The Jared Chronicles: Jared's Brat School - Part 3 free porn video

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Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.

This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It made her crave him even more, even as her fingers whispered over the railing. How much teasing could this rough no-nonsense man take before he lost his cool?

As if to explore the question further she turned and pushed him up against the wall. The smooth whiteness set off his muscular form perfectly. “I love having such a bad-boy to myself,” she told him, “in my own house.” In my husband’s house. Turning about she gripped the railings and thrust her ass against him so that his cock was pressed flat to his stomach. “Oh God, I love feeling you. Feeling you all.”

Planting her feet on one varnished step she slithered her ass against him, his girth trapped between its twin pillows. God, so thick. That’s going to do some serious stretching. She recalled how fully it had tested Sorrel’s pussy in the obscene video. Bending her knees she commenced to slide up and down on him, so that she could feel his length from the head all the long way down to his balls. Oh fuck, I’m in heaven.

Tabitha gave herself up to the motion, letting the undulations of her motion flow all the way through her body. She wanted him to see her curving, flexing back as she rubbed him, to fixate on her dark-brunette curls as they fell about her neck and face, as her yoga-toned bum gave his cock a massage to die for. She pressed harder to him so that her cheeks brushed his groin, that gorgeous pillar enveloped in the valley of her ass-cleft. You like that? God, I want you to fucking love it …

From the force with which he grabbed her arm and pulled her up to him, it was clear he did. She would not have blamed him if he’d thrown her down and fucked her on the stairs, but he did not. “That’s enough, m’lady,” he said. “Now lead on to the bathroom.”

“You sure? You don’t want to go to the bedroom first?” There was a tremor in her voice, while his had an edge of steel.

“I know what I want. Now let’s go have that lovely soothing bath you offered.” He took her hand and wrapped it back around his cock. The hired help, it seemed, could always grab back control when the lady of the house tried to tame him. She closed her fingers tight on his shaft and took him where he wanted to go, her pussy soaked and her legs rather more shaky than before. At the bedroom door, she made one more attempt, letting him go and turning to lay fingertips on his chest.

“Can’t I tempt you?”

He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, a hint of tenderness tempering his face’s hardness. Then he clapped his other hand so hard to the base of her ass it made her yelp and gripped tight, his middle finger slipping beneath her buttocks and stroking her anus. Her whole body shuddered from shock and delight. “You can tempt me all you like, Lady Tabitha, but I’ll fuck you when I’m ready and I’ll fuck you good. Now I’ve checked the clock and d’you know what? It’s bath-time.” He reached down and picked up the jeans that had fallen from his hand. “Lead.”

Nothing to argue about there. Tabitha took her untamed bear by the cock and led him into the bathroom.

“Nice—top to bottom,” he said, as they paced over the white marble tiles.

“Are you talking about me or the house?”


Grant had allowed her input into the restrained beauty of the room and she had ornamented it with wisteria and transparent vases of sea-shells. Nothing graced it quite so well, however, as her big-dicked guest. She stepped into the billowing suds first, taking no great rush to immerse her naked body. Let him look, if he’s enjoying it so much, she thought, as she lowered her ass beneath the surface.

With her breasts still peeking through the bubbles, she beckoned him to follow and salivated as he stepped in, his erection towering with such magnificence she thought it might throw her into shadow. He laid his jeans on a white-cushioned stool next to the bath-tub. Then he lowered himself into the cooling water beside her and sat with an arm slung around her shoulder, the head of his cock poking above the surface like a periscope searching for her.

“There’s just no hiding you, is there?” She purred, reaching beneath the water to stroke what had become her favourite part of him. “Let’s relax. Since you’re not going to fuck me right away, enjoy the bath.”

“Oh, I will.” He slid down with her till he was submerged to the neck, his hard shaft settling against his stomach. She nestled next to him, revelling in the sense of luxurious adultery and ecstasy delayed. “My muscles need this,” he said, eyes closing, “after all the work I’ve put in for your husband.”

“Is that the real reason why you’re doing this?” she asked, as the water’s fragrance enveloped them both. “Getting back at him by shagging his daughter and his wife?”

“Is that why you think I’m doing it?”

“I’m not criticising. He’s a rotten employer, so you can’t really be blamed for claiming the perks of the job. And I’m sure a lot of guys would love the boost to their ego. That’s if they had your gall.”

“You may be right,” Jared said reasonably, “but a guy can do something for more than one reason, can’t he? If something’s good for me and it works out well for someone else, then everyone’s happy.”

I suppose,” she said, teasing his chest with her fingers through the foam, “I want to know if you’ll follow through on your promise, that’s all.”

“I’m a man of my word. I said I’d give you the evidence and I said I’d fuck you good. Show a little trust, please.”

“That’s what I’m doing. A lot of trust.” She pressed her tits against him and slid her fingers down so she could play again with the enormous toy of his cock, hunting out every crevice and contour beneath the surface of the water. His motivations, she realised, didn’t matter a damn to her as long as he proved good on both counts. “You’re so fucking sexy I can’t stand it.”

“Kiss me,” he said, his fingers wrapping themselves in strands of her hair. He lay motionless, the lazy reprobate, so that she had virtually to climb onto him as the water slopped around them. His arms folded around her and he pulled her tight to him, her breasts slippery on his chest.

When her lips met his, his palms closed gently on her head and the small of her back, pulling her close. The moment lingered long and succulent. His kiss in return had a kind of ravening tenderness—his lips hard and his tongue stroking with gentle insistence. Her pussy, had it not been already soaking for him, would have ripened anew in that moment.

“God…” She was breathless when their lips parted. “What you do to me…”

“What I’m going to do…”

“Promise, promises…”

“Let me make good on one of those now.” He let her go and braced both arms against the oval bath tub’s marble top. “Climb on, sweetheart. I mean right on.” She stared down as he thrust his whole body upwards, his cock emerging like some great sub-aquatic beast from beneath the water’s surface.

Oh God … This above all else was what she had been craving. She found it easier to manoeuvre by climbing to her feet in the tub, plus she could wipe suds away from her tits and stomach and groin, letting him feast on the sight. Then she stepped across him to straddle, climbing down onto his wet body. “Do I have to do everything myself?” she inquired as he lay there, holding his body stiff.

“Right now, totally. I’m waiting…”

“Fucker,” she said, loving his impertinence all the same. She reached down and raised his solid cock from his stomach, pressing the tip to her clitoris and massaging one with the other. The connection between the two intimate zones was electric, for her at least. She hoped for him as well. She wanted to tease the fuck out of this arrogant guy, to make him need her. As she slithered her pulsing-wet button all over him, she was sure his face set harder than before, like he was holding his breath and anticipating full union. It was enough for now and besides, she needed him inside her badly.

Steadying herself, she put him to her pussy’s swollen entrance. He was bigger than huge, but she was ready. Breath motionless in her lungs, body bracing, she fitted herself onto the head of Jared’s cock. As the initial bulge slipped inside her, she sucked in an added gasp of delight. It tested her tightness, with all of his length still to go…

“That’s it, Tabitha,” he said, the laziness of his voice coloured with enjoyment. “Look at me. I wanna see the look on your face as you take me all inside yourself.”

With any other man, she might have laughed at the presumption. Not with this one. All her defences were down now and she wanted him to see what he did to her. With one hand reaching to grip his shoulder she lowered herself, sinking inch by tight-fitting inch onto his long, thick shaft. Oh God, this man was fucking extraordinary. It wasn’t simply the dimensions onto which she was slotting herself, it was the steel in his eyes, the fierceness that belied whatever casual expression the rest of his face was assuming. It was the enjoyment he took in her pleasure, as she filled herself up with him. The promise of what he would do with that cock, in his own sweet time.

“How’s that workin’ for you, baby?”

She grabbed for his other shoulder so she could support herself with both hands as she made the final inches of the descent. Fuck me, he just keeps on going! Words failed her utterly, but she was sure the look on her face told him all he might want to know. He was a massive physical presence inside her and she was glad that he had opted for a passive role, at least to begin.

For a moment she held herself motionless, adjusting to the internal pressure of his cock, her heart pumping like it wanted to escape from her chest. Then slowly, her hands clamping on his shoulders, she began to shift herself up and down on him incrementally, her cunt tight and slippery on his shaft. If he wanted her to use him like a dildo, she was fine with that plan. As dildos went, this one was quality—warm and inviting yet utterly hard, with an internal throb of life. Plus it had the bonus of a beautiful man attached. Oh my fucking God…

Tabitha’s thighs clutched along with her hands and she moved with greater insistence, fucking herself on the great pole that now stuffed her, taking it as deep as she so far dared, yet knowing there was more available to her. Jared’s body was wet beneath her, glistening with soap bubbles, while strands of his dampened hair were scattered about her fingers. The plash of water lulled her and the bath crystals’ scent filled her nostrils. Everything was a gorgeous accompaniment to the wet, sliding connection of his cock with the inner walls of her pussy. But nothing was as powerful as his stare boring into her, demanding that she sustain her motion.

God, Jared, you feel so good. Feel me too—how wet I am for you, how tight I am around you…

He reached up with one hand and pulled her to him so he could kiss her again, lips caressing and tongue-tip stroking hers. His tenderness took her by surprise, and when their lips parted she gripped more tenaciously on his shoulders, pumping herself up and down on him with greater vigour.

“That’s it,” he said, his gaze fixed on her. “Fuck me, Tabitha. Show me how much you want this.”

“You want it too,” she insisted, speeding up the massaging action of her pussy on his shaft. “You want it as much as me.”

“Maybe I do, but I’ll show you when I’m ready.”

In her current state of arousal, she wasn’t above pleading. “Don’t be mean, Jared. Show me now, please.”

There was humour in his face—a sense that he was ready to indulge her. His brawny arms let go their hold on the marble bath-top and he reached down for her, palms stretching wide to grasp the wet cheeks of her ass. Her begging expression turned to one of alarm, quickly followed by fulfilment, as he gripped her bum and thrust with his groin, packing himself inside her to the base of his shaft. Oh God, oh fuck…

“That enough of a taster for you?” His hands remained firm on her rump and his cock continued explorations of her depths, which she could tell were restrained.

“God yes, it’ll do just fine for now,” she assured him, riding his big dick in a fever, shunting herself on its base now so that she’d taken him all the way inside her.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” he said, his face calm, with that giveaway gleam of lust in his eyes.

“I’m… I’m listening…”

“You fuck yourself on me now and come all over my cock, and then I’ll show you how much I get turned on by cheating, married rich girls. How does that sound?”

“Oh fuck, it sounds great.” Tabitha wasn’t even sure it was a compliment, but if it meant she’d get done the way she needed… She wondered how many ‘cheating, married rich-girls’ had been shown before, but found that she really didn’t care. All that mattered was that she was humping him now in this bath, on this beautiful early summer’s day. With his hands grasping tight on her cheeks in support of her, she reached down and found the swollen nexus of her arousal with her middle finger. God, she was pulsating for him, more than equal to the multi-tasking required.

Gripping his shoulder tightly enough to break his skin and squeezing with her thighs, she shunted up and down on him, rubbing on her clitoris to relieve its need. He let her do it too, ride on her sex-toy and frig herself towards orgasm, with only his hands and his voice aiding her. It was more than enough.

“Come on, Tabitha, that’s it, show me what a bad bitch you are. Show me what naughty young wives get up to while their sugar daddies are away.”

“That’s not fair,” she moaned, hardly able to articulate the words. “That’s not fair…”

“Fuck ‘fair,'” he told her. “Your rich hubby isn’t satisfying you anymore. He’s out of town and you’re going to get what you need right here on my cock. Am I wrong?”

“No… No,” she sobbed, rocking herself on him insistently, “you’re not wrong.” He had a way of cutting to the truth—of pushing his luck just far enough to push all her buttons as well.

“Come on, take it rich girl, and then I’ll give it right back. I’ll show you what fucking matters.”

“Oh God, I want you to. I want you to show me.” He could do what he liked to her, say what he liked. She frigged herself into a frenzy, climax tantalizingly close.

“Come on, baby, I want this classy girl to fuck me like she’s a whore.” He gripped her hard, fingers digging into and parting the flesh of her ass-cleft. God, she must look like one obscene slut from behind. She clung one-handed in return and screwed herself on him, fingers a wet flurry on her clit. I’m your whore. Look at me, you bastard, I’m your fucking filthy whore. What more do you want from me? “That’s it, Tabitha, that’s what I want to fucking see. Good girl. That’s fucking spectacular.”

A thrilling sensation overtook her at his commendation. Damn—why did this guy’s sexual approval mean so much to her? The thought was wiped from her mind as she reached orgasm, screaming. She double-clutched him—her hand on his shoulder and her cunt on his shaft—as joy burst outward from her clit and stormed through her whole body like she was changing on a chemical level.

Every prim pretension she’d assumed as Mrs Grant Chesterfield was burned away in the heat of climax; she was Miss Tabitha Markham again, pure and simple, naked in a bathtub and shuddering on top of a sexy stranger. The moment was long and mind-blowing in its deliciousness. When it ended she held onto him, her frigging-hand settling on his chest.

“God, Jared, where the hell did you come from?”

“It doesn’t matter where I came from,” he said, stroking her ass. “It’s all about where I am right now.” He squeezed her ass and asserted himself in the depths of her, causing her to squeak from her post-orgasmic sensitivity. “I’m not done with you, girl, not even close. Now get yourself off me and I’ll show you what’s next.”

Tabitha assumed it was what she’d been promised, but wasn’t sure now whether she was ready for it. Reservations aside, she prised herself from his cock—a slow messy extrication—and climbed off him. They arose together and she stood giddy and full of trepidation in the tub, awaiting Jared’s pleasure.

“This way.” He guided her to a corner of the tub, manhandling her around with his great phallus slapping against her groin and her ass. “Now get down and hold on to the sides.” Now he was bending her over, making sure she took a firm grip of the tub’s marble edges.

Shit, I’m really going to get it now… The thought filled her with fear and exultation as she thrust out her bum for him.

“You were right,” he said, his voice husky. “I do want you, Tabitha. Let me show you how much.”

This was it. She trapped her lower lips between her teeth, held her breath and waited. And while she waited, she heard the long screech of tyres on the gravel driveway. She knew who drove and parked with that kind of carelessness. Exultation left her, leaving fear all on its own.

“Oh my God, it’s Sorrel.”

Before Jared could seize her and deliver the first stroke into her pussy, Tabitha clambered around and climbed dripping to her feet. “You said she wasn’t coming back!” She clutched his wrists in her panic, his cock brushing her stomach.

“Guess I can’t get everything right.”

“We can’t be found in here. I can’t be found in here with you!” Outside, the door of Sorrel’s sporty red Pontiac was slamming shut. Tabitha made to climb dripping from the tub, but Jared caught her by the arm and drew her back. “What the hell are you doing? I need to get out of here!”

“No, you don’t.”

“Jared, let me go!” She couldn’t afford to have Grant’s daughter catch her at it again. She had to grab her clothes and… Oh fuck, they were lying out in the garden right down to her knickers.

“It’s all okay,” Jared insisted patiently.

“It’s not!” She struggled against his grip. “It’s the total fucking opposite of okay…”

“She’ll guess anyway.” He pulled her tight to him and planted his mouth on hers. It was like steel and velvet both at once. His kiss left her clinging to him in the tub, desperate and confused. “Leave this to me,” he said, once their lips had parted. His blue eyes mesmerised and somehow reassured. “I want you to stop running like a scared girl and trust me. Okay, Tabitha? Trust me.”

She had no reason to trust this horny bastard that she could have put into words and yet in that moment she did. He recognised it in her eyes. “Sit down in the tub,” he said. “I got this.”

Still unsure in practical terms why she wasn’t fleeing to the bedroom, Tabitha sank back into the water and cowered, concealing her breasts under what bubbles remained. What was Jared thinking of doing? She’d had faith in his plans thus far…

Had she heard the front door close? She wasn’t sure, but then came the sound of Sorrel’s high-heeled feet on the stairs. The chance to run had come and gone thanks to her unperturbed lover. He was strolling through the bath in all his hard-cocked magnificence, picking up his jeans from where he had laid them and extracting his phone.

He made a few casual motions with his finger on the touch-screen before replacing the cell in the pocket. His words were throwaway: “That’ll do it.” Sorrel’s footsteps drew close. “Better get this underwater,” he said, indicating his cock. “You know, for modesty’s sake.”

Jared’s humour wasn’t quite so appealing in this moment, Tabitha thought. She was too aware of her pounding heartbeat, as the landscaping seducer settled himself beside her among the suds. She could almost see into Sorrel’s mind, the girl’s sneaky powers of detection working away busily as she strolled through the upstairs hallway. Tabitha’s car’s still here, so’s his van. Neither of them in the garden… Whose clothes are those? What the hell are they getting up to? Like I can’t damn well guess…

The bathroom door swung silently open. Sorrel Chesterfield stood in the frame, her face hardening into a look of anger and betrayal, yet with more than a hint of vindication shining through. The suspicions forming in her thoughts had clearly been confirmed. The navy background of her white polka-dotted dress was contrasted with a visible reddening of her skin. Tabitha tilted back her head in a show of defiance entirely faked. Her faith was in Jared now and she hoped to God it was merited.

“Hey,” her cocky hero said, amiably ignoring the girl’s reaction. “Wanna come join us?”

“I might have fucking known.” Sorrel directed the words at Tabitha. “As soon as you think everyone’s gone you’re whoring your ass again. You oughta be ashamed. Well, my Daddy’s gonna know this time. He’s gonna know what kind of slut he married, like I knew all along.” She was groping inside her purse, her next instinct to use that damned phone of hers. “And you, you bastard… You wanted me out of the damned house, that’s all!” She revealed the phone and wielded it at them like a weapon. “Well, I’ll get you fucking canned. My Daddy… He’ll…”

“Check your messages.” Jared’s voice cut through Sorrel’s fury.


“Check ‘em. You’ll wanna see ‘em.”

The little blonde had been ready to brush Jared’s instruction away in ire. His insistence, as she fumbled with her phone, however, stalled her. “Why?”

“Check – your messages.”

Sorrel’s face drained of its certainty. Tabitha watched with trepid fascination as the girl flicked her fingers on the touch-screen to discover what mail she had received. Like the precocious piece of work hadn’t already guessed… There was considerable satisfaction in watching her expression transform once again, this time into one of abject horror.

From the phone emanated sounds of a young thing laughing and cavorting in a shower—say an outdoor shower, in which she was dancing while wearing a ridiculously tiny bikini. The moment extended, and Tabitha wondered how wide Sorrel’s mouth could open as she took in the contents of the video she’d been sent. Pretty wide, considering how ably she’d sucked Jared’s cock.

“You bastard…” Did every girl end up calling Jared by that name? Sorrel clicked her phone silent and stared at her lover of the previous day. “You sent this. It was private and you sent it!”

“Only to myself,” he told her. “It’s stored safely on my laptop. No one else has seen it, aside from your stepmom here.”

Sorrel’s gaze flicked to Tabitha, her eyes burning with resentment. “You… You…” She swung back to Jared, machine-gunning both occupants of the bathtub with her glare. Her fist was clenched on her cell, like she meant to crush it. “What is this? You fucking set me up? Did you plan this with… with her? You’re trying to fucking blackmail me?”

“Hey—pot, kettle, blackmail. I’m not the one who started this.”

Sorrel’s look darted to Tabitha and back again. “She told you.”

“And now so did you. No way for a daughter to behave, threatening her mom with filmed evidence of anything.”

“She’s not my mom.”

“And don’t you love letting me know it?” Tabitha said, keeping low in the water, but buoyed up in spirit by Jared’s strategy.

“You can shut the fuck up.” Sorrel fired the words at her before fuming at Jared once more. Her eyes were betraying her desperation. “You wouldn’t dare do anything with that video.”

“Like me post it all over the internet? That shit’s gonna go viral.”

“You’re in it too…”

“My cock’s in it, true. And my voice. Hey, people might recognise it, I hadn’t thought about that. And me a guitarist in a rock band. God, what’ll it do to my reputation?”

“You… I…”

“But you, Sorrel, you got all kinds of friends I’m guessing would be amazed to see your little porno performance. And I got a hacker friend, owes me a favour, who can make damn sure they see it.”

Sorrel’s efforts to extricate herself crumbled visibly into defeat. “What do you want, then?”

“It’s not about what I want—I got your pretty tits posted in my brain, that’s good enough for me. But if you keep whatever home movie you got to yourself, I’m sure your step-mom here won’t feel any need to let the world see your naked fucked ass. Right, Tabitha?”

Jared’s gall was catching. “God no, sweetheart,” Tabitha said. “It’ll be our secret. I’ll keep mine if you keep yours.”

Sorrel shot her another killer glance. It was deeply satisfying. “You better,” her step-daughter fumed, adding, “God, you bitch.”

When she looked back at Jared, words deserted her. She looked on the point of storming out for want of anything else to say or do, but he stopped her, even as he lazed in the suds. “Stay where you are, I’m not done with you yet.” Sorrel stood perplexed, awaiting his further instruction. “Are you wearing it?”


“What I told you to. Are you wearing it?”

“I… Yeah, but…”

Tabitha was more confounded by the demand even than Sorrel. “I sent her to Philly to pick up something from a lingerie store,” he explained. “Something I had them set aside for her. C’mon, baby, it’s my gift and I’m still a poor boy. Let’s see it.”

Tabitha was stunned, but she tried not to betray the fact. So this was how he had got rid of the girl—packed her off on a shopping trip so she could come back and model sexy undies for him. He’d known she would be back. This wasn’t some unforeseen challenge with which he was dealing, the fucker had orchestrated the whole sordid event!

Sorrel was openly exhibiting the same astonishment that Tabitha felt, unable to believe what was happening. “No way,” she protested. “Not now. You don’t get to see anything.”

Jared reached back and took his cell phone from the pocket of his jeans. Sorrel watched in frozen horror as he carried out operations on the screen. “There,” he said. “I’ve just sent your outdoor fuck-fest to my buddy Max. Something he can jack off to if he’s short of company. Now show.”

Sorrel gasped in outrage, but settled quickly into pissed-off compliance. Tabitha observed like she’d been in on this part of the plan, as Grant Chesterfield’s sexy daughter stripped off her summer dress. The brassiere was strapless purple-lace, clasped at the front and barely concealing the nipples of the girl’s peach-like breasts. The panties, if they even warranted that name, were a matching halter arrangement, hooked behind the girl’s neck and plunging in two thin strands all the way to her crotch.

It was the kind of uber-slutty lingerie preferred by the girl; no doubt she had driven all the way back from Philly smirking at the thought of revealing it privately for her hunky gardener. Tabitha almost felt a shot of sympathy for her step-daughter, but schadenfreude overruled. That and her own anger towards Jared.

“Happy?” The petite blonde was seething in her all-but-nudity.

“Getting there,” Jared told her. “Turn around. Gimme the rearview.” Sorrel provided, with a pout that went way beyond sulky. The crack of her smooth ass had swallowed up the single strand that ran from the garment’s neck. “Outstanding,” the provider of the gift said in commendation. “Damn, you wear that well.”

Sorrel stomped around in her heels. “Can I go now?”

Jared laughed. “Fuck no. I’m so not done. Hey, I know it’s pretty and all, but take it off.”

Sorrel’s fury mounted again, but ultimately it had nowhere to go. “What exactly do you have in mind here?”

Yes, what do you have in mind? Tabitha’s own senses were beginning to reel at the turn of events.

“Nothin’ difficult,” Jared said, his fingers stroking Tabitha’s shoulder. “You’re gonna get naked, then you’re gonna get that hot bod of yours in the shower, soap it up and give me a show while I fuck your step-mom. And make the show a good one, ‘cos if you don’t, I got me a few more contacts lined up to see the one you gave yesterday.”

Sorrel glared at him like Tabitha wanted to. Clearly trying to ignore that her step-mom was in the bath beside him, she set about stripping off the lacy bits. “You total bastard,” she affirmed, as her tits bounced free and her bra hit the floor. Tabitha was starting to concur with the sentiment.

“It’s not personal,” Jared said, radiating satisfaction. “And for the record, you’re one fine piece of ass, Sorrel, baby. I got no problems on that score.”

The words played to Sorrel’s not inconsiderable vanity; she appeared mollified as she kicked off her heels and slid the thong away from her twenty-year-old bottom. Nature had served her well, it was true. As long as she kept those pretty features and that curvy little figure, Tabitha considered, they’d serve her in the absence of a personality. “You’re fucking the wrong girl, asshole,” the Chesterfield daughter said, stark naked and defiant.

“Then get into that shower and show me what I’m missing.”

She shoved open the shower cubicle’s transparent door and stepped inside with a final ‘fuck-you’ glance at Jared before shutting herself within.

The part-time rock guitarist was already running a palm over Tabitha’s stomach under the water. “God, she’s right on the asshole part,” she hissed in his face.

“I told you I wanted paying,” he said, that infuriating smile hovering on his lips once more. “I didn’t tell you the whole price.” He heaved his body upwards and onto the side of the bath, cascades of water rushing from his still up-thrust dick. “Now if you want exclusive control of that video, get yourself up here and ride this cock, cowgirl.” He reached down and she took his hand, rising naked and dripping from the tub for him. She was unsure how to position herself, until he guided her around one-eighty. “That’s reverse cowgirl.”

She reached behind to steady herself on his shoulder, his cock a nudging presence between her thighs. Inside the cubicle, Sorrel had already set the jets pelting her body and was cracking open the shower gel. Tabitha supposed that exposure before her step-daughter was a small price to pay—besides, she got to fuck the guy they both craved. She couldn’t deny the fact—after months of covert bullying from the little bitch, this would be sweet. The lips of her pussy found the head of Jared’s cock. She fitted herself and sank, the descent a long, slow, cunt-filling gratification. So fucking much of this man! But then you know that, don’t you, Sorrel sweetie?

She bottomed out on him—it had taken one hell of a while to get there—and this time he fastened his grip on her, hands taking hold of her thigh and the locks of her hair. He leaned back, pulling her tight to his chest, and whispered in her ear. “God, I get to fuck his wife while his naked daughter supplies cabaret. I’m not the vengeful type, but shit, if I was…”

He’d arranged it all so well, right down to his current positioning. From the corner of the sleek oval bath rim where he had Tabitha impaled, he had a side-on view of Sorrel, unimpeded by the girl sitting on him. The blonde had squirted copious globs of gel into her palms and was now applying them to her upper body, smoothing and squeezing flesh till her tits were fully lathered. Jared’s fantasy was playing out in all its lewdness, bolstering the power of his huge dick. Well as long as Tabitha got what she was paying for (and as long as she got the benefit of the dick in question), he could have his fantasy and fucking enjoy it.

Enjoy it he did. His passive role was done and now he made sure Tabitha felt the physical prowess of the man behind the cock. He held her tight so that she had nowhere to move and, pelvic muscles clenching, he thrust hard into her. The phallic proportions already filling her pussy drove deep, packing themselves tight. She cried out in response to the move and he turned it into a repeated rhythm, his groin jamming fast against the cheeks of her ass on each surge. A great power-drill was at work inside her and all she could do was absorb the worst it had to give.

There was no question now as to who was fucking and who being fucked. Jared’s hand in her hair clenched into a fist so that he was tugging concertedly, using Tabitha to brace himself as he shafted upwards into her cunt. Strangled grunts were issuing from his throat and she could only imagine the expression on his face, transformed no doubt from benign into a feral snarl. Sorrel could see it all as she squished her foamy tits behind the glass—the fervour with which Jared was delivering his fuck-strokes and her step-mother’s undignified response. Tabitha could no more control the moans forced from her throat than she could the bounce of her tits, as she was hammered from below.

Happily, Sorrel had been robbed of dignity in equal measure. The little slut needed to meet Jared’s demands, but more than that she’d want to show him what he was missing, and so she gave him the porn-show he desired. Young Miss Chesterfield mashed her breasts like she was the wannabe sculptor and not her step-mom. She wriggled her hips and used a sponge to drizzle liquid-foam all over her gyrating ass. She spanked herself while waggling her butt and tugged on her nipples while fingering her smooth pussy. And then when the glass steamed up too much to see, she squashed her tits flat against the surface and slid them in circles like two huge staring owl’s eyes. It was all grist to Jared’s arousal, a source of added impetus every time he looked at the girl.

Give him the show he wants, sweetie. He’ll only fuck me harder.

Jesus, the rogue did. His big dick rammed her in a frenzy, each stroke a scary cunt-stretching delight from below. If ever Tabitha had wondered what it would be like to ride a jack-hammer, this must surely come close to answering that question. She juddered on him, one hand blurring itself again between her legs as she rubbed out what would be her second orgasm of the afternoon.

Sorrel already thought her a whore, so to hell with the girl. She could carry on with her sudsy writhings while step-mommy showed her how it was done. Tabitha took everything Jared gave her and frigged her clit till she cried aloud, bathing his cock in another loving baptism of pussy-juice. Ohhh, shit… That, my little slut, is how to take a real man.

Sorrel, she realised, had not been looking. The blonde was bent in reverse, her slippery ass-cheeks gliding against the glass partition in another attempt to distract. It appeared to be having some effect; Jared pushed Tabitha up and off himself and having plopped her giddy form down onto the side of the bath, stepped out and made for the cubicle. His cock was upright and bulged to the absolute maximum from its interrupted fuck-action. God, was he going to shag the step-daughter now? Tabitha’s racing heart sank at the thought—but it lifted again shortly after.

“Out you come,” Jared said, having wrenched open the shower door. He took Sorrel by the crook of her elbow and propelled the soap-smeared girl out of the stall with her tits bobbling. “You did good—that’s the kind of side-show I like when I’m slamming home a fuck.”

“Yeah?” Sorrel stared him out, pissed off at being the side-show but clearly still hot for him. “Well, how’s about you slam one into me?”

“Not quite what I got planned.” Jared grabbed her by the damp locks of her blond hair and took her yelping over to the side of the tub. Resting his ass on the edge of the bath, he yanked Sorrel’s head down towards his stiff length. It was still wet, Tabitha could see, from its travails inside her cunt. “Suck it,” he ordered the Chesterfield heiress. She made to kneel, but he was having none of it. “Stay standing. Bend over, stick that ass out and suck my fucking cock.”

To be continued...

Same as The Jared Chronicles: Jared's Brat School - Part 3 Videos

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 2

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The Jared Chronicles Jared Hitches a Ride Part 2

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 1

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 3

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 5

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Reluctant Groupie Part 1

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 6

Jared has completed his work on the project, been rewarded by each of the girls in turn and given the most spectacular release of his sexual career. But now it's just him and the woman who lured him there - Vanessa. The redhead had thrown on her shirt and it clung about her courtesy of a single button beneath her breasts. She had brushed out her hair into voluminous waves and was holding the moulding tube. “Good job,” she said, peering down it. “I got exactly what I need. It’s gonna make...

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“And don’t you guys forget to keep up on all your assignments. No slacking now. This is university we are talking about now, not just grade school.” Jared Reznik issued that one last exhortation just as the last of Vanessa Benson’s new friends were leaving the house. All five of them laughed and agreed to do this as they piled into Tracey’s car and drove off into the night leaving Vanessa, Gloria and Jared alone at last in their own home. “Well, I’m pooped” said Gloria as she started...

1 year ago
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High School Jared

**This story is completely fictional and doesn't depict any real life figure.There's a small town in eastern Colorado by the name of Holyoke. It's a quaint little town with a friendly community. This is where Jared Robinson had lived for all of his 17 years. He had been brought up in a middle-class household where hard work and honesty were regarded highly. He was in his 2nd semester as a Junior in high school when this story begins.It was the middle of May, the hurdles were out and Jared was...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 5 Thursday Daytime

Jared I woke up the next morning, threw on some clothes, and went downstairs, still rather delirious. "Hey, little brother." Tina greeted me. Mom and Dad were there, too. "Hiya, Jared," Mom said, "want some breakfast?" "Love some." I sat down and Mom started spooning out some bacon and eggs. "So, how are you today?" Dad asked me. "Just fine." "I'll just bet," Tina butted in. "So, how long are you going to tease me about this?" I asked her. "As long as I can get away...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 14 Jareds Kind Offer

Jared propped himself up on the little camp stretcher he was sleeping on and sighed one massive sigh of relief. He looked at his watch again then quietly made his way down to the bathroom to get ready for his day. It was Monday morning and Jared was about to head off to Blanke Schande College for a week of teaching as a substitute tutor in the Science and Mathematics Department of the campus. As Jared turned into the bathroom he quickly looked back at the two doors just opposite him. One...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 8 Friday Afternoon And Evening

Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 6 Thursday Evening

Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 7 Friday Morning

Jared You know how waking up is. There's those first couple of minutes when you're hovering between actually being awake, and incoherence. Well, that moment can be surreal, especially when you wake up in an unfamiliar situation. Anyone who's woken up in a hotel room or at a relative's house or in a different bed knows what I'm talking about. Well, this is particularly surreal when you're a sixteen-year-old boy and you slowly realize that you're waking up with your hand curled around...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Jared I went home Monday night. Had a nice talk with my parents. They're all for The Program, as I explained, but they're worried about me more than they let on. They let me talk out some of the things that happened. It was good. And then I went upstairs and jerked off, and I think it took all of seven seconds. All, and I mean all I could think about was a naked Amanda kissing me. It was strange. Look at all that had happened to me today. I walked around school naked. Girls were grabbing...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 9 Saturday

Jared I did go to sleep pretty quickly that night. I really was exhausted. When I woke up the next morning, at about seven-thirty, all the ol' doubt crept back in. My fucking insecurities. Damn them. Well, I guess you can't just make them go away overnight. I don't know. I really didn't mind that she was with Ed yesterday-at least at the time. Now, I didn't know what to think. It's the ol' "well, if I let her do this, what if she finds something better" bullshit. I dunno, maybe...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 4 Wednesday Evening

Jared So, I walked out of my house, stark naked. Drove the car, stark naked. And went to ring Amanda's doorbell, stark naked. I've got to be nuts. The door opened, and there she was, in all her glory. She had left her hair down, had a little makeup on, a gold necklace, a bracelet, her watch, shoes-and an ankle bracelet. And that was it. Boy, was she beautiful. She kissed me on the cheek. "Hi. We need to go, my Mother's lost her mind. Daddy is fending her off for me." "Wait a...

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Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

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It was a regular day for the morbidly obese Jared, all except for the fact that he had received a knock at the door. Jared normally received his disability checks from the vocational department at this time of the month, but he always had to make the arduous journey across the parking lot to get his mail. Maybe they stopped being so lazy, Jared thought. He opened the door looking around only to find a box of chocolates at his feet. Without a second thought the fat man shut the door...

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Jared and Andrea

Jared and Andrea ? by: Ashley Shine Jared loved these times. He was alone in the house, free to explore his stepsister's room. The parents were down in Florida vacationing for three weeks, and Andrea was away at college. Fortunately for Jared, Andrea kept almost a full wardrobe back home. Jared had always been attracted to frilly clothes. He loved the taboo nature of dressing up in girl's clothing it was exhilarating. Access to Andrea's clothes was a big bonus when his mom...

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Jared gets Caught

Oh what a day from hell. Or should I say week. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and finally broke down and went to the doctor, only to get news I wasn’t expecting. Then I came back to my boss getting on my ass for a file she couldn’t find, and too top it off I haven’t hardly seen Jared my boyfriend all week. So I was looking forward to seeing Jared after work, and I so need to tell him our news. Even though I knew he wouldn’t be happy about the news. I had tried a couple times that day to...

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Jared And The Reluctant Groupie Part 3

Kareena was scrambling inside before he’d finished speaking. She made a grab for the phone, but he held it away from her and let it drop, bouncing across the seat. “Give it here!” she yelled, but he grappled her by the waist as she grabbed for it, the six-pack of beers tumbling to the cab’s floor.She ended up lying across him with her breasts bouncing as she struggled for the cell. His cock—she realised with a shock to her heart—was thickening again under her belly.“Think you can get it?”...

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Jared and Jennifer Part 2

My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn’t falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn’t even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...

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Jared and Jennifer Part 2

My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn't falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn't even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday Daytime

Jared I woke up Wednesday morning, and quickly got dressed, as I was running a wee bit late. That's probably a good thing, because, even fully clothed, Tina kept grabbing my ass all through breakfast. This was going to take a little getting used to. Anyhow, I walked to school. Coming down Robin Road, which runs along the football field, I approached the path that goes to the school building, and I got a nice surprise. Amanda was there waiting for me. "Hey, you!" she called. "Hi," I...

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Me and Jared

“Brett, your dick is so hard and throbbing, you want to play with mine, too?” Jared practically begged me. I relented and touched his boner, the electric shock about floored me; I saw stars and erupted all over his hand. “Oh my God, Brett, that was so awesome!” Jared continued stroking my still hard dick sending waves of pleasure rushing through me. His hand was soaked in my sticky cum and he was using it as lubrication. I continued to stroke his cock as he looked me in the eye and...

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Kayla and Jared

"Did you bring it?" Kayla asked as she sat back on the bed propped up by a mound of pillows. "Yes, yes!" answered Jared, her step brother who at eighteen was two years older than her. Jared held up the tub of melted chocolate and handed it over. Kayla took it happily from her brothers’ hands and quickly pulled the lid off. Dipping her finger in, Kayla scooped up a good amount and slowly sucked the chocolate from her finger, taking great pleasure out of teasing her brother. Jared watched as...

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Fun with Jared

On the Friday after the party when I met Parker during a psychology class, Jared slipped me a note. It read something like this: I can see up your skirt when I turn around. And if I can see, the lecturer can see too! I like those panties by the way.I just giggled quietly to myself before I replied, Well, at least he is getting a good show! When Jared opened the note, he laughed and then looked at the lecturer. He was trying to avoid our side of the room completely. Jared laughed again, trying...

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4 years ago
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High School Jared

**This story is completely fictional and doesn’t depict any real life figure. There’s a small town in eastern Colorado by the name of Holyoke. It’s a quaint little town with a friendly community. This is where Jared Robinson had lived for all of his 17 years. He had been brought up in a middle-class household where hard work and honesty were regarded highly. He was in his 2nd semester as a Junior in high school when this story begins. It was the middle of May, the hurdles were out and Jared was...

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Raping Jared Cooper

Raping Jared Cooper By: Lilliantha The following is a work of erotic fiction. It contains Rape, Slash, and Violence…Reader Discretion is advised. “God damnit Cooper!” Anson  spat, “Couldn’t you have let me tackle you just once?” I mean, come on! My fucking parents were watching!!” “Hey, what can I say? I’m just a damn good Quadball player!” yelled Jared, asshole of the 12th year. It was the year 2010 and once again Jared Cooper had spoiled the Quadball game by stealing the ball. “You’ll pay...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 17 The Second Day at Bsc

“Miss Ferguson will see you now, Mr Jared Reznik” said Carol Williams. Jared Reznik quietly put down the magazine he was reading as he stood up very slowly and headed towards the door to Miss Ferguson’s office. He had no idea why she wanted to see him and looked quickly to the naked young receptionist sitting at her workstation for some clues. She couldn’t give him any so she just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. All the same she did manage to say to Jared as some form of...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 43 The Celebration of a Miracle

Within seconds the whole scene around that house burst into one of frenzied activity as axes and grappling hooks were brought into play along with chainsaws and all sorts of other rescue equipment. As Jared watched he saw one fireman jump down into a hole of sorts and call out, “It’s some sort of wine cellar. There’s two people lying down here in the wine cellar. I don’t know how they survived but they have. They are unconscious and badly burned but they are still breathing! Get them...

1 year ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 19 Sex in the Closet

The room that Jared Reznik and Cindy Black found themselves standing in was not overly big nor was it too small. It was just a rather over sized closet between two lecture rooms and still relatively uncluttered. Jared grabbed a chair from outside that closet then flicked the light on and closed the door as he looked down on this five foot something and a half of a female student with those perfect breasts. The light spilling down from the single electrical fitting on the ceiling produced...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 20 On Cloud Nine

The thoughts of Jared’s day were still running through his head as he entered his own home in Upland, California and quietly closed the door behind him. His early morning meeting with the president of BSC, his apparent good success with the students so far, and his little ‘fling’ with Cindy Black in one of the college’s storage closets ... had all had such a profound affect on his mood. He walked in through that door floating on air not knowing that another little happy surprise was about to...

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Tony and Chelsea with Jared

Outside of their private life they were a pretty normal couple. Both very successful; Chelsea, in her thirties is a freelance photographer who is the main source of her husband’s social media followers and Tony, in his forties, being a hot shot freelance professional photographer specializing in unusual natural science work. They had many friends and would go out to dinners with couples and business associates. Madelyn, their 17-year old daughter spends most of her life living with Tony’s...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 17 A First Time for Everything

Once Jared had pulled himself away from the naked blonde on the floor he flopped back down onto the sofa again. The pretty girl on the floor then stood up and took her naked body over to Vanessa to see what she was up to. At that point Tracey Manning came over and plopped down onto the sofa right next to Jared. “Pheweeee!” he said. “I wasn’t expecting anything like this tonight. That woman of yours sure knows how to give good head. My cock is going to love her for the rest of my life. You...

1 year ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 26 Sex With Vanessa

Jared Reznik didn’t know why he kissed the sixteen year old Vanessa Benson. He just looked up and saw her very pretty face right in front of his. He saw the soft pout of her sensuous lips so he just moved his head a fraction and kissed them. What he wasn’t expecting was those lips to kiss him back but they did. When Vanessa felt Jared’s lips on hers she lost a little bit of control herself and pressed her face hard into his to get the full effect of that kiss. She could also tell that she...

2 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 5 Stop Messin With Me God

The phone by Jared’s hand stopped ringing just as he was about to touch the screen to answer the call. It was too late. All Jared got was a ‘missed call’ message and another flashing light telling him that his phone had received a new voice mail message one minute ago at exactly eleven minutes and ten seconds past nine in the morning. Through still very bleary eyes Jared managed to find the voice mail icon on his smart phone then put the phone on loudspeaker mode to listen to it. “Hello....

3 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 16 Happy Ejaculating

Within just a matter of minutes of Jared calling everyone forward the whole class was lined up in front of the bench closest to the front. Jared looked along the row of students and had to admire at just how lovely all the naked girls looked - some with hairy pussies and some with completely shaved ones, others with their big tits and others with just their pimple mound ones - but they all looked great and eager to hear what he was about to say. So he continued... “Yes, you are right. I do...

1 year ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 27 Please Dont Leave

It was very late and the house was totally dark and still as Gloria Benson made her way in through the front door using the key Jared Reznik had very kindly given her. This was so Gloria and Vanessa could come and go as they pleased while they were with him. Gloria just couldn’t believe how kind this man had been to her and her daughter since the terrible tragedy of their house burning down and her husband being thrown into prison for that and other crimes. That kindness of Jared Reznik was...

3 years ago
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St Patty Day with Jared Uncle

I have had plans for a few weeks now to meet up with Jared & enjoy his company downtown for the St Patty Day drinkfest. I woke up horny as a devil at 4am with my man laying next to me. I sent Jared a text telling him how horny I was for his hard cock later today. As I was texting my man woke up & seen me on the phone. He asked why I was up so early & I told him I was horny. Well, I should know better already to say that because 10 seconds later he put my on my back & rolled on...

2 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 3 The Naked Stranger

Jared had just driven twenty miles from where he and Amanda lived in Upland, Los Angeles to Blanke Schande College which was not all that far from the Riverside district of Los Angeles. He had fed the address given to him by Carol Williams into his car’s GPS and had driven straight there without any bother. And now he stood in the carpark of Blanke Schande College feeling very happy with himself and very smug in the knowledge that this place was going to be no different to any other tertiary...

2 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 4 Drunken Oblivion

“Perfect!” said Jared Reznik to himself. “Just PERFECT!” he said again but just slightly louder. Jared lifted his head suddenly and looked towards the front window of the lounge room. He heard the noise of a car engine coming down the road. This caused Jared to quickly dash about the dining room as he tidied away some dishes, closed down the scraps bin lid, wiped down the bench area, lit two candles on the dining room table, dimmed the lights then finally hit the ON button of the stereo...

3 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 12 Zombies and Pizza

One minute Jared Reznik was waving goodbye to Vanessa in her white Hungry Jack’s uniform then the next minute he was calling her out from under the hedge his neighbor had called her out from under just over two years ago now. That particular day had been very cold, wet and stormy when Vanessa along with her mother had been rescued by Jared and old Mrs Clusky from next door. Tragically, this 85 year old neighbor of Jared’s had suffered a debilitating stroke several months ago and was now...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 2 Just Like Any Other College

It only took half an hour sitting in Hungry Jack’s Pancake House for Jared Reznik to calm down a bit and to start thinking a bit more clearly than he had earlier. Jared had decided that something must be really bothering Amanda for her to act the way she did that morning. Jared had also quickly knotted out a plan of action that would hopefully mend this rift that seemed to be separating them. What Jared had planned to do was to first check out the job vacancy he had circled in his newspaper...

3 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 25 Soap in the Eyes

If there was one thing that Jared Reznik hated it was getting soap in his eyes when taking a shower. It always made his eyes sting for way longer than what he thought was necessary. This had drawn Jared to the conclusion that maybe he just had eyes that were more sensitive to this particular problem than other people’s were. Even up to fifteen minutes or more after finishing a shower his eyes would still be blood shot and sore if, per mis-adventure, he got soap or shampoo in them. “Oh,...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 46 Jared Reznik Becomes a Dad

“Hey, who are you saying is naughty? Come here, naked wench. Put that sleeping baby down so I can fuck you.” Gloria looked up quickly into her husband’s face who had just come over to see the baby and had heard everything she had just said to it. At that point Max came over too having just finished with Tracey’s cock. She looked at Gloria and said, “I’ll take the baby now, Mrs Reznik. She’ll be waking for her next feed any minute. Thankyou for helping me with the shopping this morning but I...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 6 No Turning Back

Vanessa Benson hadn’t quite expected to be challenged so quickly into conquering the Matterhorn. She had only been at Blanke Schande College for less than a few hours and she had hoped that she would get much more time than that to pluck up the nerve to meet this challenge. She knew she would have to do it eventually but just not on her first morning and just minutes after only her first lecture. She looked at her step-father who had just issued the challenge and knew she couldn’t back down...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 15 I Have an Idea

As Jared drove off to Blanke Schande College the furrowed brow he was sporting was a dead give away that he was worried about something. What it was that that was troubling his thoughts was the fact that he still hadn’t told Gloria and Vanessa, his new temporary ‘flatmates’, where exactly it was that he would be teaching this week. This action was deliberate on Jared’s part because he was scared that they would react adversely to the idea of him working in a place where all the girl’s were...

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