City Boy Is Fucked And Cuckolded By An Incestuous Hillbilly Family free porn video

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Most of us like to think that we can plan our lives and have control over the paths we take. But as you will learn in this story, sometimes shit just happens, and we learn unbelievable things about ourselves. My name is Jason, and I was only twenty-four years old when the events in this story began. For reasons that will become obvious, I won’t identify the exact locations or individuals’ names.

I grew up in a middle-class suburb in Pennsylvania, and after graduating from college with a degree in mining engineering, I began work with a coal mining company in their Pennsylvania headquarters. I had been working there for two years as a staff engineer, when I was called into my manager’s office to discuss an advancement opportunity.

Mitchell is my engineering manager, and he said, “Please sit down, Jason. You’ve done some fine work for the company, and we’d like to offer you a promotion to a field position as a senior engineer, down at the Dunham mine (not real name) in West Virginia. Your office will be near a small town in the Appalachian Mountains, and it will be quite a different lifestyle than you’re used to here.”

I knew that, Daniel, an engineer who started a year before me, had been relocated to that mine previously, and I asked, “This does sound like an amazing opportunity, Mitchell, but I thought Daniel went down there just a couple of months ago.”

He cleared his throat and replied, “Yes, that’s true, and he was doing a good job there. But he had a personal disagreement or run-in of some kind with the locals, over a girl I think, and we had to bring him home. You seem to be more laid-back than he is, and I’m hoping you’ll find a way to fit in. Those mountain people can be kind of peculiar and suspicious of outsiders, though.”

I knew a little about some of those small mining towns and I asked, “How long is the assignment? Also, I know that most of those small mountain towns don’t usually have homes for sale, so where will I live?”

Mitchell replied, “It’s my hope that you’ll learn their ways and become a part of the community. I’m hoping that you’ll want to stay indefinitely and grow with our company there. As you gain more experience, you’ll be given more responsibility with additional mines in the state, managed from that location.”

He paused to take a sip of coffee, and continued, “You can start out living in the motel in the center of town. That’s where Daniel was living, and we rent a room there on a month-to-month basis. The room has a small efficiency kitchen, but there’s a diner right next door, where you can eat, if you prefer. Those living expenses will be taken care of by the company, until you get settled and either find or build a home. I know it’s a big change, so think it over and give me your answer tomorrow. If you take the assignment, you’ll need to move down there this weekend and get started on Monday.”

As I was leaving his office, Mitchell said, “Oh, just a couple more things. Think hard about this opportunity, because you’ll need field experience if you ever hope to work in senior management. And, I don’t want you talking with Daniel about his problems down there either. It was apparently a traumatic experience for him, and he doesn’t need to be reminded of it.”

I had always lived in suburban or urban settings, and the thought of moving down there all alone, not knowing anyone, was scary. I didn’t have a girlfriend at that time, but I would be leaving an area that I’m familiar with, and where there are plenty of social opportunities. In addition, Daniel’s situation seemed to be a little strange, and I wished that I could talk with him to gain some insights.

My parents live close to me, and I went to see them that night to get their opinions on the move. Mom was against the idea, but Dad said, “I know that we’ll miss not having you so close, but you need to follow that career opportunity. I think it will only be a six to eight-hour drive, and we’ll be able to visit one another.”

After a sleepless night, I decided to take the offer, and let Mitchell know the next day. Then I took off the rest of the week to wrap-up my personal affairs in Pennsylvania and headed down to West Virginia on Sunday morning. Some might call that town quaint, but to me it’s backwoods, with few amenities. But I decided to have a good attitude about it, and by late Sunday afternoon I was settled in the motel, the only one in town, and headed over to the diner for some dinner.

Meeting Loralee and Getting Settled

The food in the diner is very Southern and good, and my waitress, Loralee, is gorgeous. She looks to be nineteen or twenty years old, about five feet and five inches tall, weighing maybe one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and with long, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Her face is pretty, and she reminds me of the actress Amy Adams, except that Loralee has what looks like 34DD breasts spilling out of her tight top with no bra, and a perfectly shaped and full ass.

She was flirting with me, and I flirted back for most of my meal. When she brought the check, she said, with her charming Southern drawl, “You must be the new engineer they’re bringing in for up at the mine.”

I smiled and answered, “My name is Jason, and I am the new engineer, but how would you know that?”

Loralee laughed and replied, “Well, this is a small town, and you’ll learn that there aren’t any secrets around here. Will you be eating most of your meals with us, like Daniel did?”

I was thinking that Daniel met her the same way I had, and there was a good chance that she might have had something to do with him leaving town. But I didn’t want to start out on a negative note, and even flirted a little more with her saying, “Well, if you’re my waitress, Loralee, I’ll will be eating here all the time. I mean, you’re a beautiful girl, and I’d like to see more of you.”

She laughed and said, “Thanks for the compliment, Jason, but you’d better be careful what you wish for. We mountain people look at things a little differently, and you citified boys don’t seem to fit in so well.”

I went back to my room after that, to get a good night’s sleep before my first day at the mine. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Loralee and wondering if I’d have a chance to date her, even though there was some uneasiness in the back of my mind.

It was a short drive up to the mine the next morning, and I met Buck, who is the general manager of the mine. He helped me get settled in my office, which is right next to his, and then we spent the rest of the day together touring both the surface and underground mining operations, and meeting many of the men.

I saw Loralee at dinner that night and at breakfast the next morning. She was just as friendly and flirty as the day we met and didn’t seem to be holding it against me for being citified. I even ordered a lunch to go, and she was still on my mind as I arrived at work that morning.

Learning a Little More about Daniel’s Issues and Loralee

After spending the morning going over the plans for the site, I had lunch with Buck in his office. I was just making casual conversation when I said, “I haven’t met very many people in town yet, but that Loralee at the diner is a mighty fine-looking girl. I didn’t see a ring on her finger and have to wonder how a hottie like her is still available.”

Buck is a big man, about six feet and two inches tall and weighing two hundred and ten pounds. He laughed with his deep baritone voice, before saying, “Yeah, Daniel thought so too, and I think he got a little too close to her. I tried to warn him, but I guess boys will be boys.”

I was hoping that Buck would explain the situation, and I asked, “What was that all about, with Daniel leaving up here on such short notice? I was advised not to talk with him about it, but I think I have a right to know, especially if it might affect me.”

He looked serious as he answered, “Things are different in this town, especially with her family. Many of them work in the mine, and it took me a while to get acclimated when I moved here six years ago. The thing Daniel found out, is that when you date a girl up here, you also develop close relationships with her family and religion. I don’t know many of the details, but I think that Daniel wasn’t able to accept the goings on with her family and church very well. So, I’m giving you fair warning.”

I found it hard to believe that her family and church could be all that bad, and even a little discomfort would have to be worth it to fuck a girl like Loralee. I thanked Buck for sharing the information, and for the warning, but I was determined to get to know Loralee better.

That night, Loralee told me that the diner opens early for breakfast, and she works there all day, most days, until it closes in the evening after dinner, usually no later than 7:00 pm. So, I asked her, “May I see you after closing tonight? I’d really like to get to know you better.

She smiled and said, “You seem like a nice guy, Jason, but we need to slow down a little. I dated Daniel for six weeks before he came to church with me and met my family, and that didn’t end well. Let’s just get to know each another here at the diner for a while.

I saw Loralee every day, and it had been three weeks since that first night we talked. I felt like we were making a connection from all the times I had seen her at the diner. I asked her again if we could go out, and she said, “We can maybe go to a movie or something, but I’m not going to be alone with you until you go to church with me.”

That town has a one-screen theater that shows one movie a week, and we went there that night. We got to talk waiting for the movie to start, and I really enjoyed talking with her and getting to know her. I learned some interesting things.

She’s the only one in her extended family that has even graduated from high school, and she’s teased for being so well educated. It also turns out that her uncle Harley is the underground foreman at the mine, as well as being the spiritual leader of her church.

Learning about Her Church

I asked her more about her church and she explained, “It’s a small, local, evangelical Christian church offshoot that we call ‘The Congregation’. There are only twenty families that belong, but they are large families, and Uncle Harley is our revered prophet. He receives revelations from on high for our benefit. He is helped by three deacons, one of which is my father, Lester, and my two cousins, Woody and Earle.”

What she was describing sounded more like a cult to me, and I asked, “Do you really believe that Harley is receiving divine inspiration?”

She frowned and said, “Yeah, it’s hard for outsiders to believe, but he, his father, and his grandfather before him, have guided us on our life’s’ journey. Some of our beliefs are unconventional, but we are all living happily with their guidance.”

I didn’t want to argue with Loralee about her beliefs, and let it drop there. I took her back to her car at the diner, and as I was saying goodnight, she surprised me by kissing me on the cheek. Then she smiled and said, “If you really want to get to know me better, you can come to our services on Sunday, and see for yourself how our small church worships.”

We saw one another for breakfast and dinner for the rest of the week, and on Saturday night when the diner closed, I told her that I would come with her to church on Sunday. She was delighted, kissed me on the lips that time, and gave me directions to the church.

The church building is basically a barn cut into the mountainside on Harley’s property behind his home, and I was surprised how casual everyone was. I was wearing Docker pants and a long-sleeved dress shirt, and I was way overdressed. Most of the men were wearing overalls, some with shirts underneath and some not. Some of the women were wearing simple cotton dresses and others t-shirts and shorts. The kids were dressed in various casual ways.

There were about a hundred people there that day. One interesting thing I noticed is that, like Harley and Loralee, many of the children have red hair, but her father has brown hair. Some of the church members were cautiously friendly with me, but others looked at me like I was an alien, and almost looked offended that I, a stranger, was sitting with their beautiful Loralee, right in the front row. There were also many men that I recognized from the mine.

Harley started out much as I expected, with a fire and brimstone sermon from the New Testament, but then went into a few Old Testament themes, that he seemed to be distorting. He read numerous passages from Genesis and Exodus which support the idea that incest is allowed, and then read the story of David and Bathsheba from Samuel, which he thinks supports the idea that adultery is also allowed.

I’ll admit to not being deeply religious, but I remembered some things from Sunday school class in my youth. Incest was supposedly allowed for replenishing the earth, until it was outlawed in Leviticus. And that whole idea of the David and Bathsheba story somehow condoning adultery has been discredited by most theologians. I knew that it wasn’t my place to contradict Harley, especially not in front of his flock, so I held my tongue.

One other topic he covered is homosexuality. I wasn’t aware of any Biblical teachings that condoned homosexuality, but Harley was talking about a passage from Romans that he thought supported it in some cases. In his view, so long as a person is reacting to involuntary sexual urges, and not choosing to be homosexual, then it’s not a sin.

As I glanced at the congregation, I noticed that all the adults, including Loralee, were listening with rapt attention and nodding their heads in agreement with Harley’s readings. It’s hard to explain, but after previously never having thought too much about incest, adultery, and homosexuality, hearing those passages and seeing the congregation’s reaction to them was turning me on a little bit.

That’s when I started focusing on the fact that Harley is the only man there with red hair, and from the overall physical appearance of the kids, including Loralee, it wasn’t a big stretch to think Harley had fathered many of them. I was thinking back to the fiasco with the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas in 1993, where David Koresh, their prophet, ultimately perished due to a raid by the FBI, along with many of his followers.

The other thing I noticed is several men and women in the room who looked somehow different, like they might have been the product of too much inbreeding. If that was the reason, then it sure supported my suspicions of incestuous relationships in the group.

I had to wonder if I had stumbled onto a similar, but smaller group like the Davidians? David Koresh also said that he received revelations, including those giving him permission to take the other men’s wives for his own, and fathering numerous children with them. Maybe that’s why Harley is preaching in favor of incest and adultery, to rationalize his behavior to his followers. But that wouldn’t explain his teachings on homosexuality.

After the service, Loralee introduced me to Harley, and although I had already met him at the mine, it almost felt like I was being introduced again, as her boyfriend. I met her father and two cousins, too, who also work at the mine. I couldn’t help thinking that Lester might have willingly let Harley fuck his wife, and that Harley is Loralee’s biological father. It also occurred to me that given the positive sermon on incest, I wasn’t doubting that Lester, Harley, and the cousins might all be fucking Loralee.

First Sexual Experience with Loralee

I was careful not to criticize Loralee’s religion, and I didn’t say anything about my suspicions about Harley being her real father, and the father of many of those other kids. And she showed her appreciation for me going to church with her by offering to come to my motel room with me after the diner closed on Monday night. It seemed like that was my reward for going to church with her.

It was hard to know what to expect when we got to my room, and I was pleasantly surprised when Loralee took the initiative. She pressed herself against me and gave me our first tongue-probing kiss. Her lips are so full and soft, and we melted into each other’s arms as we kissed standing by the bed.

She broke the kiss and said, “You’ve been staring at my hooters for weeks now, so you might as well get a better look and taste of them.”

Loralee took off her top and laid back on the bed, before pulling me down to suck her fantastic breasts. They’re so round and full, and her silver-dollar-size areolas and thumb-sized nipples are so tasty. I fondled and massaged her breasts as I alternately sucked them, as both of us began breathing hard.

I unfastened her skirt and pushed it down and off, as I continued sucking her breasts and was surprised to feel that she wasn’t wearing any panties. I slowly moved down, kissing and sucking her belly as I approached her thick-lipped pussy, which is covered with thick, red hair.

I smelled the intoxicating aroma of her pussy, and just as I moved down farther to suck her young cunt, she asked, “Are you sure that you want to eat me out? Most of my fam…, uh, uh, most of the men around here think it’s nasty to eat pussy.”

It seemed like she was about to say, ‘Most of my family’, before she caught herself, but I knew that I wanted to suck her pussy. I hadn’t been that active sexually in high school or college, but when I did get a chance for sex, I found that I have an appetite for oral sex, even after ejaculating into a girl. I couldn’t wait to taste her and wasn’t disappointed when I covered her hairy labia with my mouth and tasted her sweet nectar.

She was moaning and writhing as I sucked her pussy, and she slowly shifted her position, until we were in a side-by-side sixty-nine. She unfastened and pushed down my pants and underwear, before taking my rock-hard cock into her mouth. My cock is circumcised, a respectable six and a half inches long, fairly thick, and I never had any complaints from girls.

We sucked each another for about ten minutes, until I felt like I was close to cumming. I pulled away to say, “Oh shit, Loralee, your pussy is so tasty, but I need to fuck you now. Are you on any kind of birth control?”

She pulled off my cock and answered, “No, Jason, I’m not on birth control, because it makes me gain weight. But I’ve always been successful timing any, uh, uh, encounters I’ve had to my least fertile times. I should be safe tonight, and I want to feel your bare cock inside of me.”

I turned around on top of her, and it was like heaven feeling my cock slip into her thick-lipped, wet pussy. She is obviously experienced at having sex, and wrapped her legs around my ass, swiveling her hips and humping back against me, as I pounded her sweet pussy. I only lasted a few minutes that first time and was soon pumping my load into her unprotected womb.

When she realized that I was cumming, Loralee moaned out loud, “Oh no, oh shit, Jason, not so soon! I was so close, and I need to get off.”

I continued stroking her pussy with my deflating cock, and then I quickly moved down and covered her oozing pussy with my mouth. She wrapped her legs around my head and back to hold me in place, and humped against my face as I sucked her labia and clit, swallowing my big load of cum.

After only a couple of minutes sucking her that way, she started thrashing her head from side-to-side, and moaned loudly, “Oh, yes, yes, yes, oh fuck, that feels so fucking good. I’m cumming in your pussy-sucking mouth.”

I felt a surge of fluids as she had a squirting orgasm in my mouth, and I loved the taste of her womanly fluids and my cum. I kept sucking her pussy for the longest time, until she released her legs and pulled me up to kiss her.

We talked in the afterglow of our orgasms, and Loralee said, “Oh my, Jason, that was wonderful. I’ve never had anyone eat me out that way, and definitely not after I’ve been fucked. That’s a special hunger and talent you have, and I love it.”

After hugging and kissing for another half-hour, we fucked again. That time I lasted longer and was able to give her an orgasm with my cock, but I ate her out afterwards anyway, giving her another orgasm.

I knew that I was falling in love, or at least in lust, with Loralee, and it seemed like she felt the same way about me. We fucked an average of three times a week after that, for the next three weeks, except on those days when she was menstruating or thought she was fertile. I continued going with her to church as well, and it seemed like many in the congregation were beginning to accept me as one of them.

Harley Invites Me on a Retreat

At work on the Thursday after the fourth time going to church with Loralee, I got a message that Harley needed to see me down in the mine. I put on coveralls, boots, and a hardhat, and after picking up some blueprints, headed down to see him.

One of the men led me to a side-shaft where Harley was waiting for me. We first discussed his technical issue for a few minutes, and then he said, “It’s been really nice seeing you at our services for the last four weeks, and it seems like you’re getting more comfortable with us mountain folks. And you’re damn sure getting comfortable with Loralee.”

I wasn’t sure where he was headed with the conversation, but I answered, “Yeah, your congregation is becoming more welcoming to me, and I think the world of your niece.”

Harley said, “Yes, that’s what I want to talk with you about. Loralee is our sweet girl and she’s like a daughter to me. We don’t have any secrets either, and I know that you two have become quite intimate over the past few weeks.”

He caught me off guard with that and I nervously answered, “Well, uh, uh, yeah, we have become, uh, close.”

Harley smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Jason, no one’s angry with you. And if you two are getting serious, I’d like to welcome you more fully into the family. If we’re going to share our favorite girl with you, then you need to share a little with us. I’d like you to join my brother, me, and three of Loralee’s cousins on a little retreat on Friday night through Saturday night.

I had no idea what he meant by sharing, but I said, “Sure, Harley, that sounds like fun. Where will we be going?”

He replied, “I’ve got another piece of mountain property, in a holler about seven miles from home, as the crow flies, where I have a small cabin. That’s also where I run my little side business. It’s kind of rugged and there’re no utilities, but there is a small hot spring that’s just the right temperature to use as a hot tub.”

“It’s very relaxing there, and we’ll have a chance to get to know one another really well. You don’t need to bring much with you, because we like to, uh, you know, get back to nature up there. Just stop by the house after work tomorrow, and we’ll all head up together in my truck.”

I was a little uneasy with that conversation, but I accepted his invitation. I was so infatuated with Loralee, and I didn’t want to do anything to rankle Harley and cause problems in my relationship with her.

When I got back up to the office, I told Buck about my plans for the weekend. He smiled and said, “That sounds nice, and I heard that you and his niece were getting it on. But just so you know, Daniel went up to Harley’s retreat one weekend too. It was just after that he asked to be transferred out of here. I’d sure hate to lose you too, right when you’re becoming useful to me.”

I told Loralee about the retreat when I saw her that night at the diner. She was happy that I would be getting to know her family better and seemed to already know about it anyway. Then I asked her why she had told Harley about our intimacy.

She smiled and replied, “Hey, I told you the first day you arrived that there aren’t any secrets in our small town, and I can add that there aren’t any secrets in my family either.”

We left Harley’s home at about 6:00 pm on Friday, and in addition to Harley, Lester, and Woody, there were two other cousins named Jed and Bubba. All the cousins are older than Loralee, with Woody in his mid-twenties and the other two in their early-thirties. There was plenty of room for us in his crew-cab pickup, and it only took about a half hour to get there on the winding mountain roads.

The two older cousins looked a little off to me, with odd facial symmetry and squinty eyes. I thought maybe they were a product of inbreeding, but they were nice enough to me, and seemed reasonably communicative and intelligent. I had seen them at church but was wondering why they were coming on the retreat.

Harley had packed a couple of coolers of food, and I found out why he hadn’t brought anything to drink other than a few soft drinks. His side business is a moonshine still that’s set up in the trees behind the cabin, and he has a big supply of moonshine up there. The cabin is small, with three, two-tier bunk beds; a big, a cushy couch, and a few stuffed chairs in the living area; with a small kitchen area and a hand-pump for well water. The bathroom is an outhouse back in the trees.

It was almost dusk by the time we got there, and after unloading the food from the truck, Harley said, “This is such a beautiful evening; I’ll get a jug of shine and some cups, and we can go up and enjoy the hot spring. Go ahead and get comfortable, boys.”

Even though Harley had previously told me that they liked to ‘get back to nature up there’, I was still surprised when all the men went into the cabin and came out naked. I have seen plenty of boys naked in the showers in high school and college, but I never paid much attention to their cocks. Those men are all hung, and it was hard to look away. I just hoped they hadn’t noticed me staring at them, because their cocks are surprisingly and strangely attractive to me, in a way that I didn’t understand at the time.

All the men are uncircumcised, with thick, meaty cocks and long foreskins, and even soft their cocks varied between five and a half to over seven inches long. It sure seemed like big cocks run in that family, and I was impressed, especially with them being so meaty and swinging between their legs. Also impressive are their large, egg-sized balls, hanging low in their long, hairy scrotums. I went into the cabin to undress and knew that I’d be embarrassed with my smaller cock, which is only about four and a half inches long on soft, and without a foreskin to make it look thicker.

Harley took a gas lantern with them the hundred feet up the trail to the hot spring, and by the time I got there, all the other men were in the water. They watched as I got into the warm, clear water, bubbling out of the rock. The spring bubbles out into a rocky tub that is about ten feet by ten feet in size, and the rocks are smooth and form natural seats below the surface and around the top edge.

Lester handed out the cups, and Harley poured the moonshine, as he said, “Let’s drink up, boys, and feed our new friend, Jason, some Southern hospitality.”

I had never been much of an alcohol drinker, and the whiskey seemed extraordinarily strong to me. I took sips as the other men took gulps, but I was still feeling it after only fifteen minutes or so. The men were talking about all kinds of things, like the mine, church, and their home lives, and I was starting to feel relaxed and more comfortable there.

My mind was foggy by the time I finished my first cup, and Harley filled it up again. When he noticed that I was getting woozy, he said, “That’s it, Jason, drink up, boy. I’d like knowing you’re nice and relaxed before I talk about the real reason we’re here.”

Confirming My Suspicions and Becoming Their Cumdump

He let that sink in for a moment, and continued, “You’ve probably already surmised from my sermons, that we have a liberal attitude about some things that other churches find sinful. In that regard, ever since Loralee turned sixteen and could consent to it, Lester, Woody, and I have been between her luscious, wide-spread legs hundreds of times, enjoying her sweet, young, wet pussy and sucking her magnificent tits. Jed and Bubba have never been with her that way, though. As you can probably tell, they’re a little bit different, and we can’t risk them impregnating her with their tainted seed.”

My suspicions were being validated, and I sat there stunned, as he continued, “In addition, I have been inspired by my revelations to fornicate with most of the wives in our church. The fruit of my loins has sprouted in many of them. Hell, even Lester stood by and watched as I bred his wife and impregnated her with Loralee. Lester and Loralee’s normal cousins have also helped out many of the wives, in times of need, and the women in our congregation keep us satisfied most of the time.”

I was slurring my words as I said, “I suspected as much from hearing your sermons, but finding out that it’s true is a little shocking to me. But how does that have anything to do with me, and what did you mean when you told me in the mine that ‘you need to share a little with us’?”

Harley thought for a moment and responded, “That’s good, Jason, you like to get right to the point. You see, I and several of the men in my family are accustomed to fucking and inseminating the other men’s wives, pretty much whenever we want to. But they aren’t always available. And some of our kin, like poor Jed and Bubba here, don’t get to fuck any women at all.”

“So, it’s nice to have a few men around to take care of our needs at those times, either orally or other ways. A couple of men whose wives I’ve fathered children with already help us out like that, but I have a feeling that you might be willing to help too.”

I was alert enough to know that he was talking about me at least sucking their cocks, and I also knew that I had never had a homosexual urge in my life. I couldn’t imagine what would make him think that of me, and I said, “Sorry, Harley, but I’ve never been even a little attracted to men. What makes you think I might be a homosexual?”

The other men chuckled as he smiled and looked around at them. He answered, “Not too many men are into man-on-man sex or even oral sex in these parts. But Loralee tells me that you’ve got quite a ravenous appetite for pussy, even her pussy with your leavings dripping out of it. So, if you like oral sex, and if the taste of semen and seed doesn’t make you sick, then it only stands to reason that you might have a hunger for more of it. You might even find that you like anal sex too.”

I wasn’t convinced by his logic, but it was disturbing that I found their cocks to be so appealing earlier, and I’ll admit that I do enjoy the taste of my own cum. Still, it was hard for me to admit that to them, and the idea of anal sex seemed totally foreign, disgusting, and frightening to me.

So, I said, “I’m not a homosexual, and even though I’ve heard your questionable sermons on the subject, that’s not something I’ve ever considered doing.”

Harley smiled and said, “You don’t have to be a homosexual to enjoy a little friendly sex with other men, with no emotional attachments. I usually give that sermon for the benefit of those other two men, anyway, to make them feel better about taking care of our cocks for us. And after all, the way you’re attracted to Loralee and love her sweet pussy, that would only make you bisexual.”

They were all watching me for a reaction, and I continued to deny any interest. Harley finally got frustrated, and said, “Okay, Jason, it’s up to you, boy. But if you expect to ever date and fuck my daughter again, then you need to at least try to see if you’d like to suck on some mountain-man-meat.”

“Let’s just start with you getting a close look at my cock and see how it goes from there. I’ll just get up and sit on the edge here, and you can put this piece of old floormat down on top of the rocky bottom, so it’ll be more comfortable when you get on your knees in front of me”

Despite my protests, I was just drunk enough by that time to have lost most of my inhibitions, and I was worried about the possibility of not being able to see and fuck Loralee again. So, I swallowed my pride, and moved between his legs as he sat on the side. Just the fact that he had that floormat ready showed me that he had been planning on me yielding to his lust.

Harley has the biggest soft cock there, and it looked huge up close like that. His pubic hair is red, just like Loralee’s thick bush, and the rubbery foreskin was almost totally covering his thick shaft and huge cock head. It was a little uncomfortable kneeling there, even on the pad, but I was resolved to ‘get a close look at his cock’, as he put it, and get it over with.

I felt vulnerable on my knees with my ass in the air, as I studied his big cock up close. He made it clear that he wanted me to do more than look, when he said, “You can’t really appreciate my cock by just looking at it, Jason, so take it and my balls into your hands and feel the weight of them. The ladies just love my thick and heavy fuck meat, and big sperm factories.”

He was looking down smiling as me as I looked up, before taking his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. I really like the thickness of his cock, even compared to mine which is reasonably thick, and feeling his foreskin was a first for me too. I instinctively started stroking his cock as I weighed and fondled his egg-sized testicles in my hand, and I felt his cock growing and throbbing as his arousal caused the blood to rush in.

My fingers just barely touched as I gripped and stroked his huge cock, and it was soon fully hard, and what looked to me like almost ten inches long. I then understood how the women in his church spread their legs for him. In the position I was in, with my face only inches from his cock, my ass was mostly out of the water, but my crotch was below the surface, and thankfully, the men couldn’t see that my cock was getting hard just from stoking Harley’s big cock.

I don’t know if it was the moonshine or lust coming over me, but I didn’t resist when Harley placed his hands on my head, and pulled my mouth down to his cock, as he said, “Oh fuck yeah, Jason boy, you’re doing just fine. Now just lean down a little farther and get your first taste of old Harley’s third leg. That’s it, boy, open wide for me.”

It felt like I was dreaming as I took his big, precum-oozing cock head into my mouth and began sucking it, as the men laughed and made comments about them having a new cock sucker. I loved the texture of his thick foreskin, which was partially bunched up below the head, and tasting another man’s precum for the first time. Harley took his hands off my head momentarily to see if I would try to pull away, and when I continued sucking his cock, and even taking more of it into my mouth, he knew that I was his to use for his pleasure.

I had been sucking his cock for about five minutes, and he was moaning and starting to thrust into my mouth. That’s when one of the other men got behind me and started rubbing my ass. Harley gripped my head again with his hands, to hold me in place sucking his cock.

Then he said, “Just relax, Jason; everything’s fine. My nephew, Bubba, has been looking at your man-pussy sticking up there, and he’s getting a little bit turned on. Relax and go along with it, and you might find that you really enjoy it. You’ve already gone a lot farther than Daniel did. Fuck, that wimpy asshole ran for the hills when I just asked him to kneel in front of me.”

Nobody had ever played with my ass, and Bubba sure seemed experienced. He gripped my ass cheeks with his hands, and began using an outward rubbing motion, starting with his thumbs in my crack, and spreading my cheeks wide. He did that for a couple of minutes, and then on one of the outward rubs, he held my cheeks spread wide open, and pressed his face into my ass crack. I felt his lips begin to suck my asshole as he probed it with his tongue, and he was getting it wet, spitting into my hole.

I soon learned that he wasn’t just going to suck my asshole. He stood behind me, and my ass was at a perfect height for him to lean in and press his cock head into my sphincter. Harley could tell by the way I stopped sucking his cock and was trying to pull away from Bubba’s cock, that I was in a little pain.

He held me even more firmly in place and said, “Just try to relax your asshole, and breathe deeply, the best you can while sucking my cock. It’ll only hurt for a few minutes, and after that I think you’ll like it. Bubba’s cock isn’t quite as thick as Jed’s and the rest of ours, so we like him to break-in new ass-pussy for us. Get back to sucking my meat, and maybe we can breed you on both ends at the same time.”

Bubba stopped for a few moments after what felt like the head of his cock and another inch popped through my sphincter, and I was surprised how quickly the pain subsided. I started sucking Harley’s cock again as Bubba started stroking my ass, and anyone watching would have to think back to the old 1972 movie, ‘Deliverance’. That’s not quite the way it happened in the movie, but I was being fucked on both ends by two hillbillies, one of which is inbred.

I was guessing that Bubba’s cock had to be at least eight inches long, and as he continued fucking me, I was sensing an amazingly good feeling in my prostate. It felt so good and encouraged me to suck even harder on Harley’s big cock. In just another few minutes both men were moaning as I was being fucked, sandwiched between them, and I felt both of their cocks throbbing and pulsing at the same time. As they inseminated my mouth and ass, the excitement of the moment, and the rubbing on my prostate, caused me to ejaculate in the water.

Harley’s load of cum felt huge in my mouth, and it was a little bitter, probably from drinking the moonshine. But I loved the taste and texture of his ejaculate and kept sucking to get all the oozing cum from his spent cock. Both men continued fucking my inseminated holes with their deflating cocks, until Harley finally pushed me back. He looked down and saw my pearly-white, opalescent cum swirling in the water, and knew that I had been aroused and ejaculated just from servicing them.

He said, “Damn, Jason boy, that was fucking fantastic, and it seems that you might have a knack for cock sucking and having your man-pussy used. And damn, you got your rocks off just from sucking me and being fucked. I’d like for you to suck on my balls for a while, but we’ve got all night for that. It’s only fair that all the men get a turn during this first round of your initiation into our little family.”

At that point, I couldn’t very easily deny that I loved servicing them, and when Lester moved in front of me, I didn’t hesitate to suck his huge cock, as Jed got behind me to fuck my well-lubricated ass. When those men finished fucking and inseminating me, Woody took his first turn in my mouth, and I enjoyed swallowing his thick cum load, just as much as Harley’s and Lester’s.

We went inside after the first round, and Harley prepared a nice dinner, cooking steaks and corn on the grill, and serving potato salad his wife made at home. No one put their clothes on, and it was arousing sitting around looking at the cocks that had only a short time before fucked either my mouth or my ass. The drinking continued after dinner, and the men were getting horny again after resting up.

I easily accepted my role as their cunt mouth and ass-pussy, and the men used my holes until the wee hours of the morning. Harley directed me to one of the lower bunk beds, and the men rotated, taking turns with me in bed. And Harley started them off by keeping his promise about feeding me his balls. He had my lay back on my bed, and he straddled my face, first pressing his big balls to my mouth, and then fucking my face with his crotch until I was sucking his ass crack and asshole. I was feeling so submissive and demeaned by then, that I did anything they told me to do.

The two inbred cousins seemed to be hornier than the other men, and that made sense to me. I remembered reading somewhere that it’s not unusual for some people with even mildly diminished intellectual faculties to have their behavior be more controlled by the base human instincts, such as survival and procreation.

They both loved fucking my mouth and ass, and they most often used me at the same time. I got used to being on my stomach, between one of their legs sucking cock, while the other was fucking my ass. The other men liked to get sucked off, but they would’ve probably wanted to fuck my ass if it wasn’t constantly oozing with the cousins’ cum.

I finally fell asleep between Harley’s legs, with my face nuzzled between his balls and ass, and when we woke up at 9:00 am, he rolled over on my face andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 3 Daughters Incestuous Surprise

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Daughter's Incestuous Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 It was my first day of college and I was horny. I had my suspicions why, my hand rubbing at my belly as I snuck through the hallway. My heart beat fast. I felt so wicked. I should be in class, but... It was all so boring. There were better things to be doing than sit in class. I had this itch in my pussy...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 10 Incestuous Lust Kindled

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Ten: Incestuous Lust Kindled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint's wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I'd observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 9 Mothers Incestuous Wish

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Mother's Incestuous Wish By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Avalon Young – May 2056 “Aren't they beautiful, Mom?” I asked, holding my phone to film my daughter, Vanessa, and her son. They were on the bed, his cum spurting and splashing across Vanessa's breasts and stomach. Emotion misted my eyes at the incestuous sight. “Yes,” Mom said. She was watching the feed broadcast from my phone to her tablet. She was in her hospital bed, a smile on her...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 2 Daughters Anal Birthday Gift

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Anal Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melissa Young – October 2018 I was nervous in the changing room. My eighteen-year-old body quivered as I stared at the outfits before me. They were all so much more adult than I was used to wearing. When Daddy said he wanted to take me shopping, I was so shocked. He never wanted to take me shopping, but when my college classes got out,...

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Public Incestuous Passion 1 Sisters Public Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Sister's Public Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels For the last month, an itch has built between my thighs. Ever since my younger half-sister, Alicia, rode our brother's cock in the middle of the cafeteria, hiding her activity by looking like a cute, little girl sitting innocently on her big brother's lap, my lusts were inflamed. I always had an exhibitionist streak. I enjoyed...

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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part VII

Nobody was more surprised than me when I pulled the cotton bud from Abe’s hand to find the end shortened. Trish gave a faint smile but Abe looked decidedly disappointed. I had won. I would decide how and when the cuckolding story would end. Trish sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and rested her hand on my thigh, “I suppose this is where the story ends then?” She said. I could sense the disappointment in her voice. “Abe and I were hoping that you would let us make love,” she told me...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 18 Mommys Incestuous Lesson

Chapter Eighteen: Mommy's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Eve “Dusk” Michael A shiver ran through me as Gina, the bitch who lived next door who used to pick on both of me and my little sister June, now leaned forward to press her face into my pussy and drink my piss. I held up my skirt, shivering while Dad, June, and her friend Britney watched. Gina's brown hair rubbed into my thighs. She was dressed as a sexy maid, Mom's...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 13 Teaching Incest to the Siblings

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fourteen: Teaching Incest to the Siblings By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Catherine Nicholson My nerves had me trembling. Today was my first undercover assignment as a cop. I never thought it would be with my brother. But that was what made us perfect for this assignment. My hands smoothed down the skirt of the sundress. It seemed the perfect thing to wear. It was a nice Sunday afternoon....

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Incestuous Harems Passion 4 Naughty Mommy Incest

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Naughty Mommy Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 23rd, 2019 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The backyard party at the Reenburgs' home was well underway. Their large house, verging on a mansion, had an impressive yard. Lights were strung across the bushes, lighting it up as twilight fell upon the world. It was a warm, April evening, the sky clear. Like when I'd done at the Reenburgs' party...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 1 Naughty Jealous Passions

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Naughty Jealous Passions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Detective Nelson Tucker I snapped pictures with a telephoto lens, aimed at the targets of my current investigation. From the backseat of our unmarked car, I could see him, Clint Elliston hugging his wife, Pam. He was a tall, young man in his twenties, dark hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He stood before a black SUV. His...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 3 Massaging the Blindfolded Mommy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Massaging the Blindfolded Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I couldn't believe the sight of the naked woman in the blindfold sitting on the massage table. It wasn't that she was naked, or that she was blindfolded, that had me shocked. It was who she was. Mrs. Armstrong, the ultra-Christian mother of my girlfriend, Stefani. The woman who disapproved of our relationship was coming to the massage...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 6 Six Mommys Incestuous Romps

Story Six: Mommy's Incestuous Romps By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! I just finished having sex with my husband. Middle of the day. Passionate. I couldn't remember the last time we had done that with all our children in the house. I had walked into his office where Michael now worked because of the quarantine. Our youngest daughter, Linda, had been in there writing at her own computer. I had thought it was adorable that she was spending time...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 9 Marrying His Naughty Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 6 Familys Incestuous Therapy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Therapy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I'd seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 1 Incestuous Awakening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 8 Daddys Incestuous Dream

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eight: Daddy's Incestuous Dream By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Vanessa Young – May 2056 I trembled as I came to my parents' bed. Grandma's pussy was leaking Daddy's cum. She was still a beautiful woman, her hair a wonderful shade of fiery red, her breasts round and plump. She had a toned body; Daddy made sure we were all in good shape and exercised. He was a retired PE coach. Daddy was beside her in...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 4 Brothers Incestuous Rescue

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Brother's Incestuous Rescue By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The protesters were outside The Lady's Touch Massage Parlor, holding their signs, accusing us of being a lesbian bordello. My arms were crossed as I glared out the glass door at them marching by, a group of mostly women led by Mrs. Armstrong. That fucking hypocrite. She loved everything her daughter and I had done to her. The married,...

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