Club Perfecto free porn video

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Club Perfecto Xxx A short story giving a slightly different angle on someone's transformation. As always, love to hear some feedback on it (or any of my previous stories if you read them). Slip on some satin and enjoy - S.S. xxx Tall, muscular and handsome, in his late twenties with chiselled good looks, Stuart Cameron was a highly succesful broker with his own business. He should have been an extremely eligible catch, with his pick of women, but he had a slightly withdrawn, shy demeanour verging on nerdiness. As a result, he'd settled for his girlfriend, Elaine, shortly after leaving college. At first, things had been fine, Elaine was an extremely attractive woman although with a slight shrewishness and a strong controlling streak. This controlling streak had really manifested itself a couple of years later when Stuart had been establishing his business and looking for an assistant. Helping him to interview, Elaine had immediately vetoed all female applicants, not just the young and pretty ones. She had also vetoed all the male applicants, particularly any that Stuart struck up any rapport with, ensuring that he couldn't have a colleague that might have become a bad influence on him. Eventually they'd compromised on Danny Rodgers, the final interviewee. Only twenty years old, Danny was a head shorter than Stuart with the slim, slight body of a long-distance runner, pale skin and an androgynous face that verged on the feminine, with long blonde hair tied tightly back in a ponytail. Fortunately, it turned out to be an almost perfect recruitment. Despite his lack of higher education, Danny was extremely smart, enthusiastic and eager to learn and quickly took on many additional tasks that helped Stuart immensely. Despite Elaine's best efforts, Stuart and Danny also became quite close friends. They shared common tastes in movies, books, music and video games, although their tastes were just sufficiently different that they could have an engaging debate on their choices, Danny often changing Stuart's mind on a number of topics. They would regularly go out for a couple of drinks and a chat after work, avoiding any singles bars as that would certainly lead to a clamp down from Elaine, enjoying each other's company and discussions. Around a year later, Danny was returning to their shared office when Elaine stormed out, clearly upset and enraged, and pushed past him in the corridor. Entering the office, he found Stuart at his desk with his head in his hands. Stuart lifted his head, clearly slightly shell-shocked, and apologised. He explained to Danny that they'd just had a fight as Elaine was desperate to get married and was angry that Stuart had not yet popped the question. Danny smiled in understanding and headed to the kitchen. He returned with a coffee and his boss's favourite chocolate donut, placing them carefully on the desk. Smiling for the first time, Stuart told him, "You know, Danny, if you wore a short skirt and high heels, I'd probably marry you," finishing with a chuckle. Danny looked startled and dumbfounded, an uncomfortable silence descending on the office. Realising he must have crossed a line and caused some offence, suddenly concerned about being accused of bullying and harassment, Stuart stammered out, "I mean only because you look after me so well. Just platonically of course. And forget about the skirt thing. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, I just don't know what I'm saying." Recovering, Danny gave a weak smile and replied, "No worries. I know what you meant. Let's just get back to work, shall we?" before returning to his desk. The following Monday, with little fanfare and no joy, Stuart told Danny that he and Elaine had become engaged to be married. Almost immediately after their engagement, Elaine's behaviour became even more extreme, almost as if she was now sure she'd snared her man and no longer needed to make an effort. From having a reasonably regular sex life, things changed to them having missionary-position sex only on Saturday mornings and then only if Elaine was "in the mood'. She cut her hair short, began putting on weight and ceased dressing in anything that could be considered remotely sexy. As a result, Stuart grew increasingly sullen and depressed and Danny couldn't help but notice and feel bad. From almost the first moment they'd met, Danny had developed a massive crush on Stuart although he'd kept it completely hidden to avoid any awkwardness and, potentially, the loss of their friendship. Just over a year later, wedding arrangements well developed, Elaine and Stuart had another massive row. This time it seemed to be over the design of the wedding invites and Stuart's lack of interest and enthusiasm for this subject. She'd stormed out of their apartment, telling Stuart that the wedding was off, as he clearly didn't love her, and that she wouldn't be returning. Stuart confessed all this to Danny, the argument sounding as ridiculous as it actually was, saying that she'd done this before and that she'd almost certainly be returning once she'd decided she'd made him suffer enough. Later that afternoon, Danny interrupted Stuart's work with a suggestion, "You know, boss, on the bright side, if Elaine is away for a few days, you could take the opportunity for a big night out?" Intrigued, Stuart replied, "That doesn't sound like too bad an idea. Where would you suggest?" "Well," Danny responded, making it look like he was thinking of a destination, "how about Club Perfecto?" Stuart's face lit up. Club Perfecto was a notorious destination where all the bright young things went, with a reputation that placed it somewhere between a singles bar and a swinger's club, some people describing it like it was almost a free-for-all orgy. "Club Perfecto?" Stuart replied, suddenly very enthusiastic, "But that's the hottest ticket in town. How would we ever get in?" Danny smiled broadly. "Shouldn't be too difficult. I'm a VIP member. Easy enough for me to get in anytime, with a guest." Stuart looked surprised. This was a side of Danny he'd never suspected. Before he could answer, Danny said, "So, let's meet tonight in Central Square at nine, by the monument," leaving no further room for discussion or debate. Stuart arrived early at Central Square and waited by the monument on the corner. While waiting he cast appraising glances over the passing women, some still in their office clothes others dressed to the nines for a night out. He fantasised briefly about what some of them might be like in bed and the possibility of having a one nightstand with them to find out. Club Perfecto was renowned for its open and permissive atmosphere so maybe tonight would be his lucky night? Presently a taxi drew up about thirty metres along the road. The rear door opened and a pair of shapely legs, clad in sheer black stockings and with red, strappy, high-heeled sandals on their feet, swung out from the car and onto the pavement. Seconds later, the owner of the legs followed, and Stuart was transfixed. She was wearing a red silk dress that finished mid-thigh and showed off some very enticing curves. Her carefully styled, long, blonde hair curled down over her shoulders and she had on silver hoop earrings and numerous silver bangles around her thin wrists. Stuart found himself wishing that he would get an opportunity to meet this blonde beauty - he would give his right nut for a night with someone as sexy as that, he thought. The girl stood and smoothed down her dress with an immensely sexy little wriggle before slinging the thin black leather strap of her purse over her shoulder. She looked around, a little nervously Stuart thought, as if looking for someone. His heart nearly stopped when the blonde's large blue eyes fixed on him and her glossy red lips split into a wide smile. He was stunned as she walked towards him still smiling and, when she was standing only a couple of metres away, spoke to him, "So, you made it?" she asked in a soft, light voice. Stuart's brain went into a complete spin. This blonde beauty was speaking to him! Was it a mistake? Was she on a blind date and had identified him as the man she was supposed to be with? And yet, why did she seem somehow familiar? Especially her voice? His mind whirred while he stood for half a minute or longer, stunned, with his mouth hanging open before he could eventually work it out. "D...Danny? Danny?" Stuart stuttered as he finally recognised the person standing in front of him. At this reaction, the woman's face fell. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I knew I should have asked you first. Do you want me to go home and get changed? I won't be long, I promise," she blurted. Stuart found he couldn't stand to see her upset and, recovering, replied, "No! No. It's OK. look fine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was just surprised, that's all." Danny looked relieved. "Thank you. I'm still sorry, it really wasn't fair of me to turn up like this and spring it on you, I should have warned you how I dress to go to Perfecto," Danny replied, a little abashed and apologetic. "No, not at all. You look fine. More than fine, you look amazing, no more apologies, please," Stuart soothed her nerves. "Well, if that's OK, shall we hit the club?" Danny asked, her shy smile returning. Stuart smiled and stepped forward, reflexively taking her hand and they began to walk across the square. " long have you been going to Club Perfecto?" Stuart asked to make conversation. "Oh about eighteen months, I joined not long after I moved here," Danny replied in her sweet, feminine tone. " dressed up?" he queried. "Well, I've never gone naked, if that's what you're asking," Danny teased, making Stuart blush a little in response. "No, I started dressing like this about a year ago. It was after you made the comment in the office about me wearing a mini skirt and heels. I told some of the gurls at the club about it and they suggested I shouldn't knock it till I tried it. So I did. And..., I found I really enjoyed it. I loved the way I looked, the way I felt, the confidence dressing like this gave me and, so, I've been doing it ever since," Danny explained. Stuart considered this for a few moments, pondering how his offhand joke had led to the creation of the beautiful creature on his arm. "So.. what should I call you?" Stuart asked. "Well you could just call me Dani. It is my name after all," Danny teased again, a cheeky grin on her pretty face as she looked at Stuart. "Erm...yes. Yes of course. Dani. I suppose it works whatever you're wearing," Stuart demurred. As they walked, Stuart noticed they were attracting quite a lot of attention from passers-by. Having a beautiful woman on his arm seemed to make women notice him more and he felt a few appraising glances from them. Men were a lot more obvious in their envy of a man taking out such a hot date. After a few blocks, they turned into the alley that the club was on and Stuart's face fell. There was a huge queue outside the door, it looked like they might have to wait hours to get in. However, Dani led them confidently up to the doorman who was quite possibly the biggest man Stuart had ever seen. "Hi, Brick, may we come in?" Dani asked him brightly. With a broad smile, the giant bouncer unclipped the rope and waved Dani through, saying, "Of course, Miss Rodgers, always great to see you. This your boyfriend?" Dani giggled sweetly in response to his query, "No, Brick, just my plus one for tonight." The doorman waved Stuart through too, with a broad grin and a wink and, Stuart thought, just a faint look of jealousy. Inside, the club was full of the most beautiful, stylish people in town. Stuart took in the view in wonder until Dani tapped him under the chin, "Your mouth is hanging open. Don't worry, we have plenty of time to enjoy the view. How about a drink?" she asked. Stuart blushed and nodded agreement and they headed to the bar. Through the evening, Dani introduced Stuart to many of her friends - a crowd much more interesting in looks and personality than his usual staid business crowd. Stuart also had plenty of time to people watch while Dani, a total social butterfly, spoke to the many club regulars she knew. During these times, Stuart was hit on by three stunningly beautiful women, the last of whom made it perfectly clear that she didn't care if he was here with Dani as she'd be more than happy to join them in a threesome. He was also propositioned by a couple of guys and two people that he wasn't completely sure what gender they were, but he politely turned them all down. It was after he'd turned down the second woman that Stuart began to think about what he was doing. After all, he'd come here with the avowed intention of taking some hot woman home for some hot sex. It took him some time to admit to himself that he wasn't really interested in any of the women there, there was only one person he wanted to sleep with that night. As the evening drew to a close and the club started to wind down, a slow, romantic tune came on. Slightly nervously, Stuart turned to Dani and asked her if she wanted to dance. She looked more than a little surprised but allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. Once there, Stuart slipped his arms round Dani's slim waist, pulling her close. She in turn, wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up into his face. The tension between them was electric and they both felt it. Eventually Dani spoke, ", have you enjoyed your evening," she queried softly. "Yes. Yes, thank you. I've loved every minute," Stuart replied, his gaze captivated in her large blue eyes, enjoying the feeling of her body close to him. "But you didn't meet a hot woman to take home? I saw you knock back at least three very disappointed looking ladies tonight," she continued. "No, I did meet someone I wanted to go home with. Just wasn't any of those women," Stuart replied, colour starting to show on his cheeks. "Oh?" was all Dani could manage, hoping that, just perhaps, she understood what Stuart meant but not wanting to face disappointment if he didn't. " was you, Dani. You're the most beautiful woman in this club. You're the only one I want to sleep with tonight," Stuart admitted nervously, worried he'd misread things and that Dani would knock him back. It was Dani's turn to blush, before answering softly, "Are...are you sure? I mean, I didn't plan anything....." Stuart cut her off, "Yes. Yes I'm sure. I don't think I've ever been so sure. I want to be with you tonight Dani. If... if that's what you want?" Dani gently put a hand on the back of Stuart's neck and pulled his head down firmly towards her, "I think you better just kiss me, then," she said in a voice that left Stuart in no doubt about what she wanted. The taxi journey and elevator ride back to Dani's apartment was a blur of passionate kissing and roving hands exploring each other's bodies. Once inside, Dani pressed Stuart against a wall and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, kissing down every inch of newly exposed skin. On reaching the bottom, she undid his belt, unfastened his trousers and pulled down their zip. Getting to her knees, Dani gently extracted Stuart's stiff cock from his white cotton boxer shorts and ran her tongue up its underside before opening her mouth and swallowing it from the tip. Stuart groaned in pleasure as Dani gave him the most expert blowjob he'd ever received. After a couple of minutes, he had to gently push her back and ask her to stop. Dani looked up at him, a look of confusion and disappointment on her face and asked, "You don't like this?" Stuart felt an ache of lust and desire and answered, "Yes. Yes, I love it. I just don't want to come just yet." Dani smiled and got to her feet. Taking Stuart by the hand, she led him into the bedroom. Stuart put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her neck. Pulling the zip down on the back her dress, it was his turn to trail a line of kissed down her pale skin before he tugged the dress down over her hips and let it fall to the floor. Turning her slowly round, Stuart admired the red satin lingerie, trimmed with black lace, she was wearing - bra, garter belt and panties - before pushing her gently back down on the bed and kneeling between her open thighs. On impulse he lent forward and pressed a warm, wet kiss on the satin covered bulge in the front of Dan's panties. Dani gently placed her hand on Stuart's forehead and told him, "It's Ok, you don't have to." Stuart smiled up at his beautiful partner and replied, "No. But I want to." At that moment he wanted nothing more than to pleasure Dani as she had pleasured him, in spite of his lack of experience. Pulling down the elastic waistband of her panties, he exposed the head of her erect dick before leaning forward and kissing it softly. Continuing in this theme, he kissed down its length as the panties were drawn down, relishing Dani's monas of lust and pleasure. Her cock was much smaller and thinner than his, but perfectly proportioned, and Stuart wondered at how much it turned him on to see it, he'd always been completely straight and not remotely attracted to guys before. Within a few short minutes, Stuart had her cock inside his mouth, bobbing his head up and down on it at an increasing speed, realising (but not caring) that he was now a cock-sucker - something he'd never expected to become. Shortly, it was Dani's turn to push him away and for Stuart to ask in a slightly disappointed voice, "You don't like this?" Dani gave a small, sexy giggle before answering, "Yes. Yes, I love it. I just don't want to come before you've fucked me." Reaching into a drawer on the bedside cabinet, Dani pulled out a tube of lube that she carefully applied to her tight rosebud before covering Stuart's throbbing cock with it. He didn't need a second invitation before placing the head of his dick at her exposed entrance and pushing slowly inside her. Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms in comfortable silence for some time. Dani got up to go to the toilet, pulling her discarded panties back on. Stuart lay watching her, realising that, while he'd just done something he never would have contemplated before, he felt no regret. When Dani returned, he took her gently in his arms and kissed her softly. Laying her back down on the bed, he began to caress her soft, smooth body, enjoying the sight of her dressed so seductively in her lingerie. He was delighted to notice that, very quickly, a swelling was starting in the front of Dani's panties in response to his touch. Dani smiled and wrapped her small, warm hand around his own stiffening cock. "Ready for Round Two, darling?" she asked, licking her lips temptingly. With less urgency, but no less passion, they began another bout of lovemaking. Stuart surprised both himself and Dani when he asked her if she would like to fuck his ass this time. Dani duly obliged and Stuart found himself surprised again when he realised he loved being fucked as well as fucking. He knew he could no longer be satisfied with a sex life that didn't include receiving anal sex as Dani pumped a hot load inside him pushing him over the edge of his own intense orgasm. The next morning, they got up and showered together, enjoying the feel of each other's wet, naked bodies. Dani dressed in a matching white lace bra and panty set before slipping on a short pink silk robe. She prepared them a light breakfast and coffee before they settled down on the sofa to play video games together. Stuart was impressed with Dani's skill and knowledge, as she beat him at a number of games or when they completed quests or challenges together. Stuart remarked to her that it was like having the sexiest girlfriend and a best friend rolled into one. Smiling, Dani got up and straddled Stuart's thighs, asking mischievously, "Well, let's see what else the 'sexiest girlfriend' can do for you," before putting her lips to his and kissing him passionately. Their kissing soon descended into a long, slow, Sunday morning sex session, finishing with them lying in a 69 on the sofa, cumming copiously into each other's mouths. This was Stuart's first taste of cum, another first that he found he was more than eager to repeat. Time rolled around and eventually, reluctantly, Stuart had to leave for home to get ready for work the next day. Before leaving, he held her in one last tender embrace. Dani looked at him longingly and told him, "Listen, I've had the most marvellous night of my life but I'll understand if this is a one off for you. No questions asked if you simply want things to go back to how they were. I promise I won't make things awkward between us at work." Stuart kissed her tenderly and took his leave. Back home, his mind was in turmoil, his thoughts spinning late into the night making sleep difficult. He knew he wanted Dani badly, definitely more than he wanted Elaine now. But he didn't want to lose a close friend and valued colleague. Could he have things both ways? Would Danny be willing to be Dani for him? How would his friends and family react? Eventually Stuart did fall asleep, dreaming some extremely erotic dreams of Dani. He woke early in the morning, his thoughts still unresolved and headed to the office. He sat trying to read some early emails, waiting nervously for Danny's arrival and cringing slightly at the thought of the potential awkwardness that might ensue. Presently he heard the click of high heels along the corridor and his office door burst open. Stuart sat stunned and speechless at the vision in the doorway. She was wearing a navy-blue, pinstripe blazer and short skirt, a sheer silk blouse underneath with her long slim legs sporting black opaque pantyhose and black, shiny, patent high heels on her feet. Her hair and make-up were immaculate, her glossy red lips pouting invitingly. "Dani!" Stuart practically squealed before jumping to his feet and dashing to the doorway. He threw his arms round her and kissed her passionately. Quickly, she relaxed into his arms and returned his kiss, her delicate tongue flicking against his, and all his doubts vanished. Eventually they broke off and Dani spoke first. "I'm sorry. I was going to ask. I wasn't sure if you would be happy with me at the office like this. But I just knew I couldn't go back to wearing male clothes. Is it OK?" she asked nervously. "More than OK. It's just perfect. You're perfect," Stuart blurted, like a nervous teenager. "Mmmmm. Flattery will get you everywhere," Dani replied flirtatiously, before suggesting, "Maybe, however, we should try and be a bit more professional? At least in the office? How about I make us a coffee and we get to work, boss?" "Sure, yes, of course," Stuart agreed, moving back slightly. Dani giggled and took out a handkerchief to clean her lipstick off Stuart's lips, "That definitely doesn't look professional. Let me get that coffee," she told him before giving his butt a cheeky squeeze that made his heart flip. He watched her ass, in the short, tight skirt, wiggle up the corridor to the kitchen before he returned to his desk and began work, a large grin splitting his face. They spent the rest of the morning working diligently, each occasionally catching the other looking longingly at them before breaking the glance with a shy smile. The sexual tension in the office was tangible and eventually Dani got to her feet and walked over to the side of Stuart's desk. "How about a short break, boss?" she asked seductively. Stuart turned his chair to face her but, before he could reply, she knelt in front of him, gently parting his thighs with her hands. Stuart was speechless as the perfect secretary of his fantasies knelt before him, seductively running her tongue across her lips. His cock was erect in seconds and Dani giggled at the difficulty she had getting his swollen, throbbing member out of his trousers and boxer shorts. With a delighted sigh of lust, she opened her mouth and slowly swallowed his stiff tool. After a minute of or so of the most wonderful oral sex that Stuart had ever had, the telephone on his desk rang. With a cheeky smile, Dani snatched up the handset and handed it to Stuart before returning to the business of the blow job she was giving him. Taken entirely by surprise, Stuart spluttered and stammered, before answering, "Err..ehmm, hi? Hi there....err...Stuart speaking." The voice on the other end of the phone snipped, "Is that how you normally answer your office phone? It's Elaine here." "Er, sorry, yes, hi. Hi Elaine. What can I do for you?" Stuart answered, the pleasure he was receiving from Dani making it almost impossible to speak normally. On hearing the word "Elaine', Dani broke off momentarily and grinned wickedly before setting to work on the end of Stuart's cock with her tongue. "Listen. I've decided that I'll take you back. Provided you apologise and never behave like that again of course," Elaine told him icily. With great difficulty, because of what Dani was doing to him, Stuart replied, "No. No, I don't want that." The voice on the other end of the phone practically exploded, "WHAT! What do you mean you don't want that. I'm your fianc?. I'll decide what you want," it snapped. Desperate to cum, Stuart managed to restrain himself and answer, "No. The engagement is off. In fact, I've met someone else. I don't want to be with you anymore." Even over the phone, Stuart could tell that Elaine was incandescent with rage and talking through gritted teeth, "I see. And just who is this little tramp that's thrown herself at you?" "Dani. Her name's Dani and she's not a tramp," Stuart replied, his orgasm fast approaching as Dani's head bobbed up and down in his lap. "Right. And where exactly did you meet the slut?" Elaine snapped, the realisation of what Stuart was saying beginning to sink in. Stuart could contain himself no longer in the twin delight of Dani's wonderful oral and the knowledge that he was now free of Elaine. His orgasm wracked his body and he pumped his hot cum into Dani's willing mouth as he blurted out, "In Perfecto! Perfecto!"

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Club Rules

Friday It was early evening. As the sun tracked its way slowly down, and weary commuters headed for home, the hostess was making her final preparations prior to opening the club. She issued instructions to her staff and completed some outstanding paperwork. Then she walked around the club for her usual last minute inspection, stopping for a quick word with the statuesque and muscular women guarding the entrance. Back in her office, she locked the door and drew the blinds. Quickly she...

2 years ago
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Club Orb First Timers

This is my third transformation story but my first straight up transgender romp. I'm a fairly new author and I'm striving to improve. Hopefully the story will be enjoyable and thank you for reading. Club Orb: First Timers "C'mon! Please come to the club, I know it's not your thing but I swear you'll have a lot of fun. My personal guarantee -- we will both get laid." Danny attempted to bribe his extremely undersexed buddy Jack. "That's... not really something you can...

2 years ago
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Club PT Part 2 The Return

CLUB PT Part 2:The return Exhausted, I wiped at my eyes. It was 8:45 PM on a Saturday night and I had been working for about 11 hours. Multi-millionaire media mogul Magnus Thenn had directed me to coordinate the direction of a marketing campaign for yet another big budget prime time action drama series and it had taken all day just to get the budgeting allocated. Of course this day's work was much easier on me than...

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Club Gomorrah Part 1

*Everything here is fiction.*Note: This first part is a slow and more setting the story part than anything if you want to just dive in and skip the intro then go on to part two. Otherwise, please enjoy your time at Club Gomorrah.Title: Club Gomorrah.Prologue Chapter: Day Zero.My name is Ryan Everest, I’m a 22 year old Male my hair colour is dark brown it comes to just about my shoulders, I have green coloured eyes and am a little over five feet high, I’m not the most heavily endowed but I’ll go...

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Club Excerpt from The Island Inhabitantsby RodeoTexas

When they walked out of their bungalow to go to the disco they stunned the onlookers, even the affluent beautiful jet-set crowd! Natasha was attired very causally but expensively in a black silk sheer tunic with a deep scalloped cut with a short denim mini-dress. The sheerness of the expensive fabric and the deep wide scalloped plunge revealing a generous tanned expanse of large firm unrestrained breasts that strained the tunic. The sheerness of the tunic was just enough to very slightly...

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Club Cuckold

Rick's hands griped the steering wheel so tight that his fingers were turning red. He was looking for the address he'd printed out from the welcome package the club sent him last week.Jen sat nervously on the passenger side of the car trying to see the address's on the buildings as Rick slowly drove down the street."It's the next building, Honey. Turn into the next driveway."Rick eased his foot on the gas peddle and turned into the next driveway. The address on the huge red brick building...

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Prologue Day Zero

My name is Ryan Everest, I’m a 22 year old Male my hair colour is dark brown it comes to just about my shoulders, I have green coloured eyes and am a little over five feet high, I’m not the most heavily endowed but I’ll go into more detail on that later. Where do I begin… well I guess the best place to start is the day I met lady Gomorrah… It was just another day. A day spent sitting at the laptop, jumping from one Tumblr porn blog to another. I can’t even remember how I got into this stuff...

2 years ago
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Club Erotique For Swingers Fourth Event a gan

Having nervously bitten the bullet with all the preliminaries I, with some trepidation, knocked on the hotel room door for my first solo evening with my selected fantasy group, a multiple male team. I had previously attended three Club functions, each time accompanied by my wonderful loving husband and another couple who are long term friends of ours. Even then I’d initially been nervous. This time I found I was more so. I again briefly wondered how I’d come to be there alone, again questioned...

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Being a waitress at The VVIP Club was the kind of work that wasn’t for every young woman. It was an exclusive club, and that meant that u******e girls were the only girls hired as waitresses. That is to say, you had to be… a.) between 15 and 17) stunningly beautiful b.) have no reservations whatsoever in wearing skimpy sexy outfits and c.) love all the attention that patrons of both sexes lavished on you, including groping and kissing.It was almost 3 a.m. and the VVIP was closed for the night....

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Club Slut Redemption

Cheater! You cheated on him and he left you. You deserve what he did to you. He probably thinks this last year and a half was just a joke to you. Her eyes welled up, but she fought back the urge to cry and shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Come on Sweets!” her friend, Trinity, called. “You’re holding up the procession! Let’s go!” Quickly putting on her best fake smile, she allowed Trinity and her other friends to drag her out to the dance floor. The four girls danced loosely...

3 years ago
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Club Church Chapter 1

As a sales engineer I travel around the world meeting with various companies that need my products. My favorite destination is always Amsterdam. Whatever you want or want to do you can do it in Amsterdam.I am a 40 year old single bi male and like all guys I have needs – more than just my hand. I arrived in Amsterdam and checked into my hotel around 7:00 on a Wednesday evening. I dumped my bag in my rooms, hopped in the shower and redressed to go out for a meal and some fun. I went to the lobby...

2 years ago
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Club Voodoo Part 1

"Club Voodoo" by Suzette My wife has a perfect ass. I love Joan's ass. Its round, large, and firm. I guess one might call it a "bubble" or "shelf" ass. It's a black girl's ass on a white woman. It was the first thing I noticed when I met her in college. I was at my fraternity house during a party when I look over and there is this goddess dancing with a bunch of her sorority sisters. Beautiful, full lips, long, wavy blond hair and light blue eyes. She had large, perky, C-cup...

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Club PT

Introduction: An underage dance club? This is my first story. Comments and chat welcome. [email protected] Maybe more to come. It was almost ten o clock and I was pissed. I was wrapping up my first week as the personal assistant to Magnus Thenn. Thats right. THE Magnus Thenn. Multi-millionaire media mogul. I was four years out of college and had bitten, clawed and scrached my way just near the top of this corporate ladder. It was nerve wracking. Demoralizing and terrible when I was chosen for...

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Club X

I have never tried it but I think that I would be really good at sucking cock. Let me know what you think of my little story, people. I hope it makes the boys hard and the ladies wet and open. Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved...

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Club X

I have never tried it but I think that I would be really good at sucking cock. Let me know what you think of my little story, people. I hope it makes the boys hard and the ladies wet and open. Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved...

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Club PT

It was almost ten o clock and I was pissed. I was wrapping up my first week as the personal assistant to Magnus Thenn. That's right. THE Magnus Thenn. Multi-millionaire media mogul. I was four years out of college and had bitten, clawed and scrached my way just near the top of this corporate ladder. It was nerve wracking. Demoralizing and terrible when I was chosen for an incredibly exclusive position. To personally assist the magnetic. Eccentric CEO for two years. My colleagues hated me, it...

4 years ago
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Club Rogue

Work was slow and I was thinking about my other job, my boss there was amazed to how much men came to see me and how much money comes in. I did not really care about the money, I was able to be me and no one knew who I was cause of my stage name and I always wore a masque. My fiancé called me to tell me he would not be home until late, his cousins and friends were kidnapping him for the night, which was fine I told him I had to go to my second job anyway. He did not know I stripped on the...

1 year ago
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Club Loving

Neal Martinson walked through the busy dance floor of Club Desire, his pride and joy that he had created from the ground up, knowing that the both the strip club in the basement and the brothel on the third floor were in full operational swing that evening as the bass pounded on the dance floor. He looked up to the second floor landing that was visible from where he was to see the other dance floors being wandered in and out of, giving a soft smile to know that others shared his love of...

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Club Threesome

This story is a fantasy, but we hope to make it real one day..."Meet me at The Energy Nightclub after work." That's the text I send to you on Friday afternoon around 4pm while we are both still at work."What? Are you serious??" you respond back to me."Yes!!" I click send and my pussy tingles with excitement. I can hardly wait to see how you react."Fuck babe, okay!!!" you text back almost immediately.I am so distracted now that I can hardly focus for my last hour of work. Luckily my boss is off...

4 years ago
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Club Gomorrah Part 5 The Reprogramming

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter four: The Reprogramming.Ona was still far from finished, my little display had added fuel to the fire and she wanted to make sure I knew my place. Her thrusts were deep and slow, taking her time to enjoy every centimetre of her thick six inches sliding into me. She had waited three months for this, to test my ass pussy and to see the expression on my face as she did. Each time the pain began to fade Ona would thrust a little harder, a...

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Club Erotique For Swingers First Event

Club Erotique is a swingers club that advertises locally and is run by a very sensible personable couple. The rules are simple but rigidly applied with excellent standards of well-mannered behavior demanded at club functions. Naturally the woman in a couple situation initiates contact. If the desire to attend remains, a brief personal interview follows. An invitation to a preferred function type soon follows. The venues are upmarket modified apartments near the city, with attendees making a...

3 years ago
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Club Slut How I Earned My Nickname

I was a horny 25 year old girl, wanting to go to the club for some drinks and dancing. Unfortunately, I was also mostly broke."What the hell", I said to no one. "Maybe I'll meet a new friend who will buy me drinks." This was, after all, a common occurrence for me; heading out to the club with just a few bucks, meeting a guy willing to buy me drinks, and then taking him home for a quick fuck.I dressed in one of my sexiest outfits; a tight black dress that hugged my body like paint, lacy black...

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I was going out with my girlfriends as we always do once a month. The other girls could not meet early for dinner, so my hubby offered to take me out and then we could go different ways.We had decided to go Salsa dancing as this months thing to do together. So my hubby and I had dinner at a little Mexican place a block away from the Salsa place. My hubby complimented me on my looks and said that I looked ever more sexy than normal. He jokingly asked if I had plans to get laid tonight? I said...

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Club Slut Transformation

Today began like any other warm Spring day on the Maryland shore. Marilyn stared out the window of the Dunkin Donuts at the busy retail street. Over sized SUVs and Ford F-150 crew cab trucks were parallel parked beyond the donut shop's windows. A recently washed Hummer slowed, its red body paint shining in the early morning sun. The driver, a bleach blond wearing thick black sunglasses snapped her head from left to right. It was the morning rush for the Starbucks across the street. There were...

Group Sex
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Club 336

2084 Club 336 is one of many clubs built after the great wars in towns large and small all across America. They are owned by independent businessmen who see to it that they are profitable. There is no limit to the debauchery, and no end to the drudgery of the slaves that work in these clubs. These clubs are geared to the ordinary free man, to keep him happy and acquiescent in the miserable little life he leads. In the fall of 2084, a group of young men, already drunk and celebrating, arrive...

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Club Night

She was so excited and nervous, she barely even felt the cold air against her. The line moved forward a little, and she was now close enough to see into the club a little. It was just a small room with a hallway, you couldn't see any of the main room. It was so exciting to finally be able to go into this club though, she had wanted to go for so long. This was one of the clubs owned by a girl known as Anna, and it was well known that there was more sex in her clubs than in a Thai whorehouse. It...

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Club Inzest 03

Club Inzest 3: Stripper Daughter by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 I consider myself very lucky. Despite the setbacks of my earlier life, I have a lot of love in my life. My wife is my best friend and my soulmate, gender doesn’t figure into it. We share a bed, we share our bodies and we share our minds and hearts. When Debra and I found each other, our worlds came together, both emotionally and sexually and our family is a happy by-product of that love. Last night, I was sharing a...

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 4 The Reprogramming

“I, Ona please I’m going to.” I begged. “Don’t you dare cum Riley!” The thrusts ceased just as I was on the edge of cumming, my hole hungrily begging for Ona to give me back her cock. “You cum when I say you do and not before.” In my lust I tried to play with my clit, and as the cold golden cage touched my fingers I started to franticly touch every piece of myself that I thought would bring me the satisfaction I wanted. Her arms on her hips, with my juices dripping from her wet cock she...

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CLUB SEX The 25yo

There’s a very special private club around, it’d meetings take place in a very secret place. It takes a lot to gain membership. You have to either have a lot of money AND a friend in the club OR you have to take part in the ceremonies for at least a year. Also you have to be willing to be a participant on the sidelines once things get going. Basically it starts out as a sex show, then turns into an all out orgy, while the show is still going. It’s always 1 show a night; it’s always a female...

2 years ago
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Club experience 2016

I had been to this Amsterdam club before, but not on a ‘theme night.’ The theme this afternoon from 3pm-8pm was ‘shamelessly naked.’ Everyone had to be naked (except for shoes if you wanted). I was very much looking forward to it as they post the theme of their events on their website. I arrived about 3:30pm and there was only one other guy there. After entering, you undress and give your bag of clothes back to the host who keeps it in a safe room, so nothing gets stolen. It was warm at the...

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Club Fantasy

It's been a long week. Wake up, sit in traffic, work, sit in traffic, sleep; rinse and repeat for five days. But it's finally the weekend. You texted me earlier and invited me out to a new club for the night. I have to admit, I'm not exactly a club type of person. I'd rather chill at a bar and have a few good beers and few more good laughs. But, hey, time with you is still time with you.I pull up and I'm greeted by what looks like an old warehouse sitting in the middle of what's been turned...

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Club Gomorrah Part 9 Learning The Hard Way

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Eight: Learning, The Hard Way.“I just hope he’s okay, I knew something was wrong when he never texted you back. He can’t have gone far. I mean he would never… hurt himself or anything right?”“I don’t know, after he broke up with Beth he was always stuck inside on his own. I’ll get my friend to see if he can break the password protection on his computer. Maybe he left some info on it we can use to find him.”The water cascaded down my back...

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Club Gomorrah Part 8 What is a Fuckpig

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...

2 years ago
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Club Erotique For Swingers Fifth Last Even

As before with some trepidation we rang the door buzzer of Club Erotique early on a Sunday afternoon for our fifth meeting with a preference group, mixed bondage devotees. Gillian our dark haired tall slim naked hostess for the afternoon, whom we’d met on our previous visits, opened the door and made us welcome. Even though she’d already seen them previously, she again checked our medical health certificates. As before she assured us that some nervousness was a common feeling for attendees. We...

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Club P HD6363

Arrive at the club in very questionable attire the usual but functional dress. Strapless, Cut out at the front revealing all your cleavage leaving little to the imagination of the other men as we enter. Many men take notice but also take full view of the young stud on your arms. Decked out in white long sleeve shirt, red jeans and white loafers with a classy gold chain. Portraying that not only am I younger and hotter than them but in a much better financial position. This sends fear in them...

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Club Romance

Still on holiday and having an amazing time in the sunshine. My sister and I decided to head at night to a local nightclub to see what it was like. We knew it was aimed at our age range so we figured it would be some fun, better than watching flamenco dancers for the 1000th time anyway. Both of us got ready and headed over to the club, we both got in no problem and I scanned the room. There were some lovely girls there at the club and all wearing little to nothing however there was one girl...

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Club X

Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved unforgettable and utterly exhilarating resulting in total satisfaction. But then again, I love sucking the sperm from other men’s cocks!Once past the anonymous surface security I descend a steep...

3 years ago
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Club Paradiso

Two years ago, Santa fulfilfilled our greatest Christmas wish ever. My wife, Lorraine and I  didn’t want to spend another Christmas in the white cold of Chicago. Being modern nudists/swingers, we surfed the web in search of a place that would meet our needs. After an hour of checking out the nude beaches of Australia, the golden sands of Rio and the palm trees of Phuket, we discovered a swingers’ nudist club in sunny South Africa, called Club Paradiso. We decided to overcome our fear of flying...

Group Sex
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Club Bizarre

“Are you sure we’re in the right place?” “The brunette shushes her blonde friend. Both girls stand on the sidewalk as foot traffic, irritated, moves past them like water parting around a river rock. A quiet minute passes before the blonde loses patience, this time taking her friend by the hand trying to pull her toward where they parked her car. “Come on let’s go; he bullshitted us. Ha, ha; joke’s on us. Club Bizarre is just an urban myth.” “You go, if anyone knows where it’s at it’s gonna...

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Club Inzest 11

Club Inzest 11: Her Family’s Call Girl by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 We just welcomed a new member to our club the other day, she seems very upbeat and pleasant. She’s a ‘professional’ girl and while we don’t allow members to ply their trade in the Club — we don’t want any problems — I fail to see what business it is of the Government’s to tell anyone what she or he can do with their bodies. Madison made her choice and seeing as her entire family seems to adore her, I guess...

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Club Inzest 08

Club Inzest 8: Finding a Solution by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 You remember my telling you about the Lingerie Boutique in the previous chapter? Sure you do … well, a few weeks back, we all went there and the young lady who owns it asked to speak with me privately. We were in the back room and she gave me a very warm kiss, to which I responded in kind – I’m never crazy enough to turn down a kiss from a sexy, leggy blonde – and she said I had just confirmed the rumor she’d...

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Club Inzest 09

Chapter 9: Claire’s Birthday Bash by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 * Debra and I are going to have a busy couple of days, it seems. We got a phone call early today, from Jena and Sienna , of all people. Turns out that it’s Claire’s birthday in a few days and the girls want to throw her a party that defies description and wondered if we might be willing to help. Is an orange — well, orange ? I wandered into the kitchen after speaking with Jena and Sienna and found my wife in one...

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