Blackmailing My Dad's New Wife, Chapter 1 free porn video

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I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.

He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.

There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.

At least that's the story they told me. My name is Alex Anderson and I am a twenty-one-year-old college student in my third year of a four-year Business Management Degree at a college out of state.

I was headed home for summer break that year and was excited to see Dad and my hometown again. Dad picked me up at the airport alone the day I arrived because he wanted to "break the news to me gently" he said. 

The conversation started out innocently enough. "Hi son, how was your flight?" he said.

"It was fine, Dad. A little long, but that's what happens when you fly economy, I guess. It's really good to be home," I said.

"It's good to have you home. And I have a surprise waiting at home for you," he said.

That was the first indication that this wasn't going to be a regular summer for me.

He didn't say anything more about "the surprise" until we got home, despite my bugging him and trying to pry it out of him.

We drove the hour back home talking about general things; my school, how life at college was, the latest gossip and goings-on at home, and so forth.

I also asked him about work and the convention and he gave me a cursory explanation of what went on–the endless speeches and the nice hotel and such. No mention of meeting anyone, much less getting married!

We pulled into the driveway and put the car in the garage. Then, before we went on into the house he turned to me. "Son, before we go inside, I want to tell you something," he said. 

"What is it?" I asked. Conversations that start with, "Son, I want to tell you something," are rarely good news, so I was already bracing myself.

"Well, at the convention I met someone. And we got along really great. So great in fact that I brought her home with me.

"Son, your mother has been gone for several years and while I miss her every day, I also miss having someone. With you away at college now, this house gets terribly lonely and when I met Porsche, she just filled the hole in my life," he explained.

Mom had been gone for almost six years I guess at the time. She had gotten really sick with a rare form of cancer and passed away when I was a sophomore in high school. She never got to see me graduate or even knew I had been accepted into college.

It had always been her dream for me to be the first to graduate and the first in our family to go to college. And going to see her was one of the first things I wanted to do once I got home and got settled in.

"I see. Porsche huh? What's her last name?" I asked.

"Well actually son, Porsche and I got married so it's Anderson now," he said, kind of soft and low.

"Married? You married someone named Porsche?" I said incredulously. "When did this happen? Where did you find this Porsche? That sounds like a stripper name. Oh please, Dad, tell me you didn't marry a Vegas stripper!" 

"Calm down, son. Yes, we got married in Vegas, and yes, she used to be a stripper. But she isn't doing that anymore. We met at the conference and after it was over she agreed to come home and live here with me. We just went back to Vegas to get married because it was where we met and she wanted it like that. We've been married for about a month now and she is amazing. She makes your old Dad very happy, son," he said.

I couldn't believe it! My Dad had married a Vegas stripper! Well, what's done is done, I guess–at least he says she makes him happy! I thought to myself.

I thought about how devastated Dad was when Mom got sick and how he cared for her and was there for her every day. Losing Mom really took the wind out of him and seeing him smiling and alive again was a good thing. 

"Well, let's go in and let me meet Porsche," I said.

I wanted to see who was going to try to take Mom's place as if anyone could! 

The garage is attached to the house and the side door leads into the kitchen. We went on inside and stood there in the kitchen waiting for her. "Porsche, honey! We're home!" Dad called out. About a minute later, my Dad's new wife came around the corner!

"Hi, baby! So this is Alex! Hi Alex, I'm Porsche... I guess I'm your new Mom! It's nice to finally meet you–Tom has told me so much about you!" Porsche said.

I looked at the woman speaking–Porsche was only a year or two older than me if that!

Porsche was an attractive woman–I will give her that. She was of mixed-race descent, her father was black and her mother white, so she had that coffee and cream skin color.

She had several tattoos; a design on her forearm, some writing on her left collarbone, and the Catholic Hail Mary prayer written on her left side, amongst others.

She also had a nose ring through her right nostril. At five foot seven inches tall, she had blonde hair and soft brown eyes. She had a good figure–I could see how Dad would be attracted to this woman.

However, she was much too young for him to think of in terms of marriage! 

I just stood there in the kitchen dumbfounded as Porsche threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I was too shocked at this turn of events to even hug her back!

"Why don't you go put your bags in your old room, son, and I'll take us all out to dinner," Dad said.

I moved mechanically still too dazed to really understand what I was doing. I put my suitcases in my bedroom and then we all went out for pizza at our favorite pizza place. 

At dinner I watched the two of them talking and laughing and playing around. The sexual innuendos and paraphrases were flying back and forth and I just watched the volley between them.

They did seem happy. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. However, the idea that my new mother was my age would be a little tough to wrap my head around. 

When Dad excused himself to go to the bathroom, it gave me a chance to speak to her alone.

"Porsche, would you be terribly hurt if I called you by name instead of Mom? I'd feel a little silly since you and I are very nearly the same age and besides..." I said.

I couldn't finish the sentence but it turned out I didn't have to.

"Oh, Alex, I understand completely. When your Dad told about what happened to your mother and about you, we already thought that this might come up. Yes, honey, it's perfectly fine to call me Porsche if it makes you feel more comfortable," she said.

We finished our dinner and then went back home. It had been a long (and very strange) day and I was tired, so I went straight to my room to get ready for an early bedtime. I lay in bed a short time later, staring at the ceiling and trying to put the day's events in order.

I got up to go to the bathroom, and I suddenly heard noises coming from the master bedroom. I wasn't sure what was going on in there exactly, so I stepped closer and listened for a moment.

Once I realized what was going on inside, I beat a hasty retreat back to my room and went to bed!

The next few days were a little strange, getting used to this new family dynamic. Seeing a woman my own age talking to my father as his wife was more than a little disconcerting–after all, Dad was forty-eight years old!

But I was busy going around town re-establishing old friendships and seeing the old familiar sights.

Of course, my first stop was to see Mom's grave and I spent some time sitting there talking with her. Which made me feel better. I brought her a bouquet of pink roses, her favorite flowers, and put them in the vase in her headstone. 

After seeing Mom I went and looked up some of my old friends and we had a great time talking and hanging out like the old days. They got me back up to speed about what has been going on.

I was sad to hear that Mr. Wilkinson, the principal at my high school had gotten in a terrible car accident and was killed. I really liked him a lot. And I heard that a couple of friends had gotten married while I was away at school. 

After a day of catching up, I thought I should be getting back home. Dad would be home in a couple of hours and I didn't want to hold up dinner. I helped Porsche fix dinner, I still couldn't bring myself to call her Mom.

After dinner, I went into the den to do some things on the computer. I wanted to update my Facebook page and send out a couple of emails.

Once I was done with that, I decided to find out a little more about this woman who has married my father. Not being suspicious, mind you, just curious. Come to find out I had every reason to be curious!

Dad had some pictures of Porsche on the computer that he had seemingly taken not too long ago and so I took one that showed her face good and I did a Google reverse image search.

What came up was astonishing! I found a blank flash drive and I copied some of the information and pictures I found, planning on confronting Porsche about this at another time. I wanted her to explain what I had found before doing anything with this.

The next day after Dad went off to work I decided it was time to find out about Porsche's past. I went into the den and fired up the computer and inserted the flash drive.

"Hey Porsche, could you come in the den for a minute?" I asked her in a tone that wouldn't give anything away.

"Sure, what is it honey?" she said sweetly, completely oblivious to the shoe that was about to drop.

"Well, I was writing a couple of emails to school friends and I found something on the computer. I was wondering if you could help me," I said.

"I'm not much with computers, sweetie, but I'll try. What is it?" she asked.

"This," I said, pushing the key to open the flash drive. Porsche looked at the screen and her jaw dropped to the floor! 

"What the hell? Where did you find this stuff?" she asked me outraged.

"I found a picture of you that Dad took and I did a little image search. Seems you have been a busy girl, Porsche. Or should I say, Diana? From what I see here you and the local law enforcement are really good friends.

"Let's see... robbery, prostitution, drugs... yeah, you have been a busy little girl! You have a record going back to... well it stops here, but only because youth records are erased when you become an adult. But I'll bet you had a few incidents as a kid too... maybe shoplifting or something perhaps?" I said.

"None of this is any of your business!" she snapped.

"Maybe not, Diana, but I'll bet you never told Dad about your sordid past either. I wonder what he would think if he learned the truth about his new bride! I wonder how he would react if he learned that you were more than just an exotic dancer. That you were a whore and a drug addict! That you even held up convenience stores with your boyfriend! Yeah, I'll bet he would be really interested in knowing about Diana Walters! Or like it shows here in this charming mug shot from New Mexico State Corrections, Miss 631128!" I said.

"Okay, okay! What do you want Alex? Money? How much to shut you up?" she asked.

"You think you can just buy your way out of this, Diana? Not a chance, honey! This is my family you are messing with! No, I don't want your money, not right now at least. Besides you'd just steal from us, hock it at the pawnshop or sell it to someone, and give us the money for our own stuff!" I said.

"What do you want then?" she asked, getting impatient with me.

"Well, I can't tell you to leave and never come back. That would hurt Dad and he's been through enough with Mom's death. I'm going to have to give this a little thought," I said. "Meantime, we are going to play the happy home bit. You and I are going to pretend that none of this has happened and go on like before. Dad won't need to know anything about any of this if you do exactly what I say.

"And if you don't, well he will know and I will put this out on the Internet for others to be warned of you as well. And I'm sure our police would like a heads up too! Do we understand each other?"

"You are blackmailing me? Blackmailing your own mother?" she said.

"You are not my mother! You are just the trashy little slut that has tricked my father into marrying her.

"But if you think for a minute you are going to take advantage of his trusting nature and generosity, you'd better reconsider. Because it is you who is going to be taken advantage of, 'Mommy Dearest'!" I said. "Oh, and by the way, I have made a couple of copies of this flash drive and its contents and stashed them in different places away from the house, so don't get any ideas of rummaging around to get your hands on it thinking you will destroy it." 

I pulled the flash drive out of the computer and shut it off. I put the drive in my pocket and left her standing in the den looking at the blank computer screen.

That evening at dinner we were all sweetness and light in front of Dad, but I caught Porsche several times shooting me watchful glances. I knew she was nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, but she had good reason to be.

I had enough pictures and information to ruin things for her with Dad and do a hell of a lot worse. Plus, I knew Dad–he was a proud man who would not take kindly to being played like this.

He was not only proud, but he was well-connected and powerful in his own right. He could make life quite uncomfortable for her on his own. 

But we didn't let any hint of what went on that day between us slip out. Not yet at least. I was still concocting a plan and didn't want to tip my hand. And it was a sure bet that she didn't want to speak up herself.

So Dad just figured that everything was fine with us and we all had an enjoyable dinner. That night I didn't sleep very much–I was busy hatching my master plan for dealing with my Dad's so-called wife.


I had just finished breakfast and was relaxing in the living room when Porsche came in. I could see right off that this was a humble and contrite woman.

"Alex, can we talk?" she asked quietly.

Dad had already left for work and it was only me and Porsche home so I knew we could talk without being interrupted or overheard.

"Yeah I think we probably should, Porsche," I said.

I indicated she should sit on the sofa, then I sat down beside her leaving a little distance between us.

"So it's Porsche now?" she asked.

"It will be Porsche so long as you want it to be. That will be up to you. If you do what you are supposed to do and treat Dad right, you will be Porsche. If not..." I said.

"So what do you want?" she asked.

"Well, I have thought a lot about this–in fact, I didn't get much sleep last night because I was thinking about all of this and what I would do.

"Like I said yesterday, making you leave would hurt Dad and he has lost one love already. I don't want to be the one to cause him more pain and humiliation. But I'm also not about to just shove my head in the sand and pretend this doesn't exist either. So here's the deal; you are going to continue to be Dad's wife just as you are right now. But while I am home, you are also going to be my little slut whore as well.

"You should know something about that I would think, Diana. You will be my little fucktoy and do whatever I tell you to when I tell you to do it. 

"Of course, this will only apply when Dad isn't around–when Dad is here, he is your husband. But when he's at work, your little whore ass belongs to me, got it? Anytime, and in any way I want it," I said.

"That's it? That's what you want, sex?" she asked.

"No, Porsche, that's not all. You will also be the most loving, loyal, devoted wife that has ever walked the face of this earth. Dad has been through hell with Mom's illness and death. It very nearly killed him to lose her.

"And while I appreciate you bringing him back to life and showing him that he could be happy again, I will not let you take that from him.

"Dad loves you, the first person he has opened up like that to since Mom, and I am not going to allow you or anyone to make him go back to that dark place.

"So your days of whoring around and jumping from bed to bed are over. You made a vow to him–a vow to love him, comfort him, and forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live. And with the exception of me, that is what you are going to do," I said.

"So is that everything? You want me to be your whore when your Dad's not around and you want me to stay loyal to your father when he's home? Kind of a contradiction in terms isn't it?" she asked.

"No more so than a woman who claims to be a loving, doting wife, but has a criminal background as a whore, a thief, and a drug abuser. And remember, it isn't me who's lied about my past and gotten married under false pretenses," I retorted.

"Well, before I agree to any of this, I want to tell you something–something you may not realize. I really do love your father, Alex.

"Yes, I made some mistakes in my life and made some bad choices. And maybe, in the beginning, I looked at your father as a way out of the life I had made for myself. But that was before I really knew him.

"Now that I do, I am his wife in every way. I do love living here, and I do love taking care of him. Whether you believe me or not, this is the happiest I have ever been and I don't plan on ever letting it go.

"And that is why I was so upset about your finding out about my 'sordid past'–because for the first time in a very long time, I am truly happy and I didn't want you to ruin it. So if one of your conditions is that I stay loyal and take care of Tom, then that will be easy.

"As for that other one, if that's what you want, then I guess I will agree to it too. I don't want to lose all this," she said, waving her arm around the room.


I hope you have enjoyed this story. I wrote it exclusively for only. If you are seeing it anywhere else (such as SexChatPartner by the person known as "Sophia") it has been copied there without my consent. 

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 6

This time the dads led the girls by the hand into the bedroom. To this point in time, Amber and Stephanie had been the aggressors, but what Ted and Mark had both heard loud and clear from their daughters was, "we want to belong to you." They correctly took that to mean that the girls wanted to be taken. The girls had been sharing one of the 2 queen-size beds in their room, but for the moment, each dad took his little girl to a separate bed. Mark picked Stephanie up and laid her down in...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing the Wife

Chapter 1 – Wife’s preparation and captureSo here was the dilemma?. Bill had been with his wife for many years and whilst the sex was good it was not great. She would, under duress, allow him to tie her up and occasionally dress up for him, it was basically straight sex. They had a threesome a few times with a close friend’s husband to try and spice it up but Cassie always complained.Don’t get me wrong, she had tried anal once and did give a blow job now and then, but none of it was exciting...

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 7

The next morning indeed brought a new day, and a new way of life for the daddy and daughter couples. First and foremost, all pretense was gone. Behind closed doors, Mark and Stephanie, and Ted and Amber acted like 2 real couples. Of course, they were 2 couples that believed in swapping the women back and forth. Once the girls knew they officially "belonged" to their daddies, they became the instigators again. Stephanie and Amber poured on the flirtation in a big way. They were constantly...

3 years ago
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My Dads New Wife Pt 2

My Dad’s New Wife Cont. It’s been three months since I started fucking my dad’s wife. Terri and I did it with him and at other times. Sometimes it would be just a quick fuck with me lifting her skirt and pushing her panties aside. One day Barbara, my wife, and I were over at dad’s house for a backyard cookout. Barbara and Terri had been working in the kitchen and dad and I were tending to the fire and drinking a beer. Dad commented that Barbara looked good today, as usual, and that while he...

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Blackmailing my sister for sex

My name is Rex and I had just turned 18. I lived with my mom and dad in a suburb of Dallas. I also have a sister named Sandra. We all called her Sandy. She was 22 and had her own little apartment a mile or so from home. She worked downtown at a company that has something to do with financial investments. She was the company president's personal assistant. One day I got the urge to go down and have lunch with Sandy so I arrived at the building that the company was in at a few...

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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

I lived in the neighborhood and watched Christina grow up over the years. About the time she turned 14, her body started to fill out and nature worked on shaping Christina into a statuesque young lady. Her flat chest started to grow, her skinny hips started to take on the curves of a model, and her skinny arms and legs became shapely and womanly. About this time she also started to attract the attention of the boys in her school and neighborhood. She was still very shy, but that didn’t...

5 years ago
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Blackmailing My Slutty Sister

Hi guys, thank you all for the feedback and reviews on the previous stories. If you’re new, kindly read my previous stories to know about me and my adventures, before reading this story about blackmailing. Subconsciously, everyone has a fantasy of having incest sometimes. Maybe you suppress it or forget about it or deal with it your own way. But you have at some point in your life had a fantasy about someone in your family (if not, congratulations, you’re going to heaven). I, too, had that...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Kimberly

I have no idea what suddenly made me suspicious. Kimberly and I had been married almost fifteen years and I had never, ever had a reason to doubt her and then all of a sudden, there it was — I believed that my wife was cheating on me. I can't put a finger on what it was that first made me believe that Kim was unfaithful, but the feeling was there and it just wouldn't go away and yet despite having no real reason for having that feeling it grew stronger each day. I guess maybe it was a lot of...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my lover

Note : This story is totally fictional! Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 kids. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in...

3 years ago
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Caught by Dads new Girlfriend

Everything about my life was normal until I reached 12. I had a normal family and I thought everything was great. Then the unthinkable happened and my parents split up. As a young boy I didn't understand it all so I just stayed in my room as it all happened. After a few weeks my dad had moved out and I was then brought up by my mum with my brother and older sister. Several months later both my parents were dating again. Most weekends my mum was out and occasional she would bring a man back and...

2 years ago
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Dads sex slave Jan

Introduction: First Time Writer [i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size.I began jacking off all the time and one night I became really excited when I heard my parents bedsprings squeeking. My cock grew rock hard so i jacked off while listening to my dad putting the dick to...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 2

"Good, I'm glad to hear that, Porsche. And since we don't have anything pressing to do today, this would be a good time to get... acquainted, don't you think?" I said."You want to have sex right now?" she asked."Are you in the middle of something important?" I asked."Well, no, I guess not," she said."Then I'm not keeping you from your housework or anything," I said with a note of finality."How do you want to do this then?" she asked, knowing there was no way to convince me to drop the...

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Indian Mom gangbanged by Dads bosses

I am jabir. This is the fourth story im writing u can read the others in my profile.My Dad works at an it office. He is very soft spoken, decent and a quite man. My family is comprised of me, my mom and my dad. My mom is 40. She is a housewife. My mom is a very conservative and traditional person. At the time of the incident I was 12 and my mom was 36 years old. Let me describe you my mom as she was 8 years ago. She was a normal Indian woman with good figure.It all started when the problem of...

4 years ago
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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 3

The girls emerged from the bathroom knowing that they had given their fathers excruciating erections. But they had determined to up the tease factor that day, so rather than offering any relief, or even making any comment on their shower show, the girls whisked their dads out the door and on to the next amusement park on their agenda. After nearly 8 hours of hot sun, long lines and scintillating thrill rides, Stephanie and Amber gave their permission for the group to return to their hotel...

2 years ago
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Dads Ex part 2

Introduction: Read Dads Ex before reading this story To fully understand the sexual and emotional rollercoaster I went through during this story, I recommend you read Dads Ex before reading this one. Same event, same date as last year and my Dad was having the same party as he always does and all the same people were coming, including my Dads ex. (Kathy) I didnt know if Kathy was going to be there, nor did I really even think about it. Maybe I didnt want to. I was inside the house, putting...

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Blackmailing Jane Part 2

The next morning I jacked off while I was showering, grabbed a packet of rubbers and got dressed. When I got to Jane’s house she had just finished her shower and was still in her robe, sitting at the breakfast table. She asked if I wanted something to eat. I said yes, smiled, and said “but it is not on the table”. She looked puzzled for a minute, then said, “are you serious, are you still blackmailing me into fucking you?” My reply was a simple “yes.” Jane went in the bathroom and I...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing Vengeance Reedited

!WARNING! This is a rape story. If this kind of content offends you in any way, please, stop reading. I'm not in favor of rape of any form and this is just a fictional story of sexual violence. If you have no problem with that, please, vote and comment as you wish. Thanks. (Special thanks to my friend Rutger5 for helping me with the english stuff =*) ... Blackmailing Vengeance I always knew how I wanted my life to be. I wanted an easy life. Marry some rich guy who would...

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Blackmailing Vengeance Reedited

Introduction: After killing a man Rebecca finds herself trapped, being used like a sex toy by the victims brother. This is a story re-edited, better worked and contains several differences compared to the original already posted. !WARNING! This is a rape story. If this kind of content offends you in any way, please, stop reading. Im not in favor of rape of any form and this is just a fictional story of sexual violence. If you have no problem with that, please, vote and comment as you wish....

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Blackmailing Mother Chapter One

Blackmailing MotherByMichele NylonsChapter One: Coffeehouse.I put down my newspaper and watched the woman cross the busy road. She waited for a break in the traffic and then strode purposely across the bitumen barely lifting her head from her from her phone, almost daring the steady stream of vehicles to take her on. A car beeped its horn at her and she stood still in the lane and glared at the driver, before striding off.She wore an expensive camel-coloured London Fog raincoat cinched at the...

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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 c***dren. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her c***dhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing Sue

BLACKMAILING SUEPart oneSue and Dave had been married for nearly 6 years now and enjoyed a great vanilla sex life. They would fuck three or four times a week, mainly on Fridays and Saturdays, good long sessions with plenty of foreplay. They had no children so no interruptions and a great social life in their English country town.Dave had tried to get Sue to be a little more sexually adventurous to spice things up over the last couple of years. He got some porn DVD’s which Sue was ok with. She...

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Blackmailing Joe

Blackmailing Joe ? Conferences are always a lot of fun.  Joe uses them to get away from the wife and kid just for a few days a couple of times a year.  Don’t get him wrong? Joe loves his wife and kid, but it is always nice to get away and loosen up. ? This conference isn’t different.  He gets to go to Mexico for four days during the off-season, so the only people around are the fellow conference-goers.  The first day there he notices a nice looking woman.  She isn’t the typical Barbie doll...

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Blackmailing the CheaterSlut

Chapter 1 It was a normal morning at the hotel, club level. I was managing, hell single-handedly serving, all the V.I.P. hotel Guests on the top floor of the hotel. Business travelers who had racked up Hilton Honor points from frequent stays, it took 60 in a calendar year to reach that level used their automatic upgrades to hog services from the real V.I.P.s. The difference? Real V.I.P. s have class, manners and money and they know when to tip. Business travelers were divided in two basic...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 children. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

Drunk sex
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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 4

Ted, Mark, Amber and Stephanie returned to their hotel suite still damp from their latest romp in the pool. No one quite knew what to do next. They were all aware of the weight of what had just happened. The girls had each gotten their own dad to cum. And they all wondered, what was next? Should they talk about what had gone on in the pool? The girls weren't dragging their dads back out the door as they had previously, so it seemed that they would be willing to talk. Mark had begun a...

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Camping trip with Dads FriendCoworker Real story

This is a story of when i was younger. i just started highschool at the time. and it was summer vacation. We took a camping trip for a couple nights with my Dads Coworker/ friend. he was a little older than my dad. and he brought his wife and two daughters who were about the same age as me. we had fun doing activities and spending time outdoors. on the second night the adults were drinking alot and most of them were passed out sleeping and we all went to bed. i woke around 3am to go to the...

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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Waterbury Hills High School Dads and Dudes Fashion Show and Auction

“Mom, is daddy really going to be naked in front of all these ladies?  In front of my teachers and friends and their mothers?  Oh God, in front of me?” Annie demanded to know!“And in front of me, too?” Shelly wanted to know.  Shelly and Annie have been best friends since kindergarten.  While Shelly had stayed overnight at Annie’s house many times, she never got to see Annie’s father naked!  At best she saw him in his boxers in the morning, and sometimes she thought she could detect some morning...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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my dads friend

It was a long time ago i was 17 and used to help my dad with his work so i got to know a few of his friends they were all around my dads age in there 40's.There was Kevin who my dad trusted really well they kinda grew up togeather so they were pretty close friends. My dads work took him all over the country so alot of long journys and nights in hotels etc.Dad had a job to do in london and one in wales id never been to wales before so i asked dad if he minded me going for a ride with kevin to...

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Dads and Daughters on VacationEpilogue

In some ways life for Mark and his daughter Stephanie, and Ted and his daughter Amber remained the same after they returned from their vacation. When school started again, the girls got right back in the swing. Amber continued with softball and Stephanie with gymnastics. Mark went back to work at his dental practice, and Ted returned to the community clinic where he served as Medical Director. ​ An immediate shift in behaviors happened at each of their homes. From the very first night they...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 2

When Amber and Stephanie were alone in their bedroom in the hotel suite, they looked at each other, made goofy faces and laughed out loud. "Ooohhhh!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What did we just do?" "I know!" Amber replied. "That was insane! Can you believe we actually did it?" "No ... way!" "They were like, totally freaked out!" "THEY were freaked out?" Stephanie said. "What about ME?" "You did great, Steph. I didn't think you could pull it off!" "I think we both ......

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Step dads follows daughter boyfriend to an a

The sounds of a buzzing alarm fill the air in the Jones bedroom, a large masculine had slowly reaches out from under a blanket and slaps blindly at it. As the alarm continues to buzz another figure hidden under the blankets begins to stir as well.Slowly Eva Jones rises up from the bed tossing her blanket off her as she stares at the alarm with such disdain. "Oh for fucks sake Frank, turn the damned thing off already!" She yells at her husband in annoyance of him still slapping at the...

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