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My name is Lloyd, or at least it used to be, I go by Loretta now. Several year ago, I had it made, my hot young wife Ann, and I had a great life, She is a bio-scientist and I ama graphic designer. Ann was on a great career path on her job, the only issue was that she had to avoid pregnancy. She was working on DNA issues that had to do with fertility, so her lab couldn't take a chance of her becoming pregnant. She needed about five more years before she could move from the lab benches to the offices where the data was analyzed. She tasked me to avoid pregnancy, all I had to do was get a vasectomy, and there would be no issue (literally). We already had 2 children, (hers) from her first marriage to Tom. She married Tom right out of college, they were both bisexual, which seemed a good solution to them, unfortunately, she slid more toward heterosexuality and Tom toward homosexuality. After two kids, they agreed that the marriage had become a fiction and divorced, Tom being very supportive, but needing something Ann didn't have, so he left. Ann and I met when her kids were three years and 18 months, and hit it right off. What I didn't know then was that part of Ann's attraction was to my rather androgenous looks. I was a runner and a bit skinny, without a lot of body hair or upper body muscle mass. To me, Ann is a knockout, tall, lean with B cup breasts, blue eyes and black hair, a regular Galloway Girl. When we me she insisted that I always wear a condom, which was fine for dating, but after we committed to each other and married, I suggested she go on the pill. Ann explained that the nature of her work ruled against this and said that I should freeze some sperm and have a vasectomy, until she could have a child (after her career moved from lab work to analysis, about six more years. I heard about a new technique in India where a chemical was pumped into your vas deferens, blocking sperm temporarily. I went and had it done, the Doctor there said that I would need to provide semen samples to a urologist each year so they could judge the effectiveness, and told me that I should be sterile for about four years. When I got home, I waited the six months recommended and went and provided my urologist a semen sample, and he confirmed that I was infertile, at that moment. You know how sometimes you put things off because you are busy, I didn't go back to the urologist for another two years, at which time I found out that I was fertile. Assuming that Ann was not pregnant, I figured that a bullet had been dodged. Ann felt a bit sick one morning, and decided to ask if I had in fact been vasectomized. I told her about my quick trip to India, and the success that I had had, but admitted that I had become fertile at some point in the previous year. Ann was angry, but went and bought an at home pregnancy test. When she found out that she was pregnant, she sent me away. Despondent, I left, hoping she would take me back when she cooled down. I cooled my heels in a hotel for a week, before she called me and told me to come home and discuss this with her. When I got there, I was surprised to see her ex-husband Tom there. Tom had become a very successful attorney and was practiced in writing contracts. Ann explained that she could no longer trust me as is, but that she had some experiments from her lab that would ensure that I would not impregnate her again. She told me that she could put some genes in my testicles and prevent me from ever being fertile again. She said that this pregnancy was going to put her career back five years, but she didn't want to abort our child as she still loved me, and my giving up fertility was a small price for me to pay for us to remain together. She agreed that I could go to my urologist first and have semen frozen so we could have more children later, if we both wanted. She said it would take her a bit to prepare her program, and that I would need to sign contracts and releases regarding my treatment, This was where Tom came in, he had written it all up. Ann had me sign all of the papers (and there were a lot of them), and asked me to leave for a week, while she prepared. She needed to get all of this done before telling the lab about her condition as she would then be excluded from all of the experiments. After a week, and several trips to my Urologist, to same semen for the future, I prepared to go to Ann's lab and face the music. When I got there, the lab was closed, Ann had turned off the security cameras, and led me in by a side door. Ann had me strip and put a hospital gown on, which she had brought. The lab was working on mice, and other small animals, what Ann had planned for me was no where near the Human testing phase. She had confided in her lab boss, Carl, and he was there also, Carl seemed excited to put their theories into practice on a human, and saw that the contracts and releases created by Tom protected the lab no matter what happened to me. I was scared, but trusted in Ann's love for me. Carl had me sit on a stainless table and injected Novocain into my testicles, which really hurt, but after everything was numb, there was no additional pain. Ann injected my testicles with several syringes, and I asked her what she had done. Ann told me that there had been a number of tests where a crisper dna gene splicer had been used to knock out my DMRT1 and activate FOXL2 genes that were already present in my testicles. The experiments with mice and shown that this would change the tissue of the testicle into more ovarian tissues, but the most likely outcome would that my testicles would become fibrous tissue and would in any case eliminate my production of sperm. I pleaded with Ann to find some other way, but she told me that these genes had been put in and that they would either work or not, and that I would move their experiments up significantly, a small price for me to pay considering my deceit on the matter of the vasectomy. She said that she had worked it out and that there should be no change to me besides sterility, if I took supplemental testosterone through transdermal patches. Ann then told me that I should start seeming an internist and endocrinologist that she knew. Ann then told me that one of the many documents that I had signed was a release that the lab could have tissue samples and scan made of my testicles, once a month, so they could document any changes. We went home after the procedure and I was sullen to say the least, after three days, Ann came home and confirmed that she was out of the lab for the duration of her pregnancy and while nursing, but rather than being angry, she became solicitous of me, and suggested that we go back to having sex, since she was already pregnant and since she didn't know whether there would be changes in me or not. Ann arranged for the kids to visit Tom, their father, for the weekend, and came home with a wicked grin, ready to play. We had previously had a great sex life, but Ann seemed even more turned on than normal. She performed a striptease for me, that sent me wild, then she proceeded to kiss me all over. She stopped and spent extra attention to my nipples, she had never played with my nipples much before, I guess it was because she preferred breasts to my flat chest, but her licking, biting and sucking sent me wild. Finally, she went gave a blowjob like she had never done before, Ann sitting on the floor between my legs while I sat on the side of the bed, licking the head and saft of my penis, while she massaged me in the taint between my testicles and asshole. I came hard, and she swallowed every bit, as if it was going to be her last meal (she knew things that I didn't). After I returned the favors on her beautiful, perky, breasts, and went down on her moist vagina and clit, she came. At that point, I was ready, and penetrated Ann greedily, pumping here for all I was worth, we came together and it was magical. Afterwards, we lay together in the afterglow, and I assumed that her experiment had failed, and that I would simply need to get a vasectomy after she gave birth. About a month in, I went for my first tests and biopsy at the internists, and my blood samples were shared with the endocrinologist. This continued for several more months, and finally I was asked to bring Ann in (along with her boss, Carl) to a special meeting. I sat down with the internist, along with Ann and Carl, and a fifth person, who was the endocrinologist. The internist said, "If I didn't know better, I would swear that the last biopsy was of an ovary and not a testicle, the shapes tissues are very ovarian in look." The endocrinologist then piped in and said that my testosterone levels had dropped severely and my estrogen was at the level of a healthy female. The endocrinologist said that she would prescribe testosterone patch to increase my testosterone level back to that of a healthy man, and prescribe anastrozole, to block the effects of the estrogen. Carl immediately spoke up and said that while a testosterone patch was acceptable to him, the anastrozole was not, as it would change the outcome of the experiment. I yelled, "What experiment"? Ann calmly said, "Carl, we can discuss this later, Lloyd, we will take care of you and protect you." Ann and I went home with my prescriptions, it was only later that I found out that Ann and Carl met with my doctors without me and explained that with the changes in my gonads from testicles to ovaries, it was critical to see what the effects of the estrogen would be on a healthy, adult male, and that I had agreed that Carl and Ann would have final say on my medicines during the experiment. I started with my real testosterone patch and placebo anastrozole, and started to feel more like my old self, but with differences. I noticed that my emotions would swing wildly, but that when I was calm, I had been able to concentrate and be more creative on my graphic designs. I also noticed changes in our lovemaking, my nipples responded more to Ann playing than they ever had before, and achieving climax took me longer, but that was alright as Ann and I climaxed together more often. I also noted that when I masturbated, my ejaculate was thinner, with less volume and clear. I also noticed that my orgasms changed a little, more centered throughout my pelvic region, and not coming from the squirting sensation in my balls. I asked Ann about this and she openly told me that a side effect was that as I no longer produced sperm, the FOXl2 caused the atrophying of the vesicles that carried my sperm into my semen. My shape also started to change, I noticed small, hard, lumps under my nipples, which were initially very tender, Ann looked at these and told me they were breast buds, and that I would develop some breast tissue, and may have some fat deposits in my butt and hips. She knew that my Mom had small breasts, and a slim butt and said I didn't have too much to worry about as far as outward appearance, and that as long as she and I could continue to make love in the same way, why should that be a problem? At the six month point in Ann's pregnancy, she became uncomfortable with our normal lovemaking, but wanted to continue to receive and give sexual touches. We played with each other's nipples, mine started to become definable breasts, AA cup at first. Ann still wanted to be brought to climax and was happy to bring me to climax as well. I felt less urgency than I had with testicles, and enjoyed the lovemaking that we had. One thing that Ann started doing was giving me prostate massages while giving me a blowjob, this seemed to bring back the old "squirting" type of classic male orgasm for me, so I accepted being penetrated with her finger. She also started to lick my scrotum at the beginning of oral sex, which felt both weird and great at the same time. I continued to eat Ann out, but also spent more time at the beginning with playing with her labia with my tongue as foreplay, She liked this as much as I enjoyed the scrotal stimulation. Ann explained to me that all the parts of both male and female genitals had corresponding part on the opposite sex, and that the FOXL2 and DMRT1 were the genes that stimulated a fetus to become male or female in the womb. She went on to explain that disorder in either lead to many genital disorders of the kind she was studying in the lab. Science knew that lower order vertebrate, such as fish, could change sex, given the correct circumstances, and as recently as 2018, it was confirmed that mice ovaries could become testes if FOXL2 was replaced with DMRT1, and that mice testes could become ovaries if DMRT1 was suppressed and FOXL2 was promoted. Ann explained that this is what she had done to me. I should have been angry, but the love of my very pregnant wife, along with my changed hormone balance had made me more accepting of my situation. During the last trimester, Ann noticed that I was having a more difficult time retaining erections, so she had the internist prescribe Sildenafil, which made all the difference. As Ann became larger, she found moving around less comfortable, and when I asked for the TV remote, she tossed it to me, and missed, hitting my groin. It turns out that being hit in the ovaries hurts just as much as being hit in the balls. Ann thought about this and asked if I wanted my ovaries to be moved up into my abdomen, as there was no purpose to them being in by scrotum, Ann said Neuticles could be used to mimic my balls, if I wanted. I said let's think about that after her delivery. As Ann got into her last month of pregnancy, she started leaking colostrum, which I drank, when we were intimate. She had moved from a B cup to a C cup, and I had moved from a AA cup into a small B cup. Ann and I hadn't reckoned with the hormones in her milk, and as the delivery day approached, my breasts became enlarged to a full B cup and very tender. After a six hour labor, Ann delivered our very healthy son, Isaac, who was quickly placed on her nipple. This picture of maternal bliss affected me greatly, and I cried a bit, loving the image. While we had a newborn in our house, we had a LOT less sex, but neither of us minded, as we were both bonding and imprinting on Isaac. Once, when Ann had gone out shopping for a bit, I tried to give Isaac some of Ann's milk from a bottle, and he kept rejecting it, grabbing for my tit instead. I thought it silly, since I wasn't lactating, but eventually gave in to the screaming and let him suckle from my breast, he didn't get anything but seemed happier than he was drinking Ann's milk from a bottle. From the on, I was his pacifier until Ann was ready to nurse him. Ann produced more milk than Isaac drank, so she continued to pump it, and store it. One day, I needed milk for my cereal, and neither of us had been to the store recently, so I decided to try Ann's milk on my wheat Chex, to say it was delicious, was an understatement, so that is what I used whenever milk was called for, on cereal, in recipes, etc. After several weeks of Ann's milk, and Isaac's nursing, I started to feel something strange in my nipples, and realized that I was leaking. I told Ann, and she had me go immediately for new blood work. About a week later, my internist, and endocrinologist, Carl, Ann and I were together to get the results of the blood work. My internist explained that a mixture of Ann's hormones in her milk and the suckling action of Isaac, had caused a change in my hormonal balance, which lead to lactation. Carl was very excited, and Ann was pleased. Ann explained that she could start to wean Isaac off her breasts and on to my breasts, and go back into the lab, picking up on her career path. I didn't know how to feel, knowing that not only did I have ovaries, but could also nurse a baby, on the other hand, I really enjoyed both the feeling of Isaac nursing, and the contentment and bond we felt. Ann went back to work full time, and was admitted back into the lab, getting her career back on track, and I was home being the wetnurse. There aren't a lot of clothes choices for men who are lactating (none), so I started to wear nursing dresses, along with nursing bras. Since I was slim, most of the nursing dresses hung on me, but I was able to find a few in smaller sizes, that were long enough. My breasts had grown into full C cups when they were full. Ann loved my new look, but pushed me to avoid looking dowdy. I wasn't sure what she meant, until she started suggesting makeup, and having my hair done, and wearing more brightly colored clothes. I resisted this, but Ann noted that if I didn't want to be a prisoner in the house, I would need to present myself as a woman, when taking Isaac out. I agreed, and Ann was ecstatic. Ann made all the arrangements for a full makeover at her salon. My hair had been growing for months, and was pretty shaggy and unkept, so I was excited to have it trimmed. My beard, always very light, had become almost non-existent, I no longer needed to shave. I spent all day at the salon, with my hair, make-up, nails, etc. and expected to look almost like a woman. Ann wouldn't let me look into the mirror until everything was done, and I had changed. Ann had bought me a slim dress, that fit me much better than what I had been wearing. So she helped me put it on and led me to our three way full length mirror. I was shocked, I looked like old pictures of my Mom, when she was my age (and my Mom was very good looking), Ann loved it and almost tackled me with her embrace. My Mom was a tall and slender woman, who was svelte, with feminine curves that were not overdone, she had a small, tight butt, and so did I. At this point, I had to admit that I had gone from looking androgynously male to androgynously female, to fully feminine. Ann told me she loved it, always being bi-sexual, this was a real turn on for her. We had been avoiding sex while Isaac was still up multiple time during the night, nothing like a crying baby to kill the mood, but Isaac had started to wean himself from my breasts, taking formula from a bottle and eating solid food, he was now a settled baby. With that, Ann suggested that we have today as a "date night" once Isaac was asleep. She first embraced me with the same vigor as when I first came back from the salon, and started kissing me and nibbling my ear, running her hand greedily over my body, while I did the same with her, our hunger for each other was as hot as ever, if not hotter. We did mutual stripteases for each other, and were both ready when we naked. Ann grabbed my left breast and clamped down on the nipple, and suckled, being rewarded with my still flowing breast milk. It was pleasurable when Isaac suckled my breast, but not overtly sexual. When Ann did it, my nipples felt almost electric, I started to moan and when Ann went to my right breast, and the milk started to flow, I felt a warm pulsing that started in my groin and midsection and continued to my breasts, wave after wave of pleasure came over me, and I moaned and panted. When it slowed down, Ann let go of my breast and said, "Welcome to womanhood and your first female orgasm, let's see if you are still up for a male orgasm." I entered Ann for the first time in months, and knew that we both needed this. It was with less urgency than previously, but still many of the same old feeling. Ann was so excited from my breast orgasm, that she was all set, and responded as soon as I penetrated her. We moved in rhythm, pumping and grinding, while both of us moaned, in a very feminine way. I lasted much longer than I used to be able, and finally, when Ann started to climax and I felt the clenching in her vagina as she orgasmed, I came. I felt some of the old spurt type orgasm, but it was more of the waves that I had felt with my breasts. Climaxing together is glorious, and we both moaned, who knew that turning into a woman would make me a screamer! As we lay in the afterglow, Ann admitted that she has always loved me and been attracted to me, but my new body was much more to here tastes, she had the perfect lover, a woman with a penis. While we snuggled, Ann put her hand on the ovaries in my scrotum, and brushed them gently. I asked her if this had been her goal when she put the FOXL2 in my former testicles, she said, no, but it was her dream. The next week, Tom came over to pick up his kids for the weekend, and was surprised to see me in women's jeans and a blouse. As Tom looked at me, he said, "Lloyd, if that is still your name, you make a great looking woman, but you sit like a man, with your legs splayed out. As a gay man, I am inveterate crotch watcher, and can see the outline of your not small package very clearly, unless you want to advertise, you may want to look into learning how to tuck." Ann said, "Tom, I have been telling me this, but Lloyd said it hurts her ovaries." That night, after another lovemaking session, I agreed that we should have a surgeon move my ovaries into my body cavity, so tucking would be easier. We discussed Neuticles, but decided that those could be added later, If I felt I needed them, we would go with the empty sack look for now. We got a reference for a great surgeon from my internist, and set the date. Before I went in, I signed a durable power of attorney and patient advocate form, giving Ann control once I was under. I came out of the surgery sore, and bandaged, more than I had thought. I was catheterized and had to stay that way for several weeks. The doctor took out the catheter, the same day the final bandages came off, the nurse handed me a hand mirror to see the work, I was shocked, it looked like I had a vulva with a penis coming out of it. Ann quickly explained that she had decided to have my scrotal tissue re-formed into a beautiful labia, because my genitals were for her alone, and she liked the look, and she didn't want me to go through multiple operations, as each operation damaged nerves, and reduced feeling. She also pointed out that tucking would be much easier for me now, so I could wear bikinis, as well as light colored, tight fitting pants. I thought about it and agreed, I was now a woman, and should look like one. This was not something I had sought, but life was great now and I didn't want it to change. After I had recovered, Ann and I made love, almost as the first time as both of us being women, although I had "something extra." Ann started by giving me a blowjob, but she started first by licking my labial lips, every man's scrotum has very sensitive skin, but, let's face it, a scrotum is rarely good looking, so most women ignore the pleasure that touching it gently can give a man. As labial lips, they are beautiful, and Ann really got me going by licking and touching them. I decided that life was pretty good. Ann's Lab told me that want to do a series of tests on me to see the final results, I went in and did the "lab rat" thing. The full results were that I was completely a woman, but without a uterus or vagina, I had obviously working breasts, and complete ovaries, but no eggs. My secondary sexual characteristics were female, but that as long as I continued with low dose testosterone and sildenafil, my penis would continue as it has been with no atrophying. Carl said the he and Ann would get a paper out of this, and we had moved the science of sexual transitioning ahead by decades. The lab used pseudonyms for Ann and I, and the lab got their paper, They also helped me to change my vital legal documents from male to female, from Lloyd to Loretta. While we doing this Ann confided on me that Carl was actually opposed to the testosterone patches, as he wanted to see how feminine I could become, but Ann new what she wanted in her lover and insisted that my penis not be harmed. We have a great life and couldn't be happier.

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Fucked Mom When Everyone Was Asleep

Someone shook me and woke me up. I opened my smudgy eyes but everything was blurred. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and say mom sitting close to me. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question she pressed her finger on my mouth and shushed me. I sat upright and looked around, everyone was deep asleep and it was dark outside the window. All I could see was mom’s face in the dim light of the night bulb. She stood up and signaled me to follow her quietly. Carefully not to make any sound and...

1 year ago
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The Security Consultant

The Security Consultant I pulled my 69 Dodge Charger into the parking lot behind the converted warehouse on N. 1st St and opened the door feeling the chilly spring air of St. Louis wash across my face. Getting out of the car I popped the trunk and picked up the bags from my recent shopping trip. It was a Monday and happened to be the first really nice spring day. It seemed like the whole world was in a good mood. The building's main entrance was a short walk from my parking...

2 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 17

The melody coming from Dan's phone told him he had received two messages. The first a text and the second was an MMS message. Scrolling down the menu, he opens the text message. Listed were three number plate registrations. The words these are for all three trucks we use accompanied the text. Opening the MMS displayed a slide show of twenty-three pictures of the seven and half tonne truck. Every angle, every side, back, front, and even some of the top taken from a window were there. It...

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Cousin ki mast chut

Baat un dinon ki hai, jab meri age 18 year thi. Mere pados mein mere uncle ki ek ladki [cousin] nikki rehti thi. Wo ekdam mast, gori ladki thi. Mai uspar fida tha. Uska figure 34 26 32 tha. Uski age 19 year thi. Wo bahut bholi-bhali thi. Mai uske saath hi khelkar bada hua tha. Lekin kabhi mere man mein uske bare mein galat khayal nhi aaya.. Ek din mai uske saath khel reha tha. Tabhi mera haath uske boobs par chala gaya. Usne kuch nhi kaha. Tab mujhe bhi green signal mil gaya. Us din mene sex ke...

4 years ago
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First Time Glory Hole

There was a time when i enjoyed going to the porn booths in adult shops. I'd get horny,had nowhere to put it so i had to find some other way to get it out. I was turned on by going into the booths, knowing there would be every type of porn to watch on the television and that someone had been in there before me, jacking off. I was so aroused by the lifestyle. I felt like a hedonist and i all i wanted to do was immerse my existence in pleasure. I never had really watched gay porn before so i felt...

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Welcome to the Lifestyle

As it turns out, I have two "first time swinging" stories, but this was my first visit to a nudist resort and my introduction to Lifestyle. *In 1991, I was twenty-two years old. I met a friend on the volleyball court in Atlanta that lived at Paradise Lakes nudist resort in Land O' Lakes, Fl. My girlfriend and I were soon to break up and he told me I should check the place out. He had a Gold Card membership and could get me free access to all the amenities: volleyball, tennnightclubnight club....

Wife Lovers
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Louise IIChapter 3 Arrested

Eric Three days later, early on a Sunday morning, I answered the door to find Ernie on my doorstep in his uniform. "What's up Ernie?" I greeted him rightly guessing it had something to do with Louise. "They're holding Louise in Shrewsbury police station. Picked her up last night with a lot of prostitutes but I can't believe she was soliciting and they don't really have a case against her because the nurse who did a body cavity inspection found she was still a virgin and she was on...

2 years ago
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The Mother Saga Part 11 The Morning After The First Night

As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Please read all the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses to my stories. I am overwhelmed by the lovely responses to this series. I thank all the guys and gals who read through the stories and appreciated their emails. Your love and criticism are accepted and cherished....

3 years ago
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An Itch to ScratchChapter 1

Slipping quietly down the hall, Trent takes his time heading toward his sister’s room. The sound of talking downstairs tells him that both his parents are quite occupied. The shower running says that his sister is too. With no one to catch, except for the dog, he has a window of opportunity. As Trent passes by the bathroom, he notices that the stream from the shower isn’t just coming out from the bottom of the door, but the side. Thea left the door cracked open. Instantly he wonders if it...

4 years ago
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A Great Reason to Have a sister Part 1

"Jamie, could you help me get this darn necklace off? I forgot I had it on, and I'm going to be late for school."Jamie was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, watching the news before leaving for work. Heather had just run down the hall from her bedroom, and was now standing in front of him, reaching behind her neck in evident frustration as she struggled with the clasp of a thin gold chain necklace. She was dressed in only her underwear – thin, white cotton bikini briefs, and a lacy...

2 years ago
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Ejaculation Problem

When I was a child my teachers and my parents realized that I had a way with words and speech in general. I could alter my voice to sound as an elderly guy or even a woman. On the top of that I always had a remarkable ability of understanding things and emotions on others. Well that may not sound that cool but for a guy like me, it was a blessing. Because I was a teenager that had an average look and I only had sex in the “good houses”. Never had a relationship with a girl that went on more...

3 years ago
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Daddys Sweet Lil PUSSY Cat Chapter 3

I looked at Kali then at Cheryl. I told Kali to move over to Mike and beg him to fuck you, then I looked as Cheryl, “So tell me slut are you your Masters bitch or just a cunt trying to please her man”? She stood there for a second then responded, “I love cock I love to be used not sure if Mike lets others use me because he likes it or because I like it. I envy your girl having someone that knows what he wants and takes it”. “Well Kali is not just another slut she is my daughter. Her...

2 years ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 02

‘Aaaaaahhhhhhh yesssssss!!! Fuck me Masterrrrrrr!!’ Amber screamed as James thrust his cock in and out of her tight ass. He groaned with pleasure, smiling as his sexy slut thrust herself back against him hard. He had been enjoying her body for over a week now and had been very pleased with himself. Amber was a very willing slut and seemed to take even greater pleasure in fucking him than the drug and his brainwashing of her mind would account for. Amber loved sucking his cock and drank his...

2 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbors

My wife and I are in our 50s, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, she lost her desire many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies.  But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much longer, and I...

1 year ago
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The Stock

Silent had plotted and planned for weeks for this day, and now that it was here,he had to use all of his control to play it cool. He had managed to installan old-fashioned wooden stock in the spare room of his house, and he couldnot wait to lure a few of his friends into trying it out. It had taken weeksto order all the right parts and build it, but he had a feeling it was goingto be worth it. Right now his mind was set on Jill, as they had necked aroundand had sex once or twice, and as a plus...

1 year ago
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Lessons in lustChapter 4

Sam Woods waited few minutes before going to the front door. He wiped the cum off his fingers and cock with his hanky, before zipping it inside his pants. The scene he witnessed minutes ago, was much hotter than he had expected. All the way he had been playing with his cock; and as Kevin erupted in his mother's mouth, Sam also had emptied his balls on the wall. Although, he was little disappointed that Rebecca didn't let Kevin fuck her, yet he didn't need a guess that very soon he would...

2 years ago
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A Valentines Bath

He closes the door gently, conscious of the hour and not wanting to disturb the other guest on this floor. He turns and she is standing in the entryway, back to him, looking over the room. He walks up to her, snaking his right hand around her waist, pressing against her. Before looking over her shoulder he takes a moment to inhale the scent of her hair. A hint of something floral, but it’s light and he lets the fragrance infuse him. Still holding her to him he glances about, to see what she...

4 years ago
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Little Susan

by Gail Holmes Susan, well what can we say, she’s bright; she’s slight but very beautiful. At five feet two, she looks up to everyone, her figure well...that is state of the art, trouble is at twenty she still looks fourteen. Needless to say most guys give her a wide berth, considering her jailbait, of friends she has many, however, they are mostly girls Sex doesn’t come all that often for her, due to guys worrying about...

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Dirty Doctor

I had been having trouble having an orgasm with my hubby Sean, well, not exactly trouble, id never had ine, EVER! not that he knew, I faked all the ones I'd ever had with him, and we'd been married for five years! Dint get me wrong, i love sex, and him, totally, i just wish i could orgasm with him.One day me and friends were all sitting around gossiping as you do, and the topic soon turned to sex, and how everyone found it a chore, to my surprise lots of my friends faked it with their men too,...

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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

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Widow Aunty

I am a regular reader of indian sex stories and after a lot of thinking i am telling u my real story.our family used to live in delhi from 13 years. This is the story when i was 21 years old .vaise to main bahut hi sharmila ladka hun par jab bhi apni pados wali aunty ko dekhta hun mere rom rom me current dod padta hai .aab main aapko apne aunty ke bare main batata hun woh 40 saal ki honge aur unka figure 43-32-40 hoga .she is a.widow of an army officer. Woh uncle ki 2 biwi thi. 1 biwi unse...

1 year ago
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Wife finally does it

My wife, Dani, has always a tease in front of my friends, especially when she's had a few drinks. Whenever my buddies come to the house for drinks and cards, Dani invariably, somehow, ends up running around in her panties and a t-shirt, claiming that it's too warm in the house or that she wants to "get comfortable." Of course my friends don't mind. Dani's hot. In fact, she's a blonde, bombshell-knockout with a heart of pure gold...which is one reason I married her. I don't mind either. In fact,...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 7 Earth

“Follow the path you’re on and you’ll reach your destination. Divert and you may reach your destiny. If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu “So, Jason, how did your meetings go?” Razza asked when they were a few hours away from Earth. “The leaders were very impressed with both Porquenta and Mars and have decided to invest heavily in research and education on both planets. The coordination of the war effort is also going to happen on Porquenta in a...

3 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 15

Stuart worked his way through the medical facility. Occasionally, he looked through a door, but he kept walking nonetheless until he reached a pair of airtight doors. He put on one of the suits hanging on the wall nearby—they where a bright yellow with a hazard sign in the front. Not very fashionable, but they were for his continued living inside. After putting the suit on, Stuart typed a code into the lock, and the door opened. On the other side, the moment the doors were closed, all the...

2 years ago
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Hotel Amsterdam 8211 Part 3

Hi this is Nithya back with another story about Vicky Singh and his sexcapades in his hotel Amsterdam. The last time we left off Vicky he had just fucked his maids and cook Ava, Kim, Jill and May in his New hotel Amsterdam. At 10 am Vicky woke up to Kim calling to him. K: Master! It’s 10 am master. Here is your breakfast. Vicky wakes up to see his red head bitch of a maid with a tray in her hand wearing her French maid uniform. Kim has killer ass. Her figure is 34 26 40. Her ass is more worked...

3 years ago
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Stalker Story Ch 02

‘Dang it!’ I said as I looked through he archives. I couldn’t find a file on the strange elf that saved me. I had been looking all day for anything on him. The bright sun overhead shone down through the branches of the tree, casting odd shadows across the floor with bright spots of light throughout. I’ve searched through the archives for any male elf from the age 265 through 365. There was no way he could have been and older or younger than that. I was almost 300, Will was almost 301, and the...

1 year ago
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A Married Female To Model

Hey, This is Sammer again. Thanks for your emails and support. I got many emails from females and cuckolds and have a nice time with them. Female and cuckold can contact me at Without wasting time, one day I got mail from a female fan named Meenakshi (name changed). She told me that she read my previous stories and she found them amazing. We started to chit chat from normal stuff like where are you from? Blah blah. I asked about her, she told that she is 29 years old married, Punjabi...

2 years ago
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Ajana Aadmi 8211 Part II

Hamara ake hand hojane ke baad dono kuch dare ke lye rest lye phir voh potato chips ke saath wine lya thoda peen eke baad usmein nasha ane laga aor nasha ate hi voh Bold hogaya aor bola, “darling agar tum bhi gaand maarne wale hote to main tumse gaand marate tha, aor gaand marate samay hi pleasure se mera Lund khada hojata tha phir main tumhari gaand maar sakta tha, ab mera Lund khada hone mein bahot time lega. Main bola, “tum iski chinta mat karo, main thodi dare mein tumhara Lund khada...

2 years ago
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Winters WonderlandChapter 3

Whenever I’m going to meet with a wife beater or a pimp or any potentially dangerous lowlife, I tell Bear. Just in case something happens to me, I’ll know that there will be someone avenging me. And I can’t think of a better avenger. Looking for Mindy Montgomery is my main job these days. The longer she’s missing, the dimmer the prospects for a happy ending. The first Sunday of every month means lunch at my parents’ house. A somewhat mixed occasion for me. Walker loves it. My mother, Flora,...

1 year ago
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Lucky Afternoon Part 5

The day finally arrived whe I absolutely had to get my boat out of the water and fortunately it was a slow day at work so I asked a couple of my employees if they wanted to assist me? They eagerly agreed because they would still be on the clock and it was a very nice day. I had them drive one of my company trucks and I took my own truck and told them to meet me at the boat dock. I decided to stop and pick up some beer and ice and figured we could run around the lake for a few times to use up...

4 years ago
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Sunrise Trip And Sex With My Office Colleague

Hello everyone, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 23 years old. This story is about a real incident where I had sex with my office colleague. So I work in an IT company in Bangalore. I and Ankita joined a project at the same time in January this year. Ankita is actually from Delhi but she got a project here in Bangalore. She is an extremely beautiful and sexy girl. To describe her looks, she is fair, with long black hair, 5.6 feet tall, fairly slim and perfectly shaped big boobs. When I first...

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Second Marriage

SecondMarriage ? Part i  Characters in Chapter 1: Tom Burns ? New HusbandSharon Burns? (formerly Sharon? Edison)? 48 year old widow who just married? Tom.Sandra Roberts ? Sharon?s motherRita Gomez ? Tom?s live-in maid and housekeeper for 8 years prior to Tom and Sharon?s marriage.Roseanne Parks ? Tom?s seamstress  CHAPTER 1 ?I now pronounce you Husband and Wife- You may kiss the bride.? With those words, Sharon and Tom were married.? The newlyweds kissed, and turned to smile at the...

1 year ago
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23 November 2006Chapter 3

“You two love birds have been separated for five years. You should go out and celebrate your reunion. Why don’t you and Dan go out for some drinks and dancing, get to know each other again? I’m sure it won’t take long for the love sparks to fly,” Vicky suggested. “That’s a good idea. I always loved the sexy moves of your body when you dance,” he remembered. “We can go to the Hen House and have some sexy fun just like the old days,” Karen whispered to him. “Sounds like a great idea to me.”...

2 years ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Seduction CH6

From CH 5: " She was nervous, but I knew if she was getting a baby sitter and picking me up, alone, coupled with the fact she had masturbated herself to sleep after I teased her -- I had no doubt that before noon little miss brunette Laura, the preachers daughter, would be sucking my cock and riding me like there was no tomorrow! I just had to play it cool and make sure I had it recorded for Ray. So on the way to the Harley shop, I stopped and got my own hidden camera and recorder to make sure...

1 year ago
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Karma ch 2

This chapter is mostly fluff, and developing Courtney's character, though it does get better near the end. thank you all for your reviews and recommendations. I tried to incorporate them into this chapter. Having made my decision to attempt to be Courtney, I had to get ready. Going to the kitchen I made a quick breakfast. I was sitting there going over my new female memories when I heard the door open to our room. Britney walked out the door and to the refrigerator, while her back...

1 year ago
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Wives of Africa part 3

Sarah was delighted to hear from her clanswoman. “I’m good except for that stupid white bitch. She’s driving me crazy. She looks down her nose at us as though we were something nasty on her shoe. Except when she’s staring at Simon’s crotch or Andrew’s.” “That’s what I wanted to ask you about.” Ulu arranged everything with Sarah then Ulu rang back. “Hello Kelly. Listen I wonder if you could do me a huge favour. We have a very important client coming round for the weekend and two of my...

2 years ago
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Loving Touch

I hear your key turning in the door and smile to myself.You come in and set your bags down.I know you are grinning as you see the candels filling the room and the trail of rose petals leading upstairs.I hear you making your way upstairs and I get ready.You open the bedroom door and your eyes adjust to the candel lit room.The smell of roses and fresh flowers fill the air.I am sitting on the bed in a black silk robe,my golden hair cascading down my chest and back glinting in the candel light...

3 years ago
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Hi , I am Kumar, back again with another recent sex encounter, which happened about 6 months ago with my neighbor. About a year or so a new neighbor settled beside our house. They had a small family of 4 members, the head of the member Mr. Ravi whom I called as brother, his wife Tania (as I regarded her as bhabi) and their 2 children, one was a boy of 7yrs and the other was a girl of 4 yrs. My story starts with Tania. From the very first day I saw her I fall in love with her. She was a very...

1 year ago
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Reassigned FChapter 3 Physiological

When Jen Blake’s alarm woke her, David’s arm was draped over her. That was fine, a luxury even in warmer weather. His erection was pressed against her, which wasn’t so fine. Although David might not have any work deadlines, this was Sunday morning and she had to lead a service in a few hours. Since he didn’t do anything, though, she didn’t say anything. She hit the alarm, lifted his arm, and went to run her bath while he slept in. His alarm sounded while she was drying off. She abandoned...

3 years ago
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Silhouette Scenes

"Dad," my twenty-one year old daughter called out, "It's Mom on the phone - she wants to talk to you." I groaned inwardly. If my wife wanted to talk, it meant only one thing - she wanted more money. Either that, or another costly favor. "Just a minute, sweetie," I shouted back, "I'll get it." To my relief, my daughter replied, "Wait - don't bother. I'll bring it out myself." Ah! This was life Darcy. Lazy, relaxed, and most of all, pampered by an adult daughter who still views...

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