Taking One For The Team: Part Seven free porn video

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Being the head of my department has its perks. I started to take the opportunity of going in later than usual, not too late, but not early. The other perk was that Tiffany always had my favorite drink ready for me on my desk.

There were other perks, of course. Samantha and Lauren kept me on my toes, literally, either of them could make me either stand on my tiptoes or make them curl. Lauren's dick sucking skills were unbeatable she loved kneeling before then burying my dick down her throat until I came. Samantha had put me to sleep between her boobs twice since the first time.

Tiffany and I had turned our department into a well-oiled machine, it was running at such an excellent efficiency that we beat the regional record for trucks being loaded and leaving the dock. Since they had exceeded my expectations in such a short time, I decided to throw them a small office party. Everyone was excited about having half a day.

“What are you doing later tonight?” Tiffany asked.

I had to say Tiffany had made a massive turn from the person she had been before the promotion. Usually, she came in dressed in jeans and a shirt. Seeing her in business attire had made me see her in a different light. Today she wore a blue pencil skirt with a matching top. The buttons on the top threatened to burst open. Even now sitting next to her at one of the benches set up downstairs, I could see through one of the gaps between two buttons. She was wearing a baby blue bra.

“Not much,” I said as I looked up at her.

I had tried to make sure not to hang out or fraternize with workers outside of the workplace. Tiffany had asked me on many occasions beforehand and even more so now to socialize outside of work.

“Well, it's my birthday and a few friends of mine, that don't work here,” Tiffany said trying to emphasize that she would be the only one that I would from work. “are going out to a local bar.”

I shook my head immediately. “You know how I feel about that,” I replied.

“Yeah, I know you don't want to show favoritism,” Tiffany replied.

“Exactly,” I confirmed while looking at some of the others as they danced, ate or talked among themselves.

“Here is the address of the bar,” Tiffany said as she handed me a piece of paper as she got up. “In case you change your mind, or you can stay in your apartment and play your video game.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tiffany's last words stuck with me. Here I was on a Friday night sitting on my couch playing my video game with people I had never met in person. While others were out there doing fun things. Samantha had sent me a text that she was out with some of her friends from her social media page. Lauren was out with her neighbor friend, and here I was sitting in my pj's playing a video game while eating potato chips.

“I am going to log off,” I said into my headset.

“What?” one of the guys said. “It's early.”

“I know, I just...” I started to give a reason, then I thought about it. I owed these guys nothing, I didn't even know their real names, just their screen names. I took my headset off and turned the console off.

I got dressed and headed out. The bar wasn't hard to find, parking, on the other hand, was a different case altogether. I had to park in the corner way in the back. As I walked to the front, I saw Tiffany's silver sedan. I walked inside and immediately spotted Tiffany with her friends in a large circular booth in the corner.

I strolled over to the booth. “Decided to show, huh?” Tiffany smiled.

“Yeah,” I said, looking at her smiling back at me. I could tell she had been drinking.

Everyone shifted as I took a seat. “This is my...” Tiffany said as she looked at me. “coworker.”

I smiled as Tiffany smiled back at me. I was glad she didn't say I was her boss. I am sure her friends would have acted weird around me.

The waiter came up, and I put in two orders of beer and a drink that the others had said I had to try. Within moments I was in total agreement that it was one of the best-mixed drinks I had ever tried.

“So,” one of the women said. There were three women, including Tiffany and four men, including myself. “We were in the middle of a game. Before you came.”

“I don't think Kevin is into those kinds of games,” Tiffany smiled. I had to smile back with a grin.

“You would be surprised,” I replied.

I had to admit Tiffany was looking out of this world attractive. She was wearing a white crop top that showed just the right amount of cleavage, and her stomach, she had a hot body and was proud to show it off.

While the other women were dressed conservatively.

“What's the game?” I asked as I downed my second beer.

“One of us says something that we haven't done,” one of the guys said, “and if you have done it, you have to drink.”

“Ah,” I nodded, “I have played this game.”

“But we play it with a twist, if you drink you have to explain in explicit detail what you did, you can change the names, but everything else you have to say.”

“Oh,” I smiled. “Nice twist.”

“He is going to need another drink,” one of the guys said.

“Actually, I was thinking of getting the punch bowl,” I said as I looked at the drink menu.

“Oh, is that the shareable one?” Tiffany asked.

“Yes,” the waiter said. “It comes in a two share or a five-share bowl, which do you want?”

I looked at the others, and most of them shook their head. “We can share it,” Tiffany said as she looked at me.

“Sure,” I replied.

“Okay,” one of the women said. “I have never cheated on my significant other with their sister or brother.”

I took a swig of my beer, looking over at Tiffany she also drank some of her mixed drink.

“Seriously?” one of the guys said.

“What?” Tiffany shrugged. “I told you when I got out of high school, I rebelled against my Christian family.

“You first,” I said, looking at her.

“What's to explain?” Tiffany said. “One of my boyfriend's had a hot brother, he fell asleep, and his brother was still awake and willing, we fucked right there on the bed with my boyfriend fast asleep.”

“Fair enough,” one of the guys said as he shook his head.

“My ex dumped me and to get back with her I slept with her sister and recorded it, then sent it to her and some of her friends,” I smiled.

“Wow!” most of them said.

“Remind me not to piss you off,” Tiffany said as our drink arrived.

“My turn,” the guy nearest to me said. “I have never had sex in public.”

Nearly everyone drank except him. We all took turns to explain our story. Then it was another and then another.

Tiffany told us to hold on as she had to use the bathroom, the other women went with her. When Tiffany got up and walked to the bathroom, I realized that she was wearing a black leather mini-skirt with knee-high boots.

“So,” one of the guys said. “Tiffany, huh?”

“What about her?” one of the others asked.

“She's something,” the guy said as if we would understand what he was trying to say.

“Spit it out,” I said, looking over at him.

“What?” he said, looking at the rest of us. “I am just saying she isn't like most, which isn't bad, but still, come on?”

“Oh,” one of the others nodded. “Because Tiffany likes sex and has been with many guys, she's what? A whore?”

“I didn't use the word,” the first guy tried to backtrack. “But, not the type you want to have a serious relationship with, right?”

I shook my head. It was guys like this that made the slutty girl stereotype stick around for as long as it had if the table was filled with all guys talking about the same subject. No one would say a thing, but because Tiffany and one of the other women had slept with as many guys or more than the guys at the table, they were whores or sluts. Now if they had only slept with one or two guys and didn't want to sleep with any of them, then they were prudes, feminists or lesbians.

The rest of us shook our heads and changed the subject. “Fine,” the guy said as he got up. “I can take a hint,” he called for the waiter and followed him towards the front to pay his tab.

“Guys like that make me sick,” one of the others said. “I bet he wanted to get with one of them and they weren't giving him the time of day.”

“Katie,” one of the others said.

“No idea who that is,” I shrugged.

“The blonde that sits there,” one of them said.

“Ah,” I nodded. “Tiffany's ex-roommate?”

“Yeah,” he replied.

I remember seeing a picture of her on Tiffany's phone. It wasn't hard to put two and two together after that. That meant the other woman was Kristina, Tiffany's best friend. Since the guy on my right was her boyfriend that meant his name was Michael and he came with the guy in front of me, who they seemed to be best friends that made him Jamie, the asshole that left had to be Anthony. Tiffany had said there was a creeper that hung out with her crowd. Now that I had everyone figured out, it would make things much more straightforward.

“Good,” Katie said as she sat down. “You guys got rid of Anthony.”

Katie took her seat, Kristina sat next to Michael, and Tiffany sat back next to me.

“Why do you keep inviting him?” Jamie asked.

“He usually pays for all our tabs at the end of the night,” Tiffany said. “Usually, without being asked.”

Tiffany moved in close to me her hand fell on my lap. “So,” she smiled as she looked around. “Whose turn is it?'

“Yours,” Kristina said.

“Okay,” Tiffany said. “I have never slept with more than one person within twenty-four hours.”

Nobody drank, except I felt like I should. I tried to remember if I had slept with Samantha twenty-four hours after I fucked Lauren. I leaned forward and took a large swig of the punch.

“No fucking way!” Kristina said. “Details!”

Tiffany just smiled at me. 'Fuck!' I thought to myself. 'She knew!'

“Yes,” Tiffany smiled as she stared directly into my eyes. “Details.”

“What's to say,” I started trying to think of a way to explain that I had fucked one of my bosses in the ass, went home, came back to work and then slept with another of my bosses. Hell now that I thought about it, that wasn't the only time.

Tiffany's hand was still on my thigh. She took a long suck on her straw as she looked at me. “I slept with one of my friends with benefits,” I said as I looked over at everyone. “then went home, then later the next day met up with another one and had sex with them.”

“Met up?” Tiffany asked. “Did you go to meet them, or they came to you?”

“Do they know of each other?” Jamie asked.

“I went to them,” I answered Tiffany. “Yes, they know of each, and they are fine with it.”

“Did she know that you had slept with the other a few hours before sleeping with her,” Katie asked. “I don't think I could do that.”

“I am sure they both know that I have slept with both of them only hours apart,” I answered.

They all fell silent. Tiffany's hand slowly moved up to my growing hard-on. Thinking about fucking Lauren and Samantha always had that effect on me.

“Your turn,” Kristina said.

“I have never been seriously injured because of sex,” I said, thinking it was the safest thing I could tell.

No one drank for a moment, then Tiffany leaned forward and took a long sip of the punch.

“No way,” Kristina said as she shook her head.

“My Twenty-fourth birthday,” Tiffany said as she leaned against me, her boobs crushed against my arm as her hand had worked my zipper. “My boyfriend wanted to try something new,” she said as she looked across the table.

“Of course,” Jamie nodded.

“Since I had always been flexible, he wanted to try the pretzel position,” Tiffany smiled.

“Pretzel?” Katie asked.

“The girl's legs up over her and behind her head,” Michael said.

“He should know, he has been trying to talk me into it for months,” Kristina said. “My legs don't bend that way.”

“Mine did,” Tiffany said. “For a while anyway, then I caught a serious cramp, my leg shot forward and hit him in the head. I was wearing high heels at the time and well the heel caught him just above the eye, he fell backward. I tried to get up to help him, my legs buckled, and I hit the edge of the night table. We both ended up going to the emergency room.”

“Holy crap,” Jamie said, shaking his head.

Tiffany had worked my dick out of my pants. Slowly she began stroking her hand up and down it as she looked at everyone.

“I bet that was the last time you tried that,” I smiled back at her. I loved that she was stroking my dick under the table with her friends present.

“Oh no,” Jamie said as she gripped my dick harder. “Practise makes perfect, I can lock my heels together behind my head and keep them there for as long as I want.”

My dick throbbed at the thought of her legs behind her head.

“On that note,” Michael said. “I have an early wake-up call,” he said as he looked at Kristina.

“Yeah,” Kristina said as they both got up. “Happy Birthday, don't drive either of you!” she said as she pointed at both of us.

Jamie and Katie both got up. I was sure they would be going together. After Anthony had left, they had been giving each other looks. “We should go to,” Katie said.

“Uh-huh,” I said as I smiled at both of them. Tiffany had increased her pace as her hand went up and down my dick.

“Just leaves the two of us,” Tiffany said as she leaned closer.

“How long have you known?” I asked.

“That you have been fucking both of our bosses?” Tiffany said as she pulled on her top with her free hand. I could see down into her cleavage.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“I had a thought that you might be, but it wasn't confirmed until today, when they both told me,” Tiffany smiled. “I told them it was my birthday and that I wanted to get you out of work early.”

I shook my head. “Of course,” I said as it made sense that Lauren and Samantha had told me to leave early, they had made the excuse that I had been staying late often, and it was an easy day.

“They also told me if I wanted more out of our relationship, I should take the bull by the horn,” Tiffany said as she moved even closer.

“Well, you definitely have done that,” I said.

Tiffany lowered her head into my lap. “Wow,” I said as she disappeared under the table. There was nothing to stop anyone from seeing what she was doing. The tables weren't covered in cloth or were there any barricade.

Luckily it was late, and the place was close to empty. I pulled Tiffany back up as her mouth made a loud pop as it released my dick.

“What?” Tiffany said as she acted innocent. Her hand still on my dick.

I called for the waiter. “We will take the check now,” I said as I tried to control myself.

“One of the guys that left took care of it,” the waiter said as he looked at Tiffany. Who was making no signs of hiding what she was doing as her hand vigorously stroked on my dick.

“Thank you,” I said. I pulled away from Tiffany as I gained my composure.

“You're no fun,” Tiffany pouted.

“And you're drunk,” I smiled as I took her by the hand. We walked out of the bar and waited outside. I called for an Uber to pick us up.

While we waited outside, Tiffany just kept staring at me. “What?” I asked.

“Can't believe it,” she smiled. “I am part of the Harem,” she busted out laughing. “You have a Harem!”

I shook my head, but then I laughed as well. “Guess I do,” I shook my head.

The car pulled up. Tiffany's hands started to pull on my clothes the moment we sat down. “So, there is something else you should know,” she whispered to me.

“What's that,” I asked as I stared down her top.

“I've never had someone cum inside me,” Tiffany whispered.

Even though it was a whisper, it was evident the driver had heard as he nearly hit the car in front of us. “What?” I asked. “Never?”

“Nope,” Tiffany shook her head.

“That's,” I began to say but couldn't think of the word.

“Amazing,” the driver said. “Fucking amazing.”

“Hi,” Tiffany said as leaned forward between the driver and passenger seats. The poor guy was staring down at her chest as it jutted out in front of her. “It's pretty obvious that the two of us are going to fuck each other's brains out the moment we get to where we are going right?”

“Yeah,” the guy nodded.

“My engine is roaring because I have wanted to fuck him since the first day he interviewed me,” Tiffany smiled as she looked back at me. “His, not so much.”

“Are you kidding?” the guy asked. “The way you are dressed and what you just said.”

“Focus,” Tiffany said as she flicked her fingers. “He has two other women that he could call right now and they will fuck him, he probably fucked both of them earlier today. So, I ask you to step on the gas a little harder and ignore us in the back seat. I am sure you will get a great view and even better tip.”

“Okay,” the guy said as Tiffany sat back.

“Now,” Tiffany said as she buried her face in my lap. She took no time in taking my dick out of my pants. Her mouth wrapped around it as she started bobbing her head up and down.

I squeezed and played with her chest. They were more than a handful but not bigger than Lauren and not close to Samantha. Tiffany moaned as I pinched her nipples through the fabric of her top. “He needs to hurry up,” she cried.

The car filled with the noise of Tiffany's mouth working on my dick. She was good, better than Samantha, but not even close to what Lauren could do with her mouth. 

“Pulling in now,” he said as he looked back as I pulled out one of her tits.

“Thanks,” I said as we got out.

“Thank you,” he said as Tiffany showed him the large tip she was putting in for him.

“I will send a review in the morning,” Tiffany said as she walked towards her house.

“Nice,” I said as I walked inside.

“It's home,” Tiffany said as she grabbed my hand. “The bedroom is this way.”

Tiffany plummeted onto the large bed, I quickly joined her as my hand slipped up her skirt. She was soaking wet, her thong was soaked as well as her thighs.

“I told you,” Tiffany said as she stripped off her top, revealing a black bra. “Roaring!”

“So,” I said as I took off my shirt. “No one, huh?

“Nope,” Tiffany said, shaking her head as she took off her skirt. “No one, no hole, ever!”

“Not even in your mouth?” I said, taking off my pants.

“Nope,” Tiffany said. “Can't even say I am a spitter because I never let them cum inside.”

“Wow, that must have been,” I said but stopped as she took off her bra.

“Boob guys,” Tiffany laughed as she flicked her fingers in front of me. “Still there?”

I nodded as I buried my head between her chest as she fell backward. “They are just DD's not like Lauren's G cups or Samantha's monstrous tits. I bet they swallow all of your dick, don't they?”

It was amazing being in bed with someone and talking about sex with two other women. “Yes,” I said as I worked my way down Tiffany's exquisite body, her tight abs just in front of me. I licked all around her stomach.

“They are fucking ginormous,” Tiffany said as she squeezed her own boobs. “She once changed her shirt in front of me after a work out at the gym. They are bigger than my head, she has to get her bra's custom made, every single one of them. That must be expensive.”

“They are my favorites,” I said as I reached her wet spot. I used my tongue to lick her slowly.

“I don't blame you,” Tiffany cooed as I slid a finger into her. “What about Lauren?” Tiffany asked as she put her leg out to stop me.

“You're serious?” I asked.

Tiffany nodded. “I love hearing about the others, I know they talk about you and what they like about you.”

“Oh, really?” I asked as I moved back, hovering over her body as her legs parted.

“Samantha loves when you cum, also she loves that you like her boobs, most guys get intimidated by their large size and pay them no attention, or just maul at them like they are going away,” Tiffany looked up at me as my dick was near her entrance.

“Lauren?” I asked as I teased her by pushing the tip inside then taking it back out.

Tiffany shook her head. “She loves that she can take command at times and that when you fuck her, you use her like she is your property, she likes that you guys switch back and forth, she didn't have that with her ex.”

I nodded as I pushed a little deeper. “Now, you?” Tiffany said as she wrapped her legs around me.

“I like Samantha's big tits, and she knows how to ride, and Lauren is a pure freak, once the clothes come off,” I admitted.

“And me? Tiffany asked.

“Can't wait to find out,” I smiled back.

I pushed myself into her. With a loud moan, she took all of me inside her. “Fuck, that feels good,” Tiffany said as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. “Fuck me,” she said as she held on tight.

I fucked her hard. With each stroke, she bit down on my shoulders. I peeled her legs from around me and opened them wide. As I fucked harder, watching my dick go in and out of her.

Tiffany moaned loud, I slammed my cock in and out of her as hard as I could. The bed creaked and moved back and forth, threating to buckle underneath us. Tiffany's eyes stared up at me with pure lust as I held onto her ankles, pushing her legs back.

“I don't think my bed is meant for this,” Tiffany shook her head.

“I will get you a new one if it breaks,” I smiled.

Tiffany grabbed her feet and pulled them back. They both went under her arms then behind her. She lifted her head as she placed her ankles behind it. “I told you,” Tiffany winked.

Her hands were free to play with her clit as I slid my dick back inside her. Her large tits jutted out in front of her.

“Damn,” I said, looking at her in this position. I knew it wouldn't take long for me to cum. I fucked her hard and fast as she stared up at me. I reached up and held onto her legs that were still encased in her black leather boots.

“Fuck!” I said as I watched my dick go into her. “I'm cumming.”

I pulled out. Tiffany shook her head. “Inside,” she said.

I smiled as I pushed my dick back in. I pushed deep inside her and looked down at her as I came. Tiffany slowly released her legs from behind her as I laid down beside her.

“Well?” Tiffany said as she laid her head on my chest.

“You know very well,” I said as I kissed her head.

“Yup,” Tiffany said. “They might out boob me, or do things with their mouths, but I am a lot more flexible.”

Tiffany picked her head up. “And that's not even the most flexible position I can get into.”

“Oh, really?” I asked.

“Yeah, you will just have to wait and see,” Tiffany smiled as she laid her head back down.

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It was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami.  But after many years of effort and practice he made the team.  I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part 3

Part 3 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive I am trying. Hugs...

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Team Players Part 1 of Many

Chapter 1 Here I was, 38 years old, rehabilitating an injured leg. Divorced 7 years now, and really nowhere to go. Until 6 months ago, I was an active team member of the Navy Seals. Unfortunately for me and two other team members, our truck hit an IED, Improvised explosive device, or a homemade bomb, near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan. Now if you ever want a hell hole to visit, then just take a plane there. The bomb tore up the truck and my knee and thigh, in the process. One of my team...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Taking One For The Team

Taking One For The Team: (M/F,Dare,alcohol,true story) This story begins as most of you know when I was asked, then "Dared"To fuck the brains out of one my sons and daughter inlaws friends Mom. As you can tell by the picture above(i hope it works this way) she by no means is a raving beauty in the least. Actually the opposite is true.Now believe me she used to be a damn beautiful woman in her youngeryears. But she got herself into d**gs, and then hooked on...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 8

It was very late by Special Operations standards when I awoke the next morning, it being already 0815 hrs. Trish had rolled over while we slept, but she was still close enough for me to feel the heat pouring off of her, even though we had slept naked, and the room was air conditioned. It was easy to believe from this that she had gone a long time without sex as she had said. Briefly, I considered another round of sex before we returned to duty, but we both have responsibilities, and it was...

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The Transformation of Mrs Matthew Part 1

Mrs. Matthew was an attractive woman. She enjoyed gardening and painting. For a mature woman in her mid-fifties, she kept herself fit and healthy. She worked in a nearby vintage store, tending to select clientele and helping them dress in unique fashions and accessories. During her spare time, she practised yoga and was an avid reader of literature. Gregory was a thirty-six-year-old barber who recently took over his father's shop. He was the heartthrob of the town. All the young women swooned...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Brotherly love part seven

My drive home was full of thoughts about the weekend. I couldn't get the salty taste out of my mouth. I stopped at several gas stations for coffee but the taste was with me still.I arrived home and got naked before calling my wife. She told me that as soon as I had left, Brian told her to get naked. She had been in the nude, ever since I left them at two fifteen."Wow," I giggled, "How many times have you been up to dad since I left?""Twice, I was nude when I took his lunch to him," she replied,...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Taking It for the Team Pt 02

If it's possible for a team to back into the playoffs, that's what my ice hockey team had been doing for the past couple weeks. With a berth in the postseason all but locked up, the team had now lost seven games in a row -- more losses in two weeks than we had in the previous two months! -- and the playoffs were suddenly no longer a sure thing.The losing streak was obviously weighing heavy on the guys, especially my buddies Jack, Howard, Gus and Moe, who had been the ones to form the team to...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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Taking One For The Team 2 On Tour

Introduction: Whatll happen when the Cobras go to Sterling? This is a little longer than the others…. Bear with me though. I promise its worth it Part in Allison, part in Dave. ( So dont get confused) After the, um, events of the shield, things starting speeding up for the Cobras. Due to two teams forfeits, we were catapulted into the semi-final, and without much effort, found ourselves with a ticket to Central Stadium. Id never seen Mick Pierce work us as hard as he did in the fortnight...

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Team Players Part 2 of Many

As we left the first part I, Dan, a 38 year old Navy Seal, recuperating from an injury sustained in Afghanistan almost a year ago, to my leg and knee. Right now I am on Desk Duty, since I can no longer partake with my Seal Team members. I act as a consultant for them, when they are deployed in some god forsaken area of the world. I live with my sister in law, although I don’t know what she really is called now, since my brothers death, over 5 years ago. He was cheating on her, and leaving a...

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Taking One For The Team 2 On Tour

Part in Allison, part in Dave. ( So don't get confused)   After the, um, events of the shield, things starting speeding up for the Cobras. Due to two teams' forfeits, we were catapulted into the semi-final, and without much effort, found ourselves with a ticket to Central Stadium. I'd never seen Mick Pierce work us as hard as he did in the fortnight leading up to the semi's. Of course, with good luck came bad.... Dave wiped out of training 3 days after the shield with a stomach-bug. Not...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

4 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 7 Catherine ZetaJones

The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen. I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was...

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Histoire dun fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 9

The following new characters are introduced in this chapter: Gram Staff Sergeant, Marine, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 pounds, 30 years old, short blond hair, blue eyes As we approached the rest of the Team and the two Marines, they all came to their feet and saluted. Trish being the senior, returned their salute. “As you were,” she told them, and they all relaxed. “Just because we are Officers now, doesn’t change the job that needs to be done. We have been invited to the conference with Admiral...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 4 Formalizing the Household

Security comes first from inside of you. Then, if you are very lucky, you will be in a position to find other people who also possess that same sort of security and build some sort of family or community as a team.” Anthony D. Ravenscroft, Polyamory: Roadmaps for the Clueless and Hopeful: An Introduction on Polyamory{br} Setting up a polyamorous household definitely has its challenges. Personally, I am quite aware that there’s just so much that one man can do. As erotic as I find watching...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 2

It was on Sunday the first of January, 2017. A new beginning for me and Bethesda. She looks at me with an intention of making her wild and horny than ever. She was hugging me. As I was in her arms, I was reading a book. She asked me what book am I reading. I didn’t tell her anything turned my head a bit and kissed on her cheeks. She was now up from her sleep and asked me to give a company in the bathroom. I said I’ll be there. She ran inside and was calling me and saying things like I’m tempted...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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Love Lust For Bethesda Part 8211 6

Flashback of previous encounters. Bethesda : Do you always get aroused when a sex scene comes up? Me : Yeah. Bethesda : What is it you want? Sex? Me: I want you. Just feel the love for me. Flashback continues Bethesda : I’ll do it once. Bethesda : I’m sorry I lied. It’s all because I want to fuck you. Me: It’s OK. I’ll be there for your recovery. Bethesda : That was the best birthday I’ve ever had. Bethesda : You know if this goes out of hands our lives will get stir.. ed. Present day 23...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Forge of StonesChapter 18

The Pilgrim aroused Molo from his fretful sleep with a nudge. Molo woke up with a gasp, his body tense, his face and palms sweaty. The Pilgrim thought his brother was troubled, as he had been for the last two nights. It was as if the spirits of the land and sky were not in his dreams; as if they did not safekeep him from the malevolence of the archenemy. He would pray for his brother at dawn; he hoped something lesser was troubling him. Some lover, or a wife. His children, perhaps. He...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Neighbors Ball Team Party

I could hardly believe my ears as I sat there.I was sitting beside the pool in Tim Wilson’s backyard, chit chatting with Tim, our neighbor that lived about six houses down the street. Tim was quite a bit younger than I was, having just turned forty I was 9 years older than the 31 year old Tim. Although we weren’t close friends, we would have the odd pint together and just shoot the shit a bit . . . the age difference never seemed to matter. On this particular day we had been talking about the...

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fucked in Thetford forest

This happened a few years ago. It was getting dark and I was passing a popular cruising spot near Barton Mills. I drove down the quiet forest road and pulled up . I got lucky because a few minutes later a car passed slowly and flashed his indicator. I did the same, he took this as a sign that I was interested. I glanced at him in his car as I got out and walked into the wooded area. He followed quickly behind. as he got to me I was stroking my soft cock. with just my jeans unbuttoned and loose....

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Thetford forest

Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...

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Thetford forest

Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...

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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 3

We all drove in the car together in silence; Heather rode in the back seat while I drove with Jess to my right. Heather had been dropped off by a friend at the wedding and was apparently confident that she would have been leaving with us. Obviously, she was correct. She had brought the gym bag with her which she stowed in the trunk without talking about it... The Fireside was only about forty-five minutes from home, but the awkwardness made it feel like an eternity. Inside, my stomach was...

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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 2

Jessica placed the phone back on the coffee table in a slow, exaggerated motion. “Jessica, I’m so sorry,” I began. “It’s OK, Aaron, really. I know you would never rape anyone and certainly not an under-aged girl. We’ll get through this. That girl is obviously a psychotic bitch!” ‘Psychotic bitch’ seemed a bit harsh, but it didn’t seem politic to say so. I simply nodded my head slowly in agreement. “And I’m sorry I almost made her call the police. I don’t know what is going to happen, but...

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