple of girls from the village among the servants. They were cute, but young. A few were boys. Then I noticed one woman who I wasn’t sure was or wasn’t a servant. She was taller and thicker than the other females, and a bit older. And she had a look about her that didn’t fit. For one thing she wasn’t as dark as the others, even being a bit lighter than me, though she was still very brown. But her skin had a different quality to it than that of the other servants. It wasn’t as “sunbaked”. In fact, she looked almost middle class, except for her sari, and the work she was doing. She was extremely cute, with a small, Meg Ryan type nose, big, Indian eyes, and a round face.
“Who’s that,” I asked Manish.
He looked over his shoulder at her, then smiled. “That’s Radhika. One of the servants.”
“She doesn’t look like a servant. At least, not as much as the others.”
“She is, though her story is different. She’s the child of a plantation owner and a servant girl. The next plantation over, in fact. The plantation owner couldn’t claim her as his own, of course, but he felt he couldn’t let a child of his be raised without money or a father, so he moved the servant girl and the baby, Radhika, into his home as full-time servants. She was raised well, and never had to do any of the backbreaking work of the field workers. Plus she lived in the plantation house, and ate well. That’s why she looks so different.”
“So she wasn’t really treated like a servant.”
“Well, she was really. I mean, she wasn’t sent to school, and she helped with the cooking and cleaning. And she spent a lot of time taking care of the owner’s legitimate children.”
“Her half-siblings.”
“Yes. After the owner died his wife didn’t want Radhika in the house, so she cast her out. But we knew her – she had watched over us when we were young, and had spent time at our house when we were short on help – and Appa felt bad for her, so we took her in. She’s lived with us ever since.”
“She took care of you? How old is she?”
“Not exactly sure, but probably around 27. Three years older than me. Maybe four.”
I nodded, then went back to eating.
“Why?” Manish asked suddenly.
“Oh, I was just wondering.”
He smiled, with a little mischief in his eyes. “Have you taken a liking to her,” he asked.
“No, of course not. I mean, she is really cute…”
“I could arrange something…” Manish said, letting the sentence trail with possibilities.
I was shocked at the thought. That seemed so wrong, taking advantage of a woman like that. But in fact, I was more shocked that it was even possible. I guess I should have expected things like that to go on, but Indian kids raised in the US are taught that Indian people do no wrong, and this activity came as a surprise to me. “No, that’s okay,” I said.
“Suit you,” Manish said. “But she’s a great lay.” My jaw dropped open. “Well, you think I can have a girl like that in the house and not want her? Especially being out here, kilometers from anybody. Besides, it’s not as if she isn’t willing. Sudip had her first, in fact, when he was helping my father out here. He’s the one who introduced me to her charms. And she has many, I’ll tell you that now, Vishal. Many charms. Apparently whatever it was her mother had was passed down to her.”
Just then Radhika entered the room, a young girl in tow. They were heading for the kitchen. “Radhika,” Manish called. “Come here.” He called her in Kannada of course, not English. She came to the table, stopping a few feet from it, and stood smiling at him. Then she turned to me, and her smile seemed to get even brighter. “Radhika, this is Vishal, my cousin from the America.”
“Namskara,” she said, hands clasped in front of her.
“Namskara,” I said. “It’s nice to meet you,” I added, in broken
Both she and Manish laughed at my statement. Radhika seemed friendly, but shy. “You can go,” Manish told her, and she turned towards the kitchen. But before she did she shot me another smile, a very friendly one.
Manish shot me another mischievous look, then turned the conversation to other matters. I was glad to get the topic off of Radhika, but she stayed in my mind the rest of the night. In bed, I got hard thinking about her, and found myself reaching for my cock. I jerked off with the beautiful servant in my mind, imagining fucking her. I came in no time, and fell into a deep sleep.
I woke to the sound of dogs barking. In India, there is always noise and movement, even out in the country. It’s not bad though; it adds to the charm of the country. You never feel alone, like in the US. There are always friendly people around, and everyone seems to smile at you.
I knew it was late when I awoke. The sun had climbed high, and I could here the sounds of the servants cleaning around the house. I got up and went to a small sink in the hallway, where we brushed our teeth. Manish was awake, bathed and had already gone out to supervise some of the workers. He had come back to make a call to his father in
“So, you’re finally up! Do all you Americans sleep so late? Haha, just kidding. Have you had your bath yet?”
“No, just about to. Where is the bathing room.”
“Just one second,” Manish said. “I have to call Appa. I’ll send a servant to show you the room and how to operate the water heater.”
I went back to my room and waited, but no servant came. I grew restless of waiting, so I poked around the house until I found the bathing room. I grabbed my clothes and went in. The house was old, and the bathroom was pretty traditional, though it had some modernity added to it. The room consisted of two sections: the first, a tiled area with a small bench where you could put your clothes. Shelves were on the wall above the bench, holding towels. The second, larger part of the room was a semi rough floor with a drain in the middle. Against one wall of it was a hot water heater, a big, steel contraption that looked brand new. There was a small hand bucket next to it. The way to bathe was to heat the water, then grab water out of the heater with the hand bucket, and pour it over you. A wall separated the two sections of the room, with a way to walk through at one corner, and on the wall sat some soap and shampoo.
Even though it had been a while since I last bathed this way, I remembered the general specifics of bathing. So I stripped and went over to the heater. It felt weird, being naked in the room like that. Back home, we get into a tub with a curtain right around us. Here we are sort of out in the open, even though we are in a room by ourselves. Plus there were windows in the room, near the ceiling. No one could look in at that height, but with the air blowing in and the sounds of people not too far way, it didn’t feel totally private.
But at the same time, it felt liberating. I liked strutting around the room stark naked, even if by myself. The heater was turned off, I realized. I switched it to “on”, and I knew I had some time to wait before it heated up. I went over to the bench and sat down.
As I sat there I looked over at the door and realized it was unlocked. I was just about to get up and lock it when the door opened and someone came in: Radhika. She stepped in and didn’t see me at first, but when she saw me her eyes got wide, and she seemed surprised. But she didn’t look away, and quickly casting a glance over her shoulder, she stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind her.
I sat there, totally naked, in shock. No female had ever seen me naked since I was 11 or so. I froze, and Radhika just looked at me with her arms crossed in front of her. She looked me up and down, and straight at my cock. It had shrunk to an extremely small size, and the head just peaked out from the bush of my pubic hair. Radhika surveyed me with little emotion, then went over to the water heater, took the top off, and dipped her hand into the water. “Come, it’s warm,” she said to me in Kannada.
I didn’t move at first, but she beckoned me with her hand. “Come.” Slowly I stood up and made my way to her, completely aware of my nakedness. When I got close she reached out and gently grabbed my arm, then pulled me to standing in front of her. It was only then that I realized how tall she was. I’m not tall, just 5’7″, and she was eye-level with me. While 5’7″ might be normal for a woman in the US, in India, especially for a servant, it is extremely tall.
Radhika dipped the bucket into the water and poured a little over my shoulder. “Is it warm enough,” she asked. It was. The water ran down my shoulder, over my chest, down my waist and hip and thigh and shin to my feet. She poured the rest of the bucket over me, then got more. She slowly and gently wet my entire body. I stood there, just watching her. She was so beautiful. I hadn’t been this close to her before, and I got a good look at her now. Her skin was smooth and mostly clear. Her eyes were big and wide, her nose so perfect. Her hair was long and thick, braided behind her. Even though she wore a sari, I could see she had a shapely figure. It wasn’t some perfect, American body, but she had the right curves and proportions. Her breasts were small, I could see that, but it didn’t matter at all.
She rotated me in place so that my back was to her and continued to wet me. Then she poured water over my head. “This way,” she said, turning me around to face her. Radhika put shampoo in my hair, and began to lather me up. She did it very well, massaging my scalp at the same time. “Close your eyes,” she told me, then began to pour the water over my head, rinsing my hair out. It was incredible, standing there with my eyes closed, the hot water pouring over me, with this beautiful woman attending to me. Then I felt something. It was my penis, and — I swear — her hand. I started to open my eyes, but as if by coincidence the water flow increased, and I had to close them. The hand (at least, that’s what I though it was) was gone immediately, and then I opened my eyes. Radhika’s expression indicated nothing. But my cock had been touched, and now it was coming alive. I’d been too stunned up to this point to become aroused. But now my cock started to fatten.
Radhika grabbed the soap and started to lather my body. This was the first real, continued physical contact between her and me. Her hand, with the small soap bar in it, roamed over my shoulders and chest. She had nice hands, soft and brown. Her nails were neatly clipped to the ends of her fingertips. Radhika had me lift my arms and she soaped up my under arms, then she turned me around and lathered my back. Abruptly her hand slipped to my ass cheeks, and then into my ass crack. She seemed to find this place to be very important, and her hand slid up and down my crack quickly. This excited me even more, and my cock began to grow. Radhika had me turn around then. I almost didn’t want to, as I was ashamed of her seeing my erection, but she didn’t seem to notice. Her hand came down to my crotch, all the way to my pubic hair, but she managed to not touch my dick. I was at full mast now, around 5 inches. I don’t have a big dick. It’s not long, and it’s not fat. But I’ve never considered it small, even though I’m sure others might. It was straining with pressure now, and from what I could tell, it was as big as it could get.
To my surprise, Radhika then knelt down and began scrubbing my legs, and then my feet. I balanced on one foot as she raised the other foot and scrubbed them, even between my toes. Then she did the other foot. She was very thorough with my whole body, but never rough. As she knelt, I was acutely aware of my hard cock being less than a foot from her face. I’m sure she was more than aware too. After washing my feet, her hand came up and lathered my balls. This surprised me, and I almost gasped. I had expected her to avoid this part of my body. My cock became ultra-stiff, and strained for attention. Radhika stood up, still methodically washing me as if it was a standard routine, almost like I was an animal, or a child.
Then she reached out to soap up my hard cock. As soon as she touched my prick I came.
“Ah,” I gasped, and cum spurted out of the tip. She held my cock by the underside as I erupted, semen shooting onto her forearm, and then onto her wrist and eventually dribbling onto her hand. I was so embarrassed. She didn’t say anything, or even look me in the eyes. She patiently waited until the semen stopped flowing from my cock, then gave it a soft pull and squeeze to get the rest out. Then she casually washed my shrinking cock. She was gentle with it, as if she knew it was extra-sensitive. Then she cleaned her arm up. Radhika looked up at me for a moment, and when she did I saw an amused smile on her face. It quickly disappeared, but I’m sure I saw it. My embarrassment worsened.
Radhika fetched a towel from a shelf and dried me off. She started with my hair, and then patted the water off my body. She gently dried my cock and balls, and made an obvious but not uncomfortable attempt to dry the area between my balls and ass, bending and reaching down under me. She dried my legs too, then wrapped the towel around my waist. “All done,” she said. She looked into my eyes and smiled in a slightly mischievous way. “Do you need anything else, done,” she asked. I didn’t know what to say. “Ah, no,” I managed to stammer.
“If you need anything else call for me.” And then she turned and left.
I stood there until I was sure she was gone, then hurried to my room. I quickly locked the door inside, then sat down on my bed, which had been made by one of the servants while I had been bathing. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I’d cum all over the place. And just from a slight touch. But, oh, it had felt soooo good. It was the first time a girl had ever seen or touched me down there. Even though I was still embarrassed, I didn’t feel as bad when I thought about it. It was only normal.
I dressed and went outside. I managed to ask one of the servants where Manish was, and he told me Manish had gone to the “office”, which was down the hill. I went down there and found Manish having coffee and discussing the plantations operations with one of the workers. He was from the city, a college-educated man, who helped make big business decisions. We drank coffee and talked. After a while I grew bored and went outside.
A bunch of worker girls were coming back from the fields. They were young; around 15 or 16. Two of them were very cute, and I couldn’t help but look at them. My groin responded, and I felt the ache from my orgasm earlier in the day. I thought about Radhika, and got more excited. At dinner that night, I brought up the subject of Radhika.
“So, you’ve reconsidered my offer,” Manish asked with a naughty smile.
I didn’t say anything, but smiled back.
After dinner I went back to my room and changed into my evening clothes. I was excited, and I lay on my bed. In fact I lay there for quite a while. Time passed. Perhaps Radhika wasn’t coming. Then I thought of my orgasm from the afternoon. Maybe she had lost respect for me. I had come with barely a touch. After all, if I came that quickly, how long could I last if I was actually inside of her? I looked at the clock. 11:30. I realized she wasn’t coming tonight. Disappointed, I pulled the sheets over me went to sleep.
I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up in the middle of the night. It was dark and quiet. A warm breeze was coming in from the window. It was cool, but not chilly. The house was completely quiet. Then I sensed something, and I realized why I had awoken. My door was slightly ajar. Thinking I hadn’t closed it properly and the wind had blown it open, I started to sit up when I realized someone else was in the room. I didn’t move, but the other person closed the door. I heard the ‘click’ of the lock.
And then Radhika was sitting next to me on the bed. I could see her in the dim light offered by the moon. She looked hauntingly beautiful in the darkness. She was smiling; a confident, naughty smile. Without saying anything she pulled me to her, and our lips met. I was in heaven. It was my first open-mouthed kiss, and I knew I was awkward at it. But she didn’t seem to mind. She coated my lips with her saliva, her tongue spinning in and around my mouth. She moaned as she kissed me. Radhika began to undress, and I moved to help her. First came her sari, which she skillfully unwrapped in seconds. Then came her undergarments. I reached behind her and tried the clasp of her top. It wasn’t like a bra (which I didn’t know how to do either), so I fumbled for a while before I felt it pop free. As soon as I had it off her my hands flew to her chest. Like I said before, her tits weren’t big, but they were nice, small, full A’s with what felt like fat, pointy nipples. But before I could get a good feel she gently pulled my hands away. She stood up, and I reached for her bottom. I pulled her underpants down, and as soon as I did I got the strong smell of her vagina. Radhika’s smell was powerful, and instantly filled the room.
Radhika bent over and started kissing me again. As she did, she pulled the sheets off me, and ran her hands over my chest and stomach. I sleep in just my underwear, so she didn’t have much to remove. She ran her hands over my shoulders and chest and stomach, then grabbed the edge of my underwear. I helped her take it off me, and then I was naked again, my cock ultra-hard and waving in the night air. The sheets fell to the floor as she pushed me onto the bed and lay on top of me. I ran my hands all over her smooth, soft body. Oh, she felt so wonderful. This was my first time, and it was like nothing else. My lust wiped out any nervousness, and I was reaching for every part of her, her arms and shoulders, her back, her ass, her thighs and hamstrings. She wasn’t a skinny girl, so my hands had a lot to feast on. I kissed her passionately as well, but most of the kissing was being done by Radhika. She peppered my whole face with kisses, then ran her tongue all over it. I pulled her closer to me, letting the feeling of her soft body against mine excite me even more. My stiff prick was pressed between us, and I thought I was going to cum again.
“Radhika, oh, you are so beautiful,” I said in English. I knew she couldn’t understand anything except her name, but I think she got the gist of what I was saying.
She kissed her way down my neck, then across my chest. She stopped at a nipple, which she clenched between her teeth and tugged gently. I gasped. It felt so good! I hadn’t even realized a guy could feel pleasure there. Then she kissed her way down my stomach. Kisses turned to tongue-ing, and soon her tongue was in my belly button. I tried not to squirm, but it felt both good and ticklish at the same time. And then she was kissing my cock. It was a wonder I didn’t cum right then, but I managed to hold out as Radhika planted soft, wet pecks on my pecker. I was moaning quietly, and I couldn’t believe this was happening. Then there was a moment when the kisses stopped and Radhika rolled over onto the bed next to me, and then I felt the warm wetness of her mouth envelope me. It was beyond incredible. I strained to keep from blowing my load as Radhika took my manhood into her mouth. It was so warm! The pleasure was more than I could have expected. Jerking off would never be the same again, I realized, as Radhika started to bob her head up and down slowly. She didn’t thrust like in porn’s. She was slow and soft, her tongue dashing out and licking my cock where it could. She moaned as well, and I knew, really knew, that she liked what she was doing, that it wasn’t just because she was told to be hear that she was doing this.
It wasn’t long before I came. My excitement and inexperience, coupled with her skills, were more than enough to bring me to the edge half a dozen times in a minute. I erupted into her mouth with another big load, my cock jumping with every spurt. Radhika’s mouth never opened, and she swallowed every drop while still pleasuring me. Radhika then slid up my body, laying next to me. I turned to face her. She was smiling seductively. She put her arm over my side and squeezed my skinny ass. “Now it’s your turn,” she said in Kannada. My eyebrows went up. I hadn’t even thought of that! My first chance to eat pussy.
I wasn’t very graceful, but tried to imitate what she had done, and kissed my way down her stomach. Her smell got stronger the farther I went, and when she spread her legs and I got between them, the smell almost overwhelmed me. It was so strong, but clearly not bad. Hers was the smell of raw sexuality. Radhika had a very hairy bush. Village girls don’t trim down there, so her muff was thick. My fingers dove into the darkness, and I happily found pussy lips. They weren’t as soft as I thought pussy lips were, but as I slipped a finger inside, I found out pussy was wetter than I’d imagined. How warm and moist it was! Radhika moaned as my fingers played with her cunt, and I marveled at the fact that I was doing this. I searched for her clit, but in the darkness and with all that pubic hair, I couldn’t find it. I thought maybe my tongue would do better, so I leaned forward with my mouth. I had to really position myself right to be able to get my tongue into her cunt. I had to lay down, with legs dangling off the bed. I pulled her closer, my hands going around her waist and pulling her in by the thighs.
My tongue explored her pussy lips, and then it slid between them, finding her wetness. I was surprised to find it tangy, a sharp taste which struck the tip of my tongue. I wiggled my tongue back and forth, then up and down, and Radhika’s moaning became louder. Figuring she liked this, I continued to do it, and I turned out to be right. Radhika responded in kind, pushing her cunt towards me while moaning loudly. I redoubled my efforts, then brought a hand around to try and find her clit. My index finger blindly searched about near the top of her pussy lips. Suddenly I found something, almost like a small flap of skin, and when I touched it, Radhika gasped and her hips went up into the air. Her clit! I started to rub her clit and lick more furiously. Radhika moaned and pushed her hips towards me. She got hotter and hotter, finally wrapping her legs around my head, then bucking her hips high up into the air and almost pulling my head off my neck in the process! What happened must have been an orgasm, because her body shuddered, and she let out sounds from her mouth that came from deep within her. When it was over her legs fell to the side, and I withdrew myself. It wasn’t until the next day that I realized what I’d done: given a woman an orgasm on my first try!
Radhika pulled me up to her and gave me a long kiss. Then she rolled me over onto my back and straddled my waist. My cock had become rock hard again, and the head was nestled gently at the convergence point of the small of her back and her soft ass cheeks. Radhika’s weight pressed down on me, and I loved it. Her hair had come undone, and now was wildly framing her lovely face, which had a big, playful smile on it. She laughed, then squeezed her tits together while looking me in the eye.
It was then that I realized I hadn’t gotten a good chance to play with her tits. She’d pushed my hands away when I’d first gone for them. Now I reached up and grabbed them. Radhika offered them to, passing them to my eager palms. They were so soft and full. Even though small, they were round and smooth, with big, dark brown nipples. I massaged them in my hands, squeezed them.
Radhika then raised herself up. Reaching underneath her, she grasped my cock, and guided it towards her wet and waiting cunt. I didn’t even realize it was happening until I started to slide into her. Her moist, warm pussy sucked me in, and Radhika sank down onto my pole with a sigh. I felt myself sliding into her, felt her warmness, and her tightness. It felt heavenly. I continued to play with her tits as Radhika started to ride my shaft. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Finally! I was having sex! Radhika moaned softly as she rode me. She let her head hang back, muttering quiet words in Kannada. I moaned as well, letting her know how good it felt. She slid up and down, up and down, pleasuring both of us.
After a while, my hands dropped to her waist. Holding her that way, I was better balanced to thrust up into her. Soon we fell into a rhythm, with me thrusting up as she sank down. This got us both off big time, and we both groaned hard. We were panting away now, fucking each other with force. The gentle up and down motion was gone. The wooden bed frame rocked as we bumped nastiest. Her pubic bone came down to meet mine, and even though it hurt, the pleasure my cock was feeling more than erased the pain in my pubic bone. Radhika put her hands on my chest to balance her as she humped me, now looking down at me. She wasn’t smiling any more. Instead, there was pure lust in her eyes as she bounced off my pelvis. I continued to thrust up at her, feeling and hearing the slap-slap of our bodies against each other. The smell of pussy was strong in the room, and it added to our love-making.
Radhika started to moan louder, her head waving back and forth. With her hands on my chest, her body balanced forward, she arched her back and moaned loudly. Her body shook like it had before, her orgasm taking her. I knew mine was not far behind. Our dual pumping/thrusting continued even through her orgasm, and the feeling of my cock going in and out of her so smoothly and quickly was making my cock go wild. My dick seemed like it was bigger than it had ever been. I could feel it swelling to new proportions. Suddenly it became too much, and I gasped as my orgasm came. My hips jumped off the bed and my back arched as hers had. My toes curled, and then I was shooting my semen into a woman’s vagina for the first time. I came long and hard, this being the best orgasm I’d had of the three this day. My load wasn’t as big as before, but the orgasm was incredible.
Both of our orgasms subsided at the same time, and we collapsed onto the bed together, her body on mine. She stroked and kissed me. Rolling over, she looked into my face and told me in Kannada that I was very good looking. I told her she was beautiful, and that I’d never met anyone like her before. She laughed at that, then we both fell asleep. When I woke up she was gone. The light of first morning was coming in through the window. But I looked forward to the coming day. I knew this was going to be an unforgettable summer. It turned out I couldn’t have been more right.
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The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...
CuckoldPOSTCARDS FROM THE ESTATE: MY WIFE, MY PIMP, PART 1: I BECOME A WOMAN 1946EW "Remember," my wife said, kissing the tip of her forefinger and pressing it to my lips lightly, so as not to muss my lipstick, "Keep track of everything you do with the St. Clairs. We've let them have too many extras." I kissed her finger looking directly into he eyes. Wordlessly, I opened the passenger side door and swung my nylon-encased legs out, planting my three-inch heels firmly on the pavement...
Hope you enjoy! –RogueRambler Ok, let me start by telling you a bit about myself, which might help you understand how I turned-out the way I am. My father was a very rich and very powerful man. When I was a kid I never actually knew exactly what it was he did, but I did know that his job kept him away from home more than he was there. My mother died after battling cancer for almost two years, when I was still quite young. After Mom was gone, It seemed as though Dad was home...
Sharla and Sam lived just a few blocks from me. They were good friends, as far as friends go. Then Sam got a job in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I hated to see Sam move, because I had spent many a day sitting on Sam and Sharla’s patio, which had a pool that overlooked the 17th fairway of a local golf course.Sharla messaged me and said that she was going to ask a friend she knew in the real estate business to sell their house, but that the friend was more of an acquaintance than a real friend. Sharla...
OccupationsHere’s another one of my favorites from elsewhere. Enjoy!I never expected it to happen there. I mean, being the age that I was and all, I always expected that sort of thing to happen to me back home, in the US. Not in India. But there I was, a young lass at the age of 19, visiting relatives, and discovering that this wasn’t the India of my c***dhood. I was born in India, but my parents moved to the US when I was 6 months old, and we’ve lived there ever since. But we visited often, at first...
The estate was quiet, only residents of the estate ventured onto the estate, it was known as the lawless estate, on the estate the residents stuck together and supported each other, but there were some residents who were feared by their fellow residents 16 year old Kim was one resident who was well feared even boys were scared of her. Kim was sat on a swing in the kids play park when 12 year old Karen a new girl on the estate appeared, the other kids in the play park went quiet when Karen...
The Sacred Estate was located on The Sacred Isle, formerly known as Pentash. It was an island renowned for its physical beauty and pleasant, temperate climate, across a small sea from the heartland of the Trasian Empire, towards the southern edge of the same continent that contained Nordland. The Estate itself was massive, practically the size of a small Nordish province. Surrounding a long, narrow, lake, about two miles wide at its widest point in the middle and about ten miles long, it...
Estate Agent's Dilemma By Sylvia Who? 1) My 'Initiation' Robert Hart is my name and seven years ago I went into business as an estate agent in the village of Shere on the South Coast of England, employing two part time ladies, and operating from a former village post office store. Attached to which I have a self contained bachelor pad which suits my present needs. Three years ago an interloper set up in competition with me just a few doors away, strangely enough run by...
MMB 03: The Great Estate RobberyTeaser"OH MY GOD, IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy.PreludeHerbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born, they live, they die, they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten.But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had...
Straight SexFour hours by plane and another three by limo. That's how long it took to reach the estate of Cormac Johnson, billionaire, tech-guru, and charming businessman. The estate, out in the middle of the mountains of Coloardo, was as close as you could get to isolated without leaving the country to some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific, or the far northern reaches of the arctic, where the summers were cold and the winters were uninhabitable. John Doe was more than exhausted after the trip,...
IntroductionIt would be best if you read Part 1 of this story, so you can understand how my husband Mark and I evolved into a very active cuckold relationship. However, I will explain things briefly for those who want to start reading here.My name is Shari, and I met Mark in the Orlando area in church, after moving there for a job when I was twenty-two years old and just out of college. He was twenty-six and working as a contract handy man, and because of our strong religious faith, we didn’t...
CuckoldThe economy in the Detroit metropolitan area and much of southeast Michigan has been seriously depressed for many years, and it has been challenging for my wife and I to make a good living as real estate agents. My name is Jim, and my wife Christine and I were both thirty years old at the time of this story, with a six-month old daughter. We grew up and worked in Flint, Michigan, but then decided that we needed to move to Detroit to find a better employment opportunity.We interviewed with a...
CuckoldThe author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 7-The Estate (1 of 3)(Grace is groped at home and at a party and participates in a porn photo shoot)The afternoon light slowly filtered through the curtains into her bedroom. The sunlight warmed the skin of a naked girl lying on top of her duvet with her legs wide open. The light shone on her hard small nipples and her...
"OH MY GOD IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy. Prelude Herbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born; they live; they die; they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten. But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had been quite wealthy. No, he was...
Bobby O’Malley was never going to impress anyone on the first meeting. Or maybe even the second, either. He was modest in all measures of a man and, in a few of those measures, even modest might’ve been a stretch. Pale, chalky skin, a slight slouch in his shoulders which made him stand a few inches below the six-foot-even he rose to when Doc Bannion told him to “stand up straight so I can getcher height, Bobby”. Mousy brownish hair that was thinning when he was in his early twenties. He...
Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...
Jim had started his real estate business 5 years before and had become very successful in the business. He had made a name for himself in commercial real estate, and had a reputation as a tough negotiator. He had just come back from showing a strip mall to a group of four investors. They were all lawyers in their early 30s, looking to diversify their investments. They had expressed a lot of interest in Jim’s property. It was in a prime location, an upscale area of town, the only...
43. Reminiscences from the manor estate An additional few memories to the story “sex and my amazing wife” PART BSEE ALSO 42 AND 44 My position as lord of the estate comes with some privileges, one is that if I say jump people do tend to do just that, though it`s not a privilege to abuse, although I hear a number of my contemporise do just that. One couple were Jack and his wife Alice, my dungeon keeper (we cater for the kinkier side in our manor house hotel) and his wife our medical sister...
ESTATE SALE By Persephone Albert Brooks was out driving around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. It was a typical Friday after work. He didn't have any plans, no place to go and nothing to do. He was fairly new to the area and hadn't made any real friends yet. He was bored and just decided to go out for a drive but once he pulled out of the driveway he didn't know where he wanted to go. He was stopped at the light on 122nd Avenue at the intersection of Market...
I often find myself getting distracted in the real estate section of the Sunday newspaper while looking at the photo's of the women real estate agents...wondering or fantasizing about what they would be like sexually. What sensuous and erotic or fun kinky thoughts and desires are simmering behind the alluring eyes and smiles in those corporate "glamour" pictures? My eyes play over the smorgasbord of choices and my imagination wanders, teasing my libido with thoughts about their sexual...
The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex, groupsex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 9-The Estate (3 of 3)(Uni student Grace Worthington fucks in a live porno Internet feed)It was Thursday morning. The University gardener left home early to begin his shift at the nearby Uni grounds. He walked through the gates around 6am, clocked on and began his work for the day. 30 minutes later he passed by...
THE ESTATE OF MASTER DAVIDChapter 1Julie knelt at the Master’s bedside with tears streaming down her face. Master was dying.His family was here now, and for the moment they were all one in their grief. Yet even now Master’s son, Eric, regarded Julie as an interloper in this most private of moments.None of that mattered to Julie as she stared at her master. None of them would understand the intimacy she shared with Master David. They only saw a 78 year old man and a 32 year old woman; a...
The Collectors Estate by BDSM_Tourguide Prologue - Origin of the Collectors Estate Two years ago, a plan was hatched involving two hundred men and women fromvarious alternative lifestyle organizations across the North American continent.The men and women were wealthy and somewhat influential in their communities.Their wealth and influence would be necessary to see their plan to fruition. Over many months, the plan came together. Land was purchased and a structurethat could only be described...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The weekend went by wonderfully. Mom and Deloris (Tina’s Mother) got together and went shopping. They spent more than $10,000 and when they came home to show their purchases off, I got caught rolling my eyes. I got a poke in the ribs by Dakota and a playful slap on the back of my head from Mom. Jennifer came over to me and sat down clearly wanting to chat. She brought Diane with her and the three of us began a discussion about the Real Estate...
I also own a nice 3 bedroom split level home, but does not have the yard I seek, which would be at least an acre, or more. It resides on a cul - de- sac and is quiet, yet not for me anymore. I prefer privacy and not nosey neighbors. I mean my neighbors are nice, and most of them are around my age. The women are always trying to set me up with one of their friends. I usually beg off of those situations, but I did go out with a couple of them. But those women had their sights set on marriage,...
Quando ho sedotto il mio uomo io avevo quasi diciassette anni , Peter aveva 43 anni. La nostra relazione era fatta di brevi incontri, 15/20 giorni ogni due o tre mesi , era una relazione fantastica, non solo sesso ma vero amore, ero fedele a Peter e in tutto il tempo che siamo stati insieme non ho mai avuto e amato altri uomini. Peter mi ha conosciuto come un ragazzo un poco sciocco , quasi insignificante nel mio voler apparire una donna. Nel corso della nostra prima vacanza insieme Peter...
The economy in the Detroit metropolitan area and much of southeast Michigan has been seriously depressed for many years, and it has been challenging for my wife and I to make a good living as real estate agents. My name is Ed, and my wife Christine and I are both 30 years old with a six month old daughter. We grew up and worked in Flint, Michigan, but then decided that we needed to move to Detroit to find a better employment opportunity. We interviewed with a Latino real estate broker named...
Introduction: With a disturbing return to the fair after hours Carla somehow makes it back to the hotel, where their return is noticed Jacksons Estate Bruce and Carla arrived at the gates of Jacksons property. A guard met them to let them in and greet them. He shut the gate behind them and handed them glasses of Champagne. On private gated property drinking and driving was perfectly legal. Just take it slow, he said. There is no rush once you are here. They toasted to more adventure and...
Of all the times in my life when I needed to be wanted, this was one of them. I had been thinking of leaving my wife for some time now as she was not measuring up to what she had promised with her vow’s and declarations of undying love. The love and lovemaking had died shortly after the wedding, proving that wedding cake was indeed the one food guaranteed to destroy a woman’s sex drive. It was this decision that lead up to the following story.I finally decided that I needed a change of scenery...
Love StoriesChapter one: Your new home It was a average day in August, the air was hot and humid and made your clothes sticky with sweat. You, John Doe sat in the back seat of a grey coloured taxi car "Where to boss man?" Asked the driver as he came to a fork in the dirt road which pointed north east and north west "north east" you said in monotone, you were not really paying attention to him because your mind was busy deciphering how you found yourself in this situation. You were a loser, not because you...
What I'm about to tell you was the most exciting sexual encounter I had ever experienced in my life. It all started when my husband got transferred interstate for his job as a PR consultant. We were both excited to be moving to a more tropical climate and hoped we would spend the rest of our life's in paradise. The company suggested to my husband Andrew that I go up and look for our new home and they would pay for all the expenses. He thought that it was a great idea, as that way we could get...
Finally, after selling the business that I’d built over the years it was time to retire. My wife wanted to find somewhere away from the New England winters but didn’t want Florida. I wanted to be close enough that I could make weekend trips to Jacksonville to watch my beloved Jaguars play. I know, they’ve sucked for years but I’m still a fan. Anyway, we settled on South Carolina to look for our new home. We spent hours looking through the popular real estate sites online and finally found a...
.This stort relates to my wife rittu and me and we are married for 25 years having 2 k**s from our marriage and both the k**s were studying abroad and every month we used ro send money to them. I was in realestate business and rittu was a housewife with sexy bomb figure of 363438 and she had a fair complexition and used tp look very hot in saree .All the males in the colony uses to have thier lusful eyes on her body.In the evening we often used to go to the clubs and used to have drinks and...
.This stort relates to my wife rittu and me and we are married for 25 years having 2 k**s from our marriage and both the k**s were studying abroad and every month we used ro send money to them. I was in realestate business and rittu was a housewife with sexy bomb figure of 363438 and she had a fair complexition and used tp look very hot in saree .All the males in the colony uses to have thier lusful eyes on her body.In the evening we often used to go to the clubs and used to have drinks and...
The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 8-The Estate (2 of 3)(Uni Student Grace Worthington participates in a porno photo shoot and has a close call)It was late that Saturday when Grace Worthington and her parents arrived home from the soiree. Within an hour everyone had gone to bed. Her parents were well asleep when Grace was still thinking through the events of...
Chapter 1 Natalia had done well in her life so far, at age 26 she was currently the manageress of a successful real estate agency in Eastern Europe. Her country had recently undergone a huge change when the communist government had been replaced by a democratic one during the withdrawal of the troops back to Russia and freedom had taken over. When this had first occurred she had been just fourteen and did not understand the full implications of being free to think and do what she wanted too....
Frankie liked the looks of his new house almost as much as he liked the looks of his real estate agent. The house was a two story, four bedroom with a Jacuzzi in the back yard and a fantastic view of a wooded valley. The real estate agent was a 5’6 California blonde with a genteel Georgia accent. Her black power suit was fitted to her curvaceous body and the skirt rose about four inches above the knees and when she sat down it revealed even more of her well formed legs. They had met at the...
EroticPeople who do not like stories of this kind are strongly advised not to read them. Vacation By Margaret Jeanette Marshall and Janice Morgan were going on vacation. Marshall put the suitcases in the trunk of their car except for two there was no room for in the trunk. He hung the garment bags in back and was all ready to go. They both had two weeks vacation and they were going to drive all over the western half of the country. "Everything's packed and ready to go. Let's...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What can I say; I remember exactly how it began. It was when I was around 15 years old, every year as soon as we finished school for the summer my whole family would pack up and go to the beach for about a month every year it was great, swimming, playing games, staying up late hanging out with the other kids, you know the normal things you do on vacation, however that...
My wife Carol and I had bought a four bedroom three bath home in a small community near the city of Birmingham Alabama. We were married just a little over two years and lived in the house we had purchased not much over a year when the vacation I am going to tell you about happened. I worked for an Architect - Engineering company. Carol worked near by for an insurance company. We were both just twenty four years old and although we wanted to have kids we were going to wait until we were more...
VACATION BOUND by bound bob Why are the days just prior to vacation so stressful? It seems every timewe are going on vacation my wife and I fight. Work always seems to get mostunbearable right before vacation too. Our most recent vacation was no exception.Both the Mrs. and myself were working 12 hour days just so we could go on athree day vacation. The evening before we were to depart for a three-day vacation on the rockycoast of Maine my wife and I got into an argument over money....
A couple months ago, I obtained my real estate license to help pay off college expenses. It has gone well so far and I have made some great commissions. A few weeks ago my mother asked me to fill in for her, on a showing. I told her no problem. I loved real estate and helping people with their dream residence, especially this one. It was a $25 million mansion. She told me I would be meeting the client, his assistant and their lawyer. I was stoked! On the morning of the showing. I showered,...
After 8 years overseas, I was finally coming home. It had been a long flight and I was looking forward to collapsing into bed in a house, which I owned but had never seen. I was looking forward to exploring my new home and my new hometown. I was looking forward to a new start. No ties, no encumberments… just me. I had forged a reputation in the last 8 years as a loner. I was good at it… I enjoyed it. Having never been a social animal it was no stretch for me to carry my loner attitude into my...
This chapter contains violence. I have tried to tame it down as much as possible out of deference to those with tender constitutions. I have kept it to a minimum but thought it would be better to warn you in advance. Thanks for your patience in waiting for this chapter. Breakfast next morning was a festive affair completely lacking in any of the awkwardness that I thought might surface after the previous night’s activities. The girls were chatting happily as I dragged myself downstairs after...
Bruce and Carla arrived at the gates of Jackson's property. A guard met them to let them in and greet them. He shut the gate behind them and handed them glasses of Champagne. On private gated property drinking and driving was perfectly legal. “Just take it slow,” he said. “There is no rush once you are here.” They toasted to more adventure and wondered what was in store at this magnificent property. They passed a pasture with a miniature stallion grazing and Carla knew at once that, good...
My name is Madison. I’m 22, have sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes and a curvy athletic figure. I like to wear clothes and accessories that accent my figure. A couple of months ago, I obtained my real estate license to help pay off college expenses. It has gone well so far and I have made some great commissions. A few weeks ago my mother asked me to fill in for her, on a showing. I told her no problem. I loved real estate and helping people with their dream residence, especially this one. It was a...
FantasyI arrived at the estate agents at 9:00 sharp Zoe was meeting me there just after, the shop was locked, I looked at my watch, it said 9:02, just as I looked up a silver series 5 BMW pulled up and parked outside, a gorgeous tall but plump women climbed out she had a short red skirt, and a black low cut top, she must of been late 30’s I suppose, and she had fantastic tits,my phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Zoe, “Running late, stuck in traffic, I’m not sure if I will make it now, can...
It wasn’t like I was even looking for a new apartment by now. My excuses to see her, hoping to have sex with her, were all used up. We both knew why I wanted to see her and I could even admit it to her, which she loved. She loved to make me ask to please her, almost beg to suck her. Although she was much older than me, she was still very fit, beautiful and sensual. It was the best, most incredible, most erotic and satisfying sex I had ever had. It had become a regular thing with us. Our code...
A friend of mine asked me if I’d stay at his house while he was at work, he was expecting the Estate Agent to give him a price on his house, as he’s a mate I said I would. I arrived as he was going to work 8:30am and he told me to help myself to anything and text him with the price the Agent said, I said I would. “He should arrive this morning sometime”, “Ok” and with that he went to work.9:45am there was a knock on the door, there stood a mature man holding a leather bound file. “Hi my name’s...
this happened in 1990I went up to a friends house and he said he had to go out and did I want to go with him, I said "Ok". We drove a few miles to his mate's house which was in a rough area of town on a notorious council estate, where even the bad guys walk round in two's. Soon as we arrived there was a load of activity in and around his house.Parking up, we got out of the car and my friend said "I'll intoduce you, he's alright", As he introduced me we had a chat and a laugh and he said to my...
I had a surprise for my wife Lucy.There is a local estate agent with a reputation for being a bit of a ladies man and I know that Lucy is intrigued because her friend succumbed to him during a house viewing and repeated it a few times afterwards in a few houses.I decided to set Lucy up so I went to see him and told him that I wanted to get our house valued. Mick said “No problem, when are you around?”I ask him if he could be discrete as I had something to say and he said “yes, of course”Knowing...
Helo frnds mai nav ghaziabad se fir ek nai kahani aap logo k sath share karne ja raha hu. Meri phali kahani hai. Isee phle maine apni ek story or sunbit ki thi “V.Day pe bhabhi ka return gift bt pata nahi wo abhi tak post ku nahi hui. Kher ye kahani meri or mere se flat kharidne aai meri client k bich ki hai. Story thodi lambi and startinh me thodi sayad aapko boaring lage. Bt sab kuch brief me batane k liye muje likhna padha. Aap muje mail b kar sakte hai Aunty, bhabhi, girls and cuckold b...
Hey, I ‘m going to continue narrating my sexual experiences . Thank you for the responses. As for the one’s asking for sex, please don’t take your time and effort out to send a message. Now coming to the experience, it was a rainy afternoon and as I agreed to meet two friends of the autoguy near the estate I decided to go there. I had no umbrella, so I was drenched in rain. They were waiting for me there. One of them asked me if we can have sex in the rain and I agreed to it. They guided me...
I am a househunter and I have booked an appointment with an estate agent to look over an empty house.I arrive at the house and knock on the door, the estate agent opens it, it is you. The house is totally empty with no furniture.You invite me in and say let`s look upstairs first. You begin to climb the stairs and I walk behind you. I immediately notice that your long, tight skirt has a long slit up the back, I can`t believe my eyes. The slit goes right to your arse. You are wearing black,...
She was late. I detested people with no respect for others' time. I stood in front of the new, 30 story apartment development in the city centre. With rising fuel prizes and the fast developing city living trend, I am looking for some city apartments as an investment opportunity.I saw the little black Mercedes crawling down the street. Stop. Do a risky U-turn and perform a 50 movement parallel park on my side of the street - this could only be one of those care free female drivers who are so...
VoyeurAuthor’s note: This part is mostly set-up and introduction. If you just want to get to the juicy stuff, that’ll start with chapter 1. The movement for sexual liberation for all began in the twentieth century, but It only truly caught fire in the twenty-first. Where sodomy laws had been abolished in the twentieth, the new century saw the recognition of marriage as a purely religious institution, separate from legal unions that were made available to everyone of any gender or number...
Fiona gives her an odd look and Erica says, “Today I found out our Ernie here owns a business. The same business that owns the deed to the house I rent. He’s our landlord and the landlord of the whole estate. He invested his entire fortune, ten million dollars, in buying this estate and building this house.” Fiona and the kids all gasp. I smile weakly at her, “I can understand your attitude, and I agree with it a lot. But unless you can convince me otherwise I’m going to tell everyone you’re...
It was the weekend before the 4th of July and Eric and Jennifer were getting packed for their week long vacation from their long beach California home to traverse city in Michigan making sure they had everything they needed for their vacation they have been dreaming about for a long time they were packing up and loading their Chevy suburban for their day and a half cruise to traverse in and leaving at 7 in the morning they were only a few hours into the trip before the both of them got bored...