The Book Club free porn video

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The Book Club

I am 32 years old, have been married once to a guy who thought a romantic evening was a drive through at McDonalds, then taking it home, a quick romp in the bed, meant we’d turn in early. One romantic evening and I got the marriage reversed, claiming mental distress. When I threatened to tell everyone what his idea of a romantic evening was, he quickly signed the annulment papers and I was free again.

I am also very lucky by having a good job, pays well, rewarded for my creativity by working in a top notch architecture firm. I have been told that I have a body that is easy on the eyes.

But I do have one major flaw, I enjoy romance novels, the smuttier the better and the ones that have a far-out theme, the more I enjoy them. One of my favorite writers is a lady named Jessica Moran. Jess writes as if she was a lesbian, something I have been thinking about more and more. Each of her books has to do with a seduction taking place, usually with a young lady who is not convinced that a new life style may not be what she was looking for, but always in the end the two of them nude and enjoying each others sex.

That is why I was so excited to receive a special invitation to join her and a few close friends at a convention where she was going to reveal her newest book, “The seduction of Michelle”

I looked at the invitation, a little worried that the name of the young lady to be seduced was the same as mine, but it only took a moment for me to reply back, that I appreciated the offer and yes I would be attending. The quick reply back gave me flight instructions, hotel information and the name of the young lady who would meet me at the airport to act as my guide when I arrived.

I believe that was the longest week plus that I have ever spent. I had gone shopping, picking up some fun and sexy outfits to dress in, putting the most provocative one, I headed to the airport, leaving my car in the long-term parking, I was on my way to Atlanta in no time.

The young lady, who meant me at the airport was one of the most sexual people I have ever meant. She had all eyes on her, when she moved to me, hugging me, making sure her breasts were pressed into mine, letting me know she was aware of the size of mine and hers was a match. For a moment, she pulled slightly away, then rubbed our nipples back and forth against each other, “Hi Michelle, I’m Miss Jessica’s Personal Assistant, Raini, I”m so glad you could join us on this exciting new book”

Since I was only scheduled to stay for a couple of days, I only had a carry-on, the next stop was the place where the meeting would take place. After we left the airport, Raini turned to me, “We have had a slight change in plans, the meeting was scheduled to take place in a hotel, but Miss Jess decided on a limited number of reviewers would be best, so you are the only one attending and it will be held at her home. I hope you are OK with that”

I was a little shocked, but a chance to spend one on one time with my favorite writer, who could object.

Her home was befitting to the success she had gained. Private entrance, all gated and personal permission to enter, the home was set back at least several hundred yards from the street. She was on the front porch to greet me. In person she was much more striking then I ever imagined. Dark brown hair, flowing easily behind her back, a flawless figure and huge breasts that showed no sagging. Her nipples were easily seen, just as her assistants were. She also was a hugger, but this time, she held me longer than normal. Long enough to start me becoming aroused as my breathing began to change, and I found myself pressing my body to hers. Breaking and looking at me, “Raini did the research on who was one of my most loyal fans and who was sexually what we were looking for, I must say she hit a home run on you. You’re absolutely beautiful”

Then she took my hand, “Welcome to my home, please come in and let’s get acquainted” She gave me a tour of her home, starting with her bedroom, where she lingered, “You cannot believe how many stories have started in this room. It is my favorite, I’ll show you my next favorite when we get to the basement”

She had guest rooms, on this level right next to hers was Raini’s that she pointed out, but did not go in. The man floor had entertainment rooms, a large conference room, living and lounging rooms, small dining room, where two girls were setting up our lunch for us, then down the winding stairway to a large room for gatherings, it had lounge chairs and bean bags, large bean bags, I assumed this was a party room, thinking back to one of her past novels where there was an orgy designed to convert a straight women into a ‘card-carrying’ lesbian. This led to large double doors, that she swung open, revealing one of the most erotic, sexually stocked BDSM room I have ever seen.

Stepping inside, “You, Raini and myself will be using some of this fun room later on, to get a feel, just how sexual you are. Now I think lunch is ready, so let’s go back upstairs, to eat”

Thinking about the three of us being in this room, filled me with mixed emotions. I could feel a definite moisture building up between my legs, my nipples were hard as rocks, as i followed her back up the stairs to the room where a nice luncheon was all set up for us.

The two young ladies, I had seen earlier, were now dressed in a small apron covering their pussy and nothing else on. Both had nice sized breasts, not large but perfect to suck on and play with. As I took a seat, one of them leaned in close to me, her perfume shot directly between my legs, leaving me in an aroused haze, “What would you like to drink Miss Michelle?”

My breathing was heavy now, “Iced Tea, if you have some, would be fine” She nodded and brought be back a tall glass of Iced Tea.

The two of them had served both Jessica and my plates with a series of fruits, salads and cheeses, when Raini joined us, totally nude. Jess laughed, “I hope you don’t mind everyone being nude, but normally none of us wear anything, so if you start to fee like joining in, please do”

I didn’t know that my drink had been spiked by a d**g designed to rid me of any inhibitions at the same time, spiking my arousal levels.

We talked during our meal, my body was slowly becoming more and more aroused, when Jessica said, “We need to find out more about you and your sexual background as well what you feel about certain subjects. Raini will ask and record your answers, don’t worry it is for me only, as I write the book. Raini it all yours”

Raini set up a camera and recording devices - then opened her laptop, looking at me

“Michelle, are you a lesbian?”
“Have you ever had a lesbian experience?”
I took a moment, “Just in college, but we only kissed and touched, nothing more”
“When you watch porn, what type of porn do you prefer?”
Now I was becoming restless, “Ahh mostly lesbian porn”
“Do you play with yourself when you watch porn?”
Really becoming aroused now, my face blushed, “Yes almost every time I watch porn”

I did not notice Jess had gotten up, moved in behind me, reaching around, undoing the two buttons on my top, easily removing it. Then cupping each breast, massaging them, leaning in close to me, “Just relax, the questions and answers are only between us and it helps us to complete the necessary research to write a convincing book”

This helped me, and I began to relax. The questions changed to how I enjoyed pain during sex, it was something I was somewhat ashamed of but something that I had enjoyed in the past.

Once the questions were complete, I was totally nude, watching Jessica joined Raini and me, then the two of them escorted me to the play room. Taking me by the hand, Raini helped me lay down on a bondage table, securing my wrists over my head, then my ankles to matching supports, essentially a St. Andrew’s Cross but one that was laying down. Jess was rubbing my pussy and my clit, “We need to find out what type of effects pain has on you sexually. So just relax, I am inserting a device that measures an increase in your arousal”

The first thing that was done to me, were nipple clamps that vibrated and increased in pressure - they hurt and continued to increase in pain. I had no idea, but my arousal was increasing as the pain was applied.

Next my legs were raised, then Raini stepped between my legs, while Jess watched the monitors. One quick stroke to my clit, with a riding crop, caused me immediately to scream out in pain. Then she took a paddle, striking my bottom, instantly leaving the paddle mark in a sudden red raised and swollen welt. That was all it took, I exploded in a massive orgasm.

Jess stepped up, undid my wrists and ankles, “That is all we needed my love, let me help you up and we’ll have the girls start to treat your bruises.

I was put in a soothing tub of oils and crystals, making the pain on my skin begin to disappear. Then the three of us gathered to discuss the next stages. We were served a light snack, Jess sat by my side, while Raini took the seat across from me. Jess placed her hand on my bare leg, rubbing the inside of it, while Raini had opened her laptop.

“Michelle, it looks like with very little pain, you can have a massive orgasm, so that is good to know. Now the basis of our new book will be the ability to have a woman with perfect tits, can actually hypnotize you, planting suggestions, such as how much you enjoy being a lesbian. What do you think?”

For some reason, this struck me in a funny way, I giggled, “I like the idea of it, but from what I have read, your books are all based on true facts or ideas that have been tried. I really don’t believe there is such a thing as tits that can hypnotize”

I caught a glimpse between the two fo them, then Raini continued, “Hmm good to know. Well I guess we’ll have to see what happens tomorrow”

We talked for a little bit more, I had not realized it, but it was approaching dinner time, by now we were all nude and I was comfortable at this new lifestyle, one I knew I could get used to quickly.

The three of us had just walked in the dining room to take a seat, when a new lady joined our group. She was a beautiful redhead, with fair skin, but not like most redheads do, her sink was soft and exciting to look at. She was introduced as Amanda and she had come to work with me tomorrow, but she had arrived early to get to know me.

I didn’t say anything, she joined us in a tunic type of covering, very elegant and easy to see she had massive tits, that appeared to have no sag. She was easy to talk to, so the conversation went on late into the evening, sipping several glasses of wine and when it was time for everyone to turn it, I could feel a nice warm buzz, walking into my room, taking a shower, then climbing in bed. Laying on my back, lightly rubbing my nipples and pussy, both were still tender from the spankings, but enjoying how good I had felt today. I was very close to drifting off to sleep, when a light knock came on my door. Opening it a little bit, “Michelle you still awake?”

I recognized the voice immediately, “Raini, yes I am, please come in”

She slipped in, carrying a blue jar of something, came over joining me. Leaning in, kissing me, a deep tongue probing inside my mouth - all the time moving close to me, setting down the jar on my night stand, the kiss continuing as we both laid back on the bed. Her one hand, playing with one nipple, then moving it down between my legs.

Stopping and raising up, “You game to have some fun?”

I was back in an erotic haze, not fully understanding the question, I nodded in the affirmative.

She reached over, unscrewing the lip from the jar, dipped her middle finger into the blue gel, then pushed it into my pussy. The effects were immediate.

I have read about the synthetic ‘Spanish Fly’ that makes a woman beg to be fucked, a terrible itch increasing inside their pussy. But this was no itch, instead the need to fuck, to have an orgasm, to get some relief was so fast and increasing, that I sat straight up in bed, screaming, “What the fuck did you do …Oh fuck I need someone to fuck me, ohhh I need to cum, please help me…OMG … no this cant’ be happening”

My body was writhing on the bed, pulling on my tits, trying to get my hands between my legs, pushing in two fingers, fucking myself, but nothing was helping.

I had not seen her bring in a dildo and a spray bottle, but she had the dildo in her hand, spraying the whole thing, then guiding it deep inside me, pumping it in and out, as the need to get fucked began to slow down, finally coming to an end.

Stretched out on the bed, legs spread wide apart, my breathing panting, not able to speak - only able to stare at her. Not really sure what had just happened to me, also still needing to get some relief

My eyes were partially closed, trying to come down from the sexual high I had just experienced, I didn’t notice she had once again dipped her middle finger back in the jar, pushing it inside me again. This time the effects hit so hard, it seemed it was much stronger then the first time. I came up off the bed, standing, shoving my fingers up inside me, screaming that I needed help, begging for help. needing to cum - looking all around the room to get something up inside me, but there wasn’t anything I could see. Raini just set there, watching me, finally when I had been begging longer this time, she showed me the dildo, sprayed it … I was on my knees in front of her, legs wide open … “In me, please put it in me, please fast, in me …ohhh yess in me”

She leaned over, pushing it easily in me, twisting it around, pumping it in and out.

It seemed to take longer this time for the relief to take place, but finally I dropped my head down, still on my knees - I really needed to get some relief, but there didn’t seem to be anyway that was going to happen. The need was so intense, I had lost all ability to focus on anything to hear what Raini was saying.

I was aware she had put a lid on the jar, put away her spray bottle and the dildo, then headed to the door. Panic was setting in, “You’re leaving, I need to cum, need some relief - please I’ll do anything but I need someway to cum”

“Enjoy your evening, see you in the morning” Then she shut the door and was gone.

I remained on my knees, frantically rubbing my pussy, twisting and pulling on my breasts and nipples, but nothing was helping me.

I decided on a cold type of shower, the water felt good on my skin, and the fact it was near cold helped, but the bottom line is, I needed to get some relief and nothing was going to be a substitute for that.

It was late, I was more than a little tired, so I turned in, thinking maybe sleep would help me out.

The room had a huge skylight in it, there was a full moon tonight, so the room was full of light, soft light, but still light. I lay on my back, looking out at the stars, that seemed to help take my mind off of my pussy, and it wasn’t long before sleep took over, placing me in a dream like state - my need to get some relief, created some erotic dreams.

I think around 3 or maybe 3:30, I heard my door, quietly opening and someone stepped in. Raising my head, it was easy to see who had just come in, “Amanda, what are you doing in here?”

She didn’t say a word, only took off the one piece tunic type dress she had on, her tits, even in this light were stunning. Swinging back and forth, she wasn’t moving, but they immediately had my eyes glued to them.

Once she was sure my eyes were glued on them, she began to move towards me, at the same time in a soft voice, “You like how they captivate you, make you want to look at them, more and more. They seem to be drawing you in, look at the nipples, how firm they are, how much they are begging you to come to them, to lick them, but you can’t, your body won’t let you. You need to cum so badly, but you’re afraid if you let go, let them captivate you, then they will decide when you can cum and when you will be denied. The closer they come to you, the more you realize they are taking control of you, of your body, owning you, making you do their bidding”

Then she was kneeling on my bed, her nipples only inches from my mouth. I was so thirsty, needed to cum so badly - she kept telling me about the droplets of milk on her nipples.I could see the milk, smell it, knew how much I wanted it, how good it would taste, but I also knew if I drank it, if I gave into her boobs, they would own me, control me for as long as they wanted me, but the need to cum, to get some relief was more then I could take.

“Go head, just taste the warm milk, you know how good it will make you feel, how heavy your eyes are, how much you need to sleep. I promise if you drink up, fill your tummy, it will help you experience the much needed release. Just one lick, see how good it will make you feel. Go ahead, it is your choice, but down deep inside you want to be owned, to be controlled by a powerful woman, so drink and let go”

Secretly I had dreamed of being submissive to a powerful woman, to be controlled by her, to be owned by her, but I had never let anyone know and now there were three powerful women waiting to control me. Leaning forward, licking the small drop, the feeling submission shot through my body, letting out a soft moan, then latching onto the nipple, sucking like I had when I was a baby, the warm milk filling me, just as her two fingers entered my body and I exploded all over them. The release I needed, I craved and begged for was now here. Surging through every fiber in my body.

My door opened, both Jess and Raini came in, looking at me sucking on Amanda breast. She looked up, “I think we have a story, now every time she sucks on a breast, she’ll cum as if on demand”

Raini walked up to me, running her hand between my legs, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone cum like she did. Does she really think she is drinking milk?”

Jess had moved behind Amanda, kissing her neck, “She does and will every time a nipple is presented to her. But now what to do with her. She is broken and totally submissive. I’ll start writing in the morning, I know “The Seduction of Michelle” will be on the top ten, just like all the others have been”

Amanda was running her hand through my hair, “I just sold my last toy, I can take her and use her until I get tired, if no one objects”

They all agreed, as she moved me on her lap to the other breast, placing her nipple in my mouth, at the same time pushing two fingers inside, I moaned, writhed on her hand and exploded just as intense as before.

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 32 Ancient History

Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Facebook To Fuckbook

Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Clothed Femailes 8211 Naked Males it8217s one of the newer swinger fetish club

“Are you sure that this is the right place?” My wife whispered in my ear. “I have checked and it is. We asked for something non- traditional and that we were open minded,” I whispered as a reply. We were escorted in this restaurant by a young well trained man only wearing a small thong around his waist. We reached a small section of the restaurant where two other middle aged couples already had taken their seats. When we got to our table, we saw that there was only a...

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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 30 The American Club

October 4, 1986, Chicago, Illinois Later that evening, I told Bethany that Kara and Jessica had agreed to the date, and that I’d made the reservations. She stayed in with Kara and me, and we watched television and ate popcorn. Tasha had come for her usual homework session, but had left immediately afterwards, saying that she was going home so that she could go to church on Sunday morning. “Anyone interested in a sauna?” Josie asked. “Sure,” I said. “Is Jesse joining us?” “Yes! Jenny will...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 19 The OHPF Club

Ron ordered his new pets to clean Amy up so she could make them all some lunch. While Louise drained Henry's cum from her twat, Marilyn performed a little analingulus to drain her ass of Jerry's seed. As soon as she was cleaned up, she headed for the kitchen; she had actually already prepared lunch and simply needed to heat everything up in the microwave. While waiting, most of the guests took some time to play a few of the regular games found in the game room (sex free); Lana, however,...

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The Girls Only Club

The Girls Only Club by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 At lunchtime recess one day in late spring, Blake casually strolled to a large garden of rose bushes planted on the far side of the school yard. The other eighth grade boys normally never went there since they preferred to hang out near the school building playing ball games or huddling together in noisy groups teasing each other and roughhousing as boys are wont to do. Normally Blake would be with them, but this...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 2

"How is my sister?" Carl sat beside the hospital style bed. He had been sitting there for ten minutes. He had not said a word, but until now, neither had the woman in the bed. Half of her face was covered in bandages, mostly protecting her damaged eye. She had watched him with her one good eye as he sat down. Carl sighed, "She is badly hurt, but you know that. We are giving her the same level of care as you are getting." "Can I see her?" "Let me see if you can see her." Carl got...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 6

Heather awoke suddenly when a hand clamped over her mouth. "Don't make a sound," Willow's voice whispered in her ear. "Listen very carefully. This morning is your first chance to make a connection with your new master. Page has given me instructions to give to you. She and I are going to go find some food for all of us. Master Carl is still asleep but will wake soon. Your assignment is to wake him up gently and slowly by sucking his cock. Once he gets excited, he may want to fuck you....

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The Club

This story was especially written for me by Darlene Le Queen and to my knowledge has not been published before and now Darlene has very sadly passed away. It does require serious editing but as its Darlene's thoughts its best to leave alone/ The Club How long would I be in for it this time, I asked myself? We were at The Club where my wife Barbara is an active senior member. Club stands for "Civilized Living under Glamorous feminine Beauty." Its motto is "Better Living...

1 year ago
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Netherworld School Book 1 Prologue

Introduction: A nerd traveling to England is mistaken for a dead spy and is subsequently enrolled in a school that trains Spies so that American secrets can be extracted. New York one week before the start of classes, an American operative gets shot in the head in his NY Penthouse. A feminine shadow leaves the room and a few minutes later the room explodes, incinerating the body. *** Chris is a gifted student; he has a photographic memory and an IQ that makes NASA scientists look...

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The Friday Night Card Club

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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The Friday Night Card Club

The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...

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The Black Breeders Club

Black Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of course when she and her...

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Anthem Book 1 The BeginningEpilogue

To Alex, the next few weeks were tough, as tough as the days just after Lisa had died. But, true to his word, his Dad did talk to the HR Representative when he went back into the office after the 4th of July holiday. Unfortunately, they did not have counseling as part of their benefits package, but the representative did provide a number for a counselor in the area. As his Dad progressed through his counseling, he slowly came out of his depression. The one sticky point for him was his...

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