Demon cheerleaders
- 2 years ago
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The Cheerleaders Panties Pt. 05
A few days later, I heard mother leave and opened my bedroom door as usual. Yet, this time I thought I'd watch to see if Sally was going to do a naked dash for the bathroom as she did earlier in the week. I peeked through the crack between the jamb and the door as I heard Sally giggle and run the gauntlet of the landing to the bathroom in the raw.
I saw her plump little ass again as she ran away giggling and I laughed to myself. The little minks, I thought, if she's going to go streaking naked on the landing then so am I. I'd have more in store for her though. When she was in the bathroom, I sneaked out and locked her bedroom door, so when she returned naked, she'd be trapped on the landing.
I planned to wait for her to finish her ablutions and then run out naked and flash her as she stood trying to get into her bedroom. I waited as she merrily sang to herself as she went about her business until eventually, I heard the bathroom door open.
I waited behind my bedroom door, straining to hear the patter of her feet and then trying her bedroom door before I would run out and join her myself.
I looked down and saw I was very erect, most likely through morning glory, although the thought of my little jape could have been the reason. What the hell! She'd seen my cock a few mornings ago anyway so hopefully she wouldn't be too shocked.
The timing was everything, I'd wait until she's trying her door and just as she realised she was locked out I'd jump out naked and block her retreat to the bathroom.
I strained to hear with my ear to the door in the still silence smiling to myself at the thought of my ensnared sister, panicking nude on the landing. I listened to her quick shuffling feet over the carpet and then the turn of the handle of her locked door.
I jumped out and landed with my legs spread facing her bedroom.
"Ole!" I shouted with my arms held high only to see nothing before me but Sally's closed door. I quickly turned around. A scream rang out behind me as I saw my sister naked, desperately trying to cover up, staring in horror at my boner pointing up at her.
"Oops! Sorry." I cried, putting my hand over my erection.
"Out of the way," she yelled and tried to push by me to my right. It was the same side I sidestepped to. She bounced off my chest hard enough to make her little boobs judder.
"Out of the way!" She frantically cried.
I moved to the left as did she and once again our naked bodies collided but this time her hand smashed me hard in my balls.
The sickening impact zapped through my body, and both my hands quickly held my throbbing testicles as I dropped to my knees. I tried to be sick as I gathered up in an agonising ball in front of her.
"Oh sorry," cried Sally as she urgently tried to straddle over my prone body and reach for her bedroom door handle.
I rocked on the floor wanting to die as the sickness of my testicular throbbing focused my mind with tunnel vision.
I faintly heard Sally's failing anxious attempts to open her door.
"You've locked my door, you bastard, give me the key, give me the key," she cried in panic, rattling the door handle against logic.
"What's going on here?" Loudly demanded a voice authority from the other side of the landing.
It was our Mother, and I tried to push to my feet despite my searing testicular pain, and in doing so, I lifted Sis in-between her legs.
She screamed again as her legs were parted by my rising back, causing me to overbalance and make us both fall to the floor naked. Mother was soon standing over us as we untangled our nude bodies.
"What are you doing?" Mother bellowed in outrage.
"I can explain," I grunted against the entire ache holding my balls along with my dwindling erection.
"I've been locked out," pleaded Sis covering her tits and pussy.
I was cripplingly sick, almost paralysed with my testicular pain, causing a ferocious cramp in my stomach. The pain and humiliation were earth-shatteringly vicious, severing my ability to think and argue. I regressed to the actions of an animal.
I crawled away to the safety of my bedroom, as Mother and Sally argued in an audio blur. I got inside my bedroom door and blacked out. Sally was left naked, stranded outside her room to face the searing wrath of our lunatic Mother.
Later we were both sat at the breakfast table as Mother severely reprimanded us. I owned up as it was my fault and tried to explain, but Mother was deaf to my explanation.
"I've been suspicious of you two getting up to dirty things for months, so what's going on?" Sternly demanded Mother.
"It was supposed to be a joke," I pleaded.
"With both of you naked?" Snapped Mother.
"It went very wrong, I just wanted to trap her on the landing by locking her out."
"So why was she naked and you erect?"
There was no explaining that away, not innocently, and I bowed my head in shame.
"I come back home to find my children wrestling on the landing naked! What else has been going on? Do I need to contact your father?"
"No, look, it was just a practical joke that went wrong," I pleaded.
"And what have you got to say for yourself, young Lady?" Mother hissed turning on Sally.
"I was locked out of my bedroom."
"So why were you naked? It's not like you've anything to show off anyhow," she cruelly added, causing Sally to burst into tears and runoff.
"Pathetic!" mother shouted after her, "the pair of you, both nearly nineteen and neither of you courting," she added really going for the bone. She ran to the foot of the stairs and shouted after Sally, "No one will have you, so you start fiddling with each other, well not in my house."
In her bedroom Sally hurriedly moved from cupboard to chest to drawers, clumsily extracting fistfuls of clothes and bric-a-brac to stuff into her rashly opened suitcase.
"What are you doing?" I asked in denial of the obvious as I tried to collect my real thoughts.
"I'm going."
"No, don't go!" I cried suddenly realising the frightful horror of how much I depended on her. She was my sounding board, my crutch, my only connection to real people in the outside world. The thought of her leaving hit me hard, as she was in truth, my only friend.
I apologised repeatedly and pleaded with her to stay for my own sanity more than anything else. I started to piece together the implications the loss of my sister would mean. It was a flashpoint; a fracture in which I knew if it was played out to the end the damage would be irrevocable.
"She has a point," remarked Sally, an unjustifiable reason to me but rationally presented by my sister causing bafflement on my part. "It doesn't look good, not after father watched me in...." Her voice trailed away.
"Watched you, watched you doing what?"
Sally cut me a Siam stare as she went about her packing.
"God, you're so naive!" She scornfully hissed, making my stomach sink as I saw the hatred behind her eyes.
"I don't understand."
Sally stopped in a fit of exasperation, "He caught me having a bit of "me time."
"Me time?"
"He used to watch me masturbating!" yelled Sis her words, so sharp and spiteful I felt as if they were hitting me in between the eyes.
I stumbled over my thoughts concerning the enigma of female masturbation. Everyone said girls masturbated just as much as boys, but to my mind, there was very little evidence of that.
My mind whirled in free fall, thoughts zapping around fright, trying to find a tangible explanation.
"Did he just burst in through the door?" I forced out not wanting to go into the mechanics of exactly what Sally was doing.
Sally continued to pack with a derisory look firmly etched on her face.
"Burst in, yeah! Many times," she said sarcastically.
"It still wasn't your fault."
"There are other things, she thinks dad and me were up to something."
"You and dad, that's crazy, she's fucking mad!"
"I know, sick isn't it, but I can see her point."
She picked up her case and flew down the stairs for the front door.
"Don't go," I begged from the landing fighting an overwhelming urge to grab her and hold her back against her will. She slammed the front door hard behind her, and I felt the structural integrity of my body drain and collapse upon the landing bannister. Tears welled in my eyes, how did things get this bad? I was sure it was my entire fault.
The next few mornings, I ate breakfast alone with Mother in monastic silence. The shrill sounds of utensils against porcelain and the scraping of naked steel chair feet upon the tiles were the solitary invasion in the silence.
I missed Sally dreadfully, which shocked me on many levels for it wasn't as if we had much in common. It was her effervescent presence that kept my spirits up and allayed any feelings of loneliness. She was my conduit to the outside world, a world in which I didn't belong.
Her absence became so unbearable. One night I took her panties I had worn on that fateful Halloween night out of my hiding place and studied them.
I tearfully opened them up and imagined her cute little body in them before taking them to my nose to smell them. They were clean when I first wore them, so there was no trace of her to be found. I hungrily sniffed all over the light cotton garment desperately trying to find a microbe of her scent but to no avail. I realised the futility of my actions and capitulated burying my head in them. I stayed still in surrender and then slipped them on and got into bed and slept soundly for the first time in days.
I sat in the college canteen turning over my food with no intention of eating it. I had no appetite and was only there to see if Sally was around. I intermittently peered up from my plate to look for her, my only concession to the outside world.
"Hello James," greeted a soft female voice from above.
I looked up to see it was Gemma and all my senses externalised.
"Gemma!" I beamed in delight.
"Is it okay if I join you?" She purred with a soft Irish intonation.
"Of course!" I bleated eagerly. She looked terrific, and I worshipped her with my eyes as she pulled out a chair to sit down. She was wearing a simple white blouse with plunging cleavage and tight blue jeans. Gemma could make the mundane and straightforward look spectacular, kindled by her beguiling personality.
"Its always good to see you, James, your eyes almost pop out of your head as if I were some kind of supermodel," she chuckled.
"You are to me!" I squawked, unable to contain my admiration.
"You old smoothie you," her accent coming to the fore.
I bowed my head in a light flush, as passing compliments to the opposite gender was utterly alien to me, with Sally being the exception.
"How are your balls?" She laughed.
"I heard all about it, serves you right, fancy doing that to your sister?" She teasingly admonished, making me blush.
Gemma was a beautiful girl who beguiled me by her very presence but to have her talking about my testicles as well was sensory overload.
"Do you know where Sally is?" I asked quickly sidestepping the subject of my Orbs.
"She's fine, she's staying at my house revising and stuff."
"She's in the spare bedroom," Gemma quickly added before asking, "what's going on with that Mother of yours?"
"I don't know," I sighed, wondering just how much Sally had wanted her to know. I thought things through as my eyes lowered attracted to the glories of Gemma's cleavage.
Her globe-shaped breasts were sexily pushed together tightly held in place by her ultra-white bra. Her bra presented her tanned boobs splendidly giving a small peek of its frilly edge.
"Hey my face is up here you pervert, and you can put your tongue away at the same time," Gemma light-heartedly scolded.
I groaned in remorse, "I'm so sorry, I have a real problem with eye contact," I ruefully explained.
Gemma laughed, "that's the first time I've heard that one," She laughed," no worries, I see boys looking down there all the time."
"Honestly, Gemma, I really do have a problem," I pleaded earnestly, "I wouldn't want to insult you like that, I really like you."
I stared at her waiting for her to answer back shocked at just how candid I had been.
"It's okay I know how shy you are," Gemma nonchalantly responded unaware that I had just had a significant breakthrough in communicating with another girl.
"I think it's rather cute," she wistfully added.
I sighed inside; She thought I was "Cute", the sort of affection girls bestowed upon puppies and babies. It underlined the dick-less wonder tag I thought the girls associated me with after they performed their sexy dance for me.
"Have they found your thief yet?" I quickly asked.
"Yeah, you know, the thief taking your," My voice trailed off, it was one giant leap for me to admit my devotion for her but a bit too far to start talking about her underwear.
"Oh, the panty thief!" Laughed Gemma, "sorry, I'm with you now."
"Did they find out who it was?" I asked in all seriousness as Gemma continued to laugh.
"That was Sally playing a joke on you?"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, she asked me to pretend I had no panties on to see what it did to you," she laughed.
"What is it with her?" I groaned.
"Well, what did you think, did I put on a good act?"
"You certainly did, you had me fooled. You reacted to every gust of wind and everything."
Gemma laughed, and I couldn't help but be intoxicated by her delightful face. A face that had by now cured my inability for eye contact such was its splendour.
"It fooled Sally," Gemma mysteriously added.
"But she was in on it."
Gemma giggled some more. "You don't understand, the ruse was that I'd pretend to be panty-less to tease you, but really be wearing them all the time."
"I still don't understand?"
"I really wasn't wearing any panties. I told Sally later I wasn't wearing anything underneath to see what her reaction would be."
I was happy not to have been taken for a fool and grinned.
"So what did Sally say to that?"
"She pretended she knew all along, but she didn't."
"That's' still quite daring, I didn't think you were like that?"
"Aw come on, it's was just a bit of naughty fun. I must admit it was quite thrilling as well," Gemma reminisced her big eyes looking upwards dreaming of the exciting time. "It was so exciting knowing I could be exposed by any sneaky breeze or even your sister's hand."
"Sally wouldn't do that to you," I laughed.
"Wouldn't she?" aired Gemma, "don't you ever feel like doing something naughty just for the hell of it?" I remember flashing the traffic with my mate Megan as soon as we got our first bra's!"
"Lucky traffic!" I quipped as I took in Gemma's question.
It was an awkward one. Was peeking at dancing girl's panties just a bit of fun? Did adding masturbation make it perverted? I thought of Sally running across the landing naked to the bathroom, her explanation, "because it was fun!"
'Birds of a feather flock together', Gemma and Sally, good friends, that made me smile and then soulfully ponder why I was so alone.
I was isolated in the house and dreamily looked out of my bedroom window thinking of Gemma and Sally. Only a fool wouldn't think something was going on between them. Gemma was always around Sally; the birthday gift; Sally staying at her house; the panty-less dare. There was a possibility they were lesbians but not a word had been aired in the ever-cynical clicks at college, and nobody had seen a thing.
The exotic possibility that my dream girl and Sister were lovers left me confused. I didn't want my sister to be an object of ridicule, especially with Gemma, for if she was a lesbian what chance did I have of dating her?
I pondered Gemma's words searching for comfort.
"Don't you ever feel like doing something naughty just for the hell of it?"
And then my sister, Sally running across the landing naked to the bathroom, "because it was fun!"
Maybe that was it, they were just doing things for fun. I thought I should do something because it was 'fun'. I thought about Sally sneaking into my bedroom and sneaking a look at my pornography collection.
By gaining access to them, she had burrowed her way into my psyche, my dreams and fantasies, things that should be private. I didn't mind, on the contrary, I found it exciting, but I thought it time I found something out about her.
I sneaked along the landing towards Sally's room. For some reason, I declared that I should be naked for this exploration into the sexual psyche of my sister. This alone produced a very ridged erection that somehow led the way to the unknown treasures that awaited. I stealthy slipped into Sally's bedroom and locked the door behind me.
I had never thought of touching Sally's panties before. There was something about her bedroom that was foreboding. Surprisingly it was the biggest bedroom in the house, and I always wondered why my parents had quickly moved out of it as soon as we arrived. It was the place where a colossal argument took place, which eventually ended in my father leaving home. The room seemed poisonous unless Sally's cheerleader friends were in there.
Sally's single bed was pushed up to one wall giving an unnatural floor space what I assumed was for mini practises with her cheerleader friends.
There were some posters on the wall of American Cheerleading teams who were considerately classier and obviously more professional in their art. I tiptoed to the drawers and dropped to my knees. I gently pulled the drawer open to reveal Sally's neatly laid out panties. Surprisingly Sally wasn't a coinsure of underwear as the vast majority of her pussy covering lingerie was plain and cotton-based.
The layout of her clothes was too neat to touch. I felt sure she'd know if I'd been sniffing around her panties, she had decided I was addicted to the briefs, thongs, bikini and big knickers of all girls.
I went to the second draw and found silk chemises, petticoats, stockings, tights and a few of her favourite plaid skirts. I had a particular liking for those something, which was quickly agreed upon physically by the pulsations in my twitching cock.
I was beginning to heat up, becoming short of breath and a little faint as the smell, feel, and the femininity of the room started to overwhelm me. I opened the top drawer that was full of books, diaries and girlie magazines for her late-night reading. I smiled to myself as I saw a luminous bunny, a cliché for under the bedclothes reading of illicit publications.
I wondered what sort of magazine lay in wait at the bottom of the drawer and dug deeper. I saw a black flex and delicately pulled it. My ardour had overtaken rational thought as I was giving myself away in the disturbance of Sally's belongings.
I pulled harder and out popped a small transparent gas mask object. I quickly identified it as a clit--stim, something I had seen advertised in my pornography magazines. I had also seen vibrators and dubious creams for penis dysfunction, enlargement and pheromone spray to attract females.
I was afflicted with guilt and pleasure as I held Sally's masturbation device in my hand. I imagined her on the bed, her legs spread as the mask cupped over the vagina. Sucking up her clit from under her hood to be stimulated by the thin vibrating protuberance.
I flicked the on a switch, and the vibrator noisily sprang into life, making me panic and anxious to quickly shut it off again.
I looked at the protuberance that must have brought Sally plenty of orgasms and licked it with my tongue. The green aperture that had been giving her so much pleasure against her clit was now on my tongue. It was a dirty thing to do but made me feel hornier for it.
I remember Sally's last outburst before she had left that had puzzled me.
"He used to watch me masturbating."
She made it sure to me it was more than once, and I wondered if she performed for him with this contraption? I couldn't believe that to be possible or didn't want to believe and quickly stuffed the article back in the back of the draw.
I went to Sally's cupboard and perused her dresses, her old school uniform, blouses, cardigans and jumpers. She also had a few old-fashioned nightdresses that had been made redundant by her modern PJs.
I saw her cheerleader outfit and smiled wickedly at the thought of putting it on. I took it down in its hanger and studied it and then dragged it across my erection a couple of times. I knew how much this uniform meant to her and didn't have the heart to wear and soil it.
I pushed the outfit back into the closet and accidentally disturbed something off one of the side shelves. I quickly picked it up, trying to be as clandestine as possible. I yanked the black leather object up to see it was a paddle with the word 'Spank' embossed in gold lettering on it.
I was intrigued as I had only seen and read vague references to spanking and bondage in my magazines. They always painted the subject in poor light.
My publications only had pictures artistically posed in homage to the elegant aesthetic female form, or so they told us. Any other kind of sexual gratification was for sexual deviants, perverts and those with a weak sexual identity.
I could never agree but was unable to formulate a counter-argument, as it was a subject foreign to me.
I was discovering things about my sister that I didn't want to know. To me, she was my sweet little sister who backed me up in my little dalliances and kinks with a healthily and yet kind attitude to sex, not a deviant slut.
I still couldn't get those words out of my head, "He used to watch me masturbating!" This paddle and her masturbation device discovery disturbed me. I walked to the middle of the room and looked up.
There was a big mirror on the ceiling that had been installed before we arrived. It was for a double bed central to the room, but Sally moved her single bed away to the side. Probably so she couldn't see herself in the morning.
I put the paddle back and looked down at her shoes while closing the cupboard door. I caught a glimpse of blue and followed my curiosity by reaching down towards it. I pulled up its contents before my eyes in disbelief.
It was a short transparent baby blue nightdress, sexily covered with deep blue cotton flex and two big pom-poms at the neck. It was incredibly sexy and almost pushed me over the edge.
I groaned and went up on my toes and clenched my base muscles to stop myself from ejaculating. I gasped for breath as I brought myself back from my orgasmic precipice holding the baby-doll nightie at arm's length to avoid it brushing my cock head.
I got my breath back, and when I knew there wouldn't be a sperm led breakout from my gaol hard balls, I moved and threw the nightie on the bed.
My sexual fever broke the bounds of reason, and I quickly made my way back to Sally's panty drawer, I saw a dainty white pair and took them out in a heated rush to put them on. I opened up the garment and stepped into them, deliberately pulling them slowly up my legs.
The frills on the panties leg lightly grazed my quivering legs, sensually caressing them as I pulled them up. I hooked the waistband over my rampant cock and stood stock-still to keep control. I looked down and immediately saw a creeping wet patch of pre-cum. I had crossed the line.
I took a pair of her stockings and sat beside the transparent blue baby-doll nightie as I rolled the black stockings up, ready to spear my foot into and them to roll them up my legs.
The baby-doll nightie still had its price labels on it, proving it hadn't been worn. I wondered when she was going to wear it. The night she decided she was to lose her virginity? I certainly hoped so although by now no one could be good enough for her.
The thought of some grubby suburban lothario fucking her repulsed me, and I dreaded being introduced to her first presentable boyfriend.
I rolled the stocking up my leg, letting the elasticised patterned top grip my thigh. I checked to see if the seam was straight and marvelled at my skill. Nothing to it! I thought, what was all the fuss about? I spiked my naked foot into the next stocking realising I was sat on the edge of the bed. I was adopting precisely the same position any girl would do getting dressed, including checking for a straight seam.
I quickly stood up and put my head into the baby-doll nighty and let it fall down over my body. The translucent silky fabric sent shivers down my spine as it fell into place. I was taller than Sally, so the fluffy hem didn't cover my genitals. The hem was just so that when I walked, it fluttered over my engorged penis head and gave me a breath-taking stroke. I walked to the centre of the room thrilled with the rustle of nylon against nylon. The baby-doll nighty fluffed on my penis head straining in Sally's little white cotton panties.
My head swam and felt intoxicatingly light such was the ecstasy.
I felt so liberated in my girlie clothes. I pranced as felinely as possible with-in the confines of Sally's bedroom.
An irrational cry for freedom took hold, and I unlocked the bedroom door to walk the landing. I had never felt so sexually intoxicated and had to stop sporadically to take deep breaths and clasp my base muscles to keep my orgasm at bay.
I walked to the stairwell and let the air waft up my nightie, igniting my loins to unfound heights. I stood with my legs apart stroking my stockings on my inner thigh. Once more, I had an attack of quick breaths and clenched again. My head was in orbit, and the rest of my body overwhelmed by a glowing ultra sensitivity.
I lifted my nightie to look at my straining cock against my panties, shocked to see a big wet patch of pre-cum. I decided to take them off immediately and quickly slipped them down over my stockings and stepped out.
I picked the sullied garment up and threw it towards Sally's bed from the entrance. I turned quickly to enjoy the delights of a breeze up my baby-doll attire only for the fluffy hem to rip hard across my penis head.
Instantly my semen gathered to bolt and quickly raised my nighty while running for the top of the stairs. My erect cock exploded hard, making my cum jump high into the air out over the stairs, splashing down from a prodigious height. I stood there in relief holding the baby-doll garment free of any semen stains. My knees buckled with the intensity of my ejaculations and then to my horror, I heard someone downstairs.
I had to run, but my jellified legs wouldn't move. I could hear Mother moving towards the door at the foot of the stairs and yet I stayed still like a rabbit in the headlights spewing my cum down the stairs.
Somehow I had the insane reasoning that I couldn't move until my penis had shot its last projectiles. I saw the door handle move as my shots of sperm finally started to recede. The door moved back, and I saw the shiny pointed shoe of my Mother about to step towards me.
I broke free and dived to the floor, giving me a foot or two more cover as I belly crawled to my bedroom leaking sperm all the way like some giant snail trail.
I made it into my bedroom and quickly dressed.
I felt inadequate in my post-orgasm state and was really down on myself. Wearing my sister's clothes brought on a Self-loathing so strong I rocked with my head in my hands.
I had to initiate some action with the opposite sex.
"It'll be nice when Sally's exams are over," I aired at the breakfast table to a wall of silence. " We can all breakfast together again," I ventured as Mother silently went about her breakfast chores with a mysterious un-nerving air of aggression.
"Sure, if that's what they're doing," hinted Mother as the usual symphony of the high-pitched cacophony of plates and utensils smashed in the sink.
I was happy to hear Mother's words despite her snide accusation, as it was proof she had been communicating with Gemma's parents.
"What do you mean?"
"I heard they've been watching perverted video's and not revising at all."
"They have to have a break now and again," I casually argued sensing Mother was on another one of her paranoid delusions.
"Sure, defend that little pervert of a sister of yours, messing around with girls, watching dirty videos and gallivanting around the house naked."
Despite mother's lunacy, I laughed inside at the plausibility of her delusions even though they painted a merry Babylonian image.
"It's innocent fun, anyway, your not so straight on matters of sex yourself," I boldly declared bringing mother to an angry halt.
"Oh so the boys got a big cock, and he knows everything about sex," she angrily declared shocking me to the core.
"Mother!" I angrily protested.
"Don't patronize me, boy, I've seen you masturbating, strutting about like some prize peacock, taking ages to cum."
It was a disturbing personal accusation, where did she get those thoughts? Jesus, she was really off on one now, what the hell was she talking about?
"Well, at least I didn't order my son to wear girls panties on Halloween!" I struck back.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Why did you make me wear a dress for Halloween?" I argued, "That wasn't exactly normal."
"That was just to protect and entertain the kids, how dare you twist a little bit of fun into some outrageous perversion."
"So why did you have to humiliate me by making me wear things that wouldn't be seen?"
"I don't know what you mean?"
"I can understand you wanting the kids to have a laugh at myself in a dress, but there was no need to make me wear panties."
"I asked Sally to dig out an old dress you could wear while I provided the accessories, I was as surprised as anyone that she had you in panties?"
The realisation hit me like a spade to the face and had me speechless at the table.
"But?" I stumbled searching for clues, "so why did you want to inspect under my dress?"
Mother burst out laughing, dispersing her anger but leaving me confused.
"I only wanted to check," was as far as she got before bursting out in amusement so hard she began to cry.
" I thought you might have a pair of jeans on with the legs rolled up," she got out before another round of guffawing laughter bent her double.
"I thought you'd be wearing a pair of football shorts, imagine my surprise when I saw you in a little pair of panties."
I quickly got up and grabbed my things. I slammed the door behind me, cutting out the hysterical laughter of my Mother. So it was Sally who had placed the panties there all along.
"They've been Studying In the studio at the bottom of the garden, just to get out from under our feet for a while, you know?" explained Mrs Leighton, Gemma's mum with inconspicuous detail. She looked down on me from her open-door struggling to pull her night robe across her ample breast as an awkward smile forced itself over her pretty face.
"Studying, Ha!" I heard Mr Leighton scoff from the bowels of the house.
"Take no notice of him dear, just go around the side of the house and, you'll find the studio at the bottom of the garden." She explained needlessly pointing around to the side of the house, causing her robe to open up giving me a flash of her boobs and luxuriant grow of vaginal hair.
I quickly averted my eyes looking down at her knees only to see a small stream ofTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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Love StoriesHalloween was soon upon us, and Sally and her friends in the cheerleaders had an idea of being the "Zombie Cheerleaders of 'Oxford College." Unfortunately, if Mother could cause any dismay or disappointment she would, such was her misanthropic disposition. Sally pleaded with her for a week until she finally gave in with one condition. I was to wear a cheerleader outfit and chaperone them. It was a divisive move to drive a wedge between Sally and me, and it was going to work as I was never...
Incest"What happened to you last night?" Kyle asked, giving me a little frown beneath his platinum hair. "Huh?" I tried to look innocent as I got in the front seat of Dave's car. Josh was sitting in the back, rubbing Kyle's hard little dick through the boy's white panties. "Stop it!" Kyle said, making a face and trying to pull his skirt back down. He'd joined the JV Pep Squad the day before and he wanted to show off his little cheerleader outfit. "Aren't you supposed to wear shorts...
Sated and exhausted at last, Olivia, Claire, and Lexi retreated to the quiet kitchen for a cold beverage. Then Claire led the way up the side stairs to a rooftop hot tub, where they soaked and looked up at the stars. Claire lit up a hand-rolled cigarette and offered it to Olivia, who passed, then to Lexi, who took a big draw and coughed a cloud of sweet-smelling smoke into Olivia’s face.Maybe a half-hour later they heard footsteps on the stairs and Mimi’s maid Emily appeared, looking mildly...
Just at that moment, though, Jessica called everyone back to the living room. Soon all the ladies were gathered around Adriana, who was still bound hand and foot with her legs wide apart, gagged, with nipple clamps hanging from her tits.Ana could not begin to fathom why she had been singled out for this kind of treatment. In fact, from the moment she’d arrived at Jackie London’s house — had it really just been hours ago? — it was like she had walked through a door into another universe.Jessica,...
Judy watched on and smiles as the new cheerleaders where lined up in the middle of the gym, completely naked on their knees. They had their hands up like little doggies and were barking for the other cheerleaders. The spot light held by one of the other girls made sure they had no way to hide their nakedness and no way to stop all the other girls in the room from seeing all of their bodies. Earlier they had licked all the girls pussies and done a few naked crawling races, a couple of girls...
Heather must have looked at her watch a hundred times that day. She couldn't keep her mind on her work. She hadn't been this distracted since... well, she was too distracted to think about it. She looked at her watch for the hundred and first time. What was her son, Chris, doing right now? Let's see, he would be leaving his last class and going to basketball practice. He'd be putting on those shorts that showed his long, thickly muscled legs. He'd be wearing a tank top that revealed the...
I had a girlfriend now. One of the hottest chicks in school, without a doubt. Stacy was a cheerleader, tall and slender the way a 17-year-old high school girl should be, with long, brown legs, a perfectly round butt, and unbelievably perfect tits. She could have been a model with her caramel eyes, high cheeks and generous smile, and every guy in school lusted after Stacy, believe me. When the word got out that she'd chosen me to be her boyfriend, I became the instant envy of not only my...
Welcome to my story about a boy and two cheerleaders he meets and may (or may not) get lucky with that don't live in a world where all of our normal standards don't necessarily apply. Alternate universes and such. Please enjoy my story and drop a like if you enjoy it or even send a message with recommendations or things you enjoyed. The likes and views help convince me I am doing okay and I should continue the story. I would love to hear from you if you want to comment or message. If something...
TeenLisa and Kylee were friends, best friends. Shared secrets and gossip, a long history of sleepover and makeovers, made them inseparable. But one perhaps wouldn't know it, as the two high school seniors found themselves falling again and again into the same argument... "Sorry, Kylee, but it's just not the case. I mean, I know you and everyone on your squad practices a lot, but you're not athletes, not the way I am." Lisa had the big, dominant personality that cemented her role as captain...
Brenda was actually the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad. She'd been a cheerleader since she'd been a freshman and now she was the "queen" as everyone referred to whoever was the captain of the cheerleading squad each year. Brenda intended to be the queen in more ways than anyone ever had in the past. She'd had several boyfriends during the last two years and now that she was a senior, she'd decided she was going to sample the crowd and not necessarily tie herself down to only...
Hailey and Amy were two popular 18 year old sophomore cheerleaders at their small midwest towns high school. They were both innocent and were always involved with school projects. Amy was a daddy's girl and Hailey had a boyfriend in the 9th grade. It was a game night and both girls were cheerleaders for the junior varsity football team. As seen at any small town football game; the cheerleaders were in their cheerleader outfits and they had their tiger cheek cheer fake tattoos on their face. Amy...
First TimeKelly Ann didn’t sleep much that night. She tossed and turned restlessly, images of her experience at Jessica’s house flashing through her head. Part of her was ashamed, but another part was utterly elated. It was like discovering a whole new world; she had never known that that kind of pleasure even existed.Toward dawn she masturbated furiously and finally managed to drift off for an hour or so. All that day at school she was completely distracted, unable to pay attention either in class or in...
This is not my story,found it online and thought to share it with everyone!Enjoy!Cheerleaders' **** and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funny thing is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I have a guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit at home "managing" from a far. It's a good life, I can't complain. I was sitting at the counter watching some of the Monday night football game. I was in the shop trying...
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
Group SexThursday after cheerleading practice Kelly Ann wandered over to Jessica’s house. Marie let her in and led her to the kitchen, where Jessica sat at the table behind a pile of financial papers. She glanced up at Kelly, who immediately apologized. “If this is a bad time....”“Not at all,” answered Jessica, “I was ready to knock off anyway. Let’s go out on the patio. You want something to drink?” As they left the kitchen, Kelly noticed that Marie was hard at work at the sink, washing a variety of...
© 2003 "What these kids need is more tofu and less murdered animals." "Stacy," asked Shannon in a bored voice, "like, how many times has she said that so far this evening?" Stacy rolled her eyes up and stuck out her tongue as she counted on her fingers. "About sixteen." Stacy and Shannon fidgeted in their seats as Mrs. VanHoolan continued her tirade against the unnutritious, meat-filled lunches that the school system fed the student body. It had been a long night, with the last...
As Olivia entered the shop, Claire walked over smiling. “I hoped I might see you again,” she said, hugging Olivia and kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s your friend today?”“She’s, um, she’s busy,” answered Olivia. “How are you?”“I’m great!” chirped Claire. “I’m really glad you came in. I was just telling the manager about you. We’re getting ready to launch a new ad campaign for the shop – print and web ads, that sort of thing. I think you’d be just perfect for the photos.”“Gee,” said Olivia...
Brenda had been thrown slightly off her balance by her last sexual adventure. When she'd attempted to seduce her cheerleading squad's faculty sponsor and found her actually in the throes of a fuck with one of her female cheerleaders, Brenda had finally succumbed to the hotness of the moment and actually allowed herself to stand there and masturbate but then she'd managed to slip of our the house without being caught. Brenda now knew better than anyone what her squad's sponsor did in her...
Gregg, Nita, Abby and Michelle set everything up for the Team Meeting before the girls started arriving at 11 am. As soon as the girls arrived they would immediately shed their clothes in the guest room and run naked out to the pool. Gregg went out and lay on a lounge chair so he could supervise the girls. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Nita, who was still in the kitchen, wondered who that could be. She slipped on a robe so she could answer the door. There stood Carla and Marla with a...
"Have you thought about what you want to do, Mattie?" Mr. Reid ... Wally ... asked me with a smile. "I'm sure there are some interesting opportunities for you in Las Vegas." "Hmmph!" I offered him a muffled laugh in reply, keeping his thick, black cock right where it belonged — Between my lips. "Seriously," he sighed, pulling a lock of golden hair from my sapphire eyes. "You're a beautiful, young man. I think you'd do well in the, uh ... entertainment industry." "Mwah!" I...
Cheerleaders & Linebackers By Sabrina G. Langton Part 2 It was toward the end of December and we were having coffee on the couch. "Since you are off work the rest of the year Ava has a surprise for you. I'm a little skeptical, well I'm alot skeptical, but she says it will be good for you," Lydia warned me on Sunday morning. "She wants you dressed and ready to go by three PM. I will meet you at Ross’s apartment later." I really didn't like being with Ava, and I had never been...
"You're spoiling everything," Stacy said with an exasperated sigh. "How hard can it be to be a whore?" "I don't know," I replied softly, standing bare butt naked in the middle of the clubhouse. Seven black cheerleaders and six of their boyfriends were sitting around me, more or less. I should have been the seventh, Stacy's boyfriend, but she wasn't too pleased with me, since I was sort of a girl now. I'd only just started cross-dressing the day before really, with my mom's help,...
Coach Bob Porter was a science teacher at Fielding High School, home of the Fighting Pirates. He was also the coach of those fighting pirates, and he'd done a pretty good job of building up a credible team. Things had been going pretty well in the two years he'd been at Fielding. But now he sighed as he thought about what he'd agreed to. A bunch of the cheerleader's mothers had come to him all excited about having a powder puff football game during half time at the homecoming game. And he'd...
By STORMKING (M/fff, NC) All characters are fictional and are assumed to be of the minimum legal age in your community or region. If you wish to imagine their ages to be otherwise since the girls here are high school seniors ( 18), then it is not my problem as I am not a mindreader. The idea for this story came from cheerleader car wash pictures someone shared with me a few months ago. A picture really is worth a thousands words or more. Bear in mind that this article is fantasy and...
Hey every one rah here….naam tho suna hi hoga.nyways there r goin 2 be a lot of storie s 4m my part so in case u wanna know any story in advance or any next episode of the existing stories dont hesitate 2 mail me on (preferrably gals) Jamie was exhausted as the cheerleading coach dismissed them from practice for the day. Since transferring to city high a month ago, her life had certainly changed. She had found herself making friends easily and had won a position on the cheerleading squad after...
IncestFinally a quiet evening with just the family. Gregg and Nita were sitting on the couch while Abby and Michelle were on the floor, all watching TV. They were all still naked. Finally Nita spoke up, "Kids, we need to have a talk." They both looked at her a bit puzzled but said ok, they got up, Gregg and Nita moved apart and let the two girls sit in between them. "OK Mom, what's up", said Abby. Nita said, "first I want to know how you two feel about having sex with your Father. Good, bad...
It was Carla's idea, I swear it. "Let's go by the Pentagon and see what's going on." "Why, for God's sake?" That was Monica, always the practical one. "Because I'm horny, that's why." I knew what she meant, even though I didn't want to admit it. We were always horny after a game. Somebody once said that exercise is foreplay, and she was right. I say "she," because it was probably a cheerleader who said that. You've read those stories about football studs screwing the...
Summary: All through the tenth grade, Kendal loved everything about school. Her teachers were the best; the girls were really nice, and the cheerleaders treated their squad like one big happy family. Although she didn’t date, she made friends with many guys at school. Although asked out on several occasions, Kendal felt she didn’t have the time to date. Kendal decided that the next year, her junior year, she would start dating. Her mother agreed with her and even commented that she thought...
Brenda's reign as "queen of cheerleaders" was going well so far. She'd actually had two affairs on campus, fucking both her English teacher and the varsity football coach in their offices. That night Brenda tried to decide what she wanted to do next in flexing her newfound sexual muscles. Brenda had really enjoyed seducing both Ed Richey and Bob Williams, the two male faculty at the high school, but now she wanted to try something even kinkier. She wanted to expand her horizons. In her...
“One, two... three, four...” Standing at the head of the bus, counting students, Ms. Samantha Sexton was a study in contrasts. In one sense, she was the typical teacher... a stern look... her hair pulled up in a bun... dark-rimmed glasses... a white blouse and black skirt with black heels and light tan pantyhose... very professional. On the other hand, despite known for being strict, her students loved her because she listened to them, and actually WAS understanding and kind when she had to be....
Erotic FictionReturning home, Lexi found her neighbor Annalise waiting on the porch, smiling sheepishly. Lexi wondered how long she had been waiting there.“I saw your dad on his way out this morning,” said Annalise. “He said he’d be gone a couple of days, so I thought I’d bring you something to eat.” She indicated the casserole in her hands, which appeared to contain roasted chicken.Lexi felt pretty sure that this was not the real reason for Annalise’s visit. Despite the coldness of the day, the older woman...
Although she’d slept only a few hours, Kat woke up feeling optimistic and energetic. There was a bounce in her step as she left her house and walked to school.About a block from campus she ran into Adriana, a fellow senior cheerleader. In fact — Kat did a quick mental calculation — she was the only senior on the squad who Kat hadn’t fucked yet (there were just the four of them).Adriana — everyone called her Ana — was one of darker-skinned girls in their school; her parents were from the...
As Kelly Ann walked down Katrina’s driveway, she took out her phone, took a deep breath to steel her nerves, and called Jessica.“Hello, sweetheart,” purred Jessica’s husky voice. “How are you today?” Coming out of Jessica’s mouth, even that innocent question sounded dirty, and Kelly found herself wondering if Jessica somehow knew what had transpired between Katrina and herself. I wouldn’t put it past her, Kelly thought.“I’m great,” answered Kelly Ann, and it was true. She had just had a long...
The year was 1994. I was 18 years old and about to graduate high school. The prom was only a week away and I did not have a date. I was an average looking guy. I was 5’10, 190 lbs, short dark hair, and dark eyes with a decent build. I guess my best quality was tucked away in my pants. My dick was nearly ten inches long and very thick. Having had a girlfriend in private school for three years, whom I had just broken up with, word had not really spread throughout school about my goods.Through out...
It’s been several weeks since my fellow High School Cheerleaders and I teased my dad for being a sex crazed old man. One of my teammates, Keri, and her family belong to the same Health Club as my family. On this past Sunday morning, we happen to arrive at the same time her and her mom. I saw her mom, Judy, talking to my mom in the locker room as we were preparing to participate in the 9am aerobics class. My dad does not do aerobics, but this time my mom insisted he participate. Just before the...
IncestSo one day i was visiting my local green dealer David. He wanted to discuss some business with me so I was hanging out. It was about 1pm, and suddenly there was a knock at the door. David opened the door and let in three fine ass girls dressed in cheerleading uniforms. One was a tall, skinny, brunette with tan, beautiful skin. One was a short blonde with perky titties and an amazing face. And the other wore glasses, her reddish brown hair back in a pony tail. They were all sexy as hell but I...
‘You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!’ the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man’s dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. ‘What are you looking at, dork?’ Jenna Marble, one of the...
Introduction: Richard Johnson gets a pleasant surprise while closing up the school after the game. The Pulaski High School basketball game had ended about two hours ago. The varsity team had won. Richard Johnson, the assistant coach was in the process of shutting everything down for the night. He opened the door to the swimming pool and heard splashing. It only took a second to recognize that three of the varsity cheerleaders were in the pool and they were skinny dipping. Their crimson and blue...
Your name is John and work for Dallas Cowboy work in the IT department. You were stuck installing security upgrades for the corporate office that would lock everything out on the executive floor and you were suppose to be by yourself all day. You have had much luck with the ladies, being the most unattractive person, as were bit of a nerd. Most weekends you would the building would empty except for security guards. But this this weekend one of the top executives and couple of the team's...
By the time Betty Ann Collins arrived around 10:00, things had gotten well and truly out of hand. She saw her niece, Sally – until recently the shyest and most innocent of girls – kneeling behind Marie, alternately spanking Marie’s ass and lapping at her pussy. Someone was squirming underneath Sally, her head trapped between the girl’s thighs; judging from the pubic hair, it was most likely Jane. J.J., having secured a strap-on, was plowing into Kelly Ann from behind as Kelly licked Jessica. On...
It was getting toward evening on Friday, and Jessica sat alone by the pool with her first cocktail of the night. She was anxious to get things underway; she had a lot of big plans for the weekend. The time was now, she thought. This whole situation with the cheerleaders seemed too fraught to last long, especially in light of what Kelly had told her about Kat and her lack of discretion. Young women could be awfully unpredictable, and this was one reason why Jessica usually stayed away from them,...
Cheerleaders & Linebackers By Sabrina G. Langton Part 1 of 2 "We're leaving. Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Lydia, my girlfriend of a year and a half laughed. "No, I'm just going to relax and try on a couple of different outfits I got from Amazon," I said. "Are you sure?" she pushed. "The guys would love to see some legs at this party, I'm sure you will be wearing something short," "Something short and sexy, ha," Her friend Ava cut in. "Well if you change your mind I'm...
Monday morning arrived with the usual grind of classes all day. As I went from class to class something strange happened. I would be walking down the hall and every time one of the cheerleaders passed me they would give out a sweet musical "Hi Greg," with a smile and a wink. It seemed I was instantly becoming very popular, at least with the cheer squad. The best I could figure was that the word got around about my treating those three girls so well. I was just being nice to them. Other...
Summer moved along much too fast for my tastes. I got together with Kim as much as I could and it became obvious that we grew more in love every day. Tracy was getting serious about her new boyfriend which was driven home to me by mistake one day. I was going out with Kim for the evening and forgot my wallet. I returned home to get it and as I went down the hall to my room I had to pass Tracy's room. I heard some familiar noises of sexual pleasure she was making so I figured that I had...
"Mattie! Where have you been?" Mom frowned as I walked into the kitchen with a sheepish smile on my face. "It's my fault," Heather said before I could answer. "I took him home last night. I'm sorry." "Oh!" My mom blinked at the eighteen-year-old girl. "You must be Stacy." "Uh ... No, Mom," I cleared my throat. "This is Heather, my new girlfriend." "Heather?" she almost smiled. "I thought your girlfriend was that Stacy girl?" "She was," Heather giggled. "It's nice...
As she watched Annalise’s face disappear underneath Ana’s ample derriere, Lexi was struck with a brilliant idea. Returning to the kitchen, she found Annalise’s purse and searched through it until she found the wallet. Riffling through the credit cards, Lexi selected a Platinum Visa card and repaired to her computer, where she called up an adult website and started shopping.As the sound of soft moans drifted in from the bedroom, Lexi picked out a couple of strap-ons, handcuffs, leather...
Saturday was a beautiful day – sunny and warm with a cool breeze. The kind of day when you get everything you want.Kat woke up early, having suddenly decided she didn’t want to be a blonde anymore – at least for a while. She talked it over with her mom, who was open-minded and supportive, and together they drove to the d**g store and bought some purple dye. By 11:00 Kat looked like a whole different person.It also occurred to her that she wanted her own strap-on. She knew where there was a sex...
This set off a free-for-all that soon had every room of the house filled with naked women, the smell of sex, and the sounds of pleasure. After a couple hours of this the party finally started to break up. Ella gave Adriana a ride home, and Olivia rode with Jackie; Janice walked home. The Collinses and Bowmans, however, decided to stay the night. Their husbands/fathers were out of town for the weekend, so they were free to do as they pleased.Or, more to the point, as Jessica pleased. Her...
Ella was the first to make a move, taking Kat and Kelly Ann – one by each hand – and adourning to a back bedroom. There she allowed the two cheerleaders to undress her. The three of them kissed, made out, and explored each other’s bodies with hands and tongues.But Ella had something more in mind. She knew her way around Jessica’s house so it was easy for her to find three pairs of handcuffs, which she used to attach Kat’s right hand to the left bedpost, Kelly’s left hand to the right bedpost,...
"Mattie?" "Yeah, Mom!" I yelled, kicking off my shoes as I entered the house through the front door. I'd had a pretty good day of school, even for a Monday, and that had surprised me! I'd been really nervous about what the other kids would say and how they'd treat me after the party on Friday. My friends told me not to worry about it and so did the cheerleaders, our black girlfriends, but that was easy for them to say! They were the most popular girls in school and nobody really knew...
You should have seen the way they reacted when I walked onto the field the day of tryouts. I guess they really weren’t expecting me. Like most Cheerleading squads in the United States of America, the ladies of the Easton University Cheerleading Squad were all skinny blondes. Well, I guess that’s why I decided to give Cheerleading a try. My name is Emilie Jeanne Etienne. And I wrote this song, as they say. I’ve always been considered unusual pretty much everywhere I went. When I lived in my...
Brenda went home that afternoon -- after she'd just seduced and fucked Ed Richey, her English teacher, with a pussy full of his cum. She loved that. It was almost a badge of accomplishment for her to realize that she'd not only managed to get one of her own teachers to fuck her there in his very classroom, but she left with a pussy full of his cum. Brenda tried to act normal that night around her parents and her younger brother and sister, but she was feeling so proud at her sexual...
A week had passed with me worrying if I had gone too far with Sally. I felt guilty about spanking her and wondered if she would be as friendly as she used to be. She had been away most of the time practising as her cheerleader team had made it to the finals. It was the only feather in the cap for the college so far this season as even the actual football team fell well short of the cheerleaders' success. It had been joked that the football team was backing up the cheerleaders being more...
IncestBrenda was nearly finished with her senior year and she'd actually already finished all of her cheerleading activities. She knew that she and the other members of her cheer squad would be honored at the end of year athletics banquet but Brenda had one other major project in mind before the school year wrapped up and she graduated. She was determined to seduce the high school principal, Ronald Edwards. She wasn't sure how old Mr. Edwards was but she'd always thought he was very sexy in the...
Things had turned for the worst just days after we had excitedly moved into our new house. All the joy happiness and hope instantly evaporated just before the start of a new school year. All the camaraderie mysteriously vanished, as my family of joyful goodwill, bonhomie, and palpable love turned to nervous, suspicious loners, guarded on every word or action. The worry was I could not pinpoint what the catalyst was for this bile fed atmosphere. Our parents became argumentative and distant, and...