Earthquake free porn video

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The Earthquake

It was just another weekday in Southern California. There was the usual morning commute to contemplate. John wondered why he continued to endure that day after day. He had moved to the suburbs to get away from the gangs, but the stress of fighting traffic left him exhausted when he got home. He really only had time for his family on the weekends and he knew that it was wreaking havoc on his marriage.

Lisa was lucky to have found the condo in the trendy area of Manhattan Beach. Once a run down area filled with cookie cutter post-World War II tract homes. It was now being rehabilitated into a very desirable neighborhood. Lisa was glad that she could work so close to home and not have to crawl along in traffic every day. It was bad enough for her to make the weekly sales calls which required her to travel the freeways.

John made it to the office early. The traffic had been surprisingly sparse. But he knew that the afternoon commute would be a different matter entirely. To make matters worse, they were forecasting record high temperatures. Just what he needed, short tempers too.

Lisa arrived at work to discover that one of her contacts had called. They had a need for some relays and wanted more information. Lisa hurriedly pulled together the needed literature and got through her email and voice mail messages, then headed out the door. She would be gone the rest of the day.

John was soon lost in the intricacies of a design problem. The impending trip home was forgotten for the time being. He was so engrossed that he had lost track of time. When he did glance at his watch, he saw that he had worked 30 minutes past quitting time. He thought, “Oh boy, now I will be in the worst of the traffic.”

The meeting with the customer went well. Lisa was able to convince them to place a large order with her company. That would bring recognition from her boss and increase her chances for a promotion to sales manager. Frankly she needed to get ahead financially, her condo was costing her a fortune.

As John started onto the freeway he thought to himself “I have to get away, this job is driving me crazy.” He had browsed through some slick brochures for a vacation in Cancun. The idea sounded great to him, but his wife was fearful of leaving the k**s alone for so long. The k**s, they were part of what he needed to escape from. He and Joan hadn’t had much time to be intimate lately and it was taking a toll on their marriage. He hoped the trip to Cancun would be a chance to get it back on track.

Lisa began to head up the Sepulveda Pass on 101. This stretch of freeway was always congested no matter what time of day it was. Now with the temperature soaring over 100 degrees everyone’s nerves were boiling over as well. Lisa turned up the radio and the sir conditioner. There was nothing she could do but wait it out.

She started to daydream about the trip she had taken to the Caribbean last year. It was a perfect week. She had met a lot of nice people and had stayed in touch with a few of them. She would like to go back again this fall. There was nothing like relaxing on the beach and just vegetating for a week.

John finally made it onto the 405 only to be stopped cold by the traffic jam. He gripped the steering wheel hard, his nerves fraying. This was the worst part of the day. Probably the CHP had pulled over someone and everyone was stopping to look. He never understood why people would slow down for that.

He fiddled with the radio. Record temperatures they said. He found out their was an accident that had blocked all lanes. He wish he had tuned in earlier so he could avoid it. But now all he could do was sit tight and wait it out.

It was dusk when traffic finally began to move. Lisa exited the freeway onto a side street so she could avoid the residual traffic. This put her on a winding road through the mountains. After sitting frustrated in traffic it was good to be on the open road and driving her sports car the way it was meant to be driven.

John, too decided to take the detour. He had a sedan that was several years old and the daily commute was taking its toll. He would have to start looking for another one next year. It there was one thing that was needed on the freeways was reliable transportation.

Suddenly the was a low rumble. The ground began to shake and Lisa had trouble keeping the car going straight. She managed to pull over to the side. She stopped in the canyon halfway between two rock cuts. She could see the rocks falling on the roadway. She was glad she hadn’t stopped there. By the time the shaking stopped she was trapped between two large rock piles. She couldn’t go anywhere.

John felt the tremor too. He was just past the narrowest point of the canyon after leaving the tunnel. He drove on, trying to avoid falling boulders. He knew he better not stop here. Finally he got to a clear spot and stopped. Just what he didn’t need. Now he was trapped and no idea when he would get home.

Lisa got out of her car and looked around. The surrounding area was deserted and with the darkness coming on she couldn’t see much. The street lights were out. She went back to her car to try calling on her cellular phone. But all she got was silence. It looked like she would have to stay put for the night where she was.

John began to climb carefully over the boulders seeking a way out. He didn’t want to disturb them too much since they were pretty unstable. He managed to scramble to the top with some difficulty after about an hour.

From there he spotted Lisa on the other side. He called out to her. “Are you OK?” She waved back to him, “Yes I’m fine.” John slowly picked his way down the other side and reached there after about 45 minutes worth of work.

Lisa greeted him with a smile. “I thought I was all alone here and the end of the world had come. What a way to spend an evening.” John looked around and then observed, “It looks like we are the only two people around for a couple of miles.” He put out his hand, “I’m John. Might as well introduce myself.” Lisa took his hand in hers shaking it warmly. “I don’t feel so all alone now.”

John decided that it was getting too dark to do anything about trying to find a way out of they canyon. He looked around for a comfortable place to sit and to try and get some sleep. He looked at Lisa’s sports car. That was too small for even her to try and sleep comfortably in. John saw next the road a small group of oak trees. “Do you have a piece of plastic or something in which I can gather the leaves in to make a bed,” he asked Lisa. She thought for a second then opened her trunk and removed the canvas car cover. “I think this will work, but where will I sleep?” she asked. “This will be your bed. I will just scoop a place out of the dirt for me.” John stated.

Lisa would have none of it. She couldn’t bear the thought of him sleeping in the dirt. Although she had her pride and propriety, she was not cruel and inhuman. She had an idea. “I think the car cover is big enough to make a bed for both of us,” she observed. “I think we are mature enough that we can sleep in the bed next to each other with our clothes on.” John agreed and went back to gather more leaves.

Now Lisa faced another problem. She had been on the go all day and now she realized she needed to relieve her full bladder in the worst way. But there was no place where she could do that in privacy. Although she had been camping a few times when she was little, there were pit toilets. Now there was simply nothing but a steep drop-off, the piles of rock the steep cut along the road or the clump of trees.

She moved over to the trees as John was gathering the last of leaves. She moved behind one of them so that she was partially hidden. She saw John looking to see what she was doing. “Would you mind looking the other way for a second,” she requested. Then she quickly pulled down her panties, lifted her dress, squatted and emptied her bladder. After she had finished and had moved back to the car John moved to the trees and relieved himself as well. “Power of suggestion,” he announced.

When John returned Lisa was laying down on the makeshift bed. She complimented John, “you do good work.” Now John lay down next to her, turning so his back was to her. Ordinarily John would cuddle his wife as they fell asleep, throwing his arm across her breasts. That was obviously out of the question now. Lisa similarly faced away from him.

They both slept fitfully during the lumpiness of the leaves made it uncomfortable. Toward morning John awoke and realized that Lisa’s head was resting against his shoulder. She was fast asleep and snoring loudly, so he didn’t waken her but instead lay quietly awaiting the sunrise.

When it got light enough to see he gently brushed his hand against Lisa’s cheek to rouse her. According to his watch it was a little after 6 A.M. She moved slightly, turning over to face away from him. John got up and began to do some more exploring. He wanted to find the best way out of here.

John climbed up the other pile of boulders. It looked like the earthquake had done considerable damage. Possibly it was the “big one” that the scientists had warned of. He thought it would be rough going but he pressed on until he found a trail that ran down to the creek below.

He returned to the car just as Lisa was getting up. “I found a way down to the creek,” he announced. “It will be a little tough in spots. Are you up for it?” Lisa shrugged, “what choice do I have?” With that she began to follow John over the boulders.

It took several hours of slow going. In spots it was difficult and he helped Lisa, holding her hand or steadying her on a precarious boulder. He had to admire her tenacity and strength. Not many women would have taken this kind of hardship like she did. How different from his wife, who he adored, but who would have complained and refused to endure the trek over the boulders.

Lisa, for her part, was impressed by how much a gentleman John was. In her experience with the singles scene she had had her share of men who had tried to take advantage of her. She had to fend off their clumsy attempts to grope her, or worse. Not John. He didn’t once try to take advantage of her. In fact by any measure he was the perfect gentleman.

When they finally reached the creek they stopped along the bank to gather their breath. The day had already began to warm up and it felt nice to just sit in the shade of the cottonwood trees. “Why have you never married? You would make any man a great wife.” John asked. “I have yet to find a man that things with.” Lisa answered. “Don’t get me wrong, I have had a couple of boyfriends. But they didn’t work out.”

“I think it will be safe here. I am going to go on ahead and scout out the trail.” John announced. He set off downstream picking his way along the narrow bank. He looked so masculine as he grabbed onto the rocks and hauled his strong body over them. She especially liked his steel blue eyes and how they quietly searched her expression but also projected a keen sense of certainty about him.

Lisa waded into the creek to rinse off and to avoid the heat of the sun which was promising to send temperatures soaring again. Her long blonde hair flowed down over her shoulders like tiny rivulets of gold as she moved into the water. The sun caught her hair and caused it to glow, shining as bright as the glinting water.

John carefully moved downstream, at times having to wade through the creek to avoid big boulders. He thought about caught up in the rat race he was. For all the security it brought there was still one thing lacking. That was happiness. He felt that there was something still lacking. He wished he could identify it.

He envied Lisa, being single and having a full life ahead of her. For although she appeared to be advancing fast in her company, she didn’t let her work become her existence.

Lisa felt refreshed by the cool water. She moved out to the center of the creek where the it was just deep enough so the water came up to her neck. She began to slide her hands over her body enjoying the effect of the slickness caused by the water. Her fingers traced along the contours of her breasts. She cupped them and loved the way they seemed to float free in the water, unencumbered by their own weight. She raised them and began to knead them with her fingers feeling the suppleness pressing between her spread fingers.

She felt a warmth begin to form between her legs. She spread them letting the cool water and the current play over the area. She moved her fingers downward, sliding over her firm stomach and around her navel, urged onward by the pleasure that was growing inside.

John was not finding any signs of life downstream so far. He knew that he should come to a town in about 2 or 3 miles. He saw that on the mountains above the canyon some houses had been destroyed by the earthquake and had slid part-way down the hill. The only sound he heard was a deathly still. He went another mile further down but had not reached the town yet. Maybe he would have had better luck upstream. So he decided to head back.

Lisa had found a flat rock that was beside the creek. A small breeze had begun to blow and it was offering some respite from the heat. So she moved up to the rock to lounge in the sun. She was still slightly aroused from the envigorating water. Her nipples jutted out from her dark silver dollar sized areolas and she felt a dampness between her legs. As she lay in the sun she began to lazily caress herself.

She moved her fingers along the edge of her outer lips which were slick with her wetness. She loved to tease herself and keep herself near the edge. Slowly she moved a finger along the side of her clit, pressing it with the tip of her finger. Then she began to circle it closer and closer to the tip, stopping now and then to let her excitement build even further.

John came around the last bend of the creek and brought the pool where Lisa was into view. She was situated so that she could not see his approach. John stopped dead in his tracks, mesmerized by her beauty and unable to take his eyes off of how she was pleasing herself. He felt his own excitement begin to grow as he watched.

Lisa heard a rustling sound and looked up to see John on the opposite bank. She felt embarrassed and tried to cover herself. She wondered how long he had been there. Finally she rolled over on her stomach.

John called to her telling about his bad luck at finding any help downstream. “I’ll go on upstream and see if I am more successful there,” John announced. He started to head away.

“Wait.” Lisa called, surprised by her temerity. “You look like you could use some refreshment yourself. I’ll go over in the shade and you can have this pool to yourself.” She got up and moved behind one of the boulders out of John’s sight.

John watched her go, trying to divert his eyes but attracted all the same to her. If only he wasn’t married…..

Now he realized how much he needed the refreshment because his shirt was soaked with sweat from his exertions. He quickly shed his clothes and dove into the water. The coolness was instant relief from the oppressive heat. He swam for some minutes, but his mind was on Lisa and it was arousing him.

Lisa couldn’t help herself, she found an opening between the boulders where she could observe John without his being aware. She watched as the water glistened on his firm muscles and how his thick black hair became unruly when it got wet. But the next thing really started her passion burning.

John started thinking about Lisa’s perfect body and how aroused she was. His own excitement began to grow. His shaft began to rise from its resting place in the thick nest of black curls between his legs. It arched upward, the foreskin pulling back as it grew to full size. John reached down and touched the tip and it jerked a little.

Lisa, from her hiding place, gasped at the size of him. She had never seen an uncircumsized cock and she was fascinated. Her own hand returned to caress her still moist slit.

John rubbed the tip of his finger over the tip, sliding it underneath the foreskin and tugging on it. He could visualize Lisa’s clit hard and stiff as his tongue teased and tapped at it. His fingers began to move further back on the shaft, pulling the foreskin up over the head and then all the way behind it. The soft skin tapered gently to the tip as he pulled it all the way up. The coronal ridge was formed into a shallow curve as he moved it.

Lisa started moving her fingers more vigorously as the sight of John began to heat her up. She slid a finger deep inside of her and curled the tip. The heat from her walls was searing her finger as she probed part-way in. She began to curl her fingertip in and out as if beckoning John to come give her the pleasure she needed.

John had wrapped his hand completely around the shaft and was pumping it hard, his fingers were pulling the skin hard as he got nearer and nearer to his climax. With his free hand he curled it around his balls feeling the wet hairs matted against the heavy sperm-filled balls. They were hanging down from the heat and he kneaded them gently between his fingers, pressing them gently between his fingers.

Lisa’s spreading passion fire was not threatening to consume her. She could no longer trust her legs to hold her up, the pleasure was so strong. So she sat down on the boulder where she could continue to spy through the opening in the rocks. Her fingers had moved up to circle the tip of her clit. She pushed back the hood with a fingernail, Then she grazed the tip of her clit with her fingernail.

John was approaching the point of no return. His hand became a blur on his cock, stroking it harder and faster, then stopping to swirl the end of his fingers. He felt it throbbing in his hands, the bulging vein on the underside was pulsating . Suddenly he erupted, sending his seed shooting out from him and splashing into the water. His hips thrust with each spurt, sending out an arcing stream.

Lisa’s orgasm was not far behind. All the excitement of her own pleasure and then watching John was too much for her. She increased the pressure on her clit, feeling its stiffness as she rolled it between her fingers. Her juices her dripping from her, soaking into the cool rock she was sitting on. She felt herself fall over the edge as waves of pleasure washed over her. Her cum lasted for some minutes and she felt deliciously revitalized.

When she re-emerged from behind the rocks she found John sitting along the bank waiting for her. He had put on his shorts, but otherwise remained undressed. Lisa was still unclothed. She felt no need now, after what had transpired. She sat down next to John.

They sat there for some moments, lost in thought, wanting the other to speak first. Finally, Lisa broke the silence. “I hope you don’t take me as being some kind of slut, things had just built up to the breaking point and I had to take care of it.”

“I don’t think less of you,” John said. “In fact I have a confession of my own to make. After you went back behind the rocks, I did something similar. If anything, I should be the one who acted out of line.” Tom looked away, somewhat ashamed.

“Since this is confessional time, I better fess up too. I spied on you as you were touching yourself,” Lisa admitted. John smiled at their shared secret. Then he gave Lisa a warm hug. The two of them looked at each other then simultaneously burst out laughing.

They talked for some time about the absurdity of the cultural taboos that had arisen about sex. Where double standards existed and where the beauty of a human act had been subverted and perverted. They decided that there was no need for false modesty while they were in the wilderness.

Their hunger had begun to catch up with them. Lisa had seen some berries up on the hill and she went off to gather them. John busied himself gathering wood for a fire and preparing a comfortable bed for the night. Soon the sun would be setting and he wanted to have everything done so they wouldn’t have to stumble around in the dark.

When Lisa returned with the berries, they ate ravenously, realizing now how hungry they actually were. They talked about the plans for tomorrow. They would head upstream together. The going was much easier that way. No doubt they would find civilization in that direction.

After they ate they reclined on the soft mattress of leaves that John had built. Lisa reached out and she took his strong hand in hers and squeezed it. Looking into John’s eyes, she said, “if only I had met you before you married. We would be so happy together.” John pondered how his life would be different if he had instead met Lisa instead of his wife. He wondered if they would have remained close and not grown apart as he and his wife had.

Lisa had felt herself growing closer to John. The experience of a shared ordeal brought a sense of understanding. Now as they talked, she felt like she really could relate to the hardships he had faced. Having never been married herself, she nonetheless felt a certain kinship with his yearning for romance. She too had been seeking the person who could bring that kind of joy to her.

As they lay bare their souls, John began to softly stroke her soft silky hair. His fingers parted it repeatedly, gently massaging her scalp. Lisa cuddled up close to him, her body melting into his. John turned and saw her smiling brown eyes whispering how much she needed him. He leaned in close to her and his lips met hers.

Lisa felt a spark go through her as his lips touched hers. She felt his warm tongue moving along the edge of them. The tip was parting her lips, eager to join her tongue. She opened her mouth, allowing him passage and her tongue greeted his with darting and quick strokes. It pressed along the top of his, the tip arching to caress the roof of his mouth.

John let his tongue dance with Lisa’s. He enveloped it with a warm moist cocoon. Meanwhile his fingers moved down to caress along her earlobes. The tips were making small circles right behind and then sliding down the side of her neck. His legs entwined in hers, drawing her closer in a deep embrace.

Lisa’s tongue was moving faster now, caught up in a frenetic fluidity that only added to the fire building inside. Her hands began exploring now, her palms pressing along John’s shoulder blades and her fingernails lightly dragging along his back. She was becoming lost in the passion.

John’s tongue darted out again, the tip moving down her chin and curling underneath. He flicked the tip steadily along driving it against her smooth skin. It moved swiftly and steadily a rampant tingling marking the path it had taken. His hands were moving up and down her back the fingertips barely touching, just a fraction of an inch above, compressing the air with a fine soft flutter.

Lisa arched her neck back wanting his tongue everywhere. So wonderful it was that she wished it was everywhere at once. But with the excitement erupting everywhere within her, it was. Her hands moved to his strong muscled chest, her palms sliding along the muscles prodding and exciting them.

John’s hands moved along her sides, the fingertips were tracing along the contours of her soft skin, tanned and silky. He felt the heat of her breasts as her excitement was raging through her. He pressed his hands along the sides curling his fingers under them. Slowly he spread his fingers apart allowing the fullness of her to press between his fingers. He lifted his hands slightly raising Lisa’s breasts as he encompassed her.

John’s tongue was drawn like a magnet to the dark rose of her aereolae. The tip pressed against it exploring the bounds of it. He spiraled it around and around the nipple, drawing it ever closer to the stiffening bud. He moved it right up to the stiff side, retreating and advancing from all angles.

Lisa was lost now. She had given herself over completely to John. Her fingers continued to play along his chest, twirling the soft curly strands of the hair and pressing the stiff points of his nipples. She felt her energy being transferred to the tips of her fingers.

John’s mouth opened, allowing a nipple to move between his lips. He closed his lips around it feeling them deflected by the turgid throbbing bud. He moved his lips from side to side feeling the nipple rolling between. His teeth grazed it lightly and his tongue pressed against the tip.

Lisa’s hands had moved to his thighs, they were slowly sliding upward, seeking the energy that was reawakened in John. She needed to return the same kind of pleasure he was giving her. Lisa traced her fingers up to where his legs joined. Then she opened her fingers so she could feel the weight of his balls between them. They felt so soft and warm in her fingers.

John turned around so he could continue his caresses lower. His tongue slid down her stomach, a sheen was left cooling as it evaporated into the hot night and driving her wild. He moved his tongue boldly right up to the soft nest of her pubic hair.

Lisa, her tongue now at the scene of John’s pulsating energy, took advantage of the chance to bring him the same kind of pleasure she was feeling. Her tongue darted out to the tip of him, the tip pressing the slit at the tip. It teased him, first flicking at the tip, then along the ridge behind the head and then along the top of his shaft. She wanted to explore all of him and experience him completely.

John’s tongue, seeking out her heat, moved closer to the moist groove. He pressed it along the edge of her spreading lips tasting her sweet nectar for the first time. He moved his tongue between, each pass it descended deeper into her boiling cauldron of lust. He flicked it along the entire length of her rosy inner lips. First along one side, then the other. He opened his lips and taking her inner lips between, began to tug on them. Lisa let out a deep moan as a surge of electricity passed through her.

Lisa parted her lips, letting the head slide between. She felt the throbbing as her lips closed around it, pressing behind the head. She twirled and slid her tongue all over the head, bathing and caressing it. With her hand she was cupping his balls, gently surrounding them. She took more of his pulsating shaft, sliding him deeper into her mouth. She pressed her tongue along the bottom side as she slid him in.

John pointed the tip of his tongue, curling it so that it was stiff. With the very tip he slid it into her entrance. Lisa raised her hips and let out a low moan as his tongue teased the edges. Then all at once he stabbed it deep into her. He tasted the tangy juices as he curled it upward so that the tip played along her sensitive g-spot. With his nose he inhaled her sweet scent of passion.

Lisa took him slowly, sliding her lips inch by inch down the rock hard shaft. She could feel the vein along the bottom twitching as John’s hips moved of their own volition. Finally she had him completely in her mouth. She sucked on him as she began to move him in and out. Her tongue pressed and slithered along the loose skin under the head and along the bulging shaft.

John moved his tongue higher, now concentrating on her clit. It was protruding and stiff between her engorged lips. He moved his tongue just underneath it, curling it like a coiled spring. Suddenly he let the spring unwind as it unfurled up and over the tip. It pressed along it, molding to her contours. The tip of his tongue teased her, circling ever closer to the tip then backing off, only to return and flick with almost no pressure over the hood.

Lisa let John slide from her mouth with a plopping sound. She opened her mouth wide so that she could feel the warm hairy balls between her lips. She first took one, her tongue pushing one way and another as she felt the ball roll around in her mouth. John let out a deep guttural moan as she sucked on his balls.

John opened his lips again. He let one lip press against one side of Lisa’s clit and the other press the other side. He began moving his lips back and forth alternately letting her stiff clit roll between them. Lisa was feeling a wave of pleasure building, threatening to overwhelm her in excitement and passion. When John began to moan and her clit vibrated between his lips, the dam burst.

Lisa exploded in John’s mouth sending her sweet honey flooding between his lips. She felt the tremors come in deep satisfying waves. It seemed as if her whole body was in rapture of the pleasure. John felt her contracting around his tongue as he struggled to gather all of the nectar she was giving. Lisa’s orgasm went on for several minutes.

Lisa had never had such an intense cum. Never had a lover given her such concentrated attention to guarantee her pleasure. She had to return the pleasure that John had given her. Getting up, she moved around and poised straddling him.

John’s shaft was sticking straight up, the tip moving slightly as it throbbed in anticipation of the sweet warm tunnel it would soon be engulfed by. He reached up and rubbed his fingers over her stiff rubbery nipples. He tweaked them and she let out a soft yell.

All at once Lisa descended on him, impaling herself on his hard rod. She felt it open her up as he slid in. The thick head pressed against her walls, throbbing with its fullness. She pulled up again and let herself down, taking him inch by delicious inch.

John felt her velvet smooth walls parting as he head glided against them. It felt like a thousand fingers were caressing him as her muscles gripped him. He reached up and pulled her down on top of him feeling her breasts crush against his chest. His tongue flicked her tongue wildly, battling and pressing hers over and over.

Lisa got into a rhythm with her hips, moving them in concert with his. It was a symphony of motion as they rocked together, his shaft appearing and disappearing between them.

John held her close and rolled them over so that he was on top. He began to move in earnest now, picking up the speed and intensity. His balls slapped against her as he pulled out and shoved back in. The top of his shaft was pressing her clit sending sparks through her with every stroke. He felt them tightening as he neared the precipice of pleasure.

His shaft pulsating with his hips he felt his seed rush up the shaft. It jetted out of him and sprayed hard against her walls. It splashed back against him, mixing with Lisa’s flowing juices.

The feel of John filling her up with his cum pushed Lisa into another earth-shattering orgasm. She shuddered for what seemed like hours in waves of pleasure that washed over her. She could feel herself gripping the warm stiff shaft as each wave hit.

John sent wave after wave of his seed into her as she milked him with her walls. Lisa reached up to pull John closer to her. Her lips found his again as she gave him kiss after deep kiss. A aura of contentment settled on both of them as they drifted into sweet sleep. They were still entwined.

The next morning the sun awoke them with its warming rays. John dressed quickly, eager to be off to find civilization. Lisa lingered thinking about how such a wonderful man as John is so rare. Eventually she too, donned clothes and headed off to find more berries.

The helicopter spotted them both almost in the same instant. It set down in a small clearing along the river. John and Lisa climbed aboard. They were happy to be rescued but at the same time sad that they soon would have to part. Both silently vowed to find a way to rendezvous again.

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Pleasing Master Hans Congressman Roger Malvern exited the Ethics Committee meeting and walked to where his office was Pleasing Master Hans Congressman Roger Malvern exited the Ethics Committee meeting and walked to where his office was. It had now been three days since Simone had put that damned thing on Roger's cock! Sheila had taken it pretty well when he'd shown it to her at home. Curious, really. "You like having this thing on your dick, honey?" Sheila had asked as she'd lifted...

4 years ago
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How I lost my Virginity

I'm a younger brother to three older sisters so naturally i was out of the house a lot of the time. I'd find my way, albeit against my parents wishes, in my fathers shed at the corner of our property. Inside was the usual bench tools on the wall etc etc Here is where i spent most of my time.Don't worry this will come into the story later.My next door neighbours are of Polish background. Nice kind family, so nice in fact that they invited us over to their special family reunion. Where many of...

2 years ago
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Good Weekend Fuck With Someone Older

As usual I was on omegle. Looking for a gay guy to fuck me. Though I am located at Mangalore, I had to look for guys from Bangalore. And it was same like other days, I was having no luck. Then when I was about to doze off, I met a stranger on omegle. He said, “M45, Bangalore”. When I asked what he was looking for he said, “young bottom “. (Let’s call him Jon.)It was a perfect match. We started talking; we had lot of things in common. We both loved doing things a bit dirty. And looked in a good...

Gay Male
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The Mammary Punishment Project

THE MAMMARY PUNISHMENT PROJECT James pulled into the long driveway entrance of the luxury Mission Viejo TennisClub in his 600S Mercedes. His beautiful 24 year old wife attired in her classicPolo tennis attire was waiting curbside. As James came to a stop, Nikki openedthe back passenger door, his lithesome but voluptuous brunette wife quicklyentered the vehicle and before she could even close the door James smashedthe accelerator and the 12 cylinders spinned the rear 20? tires in a...

3 years ago
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The Taste of Man

I love semen. Cum. Jizz. Whatever name you call it. I love shooting it. Playing with it. Eating it. There’s nothing like eating a warm load fresh from a man. I love the smell, and I love the feel of it on my tongue. Nothing compares to the warm feeling I get when I take a man’s semen into my body, pleasing him, and making him a part of me. I love it when my fuck buddies come first so I can enjoy their warm, salty loads while we work my dick together. Not only do I love cum, but I crave it,...

3 years ago
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Jane Part 4

The morning after the BBQ Jane and I were chatting and I enquired after her two offspring (the Harpies) and she filled in some of their background and showed me some recent photos of them. Samantha (Sam) is the oldest and a senior Medical Clinician at a well known hospital. She is a handsome, now mature, woman but Jane said that she is as ice. Looking at her photo I imagined that she is the type of woman a man would push onto the kitchen table, spread her legs wide, rip her knickers to...

2 years ago
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Northern College girls caught shoplifting brought

The big bellied southern sheriff walked into the store where we'd been caught shoplifting, Well well, whata we have here Pauline? These girls tried to walk outa here with these items, they said they just forgot to pay. You got any ID's? 19 and 21, not minors, I'll take it from here. He cuffed us and roughly put us in the back of the car. He laughed as I asked what was going to happen to us? He stopped at a gas station, and told a guy to go get Judge Cobb. He took us into the jail, and put us in...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 130

Bernice had briefly mentioned the scratches on Laura's shoulders, and asked about the bandage on her forearm. This had given Laura a good chance to practice her excuses, knowing she would have to give them to Trina sooner rather than later. Her forearm wound she blamed on an accident at work, but there was no plausible explanation for the shoulder scratches. "She must be some hot bitch," Bernice had said, eyes wide. Laura had smiled ruefully. "Hot and nasty," she had said under her...

2 years ago
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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

2 years ago
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The Earth Mother

Alice was neither tall nor short. She was neither beautiful nor plain. When at age twenty she married George, she was wide hipped, with full soft breasts, generous mouth, upturned nose, and bright shining blue eyes. She was also three months pregnant to George. It was no shotgun wedding. Alice had told George that she did not want him to marry her if he did not really want to. George, who sincerely loved Alice, had exploded. ‘You’ll marry me if I have to drag you to the altar.’ He did not have...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 4 Performing And Teaching

September – Year 2 My first presentation was well attended with over 400 coaches in the room and a good Q&A session afterwards. The presentations I attended did one of either two things for me. They either taught me something new or they affirmed that I already knew good stuff. Both are valuable lessons. During the lunch break I took a walk outside the hotel and found some of the local lunch spots. Mac and I had lunch one day and I went with a group of new coaches one day. I made a good...

3 years ago
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Playing and LosingChapter 2

“Errol wants me to have dinner with him tonight darling” she said somewhat hesitantly. “He’s meeting an important client and if he gets the account, I’ll be servicing it” “Dinner and what else?” I asked but she wasn’t biting, she came up behind where I was sitting and draped both arms over my shoulders. “Don’t be such an old grouch” she said and pushed her boobs against the back of my head, “He’s my boss, this is part of my job and it always has been” “He’ll expect you to go to bed with...

2 years ago
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Lust for Lily Part Two

“Oh my God! You must be the new girl! Thank God you’re here, we’re rammed and it’s not even dinner time yet! I’m Lily.” Lily ran over to me and grabbed both of my arms just above the elbow, smiling at me as though I’d just made her cum a thousand times. I stood there, shocked at how familiar she was being. Oh if only she’d put those hands somewhere else. Vaguely aware that I was drooling, I introduced myself. “Hi ,I’m Emma.” I only hoped that my answering smile was just as dazzling as hers....

3 years ago
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Scene the First

Ancient and threadbare carpet tiles have rubbed my knees reddened raw, held as I am in this position of abject submission. Scattered about my offered form lays the accumulated flotsam and jetsam of my half formed life, an existence that in the last 24 hours has had the fine strung cobwebs and delicate layers of dust ripped from its surface. I stare up at her through filmed pupils, her every deliberate and considered action unfolding before me in slow motion, my vision blurred as if viewing...

3 years ago
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Learning to Swim Part 3

I was seventeen and only just learning to swim. My parents were paying for me to have lessons but Miss Phillips, the attractive teacher, had our parent’s permission to spank me, Ed or any of the three girls if we did not do what she told us. We were all roughly the same age and next Sunday was our final lesson. Over the six weeks of the course, Miss Phillips had used the tawse on all of us and caned both Sarah and I on our bare backsides. On a couple of occasions, she had used a springy ruler...

4 years ago
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Bosss Bitch Looking For A Home

For those of you that don’t know me, I am an exhibitionist. My husband encourages me to think of ways to show my body off. I usually am telling you about the sexual things I do with my boss or his wife and their clients, like sucking their dicks or fucking them in the office or licking the wife’s pussy. More on that later. But first I am going to tell you about finding a new home.My husband and I decided to find a realtor. We waited a couple of hours more that morning before we left. Being a...

3 years ago
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A late night with a new friend

I've had the fantasy for some time now of sharing my wife with another man. For months we have talked about it but still not had the chance to play. After meeting a guy named Mickey about a month ago the thoughts still ran through my mind. Since time usually was a problem for us I thought it would have to be a last minute decision to fulfill my ideas. I knew Mickey was available most weekends but lately he told me he. would even come a night during the week if we wanted. I decided in the next...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Anothet plane journey

Let me Thank all the people who has sent me an email for my earlier post. They all were very encouraging. I am Back with my another real life expiriance. Hope you all will Like the way you have loved my earlier post. You all are requested to send me a mail if you like the narration as below giving the name of the story in subject line. AND the Expiraince goes as below. I was almost late getting to the airport for my flight to Delhi. Not because of the rush hour traffic here in Mumbai, but...

1 year ago
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At the age of twenty-five, I had firmly committed myself to a solitary existence. I felt that I really didn’t need the encumbrance of a partner who would complicate my life in any way of form. To me, visiting my local bar for sexual gratification was completely satisfactory, and the glory hole section, in particular, totally took care of my carnal needs.If I may explain: Sucking anonymous dick and swallowing spunk was all I needed in life and any further impediments, left me stone-cold. Okay,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Escape From Black Bear MountainChapter 3

Hack shivered in the cage in the back of the police wagon. The rain had stopped and the sky was clearing. The night was getting colder. He could make out movement inside the cabin from time to time but had no real idea of what was happening to his wife and daughter nor who was the hooded and jackbooted man he had seen escort them inside. As he watched, the door opened and in the light from the cabin he saw a slim, broad-shouldered, man go down the steps from the verandah and open the back...

1 year ago
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My Mother and I Make Plans

She looked like a dream as she weaved her way through the tables towards me, I stood up and kissed her on the cheek, and she beamed with pleasure."Hello, darling," she said with a smile, "You look very handsome tonight.""And you're stunning, mum," I returned. "Absolutely stunning!""Where does my stepfather think you are?""With you." and then she saw my jaw drop and giggled. "I told him you've got the flu, so I've come to look after you for the night."She wore a simple white dress of average...

1 year ago
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Stretched into a Slut

On the day I had graduated from high school, I met Zane that next weekend. He was 26 years old and extremely hot with his dark hair, perfect teeth, and tone abs. He had moved from Minnesota to pursue acting and had even landed a couple of commercials. The problem with being so attractive is that he was a "player" in the dating world but at 19, I was infatuated with him and thought that we would be happy no matter what. I stood 5'6, weighed 120 pounds, was physically fit and had blonde hair with...

2 years ago
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Dirty Chachi

Dear ISS reader, hello!. Mera naam Ronit he. Me Bharat se hu aur filal Europe me Masters ki padhai kar raha hu. Meri umar 25 saal he. me ISS ki stories jab me 10th std me tha tab se padh raha hu. yaani lagbhag 10 saal pahelese. ISS ke karan me bahot sari sex fantasies sikha hu. ISS ke karan mujhe lagta he me sex ke maamle me sudhra bhi hu magar niyat ke baare me bighda bhi hu!!……ye story aaram aaram se hot fir wild hote jaaegi to dont expect ke pahela para padh ke hi aapki pussy gilli aur dick...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Charlotte Stokely Maya Woulfe The Hot Bi Stepmom

Naughty young Maya Woulfe has had a crush on smoking hot stepmom Charlotte Stokely ever since her father brought the former Penthouse Pet home. The precocious teen pays a visit to the blonde MILF’s workplace at the clinic feigining a need for a checkup, and seduces the sexy doctor instead. The horny babes are soon naked and pussy licking one another atop the exam table. Watch them scissoring, pressing their juicy snatches up against the other’s for an unforgettable steamy lesbian...

4 years ago
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The Deep End

My boyfriend’s cum slapped hot against my cheek, onto my lips and into my open mouth. Moments later, the other man’s cum landed in a streak stretching from my lower stomach to my breasts. More and more shots of cum covered me, each hot against my skin. The heat transferred straight to my pussy, taking my arousal ever higher.Then I woke with a start, breathing heavily, heart racing. I sighed. The clock radio read 4:22 am; slightly later than the previous night, but the same dream. Again. I’d...

Group Sex
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MommysGirl Tanya Tate Kylie Page Not In That Dress

When teen Kylie Page gets dolled up for a party, her step mother Tanya Tate has a big issue with her step daughter looking like a slut. She angrily points out that her tits are pouring out of her outfit and tells her flatly not to leave the house in that dress. Kylie doesn’t know what her problem is, it’s just a dress. But she obediently goes back to her room to change. She decides to look through Tanya’s clothes in case she can borrow a top that’s less revealing. Kylie...

3 years ago
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Ms Romero

My english teacher is mexican, she has black hair light brown skin,is about 25 and is kind of a BBW, still hot and not overweight by much.Her name is Ms.Romero.she sometimes walks around class barefoot with her perfect feet.Sometimes she used to sit on a chair in front of class teaching or lecturing and sometimes during summer she would wear skirts then sat on her chair that was pretty high off the ground.So she would wear her skirts and sit on the chair unknowingly showing her beautiful BBW...

3 years ago
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What Did Happen in VegasChapter 6

Tuesday June 10, 2003 6:35 AM Tom had a restless night and didn't get much sleep. He got himself out of bed and managed to make a pot of coffee and sat at the little dinette table next to the kitchenette and waited for the coffee to brew. When it was ready, he poured himself a cup and picked up his cell phone and called Zack's office. No one answered but then Tom didn't expect Zack to be in his office yet. He just wanted to leave a message. "Zack, this is Tom. Would you please call me...

2 years ago
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A while back I was attending a convention in one of the best convention cities in America, San Antonio. Now, say what you want about the Alamo City, but I love good ‘ol San Antone is one of my favorite places. It’s mixture of Latino culture and military bases has made San Antonio a nice melting pot for Texas. In the past 15 years the city has ballooned and is bursting on all sides. The gay life here is hit and miss as far as I’m concerned; probably due to the born again ravings of a local...

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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 1

As I was rubbing my fingers over Vicky's nipples I was thinking about my upcoming business trip and thought she might like to go. “How would you like to go to San Francisco for a long weekend?” My new job had me traveling one or two nights a week and I was scheduled be in SFO the last few days October. Halloween fell on the last Saturday of the month. “MMM..." She was purring like a cat. "Sure. I'd love to go. I haven’t been there in a couple of years.” Vicky and I were lying nude on my couch....

4 years ago
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My Friend My Cousin Marie Part IV

Driving along towards BD’s work, we could see the results of the monsoons, the limited green was much greener, cacti had flowered, more animals were out. We were being put to work today, as it turns out BD’s business needed some monotonous work done with filing, putting little sticker rings on punch holes for files and making sure new charts were ready. BD owned and operated a medical business and we got the pleasure of doing some free labor in exchange for spending money and the freedom to...

1 year ago
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You Want Me to Do WhatChapter 2

"I'm still pissed at you, jackass. Your son has much more finesse and charisma than I remember you having when you were his age. We've been eating sandwiches and talking about sex. Sleep on the sofa, I don't like you yet!" she declared. As we walked upstairs, my mom leaned into me and asked, "What was that about, 'if I could date you, ' what exactly did you mean?" As we walked to my room I said, "Wow, you really were sheltered, weren't you?" We sat on my bed next to one...

4 years ago
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Taking Me From Behind

Taking Me From Behind By Scalper16 Sean and I had been best friends in High School, but we had really gone our separate ways since then. It was a little uncomfortable, going out with him for my Birthday. Almost immediately after we graduated from High School and went off to college, I had gotten involved with a group of artists. At first it had been just for fun - they had a reputation for wild parties, I was in college, I wanted to see something new. But when I went to the party,...

2 years ago
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Frist time sucking cock

Hey there. I am 46 yrs old virgin to cock (or I should say was a virgin) . I always wanted to try sucking a cock but was to afraid to try it. I got up my nerve an went to an ABS with glory holes. I walked in an went straight to a booth. I 8nserted my money in and picked a god seen of a to fucking a guy. I undone my belt an unbutton my pant and got my had cock out. My cock is cut average 6 incher an about 1 an three quarters thick. I was about to set down when I saw 2 fingers come through the...

3 years ago
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Delhi Waali Saloni Bhabhi

This is my first story for the site as I think story comes from inner experience it was my first sex encounter with the lady aged around 32 with perfect size from all around let me not forget to introduce myself. I’m Amit from Delhi height 6 feet and I never measured size of my penis because I know that my size is very good enough to satisfy any pretty lad. I am 25 years old boy with good physic and I was virgin till I did not find saloni bhabhi as my first sex partner let me change my language...

1 year ago
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Auntie Betty 8211 The Next week

Following my exciting encounter with Auntie Betty and knowing I was invited back the following Saturday, you can imagine my week was feverish to say the least. I seemed to spend the week stroking my cock; in serious danger of a sprained right wrist by the Friday! My mum was pleased that her sister and I had got along so well – if only she knew how well!! So at 10.00 on the following Saturday morning, I was ringing Auntie Betty’s door bell with a pounding heart and an erection you could...

1 year ago
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sex story patr II sonnnyla for me

‘Hold your hand out!’ i exclaim, doing so i then lick your fingers... ‘Mmmm, tastes good’. Within seconds we are back to being fully aroused. Forgetting where we left off i turn you over so you are laid with your front on the bed. I kiss your bum cheeks and then tease around your rim for a while. I then kneel on the bed, pull your legs over my shoulders so your pussy is in my face, below my mouth and so you are facing down above my cock. Without hesitation you put your warm mouth over my cock,...

4 years ago
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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 10

I awoke and looked at Karen. She lay on her pretty belly and her naked butt was like a sore thumb sticking out. I loved her butt so much and loved to play with it and fuck it. Karen was half awake and we talked. Karen is small in height, slender and has a C cup with long pretty hair and a beautiful face. Karen is the prettiest girl in High school and she is mine. Karen why did it upset you so much that I will be having sex with Bridget? It is just I wanted to be the only sister you have sex...

2 years ago
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My Sister Karen

I had just turned 14 and like all 14 year old boys, there was only one thing on my mind ... sex! It seemed like everywhere I looked there was something to remind me of what I wasn't getting. TV commercials were full of half naked girls, magazines, school, and worst of all the mall. It was bad enough at school with all the girls running around with their bouncing titties and miniskirts, but at the mall it seems like those same girls were just trying to see who could wear the sexiest clothes, or...

1 year ago
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First time cheating

This story i read else where I met my wife while on holiday in brisbane 4 years ago. we met got married and she got transferred, but she still has to travel to brisbane for work once a month. not long after we got married the sex dried up to about once a month or less, but i never cheated on her. that was until last time she went away. she had been away all week and on saturday a mate from work asked me over for drinks that night. she wasn't due home til monday so i thought "what the heck" i...

3 years ago
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and they want me to babysit

It was just as I arrived home, got out of my car on the drive, and locked it, that Andy approached me. It was barely a couple of days since I had ‘royally screwed’ BOTH of his daughters …. I thought ‘Here we go … I’m in the shit now!’ “Hello mate – you got a minute”? …. Well – THAT didn’t sound like I was in as much trouble as I thought! “Yeah sure – what’s up”? “… got a problem … we’re due to go out to her ‘works do’ this evening, and my Mum was going to baby-sit …. but she’s not...

4 years ago
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Gigolo Job In Bangalore 8211 Part 2

Dear all, This story continuation of old story( gigolo job in Bangalore ) with Sushma Reddy friend those who new to this just my introduction I love ISS site since from lost 9 years. I am Rahul here I could like write my own experience as a gigolo guy Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d and if any one want to chat/sex mail me Story started like this After enjoying with sushma reddy. Sushma Reddy asked for sex once again for her close friend her name Sahana from...

2 years ago
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Travel With Priya And Kavitha

Hello ISS readers, I am Raam from Chennai and I am a great lover of Indian sex stories stories. I wanted to do have sex in my life, until this happens to me in a bus. For my luck that too with two girls. First let me describe myself. I am brown colored, above average looking guy with 5.2 inch dick. I just finished college and started working in an IT company (even them). Coming to the girls, they are Priya (22, 32-28-32) and Kavitha(22, 34-28-32). Priya is cute and pretty, while Kavitha is a...

2 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 24 Investigating Angel

I WAS SLOW GETTING UP and would still be asleep if Riley had not been knocking on my door. I dragged myself upright and couldn’t figure out what she was doing here in the middle of the night. It was 9:00 in the morning. Damn. Well, what could I tell? As close as I could come to it, I hadn’t had a cup of coffee since I was at Peg’s apartment and I had the headache to prove it. That was when? A different life ago? At least a week. But I was dedicated to being on the program now. No...

2 years ago
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The Collins Brothers Chapter 1 Meeting the Collins

I moved into an upper-class neighborhood in California about four years ago. I lived by myself and was beginning my freshman year of college at UC Berkeley.  My next-door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, were the first ones to welcome me into the neighborhood. I quickly became close to them and their children.They had four children: three sons [one pair of twin sons] and one daughter. The oldest son, Taylor, was 16 years old; the twin sons, Matt and Lucas, were 15 years old; and the youngest...

Gay Male
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Целых 2 месяца я ждал этого момента. Родители уезжали к бабушке в соседний город на Новый год и я оставался в квартире один. С моей девушкой, Кристиной, все было обсуждено тысячу раз. Она придет ко мне встречать Новый год и останется на целых два дня. Конечно, она оговорилась, что просто беспокоится за меня и хочет покормить меня эти 2 дня, тип никакого секса до свадьбы.Но я уже закупил гандонов и даже подготовил родительскую кровать к жесткой ебле. Бле, мне уже 18, пора стать мужчиной так...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Violet Monroe Anal Rage

In this week’s story Seth Gamble has some serious anger issues! He just can not control his rage so he seeks help from sexy redhead therapist Violet Monroe who has some untraditional and kinky therapeutic methods. Violet introduces Seth to her anger management program: rope, flogger, crop, paddle, ball-gag and Hitachi! A whole spread of BDSM tools to help Seth get back in his right mind. Tied up tight in doggie Violet encourages Seth to use her to get all his frustrations out. First he...

4 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 1216

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...

3 years ago
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I was now 25, and had a very good job and was earning handsomely. My Mom and Dad kept pressuring me to get married for the last two years and for some reason or another it just didn't happen. My mom got us a new maid from our village, her name was Shalini. She was very fair and beautiful and looked a lot like my mother and sister. She told us that she was abandoned by her mother after delivery and was brought up by her grandparents… Shalini was very shy and scared. She used to wake up in the...

2 years ago
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bloody Good Night

This is a true story. Im new to this and this is my first story so please bare with me.Last Friday night my girlfriend and I had a game night with my sister and her boyfriend. It was a pretty long evening, but eventually we all got tired and headed to my room to watch movies. We all knew this wouldn't last, and soon my sister and her bf left my room to go sleep. The movie was still playing and I was still wide awake (as tired as I get, I never get sleepy) so I kept watching it. I am an 18 year...

4 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 90 Freedom Dues

Foster sent us, me and George, out to do some requisitioning. Our orders were to get something for the men to eat, anything, but especially corn and flour. "Do it legally if you can," our officer said with a smile as he gave us a sheaf of quartermaster forms, "but get us some grub." We took two tired riding horses and a wagon and mule, both old as dirt, and we started scouring the countryside. It did not take us long to figure out that a lot of men had been out doing the same thing before...

1 year ago
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Sooby meets her first white man

After John had fucked his first dark skin woman, he couldn’t get them out of his brain!! It had been in the Navy and he was on liberty in the Windward Islands. One night a bunch of older salts (sailors) took him to a local whorehouse! Since he was a virgin the ladies at the house picked straws to take his cheery for free,. It turned out the winner was a young island girl of 17! He spent almost off his money on booze for the rest of the guys that night 2 hours later when he came back to the bar...


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