Empire Of Vampires 1.1.1 Tunguska free porn video

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1 Family Foundation

1.1 Goddess of the Moon

Although the circumstances of the emperor's origin remain a mystery, we are certain that she was not born in Tunguska 200 years ago. Rather, we believe that she was sent from an alternative future to avert a major catastrophe. Even if her species deserves to be worshiped as gods, we must control and chastise them in order to make them useful to us.
From Jessica's preface to the manual „Vampire Control through Lust and Tortur,“
Pavonia, Mars 2108

1.1.1 Tunguska

When she woke up, everything hurt her. She was lying in the mud, completely naked except for dirt and her own blood. She felt that most of her bones were broken. She sat up and looked down at herself. Her skin was singed, but she regenerated quickly. The pain slowly subsided and her bones also grew back together. She didn't know if she should be surprised about her fast healing, but within minutes she found it good to get rid of all the wounds, fractures and also the pain.

She felt her head. No hair and apparently she had no memory of what had happened and how she had come here. Or who she really was. She stood up and looked around. Something very strange had happened here: She was in a forest, but all the trees were bent over. But unlike her, the trees were not singed.

It was warm and the sun was shining. As low as the sun was, probably sometime in the morning. Judging by the warmth, summer. She heard a river nearby and decided to go there and wash. Her injuries had healed, nothing hurt anymore. Only the dirt remained, just as her memories were still missing.

She jumped into the water and washed herself until she thought all the dirt was gone. When she checked her reflection in the water to see if her face was clean, she saw herself for the first time. She had short black hair. Apparently the time of the bath had been enough to grow back her eyelashes and eyebrows as well as her head hair. By now it should be about one centimeter long. How long would her hair grow if she allowed it to grow further? At this rate it would not take long for the hair to reach her feet.

But apart from the hair on her head, she had no hair anywhere. Neither under her armpits nor between her legs. Judging by the size of her breasts, she was definitely an adult. Nor did she find any trace of hair anywhere else. Her arms and legs were completely bald. Her skin was also poorly structured. No moles or freckles, no wrinkles, no visible veins. Only smooth, fair skin.

She decided to try to find signs of civilization somewhere. There was nothing here but broken trees. She followed the river until it flowed into a larger one. And then she followed its course. People lived by rivers. Eventually, it would meet civilization.

* * *

She had been walking all day, by now she was in an area where the trees were standing and had not fallen over. The way a normal forest should look. She was hungry, but otherwise hardly exhausted. Occasionally she had climbed a tree to get her bearings. Still no civilization in sight, but at least she could skip some river bends and take the more direct route.

Whatever had happened to her must have been quite violent. At least she didn't even get a scratch when she jumped down from the tree top again. But now it was getting darker and she decided to rest. It didn't get really dark, but a few stars were visible. Apparently she was quite far north and it was near the summer solstice.

Her thick black hair reached up to her shoulder by now and didn't grow any further. The hair ended at a height all around and framed her flawless face. Her black eyes were a perfect match for her black hair. She would probably look very attractive in people's eyes, although fashion certainly required her to have longer hair. But Selene was glad that her hair did not get any longer. In this length it warmed and served as jewelry. If it got any longer, it would limit her mobility.

She climbed a tree and looked around. The narrow crescent of the new moon was under the zodiac sign of Cancer. Soon it, too, would sink. He followed Mars and was pursued by Jupiter with its moons. It had to be June 30, 1908, otherwise this configuration would not make sense. On the other hand it was somewhere in Siberia and accordingly it was only June 17th of the local calendar. She wondered what made her so sure, but she had no doubts about her conclusion.

Why couldn't she remember anything? She looked at the dark new moon. There was something familiar about it. Something about the moon. It seemed so familiar, like it was her home. Falling off it would explain her injuries, but it was so silly. Even the moon's low gravity she could never overcome in one leap. But there was something familiar. She was named after the moon. Luna? No. Her name was Selene! She was named after the Greek goddess of the moon. Then why was she in the middle of Siberia?

Selene decided to sleep. Perhaps something from her past would come to her in a dream. Or maybe she would forget her hunger. SELENE. She liked the name. She'd keep it. Who was she?

* * *

Selene was on the moon in her dream and looked longingly at the earth. She looked up at the starry sky and suddenly felt the temperature rise behind her. She looked around and looked straight up at the burning sky. The stars in half the starry sky were on fire and spread further.

The flames were getting brighter and hotter. The moon also began to burn and the flames came dangerously close to Selene. Selene felt the heat on her skin and was terrified. Then a bright flash followed by darkness. Selene woke up in terror and was bathed in sweat.

* * *

Selene had only slept for a short time. It was still dark, but she had heard wolves stalking. Maybe her nightmare was trying to warn her, and she didn't care anymore. Maybe the wolves were trying to eat Selene. Selene would fight. She was hungry, so she was more aggressive. Escape was beneath her. She got up and saw eight wolves surrounding her.

The first wolf jumped at her, but Selene reacted much faster. She caught the wolf in the air, grabbed him by his hind paw and used him as a club to slay a second wolf. Judging by the deformation of the colliding skulls, both of them died so quickly that they had no time to feel pain or even notice her counter attack. Selene used her higher power and speed and killed the remaining six wolves before they had the chance to react.

Surprised at their much better fighting skills than the dead predators, Selene looked at their hands. The blood on her hands was not hers, but that of the dead wolves. Following an impulse, she licked the blood from her hands. It was exactly what her body had been craving for hours. She wanted more blood to satisfy her hunger.

Selene grabbed one of the wolves and bit its throat and sucked the blood from the lifeless body with relish. She also drank the blood of two other wolves before she was satisfied. In return she had to pee. While she got rid of the excess liquid from her meal, she touched her teeth with her tongue and then with her fingers. Her molars were completely smooth and completely unsuitable for chewing food. Her incisors were present and felt almost human, but they were not sharp but blunt. Her canines in the upper jaw were quite different. They were pointed and she could deliberately change their length, making them longer and sharper. Ideal for sucking blood from a victim, but any other food was not usable for her.

At least Selene knew what she was. She looked human, but she wasn't. Selene was a vampire and needed blood to feed She drank another two wolves empty, but this time she took more time to observe her own bodily functions and to taste the blood. Apparently only a small part of the blood went into her mouth so she could taste and smell it. By far the largest part was sucked in by her teeth as if with syringes and went directly into her stomach without a detour through the throat. On a trial basis she tried to let some blood run directly into her mouth and then swallow it. But that did not succeed. It was already difficult to get the blood of a dead wolf into her mouth, but to swallow it did not work at all. Her esophagus seemed to be a dead end and ended up somewhere in her throat. She had to suck up the blood through her fangs.

Selene suspected that she either belonged to a species that descended from humans and the esophagus and the smooth, useless teeth were remnants from this past, or that she belonged to a species that had developed such features to disguise herself as a human. It is possible that humans were then her real prey. The wolves had sated her, but somehow the blood had tasted wrong. Not because it was blood, but because there was something about it that didn't agree with her. And that wasn't just because the wolves were dead.

Freshly fed, Selene felt that she was getting stronger. Although she still did not make any serious effort, she was now almost twice as fast. She would meet humans very soon for sure. Then she could test her theory that humans were her real prey. She had left the river and was heading south. To her knowledge, there were no settlements in the far north of Siberia. Only one or two day trips further south were there settlements.

* * *

Selene had been feeding on deer for the next two days. But she found it much easier to catch a deer than to catch it alive and drink fresh blood. But it was even harder for her to curb her appetite and drink just enough to keep her victim alive. Only deer number eleven was lucky enough to donate blood and then run away. Selene just hunted so often now that she was not forced to kill from hunger. She only wanted to kill when it was really necessary.

Only now on the third day did she find signs of human settlement. First a path and later she saw a small settlement. She could hear and see people. The group of people she saw were clothed and talking. Naked she would attract attention, so she hid in the forest and listened to the strangers.

She understood every single word they said. She even had the feeling that these people from the country knew their own language less well than she did. Still, it was not her mother tongue. Her thoughts were definitely in another language. Curious she continued to observe.

The men were hunters looking for furs to sell even further south. Finally the group split up and they went off one by one in search of prey. Selene inconspicuously followed the largest of the hunters. In her opinion he was the best looking, but he was also unkempt and dirty. But in the end, her main goal was to test how human blood tasted.

* * *

Selene had followed the hunter unobtrusively into a clearing. He probably wanted to lie in wait here to make prey. Should she attack him directly or should she try to seduce him? She wanted to know, if she could persuade him to feed her without v******e. After all, he was only armed with a rifle and knives and therefore no danger.

She took a rotten piece of wood and broke it in her hands. The cracking was loud enough to attract his attention and he turned to her with his gun raised. He aimed at her, but was too confused by the sight of her to shoot or move. His pupils dilated and his mouth opened without saying anything. He didn't move a bit when she came towards him and took the gun out of his hand and threw it to the side.

Selene had already noticed that his penis was swollen even when he was clothed. She was probably beautiful in his eyes. Or he hadn't seen a woman in months. Following an impulse, she kissed him, gently pushing him down. When he was on the ground, he began to caress her body. She grabbed his hands and held them tight. She didn't want to be touched by him, she only wanted to drink from him.

He tried to resist her grip and to stroke her further, but she was much stronger. Finally he gave up and gave in. When Selene finally bit his neck, she felt him rubbing against hers with his pelvis. He was dressed, so she let him. His blood tasted much better than that of wolves or deer. She had to pull herself together so she only drank enough for him to recover.

Selene had learned by now that she could filter the blood when both canines bit into the same bloodstream. With one tooth she sucked and filtered out only the solid parts, i.e. the platelets, and then released the liquid back into her victim through the other tooth. Much less stressful for her food.

Finally, she fed him some of her vampire saliva. Let the wound heal faster. By the time she was finished, he had stopped twitching as well. He had indeed ejaculated while she drank from him. Kind of gross. But she took it as a compliment. She wondered if she could control him and make him work for her as a slave. She should get some clothes, she didn't want to attract attention all the time, but she also didn't want to hide in the woods forever. She wanted to be able to hunt in big cities without attracting attention and he would help her.

„Did you like it,“ she asked him in his language. But instead of answering he just nodded. Proud of herself, Selene smiled at him. „Does it still hurt you,“ This time he shook his head. Sex seemed to diminish his sense of pain. His wound had closed up. Her teeth were really sharp. And efficient saliva. Pretty efficient at getting blood, but thin enough to create rapidly closing wounds. She was perfectly equipped to suck blood from people. She was strong enough to easily defeat anyone in a fight and so beautiful that no fight ever had to happen.

„Good. You belong to me now. From now on you are my slave and you work for me. And if you work well, I may drink from you again. We will spend the night here, you will make us a fire, I will bring you food. And tomorrow you will get me something to wear,“ Selene said friendly but determined enough to obey.

She went back into the woods for a moment and caught a hare. Her slave should be strengthened and she too could use a little more blood.

* * *

Selene still fed mainly on a****l blood, but once a day she caught another hunter in the forest and drank from him. Humans regenerated their blood rather slowly. As it seemed it would take weeks before her first slave could give blood again. She would probably need hundreds of slaves to fully feed on their blood. Each of her slaves would have preferred her not to have any more slaves, but they accepted that Selene would always get more slaves and subjugate them by caressing them.

Selene now also knew that the saliva she injected into her victims' wounds before and after the blood donation had a clear effect. The saliva at first increased their lust and forced them to love her forever. The saliva she injected after a meal made their wound close immediately. She was a predator, but one that could suck her prey for years. She did not kill, but was a parasite.

Selene also seemed to find that her saliva made men stronger. Not nearly as strong as herself, of course, but they seemed to be healthier and also much more determined. Probably their saliva also contained a portion that killed all pathogens.

Selene already had ten slaves and had them make leather clothes. She did not want to wear the impractical skirts until she was in a town. She wondered why women voluntarily wore such impractical clothes in which one could not fight properly.

Her slaves were trained hunters, but still nobody was really good at it. Instead of letting her slaves hunt, she caught a****ls for herself and her entourage. She drank their blood and her slaves got the meat and were allowed to clean the skins for later sale. She only let her slaves do the menial work, like collecting firewood or setting up and taking down the camps.

Selene and her entourage moved a few kilometers further southwest every day. Firstly, so Selene could always find new prey, and secondly, she wanted to reach the railroad to get west to a more civilized part of the world.

The nightmare of her first night had repeated itself a few more times, but since her entourage had grown to fifty and they were heading west, it never came back. She apparently felt safer with her entourage.

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The Truth About Vampires

This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate. This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 21 Like Hope Delivering On Its Promise

I guess the thought of losing the accumulated knowledge of humanity lit a fire under the Professor. He even put together a hunting party to go into other professors' homes to raid their book collections. The books filled several trucks. I hoped it would be enough, like I hoped what Bianca had done to prepare for our departure was enough too. I smiled--we were saved!!! I wasn't the only one smiling. The uniforms were so pretty, at least on some of the soldiers. A few of the men looked a...

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Cronicles of MartosChapter 2 The Dawn Of Vampires

His name was Martos, and he was born as a human over five thousand years ago. He was born in a nomadic tribe of hunters, constantly on the move after the animals they hunted. Those were simple times, when the sole concern was would there be enough game to feed everyone. They lived mostly in the forests that were almost everywhere in those times. Martos, as all men from his tribe, was a hunter. He had a happy life, but all changed on his twentieth birthday, for better or worse, I cannot really...

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Mistis Adventures Part 111

That evening, Cathy came home, smiling more than usual. Billy and Bruce were over at the Kelly farm, helping Pete, and hadn't returned yet, but Robbi and Gail noticed right away. Abe was distracted. He was on the phone, in the living room, talking to someone, they didn't know who.Cathy walked in and set her valise down, and simply said, "Mission Accomplished!" Both knew what the "mission" was. Cathy had confided in both of them about what she had planned. Gail glanced into the living room to...

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Episode 111 a vanilla weekend

Hi my name is Amy, I’m roughly nineteen and a student at Southampton. My boyfriend Will is away for the weekend, and I’m already getting frustrated. You may know my big sister Annie, better known as Anna Dominatrix, who always loved to boss me around when we were younger.My first memory of watching her having sex, other than masturbation - which we always did together under the bedclothes, was when she brought a girlfriend home from school.They were naked in the back garden - I don’t think...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 111 Back On The Ice

"I did it! I finally got through the thing, every day this week!!" Sophia was exultant. "Yup. And with time to spare," Warren said. "I still can't believe you got back this quick," June, their coach, commented. It was the beginning of October. Sophia had given birth only a month and a half earlier, and had pushed herself to get back on the ice right away. It was painful and difficult, but it had worked. They were almost right back in form, with over a month to go before Cup of...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 111

Phil went out the front door and crossed straight to the car; me, not so much. Still naked- no, really, worse than naked - I peered around the corner of the doorway and out onto the street. About the only thing to be thankful for was that Phil had parked the limo right at the curb across from the doorway, so at least I didn’t have to walk across the street bare-assed. And I had the cooler in front of my caged cock. It didn’t do much to hide the plug in my ass, though. Phil unlocked the...

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Learning CurvesChapter 111

Nine people were invited to the suite at Calder City’s nicest hotel. Phil and Hailey had stayed in a single room the night before but Beth had decided she wanted privacy and space for the luncheon. She was determined to put the important portion of the day first. As soon as she walked in the door, she wrapped Hailey in a warm hug. “I am absolutely thrilled that you and Philip are engaged,” she said as she released the young woman and lifted her hand to look at the ring. Her smile widened....

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Deputy PorterChapter 111

He turned so that I could see his full length and thickness. His cock was big, how big exactly I had no idea. I was sure that it was going to cause some discomfort for both Reggie and me before this night was over. He didn't ask me anything I think somehow he knew I wouldn't cause any trouble so he was concentrating on Reggie. I couldn't say that I blamed him any. She was more his age and more attractive than me. Much less likely to have any experience with this kind of thing. "Kiss...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 111

The moment Sandra entered Brenda's office; Brenda stood up and walked around her desk towards Sandra. "There you are," she said with a smile. "Let's go sit over there." Sandra looked in the direction Brenda was motioning and saw a table there, set for two people. She let Brenda guide her to it. After Sandra was seated, Brenda removed the silver plate covers and joined her student. "Your mother told me you like tomate-crevette," Brenda said. "Yes, I do," she answered, while...

1 year ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 111

For a week or so, everything went back to normal. I simply made it a habit to call them "idiots" anytime I thought I might say something I'd regret later. Whatever West thought my problem was, he was wrong. I had a house full of fuck toys; there was no problem. They were idiots; you don't say 'it' to idiots. We were all at dinner when the visitor buzzed the front gate. "I'll get it." Yann was closest to the door anyway. He came back a good little while later. "You go on...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 111 Fists Cant Tell

(Sanosuke and Anji trade blow after bloody blow.) Yumi: What is this... They're both using the Futae no Kiwami, but neither one can finish the other. Kenshin: No... I wouldn't be surprised if one had already defeated the other. They're both only going on by believing they cannot lose. Their spirits have long overcome their bodies. Since the Futae no Kiwami isn't the deciding factor anymore, the fight is completely even. Saitou: You really think so? Didn't you notice? He's one of the...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 111 Hot Tub Party 8Ball Demonstration

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Donna is competitive and has to see people trying hard to beat her for her to enjoy playing games with them, so whenever we goof off these days, I always handicap myself. I enjoy it more that way too. We negotiate, and something renegotiate, the handicaps with the various games we play, or maybe we just make up a new game heavily slanted in her favor to make it a challenge. With 8-ball, I wouldn't use any TK (Donna doesn't know about that anyway), and I...

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My Little VentrueChapter 111

~~Antoinette~~ Jack had seen her. She knew he must have. And yet, he gave chase into the forest, with Beatrice over his shoulders. So committed was he to his plan, to his need for revenge, that he would ignore her approach, the Prince of Dolareido, and his lover, to pursue it. It was not Jack she saw. It was the curse, a relic from ages past, from those infuriating striges and their obsessive need to disrupt the lives of Kindred. The curse. The damned, bloody curse, that crawled into her...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 111 This Dont Make Us Lovers

Since I had to entertain the TV clowns, I decided that we needed a trip to The Cop Out. I had no idea which of the two clowns was on duty that evening, but I was pretty sure I would know soon enough. "Hi," I said into the phone. "This is Maxine." "Yes, I recognized your voice. So what can I do for you?" Cheryl asked. "I thought I would go to the Cop Out club for a drink after dinner tonight. Would you like to come along and meet some local public servants." "Cops," You are...

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In response to that, she squeezed me really hard. “Careful, dear ... I’m on a hair trigger right now.” “Sorry,” she said pulling her hand out and off me, but licking it nevertheless. We both fell asleep for the last hour of the drive. She had gotten up on my lap and her head was on my chest. She’s only about five foot two, and maybe one hundred pounds. To wake us up was Jennifer sitting in her seat saying, “You two look comfy,” too loud. “She fell asleep the moment she sat on my lap,...

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Family LettersChapter 111

Dear Marissa, Wow. Some of your letter I didn't understand. Remember I'm a fifteen year old pregnant girl who never took a single high school class. High level multi-dimensional physics is not exactly something I'm good at. Ask me to point out the best route to drive a tank and I can do that with no problem, but the concepts you are writing about might as well be Arabic or Chinese. I'm just glad that the computers of the Confederacy are powerful enough to solve the equations required to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 111

Irish Birth Control Mrs. Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin when she met up with Father Flaherty. The Father said, 'Top O the mornin' to ye! Aren't ye Mrs. Donovan and didn't I marry ye and yer hoosband two years ago?' She replied, 'Aye, that ye did, Father.' The Father asked, 'And be there any wee little ones yet?' She replied, 'No, not yet, Father.' The Father said, 'Well now, I'm going to Rome next week and I'll light a candle for ye and yer...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 111

Andy drove around until his gas gauge neared empty. He found himself near his high school and only a few blocks from his old neighborhood. He knew driving a new vehicle through there would paint a target on his back so he pulled into a gas station near the school. He filled his tank (and goggled at the price) before going into the store to find something to eat. He nodded at the kid at the counter - a junior at Eisenhower. Andy didn't know the guy's name but he recognized the face. He...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 111

"We still have a problem," Diana said. "I doubt if Billy has ever used a litter box. So how are we going to train him to use it and not pee on the carpet? Since there aren't any pet stores in Winter Park, I guess we can order a kennel on the Internet and have it overnighted, but as late as it is, it will still be day after tomorrow before it gets here..." "Yeah, we were lucky the grocery store even had litter boxes. But we're ahead of you about the kennel," Jeff said. "Arlene had an...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 111

Allie and Shelly took a long look at the twisted naked bodies on their bed. They had introduced an enthusiastic Erin to what sex with a porn star could be like. Erin liked sex. She liked every sort of sex she had ever tried – solo, with men, with two men, with more men. She had let a girl lick her pussy for her once but she hadn't returned the favor. She returned the favor several times with Leslie, Allie and Shelly. In fact, she was insistent that she finish out the night by making sure...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 111

Both Laura and Trina were deliriously happy, genuinely in love, unable to keep their hands off each other, unwilling to go a day without seeing each other, talking on the phone all the time. Laura hadn't felt this deep, fervent longing for another since Jonelle. In fact, she still felt it for Jonelle now and then, but it was hard to keep up a constant longing for a woman who lived in Dallas and had married again. She had a secret place in Laura's heart, but Trina was right here, right now,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2111 Celebration

I never thought about how normal life could become. It’s not that nothing happened in our lives, but that we all kept doing stuff like it was just the normal thing to do. Courtney did a lot of traveling out to California over the next few months. The company that bought her software still wanted her to have input on how they developed it for the consumer market. Jennifer traveled with her, of course, and I found that our businesses were all functioning with more and more non-clan members in...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 111

One of the things that had bothered Heather the most about Spearfish Lake had been the inaction. She had trouble doing nothing, and it caused her trouble. However, when the time came for action, there wasn't much that could slow her down. John was waiting when she got back to her apartment, still coatless and shivering, but mad enough not to notice. "Where have you been?" he asked, a little concerned. "John, can I borrow your computer?" she asked, ignoring his concern. "I've got to...

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MagicianChapter 111

The war may have been over, though there was still some tidying up to do. There were still rogue units of Sidhe out there turning to banditry as well as what remained of the fanatical Nephilim, though most of those had perished with the destruction of the fortresses. The vast majority of the Sidhe units still in the field had come in to claim amnesty from Verenestra as she held court in Keldravan. In all cases it had been granted, though a large minority had had terms attached to monitor...

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Three Square MealsChapter 111 Healing broken souls and shattering dreams

John gave Irillith a moment alone with her sister, watching as she hugged her twin and whispered earnestly in her pointed ear. Tashana was unable to return the tender display of affection, still restrained as she was in the set of grav-cuffs, her legs parted and arms held aloft. Instead she simply leaned into her sister, eyes closed as she savoured the loving embrace. He walked over to the twins and stroked the back of Tashana’s head, brushing his fingers through her snowy-white mane. “I’m...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 111

Stay thanks to St John‎ for this group... It was the old days of the American west. A young man has left his home back east, to seek his fortune in the wide open spaces. He arrives in town, and sees the local saloon has a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign in the window. He goes into the bar, and speaks to the owner, who sizes him up, and offers him the job. He adds this: “One thing. If you ever hear, ‘Big John’s a-comin’’, just get out of here as fast as you can!” He works there for a few weeks, when...

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Six Times A DayPart 111 Games People Play

Kim walked up the path leading to the front door of the Plummer house. It was quite dark outside since it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, but the path was well lit. As she came to the door, she saw two burly men dressed in work clothes carrying a lot of equipment headed the other way. They politely nodded their heads in her direction as they passed, but while still in Kim's earshot one said to another, "Did you see that? There goes ANOTHER one! What is this place?" The other...

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